The Diary of Elwyn Davis 1933-1936

Uncle Jacob A Crispell died Sunday April 23rd aged
90 years, 4 months, 5 days.
Little Honey — my angel baby Lillian died one year ago
Jan. 2nd — funeral Jan. 5th .
Ex president Calvin Coolidge died suddenly on Jan. 5th,
The Memory of the Departed
The Holy! How oft their forms
Rise up before or sight.
At twilight’s calm and pensive hour,
Or mid the solemn night.
In dreams we see the once loved forms
Which low in earth now sleep.
We haste to clasp them in our arms,
And then we wake and weep.
And often in our sunniest hours,
We seem to hear the tone
Of those whose voices from this world
Are now forever gone.
Pale moonlight forms will often flit
Across the paths we tread,
And o’er us comes in festive hours
The memory of the dead.
So let it be, forget them not,
Though sometimes o’er the brow
A shadow steals, and gushing tears
Fast from our eyelids flow.
Though parted from our dearest friends,
We have not loved in vain,
For in the spirit land our souls
With theirs shall dwell again.
(From – Pictorial Reader 1847)
Affectionately dedicated to Lillian Ellen Davis,
Who died January 2, 1932
Her parents,
Mr and Mrs Elwyn C Davis
Mr and Mrs Chase Davis
Mariam and Cornelia Davis
Mrs Watson Bishop.
West Shokan Heights, December 29, 1932
When everything looks gloomy
And your heart is sad and blue,
And perplexities and worries
Make you wonder what to do;
When your sunshine’s hid behind the Clouds,
And love and faith and hope is dead.
Just put your faith in a higher star,
And you’ll come out ahead!
Jacob A Crispell, a lifelong resident of West Shokan,
died Sunday in Kingston, aged 90 years. Mr Crispell for
the greater part of his life engaged in farming and was
known to the residents of his neighborhood as “Uncle
Jake” he suffered blindness in his right eye 25 years ago
and 10 years ago became totally blind. Despite his
affliction, however, he was quite active. He resided for
the past five years with Justus North at West Shokan.
Surviving are one brother, Morris Crispell of Michigan;
one half brother, Daniel Crispell of Virginia and several
nephews and nieces. The remains are reposing at the W N
Conner Funeral Home, 296 Fair St. from whence the
funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock
and at West Shokan Baptist Church at 2:30. Interment in
Tongore cemetery. ( Died Sunday April 23rd, 1933
Charles Lewis, 105 year old veteran of the Confederate
army, and possibly the oldest resident of this vicinity, died
at his home in Sawkill Thursday afternoon. Mr Lewis was
born in South Carolina in 1828. He enlisted in the
Confederated forces at the beginning of the Civil war and
was in several battles. At the close of the war he came
north, settling in Kingston. After ten years he removed to
Sawkill, engaging in the bluestone business. He retired
about 25 years ago, but was fairly active until a few years
ago. Mr Lewis was married three times. Surviving him
are his widow, formerly Mary Primley; one daughter
Mary Cliskey of Kingston and one son John. Another son
who served with 348th Infantry during the World War died
over seas. The funeral will be held from his late home
Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment will be in
Chase cemetery, town of Ulster. June 15th, 1933.
January 1, Sunday — Lest we forget that last new Years
our Little Honey Girl was so very ill, but we did not seem
to understand she was stricken with death.
Became much colder last night – near zero – windy clear and cold. Very blustery tonight. Ground frozen hard.
There is no snow.
Around home, Cornelia and Mariam went to Sunday
school PM. I finished my annual summary of weather and
events for Freeman. Mariam and I busy with Ulster
County news and Catskill Mountain Star copies evng.
January 2, Monday — Our beloved Little Honey darling
Lillian died like a martyr, so peacefully and with a smile
on her angel face, one year ago tonight at 11:20, 3 hours
after her operation.
Pa and I worked in Katherine Dwyer’s woods cutting
oak, and two beech firewood trees.
Milder, still, clouded over and broke away evng.
Chester Lyons called PM. Don went back to Oneonta.
Aunt Cornelia took supper with us and spent the evng.
Trooper Ray Dunn came and we had lunch after the fatal
hour of 11:20.
January 3, Tuesday — Froze up last night. Partly cloudy,
mild, still — Cornelia was operated on for appendicitis a
year ago today.
Pa and I worked in Katherine Sherman’s woods. Cut a
top stripped old oak which proved to be a bee tree,
housing a large and real lively swarm of Italian bees. We
sawed the log into directly through the nest about 4 feet
up from the butt. The hollow space was filled with bees
and comb, holding considerable honey. Mariam came
down to see the show after dinner and I got stung three
times. Pa says this is the first live bee tree he ever found
in winter. Trooper Ray Dunn took supper with us and he
and Mariam went to Kingston to a show.
January 4, Wednesday — Mild light winds – partly
Pa and I worked in woods. Made out orders to Sears
Roebuck and National Bellas Hess evng. A year tonight
was Little Honey Lillian’s last spent in her home — She
was laid out here by the flowers and bay windows, so
peaceful in the majesty of death.
January 5, Thursday — LITTLE HONEY WAS BURIED
Mild, mostly cloudy – moderate northerly winds.
Pa and I worked in our upper woods, cleaning up dead
chestnut poles for posts. Pa’s and my every thought is of
darling Sister baby. Fred Weidner came after dinner and
helped take the honey from the bee tree we cut Tuesday.
Mariam took several snapshots. Cornelia and I attended
the postponed Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Christmas
party tonight at Olive Bridge. We visited Little Honey’s
grave both going and coming.
Ex President Calvin Coolidge died suddenly at his home
at 12:45 noon in North Hampton, Mass.
January 6, Friday — Most like summer, clear, light
northerly wind — most too warm for comfort – lovely
moonlight evng.
Pa and I worked in upper woods – cut two oak trees
along turn in edge of woods.. Mr and Mrs Ralph Longyear
were here to supper with us and spent the evng, also Aunt
January 7, Saturday — Ex President Calvin Coolidge’s
funeral at Northampton Mass, burial in Plymouth
Vermont, his ancestral home.
Cloudy AM with rain squalls. Broke away mid day
between showers. Strong westerly winds PM & evng,
mountain squalls whitened the Wittenbergs.
Pa and I took over big wagon load manure AM and
spread in the rain. I went with Virgil Gorgon PM to
funeral of Benj Bush at North Marbletown Reformed
Church and took chaplains part in IOOF service at church.
JOVAN ritual was also read by Cottekill Council No 168.
Also attended interment in Stone Ridge Fair View
January 8, Sunday — Quiet clear but hazy. Froze up last
night but temperature did not drop nearly so much as
during the cold snap of last week end. Snow brewing.
At home all day – Lonely and unhappy. Aunt Cornelia,
Mother, Mariam and Cornelia went to Sunday school PM.
Busy getting out Freeman copy. Trooper Ray Dunn was
here to supper with us and spent the evng.
January 9, Monday — Mold – snowy day – heavy fall of 5
inches. Clearing evng, quite blustery.
Mariam and I were busy getting off Freeman – Star and
news copies AM.
Harold Constable, Pa and I butchered our black cow
Stub Tail – fat as mud. Have 3 quarters sold – keeping
one hind quarter ourselves. Road was ploughed PM by
commissioner Will Jordan with truck snow plough.
January 10, Tuesday — Fair - hazy - mild. Light overcast
evng and southwesterly wind. More storm brewing.
Pa and I made good use of the snow by hauling all cut
saw logs to the mill and two loads to wood pile. Went to
Ashokan evening and delivered a hind quarter of beef 150
lbs to Virgil Merrihew @ 10 cents per lb and fore quarter
127 lbs to Justus North @ 8 cents per lb. Bony Van
Demark went along and we had a visit with Uncle Jake.
He is not feeling well.
January 11, Wednesday — Cloudy - soft - set in rainy at
evening and windy which is cutting the snow rapidly.
Pa and I made good use of the dwindling snow by
drawing firewood logs up from Katherine Sherman’s
woods. Trooper Ray Dunn took dinner with us. Miss
Scott and her mother called this PM. Aunt Cornelia and
Mother attended Ladies Aid quilting at church. Mariam
and I busy writing Freeman news evng.
January 12, Thursday — Cleared during the night and
froze up this AM. part cloudy – colder - northerly winds,
light snow squally.
Made up a West Shokan dinner and sent it by PP to
Mrs Hartmann, fresh beef, sausage, potatoes, carrots,
onions, turnips, beans, dried corn, apples, & bouquet of
greens. I delivered a fore quarter of beef to Abram
Constable AM 127 lbs @ 8 cents per. Pa and I worked in
the upper woods PM cut an oak log and cleaned up dead
chestnut poles. Wrote a batch of Freeman items tonight.
January 13, Friday — Reservoir skimmed over but didn’t
hold. Quite cold night and crispy day, fair and still.
Pa and I cut a strip of firewood from clump of
saplings growing in upper part of the lower Hinkley lot. I
went to see Mart Every this forenoon. He is quite under
the weather due to a fall and high blood pressure. Daisy,
Mariam, and Cornelia attended Sunday School PM.
Cornelia went to Winnifred Weidner’s birthday party
after. I got on the wrong page above refer to Sunday
Trooper Ray Dunn brought a small electric radio tonight
which furnished a real pleasant evening – much enjoyed
by Pa.
Shokan Lodge Will Honor Old Timers.
Shokan lodge # 491 IOOF of Olive Bridge will install
officers, observe founder’s day and honor three fifty - year
members at a meeting to be held tomorrow evening. The
half century members each of whom will be given jewels,
are Walter Brooks of Alligerville, Chase W Davis of
West Shokan, and Simon Bishop of Wittenberg.
Refreshments and a social hour will follow the evening’s
January 14, Saturday — Cloudy – raw and still. Reservoir
above Weidners Point is frozen in.
Pa and I drawed over a big load manure and spread PM.
We cut firewood from along upper corner of Hinkley
orchard lot.
Tonight Pa and I attended IOOF installation and
reception to 50 year members. The following were
installed by District Deputy Jacob Rogers and staff of
Catskill Mountain Lodge # 487. N.G. – Clayton Burger –
V.G. James Gordon, Warden – Alonzo Davis, Cond. –
Oscar Dudley, Rec. Sec – Harlow McLean, – Fin. Sec. John Jordan, Treas. - Virgil Gordon, – RSNG. – Lester B
Davis, LSNG – William Jordan, L.S.S. – Myron Myers,
RSS. -- William Beesmer, RSVG. – Edward Vankleeck,
LSVG. – Le Grand Shultis, Inside Guard William Shultis,
Outside Guard Ernest Beesmer, Chaplain – Arthur
Trowbridge. Walter Brooks, Father Chase W Davis and
Simon K Bishop were presented with elegant jewels.
January 15, Sunday — Beautiful fair cloudless day,
slightly hazy, light northerly winds, mild and very
Happenings of the day recorded by mistake on Friday’s
January 16, Monday — Clear hazy and mild, rain squalls
and blustery late evng.
Pa and I worked cutting out the clump of trees in upper
corner of orchard lot. The very sad word comes of the
death of Mrs Ira Elmendorf of Shokan following a weeks
illness. She was removed this AM to Benedictine
Hospital and died hour after arrival.
Mrs Charles Allen of Lomontville died of pneumonia at
Benedictine Hospital. She leaves 4 children ranging in
age from 4 to 10 years.
January 17, Tuesday — Fair and springlike – breezy –
real blustery tonight.
Was busy this morning catching up on news writing.
Miss Scott called about noontime. She brought things for
Mariam and a trunk to pack her things to take to St Lukes.
January 18, Wednesday — Froze up last night somewhat
colder – fair – light northerly winds.
Mariam and I went to Kingston. She had two teeth
filled $4.00 a tiresome day for me. We went by way of
Hurley mountain road and stopped at Charles Allen’s.
Mrs Allen’s funeral was held at 2 PM at Stone Ridge ME
church. Interment in Tongore cemetery. Mrs Moore and
Genevieve and little Edith Allen spent the PM & evening
with us. Aunt Cornelia joined us for supper.
I took out for Mariam a $1,000.00 endowment at 55 at
age 18 – Provident Mutual Life Insurance policy with
Pearl H Carey, agent of Kingston. She passed medical
exam by Dr Kenneth LeFever at Kingston. Paid first
premium $21.42.
January 19, Thursday — Rainy – dark mussy this
forenoon – slippery, cleared during PM mild and windy.
Tax day – stopped on way to Shokan at Colange store
and paid our taxes to Early North, collector. $1600.
Valuation total $22.42 – Hinkley place – 600 valuation
total $8.41 – Aunt Cornelia’s $1200 valuation $16.81.
I attended the funeral of Mrs (Irma) Ira Elmendorf at
Shokan Reformed Church 2 o’clock. Church crowded –
Sermon by Rev. Brink pre- reservoir pastor. Interment in
Tongore cemetery. I called on Uncle Jake and visited
Little Honey’s grave on my way home.
January 20, Friday — Fair bright day, mild with strong
north winds - diminishing. Typical March day. Reservoir
very rough.
Wrote up set of Freeman items AM. This PM Pa and I
worked back in the woods along brook. Cleaned up a
fallen beech & sawed a leaning stub of big hemlock tree
over brook struck by lightening in 1918. Tonight Aunt
Cornelia, Mother, Cornelia and I also trooper Ray Dunn
and Mariam went to Samsonville to Miss Mary Moore’s.
January 21, Saturday — Froze up last night, continued
fair, a bit colder than yesterday.
Pa and I used bare ground sleighing this forenoon for
hauling several firewood drags to woodpile and made two
trips to mill with oak logs. This PM we took over load
manure and spread on ploughed ground, brought back
load wood put on Aunt Cornelia’s woodpile. Went to
lodge tonight but session was over when I arrived, as had
to get flat tire fixed at Pete Crawfords garage. I paid my
usual visit to my little Angel Honey’s grave.
January 22, Sunday — Arrived rainy and continued
stormy and dreary all day. Cleared evng with strong south
westerly wind.
I went up to Mart Every’s for a call AM – found him
much improved since last Sunday and able to get out
around home. Mariam, Aunt Cornelia, Mother and
Cornelia attended Sunday School. Busy getting out news
and star copies. Trooper Ray Dunn and Aunt C was with
us for beef steak supper and evening. Enjoyed radio
program from hook up in parlor.
January 23, Monday — Glorious clear mild day, brisk
northerly winds, diminishing quiet evening.
Daisy, Mariam and I went to Kingston. Cornelia went
along to Ashokan and to regents arithmetic examination.
Fitted out Daisy with new $16.00 spectacles at Harry
LeFevers. Mariam got new dress and shoes. We stopped
at Little Honey’s grave on the way home. Ttrooper Ray
Dunn called this evng. Busy getting out Freeman items.
January 24, Tuesday — Wonderful clear day, just a bit
breezy. Light northerly winds, air a bit crispy.
Mariam and I finished up Star and Freeman copy AM.
Pa and I cut a dead hemlock in upper Hinkley woods and
done more cutting out in little growth of saplings in lower
Hinkley lot. A telephone message from Phoenicia early
evng reports Trooper Ray Dunn sick in bed with mumps.
January 25, Wednesday — Clear still AM – clouded over
from south at noon. Froze up last night 20 above. This
AM chilly raw air.
Pa and I were busy part of the day in woods, cut a small
oak in lower woods above the saw mill PM. Had 2 nice
16ft logs. Charley Hesley called this evening. Mariam and
I wrote Freeman items. The newly built steam saw mill at
Brodhead owned by Norman Van Buren got going today.
January 26, Thursday — Rained lightly during the night
and this morning. Snow with rain – mountains covered
white. Broke away during PM all clear evng.
I filed the crosscut saw this AM — PM Pa and I with
Harold Constable assistance cut a big red oak in the edge
of woods along boulevard. I wrote a copy for the Freeman
January 27, Friday — Cloudy – snow squalls on
mountains PM – light rain set in late PM. Had light snow
fall early evng ½ in
Finished Freeman items for mail. Pa and I worked
piling up limb wood and cutting up big oak tree into log
lengths. Mr and Mrs Scott called this PM — she helped
Mariam pack up her trunk with her full outfit for St
Our friend trooper Ray Dunn was removed from
Phoenicia to Sidney hospital for medical examination,
however he called up tonight saying it was mumps which
had set him back so abruptly.
January 28, Saturday — An abrupt change to colder,
blustery, squally — light fall of valley snow last evening
disappeared –High Point and Wittenberg”s white.
Pa and I took over and spread a load of manure AM
and brought back load of firewood for Aunt Cornelia’s
Daisy and I went to Kingston PM. She got her new
$16.00 glasses Harry Lefever. Did not get back in time for
attending lodge. We stopped at Little Honey’s grave
going. Trooper Ray Dunn came here from Binghamton
late evening. We all enjoyed after midnight luncheon at
Aunt Cornelia’s and we induced him to stay till morning.
January 29, Sunday --- Piercing raw day, fair squally high
northerly winds -- cloudy evng. Rough March weather
Ed Every called this AM — Mighty glad to see him.
Mariam, Cornelia and Daisy went to Sunday school
PM. A christening party was held this evening at Colange
Hall for baby Anthony 7 weeks old son of Mr and Mrs
William V Colange.
January 30, Monday — Northerly winds, simmering
down – Fair milder.
Was busy all morning getting Freeman and news copies
out with the mail. Pa and I worked in the woods down
along boulevard PM. Mr and Mrs Shepard Bell came up
and spent the evening as a farewell visit for Mariam. Aunt
Cornelia was here and we all had luncheon.
January 31, Tuesday — Partly cloudy – moderate
northerly winds. Lovely clear evening – growing moon.
20 degrees above AM.
Pa and I worked on the woodpile working up logs in
sawing lengths. I went up for a call on Mart and Minnie
Every after doing chores. Miss Scott came over to see
Mariam again PM. She is all packed and ready.
January now gone, proved to be the mildest
January in New York state since weather records have
been kept. The coldest day was on New Years day, when
the thermometers registered 14 degrees above zero. And
the warmest day was on 14th when the thermometers
showed 62 degrees above.
February 1, Wednesday — Warm out – Rained in late
afternoon and evening. Ah! So lonesome.
The final dreaded parting came this lovely crispy
morning. Ed Every took Mariam and I to Kingston with
her trunk. We took the noon train for Weehawken
arriving in New York 3 PM. The weather became cloudy
down the river and was dreary and very raw crossing on
the ferry. We walked cross town on 42nd St to Lexington
Ave subway and took White Plains Express for Mrs
Hartmann’s arriving 5 o’clock. Mr Gries came to supper.
We staid over night – set in rainy at evng in New York.
February 2, Thursday — (Cornelia is writing in the diary)
Quite nice out today, much colder at night and evening.
Wind blows quite hard this evening.
Don came down tonight. It is so lonesome with my
beautiful sister Mariam and Papa gone. Willie Eckert
called PM. Don came down around six PM.
Mariam and I went down town had lunch and paid a
visit to Billy Walsh at his store 10 east 45th St. Came back
on the subway to 110th St and walked up to St Lukes
Hospital at Amsterdam Ave and 113th St where Mariam
was received at the nurses home. I spent the night with
Mrs Hartmann.
February 3, Friday — (Cornelia) Warm out with winds
blowing. Colder towards night.
Ray called tonight & spent evening. Called Mariam up
and her voice sounded so good again. Spent pleasant
evening and had luncheon Aunt Nelia and Don came
over. Lonesome with out Papa and Mariam.
Raw and breezy in New York, clear and crispy tonight.
I left Mrs Hartmann’s and took subway downtown to
Wall St, visited the ancient graves in Trinity church yard.
Met Joe Snyder at his office 54 Wall St. and went out to
lunch with him. I was privileged to visit the New York
Stock Exchange from the gallery in company with Joe and
his friend Joe Kelly who is a member of the Stock
Exchange. I then took the subway up town and visited
Mariam at the nurses home. She was OK and having a
fine time. I then went to Brooklyn and had supper at
Knorph’s. They took me to a movie show and then Bob
drove me to Joe Synder’s where I staid over.
February 4,Saturday — (Cornelia) Warm out in
morning, around 4 PM it tried to snow a bit. Colder late
evening, clearing.
Don and Cornelia went to Kingston in the afternoon.
Miss Ray, Mariam and Papa very much tonight. 1 year 1
month and 5 days Little Honey departed from this old
Due to snow storm in New York this PM I called up
Mariam at St Lukes nurses home from Joe Snyder’s at
Brooklyn where I staid over night after having dinner at
Knorph’s, caught the 4:10 train for Kingston. Got a lucky
ride home from Kingston arriving about 9:30.
February 5, Sunday — Much colder, blustery and a bit
snow squally this AM – clearing. 8 above zero tonight at
Was around home all day getting caught up on news
writing. Trooper Ray Dunn came down from Phoenicia
for supper with us and spent the evng. He staid over night
at Aunt Cornelia’s. We called up Mariam 9 PM at St
Likes nurses home & university 4–8016 – She is all OK.
February 6, Monday — 10 above this AM. Floating ice
fields formed on reservoir last night. Clouded over heavy
with raw south westerly winds, broke away during PM,
moderated somewhat.
Busy getting out Freeman and news copies AM. Pa and
I worked up logs on woodpile PM. for sawing. Got out
Star news copy tonight. Rec’d letter from Mariam.
February 7, Tuesday — Still – storm brewing. Sun shone
thru AM. became heavily overcast PM and set in rainy
and a bit slippery. A driving down pour tonight.
Pa and I finished working up heap of logs on woodpile
for wood saw. Trooper Ray Dunn had supper with us and
staid over night at Aunt Cornelia’s. We got card from
Mariam and sent her a letter.
First Time he Killed a Snake In February
Binnewater, feb. 7 Walter Freer while strolling through
the woods on Friday, February 3,killed a garter snake,
measuring 22 inches in length. Mr Freer who is 63 years
of age shot and killed many snakes during his time but he
states that this the firs time he ever killed a snake in the
month of February.
B Lyons while hunting on January 3, shot and killed a
blacksnake measuring 31 ½ feet in length.
February 8, Wednesday — Cleared during night, real
mild becoming overcast and rain squally toward night –
Set in snowing at dark and developed in a young blizzard
with a very sudden deep drop in temperature – about 1 in.
of snow and icy. Cleared late evng – windy night.
Pa and I put new tongue in log sleigh – cleaned out the
ram inlet sluice AM. While weather was mild. Trooper
Ray Dunn came down to supper and we went through the
driving storm to Kingston saw 20,000 years in Sing Sing
at Broadway theatre.
February 9, Thursday — 4 above zero on our porch.
General average zero and 1 and 2 degrees below. The
drop from the warmth of yesterday about 60 degrees.
Blustery snappy winter day – Squally light. Beautiful full
moon night – zero at 10:30
Pa and I drawed out firewood logs PM and made 2 trips
to saw mill. Jacob Lydman 60 died suddenly tonight at
Acorn Hill.
February 10, Friday — Fierce night – zero this AM –
cold raw day with piercing westerly wind. Part cloudy –
storm brewing – slowly rising temperature, about 15
above tonight. Set in snowing shortly before midnight.
Busy thawing out ours and Aunt Cornelia’s bathrooms
AM. Rec’d and sent cards to Mariam. Pa and I continued
log hauling PM from the big oak tree under the hill – 2
trips to mill and 2 up on woodpile. Wrote Freeman news
evng. Ice cutting reported begun today from Beechford
Farm’s pond at Cold Brook.
February 11, Saturday – 11 inches of feathery snow fell
during the night till mid forenoon – cleared PM.
Thermometer about 15 degrees above this AM moderated
during day but settled back to 10 above at night. Lovely
Busy day for road ploughing equipment. Pa and I
hauled out and spread load manure on 3 corner lot and
drawed back firewood. Trooper Ray Dunn came for
supper and staid over night to Aunt Cornelia’s.
February 12, Sunday — Our thermometer 6 above zero
this AM – fair, still but hazy. Beautiful clear moonlight
and zero again tonight.
I made a round today. Visited Little Honey’s grave and
went on to Krumville, had dinner at Donahoe’s & came
home by way of Samsonville and Mountain road – called
awhile on Mr and Mrs Henry Winchell. Ray Dunn came
for supper but couldn’t stay. Bust evening getting ready
Star and News copies. Funeral of Jacob Lydman held at
his home 1:30 at Acorn Hill. Interment in Tongore
February 13, Monday — 10 above this AM – fair and still
- hazy - moderating.
Pa and I got the old dray rigged up and drawed
firewood over from Hinkley cutting to Aunt Cornelia’s
woodpile. Finished up Star news copy this evening. Rec’d
letter from Mariam and we also wrote to her.
February 14, Tuesday — Cloudy – still – mild. Light rain
this AM, started freezing making slippery traveling but
Ralph Longyear came down and we butchered the old
Jersey cow – 15 years old. Which we have owned since
spring of 1920. She was in fine fattened condition. Ralph
made market for a side of the meat. I gave him the hide.
Trooper Ray Dunn came for supper. We sent box candy
and apples to Mariam & rec’d card from her.
February 15, Wednesday — Battleship Maine destroyed
1898 — 35 years ago. Cloudy mild AM cleared PM.
Colder froze up – northerly winds.
Took Mother and Aunt Cornelia to Ladies Aid meet at
church. Then delivered 78 lbs. of front quarter beef to
judge Henry Winchell on Samsonville road $6.00. Pa and
I drawed up topwood from big oak tree and near by
trimmings. Rec’d card Mariam – getting more acclimated
to her studies & feeling great – sent her a card.
An unsuccessful attempt was made tonight by an
Italian bricklayer to assassinate president elect Franklin D
Roosevelt while riding in an automobile at Miami
Florida. Mayor Anton Cermach of Chicago was
desperately wounded, also a Mrs Cross and 3 others
slightly wounded in the bullet side of 6 pistol shots aimed
for Mr Roosevelt.
February 16, Thursday — Fair bright day – crispy but
moderating becoming overcast tonight. Raw south
westerly winds PM.
Pa and I drawed firewood cleaned up in lower woods
and on Katherine Dwyer’s, piled up topwood, got one
load above road.
Trooper Ray Dunn came late for supper and spent the
evening leaving for Phoenicia 1 o'clock. I wrote up set
Freeman items evng. Rec’d letter Mariam & sent her card.
February 17, Friday — Mild – fair – hazy overhead.
Cleared evng.
Pa and I put in a busy day drawing firewood with dray.
Donald and Bob came in time for supper, also Ray Dunn.
Aunt Cornelia came over and all dined together and spent
the evening.
February 18, Saturday — Mild , fair springlike,
moderated – northerly winds PM & froze up tonight.
Pa and I finished cleaning up firewood hauling, took a
log to mill & drawed over and spread load manure on 3
corner lot. Ray Dunn came for supper and spent the
evening. Aunt C. and Bob joined us.
The world famous heavy weight boxing champion
Gentleman Jim Corbett died at Bayside L.I. at 66 after
lingering illness, cancer of liver.
February 19, Sunday – Fair – hazy – thawing but snowy
air. Overcast tonight.
I paid a call on Mart and Minnie Every & had dinner.
This PM we had a surprise call from Aunt Julia,
Margaret, Clydes wife and Alva. Ray Dunn came for
supper and staid over night at Aunt Cornelia’s. Busy
evening getting ready News and Star items evng.
February 20, Monday — Arrived rainy – a half inch of
hail fell during the late night turning to rain which
continued more or less till afternoon. Broke away during
Spent most of the day writing news items. Finished up
a long Freeman copy tonight. Pa and I worked on
woodpile awhile PM. Rec’d and wrote letters to Mariam.
She has not been a bit homesick and getting on better with
her studies. Some of the girls are so homesick they cry in
classes. Mrs Ira Nichols operated on for appendicitis and
adhesions at Benedictine Hospital.
February 21, Tuesday — Arrived clear and pleasant.
Became overcast with dense snow squalls, colder PM –
clearing, blustery.
Most furious snow squall I ever witnessed at 11
o’clock, became necessary to turn on kitchen lights. Pa
and I finished working up logs on woodpile. Trooper Ray
Dunn came down for supper and spent the evening. Little
Jean – 3 year old daughter of Rev and Mrs A.J. Coffey of
Phoenicia died at noon of pneumonia. How vividly this
renews our tragedy of Little Honey.
February 22, Wednesday — Mild – fair – hazy – poor ice
Put in a busy day running around. Ladies Aid day –
Went down to pay a brief visit to darling Little Honey’s
grave. Then around to gate house after battery, then to
Samsonville to Moore’s on errand. Then borrowed L.S.
Davis chevy truck and went up to Mart Every’s for loan
of his wood saw bench. Got Don’s old Ford out and
gassed up for sawing. Trooper Ray Dunn came for supper
and staid till 1:30.
February 23, Thursday — MY 43rd BIRTHDAY. Light
rain early this AM – but broke away. Strong westerly
wind, inclined to be a bit rain squally. Mild and clear
Got the sawing outfit set up and sawed Aunt
Cornelia’s wood, Pa & I, Charley Hesley, Boney
VanDemark and Harold Constable. Mrs Moore and
Genevieve spent the evening with us also Aunt Cornelia
for a little birthday celebration. Aunt Cornelia made me
my annual soft chocolate birthday cake. Funeral of little
Jean Coffey held at Phoenicia Baptist church, burial in
February 24, Friday — Continued mild – froze up a little
last night. Fair bright day with westerly winds. Regular
March sap weather.
We worked sawing our wood today. Don’s old fliver
works like a charm.
Christian W Winnie about 78 son of Capt Davis Winnie
of Cold Brook died in Kingston.
February 25, Saturday — The morning was heavily
overcast and raw. Toward noon a snow storm settled in
and continued all day, letting up at night in a misty rain.
The fall is 6 inches of packy snow.
We finished up the wood sawing just as the snow came.
Harold Constable and I repaired cart truck putting in a
new tongue. I attended I.O.O.F. lodge this evening for the
first in 4 weeks.
February 26, Sunday — Still dark and snowing this AM
but broke away colder and blustery.
Charley Hesley and I with our teams also Harold
Constable put in a busy hard day ploughing roads. Ray
Dunn came for supper and spent the evening. Aunt
Cornelia is having trouble with her head today.
February 27, Monday — Clear but raw and blustery –
northerly gales.
I was busy this AM getting out Star news copy and
writing to Mariam. Pa and Harold Constable drawed over
a load manure & spread on 3 corner lot. Then took over
some oat straw for Harold’s cow. This PM Harold, Pa & I
sharpened fence posts under shed out of wind. John Davis
of Shokan has pneumonia.
February 28, Tuesday — Fair not so cold but strong
northerly winds.
Wrote up set of Freeman items AM. This PM Pa and I
sharpened fence posts. Trooper Ray Dunn called this
evening. Aunt Cornelia is having a very dizzy spell with
her head.
March 1, Wednesday — March came in a bit sour, part
cloudy and squally about the mountains. Light northerly
winds, overcast evening threatening snow.
Aunt Cornelia is still bothered with her head today.
Mother attended the Ladies Aid at church. Miss Scott
called noontime to tell us of her visit with Mariam
Monday evening at St. Lukes. She found her well and
happy and making good with her studies. Rec’d and sent
card to Mariam
2nd anniversary of kidnaping of Lindbergh baby, March
March 2, Thursday — Arrived snowing and continued till
noon, about an inch of soft snow. Thawing continued –
mostly cloudy PM & evng.
Wrote up Freeman news copy AM. and card to
Mariam. We rec’d a letter from her. Repaired shoes PM
and worked on set of whiffletrees. Ray Dunn came for
supper and spent the evng.
Senator Thomas J Walsh of Montana 73, appointee for
Attorney General in Roosevelt cabinet, died on train
passing through Carolina’s early this AM, enroute from
Cuba to Washington where he was married 5 days ago.
March 3, Friday — Mostly cloudy – northerly winds.
Typical March weather.
Rec’d and wrote cards to Mariam. Mr and Mrs Golden
VanBenschoten called this PM. Golden brought me an old
copy of the Leader and some items for publication. Pa is
splitting wood. I put in spare time making up set
whiffletrees. Donald arrived in time for supper.
March 4, Saturday — Raw mostly cloudy – Marchy
weather – quite sunny PM.
Got out a Freeman news copy for mail. Listened in to
some of the Presidential Inauguration broadcast of
Franklin D Roosevelt. I went with Don to Kingston PM.
but was unable to do much shopping as all banks of State
were ordered closed this AM by Gov. Lehman. Mr and
Mrs Condon came to supper and spent the evng at Aunt
Cornelia’s. Ray Dunn came for supper and we went to
Kingston to see The Sign of The Cross at Wall St. theatre.
March 5, Sunday — Crisp bright clear day with fresh
northerly winds – Real wintry tonight with thermometer
at 20.
At home all day getting out news and Star copies. Mrs
Moore, Genevieve and little Edith
Allen came for supper and the evening, also Aunt
Cornelia and trooper Ray Dunn. All listened in to brief
speech by president Franklin D Roosevelt from White
House at 11:30 followed by presidential proclamation
closing all banks in United States and its possessions
from March 6th to 9th inclusive.
March 6, Monday – 16 degrees above zero this A M.
Light winds crispy all day, part cloudy hazy threatening –
storm brewing. Real good ice weather for March.
I helped cutting ice at Charles Hesley’s. Lauren Hesley
cut over the pond both ways with his gasoline ice saw rig.
This greatly lessened the work of hand sawing. The ice
runs about 8 inches. Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
Rec’d c letter & card from Mariam.
March 7, Tuesday — Cloudy still – A cold rain set in at
noon – continued into night.
Went over and helped Charley Hesley finish his ice
AM. William Colange began hauling this AM. from
Leonard’s pond at Boiceville and Lester S Davis from
High Point Camp pond. Finished rigging up a set of
whiffletrees PM. Sam Cassalina came to stay a few days
and help split wood. Mayor Anton Cermak died this AM
at Miami Hospital as result of bullet wound received at
attempted assassination of president elect Roosevelt Feb.
March 8, Wednesday — Rainy night and continued dark
and showers forenoon. Turning somewhat colder PM &
wind, quiet evng mild & continued cloudy.
Sam, Pa and I split wood between showers AM and
worked all PM. Rec’d card Mariam and Sam, Cornelia &
I wrote her eveng.
March 9, Thursday — Boisterous March weather –
westerly gales and squally – fair – colder.
Sam, Pa and I finished splitting our pile of wood. A
cold windy job. Trooper Ray Dunn & I went to Kingston
tonight attending Craftsmens Club benefit minstrel at
WMCA auditorium. National bank holiday indefinitely
extended by Washington proclamations.
March 10, Friday — A miserable squally cold windy day
& evening. Thermometer hovered below 20 degrees all
day – 12 above tonight.
Real ice weather, Sam, Pa and I worked splitting Aunt
Cornelia’s wood.
March 11, Saturday — 6 above zero this AM on back
porch. Lovely brisk winter like day, with moderate
northerly winds not so cold tonight.
Pa, Cornelia and I did a fine job piling wood along
chicken yard —Pa knocked laurel this AM. Have taken on
a cold and remained at home tonight rather than attend
lodge. Wrote up a descriptive copy for Freeman tonight.
March 12, Sunday — 45th anniversary of the blizzard of
1888. Lovely bright day. Moderate northerly winds and
not so cold. Became overcast and a half inch snowfall late
At home all day — Busy with writing descriptive article
for both news and Star & regular weekly items.
Mr and Mrs Condon came this PM. Eddie Winkler and
Florence Kelder were married this AM 10 o'clock at
Stony Hollow Catholic church rectory. Eddie Vankleeck
of Olive Bridge operated on this evng 10 o’clock at
Kingston for acute appendicitis.
March 13, Monday — Cloudy cold rain set in at noontime
and continued.
