Deledio Recreation Reserve Master Plan 2011

Deledio Recreation Reserve (Dunolly)
Master Plan
2011 – 2020
The information contained in this report is intended for the specific use of
the within named party to which it is addressed ("the communityvibe
client") only. All recommendations by communityvibe are based on
information provided by or on behalf of the communityvibe client and
communityvibe has relied on such information being correct at the time
this report is prepared. communityvibe shall take no responsibility for any
loss or damage caused to the communityvibe client or to any third party
whether direct or consequential as a result of or in any way arising from any
unauthorised use of this report or any recommendations contained within.
Wendy Holland and Shaun Quayle
5 Allison St, BENDIGO
VIC 3550.
Ph: 0438 433 555.
E: [email protected].
Report Date: November 2011
Prepared By:
Plans for People
Keith Nancarrow
434 Hargreaves St,
VIC 3550.
Ph: 5441 8789
E: [email protected]
1.0 Executive Summary ........................................................................ 1
10.7 Cricket Practice Nets ..................................................................... 17
2.0 Introduction ................................................................................... 4
10.8 Public Toilets ................................................................................. 17
3.0 Methodology ................................................................................. 4
10.9 Play Facilities ................................................................................. 17
4.0 Policy Context ................................................................................ 5
10.10 Landscaping / Surrounds ............................................................. 19
5.0 Demographic Summary .................................................................. 6
10.11 Internal Roadways and Pedestrian / Cycling Access ................... 19
6.0 Participation in Sport and Recreation .............................................. 8
10.12 Car Parks...................................................................................... 19
7.0 Benefits of Sport and Recreation..................................................... 9
10.13 Signage ........................................................................................ 20
8.0 Trends in Sport and Recreation ..................................................... 11
10.14 Water Access ............................................................................... 20
9.0 Vision, Mission and Planning Principles ......................................... 12
10.15 Public Transport Access .............................................................. 21
9.1 Vision............................................................................................... 12
10.16 Dredge Hole ................................................................................ 21
9.2 Mission ............................................................................................ 12
10.17 BMX Tracks .................................................................................. 21
9.3 Planning Principles .......................................................................... 12
11.0 Community Needs ...................................................................... 22
10.0 Facilities and Infrastructure Overview ......................................... 13
12.0 Management and Maintenance .................................................. 25
10.1 Deledio Sports Oval (main oval).................................................... 13
12.1 Management ................................................................................. 25
10.2 R.L. Williams Oval (secondary oval) .............................................. 14
12.2 Hierarchy of Recreation Reserves ................................................. 26
10.3 Pavilion .......................................................................................... 14
12.3 Maintenance Roles and Responsibilities....................................... 27
10.4 Netball Court and Pavilion ............................................................ 16
12.4 Ground and Building Inspections .................................................. 28
10.5 Archery Range ............................................................................... 16
12.5 Maintenance Requirements for Turf Playing Fields ...................... 29
10.6 Fire Brigade Running Track ........................................................... 17
13.0 Action Plan................................................................................. 30
14.0 Appendix.................................................................................... 36
14.1 Best Practice Planning Considerations.......................................... 36
14.1.1 Universal Design Principles .................................................... 36
14.1.2 Environmentally Sustainable Design Principles ..................... 37
14.1.3 Healthy By Design .................................................................. 38
14.1.4 Disability Discrimination Act (1992) ....................................... 39
14.1.5 DSE Safer Design Guidelines (2005) ....................................... 40
14.1.6 Child Friendly Cities / Communities ....................................... 41
14.2 Needs Expressed through Community Consultation .................... 43
14.3 Needs Expressed Through Key Stakeholder Interviews................ 45
14.4 Potential Funding Sources ............................................................ 47
14.5 Proposed Building Plan ................................................................. 52
14.6 Proposed Site Plan ........................................................................ 54
1.0 Executive Summary
To ensure that Deledio Recreation Reserve can continue to cater for the
existing needs of its community and the future demands placed upon it, a
ten year master plan has been prepared with input from user groups,
Central Goldfields Shire Council and the broader community. This master
plan identifies a number of priorities that the Dunolly community
believes are of critical importance in ensuring sustainability and the
continuation of quality sport and recreation opportunities. The Dunolly
community will use this master plan to guide their decision making in
relation to infrastructure developments, maintenance regimes,
operational systems and management structures over the next ten years.
Due to competing demands for limited resources, Central Goldfields Shire
Council is unable to make a definite financial commitment to the
developments proposed within this Plan. However, Central Goldfields
Shire Council will assist wherever possible in helping the community to
achieve its priorities at Deledio Recreation Reserve through activities
such as providing information about relevant funding programs; assisting
with the writing of funding applications where possible; and advocating
to funding bodies for assistance.
Deledio Recreation Reserve is located on Crown Land and is currently
managed by a Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE)
appointed committee of management, comprising of volunteer
representatives from each of the user groups as well as some community
or not the development is consistent with the vision and planning
principles identified for the site. Developments have been included if the
proposed works:
1. are consistent with the vision, mission and planning principles
developed for the Reserve
2. have been demonstrated through a number of sources such
as community plans, previous master plans, surveys, etc, as
needed by the community
3. are consistent with the grading of the reserve and the type of
infrastructure and facilities expected within each grading, i.e.
regional, municipal or local level facility
4. will help to maintain and / or increase participation in sport
and recreation opportunities
5. are likely to benefit the broader community (from a social,
physical, economic and / or environmental perspective) and
involve the community in operations or management
6. create improved access for people of all abilities, ages,
genders, etc
7. increase the opportunity for the site to be used for a variety
of different and / or new activities
8. are likely to increase safety of users and reduce risk
management issues
9. are likely to allow the site to meet industry standards,
regulations and legislation
10. reflect best practice and current industry trends
Proposed developments at Deledio Recreation Reserve have been
identified and prioritised, based on a number of factors including whether
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11. are likely to decrease the impact on the environment and
natural resources, e.g. installation of water saving devices,
double glazing on windows, etc
12. are likely to be financially sustainable in the long term and
take into consideration whole of life funding costs, including
development of replacement schedules
13. are likely to decrease operational costs
14. are likely to reduce the demands on volunteers time (for
activities such as mowing, watering, line marking, etc)
15. will rectify existing infrastructure that is currently in a very
poor state or beyond repair
16. are likely to attract external funding
17. are within the resource capacity of communities to achieve,
i.e. plans are cost effective, user groups have sufficient
resources to make the required financial contribution, user
groups can provide some in-kind labour, user groups can
assist with project management, suitable plans have been
developed, etc
18. enhance the appearance and usability of the site, e.g.
improved landscaping, heating / cooling, marked car parking
bays, etc
19. involve a number of partners to assist with funding and / or
operations, management and maintenance
20. do not duplicate existing facilities.
The key areas identified in this master plan for further development or
upgrading are:
Upgrade power supply to the Recreation Reserve, including the
archery area and second oval
Upgrade surface of Deledio Oval and R.L. Williams Oval and overplant warm season turf grass to improve playing conditions and
reduce water usage (top dress, seed, fertilise and replace fence) ;
and install sub-surface irrigation system on Deledio Oval (subject
to site assessment at end of existing irrigation system’s life)
Provide lights on the second netball court and install light towers
on the oval
Develop a new pavilion to meet the needs of existing users and
the general community, incorporating public toilets that are
accessible from inside and outside the building.
Improve landscaping and maintenance of the entire site,
particularly at the entrance, near the netball courts and around
the Dredge Hole
Upgrade the netball courts and paint with tennis markings
Develop more seating around the netball courts and around the
sports oval
Develop a play space between the oval and netball courts for
younger children
Extend the verandah to provide more shelter for players and
Install signage at entrance to Reserve detailing opportunities
that are available; develop a trail head sign at Lawrence Street
and upgrade sign on Broadway so that it is more visible.
Rebuild the scoreboard so that it is easier to see
Develop an accessible bird observatory and an accessible fishing
platform at the Dredge Hole
Install nets behind goals posts at the netball court end of the
oval to prevent football from hitting cars. Use poles to secure
site screens for cricket in summer
Upgrade cycling / walking tracks near Dredge Hole and link this
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track to the town network.
Improve maintenance of BMX track and upgrade drainage and
Develop picnic facilities at the Dredge Hole and at the entrance
to Deledio Recreation Reserve.
Install a feature at the Reserve that reflects the gold theme of
the area
Upgrade the fire track and construct a small storage shed
(subject to use)
Provide Committees of Management with regular training and
Figure 1: R.L. Williams Oval
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2.0 Introduction
3.0 Methodology
Deledio Recreation Reserve is situated in Elgin Street in Dunolly on land
owned by the Crown. Facilities at the Reserve include:
The process used to obtain the necessary information on which to base
recommendations contained within this plan is as follows:
Main sports oval (Deledio Recreation Reserve)
Secondary sports oval (R.L. Williams Oval)
Netball court and pavilion
Fire brigade running track
Archery range with very basic club house and storage
Cricket practice nets
Public toilets (two blocks)
Internal roadways and informal car parking
Walking tracks
BMX tracks
Dredge Hole
Review of relevant literature and reports
Demographic analysis
Assessment of the benefits of Recreation Reserves
Analysis of local and state sport and recreation participation
Review of current state and national leisure trends and their
impact on sport and recreation programs, services and facilities
Surveys of user groups of the Reserve
Interviews with key stakeholders
Community consultation
Site inspection of the grounds and buildings
Examination of potential funding options
Analysis of community needs and preparation of a series of
prioritised recommendations
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4.0 Policy Context
Central Goldfields Cycling Strategy
Central Goldfields Council Plan (2009-2013)
The aim of the Council Plan is to identify Council’s priorities.
