10 October.pub - Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox Church

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The Holy Great Martyr Demetrios the Myrrh-Streamer
Commemorated October 26
aint Demetrios was a Thessalonian, a most pious son of pious
and noble parents, and a teacher of the Faith of Christ. When
Maximian first came to Thessalonica in 290, he raised the Saint to
the rank of Duke of Thessaly. But when it was discovered that the
Saint was a Christian, he was arrested and kept bound in a bathhouse. While the games were under way in the city, Maximian was
a spectator there. A certain friend of his, a barbarian who was a
notable wrestler, Lyaeus by name, waxing haughty because of the
height and strength of his body, boasted in the stadium and
challenged the citizens to a contest with him. All that fought with
him were defeated. Seeing this, a certain youth named Nestor,
aquaintance of Demetrios', came to the Saint in the bath-house and
asked his blessing to fight Lyaeus single-handed. Receiving this
blessing and sealing himself with the sign of the precious Cross, he
presented himself in the stadium, and said, "O God of Demetrios,
help me!" and straightway he engaged Lyaeus in combat and smote him with a mortal blow to
the heart, leaving the former boaster lifeless upon the earth. Maximian was sorely grieved over
this, and when he learned who was the cause of this defeat, he commanded straightway and
Demetrios was pierced with lances while he was yet in the bath-house, As for Nestor, Maximian
commanded that he be slain with his own sword.
Apolytikion of Demetrios the Myrrh-streamer in the Third Tone
The world has found in you a great champion in time of peril,
as you emerged the victor in routing the barbarians.
For as you brought to naught the boasts of Lyaios,
imparting courage to Nestor in the stadium, in like manner,holy one,
great Martyr Demetrios, invoke Christ God for us, that He may grant us His great mercy.
Kontakion of Demetrios the Myrrh-streamer in the Second Tone
God, who gave you invincible power and with care kept your city invulnerable,
royally clothed the Church in purple with the streams of your blood,
for you are her strength, O Demetrios.
Join us as we celebrate the
Great Vespers of St. Demetrios in Weston.
Tuesday, October 25
6:00 PM
St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church
57 Brown Street
Weston, MA.
St. Demetrios Orthros and Divine Liturgy in Watertown
Wednesday, October 26
8.30 AM
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The Archangel’s Call
is the monthly newsletter of the
Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox Church
25 Bigelow Avenue, Watertown, MA 02472
Phone: 617.924.8182 Fax: 617.924.4124
Email: [email protected]
The Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox Church is a
parish under the spiritual and ecclesiastical shepherding of
His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of the Greek
Orthodox Metropolis of Boston of the Greek Orthodox
Archdiocese of America under the jurisdiction of the
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
The Mission of the Taxiarchae/Archangels Greek Orthodox
Church is to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation through the
Orthodox Christian Faith for the glory of our Triune God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We are a community of believers who journey towards our
Lord Jesus Christ and one another through our WORSHIP,
SERVICE. We invite all people to join us on this journey
toward the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Archangel’s Call is published on the first of each month.
The deadline for submissions to this newsletter is the tenth
of the prior month.
His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios
of the Holy Metropolis of Boston
The Reverend Father Athanasios Nenes, Pastor
Contact Fr. Athanasios at: Cell: 914.479.8096
Email: [email protected]
Parish Council
Council Members:
President: Costa Karageorgis
Vice President: George Faggas
Secretary: Tassos Anastasiou
Treasurer: Nancy Sarris
Asst. Treasurers:
William Alex & Georgia Bitsikas
Harry Chehames
Tony Kapadoukakis
Brian Marriott
Charles Patsios
Costa Zahos
Stewardship Chairperson: John Kopellas
Asst. Stewardship: Nick Stamos
Honorary Lifetime Members:
Ernest G. J. Anastos and Vasilios Gizanis
Layout and production by Cynthia Mitaras Alex
Cover Design by Alexandra Roll
Published by the
Taxiarchae Greek Orthodox Church, Watertown, MA
Parish Ministry Team
Administrative Assitant: Irene Apostolou Cobb
Altar Boy Ministry: Ben Clark, George Stefanides,
John Kopellas, James Jumes
Armed Forces/Veterans Ministry: Mike Gregory
Athletic Ministry: John Kopellas
Bookstore: Charles & Maria Patsios, Richard & Ileana Strakus
Chantor: Costa Magimbi
Choir Director: Cynthia Alex
Computer and Internet Ministries: Manny Parasirakis
GOYA/Youth Ministry Staff: George Antonakas
Greek Language Arts Coordinator: Voula Polychronopoulos
Hellenic Cultural Center: Sean Yenowskas
Holy Cross Seminarians:
Demetri Constantine, Yanni Michaelidis
IOCC Representative: Cathy Lagoudakis
JOY Youth Ministry Staff: Nick Muellar
“Kali Parea" Senior Ministry: Cynthia Alex, Drew Bilillies
Mommy & Me: Donna Levas
Parish Nurse: Marion Avtges
Philoptochos President: Leah Alvanos
Sexton: Nicholas Yiokarinis
Sunday School Director: Costas Karageorgis
Visit Our Taxiarchae Website
Our site is updated every week!
