MAE221 Fluid Mechanics Homework #3 (9 problems) Due: 10:00pm on October 16, 2015. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Use this page as the front cover of your homework. Students at KAIST ME are expected to respect personal honor and the rights of others, and they must possess personal integrity and honesty both as students and engineering professionals. The students will neither give nor receive any unauthorized aid in class work that is to be graded by the instructor. The following acts are regarded as violations of academic integrity and honesty. Referring from other students/publisher’s solutions, assignments, and reports. Allowing another student to refer from one’s own work Submitting another student’s work as his or her own Unpermitted collaboration or aid on class assignments Plagiarism: the use of another person's original work without giving reasonable and appropriate credit to or acknowledging the author or source Cheating and Plagiarism in Assignments a. On each of their written assignments, each student is required to sign for the statement indicating that he/she pledges not committing any cheating or plagiarism in the assignment before submission. b. Any form of violations or academic dishonesty in written assignments will be punished according to the following procedures. The first offense of academic misconduct will result in lowering the subject’s final grade by one letter grade. (e.g. A+ → B+) The second offense of academic misconduct will result in F in the subject. "I have read and agree to abide by all of the above policies, and pledge that I will neither give nor receive any unauthorized aid on class assignments that are used by the instructor as the basis for grading." Student’s ID : ________________________ Student’s Name : ________________________ Signature : ________________________ Date : ________________________ MAE221 Fluid Mechanics Homework #3 (9 problems) Due: 10:00pm on October 16, 2015. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The jet pump in Figure. P1 injects water at U1 = 40 m/s through a 7.6cm pipe and entrains a secondary flow of water U2 = 3 m/s in the annular region around the small pipe. The two flows become fully mixed downstream, where U3 is approximately constant. For steady incompressible flow, compute U in m/s. Figure. P1 [solution] Flow inlet and outlet area are A1 = π(0.076)2/4 , A2 = π{(0.254)2-(0.076)2}/4 , A3 = π(0.254)2/4 From the mass conservation Q1 + Q2 = Q3 Then, ρ1A1V1 + ρ2A2V2 = ρ3A3V3 And ρ1 = ρ2 = ρ2 , then mass conservation changed as {π(0.076)2/4}(40) + [π{(0.254)2-(0.076)2}/4](3) = {π(0.254)2/4}(U3) U3 = 6.31m/s MAE221 Fluid Mechanics Homework #3 (9 problems) Due: 10:00pm on October 16, 2015. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. A converging elbow (see Figure. P2) turns water through an angle of 135o in a vertical plane. The flow cross section diameter is 400 mm at the elbow inlet, section (1), and 200 mm at the elbow outlet, section (2). The elbow flow passage volume is 0.2 m3 between sections (1) and (2). The water volume flowrate is 0.4 m3 and the elbow inlet and outlet pressures are 150 kPa and 90 kPa. The elbow mass is 12 kg. Calculate the horizontal (x direction) and vertical (z direction) anchoring forces required to hold the elbow in place. DO NOT neglect gravitational effect. Figure. P2 [solution] Original linear momentum conservation derived from Reynolds transport theorem is d d (mv) sys ( v dV ) v (v n)dA CS dt dt CV Assume steady-state flow, and driving force is originated from net pressure and others. Then Pi Ai Fi vi (vi ni ) Ai So, x-direction linear momentum equation yields -u1ρu1A1-V2cos45oρV2A2 = P1A1-FA,x+P2A2cos45o From mass conservation 𝑚̇ = ρu1A1 = ρV2A2 = ρQ Thus, FA,x = ρ(Q2/A1) + ρ(Q2/A2)cos45o + P1A1 + P2A2cos45o = 25700N z-direction linear momentum equation yields -V2sin45oρV2A2 = P2A2sin45o - FA,z – Ww - We Thus, FA,z = ρ(Q2/A2)sin45o + P2A2sin45o – Ww-We = 3520N MAE221 Fluid Mechanics Homework #3 (9 problems) Due: 10:00pm on October 16, 2015. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Two cylindrical water jets of equal size and speed strike each other as shown in Figure. P3. Determine the speed, V, and direction, θ, of the resulting combined jet. Gravity is negligible. Figure. P3 [solution] Original linear momentum conservation derived from Reynolds transport theorem is d d (mv) sys ( v dV ) v (v n)dA CS dt dt CV Assume steady-state flow, pressure effect should be canceled out. (All pressure in inlet and outlet are same with atmospheric pressure.) And no internal forces then, 0 vi (vi ni ) Ai x-direction linear momentum equation yields -V2ρV2A2 + (Vcosθ) ρVA = 0 And y-direction linear momentum equation yields -V1ρV1A1 + (Vsinθ) ρVA = 0 Also for mass conservation ρV1A1 + ρV2A2 – ρVA = 0 From two linear momentum equation, θ = cot-1(V22A2/V12A1) = 45o Combine linear momentum equation and mass conservation. We get -V12A1 + Vsin θ(V1A1 + V2A2) = 0 V = 2.12m/s MAE221 Fluid Mechanics Homework #3 (9 problems) Due: 10:00pm on October 16, 2015. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. When a uniform stream flows past an immersed thick cylinder, a broad low-velocity wake is created down-stream, idealized as a V shape in Figure. P4. Pressures p1 and p2 are approximately equal. If the flow is two-dimensional and incompressible, with width b into the paper, derive a formula for the drag force F on the cylinder. Rewrite your result in the form of a dimensionless drag coefficient based on body length CD=F/(ρU2bL). Neglect gravitational effect. Figure. P4 [solution] First, set the control volume of inlet (1) height 2H, and outlet (2) height 2L And to be satisfy mass conservation, the integration equation existed in below will be held. udA udA 1 2 H L 0 0 2 u1dA 2 u2 dA H 3 L 4 Then, force equilibrium is vi (vi ni ) Ai 0, L U y U y (1 ) (1 ) bdy 2 H U 2 b Fdrag 2 L 2 L 0 2 1 Fdrag U 2 Lb 3 Fdrag 1 CD 2 U Lb 3 MAE221 Fluid Mechanics Homework #3 (9 problems) Due: 10:00pm on October 16, 2015. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. For the pipe-flow-reducing section of Figure. P5, D1 = 8 cm, D2 = 5 cm, and p2 = 1 atm. All fluids are at 20°C. If V = 5 m/s and the manometer reading is h = 58 cm, estimate the total force resisted by the flange bolts. Figure. P5 [solution] P1 – P2 = (γmerc – γwater)h = 71300Pa Q1 = Q2, or (5m/s)(π/4)(0.08m)2 = V2(π/4)(0.08m)2 V2 = 12.8m/s An atmospheric pressure act inlet (1) and outlet (2), so atmospheric pressure effect should be canceled out. Thus only relative pressure (gauge pressure) should be valid. ∑Fx = -Fbolts + P1,gageA1 = 𝑚̇(V2 – V1) Fbolts = (71300Pa) (π/4)(0.08m)2 – (998kg/m3) (π/4)(0.08m)2(5m/s)[12.8m/s - 5.0m/s] = 163N MAE221 Fluid Mechanics Homework #3 (9 problems) Due: 10:00pm on October 16, 2015. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Five liters/s of water enter the rotor shown in Figure. P6 along the axis of rotation. The cross-sectional area of each of the three nozzle exits normal to the relative velocity is 18mm2. How large is the resisting torque required to hold the rotor stationary? How fast will the rotor spin steadily if the resisting torque is reduced to zero and (a) θ = 0°, (b) θ = 30°, (c) θ = 60°? Figure. P6 [solution] Original Angular momentum conservation derived from Reynolds transport theorem is d M o dt (CV (r v) dV ) CS (r v) (v n)dA Assume steady-state flow, then Tshaft (r v ) (v n)dA CS Control surface is divided into 3 equal exit, then Tshaft 3(r v ) (Vout ) A (r v) rout Vout cos , 3 Vout A m . Then angular momentum equation yields Tshaft = 𝑚̇routVoutcosθ We note that 𝑚̇ = ρQ And Vout = Q/3Anozzle Combine all equation, we get Tshaft = (ρQ2routcosθ)/(3Anozzle) To determine the rotor angular velocity associated with zero shaft torque, Tshaft = 𝑚̇rout(Woutcosθ - Uout), where Uout = routω, Wout = Q/3Anozzle Finally we get, Tshaft = ρQrout{(Qcosθ/3Anozzle) – routω} (a) θ = 0o, Tshaft = 231Nm and ω = 185rad/s (b) θ = 30o, Tshaft = 200Nm and ω = 160rad/s (c) θ = 60o, Tshaft = 116Nm and ω = 92.5rad/s MAE221 Fluid Mechanics Homework #3 (9 problems) Due: 10:00pm on October 16, 2015. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. The horizontal pump in Figure. P7 discharges 20°C water at 57 m3/h. Neglecting losses, what power in kW is delivered to the water by the pump? Figure. P7 [solution] V1 = (57m3/h)/(A1) = 2.49m/s, V2 = (57m3/h)/(A2) = 22.4m/s P1/ρg + V12/2g + hp = P2/ρg + V22/2g 120kPa/{(998kg/m3)(9.8m/s2)} + (2.49m/s)2/(2*9.8m/s2) + hp = 400kPa/{(998kg/m3)(9.8m/s2)} + (22.4m/s)2/(2*9.8m/s2) hp = 53.91m P = ρgQhp = 8349W MAE221 Fluid Mechanics Homework #3 (9 problems) Due: 10:00pm on October 16, 2015. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. A venturi meter, shown in Figure. P8, is a carefully designed constriction whose pressure difference is a measure of the flow rate in a pipe. Using Bernoulli’s equation for steady incompressible flow with no losses, show that the flow rate Q is related to the manometer reading h by 𝑄= 𝐴2 2𝑔ℎ(𝜌𝑀 − 𝜌) √ 𝜌 √1 − (𝐷2 /𝐷1 )4 where ρM is the density of the manometer fluid. Figure. P8 [solution] Q = A1v1=π(D1/2)2v1 = A2v2=π(D1/2)2v2 P1+ρgh1+ρv12/2 = P2+ρgh2+ρv22/2 h1 = h 2 P1 - P2 = (ρ/2)(v22 - v12) P1 – P2 = (ρ/2)(4Q/ π)2(1/D24 – 1/D14) P1 – P2 = (ρM - ρ)gh (ρM - ρ)gh = (ρ/2)(4Q/ π)2(1/D24)(1 – D24/D14) (ρM - ρ)gh = (ρ/2)Q2(1/A22)(1 – D24/D14) Q2 = {2(ρM - ρ)gh/ρ}A22{1/(1 – D24/D14)} 𝑄= 𝐴2 2𝑔ℎ(𝜌𝑀 − 𝜌) √ 𝜌 √1 − (𝐷2 /𝐷1 )4 MAE221 Fluid Mechanics Homework #3 (9 problems) Due: 10:00pm on October 16, 2015. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Water flows from the pipe shown in Figure. P9 as a free jet and strikes a circular flat plate. The flow geometry shown is axisymmetrical. Determine the flowrate through the pipe and the manometer reading, H. Hint: Use Bernoulli’s equation and DO NOT neglect gravitational effect. The fluid velocity at the center (hole) of the circular flat plate is zero. Pressure at the pipe exit and at the perimeter of the flat plate is atmospheric pressure. Figure. P9 MAE221 Fluid Mechanics Homework #3 (9 problems) Due: 10:00pm on October 16, 2015. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[solution] Let’s define inlet mass flow rate point as 1, asymmetrical outlet point as 2 and manometer reading point as 3 then Bernoulli equation is P1/ρ + V12/2g + Z1 = P2/ρ + V22/2g + Z2, where P1 = P2 = 0, Z1 = 0 and Z2 = 0.2m Thus, V12/2g = V22/2g + Z2 Inlet and outlet mass flow rate are same due to the mass conservation, then A1V1 = A2V2 = Q, V1 = 1.6V2 V12/2g = (1.6V2)2/2g = V22/2g + Z2, V2 = 1.59m/s Finally set point 2 as an origin point, then Bernoulli equation with point 2 and 3 be simplified like the equation below. H = V22/2g = 0.129m
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