The aim of this strategy was to identify improvements to the existing
cycling network and to identify new cycling trails to enhance the
experience and encourage cycling by local residents and visitors.
Key recommendations in relation to Recreation Reserves include:
Implement the Central Goldfields Shire Recreation Plan
Provide a range of facilities and programs across the municipality
to increase participation in physical activity
Strive to secure a potable water supply for all towns (particularly
Maryborough) which is acceptable in both quality and quantity
Continue to explore improved uses/reuses of all waters
Central Goldfields Recreation Strategy (2008)
The aim of this Strategy was to identify the recreation needs of the
community and to develop strategies to respond to these needs and
increase participation in sport and recreation.
Key recommendations for Deledio Recreation Reserve include:
Upgrade fire track, subject to use
Develop a club room (achieved)
Develop a reliable water source
Upgrade pavilion
Develop toilets that can be shared between archery and R.L.
Williams Oval users
Key recommendations included the extension of the existing off road
track from Dunolly Primary School along the Bridgewater-Dunolly Road
along Elgin Street and Tweeddale St all the way to Broadway.
Operational Asset Management Plan – Parks and Recreation (2010) –
The Operational Asset Management Plan (OPAMP) for Parks
Infrastructure incorporates a detailed prescription of how Council intends
to deliver service for all parks and recreation related infrastructure within
its municipal district. It specifically identifies possible types of defects
encountered, the intervention and response required and the possible
treatment options for all aspects of recreation reserves including ovals,
drainage, roadways, playgrounds, trees, etc.
Asset Management Plan Parks and Recreation (2006)
The purpose of this plan is to provide Council with a clear picture of its
future asset commitments in relation to parks and recreation. It
identified that the nine major sports grounds in the Shire have a
rehabilitation cost of approximately $1,833,480 (based on 2005 figures);
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need an average annual rehabilitation expenditure of $90,000; and
require an annual maintenance expenditure of $255,410 (pg 29). Overall
the present condition of sporting ovals was considered to be average.
Detailed information on individual recreation reserves was not available.
Drought Proofing Sporting Reserves within Central Goldfields Shire
The purpose of this document was to identify strategies to optimise water
and turf management at Council’s sporting grounds.
Key recommendations for both ovals at Deledio Recreation Reserve
Over-plant warm season turf
Implement storm water collection improvements for the Dredge
Install sub-surface irrigation, subject to a site assessment and at
the end of the existing irrigation system’s life
Netball Court Playing Surface & Court Dimensions Inspection Report
This report states that neither of the two courts at Deledio Recreation
Reserve meet Netball Victoria Standards in terms of run-off (note that
courts now do meet regulations). It states that courts are in average
condition. Specifically it states:
Court 1: The south end of the court will be able to be extended by moving
a fence back and laying more asphalt.
Court 2: There is sufficient space around the court to allow it to be
extended to meet specifications.
5.0 Demographic Summary
Demographic data provides information which can be used by clubs and
committees of management to understand the current make up of the
community. Potential markets can be determined by examining the
number of people in specific age groups. Other details such as household
income may help decision making in terms of setting fees and languages
spoken at home may indicate a need to have information translated into
other languages for example. A brief summary of the demographic makeup of the Dunolly state suburb (district) follows as per the 2006 Census,
unless otherwise stated that the data relates to the township or urban
area. Note that Data from the 2011 Census will be available from June
The Dunolly state suburb comprises of 969 people, whereas the
Dunolly urban area (township) comprises of 607 people.
Older adults (those over 55 years of age) comprise 44.7% of the
population, compared with 23.3% of the total population of
Indigenous people make up 0.7% of the population compared
with 2.3% for Australia
The majority of residents were born in Australia (92.3% compared
with the national figure of 86.1%), with a further 7.1% of
residents born in England, Scotland and Netherlands.
The majority of residents speak English at home (95.1%). 1.5% of
residents speak other languages including German, Maltese and
63 (10.4%) people in Dunolly township have a core activity need
for assistance compared with 4.1% for Australia
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For those paying off homes, the median loan repayment in
Dunolly is $568 per month, compared with $1,300 for Australia
overall, and for those who are renting homes, the median weekly
rental amount is $90 compared with the Australian median of
36% of dwellings in the township are connected to the internet in
some way compared with 61% for Australia.
The following graph shows the distribution of ages in the township of
Population by Age Groups
Number of persons
27% of people in the township carry out voluntary work
compared with 17.9% for Australia
The majority of dwellings in the township have 1 (43%) or 2 (32%)
motor vehicles compared with 36% and 35% in Australia
289 people were employed at the time of the 2006 ABS Census,
predominantly in farming of sheep, beef cattle or grain (14.5%);
hospitals (8.0%); and school education (5.2%).
Dunolly features a higher percentage of residents employed as
managers than Australia (23.2% and 13.2% respectively) and a
higher percentage of labourers (15.6% and 10.5% respectively).
The percentage of people listed as unemployed is 11.9%
compared with a rate of 5.2% for Australia. 454 people aged 15
years and over are not in the labour force.
The median household income is $492, compared with the
Australian median household income of $1,027.
The most common form of household composition is a family
household (56.5% compared with 67.4% for Australia), and of
family households, the most common form is a couple living
together without children at home (53.8% compared with
Australia at 37.2%).
The percentage of lone households in Dunolly is significantly
higher than for Australia overall (38.1% compared with 22.9%);
reflecting the ageing of the community.
There is much higher home ownership in Dunolly than in Australia
(55.1% compared with 32.6%) and much lower percentage of
homes rented (15.9% compared with 27.2%).
5-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84
Source: ABS 2006 Census QuickStats: Dunolly (L) (Urban
Centre/Locality) and ABS 2006 Census QuickStats: Dunolly (State
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6.0 Participation in Sport and Recreation
In recent years, there has been a shift away from organised sport to more
informal recreational activities that can be undertaken in small groups,
alone, or at varying times of the day. The following table1 shows the most
popular physical activities (organised and non-organised) for people 15
years of age and over in Victoria at present:
Walking (other)
Aerobics / fitness
Australian Rules Football
Cricket (outdoor)
Facilities that are multi-purpose in design and clubs that are innovative in
their thinking will be best adapted to take advantage of the changing
participation patterns and consequently remain as strong, viable clubs.
% of Participants over 15
years of age (at least once
per year)
Figure 2: Dredge Hole
Australian Government: Participation in Exercise Sport and Recreation –
Annual Report 2009:
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7.0 Benefits of Sport and Recreation
The benefits of participating in sport and recreation are well documented.
Not only do individuals benefit from a health and wellbeing perspective,
but the whole community benefits from a greater sense of community,
economic opportunities, improvement to the environment, reduction in
crime and a healthier society. Some of the benefits that can occur
through participation in sport and recreation are:
Physical and
Mental Health
Individual and Community
illness and disability
Increased life expectancy
Greater sense of community
Stronger, more self-reliant communities
Individual and Community
Greater social and friendship networks
Reduced anti-social behaviour and
Reduced risk of colon cancer, heart disease,
stroke, type 2 diabetes and high blood
Helps to develop shared attitudes, values
and codes of behaviour in the community
Less likely to become overweight or obese
Breaks down barriers between different
sectors of the community
Improved balance and coordination,
resulting in fewer falls
Stronger family relationships
Stronger muscles, joints and bones
Improved confidence and self-esteem
Improved body image
Improved motor skills
Improvements to local business viability
through sale of sport and recreation
equipment, services or programs
Less likely to suffer from depression and
Greater sense of achievement
Reduction in health care costs – According
to VicHealth2, physical inactivity by
Australians “costs the health system at
Reduced stress levels
Higher energy and concentration levels
Reduction in incidence and severity of
Employment in sport and recreation
activities, events, venues, clubs
VicHealth – “Physical Activity Fact Sheet”, April 2007
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Individual and Community
least $400m in direct health care costs”,
and is responsible for approximately 8,000
deaths annually
Increases productivity of workers and
reduces number of sick days
in activities with friends and neighbours in an atmosphere of
camaraderie. The activity is sometimes secondary to the social benefits
and enhanced sense of community connectedness achieved. Driscoll and
Wood, in their report Sporting Capital – Changes and Challenges for Rural
Communities in Victoria3 identify three key components of a successful
and functioning community as trust, goodwill and interaction; all three of
which can be achieved through participation in sport and recreation by its
ability to act as a ‘social glue’.
