Bluetooth Khepera robot control and communication

Bluetooth Khepera robot control and
Patrick Duchstein
Submitted by Patrick Duchstein to the University of Skövde as a dissertation
towards the degree of Master of Science in computer science.
September 2004
I certify that all material in this dissertation which is not my own work has been
identified and that no material is included for which a degree has already be
conferred upon me.
Patrick Duchstein
University of Skövde
School of Humanities and Informatics
Master’s Dissertation
Bluetooth Khepera robot control and
Patrick Duchstein
10th November 2004
supervised by Nicklas Bergfeldt
I would like to thank my supervisor Nicklas Bergfeldt for his
supportive work and his very motivating comments. I would also
like to thank Jens Auer for many constructive ideas and
discussions, and my family for giving me mental and financial
support during my stay in Sweden.
This thesis aims to provide a solution for wireless control of, and communication with
and among Khepera robots, making use of the Bluetooth wireless technology, to allow
wireless control of multiple robots in real time. It is based on the foregoing work of
other students who constructed a module for wireless control of Khepera robots over
Bluetooth, but they were not able to control more than one physical robot at a time.
Khepera robots, as well as many wireless solutions to control those, are closely investigated, and an introduction to Bluetooth is given. An implementation of a Bluetooth
protocol stack, which was carried out in the context of this dissertation, and constitutes
one of the main parts of this project, is described in detail. The performance of the
work discussed throughout this dissertation is evaluated w. r. t. transmission times of
data over the wireless link, and afterwards compared to other solutions for real-time
control of Khepera robots, e. g. a solution to control a Khepera robot over a wireless
radio link. Furthermore, previously simulated experiments with autonomous agents are
carried out on physical robots, to test the quality of the wireless solution. It is shown
that the solution presented here operates much more efficient than any other existing
solution, thus provides a very useful aid for the research community that is experimenting with physical robots in general, and real Khepera robots in particular, in order to
simplify research, and allows for a broader spectrum of experiments.
Keywords Khepera, robots, Bluetooth, wireless, radio, multiple robots, control, communication
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation . . . . .
1.2 Aims and Objectives
1.2.1 Aims . . . . .
1.2.2 Objectives . .
1.3 Thesis outline . . . .
2 Background
2.1 Khepera robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.1 Khepera robot architecture . . . .
2.1.2 Experiments with Khepera robots
2.2 Bluetooth on Khepera robots . . . . . . .
2.3 YAKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.1 Wireless robot control . . . . . . .
2.4.2 Khepera wireless interfaces . . . .
2.4.3 Mobile Bluetooth controller . . . .
3 Method
3.1 Study and understand the bluetooth specification
3.2 Reimplement the Bluetooth communication unit
3.2.1 Bluetooth Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.2 Minimal or full implementation . . . . . .
3.3 Performance evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Bluetooth
4.1 The Bluetooth layered architecture . . . . . . .
4.2 Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Baseband – Link Controller and Link Manager
4.4 HCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.1 HCI command packets . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.2 HCI Event Packets . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.3 HCI ACL Data Packets . . . . . . . . .
4.5 L2CAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.1 State machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.2 Packet format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
RFCOMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
SDP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5 Implementation
5.1 Bootloader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Implementation of the Bluetooth stack
5.2.1 USART . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.2 HCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.3 L2CAP . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.4 RFCOMM . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Evaluation and testing . . . . . . . . .
5.3.1 Khepera programs . . . . . . .
6 Results
6.1 Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.1 Serial transmission rate . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.2 Comparison of ACL packet types . . . . .
6.1.3 Switched roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.4 Polling interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.5 Running two robots at the same time . .
6.2 Comparison to the Radio Turret . . . . . . . . .
6.3 Evaluation of YAKS and the KBU for real robots
7 Discussion
7.1 Conclusion: Bluetooth for Khepera robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
7.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
7.3 What needs to be done . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
A Abbreviations
List of Figures
The Khepera robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Schematic illustration of the Khepera robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Khepera robot equipped with a KBU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bluetooth layers compared to the OSI model . . .
Bluetooth connection types . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Communication between the lower protocol layers .
HCI command packet format . . . . . . . . . . . .
HCI event packet format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HCI ACL data packet format . . . . . . . . . . . .
Packet format for connection-oriented channels . .
Packet format for connection-less channels . . . . .
Signal packet format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
RFCOMM device types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
RFCOMM connection- and channel establishment
RFCOMM packet structure . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Baudrate comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparison of ACL packet types to the KBU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparison of ACL packet types to the Khepera . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Switched master/slave roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Packet transmission with two Khepera robots running . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparison of the KBU to the Radio Turret and a wired serial connection
ANN of a Braitenberg vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Runtime before having to recharge the batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Tables
ACL packet types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
SCO packet types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
HCI Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Bluetooth transmission times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Radio turret transmission times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Direct serial transmission times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
1 Introduction
Autonomous agents gather an increasing importance in today’s society and research.
Among the major topics of interest is communication with and between agents, which
puts an agent into a position to perform even more complicated tasks than it would
be able to do on its own. Billard & Dautenhahn (1997), for example, study a teacherlearner situation where a robot communicates information about the inclination it senses
to another robot; Billard, Ijspeert & Martinoli (1999) describe experiments carried out
in simulation and on physical robots, where robots learn the locations of objects in an
environment and communicate those to other robots. The impact of implicit and explicit
communication between autonomous agents on their performance was investigated by
Balch & Arkin (1994), coming to the conclusion that explicit communication offers a
significant benefit to the performance in tasks where little implicit communication is
offered. Easton & Martinoli (2002) study different communication schemes and the
collaboration of robots on a task where two agents have to cooperate on pulling a stick
out of the ground, observing that the use of explicit communication offers significant
advantages in terms of performance.
Carrying out research on physical robots very often requires a complicated and expensive setup. The requirement of a constant power source and cables to have a permanent
connection to a separate computer which analyzes sensor data and controls the robot
might be a challenging task to fulfill. Whilst several solutions for a constant power
supply exist (see Martinoli, 1999), robots in many cases still have to be wired to a control station, as long as they are not controlled by an on-board computer. Wiring is
difficult, especially in scenarios with multiple robots, since rotary and flexible cable connections have to be used in most cases, apart from the fact that cables may influence an
agent’s movements. Hence, physical robots need some form of wireless communication
to simplify setting up scenarios in the real world, and to make efficient use of them.
This thesis deals with the problem of wireless communication between mobile and
autonomously acting agents. Small mobile robots, called Khepera robots, are equipped
with a communication module which performs wireless communication over Bluetooth.
Several problems arise when trying to fulfill this task:
Performance To control an autonomous agent throughout time, it is indispensable to
enable the controlling solution to control the agent in real time. Thus, the latency
between sending data to the agent and the agent receiving this data has to be as
low as possible.
Bandwidth To be able to control multiple agents at the same time, the bandwidth on
the controlling host has to be broad enough to support this task.
1 Introduction
These factors matter especially in the case that global communication is used, i. e.
communication to or among multiple agents at the same point in time.
1.1 Motivation
The motivation for this project stems from the lack of an efficient and reliable wireless
communication module for Khepera robots. The standard solution that is used by the
majority of researchers for wireless communication among these robots, the K-Team Radio Turret, was observed to have a long transmission latency, and to exhibit transmission
errors (e. g. Kubı́k, 2003). Furthermore, a lot of research that has been done with these
autonomous agents was based on experiments carried out in simulation only (e. g. Bajaj
& Ang Jr., 2000; Gadanho, 2003), most probably due to too complicated or expensive
setups for physical robots. This work tries to help making experiments with real robots
easier for the research community.
Several solutions existed at the time this thesis was written, but none was able to
control more than one robot equipped with additional modules in real time. A detailed
analysis of some of the other solutions will be done in section 2.4 on page 8. This thesis
is mainly based on the master’s dissertations of two former students at the University of
Skövde, written in 2002 (Eriksson, 2002; Karvosenoja, 2002). Within these dissertations,
the construction of a bluetooth module suited for the Khepera robots is discussed, and
several prototypes were constructed. In Karvosenoja (2002), one of the aims declared
as Possibility to control at least 4 robots at the same time via Bluetooth from the Radio
Base Station was not fully met since the whole solution was too slow – hence it was
only possible to control one robot at the same time. Several attempts were carried out
to improve the overall speed of the Khepera Bluetooth Unit (KBU) (Karlsson, 2003;
Kostamo, 2003), but all of them failed for completion. Another attempt to improve the
speed is described within this dissertation.
1.2 Aims and Objectives
1.2.1 Aims
The project described in this thesis is basically composed of two aims. The first one is to
find out whether the bluetooth system is able to control more than one Khepera robot
at a time. If it is not, try to find causales for this. The second aim consists of providing
a basis for Khepera robots to directly communicate with each other over Bluetooth,
without the need for a separate controlling base station.
The expected outcome of the project is to have a solution for wireless real time control
of multiple Khepera robots, being controlled exactly the same way as wired robots,
without the need for software adaptations, thus making further research using these
robots easier w. r. t. verification of simulated scenarios on physical robots. Furthermore, a
step towards direct robot-to-robot communication over Bluetooth will be done, allowing
for fully autonomous, communicating robots.
1 Introduction
1.2.2 Objectives
The objectives of this thesis stem from a more detailed analysis of the aims, including
an evaluation of the foregoing work, and some basic ideas on the approach that is to be
To meet the aims mentioned in section 1.2.1 on the page before, several objectives
have to be achieved.
• Study and understand the bluetooth specification. Since the specification is a document comprising of more than 1000 pages with a lot of cross-references, a good
understanding of what Bluetooth is and how it works is a basic requirement.
• Partially reimplement and extend the bluetooth communication unit on the robots,
make it conform to standards and controllable by a bluetooth dongle. To enable
wireless communication over Bluetooth with the Khepera robots without complication, and to enable direct robot-to-robot communication at all, the software
running on the KBU has to be reimplemented.
• Evaluate the performance of the implementation. Timing measurements of transmission rates have to be performed to verify that the solution works as expected.