I have taken a cold and feel just about all in. Started
making up another set of whiffletrees PM. Finished
getting out news copy AM & wrote card Mariam. We
received card and her enlarged snapshot picture showing
her in uniform on Feb. 22nd . Started Freeman news copy
March 14, Tuesday — Rainy night continued misty –
foggy all day & evng.
At home all day. Got out Freeman news copy AM.
Took ram apart & put in new leather valve after dinner,
also Pa, Daisy & I piled some wood. Mrs Moore and
Genevieve called PM — Little Edith Allen was bitten in
left arm yesterday by a dog. Rec’d fine letter from
March 15, Wednesday — Continued rainy – foggy this
AM. Cleared PM colder and windy – Mountains
glistening in crystal coating of ice.
Took trip to Kingston with Mart Every. Took Aunt
Cornelia to Ladies Aid meeting & brought she and
Mother home on returning from Kingston. Received
notice from Freeman Pub. Company terminating my
connection as correspondent. Kingston banks re - opened
today except National Ulster County and Trust Co. I
visited Eddied Vankleeck at Kingston Hospital.
March 16, Thursday — Froze up hard last night. Lovely
clear bright day – Light winds northerly.
Finished piling our split wood. Pa sprouted laurel this
forenoon. Took over and spread big load manure on 3
corner lot – Repaired patch blown off hen house roof.
William V Colange taken to Benedictine Hospital last
night and operated on this AM appendicitis.
March 17, Friday — And a glorious one – fair mild and a
bit hazy. Thermometer above 50 – Froze up last night.
Pa sprouted laurel. I started ranking up Aunt
Cornelia’s split wood this AM and Daisy help finish PM.
Mrs Moore and Genevieve with little Edith came and took
Mother and Aunt C. to Mrs Ceclia Roosa’s birthday
surprise party PM – sponsored by Ladies Aid. Mrs Scott
of Shokan, Miss Lydia Scott’s mother died about noon
following an illness of only this week.
March 18, Saturday — Cloudy – storm brewing – Started
snowing lightly late PM.
Went to Phoenicia with Don and Aunt Cornelia AM –
had hair cut, came back with Ray Dunn & he had dinner.
Tinkering PM with whiffletrees. This evening & late
getting started attended skimeleton and party at the home
of the newly weds Mr and Mrs Eddie Winkler.
Scott ---- Lydia, beloved wife of Alfred E Scott, at
Shokan, NY, March 17. Funeral private. Kindly omit
March 19, Sunday — A nasty gloomy snowy day. Rain at
night 4 – 5 inches of heavy snow fell.
At home all day getting out news and Star items. Ray
Dunn came 8 o‘clock for supper & spent the evng. Mrs
Joshua Bell daughter in law of Uncle Shepard Bell funeral
at Whiteport. A daughter Janet born to Mr and Mrs
Chester A Lyons of Ashokan at 6:30 this AM.
March 20, Monday — Raining this AM thru night and
continued all day & evng. A miserable sloppy raw day.
Took lunch with Golden and Leah VanBenschoten and
attended private funeral of Mrs Alfred E Scott at their
home in Shokan and acted as bearer. Burial was in
Wiltwyck cemetery. Chester Lyons took the bearers.
Called on Miss Scott and her daddy on my way home.
Ray Dunn came for supper.
Guiseppi Zangara murderer of mayor Anton Cermak
of Chicago in attempting assassination of president elect
Franklin D Roosevelt on Feb.15th electrocuted at 9:17
this AM in Railford Florida prison.
March 21, Tuesday — First thunder of season early this
AM around 5 o’clock. Continued rainy, foggy – sun
finally broke through during PM. Clouds rifted evening,
sloppy miserable weather.
We sent box to Mariam & rec’d letter from her. Pa & I
ground up axes PM.
March 22, Wednesday — Snow squally – cloudy. Partly
rifted at times somewhat colder – westerly winds.
Took mother and Aunt C to ladies Aid meeting at
church Pa & I took over a load of manure and spread PM
on 3 corner lot also put away dray sleigh.
March 23, Thursday —Cloudy light northerly winds,
thawing but raw.
Pa & I piled small wood.
March 24, Friday — The first fair day in a week, northerly
moderate winds – fair, bright.
Pa & I finished piling our small wood. Rec’d a letter &
a card from Mariam. Sent her a small box of cookies.
March 25, Saturday — Lovely clear this AM & still but
became unsettled and overcast. Set in snowing heavily
Sprayed peach trees around chicken yard AM with
lime sulphur. Cornelia, Pa & I ranked up most of Aunt
Cornelia’s little wood PM. Ray Dunn came to supper &
went to Kingston. Mr and Mrs Condon came for the evng.
Rec’d letter from Henry Winchell saying go ahead make
no explanations or apologies and go ahead with Freeman
news writing.
March 26, Sunday --- Snowed 5 inches during the night.
Every tree and shrub hangs submissive under its clinging
mantle of white. Was mussy snowing lightly or half
raining along most of day. Still – partly broke away at
Busy writing up Freeman news copies all day. Ray
Dunn came late to supper & spent the evng.
March 27, Monday – Thawing – bright this AM but
clouded up and again cleared evng.
Busy AM getting out Ulster Co. news items and
writing letters. Rec’d letter from Mariam. Pa & I shelled
corn AM Wrote up Star news copy evng. We have
received form New York Mortgage Guarantee Company’s
that emergency State Banking Dept regulations now
permit only payment of interest individually collected on
properties by the guarantor companies this on semi
monthly dates less a reasonable incidental percentage for
cost of collection etc etc. The former guarantee was 5 ½
March 28, Tuesday — Cloudy, mild, trying to sap snow.
Turned windy and colder PM – part clearing.
Pa & I cut a 3 log red oak tree in corner of woods near
spook rock and hauled same to the saw mill.
March 29, Wednesday — Windy – crispy – fair – sap
Drawed out manure this AM. Took Aunt C & mother
to Ladies Aid & went over after Charley’s engine & saw
bench & took it down to mill. This PM Charley, Irving &
I got it set up for slab sawing. Mrs Moore, Genevieve and
little Edith were here to supper & spent the evng. Ice is
now breaking up on reservoir and moving down. John
Groves DWS ranking official supervising engineer at
Brown Station died 6:30 this AM at Benedictine Hospital
following operation for appendicitis yesterday P
Shokan, March 30 – John D Groves, resident
maintenance engineer for the Dept of Water Supply, who
died in Kingston Hospital early Tuesday morning
following an operation for appendicitis, had been
connected with the reservoir force here since the
beginning of work on the Ashokan water supply system.
Last summer Mr Groves with his family removed from
Kingston to Brown Station, occupying the Zimmerman
house in the city employees colony near the aerator park.
Following his removal Mr Groves was in active charge of
maintenance operations here, assuming many of the duties
of the late Llewyn T Lewis whose death took place
several weeks previously. Mr Groves was an indefatigable
worker and eminently fair in his dealings with the large
force of city employees in this section. He is survived by
his wife and five children, who have the sympathy of the
people of the Ashokan country in their sudden
March 30, Thursday — Fair a bit crisp – moderated
northerly winds diminishing.
Started sawing at the mill Charley and Irving Hesley,
Pa & I, things worked favorable – sawed 1264 ft.
March 31, Friday — Becoming overcast set in rainy
mussy PM.
We worked at the mill sawed 1237 ft. Started
addressing Dist Grand Comm Meeting IOOF card notices
evening. Grand Master Clifford J Clark IOOF entertained
at Highland tonight by Odd Fellows Lodge of Ulster
Greene Dist.
April 1, Saturday — April Fool. Rainy night and mussy
misty day, downpour latter afternoon & evng.
Got up steam at mill but Hesleys didn’t show up. Pa &
I finished shelling off crib corn. Addressed committee
meeting cards evng. Funeral ‘Jack’ John C Groves held
private 2 o’clock at his home at Brown Station. Interment
in Tongore cemetery. Rec’d very appreciative letter from
Mariam for box rec’d.
April 2, Sunday — Frog chorus tonight – first of season.
Cloudy, gloomy, muggy – rainy late evng.
Went for a little call and had dinner with Ed and Anna
Every at Maple Dell;. Got out news copy and Star weekly
copy’s PM & evening. Ray Dunn came for supper and
spent the evng.
April 3, Monday – Heavy fog this AM but faired away
warm – still and part cloudy, looked like thunder showers.
We run the mill sawed 1812 ft. Ray Dunn took supper
with us. Got out a news copy for Freeman evng.
April 4, Tuesday — Rainy this AM but stopped toward
noon turned somewhat colder and northerly winds. Broke
away during PM and cleared evng.
U.S. Dirigible Akron largest in navy destroyed last
night 13 miles off Jersey coast believed struck by
lightening in terrific storm, only 4 out of 7 on board
rescued by German tanker – one died after being taken
from sea.. Navy Aeronautical chief among the lost. Rec’d
2 letter Mariam.
April 5, Wednesday — Frog and peeper chorus tonight.
Clear, pretty windy this AM – windy night but calmed
down, nice warm day. Lovely clear moonlight evng.
We worked at the mill finished up the sawing of my
oak logs in bridge plank. Sawed 1669 ft. A hard days
work, Pa went to bed right after supper. A. Constable had
his brother Ernest arrested by trooper Ray Dunn and taken
to jail for 5 days on commitment of Justice Lester S
Davis, this evng.
April6, Thursday – Fair early becoming overcast. Rained
hard noon hour, was mussy along PM and rainy evng
warm, muggy.
We run mill AM sawed 400 ft. Pa and I rolled logs on
skid way after dinner, cleaned up on woodpiles and odd
chores. Ray Dunn came for supper and spent the evng.
Ruth Gordon of Brodhead operated on for appendicitis at
Benedictine Hospital.
April 7, Friday — Rainy night and this AM – mussy all
forenoon turned somewhat colder PM.
We got a late start at the mill sawed 974 ft. Prohibition
as a national institution after a 13 years experiment came
to an end at 12:01 last midnight when beer, wines etc of
32 alcoholic content by volume became legal in 19 states.
April 8, Saturday — Mostly cloudy – unsettled Light
northerly winds – a bit raw.
Worked at mill sawed 1200 ft. Trooper Ray Dunn
took supper with us and spent the evng on the special
occasion of his birthday. Legal beer is on sale at Claude
Bell’s and William Gadmans.
April 9, Sunday — Lovely bright day a bit crispy with
northerly winds. Glorious full moon.
I made a days round by visiting my own Little
Honey’s grave and spending several hours with Uncle
Jake. He has become enfeebled in mind and body due to
colds and the great weight of his 90 years. Ray Dunn
came again for supper but had to leave shortly.
April 10, Monday — Glorious springlike day after
clearing early this AM. Light southerly winds. Wonderful
moonlight evng. Full moon tonight, later became
We finished sawing this AM 396 ft. This PM Pa and I
dug out the lead pipes at the ram, to take up and clean out
inside, also took over a load manure and spread on 3
corner lot. Sent out Ulster County news copy and tonight
finished the Star copy.
April 11, Tuesday — Cloudy – rain squall at noon.
Southerly winds – storm brewing feels like snow.
Pa and I did a great job took up the lead pipe at ram
and cleaned out rust, removed water barrel and raised up
one end of 3 in pipe leading to wood sluice and cleaned
out rust and got the whole job back in great working
order. Wrote up a copy for Freeman evng. Ray Dunn
came late and spent evng.
April 12, Wednesday — An all days heavy snow storm,
sloppy miserable weather but beautiful as the clinging wet
snow loaded down the trees and bushes. The snow partly
melted as it fell measured 5 inches or more as the stars
finally dispelled the lowering storm clouds.
Around home all day except taking Mother and Aunt C
to Ladies Aid. Rec’d letter from Mariam and sent her
$11.00. Truck scrapers cleared the west side boulevard
late PM.
April 13, Thursday — Mountains presented a magnificent
sight in the early morning sun. Everywhere is snowy
winter. The fall appears much heavier on the higher
altitudes than in the valley. Lovely clear day, thawing –
much of the snow disappeared during the day – raw air.
I made a trip to George Vankleeck’s shop and had the
horses shod all around. Wrote Freeman copy evng. Ernest
Palen of Brodhead recovered from measles operated on at
Benedictine Hospital for double mastoids. Uncle Jake
Crispell was removed from Shokan early this morning to
Benedictine Hospital and had tube inserted thru stomach
wall for stoppage of the bladder.
April 14, Friday — Mild generally fair AM, becoming
overcast PM – unsettled.
Busy with chores etc AM, bored 2 in hole in big oak
butt log down in woods under hill for blasting. Went to
Ashokan PM had hair cut then went to Olive Bridge and
visited my Little Honey’s grave. 5 o’clock went to West
Saugerties with Arthur Trowbridge, Will Shultis, Oscar
Dudley, and Lester B Davis to annual Dist Grand Comm
Meeting, called 6 PM. Supper served by Rebekahs. Jacob
Donovan of Highland elected District Deputy. I was re elected secretary.
Don and Bob came early PM. Don went on to New
York to visit Mariam, sent box of things to her.
April 15, Saturday — Mold – cloudy – light easterly
Pa and I cut away lower limbs from big maple tree by
garden in front of house. Mother, Aunt C & I attended
business meeting PM at church. I attended IOOF lodge
tonight and visited our dear Little Honey’s grave. Rec’d a
fine letter from Mariam. Spillway is running over for first
in 4 years.
April 16,Sunday — Muggy – murky – cloudy day, light
rain this AM and again rainy late afternoon and evening.
At home all day – Ate an even dozen Easter eggs.
Busy afternoon and evening writing up Freeman report
and news report of IOOF Annual Committees session.
Daisy and Cornelia attended Sunday school PM.
April 17, Monday — Rainy night and an all days
downpour, extending to late evening then let up. Warm
muggy weather great for starting meadows and pastures.
Was busy all day and evening catching up with my
newspaper correspondence. Streams running high tonight.
April 18, Tuesday — Warm muggy continued rainy night
and showers this AM. Broke away PM, overcast evng. A
tremendous amount of water has fallen to which is added
the melting mountain snows, causing flood conditions.
An avalanche of water of 20 in volume is flowing over
the spillways and tearing madly down the discharge
channel. Kingston flats flooded on creek side. Water came
in road opposite old toll gate causing cars to detour.
PM I went to Kingston visited Uncle Jake and Ernest
Palen at Benedictine Hospital. Miss Merrill is staying
with Aunt Cornelia tonight. Rec’d letter Mariam.
April 19, Wednesday — Cloudy – colder, raw, rained
little late PM. Tinge of snow squalls on Wittenbergs.
Pa and I drawed over load manure, I got stuck in mud
– spread on 3 corner lot. Drawed up and piled two loads
lumber from saw mill. Busy writing Freeman copy evng.
Made out order for 3 pigs tonight @ 2.21 each to Michael
Lux, Woburn, Mass. United States abandoned Gold
Standard. Stock market and commodities rose briskly.
April 20, Thursday — A fair day for change, calm, chilly
air – clear and quite crispy evng.
Pa and I repaired fence along Mike’s pasture AM.
This PM we fixed up pig pen and I cleaned out the yard.
Ray Dunn came for supper.
April 21, Friday –- Fair, calm, somewhat hazy — chilly
crispy evng.
Harold Constable drilled rocks in Hinkley orchard lot
for blasting. Daisy and I called on Minnie and Mart Every
April 22, Saturday— Colder raw northerly winds. Part
cloudy AM, all clearing bright PM. Real chilly evng.
Harold Constable and I drilled rocks for blasting in
Hinkley orchard lot. Road men started throwing in stone
wall for sub – base in road. Mrs Moore, Mildred,
Genevieve and Edith came for supper and spent the evng.
Froze ice last night. Lovely clear day, northerly winds, a
bit crispy.
Busy all forenoon with Dist Grand Comm secretarial
work. Dear old Uncle Jake died at 1:30 at Benedictine
Hospital. He underwent a second operation yesterday AM
due to his pulling the tube loose from his bladder,
gangrene set in and he gradually grew weaker till finally,
finally his long patiently awaited summons came from the
realm of eternal daylight. He lost his right eye in 1906 and
went blind in the other in 1918. He was 90 the 18th of
December. I went to hospital with Justus North and
assisted in making arrangements.
April 24, Monday — Lovely clear day – northerly winds,
warmer – ground drying out fine for spring working, still
Pa and I worked drawing blasted rocks from Hinkley
orchard lot in road. Gang putting in stone row. Busy
tonight catching up with new writing. Rec’d fine letter
from Mariam.
April 25, Tuesday — Cloudy threatening rain – broke
away PM and became overcast evng, warm, quiet.
Pa & I worked drawing blasted rock in fill from
Hinkley orchard field. Another hard days work. Ray Dunn
came for supper. Ed and Anna Avery called for the
evening. Rec’d 3 pigs by express to Ashokan from
Michael Lux, Woburn – Mass $2.25 each plus charges
1.57. Bob Thompson went after them for me with my car.
April 26, Wednesday — Rained hard in night. Mountains
freshly snow capped – snow squally cold blustery day.
Uncle Jake Crispell’s funeral was held 1 PM at
Conners funeral parlors, Kingston and 2:30 at the West
Shokan Baptist church. Eulogy by Rev. Thomas S.
Braithwaite. Mother played and Aunt Cornelia, Mrs Mary
Moore, Mrs Genevieve McLean and I sang. Rock of Ages
– Abide With Me — No Night There. Interment in
Tongore Cemetery. Busy writing Freeman news evng.
This AM we finished drawing blasted rocks in fill and
road gang finished putting in the old stone wall.
April 27, Thursday — Another blustery raw day and
heavy snow squalls. Cleared beautifully evening with new
moon hanging over the Wittenbergs.
Spent the wintry morning getting out Freeman news
copy and a tribute for Uncle Jake. Pa and I cleaned up the
small stone about blasted out rock holes PM. Road crew
started covering stone wall rock fill with shale from
Burgher’s bank. Wrote up another Freeman news copy
April 28, Friday — Froze ice last night – clear AM,
becoming partly cloudy and moderating – southerly
I disk harrowed ploughed sod fields above 3 corner lot
and orchard lot. Pa burned brush, took up old wire fence
April 29, Saturday — Warmer after freeze up. Generally
fair becoming much warmer PM.
Ploughed in blasted rock holes AM. Pa and I drawed
over and spread 2 loads hog manure PM. Went down to
lodge evng but was late. Visited Little Honey’s and Uncle
Jake’s graves.
April 30, Sunday — Thermometer reached 80 degrees.
Hot summer day. Southerly winds, became hazy PM.
At home all day. Wrote news and Star copy. Ray
Dunn & Miss Merrill also Aunt Cornelia with us for
May 1, Monday – The mid summer weather continued.
Partly cloudy, southerly winds.
I answered Supreme Court call at Kingston 2 PM as
Grand Juror. Was appointed foreman by Justice Staley.
After organizing, an adjournment was taken till Monday
PM, May 8th. Lamont V Simpkins of Woodstock was
named asst foreman and Harry Christian of Napanoch
elected secy.
Rec’d delivery of 2 tons hydrated lime.
May 2, Tuesday — Continued summer weather, unsettled,
southerly winds. Mostly cloudy – tried to rain PM.
Pa & I treated seed potatoes with Semesan Bel AM.
PM ploughed the garden and planted some peas. Mother,
Aunt Cornelia, Daisy & I attended annual school meeting
tonight. Herman Weidner re - elected trustee after tie
ballot against John Jordan 18 – 15. Transportation for
academic pupils carried 26 – 4. Rec’d letter from Mariam.
May 3, Wednesday — Rainy – showers along all day.
Turning colder and wind in north evng. Distant lightening
flashes early evng.
Went over to see Herman Weidner this AM. Took
Mother and Aunt Cornelia to Ladies Aid. Viola Sahler
and her daughter Mrs Marion Anderson came up from
Stone Ridge for Aunt Cornelia’s 76th birthday. Wrote up
long acct of Olive school meetings evng. Mr John
Thompson is desperately ill with pneumonia.
May 4, Thursday — Brisk northerly winds – cool, fair
bright day.
Harold Constable, Pa & I drilled and blasted rocks in
upper end of Hinkley orchard lot. Mr and Mrs Condon
came and were here for supper and evng, also Aunt
Cornelia, Ray Dunn came later & we had midnight lunch.
May 5, Friday — Warmer, fair AM, becoming overcast
PM – still.
Started ploughing 3 corner lot for oats. Pa worked
digging out weeds and quack grass. Mr John Thompson
lies at the point of death and Helen second oldest
daughter has developed pneumonia. She was removed
tonight to Kingston Hospital. Daisy accompanied her in
the party.
May 6, Saturday — Cool gloomy with a light rain falling
at intervals during the day.
At home all day and not feeling any to hot. Got out
Freeman news copy AM. Repaired shoes and rested PM.
Busy writing on various news copies evng. The condition
of Mr John Thompson continues tonight as practically
May 7, Sunday — Lovely fair day, quiet, air in north and
just a bit tinged. Lovely moonlight night.
At home all day, busy writing newspaper articles. Rev.
C. F. Ahrens preached 2 PM at church for reopening
during summer months. I took Mother and Aunt C down
and Miss Merrill brought them home. Ray Dunn came for
supper & spent the evng. Dorothy Barringer of Krumville
and Ernest H Smith of Kingston married by Rev. T.S.
Braithwaite at Shokan.
May 8, Monday — Cloudy – still – cool broke away evng.
Feels much like snow.
John Thompson died this AM 7:45 D.S.T. Helen’s
condition is serious at Kingston Hospital. I answered a
call to re-convene Grand Jury at 2 PM. Supreme Court
and Grand Jury adjourned till May 15th at 2 PM — This
on account of unfinished Uriah Quick murder case in
County court which adjourned last week from Tuesday
till Saturday on account of death of Mrs Judge Traver.
May 9, Tuesday — Cloudy cool set in rainy late PM.
I did a big ploughing job today and finished the 3
corner lot stubble for oats. Pa dug out quack grass and
weeds. Lois Katherine a big daughter was born last night
to Mr and Mrs Cecil Gray of Olive Bridge. Aaron Cohen
widely known Kingston resident drowned himself in
Rondout creek in rear of the Cohen estate on Hurley Ave.
May10, Wednesday — Rained hard in night. Cool –
cloudy -- breaking away at evng, cooler and light wind.
All cleared, beautiful big rising moon in extreme south.
Pa and Harold Constable and I worked getting out blasted
rocks in upper corner orchard lot. Cornelia is sick today,
stayed in bed – upset stomach and temperature. Her first
day missing from school since Sept term started.
May 11, Thursday — Unsettled mostly cloudy. Faired
away evng – continued cool.
Formaldehyde treated my seed oats. I harrowed garden
this AM & Pa & I took over small load manure and
drawed off load stone from 3 corner lot. Late PM I
harrowed over the field.
I attended the funeral of Mr John Thompson 2 PM
D.S.T. at Baptist church. Speakers were Rev. T S
Braithwaite & Rev E S Sharp. Helen Thompson’s
condition continues critical at Kingston Hospital. Wrote
up Freeman news copy evng. Right front wheel axle of
our ancient lynch pin wagon broke hauling stone. This
wagon was bought at Asa Bishop’s auction in 1861 for
120.00 by grandpa Crispell & has been in continuous use.
May 12, Friday — Continued unsettled, part and mostly
cloudy – southwesterly winds, moderately cool.
I disk harrowed 3 corner lot AM. This PM Pa & I
succeeded in getting it seeded with oats and harrowed in. I
also disked the garden. Wrote Freeman items evng. Don
& Bob Bishop came evng.
May 13, Saturday — Mostly cloudy – warm a bit breezy,
variable becoming strong evng and clearing.
I ploughed stubble strip out along cross path for oats,
also sowed grass seed on patch of wheat and rye in corner
along road and woods. I attended IOOF lodge evng.
Registration held for special.
May 14, Sunday — Continued cloudy AM – cleared PM
cooler and windy.
At home all day. Mother, Aunt Cornelia, Daisy, Bob
and Donald attended service PM. Don and Bob left later
for Hobart. Ray Dunn came to supper & I went along with
him on patrol ride to Phoenicia, Mt Tremper and to
Woodstock. Busy writing up Star and news copy.
May 15, Monday — Lovely warm bright day – northerly
winds, became overcast at evng and stilled.
I disk harrowed ploughed patch out along cross path.
Reported for Grand Jury duty again this PM at Kingston
and although Supreme court convened in supervisors
room the Grand Jury was adjourned another week.
May 16, Tuesday — Cloudy-- cool – still, cleared evng.
Sowed grass seed on 3 corner oats field AM. This PM,
Pa & I drawed off stone, ploughed ditches on upper sides
and boated the field down making the job complete.
Rec’d letter & card from Mariam. Wrote Freeman news
items evng. Started sending milk again to Kyserike
May17, Wednesday — Glorious clear, quiet cool day.
Pa & I harrowed over & marked out strip out along
path & PM planted 2 ½ bu potatoes & some sweet corn. I
attended a big gathering tonight at Horeb Chapter with
Clayton Burgher.
May 18, Thursday — Another lovely day warmer and the
weather has the indication of being dry – light southerly
Pa & I got the oats patch out along path sowed 1 ½ bu
and grass seeded and stone picked off. We also planted
sweet corn and peas.. Limed the piece before sowing.
Merritt Chrispell’s wife died suddenly 11 o’clock last
night at Stone Ridge.
May 19, Friday — Fair summer weather, thermometer
above 80 degrees. Breezy, becoming overcast evng.
Done a big days work, limed the ploughed lower side
and end of Hinkley lot. Harrowed it over PM to dig in
lime & check quack grass. After supper we picked
another cart load stone from oats patch & stone boated it
down. Ray Dunn called early evng and had lunch
( Below on page a week ahead, should be on May 26th
Chicago Century of Progress Exposition opened with
elaborate radio broadcast ceremonies.
May 20, Saturday — Hot July weather. Part cloudy,
showers brewing, clouds thickened late PM & had first
real thunder shower of season, one sharp crash of
lightening close by. Rained lightly again later.
Pa, Daisy & I sprayed fruit trees about the place AM
PM Mart Avery and I went to Stone Ridge with his car
and attended the funeral of Merritt Crispell’s wife at
Methodist Church. Burial in Stone Ridge Fair View
Cemetery. Mrs Sanford Bell died this AM at Claude’s
home where she was moved yesterday. She was sick only
two days, hemorrhage of the bladder.
May 21, Sunday — Cooler northerly winds, partly cloudy,
bright pleasant day.
This PM I went with past commanders James Simpson
and Joe Schoonmaker of Phoenicia. Post American
Legion with John Dudrey Olive’s last Civil War veteran
to the various cemeteries about the town & placed flags
on the graves of all known soldiers dead. This our 3rd
annual visit. Ray Dunn came to supper. Mr and Mrs RG
Knorpp & Garrett Mott called this evng.
May 22, Monday — Glorious warm day moderate
northerly winds – cool tonight.
The Grand Jury re- convened this PM 2 o’clock over
which I presided as foreman, Hog dressed a calf after
supper. Rec’d notice from Sheriff John Saxe that I have
been drawn as petit juror for County court on June 5th.
Anton Baessler 43, convicted jointly Saturday with
Michael Conner 63 for 2nd degree murder for Uriah
Quick, Leibhart farmer in long drawn out trial April 17th
and marked with a succession of unfortunate happenings.
Baessler hung himself this AM with strip of bed ticking in
jail lavatory. I saw the body at Conners preparation room.
Wrote up Star and news copy tonight.
May 23, Tuesday — Another summer like day, fair with
indications of showers brewing. All clear evng with fresh
westerly winds.
Was in Kingston on Grand Jury duty. Helped Mother
make garden after supper. Busy till past midnight writing
Freeman news copy. Special new York state election,
Repeal of 18th amendment held. Local vote polled in
Olive Dist 2 was 60 for and 11 against repeal.
May 24, Wednesday — Warm unsettled, had a shower
around noontime.
Made the trip to Kingston on Grand Jury duty. Rec’d
letter from Mariam.
May 25, Thursday – Continued warm – muggy, cloudy
this AM but faired up later. Had light rain.
Made another trip on Grand Jury duty. Wrote up
Freeman news copy evng.
May 26, Friday – Another hot dry summer day, fair –
became overcast toward evng.
Went to Kingston on Grand Jury duty, we finished for
day at 12:35 PM Adjourned till Monday June 5th 2 PM.
Harold Constable cross ploughed for me for corn on
lower Hinkley lot.
May 27, Saturday — Hot, breezy, part cloudy, thickened
over toward evng, shower went around to northeast. Had
sprinkle late evng.
Finished cross ploughing on lower lot and harrowed it
over. A long hard hot days work, with an awful mess of
quack sod to contend with. Didn’t go to lodge got around
to late.
May 28, Sunday — Hot summery weather, part cloudy. A
series of light showers were in order during PM. All
cleared evng and cooler.
Mrs Viola Sahler and her son Robert East called AM.
They had been to the Bushkill cemetery. Had a number of
other callers PM Ray Dunn came late evng & had lunch
from traffic duty on Saugerties Road.
May 29, Monday Clear this AM but clouded over
threatening dark day & misty at times – light rain evng.
Pa & I drawed off several cart loads quack grass sod
roots from Hinkley lower lot and I gave it a ripping disk
harrowing. Wrote Star & news copy evng. Cornelia won
the West Shokan spelling bee this PM.
May 30, Tuesday – A dark foggy mussy day – misty and
light showers locally. Unfavorable decoration weather
generally over eastern section of country.
Aunt Cornelia, Mother & I went down to cemetery
this AM — Then I took Pa to Phoenicia and saw Dr
Quinn. – Dr Gross being out for the day. His diabetic
condition is bad. Mr and Mrs Condon called PM. I
repaired shoes PM & Pa & I cut 5 bu seed potatoes for
planting. Crows started pulling our patch of sweet corn &
Pa & I put up twine after supper. Busy writing Freeman
news copy tonight.
May 31, Wednesday — Nice showers during late night —
continued cloudy, muggy light occasional showers AM.
Turned cooler during PM breaking away with northerly
Finished Freeman news letter, took Aunt Cornelia &
Mother to Ladies Aid at church. PM Pa & I took 2 more
cart loads quack roots from corn ground & I gave it a last
harrowing over, also harrowed orchard lot, ploughed part
to keep down grass. Rec’d letter Mariam.
June 1, Thursday — Fair – hazy – clearing bright during
PM. Northerly winds – cool morning and evening
Daisy helped me mark out corn ground AM. We got it
planted this PM with Early Huron dent, got Bony
VanDemark to help. Cornelia and I went up to Mart
Every’s evng for call. Cornelia won Town of Olive school
spelling contest this PM.
June 2, Friday — Real chilly this AM. Glorious bright
day, light northerly winds. Beautiful cloudless evng
bulging half moon.
Pa and I drawed stone AM and I started cross
ploughing upper section of orchard lot PM. Wonderful
cool work day. Wrote up copy for Freeman evng. Rec’d
letter Mariam. Pa put up twine on corn field.
June 3, Saturday — Clear – hot , violent wind from north
preceded thunder shower late PM. Lovely easy rain for an
hour or more.
I worked cross ploughing for corn and potatoes upper
part orchard lot until stopped by gathering storm. Pa & I
also drawed off few loads stone. I attended IOOF lodge
evng & visited Little Honey’s grave also Uncle Jake’s.
June 4, Sunday — Ideal summer weather, fair, broken
clouds. Had nice shower late evng.
At home all day. Took Mother & Aunt C to church
service PM. Got out Freeman news copy. Ray Dunn came
evng for lunch.
June 5, Monday — Continued warm sunny weather, fair
light showers late PM & evng & heavy thunder and rain
late evng and continuing on in night.
Ploughed this AM at Hinkley orchard lot upper part.
Reported for re-convened Grand Jury duty PM. Returned
by way of Shokan and contracted with Justus North to put
up 16 ft end on barn. Finished getting out news and Star
June 6, Tuesday — Continued warm – showery – nice
showers late PM.
Justus North commenced work for addition on barn.
Served on Grand Jury. Joseph S Hill 84+died at his home
this AM at 29 Warren St, Kingston, also Zadoc Barringer
83 year old resident of Samsonville.
Hill — In this city, June 6, 1933 Joseph S Hill.
Funeral at the residence, No 29 Warren St, on Friday at
2 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment in Tongore
cemetery. Kindly omit flowers.
June 7, Wednesday — Hot and muggy, fair, thunder
shower late PM passed around north side of reservoir.
Just a sprinkle here on the west side.
Reported 10:30 for County court session as trial juror,
adjourned till June 19th. After coming home Pa & I
drawed several cart loads of stone from Hinkley field. I
cultivated sweet corn & early potato planting after supper.
A number of callers PM & evng. Bought 10 shares Postal
Tel & Cable preferred @ 39 5 /8 and 10 shares Gen
Electric at 23 1/4 .
June 8, Thursday — Hotter than ever. Fair, quiet on our
rear porch thermometer registered 120 degrees in late
afternoon sun.
Finished cultivating sweet corn & potato patch before
starting for Kingston. Finished Grand Jury duty this
afternoon 11 days @ 4.00 per day & 6 trips mileage
allowed 300 miles @ .05 per mile 15.00 total $59.00.
Harold Constable finished ploughing & drawed off
remaining loose stone & started harrowing. Justus North
& Bob Palen worked at barn foundation & put on sills.
June 9, Friday — The terrific heat wave continues, fair
quiet AM – breezy PM. Showers went around PM & evng
Hottest June weather I ever experienced. Thermometer
above 90 in shade.
Harold Constable & I marked out corn & potato
ground PM between frequent rests to cool off. He
harrowed AM, tough on the horses. Justus & Bob worked
at barn, they put up studs & cross timbers. Funeral of
Joseph S Hill at his home 29 Warren St, Kingston.
Interment in Tongore cemetery.
June 10, Saturday — Not so sweltering today, fair, wind
in north – glorious evng.
With Harold helping planted the orchard lot, upper
section with corn ( Early Flint) and 4 ½ bu potatoes also
strip of Whipples early sweet corn. PM hoed early patch
potatoes and sweet corn out along path. Mr Gries & Mrs
Hartmann called PM ( stopping at Burgher’s) Justus &
Bob worked on barn. Mr and Mrs Condon also called.
June 11, Sunday —Lovely clear, northerly winds – cooler
this AM but temperatures remains in the trend of typical
July weather. Thermometer 80 degrees yet late evng.
Got out Freeman news copy before attending the
annual IOOF memorial service at Tongore church PM
Cornelia went with me and we visited the cemetery after
and put bouquet of ---- on Little Honey’s grave.
June 12, Monday —Fair continued warm, typical July
weather – breezy – showers went around to west PM.
Harold Constable helped clean chicken houses and got
one big load on the lower corn field, which is an excellent
stand, every hill came up. After supper we planted a patch
of Evergreen corn along upper side orchard lot. Justus
North & Bob Palen worked on barn. Busy evng getting
out Star and news copies. Donald came down from
Oneonta PM with Bernard Michelson his room mate just
graduated from Hartwick, also the latters father and
mother & twin sister Edna. They staid over night at Aunt
Cornelia’s enroute home to Long Island. Don wrecked his
Chevy last week.
June 13, Tuesday —Part cloudy, fresh northerly winds,
with a decided change to cooler weather. Rain squalls to
east PM. Feels like frost tonight.
Tough going have a mighty lame left arm. Pa and I put
last load of hen manure on corn AM. PM put cart load
manure on potato hills & I cultivated the lower corn field
twice in row, late finish. Justus & Bob worked on barn,
have old siding off upper part of old barn end & side
brace timbers up.
June 14, Wednesday — Continued decidedly cool,
northerly winds, part cloudy.
Mowed the alfalfa & clover seeding upper part of
lower lot above corn. Pa did hand mowing. Cornelia
forked the hay back for cutting bar. Quite a big job. Wrote
Freeman news copy tonight. Mighty lame left arm. Justus
& Bob worked on barn.
