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For more information on the product, further explanation of game play, or to see what’s
new in Bradan’s World, please visit our website at
Questions? Comments?
Contact us at [email protected] or for concerns, reach Sam at:
[email protected]
Developer: Samuel Friedman
Mackenzie Brewer
Dagmara Gaska
Michelle Graves
David North
Folko Streese
Ben Ramos
Layout Artist: Benji Seyler. Honorary mention for Grant Alward.
Rule Booklet Artist: Eric Williams
Special thanks to:
Becky, Eric
Doug Friedman
the Breakie family
The Friedman/Lepisto/Porat family
Business students of East Stroudsburg University
Andrew Koch
Mark DiPaola
Leo and Sebatian Rota
Ethan and Jen Donovan
Kevin and Jacob Ohlandt
Tall Oaks Classical School
Yeshaya and Suzette Cohen
Dr. Jennifer Cohen
Jenna Rappaport
Michael Bastasch
Barrett Kidner
Peter Newman
Ken Venit
Game Constitution
And to everyone else who helped to make this game come to life.
Heroes of History Collectible Card Game Is a trademarked property of Bradan’s World
Media, LLC. All rights reserved.
Welcome to Heroes of History Collectible Card Game.
Collect unique cards celebrating history and learn as you
play because
learning is fun...wink wink nudge nudge.
Special Terms
D. SUPPLY - HOLD: Silver border,
hand icon.
E. SUPPLY - WEAPON: Black border,
cannon icon.
F. BATTLEGROUND: Green border,
shield icon.
Before The Game
1. Your deck must have at least 40 cards. A maximum of 3 of any 1
card by title, but only 2 of any 1 EXCEPTIONAL card by title. For
example, you can have 3 Caesar Rodneys, 3 Ambushes, 2 George
Washingtons, and 2 Andrew Jacksons. You can not take 3 George
Washingtons, as they are EXCEPTIONAL cards.
2. Shuffle your opponent’s deck and put your deck in your Deck Zone.
Each player draws 5 cards. You may never have more than six cards
in your hand at the end of your turn.
1. TITLE: This is the name of the card.
2. TRIBUTE: To summon this card, you must spend this amount, in cards,
of the same Type.
3. SUB-TYPE: Comatants have Sub-Types. They are General, Civilian,
Soldier, and Warrior.
4. COMBAT STAT: This determines the affectiveness of this card in battle.
There are two stats: ATK (attack) and DEF (defense).
5. TEXT: The top section of this box has the Card Effect. The bottom half
of this box has facts about the historic significance of the card. Some have
both, some have one or the other.
B. COMBATANT: Blue border, crossed
C. SUPPLY - ACTION: Gold border,
arrow icon.
border, crossed sabers
1. STATE POINTS: Each player starts with 50 and you gain or lose them as
a result of battles or instruction cards. Add or subtracts points using paper
or a digital device.
2. BATTLEFIELD: This is the play area.
3.PLAYMAT: This is where you play your own cards.
A. BATTLEGROUNDS: This is where you play Battleground cards.
B. TRENCH: Combatants are played here.
C. MUSEUM: This is your discard pile.
D. SPECIAL DECK: This is for extra cards.
E. COMAND ZONE: This is where you play Supplies, including Weapons.
F. DECK ZONE: This is for your face-down deck.
6. TYPE: This is what kind of card this is.
Turn Order
3. Decide who goes first in any manner you choose, or have a spicy
taco-eating contest. It’s up to you. Winner chooses to go first or
second. Player going first cannot attack on the first turn.
D. Play a Combatant:
You may play one Combatant per turn, provided you have room
in your Trench. Place the card face-up vertically for attack mode,
and face-up horizontally for defense mode. Some Combatants have
special abilities. Their abilities always take effect before any other
card effect takes place. When a Combatant is discarded, all attached
cards also go to the Museum.
Let’s Begin!
HOH has a “draw up” rule that allows you to draw more than one
card at the beginning of your turn, until you have five in your hand.
You must draw at least one card every turn. After you have drawn
your card(s) there may be card effects from played cards which must
be resolved before moving to AP1.
E. Summoning Exceptional cards:
Certain cards, with purple backgrounds, are deemed “Exceptional”.