Potential to attract businesses to the region
if quality sport and active recreation
settings, programs and services exist
Flow on benefits to tourism businesses
from people participating in sport and
recreation events and activities
Protection of habitats, biodiversity and
ecological integrity
More attractive living environments
A greater appreciation and awareness of
the natural environment
Participation in physical activity in rural communities, such as Central
Goldfields Shire, brings a different set of benefits to those achieved in
regional or metropolitan settings. In rural communities, leisure provides
one of the few social outlets where people who may spend much of their
time isolated on farms or in small townships, come together to take part
Figure 3: Deledio Recreation Reserve with a view towards netball courts and pavilion
and Dunolly Primary School
RMIT (Driscoll, Kate and Wood, Liz) – “Sporting Capital – Changes and
Challenges for Rural Communities in Victoria”, 1999
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8.0 Trends in Sport and Recreation
In terms of sports participation, management and infrastructure, there
has been a trend in recent years towards the:
movement away from many traditional organised sports such as
football, cricket, netball and tennis to more individual or small
group non-organised activities, e.g. walking, aerobics, fitness
classes, cycling, swimming, running, etc
installation of sports surfaces that help to reduce injuries and
increase player comfort, e.g. sprung wooden floors, plexipave
tennis courts
installation of improved spectator facilities, e.g. retractable
seating, shaded viewing areas
installation of facilities to encourage participation by people of all
abilities, e.g. use of ramps, unisex toilets with change tables,
single storey buildings to allow for wheelchair access, Braille
signs, etc
utilisation of indoor sporting facilities such as Leisure Centres
with swimming pools for games and aspects of the training and
recovery program for a range of different sports
installation of lighting or higher standard of lighting to allow
games and training to take place in the evenings
development of environmentally responsible practices such as
solar hot water, recycled water systems, etc to reduce the impact
of sports facilities and their users on the environment
development or upgrading of facilities and equipment so that
they meet the safety requirements of their designated sport, e.g.
extension of netball courts to meet recommended run-off
master planning of recreation reserves and leisure centres to
ensure that needs of all existing and casual users are considered
in the long term – including the linking of cycling / walking paths,
development of play spaces, landscaping and BBQ / picnic
facilities to encourage family use of facilities
development of multi-use facilities and spaces which can cater for
a variety of traditional activities as well as non-traditional or
emerging activities, e.g. pilates, yoga, children’s programs,
women’s day time social competitions, master’s games, etc
greater emphasis on social competitions mid week during the
evenings as opposed to structured competition on a Saturday
greater use of facilities by personal fitness trainers and their
greater demands on some facilities by school groups due to the
declining standard of school sporting infrastructure in some areas
or the lack of facilities at new schools
greater demand on sporting facilities for special events and
greater demand for lifestyle/non-traditional forms of sport, i.e.
games that can be played on the street or indoors, e.g. street
co-location of several sporting facilities to form recreation
precincts to maximise limited resources and to cross-market
understanding of the relationship between physical activity
participation and improved health, wellbeing and social
expectation by the community that facilities, programs, services
and management will be of a reasonably high standard
expectation that facilities will be available during a range of time
slots throughout the week, including weeknight, early morning
and weekends
expectation by user groups that draws, ladder, information, etc
about local sports competitions are available via the internet.
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9.0 Vision, Mission and Planning Principles
are used to their maximum capacity and limited
resources are best utilised.
The vision, mission and planning principles developed as part of the
Central Goldfields Shire Recreation Strategy (2008) are still considered to
be relevant. They have been modified slightly so that they specifically
represent Deledio Recreation Reserve.
Access and equity
Initiatives that allow for greater access to facilities,
programs or services for people of all ages, genders,
abilities and socio-economic backgrounds.
9.1 Vision
Community benefit
Initiatives that provide sufficient physical, social,
economic and environmental benefits to the
Diversity and choice
The development of a range of sport and active
recreation facilities and initiatives that meet the
diverse needs of the community.
Involvement and
Initiatives that involve volunteer labour, funding and
expertise in the planning, implementation and
delivery components.
Wherever possible, Deledio Recreation Reserve will
support and encourage:
strengthening and
Sport and active recreation initiatives which involve
the community in the planning, implementation and
delivery stages. It will also support initiatives that
encourage positive, lasting interactions between
community members.
Initiatives, that following suitable planning and
research, are considered sustainable from
participation, longevity, economic, environmental
and social perspectives.
Value for money
Initiatives that represent value for money to the
Multi use of facilities
Facility developments and upgrades that are multipurpose in design to allow for a range of different
groups to use the facility. It will also encourage clubs
and organisations to share facilities so that facilities
Initiatives that include a range of relevant partners,
so that limited resources are maximised and facilities,
programs or services are not duplicated.
Initiatives provide a safe environment for all users.
Deledio Recreation Reserve promotes physical activity and inclusion
within the Dunolly community by offering a range of quality active sport
and recreation opportunities for all.
9.2 Mission
Deledio Recreation Reserve will facilitate opportunities for the Dunolly
and district community to benefit both physically and socially by taking
part in accessible, sustainable, localised physical activities.
9.3 Planning Principles
Planning Principle
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10.0 Facilities and Infrastructure Overview
10.1 Deledio Sports Oval (main oval)
The 1.55 ha senior sports oval at Deledio Recreation Reserve in Dunolly is
currently used for football and cricket, and also by Dunolly Primary School
for sports. The ground is in poor condition and features an in-ground
irrigation system with moveable sprinklers and a turf wicket. Its soil type
is clay loam and its surface is predominantly made up mixed sward –
ryegrass and Poa with patches of kikuyu and couch. There is no subsurface drainage.
A storage shed is required by both the cricket club and the CFA. This shed
needs to be large enough for two CFA trailers to be stored and also
provide sufficient space (approximately 4m x 4m) for the cricket club.
Ideally the storage shed will be located between R.L. Williams Oval and
the fire brigade running track, although some works, such as the
construction of a footbridge, may need to be undertaken to ensure that
the shed is not impacted by potential water flows in the gully.
In addition to formal sporting use, the sports oval is also used on an
informal basis by people walking their dogs.
Tennis, bowls and swimming are offered at other locations in Dunolly.
At present there is only one light tower over the sports oval. Wear and
tear around the lit up area is likely to become an issue. An additional light
tower with training level lighting is required in order to provide a safe
training environment for players after hours. It is understood that a
power upgrade, in the vicinity of $30,000 will be required once additional
lights are purchased.
Although the ground is predominantly used for club and school based
sport, it is also used as an ambulance helicopter landing site and as a
staging area for bushfires. It has potential to be used for a number of
community-based events such as an outdoor drive-in.
A range of supporting infrastructure exists on site including a ticket box,
shelters, scoreboard, storage shed for cricket equipment and several
water tanks. Mostly these assets are in fair condition and still suitable for
their current purpose and level of use, however the ticket box needs to
be upgraded.
Figure 4: Deledio Recreation Reserve Sports Oval
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10.2 R.L. Williams Oval (secondary oval)
This oval is in similar condition to Deledio Sports Oval. It is located in a
picturesque setting, surrounded by an attractive white picket fence and
features a rotunda. It is used primarily for cricket. Dunolly Cricket Club
has invested significant funds into the oval and cricket nets in order to
attract Melbourne-based teams to come and play or train at the oval on
occasions to help bring additional revenue into the town. However there
is no power to the site.
Figure 5: R.L. Williams Oval
10.3 Pavilion
The existing pavilion at Deledio Recreation Reserve is no longer adequate
to meet the needs of user groups. The kitchen and kiosk are too small to
cater for game days and functions and do not meet OH&S standards.
Disabled access is also poor.
User groups are very keen to develop a new pavilion on the same site,
which will be widely used by the community. Desired features include:
Change facilities for home and opposition teams
Male and female umpire change facilities
Public toilets that are accessible from inside and outside the
A commercial kitchen / kiosk with two stoves, deep fryer, freezer,
cool room, benches, storage cupboards, dishwasher, hygienic
hand washing facilities
Function space for 200 people that can be divided into space for
50, 100, 150 or 200
Meeting room
Office space for Trustees and clubs with 2 desks,
telecommunication connections, filing cabinets and storage space
Basic gymnasium area
Time keeper’s box and scorer’s box
Heating and cooling
Wall space for memorabilia
Floor to ceiling windows to allow viewing over the oval
Hardwood floor for 75% of floor space and carpet in remainder.
This facility should be built up with spectator seating and standing areas
outside. A sealed car park should be constructed outside the building,
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providing space for emergency vehicles, disabled parking and kitchen
deliveries. It should also be designed using Environmentally Sustainable
Design Principles (ESD), Crime Prevention Through Design Principles,
Universal Design Principles. Maintenance and ongoing operational costs
also need to be considered.
Potential user groups of a new pavilion include:
Dunolly Football Club (4-5 teams)
Dunolly Netball Club (5-6 teams)
Dunolly Cricket Club (6 teams)
Golden Triangle Archers Club
Dunolly CFA
Dunolly Playgroup
Dunolly Primary School (for activities such as performing arts)
Dunolly Senior Citizens Club (particularly if there is a hardwood
floor suitable for indoor bowls)
Neighbourhood Centre (for programs)
Rural Transaction Centre (for school holiday programs)
Dunolly Pony Club
Other activities, e.g. table tennis, pilates, yoga, etc.
Figure 6: Pavilion Kitchen and Kiosk
There are no indoor spaces in town that can be used for activities such as
performing arts, trivia nights, weddings, etc where participant numbers
are likely to exceed 100 people (the Dunolly Town Hall currently caters
for up to 120 people for dinner and 150 people seated in theatre style).
Fundraising events operated by the Dunolly Football Netball Club have
been impeded by lack of function space in the town. This proposed
facility will provide the ability for larger events to be held in Dunolly.
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10.4 Netball Court and Pavilion
There are two asphalt netball courts at Deledio Recreation Reserve, both
of which meet Netball Victoria’s standards in terms of run-off. However,
the courts will need to be resurfaced in approximately two years time. A
netball pavilion has recently been constructed on site and joined to the
storage shed.
It may also be worthwhile painting tennis markings on the courts in the
future, should there be demand.
10.5 Archery Range
An archery range is located on the western side of the Reserve, bordering
Deledio Lane and the railway line. There are two bush archery fields at
the site. The archers operate on a limited budget and facilities are very
basic. A shipping container has been converted into a storage shed and a
garden shed with additional pieces of corrugated iron roofing and sides
has formed a basic club house. Archers use the toilets located near the
Deledio Recreation Reserve pavilion. The club plans on installing a water
tank in the near future and would like to have water connected to the
site. It would also like to expand the size of its club room and have
electricity connected. However, consideration needs to be given to
whether or not this is the best site, long term for a sport such as archery.