June 15, Thursday — Generally fair, cool northerly
winds, bright day. Overcast still evng.
Mother, Aunt Cornelia, Daisy & I attended the burial
service of Mrs Jacob V Merrihew at Tongore cemetery.
Funeral held 10:30 AM at Carr’s funeral home, Kingston.
Cornelia tedded the alfalfa cutting twice and raked it.
Daisy, Sam Cassalina & I cocked it for night. We put load
ashes & fertilizer mixed on corn PM. Wrote IOOF
memorial service tonight for Freeman. Left arm very
lame. Justus & Bob worked on barn. Have rafters up
completely and sided up west gable. Mrs Mildred Bush
installed District Deputy president.
Mrs Jacob V Merrihew
The funeral of Mrs Jacob Merrihew, held
Thursday morning from the parlors of A Carr & Sons,
was attended by a very large throng of relatives and
friends, from Kingston and various sections of the county.
So large was the assemblage that it was necessary to
provide seats in the spacious hallway and even in the
business office.
The casket was surrounded by a great number of
beautiful floral tributes. These came from relatives,
personal friends, associates of Mr Merrihew and
associates in church work in Kingston and in the town of
Olive, of Mrs Merrihew.
The services were conducted jointly by the Rev.
Mr Rice of Woodstock and the Rev. Dr. Goodrich Gates,
of the Elmendorf Street, Presbyterian Church, Kingston.
Both ministers quoted from the gospels and
scriptures and each had a personal tribute to the worthy
and splendid character and the Christian life of Mrs
Merrihew. The service was a most impressive one, if
simple. There was no singing, but the soft tones of the
organ were heard before and after the service.
The interment was made in the family plot in the
Tongore cemetery.
June 16, Friday — Cloudy, occasional light showers.
Faired away partly PM, showers to north, cool.
Drawed up load of boards from mill before dinner. I
cultivated lower corn lot PM twice in row across. A big
job with a lame arm. Left the alfalfa in cock.
Named Secretary of Olive Cooperative
Jacob V Merrihew, of Kingston has resigned the
presidency of the Olive Cooperative Insurance Co. and
has been elected secretary of the organization to succeed
the late Joseph S Hill. Augustus Wicks of Modena, has
been chosen to succeed Mr Merrihew as president.
June 17, Saturday — Part cloudy – catchy weather,
showers went around we had several dashes of rain.
Turned cooler PM, fresh northerly winds. Real chilly
Worked at the alfalfa hay but did not draw any and
finally cocked it for further curing. Harold Constable &
Charley Hesley helped. Attended IOOF lodge evng.
June 18, Sunday — Cool, brisk northerly winds. Part
cloudy, frost reported at Peekamoose.
Harold Constable, Daisy, Pa & I all had a hand
getting in 3 fine loads of clover and alfalfa, not at all
customary for me on Sunday. Mother, Aunt Cornelia &
Cornelia attended Sunday school and church services PM.
Wrote up Freeman special copy evng.
June 19, Monday — Continued fair and warmer with
drying northerly winds.
I went to Kingston and was excused by Judge Traver
from further jury duty at this term of court. Took Cornelia
to Ashokan where she took Regents arithmetic exam
passing at 96%. She is now eligible to enter Kingston
High School.
Harold Constable finished the machine mowing on
Hinkley place. Pa helped with hand mowing. Bought steel
hay track outfit and carrier for barn $26.00. Wrote Star &
news copies evng.
June 20, Tuesday — Hazy part cloudy, south westerly
winds, continued moderately warm — Lovely clear evng.
We drawed 2 loads hay from Hinkley farm. I mowed
the clover seeding behind barn late PM with Cornelia
assisting. Justus & Ted North both worked today with
Bob Palen. They installed the hay track and carrier &
done some painting etc.
June 21, Wednesday — Advance attachment arrived at
Boiceville Conservation Camp on McKelvey flats.
Weather turned hot. Part cloudy, generally still and
muggy. Thunder showers went around --- But dash of rain
here – sharp lightening evng & wind.
Worked the haying hard. Mowed the strip of timothy
directly in rear of barn AM. Cornelia & I tedded the field
twice also raked and cocked most of it before dash of
shower broke near sunset. Harold Constable helping we
also cleaned up the last jag of rakings from Hinkley fields
PM. I went up to Bert Winnie’s garage at Cold Brook
noontime & had broken parts for mower welded. North
Bros & Bob Palen worked on barn. Hay track rope
installed ready for business.
June 22, Thursday — Mostly cloudy this AM but cleared
glorious, later fresh northerly wind. Warm – quieted evng.
Great hay weather.
Uncocked and worked tedding hay behind barn lot AM.
Got in 2 fine loads timothy PM – raked and recocked the
clover. Charley Hesley & Harold helped. After supper I
mowed field below path & front of house above hill.
Took till just pitch dark. North Bros & Bob Palen
completed the new barn job. Used hay carrier for first
time, works to perfection.
June 23, Friday — Father & Mothers 46th wedding
anniversary. Fair bright day – excellent haying weather
with drying northerly wind – still evng.
Today we made the hay fly — Cleaned up field behind
barn in fine shape drawed 8 loads with rakings. Tedded
field below house twice & mowed Aunt Cornelia’s field.
Charley Hesley & Harold Constable both helped. Tried
out horse rake hitched to Don’s old Ford, works well.
Cornelia went to Kingston with Mrs Colange. Don gave a
lift with haying also.
June 24, Saturday — Fair – fresh south westerly winds
PM & evng. Part cloudy like showers PM & evng –
Great hay weather but terribly dry. Made a great clean
up today – drawed 6 loads from front of house field.
Finishing last load from Aunt Cornelia’s lot and another
big load left on wagon in barn, also cleaned rakings from
her field. Left those in our field in cock. Don’s old Ford is
a great help raking & pulling up hay. Harold Constable &
Charley Hesley both helped.
June 25, Sunday — Hot withering day, hazy becoming
overcast at evng. Lightening display went around.
Harold and I drawed in remaining heaps of rakings on
Don’s Ford this AM. At home all day. Got out Freeman
news copy. After supper rode up with Don past the State
Conservation Camp on McKelvey roadside flat at
Mother, Aunt Cornelia, Don, Daisy & Cornelia
attended Divine worship PM. Mrs LP Loomis and
daughter Harriet of Phoenicia called evng.
June 26, Monday — Light rains this AM – muggy, dark
unsettled August weather.
Mussy AM not much doing, put up load hay, helped
Charley get gas engine from mill. This PM Harold & I did
a big job cultivating both pieces of field corn & late
potato planting. Potatoes sprouting very uneven due to dry
weather many seed pieces killed.. Daisy and Cornelia
went with Mrs West and her sisters to Kingston. Cornelia
won second honor in County spelling elimination at
Kingston High School.
June 27, Tuesday — Lowering hot August weather.
Showery PM but no rain in the valley – fair evng.
Cornelia’s 15th birthday. 19 years ago I had my right
hand mangled in gears of steam roller at Brown Station. I
mowed the patches by flag pole and side hill above wall
also mill yard, Harold Constable helping. I feel about all
in today, lame left arm & tired out. Got out belated News
& Star copies tonight.
June 28, Wednesday — Continued hot – hazy – fair,
breezy during day, not so muggy as yesterday.
I mowed the strip below the wall AM Cornelia tedded
the side hill twice before raking and we drawed 4 loads,
the last after supper, Harold Constable helping.
June 29, Thursday — Another sweltering day – fair AM
– heavy thunder storms went around to north PM and
another heavy one worked south east back of High Point
at evng.
We finished haying all except cleaning up from
church and around saw mill. Drawed load from below
wall & cleaned rakings from side also mowed and cleaned
up another load from lower side hemlocks by Aunt
Cornelia’s house and behind her barn. Took last load over
to Hinkley barn. Harold Constable stuck right by us from
first cutting till clean up tonight.
June 30, Friday — Another withering day. Fresh south
westerly winds PM & evng. Part cloudy, had several
lovely showers early evng, passing to north.
Pa, Cornelia & I cleaned up the church yard and at
saw mill, had quite a sizeable load. Billy Walsh called at
evng on his way to Margaretville from New York.
July 1, Saturday — Hot showery — Had several nice
dashes from veering around thunder showers PM – cooler
evng & beautiful bulging half moon.
Cornelia & I delivered two big loads lumber to High
Point Camp at Brodhead, 343 ft my lumber and 1720 of
Mrs Smith’s. Emmet Silkworth, the veteran Ulster &
Delaware engineer & Pa’s schoolmate died at his home in
Emmet Silkworth, retired railroad engineer died at
his residence 350 Hasbrouck Ave. Saturday evening.
Funeral will be private with interment in Wiltwyck
Cemetery. Friends wishing to view the remains may do so
at the family home tonight between 7 and 9 o’clock. Mr
Silkworth entered the service of the Ulster & Delaware
Railroad on July 15, 1894 and retired on November 30,
1932. He was born in the town of Olive. For 43 years he
resided in Kingston. Mr Silkworth was a member of
Ashokan Lodge of Odd Fellows, the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers and Firemen and the Loyal Order
of Moose. Suirviving him are two brothers Benjamin, of
Kingston and Charles of Schenectady; three sisters, Mrs
James Cornish of Olive Bridge, Mrs Edith Smith of
Hurley and Mrs Dora Muller of Kingston. His wife before
marriage was Minnie L Barton. She died several years
July 2, Sunday – Storm brewing, cooler PM with wind &
clouds coming in from south. Set in rainy before dark &
had wonderful refreshing rain although not heavy.
Took a run up to Maple Dell toward noon. At home
rest of day. Got out Star – News and Freeman copy,
worked tonight till 1:30.
July 3, Monday — Partly cloudy warm – turned real cool
evng – northeasterly winds.
Ploughed and harrowed part of Aunt Cornelia’s
former strip of garden. Pretty dry ploughing but made it.
This AM I delivered 1938 ft load of oak bridge planks to
Ulster Co. Dept of Highways by Dunhams truck, rec’d
$45.00 per M — hauling charge $3.00 ( Paid check rec’d
July 17th $87.21.) Filled order through C.C. Dunham for
High Point Camp. 2000 ft 1x4 fir flooring @ 50.00, 422
2x4 rough @ 33.00 bal to me on sale $6.32.
July 4, Tuesday — The grand and glorious 4th. Partly
cloudy, northerly winds, moderately cool.
Sprayed early planting of potatoes AM along cross
path. Then marked out Aunt C garden patch & this PM Pa
& I planted it with fodder and sweet corn. This evng I
took Cornelia and Bob to Samsonville hall church
July 5, Wednesday — Part and mostly cloudy –
moderately warmer – northerly winds, had sprinkle of
shower this AM. Lovely clear glorious round moon
Cultivated corn.
July 6, Thursday — A bright burning day on everything –
northerly wind. Glorious almost full moon and cooled off
I went with Donald to Kingston this AM. PM I cradled
the patch of wheat and rye out in corner by woods. Pa
worked in the late potatoes and planted in sweet corn
where fully half of the planting failed to sprout. Cornelia
and I attended community party at Tongore Hall honoring
T Ward Cornish 80, for his record of trustee for over 30
July 7, Friday — Clear and hot but with kindly breezes.
Glorious full moon rides low in the southern heavens
tonight. Hot atmosphere tonight. Withering hay weather.
Spread load manure between potato rows & ploughed
through several manured rows for hilling up. This
afternoon Pa, Cornelia & I made a clean out of building
rubbish under new part of barn & dumped in 2 cart loads
stone for filling picked from stubble behind barn. Loren
P. Secor 52 of Shokan & Kingston died suddenly.
Trooper Ray Dunn now stationed at Sideny barracks
made us an unexpected visit for supper.
July 8, Saturday — Part cloudy continued hot. Showery
around at close of day – moderate breeze.
Helped Charley hesley with his haying. Pa hilled up
potatoes & raked the rye and wheat about 50 bundles of
each and we got it in the barn. Got another a stitch in my
left arm. Filled order through C.C.Dunham for High Point
Camp 1741 ft ship lap @ $33 -- 1400 ft 2x6's @ $38 ,
240ft 2x4's @ $33. Paid Monday evening $118.57
Paid to Dunham
Bal to me
July 9, Sunday — Overcast and fog on mountains this
AM but cleared, a withering day with north easterly
winds. Cooler glorious tonight.
At home all day. Busy getting out Freeman news
copies. PM visitors were Mr and Mrs Grant Howard of
Cairo with her parents Mr and Mrs Henry W Gehle, son
Henry Jr 20 and his friend Joseph Fermendez. Bob Bishop
reports stepping on a coiled rattlesnake lying in the cross
path from Hinkley place tonight after dark.
July 10, Monday — Part cloudy – not so warm –
thickened up PM & had several nice showers at evng.
Cleared late and cooler.
Cornelia, Pa and I put in the day picking stone from
meadows and filling off under shed. Wrote News and Star
copies tonight at it till 1:30.
July 11, Tuesday — Unsettled this AM. High Point fog
capped – part cloudy – not so warm, glorious clear cool
I helped get in hay at Hesley’s. Irving and I went after
truck load sand after supper for stables. Made delivery to
High Point Camp through C .C. Dunham, 1500 ft ship lap
–? 2x4 x 10 rough.
July 12, Wednesday — Overcast threatening this AM but
broke away. Part cloudy like August – clear cool evng.
Cultivated corn in orchard lot AM. PM delivered 2
cords slab wood to city people on Main St. Then started
mowing Dwyer 5 acre lot. Cornelia & I rode the machine
by turns.
July 13, Thursday — Warm - sultry weather, part cloudy
threatening showers.
Cornelia finished machine mowing Dwyer lot AM and
we made a clean up this afternoon, drawed twice. Mrs
Moore, Genevieve and Edith Allen here for evng. Sent
box to Mariam.
July 14, Friday — Hot and fair – light easterly winds.
Another withering day – lovely clear evng.
Busy at odd jobs AM.-- ploughed through several rows
potatoes which Pa hoed. This PM I helped with haying at
Hesley’s. Went up to Mart Every’s after supper for call.
July 15, Saturday — Cool this AM – thermometer at 53.
Part cloudy warm, southwesterly winds.
Pa & I hauled and placed big paving stones in front of
shed opening & put cart load manure on potatoes AM.
This PM I helped Charley Hesley finish his haying. I
visited cemetery and Little Honey’s grave this evng
before attending IOOF installation – large attendance.
Dist. Deputy Jacob H Rogers and staff of Catskill
Mountain Lodge #487 installed as follows. Noble Grand J. Gaylord Ayres, Vice Grand - LeGrand Shultis,
Warden - Alonzo Davis, Conductor - Oscar Dudley,
R.S.N.G. - Lester B Davis, L.S.N.G. - William Jordan,
R.S.V.G. - William Shultis, L.S.N.G. - John Barringer,
R.S.S. - Edward VanKleeck, L.S. S. - James Gordon,
Inside Guard - George Bishop, Outside Guard - Leroy
Davis, Chaplian - Arthur Trowbridge.
July 16, Sunday — Dreary, cloudy, mussy day – just light
showers enough to lay the dust.
At home busy writing copy for Freeman – IOOF
installation and regular news.
July 17, Monday —There was a thunder shower during
the night and this morning continued sultry and
threatening. The afternoon cleared cooler with the usual
northerly winds. Cool and quiet tonight.
Ground up two sets of knives and Harold Constable
took the horses and machine up to Abram and Ernest
Constables haying bee. I went during the afternoon. Busy
tonight getting out News and Star copies. Rec’d letter &
card from Mariam.
July 18, Tuesday — Clear bright hot withering day –
showery at evng off to north – northerly winds.
I worked making repairs on threshing machine. PM took
revolving saw blade section up to Bert Winnie’s garage
for welding a worn part. Wrote Freeman news copy
tonight. Thomas J Comerford publisher of Kingston Daily
Leader died following appendicitis operation performed
Friday PM after his day spent in office, ruptured
July 19, Wednesday — Glorious bright day – northerly
winds, not so scorching hot, but a drying day on
everything. Part cloudy, tonight looking showery to north.
I cultivated lower corn field AM & this PM Cornelia,
Pa & I went thru and pulled grass and weeds from hills. It
needs rain badly. Mr and Mrs Paul Carey of Kingston
with their nieces from Maryland called this evng.
July 20, Thursday — Part cloudy, warm showery around
late PM & evng. Had just a sprinkle – nice shower went
around by Ashokan.
Delivered morning supply of milk to Colange store 20 qts. Then went up to Bert Winnie’s Garage after part
for thresher. Followed Phoenicia fire dept truck to
Ashokan responding to the burning of Herman Every’s
bungalow and all its contents, came around home via
south side. Had 500 ft shiplap delivered to High Point
Camp by Dunham’s truck – 300 feet for replacement of
claimed shortage in delivery. Milk inspector came PM
and gave directions regarding necessary barn changes and
building of milk house.
July 21, Friday — Hot - fair AM – showery PM. Thunder
shower went around but had only a sprinkle right locally.
I went with Donald to Kingston this AM. Bought 7
swing cow stanchions from Evertt & Treadwell Co –
price $250 including top and bottom fasteners. I left my
car to Pete Crawfords garage for going over. Donald’s
23rd birthday.. Attended house service of Thomas J
Comerford – The Leader and Ulster County News
publisher at 9:15. High mass at St. Joseph’s Catholic
church followed. Lightening struck white birch tree by
Oscar Dudley’s yard at brown Station.
July 22, Saturday — Hot, cloudy, threatening AM but
later part cleared – showery, very severe lightening storms
went around mountains evng, had rains at head of hollows
but only a sprinkle here at home. Bushkill and Traver
Hollow streams were raised. We had a dash of a shower
during last night, enough to lay dust.
Pa and I drawed over a load manure & put on sweet
corn AM. This PM I cultivated. Attended I.O.O.F. lodge
evng. Don took me down & I got my car at garage.
Visited cemetery & put flowers on Little Honey’s grave.
July 23, Sunday — A scorching hot day – clear somewhat
hazy, breezy evng.
At home all day after taking milk to Colange store &
making trip Bert Winnie’s garage at Cold Brook. Wrote
up lengthy Freeman News copy. Lee Hamilton staid over
night enroute from Oneonta to New York City. Harold
Hilliary and friend Roy Mimoz called evng while
stopping over at Watson Hollow Inn.
July 24, Monday — Drought broken by heavy showers.
Continued sweltering hot, but hazy – typical August
weather. The afternoon was showery and at last we got
the much needed rain from two heavy showers from over
Wittenberg’s & then from High Point. Continued raining
along nicely into the night.
Moved load of straw from Aunt Cornelia’s barn to
chicken house AM. PM we finished up the job of placing
large stones in front of open barn shed. Busy writing
News and Star copies tonight. Lightening put our lights
out of order for the night.
July 25, Tuesday ---- Rained easy most of the night and
set in raining again toward noon, continued till chore
time. Just a marvelous soaking rain – cool.
I got a bunch of about 100 cabbage plants of Tilden
Bell& Pa & I set them out in the rain and this PM we
threshed off the rye for corn binding & cleaned it through
fanning mill – just 2 bushels. Rec’d letter from Mariam.
July 26, Wednesday — Muggy – unsettled – mostly
cloudy cool evng.
Took over load manure on sweet corn & brought up
threshing machine from church shed AM and moved
horses over into Aunt Cornelia’s barn. This PM Pa & I
started tearing out the old stables. Father’s 74th birthday.
July 27, Thursday — Fair, and ideal summer day warm
but turned real cool evng.
Harold Constable started helping with the stable work.
We made a clean sweep of the old flooring and timbers.
Some job — replaced cow stanchions temporary on other
side of barn. We sent Mariam a greeting card letter with
$10.00 and birthday box.
July 28, Friday — Fair and warm – northerly winds,
showers passed to north late PM.
Worked filling in the stables with stones, Harold
Constable helping. He used 3 jacks in shoving back in
place west end barn sill. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Mariam’s 19th birthday.
July 29, Saturday — Hot – fair – hot night.
Busy at cow stables job. Got stone base down ready to
concrete. Harold Constable helping and Marvin
VanDemark this PM. Drawed the stone from along
entrance road. I attended IOOF lodge tonight. Visited
Little Honey’s grave and put on fresh flowers. Initiatory
degree conferred on George Gibbons, Bradford Kelder &
Francis Whispell. Rec’d letter from Mariam
acknowledging birthday remembrance.
July 30, Sunday — Continued sweltering hot. Fresh
westerly winds during heat of day. Heavy electrical
shower passed to north evng – we had just a sprinkle.
Withering day – thermometer 102 PM on Lester Davis
store porch in shade. At home all day. Got out news
copies for Freeman – Star and News and wrote to Mariam
after finishing late evng. Pa also wrote her a nice letter.
July 31, Monday — Continued hot – fair. Showery late
PM & evng to north. We had just nice sprinkle.
Put in a busy day concreting cow stable with town
mixer. Harold and Bony VanDemark helping. Milk
inspectors came PM & stopped shipping milk till we get
stables & milk house finished. Rec’d lovely letter from
Maraim. Dug first mess new potatoes yesterday.
August 1, Tuesday — Yet another withering day. Fair
westerly winds – heavy shower passed over Traver
Hollow and upper reservoir section late PM.
Busy with the cow stable job, have floor concreting
finished all but manure drop. VanDemark and H
Constable helping. Dunham’s truck delivered 350 ft ship
lap 2– 4 x 6 x14 & 2 – 4 x4 x 14 dressed & 10 bags
August 2, Wednesday — Lowering this AM but cleared
away dry & fair, turned cool evng – Lovely moonlight.
Harold and I put in a long day at the stables, finished
putting in concrete late evng with town mixer and we
worked till nearly 1:30 putting on wind up touches.
Dr. Darby Watson Hollow
160 ft boards @ 40 Paid
80 ft 2 x4's @ 35 Aug. 5th
2 swing planks @ $1.00 each 11.20
August 3, Thursday — Fair unsettled – clouded over PM
& had lovely showers toward evng & set in later for rainy
Pretty near all tuckered out today. Worked alone in the
barn. Harold on town road work today.
Miss Beatrice Wright of Oneonta an acquaintance of
Don’s made an overnight visit at Aunt Cornelia’s.
Dunham delivered me 20 bags cement. 16 – 2 x 4 x 14 8
– 2 x 4 x 12 2 – frames for 7" x 9" single window 6
light & sash.
August 4, Friday — Wonderful rain continued past
midnight, slowly clearing forenoon, became cool –
northerly winds. Glorious almost full moon.
Harold Constable, Pa & I started digging for
foundation for milk house beside the two hickory trees by
road. Pretty well all used up but kept moving a snails
pace. Rec’d letter from Maraim. She recently had an
outing in private yacht in Hudson.
August 5, Saturday — Unsettled inclined to be squally
AM but cleared – lovely day. Gorgeous full moon
Harold Constable and I finished digging foundation
and got forms in place for concreting milk house side
walls. I attended IOOF lodge evng. Degree team from
Delhi conferred 1st degree on George Gibbons, Bradford
Kelder & Francis Whispell.
August 6, Sunday — Glorious day – cooler weather,
northerly winds & tonight almost a tinge of frost.
Glorious moon.
Made trip up to Bert Winnie’s garage this AM with
thresher revolving saw blades for re- welding riveted
hanger ends. At home rest of day. Wrote up News and
Star copies.
August 7, Monday — Warmer, fair, southerly winds.
Showers seem brewing.
I went with Irving Hesley with truck for a load of sand
from Jackson farm near Krumville this AM. Harold
Constable and I put in concrete foundation walls for milk
house, a good days work. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
August 8, Tuesday — Cloudy, the southerly winds
brought lovely showers PM and evening downpour with
electrical accompaniment.
Harold Constable and I concreted inner wall for water
vat in milk house foundation & he worked the rest of day
installing cow stanchions. I got the threshing machine
parts together and ready for threshing. Wrote Freeman
news copy evng.
August 9, Wednesday ---- Weather clearing this AM to a
perfect day with light winds, cool tonight and glorious.
Harold and I worked at the milk house, concreted
bottom of vat and got frame up & filled inside foundation
with stone ready to concrete the floor. Harry Krom had
jaw broken and tongue cut cranking roller on Krumville
County road job. Arthur Christiana’s wife died this AM
of childbirth at Benedictine Hospital. Josephine Boice of
Josephine Boice of Hurley died at the Benedictine
Hospital Wednesday., August 9. The funeral services will
be held at her late residence in Hurley on Saturday,
August 12, at 1 PM. Interment will be in Mt Tremper,
Mrs Mary Louise Aldrich wife of Ellsworth
Aldrich of Phillipsport died at Middletown August 9,
aged 72 years. Funeral services at the Phillipsport M.E.
Church, Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, daylight savings
time. Interment in Phillipsport cemetery.
Word was received in this city this morning of the
death of Mrs Evelyn Robbe, wife of Col. Louis Robbe of
Larchmont at her home on Tuesday. The burial will take
place there on Friday at 2 o’clock. Col. Robbe was a
member of the New York City Board of Water Supply for
many years and both he and Mrs Robbe still have friends
in this city.
August 10,Thursday — Unsettled becoming overcast &
set in light showers PM – continued along into night.
Harold and I worked on the milk house. Have siding
on two eaves., rafters up & sheeting on north side.
Cornelia mowed the whole second alfalfa cutting field in
front of house. Sent Mariam a box of eats. Wrote Ray
Dunn evng.
August 11, Friday — Unsettled, became heavily overcast
PM – muggy.
Harold Constable and I worked on the milk house, got
started laying asbestos shingles.
Herman Weidner called after supper. Wrote up Freeman
copy evng. We Rec’d letter Mariam
August 12, Saturday --- Heavily overcast and showers
AM -- broke away muggy with south westerly winds and
had light showers late PM. Glorious clear evng.
Harold and I finished roofing milk house and put down
concrete floor. Cornelia raked the alfalfa PM & I cocked
it up.
August 13, Sunday — Hot – muggy south westerly winds.
Fair during day, became overcast and thunder showers
arrived at twilight preceding a rainy evng.
At home , wrote up News and Star copies.
August 14, Monday — Soft rain continued during night.
Cloudy, muggy and light showers this forenoon – cleared
PM – cooler evng with light northerly winds.
Harold Constable & I worked putting trim on milk
house AM & busy in barn PM putting in stanchion
supports & closing up front. Wrote up Freeman copy
August 15, Tuesday — Fair, partly cloudy – warm –
glorious clear cool evng.
Harold worked closing up the cow stables – building
and hanging doors etc. Cornelia & I mowed both pieces of
oats this AM. hauled out cart load manure & got saw dust
PM Worked curing the alfalfa & drawed in nice load after
supper & put in mow. Katherine Shaeffer of Brooklyn
came for a visit.
August 16, Wednesday — Fair and real summery –
overcast evng with south westerly winds.
Harold Constable, Ernest Constable and Irving Hesley
helping threshed oats PM. Got the outfit set up this AM &
threshed off wheat, only 3 pecks. Wrote Freeman copy
August 17, Thursday — Murky August weather – light
showers, south westerly winds.
We finished threshing oats PM one load had 23 bushels
– oat crop generally a failure this year. Harold & Ernest
Constable helping done some work finishing off in milk
house and door making etc. Thomas Dolan 24 eldest of
the 3 boys in the family was drowned while swimming at
the Weir this PM. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
August 18, Friday — Lovely rain showers AM broke
away after dinner – muggy lowering August weather.
Harold & Ernest Constable helping put on overhead
ceiling in milk house, hung windows etc. Ernest started
digging drain in rear.
I went with Virgil Gordon, Lester S Davis, Clayton
Burgher & George Gibbons to Bearsville, where
Bearsville IOOF second degree team dramatically
conferred the work wonderfully impressive on George
Gibbons, Francis Whispell & Bradford Kelder.
August 19, Saturday — Arthur Lane 62, struck and killed
this evng on highway just north of Boiceville
Conservation Camp. Automobile belonged to Fred
Russell of Mt Tremper and driven by his colored
chauffeur. Another muggy murky day – showery all day.
heavy storms to east side – sprinkles here.
Harold and Don worked putting on ceiling in milk
house. I helped in between along with Ernest Constable
digging & putting down stone in ditch. Attended IOOF
lodge evng. 3rd degree conferred on George Gibbons,
Bradford Kelder & Francis Whispell. Visited Little
Honey’s grave before and after meeting & put on two
August 20. Sunday — A -------- of the prevailing more or
less murky weather – warm and unsettled , sun shone
through at times.
At home all day. Harold Constable came and added
some unfinished inside touches to the milk house as he is
re- called on town road work Monday. Wrote News and
Star copy’s evng also letter to Mariam enclosing a dollar.
August 21, Monday — Cloudy, cooler light rains PM and
set in again evng.
Ernest Constable and I worked stoning up and
covering over drain ditch from milk house. Wrote
Freeman copy evng.
August 22, Tuesday — A downpour kept up during the
night and continued almost steadily till afternoon. The day
was muggy but is cooler tonight
Streams running at flood for the first since the freshet
in May. At home all day. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Donald finished his high school summer classes.
August 23, Wednesday — Still murky and muggy –
showers. Driving easterly storm developed toward evng
and increased in severity into the nigh, occasional
lightening flashes. Worst rain storm from east in my
At home all day – doing chores etc. Drained out the
rain water line back from attic tanks. Started painting
inside of milk house.
August 24, Thursday — The driving easterly deluged
continued throughout the night and this forenoon though
subsiding. Dark – muggy all day with light recurring
showers PM.
One of the worst floods of Esopus and Bushkill
floods in memory. Water ran over roadway on both sides
of Bushkill twin concrete bridges. Water was up to
railroad tracks at Cold Brook above and below station.
Both R R and main highway flooded and impassable
beyond these points. James Healey 31, NY Catholic priest
drowned while attempting rescue work at 3 Star Camp
above Mt Tremper.
August 25, Friday — Clearing, glorious day with fresh
north westerly winds – continued warm.
The reservoir at high tide presented a fearsome
appearance with its defiant reddish waters glowing in the
afternoon sun. I finished painting milk house. Cornelia
and I made an exploration trip up Watson Hollow over
the gullied and washed out road as far as Abe Every’s
where small bridge just beyond was out. South Hollow
bridge out also Red Hill bridge on Peekamoose road.
Lamberts iron and stone bridge over Maltby Hollow
stream out and road this side and beyond in bad condition.
100 conservation camp men with trucks filling in on
Maltby Hollow road.
August 26, Saturday — Hot – continued clear. Winds
moderately westerly. Quiet evng slightly hazy.
I busied myself painting outside milk house with red &
white trim. Busy till 3 AM writing acct of Watson Hollow
damage for Freeman. Did not attend IOOF lodge to late
getting around.
August 27, Sunday — Continued fair and warm –
pleasant summer day, light winds.
Pa and I took trip this PM with my Chevy, driving to
the head of Watson Hollow and then hiking to the head of
the gulf. It was Dad’s first visit in many years to the top of
the mountain to the upper forks of the road. He stood the
trip well, bringing back fond recollections of his boyhood
days. We visited the sites of the old Watson tannery etc.
We brought home several of the arched furnace brick dug
from beneath the ruins of the old chimney. Got out News
and Star copy tonight.
August 28, Monday — Hot – muggy – still fair till during
PM, clouded over heavily and rained lightly evng. About
home all day. Busy at odd jobs.
Mrs Cecile Wentworth American Painter Dies
Artist Portrayer of Queen and 2 Presidents Destitute at
Paris August 29, ---- Mrs Cecile De Wentworth,
thirty years ago one of the most celebrated American
women painters in Paris, whose honors include a medal
from Pope Leo XIII, died yesterday destitute and
penniless at a Municipal Hospital in Nice. She was eighty
years old. The American embassy here forwarded funds
for her burial and funeral expenses when informed that
she was impoverished.
Mrs Wentworth was born in New York City and once
owned a 2,000 acre estate near West Shokan, Ulster
County New York. She went to Paris in 1886 to study art
under Alexander Cabanel and Edward Detaille and from
1889 until after the war, exhibited portraits every year at
the Paris Salon. Her work brought her medals in many
Europeon cities, including Lyons, Turin and Tours.
Among the portraits which she executed were those of
Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Queen
Alexandria of Great Britian. Her portrait of General John
J Pershing hangs in the Invalides Museum here. She also
is represented in the Vatican Museum and the
Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Pope leo XIII bestowed upon her the dignity of Grand
Commander of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre for her
painting of him in addition to which she held the papal
title of Marchesa (Marchioness) Her husband, Josias
Wentworth, who also received her Papal title of Marquis,
died two years ago in Paris where Mrs Wentwoth had a
studio at 15, Avenue Des Champs Elysees. She moved to
the Riviera in an attempt to subsist on her meager income
following Mr Wentwoth’s death.
August 29, Tuesday —A glorious day after last nights
threatening storm. Light northerly winds and tonight a
tinge of autumn ------- the air. Glorious bulging harvest
Busy at various jobs. Drawed over heavy cart load
manure and begun spreading grass section of Hinkley
house lot. This PM I made pipe racks in milk house for
holding cans, pails, strainers also sprayed cow stables
with lime white wash. Got out Freeman copy tonight.
Sylvester Jones had light stroke or heart attack this PM.
August 30, Wednesday — A perfect day, cool, light
northerly winds. Real cool glorious still moonlight evng.
Busy at odd jobs about barn and placed door stone in
front of milk house. This stone was brought up from the
old home and lay in front of cook house door.
August 31, Thursday — Fair AM unsettled PM. Clouded
over threatening, cleared & clouded up again.
Made out orders to Montgomery Ward & Sears
Roebuck AM. Busy at odd jobs about barn, drawed out
manure & got load sawdust for stables. Wrote up Freeman
news copy evng.
September 1, Friday — Fair pleasant warm day. beautiful
moonlight evng with light wind in north and cool.
Busy as everyday. Drawed two cart loads of heaped
quack grass sod over form lower lot and put in slushy pig
yard. Cornelia helped me bring over load of sweet corn on
stalks for cows. Passenger train service resumed over
R.R. for first since the washout above Cold Brook. Work
trains still running day & night shifts.
September 2, Saturday — A delightful balmy clear day –
cool evng.
Hoed up garden cabbage, done some chores and dug 1
1/4 bushel potatoes. Went up to see Ves Jones noontime
find him able to help himself but showing -------- the
evidence of his stroke. I went to Ashokan PM with Don &
had hair cut then went to D.W.S. clambake with Chester
Lyons. Got ride home with Mart Eckert.
Mrs A. F> Oakes died of a stroke at their Boiceville
September 3, Sunday — Mussy rainy day & evening –
downpours PM.
At home all day. Had a deluge of visitors, Lester
Personeus and his youngest son came to breakfast and
spent the forenoon. Fred Schoonmaker and his brother in
law Joseph Haskims came supper time & spent the evng
and Joker Burgher also called. Partly wrote up News &
Star copies. During the mid PM downpour Mr and Mrs
Grant Howard of Cario, Mrs Gehle & son Henry and
several friends from L.I. called.
September 4, Monday — Continued rainy till mid day —
started breaking away during PM, clear evng and beaming
full moon – muggy.
Streams running high but fortunately the rain let up
before danger developed. Holiday plans spoiled for
everyone, including the Olive picnic at Lamberts Grove.
Donald, Aunt Cornelia, Cornelia & I went up to the grove
but no one was there. We then called to see Mart Every’s
turkeys before coming home.
September 5, Tuesday — Fair – hazy – continued warm
and muggy, cooler at evening and lovely moonlight.
Busy at necessary odd jobs. Done some Freeman
writing after dinner and finished two copies at night.
Donald went to New York with Mr Knorpp.
September 6, Wednesday — Cool early – hot, fair, hazy.
Thunder shower late PM from north – showers again late
Spent the day taking Cornelia to Kingston and starting
her in at High School and getting outfitted. She chose the
homemaking course.