Welcome, Irene!
Please welcome our new Administrative
Assistant, Irene (Apostolou) Cobb, who is
originally from our Taxiarchae Parish.
Take a moment to stop by during the week
and get acquainted.
Save the date!!
November 13
Fall General
See page 4.
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From our Parish Nurse
Marion Avtges, RN
Dear Taxiarchi Friends and Family,
It is with a great deal of thanks and love that I write
to thank you for the love you have shown me in the
past three months, during my recent illness and surgery.
Your concern was appreciated and your prayers helped
me in my recovery.
I am now feeling better and hope to see you all
soon. Again, thanks for your caring and prayers.
Our Parish Nurse Office Hours are every Friday from
10 AM until noon. Marion is available for blood
pressure screenings and general consultations.
October 20
Thursday, October 20
Lift up your voice! Join the Choir!
Taxiarchae Feast Day Vespers Service
Monday, November 7 at 7 PM
Orthros and Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, November 8
Orthros—8:45 AM
Divine Liturgy—9:45 AM
If you would like to donate flowers for the icons or if you will be bringing loaves for Artoklasia,
please call Irene at the church office—617.924.8182.
Η Εορτή των Παμμεγίστων Ταξιαρχών
Η Πανήγυρις tου Ιερού Ναού
Τη Τρίτη, 8 Νοεμβρίου εορτάζει και πανηγυρίζει η Εκκλησία μας. Την Παραμονή της εορτής, Δευτέρα, 7 Νοεμβρίου θα ψαλή ο
Μέγας Πανηγυρικός εσπερινός στις 7.00 μ.μ. Αμέσως μετά τον εσπερινό θα δοθεί Δεξίωσης στο Κοινοτικό Κέντρο.
Τη Τρίτη, 8 Νοεμβρίου ανήμερα της εορτής, η Θεία Λειτουργία θα αρχίσει με τον Όρθρο στις 8.45 π.μ.
Δωρεές για τα Άνθη — Όσοι θέλουν να προσφέρουν για τα λουλούδια που θα στολίσουμε τις ιερές εικόνες των Ταξιαρχών ας
τηλεφωνήσουν στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας. Όσοι έχουν αρτοκλασίες ας τις φέρουν στην εκκλησία πριν να αρχίσει ο εσπερινός.
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Dear Parish Family,
September has been a very
busy month. There is much
more to look forward to in
the coming months. Thank
you to those of you who
have already registered your
children for Greek School and
Sunday School. We thank you for being a part
of this beautiful community and parish. If you
have not registered your children yet, please
do so. These are both very important
ministries. The Sunday School will host
Grandparent Sunday on October 16 and the
Greek School will present their Oxi Day
Program on October 30. Please join us for
both of these dates.
Our Fall General Assembly will be held
after the Divine Liturgy on November 13.
Everyone should be represented. The general
assembly gives the Parish Council the
opportunity to update the parish on what is
going on in our Church.
This assembly will also be the time to
nominate stewards in good standing for the
Parish Council. If you have the time and are
able to help our Church, please consider
running for the Parish Council. There is so
much to do and we need everyone’s help. If
you have any questions, please speak to any
one of us. We need your TIME, TALENTS and
TREASURE to assist our parish to go forward.
We need your ideas and support.
Please visit our website for updated
information on what is going on in our Parish.
Thank you for your continued
support of our Parish.
Costa Karageorgis
Parish Council President
# of pledges
Amount Range
Less than $300
Current list of Stewards
on Page 5
Fall General Assembly Notice
The Fall General Assembly of our Parish will take place on
Sunday, November 13, 2016 after Liturgy in our Church Hall.
Please make every effort to attend and participate in this
The agenda for the meeting will be as follows:
Opening Prayer
Election of meeting chairperson
Reading and approval of minutes from May 22, 2016
General Assembly
Clergy Comments
President’s Remarks
Financial Report
Proposed 2017 Budget/Treasurer’s Report
Stewardship Update
Audit Update
Update on Maintenance, Repairs and Chapel Renovation
Parish Council Nominations for 2017
Old Business
New Business
Adjournment and Closing Prayer
Please Note: The Archdiocese Parish Regulations stipulate that
only “members in good standing” are allowed to actively
participate in discussions and voting.
