Gazette: Spring 2015 - The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp

Spring 2015
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
The Sullivan family find time for laughter and play at a Fall Family Weekend
Family Weekends:
Coming Together to Find Joy
For those who have been to Camp,
the experience is nothing short of
magical. For those who haven’t, those
who are often living in the day-to-day
stress and fear of serious illness, the
thought of it can be a bit scary. So,
Family Weekends, which bring entire
families to Camp together for three
days of fun and friendship, can be a
great introduction and are often “just
what the doctor ordered.”
That literally was the case for
the Sullivan family when one of their
physicians, Dr. Kerry Moss, insisted
Camp was just what they needed.
They came to Camp shortly after Kiley,
who is undergoing treatment for a rare
type of cancer, was discharged from
the hospital.
“We knew we wanted to get away,
and the idea of Camp sounded great,
but our daughter was pretty sick at
the time – she had just finished up five
weeks of radiation,” said dad James.
“But we could not have been happier
with the experience. They made us feel
right at home right away. It felt like a
weight off of our shoulders.”
The Sullivans, like many Family
Weekend attendees, had never before
been to Camp. These families arrive
uncertain about what lies ahead, but
by Sunday they understand what it
was all about.
They understand what it means to
have family time away from illness and
hospitals again. They understand how
to connect with each other again. They
understand the power of laughter
and play again. They understand that
illness is not what defines their family.
“For me, there were three great
things,” said mom Emily. “One, I got to
be with my husband and talk to him
– that was pretty big. I watched Kiley
feel so good about herself when she
was climbing up and zip-lining off the
tower. And then, my other daughter
might not have climbed up, but she
was so brave when she performed at
Stage Night. It made them both shine.”
Each family is assigned a family
pal – a volunteer who serves as their
Camp liaison. Family pals accompany
the family to activities and meals and
is a trusted friend who can take over
childcare for part of the weekend so
parents can enjoy one-on-one time.
“When your child is this sick, it is
hard to trust anybody besides each
other with her,” Emily said. “So when
we are out of the hospital, one of
us is with her at all times. To have
somebody that we feel confident
leaving her with is a gift.”
Camp hosts 10 to 12 Family
Weekends each year. Like all Camp
programs, Family Weekends allow
participants to choose how they
would like to spend their time, and all
activities are designed to meet every
member of the family where they
are physically and emotionally. It’s a
welcome escape from doctor visits,
medicine and worry.
“The very best part was being with
my family, because when my sister is
in the hospital, I don’t get to see her
that much,” said big sister Allie. “It felt
nice for us all to be together and have
so many things we could do.”
Families leave rejuvenated, with a
renewed sense of hope.
“We reflect on Kiley’s tower climb
during difficult procedures,” Emily
said. “We say to her – ‘you climbed the
tower; you jumped off; you are
so brave.’”
To learn more about the Sullivan
Family and Family Weekends, watch
our latest Healing Feeling video at
In This Issue
What’s New at Camp. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
CEO Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Creative Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Our 2014 Volunteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Our 2014 Team Members. . . . . . . . 3
Hospital Outreach on the Go . . . . 5
Family Flats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Sheriff’s Spotlight
Our corporate partners. . . . . . . . . . . 5
Our Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Team Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Saddle Up for Camp
Highlighting community support. . 7
Pardner Profile
Remarkable Camp staff & friends. . . 7
Be sure to “like” us on Facebook
and follow us on Twitter and Instagram
What’s New at Camp
After a long and very cold winter,
it’s hard to believe summer is finally
right around the corner, but it is!
Fortunately, our winter was filled with
plenty of fun and excitement to get us
through the snowy days.
For starters, Camp was named
the 2014 PGA TOUR Charity of the
Year. This recognition underscores our
incredible friendship with the Travelers
Championship and its title sponsor
Travelers, and brings up so many
fond memories of sunny days at the
Championship last June!
As we moved into the New Year,
we celebrated a very special Founder’s
Day with the launch of a new
promotional trailer and brand new
website (www.holeinthewallgang.
org)! The new video shows how Paul
Newman’s dream of a summer camp
has exploded into an endless summer
of year-round programming, which
now provides “a different kind of
healing” to more than 25,000 seriously
ill children and family members
annually – all completely free of
charge. Meanwhile, the new website
captures the fun and whimsy of Camp
while providing easy access to all the
information most important to you!
More recently, we welcomed a
new face to our Board of Directors
– Allison Picott. After graduating
from Trinity College with a bachelor’s
degree in political science and from
the University of Pittsburgh School of
Law with a J.D., Allison worked for six
years as a law clerk for the Justices of
the Massachusetts Superior Court. She
then worked as a litigation associate for
Nixon Peabody LLP and Prince Lobel
Tye LLP. Over the past several years,
Allison has worked as a development
professional, and currently serves as the
principal and founder of Advancement
Associates, a consulting firm that helps
nonprofit organizations in leadership,
fundraising and planning.
As we move into summer, we’re
looking forward to our very first Family
Camp – a very special four-day session
targeting families who have never
been to Camp before, children with
a high level of medical acuity and
those who require the presence of a
family member or caregiver. We also
can’t wait to welcome everyone into
our newly renovated cabins. After the
Yellow Unit renovation last year, we
took notes on what worked and what
needed to be adjusted, and now, all
five units boast updated bathrooms,
improved storage and increased
energy efficiency. We can’t wait to see
what else summer has in store!
Camp’s new promo video and website capture Camp’s whimsical spirit while highlighting the depth
and breadth of programming offered.
ilies’ creativity
our fam
A showcase for
At the Hole in the Wall
Song by Cooper McLaughlin, age 13
It seems like July would never end. I was waiting so long for summer to be a blast.
And now it came.
Because I’m at the Hole in the Wall
where summer seems like it will never end.
It seems like I am surrounded by family,
and thank you Mr. Newman for this opportunity.
And this week might be too short
And I rise up on my feet
and it feels like the bad thoughts have disappeared…
in me
And I rise up on my feet
And all the happiness is clear as can be.
The darkness comes quick but the light always comes from behind it
fishing climbing always on the run.
I never want to leave that last day but I am sure I will see you again.
We never stop climbing,
we always want to celebrate.
And we scream and shout until one of us passes out and I’m always
here to join you when you are doing something fun.
I seen the world and the world isn’t better than this. And I tell you now that everyone’s accepted in this beautiful place. I was greeted when I came here and it put a smile on my face.
Because we’re at the Hole in the Wall the happiness never seems
to go away.
Mr. Newman built this place for kids to be happy and free.
From the CEO
On February 5th, 175 members
of our Camp family came to New
York City for a very special event – An
Evening with The Elephant Man. Not
only did we share in the experience of
watching Bradley Cooper’s masterful
performance, but we also heard him
eloquently reflect on his time as a
volunteer counselor at Hole in the Wall.
The show was awe-inspiring,
sharing a special resonance with our
mission and serving as a reminder of
the importance of friendship. Through
Bernard Pomerance’s masterful play,
the audience experienced just how
transformational the gift of friendship
was for John Merrick and those who
knew him. This is not unlike the
experience of the seriously ill children in
our care. For many of them, Hole in the
Wall programs provide an end to their
isolation and a comforting realization
that they are not alone.
What an enormous privilege it is
to create a safe place and welcoming
community where child and parent
alike can find joy in the most
ordinary things. How healing it is to
be reminded that amidst the fear,
uncertainty and isolation, one can still
experience the transformational power
of friendship.
Our 28th summer is nearly upon
us, and with it, the joy, laughter and
camaraderie of Camp. How exciting to
welcome these brave and beautiful
children for one week of acceptance and
possibility. We are blessed to share this
healing experience with you. Camp CEO Jimmy Canton and Board Member
Bradley Cooper backstage following An Evening
with “The Elephant Man.”
Thanks to Our 2014 Volunteers!
We celebrate the hundreds of volunteers who helped to make 2014 an exceptional year for Camp and our campers. Our amazing volunteers support Camp during our various
on- and off-site programs – as physicians and nurses, by helping prepare our facilities for summer and weekend programs, at special events and in our administrative offices.
For more info on volunteering, contact [email protected].
Heidi Abendroth, RN
Emily Ach
Caroline Adams
Danette Adams
Dawn Adams
Jane Adams
Kevin Adams
Nadeen Adams
Leigh Adel-Arnold
Shannon Ahern
Marshall Allan
Nikole Allen
Diane Amantea, LPN
Mansell Ambrose
Dick Anderson
Linda Anderson
Yvonne Andrassi
Donna Angelo, RN
Carol Ann Anyan
David Arcari
Hilary Armstrong
Joe Armstrong
Mary Arnini
Alyssa Arroyo
Paola Assandro
Kiley Atkins
Marsha Auguste
Mark Auletta
Caitlin Axtmayer
Alfredo Axtmayer, RN
Vinoth B
Emily Backes
Beth Bailey, RN
John Bailin
Madeleine Baker
Melissa Baldino
Timothy Baldwin
Bryan Ballard
Margaret Ballard, RN
Matthew Ballard
Matthew Joseph Baluyut
Tom Bana
Bank of America
Sumeet Banker, MD
Jill Baral
Mark Baral
Stacy Baral
Jess Barbieri
Jacqueline Baril
Emma Barrett
Durante Barringer
Katherine Bartlett
Margaret Barusch
Deb Basa
Tony Basa
Pattie Basile
Vinnie Basile
Charlotte Beales
Tyler Bean
Kyle Beatty
Doug Becker
Joseph Becker
Lynn Belkin
Eric Beller
Jenn Bellino, MD
Brian Bemis
Paolo Benigni
Olivia Benson
Wendy Benson
Lou Bergholtz
Matthew Berlin
Andrew Berry
Tammy Berry
Ben Beutel-Gunn
Eric Bezler, MD
Natalie Bezler, MD
Yogesh Bhade
Christine Billings
Derek Billings
Scott Billings
Birch Mountain
MaryKate Bisaillon
Elise Bitterman
Jessica Black
Ellen Bobrow
Brion Bonkowski
Lauri Boscarino
Gary Boucher
John Boucher
Hannah Boudreau
Kristen Boudreau
Lynn Bouthillier
Kathryn Boys
Monica Bozza
Bill Bradford
Bradley Univ.