September 7, Thursday — Clearing this AM. Hot – fair –
heavy dew tonight.
Cornelia started making trips to high school on 7:45
school bus. Milk inspector came PM and OK eyed stables
and milk house. Repaired and painted top of my car, and
started painting hen house roof. Mr and Mrs Case Gwinn
came & took Mother and Aunt C to cemetery PM. I went
down to Phil Dwyer’s evng till midnight. Mrs Dwyer lies
in her casket surrounded with flowers.
September 8, Friday — fair – hot – breezy evng,
lightening in west reservoir water remains sullen red.
Busy at various jobs. Painted hen house roof, took
about 9 gallons black roof coating. Took over a load of
manure and spread – cut big cart load dried sweet corn &
put on barn floor.
Mrs Philip Dwyer’s funeral held 9 this AM at Stony
Hollow Catholic Church, burial St. Marys Cemetery,
Kingston. Got out Freeman copy AM. Rec’d card
Mariam, first this week. Started shipping milk
September 9, Saturday — Continued hot – muggy,
overcast AM, cleared PM with light northerly winds &
slightly cooler. Beautiful evng with waning moon.
Pa and I got a good start on cutting the corn on lower
lot. Crop of Early Huron is good considering the season.
Rec’d letter Mariam.
September 10, Sunday — A decided change to cooler
weather with brisk northerly winds. Part cloudy
Mr and Mrs L.P. Hamilton and family came for an
outing. We had a broiled beefsteak dinner in the hemlock
grove & supper at our house. Went for a ride in L P ‘s car
up to washout at Craners on Moonhow road and then
went to head of Watson Hollow.
September 11, Monday — Pretty close to frost last night –
continued cool – partly cloudy.
I mowed second cutting alfalfa and timothy on Hinkley
lots. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
September 12, Tuesday — Near the frost border line
again this AM. Cool partly cloudy, light winds bearing
Busy mostly at cutting corn and tedding hay. Herman
Weidner called this evng, he is in the field for supervisor
nomination on Republican ticket.
September 13, Wednesday — Another morning close to
frost, lovely day, very light winds – light streaky clouds –
overcast evng & rained a sprinkle late.
Pa and I finished cutting corn this AM. PM took over
and spread a cart load manure & raked and cocked the
second cutting hay. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
September 14, Thursday — Muggy through night and
continued rainy all day, a cold storm front east.
Busy at odd jobs repairing shoes etc. Called on Ves
Jones PM. Went to Ashokan station and got shipment
form Montgomery Ward & Co -- Steel wheel wagon 36"
front and 32" rear wheels – cost $32.90 & freight from
Elmira $3.42 – total cost of wagon $36.32. – 2 extension
ladders 36ft and 24ft cost 9.55 & 5.65 plus .94 freight, 5
gallon can Zincite white paint, cost – 9.45 plus .22 freight
— 2 tires & 2 tubes cost ---- freight .25. Put wagon
together and ladders on top, hooked tongue to rear spring
of Chevy & came home with no trouble at all.
Oscar Bell veteran D.W.S. employee 62 died in
hospital this PM following operation for appendicitis &
adhesions a week ago.
September 15, Friday – Rainy night – mussy along all day
settling down to a downpour again this evening.
Busy at odd jobs about home, horse shoeing etc. Rec’d
letter Mariam.
September 16, Saturday — Downpour during night and
this AM – mussy along all afternoon.
Streams running high this morning. Attended IOOF
lodge evng. Got out Freeman news copy AM. This PM
Mr Lamont Simpkins and Shaffer Vradenberg directors of
Woodstock Cooperative Fire Ins Co called and I
transferred a renewal policy from Olive Cooperative – on
Hinkley house and barn $600. & 130. on mower, tedder &
rake. Aunt C also transferred a renewal of $900 on barn
and garage – rate is .75 per hundred.
September 17, Sunday — Trying to clear – warm and
partly cloudy.
I attended the funeral of Oscar bell at Brown Station
Heights PM. Returning after church service aunt C,
Mother, Daisy & I called on the Massimo’s. Wrote News
& Star copies evng.
September 18, Monday — Northerly winds – partly
cloudy, rain squally PM on mountains.
PM – Pa & I opened up the cocked hay but found the
alfalfa rotton and stinking. Cut sweet corn out along path
and pop corn in garden AM. We cut 2 rows of stouts
across corn field in orchard. Myron Myers of Samsonville
road, badly injured by bull in stable, broken collar bone,
rib & body bruises.
September 19. Tuesday — Part cloudy, northerly winds,
became overcast evng and rained lightly.
Drawed over heavy cart load manure and spread on
orchard lot to be ploughed under, cut load green sweet
corn stalks. PM – Pa & I turned the damaged hay & then
cut corn.
September 20, Wednesday — Mussy along in night and
early this AM– hot summer weather. Part cloudy, fresh
westerly winds – quiet evng.
Pa & I finished the corn cutting along with chores etc.
Uncle Watson’s and Uncle Mose Bishop’s birthday.
Rec’d card form Mariam. A son was born to Mr and Mrs
Justus North at Benedictine Hospital.
September 21, Thursday — Set in rainy forenoon – broke
away during PM – warm – fair evng.
Sent a box of flowers to a Mrs William Ahl, 411
W115th St, N.Y.C.-- Mariam’s head nurse & wrote card
s to Mariam & Ray Dunn.
PM – after stopped raining Pa finished laying a section of
blind ditch drain from milk house. I visited Little Honey’s
grave & put on fresh flowers on way to Rebekah Lodge
meeting. Election of officers – Mrs Francis Ayres -Noble Grand, Mrs Lena Burgher – Vice Grand.
September 22, Friday — Part cloudy – mountains rain
squally – north westerly winds tinging autumn.
Took over and spread cart load manure AM and
brought back sweet corn stalks. This afternoon Pa & I
brought over load rain damaged second cutting & put on
mow. Better than a snow bank. Aunt Cornelia’s 58th
wedding anniversary.
September 23, Saturday — Lovely bright morning
becoming overcast and threatening rain, PM moderately
Made longer reach for new wagon AM – after
completing Freeman copy and card to Mariam. PM I
forked over hog yard & hauled 2 cart loads sawdust from
mill. Head bothers me today so didn’t attend lodge
tonight. Wrote News and Star copies. Don came down
85 this month 2 weeks ago – sick 2 days.
September 24, Sunday — Back to good old standard time.
Generally fair and summery and still.
At home — Fred Weidner called AM. I helped Harold
Constable hot asphalt leaky side of kitchen roof AM. Got
out Star and News copies. Mother, Aunt C, Daisy & Kay
attended service PM. Truck load of the Boiceville camp
boys present. Mrs Lester S Davis returned home after 2
weeks in Benedictine Hospital. Don returned PM.
September 25, Monday — Hot summer weather – fair
Drawed over manure & got 2 loads corn AM. This PM
Pa & I worked breaking up stone bottom in shed, making
ready for concrete. Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
September 26, Tuesday — Warm – muggy light showers
along all day.
Went to Kingston attended Prof Adams school of
journalism at court house morning session and luncheon
at Von Bergs restaurant.
Attended funeral service at Kingston Dutch Church of
judge Clearwater with members of Kingston Lodge #10 at
Kingston Lodge No. 10, F. & A. M.
Brother: –
Kingston Lodge No 10, F.& A. M. will honor
the memory of our late Past Grand Representative
Brother Alphonso Trumpbour Clearwater at 2:30
P.M. Tuesday, September26, 1933 at the First
Reformed Dutch Church. Masonic services will be
held at the grave. Assemble at the lodge room at 2
o’clock sharp.
E.W. Kearney, Secretary
George M. Kotrady, Master
September 27, Wednesday — Fair and sweltering till
thunder showers from west after dinner cooled the
atmosphere somewhat — southwesterly winds.
Drawed over a load of manure and got green sweet corn
stalks. PM – Pa and I picked load stones from alfalfa
upper part of lower Hinkley lot. Got set Freeman news
items evng. We sent box of fruit and flowers to Mariam.
September 28, Thursday — Somewhat cooler than
yesterday, part cloudy and pleasant – northerly winds.
Pa and I worked drawing over 2 loads stone for shed
bottom. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
September 29, Friday — Part cloudy bright day –
northerly winds , moderately cool.
Pa and I drawed the last loads of stone form lower lot
alfalfa, put part under shed and part in road. Worked
around barn PM washing down stone bed and sides under
shed with water hose. Democratic school district caucuses
held this evng.
Attended social & entertainment tonight at church. About
90 C.C.C. boys came down from Boiceville camp. Lee
Hamilton came unexpectedly tonight at church &
induced him to speak on the Boy Scouts of which he is
past 3 county president.
September 30, Saturday — Near frost this AM. Lovely
fair day – warmer, light southwesterly winds. Beautiful
warm moonlight night.
Lee Hamilton had breakfast with us before leaving for
Oneonta. Pa & I took over a load of manure & spread on
sod, brought back sweet corn stalks. This PM we drawed
gravel form Jacky Brook for concreting shed bottom.
Attended I.O.O.F. Lodge evng and visited Little Honey’s
grave and put on fresh flowers. Democratic town ticket
named this PM at Tongore Hall, Supervisor – Leroy
Davis, Town Clerk – William Beesmer, Supt of
Highways – Claude Bell, Collector – Erastus North,
Assessors – John Jordan & Nelson Bell, Justices – F.L.
Weidner , Joe Steinlauf & Frederick Herchemoder –
School director – William Greene
October 1, Sunday — Unsettled, strong gusty southerly
winds AM. Light rains PM.
At home. For a change I attended church service PM
with all but Pa who stays home. After church I went up
and had a little interview with Erastus North on Wastson
Hollow road. He was in his store and we talked town
politics etc. Yesterday he had been nominated town clerk
& last evng relatives and neighbors had gathered for a
birthday party for Mrs North. Later I learned that “Ratty”
had died suddenly at 4:45 within an hour after I had left
him. Got out Star and News copies. Ray Dunn came evng
& staid over night.
October 2, Monday — Beautiful clear cool day with
northerly winds. Magnificent near full moon tonight.
Took over a load manure and brought back green
stalks. This PM I mowed seeding out in corn by road and
cut a strip of 3rd cutting on side hill above wall. Rec’d
letter and card from Mariam. Ray Dunn left for New York
after supper with us. We sent box flowers & things to
wear to Mariam.
October 3, Tuesday — Beautiful cool quiet day. All
glorious full moon tonight. Frosty atmosphere.
Finished mowing top of hill cutting above wall AM.
Went up to Erastus North’s for call mid afternoon. Mr and
Mrs Fred Weidner called right after dinner. Listened in to
early part of first world series game between New York
Giants and Washington Nationals or Senators – N.Y. won
4 – 2.
Got a load field corn stouts and sweet corn to finish the
afternoon. Wrote a batch of Freeman news tonight. Ray
Dunn called from New York at 9 o’clock & we talked
with him and Mariam.
October 4, Wednesday — Just on the verge of frost but no
damage. Beautiful clear & cool quiet day. Clouded over at
Drawed over load manure & brought back sweet corn
& tedded over part of second cutting forenoon. Aunt
Cornelia, Mother & I attended funeral of Erastus North 2
o’clock at his home. Interment in Bushkill cemetery.
Knights Pythias delegation from Phoenicia, Rev. Coffey
officiated. Aunt Cornelia helped with singing, Mother
played the organ.
New York Giants won second world series game 6 –1.
October 5, Thursday — Mostly cloudy – cool.
Got out Freeman article this AM on the Democratic
town convention. Took Aunt C and Mother to first Ladies
Aid fall session. Pa & I drawed two wagon loads gravel
PM from Jacky Brook & spread on stones under shed.
Went to Olive Bridge evng, visited Little Honey’s grave.
Wrote midnight Freeman news copy.
Washington shut out NY Giants in third world series
game – played at Washington 4 – 0
October 6, Friday — Bright clear day – cool – northerly
winds. Scattered clouds – glorious clear moonlight night.
Pa & I dug out the remaining rows of potatoes in patch
out along path. Got in load clover & alfalfa cutting.
Listened in to part of thrilling 11 inning game between
New York and Washington at Griffith field. Score 2 – 1
favor N.Y.
October 7, Saturday —Another glorious quiet typical
October day & moonlight night, cloudy to the east evng.
Fred Terwilliger of Tilson committed suicide this PM
by jumping from the high Rosendale R.R. bridge.
Born to Mr and Mrs Lauren Hesley – a 9lb 14oz son
Ronald Lauren at Kingston Hospital.
Took over manure & brought back the last of the standing
sweet corn. Ray Dunn returned from New York, had
lunch and left for Binghamton. He and Mariam had met
on several pleasant occasions during the week. Chester
Lyons called early PM. New York ended the world series
by winning this PM, 4 – 3 from Washington taking 4
games out of five. I went to open Past Grands Assn
meeting tonight to Saugerties with Arthur Trowbridge.
Judge E.S. Masher was speaker.
October 8, Sunday — Yet another delightful day, cool,
becoming overcast evng and set in rainy late but was just
a dash.
At home – Got together set of Ulster Co. News and
Star items. After service I took Aunt Cornelia, Mother,
Daisy & Cornelia down to the cemetery, put fresh flowers
on Little Honey’s grave.
October 9, Monday — Dense fog this AM, unsettled,
mostly cloudy – mild.
Pa and I forked out the patch of potatoes opposite the
Hinkley house AM. We remover temporary cow
stanchions in barn after dinner to make room. Then with
Daisy’s assisting we picked up the potatoes & hauled
them to the barn. Wrote Freeman news copy evng. Wrote
and rec’d letter from Mariam.
October 10, Tuesday — Fair – mild became overcast PM.
Busy with chores and worked around cabbage in garden
AM. This PM I went with Mart Eckert and Nettie Jones to
Tilson and attended the funeral of Fred Terwilliger also
burial in Rosendale Plains cemetery. We note the scene of
his death where he jumped from center of Rosendale R.R.
trestle 125 ft to stream in less than 2 ft of water. He lived
till after reaching Kingston Hospital. Dr J.D.W.
Dumond’s wife died 3 AM at Olive Bridge following
several strokes yesterday.
October 11, Wednesday — Fair and mild – except a chilly
westerly wind – mid day cloud over.
Drawed over manure & reloaded with field corn stouts.
Took Mother & Aunt C to & from Ladies Aid at church.
Daisy and I gathered the few apples on Hinkley trees PM
– Famine crop this year. Last year the limbs broke with
their loads. Wrote letter Judge Henry Winchell evng.
October 12, Thursday — Fair and mild – light winds.
Harold Constable, John Bell, Sam Cassalina & I put
down cement floor in shed using the town mixer. Pa is not
feeling a bit well, has a breaking out on left side of neck
and over side & chest. Called Dr. Cosgrove the new
Shokan physician who pronounced his case as probably
shingles $4.00 charge for call..Wrote Freeman news copy
evng. We sent Mariam a box of fruit, cakes, potato chips
& autumn leaves.
October 13, Friday — Partly cloudy – northerly winds,
turning colder.
Harold and I put a cement reinforcement along the
inside shed foundation this morning. I then took Aunt
Cornelia & Pa to Phoenicia to see Dr Gross. The Dr
pronounced his case a bad dose of shingles and gave him
the violet ray treatment
Mother & I attended Mrs DuMond’s funeral at her home
at Olive Bridge PM. Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
October 14, Saturday — First touch of killing frost of the
season. Beautiful clear cool day. Northerly winds – still
cold night.
Pa had a hard day. I patched up spots about the shed
bottom with cement AM. Busy with various jobs with
team and cart PM. First days registration, was down at
polls awhile this evng. Paid school tax to coll. Clayton
Burgher – Hinkley farm 93 cents – our place – $2.48
October 15, Sunday — Harder frost than Friday night but
our flowers are not badly singed. Most glorious clear day
quiet and warmer – a bit breezy evng.
Busy at needed chores around barn. Wrote up News &
Star copies evng. Mr and Mrs Clyde Winchell & daughter
Alva called PM.
October 16, Monday — Clear, warm – fresh south
westerly winds.
Started work on County brush job on Samsonville road.
Harold and I husked corn awhile evng. Pa is feeling better
today. Aunt Julia & Paul James came to see him this PM.
October 17, Tuesday — Heavy warm rain from south
west set in early this AM & continued till afternoon –
Daisy & I husked corn AM. Took a nap after dinner.
When rain let up I drawed over cart load manure & got
sweet corn stalks from Aunt C ‘s garden for night fodder.
Wrote Freeman news copy evng. Pa is feeling better – I
have taken on a cold.
October 18, Wednesday — Part and mostly cloudy – rain
squally PM – raw air, westerly winds.
Worked on brush job on Samsonville road. Pa is
weathering out his shingles indoors. Daisy and I husked
corn after supper. I have a miserable head cold.
October 19, Thursday — Clear mild after freeze last night
but penetrating westerly winds. Real blustery evng.
Have miserable cold. Worked on Samsonville road
brush job. Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
October 20, Friday — Bright pleasant day after windy and
some rainy night – south westerly winds.
Woods and mountains gorgeously are adorned in their
autumn raiment.
Worked on brush job. Rec’d letter Mariam. Don came
down this PM. Attended Ladies Aid roast beef supper at
church. Very pleasant gathering.
October 21, Saturday — Cloudy cold snowy air. Froze ice
last night. Became warmer PM.
Worked on brush job on Samsonville road. Drawed
over cart load manure and got load corn after work,
finished in dark.
October 22, Sunday — Warm – wind to south, strong
evng – unsettled. Mostly cloudy, dashes of rain late evng,
settled to a downpour as wind calmed down.
At home, busy at necessary work around barn etc. wrote
News and Star copies evng. Little Honey’s 6th birthday
anniversary. Poor dear dolly, gone nearly two years, sad
and discouraging ones for her Dad and all of us.
October 23, Monday — Rainy night and till 7 o’clock this
AM – cleared lovely and warm during the morning.
Colder and windy PM, overcast and still evng.
Worked on brush job on Samsonville road. Wrote
Freeman news copy evng after husking corn. A 6 ½ lb
daughter born to Mr and Mrs Gardner Donahoe of
October 24, Tuesday — Dreary raw morning set in for
cold rain about noon – continued into night.
Worked half a day on brush job. Took Pa to Dr Gross
PM. had violet ray treatment. His shingles condition is
showing improvement but his diabetic condition is a
serious factor. Rec’d card Mariam. Milk inspector came
early PM. Everything O. K.
October 25, Wednesday — Rain cleared in night followed
by a howling northerly gale. First snow of the season seen
on mountains and a miserable cold windy day, with
mountain squalls.
Worked on brush job and nearly froze. Finished
cutting Samsonville road. Wrote Freeman news copy
October 26, Thursday — Real freeze up last night – Our
kitchen porch thermometer registered 18 degrees at 7
o’clock. Froze 3/4 in ice. Beautiful clear day and evng,
moderate southerly winds. Half moon and crispy evng.
Worked on Samsonville road burning brush. Wrote
Freeman news copy evng. Drawed over cart load manure
and got last load of corn form orchard lot after work.
Daisy and I husked corn after supper. Pa had a very
uncomfortable day with his shingles. Cornelia did not feel
well enough to attend high school.
October 27, Friday — Mild cloudy this AM then broke
away southerly winds – cloudy again at evng.
Worked on Samsonville road burning brush. Got
wagon load of corn after work. Daisy & I husked after
supper. Rec’d letter Mariam. Poor Pa is having a hard
time of it. Cornelia feels punk broken out looks like
chicken pox. Lauren Hesley returned home from Ford city
Penna jail where he spent 2 days & a night, arrested for
overloading coal truck drawing for William Colange.
October 28, Saturday — Bright day crispy air – northerly
winds – still – lovely moonlight evng.
Worked at brush job, cut on Ashokan Mountain road.
Daisy and I husked corn evng. Mrs Lauren Hesley & her
baby came home from hospital.
Oct. 27 – Miss Anna Louth over 80 visited old homestead
on east side, became lost & not found till midnight by
searching party lying along road by Oakes estate.
October 29, Sunday — Hard freeze last night ½ in ice.
Clear, bright this AM becoming overcast & sprinkling
rain, mountain showers PM. part cloudy evng.
Busy day at needed jobs – husked off corn, drawed in
load PM etc. Another hard day for Pa. Had Dr Bibby
come to see Cornelia PM – says chicken pox.
October 30, Monday — Indian summer – fair, hazy, still.
Worked on brush cutting job – Tongore road. Granpa
and Cornelia feel more comfortable today.
October 31, Tuesday — A fair balmy summer like day.
soft southerly winds. Glorious moonlight approaching
Worked on brush job, burning on Ashokan Mountain
road AM – PM finished cutting on Tongore road to
Marbletown line and then gang shifted to Krumville road.
Daisy and I husked corn evng. Cornelia is feeling much
improved but poor old father’s agony increased.
November 1, Wednesday — Another lovely day after a
foggy start. Not quite so warm as yesterday – moderate
winds. Beautiful moonlight night.
Henry Elmendorf 78 lifelong Shokan resident died last
night from stroke sustained Friday. Worked on brush job
Tongore and Krumville roads, burning and cutting. We
had Dr Quinn of Phoenicia for Pa and Aunt Cornelia.
Grandpa’s excruciating pains in his neck and shoulder
occur at intervals. Daisy and I finished husking off load
corn evng. Rec’d letter Mariam.
November 2, Thursday — Fair warm like summer, breezy
evng and partly cloudy.
Pa had a very hard night, terrible re-curing pains about
his neck and shoulder. I remained home from work –
repaired hog pen floor, busy about barn, drawed away
manure and got load corn. Dr Quinn came to see Pa
toward noon.
November 3, Friday — Continued mild – fair AM,
tending to be a bit rainy PM turning colder, windy and
clear evng.
Went to Phoenicia this AM after medicine for Pa –
Aunt Julia came and stayed with him till evng. had spells
in night and today but new medicine appears to be
checking his enraged nerve condition tonight. Had a
number of callers. Busy with chores etc.
November 4, Saturday — Beautiful clear crispy day,
northerly winds – frosty moonlight evng.
Busy about home with various chores etc. Went to
Phoenicia for more medicine for Pa late PM. Pa seems to
be showing a change for the better, except for two attacks
this PM at 1 ½ hours intervals his pains have been
infrequent. Several Odd Fellows called. I repaired shoes
November 5, Sunday — First snow fall. Froze ½ in ice –
cold raw snowy air. Clear, still, becoming overcast PM –
set in snowing hard late evng.
Busy at necessary jobs about home. Pa passed the night
without pain attacks till 8:00 this AM – then skipped till
10:30 tonight. Dr Quinn came to see him about noon and
found his general physical condition excellent. Harlowe
McLean called evng. Wrote News and Star copies evng.
November 6, Monday — Snowed through night and this
forenoon, continued cloudy, still PM & evng. Wintry
scene with 5 – 7 inches clinging snow. The heavier fall
being about the lower end of the town. Busy at chores etc.
Went to Phoenicia PM after medicine for Pa. His
condition remains about unchanged. Had but one pain
attack during day. Abe Bush (Uncle Jake’s nephew) of
Campbell Hall killed by bull on his farm.
November 7, Tuesday — A dismal, still, lowering, snowy
atmosphere. Snow clinging to trees. Just typical of the
weather when our Little Honey passed to the realm
Town of Olive went Democratic. Leroy Davis elected
supervisor over Chas. H. Weidner, by 71 majority. Town
Clerk William Beesmer Dem, over Reginald Davis, by 63
majority. Collector John B Davis Dem, over Ezra Palen
by 313 majority. Supt of Highways Claude Bell Dem,
over Otis Barringer by 191 majority. Assessor for 4 years
Martin J Every Rep. elected over Nelson Bell Dem by, 92
majority. Assessor 2 years Homer Markle Sr. Rep over
John Jordan by majority ? Votes on Justice 4 years – Fred
L Weidner Dem 539, Joe Steinlauf Dem 350, John
Darling Rep. 250, Rev. Thomas S Braithwaite Rep. 421.
Justice 2 years. – Chas Giles Rep. 452. Fred Herchemoder
Dem 350. School Director Alonzo Haver 450 Dem,
Simon Merrihew Rep. 400. County Board of Supervisors
turned Democrat after 28 years by 1 majority.
November 8, Wednesday — Raw, snow squally,
somewhat blustery – snow sticks well.
Dad had one attack in night at 3 o’clock. Went 27
hours. None today but he feels so restless.
November 9, Thursday — Continues wintry – snow
squally. South westerly winds with driving snow storm
PM. with an inch fall, partly melting.
Husked corn. Drawed over big cart load manure PM &
got several stouts of corn. Wrote Freeman news copy
evng. Father has had no further harrowing pain attacks.
He sat on the edge of the bed while I shaved him this PM.
November 10, Friday --- Still another raw blustery day &
evng – squally, part cloudy
Cornelia and I husked corn in the barn. Rec’d card
form Mariam. 52nd anniversary of Thompson E Crispell’s
death, Mother’s 18 year old brother, a victim of typhoid
November 11, Saturday — Raw, snow squally – south
westerly winds. Settled down to real snowstorm at evng.
Took over and spread a cart load manure. Drawed over
the last of the field corn. Charley & Irving Hesley helped
me butcher a hog PM.
November 12, Sunday — 2 ½ inches fresh snow in night.
Clear and more storm brewing, overcast evng with
southerly winds.
Busy with chores etc about barn. Took Cornelia after
church to see Dr Gross for his OK to attend High School
after chicken pox. Dad sat up in chair part of yesterday
and today. Wrote News and Star copies evng.
November 13, Monday – A dark lowering day –
southwesterly winds which with the rain set in PM – gave
the snow a whipping, cleared evng.
Made a clean up of the corn husking. Got Pa down
stairs this afternoon. Virgil Gordon came to see him this
evng. Cornelia started attending High School again. Benj
L Hover of Olive Bridge died this evening at Kingston
Hospital. He recently underwent an operation for a long
cronic bowel ailment.
November 14, Tuesday — Snow about the valley pretty
well gone. Cloudy, light snows along all afternoon,
somewhat windy evng.
We made up a box and sent to Mariam of apples,
flowers and evergreens. Daisy and I pulled load turnips
PM. Went over to Fred Weidner’s & got cabbage for
sauerkraut. Ed Every and Jesse Burgher called evng.
November 15, Wednesday — Clear, cold windy – winters
day. Thermometer 14 degrees above zero this AM and
colder tonight.
Busy with barn chores etc. Daisy & I snigged off the
load of turnips PM. Wrote Freeman news copy tonight. Pa
was down stairs all day till 10:30 bed time but is
miserable. I met Cornelia from late school bus at
November 16, Thursday — 10 above zero this AM, same
as last evng. Clear becoming part cloudy PM – cold and
piercing south west air.
Made a 15 gallon keg of sauerkraut. Attended the
funeral of Benjamin Hover 10'oclock at Tongore church.
Wrote up the Freeman news copy evng.
November 17, Friday – 14 above zero this AM on our
kitchen porch thermometer. Fair becoming heavily
overcast during PM and moderating. Had snow storm late
evng 1 ½ or 2 “.
Wrote & received cards Mariam. Busy with chores etc.
Took over and spread cart load manure PM & got some
leaves for bedding. Went to Kingston tonight with Pete
Crawford – attended Ancient City Council R & S M and
enjoyed venison supper.
November 18, Saturday — Mild – snow thawing –
Rec’d card Mariam. Busy with barn chores. This PM I
cleaned up a fallen beech tree by saw mill and hauled it
up for wood.
November 19, Sunday — Clear and still – a weather
breeder, wintry atmosphere. Became overcast during
afternoon & snowy later evng.
At home all day. Mr and Mrs Condon came PM and
staid till after supper with Aunt Cornelia. Trooper Ray
Dunn paid us a call this evng. He left later for
Binghamton. Had rec’d a teletype message that an uncle
had died suddenly. Got out Star and News copies.
November 20, Monday — A skim of snow last night –
sour and dismal AM – cleared later, northerly winds –
thawing during day.
Busy with chores mostly. Went up to see Mart Every’s
turkeys toward evening. Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
Pa is down stairs daily but feels miserable, his neck and
shoulder burning up.
November 21, Tuesday — Clear early but clouded over
from south – dark and threatening – moderating. Strong
southwesterly winds tonight and rain.
Busy with chores etc. Took over a load of manure and
spread PM & got some leaves for bedding.
November 22, Wednesday — Real warm this AM for a
change. Part and mostly cloudy – turning sour and windy
Pulled turnips in potato patch at Hinkley house lot and
done some work at ram AM. Wind blew off part of hog
pen roof last night which I put back on PM.-- drawed cart
load stones. Met Cornelia from High School at 8 o’clock
bus at Boiceville. Mr Nelson – supt of Accord Farmers
Coop delivered me ½ ton milk maker, 1 bag corn meal &
1 bag dry mash. Pa isn’t feeling very comfortable today.
November 23, Thursday — Mostly cloudy, damp raw air
– still.
This PM ploughed sweet corn & potato patch along
path to woods. Wrote Freeman news copy evng. Alvin
Markle called this AM.
November 24, Friday — Continues unsettled, mostly
cloudy, moon at half full – shining early evng. Raw –
damp air, wind southwesterly PM & evng.
I took my Chevy car to Tongore to Pete Crawford
Garage. Had valves ground, brakes adjusted, new oil etc. I
also put on new Riverside DeLuxe tires and tubes on rear
wheels. Speedometer reading 27,980
Sunday School chicken supper and entertainment at
November 25, Saturday — Still cloudy – broke away PM
– still.
I ploughed the strip of sod below wall for next spring
potato patch. Tough job with a re-curing lame left elbow.
Rec’d card Mariam.
November 26, Sunday — Mild – fair – still becoming
overcast. Rainy and windy evng, later clearing.
At home — took hike PM over along south boundary
Hinkley woods. Wrote News, Star and Freeman copies.
November 27, Monday — Gruff and snow squally AM.
Faired away, much colder windy.
We sent a box to Mariam for Thanksgiving. I ploughed
Aunt Cornelia’s old garden strip PM, nearly finished.
Made up orders tonight to Montgomery Ward and Sears
Roebuck, also wrote Freeman news copy.
November 28, Tuesday — Fair – warmer – breezy
moonlight evng nearing full.
Busy with odd jobs around barn AM also finished
ploughing Aunt C garden patch. This PM drawed off cart
load stones and started ploughing sod patch behind
Hinkley barn.
November 29, Wednesday — Fair AM becoming overcast
and gloomy PM, south westerly winds, mild.
I finished ploughing sod behind Hinkley barn then got
cart load leaves. This evng I attended the IOOF annual
oyster supper at Olive Bridge.
November 30, Thursday — Almost like a mid summers
day. Strong south westerly winds shifting to westerly to
north. Fair AM becoming cloudless. Glorious moonlight
at almost full.
Cornelia and I celebrated Thanksgiving by picking and
drawing off stones with cart from lower Hinkley lot corn
stubble. Rec’d shipments Montgomery Ward & Co.
Wrote up Freeman copies tonight.
December 1, Friday — Beautifully clear but a miserably
windy day from north – colder PM. Glorious full moon,
calmed down tonight.
Too windy for out of door work but this PM I picked a
load of stone from orchard corn stubble then quit and
harrowed over Aunt Cornelia’s garden patch and plowed
a strip out along cross path.
December 2, Saturday — Froze up last night. Quiet after
the wind storm, clear and moderating. Glorious full moon,
magnificent sight as it rose from beyond Tonche
Mountains casting a golden reflection across the water of
the reservoir.
I took Pa to Phoenicia this AM to see Dr Gross. First he
has been out doors since taking him there October 24th.
This PM Cornelia and I picked 2 cart load stones from
orchard corn stubble & load from Aunt Cornelia’s garden.
Cornelia and I attended Town Board sausage and pancake
supper at Mr and Mrs John Marshall’s. I also attended
IOOF lodge. Initiatory Degree conferred on Earl
Christiana and Wilson Terwilliger.
December 3, Sunday — Dismal, cloudy still day with now
and then a rift of blue sky showing – set in rainy evng.
While we were at breakfast table a big buck deer
walked across Aunt Cornelia’s field and jumped over
fence in corner behind her barn. Around home all day.
Cut Pa’s hair PM. Wrote Star and News copy evng.
December 4, Monday — Rainy night and mussy along
this AM. Gloomy damp air, still.
Got the Ford and stalk cutter set up and got cutting
corn stalks toward noon. Harold Constable and Ray
Kelder helping. Made tired trip over to Will Jordon’s with
cow. Rec’d letter and card from Mariam. Wrote 15 page
Freeman copy tonight.
December 5, Tuesday — National Prohibition officially
ended at 5:31 o’clock this afternoon.
Continued dark and murky. Strong westerly winds
Finished cutting stalks AM. Took over manure & Daisy
and I picked 3 cart loads stones PM from orchard corn
December 6, Wednesday — Southwest wind stilled this
AM & set in rainy but stopped before noon, turning
somewhat colder PM with winds northerly – cleared
I went to Kingston noontime. Done quite a bit of
shopping and visited Cahrley Hesley at Kingston
Hospital. Came back by Shokan & called on Aunt Julia
who has been ill in bed. Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
December 7, Thursday — Cloudy, still, light freeze up
last night, cleared away PM.
After chores and taking over cart load manure I got
started ploughing corn stubble above 3 corner lot 11
o’clock and kept moving till 4:45. Feeling pretty tired
tonight. Rec’d card from Mariam.
December 8, Friday — Cleared this AM – mild and still –
clouded again evng.
I finished plowing lower lot corn stubble and started in
on sod ( lower part of orchard lot along wall and old
Hinkley garden) Brodhead school caught fire from
chimney. School bell rang alarm at 11:20 this AM.
Building was saved. Wrote fire story and other news evng
for Freeman.
Govt Civil Works Program started locally with about 25
working in Bushkill stream, under town Commissioner of
December 9, Saturday — Cloudy – got to be miserably
cold day with northerly winds. Fair evng – temperature
near zero tonight.
I worked ploughing sod, till near 3 o’clock when I got
froze out and then gathered a manure cart load of leaves
for bedding.. I went from Olive Bridge with Arthur
Trowbridge to Bearsville to annual meeting of IOOF Past
Grands Association. Was elected secretary. Charles
Sickler of Port Ewen, president.
December 10, Sunday — Continued clear and snappy
cold with light but biting northerly winds. Ground froze
up hard as a rock.
At home all day. Wrote up Past Grand Association for
Freeman also Star and news copy. Funeral of Mrs
Lockwood 89 – Mrs Jesse B. Boice’s mother held at
Humiston’s undertaking parlors at Kerhonkson.
December 11, Monday — Had near zero, light snow
storm this AM about 1 ½ in breaking away mid forenoon.
Got very rough at noontime, snow blowing – cold windy
wintry night.
I cut firewood AM where I started in before in edge of
brush lot fringing ploughed patch by old barn. Busy with
barn chores PM & cut some green night wood. Dr. Freer,
Ellenville veterinary came PM for annual dairy health test
costing 3.00. Wrote Freeman news copy evng,
December 12, Tuesday — A near zero night and windy
night, diminishing to a near calm PM. generally fair –
continued not quite so cold.
Rec’d and wrote card to Mariam as is my daily
custom. Busy with chores. Daisy and I cut a dead beech
stub in edge of woods opposite driveway during PM. Mr
and Mrs J. Gaylord Ayers of Olive Bridge called early
evng. Wrote another Freeman news copy evng.
December 13, Wednesday — Reservoir above Weidner’s
Point froze over. Near zero night, cloudy, still continued
cold, set in snowing PM.
Busy with chores, drawed over manure and drawed
several drags firewood. Went to Olive Bridge hall this
PM and registered for work under govt Civil Works
Program – large registration
December 14, Thursday --- Clear, cold, still. A larger
section of reservoir is frozen. Thermometer at zero 11
Helped Irving Hesley cut stalks, used Don’s Ford. Pa
puts in hard days and nights continually. Wrote Freeman
news copy evng.