With love in the Lord,
Rev. Fr. Athanasios Nenes, Pastor
Costas Karageorgis, Parish Council President
Αγαπητά μέλη:
Ευχαρίστως σας πληροφορούμε ότι την Κυριακή, 13 Νοεμβρίου,
2016 θα λάβει χώρα η Τακτική Γενική Συνέλευση στο Κοινοτικό
Κέντρο μετά την θεία Λειτουργία. Παρακαλείσθε θερμότατα όπως
προσέλθετε και λάβετε ενεργό μέρος.
2016 Stewardship Summary as of September 30, 2016
Total offerings received:
Thank you to those who have sent in their 2016
pledges. Our goal is $300,000. As of September 30
$168,418 we have received pledges equal to 64% of our goal.
Due towards pledge:
Total pledges received:
Number of Stewards:
Largest pledge thus far:
If any names have been mistakenly omitted from this list,
362 please notify the church office and we will make
corrections in our next bulletin.
Εάν έχει γίνει παράλειψις ονομάτων σ’αυτόν τον
κατάλογο, παρακαλούμε αμέσως όπως αποτανθήτε στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας και θα κάνουμε
τις διορθώσεις στο επόμενο τεύχος.
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Ms. Stella Metaxas
Mrs. Mina Davos
Mrs. Catherine Smerlas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Karalis
Mr. & Mrs. John Abate
Ms. Diana Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Smerlas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Karalis
Mr. & Mrs. John Achladianakis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Davos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Michael Mrs. Christine Smerlas
Mr. & Mrs. Sotirios Davos
Ms. Alexia Karamoutsos
Mr. Thomas Agathopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Alex. Michaelidis
Mr. & Mrs. C. Deamantopoulos Mr. & Mrs. K. Karamoutsos
Ms. Donna Smerlas
Mrs. Evelyn Alex
Mr. & Mrs. E. Deamantopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Kariadakis Ms. Despina Michaelidis
Ms. Evie Sotiriadis
Mr. & Mrs. John Alex
Mrs. Evangeline Miller
Mr. Nicholas Delegas
Mrs. Fani Sotiriadis
Mrs. Sophia Karidoyanes
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Alex
Mr. & Mrs. Ores. Demetriades Mr. & Mrs. Haral. Kartsagoulis Ms. Gabriela Mitevska
Ms. Iris Speros
Mr. William Alex
Mr. & Mrs. Athan. Mitropoulos Mrs. Anna Speros/Mr. Peter
Mr. George Demos
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Katsenes
Mrs. Stella Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Ioannis Mitropoulos Speros
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Demos
Ms. Christine Katsioules
Ms. Leah Alvanos
Mrs. Irene Morris
Mr. Vassilios Spirounis
Mr. & Mrs. Tassos J. Anastasiou Mr. & Mrs. Art. Der Boghosian Ms. Constance Katsos
Ms. Priscilla Moskos
Mrs. Christine DiFilippo
Mr. & Mrs. Kosta Spyropoulos
Dr. Theodoulos Kattamis
Ms. Christine Anastos
Mr. Constantine Mourlas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stamatakos
Mrs. Betty Kefalas
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest G. J. Anastos Mrs. Karen DiGiovanni
Mrs. Joan Moutafis
Mr. & Mrs. Ath. Stamatopoulos
Ms. Maria Kermanidis
Mr. & Mrs. George Andritsakis Ms. Joyce Dovinos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Moutafis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stamos
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kinas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Andritsakis Mrs. Afrodite Economos
Ms. Aliki Eleftheriades
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Alkiviadis Kiorpes Ms. Andrea Natsios
Ms. Paula Antipas
Mr. & Mrs. Stavros Natsis
Mrs. Angeliki Eliadis
Mr. & Mrs. George Stathas
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Knell
Mr. & Mrs. Dem. Antonakas
Fr. Athanasios Nenes
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Evriviades Mr. Christopher Kokoras
Mrs. Georgia Stavropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Jos.&Fontaine
Mr. & Mrs. Fotios Nentis
Ms. Kalliope Fabrikarakis
Mr. & Mrs. John Stavropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Kokovidis
Mr. Evangelos Nichols
Ms. Maria Fabrikarakis
Mr. & Mrs. Spiros Stavropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Kolokythas
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Arend
Mrs. Georgia Nikas
Mrs. Vasiliki Stavropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Dionisios Kontos
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Armstrong Ms. Adrianne Faggas
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nikolaidis
Mr. & Mrs. Aristidis Stefanis
Mr. & Mrs. James Kontos
Mr. & Mrs. John Asimakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Faggas
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Kontos Mr. & Mrs. Charles O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Pantelis Stefanis
Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Aslanidis Mrs. Athena Fillios
Mr. Dean Orfanos
Ms. Georgia Flamburis
Mrs. Christine Straggas
Ms. Sandra Kontos
Mr. James Avtges
Mr. & Mrs. John Orfanos
Mrs. Angela Flionis
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Strakus
Mr. & Mrs. John Kopellas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Avtges
Mr. Matthew Panos
Ms. Paula Floudaras
Mrs. Kathy Sturgis
Mrs. Mary Kopsiaftis
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Avtgis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Papadogiannis Mr. & Mrs. David Sullivan
Ms. Aimilia Fotiadi
Ms. Irene Koronas
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Avtgis
Mr. & Mrs. N. Papakyrikos