Patricia Bragdon, LPN
Richard Bragdon, RPH
Gil Bransford
Clark Briffel
Kayla Briggs
Kimberly Bright
Chelsea Bristol
Kathy Bristol
Hunter Brock
Carolyn Brodginski
Michael Brogan
Fred Brooke
Dawn Brooks
Steve Brosnihan
Cat Brousseau
Nicholas Brow
Bonnie Brown
Colleen Brown
Stephen Brown
Joseph Buchanan
Bayly Buck
Heather Buck, RN
Erica Buckley
James Bujold
Elise Burge, RN
Steve Burke
Meghan Burns
Julie Burns, APRN
Kathy Burns, RN
Juan Burt
Dekoiya Burton
Peter Butzen, RN
Kathy Byrne, RN
Michael Cafarelli
Sean Cahill
Amy Calvanese
Hannah Campbell
Chris Cannata
Tom Cannata
Nancy Caperino
Daniel Capobianco
Peg Carlson
Pete Carlson
Patti Carlton, APRN
Jim Carpenter
Kate Carpenter
Eric Carroll
Shane Carroll
Susan Carserino
Kirsten Carter
Rebecca Casimiro
Valery Cavadini
Dylan Cavaliere
Cory Cerritelli
Antonina Chao
Anju Chawla, MD
Melanie Chen
Christina Cheung
Michael Cheung
Grace Chi, MD
George Chicos
Linda Chicos
Austin Christie
Corey Cinamella
Giovanni Cinamella
Allie Cipolla
Michael Clarion
Fred Clark
Freddy Clark
Kathy Clark
Kelly Anne Clark
Alison Clendenning, RN
Steve Clendenning
Marshall Cohen
Elizabeth Coley
Nicole Collette
Ann Collins
Barbara Collins
Martin Collins
Kevin Colman
Jessica Comras
Tegan Condon
ConKerr Cancer
Norm Connaughton
Terri Connaughton
Amie Conner
Kelsey Conroy
Alie Contino
Brad Cook
John Coperine
Tee Coperine
Jay Corinha
Karen Corinha
Mike Cormier
Greg Costanzo
Katie Costello, RN
Cooper Couch
Jane Couperus
Karen Courville
Kai Crannell
Heather Cremins
Ken Crochiere
Pam Crochiere
Donna Cruz
Matt Cruz
CT. Return Peace Corp.
Joyce Cullen
Kate Cullen
Patti Curcio
Tony Curcio
Char Curry
Ethan Curry
Lisa Curtiss
Marissa Cutting
Josh Cyr
Michael Czerwinski
Jenn Darkazalli
Alyse DaSilva
Alix Dassler, FNP
Mike Dauphin
Victor Davila
Lee Davis
John DeBlasio
Matthew DeCamara
Robert Deichert
Sean Delaney
Diane Demetriades
Eric Derr
Teresa Derr
Nick DeVita
Stacy DeVita
Brandon Devlin
Doris DeWees
Raizel DeWitt
Zita DeZagon
Jillian Diauto
Andy Diaz-Stransky, MD
Richard Dickens
Lisa Dickinson
Scott Dickinson
Galen DiDomizio
Anthony DiElsi
Dawn DiElsi
John DiLeo
Rose DiSanto
Melissa Dodenhoff
Rojeanne Doege
Brian Donahue
Patti Donaldson
Jeanne Donegan
Kyle Donlin
Lauren Donnellan
Shannon Donnellan
Cheryl Donnellan, RN
Amanda Donnelly
David Donnelly
Ali Doppelt, RN
Tad Dorry, RN
Ian Dowey, RN
Patrick Duane
Matt Dube
Jerry Duclos
Rory Duffy
Brian Duggan
Tim Duggan
Rebecca Dulit
Mike Dumas
Pam Dumas
Sue Dunn
Anishka Durvasula
Padma Durvasula
Ravi Durvasula
Rohun Durvasula
Christine Eaccarino, ARPN
Paul Eaton
Neal Edelson
Videa Edralin
Raphe Elkind
Emily Elliott
Angie Ellison, MD
Cindy Enriquez
Sarah Esposito
Sudie Evageliou
Nick Evageliou, MD
Holly Everett
Morgan Fagant
Howard Faigel
Alessandro Failo
Justin Farrands
Cheryl Faucher
John Fede
Tom Ferdman
Lisa Ferry
Andrew Fezza
Sue Fezza
Dann Fink
Meagan Finn
Lindsay Fisher
Adam Fishman
Matt Fletcher
Kira Floge
Erin Flores
Jasmin Floyd
Melendy Forman
Lydia Forstmann
Colby Fortier Brown
Colleen Foster
Barry Fowler
Neal Fox
Daryl Fraser
Debbie Fraser
Alicia French
Kyle French
Rebecca Friday
Mitchell Friedman
Frogmen Volunteers, Inc.
Jamie Fuller
Kelly Funk
Emily Gaal
Kailani Gadlin
Michael Galyon
Cate Gamache
Megan Ganzenmuller
Lace Garbatini
Denise Garner
Molly Gascoigne
Ralph Gates
Alexandra Gay
Amanda Geduld
Caitlyn Geer
Susan Genicevitch
Daniella Genovese
Kim Gentile
Pete Gentile
Susan Gerr
Jillian Gerson
Alan Geygan
Elisa Giangiulio
Janet Giangiulio
Randy Giangiulio
Steven Giangiulio
Estelle Gibbons
Eileen Gillan, MD
Ann Gillard
Bruce Ginsberg
Samuel Glickman
Linda Godby
Gina Goff
Donna Goldsmith, RN
Howard Goldstein
Neva Goldstein
Emily Golubowski
Maria Gomez
Alana Gomez Wagner
Guillermo Gonzalez
Tahlya Granja
Patty Graves
Shelly Gray
Sabrina Greaves
Steve Green
Timothy Greenberg
Sharmaine Gregor
Judy Gregory
Cassandra Grenier
Becky Grillo
Kara Grillo
Dave Gruendel
Ana Grullon
Miranda Guardiani
Nicholas Guay
Jimmy Guity
Eric Haglund
Amy Hagstrom, RN
Alison Haigis
Jackson Haigis
Benjamin Hall
Colleen Hanly
John Hanly
JoAnna Harran
Paul Harrison
Roxanne Hassett
Braelynn Hawkins
Michael Haydu
Matt Heeney, MD
Lisa Hellen
Charles (Jerry)
Hemenway, MD
Karen Henderson
Deborah Heneghan
Kara Hennessey
Richard Hernandez
Taylor Herrington
Brittany Hess
Cedar Hewes
Kelly Hewes
Skylar Hewes
Lulu Higgins
Beth Hill
Matthew Hill
Andrew Hirschberg
Hitachi Capital
Tu Hoang
Irma Hodzic
Bonnie Hoff
Andrew Hoffman
Leanne Hollister
Christine Holtkamp
Bailey Horton
Brittany Horton
Dawn Horton
Kyle Horton
Michael Horton
Shawn Howard
Debbie Howland
Jeffrey Huber
Stephen Huber
Barrie Hulse
Gary Iannicelli
Beth Iovenelli, RN
Joseph Irvine
Mike Isakoff, MD
Isabela Iturralde
Blanca Jackson, RN
Jasmine Jackson
Emily Janice
Mark Jenkins
Angela Jervey
Richard Jervey
Debbie Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Joan Johnson
Sue Johnson
Deidra Jones
Michael Jones
Tiffany Jones
Christine Jorgensen
Anu Joseph
Marissa Josub
Mark Jourdian
Erin Joyner
Mary Joyner, APRN
Nicole Jubelirer
Kristin Juhasz
Brigitte Jung
Chris Justinich, MD
Nancy Kail
Chuck Kain
Sarah Kaiser
Wilf Kalbach
Satish Kamalakar
John Kaplan
Alethea Kardas
Charlotte Karol
Patti Kassay
Patricia Kavanaugh, MD
Ana Kayne
Daniel Kayne
Maria Kayne
Richard Kayne
Brianna Kearney
Kristina Kearney
Logan Kearney
Andrea Keefe
Sean Keegan
Ashley Kelley
Katelyn Kelley
Brian Kelly
Katherine Kelly, FNP
Tyyn Kelly
Erik Keneko
Samantha Kent
Mike Kesten
Bev Ketchen, RN
Scott Kimmel
Alan Kinsella
Pat Kisil
Brooke Knetzger
Diane Knetzger
Kate Knetzger, RN
Justine Knischewsky
Wendy Kogel
Matthew Kolakowski
Eileen Kolakowski, RN
Rochelle Koretsky
Sven Kortum
Diane Kosarko
Mary Kozicki
Sarah Kreisman
Matt Krubski
Nicole Kucine, MD
Mike Kuczynski
Tom Kulesza
Gary Kupfer, MD
Katy Lilly, MD
Noa Kupfer
Audrey LaBolle
Matthew LaBolle
Judith Lackey
Aimee LaFrance
Catherine Lamb
Monica Lamontagne
Ray Lamontagne
Frank Lanciotto
Jessica Lanciotto
Taylor Langford
Jeanne Last
Wai Lau
Matthew Lawlor
Sarah Lawlor
Julia Leavitt
Dave Leblanc
Marcy Leblanc
Alex Lebowitz
Robert Leconche
Joshua Leland
Monica Lerch
Andrea Lerude
Maggie Leshen
Michelle LeViegeBuchanan
Janie Levy
Kristal Lewis
Kyle Li
Loretta Li, MD
Maureen Licursi, APRN
Arielle Linsky
Joan Lipson
Sarah Lipson
Jack Litterst
Anne Livingstone
Linda Livingstone
Timothy Lobdell
Carmel Lock
Jordan Loeb
Lesley Lopez
Melissa Lucho
Victor Luis
Marcus Luna
Chandler Lupo
Brian Lynch
Collin Lynch
Lisa Lynch
Tamara Lynch
Kyle MacDonald
Florence Mackey
Kevin Mackstudis
Catherine MacLean
Kevin Magee
Ryan Magee
Rosemarie Mahan
Jo-Ann Main, RN
Cynthia Maloney
Nick Mana
Paula Mandel
Chris Manna
Joyce Manning, RN
Jennifer Maranzano
Christina Marchitto
Liz Marconi
Gianna Margaglione
Wendy Marques
Weatherly Marshall
Frankie Martin
Cristina Martinez
Alan Masarek
Taylor Matulis
Leana May, MD
Morgan Maynard
Susan McCall
Lynn McCarthy
Craig McDonald
Erin McDonald
Valerie McDonald
John McDonnell
Kathleen McDonough
Caitlynne McGaff
Kara McGee, RN
Evan McGloin
Sharon McHugh
Kate McKee
Brian McKenna
Patrick McKenna
Grant McKenzie
Pattie McKnight
Pat McLarney
Anne Marie
Molly McLean
Hannah McMeekin
Karli McMenamin
Kim McMenamin
Leah Meier
Brenda Meisl
Josef Meisl
Kathy Meisler
Kristine Mele
Tia Mele
Chris Merisotis
Christine Merritt
Paul Merritt
Nikki Messenger
Marijke Mester
Kathy Miconi
Andrew Miller
Beth Miller
Evan Miller
Melissa Miller
Rosemarie Miller, RN
Chris Milmoe
Donna Minotti
Eric Minotti
Dana Miranda
Jackie Miranda
Karen Molloy, RN
Amy Monastero
Dana Montford
Shanda Montford
Kristen Montgomery
Amanda Moore
Paige Moore
Patricia Moore
Rob Moore
Ajelet Mor
Juan Morales
Maria Elena Morales
Lori Moran
Robert Moran
Gair Morris
Bill Mortimer
Korreen Mortimer
Ashlee Moskwa, RN
Kerry Moss, MD
Elizabeth Mullen, MD
Douglas Mund
Christina Murphy
Deirdre Murphy
Timothy Murphy
Lee Ann Myers
Trent Myers
Will Nadeau
Santosh Nandabalan
Debra Nanus
Craig Naumec
Mary Naumec
Xaila Navarro
Sarah Nelles
Dave Nelson, MD
Diana Nelson
Jacob Nelson
Liz Nelson
Mary Nerbonne
Nestle Waters Poland
Heather Neuwirth
Lauren Newman
Newman’s Own
Hope Newport
Nicholas Newport
Lisa Nickerson Bucklin
Jes Niemiec
Bobby Nims
Andrew Nitirouth
Personna Nobel
Yasmin Noel, RN
Gary Norris
Kory Norris
Michael Norris
Ilaria Nosengo
James Nunn
Susan Nussbaum
Amy O’Brien
Christy O’Brien
James O’Connell
James O’Connor
Jim O’Connor
Kate O’Connor
Andrew O’Donnell
Bill O’Donnell
Holly O’Donnell
Laura O’Donnell
Lynn O’Donnell
Shea Ogle
Thea O’Lari
Catherine Olsen
Susan Olsen
David Olson
Colin O’Neill
Ryan Onorato
Mark Oristano
Andrea Orsey, MD
Rick O’Toole
Sandy Ouellette
Our Space, Inc.