December 15, Friday — Reservoir frozen over, 2 above
zero – cloudy. Set in sleeting and continued all day
turning to driving rain storm evng & much moderated.
Harold Constable, Irving Hesley and I butchered our
two remaining hogs. A fine job well done.
December 16, Saturday — Part cloudy, clear evng
continued moderate.
Icy traveling. Took over and spread cart load manure &
drawed some dry wood for sawing on woodpile, with
various barn chores took all day. Didn’t go to lodge, so
cut up the hogs. Accord Farmers Inc. Coop truck
delivered me ton milk maker and 200 dry mash PM.
December 17, Sunday — Gloomy dismal day, set in rainy
Tilden Bell 57, was found lying dead on the kitchen
door stone of his home near the Bushkill bridge when the
family arose this morning. He had evidently stepped
outside during the night and pitched headlong. Coroner
Humiston pronounced death due to heart failure. He had
been cutting wood Saturday and Saturday evng visited his
brother Alfred living on city property & returned home 10
o’clock. I went up to Mart Every’s this PM. Ray Dunn
came to supper & spent the evng.
December 18, Monday — Bright crispy air and brisk
northerly winds, typically a march day. The thin ice
coating on the reservoir was broken up by the action of
wind and waves – calm evng.
Harold Constable and Marvin VanDemark helped saw
up a quantity of dry wood, mostly old lumber from the
stables overhauling , using Ford for power & Hesley saw
bench. Busy last night till 3:30 getting out News and Star
copies & Freeman write up on Tilden Bell’s death. Wrote
up another Freeman news copy tonight. Troopers Ray
Dunn and James Mahoney took supper with us. Olive
Rebekah’s lodge tendered turkey banquet and reception to
assembly President.
December 19, Tuesday — Partly overcast to fair –
westerly winds – moderately mild.
Filed cross cut saw this AM. PM drawed over 2 big
loads of dry chunk wood and put in Aunt Cornelia’s cellar
for furnace. Daisy and I also cross cut up a beech log
hauled by her cellar window & split & put inside. Rec’d
letter Mariam. Sending her a card daily. Wrote Freeman
copy evng. Electric lights went out this evng about 10
December 20, Wednesday — Rainy – sleety – slippery –
day. Turned to dense snow fall evng.
Attended funeral of Tilden Bell this PM at his home at
2 o’clock. Interment in Bushkill cemetery. Elder Bellows
of Roxbury officiating. This evng I went to Kingston with
Pete Crawford form Olive Bridge. Did considerable
shopping & attended annual meeting at Mt Horeb Chapter
R.A.M. Donald & Bob came this evng.
December 21, Thursday — heavy clinging snow of 2 ½
inches – somewhat colder – part cloudy, northerly winds.
Feel on the bum today. I took over and spread big cart
load manure & gave Harold Constable a hand butchering
a hog PM. Made sausage PM & tended chores.
(Newspaper Clipping)
December 21, 1786 – The marriage took place in
Marbletown of Andries Davis and Sarah Bogart. The
wedding ceremony was performed by the Rev. S.
Goetchius, first pastor of the Shokan Dutch Reformed
Church. Mr Davis was a son of Issac D and Elizabeth
Krum Davis, early settlers in Marbletown. The couple
became citizens of Olive when the town was formed in
1823. They became the parents of seven children and their
descendants in Olive are numbered by the score. The
Davis homestead for many years was at the Tongore
bridge, near the present home of Ellson Oakley. Mr Davis
was a surveyor and a Revolutionary soldier. Previous to
the war he was a dispatch bearer between the forts in
Delaware county and Shandaken and those at Hurley and
Wiltwyck. Mr and Mrs Davis died in 1850 and 1845
December 22, Friday —Thawing – fair - becoming
overcast PM & clearing early evng – strong westerly
Sent out a bunch of Christmas cards AM and salted
down the pork meat. Busy with chores etc. Bob and I
shelled off several bushels corn PM. Mariam called up
this evng that she will be home tomorrow. Cornelia, Bob
& I attended the school entertainment this evng.
December 23, Saturday — Fair to part overcast – cloudy
evng & raining, misty late – still.
Ray Dunn went after Mariam and they arrived home
about 11:10 this AM. What joy to meet our Honey Girl
after the long passing months since she left Feb 1st. I
attended IOOF lodge evng. Wilson Terwilliger and Earl
Christiana were given their third degree. The second was
conferred last night at Bearsville. Mariam, Cornelia & I
went down on the city property and got a Christmas tree
and pine boughs for decorating.
December 24, Sunday — Fair AM, becoming hazy
overcast PM. Moderately mild, still but became windy
and rainy evng– clearing late.
At home busy with chores and news writing. Got out
copy for Star and News also two copies for Freeman.
Kept busy till past 3 AM, Monday. Edison Baker 33 and
Miss Kirby an 18 year old divorcee both of Accord
vicinity were killed early this AM in an automobile
accident at Palentown after leaving dance at Harry
Hansen’s , Samsonville.
December 25, Monday — Snow squally to north this AM.
Fair and pleasant becoming overcast during PM &
clearing evng – real frosty.
Celebrated Christmas. Done necessary chores etc. This
PM Don, Mariam & I went over to Moore’s at
Samsonville also called on Mr and Mrs Henry Winchell.
We saw 2 deer in the open field beyond Winchell’s
coming back. Bob, Mariam, Cornelia & I attended the
Sunday School entertainment evng. Cornelia took several
speaking parts and Mariam gave a talk & concluded with
an appropriate poem.
December 26, Tuesday — 18th anniversary of the great
wind storm of 1915. An 8 in snow fall, set in this
morning. “A snowy day” as it would be termed in Col.
John B. Davis diaries of the 1850's. Continued after mid
night, then breaking away and blowing. Radio reports
tonight the entire east coast in the grip of the storm from
south east. Entire country is suffering with snow and cold
weather and in far west devastating floods turning to
freezing cold. Home bound all day. Enjoying Mariam’s
company. We had our Christmas turkey tonight supper.
Aunt Cornelia, Don & Bob were with us. Wrote up
Freeman news copy tonight.
December 27, Wednesday — Clear and zerowy. Snow
blowing like fury – subsided evng, lovely moonlight and
coldest night of winter – 8 below zero around 2 AM.
Doing nothing but chores and enjoying Mariam’s
company. Commissioner Wm. Jordan with truck snow
plow opened road this AM. Wilson Terwilliger got here
with milk truck about 11:20. Ray Dunn came for supper
and spent the evng way late. He and Mariam went for a
ride. I wrote up Freeman news copy. Ray gave Mariam a
Bulova wrist watch.
December 28, Thursday — Clear, zerowy weather –
somewhat blustery PM. Moonlight night.
Did chores and drawed over and spread big load
manure PM. Have a sore right hand for the past week in
palm where I cut it several years ago sticking a hog.
December 29, Friday — 14 below zero this AM, below
zero all day. Went to 18 below on our kitchen porch post
thermometer 1 o’clock tonight. Fair but miserably biting
Mariam & I went to Kingston PM to dentists. Nearly
froze making trip. My right hand continues uncomfortably
sore. Ray Dunn came for supper & evng.
December 30, Saturday — Thermometer 14 below this
AM gradually rose to 6 above tonight – storm brewing,
still becoming overcast.
Busy with barn chores etc. Not attempting to do more
than necessary with sore right hand. Ray Dunn came for
supper and at Mariam’s request I accompanied them to
the Olive Rebekah’s New Year dance party at Olive
Bridge. Daisy made muffins and coffee after we returned.
Donald and Bob returned to Hobart PM. We feel so
keenly the second anniversary of the time of our Little
Honey Girls illness and death. Oh My God the heartaches.
December 31, Sunday — A thaw follows the weeks of
zerowy cold. Thermometer from about 12 above zero this
AM had risen to 42 at 11:30 PM. Cloudy for the most part
with occasional showers, hail at first settling down to
southwest rain and warm wind tinight. This has been the
coldest weather since Christmas week of 1917.
Around home all day, Cornelia attending Sunday
school. Got out Star, News and Freeman copies. Harold
Hillary, visiting with Donald 2 years ago when Little
Honey was so sick, called today. Mariam’s visit home
seems as the only bright spot in our Christmas tide. Father
ends the year about the house every day but not greatly
improved in his condition.
Record Cold
This generation has not experienced such cold as we
have seen this winter. The memories of our oldest
inhabitants and the records of the United States weather
bureau agree that 34 degrees below zero is something
worth remembering as no such figures are on the records
or in memories of our people. Last week Cooperstown’s
official weather bureau thermometer hit 34 below. At the
Beatty farm in Hurley it was 33 below and from all
sections of the Hudson Valley and Catskill Mountain area
figures approximating these reach us. In the effort to heat
houses many homes were destroyed by fire. Hospitals in
all sections had victims of frost bite and some of these
were serious, a few requiring amputations of fingers and
toes. Water pipes generally were frozen. Coal men were
kept jumping and oil companies busy with fuel oil
deliveries as the weather exacted a heavy toll from the
fuel supply. At White Lake a large home was destroyed
by fire. Many fires occurred in the Catskill mountain
region and at Palenville on of the most disastrous fires in
its history ravaged a large section. In Delaware and
Greene and Sullivan counties fires were numerous.
Kingston city’s fire department last week was busy with
four or five calls a day although none were sizeable.
This is a winter to remember. It comes after a series of
mild and temperate ones during which men worked out
doors much of the time and the river has been open with
ferries running. This winter has seen a tie up of ferries at
Poughkeepsie and Catskill and Kingston and the
Newburgh ferries have had the battle of their careers as
ice almost 20 inches thick had to be cut through. Yes, we
have had a real old fashioned winter such as we can talk
about a few years hence.
October 11, 1865, the Shokan tannery and adjacent
boarding house were burned. The tanning business at the
time was conducted by Hoyt Brothers of New York City.
The tannery subsequently was rebuilt and was operated by
various owners up to the time of the beginning of
reservoir construction.
My dear father Chase W Davis died 8:13 PM,
January 23, 1934. His age is 74 years, 5 months, 27 days.
Funeral held at home 1:30 o’clock on Friday .January 26.
During the afternoon of April 12, former supervisor
Frederick C. Davis of Stone Ridge jumped from up
stream center of the Traver Hollow high arch bridge. His
body was discovered Friday AM April 13.
January 1, Monday — January thaw arrives right on
schedule. April like showers and balmy westerly winds.
The temperature reading on our rear porch post
thermometer registered above 50, in contrast to the 18
below zero read after midnight Thursday — colder evng.
The heavy snow blanket has disappeared from the
exposed terrain of the landscape. I drawed over a big cart
load manure and spread on old Hinkley garden. Mariam,
Cornelia and I made a call on Mr and Mrs Martin J. Every
this PM.. North bound combination train derailed this PM
at top of Stony Clove Notch, caused by tumbling boulder
loosening a rail, no one was injured.
January 2, Tuesday — Big temperature drop during night
— 8 above this AM. Landscape radiant with frost crystals.
High Point and South mountain glistened like crowns of
glory in morning sun. Cold piercing air, still clear. Got a
grippy touch and feel miserable, only went out for
necessary chores. Mariam has it too.
January 3, Wednesday — Mercury crowded zero again.
The day was generally fair and still. Still feeling grippy.
Remained indoors till during PM, then attended barn
chores. Mart Every called early PM. Listened in to
Broadcast of joint session of Congress and president
Roosevelt message. Wrote up Freeman copy evng .
Mariam also has a grippy touch. Our kitchen chimney
burned out this AM.
January 4, Thursday — Cloudy, still, a mist like snow
drizzled along most of day. Feeling more perky today.
This PM I cut firewood along the shady overhang along
the patch behind Hinkley barn. Wrote Freeman news copy
January 5, Friday — An early morning soggy snowfall of
3" was followed by rain till toward dusk. Mariam & I
made some calls, first on Mrs Ole Burgher and Ollie then
to Grace Hesleys and saw her baby got the mail at PO and
spent a couple of hours at Maple Dell with Ed and Anna
Every. Took over and spread cart load manure on old
Hinkley garden. Two years ago today our beloved Little
Honey was laid at rest, under weather conditions of snow
and murk, strikingly similar.
January 6, Saturday — Still mild slushy cloudy, except
PM when sun shone thru the murk for a time. Mariam, Pa
& I went to Phoenicia. Took Pa to Dr. Gross office for
examination. Found his heart has responded to drops
prescribed at last trip. His general condition about
unchanged. We had dinner with Mr & Mrs Ralph
Longyear, & I called on Mr & Mrs Breithaupt. Mariam
staid for the evening.
January 7, Sunday — Snowy morning turned into a rainy
dismal day. At home all day. Wrote Star and news copies.
Harry Jordan took supper and spent the evening with us.
He and Mariam made several Shokan calls during the
afternoon. Miss Mike Allen died at Shokan.
January 8, Monday — Part cloudy, mild strong westerly
winds during late tonight, moderated. Mariam & I went to
Kingston. She had a cavity filled ($3.00) and back upper
tooth extracted by Dr Levtas. I had cavity treated by Dr
January 9, Tuesday — Mild still cloudy AM, fairing away
with pleasant sunshine.
Golden and Leah Van Benschoten came over and spent
the day very pleasantly. Golden rehandled an axe for me
after dinner.
January 10, Wednesday — 28th anniversary of Fred
Bishops wedding reception given at his home in old West
Shokan village.
Mild, sunshiny forenoon, mostly overcast PM.
I cut remainder of overhang strip along patch behind old
barn. This PM I drawed over cart load manure and
finished spreading on old garden, also burned brush.
Mother is sick today with cold and intestinal attack.
Mariam showed her professional nursing tactics. Mariam
took dinner with Mr & Mrs Shepard Bell.
January 11, Thursday — Crispy this AM. Fair moderately
mild and light northerly winds.
Cornelia missed the bus & I took her to Kingston High
School. Got back noontime. Albert Roosa of Kingston a
former High School mate of Mariams took dinner with
her. Harry Jordan called this evng, taking a run down
from Roxbury. Ray Dunn also came & he and Mariam
went for a ride. Cut firewood awhile PM wind broken
January 12, Friday — Still cloudy mild.
Mrs Chester Lyons paid us a visit PM. Daisy helped me
saw down several firewood saplings along Hinkley cross
road and upper side patch by barn— trimmed & pile PM.
Mariam busy with re-packing evng & boxes to send
friends. My right hand palm continues sore under old scar
where I got cut several years ago, sticking a hog.
Rec’d shipment Sears Roebuck & Co.
Funeral burial of widow of Wm Bush held at Tongore
PM. Mrs Bush died suddenly at home of daughter in Lake
January 13, Saturday — A dismal mussy increasingly
stormy day of mixed snow or rain.
Drawed over cart load manure and spread and brought
back limb wood. Just rested PM. Will Jordan called to see
Pa. Mr & Mrs Condon came and had supper with us. Ray
Dunn came later and spent the evng.
I attended public I.O.O.F. installation tonight. The
following were installed by District Deputy J J Donovan
& staff of Highland. Noble Grand James Gordon, Vice
Grand Le Grand Shultis, Rec. Sec. Harlowe McLean,
proxy installed Fin Sec John Jordan, R.S.N.G. Cl;ayton
Burgher, RSNG Geo. Bishop, Warden Alonzo Davis,
Conductor Oscar Dudley, R S V G Francis Whispell, L S
V G Reginald Davis, R S S Ward Kelder, L S S Earl
Christiana, Inside Guardian William Jordan, Outside
Guardian William Shultis, Chaplain Arthur Trowbridge.
January 14, Sunday —Another cloudy day, after sun
shining thru this AM. Continued mild, icy traveling.
Landscape is well incrusted..
I took Mariam to Kingston. She left for New York on the
12 o’clock bus, fare $2.50.
Had tooth filled at E.D.Chipps $2.00. Visited Harlowe
McLean at Benedictine hospital. Had dinner at Chester
Lyon’s on my way home, also called on Judge and Mrs
January 15, Monday — Froze up quite hard last night.
Sun broke thru the clouds this morning, but the same
familiar brand of murky weather continued.
Went up to see Dr. Gross this AM as my hand continues
sore. Had an ex-ray plate taken which revealed absolutely
no bone infection. Was then given high tension voltage
and electric lamp treatment, charge $7.00. Wood
chopping must cease. Wrote up account of I.O.O.F.
installation tonight for Freeman. Charles Blakeley and
another CCC camp boy called this evng.
January 16, Tuesday —A clear day for a change with a bit
early westerly winds.
Wrote 8 page Freeman news copy AM. Charles Sickler of
Port Ewen Pres of Past Grands Assn called PM and
turned over to me the secretarial equipment . I was
inducted into the office of secretary at the annual meeting
at Bearsville in December.
Rec’d card and letter from Mariam and wrote her card.
Wrote up another Freeman news letter tonight. William
Colange began filling his ice house from Leonard’s
Boiceville pond 14" ice.
January 17, Wednesday — Colder — Fair —blustery –
Ice weather.
We sent Mariam a box this AM, some of her wearing
apparel etc & apples & laurel.
Daisy & I took over a cart load manure & brought back
Soaked my hand in hot salt water, 2 hitches. Charley
Hesley called this evng and brought a chunk of beef.
January 18, Thursday — Clear & cold. Ice weather. Quiet
I went to Phoenicia to Dr Gross AM & had electric
treatment for my hand. Mart Every came & fixed a leak in
Aunt Cornelia’s bathroom. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
January 19, Friday — Snow squally, blustery AM. Clear
PM & evng, continued windy. Not so cold as yesterday.
Rec’d letter Mariam & Mother wrote her card.
Around home trying to tinker around at odd jobs & favor
my hand.
Rec’d coat from sears Roebuck for Cornelia exchange
order — Blue Du Pont fabrikord $2.79 & postage.
January 20,Saturday —Fair somewhat hazy, snowy air.
Quite crispy tonight.
Daisy & I drawed over & spread load manure. Busy about
with chores etc.
Pa had a hard day, has caught cold. My hand bothers
I attended IOOF lodge. Initiatory degree conferred on
Grover C Christiana.
January 21, Sunday — Cold gloomy still day —snowy air.
Around home all day. Pa has taken a cold and is having it
harder then ever. We had Dr Quinn come to see him from
Phoenicia this afternoon. Several Odd fellows called to
see him. Have his bed fixed down stairs in dining room.
Wrote news & Star copies evng.
January 22, Monday —Another dark doleful day, raw
snowy air but not so cold as yesterday. Had a half inch
slip of snow and sleet PM.
I went to Dr. Gross and had electric treatment on my hand
AM. Golden and Leah Van Benschoten called PM.
Poor Pa had a hard night and day. Throat is so sore he is
unable to swallow.
January 23, Tuesday — Day of fathers death.
Warm raining till noon. Turned colder PM snow squally
and blustery. Very strong winds thru night.
Daisy staid up with Pa thru the night and I till near
morning. Pa had a hard night choking in his throat & so
hard to swallow. His condition continued through the day
and at 8:13 he passed so peacefully away without a
struggle, with Daisy & I holding him up in his
comfortable little bed in our dining room. Aunt Julia,
Mother, Aunt Cornelia and Ray Dunn about him. Ray
came just a few minutes before the last. Called Lee
Breihaupt on phone & I helped lay him out on the
undertakers couch.
January 24, Wednesday —Very windy night. Today clear
crisp and wind moderating.
Dear “Grampy” dad lies so serene and peaceful.
Numerous sympathetic callers came. Ray Dunn came to
supper and spent the evening. Mariam called up from St.
Lukes hospital at 9:30. Sent out a list of funeral notice
cards. Went to cemetery & made arrangements for the
opening of father’s grave beside Sister Baby, thru Virgil
Gordon. I managed to compose a Freeman copy tonight.
Oscar Crispell came up from Kingston this evening to see
us. Tax day sitting, rate $16.31.
Chase W Davis 74 of Shokan Passes Away
Chase W Davis, widely known Shokan resident died
at his home at West Shokan Heights, Tuesday evening
after a long illness. A son of the late Alvah Fuller Davis
and Isabella Vandervort Davis, he had resided in Shokan
and vicinity all his life, engaging in farming.
For more than half a century he had been an active
member of Shokan I.O.O.F. Lodge, No 491. He was one
of three living members presented with a fifty year medal
on January 14, 1934. Active in the religious affairs of the
community, he had been a member of the Shokan Baptist
church for about forty years. He also took a deep interest
in the civic and political affairs of the community.
Widely known as a vocalist and musician, he was a
member of the old Shokan Cornet Band in his younger
days, and was always in demand as a vocalist at
Democratic political rallies. His knowledge of the history
of Shokan and vicinity was equallied by few men in that
He is survived by his wife Mrs Mattie Crispell Davis:
a son, Elwyn C. Davis; one brother, John B. Davis of
Rogerson , Idaho; a sister, Mrs Elwyn Winchell of
Shokan; two granddaughters, Miss Mariam C Davis, a
student nurse at St Lukes Hospital in New York, and Miss
Cornelia M Davis at home and two nephews, Clyde
Winchell and Paul James both of Shokan.
The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 from
the home with interment in the Tongore cemetery.
January 25, Thursday — Mild spring like, brisk westerly
winds, fair.
Went to Phoenicia selected dads casket and metal outside
Had hand electrically treated at Dr Gross.
Took dinner with Lee Breithaupt at Ralph Longyear’s
Hotel. Came home and Lee came with casket and dressed
dear Pa & put him in his varnished chestnut case in dining
room. Pinned his 50 year I.O.O.F. jewel badge and pin on
his breast. Arranged flowers about the casket and how
beautiful and majestic he lies in death, the last night in his
home. Neighbors and Odd Fellows gathered and spent the
evening pleasantly. Mr & Mrs Chester Lyons took supper
with us and remained till 11 o’clock. Arranged Grandpa’s
and Little Honey’s picture against the open lid –
Mariam’s in uniform on top of casket. Among flower
pieces is an elegant wreath from Shokan Lodge 491 with
gold lettered ribbon 50 year member.
January 26, Friday — Fathers Funeral
Cloudy, chilly, snow storm settled down at noon but only
whitened the ground. Sun broke thru later in afternoon.
Father’s funeral held at 11:30. Casket placed in parlor
where Lillian’s stood. A large attendance filled the down
stairs rooms. Large I.O.O.F. attendance. The service was
beautifully conducted by Rev. C.F. Ahrens who delivered
a most profound eulogy. Beautiful and appropriate prayer
offered by Rev. Thomas S. Braithwaite . I.O.O.F. burial
service read by past District Deputy Virgil C. Gordon and
his son Noble Grand James Gordon. Respect to a most
marked degree was shown by everyone. The number of
cars parked in the field along entrance was impressive.
Interment beside Sister Baby in Tongore cemetery.
Among friends attending from out of the community were
Mr & Mrs D.N. Mathews, Pratt and Myron Boice, Lake
Katrine. Fred Schoonmaker and a Mr Russell Whitaker of
Campbell Hall. Joe Schoonmaker & several others. Odd
Fellows from Phoenicia and yet others. Bearers were
James and Virgil Gordon, Geo. Bishop, Edward Every,
Oscar Dudley.
Father’s 50 year jewel not buried with him but to be
passed on to Mariam as was his request.
January 27, Saturday — Gloomy weather again, snow
mussy, mid day snow storm of longer duration than
yesterday. Part broke away at evng. Trying to gather up
the fragments and carry on. Daisy and I done the usual
chores and drawed out load manure. Everywhere its
January 28, Sunday — A dreary cold rain storm, starting
this morning with April like showers. Clearing evng,
windy much colder. At home all day. Wrote up news and
Star items. Ray Dunn called late evng & had lunch at
Aunt Cornelia’s.
Mr A.W. Hoffman, vice president and managing editor of
The Freeman died at his home in Kingston of heart
ailment of 4 months.
January 29, Monday — Below zero this AM. beastly cold
blustery day, inclined snow squally. The sudden
temperature drop with gales covers a wide area of the
I went to Phoenicia noontime, had dinner with Ralph
Longyear & had electric treatment to my hand at Dr.
The Boiceville C.C.C. camp with all its personnel is shut
in tonight with a scarlet fever quarantine.
We received a number of letters & sympathy cards in to
days mail.
January 30, Tuesday — 2 below zero this AM. Continued
cold squally and blustery, thermometer hovering above
zero all day.
Week tonight father passed on, doesn’t seem possible the
time has slipped by.
Finished Freeman news copy AM. Rec’d letter Mariam.
We also received several more letters of sympathy.
January 31, Wednesday —Continued raw and blustery,
part cloudy, moderating slowly.
At home, Mother attended Ladies Aid PM. Daisy and I
managed to draw over load manure, brought back green
Donald came down from Oneonta PM to stay over week
end. Golden and Leah Van Benschoten called PM. Ray
Dunn came this evng.
February 1, Thursday — A snowy day, but only gathered
to a depth of two inches. Stopped during evng.
Donald & I went to Phoenicia toward noon and I had
another electric treatment to my hand at Dr Gross. We
took dinner with Ralph Longyear just to be agreeable.
Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
Iasiah Oakley who died at the county house buried today
in Krumville cemetery.
February 2, Friday – Ground hog day.
Clear, cold windy, snow blowing.
Donald and I went to Kingston with his car. We stopped
to Chester Lyons & Don got an offer for trade in on 1934
February 3, Saturday — Clear bright day still and crispy.
Thermometer about zero AM. Daisy and I took over cart
load manure & spread in orchard field PM. We drawed
two dray loads firewood, pretty hard trying to work one
handed. Didn’t attend lodge tonight.
February 4, Sunday — Light snow storm all forenoon
—cleared PM. At home all day. Wrote up news and Star
copies. Aunt Cornelia, Donald, Edna Gessner and Ray
Dunn took supper with us. Mother and I wrote several
acknowledgment cards and letters.
February 5, Monday —Clear and cold, still typical mid
winter weather. I went to Phoenicia and had hand
electrically treated at Dr Gross office. Paid H Lee
Breithaupt and Bro $76 on fathers funeral. Wrote freeman
copy tonight.
February 6, Tuesday — 10 below zero this AM clear cold
still. Daisy and I took over load manure this AM. I had
Marvin Van DeMark start cutting firewood for Aunt
Cornelia down along lower side of brush lot. Chester
Lyons called PM also J.V. Merrihew and Ross Osterhout
to view cracked kitchen chimney for Olive Co Operative
Fire Ins Assn. Received letter Mariam. Soaked my bum
hand in hot epsom salt solution for 2 hours tonight.
February 7, Wednesday — Light snow fall AM, clearing
with rough westerly winds, still evening. Ralph Longyear
came noontime and we butchered the pair of June heifer
calves. Both dressed fat as butter. Have fed them meal
since early fall. Ralph came back with his truck this evng
& took the hides and meat except one front & hind
quarter. Trooper Ray Dunn took Harold Constable this
evening to serve 10 day jail sentence for motor vehicle
law violations.
February 8, Thursday — Continues bitter cold. Below
zero this AM & still lower tonight – clear & still. I went
to Phoenicia & had hand treated at Dr. Gross office, $2.00
a treatment. Had dinner with Ralph Longyear. Marvin
Van DeMark is cutting firewood down by corner. Wrote
Freeman news copy tonight.
February 9, Friday --- John N Hesley of Alta Loma,
Califirnia died at his home Friday January 29th, after an
illness resulting from an automobile accident. He was
formerly a resident of West Shokan, and for many years
was bookkeeper at Dimick’s Carpet Mills at Rifton. He is
survived by his wife of Alta Loma, Calif. Three sisters
Mrs George Van Kleeck and Mrs Orpha Van Kleeck of
Olive Bridge, and Mrs V.R. Merrihew of Ashokan and
one brother Charles Hesley of West Shokan, Interment
Monday in Hollywood cemetery, California.
18 and 20 below zero registered on our two kitchen porch
post thermometers at 7 AM. Clear moderately windy and
a miserable cold day, thermometer around 4 below zero at
11:30 tonight.. Kept busy thawing out ram and water
pipes in garrett by tank. Widespread record low
temperatures. New York city’s coldest day in 60 year
record of weather bureau.
February 10, Saturday — Thermometer at zero this AM,
clear and winds stirring – Just a bit moderating
–thermometer settled to zero at midnight. The ram was
frozen this morning and pipe is shut off somewhere
through shallow places in woods. Put the pump on the
well and put in use for watering the stock & hand use. I
went to Kingston tonight with Arthur Trowbridge, Virgil
Gordon & Will Shultis attending mid winter session of
Past Grands Assoc. at Aretus Lodge Kingston.
February 11, Sunday – Weather much moderated ,
thermometer got above freezing for the first in weeks.
Bright and sunny this AM but became overcast & cleared
again evng. I feel pretty rotten, sore jaw and hand aches
and pains continually. Ray Dunn came and spent the
February 12, Monday — Fair and mild still. I went to
Phoenicia AM and again had electric treatment at Dr.
Gross office for my hand. Had dinner with Ralph
Longyear and later had hair cut at Clancy’s barber shop.
Funeral of Granville N Davis 68 held at his life long
home 1:30 at Olive Bridge. He was for 45 years a member
of Shokan I.O.O.F. Lodge. Wrote news and Star copies
February 13, Tuesday — Blustery and cloudy this AM
with littering flurries of snow. Later cleared and
continued a turn to much colder, 2 below zero at
midnight. Done chores and tinkered around the barn,
started making set of whiffletrees . Rec’d letter from
Mariam. Due to illness of one of the nurses she did not
finish her 9 weeks of night duty last weekend as planned.,
by obliging to continue till this Friday AM she earns a 2
½ days vacation. Had sore day with my hand. Wrote up
lengthy Freeman news copy tonight.
February 14, Wednesday — Fair and continued
moderately windy. Rough evening, not quite so cold but
wintry enough. At home – hand sore enough. Daisy and I
managed to draw out load manure PM. Soaked my hand
an hour evng in hot water. Cornelia attended Sunday
school valentine party evng. I wrote Freeman news copy.
February 15, Thursday — Clear and more moderate today
becoming overcast and a bit squally, colder tonight. Went
to Phoenicia and had hand treated at Dr. Gross office.
Very sore and lump seems coming to a head.
February 16, Friday — Zero this AM continued biting
cold all day. Snowy, light wind from southeast. Lightly
overcast during day, clearing, 4 below zero tonight.
Finished getting out Freeman copy AM. The abscess
which has been forming in my hand broke today, giving
me the first relief in many weeks. Went to Pete Crawfords
garage PM and had pump fixed due to solid half inch ice
forming in crank case, oil changed and brakes tightened.
Donald Bishop came down late PM.
February 17, Saturday — Zero night – several degrees
below this AM. Clear, still, cold but slightly moderated.
Daisy and I drawed over cart load manure this AM. This
PM I went to Ashokan station with car and got “knocked
down” wood saw frame received from Hertzler & Zook,
Bellevelle P.A. cost $17.00 and $1.69 freight. Albert King
of the Belgians killed while mountain climbing.
February 18, Sunday — Clear bright day, still moderating.
A distant note of spring is reflected. Took walk thru
Hinkley woods this AM. I went to Phoenicia & had my
hand dressed by Dr. Gross. Took ride up Watson Hollow
coming back to see the flood control work by C W A
cutting trees and clearing flood rubbish from Bushkill
stream. Ray Dunn came to supper and spent the evening.
Got out Star and news copies.
February 19, Monday — Moderated —clear this AM–
became overcast and easterly snow storm set in towards
evng, turned colder and blizzardy night.
I went to George Van Kleecks blacksmith shop and had
new shoes on horses sharp shod, charge 4.25.U.S. Army
took over air mail service. Ray Dunn came to supper &
spent the evng.
February 20, Tuesday — Rough day, snow blowing,
cloudy squally, cleared evng, only a 2in. Snow fall but
roads are drifted badly in places. County snow plows in
service. Worst blizzard since 1888 in other east sections.
Ray Dunn came for supper and evenings visit. Received
$12.00 sick benefit 4 weeks from I.O.O.F.
February 21, Wednesday —Clear sunny, still, snowy air.
Thawing during warmth of day.
Sent a Shokan dinner box to Mrs Hartmann. This PM
drawed out load manure & Daisy & I got two dray loads
firewood. Ray Dunn came for supper & Charley Hesley
February 22, Thursday — Milder, thawing, partly
overcast, a whitening of snow fell evng – still.
Daisy and I drawed dray wood this AM. PM Cornelia &
I went to Phoenicia. Dr Gross dressed my hand also
examined Cornelia and gave her medicine. Ray Dunn
came for supper again & staid for late lunch. Ed and Anna
Every also called this evng.
February 23, Friday — My 44th birthday. Blustery, colder,
more or less snow squally. Near zero tonight.
We sent a home eats box to Mariam. Busy with chores
etc. At home all day. Aunt Cornelia made me my time
honored plain soft chocolate covered birthday cake.
Wrote up Freeman copy evng. Donald came early evening
from Oneonta. Cornelia did not attend high school.
February 24, Saturday— Miserable cold windy day – fair,
stilled, moonlight evng and thermometer 2 below zero.
Kept pretty close to the fire except for doing chores.
Received letter Mariam. James Gordon Noble Grand of
Shokan I.O.O.F. lodge called to see me this PM also Will
Jordan who has not missed a week since Pa was taken
sick last fall.
February 25, Sunday — Fair this AM became overcast
and set in snowing PM.. Temperature hovering a few
degrees above zero all day, too cold for heavy snow.
Lady was down in the stable this AM & had to get
neighborly assistance to get her on her feet. Put her back
in our barn tonight. Ray Dunn came for supper but had to
leave 9 o’clock. John J Mc Graw famous manager of New
York Giants died at New Rochelle Hospital.
February 26, Monday — 8 in. snow fall at our place. The
snow storm continued thru night and all day, thermometer
6 – 14 above zero. Moon shone thru evng. Mart Every
reports 12 in. fall at Traver Hollow. Fortunately wind has
not started blowing. Heavy snow fall blankets entire
eastern upper half of country. Floods in far west, tornados
in south.
Lady was down again in barn, got help from several
neighbors but couldn’t get her up, so pulled her out from
the barn and fired two shots in her brain with 32
automatic pistol. Lester Davis towed her with his truck
out by corner of lower woods.
February 17, Tuesday — Clear cold a bit windy. Colder
tonight 8 below zero at 11 PM. beautiful bright
I went to Kingston, roads were opened. Bought a bay
chunk horse at Kingston Horse Market Inc. $107.50 –
made down payment.
February 28, Wednesday —10 below zero this AM. Clear,
crisp and still. The atmosphere feels like more snow is
brewing. Zero again at midnight, moon brilliant at its full.
Busy with the usual chores. Charley Hesley & Harold
Constable helped set up my new saw frame this PM.
Wrote Freeman copy tonight. Stopped sending milk to
Kyserike Creamery as cows are drying up.
Coldest February Here Since 1820
For The First 25 Days The Daily Mean Average Has
been Slightly Above 12 Degrees Record For Number of
Sub-Zero Days.
February, 1934 will go down in history as the coldest
February this locality has experienced since 1820. The
previous coldest February was in 1875, when for the first
25 days of the month the average mean temperature was
15 degrees. For the first 25 days of February of this year
the daily mean temperature has been slightly above 12
degrees. In 1875 the last three days of February proved to
be warm with the daily mean figure at 23, 16 and 18.
Many local householders will not need to be reminded
that this month has been the coldest in their memory for
one glance at the coal bin will tell the story.
Again this morning thermometers registered below zero
at 8 o’clock, while an hour earlier records as low as 15
below were recorded. There are many discussions as to
whether this month has presented more subzero days than
February has presented in many years and the records of
the weather bureau indicate that 1934 holds the record for
more than a century.