Mr. & Mrs. George Fotis
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. John Kosko
Mrs. Phanie Bakalos
Mr. & Mrs. Efstr. Papaporfiriou Mr. & Mrs. William Taymor
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fotis
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kotsiras
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bakalis
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fotopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Vas. Kotzampaltiris Mr. & Mrs. Haril. Papathanasiou Mr. Dionysios Tembelopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Baker
Mr. Christopher Foundas
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Tembelopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Koufos Mrs. Soultana Papavassiliou
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ballas
Mr. & Mrs. C. Papayannopoulos Mrs. Thomai Theodorakos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frasca
Ms. Angeline Kounelis
Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Baras
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Pappas Mr. & Mrs. John Thurner
Mr. & Mrs. George Gartaganis Mrs. Evangelia Kounelis
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Baxter
Mr. & Mrs. Marinos Gartaganis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kourepenis Mr. & Mrs. Spiros Pappas
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Tingos
Mrs. Diane Beldekas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Parasirakis
Ms. Olga Geanacopulos
Mr. & Mrs. Ike Tingos
Mr. Steven Kourepenis
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Berlis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Patalano
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Georgantas
Mr. & Mrs. William Tragakis
Mr. & Mrs. George Kouris
Mr. & Mrs. James Berlis
Mr. Bill George
Mrs. Irene Travlos
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Koutovas Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Patsios
Mrs. Alice A. Bililies
Mr. & Mrs. Lefteris Georgiadis Mr. & Mrs. Periklis Koutsouris Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Patsios Ms. Efthalia Triarhou
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Bisbas
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Patsios Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tripoli
Mr. & Mrs. John Georgopoulos Mr. John Kyriakos
Mr. Constantine Bisbas
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Patsios
Mr. & Mrs. James Georgoudis Mr. & Mrs. John Lagadinos
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Trodden
Mr. & Mrs. Drosos Bisbas
Ms. Katerina Geragonis
Mrs. Patricia Tsacoyianis
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Lagos Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pattas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bitsikas
Ms. Koula Geragonis
Mr. & Mrs. John Lagoudakis
Mr. & Mrs. Vaios Boukas
Mrs. Caliope Psinakis Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Dem. Tsatsarones
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Gerasimos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lalooses
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Tsiroyannis
Mr. & Mrs. George Bratsis
Mr. & Mrs. Vlasis Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. John Giacoumakis Mr. & Mrs. James Lambrianidis Mr. George Pirint
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Tsitos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brescia
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Giannantonio Ms. Maria Lambrianidis
Mr. & Mrs. Dem. Tsoumbanos
Mrs. Emily Briguglio
Ms. Ellea Polimou
Mr. & Mrs. Alexandros Girginis Mrs. Tula Lambros
Mr. & Mrs. Aristidis Tziavas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brooks
Mrs. Virginia Politis
Mr. & Mrs. Konst. Gougoulias Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Lappas Mr. & Mrs. N. Polyhronopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Tziavas
Mrs. Erasmia Cacciola
Mr. Michael Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Tzouvelis
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Latzanakis
Mr. & Mrs. Aristides Cagos
Mr. Michael Popas
Ms. Evelyn Haralampu
Ms. Helen Lazarides
Miss Isminy Cagos
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Poravas Mr. & Mrs. Scott Usechek
Mrs. Helen Haralampu
Mr. & Mrs. James Vafiades
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Lemay
Mrs. Hope Carras
Mr. & Mrs. Savvas Pratsinakis
Mrs. Evanthia Lemonias
Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Catrickes Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Racheotes Mrs. Julie Vahos
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Harris
Stamo & Ekaterini Vangelatos
Ms. Frances Levas
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Chehames
Ms. Nancy Rallis
Ms. Barbara Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. John Varsamis
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantine Levas Mr. & Mrs. Parrish Rice
Mr. & Mrs. George Chiklakis
Mr. & Mrs. Apostolos Hatziliadis Ms. Despina Lianos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Varsamis
Mr. Zoe Chiochios
Mrs. Maria Roberts
Mr. Charles Vasiliades
Mr. & Mrs. George Christakis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hodgetts Ms. Lemonia Litopoulos
Ms. Elaine Romano
Mrs. Iphigenia Vasiliadis