Kari Overstreet, RN
Michael Padulsky
Sung Paek
Erin Pallotti
Karen Pallotti, RN
Serene Parchment
Bill Pardi
Julianne Pardi
Pat Pardi
Catherine Parisi
Ethan Parker
Mary Parker, RN
Frannie Parkinson
Marie Parks, RN
Matthew Parmelee
Alexander Pascal
Melanie Pascal
Farzana Pashankar, MD
Rashmi Pashankar
Benjamin Patch
Nidhi Patel
David Patenaude
Christopher Pates
Nick Pates
Brian Paul
Sarah Peacock
Elke Perez
Haley Perret, RN
Jamie Pettit
Graham Phelps
Molly Phelps
Thomas Philips
Ali Phillips
Jim Phillips
Patty Phillips
Red Phillips
Thomas Phillips
Joe Picararo, MD
Marcus Piccirillo
David Pigden
Sue Pillet, APRN
Vanessa Pinto
Zach Pitkowsky
Garrett Place
Colin Plant
Abby Plummer
Otis Poisson
Patricia Poisson, RN
Nina Pollard
Chris Pontbriant
Ed Pontbriant
Jean Pontbriant
Karen Porter
Emma Posner
Judy Postemsky
Matt Poulin
Adrienne Prandi, RN
Greg Price
Lori Price
Scott Price
Daniel Prior
Brianna Procopio
Kemar Prussien
Kingdar Prussien
Liz Punsalan
Phoebe Pyrtle
Vanessa Qin
Cliff Quinn
Jacqueline Quintyne
Jessica Rackliff
Mark Ranatza
Jennifer Raney
Shalane Regan
Tiffany Reites
Franny Reynolds - Karol
James Rhoades
Kevin Rice
Lavonne Ridder, RN
Dennis Rinaldi
Monica Riordan
Emma Roache
Stephanie Robbins
Rebecca Robbins
Alex Robertson
Kristen Robinson
Sile Robinson
Kerry Roche
Lauren Roche
Nancy Rodriguez
Nicole Romano
Bianca Romero-Salas
Domenic Roscioli
Jessica Rosenblum, RN
Brianne Ross
Michelle Rozek
Mark Rozelle
Lynne Rozsa
Amy Rucki
Alexis Rudd
Thomas Rudisill, RN
Julian Rundlett
Jeff Russitano
Colleen Ryan
Cassie Ryan, RN
Samantha Saccoccio
John Sahi
Elizabeth Sahner
Noel Sale
Joyce Saltman
Sol Saltman
Ashush Saluja
Adam Sandve
Cristina Sapoval
Greg Carole Lynn Saros
Kate Saylor, RN
Lauren Schlather
Libby Schottland
Peter Schottland
Susan Schottland
Chris Schultz
Dana Schultz
Wayne Schultz
Jenny Schwab, MD
Alex Schwartz
Kevin Schwartz, MD
Rona Schwartz
Alexis Seder
Danijela Seelig
Jonathan Seguro
Anneliese Seitz-Mund
Krista Selnau
Kyle Selnau
Vuthy Sem
Jo Senecal
Tammy Seow
Lorna Seybolt, MD
Dan Shapiro
Harris Shapiro
Matthew Shapiro
Patsy Shawver
Kevin Shea
Megan Shea
Jonathan Shechtman
Joann Sheehan
Philip Sheppard
Philip Shiner
Zachary Shiner
Ruth Shoge
Cheryl Shull
James Sibelle
Steve Sidoruk
Denise Siebert
Quadhera Simmons
Audrey Sims
Marvin Sims
Stephen Slowinski
Emily Smith
Kyle Smith
Sue Smith
Gayle Smotherman
Becky Snow
Terry Somerson
Nancy Soneson
Soraiya Song
Margot Soule
Gabe Spector
Jake Spector
Lorenzo Spettoli
Keith Spicer
Mike Spiro, RN
Aaron Spurlock
Kevin St. Pierre
Neil St. Pierre
Marguerite Stack
Lindsay Standish
Wendy Stanko
Emily Stanley
Beth Stefanik
Paul Stefanik
Brandi Stenglein
Aaron Stevenson
Jeremiah Stevenson
Susan Strange
Jim Sullivan
Nicole Suozzo
Kristen Svec
Maxwell Svec
Maria Sweeney
Laura Swenson
Dave Swerscerski
T. Charlie Erickson
Bill Taft
Cindy Taft
Jordain Taft
Mary Ellen Talbot
Megan Tammaro
Mike Taraian
Brittany Taylor
Laura Taylor
Bob Tedeschi
Juliana Tedeschi
Lindsay Temple
Shelby Temple
John Terase
The Paint Bar
Jacob Thole
Ryan Thompson
Wendy Thornley, RN
Krista Thurstone
Mike Tillotson
Shirley Tolozano
Anu Tom
John Torba
Maria Torraco
Graham Touhey
Greig Trout
Marissa Tuccelli
Jillian Tuchsloff
Nanette Tummers
Cameron Twitty
Michael Twitty
Jean Urbanowski
Michael Urbanowski
Brian Vanesse
Brecht Vanthof
Daniel Vatnick
Adam Vaughan
Sarah Vaughan, RN
Stephanie Vegliante
Zachary Verzillo
Natalie Vetro
Philip Vetro
Eileen Victory
Deana Visvader
Lisa Vita
Sarah Von Pollaro
Mark Wade
Kelly Wade, MD
Susan Wagner, RN
Ben Wagoner
Mary Kate Walker, RN
Denise Wallach
Tony Wallach
Laura Walsh
James Walton
Jean Wargo
Whitney Washburn
David Wasserman
Ester Wasserman
Luisa Wasserman
Kelly Watt
Barbara Watts
Webster Bank
Jeff Weeks
Nanci Weinberger
Dan Weiser, MD
Julie Wenger
Nancy Wentworth
Sarah Wentworth,
Judy West
Gina Wetzel, RN
Kyle White
Leilani White
Anne Williams
Tim Williams
Patrick Williamson
Maryanne WilliamsPitman, APRN
Alice Willis
Tyler Willis
Kimberly Winship
Jack Winters
Rebecca Witowski
Amy Woodruff
Thomas Woodruff
Caleb Woods
Tony Woods
Noell Woolrich
Andrew Wynne
Diane Wynne
Mayumi Yamashita
John Yeager
Nancy Yienya
John Zachos
Stefanie Zaino
Jeff Zeitlin
Mikayla Zeitlin
Alexander Zhu
Janice Zink
Justine Zoeller, RN
Firleyi Zuluasa
Amy Corvino
Tina Cosentino
Kimberly Costa
John Porto Costello
Andrew Cournoyer
Carol Cournoyer
Amanda Craig
Doug Craig
Terence Crean
Scott Credit
Brent Creighton
Alisa Cretella
Ted Culotta
Marc Culver
Heather Cunningham
Mark Cunningham
Mike Cunningham
Keith Cyr
Armand Daccache
Nada Daccache
Peter DaDalt
John Dahlquist
Todd Dalberg
Mary Daley
Emma Danaher
Tegan Danaher
Stephen Darrohn
Lee Darzycki
Joan Dash
Susan Datre
Tara Davidson
Adrian Davis
Leah Davis
Rob Davis
Margaret DeBari
Samantha Deburra
Megan Decamara
Evan DeCaprio
Joe Decker
Judy Decker
Amie DeCosta
Robin Delaney
Rosa Dellaripa
Darrell DeLong
Nancy DeLong
Briana Deluca
Erica Deluca
Theresa Demers
Diane Demetriades
Kristen DeRosier
Patrick DeRosier
Joe Desantis
Susan Desper
Laura Deutsch
Kim Deveau
Rachel Devereaux
Christine DeWick
Anthony DiElsi
Kristen DiMuccio
Maxwell DiMuccio
Jason Dina
Jaclyn Diprospero
Jeffrey Distasio
James Dixon
Thomas Dixon
Kathryn Doak
Nina Dodge
Karen Doherty
Terry Doherty, M.D.