Figure 7: Dunolly Netball Courts and Pavilion
Additional work required to improve operations and functionality of the
netball club include:
Another light pole with training level lights
An extension to the verandah to provide additional shelter
More seating for players and spectators
Figure 8: Archery Range
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10.6 Fire Brigade Running Track
10.8 Public Toilets
The fire brigade running track has not been used in recent years due to
water restrictions. However, the club is keen to recommence activities.
The running track is in fair condition.
There are two public toilet blocks located at Deledio Recreation Reserve,
as well as additional public toilets inside the pavilion. Both of the external
toilet blocks are in extremely poor condition and need to be demolished
as soon as new toilets are developed in the proposed new pavilion. These
new toilets need to be accessible both from inside and outside the
10.9 Play Facilities
Figure 9: Fire Brigade Running Track
10.7 Cricket Practice Nets
The two cricket practice nets on site are new and are in very good
condition. Carpet still needs to be laid on one of the wickets.
Play facilities help to promote a family friendly environment. Currently
there are no items of play equipment on site; instead, children play at
various locations around the site. Natural based play should still be
encouraged, however, it has been suggested that a formalised play space,
suitable for junior to intermediate level be developed between the
netball court, the fire brigade running track and the sports oval. Some
form of barrier will be required against the track around the sports oval
to protect children from cars, although full fencing of the space is not
supported. Seats should also be provided to allow parents / carers to
watch children playing and shade trees should be planted to protect
people using the play space in warmer months from the sun. Signage
warning motorists of children crossing the roadway should also be
installed, and consideration should be given to installing formal speed
humps if the track is sealed.
The addition of a play space will also be advantageous for the play group
that uses the pavilion each week.
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There are play facilities at Gordon Garden Reserve in Dunolly and in the
adjacent Dunolly Primary School; however, the preference is to have
young children playing on equipment or in play spaces that are clearly
visible within the Recreation Reserve grounds and close to active areas.
Best practice in relation to play spaces suggests that residents should,
wherever possible, have access to a play space within 400m or 5 minutes
walk of their homes. The following diagram demonstrates a 280m radius
around the existing Gordon Garden Reserve play facilities and the
proposed facilities at Deledio Recreation Reserve. The 280m radius is
used instead of 400m, as it accounts for homes that may be located in cul
de sacs or curved streets. The proposed play space at Deledio Recreation
Reserve does not overlap the catchment of the Gordon Gardens Reserve.
Not only will the proposed play space provide an additional recreation
opportunity for users of the reserve, it will also provide other residents in
Dunolly with a play space close to their homes. It is important that the
play opportunities offered at Deledio Recreation Reserve are different to
those offered at Gordon Gardens and in the school grounds to allow a
diversity of experiences by the community.
A skate park also exists in Dunolly; hence due to the level of investment in
this facility, the duplication of such a facility at the Recreation Reserve is
not supported. The preferred option is to improve the existing skate
facility in town.
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10.10 Landscaping / Surrounds
Landscaping amenity at the entrance of the Reserve needs to be
improved in order to create a more welcoming and inviting environment.
It is suggested that some trees and shrubs are planted at the Elgin Street
entrance of the Reserve and that a picnic area is established where the
current toilet block exists. This picnic area should feature some shady
trees and several picnic tables and seats.
The Shire’s Cycling Strategy recommended that the existing off road track
from Dunolly Primary School along the Bridgewater-Dunolly Road needs
to be extended along Elgin Street and Tweeddale St all the way to
Broadway. This recommendation is supported.
The natural bushland around the Dredge Hole creates an attractive
destination for walkers, cyclists and motorists. Similarly, the R.L. Williams
Oval, because it is ringed by trees, is also very attractive.
Additional landscaping should occur around the netball court pavilion.
All plantings on site should be drought tolerant and designed in such a
way as to minimise water use (e.g. through mulching).
10.11 Internal Roadways and Pedestrian / Cycling
There is a gravel track around the exterior of the sports oval, which
retains water in wet weather. This track needs to be maintained on a
regular basis. Dirt tracks lead motorists to the R.L. Williams Oval, the
archery field and Old Lead Reservoir. These tracks also need regular
maintenance. There is a walking track from the township of Dunolly to
the Dredge Hole. This track needs to be extended so that it comes out
into the active sporting area of the Reserve and connects with the Elgin
Street entrance. This will help to establish a walking / cycling loop.
Figure 10: Internal Roadway
10.12 Car Parks
Motorists park their vehicles around the sports oval at Deledio Recreation
Reserve, or close to the facility that they are using. There is no formalised
car parking on site. Should the new pavilion be constructed, user groups
have identified the need to have a sealed car park next to the pavilion,
featuring parking for people with disabilities, emergency vehicles and
kitchen deliveries.
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10.13 Signage
At the Elgin Street entrance to the Reserve, there is a sign on the fence
that reads ‘Deledio Park. It is quite small and there is no indication to the
general public about what formal and informal activities are available at
the site. It would be useful to have finger board signs within the
Recreation Reserve pointing users to specific sites such as the two ovals,
the netball courts, the fire brigade track, Dredge Hole and public toilets.
irrigate the sports facilities. A bore was also drilled at the site, but the
water was considered too salty for use on the turf playing surfaces. There
are several rain water tanks on site too.
Figure 12: Dredge Hole
Figure 11: Signage at Entry
10.14 Water Access
Due to water restrictions, Deledio Recreation Reserve has been unable to
access urban water from the town water supply system as it did prior to
the drought. Instead, it has been relying on storm water run-off that was
captured and stored in the Dredge Hole (on site). However the quantity
of water sourced from the Dredge Hole was not adequate to properly
To reduce water usage for both ovals at Deledio Recreation Reserve, it is
recommended that:
The sports grounds be over-planted with a warm season turf
The local storm water collection into the Dredge Hole is improved
by installing various storm water pipes, de-silting the water
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course and diverting other storm water flows into this storage
(e.g. storm water drain along the railway line)
A sub-surface irrigation system is installed.
10.15 Public Transport Access
There is no public transport access to Deledio Recreation Reserve.
10.16 Dredge Hole
The Dredge Hole is a water storage dam that is located on the northern
boundary of the Reserve near Deledio Lane. If features a number of
walking tracks and some tables and chairs around its perimeter. There is
potential to improve the capacity of this facility to capture and store
water and also to use the facility as a passive recreation facility for
walkers, picnickers and bird watchers. Concern has been expressed by
residents about the potential for snakes in the long grass around the
Dredge Hole. Lack of maintenance of this site is limiting its potential as a
valuable local recreational facility.
10.17 BMX Tracks
A series of BMX tracks have been constructed near the Dredge Hole.
Some concern has been expressed by young people from Dunolly about
the potential for snakes in the long grass around the tracks. Additional
maintenance of the BMX tracks and the surrounds is necessary in order to
increase usage.
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Key Informant
Need to
construct new
public toilets
Need to develop
a new pavilion to
meet the needs
User Group
Issue / Facility
A summary of community needs follows:
Key Informant
of existing users
and the general
Need to overplant warm
season turf grass
on oval to
improve surface
Need to improve
landscaping and
maintenance of
the entire site,
particularly at the
entrance, near
the netball courts
and around the
Dredge Hole
Need to develop
a play space
between the oval
and netball
courts for
younger children
Need to develop
more seating
around the
netball courts
User Group
User Group Surveys – distributed to all users of the Reserve
Community Consultation – discussions with community members
in the street on Friday 3 December 2010. Thirty-one (31)
community members were interviewed. Of these people, 14
males were interviewed, mostly under 18 years of age or around
50 years of age, with some 20-30 year olds; and 17 females were
interviewed with a broad cross representation of ages from under
18 to approximately 60 years of age.
Key Informant Interviews – on-site interviews with users of the
Reserve, Central Goldfields Shire Council staff and other key
Literature Review – analysis of previous studies and policies
Community needs were identified through a range of different
mechanisms including:
Issue / Facility
11.0 Community Needs
Page | 22
Cycling /
Fire track
BMX track
Cycling /
Need to develop
picnic facilities at
the Dredge Hole
and at the
entrance to
Need to provide
lights on the
second netball
court and to
install light
towers on the
Need to install
public art works
along trail and
develop trail
head signage at
entrance to
Need to upgrade
between netball
courts and sports
oval and around
Key Informant
User Group
Issue / Facility
Key Informant
User Group
Issue / Facility
and around the
sports oval
Need to upgrade
the netball courts
and paint with
tennis markings
Need to upgrade
cycling / walking
tracks near
Dredge Hole and
link this track to
the town
Need to upgrade
the fire track
(subject to use)
Need to improve
maintenance of
BMX track and
upgrade drainage
and jumps
Need to improve
road surface
reserve and near
Dredge Hole
Page | 23
Bird viewing
Public art
Goal posts
power supply to
the site, including
the archery area
and second oval
Need to develop
public transport
linkages to
Need to install a
feature at the
Reserve that
reflects the gold
theme of the
Need to install
drink fountains
and dog pooper
scoopers to
encourage local
residents to use
the site for
Need to install
nets behind goals
posts to prevent
Key Informant
User Group
Issue / Facility
Key Informant
User Group
Issue / Facility
Storm water
the archery area
Need to
implement storm
water collection
improvements at
the Dredge Hole
Need to install
irrigation (subject
to site
assessment at
end of existing
system’s life)
Need to rebuild
the scoreboard
so that it is easier
to see
Need to consider
developing skate
facilities at the
Need to develop
a bird
observatory near
the Dredge Hole
Need to upgrade
Page | 24
Key Informant
User Group
Issue / Facility
football from
hitting cars
Need to extend
the verandah to
provide more
shelter for
players and
Need to develop
a storage shed
between second
oval and fire
brigade running
track to be
shared by cricket
and CFA
Need to improve
the food available
in the kiosk
Need to repair
cricket wicket
12.0 Management and Maintenance
12.1 Management
Deledio Recreation Reserve is currently managed by a DSE appointed
Committee of Management. Each user body is represented on the
Committee of Management: football, netball, cricket and archery. Each
club also has its own committee of management, made up of volunteers.