• Check how the simulator YAKS performs on real robots by applying simulated
soccer-playing robots to real robots. Do some empirical tests on how previously
simulated robots work in reality.
1.3 Thesis outline
The remaining part of this dissertation is structured as follows. In chapter 2, the background of this thesis is presented, along with some samples of previous work. In chapter
3, different approaches for achieving the aims are compared. Chapter 4 focuses on a
detailed explanation of what Bluetooth is and how it works, and in chapter 5 the results
are presented. Chapter 6 then sums up the outcome and the main contribution of this
thesis, and contains suggestions for further work.
2 Background
2.1 Khepera robots
Stemming from Brooks (1991) claim for situatedness and embodiment of autonomous
agents, and the fact that carrying out robot experiments in a simulated environment
offers many advantages w. r. t. simplicity of setting up experiments and the time needed
to carry them out, there is a need for the existence of a robot which is easily adaptable
to a simulated scenario. The alternative, to carry out robot experiments in simulation
only and not evaluating them in reality, typically involves plenty of simplifications of
the real world, for the sake of performance. Furthermore, the postulations mentioned
above are violated in this case. Brooks (1992) points out the danger of trying to solve
problems in simulation which never appear in the real world with a physical robot; he
also states that experiments which work very well on simulated robots in many cases fail
when carried out in the real world, due to differences in real world sensing and actuation.
Therefore, and due to the fact that no general, and robust miniature-sized robot
architecture was available at low cost, the Khepera robot was introduced (Mondada,
Franzi & Ienne, 1994). Compared to other physical robot architectures, it is available
at an affordable price, and much more convenient to use. Its general and extendible,
but for a potential user still simple architecture makes it suitable for a lot of different
demands when experimenting with robots. Thus, Khepera robots provide a good base
for doing research with physical robots, giving more research groups the possibility to
use real robots for their manifold experiments.
Figure 2.1: The Khepera robot
2.1.1 Khepera robot architecture
The Khepera robot, shown in figure 2.1, has a cylindrical shape, measures 55 mm in
diameter, 30 mm in height, and weighs 70 g. It is powered either by a cable connection
2 Background
or by four on-board recheargable batteries which allow it a maximum lifetime of 40
minutes before having to be recharged.
The robot itself is equipped with two motors and wheels, eight sensors which allow
proximity- as well as ambient light measurements. Furthermore it offers two extension
busses, a serial and a parallel one, which allow additional turrets to get connected to it.
Figure 2.2 illustrates the layout of the robot.
Figure 2.2: Schematic illustration of the Khepera robot with its eight integrated sensors
(light gray), two motors (black) and the connections for extension turrets
(dark gray).
The CPU of the Khepera robot is a Motorola MC68331 with 256 kB RAM and 128
kB EEPROM, running a minimal operating system implemented by K-Team, the manufacturers of the robot, offering features as multiprocessing, or uploading programs.
The serial connection to the robot can be used to control it by issueing simple control
commands, e. g. to read data from the integrated sensors or to send speed commands
to the motors. In addition, it is possible to upload small control programs to the robot
which are in turn executed by the robot itself, so that no connection to it, be it over a
serial cable or wireless, is necessary.
Khepera extensions
Several extensions, so-called turrets, are available for the Khepera robot. These can be
plugged on top of a robot to enhance its functionality. Most turrets allow stacking of
even more turrets on top. What follows is a description of some turrets, which were in
part used within the evaluation of this project:
K213 vision turret The K213 vision turret (K213VT) allows for linear gray level vision. At maximum rates, a 64-pixel 8-bit grayscale image is provided every 50ms.
Furthermore, light intensity measurements are possible. No other turret may be
stacked on top of this one.
Gripper turret Using this turret, objects in the environment of the robot can be manipulated. It contains an arm that allows to be lifted, and a gripper at the end,
including an optical barrier indicating whether an object is inside the gripper.
When an object is gripped, it is possible to measure its electrical resistivity. The
2 Background
Gripper Turret offers connections of the Khepera extension bus towards the top of
it, to allow for other turrets to be used at the same time.
Radio turret The Radio Turret provides a Khepera robot with communication options;
the robot can be controlled by a Radio Base Station or directly communicate with
other Radio Turrets. The maximum transmission rate offered by the turret is
9600 baud. Due to the fact that only a very low baudrate is offered, the turret
is unusable for real time sensor evaluation and control of Khepera robots. Other
extension units may be stacked on top of the Radio Turret.
K2D video turret If enhanced video acquisition is required, this turret offers a 2D picture of the environment at high quality. A separate cable connection to the turret
is necessary to view the pictures. This turret is a top turret, i. e. no other turrets
may be stacked on top of it.
Wireless camera vision turret More possibilities w. r. t. video and sound are provided
by this turret, which allows wireless transmission of video and audio data directly
from the turret to an external receiver, which in case may be connected to a video
grabber and an audio input on a separate computer. In contrast to the K2D Video
Turret, it allows a robot to move autonomously without the need for rotating,
wired contacts. This turret is a top turret.
2.1.2 Experiments with Khepera robots
A lot of researchers make heavy use of the robot described here. One example are
the experiments described by Nolfi & Parisi (1995), where a Khepera robot equipped
with a gripper module was trained, using the genetic algorithm technique (Holland,
1975) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) (McCulloch & Pitts, 1943), to explore an
environment avoiding walls, pick up objects with the gripper module, and drop them
outside of the arena. This experiment was carried out in simulation in the first place,
and then downloaded and evaluated on a physical Khepera robot.
Floreano & Mondada (1998) carried out a series of experiments to test ANNs in
terms of its adaptation capabilities to new conditions. In the first set of experiments,
a Khepera robot is trained to move around in a maze, avoiding walls, using techniques
of evolutionary robotics (Cliff, Harvey & Husbands, 1993); the underlying ANN is then
tested on a bigger robot with similar features, the Koala robot, and re-trained to adapt
to the new circumstances, e. g. the different size of the robot, and a differing, but similar,
sensor placement. In the second set of experiments, a Khepera robot with a discharging
battery is placed inside an arena containing a light tower and a recharging area; the task
of the robot consists in moving within the arena – to achieve that it had to recharge
its batteries periodically. The environment was then re-arranged and the robot had to
adapt to the new circumstances. These experiments were entirely carried out on physical
2 Background
2.2 Bluetooth on Khepera robots
This section describes the foregoing work on the KBU. The motivation of the whole
project was to produce a general Bluetooth turret which can be used on all different
kinds of robots, as long as they are controlled by a RS232, Universal Asynchronous
Receiver/Transmitter (UART) or Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. Therefore two
students described the design of such a turret within their Master dissertation (Eriksson,
2002; Karvosenoja, 2002); furthermore, throughout their projects, the hardware was
constructed, and several prototypes were built. This turret, the Bluetooth General Board
(BTGB), which was also used for the project this dissertation is about, offers an external
RS232-, as well as a USB-connection to directly connect the Bluetooth host controller to
a host, e. g. a PC, to use the turret as a type-1 device. Furthermore, a microcontroller
is integrated to allow using the BTGB as a type-2 device (see section 4.6 on page 24 for
a description of the different device types).
The KBU, that is, the BTGB connected to a Khepera robot (see figure 2.3), connects
one of the UART controllers of the integrated Microcontroller Unit (MCU) to the serial
pins of a Khepera robot. Thus, the KBU is a type-2 device, which receives Khepera
commands transmitted over the Bluetooth wireless link from a computer and transfers
those over the serial connection to the robot. In turn, it receives answers from the Khepera and transmits them back to the computer. Connections for the Khepera extension
bus are offered towards the top of the turret to allow for other turrets to be stacked on
top of the KBU.
Figure 2.3: The Khepera robot equipped with a KBU
The KBU’s main part consists of an ATMEL ATMega128L MCU, which is able to act
as a Bluetooth host. One of its UART controllers is connected to an Ericsson ROK 101
007 Bluetooth device, which forms the Bluetooth host controller and is physically placed
on top of the MCU. Of the UART-pins offered by both ICs, only the serial input- and
2 Background
output-pins are connected to each other, control pins, which are mandatory to enable
flow control between the devices, are not connected.
Although the KBU prototypes worked very well w. r. t. connecting to a robot and
controlling it, the transfer rate between the controlling PC and the Khepera robot was
very low, i. e. it was impossible to control more than one robot in real time; no clear
reason for this was found at first.
Several attempts were carried out to improve the data throughput, based on the
suggestions of the constructors. The Bluetooth-stack was replaced by a self-implemented,
very specific and efficient one, directly integrated in Yet Another Khepera Simulator
(YAKS) (Carlsson & Ziemke, 2001), carried out by a student in his spare time; this
slightly improved the transmission rate, but did not provide a final solution. In a further
step, the RS232 connection to the BTGB was replaced by a USB connection (Karlsson,
2003; Kostamo, 2003); this project was not finalized due to problems with the USB
driver, discovered in a late stage of the project. The next step consisted in changing the
Bluetooth link type, using an Synchronous Connection-Oriented (SCO) link instead of
an Asynchronous Connection-Less (ACL) link to make use of a high synchronous data
transmission rate in both directions; the implementation was never completed.
2.3 YAKS
Yet Another Khepera Simulator (YAKS) is a simulation environment for Khepera robots,
developed by members of the school of Humanities and Informatics at the University of
Skövde. Its main advantages lie in efficiency, and the focus on Evolutionary Algorithms
and ANNs. It is easy to adapt to new scenarios, and therefore used by many researchers
for simulation of their own experiments, mainly within the area of evolutionary robotics
(Cliff et al., 1993). The simulator runs on several operating systems, and provides
either 2- or 3-dimensional visualization capabilities, as well as a non-visual simulation
mode to carry out experiments very fast. Control of physical robots to verify simulated
experiments is integrated, originally implemented to make use of wired physical robots
and the K-Team Radio Turret.