Amy Donle
Bob Donovan
Lorraine Donovan
Kenneth Dowling
Candace Downing
Michael Downing
Bernard Dubb
Richard Dubiel
Tammy Duffy
Carolyn Dugas
Brian Duggan
Kathy Duggan
Tim Duggan
Janice Dumond
Ginny Dunn
Stephen Dunn
Mark Dunton
Andrea Dupont
Carl Dupont
Joanne Dupont
Mary Dupont
Thanks to Our 2014 Team Members
Our thanks go out to our amazing 2014 Team members who helped raise more than $2.1 million for Camp’s programs.
To join the Team, contact [email protected].
David Abarzua
Jane Adams
Kristina Adams
Judy Ahearn
Jennifer Ahern
Timothy Ahern
Chris Aiudi
Donna Aiudi
Kenneth Alberti
Andrew Alden
Stephen Alden
John Alfone
Marissa Alfone
Daniel Allen
David Allen
Justin Allen
Michelle Allen
Narda Allen
Rich Allen
Paul Altmeyer
Daniel Amaral
Joanna Anderson
Tim Anderson
Jaclyn Andrade
Tom Andrix
James Angulo
Andrew Antaki
Robin Apinis
Ronald Apinis
Eric Argust
Pamela Armstrong
Robert Armstrong
Greg Arnold
Maia Aronson
Nathaniel Aronson
Allison Aspinwall
Mary Jane Augusti
Mark Augustine
Steve Augustine
Luka Autard
Patricia Axtmayer
Jim Babek
Howard Baden
Murali Balachandran
Dave Balanceau
Karen Balik
Richard Balik
Hege Barnes
Jim Barra
Marie Barral
Mark Barrett
Caren Bartlett
Katherine Bartlett
Prima Bartlett
John Bartlley
John Bartok
Daniel Barufaldi
Sondra Baseggio
Kristen Basiaga
Andrew Baskin
Cara Baskin
Michael Battey
Mark Battista
Robert Bavol
Michael Bazulka
Sheila Bazulka
Kenneth Beatty
Andrea Beaty
Jon Beaty
Deborah Beauchemin
Victoria Beaudoin
Madelene Becker
Chad Bell
Dan Bellman
Jennifer Belodeau
Melissa Belscher
Yaniv Ben-David
Andria Benjamin
Gordon Bennett
Leo Bento
Matthew Bergenholtz
Josh Berman
Rachel Bernier
Flynn Berry
Stephanie Berry
Erin Bessette
Lori Bessette
Shea Bessette
Paul Biagioni
Dean Bickford
Del Bicking
Kaitlyn Bicking
Kayleigh Bierman
Keith Bierman
Maureen Bierylo
Dean Birdsall
Theresa Birmingham
Christine Bissonette
Nichole Bittner
Adam Blaisdell
David Blanchard
Tyler Blanchard
Dan Blanusa
Jerry Blanusa
Jeff Blinderman
Josh Blinderman
Ross Blinderman
Deborah Blitz
Michael Blitz
Mike Blitz
Sangita Blomberg
Melinda Blum
Tom Blum
Geoff Bober
W. Frank Bohlen
Mark Bolton
Emily Bonebrake
Dina Bonetti
Lindsey Bonitz
Dana Borgman
Tom Borgman
Brittany Boscarino
Vicki Bothroyd
Jim Boudreau
Kristen Boudreau
Paul Bourque
William Bourque
Benjamin Bousquet
Todd Bowden
Connie Bowman
Mary Boy
Jimmie Boyette
Katy Boylan
Laura Brackett
Lynn Branciforte
Kate Brennan
Karen Brewer
Madelyn Briggs
Megan Brinkos
John Broderick
Donald Brodeur
Marc Brodeur
Carolyn Brodginski
Fred Brooke
Jim Brooks
John Brooks
Robert Brooks
Katherine Brower
Aaron Brown
Adrian Brown
Anne-Lise Brown
Arria Brown
Debra Brown
Eric Brown
Katie Brown
Patti Brown
Heather Brown
Tamara Brummer
Jessica Bruno
Keif Bryant
Anne Budding
Kim Bulkeley
Maureen Bulkeley
Frank Buono
Thomas Buono
Carol Burdick
Robert Burger
Tracy Burgess
Eddie Burke
Robert Burley
Christi Burton
Paul Bushey
Lori Buskey
George Bussmann
Darrin Butts
Derek Butts
Kristie Butts
John Byram
Janet Byrne Smith
Constance Calabrese
Bruce Campbell
Eileen Campbell
Ian Campbell
Jay Campbell
Marcia Campbell
Beatriz Canale
Alyssa Cannell
James Canton
Dana Capasso
AJ Cappelli
Phil Cappelli
Christian Carbonara
Benjamin Carbonetti
Jacqueline Carmona
Jim Carpenter
Emily Carr
Michael Carreiro
Richard Carrier
Ciaran Carruthers
Bernardo Casano
Candice Casano
Linda Casasanta
Barrett Casella
Maggie Casey
Larisa Cassie
Matthew Cassie
Robert Cassie
Don Catterton
Eric Centola
Jennifer Cerrato
Laura Cerrato
Michael Cerrato
Richard Cersosimo
Danielle Chabot
Lexie Chabot
Raymond Chabotte
Claire Chamberlain
Brian Chappon
Tiffany Charrette
Mason Chau
Abhijit Chaudhari
Helen Chavey
Angela Chen
Caroline Chesson
Michael Chesson
Robert Chesson
Zachary Chesson
Rudi Chiarito
Amanda Chin
Pamela Chin
Wing Chin
Paul Chojnowski
Patricia Christiana
Katherine Chu
Miranda Cilfone
Emma Cimino
Lisa Ciotto
John Cizik
Kristen Clarke
Kevin Cleary
Nicole Clonan
Brianna Cocuzzo
Kaitlyn Cocuzzo
Steven Cohn
Mita Colebut
Jennifer Colella
Kurt Coleman
Cassandra Colley
Kevin Colman
Troy Conger
Douglas Connelly Jr.
Douglas Connelly Sr.
Brian Conrad
Claire Conroy
Robert Consla
Pam Conte
Beth Contini
Tim Cook
Elizabeth CooperMullin
Rebecca CooperMullin
Jim Copes
Brian Coppola
Teresa Cordeiro
Greta Mae Cormier
Rochelle Cormier
continued on next page
Kalaiselven Durairaj
Kevin Dureiko
Edward Durette
Joanne Durette
Christine Eaccarino
Bruce Edgerton
Eric Edgerton
Janet Edgerton
Adia Edmondson
Doug Edo
Mary Edo
Liz Egan
Paul Egan
Brian Eisenberg
Isabel Ellery
Erin Emerson
Martin Emerson
Lauren Engelke
Talin Erikian
John Erwin
Luis Espinosa
Chace Estes
Bob Esteves
Howard Faigel
Jonah Faigel
Jeff Fall
Jamee Farinella
Justin Farrands
Dorothy Farrell
Matthew Farrell
Maureen Farrington
Jack Faski
Lori Faski
James Faucher
Shirley Faucher
David Fazzina
Paul Feidelson
Charlie Fekete
Sam Fekete
Lisa Fenton
David Ferrero
Connie Fertig
Michael Fertig
Beth Finn
Kelly Finneran
Todd Fisher
Andrew Fitzsimons
Julia Fitzsimons
Matthew Fitzsimons
Nancy Fitzsimons
F.X. Flaherty
Kevin Flanigan
Thomas Flanigan
Alan Fletcher
Nancy Fletcher
Sean Flynn
Robert Fogle
Harlan Ford
Stephen Fordyce
Michael Fortier
Nathaniel Fortier
Keith Foster
David Fowler
Troy Fowler
Wade Fowler
Alyson Fox
John Franceschi
Deborah Fraser
Debra Fraser
Erica Fray
Marguerite Free
Karen Free-Magrino
Kevin Freyer
Alfred Fritzsche
Patricia Fritzsche
Pip Fritzsche
Sherry Fritzsche
Elizabeth Frost
Loreto Fuentes
Karleen Fung
Susan Furtado
Joseph E Futschik
Michael Futschik
Robert Gagnon
Cindy Galamgam
Sidney Gale
Kevin Gallagher
Shaun Gallagher
John Gammichia
Raj Gangina
Amanda Garbatini
Michael Gardner
Anthony Garrett
Brian Garstang
Monica Garvey
Jessica Gates
Michelle Gaudreault
DeAnne Gauya
Benjamin Geballe
Robert Gehret
Peter Geloso
Maria Genouzos
Corine Gentile
Joseph Geyer
Michael Geyer
Mike Giacco
Stephanie Giacco
Amanda Giampia
Elisa Giangiulio
Francis Giantonio
Matt Giardina
Gerry Gibbons
Bret Gifford
Doreen Gifford
Maeve Gifford
Dan Gilbert
Donna Gilbert
Michelle Gilbert
Noah Gilbert
Olivia Gilbert
Mickey Gilliland
Riley Gilliland
Richard Gilman
Gretchen Glaub
Odessa Glaza
Joann Glazewski
Suzanne Glossoti
Stephanie Goetz
Rachel Gold
Thomas Goldstone
Erasmo Gomez
Alexi Goodman
Ella Goodman
Gary Gootnick
Brian Goralnik
Jeff Gorman
Max Gorman
Tommy Goscicki
David Gosselin
Laureen Gosselin
Deborah Gould
Tracey Gousie
Jack Grad
Shannon Grad
Jeffrey Graham
Nicole Grala
Ashley Granquist
Emma Granquist
Mark Granquist
Bob Graulich
Paul Greenhill
Benjamin Grey
Brian Griffiths
Wayne Gronlund
Karen Grouten
Elena Gruendel
Elizabeth Gruendel
Jon Guarino
Tony Guerriero
Todd Guertin
Paul Gulbin
Samuel Guzman
Christopher Haddad
Henry Haddad
Dave Haddox
Nicole Hade
Christopher Haggerty
Jackson Haigis
Cindi Haire
Ed Haire
Joe Hamm
Brennan Handfield
Colleen Hanly
John Hanly
Dylan Hanniford
Steven Hansel
Robert Hansen
Jack Hardy
