Curriculum Vitæ de Nicola Lampitelli

Curriculum Vitæ
Nicola Lampitelli
Date of birth:
June, 13th 1981 in Turin (Italy)
Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle
Case postale 7031
5, rue Thomas Mann
75205 Paris Cedex 13
E-mail: nicolalampitelli (AT)
PhD in Linguistics, Summa cum laude, Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
Dissertation title: Forme phonologique, exposants morphologiques et structures
nominales: étude comparée de l’italien, du bosnien et du somali, under the supervision of Jean Lowenstamm.
Committee members: Sabrina Bendjaballah, David Embick, Jean Lowenstamm, Philippe Ségéral, Sophie Wauquier
Visiting Student, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Linguistics.
Philadelphia, United States
MA in Linguistics, Summa cum laude, Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
Thesis title: Pluralisation et féminisation en italien standard, under the supervision of Jean Lowenstamm and Philippe Ségéral.
Maîtrise in Linguistics, Cum laude, Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
Thesis title: L’arabe marocain: vocalisme, schwa et épenthèse, under the supervision of Philippe Ségéral.
Erasmus program fellow, Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7, Department of
Linguistics and INALCO, Department of Arabic Studies
BA (Laurea) in Intercultural communication, University of Turin, Italy
Thesis title: Il glossario arabo-latino del ms. G.3.9.1. della biblioteca Bertoliana di Vicenza, under the supervision of Alessandro Vitale-Brovarone.
Standard Arabic intensive course, Université de Tunis, Tunisia
Academic appointments
Guest instructor (Chargé de cours), U. Orléans.
Research assistant, part-time, Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7.
Teaching and research assistant (ATER), part-time, Université d’Orléans.
Teaching and research assistant (ATER), part-time, Université d’Orléans.
Teaching and research assistant (ATER), full-time, Université d’Orléans.
Research fellow, Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7.
Guest instructor (Chargé de cours), U. Orléans and U. Paris 7.
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Université d’Orléans
Introduction to linguistic typology (Undergraduate), Communication (Undergraduate), Phonology (Undergraduate).
Morphology (Undergraduate), Phonetics (Undergraduate), Phonology, (Undergraduate), Introduction to language comparison (Graduate).
Introduction to linguistic typology (Undergraduate), Morphology (Undergraduate), Phonology (Undergraduate).
French linguistics (Undergraduate), Morphology (Undergraduate), Phonetics
(Undergraduate), Phonology (Undergraduate).
Phonology (Undergraduate)
Phonology (Undergraduate)
Phonology (Undergraduate)
Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
Languages and history (Undergraduate)
Publications and presentations
Edited books
• Sabrina Bendjaballah, Noam Faust, Mohamed Lahrouchi and Nicola Lampitelli. (eds.) The
form of structure, the structure of forms: Essays on the realizations of linguistic structures.
Amsterdam, John Benjamins. In preparation (scheduled to appear in 2014).
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
• Nicola Lampitelli. “Plural Isogloss and Linguistic Change: a Comparative Study of Romance
Nouns”. Under revision for Lingua.
• Nicola Lampitelli. “The decomposition of Somali nouns”. Brill’s Annual on Afroasiatic
Languages and Linguistics. To appear.
Book chapters
• Marijke de Belder, Noam Faust and Nicola Lampitelli. “On a inflectional and a derivational
diminutive”. In The syntax of roots and the roots of syntax. A. Alexiadou, H. Borer and F.
Schäfer (eds.) Oxford University Press. Oxford. To appear.
Conference proceedings
• Nicola Lampitelli. “The Basic Elements of Inflection: Morphophonology of Bosnian Nouns”.
In Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics # 20. The MIT Meeting 2011. A. Podobryaev
(ed). Ann Arbor (Michigan), Michigan Slavic Publications. To appear.
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• Noam Faust and Nicola Lampitelli. “How vowels point to syntactic structure: roots and
skeletons in Hebrew and Italian”. Proceedings ConSOLE XVII (2009, Nova Gorica). C.