2.4 Related Work
2.4.1 Wireless robot control
Feng, Borenstein & Wehe (1996) present a Wireless Development System for mobile
robots, consisting of three main components: a joystick interface to allow remote control
over a robot’s components while it is running; a low-cost radio control system, usually
used in model aircrafts, was used for the wireless transmission of the joystick signals. A
wireless computer connection, provided by a radio modem, which operates at a serial
transmission rate of 19200 baud, to allow software updates on the robot and external
computerized control. Finally, the system offers a video transmitter on the robot, as
2 Background
well as an adequate receiver on the other end. The publication also discusses a wired
alternative for remote robot control.
A robot equipped with an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
802.11b interface (wireless LAN) was developed by Nguyen, Pezeshkian, Raymond,
Gupta & Spector (2003), given the task to explore and map an environment. To maintain
a connection to an operator’s console, several relay robots were following the lead robot
and stopped at certain positions where the quality of the wireless link dropped below
a predefined threshold, i. e. the communication channel was about to get disconnected
due to far distances.
2.4.2 Khepera wireless interfaces
Besides the Radio Turret for Khepera robots, engineered and manufactured by K-Team,
there exists another solution for wireless Khepera control and communication, developed during a student research project at the University of Paderborn, and introduced
by Rüping, Löffler, Odenbach & Rückert (1999), which based on infrared communication using the fieldbus system CAN between the Khepera robots and a master device,
mounted on top of an arena. The master device also acts as a repeater, to enable direct
communication between Khepera robots. The system allows transmission rates of up to
100kbps. Since the master device’ serial interface only could be connected to a controlling computer at a transmission rate of 9600bps, it was not suited to control more than
one Khepera robot in real time.
An extension turret for the Khepera robot allowing it to be controlled over Bluetooth
was engineered at the Fachhochschule Regensburg, Germany1 . A general Bluetooth
controller board manufactured by INSYS Microelectronics was modified to plug onto
a Khepera robot’s extension bus. The module does not offer connections for further
extension turrets to be plugged on top of it, and is thus unusable for more than bare
control and sensor evaluation of a Khepera robot equipped only with its integrated
sensors. The KBU, in contrast, offers the possibility to plug further extension turrets
on top of it.
Another infrared communication module for the Khepera robot is proposed in (Martinoli, Franzi & Matthey, 1997). It allows selective and explicit communication among
multiple robots in real time, at a transmission rate of almost 20 kb/s. The main drawback
of the module is a very low range of coverage in practice, around 15cm. Furthermore, it
does not allow controlling a Khepera robot from an external controlling computer.
2.4.3 Mobile Bluetooth controller
A distributed multi-robot system designed to solve a team-based search and destroy
task is presented in (Barnhard, McClain, Wimpey & Potter, 2004; McClain, Wimpey,
Barnhard & Potter, 2004). Two robots were given the ‘Honeybee task’, where one robot
has to explore an environment to find an object, and then lead the other robot to its
1 bluetooth.pdf (last visited July 2004). Regrettably, no further
information was published on this module.
2 Background
location solely by communicating its location. The robots were equipped with handheld
PCs which exhibited Bluetooth functionality. Using the Bluetooth serial port emulation
RFCOMM, the first robot transmitted its coordinates within the environment to the
other robot. In a second phase of the project, multiple robots were given the task to
locate an object, and the first robot to find it communicates its position to all other
robots, which should then also move there.
The following work is referenced in this dissertation since the underlying hardware used
complies in part with the hardware used throughout this project; the task consisted in
evaluating Bluetooth for sensor networks (Leopold, Dydensborg & Bonnet, 2003). Sensor networks provide wireless distributed network access to intelligent sensors, controls,
and processors that are embedded in equipment, facilities, and the environment. The
publication discusses how far the Bluetooth wireless technology is suited to meet the
needs of sensor networks, e. g. the ability of inter-communication among sensors for collaborative processing of signals, or routing issues. For evaluating the technology, an
Atmega128L was used as MCU, to connect the Bluetooth device, an Ericsson ROK 101
007, to a sensor. A minimal Bluetooth stack had to be implemented on the MCU, on the
higher protocol layers also providing for routing and (re-)connection issues within larger
networks. The performance of the implementation was evaluated w. r. t. maximum data
throughput and energy consumption.
3 Method
This chapter deals with different steps to meet the objectives mentioned earlier.
The main idea behind this project consists in the replacement of the BTGB on the side
of the controlling computer with a Bluetooth dongle, connected over a USB interface,
and to utilize a Bluetooth stack on the computer that comes with the dongle or the
operating system, which in all cases should previously have been verified to run stable
and efficient. Hence, to eliminate one bottleneck of the Bluetooth wireless connection
w. r. t. transmission speed.
3.1 Study and understand the bluetooth specification
The Bluetooth specification (Bluetooth SIG, 2001), that is, the standard definition of
what Bluetooth is and how it works, is a document comprising of more than 1000 pages;
plus further standard descriptions for RFCOMM in ETSI (1997). To accomplish a good
general understanding of it, and all the details necessary to proceed with the other
objectives, three methods may be applied.
Read the specification only Since the Bluetooth specification provides the definition of
Bluetooth, including all details, attentively reading it is one way of understanding
what Bluetooth is.
Secondary literature A lot of secondary literature has been written about Bluetooth
(e. g. Bray & Sturman, 2001; Miller, Bisdikian & Siep, 2001), partly by the people
who helped developing the Bluetooth standards documents. These publications
provide a deeper insight into Bluetooth functionalities and additional facts that
are not mentioned in the standard.
Consult other people Many researchers and programmers are actively working with the
Bluetooth wireless technology and thus have a good understanding of it. So deeper
insights may be gained by consulting them.
Throughout this project, the method used for gaining knowledge about Bluetooth was
mainly a combination of intensively studying the Bluetooth specification and consulting
other people. The standard document was used as main reference, whilst other people
were consulted when questions arose, such as unclear terms in the specification. Secondary literature was not consulted very frequently, due to the fact that it does in most
cases not contain more information that is of use for the implementation; this probably
stems from the fact that all secondary literature concerning Bluetooth is based on the
primary literature, i. e. the standard specification documents.
3 Method
3.2 Reimplement the Bluetooth communication unit
Two main questions arise when doing a reimplementation of the Bluetooth stack that is
to be used on the BTGB.
1. Several Bluetooth stacks were developed by other people for to be used on embedded devices, so it has to be deliberated about adapting those to the specific needs
for this project, or do a completely new implementation from scratch.
2. The choice between a minimal implementation and a fully standards compliant
Bluetooth stack has to be made.
3.2.1 Bluetooth Stack
Since Bluetooth is a fully standardized technology, including the transport layer that
is used for communication between the Bluetooth host and the host controller, it is
possible to port the stack, one of the main software components within a Bluetooth
device, between differing platforms. One of the main prerequisites for porting is the
availability of the source code. Some of these stacks were closer investigated for porting
capabilities within this project.
BlueZ1 BlueZ, the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack, been implemented for the
kernel of the free operating system linux, thus, also the stack is freely available including
the source code. The stack is stable, well-structured and efficient, but due to its code
size, its very huge memory requirements, and its close relation to the Linux kernel, it is
not suited to run on the MCU of the BTGB.
BTnode2 BTnode is a project which offers a freely available general Bluetooth controller, which uses the hardware identically to the BTGB w. r. t. the MCU and the
Bluetooth device; the only exception is a larger amount of memory supplied with it.
Furthermore, the MCU is connected to the Bluetooth device in a different way, flow
control between the devices is enabled, in contrast to the BTGB. A Bluetooth stack
including the source code is also provided by the project. The two differences mentioned
above form the limiting factors for the use of the stack within the BTGB: the amount of
memory available is smaller, and no flow control between the modules is available; thus,
deep going changes within the source code of the stack of BTnode would be necessary
to make use of it on the BTGB.
Since no Bluetooth stack could be found best suiting the needs for this project, the
decision was taken to implement it from scratch. The reimplementation is based on the
source code provided by the foregoing work on the KBU, which already provided basic
2 (last visited August 2004) (last visited August 2004)
3 Method
3.2.2 Minimal or full implementation
A minimal implementation of a Bluetooth stack offers the capabilities to do basic communication with other Bluetooth entities also offering a minimal stack, specifically adapted
to fulfill certain needs; it follows the standards specification only as little as minimally
required. A full implementation in contrast follows the standards and is able to interact
with other Bluetooth entities without further adaptations.
Implementing a minimal Bluetooth stack can be attained in a very small amount of
time; a very small and, due to it’s problem-specific style, efficient solution is achievable.
Problematic within a minimal implementation for the BTGB is the requirement for
an adapted Bluetooth stack on the end of the controlling computer. Hence, no stack
provided with Bluetooth hardware or an operating system could be used; all applications
that make use of the BTGB would have to be changed as well. Furthermore, to make use
of a USB Bluetooth dongle to communicate with the BTGB instead of another BTGB,
and to allow for the serial emulation to take place without the need for application-side
adaptations, a fully standards compliant Bluetooth stack is a requirement for the success
of this project, to provide a Bluetooth communication module which is suited for use in
other research projects on real robots.
3.3 Performance evaluation
The performance of the KBU can be evaluated in different ways. One way is to measure
the time for round-trips of data packets of different size, originating from a controlling
computer, being sent to the Khepera, and transmitted back. This way, one gets a global
view on the whole solution’s performance. A drawback is that only long transmission
paths with transmission channels of different types can be measured; no detailed data
for each transmission channel on its own can be acquired. Though, the acquired data is
very easy to get in touch with real data that is being sent to and received from the robot
when using it for research purposes. Furthermore, influence of the baudrate applied at
all serial connections can be measured.
Another way of evaluating the performance of the KBU consists of measuring the
time packets of different sizes needed for a round-trip from a controlling computer to
the KBU and back. More detailed insight into the performance of the BTGB itself can
be gained this way; the Khepera robot is then completely left out of the evaluation,
which is unproblematic since it is not in the hand of the programmer to increase the
transmission speed of the serial channel besides predefined values.
A third way of performance evaluation is to use engineering tools, such as an oscilloscope, for detailed measuring of packet transmission times on all transmission channels.