Jim Hare
Janelle Harmon
Kara Harres
Mike Hart
Sandy Hart
Charles Hatton
Richard Haus
Michael Havard
Christopher Hayden
Gary Haynes
Christine Hayward
Claire Hearn
Joanne Heckman
Nancy Heikila
Joel Helfer
Rusty Helton
James Hendricks
Abdiel A Hernandez
Pamela Hernandez
Kelly Hewes
David Hildebrand
Nicole Hildebrand
Mike Hill
Ela Hnitecki
Sabrina Ho
Thomas Hodgkin
Nick Hof
Edward F Hogan
Robin Hogen
Hanna Holcomb
Mary Holden
Mike Hollis
Valerie Hollis
Lauren HollisterSottolano
Brook Holman
Christina Holmes
Chris Holts
Tiffani Holts
Joe Honcz
Kate Howarth
Stephen Hubbard
Rebecca Hudson
Michael Hund
Dana Husereau
Marisa Husereau
William Huxtable
Brian Hyla
Daniel Hyland
Borislav Iliev
Ceci Iliff
Danny Iliff
Kimberly Ingmanson
Michael Ingmanson
Beth Iovinelli
Cynthia Ittleman
Renita Iturrino
Linda Jabren
Mary Beth Jackson
Matt Jackson
David Jacoboski
Angelina Jacobs
Barry Jacobs
Jordan Jakobsohn
Richard Jakobsohn
Victor Janczar
Katarzyna JanczarLapierre
Cassandra Jasinski
Kristen Jezerski
Lauren Jezerski
Kim Johns
Christina Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Helen Jonsen
John Jordan
Elizabeth Judd
Randy Kabakoff
Dorian Kail
Nancy Kail
Matt Kaiser
Molly Kaissar
Vineela Kanagala
Jim Kanios
John Kaplan
Sandy Karosi
Aisling Kaskel
Brian Kaskel
Emma Kaskel
Linda Kaskel
Daniel Kayne
Richard Kayne
Braden Kearney
Caleb Kearney
Patrick Kearney
Scott Kearney
Andrea Keefe
Kathleen Keegan
Maureen Keehan
Nandell Keene
Rob Keiser
Attila Keller
Andrew Kello
Bill Kelly
Shannon Kelly
Brian Kendall
Eric Kenerley
Karen Kenerley
Will Kenerley
Mariann Kennedy
Brandon Keough
Matthew Kershaw
Katie Kilty
Cameron King
David King
Wendy Kinnamon
Erika Kirschner
Hans Klingbeil
Amy Knight
Ethan Knight
Kedrik Knight
Heather Knorr
Connie Knowles
Keith Knowles
Anne Koeppel
Valerie Koif
Elise Konover
Gregory Konover
Team Simon Konover
Alan Kosack
Jeffrey Kotecki
Laurie Kotfer
Jack Krieger
Jane Krish
Bruce Krish
Eugene Krivosheev
Linda Kronick
Dawn Kruger
Jack Krupienski
James Krupienski
Nancy Krupienski
Laurie Kubic
Michael Kubic
Victoria Kuhr
Kelly Kupers
Paul Labieniec
Bill Lachapelle
Gregg Lachterman
Dana Lambersky
Judy Lambert
Katherine Lambert
Randy Landau
Henry Lane
Michelle Lane
Mike Lane
Kathleen Langevin
Matt Langevin
Emilia Lapierre
Izabella Lapierre
Marc Lapointe
Karen Larkum
Keith Larson
Matilde Larson
Henry LaTorraca
Karen LaTorraca
Jean Latorre
Nicolas Laverde
Anne Lavin
Margaret LaVin
Ryan Lawler
Jane Lazgin
Victoria Leal-Bushey
John Leary
Jennifer Lechman
Kyle Lechman
Abigail Lee
Jacob Lee
Jill Lee
Madelyn Lee
Richard Lee
Siiri Lee
Vern Lee
Cindy Lehmann
Jason Leiser
Jessica LeMoine
Bart Lenaerts
Brian Lenehan
Edward Lenehan
Karen Lenehan
Kristin Lenehan
Thomas Lenehan
Cindy Leon
Matt Leon
Emma Lepisto
Paige Lepisto
Benjamin Levasseor
Rhonda Levesque
Charles Lewis
Harrison Lewis
Jonathan Lewis
Kyle Lieff
Warren Lieff
James Ligas
Arthur Lima
Stephen Lima
Holly Linder
Barbara Lis
Joe Lobdell
Timothy Lobdell
Lourie Lockenwitz
Charles LoDico
Sarah Long
Mark Longo
Belle Loomis
Jennifer Loquine
David Loring
Fatima Lorusso
Carol Lourie
Isabella Lourie
Jeff Lourie
Michaela Love
B Scott Lovell
Debbie Lubinski
Paul Lubinski
Terry Lucas
Roger Luchnick
Carolyn Luck
Al Lyman
Barbara Lynch
Brian Lynch
Ian Lynch
Scott Lynch
Taylor Lynch
Mathews Lynnette
Brandon Lyons
Heather Macdonald
Christine Macken
David MacNiven
Jack MacNiven
Haley MacPhee
Thomas Maddaloni
Rich Madden
Christy Magee
Ryan Magee
Bernie Magrino
Jodi Lyn Magruder
Michael Magruder
Michael Mahler
Samson Mahler
Stephanie Makar
Alison Malkin
Tom Malloy
Jeff Mammano
Herb Manell
Douglas Manfred
Jennefer Marchetti
Uri Marcus
Valerie Marinucci
John Markelon
Debbie Markie
Janet Marolda
John Maroney
Rebekah Marotta
Avery Marsh
Katie Marsh
Joseph Martel
Emily Martinez
Michele Martinez
John Martino
Mary Marulli
Sarah Marulli
Larry Marziale
Peter Massini
Lauren Mayer
Marie Mazzotta
Catherine McAvoy
Marianne McCabe
Carol McCarthy
Kevin McCarthy
Lynn McCarthy
Martin McCarthy
Michael McCarthy
Brad McDonald
Kevin Michael McDonald
Dan McDonnell
Zach McDowell
Bill McEwen
Kathleen McFadden
Ian McFarland
Lawrenzo McGee
Ann McGloin
Evan McGloin
Thomas McGloin
Will McKenzie
Andrew McKinnon
Daniel McMackin
Hugh McMackin
Tyler McMaster
Elizabeth McNamara
Laura McNulty
Margaret McQuade
Meghan McSheffrey
Peter McSherry
D Medeiros
Amy Meier
James Meier
Bob Meikle
Gur Melamede
Antonia Melega
Debra Melesko
Caitlin Mendez
Richelle Meneses
Sidney Meneses
Alex Mercado
Annmarie Mercieri
Tom Merrill
Cameron Merritt
Christine Merritt
Blaise Meyers
Charleigh Meyers
David Michaud
Tia Michaud
Donna Middendorf
Mike Middendorf
Walter Milestone
Vanessa Miller
Monica Millis
Joseph Mills
Joy Minichello
Janet Mitchell
Amy Mitchell-Hartson
Ralph Mlady
Olga-Maria Moas
Ron Mohr
Inge Mohr
Karen Molloy
Leslie Mongillo
James Montanari
Paul Montanari
Monica Monteiro
Sean Montellese
Dean Montgomery
Rachel Montgomery
Tamara Montgomery
Armando Monton
Christopher Montross
Eileen Montross
Jake Montross
Ben Moore
Brady Moore
David Moore
Dawn Moore
Dillon Moore
Kerrianne Moore
Paige Moore
Robert Moore
Juliet Morales
Nancy Morgan
Peter Morgan
Victor Morganthaler
Connor Morhardt
Tina Morrell
William Moss
Aimee Mueller
Doug Mueller
Eoin Mueller
Fiona Mueller
Shirley Mughmaw
Yuet Mui
Mark Mullin
Annette Murano
Christina Murphy
Christopher Murphy
Douglas Murphy
Janie Murphy
Jeanette Murphy
Jeffrey Murphy
Michael Murphy
Stephen Murphy
Tracey Murphy
Caroline Murray
Stephanie Murray
Thomas Myers
Gregory Nappo
David Nardone
Kimberly Nardone
Kelly Nardoza
Connor Neary
Darlene Nebinger
Bethany Nelson
Bruce Nelson
David Nelson
Debra Nelson
Lauren Nelson
Nancy Nelson
Richard Nelson
Steven Nelson
Janlyn Neri
Daniel Netkin-Collins
Dave Newell
Jane Nichols
Robin Nickel
Jill Niemczyk
Peter Niziolek
Ryan Nobile
Robert Notley
Nina Nova
Alexander Nucci
Howard Nunes
Joseph Nye
Carol O’Brien
Jacquelyn O’Brien
Sean O’Brien
Kelly O’Brien Perrotta
Jerid O’Connell
Carolyn O’Connor
Stacey O’Connor
Shannon O’Donnell
Kelley Odorisio
Jim Odorisio
Deirdre O’Farrelly
Catherine Olsen
David Olson
Selam Olson
Susan Olson
Timothy O’Neill
Mary O’Neill Sackett
Bryan Ong
Derek Ong
Nicole Orama
Victoria Oravits
Ben O’Regan
Simon O’Regan
John Orzech
Kenny Osborn
Susan Ostermeier
John Ostrowski
Matthew Ostrowski
Derrick Ouellette
Lee Ouellette
Brenda Pabon
Stacey Pagington
Terese Palange-DeLuca
Kaitlin Palko
Lee Palko
Gabriel Panko
Janice Paradis
Cheryl Parsons
Elizabeth Parsons
Kelly Parsons
Stephanie Parsons
Lindsey Pasternack
Ruchi Patel
Hattie Patenaude
Rebecca Patenaude
Rori Patenaude
Christopher Pates
Fran Patsiga
Scott Patsiga
Jeffrey Paul
Bill Pechka-King
Karen Pedemonti
Louise Pelletier
Lauren Pellett
Nancy Pennington
Ty Pepin
Heather Percy
Jane Percy
Kurt Percy
Joseph Pereira
A special thank you to our Cabin Circle Club
members who each raised more than $2,500 to
support Camp’s growing programs!