Constantinescu, B. Le Bruyn and Linke, K. (éds.), Leiden University, pp. 121-135. 2012.
Published on-line:
• Nicola Lampitelli. “Nounness, gender, class and syntactic structures in Italian nouns” in
Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2008. Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’
Groningen 2008. R. Bok-Bennema, B. Kampers-Manhe and Hollebrandse, B. (eds.) Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 195-214. 2010.
Invited publications
• Nicola Lampitelli. “Evaluative Morphology in Somali”. In The Edinburgh Handbook of Evaluative Morphology. N. Grandi and Körtvélyessy, L. (eds.) Edinburgh, Edinburgh University
Press. In preparation (scheduled to appear in 2014).
Conference presentations
• Nicola Lampitelli. Les morphèmes flexionnels de l’imparfait du français, Tours (France): 9e
Rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie, June, 30th 2011.
• Nicola Lampitelli. Morphophonology of Somali nouns, Turin (Italy): 14 Italian Meeting of
Afroasiatic Linguistics, June, 16th 2011.
• Nicola Lampitelli. The decomposition of the Bosnian noun, Cambridge, Mass. (United
States): Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 20 (FASL 20), May, 14th 2011.
• Nicola Lampitelli. Du caractère abstrait de la composante phonologique (dans les théories
morphologiques non-lexicalistes), Orléans (France): 8e Rencontres du Réseau Français de
Phonologie, July, 2nd 2010.
• Nicola Lampitelli. Phonology meets Syntax in Bosnian declensional system, Wrocław
(Poland): Generative Linguistic in the Old World Conference, GLOW 33, April, 14th 2010.
• Marijke de Belder, Noam Faust and Nicola Lampitelli. On inflectional and derivational
diminutives, Cambridge, Mass. (United States): North Eastern Linguistic Society Conference, NELS 40, November, 11th 2009.
• Nicola Lampitelli. Roots, Th, n and Num/K in Romance nouns: a cross-linguistic account,
Utrecht (The Netherlands): Atoms and Laws of the Nouns Phrase workshop, July, 4th 2009.
• Marijke de Belder, Noam Faust and Nicola Lampitelli. On inflectional and derivational
diminutives, Stuttgart (Germany): Roots workshop, June, 12th 2009.
• Noam Faust and Nicola Lampitelli. How vowels point to syntactic structure: evidence from
Hebrew and Italian, Nova Gorica (Slovenia): ConSOLE XVII, January, 15th 2009.
• Nicola Lampitelli. Nounness, gender, class and syntactic structure in Italian, Groningen
(The Netherlands): Going Romance 2008, December, 7th 2008.
• Nicola Lampitelli. How syntactic change interferes on Morphology: Romance plural isogloss,
Poznań (Poland): Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM 38), September, 3rd 2008.
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• Nicola Lampitelli. Crossing diachrony and synchrony: the case of Italian nominal plural,
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois (United States): 38th Linguistic Symposium on Romance
Languages (LSRL 38), April, 7th 2008.
Invited presentations
• Nicola Lampitelli. Nominal inflection in Djibouti Somali., Djibouti (Djibouti): Fest SOM
40 “Xuska 40 guurada farsoomaalida (Celebrations for the 40 years of Somali writing)”,
December, 18th 2012.
• Nicola Lampitelli. La flexion nominale en somali de Djibouti : constatations empiriques
et implications théoriques. Nice (France): Conférence du Cycle BCL, UMR 7320 Bases,
Corpus, Langages, Université de Nice, November, 30th 2012.
Poster presentations
• Nicola Lampitelli. Roots and phonological exponents in Somali nouns, Bordeaux (France):
Décembrettes 8, December, 6th 2012.
• Nicola Lampitelli. Internally-structured morphemes at the Phonology-Syntax interface: evidence from the Bosnian declensional system, Toulouse (France): Décembrettes 7, December,
8th 2010.