Mr. & Mrs. George Loridas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Christakis Mr. & Mrs. William Hunter
Mrs. Eleni Romneos
Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Vasiliadis
Mr. & Mrs. Yiannis Loumbrinis Mrs. Katherine Sakorafas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Christakis Ms. Esther Gistis Ingram
Mr. & Mrs. George Vidianos
Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Lourotos Mr. & Mrs. William Salamanis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Christakis Mr. & Mrs. James Jumes
Ms. Joy Vlachos
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Lucente
Mrs. Filip. Christodoulopoulos Mr. George Kacos
Mrs. Bette Salimbas
Mr. & Mrs. Triphon Vlagopoulos
Drs. Nicolaos & Ourania Madias Mr. Steven Salimbas
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Clark
Mrs. Nancy Kacoyanis
Mr. & Mrs. George Vouloukos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Madis
Mrs. Christine Cokkinias
Mr. & Mrs. George Salles
Mrs. Anastasia Kakis
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Colivas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sanidopoulos Ms. Christiana Vovolis
Mr. & Mrs. Perikles Kalavantis Mrs. Denna Magos
Mr. & Mrs. George Vrahliotis
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Makrides
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Colivas
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sarantos
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kalivas
Mr. Athanasios Vulgaropulos
Mrs. Bess Manousos
Mrs. Aphrodite Condell
Mr. & Mrs. George Sarris
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kalivas
Mrs. Julia Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Simeon Margios
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Conlon
Mrs. Lucy Sarris
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kalivas
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilson
Ms. Dorothea Coston
Mrs. Alyce Savas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kalogeras Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Marios
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Wuorinen
Mrs. Christine Cotter
Mrs. Anna Savas
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kaloyanides Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf Markic
Dr. & Mrs. Brian Marriott
Mr. Nicholas Coufos
Mr. & Mrs. Eleftheris Savvides Mr. & Mrs. Sotirios Xenakis
Mrs. Mary Kanellias
Mr. & Mrs. Will. Zagorianakos
Mrs. Irene Martinos
Mrs. Lily D’Agnese
Ms. Stephanie Schalebaum
Mrs. Paraskeve Kantges
Mr. & Mrs. Costa Zahos
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Dafnoulellis Mr. & Mrs. Ant. Kapadoukakis Mr. & Mrs. George Masteralexis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seegers
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mastro
Ms. Katherine Danis
Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios Siannas Mr. & Mrs. Vassilis Zannis
Mr. & Mrs. Dmitri Kapalis
Mr. & Mrs. Dem. V. Zarkadas
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Matsas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Darviris
Mr. & Mrs. Euripidis Siannas
Mr. Charles Karafotias
Mr. & Mrs. Duane McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Daskalakis Mr. Costas Karageorgis
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Siannas Mr. & Mrs. Demos Zevitas
Mrs. Angela Daskalos
Dr. & Mrs. Athan. Karagiorgos Mr. & Mrs. Matthew McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Sikellis
Presbytera Penelope Metaxas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Skiadas
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantine Davos Mr. & Mrs. George Karalis
Thank you!
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To Ελληνικό Σχολείο
Καλωσορίσατε όλοι στην καινούρια µας Σχολική Χρονιά 2016‐2017! Ελπίζουµε όλοι να είχατε ένα ξεκούραστο και ωραίο καλοκαίρι. Το Σχολείου µας άρχισε την Πέµπτη 15 Σεπτεµβρίου και Σάββατο 17 Σεπτεµβρίου µε Αγιασµό . Το Σχολείο µας λειτουργεί κάθε Τρίτη και Πέµπτη 4.00—6.00 µ.µ. και Σάββατο 10.00 π.µ.— 1.00 µ.µ. Στις 30 Οκτωβρίου θα γιορτάσουµε την Ιστορική επέτειο της 28ης Οκτωβρίου 1940. Η ανάµνησή της µας θυµίζει µία κορυφαία στιγµή της ιστορίας µας. Όλοι µαζί µε συγκίνηση και εθνική υπερηφάνεια θα γιορτάσουµε αυτή την ηµέρα. Τα παιδιά µας θα σας παρουσιάσουν ένα ωραίο πρόγραµµα µε ποιήµατα και πατριωτικά τραγούδια. Επίσης θέλω να καλωσορίσουµε στο σχολείο µας την Κα. Μαρία Γεωργακαράτου, δασκάλα Μουσικής, θα ειναί µαζί µας κάθε Σάββατο και όσα παιδιά έρχονται την Τρίτη και Πέµπτη και θέλουν να λάβουν µέρος στο µάθηµα Μουσικής να ενηµερώσουν την δασκάλα τους. Και πάλι, εκ µέρους όλων των δασκάλων, σας ευχόµαστε, παιδιά, µία καλή και αποδοτική χρονιά γεµάτη υγεία, χαρά και πρόοδο! Βούλα Πολυχρονοπούλου, Διευθύντρια
Page 7
Last Name: __________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________
Address: __________________________________ City: State: ___________________ Zip: ________
Father's Name: ____________________ Cell: __________________ Work #: __________________
Mother’s Name: ___________________ Cell: __________________ Work #: __________________
St. Sophia’s Sunday School
Our Sunday School will start
collecting non-perishable food items
this month to donate to the
Bulgarian Orthodox Church in
Brighton in November to help their
food pantry. We will also be
collecting monetary donations to
purchase and donate additional
food items.