A very detailed picture of the KBU and all used equipment is acquired by applying this
method, however, the effort needed to carry it out is very high.
To compare different controlling solutions for the Khepera robot and get a picture
of how fast the KBU is, timing comparisons can be carried out for different connection
types, such as the KBU and a direct serial connection to the robot.
3 Method
Within this project, a combination of the first two and the fourth method mentioned
will be used for performance evaluation in the first place, since the most meaningful
factor that matters when carrying out experiments on a physical robot is the transmission
speed between a controlling computer and a Khepera robot. To adjust parameters that
influence the performance, such as the packet type used for wireless communication, it
is furthermore necessary to get a deeper insight into the transmission speed between
the BTGB and a controlling computer. Furthermore, a comparison of transmission
times for different connection types will be carried out. If it turns out that the KBU’s
overall transmission times are too slow, more detailed measurements will be done for all
transmission channels.
4 Bluetooth
This chapter gives an overview over the Bluetooth wireless technology; however, many
details have been left out for to simplify and shorten these explanations.
Bluetooth wireless technology is a worldwide specification for a small-form factor,
low-cost radio solution that provides links between mobile computers, mobile phones,
other portable handheld devices, and connectivity to the Internet. Its main use lies in
the replacement of cables over short distances. Bluetooth was invented in 1994 by L.M.
Ericsson. Its name stems from Harald Blåtand I, the king of Norway and Denmark in
the middle 900s.
The contents of this section are primarily based on the Bluetooth specification standard (Bluetooth SIG, 2001) and, the standard for emulation of serial ports in GSM TS
07.10 (ETSI, 1997).
The Bluetooth wireless technology has several main properties:
Wireless Bluetooth is a wireless technology, i. e. providing the opportunity to communicate without cables.
Open standard The standard itself is open, i. e. available at no cost. It is developed,
published and promoted by the Bluetooth SIG.
Certification Certification for devices stating that they are fully compliant to the standard is available, though not required by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group
(SIG). This is important for companies selling Bluetooth-enabled products to be
able to interact with other Bluetooth entities without complications.
Low cost Bluetooth communication modules are available at a very low cost. The frequency spectrum used for communication is free to use without licensing cost
around the whole world.
Audio and data Different communication modes exist for transferring audio and data
over the wireless link. This stems from different demands: when transferring audio
signals, a constant data rate is required to suppress delays, whilst an error-free and
guaranteed link has to be provided for data communication.
Security Basic cryptographic mechanisms for to send encrypted data over the wireless
link are provided by the technology.
No transmission errors The Bluetooth wireless link for transmission of data can be
configured to detect and even correct errors that occur during the wireless data
transmission, thus provide a totally error-free link. The prerequisites for this are
established in the baseband (see section 4.3 on page 17).
4 Bluetooth
Low power The power consumption of a Bluetooth integrated circuit is usually very
low, due to a very low transmitting power.
Robustness As a result of the physical channel definition by hopping through 79 Radio
Frequency (RF) channels (see section 4.3 on the next page), the Bluetooth wireless
link is quite robust concerning interferences with other wireless technologies.
4.1 The Bluetooth layered architecture
The Bluetooth wireless technology is layered according to the scheme shown in figure 4.1.
It is difficult to classify the Bluetooth layers into the OSI-model, since it was created to
fulfill application specific needs, in contrast to the OSI-model, which is a strictly ordered
stack – thus, only a loose comparison is possible.
Link Manager Protocol
Data Link
Baseband / Link Controller
Reference stack
Figure 4.1: Bluetooth layers compared to the OSI model
The following sections describe the layers in more detail.
4.2 Radio
According to the Bluetooth SIG (2001), the Bluetooth transceiver is operating in the 2.4
GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medicine (ISM) band. This band is free, i. e. no license
fees have to be paid for using it worldwide.
Three power classes are offered, allowing for different Bluetooth devices with different
areas of coverage: an embedded device that runs on batteries does not have the need
4 Bluetooth
for long-range transmissions, but low power consumption, and vice versa for equipment
that is line-powered.
4.3 Baseband – Link Controller and Link Manager
The Bluetooth link controller operates to carry out the baseband protocols and other
low-level link routines. The link manager sets up and controls the link.
A connection between two or more Bluetooth devices is always characterized by one
master device and up to seven active slave devices. Thus, it allows either point-topoint or point-to-multipoint connections; a group of one master device and several slave
devices connected to it is called a piconet. Multiple piconets may be connected to form
a scatternet – in this constellation, a device can be the master in one piconet and at
the same time act as a slave in another piconet; or, devices may be slave in multiple
piconets. Figure 4.2 illustrates this. Data can only be transmitted from the master to
one or all slaves in the piconet, or from a slave to the master; no direct data transmission
between slaves is possible; this implicates for direct robot-to-robot communication that
packets might have to be routed over the master device, depending on the number of
piconets the host controller is able to be a member of. Slave devices in a piconet may
enter a parked state while they are not active in the channel; in this state, they can not
send or receive any data, but still remain synchronized to the network.
Piconet 1
Piconet 2
Figure 4.2: Bluetooth connection types. Two piconets that together form a scatternet.
The highlighted nodes form the master devices.
A physical channel in Bluetooth is charaterized by a hopping sequence through the 79
RF channels defined in the 2.4 GHz ISM band. The hopping sequence is determined by
the master device of a piconet. The physical channel is subdivided into timeslots: every
625 microseconds the RF channel is switched pseudo-randomly. If a data packet contains
more data than can be transferred within one timeslot, the same RF channel as where
4 Bluetooth
the packet transmission started is kept for another timeslot. Packet transmissions from
the master to a slave device starts in even-numbered time slots, whilst transmissions in
the other direction only starts in odd-numbered time slots.
Two different link types are defined for a Bluetooth connection: Asynchronous Connection-Less (ACL) and Synchronous Connection-Oriented (SCO) links. They differ in
the assignment of time slots to the slave devices, as well as in the type of data they are
suited for.
ACL link type Within an ACL link, the master transmits data to one or all of the slaves
within a piconet and assigns timeslots to the slaves for data transmission. Forward Error
Correction (FEC), a dedicated mechanisms for error detection and error correction are
offered, though the packet payload decreases when using these mechanisms, for the
benefit of an error-free link. Only one ACL link may exist at a time between a master
and each of its slaves. This link type is commonly used for transmission of pure data
packets. It allows transmission of payload sized 17 to 339 bytes per packet; packet
transmission may consume one, three or five timeslots. Table 4.1 gives an overview over
the different ACL packet types.
Payload [bytes]
Max. Rate [kb/s]
Table 4.1: ACL packet types
SCO link type This link type offers a constant data transmission rate by reserving
fixed time slots for packet transmission from the master to one of its slaves; time slots
for transmission in the other direction are assigned by the master to a slave on a perpacket basis. Up to three SCO links may exist between a master and a slave. This
link type is commonly used for transmission of packets which contain voice data; SCO
links are created on top of a previously created ACL link. Each packet transmission
lasts exactly one timeslot, packets may contain a payload ranging from 10 to 30 bytes,
depending on whether FEC is enabled for the link or not. All possible SCO packet types
are compared in table 4.2 on the next page.
Several mechanisms are offered by the Bluetooth baseband to cope with transmission
errors appearing on the wireless link. Packet headers are always proteced with a 8-bit
4 Bluetooth
Payload [bytes]
Symm. Max.
Rate [kb/s]
Table 4.2: SCO packet types
Header-error-check (HEC), to ensure save transmission of the packet. Error detection
for the payload is provided by a 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), being present
in all ACL packet types except AUX1. Furthermore, two different mechanisms exist for
error correction: 1/3 FEC, where the payload is protected by repeating each bit three
times, and 2/3 FEC, adding Hamming codes to the packets, allowing for correction of
single errors and detection of double errors within each 15-bit codeword. If an error
cannot be recovered using these methods, a packet has to be retransmitted. According
to Krassi (2001), Bluetooth exhibits a raw Bit Error Rate (BER) of 10−3 , that is, one
bit in every 1000 bits is corrupted, and a Packet Error Rate (PER) of 9%; this makes
clear why effective mechanisms coping with errors are necessary.
Each Bluetooth device is uniquely identified by its 48-bit Bluetooth Device Address
(BD ADDR). The upper 24 bit of these addresses are assigned by the IEEE Registration
Authority to the company which manufactures the device; the lower 24 bit are assigned
by the company itself, uniquely to each device produced. Within a piconet, every active
device gets assigned a 3-bit Active Member Address (AM ADDR) which gets added to
the header of every data packet from or to the device. In contrast to this, the device
name that is visible to the user may be set by an application programmer using the Host
Controller Interface (HCI), which in turn sets the device name for transmission using
the Link Manager Protocol (LMP).
Bluetooth offers four different types of security mechanisms at the link layer: a unique
BD ADDR, which is known to all other devices; a private, 128 bit user key used for
authentication; a private user key, sized 8 to 128 bit, used for encryption; and a random
number generator, which might generate pseudo-random numbers in practice. Optionally, a PIN code might be entered by a user, which is not only used to allow or disallow
connections, but also for key initialization.
The Link Manager (LM) offers control and set-up mechanisms for the link layer. LMP
messages are exchanged between Bluetooth devices to adjust connection parameters,
such as PIN codes which might be required by a user for connection establishment,
requests to change the master/slave roles within a piconet, or requests to set a device
into special connection modes. If information from a higher Bluetooth layer is needed
to proceed further, HCI events are triggered. LMP messages are also used to adjust
Quality of Service (QoS) settings such as the master device’s poll interval Tpoll , that is,
4 Bluetooth
the interval in which a slave device is queried by the master to transmit outstanding
4.4 HCI
The HCI provides the interface to the lower layers of the Bluetooth wireless technology.
It offers full control over the link manager, and gives access to information concerning
the hardware status. HCI commands are sent from a Bluetooth host, i. e. the part of
the Bluetooth stack that has to be implemented on a computer, to the Bluetooth host
controller, i. e. the module that is plugged to a computer, over another physical link:
either a PC Card, USB, RS232, or UART. Besides those four, no other physical link
types for controlling a Bluetooth host controller are specified in the Bluetooth standard.