Today, the last day of the month, gives promise of
slightly warmer weather and perhaps march will come in
like a lamb. If this be so and the old superstition holds
good March may be expected to “go out like a lion”.
Old river men who have watched closely ice conditions
for a number of years claim that this winter holds the
record for ice in the river. So far as snow is concerned it
does not measure up to winters of a few years past but the
cold has been extremely evident.
March 1, Thursday — 2 above zero this AM. Fair, still,
moderating clouded over at evng.
Harold Constable & I went to Kingston with my car &
he brought my new horse home. Paid the bal. Of $97.50
to Kingston Horse market Inc.
March 2, Friday — Milder, still, became overcast and set
in raining lightly evening. Harold came this AM & we
hooked up Prince and the new bay, Dick & drawed over
cart load manure. This PM drove him singly hooked to
Uncle Watson’s rubber tired runabout to Geo. Van
Kleeck’s shop & had him shod up sharp so far I am well
pleased. Ralph Longyear came down from Phoenicia this
PM with his truck, brought a load of coal ashes for cow
stable & took back oats straw. Mrs Belle Jordan Conro
(60) of Kingston was struck early this evng by a car while
she was crossing Broadway and critically injured.
March 3, Saturday — Rainy night, mild part cloudy and
cutting westerly winds today. Became quiet and overcast
and rainy again tonight, snow took a severe licking today.
Daisy and I gave the new team a good tryout hauling
firewood with dray from the supply Bony Van DeMark
cut for Aunt Cornelia under the hill.
March 4, Sunday — Mild and unsettled. The snow has
disappeared almost like magic, set in rainy night.
Both the horses and cows seem to take keen delight
with the freedom of running at large in the pasture. Wrote
up news Star and Freeman copies tonight.
March 5, Monday —Continued warm today and sunny.
Rained again late evng, clearing after the passing shower.
Got the hams out of the cure and hung up and smoking.
Tried to handle the axe a bit this PM but find my hand is
not in condition for much chopping. Wrote Freeman copy
evng. Ice jam in the Esopus creek above Cold Brook. Mrs
Belle Conro, mother of Francis Conro died at 12:30 noon
at King Hospital without regaining consciousness
March 6, Tuesday --- Typical March day. Strong westerly
winds. Sunny becoming overcast PM & heavy snow
squalls late PM, cleared evng.
Daisy & I worked in our woods cutting dead firewood.
Rec’d letter Mariam. I went over to Will Jordan’s this
Conro — In this city, Monday, March 5, Mrs
Belle Conro of 49 St. James St.
Funeral from the residence of her
brother, William Jordan, at Brodhead, N.Y. Thursday,
March 8, at 1 PM. Relatives and friends invited. Remains
will be placed in receiving vault at Woodstock cemetery
for interment later in Tongore cemetry.
March 7, Wednesday — Fair part cloudy. Froze up lightly
last night, light winds, raw snowy air.
Mother and Aunt Cornelia attended Ladies Aid
meeting at church. Daisy helped me handling the
firewood we cut yesterday. The new horse works like a
charm. Mr and Mrs Chester Lyons came over to an
invited beef steak supper. During the evening Chester & I
paid a call over to Will Jordans.
March 8, Thursday — Cloudy, froze up hard last night.
Snowy afternoon about 2 in. feathery snow, colder tonight
& broke away, blustery.
Attended the funeral Mrs Belle Conro 1 o’clock at the
Jordan homestead. Acted as a bearer. Remains taken to
the vault in Woodstock cemetery later to be buried at
Tongore. Don came early evng.
March 9, Friday — Typical March, part cloudy, crispy
Used the slip of sleighing to advantage drawing
firewood for Aunt Cornelia, assisted by Marvin Van
DeMark. Rec’d letter Mariam. 1st. Lieut. Otto Wienecke
of Patchague L.I. until recently in charge at the Boiceville
C.C.C. camp killed this AM flying the air mail near
Cleveland Ohio, crashed in snow storm. Was popular and
made many friends while here. Occasionally came up
from Mitchell Field and did stunts over the camp.
Marc 10, Saturday — Cloudy, raw, set in snowy at noon
and continued, colder tonight.
I cut a load of firewood around gravel or shale bank
over along the Hinkley back road.. Mr and Mrs Condon
came PM and staid for supper with us. Rec’d card
Mariam. My hand continues festering.
March 11, Sunday — Have 3 in snow fall, cold raw,
mostly cloudy — March weather.
Staid close at home. Wrote news and Star copies evng.
46 anniversary of the beginning of the famous blizzard of
March 12, Monday — Near zero this AM. Clear crispy
day, light northerly winds.
Julian Eckert came this AM with his team and we
loaded the big oak butt log that foiled us to move last
winter and slipped it readily on the run of sleighing over
to Van Burens mill at Brodhead. The log was down in
lower edge of woods along boulevard. Daisy and I drawed
firewood odds and ends PM. Tonight Cornelia & I
attended Protestant Memorial service for Lieut. Otto
Wienecke at the Boiceville camp recreation hall.
March 13, Tuesday — Cloudy early, clearing, sunny day
with fresh south westerly winds. A thawing day and the
snow took a sad licking..
Daisy & I used the lessening snow to advantage by
cutting and drawing firewood.
March 14, Wednesday — A snow storm which settled
down from the north east during forenoon, proved to be
but March squalls and later cleared away – somewhat
Filed cross cut saw this AM after getting box sent to
Mariam & mother and Aunt Cornelia down to church to
Ladies Aid. This PM Daisy and I worked in Hinkley
woods getting load firewood together. Rec’d letter
Mariam. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
March 15, Thursday – Clear, thawing but crispy
atmosphere, light south easterly winds.
Daisy and I cut and drawed out dead firewood from
Hinkley woods.
March 16, Friday — Brisk south westerly winds, stilled
evng. Fair, thawing day, getting pretty muddy.
Daisy cut and drawed dead firewood from Hinkley
woods and busy at other odd jobs. Golden and Leah Van
Benschoten called PM also Mr and Mrs Leland P
March 17, Saturday — Fair, strong south westerly winds
all day and evng. Warm, balmy April like day.
Daisy & I worked on woodpile cross cutting and
splitting up firewood logs for the wood saw Broke up a
12 foot pine butt log with dynamite. This log originally
stood by the Watson Hollow Inn road & was brought to
mill for sawing two years ago but did not attempt on acct.
of nails, which showed up plenty when opened. I attended
I.O.OF. Lodge tonight for the first since Jan. 20
March 18, Sunday — The balmy weather with warm
sunshine and thermometer at 56 terminated suddenly,
clouded over and the morning north winds became raw &
snow squalls blustered over the valley. Cleared evng –
much colder.
Donald Bishop came down from Oneonta this PM and
took delivery of his new 1934 Chevrolet Town sedan,
light brown color & shatterless glass windows. He traded
in his 1932 coach. The deal was thru Chester Lyons,
Ashokan. He left for Oneonta late tonight. Wrote news
and Star copies evng.
March19, Monday — Froze up hard, clear cold and light
snowy winds. Thermometer down to 14 degrees this AM
I filed up the new 30 in wood saw this AM. Some job.
Daisy and I finished working up logs on woodpile PM.
Later I went to Phoenicia & saw Dr. Gross & got
medicine for Aunt Cornelia. Charles Blakeslee and Chas
Hesley called this evng. I took Blakeslee back up to the
Boiceville C C C camp with car.
March 20, Tuesday — Clear raw air, biting moderate
northerly winds PM. Clear, still evng.
Got the new saw rig set up using Ford for power and
done a big sawing job PM on Aunt Cornelia’s wood. Ray
Kelder and Ernie Constable helping. Rec’d fine long letter
from Mariam. Orlando Short of Wittenberg with whom I
served on October Grand Jury died today.
March 21, Wednesday — Generally fair, thawing but raw
south westerly air. Rainy, squally evng.
Finished Aunt Cornelia’s wood, moved over to our pile
and got a nice start sawing. Mother and Aunt C attended
Ladies Aid meeting at church. Kay rec’d pkg coat etc
from Mariam with letter enclosed. Wrote Freeman news
copy tonight.
March 22, Thursday — Clear froze hard last night and
raw cold day, clear, near zero tonight.
We finished sawing firewood and just about froze, also
got some split. Mrs Minnie Smith recently returned from
Bridgeport Conn, is visiting Mother and Aunt Cornelia
over night. Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
March 23, Friday — Continued cold snowy air. Mostly
cloudy, sun shone mid day.
Ray Kelder, Ernest Constable and I split both Aunt
Cornelia’s and our piles of coarse wood. Also drawed out
and spread manure on garden PM, and took cart load each
of straw bedding and hay over in horse barn. Leah and
Golden Van Benschoten called PM. Wrote Freeman news
copy evng. Paid Ray & Ernest each 3.50 for working with
the wood. Rec’d letter of acknowledgment from Richard
Wienecke & family of Patchogue L.I. parents of the late
Otto Wienecke killed flying the air mail.
March 24, Saturday — cold - cloudy gloomy set in
snowing PM, broke away late evng 1 ½ inches loose
flakey snow.
Daisy and I ranked up firewood by end of barn.
Cornelia helped awhile AM. Cornelia went to Phoenicia
on afternoon bus to stay over with Mr & Mrs Ralph
Longyear. Wrote up notices evng for next Past Grands
Assn meeting April 14.
March 25, Sunday — Clear thawing but cold raw air. The
new snow disappeared from the open places.
A very lonesome day. Addressed 461 cards to Past
Grands of Ulster District for annual Grand Committee
meeting to be held Tuesday evng, April 17 at Highland.
Also wrote news and Star copies this evng. Daisy
attended Sunday school 1 o'clock. Done some 22 rifle
practice from kitchen porch step at woodpile targets.
March 26, Monday — Cloudy morning with south
westerly winds. Hail and sleet storm all PM & evng.
Rec’d letter from Lute Bell & answered it with a 28
page letter tonight. Finished piling split wood AM, have
over 3 ranks along end of barn.
March 27, Tuesday — High south westerly winds
developed in night and continued today. Muggy and rainy,
had first thunder shower of season to the south late PM. A
vivid reminder of summer.
Ray Kelder & I buried Lady, the faithful but
tantalizingly squeely old gray mare out by near corner of
woods PM. The use of dynamite made the work easier.
Wrote sizeable 12 page Freeman news copy tonight.
March 28, Wednesday — Cloudy and north east snow
squalls this AM, later cleared pleasant afternoon,
somewhat colder.
Took Mother and Aunt Cornelia to Ladies Aid
meeting quilting at Maple Dell farm. Mart Every and I
worked at the church ciphoning water from church
basement & plugging a vein of water running under the
west end foundation wall.
March 29, Thursday —Spring is come today. Crispy with
the nights freeze but warmed up beautifully, clear,
glorious still warm evng with nearly full moon.
Daisy & I took over cart load manure to orchard lot. Put
jag hay in Aunt Cornelia’s barn PM. Daisy and I made
several trips with team and wood sleigh hauling recently
wind broken firewood trees from corner of lower woods.
Wrote 12 pages news letter for Freeman evng. The 17–16
Democratic Board of Supervisors in a special meeting
tonight preferred numerous charges in an ouster attempt
of County Supt. of Highways Jas. F. Loughran.
March 30, Friday — Froze up a little , faired away during
morning nice warm day and evng. Beautiful full moon.
Wrote to Mariam this AM & enclosed as Easter
remembrance also a farm magazine cover in colors
showing a hen & rooster sitting on their perch. Daisy & I
cross cut up the firewood sticks we drawed yesterday.
Daisy cleaned up church auditorium this PM & I was
down there awhile looking after the water leak. We rec’d
a letter & card from Mariam.
March 31, Saturday — Cloudy, gloomy, set in rainy early
afternoon & continued a downpour driving storm tonight.
Busy around home finished cutting up last drawed
wood on pile and started ranking up on Aunt Cornelia’s
woodpile when rain set in. Don and Bob came down late
PM .Attended I.O.O.F. lodge tonight with Don he called
on Ed Gessner. tonight
April 1, Sunday — An ideal bright mild Easter day.
beautiful moonlight night.
We all attended the Easter church service this PM. Rev.
C.F. Ahrens of Walden was the speaker, 50 persons were
present. Wrote news and Star copies evening. Aunt
Cornelia and Bob took supper with us. Don was at
April 2, Monday — A gorgeous sunny, balmy day and
moonlight night. Warmest day of the year, south west
Don, Cornelia, Bob & I piled Aunt Cornelia’s coarse
wood also handled over the small round wood in tidying
up. This PM I spent over 3 hours filing the wood saw
which I had jointed and set. Wrote 16 page Freeman news
copy evng. Rec’d letter Mariam. Palmer Canfield 50,
former 4 term mayor of Kingston died suddenly this AM.
April 3, Tuesday — 11th anniversary burning of saw mill.
Continued fair and warm, light winds became overcast
evng and set in rainy late.
Drawed over load manure & spread AM. Wrote
several letters this AM. Went with Don and Bob up to
entrance Watson Hollow to look over new Quick Way
truck mounted gasoline shovel being demonstrated for
purchase by the town of Olive. Ed Avery & I went to
Kingston with his car, attended 1st section of 3rd degree
conferred 5 PM at Kingston Lodge # 10. We took supper
with officers and candidates at Stuyvesant Hotel &
witnessed later the conferring in full of the second section
on 3 candidates.
April 4, Wednesday — Rainy night and continued
steadily till mid afternoon, then quietly cleared away.
Around home all day. Strip of road has become badly
broken up out along corner of woods. Wrote Freeman
news copy this AM. Write a card to Mariam every day.
April 5, Thursday — Froze up crispy last night, fair,
moderated quiet day.
Town caterpillar tractor and road scraper scraped out
the road out along corner woods making ready for stone
sub base . I trimmed and repaired grape arbor by chicken
yard. Sprained my foot and leg badly while getting a long
post down in brush lot. This evng with difficulty I
attended the offical visit at Olive Rebekah Lodge of the
home Deputy Mrs Mildred Bush. Rec’d & wrote letter to
April 6, Friday — 17th anniversary of U.S. entering World
War 1. Rainy. Begun in night, a cold storm, dreary dark
My foot is very sore and I am just able to hobble.
Cornelia & I corrected date on over 470 District Grand
Committee post card notices and took them to post office.
Also mailed notices for Past Grands Assn. meeting April
April 7, Saturday — Mussy rainy night, dark and dreary
today, clearing away during afternoon, still, mild.
Stone sub-basing of the bad strip of road along our
woods started today. The stones are being hauled from the
roadside wall near Kelders corner. The ditch there is
being filled in and the left turn will be widened. Foot is
plenty lame, using a crutch. Wrote up Star and news
copies tonight.
April 8, Sunday — A very delightful clear day. Light
southerly winds. Much of the ice in the west basin of the
reservoir disappeared beneath the murky water during the
night. Other floes are drifting with the tide.
A lonely day and sore foot to contend with. I hobbled
down to Phil Dwyer’s PM to look over Sunday papers.
Charles and Lottie Hesley called PM. Finished news and
Star copies tonight and wrote Freeman copy.
April 9, Monday — Another magnificent day. Warmer
than yesterday with fresh northerly winds, still evng.
Entire upper section of reservoir west basin is cleared of
ice. Stone sub-base on road out by woods completed &
rolled down today. I trimmed grape vines down on wall.
Rec’d card from Mariam & wrote her in reply from
Phoenicia. I went up to see Dr. Gross PM. he diagnosed
my injury as a badly sprained ankle. Had electric
treatment and strapped up with adhesive. Feels relieved.
Rec’d long letter & pkg. papers Mrs Lewis Bell, Casper
April 10, Tuesday — Another lovely day – mild – froze
some last night –hazy.
Around home, mot much ambition, foot feels pretty
tired. Got the ram running this AM but the pipe is
evidently burst in woods as no water comes to the barn
faucet. Painted leaky places on porch roofs PM &
pounded down chicken yard posts. Rec’d card Mariam &
of course sent her one. Daisy sent a pkg.
April 11, Wednesday —Became overcast this AM with
raw south west air. Begun raining noontime by showers
and late PM settled to a downpour. A cold storm.
Wrote daily card to Mariam & cleaned up car a bit AM.
The town rollerman having the roller parked by our barn
obligingly rolled down our entrance road. This PM I went
to Glenford church and attended the funeral of Jas.
Stoutenburg Sr. John Bell working for William Colange
was badly injured late this PM when he jumped from
Lauren Hesleys truck loaded with gravel hauling to
driveway to Colange cottage on Main street. He fell under
the truck& right rear wheel ran over left side of his face
and chest.
April 12, Thursday — Suicide of ex- supervisor Frederick
C Davis of Stone Ridge from center of upper side of
Traver Hollow bridge this PM.
The rain storm continued an all nights deluge and
terminated this morning with a whitening of snow. Raw
miserable day, mostly cloudy.
Sam Cassalina stayed over night with us & left this
AM on the school bus. He has been home on leave from
the C.C.C. camp at Chennango Forks. Foot is sore today
& didn’t undertake to get around much. Wrote to Mariam
& sent her endorsed mortgage interest check $12.56.
Wrote Freeman news this AM & another tonight.
April 13, Friday — Unsettled, mostly cloudy rain squalls
PM & evng. Freezing tonight.
I took it easy to favor my foot. Drove to Olive Bridge
PM & went with Virgil Gordon, Arthur Trowbridge and
several others to Highland. Attended the annual session of
the IOOF District Grand Comm. Chas Sickler of Garfield
lodge, Ulster Park was elected secy & treas. Upon
returning home I slipped on ice on the stone walk &
sprained my ankle over.
April 14, Saturday — Cloudy miserable weather, light
sprinkles and heavy rain squalls.
Foot is very sore. Did as little outside as possible. Rec’d
card Mariam. Made out report and wrote letter to Clayton
W Boyce Grand Lodge Secy. Tonight I wrote up an acct
for Freeman of the proceedings of the District Grand
Comm. session. Finished at 1:30.
April 15, Sunday — Lovely day, mild.
Staid in bed this AM to give my leg needed rest. Home
all day. Henry Winchell and friend Chas Langer of
Wallkill called PM. Wrote Star and news copy tonight.
April 16, Monday — Another dismal drenching rain
nearly all day.
While I was writing news this AM Daisy was doing
the chores and in throwing hay for the horses in Aunt
Cornelia’s barn fell in the hay chute & hurt her side badly
under right arm. She had a hard day and night. Rec’d card
Mariam, also wrote one. Harlow McLean & Will Jordan
called. I wrote another Freeman copy tonight. Rebekah
box party evng at Mr & Mrs Ayers at
April 17, Tuesday — A very delightful fair day, hazy,
became overcast during PM. I managed to take Daisy to
Phoenicia to see Dr Gross this AM, after taking an ex-ray
of her ribs the picture plainly showed that the 5th ribs
under her right arm is broken clean, no internal injury.
They strapped her breast tightly. He also re-strapped my
foot. Price 7 bucks. Ralph Longyear delivered me a
Guernsey cow, farrow, but in good flesh & easy milker.
He took back truck load hay. He is to have 2 tons for the
trade. Oscar Dudley came & spent the eveng. Burton
Kelder and Alfred Swinevick 11 year old school pals
riding bycicle to Samaonville school were struck at
intersection Krumville – Sansonville improved highway,
by Mrs Clara Wynkoop driving from near Tabasco to Vly
school, where she teaches. Kelder boy grandson Mr and
Mrs John Kelder killed almost instantly. Alfred not
expected to live with skull fracture, taken to Benedictine
April 18, Wednesday — A delightful fair, mild , quiet
day. Part overcast evng.
Daisy continues having a sore time with her broken rib.
Rec’d card Mariam saying she has reported to the
infirmary with mumps. Took Mother & Aunt Cornelia to
Ladies Aid meeting after dinner. I cleaned up in granery.
Foot is sore enough. Alfred Swinevick the 11 year old
Norweigen boy fatally injured when Burton Kelder was
killed yesterday AM, died this AM at Benedictine
April 19, Thursday — Mold part cloudy AM. Rainy PM
& evng.
Around home all day. Leg and hand both are sore. Daisy
continues having a sore time of it. Rec’d card Mariam’s
chum Bertha Willman saying Mariam’s case of mumps
was later diagnosed as tonsilitis. Min Smith was here to
dinner & rain bound till late PM. Miss Merrill &
Genevieve called this PM. Miss Merrill is pretty well
broken up over the death of her school boys.
April 20, Friday — Fair part cloudy, light winds and
Drawed out manure PM & got load shale. Pretty hard
on my foot I find. Daisy continues having a painful time
of it. I went to Kingston evng with Clayton Burgher. He
was alone candidate in receiving the Royal Masters
Degree in Ancient City Council No.21. Rec’d long letter
from Mariam.
April 21, Saturday — Mostly cloudy. raw piercing air.
clear evng.
Daisy still having miserable pain with her rib. PM I
attended the double funeral held at the home of Mr & Mrs
John Kelder, Samsonville of their grandson Harlan
Burton Kelder & Alfred Svennevick both 11, killed by
Tuesdays automobile accident, struck by automobile
while riding to school on bycicle. Tremendous crowd.
Interment in Tongore cemetery. Rev. Lockett of Tongore
circuit minister. At home tonight Don arrived from
April 22, Sunday — Unsettled chilly air. Part cloudy,
quiet. Set in rainy at mid night. Daisy and I staid down
stairs all night, she sat in rocking chair & I napped along
at times on cot in dining room. Had a number of callers
today, among these undertaker Howard Hummiston and
Jesse B Boice of Kerhonkson. Wrote news & Star copies
evng also short Freeman items.
April 23, Monday —
Crispell — In this city, April
23, 1933, Jacob A. Crispell of West Shokan. Body
resposing in W.N. Connor Funeral Home, 296 Fair St.
where it may be viewed at any time Funeral from the
Funeral Home at 1:00 PM and from the West Shokan
Baptist Church at 2:30 PM. Relatives and friends invited.
Interment in Tongore cemetery.
Year anniversary of his death.
Partly cloudy, unsettled, mild. Hard rain during night. We
wrote Mariam this AM. She called up this PM from New
York that she is released from the infirmary & coming
home tonight on Greyhound bus. Cornelia was sick and
didn’t go to school. Cornelia and I went to Kingston this
evng & met Mariam at bus arriving at Governor Clinton
Hotel ½ hour late at 10:45. I finally went to bed at 3:30
AM Tues. after a joyous family reunion. Daisy had a hard
April 24, Tuesday — Warm still unsettled. Part cloudy,
became showery from over High Point and had a series of
dashing violent electrical showers. Continued a down
pour till late evng.
Doing our best to enjoy Mariam’s short visit. Golden
& Leah Van Benschoten called before the storm. Mr &
Mrs Alonzo Haver of Shokan called & were storm staid
till chore time. Miss Merrill, Mrs Moore, Genevieve and
Edith Allen came thru the rain for supper & spent the
April 25, Wednesday — Sunny, crisp, windy, colder.
Typical weather following the spring thunder storm.
I took Mariam to Kingston & she left for New York on
the noon Greyhound bus. We made a short call on John
Bell at Kingston Hospital. Mrs James Bush operated on
for appendicitis at noon at Benedictine Hospital.
April 26, Thursday — Froze ice last night, fair AM, raw
air. Clouded over PM & again cleared glorious evng &
Lauren Hesley is digging ditch for tile drain from
south side of church to brook. Mrs Egbert Vankleeck got
a load of hay weighed ------- This PM I harnessed up
horses and drawed over cart load manure & picked stones.
April 27, Friday — Cloudy, rained lightly noontime.
Turning colder and blustery PM & evng. Snow squalls
PM. Ralph Longyear came after truck load hay PM. Rec’d
shipment no. 9 seconds seed potatoes from Riley Bros.
Semeth NY. 14 bu. freight paid @ 100 per bu ordered last
fall. Lester S Davis brought them over from Ashokan, 6
bu for myself — 4 bu. for Chas Hesley, 2 bu. for Fred
Weidner & 2 bu for Henry Winchell. Finished Freeman
copy AM. Daisy is still feeling pretty miserable & sitting
in chair all night.
April 28, Saturday — Ice last night. Clear bright crisp
day. Northerly winds. Glorious almost full moon.
Cornelia and I did quite a farming job today burning
brush & picking stone.
April 29, Sunday — Daylight savings in effect. Froze
hard again last night. Clear bright sun shiny day, northerly
winds, warmer PM, brilliant full moon tonight hanging
low in south.
Daisy and I went up to see Dr. Gross this forenoon. He
re-strapped her side & prescribed medicine for her
condition. Also re-strapped my foot & dressed my bum
hand. Had a number of callers PM including Mr & Mrs
P.H. Carey of Kingston, Mr & Mrs Chester Lyons came
this evng.
April 30, Monday — Fair and warmer, light winds, strong
westerly in evng. Last nights full moon lies pale and low
on the southern horizon.
Burned brush down in corner AM and again evng.
Harrowed over the fall ploughed strip below the wall PM.
Finished up news copy tonight.
May 1, Tuesday — A lovely May day, breezy and much
warmer, clear evng.
I went to Kingston on a variety of errands. Ordered a
marker for father’s grave from Byrne Bros monument
works. Had papers signed in regard to transfer of father’s
name on securities. Visited patients in both hospitals.
Mother, Aunt Cornelia, Daisy, Cornelia & I attended the
annual District school meeting. Mrs Herman Weidner
elected trustee over John Jordan 34 – 12. Albert North
elected collector over Clayton Burgher 21— 17. Fred
Weidner unanimously re-elected clerk. Transportation
carried in budget of $2700
May 2, Wednesday — Summery, fair, became overcast
evng and set in rainy late.
Ladies Aid quilting held at Aunt Cornelia’s in honor of
her 77th birthday which falls May 3rd . Golden and Leah
VanBenschoten attended. This PM Golden helped me
repair a strip of wire fence along Aunt Cornelia’s garden.
Wrote up Freeman copy tonight about the various school
meeting results in town of Olive.
May 3, Thursday — Warm – rain continued with but little
let up all day & tonight.
Wrote news copy AM. Made calls PM on Herman
Weidner, Fred Weidner also bought 6 dining room chairs
from Joe Steinlauf @ .40 each.
May 4, Friday — Part cloudy balmy spring day& evng.
Sold my bay horse Dick to Filmore Bell and Roy
VanDeMark for $120.00 — was paid $20.00 in cash and
took 3 months renewable note for $100.00. Drawed over
cart load manure before they took delivery. Went to
Egbert Boice’s at Watson Hollow after supper on errand.
He has sold his farm and will have an auction on May 16.
James Eckert bachelor and lifelong resident of Brodhead
died at 8 AM after a set back following a long illness of
pneumonia. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
May 5, Saturday — Hot summer weather – bring out the
foliage, pleasingly fair.
I went to Kingston on errand of looking for team of
horses. Car load came from west to Palens stables. Made
no decision on purchasing. For the first in a blue moon I
attended a movie show this PM at Wall St. theatre
showing Tarzan and His Mate, African jungle hunting
drama intensely thrilling. I attended I.O.O.F. lodge evng
& called on Roy Davis after paying him for ton acid
fertlizer delivered recently.$17.50
May 6, Sunday — Harold Constable and family vacated
the Hinkley farm house, moving up to the head of
Bushkill Hollow. Hot summer weather, fair , breezy.
I went for a ride with Don as far as the Coon’s quarry
on the Peekamoose mountain road. The road is being
improved thru the Gov’t Civil Works program now
known as TERRA. The bay horse I sold to Roy
VanDeMark and Filmore Bell failed to prove satisfactory.
In consequence I returned their down payment of $20 and
the $100 note. They agreed to convey the horse to Palens
stables at Kingston, Tuesday. Wrote Star & news copy
May 7, Monday — Fair hot – brisk north westerly winds.
Turned much colder during PM.
Alonzo Burgher & I dug up the ram pipe line in low
spot in the woods and put in another length of pipe due to
frost splits. Dug out mud under pipe re-placing it lower.
We then re paired the corner strip of rail fence along
Dwyer’s pasture. Rec’d 2 cards Mariam & Daisy wrote
her letter. Funeral services for James Eckert held 2 PM at
his life long home at Brodhead. Burial in Krumville
May 8, Tuesday —Close to frost, clear cool northerly
winds. Roy VanDeMark delivered the bay horse back to
Palen’s stables. I bargained for a pair of mares , a bay and
a black weighing approximately 2400 at a price of $250
less credit $107.50 the amt I originally paid for the bay.
The team was delivered at our barn this PM by truck.
May 9, Wednesday — Fair continued cool, became
overcast with southerly winds during PM. Rainy late
Gave the new team their first work out on spring tooth
harrow and tired myself out in good shape. Too tired to
attempt to write news copy tonight. Loren Bell’s funeral
at M.E. church Phoenicia this AM, interment in Mt
Tremper cemetery.
May 10, Thursday — Thunder shower early this AM,
later cleared summery and muggy. Had series of thunder
showers from the west late PM. Wind and some hail
Treated seed potatoes with Semesan Bel. Raymond
Kelder helped draw manure this PM before the shower.
Wrote Freeman news copy evng. Lightening burned the
old re-modeled farm house on Breuchaud property in
hollow below Samsonville road. Darra a son born to Mr
and Mrs Laurence J. Kelder
May 11, Friday ---
Sun Blotted From View by Record Storm Arising in
Parched Wheat Fields
Washington, May 11. Dust from tinder dry prairies
formed a yellow curtain between sun and earth today as
the rich farm lands of the mid west thirst for rain.
Blotting out the sun as it whirled eastward, the dust
storm closed around Manhattan’s spires, cast a pall over
Washington and spread along the Atlantic sea board. It
was first experience the east has had with the western
drought that is turning western wheat fields into dust
Its an ill wind that blows nobody good they say, and
the truth of the old adage was being hammered home in
Chicago’s noisy grain pit, where the price of wheat
rocketed 16 cents a bushel over a fortnight ago before
traders moved in to take their profits. Mother nature had
joined hands with Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace
in his drive to curtail agricultural production.
Welcome rain fell in southern Iowa over night, but in
the vast stretches up to the foot hills of the Rockies the
land remained desert dry. The weather said there was
some hope for rain in Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri.
The bureau dug into its files and came up with the
information that today’s dust storm was the worst in
history. There have been others severe to swirl pollen out
of Florida and set it down in Washington and to strew the
eastern seaboard with the skeleton of small microscopic
animals from Alaska.
The atmosphere was filled a peculiar dust colored
haze, obscuring the sun, till air cleared mid day. Strong
westerly winds quieting during PM. clear evng. The
unusual phenomon is caused by dust storms covering a
vast mid west area, drawn eastward by the winds, muggy,
cooler evng. Ray Kelder helped drawing manure behind
Hinkley barn and covering strip below wall. Rec’d
Mother’s day card & letter Mariam also cards from Ray
May 12, Saturday — Cool fresh northerly winds, part
I made good use of the cool weather harrowing below
wall behind Hinkley barn and strip along orchard lot wall.
Wrote Freeman news copy tonight regarding old Jacob B
Winchell house on High Point Springs estate destroyed
Thursday, also the old Aaron Winchell house torn down
late last fall.
May 13, Sunday — Ice reported this morning at Bushkill,
clear, cool northerly winds, became overcast during PM
and warmer, wind shifting west to south.
I went on an errand to Leonard Colange’s store at
Boiceville PM. Feel tired out. Wrote news copies for
Freeman. 2 cases scarlet fever at Boiceville C.C.C. camp.
Ezra Palen lifelong resident of Olive Bridge died
suddenly at his home AM.
May 14, Monday — Fair part cloudy moderately breezy
from east. Became overcast evng & set in rainy later.
Busy with chores etc. Sent box to Mariam. PM I got
patch of oats sowed and harrowed in and load stone off
out along path to road.
May 15, Tuesday — Cool, light rains along during day,
clear evng.
The residence and contents of Mrs Oma Barnes by the
Bushkill iron bridge burned early this morning from
chimney fire. I went to Kingston to horse sale at Palen’s
stables. Paid $100. On team. Wrote Freeman news copy
May 16, Wednesday ---- beautiful clear, cool day with
moderately northerly winds. Frosty air tonight.
Attended Egbert Boice’s farm auction at Watson
Hollow, Col. H. Lowe of Wallkill auctioneer & I assisted
as clerk & collector. I didn’t get checked up till late evng.
Egbert gave me $5.00. Mother received last half of
father’s I.O.O.F. $100.00 funeral benefit.
May 17, Thursday — Chilly this AM. Fair hazy fresh
southwesterly winds, warmer.
Lon Burgher helped me spray fruit trees AM, also
helped draw over two loads manure & spread before
leaving after dinner. I then harrowed over the oats ground
on lower lot. Pretty well all tired out tonight, but rested up
and wrote Freeman news copy. Had 500— 5 – 10 – 5
fertilizer delivered from Accord Farmers Coop @31.00
per ton plus .58 hauling & sales tax.
May 18, Friday — Fair cool northerly winds.
I put in a hard day alone, handled drawing stone from
oats ground also from Hinkley garden wall. J. Gaylord
Ayers of Brodhead called this evng.
May 19, Saturday — Fair pleasant day, light easterly
winds. Showery around toward evng, had dry weather
sprinkles. Showery to south evng.
Did a big job today. With Cornelia’s help got the oats
field sowed, grass seed in, stone off and boated down in
fine shape. 5 bu sowing — lower end of Hinkley lot and
strip up along wall.
Today is the 29th anniversary of the death of my
esteemed grandfather Martin H Crispell at the age of 76
years 2 months 2 days.
May 20, Sunday — Fair warm summer day. Thunder
shower went around to north and south PM. Cooled
down, still evng.
At home AM. Wrote up Freeman news copy . Judge
Henry Winchell and Charley Langer of Wallkill called
PM, he brought along a Kentucky 45 cal muzzle loading
altered from flint to percussion lock rifle. We fired it
several times at a target. I then went with Joe
Schoonmaker and Jim Simpson decorating Tongore and
Krumville cemeteries soldiers graves with American
Legion flags. Uncle John Dudrey, Olive’s last Union Civil
war veteran accompanied us.
May 21, Monday — Hot muggy weather, fair, showery
PM. Had drenching thunder shower from Wittenbergs late
PM and another evening.
Harrowed over patches over behind Hinkley barn and
along garden wall AM. This PM before the rain drawed
off blasted field stones from orchard lot for making fill in
road repairs above Watson Hollow Inn. Town road men
assisted. Wrote Freeman news copy evng. Ex – Cong.
H.J. Pratt of Highland died following automobile accident
by Port Ewen cemetery. Mrs Pratt also injured seriously.
May 22, Tuesday — Hot –catchy haying like weather.
Fresh westerly winds bringing a shower all afternoon. We
had a nice rain but the heaviest storms went around to the
Helped with team and stone boat hauling from orchard
lot AM into nearby roadway. Daisy and I attempted to
start planting potatoes behind Hinkley barn PM but got
drove home by the rain.
May 23, Wednesday — Fair lovely day, fresh northerly
winds quiet and cool evng.
Harrowed over patch behind Hinkley barn AM &
marked it out with Daisy’s help. Yhis PM Ed Every
helped us plant with 3 bu potatoes & sweet corn. Feel all
in tonight like grippe. Rec’d lovely sensible letter from
May 24, Thursday — Cool — fair AM, becoming
overcast. Raining gently late PM & evening.
Daisy and I sprayed apple trees AM. PM harrowed
over the marked out for planting strip along full length of
old Hinkley garden wall.