Thanksgiving season is a time for
all of us to be thankful and
generous. Children will collect your
donations as you exit church after
the Divine Liturgy.
Grandparent Sunday will be on
October 16th this year. Please invite
the children’s grandparents to
attend Sunday School class with
them and participate in a special
lesson. Thank you for your help
and God Bless you!
If you have not done so already,
please register your children for
Sunday School.
Some important dates to keep in
mind are below:
Grandparents Sunday: October 16
Thanksgiving Food Drive:
October 16 to November 20
Christmas Giving Tree:
November 27 to December 18
Christmas Pageant: December 18
Father’s email address: ____________________ Mother’s email address: ____________________
Child 1:
First Name____________________Baptismal Name:____________________Name Day___________
Date of Birth:__________________Age:______Grade in Public School as of September 2016:_____
What/where school you attend:________________________________________________________
Any special needs/allergies/things we should know?_______________________________________
Child 2:
First Name____________________Baptismal Name:____________________Name Day___________
Date of Birth:__________________Age:______Grade in Public School as of September 2016:_____
What/where school you attend:________________________________________________________
Any special needs/allergies/things we should know?_______________________________________
Child 3:
First Name____________________Baptismal Name:____________________Name Day___________
Date of Birth:__________________Age:______Grade in Public School as of September 2016:_____
What/where school you attend:________________________________________________________
Any special needs/allergies/things we should know?_______________________________________
Parental Volunteer:
We ask that all parents assist our Sunday School program by providing snack for children twice
during the year. Please write the two months during which we can call upon you to provide snack:
__________________________ and _________________________.
We need your assistance as a teacher, assistant, special project leader, or general volunteer. If you
are interested in assisting us, please indicate your preference below and we will contact you.
ഽ Teacher ഽ Assistant Teacher ഽ Special Project Leader ഽ General Volunteer
We also need help with the following special projects. Please indicate which you would like to
assist with:
ഽ Grandparent Sunday ഽ Spanakopita Fundraiser ഽ Festival Volunteers
ഽ Holy Friday Retreat
ഽ Godparent Sunday
ഽ Giving Tree
ഽ Photographer
ഽ General Volunteer
Parental Permission: Do you give permission for your child’s picture to appear on our church’s
website and print media without a name?
Yes __________
No __________
Parental commitment and signature: I, as the parent of the child(ren) listed above, commit myself
to bring my child(ren) to church every Sunday, and I will encourage my child(ren) to participate in
all of the activities and programs of the Sunday School and of our Church. I am enclosing my
donation of $___________ to help cover the costs of books and materials for the Sunday School
Signature of Parent or Guardian
Suggested Donation: $40 for first child and $25 for each additional child. Your child will be able
to keep the text books and all hand-outs used during the school year. Also, please note that we
will again offer pre-school programs: Infant/Toddler class for newborns to age 2: Pre-School classPre-K for children ages 3 & 4; and Kindergarten for children 5 yrs. old. Thank you!
Page 8
Mommy & Me at Taxiarchae!
Friday, October 28
10-11:30 AM
Mommy and Me meets on the 4th Friday of
every month!
We are hoping to build a fellowship
community of mothers, fathers, and
grandparents with their little ones up to age 4 - join us!
Coffee and treats will be available. Hope to see you
Parish Ministry
Sunday, October 16
Following the Divine Liturgy
in the Righellis Hall during
Coffee Hour
Please join us!
Find out more about the
ministries of our parish.
Playgroups for all ages as well as a "New Parent" group meet at the Watertown Family Network at 30 Common Street. If you have
little ones, come join us. We have "Play and Learn"
groups for all ages. For information and registration
call 617-926-1661.
October 5 at 11 AM: TINY TOT NATURE WALK —
Meet on California Street down by the river near Watertown Square. We will have nature lessons for ny tots provided by HABITAT. We will walk across the bridge enjoying Fall by the Charles River and then enjoy a music concert with Jean. Come one Come all! (Rain Date: October 12) October 28 at 9:45 AM: HALLOWEEN HAPPENING — “Not a fright in sight" at this fall celebra on for ny tots. Join us at Brigham House, 341 Mt. Auburn St. for a concert with "Debbie and Friends" as well as cra s and "Trick or Trea ng." Don't miss the fun. Call 617‐926‐1661 to register. Welcome to the newest members
of our church family!