Feedback from community representatives indicates that committees of
management at Deledio Recreation Reserve are operating well. To
continue operating well, it is important that individual clubs and the
Reserve Committee of Management have or develop:
A vision for its future
Strong leadership
Strong governance structures with succession planning in place
Appropriate plans in place to guide operations, e.g. business plan,
annual plan, operational plan, maintenance plan, replacement
schedule, master plan
Appropriate policies in place to guide decision making, e.g.
Sunsmart policy, responsible serving of alcohol, hiring
agreements, sponsorship guidelines, etc
Risk management policies and procedures, e.g. chemical spills,
fire, working with children, ‘blood rule’, insurance, etc
Identified and addressed all health, safety and regulatory
requirements, e.g. food handling regulations, sports field
dimensions, etc
Regular evaluation processes
Effective two-way communication with stakeholders
A focus on providing quality customer service
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A good understanding of the needs and expectations of
participants and potential participants
A stable or growing number of players, umpires, coaches and
Strong networks with other relevant partners , e.g. DSE, Central
Goldfields Shire, schools, state sporting associations and other
community groups
A welcoming environment where people of all abilities and ages
are encouraged to participate
A range of programs to attract both competitive and casual /
social players
Well run competitions and events
Well managed and maintained facilities and equipment
Sufficient volunteers or paid staff to assist with tasks
Effective volunteer / staff recruitment, management and
retention processes in place
Sufficient funds to meet operational expenses
Sufficient funds set aside to maintain and replace facilities and
A low environmental footprint
12.2 Hierarchy of Recreation Reserves
According to the Central Goldfields Recreation Needs Strategy, Deledio
Recreation Reserve is rated as a Municipal Grade Ground. Hence the type
of facilities expected at this Reserve identified in the table below:
Municipal Grade Ground
Playing surface
Good standard of playing surface
Change rooms
Separate change facilities for each team
Warm up area
Warm up area incorporated into change
Umpires change
Separate change facilities for male and
female umpires – basic level
Medical rooms
Massage tables
Yes – 1-2 tables
Coaches box
Not usually a designated space
Media facilities
Designated space
Ground lighting
Training level lighting
Public address
Automatic or manual irrigation system
Limited or no underground drainage
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Municipal Grade Ground
12.3 Maintenance Roles and Responsibilities
Fully fenced
Maintenance of the sports facilities at Deledio Recreation Reserve is
currently carried out by volunteers with some assistance from DSE for
various works and from Central Goldfields Shire for mowing.
Car parking
Less formal unsealed car parking facilities
Typical maintenance requirements for a Recreation Reserve include:
Social club
Small social club rooms usually catering for
less than 100 patrons
Public toilets
Sufficient number of public toilets to cater for
anticipated crowd level, i.e. 1:250
Cricket pitch
Generally concrete or synthetic pitch
Limited spectator facilities
Basic level kiosk with facilities to heat food
Shared use with the community when not in
use by sport
Level of
District or senior level
May be a stand-alone ground or may form
part of a larger park / recreation precinct
Public access restricted during games
Medium level of maintenance
Watering playing fields / courts
Mowing playing fields / courts
Line marking playing fields / courts
Playing field / court preparation, e.g. aerating, fertilising and top
Turf, concrete and synthetic cricket wicket preparation
Weed control
Pest control
Sweeping netball courts and fire brigade training tracks
Resurfacing netball / tennis courts / fire brigade training tracks
Litter collection
Public toilet maintenance and cleaning
Playground maintenance
Tree / garden maintenance
Sprinkler / irrigation system maintenance
Replacement of lights
Line marking of car parks
Repairs to internal roadways
Cleaning, painting and carrying out of basic repairs to built
structures such as pavilions, change rooms, grandstands, player /
spectator shelters, storage sheds, scoreboards, coach’s boxes,
Page | 27
time keeper’s boxes, ticket boxes, fences, gates, goal posts, seats,
Graffiti removal
Affixing sponsorship signage to fences
Fixing of blocked / corroded drains and sewerage systems
Repairs to hot water systems
Repairs to heating / cooling systems and kitchen equipment.
Central Goldfields Shire does not charge the Committee of Management
for use of the site, nor does it provide an annual budgetary allocation to
assist with maintenance costs as it is not the owner or manager of the
site. User groups have expressed a desire to receive more support from
Council to assist with ongoing operational and maintenance costs.
Council’s Recreation Strategy (2008) recommends that Council considers
the introduction of a Recreation Reserves Fees and Charges Policy to
ensure that a fair and equitable system of Council support is provided to
sport and recreation facilities throughout the Shire in regards to
maintenance. Under this policy, Council would recoup 25% of all
maintenance costs; however, discounts of up to 25% will be available if
clubs carry out their own maintenance, share facilities, provide
opportunities for traditionally disadvantaged groups and introduce new
physical activity options. Also under this model groups will be responsible
for all utility costs (except insurance); can retain all hire fees; and will be
eligible to apply for funding through Council’s Community Grants
Programs for capital works or program funding. To date this proposed
policy has not been instigated.
12.4 Ground and Building Inspections
From a risk and asset management perspective, inspections of sporting
facilities are carried out and signed off by user groups prior to any
competitions being held on site.
Infrastructure at Recreation Reserves in Central Goldfields Shire,
according to the Draft Central Goldfields Shire Operational Asset
Management Plan – Parks and Recreation (2010), is to be inspected at
the following frequency by Council officers on Council owned sites (note
that Deledio Recreation Reserve is not a Council owned site):
Scheduled Inspection
Recreation Reserves
Sports Courts (netball,
tennis, etc)
Servicing whole of
Shire and townships
Servicing smaller
6 monthly
Servicing whole of
Servicing townships
Servicing smaller
3 monthly
6 monthly
Page | 28
6 monthly
These frequency schedules have been determined based on Council’s risk
exposure in terms of safety; asset preservation and community / legal
Buildings, such as club pavilions and change facilities, are inspected every
two years by Council.
12.5 Maintenance Requirements for Turf Playing Fields
According to the Draft Central Goldfields Shire Operational Asset
Management Plan – Parks and Recreation (2010), a turf oval has a life
cycle of approximately fifty years. Specific maintenance tasks required to
keep the sports oval in good condition during its life cycle on an annual
basis include:
Mowing of oval each fortnight
Fertilisation of oval twice per year
Aeration of oval twice per year
Weed control once per year to reduce broadleaf weeds
Promote growth of couch in spring
Over-seeding with rye grass each autumn for winter cover
Strategic top dressing every 2-3 years.
Figure 13: Netball Court Pavilion
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13.0 Action Plan
Recommendations have been identified for Deledio Recreation Reserve based on needs identified by user groups and other potential users of the site via:
user group surveys
community consultation
interviews with key stakeholders
literature reviews
site inspections
Developments have been included if the proposed works:
1. are consistent with the vision, mission and planning principles developed for the Reserve
2. have been demonstrated through a number of sources such as community plans, previous master plans, surveys, etc, as needed by the
3. are consistent with the grading of the reserve and the type of infrastructure and facilities expected within each grading, i.e. regional, municipal
or local level facility
4. will help to maintain and / or increase participation in sport and recreation opportunities
5. are likely to benefit the broader community (from a social, physical, economic and / or environmental perspective) and involve the community
in operations or management
6. create improved access for people of all abilities, ages, genders, etc
7. increase the opportunity for the site to be used for a variety of different and / or new activities
8. are likely to increase safety of users and reduce risk management issues
9. are likely to allow the site to meet industry standards, regulations and legislation
10. reflect best practice and current industry trends
11. are likely to decrease the impact on the environment and natural resources, e.g. installation of water saving devices, double glazing on
windows, etc
12. are likely to be financially sustainable in the long term and take into consideration whole of life funding costs, including development of
replacement schedules
13. are likely to decrease operational costs
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are likely to reduce the demands on volunteers time (for activities such as mowing, watering, line marking, etc)
will rectify existing infrastructure that is currently in a very poor state or beyond repair
are likely to attract external funding
are within the resource capacity of communities to achieve, i.e. plans are cost effective, user groups have sufficient resources to make the
required financial contribution, user groups can provide some in-kind labour, user groups can assist with project management, suitable plans
have been developed, etc
18. enhance the appearance and usability of the site, e.g. improved landscaping, heating / cooling, marked car parking bays, etc
19. involve a number of partners to assist with funding and / or operations, management and maintenance
20. do not duplicate existing facilities.
Proposed timeframes are as follows:
High: 1-3 years
High-Medium: 4-6 years
Medium: 7-9 years
Low: 10+ years
Note that many of the proposed works are conditional upon receiving external grants and local funding contributions.