May 25, Friday — A rainy day & evening, cool– easy
Sprayed cow stables AM with Carbola. Went to
Kingston PM with F.J. Vanderwater of Po’keepsie,
formerly S.W. Straus & Co representative now with
Amott Baker & Co of NY city. Selling thru him 3000
Chicago Evening American 6s debenture bonds purchased
July 1927 at ---- Present price 94 and interest, later to repurchase
may 26, Saturday — Cloudy light showers mid day,
cleared glorious evng, still, nearly full moon and almost
Cornelia and I pulled wild mustard and I done some
fence repairing.. Sunday school birthday party evng. Also
big public opening tonight at newly renovated Bushkill
Inn with modern tap room, under management of William
Gademan. This is the former Steinlauf house at Watson
Hollow road. Fred Weidner was taken ill with his head a
condition similar to a light stroke.
May 27, Sunday — A perfect glorious day and moon at its
full tonight. Almost frosty again tonight..
Charles Langer and his mother called PM from
Wallkill. He brought a muzzle loading German American
match target rifle. We went up to Maple Dell and did
some shooting. Also made trip to Bushkill Heights and
called on Willis Eckert and inspected his fathers smooth
bore rifle and rifle barrel. Daisy’s 43 birthday. Wrote
Freeman copy tonight.
May 28, Monday — Delightful weather today – pleasantly
Golden Van Benschoten helped Daisy and I plant corn
AM. Old Hinkley garden with Evergreen and strip lower
along wall with Early Huron Dent. This PM drawed load
manure and spread below wall, then disc harrowed the
patch also Aunt Cornelia’s garden and ours.
May 29, Tuesday — fair – warm part cloudy. This
forenoon I disced over the upper part of orchard lot corn
stubble. Ploughed the garden PM. First attempt to plow
with new team. After supper mother and I went down to
the cemetery & put flowers on Little Honey’s grave.
May 30, Wednesday — Summer weather, part cloudy,
hot. Showers passed to northeast late PM. All clear evng.
I re-plowed the much harrowed strip below the wall. A
hard tiresome job with rooting out the stones. Mr and Mrs
Condon called PM. We sent Mariam $10.
May 31, Thursday — Fair, quiet,
hot summer weather.
Thoroughly harrowed with disc and spring tooth our
garden and the potato ground below the wall, also
harrowed Aunt Cornelia’s garden patch. Daisy and I
marked out the ground below the wall ready for planting.
A big hard days work. Put up twine on patch behind old
barn after supper. Sold 2 calves to jew buyer $12.00.
President Roosevelt reviewed in New York harbor the
combined Atlantic & Pacific fleet, America’s greatest
peace time naval display.
June 1, Friday — Hot, fair, light cooling breezes
increasing evng.
Golden Van Benschoten helped Daisy and I with
planting of potatoes and some sweet corn below wall.
Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
June 2, Saturday — Extremely hot weather, fair, fresh
westerly to north winds. Stuffy , lightening flashes evng,
continuing breezy.
Mother and I started making garden, planted beans and
set out tomato plants and marked out rows in advance.
Cornelia and I put fertilizer on patch below wall PM.
Later entertained Mr and Mrs Knorpp. Mr and Mrs Case
Gwinn & Alex, wife & baby called early evng. Mrs
Moore & Miss Merrill also came. Rec’d from Amott
Baker & Co. from sale of $3000 Chicago Evng American
6% bonds @ 94 plus interest 4 mos. 27 days 73.00 less
$1.20 – $2892.30.
June 3, Sunday — Showery around during night and AM
& late evng. We had a delightful shower this morning
from over the Wittenbergs. Hot, muggy, became overcast
and cooler.
Home all day. Mr & Mrs Case Gwinn, Alexander &
family also Mr & Mrs Solomon called PM enroute back
to New Jersey.
June 4, Monday — Misty night & AM, broke away before
noon, unsettled, light winds..
I started ploughing corn stubble part of orchard lot for
corn planting. Ralph Longyear came with truck noontime
& got 700 lbs hay. He came back for supper and brought
beef steak after we called over to Mrs Moores.
June 5, Tuesday — Fair, hot, sweltering weather, breezy.
Worked ploughing corn field. Took Daisy to Phoenicia
evng for examination by Dr. Mandell chiropractor at
Ralph Longyears – $2.00. Rec’d letter & card from
Mariam. She had her lovely hair bobbed for the first time
and enclosed a lock.
June 6, Wednesday — Hot, fair, breezy. Thunder showery
all PM & evng. Light showers about the valley early PM.
Finished ploughing corn ground and commenced
drawing off stone. Mr & Mrs Pearl H Carey of Kingston
called evng.
June 5, 1934
Jacob Barley
Jacob Barley 81, died early yesterday morning at his
home in Olive Bridge. Mr Barley had lived in the vicinity
of Olive Bridge all his life, engaging in farming. He is
survived by six sons, Renze, Silbert, Henry, Loren,
Edward and Pierce all of Olive Bridge; four daughters,
Mrs Nathan Van Wagenen, of Poughkeepsie, Mrs Joseph
Hotaling of Shandaken, Miss Stella Barley of
Lomontville, and Mrs Charles Peck of Phoenicia,; one
brother Silbert Barley of Marlborough and several
grandchildren. The body is reposing at the W.N. Connor
Funeral Home, 296 Fair St. where it may be viewed at any
time. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2
o’clock D.S.T. from the Olive Bridge Memorial Church.
Interment in Fairview cemetery, Stone Ridge.
June 7, Thursday — Clearing this AM, cooler with brisk
northerly winds, still chilly evng.
Finished hauling off stone and disc harrowed corn
ground. Evng I attended Olive Rebekah Lodge 4th
birthday anniversary.
Mrs Helena F. Bishop widow of Dr. C.H. Bishop for
years a well known dentist of this city, died at the home of
her son C.B.S. Bishop, in Metuchen New Jersey on
Wednesday evening. Besides her son she is survived by
one daughter, Elizabeth of Sleightsburgh. Mrs Bishop was
a member of the Kingston Chapter, Order of the Eastern
Star and for years was active in that organization. Some
time ago she was seized with a stroke and had been
confined to her bed for a long period of time. Mrs Bishop
before making her home with her son resided in
Sleightsburgh. She was for many years an active member
of the Rondout Presbyterian Church and funeral services
will be held in the church on Friday afternoon at 2:30
o’clock with interment in the Port Ewen cemetery.
June 8, Friday — Cool, light winds. Beautiful June day,
chilly at night.
Put in a hard day drawing hog manure and spreading
on corn ground. The town of Olive’s newly purchased
gasoline power caterpillar tread Speeder shovel arrived
from Kingston this PM on county trailer hauling outfit. It
was unloaded at top of Mike Dwyer’s hill and proceeded
on its own power to Dolan’s shale bank where it will be
tried out loading trucks before starting channel work in
Bushkill stream.
June 9, Saturday — Cloudy, brisk south westerly winds,
misty spells PM, showers evng.
Finished drawing over the hog manure. Went up to
Dolan’s shale bank and seen the new gasoline shovel
perform loading trucks. The operator is Bill Tuceling of
Shokan and old veteran Winston & Company shovel
runner. Mr and Mrs Condon called evng.
June 10, Sunday — Warm pleasant June day. Became
showery PM & overcast. We had several light rains.
At home busy writing Freeman news copies. My
hand which has been setting up for several days broke this
AM – very painful. Cornelia took part in Childrens Day
program at the church evng, I attended. Mrs Moore,
Genevieve, and Edith called after the exercise. Airplanes
drumming over all day in search for large passenger plane
from Newark airport down somewhere in Catskills.
June 11, Monday — Part cloudy, fresh northerly winds,
Harrowed over corn ground AM. Afternoon Daisy & I
drawed off stone and marked it out. Wrote Star and news
copies evng. Planes searching again today for the Great
American Airway Newark to Buffalo plane.
June 12, Tuesday — Gradually became overcast , punks
were thick all day. Showers PM & evng. Heavy rain with
thunder & lightening passed over lower reservoir section
& Kingston.
Golden VanBenschoten and Ray Kelder helped Daisy
& I plant corn. Put in Early Flint & 11 rows Davis Early
Huron Dent, also planting on upper side of field with
Evergreen sweet corn. Funeral of Hineman Douglas held
PM in Kingston. He died of cancer Saturday at Union
Hill, NJ. Wrote Freeman copy tonight.
June 13, Wednesday — Part cloudy, fair, moderate
northerly winds, cool, all clear still evng.
Daisy & I did a heavy days work, cleaned out chicken
houses AM & PM put big wagon box load on corn mixed
with acid fertilizer . Wrote Freeman news copy tonight.
June 14, Thursday — Cool continued partly cloudy, fair,
moderately north westerly winds.
Funeral of Aaron Mackey 11 o’clock at Tongore
Church. Burial Fairview cemetery, Stone Ridge. Daisy
and I cleaned Aunt Cornelia’s chicken house AM.
Preceding I repaired hog yard fence. This PM we put the
load of hen manure cleaning and acid fertilizer on the
corn. Then put up twine over the field. Donald and Bob
Bishop came home PM after attending Olive’s graduation
Monday at Colby College, Colby N. H. Rec’d letter
Mariam. 10 PM listened to world champion 15 round
heavy weight bout between the giant Italian Premo
Carnera champ & Max Baer who won by technical KO in
11 round.
June 15, Friday — Warmer, northerly winds, continued
fair, overcast at evng with sprinkle of rain, clearing.
I made a thorough job cultivating the sweet corn and
potato patch between Hinkley barn. Joe Martina’s
Studebaker 7 passenger sedan coming from Kingston
toppled over, turned around and body wrecked about
10:30 tonight. 8 people in car injured but little. I visited
the crash. I wrote Freeman news copy.
June 16, Saturday — Continued fair, part cloudy,
warmer, northerly winds.
Loaded up wagon with ashes and acid fertilizer AM,
also took over big cart load manure and put on sweet corn
behind barn. PM Cornelia & I took over the ashes and put
on corn hills. Rec’d lovely letter from Mariam for
Father’s Day.
June 17,Sunday — Continued fair , warm, part cloudy,
light winds.
Summer preaching began at church PM. Wrote news
and Star copies. Cornelia, Bob & I attended Samsonville
Children’s Day services evng.
June 18, Monday — Storm brewing from southwest. Fair,
hazy becoming overcast & set in rainy during evng.
I put in the day cultivating with Prince. This AM first
planting of field corn and old Hinkley garden wall strip of
sweet corn. PM cultivated 3 times in a row the sprouting
potato rows below big wall. Wrote Freeman items evng.
June 19, Tuesday — Rained a delightful easterly
downpour all night and continued till late afternoon, then
part broke away with northerly winds & cooler. 4 inch
rainfall —Streams had become very low, now run at full
head. At home ---- Got out Freeman news copy for
outgoing mail. Rested up a bit. Cornelia taking High
School regents exams.
June 20, Wednesday — Fair, warm, lovely bright day.
Moderate northerly winds, still evng.
Drawed over load manure & put on sweet corn AM.
Started hay PM. Mowed the stand of alfalfa and clover on
3 corner lot.
June 21, Thursday — Fair, hot, fresh westerly winds.
Showery early evening, had short dashing shower.
Worked curing the cut alfalfa and clover. Tedded 3
times, raked and cocked it for sweating over night. A
wonderful day for hay curing. Went with Donald to
Ashokan evng, had hair cut, then attended final gathering
of Olive Rebekah’s before summer vacation.
June 22, Friday — Divinely pleasant day, warm. Fresh
northerly winds this AM, simmered down became partly
cloudy late PM & faired during evng.
Opened up the cocked hay this AM and during the
afternoon Don, Bob, Cornelia & I drawed three fine loads
all but the rakings. Rec’d letter Mariam.
June 23, Saturday — Arrived rainy but faired away
duringafternoon. Warm, beautiful moonlight evng.
Busy at various jobs, drawed over manure. Cornelia
raked 3 corner lot & during afternoon cleaned up the
field, getting jag rakings. I planted patch Evergreen sweet
corn in garden along current bushes. Don & I went up to
Mart Every’s awhile evng. Mother’s 47 wedding
anniversary. LeGrand Shultis 20 and Dorothy Carney 18
of Olive Bridge married June 24.
June 24, Sunday — Fair, hot, strong southwesterly winds.
At home all day, tired and trying to rest out a bit. Wrote
Freeman news copy. Ralph Longyear and Dr, Mandell
called at evng. Cornelia & I attended the impressive
I.O.O.F. annual memorial service at Tongore church
evng. We later visited Little Honey’s and Grandpa’s
graves & put on flowers. Russell P Clayton 54, cashier
State of NY National Bank died of heart attack at his
home in Kingston.
June 25, Monday – fair, warm, fresh northerly winds, cool
Mowed the new seeding corner out along the woods
AM, also after dinner cut the strip of timothy behind barn.
Cornelia raked the clover and we cocked it for over night.
Planted Evergreen fodder corn in Aunt Cornelia’s garden
patch after supper. Completed news and Star copies evng.
Shaffer Vrederburgh & LaMonte Simpson of Woodstock
Fire Ins. Co. called evng & I took $1500 policy on barn,
$200 on produce; $75 milk house & $700 on house
June 26, Tuesday — Poor hay day, unsettled mostly,
cloudy —sprinkles of rain during PM.
Worked at the hay and finally put both timothy and
clover cuttings up in cocks. Finished planting Evergreen
fodder and sweet corn the latter mostly Whipples Early
June 25th 1907, A party was tendered Mr and Mrs
DeWitt C Davis of Shokan by 40 of the couples friends in
celebration of Mr and Mrs Davis golden wedding
anniversary. The marriage took place at the home of the
bride’s father, David F. Davis whose homestead in more
recent years was the farm of Lewis Boice, father of
Supervisor Pratt Boice, of Ulster. The wedding ceremony
was performed by the Rev. W.R.S. Betts, a grandfather of
Joseph H. Dewitt of Shokan. Judge and Mrs Davis were
the parents of Mrs Golden VanBenschoten of Shokan and
grandparents of C.E. Longyear of Albuquerque N.M.
June 27, Wednesday — Cornelia’s 16th birthday also the
20th anniversary of the disabling of my right hand in the
gears of a steam roller.
Muggy, cloudy, occasional light showers.
I cultivated potatoes below wall AM. PM I shovel
cultivated the potato and sweet corn behind Hinkley barn.
Ray Kelder helped hoeing potatoes. Wrote Freeman news
copy evng.
June 28, Thursday — Hot lowry August weather —partly
faired away at times. Lovely moonlight night with fresh
westerly winds.
Ray Kelder helping, finished hoeing potatoes AM.
During the afternoon we put in 2 big loads and rakings,
one timothy and one clover.. Mr and Mrs Ralph Longyear
& Robert Longyear of Brooklyn called.
June 29, Friday — Clear, blistering hot, fresh northerly
winds, cooler tonight.
Wonderful haying day. This AM I mowed the heavy
green stand of timothy and alfalfa on upper part of
Hinkley lot. Got it pretty well cured and cocked up during
PM and put one load in barn. Ray Kelder & Don Bishop
helping. Mr and Mrs Robert Stoutenburgh of Woodstock
called evng.
June 30, Saturday — Partly cloudy AM, clearing and
blistering hot PM with light northerly winds — cooler
Sprayed the potatoes behind old barn and cleaned up
the hay from lower lot in two loads. Don, Bob and Ray
Kelder helping. Also put cart load manure on sweet corn
& got up saw dust for cow stables. Mr and Mrs H P
Hamilton, son Bud and another boy Quentin Grant came
and staying over week end at Aunt Cornelia’s. Mr and
Mrs Robert Longyear, daughter Janette and son Bob of
Brooklyn called evng.
July 1, Sunday — Continued fair and hot, showers in
distance late in day –breezy evng.
We all attended church service PM, including Mrs
Hamilton. Mr Hamilton and the boys went on High Point.
Mr Hamilton reports a bumper crop of huckleberries
becoming ripe so early. Mr and Mrs Condon called PM
with new Packard sedan. We all enjoyed picnic hot dog
supper in Aunt Cornelia’s grove, the Hamilton party later
returning to Oneonta. Daisy took first home treatment by
Dr. Mandell chiropractor — paid 2.00.
July 2, Monday — Clear northerly winds, not so blistering
Mowed the last stand of heavy timothy & cut around
Hinkley house AM. Mowed patches by our flag pole and
by hemlock grove PM, also drawed over a fine cured load
from orchard lot. Don mowed part of Aunt Cornelia’s
field late PM. Busy hard day.
July 3, Tuesday — Continued generally fair & hotter than
yesterday with fresh westerly winds which brought a
violent thunder and wind storm from the west late PM.
Others preceding passed
to the north east, wonderful rain.
Finished mowing Aunt Cornelia’s field also church
yard AM. PM cleaned up the last of Hinkley farm in one
small load. Then got in 2 loads from here home cuttings
finishing as the shower broke. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Dr. Mandell gave Daisy second home treatment.
July 4, Wednesday — Magnificent bright day, cooler
moderate northerly winds, cool still evng.
Celebrated by haying. Ray Kelder helped again for the
first this week. Put load hay on mow and mowed greater
part of heavy stand of timothy behind hen house. Cleaned
up church yard PM & remaining rakings from yesterday
in one small load, after raked the cut hay which Cornelia
had tedded after dinner. Attended Sunday school supper
and entertainment.
July 5, Thursday — Fresh westerly winds, hot fair AM,
threatening showers PM, still muggy evng.
Ray Kelder helping put big cart load manure on
fodder corn. Did a good job haying, cleaned up the cured
timothy behind hen house yard in 3 loads, mowed the
remaining strip after supper. Aunt Ollie, Olive &
chauffeur came down. Bob went back to Hobart with
them. Rec’d letter Mariam. Dr. Mandell came AM & gave
Daisy her 3rd home treatment ordering her to change from
orange juice to milk diet — paid $4.00.
July 6, Friday — Mostly cloudy AM, but faired away,
miserably hot, fresh westerly winds during PM & evng.
Ray Kelder & I worked at the corn. I cultivated & he
thinned down & hoed. Cornelia & Don worked at the hay
behind barn & toward evng, cleaned it up in one big load
put in Aunt Cornelia’s barn. Today is Mother’s 66th
July 7, Saturday — Continued excessively hot and
muggy, fair AM. showery PM from west, light showers
mid afternoon followed by a heavy rain later around 4:30
D.S.T. Ray Kelder, Cornelia & I sprayed the potatoes
below wall AM. Worked in corn PM hoeing & cutivating
till stopped by rain. Cultivated in garden after supper.
Daisy had 4th treatment by Dr. Mandell – paid 2.00.
I.O.O.F. Shokan Lodge installation tonight. LeGrand
Shultis Noble Grand, Francis Whispell Vice Grand — I
didn’t attend.
July 8, Sunday — Nice rain during night, continued
warm, unsettled cooler evng — partly cloudy. at home —
wrote news and Star copies evng.
July 9, Monday — Cooler and a very delightful clear
summers day & evng, light easterly winds.
Ray Kelder helping worked in the corn etc. Don went
on High Point found huckleberries scarce. This afternoon
I mowed the upper half of the field in front of house. Fine
stand of timothy and some alfalfa. Ray & I drawed several
cart loads manure & put between fodder corn rows in
Aunt Cornelia’s garden. After supper I took the team and
pulled electric light poles in their setting locations for line
from Whittiers property for Fred Sherman wiring
contractor. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
July 10, Tuesday — Fair pleasant light southerly winds.
So much cooler than last week. Ray Kelder helping
worked at hay field cut yesterday. Cornelia tedded and
raked it this AM. we drawed in three big loads in
excellent condition PM using 16ft hay rigging. Also
mowed a strip along top of hill after dinner. Rec’d letter
Mariam. Daisy had 5th treatment by Dr.Mandell — not
paid also capsules used in correction with treatments
July 11, Wednesday — Partly cloudy, lovely work day,
moderately cool, winds southerly.
Finished the machine mowing AM including side hill
above wall, mill yard and swampy patch behind Aunt
Cornelia’s barn. Drawed 4 loads PM cleaning up all of
big field in front except side hill rakings. Ray Kelder
helping. Received letter Mariam, sent her $11.00 check by
return mail. Miss Merrill and her father from Horton
Brook called evng.
July 12, Thursday — Typical August weather — warm,
mostly cloudy.
Finished up our haying, cleaning the mowed patches
in one small load PM. Ray Kelder helping. Went with
Ralph Longyear over to Mrs Moore’s this evng after a
calf. Dr. Mandell gave Daisy her 6th treatment – Paid him
in full 4.00.
July 13, Friday — Muggy, warm, mostly cloudy, showery
mussy along at intervals all afternoon, cleared evng.
Heavy thunder showers went around both ways.
Ray Kelder & I worked at shovel plowing and hoeing
potatoes below wall till showers prevented. We then set
out some 200 cabbage plants in garden. Mariam arrived
home on vacation from St.Lukes Hospital with Mr and
Mrs Condon returning from a New York business trip.
They had supper with us. Ray Kelder’s 24th birthday.
July 14, Saturday – Hot – thunder showery. We had a nice
shower noontime.
Finished hoeing potatoes below wall a hot tiresome
job. Ray Kelder helped AM. Don & Mariam went out on
picnic supper with Gessner family. Cornelia & I went up
to Mart Every’s for call evng. Yesterday was his 72nd
July 15, Sunday — Continued hot, fair, becoming
overcast during PM & later clearing — strong westerly
winds evng.
Trying to rest out a bit. We all attended service PM.
Mariam took her old assignment as organist & she & I
comprised the choir. Edna Gessner, Don & Aunt Cornelia
had supper with us. After Don took Edna back to
Benedictine Hospital, Mariam & Cornelia went along.
Got news and Star copies partly complete tonight. Mr and
Mrs Grant Howard, young 5 weeks daughter Ellinor, Mr
and Mrs Gehle and Henry Jr called PM.
July 16, Monday — Brisk northerly winds, fair warm
during day but considerably cooler tonight.
cultivated corn and after finishing assisted Ray Kelder
weeding and hoeing. Ray came for work after dinner.
Mariam is trying to get slept up,. She went fishing with
Don down along reservoir PM & caught a fair mess of
rock bass and perch. Wrote Freeman news copy tonight.
July17, Tuesday — Fair pleasantly cool light northerly
winds, beautifully clear evng.
Ray Kelder & I finished weeding corn AM. Mariam &
Don mowed the field by Mike Dwyer’s barn and this PM
cleaned up the hay for Ray in one load. After supper I
mowed for two hours in the Dwyer 5 acre lot. Grass is
lightest growth I ever cut there. While watering horses at
pump this evng the pump dropped from barrel on well
casing head causing the 2 lengths of pipe to break pump
base & drop in well. Hooked up another pump.
July 18, Wednesday — Drying day, fair, bright, brisk
northerly winds, pleasantly cool compared to the late
sweltering weather.
Ray Kelder helped, got out at day break and started
mowing in Dwyer’s 5 acre lot. Mowed till 8 o’clock and
Mariam finished. Cleaned up the hay in one load,
delivered to Mrs Egbert Van Kleeck at Brodhead. Rec’d
$12.00. Giving $5.00 to Donald.
July 19, Thursday — Another drying day, clear with brisk
westerly winds, warmer.
Haying for Raymond Kelder, mowed AM drawed 1
load PM. Mariam raked in the hot sun this PM to develop
a mountain sun tan. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
July 20, Friday — Cloudy threatening AM. faired away at
noon, miserably hot, breezy.
Haying for Ray Kelder. Put in load from yesterdays
cutting around Mike Dwyer’s house lot. Mowed and
cleaned up the big field above Kelders house, 2 loads, late
July 21, Saturday — Part cloudy, fair hot weather
continuing, moderate northerly winds. Gloriously clear
evng with moon growing full.
Haying for Ray Kelder, cleaned up their orchard lot
and another patch making 2 loads. Mariam, Don and
Cornelia went to Kingston. Mariam had 2 teeth filled at
Dr. Levitas $4.00.
July 22, Sunday — Bright drying day with northerly
winds, quiet evng with glorious moonlight..
We all attended service PM. Mariam and I sang a
duet. “Sometime We’ll Understand” Wrote Star and
news copies evng.
July 23, Monday — Bright warm day, light northerly
winds, cool evng with glorious nearly full moon.
Cleaned up the last of Raymond Kelder’s haying,
cutting a load from their back meadow. Sprayed potatoes
below wall this morning. Paid Raymond Kelder $10.00
extra above exchange of work. Ralph Longyear came this
evng and brought a water melon.
July 24, Tuesday — Cloudy, still, sprinkles of rain at
Mariam and I went with Don to Kingston. Mariam had
2 0'clock appointment with Dr Levitas, had a porcelain
filling and teeth cleaned $4.00.
July 25, Wednesday — Light rain in night, cloudy,
breaking away around mid day, hot and muggy. Heavy
thunder shower went around by Woodstock late PM,
muggy unsettled evng.
Mother and I worked in garden & set out more cabbage
plants AM. Did some cultivating sweet corn PM. Don,
Cornelia, Mariam & Arsten Van Wagenen of Kingston
went fishing in Kenozia Lake, getting a dozen pickerel.
Mariam & Van Wagenen went to Golden Rule Inn
tonight, near Port Ewen.
July 26, Thursday — Partly cloudy – terribly hot weather,
thunder showers evng.
Cornelia mowed and raked the 3 corner alfalfa second
cutting and corner out along woods. Put it up in uppers
for over night. A daughter born last night to Mr and Mrs
Willaim Colange
July 27, Friday — Showers along during night. Hot
muggy unsettled, showers AM & set in thunder showers
toward evng & continued rainy.
Repaired shoes AM. Puttered around with odd jobs
PM. Went up to Bert Winnies Garage evng & had
mowing machine parts welded .75.
July 28, Saturday — Mariam’s 20th Birthday. Thunder
shower thru night and cloudy, muggy, rainy along all
forenoon — cleared away at evng and cooler.
Bob Longyear came up this AM from Brooklyn with
his car to spend Mariam’s birthday & had a pleasant day
and nice dinner and supper.. I attended Republican caucus
evng at Colange hall & elected a delegate to attend
County convention Aug 4th. Mariam and Bob went out
July 29, Sunday — Unsettled, mostly cloudy – warm –
muggy –cooler evng.
Bob Longyear spent the day with us and left after
supper for Brooklyn. We all attended service PM. Mariam
played the organ & we sang together “ Does Jesus Care”
Ralph Longyear & Grace Ahrens had supper with us. Mr
and Mrs Chester Lyons called evng.
July 30, Monday — Fair hot, muggy quiet atmosphere.
Sam Cassolina who is home after an expired
enlistment in Chenango Forks C.C.C.Camp helped me get
the load of second cutting alfalfa from 3 corner lot.
Somewhat rain damaged. Mariam and I wrote Freeman
copy evng. 30 years ago today , Father, Will Jones and I
then a boy of 14 made a trip after huckleberries on
Canape mountain, going with the team from our old home
and leaving them at the Watson barn near the head of
Watson Hollow.
July 31, Tuesday — Hot. Fair, showery PM. We had brief
showers at dusk from heavier rain passing north.
Busy at chores and odd jobs. Brought up thresher
from church shed AM. Melvin Hesher son of W R
Hesher, Ransonville NY and friend Miss Janet Reed paid
us a visit of much surprise late PM. Wrote up Freeman
news copy.
August 1, Wednesday — Fair, pleasant work day,
westerly winds.
Melvin Hesher returned this AM and Don spent the day
with him sight seeing. I helped thresh rye and oats at
Maple Dell. Mariam & Cornelia attended circus in
Kingston with Arsten Van Wagenen, had super at his
home and later saw a play and danced.
August 2, Thursday — Fair cool this AM with fresh
southerly winds, became overcast and rain showers PM &
Helped finish threshing at Maple Dell AM and PM at
Clayton Burgher’s, finishing the last load in the rain. Mr
Hesher staid over night and after Mother getting him an
early breakfast left for home at 6:30 D.S.T. Wrote
Freeman news copy evng. Mariam & Cornelia went to
Shokan PM to see Miss Scott. This evng they attended a
hot dog and corn roast at Brenners camp on Bushkill
August 3,Friday — Fair, hot, light northerly winds.
Busy with various jobs, drawed load manure & got
sawdust for cow stables. Spent the afternoon getting
thresher and the old Ford car ready. Picked first mess of
sweet corn for Mariam’s last supper. Don went up state
near Albany for weekend. Aunt Cornelia had supper with
August 4, Saturday — Fair, hot, north westerly winds.
Mariam and I went to Kingston with Pete Crawford,
from Olive Bridge. Mariam left for New York on 11:30
bus to spend the night with Robert Longyear’s and back
for duty at St. Lukes Hospital tomorrow at 12:30. I
attended Republican County Convention at Municipal
Auditorium. My old pal and schoolmate Pratt Boice, now
supervisor Town of Ulster was unanimously chosen as
candidate for County Treasurer.
August 5, Sunday — Glorious clear cool day with fresh
north westerly winds.
We attended church PM after Mother, Aunt Cornelia,
Daisy, Cornelia & I went with the chevy to the head of the
gulf over the newly completed Tera Peekamoose road
project. To the same point where Pa and I visited one
Sunday late in September, before he was taken sick. Busy
during day and evening writing Freeman copy. Fred
Worden and family called Pm. Bob returned from Hobart.
August 6, Monday — Another lovely cool day, moderate
northerly winds.
Cornelia and I mowed both pieces of oats this AM
before breakfast. Set up the thresher and Ford ready for
threshing. Turned the oats after dinner. Justice Henry
Winchell and I went to Kingston this evng and joined the
recently organized Grand Jurors Association meeting held
at Court House. Mrs Early North died following a long
August 7, Tuesday — Fair warmer light northerly winds.
With plenty of help did a fine job threshing our oats,
had all told about 40 bushel. Rec’d letter & card from
Mariam. She goes on night duty Wednesday, as senior
August 8, Wednesday — Fair, hot, warm night. Light
Mrs Filmore Bell died last night at her home. Took
thresher back under church shed, moved load straw and
cleaned up after threshing around barn, got cart load saw
dust etc. This evng Aunt Cornelia, Mother, Don, & I
called at Filmore Bell’s and Early Norths.
August 9, Thursday — Fair hot AM. Fresh westerly
winds brought overcast skies during PM. Threatening but
we got no rain but a sprinkle.
Attended the funeral of Mrs Early( Hannah) North at
her home 11 o’clock. Interment was in Bushkill cemetery.
Took it easy PM. Picked first big mess of sweet corn.
Ralph Longyear, Grace Ahrens and a Mr Englehart from
Long Island came down & we had a musical evening.
August 10, Friday — Hot – muggy –strong westerly
winds AM quiet and lowering PM, showery looking but
only sprinkles came late PM.
Mother and I attended the funeral of Mrs Filmore Bell
held at her home 2 o’clock. Mother played the organ and I
helped by request with singing. I also was pall bearer.
Burial was in on the little sandy knoll cemetery in the rear
of their farm across Dry brook.
August 11, Saturday — Lowry, murky AM, cleared PM,
continued sultry, cooler evng.
Drawed out manure, got up load sawdust for stables &
collected some brush cuttings along road A M for the
horses. Went up to Bert Winnies Garage PM to have
some mowing machine welding done. I attended I.O.O.F.
Lodge evng. Visited cemetery and put flowers on Little
Honey’s grave. Don had an abscess on his right arm
lanced and drained out by a Dr in Kingston.
August 12, Sunday — Cool – more or less rainy during
day and evening.
Attended service PM. Wrote Star and news copies
August 13, Monday — Cloudy, warmer, breezy at
intervals PM.
Busy at odd jobs with chores etc. Wrote up Freeman
news copies AM for mailing and another late evng.
August 14, Tuesday — Fair and warm, somewhat breezy.
Busy with chores and odd jobs AM. This PM Cornelia
& I went with horses to VanBurens mill at Brodhead and
drawed a big load of sawdust. Put part in hog yard.
August 15, Wednesday — Murky –Part cloudy, warm,
light showers around.
Cornelia, Bob, Sam Cassalina & I went to Kingston
attending Baptist S.S. picnic at Forsyth Park. Dollar sale
day in town. Waldo Every 7 years old second oldest in the
family of four children of Mr and Mrs Grant Every at
Boiceville died this AM of pneumonia. The boy was a
namesake of the late J. Waldo Smith designing engineer
of Ashokan reservoir.
August 16, Thursday — A cool rainy day and evng,
regular downpours at intervals. Heaviest rain since June
At home all day, just taking life comfortably easy. Got
out Freeman news copy AM. Called on Mr and Mrs
Arthur Condon who are now occupying the Hartenstein
property. They recently purchased on the back cross road.
August 17, Friday — Remained cloudy murky over night
but faired away pleasant toward noon. Sun came out hot.
Glorious clear warm evng with half moon.
Cornelia & I repaired pasture wire fence this AM, after
chores & making out an order to Sears Roebuck & Co.
Delivered a cord of stove wood to Condon’s after supper
$3.30 Paid.
August 18, Saturday — Fair, hot, lovely evening,
beautiful advancing half moon.
Busy at odd jobs. Began cutting sweet corn for cows.
Attended IOOF 53 Anniversary Celebration tonight.
Brother Corres of West Saugerties was present as guest of
honor. He was one of the instituting staff present 53 years
ago. Mrs Dombois and daughter Vera came on bus for a
week. Funeral of Waldo Every held at his home this AM
at Boiceville.
August 19, Sunday — Hot, fair, hazy, light breezes.
At home —attended service PM.
August 20, Monday — Fair pleasantly warm. Fresh
westerly winds, gloriously clear and cool evng.
Sawed wood with Ford rig AM for Whittiers. PM
helped thresh at Winklers. Wrote Star and news copies
evng. rec’d letter Mariam.
August 21, Tuesday — Glorious clear day, westerly
winds, fresh cool and wonderful moon evng. Busy at odd
jobs. Picked the August pears PM., had all told around 6
bu. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
August 22, Wednesday — Fair, fresh westerly winds,
becoming showery during PM. Had a series of heavy
downpours, moderately warm.
Had an estimate for electric pump installation made by
Mr H Herzog & Co of Kingston. Drawed out load manure
and got stalks over behind old barn. Baptist fair and
supper very successful in spite of the rain. Ralph
Gregory’s bungalow with contents burned this AM at
Brodhead Heights.
August 23, Thursday — Cloudy this AM. Faired away
pleasant afternoon — overcast again evng.
Sent a box of pears, apples & sweet corn to Mariam.
Went to Kingston PM with Don’s car. Attended Farm
Bureau picnic at Forsyth Park, then brought Edna Gessner
home form Benedictine Hospital. Wrote Freeman news
copy evng. Mt Whittier began repainting our house with
znicite white, painted west side.
August 24, Friday — Heavy rains this forenoon —warm
muggy —part clearing PM. Fresh westerly winds late PM
& evng.
At home —Finished Freeman news copy & went to PO
for mail. Got corn stalks for cows PM & done chores.
August 25, Saturday — Generally fair warm, variable
Drawed over cart load manure on patch behind old
barn & brought back load sweet corn stalks. Drawed 2
wagon loads gravel from Jacky Brook. Mr Whittier
painted south side of house. Death of Arthur H Winnie of
Arlington NJ. Long ill with cancer. Mrs Whittier and Ida
Snyder were somewhat injured late this PM when riding
with Mrs Victor Gargnet, her car upset near Claude Bell’s
August 26, Sunday ---- Fair, light winds, pleasantly cool,
chilly evng.
Attended service PM. Rev. RC Miller of Albany guest
speaker. Mrs Dombois and daughter Vera returned home
PM, no bus so Don took them to Kingston. Mr and Mrs
Virgil H Winchell of Kingston called after church. Sent
out Freeman copy.
August 27, Monday — Fair fresh north westerly winds,
still overcast evng.
Drawed 2 loads gravel form Jacky Brook and did
various other routine jobs. Completed Star and news
copies evng.
August 28, Tuesday ---- Rainy mussy day and evng, cool.
Lauren Hesley and I put down a 5 foot strip of cement
floor in cellar on west side, also a tier of flag stone, from
south west end to door. Took 4 bags cement. Funeral of
Arthur H Winnie held PM at Carrs Parlors, Kingston.