Figure 4.3 gives an overview over the lower Bluetooth protocol layers. HCI commands
and data packets are transmitted over a wired connection, e. g. UART or USB from
the Bluetooth host to the host controller, which in turn determines the type of packet
received; afterwards either the packet gets transferred to the Baseband Controller and
transmitted over the wireless link, or the Link Manager (LM) configures the Baseband
Bluetooth Host
Logical link control
and adaptation protocol
HCI Driver
Physical Bus
(USB, UART, . . . )
Bluetooth Host Controller
HCI Firmware
Link Manager
Baseband Controller
Figure 4.3: Communication between the lower protocol layers
Besides transmission of data including payload to be sent over the wireless link, the
host, e. g. a Bluetooth stack running on a PC, is able to send HCI commands to the host
4 Bluetooth
controller, i. e. the Bluetooth module; the host controller may in turn send events to the
4.4.1 HCI command packets
The available HCI commands offered by the host controller can be categorized as follows:
Link control commands These commands allow setting up the Link Manager (LM) and
give full control over connection management to other Bluetooth devices, such as
connection creation and disconnection for ACL as well as SCO connections, inquiry,
PIN setup, reading remote device names, and setting of the packet types allowed
for sending out packets (see table 4.1 on page 18 and table 4.2 on page 19).
Link policy commands This group of commands is used to change the policy rules of
the Link Manager (LM), i. e. the link policy. Previously set up ACL links can be
altered and special modes, such as the park mode, the hold mode where no data
may be sent over the wireless link within a specified amount of time, or the sniff
mode that is used to notify a slave device of only having to listen for incoming
data on certain time slots, may be entered. Furthermore, the roles of which device
forms the master and slave within a piconet can be changed.
Host controller and baseband commands The behavior of the host controller towards
the host and towards remote devices may be altered using these commands.
The layout of an HCI command packet is shown in figure 4.4. The OpCode is composed
by the OpCode Group Field (OGF), which has a size of 6 bits and specifies the category
of commands defined above, and the OpCode Command Field (OCF), sized 10 bits
and specifying the concrete command to be executed. It is followed by a 2 byte field
describing the total length of the parameters, and by the command parameters.
Parameter Total
Parameter N - 1
Parameter 0
Parameter N
Figure 4.4: HCI command packet format
4.4.2 HCI Event Packets
HCI Event Packets, which are issued by the host controller, fulfill the purpose of notifying
the host of incidents, such as completion of commands execution, incoming connections
4 Bluetooth
and disconnections, errors, and changes in the link policy. These packets, shown in
figure 4.5, begin with an event code specific to the type of event that happened, followed
by the length of additional event parameters and the parameters themselves. The number
of parameters depends on the event and on the foregoing HCI command.
Parameter Total
Event Code
Parameter N - 1
Event Parameter 0
Event Parameter N
Figure 4.5: HCI event packet format
4.4.3 HCI ACL Data Packets
Payload which shall be transmitted over a previously established ACL link to remote
Bluetooth devices is encapsulated within HCI ACL data packets. The host controller
interprets these packets and substitutes the HCI ACL data header by a baseband header
before the data is sent over the wireless link. The structure of the packets, sent from
a host to a host controller, is illustrated in figure 4.6 begins with a 12 bit connection
handle, which is unique for each ACL link between two Bluetooth devices, followed by
the packet boundary (PB) flag signifying whether the packet is a fragment, and the
broadcast (BC) flag, declaring the remote devices which shall receive the packet. The
next fields contain the length of the payload and the payload itself.
Connection Handle
Flag Flag
Data Total Length
Figure 4.6: HCI ACL data packet format
HCI SCO data packets are not further explained since they are of no relevance for the
4 Bluetooth
4.5 L2CAP
The Bluetooth logical link control and adaptation protocol (L2CAP) is layered above
the Baseband, encapsulated in HCI ACL Data Packets, and handles the segmentation of
packets, as well as QoS setup in order to prioritize data originating on certain links; above
all, it provides a multiplexed interface to the upper protocol layers, such as RFCOMM
(see section 4.6 on the following page) and SDP (see section 4.7 on page 26). L2CAP
packets may only be sent on top of HCI ACL data packets and are not defined for HCI
SCO data packets, since data integrity has to be ensured.
Multiple L2CAP channels may exist between two Bluetooth devices, due to its multiplexing capability. Each upper layer protocol that is defined has a standardized Protocol Service Multiplexor (PSM) value. All L2CAP channels are uniquely identified by a
Channel ID (CID), which is dynamically assigned by the host for each open channel.
4.5.1 State machine
L2CAP is constituted as a state machine, interfacing with the lower and the upper layers.
Actions are performed from L2CAP to the interfacing layers, whilst events are received
in the other direction.
The state machine is an integral part of L2CAP, used for channel establishment,
parameter negotiation, and disconnection; furthermore, offering a transparent interface
to the adjacent layers.
The state machine is exemplified on channel establishment for an incoming connection
request. Before a channel is associated with the CID, the state machine is in the Closed
state. Though a baseband connection may exist, this is no requirement. As soon as a
connection request comes in from another host, it is forwarded to the upper layer, waiting
for confirmation. If the upper layer accepts the connection, the state is changed to Config,
allowing for exchange of L2CAP configuration parameters between the devices. As soon
as both devices have exchanged configuration requests and responses, which might have
to be repeated several times to adjust the parameters of the remote end, the state is
changed to Open, and further data processing with the upper layers may proceed. As
long as the channel is in the state Open, payload may be transmitted to the remote
Bluetooth device.
4.5.2 Packet format
L2CAP packets can be categorized as follows:
L2CAP data packets These packets contain payload which is to be transmitted to or
has been received from remote Bluetooth units. Two different kinds of data packets
are defined: connection-oriented packets with only one recipient, and broadcast packets
which have multiple recipients, i. e. a logical group that was previously set up by a higher
layer protocol; these packets are referred to as connection-less packets. Illustrations of
those two packet formats are shown in figure 4.7 on the following page and figure 4.8 on
4 Bluetooth
the next page. Connection-oriented packets have a 4 byte header containing the packet
length and the CID assigned during the connection setup, whilst connection-less packets
have a header of 6 bytes in length with a fixed CID and additionally containing the PSM
value signifying the service on the remote end.
Channel ID
Figure 4.7: Packet format for connection-oriented channels
Channel ID (0x0002)
Payload (cont.)
Figure 4.8: Packet format for connection-less channels
L2CAP signal packets Signal packets are used to notify a remote device of new connections, as well as to negotiate channel parameters, e. g. the Maximum Transmission
Unit (MTU) or QoS parameters. The format of such packets, shown in figure 4.9 on the
following page, contains a length field, a fixed CID, followed by one or more commands
containing a command code, e. g. for a connection request, an identifier that is increased
on each request and sent back unchanged in responses to help associating a signal response with a foregoing request. Furthermore, it contains the length of the command
parameters in bytes and the command parameters themselves.
RFCOMM provides a multiplexed interface for serial port emulation over the Bluetooth
wireless link. It is based on ETSI (1997), the serial emulation used in TS 07.10, with
some adaptations for the Bluetooth system. Only one RFCOMM channel may exist per
Bluetooth link; multiplexing for up to 64 serial ports is implemented by the RFCOMM
Figure 4.10 on the next page visualizes the two different kinds of RFCOMM device
types. Type-1 devices are solutions with integrated Bluetooth support, such as comput-
4 Bluetooth
Channel ID (0x0002)
Payload (cont.)
Figure 4.9: Signal packet format
ers and printers; thus, endpoints of a connection. Type-2 devices, in contrast, have a
wired (serial) connection to the connection endpoint, e. g. to a modem or a mouse. No
difference between these device types is made within the RFCOMM protocol.
Device with
Device with
Device without
with serial port
Figure 4.10: RFCOMM device types
RFCOMM provides the serial link with flow control mechanisms. Besides Modem
Status Command (MSC) packets which may be exchanged between two devices to specify
the control signals known from RS232, such as Ready To Communicate (RTC) and Ready
To Receive (RTR), a scheme for Credit Based Flow Control (CBFC) is offered. This
scheme allows a host to specify how many packets it is able to receive before the local
buffers are full. Each packet containing payload decreases a CBFC counter by one,
whilst it may contain an extra field specifying how many more packets the remote side
is allowed to send.
Each RFCOMM channel is uniquely identified by a Data Link Connection Identifier
(DLCI), which gets assigned to the channel by the host initiating it. A connection
is initialized by sending a Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode (SABM) frame with the
general DLCI 0, replied by an Unnumbered Acknowledgement (UA) frame, also with
DLCI 0 (cf. figure 4.11 on the following page). Channel establishment for each channel
that is to be opened then works quite similar: a SABM frame is sent containing a newly
assigned DLCI, answered with an UA frame with the same DLCI. In the next step,
Data Link Connection (DLC) Parameter Negotiation (PN) is done in both directions;
this includes exchanging the mutual Maximum Frame Size (MFS), and initial credits for
CBFC, besides other information. After this, MSC packets are exchanged to set initial
values containing the RS232 control signals.
RFCOMM packets are structured the following way. Each packet begins with an
address field containing the DLCI and a flag indicating whether the packet is sent from
the initiator of the connection, i. e. the host that sent the SABM frame on DLCI 0, to
4 Bluetooth
RFCOMM entity A
RFCOMM entity A
UA on DLCI 0
UA on DLCI 2
Figure 4.11: RFCOMM connection- and channel establishment. Entity A connects to
entity B and establishes a channel with DLCI 2 for data interchange.
the remote end or vice versa. The following field is the frame type, followed by a length
indicator, sized either 1 or 2 bytes. If CBFC is enabled for the channel, a field containing
an additive number of new credits may follow. The next fields are filled with the payload
to be sent over the link. The last field of an RFCOMM frame is the Frame Checking
Sequence (FCS), a checksum which is calculated over the packet header. Though the
FCS is not really needed on Bluetooth links with FEC enabled, since that mechanism
provides an error-free link, it is added to the packet in all cases. An exemplary RFCOMM
packet is shown in figure 4.12.
