Periscope Lesson Plan

Endorsement 5E Lesson Plan
Cheri Jones
Chattahoochee Elementary
Unit Title
New Innovations from WWI/ Reflection of light
Grade Level
Subject(s) Targeted
Science and Math and Social Studies
Title of the Lesson: trench spyscope
Approximate Class Time: 4 – 45 minute class periods
Lesson Essential Questions: What are some of the inventions that were created during
WWI? How can light be reflected to bend an image?
Standard: Grade 5 Social Studies: Students will investigate the new technology that was
developed during WWI.
Grade 4 : math: Students will measure angles to determine if light can bend at an acute,
obtuse or right angle.
Grade 4 Science: Students will learn about the reflection of light and how it travels.
Objectives/”I can” statements
I can explain why a new technology was needed during WWI and describe its uses.
I can measure an angle and tell if it is acute, obtuse or right.
I can explain how light travels and how it reflects.
Background for teacher:
During WWI warfare began to change. Weapons became easier to fire. Trench warfare was the
norm across Europe. Inventions were created to enhance trench warfare. The trench
periscope is an optical device that soldiers used during the First World War to observe the
ground in front of their trenches and fortifications, without taking the risk of raising their eyes
above the parapet and creating a target for enemy snipers.
A periscope is a simple device that enables children to see over walls or round corners. Rays of
light hitting the mirror of the periscope are reflected twice. The beam of light is reflected
through 90[sup]o[/sup], because the mirrors are at 45[sup]o[/sup] to the path of the light ray.
Materials and Setup
Craft mirrors or mirror board at least 2 inches by 2 inches ( found in hobby shops or amazon)
need at least 2 per group
Milk cartons, cardboard boxes, cardboard tubes ( students can check the recyclables from
Masking tape
Duct tape
The Learning Plan: Students will explore how light can be bent to see an image without being
seen. They will use this technology to create a periscope or “spyscope” that a soldier could use
in trench warfare. They will figure out the angle of the mirror and the light reflected through
the periscope.
Show students the picture and have them tell about their observations. What do they think the soldier
is doing? Then show a picture or diagram of the trench warfare in WWI.
Review what trench warfare and how it was dangerous to pop your head up to spy on the enemy.
Review what they thought the man in picture was doing. Lead a guided discussion on a periscope and
how it would be safer to use that rather then look out.
Remind students that if light travels in a straight line, how do we get it to bend? Students may
eventually think of reflection and mirrors. Pass out some mirrors and allow students to explore . Have
each group write down some observations about reflections and mirrors. Share the observations and
write down the common ones on a piece of chart paper.
Students will be given some mirrors and flashlights on a flat table or floor. They will try several
ways to make the light bounce from mirror to mirror. They will then use a piece of black paper
and a white crayon to trace the path that the light takes as it reflects from mirror to mirror.
(they may need a ruler to trace the lines straight)
Rectangular mirrors should be used and supported with binder clips or small wooden blocks for
Once the path of the light is recorded. Students can collect data on the angles of the light. First,
they can label if the angle is acute, obtuse or right. Then the students can use a protractor to
make a more accurate measure of the angle. Ask then to record one to two findings about
their exploration. What did you notice? Where there any patterns?
Students will review the information in the science video
They will compare the data collected from their investigation to the data in the video.
Ask the students if they were to use the reflected light to create a periscope, what might be
some important things to consider when designing the tool.
Have each group write 4 important facts that must be considered when creating the design.
Use the THINK- Pair- SHARE or jigsaw method of sharing ideas. The pair would find another pair
of students. Then that group would find another group of four. When done they students
would return to their own group to revise the ideas.
Elaborate (Apply, Extend):
Using the information, students will draw a design of a periscope. They will draw the angles of
the mirror inside the scope and use arrows to indicate how the light will travel inside the tool.
Then the students will make a working prototype of the periscope. It can be made from
recycled materials such as juice/milk cartons, cardboard tubes, craft mirrors, foil, assorted
construction paper (especially black), and tape.
They will test their design and redesign to make the proto type work.
Students will present the designs to the class.
Evaluate (Assess)
Use a rubric to evaluate students
Does not meet
0 points
1 point
2 points
3 points
Exploring with
Could not reflect Could reflect
the light from
light but no
mirror to mirror recording of
Able to reflect
more than two
mirrors and can
measure and
report data
Reflect more
than two mirrors
several different
ways, can
measure and
record data
Could not
measure angles
Could identify
right, acute and
Able to use a
protractor to
determine if an
angle is right ,
acute or obtuse
Able to use a
correctly and
Design of
Did not draw a
plan or diagram
Simple diagram
no labels
Detailed plan or
diagram with
Detailed plan or
diagram with
labels with
directions and
redesign evident
Building of
No prototype
completed but
did not work, no
completed, no
completed with
No presentation
Presentation but
no explanation
of how it
worked or
helped in trench
with description
of how the tool
worked and how
it helped
presentation of
tool, how it
works, and how
it helped
soldiers in