Chaleen Abely
Joan Adams
Leigh Adel-Arnold
Sara Alberti
Tony Alfano
Matthew Anchors
Pat Anderson
Scott Anderson
Richard Baker
Beverly Bakes
Amy Baral
Alison Bartlett-O’Donald
Sundra Beal
Dana Bean
Kyle Beatty
Theodore Bell
Eric Beller
Adam Berry
Rebecca Boas
Justin Bonita
Kristin Borowski
Connor Boyle
Mike Brennan
Tim Brennan
Sarah Brenner
Michael Brogan
Jeremy Burr
Vincent Caruso
Julia Casteleiro
Jessica Chaisson
Dyane Chamberlain
Josh Chang
Aroop Chatterjee
Mark Chavey
Mark Clarke
David Cohen
Michael Collins
Rocio Cortez
Christopher Cotter
Alan Critchell
Michael Crowley
Vanessa de Samame
Matthew DeCamara
Brian DeMoss
Bob Deutsch
Daniel Perrault
Peter Perrotta
Timothy Perry
Mary Elizabeth Peters
James Petersen
Richard Petit
Todd Pezzolesi
Michael Pfarr
Max Phelps
Tamsen Philippi
Christine Picklo
Barry Pinkowitz
Greta Piper
Maryann Piro
Nicole Piscopo
Lori Pitkowsky
Zach Pitkowsky
Kathleen Plucker
Ginna Plude
Danielle Pocock
Jean Pogwizd
Frank Polito
Lana Pomeroy
William Pool
David Poore
Lukas Poore
Amy Porter
Pamela Porter
Socorro Portnoy
Christopher Poss
Lauren Post
Olivia Post
Sydney Post
Emilie Powers
Mary Prejean
Ella Prevost
Victoria Price
Melissa Procious
Paul Provost
Maria Prus
Jeremy Przygoda
Natasha Przygoda
Sabrina Przygoda
Elton Purvis
Louise Quintiliani
Andrew Quinto
Natalie Radford
Valerie Raggio
Jadin Rahal
Jami Raley
Lynn Rall
Magesh Ramadass
Chris Ranciato
Allen Randolph
Annabel Randolph
Nadia Rapp
Alex Rasmus
Frankie Rasmus
Julie Redebaugh
Anna Reed
David Reed
Deborah Reed
George Reed
Jack Reed
Traian Reese
Christine Reisel
James Remien
Frankie Rende
Terry Rende
Kevin Reynolds
Veronica Rhodes-Rojas
David Ries
Leonard Rigione
Sarah Risko
Maria Rizzuti
Pamela Robbins
Trevor Roberts
Denzel Robinson
Lyndsie Robinson
Michelle Robinson
Eliana Roche
Jon Rochlis
Michael Roddy
Nga Do
Michael Dupee
Suzi Eckert
Nicholas Fall
Lisa Fekete
Matt Fletcher
Richard Free
Charles Freedgood
Matthew Futterman
Maria Gallione
Allison Galloway
John Garner
John Garner
Nick Garner
Josh Geballe
Lenny Goldberg
Michael Goldberg
Jeremy Goodman
Alan Gousie
Larry Grogin
George Gross
David Gruendel
Michael Haier
Janet Hatton
Andy Heeps
Lee Heidemann
Miles Hirson
Paul Hogan
Marla Horenbein
Eric Hsiao
Corli Human
Patrick Husereau
Peter Hyman
Wayne Imbornone
Jasmine Islam
Craig Ivey
Gary Jacques
Benjamin James
Dan Janiszewski
Erin Jontow
Brad Jubelirer
Greg Kalt
Patricia Kavanagh
Paul Kilvington
Jake Koch
Jose Rodriguez
Liz Rofrano
Frances Rogers
Hana Roggendorf
Emmanuel Rojas
Ricardo Rojas
Andrea Romã¡N
Robert Rood
Chris Roper
Lauren Roper
Rebecca Roper
Debbie Rosen
Samantha Rosen
Erin Rosengren
Ann Louise Rosensohn
Carolyn Rosiene
Joel Rosiene
John Ross
Colleen Rothaupt
Jeff Routledge
Andrew J Rovero
Clare Rowland
Stephen Rowland
Carole Roy
Jessica Roy
Charlene Rubacha
Jeff Rubacha
Connie Rucci
Maria Rucci
Alexander Ruggiero
Mark Ruggiero
Jacquelyn RuizHenriquez
Yole Anna Russo
Natasha Russo Andrews
Mary Rustico
Michael Sabolesky
Jameson Sackett
Madelyn Sackett
Kathryn Sadowski
Michelle Safin
Paul Safin
Elizabeth Sahner
Sherrie Saint-Amant
Brian Saitta
Pasha Sanchez
Cayla Sanetrik
Mathew Sanetrik
Steve Sant Andrea
Angel Santana-Lopez
Heather Santanelli
Charles Santelli
Ruthanne Sapienza
Crystie Sauer
Kristen Savoie
Hayley Saxton
James Scanlon
James Scarles
Louis Schatz
Kayla Schell
Lori Scheller
Lauren Schlather
Kirsten Schnappauf
Eric Schott
Seth Schr
Lynne Schulthess
Marilyn Schulz
Robert Schuster
Beth Schwab
Fred Schwab
Karolyn Schwab
Michael Schwab
Noah Schwaeber
Maribeth Schwartz
Robert Schwartz
Martin Schwarz
Anthony Scorsone
Elizabeth Scrivani
Steven Seager
Michael Seaver
Robert Sedita
Drew Seils
Darren Shames
Roman Kochanowsky
Foong Lay Koh
Daisy Kosack
Judy Lackey
Heidi Langan
Stefano Lanzoni
David Levine
Carolina Liberona
Carmel Lock
Chris Loveless
Cuong Lu
Salome Makonnen
Nancy Marchand
Jason Marlow
Patti Masarek
Peter Mason
Travis Matheney
Jennifer Matulonis
Eric McWilliams
Beth Miller
Lorrie Milton
Donna Minotti
Sanjay Mody
Ernestine Montilio
Kelly Mooney
Adam Moore
JohnPaul Morales
Heather Morgan
David Muscato
Adam Nagin
Serene Nah
Shannon Nelson
Mary Nerbonne
Gregory Nucci
Peter Nye
Dennis O’Brien
A.J. O’Donald
Peter O’Hagan
Luis Orama
Sarah Ovuka
Dan Pace
Chris Patsiga
Harvey Payton
Chelsea Phua
Robert Popham
Douglas Sharafanowich
Gerard Shaw
Jaime Shaw
Sheila Shaw
Sara Shea
Raymond Shedd
Emily Sheerer
Andrea Sidoruk
Stephen Sidoruk
Catherine Sikorski
Kevin Sikorski
Kyle Sikorski
Dane Silcox
Lenn Silverman
Erica Silverman
Nick Silverman
Kenneth Simmons
Tricia Simmons
Sandi Simon
Tanya Singh
Arnab Sinha
Sarah Sinnott
Grant Sirlin
Michelle Sirois
Brenda Sisco
Jordanna Sleboda
Alexandra Slenker
Sandy Small
Adriane Smart
Angela Smart
Charlotte Smith
Emily Smith
James Smith
Margaret Smith
Rich Smith
Sabina Smith
Yoomi Smolley
Michael Sniffen
Maria Soares
Lori Soares-Cavill
Heinrich Soeker
Mark Sondeen
Manjula Soni
Anne Sopelak
Ed Sopelak
Mary Sopelak
Christine Sordo
Mark Sorgi
Will Space
Bob Spang
Michael Spellman
Sarah Spencer
Jon Sperry
Marni Sperry
Barbara Spiegel
Lois Spielman
Peter Spielman
Marisa Stafford
Kathleen Starke
Veronica Steck
Beth Ann Stefanik
Jeremy Stein
Dan Stering
Patrice Stering
Edward Stern
Richard Stern
Lynne Stevison
John Stewart
Damien Stile
Megan Stimson
John Stockford
Robin Stockford
Shelby Stockford
Brian Stotler
Zechariah Stover
John Strahley
Kayla Strand
Phyllis Strand
Amy Streit
Harold Streit
Clementina Strell
Robert Strell
Samantha Strell
Scott Price
Katlyn Regan
John Renaldo
Shannon Rhinehart
Susanne Roberts
Greg Rocchio
Pat Roche
Vanessa Rodriguez
Hazel Romero
Jeannine Salveson
Adam Sayer
Rick Schaller
Mike Scheller
Richard Schlesinger
Dan Shapiro
Mark Shaye
Philip Sheppard
Casey Sherry
Steven Showalter
James Sibelle
Patrick Sikes
Don Sikorski
Stacey Silver
Shawn Simpson
George Spencer
Corey Stanchina
Alan Starke
John Steele
Kevin Stephenson
John Strell
Keith Suchy
Ed Sullivan
Maxwell Svec
David Swercewski
Mike Tropea
Greig Trout
Michele Turton
Amanda Volper
Barbara Walsh
John Waselik
Zoe Weiss
Rich Werneth
Claire Young
Marlene Young
Cathy Zabrowski
Eoana Sturges
Mike Sturges
Cynthia Sturni
Jenny Sullivan
Richard Sullivan
Stacey Sullivan
Debby Sullivan Schapp
Jack Surprenant
Mary Surprenant
Jeffrey Sutton
Alaina Suzanne
Joanne Swanson
Bridget Sweeney
Kaylin Sweeney
Rylee Sweeney
Paul Sweet
Matthew Swenson
Steve Swenson
Ellen Swercewski
Rose Swiatkiewicz
Christine Synott
James Synott
Mary Ellen Talbot
Daniel Tanenbaum
Lori Tarallo Buskey
Justin Taylor
Lauren Taylor
Sue Taylor
Marijo Teague
Judy Teel
Ken Teel
Michael Tennant
Mary Terminesi
Rick Terminesi
Alex Terwilliger
Todne Texeira
Brenda Thickett
Bruce Thomas
Alyssa Thompson
Songdong Tian
Jocelyn Tiberii
Morgan Tiberio
Alexander Tirabassi
Sawyer Tirabassi
Aiden Toomey
David Toomey
Lauren Toomey
Robin Toomey
Marcia Toro
Luis Torres
Ramon Torres
Christina Trahan
Peggy Trahan
Michael Tramis
Darrin Tranter
Eliseo Trevino
Virginia Trevino
Joseph Trifone
Phyllis Trivoluzzi
Barry Trout
Phyllis Trout
Elizabeth Tsatkin
Julianna Turi
Kathy Turi
Ron Turi
Robert Turner
Kate Tuttle
Elizabeth Tyler
Angela Uihlein
Ann Marie Uihlein
Jason Uihlein
Kimberly Uihlein
Edward Urbanowski
Michael Urbanowski
Dina Urso
Felix Valdes
Richard Valentin Jr.