Data (cont.)
Figure 4.12: Exemplary RFCOMM packet structure. The length field may span 1 or 2
bytes, the credit field is optional.
4.7 SDP
The Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) applications the possibility to discover which
services are available on a certain Bluetooth host, and to determine the characteristics
4 Bluetooth
of those services. Service classes are defined to differentiate between services, such as
printers, or modems, as well as the mechanisms to access them. Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) is based on a request/response model to keep the number of transmissions
low. Services may be arranged hierarchically, to cope with huge numbers of different
services that may be offered by devices.
5 Implementation
This chapter sums up the implementation of the Bluetooth stack, which constituted one
of the integral and most time-consuming parts of this project. All parts of the Bluetooth
protocol stack which were implemented are described within the following chapter, as
well as some additional programs which run on the Khepera robot.
The following part describes some of the main constraints that had to be considered
throughout the whole implementation.
Memory limitations Since the MCU which is used on the KBU only offers a very limited
amount of memory, no dynamic memory allocation could be used. All variables
had to be defined either in a global or in a local context, i. e. statically below the
heap or dynamically on the stack.
Clean programming/debugging Due to the fact that the KBU only offers three LEDs
for direct output, and the debugging interface pins of the MCU are not connected to
the circuit board, debugging the implementation showed to be a challenge. Therefore, special care for code cleanliness had to be taken, manifested in meaningful
comments and a clean and readable coding style.
Flow control Since flow control between the MCU and the Khepera robot, as well as
between the MCU and the Bluetooth chip was not available due to missing connections, buffers large enough for handling of huge packets had to be declared in
the low amount of memory that is offered by the MCU.
Two Bluetooth stacks were implemented throughout this project: a minimal one consisting of a bootloader for easy software updates, further described in section 5.1, and a
fully standards compliant one, described in more detail in section 5.2 on the next page.
Since the source code was well documented throughout the implementation phase,
using the doxygen syntax1 , no code fragments are included here. The source files are
named according to the implemented protocol layer, which makes it easy to find the
relevant parts in case of changes and additions.
5.1 Bootloader
During the first programming stages, it came clear that updating the MCUs flash memory always takes a long time, since DIP switches mounted on the KBU have to be set
in different ways for programming and for testing. Furthermore, these switches suffered
1 (last visited August 2004)
5 Implementation
from being physically switched too often, and their replacement would have been necessary after a short amount of time. Therefore, the decision was taken to program a
bootloader, residing in the upmost part of the MCUs flash memory, which is never to
be replaced during normal flash updates.
The main bootloader code consists of a minimal Bluetooth stack, being able to receive
compiled code in Intel’s hex-format, and code to program and verify the update of flash
pages. One constraint while programming was a small code size, since the amount of
flash memory available for the bootloader was very low. Therefore the implementation
is not standard conform in all cases. For the same reason, it was impossible to use
interrupts for receiving and sending packets; the buffers constantly had to get polled
instead. The bootloader operates in the following steps:
1. Check whether the 8th DIP switch on the top side of the KBU is set. If not,
continue loading the regular code.
2. Initialize the Bluetooth host controller.
3. Wait for an incoming connection. If a connection is detected, set up L2CAP link
properly, i. e. negotiate parameters.
4. Wait for incoming data on the L2CAP channel; if the data packet is not prefixed
by a magic number, or if an end of file record is detected, quit the bootloader and
do regular boot-up process.
5. Write the data into the corresponding flash ROM page and verify whether it has
been written properly. If not, go into an endless loop with blinking LEDs.
6. Send the characters OK over the L2CAP channel, continue with step 4.
If the flash process was successful, the new software gets directly executed.
5.2 Implementation of the Bluetooth stack
The buffers for incoming data from both the Khepera robot and the Bluetooth host
controller were declared as ringbuffers to ensure that packets incoming at any time can
be stored. Due to the fact that no flow control could be used from the KBU towards
the robot and the host controller, they have to be very huge, and thus take up half of
the MCUs internal memory.
The main function of the implementation consists of calling initialization routines
of the different Bluetooth layers, and an endless loop permanently checking whether
unprocessed packets are residing in the buffers. If no packets are to be handled, the
MCU goes into standby mode until an interrupt occurs.
What follows is a summary of the layers of the Bluetooth stack that were implemented
within this project.
5 Implementation
5.2.1 USART
Basic interrupt handling routines, initial setup of the serial Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) connections, such as baudrate settings, the
number of data and stop bits, and parity setting are implemented on this layer. The
interface offered from this layer to the upper layers consists of functions for sending
out a number of bytes which reside in the ringbuffers to either the Khepera robot or
the Bluetooth host controller. If an interrupt occurs, the incoming byte is checked for
validity if possible, and written into the corresponding ringbuffer. When a full packet
has been received from the host controller, and it is classified as an HCI event packet,
the HCI layer is directly called from within the interrupt routine to handle that event. If
a data packet has been received, a counter for the number of unprocessed data packets
in the ringbuffer gets increased.
On incoming packets from the Khepera robot, a fixed number of bytes gets reserved in
the ringbuffer for writing back the Bluetooth headers during further packet processing.
If a full data packet has been received, i. e. a carriage return and a line feed have been
detected, a counter for the number of unprocessed packets residing inside the ringbuffer
gets increased.
5.2.2 HCI
The HCI layer consists of code handling HCI events, as well as HCI ACL data packets.
Furthermore, functions for initialization of the host controller are included.
After resetting or powering up the KBU, the folling HCI commands are sent from the
Bluetooth host to the host controller:
Depending on the packet type detected on the USART layer, i. e. event-, or datapacket, the corresponding function on the HCI layer is called. Event handlers are called
from within the interrupt routine, to ensure that events get directly processed, without
any latency. Due to the fact that transmissions from the host controller can occur at
any time, the event handler functions have to be very efficient.
When HCI commands have to be executed, the implementation waits until the transmission of a packet to the host controller is completed. Afterwards, interrupts from the
Khepera become disabled, and the command is transferred. Normal processing of data
continues as soon as a certain HCI event has been received, i. e. a Command Complete
event in reaction to the change of the local device name.
Incoming ACL data packets get processed by looking up the internal connection record,
identified by the matching connection handle. It becomes then forwarded to the upper
layer, i. e. L2CAP. Outgoing ACL data packets, in contrast, get the ACL header added;
afterwards, the USART layer is called to transmit the packet to the host controller.
5.2.3 L2CAP
As mentioned in section 4.5.1 on page 23, the L2CAP connection- and disconnection
process, as well as the parameter negotiation, is constitued as a state machine. For
each CID, the current connection state is saved. Due to memory limitations on the
5 Implementation
HCI Command
Command Type
Host controller/
Host controller/
Host controller/
Host controller/
Host controller/
Host controller/
Host controller/
Reset the Bluetooth Host Controller,
Link Manager, and the radio module.
Disable authentication for incoming
Allow connections from all devices
Write Authentication
Set Event Filter
Write Page Timeout
Write Scan Enable
Change Local Name
Set Event Mask
Set UART Baudrate
Set timeout for page responses
Enable inquiry and page scan to show up
in device lists
Change device name to Khepera i, where
i is the ID set with the DIP switches.
Filter out unwanted events
Increase Baudrate beween Host and Host
Table 5.1: HCI Initialization
MCU, only one L2CAP channel is allowed per connection – if a device tries to establish
a second channel, it gets rejected. The transmission between the states occurs when
interacting with other layers, i. e. the HCI layer and RFCOMM, or when sending and
receiving signals from the remote L2CAP implementation.
Incoming payload gets checked for a valid CID, and then forwarded to the upper
protocol layer. Due to the limited amount of memory available on the MCU, fragmented
packets cannot be handled correctly; all fragments are solely forwarded to the upper layer
in the order they arrive, which in turn forwards them to the Khepera robot. Therefore,
payload which originates from different Bluetooth hosts might get mixed up, i. e. it is
so far impossible to exchange large amounts of data between Khepera robots over the
Bluetooth wireless link. Packets with payload sizes which can be transmitted within one
packet are unproblematic though.
5.2.4 RFCOMM
The RFCOMM implementation on the KBU is able to accept resp. establish one channel
per remote Bluetooth device. Due to the limited amount of memory available on the
MCU, it is impossible to keep packets in the buffer if not enough credits are available
on the remote side, or to split packets up if the MFS is exceeded, the implementation
is not fully standards compliant. Packets are sent out as soon as all headers are added,
CBFC, control signals, as well as MFS are saved and counted, but ignored.
The RFCOMM standard specification (Bluetooth SIG, 2001; ETSI, 1997) contains
several unclear terms, which provide for difficulties when interacting with other Blue-
5 Implementation
tooth entities2 . In such cases, the Bluetooth stack on the KBU was kept conform to
BlueZ, the Linux Bluetooth stack.
5.3 Evaluation and testing
5.3.1 Khepera programs
For testing and evaluating the implementation of the Bluetooth stack, several programs
that run on the Khepera robot itself had to be implemented as well.
Due to the fact that the Khepera robots do not allow updating their flash ROM
on the fly over a serial link, but rather need to get their ROM removed and externally
programmed, the programs described here were loaded into the Random Access Memory
(RAM) of the robot and only executed until a reset occurred, e. g. by pulling the power
plug or pushing the reset button.
Ping To measure transmission times for a round-trip of a packet from the controlling
computer to the Khepera robot and back, a program wich reads the input and echoes
it back has to run on the robot. Within this project, two versions of this program were
implemented: one which reads and writes linewise, and one which echoes character by
character. To comply with the Khepera communication protocol, pure line feeds in the
input get substituted by a carriage return followed by a line feed on the output.