• Nicola Lampitelli. A Distributed Morphology based approach to Present Participle and Verbless nominal sentences in Arabic, Siena (Italy): XXXV Incontro di Grammatica Generativa,
February, 20th 2009.
• Noam Faust and Nicola Lampitelli. Structurally significant complex vowels: evidence from
Hebrew and Italian, Lisbon (Portugal): 18e Colloque de Grammaire Générative, April, 20th
Workshop talks and short courses
• Nicola Lampitelli. La flexion nominale en Somali de Djibouti. Paris : Atelier de Phonologie,
Université Paris 8, November, 28th 2012.
• Nicola Lampitelli. La flexion nominale en somali de Djibouti. Paris: LingLunch (Linguistic
Department), Université Paris 7, September, 27th 2012.
• Nicola Lampitelli and Loredana Cupi. Linguistica dell’arabo classico : fonetica, fonologia,
morfologia e sintassi. 6 hour-course within “Arabic language” course, main instructor Claudia
Tresso, University of Turin, January, 11th, 12th and 13th 2011.
• Nicola Lampitelli. Phonologie et syntaxe dans le système nominal du bosnien.
LingLunch (Linguistic Department), Université Paris 7, June, 24th 2010.
• Nicola Lampitelli. Roots, Th, n and num/K in Romance nouns: a cross-linguistic account.
Paris: LingLunch (Linguistic Department), Université Paris 7, June, 22nd 2009.
• Nicola Lampitelli. Italian nouns and the Syntax-Phonology interface. Barcelona (Spain):
Centre de Lingüistica Teòrica, Universitat Autonòma, April, 21st 2009.
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• Nicola Lampitelli. Approfondimento di fonetica e fonologia dell’arabo. Turin (Italy): Dipartimento di Orientalistica, University of Turin, May, 15th 2008.
• Nicola Lampitelli and Loredana Cupi. Cenni di fonetica e fonologia dell’arabo. Turin (Italy):
Dipartimento di Orientalistica, University of Turin, March, 27th 2007.
April 2013
(scheduled) Somali in Djibouti, Djibouti.
June 2012
Somali in Djibouti, Djibouti.
Projects and academic service
• Member of Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, UMR 7110 CNRS/Université Paris 7, Paris
• Member of the Atelier de phonologie research group, laboratoire SFL (UMR 7023
CNRS/Paris 8), Paris (France), 2012-2013.
• Member of the XMG - eXtensible MetaGrammar Project, Equipe Contrainte et Apprentissage, Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale, Université d’Orléans, Orléans (France),
• Collaboration with David Embick, University of Pennsylvania, 2009
• Afroasiatic languages research group, U. Paris 7, Paris (France), 2007-2008.
Instructor Philippe Ségéral.
• Member of 9e Rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie Organizing Committee, Université de Tours, June 30th-July 2nd 2011.
• Member of BAALL’s First Conference on Afroasiatic Grammar Organizing Committee, Université Paris 7, Octobrer 25th-27th 2010.
• Member of 17e conférence annuelle de Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar Organizing
Committee, Université Paris 7, July 7th-10th 2010.
• Member of 8e Rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie Organizing Committee, Université d’Orléans, July 1st-3rd 2010.
• Member of Journées Sémantique et Modélisation Organizing Committee, Université Paris 7,
April 9th-10th 2009.
• Member of ConSOLE XVI Organizing Committee, Université Paris 7, January 10th-12th
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Language skills
near native
Computer skills
Linguistic tools
Text editors
MS-Office, Openoffice, LATEX.
Mac OS, Windows.
Photoshop, InDesign, QuarkXpress, NVU.
Non-Academic Employment
La Frabrique du français - Introduction to French language for Middle
School pupils. Collège Jacques Prévert, Noisy-le-Sec (France).
Middle School Teaching assistant, part-time, Collège Romain Rolland,
Clichy-sous-Bois (France).
Babel - Introduction to Linguistics for Middle School pupils. Collège Georges
Braque, Neuilly-sur-Marne (France).
Italian Teacher, High School Regina Margherita, Turin (Italy).
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