Recent Baptisms
September 10—Autumn-Alexandra Karamoutsos
Parents: Alexia & Timothy
Godparents: Dimitrios Karamoutsos & Sheena
September 10—Alekos Peter Karamoutsos
Parents: Kyriakos and Jessica
Godparents: Alexia Karamoutsos & Eric Gofgosky
September 17—William Thomas Kleitsas
Parents: Konstantinos & Kathryn
Godfather: Demetrios Kanavaros
Page 9
Chapter of the Good Samaritan
Member of the National Ladies Philoptochos Society
To All Beloved Philoptochos Stewards,
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Make A Difference Day, a national initiative which encourages
children to do their very own good deed on National Make A
Difference Day was successfully adopted and implemented by
Philoptochos chapters nationwide in 2015. In September and
October of 2015 over 4,000 good deeds were done in support
of National Make a Difference Day and in honor of Archbishop
Demetrios’ Nameday on October 26th. Our goal is to teach our
children to do their own good deeds and to make a difference
in the world. The event was presented at the National Philoptochos Convention in Nashville and was applauded by all.
This year’s Make A Difference Day is October 22nd. Our goal
is to engage in this “cross-generational” initiative (i.e., Philoptochos and our children), during the entire months of September
and October (and on October 22nd if possible), not only to
make a difference but also to do so in honor of His Eminence
Archbishop Demetrios’ Nameday which is on October 26th. Our
goal this year is to do 8,500 good deeds, a number chosen to
also commemorate the 85th anniversary of the Philoptochos.
Examples of Good Deeds include:
Philoptochos purchases cards in which Sunday School or
Greek School students say “thank you” to Veterans for their
service. The cards are then sent to a local Veterans Administration hospital for distribution to the Veterans;
Making “get well cards” for patients at a nearby children’s
Making “Party in a Box” kits working with the Humanitarian Service Project (www.humanitarianservice.org);
Making Personal Care Kits for the Homeless;
Collecting socks, hat and gloves and packaging them for
distribution to the Homeless;
A canned food drive; students can sort and package all the
collected goods for distribution;
Collect gently used icons to pack and mail to the OCMC;
Collect gently used blankets, throw rugs, towels for local
animal shelters.
As stewards of the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society,
we have always acted to alleviate suffering and provide comfort
to all. Indeed, as Philoptochos chapters and stewards, distinguished by a long history of Making A Difference, we are the
ideal partners for our children in this initiative, bringing together
the energy of our youth and the talent and teaching of the
Our goal is to create a “sea of good deeds” from the hearts
and hands of our children, guided by our stewards, the “par
excellence” Doers of Good Deeds. No entity exemplifies
“philanthropia” like the Philoptochos. It is therefore our obligation to teach others to do the same and what better place to do
so than in our parishes!
We recognize that this year is our second year for this initiative and are encouraging you to aim for simple but achievable
results. Please note that Make A Difference Day is not about
monetary contributions (although contributions can certainly be
good deeds). It is about multi-generational engagement and
interaction within the parish for the benefit of others.
We urge you to help in whatever way you can. Teaching our
children to engage in acts of kindness helps fulfill our human and
spiritual potential as we are guided by Proverbs 22:6: training
our children in ways from which they will not depart.
Best wishes to our Newlyweds
on September 4
George Papadogiannis & Nektaria Rogotis
Koumbaroi are Panagiota Papadogiannis & Robert Popas
On September 25
Alexander Picard & Denise Theofilopoulos
Koumbaroi are Georgia & Peter Gerakas
We wish you many years of happiness!
Page 10
Greetings to all! We hope that you are
enjoying the beautiful fall season!
Harris J. Booras
Chapter #406
Our next meeting will be on Thursday,
October 13 at 7 PM in the Atrium of the
Hellenic Cultural Center, 25 Bigelow Ave,
Watertown, MA 02472.
our well-known AHEPA Brother and Past President of the
Pan Macedonian Association, Br. Panos Spiliakos. He was
an avid supporter of everything Greek and especially
everything Macedonian! May his memory be eternal!
In this communication we would like to insert a special
appeal to our Watertown and surrounding community:
AHEPA will celebrate its Centennial in 2022, 6 years from
now. AHEPA represents our Greek-American voice in the
US, the US Congress, and Internationally and has offered
and done so much in the US, Greece and the entire
 The annual AHEPA-District 8 Convention on June 25 at
world for human rights, progress and philanthropy and the
St George's Greek Orthodox Church, Lynn, MA.
projection of Hellenism! The old guard who established it
 Our very successful Grecian Festival, with many of our
and made it grow are slowly leaving us. Please, help us to
Brothers volunteering their efforts and time.