These cards require tribute to play. The number of stars on the card
is number of cards of that type that must be sent to the Museum
in order to play. For example, 1- star Combatant = 1 Combatant
sacrifice, or a 2-star Combatant = 2 Combatant sacrifices, and so
on. You may play only one Exceptional card per turn.
During either AP1 or AP2, you may:
A. Play a Battleground card:
You may have only one Battleground on the field at any time and
may only play one per turn. If you wish, you may discard an active
Battleground and replace it at a cost of 2 State Points. Battleground
card effects only affect your side of the field, unless noted otherwise.
You may choose to attack in a turn to reduce your opponent’s State
Points. Each Combatant may attack in battle once per turn. To
engage in battle, choose one Combatant in your Trench with which
to attack and tell your opponent which Combatant in their Trench
your chosen Combatant will attack.
B. Play a hold card:
You may play an unlimited number of hold supply cards, including
weapons, per turn, provided you have room in your Command Zone.
Weapons are “attached” to an active Combatant in your Trench.
The Combatant automatically gains as many ATK or DEF points as
the card stipulates. You may attach one weapon to a Combatant at
a time, unless a card effect says otherwise. You may discard a hold
card or weapon from a Combatant and attach a new one to him/her
by deducting 2 State Points from your total per card..
1. The attacking Combatant determines its Total Attack Value:
a. Base ATK value:
+ Battleground effect bonus
+ Hold/weapon bonus
+ Bonus from other active card effects
- Effects of other cards in play that affect that Combatant
2. The Combatant being attacked determines its Total Attack Value
or Total Defense Value, depending on which mode it is in at the time
of the attack:
C. Play an Action card:
You may play an unlimited number of non-hold supply cards,
provided you have room in your Command Zone. Once an Action
card has been used, send it to the Museum.
a. Base ATK value for attack mode:
+ Battleground effect bonus
+ Hold/weapon bonus
+ Bonus from other active card effects
- Effects of other cards in play that affect that Combatant.
Example 3:
b. Base DEF value for defense mode:
Suppose Player 1 also had Prince Estabrook in attack mode,
holding a Cannon, and player 2 had no more Combatants in
the Trench. Prince’s 3ATK plus 5ATK from the cannon gives
Prince a total ATK of 8, and he could attack Player 2 directly,
causing a loss of 8 State Points.
+ Battleground effect bonus
+ Hold/weapon bonus
+ Bonus from other active card effects
- Effects of other cards in play that affect that Combatant.
Any Combatant who attacks must remain in attack mode at
the end of the turn. Any Combatant that does not attack may
be shifted to attack or defense mode at any point before the
end of your turn.
Whichever Combatant has the higher “Total number” wins
the duel. The losing Combatant and all cards attached are
sent to the Museum. If the losing Combatant was in attack
position, subtract the total difference between “Total ATK”
from the losing player’s State Points. If the losing Combatant
was in defense mode, no State Points are deducted. If the opponent has no Combatant on their side of the field, attacking
Combatant may deal damage directly to opponent’s State
Points equal to the Combatant’s “Total Attack”.
After your battle phase, you may make any move legal in
Action Phase 1, except you may not attack again.
Example 1:
Your turn ends when you run out of legal moves during AP2
or because you feel like it. Resolve any effects by active cards
that need to be resolved. Then, it’s your opponent’s turn.
Player 1 plays Francis Marion with no weapon and a total
ATK of 4, defeats Player 2’s Belle Boyd, who has 0 ATK
but who is holding a Tomahawk and has a total ATK of 2.
Assume no other card effects are in play. Player 2 loses 2 State
Points and Belle and the Tomahawk go to the Museum.
The winner is whoever drops their opponent to zero State
Points, or whoever’s opponent runs out of cards to draw at
the beginning of their turn.
Example 2:
If Belle was in defense mode, she would have 2 DEF plus 1
DEF from the Tomahawk and, assuming no other card effects
are in play, she would have a total DEF of 3. She and the
Tomahawk would go to the Museum but the losing player
does not lose any State Points.
If the game ends in a tie, each player takes out all Combatants from their opponent’s deck, shuffles that deck, and
returns deck to opponent. Each player draws a card. Whoever
draw the Combatant with the highest ATK wins. Keep drawing until someone wins.