Jose Vallejo
Linda Valvo
Mark Vanostrand
Suresh Vayugundla
Teresa Vegliante
Gabriella Veguilla
Nancy Veguilla
Daniel Veilleux
Lynn Veilleux
Philip Veilleux
Richard Venditto
Michael Vermette
Lisa Vidou
Robert Viens
Jonathan Vincent
Stefen VonDassel
James Wakim
Hal Walker
Jonathan Walker
Matthew Walker
Maryann Wallington
Laura Walsh
Letha Walters
Mike Walters
John Wapoli
Jennifer Ward
Lorraine Waring
Betty-Clare Waselik
Clare Watkins
Mark Watkins
Pamela Watt
Donald Weber
John Webster
Alan Weir
Julia Welch
David Wells
Chris West
Kathryn West
Benjamin Weston
Tony Whiteside
Sebastian Wick
Andy Wieckowski
Peter Wietfeldt
Ashley Wilcox
David Wilcox
Sandra Wilcox
Debra Willet
Scott Willet
Nicholas Willette
Evan Williams
Terry Williams
Deborah Williamson
Lauren Williamson
Tim Wilson
Tracey Wilson
Alicia Winalski
Lisa Winsor
Katie Winters
Gayle Wisniewski
Jon Wojculewicz
Peter Wolchesky
David Wolfram
Alicia Wood
Mary-Evelyn Wood
Tom Wood
Cathy Woodward
Craig Woodward
Sharon Woodward
Michele Woolman
Austin Wotherspoon
Jessica Wysopal
Steve Yau
Irene Young
Neil Young
Karl Zablocki
Daniel Zabrowski
Christine Zambrio
George Zanardi, Jr.
Jonathan Zarkower
Frank Zarkowsky
Casey Zhu
Alison Zimmerman
Marc Zimmerman
Michelle Zimmerman
Bridget Zorger
Nancy Zuelch
Hospital Outreach
on the GO
Highlights from our exciting year-round
program that brings the joy of Camp to seriously ill
children in locations across the Northeast.
A pie in a counselor’s face. A
teacher taking a dip in a dunk tank.
Burying a parent in the sand. Children
have long delighted in getting the
grownups in their lives messy. For the
kids Camp serves through its Hospital
Outreach Program (HOP), messy comes
in the form of slime.
Inspired by a HOP participant who
passed away several years ago, Slime
Day culminates in the public sliming of
hospital staff chosen by patients. The
events have taken place throughout
the Boston region, and were a huge hit
at last year’s CampWeek at Children’s
Hospital of Philadelphia.
“The thing that’s so incredible
about Slime Day is that it redefines
the atmosphere of the hospital into
a place of joy, fun and silliness,” said
Hospital Outreach Specialist Max
Svec. “When you’re participating
in Slime Day, it feels like you’re at
Camp, and that’s a very special and
significant occurrence in the hospital
setting. It brings patients, families,
doctors, nurses, child life specialists,
social workers and the entire hospital
community together. It’s truly
spectacular to witness.”
It takes a whole day to prepare for
the gooey main event, starting with
the creation of the slime itself! HOP
staff partner with Camp volunteers
to host slime-making groups in
playrooms or visit patient rooms for
one-on-one mix sessions.
Left: Nothing like a little slime to get the
laughter started!
Family Flats
Stories from current and former camper families.
It was 1988 when then eightyear-old Lindsay Morris ran her first
Manchester Road Race at the Bennet
Middle School in Manchester, Conn. It
also happened to be the first year her
father, Bill, incorporated a fundraiser for
Camp into the race. He has organized
the fundraiser every year since, and
Lindsay has participated, running and
raising money for Camp.
“They’ve come to expect it at work,”
said Lindsay. “Every November, the form
comes out and everyone donates to
support my run. I always knew it was so
cool to be able to help these kids. But
it didn’t really hit me how amazing it is
until now.”
Last fall, the Camp that Lindsay and
her father have supported for more
than 25 years took a different role in
their lives. Lindsay, her husband and
their two children attended a Family
Weekend after her five-year-old son,
Gavin, was diagnosed with cancer.
“I never anticipated that I would
take advantage of the Camp in the
way that I have,” Lindsay said. “But the
Family Weekend came at a point where
we really needed it – Gavin’s treatment
was so intense, and we needed it to
regroup as a family. We had a chance to
just breathe and everyone – not just the
kids – was able to relax and have fun.”
Lindsay and her husband, Tim, were
able to spend some time together and
reconnect, while the kids got to take
(clockwise from top left) Lindsay, Tim, Gavin
and Harper Morris
part in some traditional Camp fun –
archery, dancing and even Stage Night.
“The first day, Gavin did not want to
be part of Stage Night, but by the end
of the weekend, he was up there telling
jokes that made no sense but the
audience laughed and clapped,” Lindsay
said. “He did things that I thought he
would never do. It was so fun to see him
come out of his shell.”
When it was time to go, Lindsay
said she found herself crying because
she didn’t want to leave. But just a few
months later, she was running in the
Turkey Trot. And shortly after that, the
family was able to reconnect with Camp
at the holiday party.
They are now looking forward
to the next time they can come to
Camp. But in the meantime, Lindsay
will be preparing to run in the 2015
Manchester Road Race.
What’s New at The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
Hospital Outreach Program
HOP will add expanded special events at Boston Children’s, Mass
General, Baystate Medical Center and Connecticut Children’s Medical
Center in 2015 with plans for Slime Days, Woodshop 500, Camp Days
and SuperHero Day.
HOP is working with The SeriousFun Children’s Network and Yale Child
Studies Center to implement a HOP Impact Study at Yale New Haven
Children’s Hospital and Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.
Plans are underway for CampWeek at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
(CHOP) in July. We will again offer five consecutive days of programming
in public spaces, inpatient units and outpatient clinics, bringing Camp
favorites like Opening Campfire, Carnivarty, WoodCHOP 500, Afternoon
Sign-Ups and Slime Day to families at CHOP.
While the goop sets, children from
across the hospital are invited to call
the slime hotline to vote for who will
get slimed, helping bring back the
element of choice to children who
often aren’t able to make decisions
about their day-to-day activities in the
hospital. Child life specialists are the
usual top contenders for the sliming,
but anyone working at the hospital
is fair game, and a world-renowned
surgeon has even been part of the fun.
“The hospital staff who
bravely volunteer to get slimed are
phenomenal,” said Max. “It’s
pretty incredible to see these
caretakers getting involved. They
all realize that at the end of the day
sometimes the best medicine is
to administer smiles, laughter and
a little dose of silly, which is what
Camp is all about.”
Want to learn more about
HOP and what Camp’s doing in the
hospitals? Contact Mary Naumec,
director, Hospital Outreach, at mary.
[email protected]
or at 860-429-3444.
Sheriff’s Spotlight
A shout-out to our dedicated corporate partners.
Camp is blessed to be sustained
by a community of more than
25,000 donors, but what is even
more remarkable is the number of
young people counted among these
supporters. We are deeply inspired
by these children, teens and young
adults, who run, perform, rally their
communities and do so much more
to help us bring “a different kind of
healing” to the children and families
we serve. Now, thanks to a generous
$50,000 challenge match from our
friends at Positive Tracks, their efforts
will have even greater impact.
Positive Tracks is a national,
youth-centric nonprofit that
empowers young people – aged 23
and under – to get active and give
back through the power of sport and
volunteerism. Beginning this year,
Camp became one of 12 Positive
Tracks charity partners that are
encouraging young people to get
active, philanthropic and engaged
in their communities. Through the
matching grant, every dollar raised
through youth-centered fundraising
efforts will be doubled.
“This partnership with Positive
Tracks is perfectly timed with the
launch of our new Kids for Camp
initiative, a philanthropic community
of school-aged youth who are
inspired to pay it forward through
community-based fundraising
activities supporting Camp,” said Ken
Alberti, chief development officer.
“Positive Tracks’ belief that young
people are capable of real civic action
if given the right tools, incentive and
validation is right in line with our own
experiences with the amazing youth
involved with Camp philanthropy.”
Last year, youth and young
adults raised more than $80,000
for Camp through community
and athletic events. Through the
partnership with Positive Tracks and
Kids for Camp, we are excited to see
how much greater an impact these
amazing young people can have.
Other companies interested
in helping grow the match
can contact Ray Shedd, senior
development officer, at
[email protected]
Kids participating in the Camp Challenge Ride are just some of the young philanthropists
who will be able to double their fundraising through the Positive Tracks grant.
Our Events
Highlights of our latest benefit events and those to come…
More than 1,000 Camp families
and friends gathered under the big top
November 8, 2014, for the 23rd Annual
Big Apple Bash. Guests were treated to
face painting, clown noses and a private
performance of the Big Apple Circus’
“Metamorphosis” at Lincoln Center.
Celebrity guest ringmaster and
Camp friend, Josh Lucas of NBC’s The
Mysteries of Laura, joined Camp CEO
Jimmy Canton and co-chairs Stefani
LiDestri and Peter Schottland in the
Center Ring to welcome one and all to
the festivities. Thanks to the generosity
of hundreds of donors, more than 700
campers and their families along with
patients from regional hospitals and
clinics were able to join in the fun and
soak in the show – free of charge.