ANN To evaluate experiments previously simulated in YAKS, an implementation of
ANNs which is able to run on a physical Khepera robot was carried out. Structural
data of the ANN to use gets compiled in connection with source code which evaluates
the sensors and sets the motor rotation speeds. The resulting program can be uploaded
and executed on a real Khepera robot, i. e. the robot can act completely autonomous,
without any cable connections and without an extension turret for wireless control. A
drawback of this method, compared to evaluating an ANN with sensor values within
a simulator over the Bluetooth wireless link, is a relatively high effort to carry out an
experiment in the real world.
Exemplified here by the calculation of the FCS: The standard document states that for SABM, DISC,
UA, and Data-Medium Rate (DM) frames, the FCS shall be calculated on the address, control, and
length field. It is left open whether a potential second byte of the length field, which is always present
for frames larger than 128 bytes, shall be included in the FCS calculation, or not.
6 Results
6.1 Performance
In this section, a performance evaluation of the KBU is done. Parameters affecting the
performance, e. g. the packet type used for sending packets, are evaluated. Results are
compared to the Khepera radio turret. Furthermore, the performance of the K213 vision
turret gets evaluated using several parameters. Transmission times are compared when
running one and two robots at the same time.
6.1.1 Serial transmission rate
38400 / 57600 baud
38400 / 230400 baud
57600 / 230400 baud
time [ms]
payload size [bytes]
Figure 6.1: Baudrate comparison. The first number denotes the baudrate between the
KBU and the Khepera, the second one refers to the baudrate between the
host controller and the host. The dots are connected and smoothed to increase readability
The UART baudrate between the Bluetooth host controller and the host, as well as
the transmission rate between the KBU and the Khepera robot is clearly a factor that
is important for the achievement of high transmission rates of the whole connection
between a controlling computer and a Khepera robot. Figure 6.1 gives an overview on
6 Results
how much the baudrate settings are an influencing factor. As one can expect, a higher
baudrate increases the transmission rate significantly.
The huge discrepancies between the curves shown in figure 6.1 on the preceding page
imply that the serial baudrate used has a very high influence on the performance of the
whole solution.
6.1.2 Comparison of ACL packet types
Investigating the different ACL packet types is important for the Bluetooth module in use
on the KBU, since it does not support automatic selection of the best matching packet
type for each packet to be transmitted. This stems from a limitation of the Ericsson
Bluetooth module that was used on the KBU. Without that limitation, it would be
possible to automatically select the packet type that can be transmitted the fastest way
over the wireless link by enabling only the corresponding packet types and then letting
the Bluetooth module choose among those packet types.
The underlying data for the following performance comparisons was recorded in an
almost noise-free environment. In other environments with a lot of noise, e. g. with other
active Bluetooth devices, or devices using wireless LAN, which transmits its packets on
the same ISM band, the results might significantly differ.
time [ms]
payload size [bytes]
Figure 6.2: Comparison of ACL packet types for a packet round-trip between the PC
and the KBU. The dots are connected and smoothed to increase readability.
In figure 6.2, a comparison between the different ACL packet types (cf. table 4.1 on
page 18) is shown. AUX1 packets are not included in the diagram since an error-free
link is highly desirable. The measurement consisted of a round-trip between the testing
PC and the KBU of a packet with increasing payload. Each line in the graph has steps
6 Results
at different intervals; this stems from the difference in packet size of the packets. The
number of packets c which have to be transmitted over the wireless link for a given
packet type with a maximum payload size s bytes for a total payload of p bytes can be
easily calculated:
Thus, steps for a given packet size occur at multiples of its maximum payload size, since
the number of packets which have to be transmitted increases by one.
A very low transmission rate can be observed for all packet types with a small payload.
This originates from the fact that the Bluetooth chip used for testing on the controlling
computer side does not allow to disable the use of DM1 packets for very small packets,
as well as from a very low polling interval Tpoll when coping with small packets. The
increase in the transmission rate among all packet types at a packet size of 192 bytes
stems from a fragmentation of the packets in the Bluetooth stack on the controlling
computer due to a limited buffer size of the Bluetooth chip used.
Since DM3 packets provide a good means between packet size, transmission speed,
and error correction (which has a great impact in polluted environments), these are best
suited to fulfill the needs.
time [ms]
payload size [bytes]
Figure 6.3: Comparison of ACL packet types for a packet round-trip between the PC and
the Khepera. The dots are connected and smoothed to increase readability.
Figure 6.3 shows the average time for a packet round-trip from the PC to the Khepera and back for the different link types, using the maximum serial transmission rates
available. For each payload size, 50 packets were transmitted and the average transmission time was calculated. This graph allows to draw the conclusion that the packet
6 Results
type used for transmission has no great influence on the performance of the KBU when
connected to the Khepera robot, with the exception of DM1 and DH1 packets, which are
significantly slower. The insignificance of the packet types originates from the UART
connection between the KBU and the Khepera robot, which is the most limiting factor
to the available bandwidth.
6.1.3 Switched roles
An interesting factor for the performance is the distribution of the roles, i. e. which
device forms the master and which forms the slave. Since unequal Bluetooth devices
were used for testing on the controlling computer and on the Khepera robot, which use
different polling intervals Tpoll , the transmission rate varies. Figure 6.4 exemplifies this
for DM3 packets. Thus, a higher transmission rate is achieved when using the controlling
computer as the master device.
Controlling computer master, Khepera slave
Khepera Master, controlling computer slave
time [ms]
payload size [bytes]
Figure 6.4: Switched master/slave roles. It is denoted which device forms the master
within the piconet. The dots are connected and smoothed to increase readability.
6.1.4 Polling interval
Another factor that influences the performance is the poll interval used on the master
device. By default, the master polls its slaves every 25 ms, though it is allowed to send
poll packets in smaller intervals. It is not possible to directly set the polling interval on
the device using HCI commands, but QoS parameters allow influencing it – though the
direct consequences of changing those parameters are specific for every Bluetooth device
6 Results
and undocumented. Increasing the polling interval significantly boosts the electric power
consumption of the device. For no official documentation was published on the exact
influence of the QoS parameters, no tests could be carried out.
6.1.5 Running two robots at the same time
The performance of the implementation is not particularly much influenced if more than
one robot is run at a time. Figure 6.5 exemplifies the timing of a single robot controlled
over the Bluetooth wireless link to two robots at a time. For this test, the ACL packet
type DM5 was used with maximum serial transmission rates. The data transmission
was issued and measured for both robots in parallel, since serializing the packets would
falsify the results.
DM5 Single
DM5 1/2
DM5 2/2
time [ms]
payload size [bytes]
Figure 6.5: Packet transmission time for a round-trip with two Khepera robots running
at the same time, compared to a single robot. The dots are connected and
smoothed to increase readability.
6.2 Comparison to the Radio Turret
This section discusses the comparison of the performance of the KBU to the performance
of the Radio Turret. For to achieve this, several Khepera commands were sent to the
Khepera, similar to those used in a real environment:
1. Read proximity sensors
2. Read image from the K213 vision turret
6 Results
3. send motor speed commands.
This comparison was carried out in the following way: the first two commands were
sent to the Khepera within one packet, awaiting both data replies, afterwards issueing
the command to set the motor rotation speed and wait for acknowledgment of changed
Several settings for the K213 vision turret are compared within the tables shown
here. The turret offers different modes for querying data, varying in the number of
pixels that are transmitted, and in the block size used for each pixel. The two settings
with 16 pixels and 8 bit per pixel differ in that a 4 times sub-scanned picture was
acquired in the first case, i. e. every fourth pixel was transmitted, in contrast to a subimage consisting of 16 neighbored pixels in the second case. A difficulty on obtaining
reproducable measurements is the varying input of the sensor values; payloads of different
sizes are transmitted on different inputs on the sensors, since the sensor values are
transferred as ASCII numbers, ranging from 1 to 255, and thus being 1 to 3 digits long.
Hence, maximum sensor values have been applied here to show worst-case transmission
rates; in an average real scenario, with constantly changing light conditions, better values
will be obtained. Table 6.1 shows the minimal, maximal, and average times needed for
acquiring the sensor values and setting the motor speeds using the Bluetooth wireless
link. One hundred measurements were taken and averaged for each table entry; maximal
baudrate settings were used.
K213VT config
Time [ms]
std. dev.
2 times subscanned, 2 4 times subscanned, 3 sub-image
Table 6.1: Bluetooth read K213 vision turret and proximity sensors, write motor command.
Throughout the literature, cycle times for sensor evaluation and motor control of at
most 100 ms are used (see e. g. Floreano & Mattiussi, 2001; Nolfi & Tani, 1999), thus
it is assumed to be sufficient for real time control of Khepera robots. A cycle time of
100 ms is equivalent to 10 updates per second. Hence, the KBU is suited for real-time
processing of data originating from the K213 vision turret, as long as no full images have
to be processed.
Table 6.2 on the next page shows the same times using the K-Team Radio Turret for
wireless data transmission. During tests with the Radio Turret, the Radio Base Unit
had to be close, or at least on the same height as the robot, due to the fact that a high
6 Results
rate of transmission errors was observed otherwise; this probably stems from radiation
properties of the antennas used. The data in table 6.2 allows to draw the conclusion
that the Radio Turret is not suited for reading sensor data of the K213 vision turret in
real time.
K213VT config
Time [ms]
std. dev.
Table 6.2: Radio turret read K213 vision turret and proximity sensors, write motor command. 1 2 times subscanned, 2 4 times subscanned, 3 sub-image
To get an impression on the maximum transmission times that may be achieved,
table 6.3 shows the values for a Khepera robot directly connected to the PC, using a
wired serial connection at a transmission rate of 57600 baud.
K213VT config
Time [ms]
std. dev.
Table 6.3: Serial read K213 vision turret and Proximity sensors, write motor command.
1 2 times subscanned, 2 4 times subscanned, 3 sub-image
Figure 6.6 on the following page shows all averaged measurements in a graph, to
allow for a direct comparison of the three different connection types. The KBU clearly
outperforms the Radio Turret.
