Terrible Tudors - King`s Park Academy

Our topic for this half term in Year 5 is The Tudors
In History we will be:
In Maths we will be:
- finding out about Tudor Monarchs
- investigating place value (including decimals)
-researching important Tudor events
- using formal written methods to add,
subtract, multiply and divide and applying
them appropriately in problem solving
-comparing the lifestyles of the rich and
poor in Tudor times
- identifying how the Tudor era has
influenced Britain today
- comparing, ordering and finding equivalent
In the creative arts we will be:
- constructing and interpreting graphs
- read the time accurately and solve time
In Literacy we will be:
-writing non-fiction texts including
biographies, explanations and discussions
linked to our Tudor Topic
-learning to paint portraits
-learning Tudor dances and songs
In Computing we will be:
- researching information famous Tudor
people and finding out what life was like
-creating poetry and play scripts
- learning to do simple programming
-investigating Year 5 spelling rules and
-continuing to improve sentence construction
through our work on grammar and
-creating Tudor decorations
- Designing our own airline tickets
In PSHE we will be:
- learning about our justice system
- comparing it to the Tudor justice system
- identifying ways in which we can help
In R.E. we will be:
-comparing Sikhism to Christianity
-learning about the first Christmas and
how Christians celebrate Christmas
Our topic for this half term in Year 5 is The Tudors
How can you help?
In class this half term we will be reading
Harry Potter.
We are looking for parents/guardians to support us in
Year 5. If you would like to help on class trips or come
in to listen to children read then please speak to any
member of the year 5 team.
Please encourage your child to read at
home, complete their planners and bring
them in to school daily to be checked.
Please encourage your child to complete their
homework on time and to a high standard. Also
ensure that your child practices their weekly spellings
at home as this will be a particular focus this term.
Home Learning
Home learning is an opportunity for you to support your
child’s learning in school. This helps you to know what
they have been learning and spend time with your child
reinforcing these skills.
Handed out
Due in
Half Term Project
Test on Friday
Please ensure that your child completes the weekly
homework neatly and returns it promptly.
Wow Day
As an exciting introduction to our topic, we will be having a Tudor
arts and crafts day in school on Wednesday 4th November. We will
also have an opportunity to dress as Tudors and celebrate a Tudor
Christmas during the 7th to 9th December when some children will
be attending the Hooke Court residential.
Year 5 children looked very smart during the first half term.
Please continue to ensure your child is wearing the correct
uniform including appropriate footwear. Please ask your class
teacher if you have any queries. All uniform should be named.
PE Kit
Year 5 have their PE lessons on a Monday and
Tuesday. Please ensure your child has a plain
white t shirt, blue shorts and plimsolls in school
on these days. Again this should all be clearly