After the performance, sponsors
and donors were transported to the
Hard Rock Café in Times Square for
a western-themed after-party. The
celebration began with a dinner
reception followed by a spirited
program emceed by Mandy
Lauderdale and featuring a variety
of Camp-themed musical numbers.
Camper Zak shared his inspiring
story of learning medical independence
from his counselor who is also a former
camper with the same diagnosis.
The DJ kept the celebration going
well into the late evening, with guests
filling the dance floor! Caricaturists, a
balloon artist, airbrush tattoo stations
and a photo booth rounded out the
evening activities.
Thanks to the support of the
“Greatest Sponsors on Earth,” LiDestri
Food & Beverage and American
Packaging Corp., as well as hundreds of
donors, this year’s Big Apple Bash raised
more than $1.25 million to support The
Hole in the Wall Gang Camp – a record
for the event.
Above: Balloon art – one of the
many activities guests enjoyed
at this year’s Big Apple Bash.
Middle: Event sponsors,
Peter Schottland and
Stefani LiDestri, get the
party started.
Bottom: Clown noses
were a common sight
at this year’s circus.
Camp Benefit Events 2015
14th Annual Polo for Children Benefit • Greenwich, Conn. – June 7
Spend this family-friendly afternoon with the Camp community on the grounds
of the Greenwich Polo Club. This fun-filled day features cocktails, hors d’oeuvres,
a luncheon, and silent and live auctions, with a picnic party featuring a variety of
activities for children in attendance. The afternoon concludes with a High-Goal
Polo match.
25th Fandango Benefit Gala • Ashford, Conn. – September 19
Join us at Camp for a festive afternoon featuring a performance
by Camp friends and our amazing Hole in the Wall Gang Campers,
cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, and a silent auction and live auction. All
guests are also invited to a post party featuring a buffet dinner, a live
band and dancing. 13th Annual “Fore a Very Good Cause” Golf Tournament
Mamaroneck, N.Y. – September 8
Our annual golf tournament at the prestigious Winged Foot Golf Club in
Mamaroneck, NY features a gourmet brunch followed by a round of 18 holes at
the celebrated club. Participants also enjoy an evening dinner reception where
outing prizes are awarded and a variety of auction items are up for bid.
24th Annual Big Apple Bash • New York, N.Y. – November
Join The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp family for a private afternoon
performance of the Big Apple Circus at Lincoln Center, followed by a
evening dinner reception with children’s activities, music and dancing
at the Hard Rock Café. Your support allows campers and their families
to also attend the private Circus performance free of charge.
Learn more about all of our Camp-hosted benefit events at
or contact Director of Special Events Jennifer Weeks at [email protected].
Team Update
What’s new and exciting at Team Hole in the Wall…
Connect. Conquer. Celebrate! This
may sound like one of our unit cheers,
but it’s actually the mantra for Team
Hole in the Wall’s newest partners, the
2015 Ragnar Relay Cape Cod presented
by New Balance and the 2015 Ragnar
Trail Relay New England presented by
Salomon, which have named Camp as
their official charity partner.
“Team Hole in the Wall continues to
evolve, identifying new opportunities
that align with our mission and present
exciting challenges for our athletes,”
said Ray Shedd, senior development
officer at Camp. “With Ragnar, we’ve
found the perfect mix of both – a
sought-after relay race that is all about
camaraderie and challenge by choice.
Ragnar is also known for wacky fun,
mischief, costumes and music – all
things treasured at Camp.”
This year, Team is expecting
20 teams of six or 12 runners for
the Ragnar Relay Cape Cod and 10
teams of four or seven runners for
the Ragnar Trail Relay New England.
Each participant is asked to raise a
minimum of $500, with the goal of
sending as many campers to Camp
as possible. Current teams include
runners both new to Camp and
returning, Camp alumni and families,
and corporate partners.
“Giving back to the communities
who make our adventures possible is
at the core of Ragnar,” said Courtney
Mitchell Trafton, market development
manager at Ragnar. “By providing
opportunities for our Ragnarians to
connect to and run for a cause, the
experience not only becomes more
meaningful but its impact is amplified
in the lives of those who receive
assistance through programs like Hole
in the Wall.”
Want to learn more about
Ragnar or join an upcoming Team
event as an athlete or volunteer?
Contact Ray at 203-777-0522 or at
[email protected].
A group of Team Hole in the Wall runners tested the waters at last year’s Ragnar! Their smiling faces
say it all - and a partnership was born.
Team Hole in the Wall
2015 Event Calendar
Join us as an athlete or in the cheer zone!
AngelRide • May 23 – 24
Ragnar Trail New England • June 26 – 27
Fairfield Road Race Half Marathon & 5K • June 27 - 28
New York City Triathlon • July 19
Camp Challenge Ride & Bandit 5K • September 12
New York City Marathon • November 1
Sa for
Camp is at the epicenter of a caring community. Our gratitude goes out to all who
host and organize fundraising events in support of Camp’s mission.
Words have the power to change
the world.
That’s the lesson Donna Quitadamo,
a fourth grade teacher at Nelson Place
School in Worcester, Mass., has been
impressing upon her students for
many years as they spread the word
about The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
far and wide.
Students at The Nelson Place School work on a banner to help spread the word about Camp.
It all began when the father of
Donna’s friend passed away and
donations were directed to Camp.
As she learned more about the Hole
in the Wall, she saw an opportunity
to incorporate Camp into her class
curriculum and character education.
The very first lesson came as Donna
shared with her students how Paul
Newman’s philanthropy made him one
of her heroes. In response, some of her
students wrote a story about Camp for
the school newspaper, encouraging
donations. These students saw firsthand
the power of their words as the entire
school became aware of Hole in the
Wall, and response in the school and
community began to snowball.
In the years since that first article,
Donna’s students have compiled two
books of poetry to benefit Camp,
collected arts & crafts supplies for
Camp’s Hospital Outreach teams, and
gathered Halloween costumes for
the costume closet at Camp’s theatre.
Each project incorporates writing
exercises – whether drafting letters to
local businesses, crafting language for
the school’s morning announcements,
penning articles for the school
newspaper or more – to drive home
how impactful words can be.
“Our students have come to realize
they can make a difference in three
ways,” said Donna. “They can donate
money, they can donate supplies, or
they can pick up a pen and spread the
This year, in response to new
Common Core requirements that
moved the informational essay
writing requirement to the start of the
year, Donna’s students wrote essays
about Camp, which were then shared
with members of the community
and beyond. One student even sent
an essay to the Obamas! While the
students understood that they might
not receive responses, many did, and
one essay even resulted in a story
about the project in the Worcester
Telegram (!
Since 2010, Donna and her
students have raised more than
$18,000 for Camp. But most
importantly, students throughout the
school have learned that, through
words and deeds, they have the power
to make a difference.
To learn more about how you
can host an event to support Camp,
contact Andrea Keefe, community
events coordinator, at andrea.keefe@
Pardner Profile
A place to shout about a few of the people who make Camp the remarkable place it is.
Ten years ago, Kate Carpenter
was a new teacher searching for a
way to continue the philanthropy
she’d focused on as a student at
Penn State, where she volunteered
to fundraise for children with
cancer. She researched camps near
her hometown in Connecticut and
found Hole in the Wall.
Kate spent one week at Camp
that first summer and has returned
every summer since.
“I really liked the idea that I was
surrounded by a lot of other young
adults looking to make the world
a better place,” she said. “Camp
magic is contagious, and I couldn’t
imagine not being a part of it.”
In fact, Kate’s time at Camp
inspired a career change. Today,
she works as a child life specialist at
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
(CHOP). At CHOP, Kate gets a new
perspective on the impact of
Camp, working closely with Hole
in the Wall’s Philadelphia Hospital
Outreach Program (HOP) team on
their daily visits and on this past
summer’s CampWeek at CHOP.
“Our hospital is just far enough
away that most of the staff here
didn’t know about the magic Camp
brings to kids,” she said. “You can
really see how HOP helps build the
safety net that lets kids deal with
all the scary stuff. They learn there
are a lot of people there who want
to help them feel safe.”
And she still volunteers at
Camp, now during the sibling
session. “It’s a nice balance to the
work I do on a regular basis.”
To learn more about
volunteer opportunities at
Camp, visit our website at
or email us at volunteers@
Founded in 1988 by Paul Newman, The Hole in the Wall Gang
Camp is a community dedicated to providing “a different kind of
healing” to seriously ill children and their families through a variety of
year-round programs. The Camp delivers fun, friendship and a healthy
dose of mischief through its signature summer program and weekend
sessions at the Camp facility in Ashford, Conn. as well as outreach to
hospitals, clinics and communities across the Northeast. All services
are free of charge.
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp never sells or shares its donor
names and addresses. This policy reflects our commitment as a charity
to maintain the highest integrity in order to protect and ensure
privacy, while building a personal relationship with each donor.
Kate shares a moment with fellow longtime volunteer Patsy Shawver.
“Camp magic is contagious, and I
couldn’t imagine not being a part of it.”
Executive Editor: Ryan Thompson. Editor: Beth Starkin. Contributors: Andrea Keefe, Ellen Buus, Mary Naumec, Ray Shedd, Max Svec, Jennifer Weeks.
Photography: Robb Cyr Photography, Charlie Erickson, Braelynn Hawkins, Joan Marcus, Craig Naumec, The Sullivan Family, and The Morris Family.
Designer: Angell House Design. The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Gazette is published by The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
© 2015 The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. All rights reserved.
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
555 Long Wharf Drive, New Haven, CT 06511
Tel: (203) 772-0522 • Fax: (203) 782-1725
[email protected]
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
565 Ashford Center Road, Ashford, CT 06278
Tel: (860) 429-3444 • Fax: (860) 429-7295
[email protected]
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
Paul Newman, Founder
Ray Lamontagne, Chair, Board of Directors
James H. Canton, Chief Executive Officer
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
555 Long Wharf Drive
New Haven, CT 06511
Nonprofit Org.
Permit #447
New Haven, CT
Look inside to see
how families find
fun and connect
at Camp
Families share special moments at Camp’s Family Weekends
Spring 2015