Facility / Issue
Upgrade power supply to the
Recreation Reserve, including
the archery area and second
Sports ground surfaces
Upgrade surface of Deledio
Responsibility / Potential
Central Goldfields
Shire Council
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Dunolly Cricket Club
Golden Triangle
Archers Club
Dunolly CFA
Dunolly Playgroup
Central Goldfields
Key Planning
Access and equity
Not costed
Page | 31
Facility / Issue
Oval and R.L. Williams Oval
and over-plant warm season
turf grass to improve playing
conditions and reduce water
usage (top dress, seed, fertilise
and replace fence); and install
sub-surface irrigation system
on Deledio Oval (subject to
site assessment at end of
existing irrigation system’s life)
Provide lights on the second
netball court and install light
towers on the oval
Develop a new pavilion to
meet the needs of existing
users and the general
community, incorporating
public toilets that are
accessible from inside and
outside the building.
Responsibility / Potential
Key Planning
Access and equity
strengthening and
Shire Council
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Dunolly Cricket Club
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Dunolly Cricket Club
Central Goldfields
Shire Council
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Dunolly Cricket Club
Golden Triangle
Archers Club
Dunolly CFA
Dunolly Playgroup
Dunolly Primary
Dunolly Senior
Citizens Club
Rural Transaction
Multi use of
Access and equity
Community benefit
Page | 32
Facility / Issue
Visual amenity
Improve landscaping and
maintenance of the entire site,
particularly at the entrance,
near the netball courts and
around the Dredge Hole
Netball courts
Upgrade the netball courts
and paint with tennis markings
Develop more seating around
the netball courts and around
the sports oval
Play facilities
Develop a play space between
the oval and netball courts for
younger children
Responsibility / Potential
Dunolly Pony Club
Central Goldfields
Shire Council
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Dunolly Cricket Club
Golden Triangle
Archers Club
Dunolly CFA
Dunolly Playgroup
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Central Goldfields
Shire Council
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Dunolly Cricket Club
Service Clubs
Central Goldfields
Shire Council
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Dunolly Cricket Club
Golden Triangle
Archers Club
Dunolly CFA
Dunolly Playgroup
Key Planning
Community benefit
Multi use of
Access and equity
Access and equity
Diversity and choice
Community benefit
Page | 33
Facility / Issue
Netball Pavilion
Extend the verandah to
provide more shelter for
players and spectators
Install signage at entrance to
Reserve detailing
opportunities that are
available; develop a trail head
sign at Lawrence Street and
upgrade sign on Broadway so
that it is more visible.
Rebuild the scoreboard so that
it is easier to see
Accessible Bird
Observatory and Fishing
Develop an accessible bird
observatory and an accessible
fishing platform at the Dredge
Goal posts / Site Screens
Cycling / walking tracks
BMX track
Install nets behind goals posts
at the netball court end of the
oval to prevent football from
hitting cars. Use poles to
secure site screens for cricket
in summer
Upgrade cycling / walking
tracks near Dredge Hole and
link this track to the town
Improve maintenance of BMX
track and upgrade drainage
Responsibility / Potential
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Key Planning
Access and equity
Central Goldfields
Shire Council
Access and equity
Community benefit
Diversity and choice
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Dunolly Cricket Club
Central Goldfields
Shire Council
Service Clubs
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Access and equity
Community benefit
Central Goldfields
Shire Council
Local artists
Community benefit
Central Goldfields
Page | 34
Facility / Issue
Picnic facilities
Public art
Install a feature at the Reserve
that reflects the gold theme of
the area
Fire track
Committee of
Upgrade the fire track and
construct a small storage shed
(subject to use)
Provide Committees of
Management with regular
training and assistance
and jumps
Develop picnic facilities at the
Dredge Hole and at the
entrance to Deledio
Recreation Reserve.
Responsibility / Potential
Shire Council
Central Goldfields
Shire Council
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Dunolly Cricket Club
Golden Triangle
Archers Club
Dunolly CFA
Dunolly Playgroup
Central Goldfields
Shire Council
Dunolly Football
Netball Club
Dunolly Cricket Club
Golden Triangle
Archers Club
Dunolly CFA
Dunolly Playgroup
Dunolly CFA
Central Goldfields
Key Planning
Community benefit
strengthening and
Staff time
Page | 35
No. Principle
14.0 Appendix
14.1 Best Practice Planning Considerations
Flexibility in The design
accommodates a
wide range of
preferences and
2a. Provide choice in
methods of use.
2b. Accommodate right- or
left-handed access and use.
2c. Facilitate the user's
accuracy and precision.
2d. Provide adaptability to
the user's pace.
Simple and
3a. Eliminate unnecessary
3b. Be consistent with user
expectations and intuition.
3c. Accommodate a wide
range of literacy and
language skills.
3d. Arrange information
consistent with its
3e. Provide effective
prompting and feedback
during and after task
Perceptible The design
Information communicates
effectively to the
user, regardless of
The Principles of Universal Design include5:
No. Principle
The design is useful
and marketable to
people with diverse
1a. Provide the same means
of use for all users: identical
whenever possible;
equivalent when not.
1b. Avoid segregating or
stigmatising any users.
1c. Provisions for privacy,
security, and safety should be
equally available to all users.
1d. Make the design
North Carolina State University, The Center for Universal Design: The
Principles of Universal Design (Version 2.0 – 1997):
appealing to all users.
To ensure that facilities are planned, developed, managed and
maintained in a sustainable manner and are accessible for people of all
abilities, it is important that the following best practice planning
principles and designs are considered.
14.1.1 Universal Design Principles
Universal design refers to “the design of products and environments to be
useable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need
for adaptation or specialised design.”4
Use of the design is
easy to understand,
regardless of the
user's experience,
knowledge, language
skills, or current
concentration level.
4a. Use different modes
(pictorial, verbal, tactile) for
redundant presentation of
essential information.
4b. Provide adequate
contrast between essential
Page | 36
No. Principle
for Error
ambient conditions
or the user's sensory
The design
minimizes hazards
and the adverse
consequences of
accidental or
unintended actions.
The design can be
used efficiently and
comfortably and
with a minimum of
information and its
4c. Maximise "legibility" of
essential information.
4d. Differentiate elements in
ways that can be described
(i.e., make it easy to give
instructions or directions).
4e. Provide compatibility with
a variety of techniques or
devices used by people with
sensory limitations.
5a. Arrange elements to
minimize hazards and errors:
most used elements, most
accessible; hazardous
elements eliminated,
isolated, or shielded.
5b. Provide warnings of
hazards and errors.
5c. Provide fail safe features.
5d. Discourage unconscious
action in tasks that require
6a. Allow user to maintain a
neutral body position.
6b. Use reasonable operating
6c. Minimize repetitive
No. Principle
6d. Minimize sustained
physical effort.
Appropriate size and
space is provided for
approach, reach,
manipulation, and
use regardless of
user's body size,
posture, or mobility.
7a. Provide a clear line of
sight to important elements
for any seated or standing
7b. Make reach to all
components comfortable for
any seated or standing user.
7c. Accommodate variations
in hand and grip size.
7d. Provide adequate space
for the use of assistive
devices or personal
Size and
Space for
and Use
14.1.2 Environmentally Sustainable Design Principles
Environmentally Sustainable Design Principles6 refers to the use of
sensitive design that minimises the impact of the built environment on
the natural environment. Some key features to consider in the
development of sport and recreation facilities are:
Water conservation– installing rainwater tanks for rainwater harvesting,
using reclaimed water, harvesting storm water, planting or warm season
grasses to reduce amount of water required, installing efficient in-ground
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irrigation systems, installing dual flush toilets, installing composting
toilets, installing low flow shower heads, using weather based irrigation
Energy efficiency – ensuring products and buildings are designed to
minimise energy use such as fossil fuels, e.g. passive cooling, solar
electricity, solar water, hot water heat recycling, insulation, double
glazing of windows.
14.1.3 Healthy By Design
The Heart Foundation (Victorian Division) has produced a series of
resources to encourage planners to develop Supportive Environments for
Physical Activity7. Some key points to note are:
Design Area
Use of low impact materials – using products that are made of recycled
materials or produced using sustainable processes.
Durability and quality– using materials and products of a high standard
with a long life span which don’t need replacing as often as some cheaper
Waste prevention – reusing or recycling products where possible, using
products that are non-toxic, using products that can compost or are
Sustainable landscape design – planting trees for shade on sports
pavilions or wind protection on sports fields, using local materials (e.g.
timber, gravel, rocks, etc), composting on site for garden beds, planting of
indigenous and drought tolerant trees and shrubs, buying plants and
materials locally to prevent transportation energy costs, and using
recycled materials for seats and other furniture around the reserve.
Some Key Design Considerations for Recreation Reserves
Connect walking and cycling routes within open
spaces with the broader network
Ensure that feature parks and parks located on busy
roads can be accessed via pedestrian crossings
leading to or near park entrances
Provide a range of facilities to create active
recreation opportunities for children and youth. For
example, children’s play equipment, basketball
rings and playground markings to encourage
activities like hopscotch.
Provide exercise and training equipment along
walking paths to encourage more vigorous activity.
Feature park attractions such as community
gardens. These provide a sense of community spirit
and local ownership.
Design a variety of paths that allow recreational
walking around parks or direct passage through
Landscape open spaces to provide pleasant places
for people to sit, meet and talk.
Plant tall trunk, broad leaf, broad canopy trees to
provide useful shade and an aesthetically pleasing
The Heart Foundation (Victorian Division): Healthy by Design: A Planner’s
Guide to Environments for Active Living (2004):
Page | 38
Design Area
and Cycling
Some Key Design Considerations for Recreation Reserves
Environment. Avoid planting trees that require
frequent watering and pruning. Consider drought
resistant plants.
Select appropriate species and locate trees to
maximise access to shade throughout the day,
winter and summer. Chose low maintenance
Provide natural shade or structured shelter within
open spaces to promote sitting, meeting and talking
and to provide protection from weather extremes.