 Our Chapter donated $1,500 to AHEPA HQ to support
rejuvenate! Come, join us, and become members of the
the restoration of St. Nicholas Chapel at the Ground Zero new guard who will sustain AHEPA as we grow for another
Site in New York City. We received a warm
100 years !
acknowledgement and thank you letter from HQ.
Please, recruit friends or family members who may be
 We again sponsored our "Socrates" team of 3, who won
interested in joining AHEPA. Everyone is welcomed! New
the HHT Trophy last year and will re-try for a 2nd win
innovative ideas are needed to sustain and expand our
this year!
chapter membership and contribute to AHEPA’s causes.
 We scheduled a Celebration and Benefit fundraiser (for
the Metaxas Scholarships), which was to be held in midOctober, unfortunately, other (sad) events have forced us Reminder to all our AHEPA members: Please, pay your
Membership Dues ($70.) for 2016 if you have not done
to cancel it.
so. Thanks to all members who have already paid theirs !
As we mentioned in last month’s issue, our Brother, old
friend and well known to all in the Watertown Church
Constantine B. Lagos, Treasurer /
community, AHEPA Secretary, Thanasis Vulgaropulos
email communications
suffered a massive stroke in August while alone at his home.
After many procedures at Mass General Hospital and a 2Please let us know if a brother is sick or in need. Contact our
week stay at the Hellenic Nursing Home for rehab, he has
president, John Abate or any officer of our chapter. Contact
been re-admitted to Mass General for more procedures,
numbers as follows:
operations and further care, where he is now. He is aware
John Abate, president:
of everything but unfortunately he cannot speak and
express himself, which is very frustrating. He will have a
Basil Patsios:
very difficult rehab and will need friends to visit him and
Constantine Lagos:
give him support in this very hard period of his life. We
urge all who know him to show their support. Perastika!
Demetri Tsatsarones:
On Aug. 31, 2016 we heard the sad news of the death of
During the summer recess our AHEPA Chapter supported
the following:
George Loridas:
Fallen Asleep in the Lord
Remember in your prayers our brothers who
passed from this life on September 26…..
Paul Iannazzi
Konstantinos Kalamanides
Eternal be their memory
Αιωνία η Μνήμη
Page 11
Thursday, October 27
TAKE A DAY OFF from your busy schedules and join KALI
PAREA for a beautiful and relaxing day aboard Winnipesauke’s
HOBO RAILROAD in Meredith, NH. Our trip will include a
scenic train ride along the lake, enjoying the beautiful fall foliage,
and a delicious, roast turkey dinner with all the fixings plus
dessert, prepared by the Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
$59 per person (includes round trip motor-coach
transportation, Train Ride, and full Roast Turkey Dinner)
Depart: Taxiarchae at 10:00 AM (coffee and pastries at 9:30 AM)
Return: Taxiarchae at approximately 5:00 PM
Limit: 45 people
Reservations and payment must be made in advance. This trip will
need a minimum of 40 people to proceed. Please call Irene in the
church office for reservations at 617.924.8182.
Thanks again to our
friend, Drew Bililies of
Leisure Trips
for coordinating our
Kali Parea Day Trips!
Drew C. Bililies,
Help offset the mailing expenses of our bulletin with a donation of $50 per month or $500 per year. Our bulletin is published
monthly, with a combined bulletin for Summer, making a total of 11 issues. For information, please email [email protected]
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Greek Orthodox Church
25 Bigelow Avenue
Watertown, MA 02472-2041
Greek School
Sunday Schedule: Orthros: 8:45, Doxology, Divine Liturgy: 9:45AM
Weekday Liturgies: 8:30 AM
Parish Nurse Office Hours and BP Clinic: Fridays 9 —12 noon
Greek School: Tue/Thu 4-6 PM; Sat 10 AM-1 PM
2nd Sunday of Luke
Greek School
Greek School
Greek School
Greek School
Philotimo Chat
Group p.3
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 4:6-15
Gospel: Luke 6:31-36
3nd Sunday of Luke
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 6:1-10
Gospel: Luke 7:11-16
Greek School
Greek School
Ahepa Mtg. p.10
Sunday of the 7th
Ecumenical Council
Greek School
Greek School
Greek School
Greek School
St. Demetrios the
Orthros & Divine
Liturgy 8.30 AM
Kali Parea p.11
Greek School
Mommy & Me
Greek School
Epistle: Titus 3:8-15
Gospel: Luke 8:5-15
Parish Ministry Day p.8
Grandparents Sunday p.8
6th Sunday of Luke
Epistle: Galatians 1:11-19
Gospel: Luke 8:26-39
5th Sunday of Luke
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 11:31-33;12:1-9
Gospel: Luke 16:19-31
Greek School OXI Day Celebration