6.3 Evaluation of YAKS and the KBU for real robots
To empirically demonstrate that it is possible to control more than one robot at a time
with the KBU, a test was carried out with two Khepera robots parallely running in a
maze and doing an obstacle-avoidance task using Braitenberg’s vehicles (Braitenberg,
6 Results
Radio Turret
Direct serial
time [ms]
Figure 6.6: Comparison of the KBU to the Radio Turret and a wired serial connection,
composed of the transmission times for querying the proximity sensors and
the K213 vision turret, and setting motor rotation speeds. The line drawn
at 100 ms signifies the maximum time that is needed to allow for real time
control of Khepera robots.
1984), i. e. controllers that have the sensors directly connected to the wheels using a
weighted connection. All 8 available proximity sensors were wired to the two motor
outputs, as shown in figure 6.7. The ANN was trained for 80 generations, to enable
the robot to show basic obstacle avoidance behavior. During this test it was possible to
control both robots simultaneously, but problems arose when they moved too close to
each other: relying solely on the data of the proximity sensors of the Khepera robots, the
robots were not identified as obstacles and thus did not avoid each other. Furthermore,
the Bluetooth antennas, which desist from the back of the Khepera robots, got stuck
with each other.
Figure 6.7: ANN of a Braitenberg vehicle. The 8 proximity sensors are directly wired to
the motors using a weighted connection.
6 Results
Another point of investigation was the maximum possible speed setting for the motors
of the robot. Due to the fact that there is a latency between reading the sensor values
and setting the rotation speeds, mainly stemming from the transmission over serial
ports, the robot bumps into the other objects when accelerated too fast. Therefore
a speed limit was included in YAKS; though the maximum speed possible is 1 m/s,
the maximum maintainable speed at which the robot did not bump into obstables was
around 280 mm/s. This test was carried out empirically on a running robot in the real
Running a robot on battery-power with the KBU stacked on top of it only minimally
decreased its lifetime before having to be recharged. Due to a very moderate power
consumption of the turret, the robot ran properly in the environment for approximately
18 minutes. In comparison, a robot equipped with a Radio Turret ran for approximately
20 minutes, however, after 11 minutes, a quickly increasing rate of transmission errors
and loss of data was observed, making the turret unusable. According to the Khepera
User Manual, the robot is able to run 45 minutes autonomously; however, a robot which
was tested without additional turrets connected did not run for longer than 25 minutes
(see figure 6.8 for a graphical comparison). It should be noted here that these factors
are influenced by battery age and conditions, other values might be accomplished with
new batteries.
Runtime [min]
time [min]
with KBU
with Radio Turret
Figure 6.8: Runtime before having to recharge the batteries
It was not possible to run simulated robots playing soccer in reality within this project,
since the data provided by the K213 vision turret contained more noise than what was
simulated within YAKS, and thus was not usable for evaluation of real robots. The
simulated turret was never tested to comply with the real turret before.
Due to the limited amount of time available for this project, it was not possible to
fully implement or test the direct robot-to-robot communication. However, the basis for
this is provided, which satifies the aim of the whole project, but more coding effort will
be necessary in order to fully enable it.
7 Discussion
7.1 Conclusion: Bluetooth for Khepera robots
The foregoing chapters gave an overview on what Bluetooth is and how the wireless
solution for robot control and communication performs, investigating factors that influence the performance and comparing the results to other possibilities of communication
with a Khepera robot. It was shown that the wireless solution presented here operates
much more efficient than any existing solution for wireless control of a Khepera robot,
in particular the K-Team radio turret.
The BTGB provides a robot with a fast and very useful extension to verify simulated
experiments in the real world. No complicated arrangements using flexible and rotating
cable connections, which also influence a robot’s movements, have to be made; matters
get simplified, since only an arena has to be built up and the robots have to be placed in
it. Communicating with two robots at the same time did not influence the performance
very much, the solution was able to control robots in real time. Thus, a very useful
extension for many different kinds of robots, providing the whole research community
experimenting with physical robots with a good base to simplify their experiments, was
presented throughout this thesis.
Direct robot-to-robot communication was not fully enabled throughout this project,
though a basis for it was provided. With some more work, the KBU allows fully autonomous robots that are communicating over Bluetooth.
The bottleneck, and thus the most limiting factor for data throughput between a
PC and a Khepera is the UART connection between the KBU and the Khepera robot.
Therefore, the KBU renders unusable for real time control of Khepera robots when
using the K213VT at its highest resolution, i. e. the resolution has to be reduced when
carrying out experiments on physical robots. The only possible solution to avoid this
problem would be to modify the layout of the KBU to support the K-Bus, which offers
a significantly higher transmission rate between an extension turret and the robot. This
would also imply significant changes in the implementation which was done throughout
this project, concerning the communication between the KBU and the Khepera robot.
Another important factor influencing communication speed is the polling interval used
in the Bluetooth master device. Since this factor is not clearly influencable by software
settings, and a higher polling interval increases the power consumption of the Bluetooth
host controller used, it is not advisable to change this parameter, but to leave it at its
default instead, and consider the use of another host controller.
The ACL packet type did not have a very high impact on the data transmission rate
between the PC and the Khepera robot, which is an unexpected outcome, since the
impact of the packet type on the transmission rates between the PC and the KBU is
7 Discussion
quite high. This another proof for the fact that the UART connection between the KBU
and the Khepera robot is the most limiting factor for data throughput.
A big drawback of running Khepera robots freely without any cable connections is the
dependence on the robot’s internal batteries, which only have a limited lifetime before
having to be recharged. Thus, only experiments of limited duration can be carried out
with unattached robots, if no solution for a constant, uncabled power supply, such as
the one presented by Martinoli (1999), is used.
7.2 Future work
Several ideas for subsequent projects emerged during this dissertation. A primary objective should be to finalize the communication part for direct robot-robot communication,
to offer a wide range of further experiments on real robots.
The preceeding performance evaluation should be carried out on Khepera II robots,
which offer a much higher baudrate on the serial port, expecting a much lower packet
transmission latency.
Another future project to increase transmission rates would be to use a Bluetooth
1.2 enabled chipset instead of Bluetooth 1.1. Bluetooth 1.2 offers adaptive frequency
hopping to reduce the interferences with other links, thus, less packet retransmissions
are required. Furthermore, more advanced error correction is possessed.
Higher transmission rates will also be achieved by replacing the Khepera robots, used
for the performance evaluation throughout this dissertation, with robots that offer a
higher serial baudrate setting, e. g. Khepera II robots.
To significantly improve the transfer rate between the KBU and the Khepera robot
and at the same time get rid of the serial connection at all, the KBU could be enhanced
to support the K-Bus, the bus that is used for communication between the MCU on
the robot and its RAM; most of the other extension turrets that were developed for the
Khepera robot also make use of this bus. It is an 8-bit wide parallel bus that is wired
directly to the CPU of the Khepera. Furthermore, the KBU could then be accessed in
exactly the same way as other extension turrets, using the protocol proposed by K-Team.
7.3 What needs to be done
To finish the direct robot-to-robot communication, several steps have to be carried out.
KBU command protocol A protocol has to be implemented which allows a program
that runs on the Khepera robot to wirelessly connect to other robots and exchange data
packets between them. This implementation has been started, but not completed yet.
As an alternative to this step, the layout of the KBU could be modified to fully support
the K-Bus of the Khepera robot. In this case, only the ANN implementation would have
to be reworked to support transmission of data over the K-Bus instead of the UART
7 Discussion
Rework ANN implementation The ANN implementation which takes a weight file and
an ANN as input from YAKS has to be redone, since the version which was used as a
basis for the implementation within this project is based on an old version of YAKS,
which does not support all kinds of ANN architectures. To achieve this, the C++ source
code for ANNs has to be modified to run on a Khepera robot w. r. t. data input and
output. The foregoing implementation that was based on an old YAKS version might
support this job. Furthermore, new node types are needed for communication between
ANNs. These have to be implemented in YAKS, and afterwards adapted for the Khepera
to submit data to the KBU. Routines for initialization of the Bluetooth wireless link are
needed on the Khepera robot, e. g. for connection establishment.
Enhance and test the Bluetooth stack The implementation of the Bluetooth stack
that was implemented throughout this project should be able to connect to other Bluetooth hosts. Since the implementation of direct robot-to-robot communication was not
fully completed, this functionality has never been tested. So additional tests have to be
carried out to verify this functionality, consisting of Khepera programs which connect
to and communicate with other Khepera robots over the Bluetooth wireless link.
One part that is still missing within the Bluetooth stack is the implementation of the
SDP. This is not essential for its functionality w. r. t. connecting to the robot and sending
and receiving data, but should be done in order to have a fully standards-compliant
implementation which fulfills the requirements for Bluetooth certification. Furthermore,
some other Bluetooth stacks which run on a PC might rely on the availability of the
SDP to identify that RFCOMM is available on the KBU, and connect to it.
A Abbreviations
ACL Asynchronous Connection-Less
AM ADDR Active Member Address
ANN Artificial Neural Network
BD ADDR Bluetooth Device Address
BER Bit Error Rate
BTGB Bluetooth General Board
CBFC Credit Based Flow Control
CID Channel ID
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
DH Data-High Rate
DLC Data Link Connection
DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier
DM Data-Medium Rate
FCS Frame Checking Sequence
FEC Forward Error Correction
HCI Host Controller Interface
HEC Header-error-check
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISM Industrial, Scientific, and Medicine
K213VT K213 vision turret
KBU Khepera Bluetooth Unit
L2CAP Bluetooth logical link control and adaptation protocol
LM Link Manager
A Abbreviations
LMP Link Manager Protocol
MCU Microcontroller Unit
MFS Maximum Frame Size
MSC Modem Status Command
MSC Modem Status Command
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
OCF OpCode Command Field
OGF OpCode Group Field
PER Packet Error Rate
PN Parameter Negotiation
PSM Protocol Service Multiplexor
QoS Quality of Service
RAM Random Access Memory
RF Radio Frequency
RTC Ready To Communicate
RTR Ready To Receive
SABM Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode
SCO Synchronous Connection-Oriented
SDP Service Discovery Protocol
SIG Special Interest Group
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
USART Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
UA Unnumbered Acknowledgement
USB Universal Serial Bus
YAKS Yet Another Khepera Simulator
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