Maintain open spaces to a high standard to ensure
pedestrian spaces are clean and usable.
Provide drinking fountains in parks and open
Provide secure trip end bicycle parking facilities for
people riding to open spaces
Achieve clear and safe connections through
signage, landscaping, lighting and edge treatments.
Maintain clear sightlines along walking and cycling
routes using low vegetation (up to 700 mm). Trim
tree foliage up to an overhead clearance of 2400
mm above ground level (refer AS1428.1).
Use art to encourage interest and repeated use of
the route.
Complement walking and cycling routes with trees
for aesthetics and shade.
Maintain walking and cycling routes to a high
standard to ensure continuous, accessible paths of
Enable comfortable passage for people in
wheelchairs, people with prams, learner cyclists
Design Area
Some Key Design Considerations for Recreation Reserves
and people walking comfortably side by side with
footpaths that are:
- A minimum of 1.5 metres wide along collector
or lower order streets.
- A minimum of 2.5 metres wide along arterial
roads and approach routes to predictable
destinations such as schools, parks and
shopping precincts. (Three metre paths or
wider are preferred to allow for greater
Ensure a durable, non-slip surface and even paving
designed and constructed for minimum
14.1.4 Disability Discrimination Act (1992)
It is unlawful, under the Disability Discrimination Act (1992)8 to
discriminate against someone because they have a disability. The Act
covers access to premises such as sports pavilions and also access to
sports clubs as a player or potential player. The Disability (Access to
Premises – Buildings) Standards 20109 provide details of the Act
specifically as it relates to buildings such as sports pavilions including
Commonwealth of Australia Law: Disability Discrimination Act (1992) – start
date: 1/8/10:
Commonwealth of Australia Law: Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings)
Standards 2010:
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symbols and signs; lighting, hearing augmentation, emergency warning
systems, ramps, toilets, stairways, access ways, doorways, doors,
handrails etc.. It also makes reference to the relevant Australian
Standards for facility design. The new standards, due to commence on 1
May 2011, is complemented by the Building Code of Australia.
14.1.5 DSE Safer Design Guidelines (2005)
This document provides guidelines aimed to create well designed, well
managed, safe, accessible and livable places that encourage community
Some of the key objectives and design suggestions
contained within these Design Guidelines of relevance to play spaces
Objective 4.1: To maximise natural surveillance of parks and open spaces
to encourage use and support people’s perceptions of safety:
Ensure that parks, public open spaces or play areas are visible
from neighbouring streets, houses, schools and other buildings.
Buildings with active frontages should be located and designed to
overlook public open spaces and parks.
Public open spaces, parks and playgrounds should have active
frontages on at least three sides to provide natural surveillance
and sightlines deep into the park.
New sub-division layouts should avoid rear fences backing onto
public open space and parks.
Avoid cut-off dead spaces or isolated pockets of land within a
park that cannot be overlooked. Instead, convert these areas
into new residential lots that can overlook the park.
Locate children’s play areas where they are clearly visible from
surrounding properties and streets. Install see-through fencing to
control access and prevent children from roaming while still
providing visibility from the street and surrounding areas.
Objective 4.2: To encourage the use of parks and open space by a range
of users at all times of the day to improve the quality of life for the
community and improve perceptions of safety in public places:
Provide comfortable places with well-placed seating, good shade
and interesting views. These areas are important for encouraging
people, particularly the elderly, to use and enjoy public spaces.
Design and position elements such as public furniture, lighting,
drinking fountains, public information, public toilets, and play
equipment to encourage the informal use of parks.
Provide generous seating opportunities throughout all public
open space that is carefully positioned to attract and support its
Objective 4.4: To ensure landscaping maintains sightlines of paths in
parks and open spaces and allows for natural surveillance:
Where possible, park planting and topography should not block
views of paths and open spaces from surrounding streets and
Where landscaping is provided in public open spaces, or in
adjacent streets or parks, ensure trees or vegetation do not block
the field of vision between 0.7 metres and 2.4 metres above
ground level.
There should be at least one safe through-route in all parks, with
frequent ’escape routes’ linking the through-route to surrounding
streets and car parks.
Tall shrubs can provide hiding places and should not be planted
close to paths or fences.
Ensure vegetation does not obscure lighting, either during its
growth phase or at maturity.
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To ensure lighting is carefully integrated to further enhance
visibility and natural surveillance of parks and open spaces
To design signage that is easy to see, read and understand. This
will assist people to interpret their surroundings and help their
Other relevant objectives include:
To ensure streets and public spaces are attractive and well used
to signal care and attention and support people’s feeling of safety
To co-locate pedestrian, cycle and vehicle movement routes,
where practical, to maximise activity and natural surveillance
To provide convenient paths with generous proportions to
encourage walking and cycling and promote natural surveillance
To maintain long sightlines along paths and into adjacent spaces
to maximise visibility
To provide signage to assist in way finding
To ensure all facilities are well maintained and graffiti is promptly
removed to promote a perception of safety and encourage use
To design all car parking areas to maximise natural surveillance
and pedestrian visibility
To provide public toilets in highly visible and accessible locations
to promote their use and enhance people’s perception of safety
To provide cycle parking in highly visible and accessible locations
to enhance user safety
14.1.6 Child Friendly Cities / Communities
There is a growing shift world-wide to ensure that communities welcome
children’s participation in all aspects of community life. The United
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child has developed the concept
of Child Friendly Cities10 to ensure that every child has the right to:
Influence decisions about their city
Express their opinion on the city they want
Participate in family, community and social life
Receive basic services such as health care, education and shelter
Drink safe water and have access to proper sanitation
Be protected from exploitation, violence and abuse
Walk safely in the streets on their own
Meet friends and play
Have green spaces for plants and animals
Live in an unpolluted environment
Participate in cultural and social events
Be an equal citizen of their city with access to every service,
regardless of ethnic origin, religion, income, gender or disability.
In order to achieve this vision, nine key elements of inclusion have been
identified, as follows:
UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Building Child Friendly Cities – A
Framework for Action (2004):
Page | 41
1. Children’s participation: promoting children’s active involvement
in issues that affect them; listening to their views and taking them
into consideration in decision-making processes.
2. A child friendly legal framework: ensuring legislation, regulatory
frameworks and procedures which consistently promote and
protect the rights of all children.
3. A city-wide Children’s Rights Strategy: developing a detailed,
comprehensive strategy or agenda for building a Child Friendly
City, based on the Convention.
4. A Children’s Rights Unit or coordinating mechanism: developing
permanent structures in local government to ensure priority
consideration of children’s perspective.
5. Child impact assessment and evaluation: ensuring that there is a
systematic process to assess the impact of law, policy and
practice on children – in advance, during and after
6. A children’s budget: ensuring adequate resource commitment
and budget analysis for children.
7. A regular State of the City’s Children Report: ensuring sufficient
monitoring and data collection on the state of children and their
8. Making children’s rights known: ensuring awareness of children’s
rights among adults and children.
9. Independent advocacy for children: supporting nongovernmental organisations and developing independent human
rights institutions – children’s ombudspeople or commissioners
for children – to promote children’s rights.
Figure 14: Seats near Fire Brigade Training Track
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14.2 Needs Expressed through Community Consultation
Consultation was undertaken in Broadway, Dunolly on Friday 3 December from 3pm to 5.30pm. Thirty-one (31) community members were interviewed. Of
these people, 14 males were interviewed, mostly under 18 years of age or around 50 years of age, with some 20-30 year olds; and 17 females were
interviewed with a broad cross representation of ages from under 18 to approximately 60 years of age.
Recreation Reserve
Suggested Improvements
Deledio Recreation Reserve, Dunolly
Upgrade pavilion so that it has a good function space and can be used for activities such as indoor
gymnastics. Incorporate a verandah, a larger kitchen, improved change rooms and a larger trainer’s room
with air conditioning
Upgrade the public toilets at the Reserve and put a roof over them
Improve landscaping and maintenance of entire site
Develop play facilities at the Reserve
Better maintenance of BMX track required, e.g. improve table tops on BMX jumps and improve drainage
Improve road surface / tracks around the recreation reserve and the Dredge Hole
Oval needs better grass coverage – ground is too hard
Improve area around the Dredge Hole so that it is more attractive for walking, cycling, picnicking, BBQs,
Cut grass around Dredge Hole – people are fearful of snakes
Develop more seating around the netball courts
Rebuild the scoreboard so that it is easier to see – currently on an awkward angle
Resurface fire track
Upgrade the netball courts and mark with tennis court lines
Improve landscaping around netball court area
Develop skate facilities at the Reserve
Develop a picnic area in the area where the old toilet block is (near the front entrance)
Develop more seating around the oval
Consider changing the name of the Dredge Hole.
Install light towers
Light the second netball court
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Recreation Reserve
Suggested Improvements
Fix up cricket wicket
Construct a bird observatory near the Dredge Hole
Develop public transport linkages to Deledio Recreation Reserve
Consider turning fire track into car parking if track is no longer required
Install public art along walking track, e.g. sculptures, mosaics, etc
Install pooper scoopers for dog owners
Install a drinking fountain
Ensure that cycling / walking trails link to the existing Dunolly network
Develop a Perspex sign at the site which identifies bicycle tracks
Install a feature at the Recreation Reserve that reflects the gold theme of the area
Fix up drainage problem between netball courts and sports oval
Fix up drainage problem in archery area
Install nets behind football goal posts
Improve food in kiosk
Need more walking / cycling tracks around all reserves – and ensure that these tracks are maintained
Public toilets need to be in good condition, otherwise people won’t use them. Too often public toilets are
closed and not properly maintained
Need an off leash dog area and information about where you can walk dogs that are off their leashes
Need to connect all recreation reserves to public transport and ensure there are seats at bus stops
Need access to more water to better maintain all sports facilities
Lack of information about opportunities available at recreation reserves
Off leash dogs are problematic at some reserves when not controlled by owners
User groups need to take some ownership and responsibility for maintaining their sites
General Comments
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14.3 Needs Expressed Through Key Stakeholder Interviews
A number of key stakeholders, including Council officers and representatives of user groups, were interviewed to seek their ideas on ways to improve the
Recreation Reserve. A summary of their comments follows:
Need to develop new clubrooms incorporating male and female change facilities; male and female umpire change
facilities; commercial kitchen and kiosk; function space for 200 people; toilets that are accessible from inside and
out; gym; floor to ceiling windows for viewing over oval; verandah; wall space for memorabilia; meeting room;
storage space for equipment; bar; audio visual equipment; heating and cooling; disabled access; time keepers box;
scorers box; 2 offices; 3 phase power; bitumen parking (incorporating parking for the disabled, kitchen deliveries
and emergency access)
Need to upgrade power (costed at approximately $30K)
Need to demolish public toilets and incorporate into new pavilion development
Need to develop a playground on site
Need to install lights on netball courts and football ground
Need to replace reticulated water– pipes have rotted and water hard to access from dam
Need to clean out some channels in bushland and some storm water drains to allow greater catchment of water
Need to establish warm season grasses on sports ground
Need to install electricity at archery site and second oval
Need to develop a shared storage shed between cricket and CFA
Need to improve landscaping at entrance to the site and around the netball courts
Need more seating required around netball court area and around the oval
Need to resurface netball courts
Need to extend verandah of netball pavilion to provide more shelter for players and spectators
Need to develop a policy regarding signage and sponsorship signage at recreation reserves
Need to involve planning department in any vegetation removals
Need to ensure that any new developments consider sensitive design rather than ‘cheap and nasty’
Need to improve visual amenity of all recreation reserves
Need to provide guidelines to Committees of Management on appropriate trees for planting at reserves
Need to prioritise upgrade of existing buildings wherever possible over development of new buildings
Need to ensure that any buildings developed are as low maintenance as possible, e.g. constructed of steel and
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colorbond, do not feature weatherboards, do not have internal gutters, etc
Need to ensure that any water tanks installed are fire- and vandal-proof
Need to install extra installation into buildings where possible
Need to consider that solar panels only have a ten year life span
Need to ensure that solar water tanks are constructed of stainless steel and that they are regularly maintained
Need to limit the number of sports grounds with lights
Need to establish level of service that Council will provide to clubs and any associated fees
Need to ensure that Committees of Management have representatives from non-user groups as well
Need to discourage development of single purpose facilities, unless the facility is of regional significance with
multiple playing surfaces of a high standard
Need to encourage the development of non-traditional physical activities at recreation reserves
Need to provide improved communication between CGS and clubs in relation to roles and responsibilities, funding
opportunities and assistance
Need to consider different management models (e.g. Serpentine Inc.)
Need to ensure that clubs and Council are each aware of their roles and responsibilities
Need Council to organise annual meetings of all user groups at Recreation Reserves to allow information
distribution and discussions
Need to check club insurances annually
Need to establish a Developer Contribution scheme
Need to ensure that facilities are as multi-purpose as possible
Need to consider drainage, cross-fall, access roads, fencing, venue management, horticulture and standard of
Page | 46
14.4 Potential Funding Sources
Funding Program and
Website Address
Grant Amounts
Opening Date
(of current or
Closing Date (of
current or
Community Facility Funding
Program – Building
Community Infrastructure Major Facilities
Department of
Planning and
Up to $650,000
for projects
costing more
than $500,000
(excluding GST).
Funding on the
following basis
DPCD $1 : Local
$1 for rural areas
July 2011
24 August 2011
Grants to improve places where communities meet and
interact. Applications should focus on building or upgrading
community sport and recreation facilities that are
innovative, effectively managed, environmentally
sustainable and well-used. Project proposals require
significant justification such as feasibility studies.
Department of
Planning and
Up to $100,000
for projects
costing up to
(excluding GST).
Funding on the
following basis
DPCD $2: Local
$1 for rural areas
July 2011
28 September
Funding will support projects that provide: Upgrades to
outdated and non-compliant facilities, e.g. change facilities
for junior or female use; shared paths and tracks; sports
surface development; increased participation capacity
through lighting developments; projects for young people
and families such as playgrounds and skate parks or BMX
tracks; program and meeting space; more accessible and
inclusive facilities; projects promoting efficient and
sustainable use of Victoria’s natural resources for
community sport and recreation facilities. Application must
be supported by Council.
Department of
Planning and
Up to $30,000.
Funding on a $2
July 2011
22 November
Aiming to assist communities to plan for future community
sport and recreation provision through better information
Community Facility Funding
Program – Building
Community Infrastructure Minor Facilities
Community Facility Funding
Program – Building
Page | 47
Funding Program and
Website Address
Grant Amounts
Opening Date
(of current or
Community Infrastructure Planning
for $1 basis.
Department of
Planning and
Up to $100,000
Funding on the
following basis
DPCD $2: Local
$1 for rural areas
accepted on
an ongoing
Department of
Planning and
Up to $5,000
Closing Date (of
current or
collection, community consultation and strategic planning.
Country Football & Netball
Country Action Grant
Funding to assist country football and netball clubs and
umpiring organisations to develop facilities in particular
areas of need including: football, netball and umpire
facilities, shared community, club and social facilities, multiuse facilities or lighting.
1 March 2011
For initiatives that help organisations operate more
effectively; e.g. Funding for attendance at relevant training
courses; Initiatives to help organisations provide accessible
sport and active recreation opportunities for members of the
local community
Page | 48
Funding Program and
Website Address
Grant Amounts
Opening Date
(of current or
Closing Date (of
current or
Active Club Grants
Up to $2,500
9 February
For sports injury prevention equipment, essential sporting
equipment, portable shade and volunteer and club training.
These grants aim to:
Putting Locals First Program:
Project Planning
ommunity-programs/puttinglocals-first/communityinitiatives/project -planning
Putting Locals First Program:
Improved Local
Encourage and increase participation opportunities
in physical activity for those who are currently
inactive or traditionally encounter barriers to
participation, by providing equipment or training
Improve the safety of sporting and active recreation
environments and reduce the likelihood of injury
while promoting physical activity.
Up to $30,000
Funding on the
following basis
RDV $3: Other
$1 for rural areas
can be
submitted at
any time
Activities that could be supported include: feasibility
planning for infrastructure projects; initial work to bring
together a range of organisations and groups; short term
work testing the viability and support for an innovative
response to a local community problem or issue.
Up to $300,000.
Funding on the
following basis,
RDV $3: $1
Other for rural
can be
submitted at
any time.
Funding to support investment in priority infrastructure that
meets local needs. Examples include: civic revitalisation
initiatives; building or upgrading shared community facilities;
pathway projects connecting communities and attracting
visitors; innovative water projects that improve the use of
Page | 49
Funding Program and
Website Address
Victorian Volunteer Small
Sustainable Sports Ground
Grant Amounts
Opening Date
(of current or
Closing Date (of
current or
recycled water at community facilities.
Over $300,000
to maximum of
$500,000 RDV
$2: $1 Other
excluding land
Department of
Planning and
Up to $5,000
Open for
on an ongoing
Open for
applications on
an ongoing
Available for community not for profit groups to: attract new
volunteers from diverse backgrounds, e.g. Indigenous
people, newly arrived migrants, people with disabilities;
create new volunteering opportunities; and strengthen
existing volunteering programs as a way of engaging new
Examples of the activities or projects which could be funded
include: a mentoring and awareness-raising program to
involve people with disabilities as new volunteers in
community organisations; a recruitment plan and advertising
campaign, designed in partnership with an Asylum Seeker
Resource Centre, to involve newly arrived migrants in rural
communities in volunteering; recruiting and training local
Indigenous volunteers to develop an Indigenous history
program for local school children; providing essential
equipment as part of a campaign to recruit and train more
volunteers as life savers on local beaches; or developing
accessible signage, website and training resources to
increase the participation of people with disabilities as
Department of
Planning and
Maximum grant
is up to $100,000
30 June 2011
10 August 2011
The Sustainable Sports Grounds Program will help local
communities implement sustainable water management
Page | 50
Funding Program and
Website Address
Grant Amounts
DPCD $2:$1 local
for rural areas
Opening Date
(of current or
Closing Date (of
current or
practice and achieve high levels of use and participation at
sport and recreation facilities.
The Sustainable Sports Grounds Program will support
projects that provide sustainable reductions in the use of
potable water, including:
– provision of recycled water infrastructure for sports fields
– replacement of turf or red porous surfaces with hard or
synthetic surfaces
– water run-off harvesting, re-use and storage initiatives
– developing fields with drought resistant turf species
– water efficient irrigation systems for sport facilities
– recycling of water used at sporting facilities
– pool blankets for aquatic facilities
– the development and use of alternative water sources.
Applications can only be submitted by Local Government
Small Grants for Small Rural
Communities Program
Foundation for
Rural and Regional
Up to $5,000
March 2011
Not-for-profit organisations can apply for projects and
activities that offer clear public benefit for communities
living in small rural and remote locations in Australia,
contributing to their development in social and community
welfare, economic, environmental, health, education or
cultural areas. Applications from sporting organisations
need to clearly demonstrate a benefit to the wider
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14.5 Proposed Building Plan
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14.6 Proposed Site Plan
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