Interment in Wiltwyck cemetery.
August 29, Wednesday --- Part cloudy, moderated, warm
—northerly winds, cleared beautifully evng and almost
frosty. Packed and sent a box 4 doz ears sweet corn, pears
and apples to Mariam. This PM Cornelia mowed the
alfalfa second growth on upper part of Hinkley lower lot.
Mr Whittier painted east end of house, all except porch. I
went up to Mart Every’s evng for a call.
August 30, Thursday — A magnificent cool day with
fresh northerly winds.
Drawed load gravel from Jacky Brook. Took over cart
load manure and got the last of sweet corn stalks from
patch behind old barn. Cornelia tedded the alfalfa cutting
and later raked it. Put in uppers over night. Charles H
Weidner paid me a neighborly call this PM. Wrote
Freeman copy evng. Mrs Ida Snyder was removed from
Traver Hollow Inn in an ambulance to Kingston Hospital
due to Saturdays automobile accident.
August 31, Friday ---- Another fair and pleasant day.
Warmer than yesterday, chilly evng.
Drawed load sandy gravel from Jacky Brook AM.
Cleaned up the alfalfa this PM in one nice load. Cornelia,
Daisy & I and as usual got a load corn stalks for cows.
This time from patch below wall. Mrs Moore, Genevieve,
Mildred, and Edith paid us a surprise visit tonight.
September 1, Saturday ---- Mrs Florence Warren and Dr
Edward Phelan married at Newark New Jersey. Yet
another lovely day, warmer, light winds south west, quite
breezy evng.
Cornelia and I most of the day worked repairing
pasture wire fence. Drawed out manure and got stalks.
Golden VanBenschoten came over this AM after sweet
corn. We managed to sew up the bay horse’s (Nellie) right
eye lids which she caught in the other horses breast strap
buckle yesterday AM. while drinking at the pump. Put a
twister on her nose. Mr and Mrs Case Gwinn & Mrs
Nelson at Aunt Cornelia’s evng. Rec’d letter from
Mariam. D.W.S. annual clam bake & masquerade dance
at Bushkill Inn barn.
September 2, Sunday — Continued fair and warm, light
Attended service PM. After supper I went down to
cemetery which is newly cleaned up for Labor Day.
Father’s and Uncle Watson’s markers are very well
pleasing.. Mrs Florence Warren and Dr. Edward Phelan
married at Newark New Jersey.
September 3, Monday — Continued fair and warm but
became increasingly cloudy PM, set in rainy late
Busy with chores and odd jobs AM, taking out
manure , getting load sawdust and corn stalks. Attended
the Labor Day Picnic PM and got elected Olive Re-union
Assn Secy. Phoenicia band entertained. The affair was a
well pleasing success.
September 4, Tuesday ----Warm, muggy showers
continued all morning, broke away mid afternoon. Fresh
south westerly winds evng.
Ed Crispell came after Aunt Cornelia’s old 1914
Studebaker 7 passenger car which she gave him. This
afternoon I worked cleaning up in east end of barn to put
down cement floor for horse stables. Cornelia started fall
term of second year High School.
September 5, Wednesday — Fair, warm, pleasant day —
winds northerly.
I drawed 2 loads sand from Freeman Every’s property
along Watson Hollow Road. Rec’d letter from Mariam.
Donald started digging trench to well for installing water
pump line in our cellar.
September 6, Thursday — Part cloudy, warm became
overcast toward evng.
Drawed load sand this PM.. Had ton cement delivered
this AM. from Davenports High Falls 75 cents a bag.
Busy PM at various odd jobs. Tired out tonight. Went
down to Claude Bell’s Garage after supper with team
after town cement mixer. Sam Cassalina had the team PM
trucking fire wood for Mr Whittier.
September 7, Friday — Warm muggy, part cloudy
becoming overcast during PM set in rainy at dusk and
developed into a downpour.
Sam Cassalina had horses AM drawing out firewood at
Whittiers. I helped digging pipe line trench AM. This
afternoon drawed two wagon loads gravel from Jacky
Brook. Wrote Freeman copy evng. Davenports truck
delivered another 10 bags cement.
September 8, Saturday ---- Rainy night and continued
downpours throughout the day and evening. Stopped
about midnight D.S.T.
Busy about home. Went over to Whittiers and filed my
wood circle saw. Worked in cellar PM. Repaired rubber
footwear evng. Streams running at flood tide tonight.
Heaviest rain since spring. S.S.Morro Castle sailing from
Cuba to New York, buried early today at seas 8 miles off
Asbury Park; many lives lost.
September 9,Sunday — Part cloudy, warm, pleasant day.
The earth is like a sponge, streams, wells etc are
thoroughly replenished. Rose bell of Watson Hollow road
and William H. Kotts of Kingston married PM.
September 10, Monday — Part cloudy, fair continued
warm, cooler and all clear evng.
Daisy & I went to Kingston. I attended county court
opening as a petit juror, an adjournment was taken till the
24th in order to complete re- modeling of the court room.
Daisy had 4 teeth extracted at Dr. Henry’s. I purchased
pants and oil for the church, wrote Freeman copy evng.
September 11, Tuesday — Fair, warm, partly cloudy
—light northerly winds. Very heavy dew this AM.
Drawed out manure over behind old barn & got 2 cart
loads gravel from Jacky brook. Mowed after cutting of
alfalfa, clover etc. from most of field in front out to road
September 12, Wednesday — Part and mostly cloudy
warm pleasant day.
Made a trip over to Jordan’s with cow AM. Worked at
the cut hay PM. Cornelia worked it when she came home
form bus and I cocked it up. Pretty tired tonight. Mary
Jane Embree 81 who died at May Giles, Shokan, buried
PM in Tongore cemetery.
September 13, Thursday ---- Cloudy, threatening warm.
Daisy and I cleaned up the second growth hay in one
good load AM. left standing on wagon. Busy at various
odd jobs, including getting a cart load of gravel from
Jacky brook. Primary Election, went down this evening
and for the first time in my life voted as enrolled
September 14, Friday ---- Cloudy light showers
occasionally. Warm, set in for rainy night.
I sawed wood with the Ford outfit at Mr Whittier’s. A
big days job. Donald came home for weekend, Sat. AM.
September 15, Saturday — Continued rainy and mussy all
day and evng, warm.
Busy with various odd jobs. Bony VanDemark had
dinner with us and helped put up load of heated second
cutting. Worked in barn cleaning up bottom for concrete.
Got out Freeman copy AM.
September 16, Sunday — Still muggy , rainy, mussy
weather which developed a deluge during the evening.
Attended service PM. The speaker accompanying Mr
Ahrers was Rev.J.E. Fernandes – Camacho, Spanish by
nativity, have world wide missionary experience. Small
attendance on acct of weather.
September 17, Monday — Rained a deluge most of night
—clearing gradually, warm northerly winds. Streams
running flood tides.
This AM jacked the east end bulging barn sill back in
place. PM re-loaded the green second cutting hay from
mow & spread out to dry along entrance road. Daisy & I
took over load manure and brat back sweet corn & apples
etc. Rec’d card M
September 18, Tuesday — Cloudy AM warm fresh
northerly winds. Thundered to south. Gradually cleared
cooler PM.
Re-loaded the hay again & drawed in barn. Drawed 2
cart loads gravel from Jacky brook. Sent a box to Mariam.
I went to Kingston alone evng, attended reception to
District Deputy Roger H Loughran at Kingston Lodge #
10. Visited cemetery & put flowers on Little Honey’s
September 19, Wednesday — Weather still unsettled. Fair
this morning but clouded over heavily.
Sam Cassalina helped in end of barn cleaning up &
getting ready for concrete. Re-laid wall around water line
inlet tap. Pretty well tired out tonight.
September 20, Thursday — Lovely fair warm day.
Glorious moonlight evng.
Worked in the barn AM getting bottom ready for
concrete. PM drawed two loads gravel from Jacky brook
and spread over bottom. Went over to John Bells this
evng to see if he will help Saturday concrete. Rec’d letter
& half bu. basket prime plums from W.R. Hesher Jr.
September 21, Friday — heavy fog this AM. Partly
cloudy, warm rather unsettled.
Drawed 4 loads gravel from Jacky brook and have barn
end bottom all covered ready to concrete. Daisy & I took
over cart load manure behind old barn and picked some
fall pippin apples. The two old trees have hung loaded
with wonderful fruit.
September 22, Saturday — Mussy rainy day, warm. Hard
showers at times, stopped late PM.
John Bell and I put in the concrete floor for horse
stables, I finished alone after he went home, and after
supper was busy till 11:30.
September 23, Sunday — Warm muggy, unsettled, mostly
Busy with chores etc around barn AM. We all attended
service PM. Freeman Avery of Watson Hollow road died
last night of cancer & heart conditions.
September 24, Monday — Continued hot, muggy weather
genrally fair.
Daisy and I went to Kingston PM. County court reconvened but jurors were excused till Wednesday 10
o’clock. The court room has been completely renovated
within. Judge Federick G Traver is presiding. Rec’d letter
from Mariam.
September 25, Tuesday — Glorious warm day and evng.
Moon is past its full.
Had burned out connecting rod bearing job done on my
chevy at Bert Winnie’s garage $6.50. Done some concrete
work in barn also Daisy and I picked up 12 bags apples
PM Mr Whittier took me up after my car evng. I called on
my return to Fred Weidners also at the home of Freeman
Avery. Finished delayed news and Star copies evng.
September 26, Wednesday — Clear hot summers day and
evng. Glorious weather..
Responded for jury duty at 10 AM but the jurors were
excused for the day and I returned home. Daisy and I
made a good start at cutting corn PM. Pretty tired. Wrote
Freeman copy evng. Funeral services for Freeman Avery
held PM at old School Baptist Church.
September 27, Thursday — Warm, muggy, cloudy AM.
later broke away and became overcast again PM. Had a
boisterous thunder shower from west. Cleared cooler evng
with northerly winds. Glorious sunset. Reported for jury
duty AM but the trial panel was excused till November 7th
2 PM. Paid 4 days & mileage $21.00. Daisy and I cut 10
stouts sweet corn on the old Hinkley garden patch before
the rain.
September 28, Friday — Fair and warm light winds.
Became overcast during PM but all cleared, chilly tonight.
Daisy and I did a fine job today cutting 55 stouts of
corn, besides various other chores. Commencement
exercises for Benedictine Hosp. graduating class of 1934
at Kingston High School auditorium of which Edna
Gessner is one of 6 members.
September 29, Saturday — A gloomy rainy day and night.
Evidently an equinoctral storm, set in early this morning.
At home all day, put up a partition for horse stalls PM
and cemented underneath. Miss Merrill and Aunt
Cornelia had supper with us & spent the evng. Donald
and Edna Gessner also were here.
September 30 Sunday — Cloudy and warm, gradually
clearing PM ,cooler evng and fresh northerly winds.
At home, busy with odd chores AM. We all attended
service PM. Got started writing news evng. Donald was
down over weekend, returning this PM.
October 1, Monday — A magnificent cloudless day with
moderate northerly winds, becoming southerly. The chill
of frost is in the air tonight.
Daisy and I cut 30 stouts of corn AM. Took over
manure PM and brought back load apples and sweet corn.
Wrote Star and news copies evng.
October 2, Tuesday — Heavy white frost but did only
slight damage to us. Beautiful clear, cool day & evng,
winds northerly.
Daisy and I finished cutting the field corn — 49 stouts
today. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
October 3, Wednesday — Fair, warmer, lovely day, light
Daisy and I picked apples. Have a wonderful crop of
Fall Pippins 2 trees —4 trees Greenings – 1 Baldwins – 1
Northern Spy. These trees of the old Hinkley orchard.
October 4, Thursday — Fair pleasant day, south easterly
Finished picking winter apples. Herman Weidner and
Eddie Winkler helped for apples. Stored the apples in
north room of Hinkley house. The barn on the property of
Mrs Elta Mc Millin at Brodhead burned at dusk believed
to be spontaneous combustion due to leaky roof — re-
shingled two weeks ago, adjourning shed, granary and
chicken house also burned,. The property unoccupied at
this time. Detroit won second game of world series 12
innings 3 – 2.
October 5, Friday — Cloudy moderately cool — light
breeze from north.
Daisy and I took over cart load manure and picked the
remainder of drop apples. This PM got over a load sweet
corn for cows and after listening in on radio a few innings
to 3rd Worlds series game between St. Louis and Detroit
Tigers. St Louis won 4 — 1 at St. Louis.
October 6, Saturday — Another heavy rain began during
night and continued till afternoon, gradually letting up.
Cleared evng with northerly winds.
Got out news copy AM for Freeman and went up to
Albert Norths and paid school taxes. Hinkley place
assessed valuation $600 – tax !!! our property $1600 val.
Tax total at 1% 293. Worked in barn some PM and
listened to World series broadcast. The Detroit Tigers
won a smashing victory over the St.Louis Cardinals 10
October 7, Sunday — Bright pleasant day with fresh
northerly winds, some cloudy.
Busy with various chores AM This afternoon I listened
to the the full radio broadcast of the 5th Worlds series
game between St. Louis & Detroit. Detroit gave the
Cardinals a sound trouncing 3 —1 with the famous Dizzy
Dean pitching Tommy Bridges on the mound for Detroit.
Cornelia came home for Sunday school with Miss Merrill
after spending week end with her.
October 8, Monday — Beautiful clear summer like day.
Brisk westerly winds, still evng.
Mowed the 3 corner lot AM for third alfalfa cutting of
the season. Tedded it over after dinner. With Daisy’s help
put down a strip of concrete in barn, finishing evng. 6th
game of World Series played at Detroit. St Louis won out
4 — 3. Listened in to latter part of game. Rec’d a
telephone call from Bob Knorpp.
October 9, Tuesday — Another lovely day, cooler fresh
northerly winds PM.
Daisy and I put in another strip concrete in barn AM.
Worked at the alfalfa PM. Tedded – raked and cocked it
up for curing over night. St. Louis won the final game of
the Worlds Series at Detroit 11 —0.
October 10, Wednesday — Light killing frost. Another
ideal day. Winds southerly becoming overcast evng.
Lauren Hesley helped me put down the last strip of
concrete in the barn, he taking the mixer to use for the
foundation for his new home at Bushkill bridge. Mart
Every helped Daisy and I clean up the 3 corner lot alfalfa
in two well cured loads. Very tired tonight.
October 11, Thursday — Warm generally fair —northerly
winds. Becoming gloomy overcast from north during late
afternoon. Rainy evng, clearing, windy.
Mart Every came down and helped Daisy & I put off
load hay. Busy patching up with cement in barn AM. PM
I mowed strip of grass in orchard lot also made 3rd alfalfa
cutting from upper part of lower Hinkley lot. Brought
over first load of field corn to husk.
October 12, Friday — Colder –blustery partly cloudy.
Real crispy autumn weather –freezing tonight.
I mowed the oats field alfalfa and clover seeding on
lower lot AM, nearly froze mowing. Mariam finished her
tour of night duty at 7 this AM and arrived in Kingston on
the 10:45 train. Aartsen Van Wagenen brought her up
from Kingston arriving about noon. Husked corn and
picked the winter pears PM Aartsen helped.
October 13, Saturday — Cold windy, part cloudy. Froze
skin ice last night.
Put down planks on new horse stable beds AM. PM
husked few stouts corn. Cornelia raked the mown hay & I
cocked it. Brought over small load corn for husking.
Mariam staid around home all day. I gave Mariam $12.00
to take with her. Radio report tonight is most severe early
blizzard in history, in upper New England states. 18"
snow & impassable drifts. Catherine Roe operated on for
October 14, Sunday — Beautifully clear, crisp autumn
atmosphere and northerly winds.
I took Mariam to 8:45 New York train from Kingston
—made the trip to West Shore depot in 36 min. Stopped
to Pete Crawfords garage coming back and had brakes
adjusted. Cornelia is sick home on the cot all day. Mother,
Aunt Cornelia, Daisy and I attended church service PM.
Rev. J.E. Fernando Camacho world traveler and noted
speaker, friend of Rev. Ahrers occupied the pulpit.
October 15, Monday — Mostly cloudy, mild rain squally
on mountains, northerly winds, clearing evng.
Husked corn AM. Worked at the hay. Got small jag
second timothy grass from orchard lot and topped off with
field corn. Aarsten VanWagenen came up and helped
Daisy and I husked off 10 stouts corn evng. Rec’d card
Mariam that she arrived back safely.
October 16, Tuesday — 157th anniversary of wanton
burning of the defenseless town of Kingston by British
troops under Col. Vaughn.
Cloudy this AM but cleared away beautifully, mild
sunny. Glorious moonlight evng.
Made a finish of the 1934 last crop haying. Drawed a
fine load alfalfa and clover from lower lot. Rec’d another
card form Mariam.
October 17, Wednesday — Grand clear, mild day, quiet
with strong south westerly winds evng and moon growing
Was kept busy with chores etc AM. This afternoon
Daisy and I worked hard digging potatoes behind old
barn. Ploughed the rows out with Prince. Uncle Watson
Bishop’s 13th anniversary of his death.
October 18, Thursday — Rained during night. Warm
sunny AM, overcast PM but became colder, cloudy,
northerly winds — cleared evng.
Daisy and I did a big job cleaning up the potatoes and
hauled them over in one big load about 38 bu. all told.
Also drawed load sweet corn from Hinkley garden. We
husked off 9 stouts evng.
October 19, Friday — Fair, cool southerly winds.
Dug potatoes below wall. Golden VanBenschoeten
helped AM Daisy & I carried potatoes brought over
yesterday in Aunt Cornelia’s cellar and spread on concrete
floor. We then got a load of corn& this evng husked three
hours. Rec’d card Mariam.
October 20, Saturday — High Point showing first snow
fringe of season AM – cool, cloudy early but faired away,
winds northerly. Glorious clear moonlight night but quite
Daisy & I dug out potatoes AM. After dinner we
finished husking off load corn. Then with Cornelia’s help
picked up the potatoes 28 bu., hauled them to Aunt
Cornelia’s cellar door, then Cornelia & I went over and
got a load corn by moonlight. Daisy & I husked off 8
stouts evng.
October 21, Sunday — Moderated – unsettled – still
—heavy rain showers PM. Thunder shower late evng with
Was busy all morning getting up with lagging chores
etc. Mother, Aunt Cornelia, Daisy, and Cornelia attended
service PM. Tired out I remained home and rested a bit.
Donald went back to Oneonta this PM after coming home
yesterday PM.
October 22, Monday — Cloudy, unsettled, warm. Light
showers around mid day.
Daisy and I finished digging out potatoes below the
wall. This afternoon I attended a petty larceny jury trial
suit at Claude Bell’s garage. The people versus Game
Protector Louis Weed
Jones — Mrs Urilla C. Jones, 89 of Stone
Ridge died Oct. 22. Interment in Bushkill cemetery, Oct
October 23, Tuesday — Mostly cloudy, mild, light
northerly winds, clearing evng.
Had Marvin VanDemark resume our unfinished
digging of water line ditch to well. Daisy and I finished
husking off load corn this AM. This afternoon we picked
up the last digging of potatoes yesterday. Also drawed
over load corn and husked over 3 hours tonight. Rec’d
card Mariam.
October 24, Wednesday — Gorgeous clear warm day.
Marvin VanDemark worked at the water line ditch.
Finished husking off load corn AM Picked up and carried
down in Aunt Cornelia’s cellar the potatoes we brought
up Saturday. Had to dump them out of the bags to dry due
to getting wet. We drawed another load corn and husked
most of it tonight.
October 25, Thursday — Gorgeous clear warm day.
Marvin VanDemark finished water line ditch and went
to work digging between barn and milk house to connect
on old ram pipe line. Rec’d letter from Mariam. Daisy & I
took over cart load manure and brought back sweet corn
stalks. This afternoon Mother, Daisy and I attended burial
services of Mrs Urilla Crispell Jones at Bushkill
cemetery. We drawed over a load corn
after and husked most of it tonight.
October 26, Friday — Arrived cloudy, threatening, set in
rainy about 9:30 and continued till along mid afternoon.
Became windy and somewhat colder.
Marvin VanDemark worked AM — finished water
ditch by milk house, helped me get a big load corn & then
husked till noon. Daisy & I husked all afternoon and
finished the load after supper. Rec’d letter from Mariam.
October 27, Saturday — Fair and pleasant this morning
with northerly winds but became overcast. Drab October
Had Marvin VanDemark open the ditch along Aunt
Cornelia’s garden also the long ditch further over in the
pasture. Daisy and I took over cart load manure and
spread on the potato patch behind old barn, which I
ploughed PM. Daisy and Cornelia cleaned up the last
apple picking. We drawed over 13 stouts corn and this
evng husked it off.
October 28, Sunday — A real touch of winter, raw, cold
blustery snow squally day.
Attended church service PM which is the final for the
October 29, Monday — Filmore Bell died 5 AM.
A rough day, strong south westerly winds, mostly
cloudy, rain squally evng.
This AM I harrowed and sowed with wheat lower half
of patch behind old barn. This afternoon I ploughed and
sowed the old Hinkley garden along wall with wheat.
Brought over the last 6 stouts of field corn and Daisy and
I finished our seasons husking tonight . Daisy busy taking
up plants and putting in cellar.
October 30, Tuesday — Rather sour windy day, partly
Packed and sent a Halloween box to Mariam. Started
making a form for concrete base for electric pumping
outfit in cellar. Edwin Gessner came this PM and looked
over the job for an estimate.
October 31, Wednesday — Part cloudy, south westerly
winds, rather raw.
Daisy and I made broken stone and cement base in
cellar for electric pump and tank. Quite a big days job.
Mother and Aunt Cornelia attended Ladies Aid at church.
Frank Whittier completed the painting in white of church,
parsonage and barn.
November 1, Thursday — Arrived rainy, continued more
or less during forenoon. Clearing PM, colder and windy.
Wittenberg range freshly snow capped.
Mother, Daisy and I attended funeral of Filmore Bell
at his home at 2 o’clock. Mother played and I helped with
singing by request, also was a bearer. Burial on their sand
hill farm cemetery. Deer season opens. Mrs Della North
widow of Ratty North presented me with a horse whip
used by Martin Gulnac when a stage driver.
November 2, Friday — Snow squally, sour, blustery day.
Worked in cellar AM. This afternoon after drawing out
manure, went and got a load of sand at Freeman Avery’s
on Watson Hollow road. Rec’d letter Mariam. Wrote
Freeman copy evng.
November 3, Saturday — Hardest freeze up last night of
season. Lovely day warmer. Fresh south westerly winds
developed strong evng.
Drawed over 2 loads hay AM for horses in Aunt
Cornelia’s barn. This afternoon Daisy and I gathered a big
load leaves near the road in upper Hinkley woods where
dear old Pa and I used to gather them. Home and tired
evng. William Burgher husband of Leola Bell formerly of
Maltby Hollow road now living in Kingston died this AM
as result of explosion yesterday AM at Port Ewen powder
plant. Another man David Kidd instantly killed.
November 4, Sunday — Warm heavy downpour from
early morning till mid afternoon, clearing, south westerly
winds and continued warm.
Wrote news and Star copies. Went up to Maple Dell and
saw two small black bear killed by Ed Avery and Jesse
Burgher. Took a run up to Mart Every’s PM. Aarsten
VanWagenen and Richard Craver of Kingston took
supper with us.
November 5, Monday — Continued mild , fair southerly
westerly winds. Indian summer..
I got after a delayed job , made concrete walls around
water top pipe in barn. All days job.
November 6, Tuesday — Cloudy set in rainy and windy,
cleared evng.
Served as Republican clerk on Board of Election,
finished 1 PM — 362 ballots cast. Herbert H Lehman
Dem re-elected by tremendous plurality of 24,000. Pratt
Boice, my old school mate now 3rd term supervisor town
of Ulster defeated Arthur Rice. Dem. running for reelection County Treasurer by Rice carried town of Olive
by 44.
November 7, Wednesday — Rain squally during day &
evng. Westerly winds, mostly cloudy.
Daisy and I went to Kingston. I reported at 2 PM for
reconvening of County Court from September. Adjourned
till 10 o’clock Nov.13. Daisy had dental filling done by
Dr. Henry $5.00.
November 8, Thursday — Unsettled, mostly cloudy —
squally –Wittenbergs freshly snow capped this morning.
Daisy and I pulled the cabbage in garden & got it
under cover. I put the finishing touches digging out the
water line ditches. Late PM we got the turnips in a big
double wagon box load from sweet corn stubble behind
Hinkley barn. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
November 9, Friday — Clear crispy air with raw north
easterly winds. Freezing hard tonight.
Got in a delayed job. Plowed and seeded with rye the
cropped turnip strip behind Hinkley barn, about 2/3 bu
November 10, Saturday — Unsettled part cloudy, squirt
of rain evng. Not so raw as yesterday.
Edwin Gessner
installed a Myers 909A electric pump 340 gal per hour
capacity and 120 gallon galvanized pressure tank on
concrete base in cellar. Suction line from well is 1 inch,
brass in well; copper to pump, also laying 3/4 in. copper
line back to well for future hook up to Aunt Cornelia’s
cellar. Hook up made from old ram line to milk house.
Don is home for deer hunt with another college boy.
November 11, Sunday — Continues moderately mild and
unsettled fair.
Judge Winchell and Charley Langer called PM. A
beautiful 10 point buck deer was shot this morning on
Hilderbrant property by Al Brueckner of South
November 12, Monday — Raw blustery day, mostly
cloudy, snow flurries, mountains white this AM.
Helped Edwin Gessner complete making the water line
hook up from well and have running water available in
faucets tonight. Due to a pick punctured elbow in the old
line leading to Aunt Cornelia’s had to shut off the water
for her house. The new Myers pump works complete.
November 13, Tuesday ----A miserable wet driving
snowy day, set in storming during forenoon, stopped at
County court re-convened 10 o’clock, adjourned at 12
for the day. Daisy went with me to Kingston and had
more dental work at Dr. Henry’s $6.00. Ed Gessner and
his helper William Beesmer completed the water
November 14, Wednesday ---- Clear and cold, northerly
winds. Ground white this AM with yesterday’s snow. The
cold snap is general all up and down the Atlantic coast.
Went to Kingston on jury. Court adjourned at noon till
next Monday 2 PM .By request sang at funeral of Ed
Quick of Atwood at Tongore church 2 PM. Have Teddy
North laying stone cellar bottom. Aunt Cornelia’s
chimney burned out evng.
November 15, Thursday — Last day of deer hunting
season. Wintry night thermometer down to 16 degrees
this AM,. fair moderating, westerly winds.
I helped Teddy North laying cellar bottom, finished
with all available flagging stone, have the south side half
nearly covered. Mrs E.E.Henry and Mrs E.S. Fetter of
Kingston here & spent the day.
November 16, Friday — Quite like Indian summer, fair
easterly winds.
Put down cement floor in north end half of cellar.
Teddy North and Marvin VanDemark helping, using town
cement mixer. Used 20 bags cement, sand and gravel 6 —
1 mix. Daisy pulled cart load turnips below wall. Mrs
(Aunt) Carrie Ennist of Middleport, NY fell down back
stairs at home of her daughter Mrs Winfred Bennett and
broke her neck.
November 17, Saturday — Delightful Indian summer day,
fair, light winds. Glorious warm moonlight evng.
Teddy North came this AM and floated down cement
cellar bottom, 3 hours. Kept busy patching up with
cement and cleaning up yard from cellar work. Pulled last
of turnips below wall, a big cart load. Daisy and I also got
load leaves under the hill. Sold my saw mill to Charles
Dulaff of Boiceville for $325.00 cash.
November 18, Sunday — Another warm day, hazy, partly
cloudy, breezy evng.
Used the warm weather to finish filling in water line
ditches and needed chores. During the afternoon I went up
to Willis Eckerts and in keeping with promise he
presented me with his father’s greatly prized single barrel
muzzle loading smooth bore gun, with extra grooved rifle
barrel. I appreciate this gift greatly. Wrote news and Star
copies evng.
November 19, Monday — Continued mild. Rainy this
morning, cleared and breezy.
Went to Kingston. Had front tooth re-filled at Dr.
Chipp’s $3.00. Radio repaired $2.00 Reported for jury
duty 2 o’clock, court adjourned till Wednesday 2 o’clock.
November 20, Tuesday — Continued warm, showers
during forenoon, unsettled, rainy again tonight.
There is great unrest among residents of the
neighborhood . Egbert VanKleecks barn burned this AM
about 8 o’clock just after he had milked the cow with all
its contents. Various attempts had been made last evng
and this AM to burn their house and small out buildings
before the barn was torched off by an unknown hand..
Mrs Moore, Genevieve, and Edith came to supper. Ed and
Anna Every also came and spent the evng. Busy around
home at various odd jobs including cement patching in
cellar. Rec’d letter Mariam.
November 21, Wednesday — Rainy mussy all day and
Reported for jury duty 2 PM at Kingston and was
drawn on case to be resumed tomorrow 10 o’clock. The
group of Industrial Home boys making their home at Mrs
Egbert VanKleecks taken into custody yesterday,
examined today at Kingston by police and welfare agent.
November 22, Thursday — Continued foggy, gloomy,
warm, misty. Brisk south west winds evng. & partly
Finished jury duty, abandonment case started yesterday
was settled this AM.
November 23, Friday _-- The same brand of mussy
weather southerly west winds.
Worked around home at odd jobs. Barn and dairy
inspectors here this AM. Charley Dulaff is removing the
saw mill. Cornelia and I attended Sunday school turkey
supper evng. Crowd rather slim on acct. of rainy weather.
November 24, Saturday — Colder, brisk, northerly winds,
clearing this morning.
Busied myself most of the day getting things back in
shape in cellar and finishing cement patching flag part of
bottom.. Turkey raffle tonight to Bill Gadman’s. I didn’t
go out.
November 25, Sunday — Clear, freeze up last night,
southerly winds — raw snowy air.
Around home all day, busy with chores etc. Wrote
news Star and Freeman copies evng. Mr and Mrs Robert
Stoutenburgh of Woodstock called PM. Cornelia attended
the morning Sunday school session.
November 26, Monday — 16 above zero this AM. Raw
snowy air, became overcast and gloomy PM, light
southerly winds.
I dug out in front of barn door for putting down a
concrete front block. During the PM Daisy and I brought
over the winter apples from Hinkley house and put down
cellar. We also got small load bedding leaves. Charles
Dulaff completed moving the saw mill. Four men with a
truck moved the boiler. Looks lonesome down there.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
November 27, Tuesday — Cold, murky, drizzly, rainy day
and evng.
Busy at odd jobs. Packed and mailed Mariam
Thanksgiving box. Sherman Brothers of Kerhonkson
came PM and made some electrical wiring changes in
barn, including new snap switch for granary and putting
light under west end barn addition with snap switch.
Rec’d newspaper item today that Mrs Carried Ennist 80 ,
of Middleport NY had fallen down stairs at home of her
daughter Mrs Winifred Bennett and broke her neck on
November 16th.
November 28, Wednesday — Another miserable foggy,
drizzly rainy day and evng.
Principal job of the day, made 15 gal keg of sauerkraut.
Edwin Gessner & his helpers came PM, put up new
smoke pipe on her heater & new stove pipe in kitchen
also soldered new strip of zinc on our kitchen sink.
Cornelia & I attended I.O.O.F. annual oyster supper
tonight at Olive Bridge.
November 29, Thursday — Continued foggy, drizzly and
more or less rainy day and evng. Very, very foggy tonight.
Between showers made form for concrete entrance
block in front of barn door. Willie Eckert was our guest to
Thanksgiving supper & spent the evening. Aunt Cornelia,
Donald and Edna Gessner also dined with us. I later took
Willie home and found the fog unusually heavy.
November 30, Friday — Continued muggy, foggy, rainy,
heavy downpours during the afternoon and evening.
Water running everywhere. Driving southerly wind PM &
evng. Rain bound except doing chores and odd repair jobs
Mother and Aunt Cornelia attended after Thanksgiving
Ladies Aid quilting at church. Sold the old burned saw
mill planer to a party from Windham for $5.00.
December 1, Saturday — Stormy night and forenoon with
heavy driving deluge from the south. Clearing gradually
PM with frequent showers. Warm, muggy – cooler
slightly evng.
Lawns are showing a luxuriant green like bursting
spring. Third anniversary of the sudden death of James
McMillian at Brodhead. Finished getting out Freeman
news copy AM. Noontime drove up to Bushkill bridge to
see the high water which is readily kept under control by
the channel dredging work. Got started putting in concrete
block in front of barn door.
December 2, Sunday — Nice bright day mild., fresh
westerly winds, part cloudy, colder cloudy blustery evng.
At home busy at chores etc around barn. Charley
Langer and Henry Winchell called PM. I let Langer take
Davis Eckerts rifle and extra barrel for re- conditioning.
December 3, Monday — Another storm brewing. Arrived
cloudy, faired and became overcast PM, raw air, set in
rainy from south west evng with driving wind.
Finished making concrete block by barn door. Wrote
letter and sent box to Mariam. Daisy and I drawed out two
accumulated cart loads manure PM & got leaves for
horses bedding. Wrote Freeman copy evng. A daughter 6
½ lbs. Their first born to Mr and Mrs Herschel Geyer at
Benedictine Hospital. Harold Trowbridge and Blanche
Palen married evng by Rev. Lockett at Olive Bridge
December 4, Tuesday — Foggy this morning. Part cloudy,
westerly winds. Became overcast toward evng,
moderately mild.
I cross marked the concrete block in front of barn door.
Removed form and filled in around it with dirt and
cement patching. My esteemed friend Hon. John E Craft
81, died yesterday morning at his home 177 Fair St
Kingston, having been confined to house for two weeks.
A member of Kingston Lodge # 10, since 1876. He was
the originator of 3 rd degree work in its present form, and
acknowledged a most distinguished craftsman.
December 5, Wednesday — Partly cloudy, westerly to
north winds, continues moderately mild, raw air and
Drawed out manure AM and got cart load dirt for
packing around cement barn door block. Went to
Kingston, attended funeral of Hon. John E Craft at St.
Johns Episcopal church and interment in Wyltwyck
cemetery where Masonic services were impressive by
Kingston Lodge # 10. Afterward visited Montrepose
cemetery. Then headed for Wallkill, had supper with
Charley Langer and viewed his antique gun museum etc.
Arrived back home 12:45 night.
December 6, Thursday — Continued unsettled, part and
mostly cloudy – raw westerly winds, cleared evng and
Edwin Gessner came this AM and put up gutter along
new end of barn, cost $5.70. This PM Daisy and I got cart
load dirt for filling in on water line ditch, then went after
big wagon load leaves in upper Hinkley woods. Aarsten
Van Wagenen and Arthur Kurtznocker a Kingston High
School history teacher called evng. Rec’d letter Mariam.
December 7, Friday — Coldest day of season, well below
freezing all day. Fair AM, mostly cloudy with raw
northerly east wind PM.
This AM I put up frame for banking north & west end
of house. PM Daisy and I unloaded manure & got 2 cart
loads dirt & dumped on water line ditch by house. We got
wagon load leaves under hill for house banking. Harry
Fenney 66, of Boiceville found dead in bed late this
afternoon. Mrs Asa Beesmer found dead in bed this AM
by her husband.
December 8, Saturday — 6 above zero this AM. Clear
raw, cold day and northerly biting wind.
Aside from chores had an all days job getting ready and
butchering a pig with Daisy’s and Cornelia’s assistance.
December 9, Sunday — Clear and cold, 2 above zero this
AM by our two kitchen porch thermometers, light but
biting winds.
Busy with usual chores etc. Daisy and I moved the
turnips from the barn down cellar. Charley Langer and
Henry Winchell called PM, bringing back my old double
barrel muzzle loading shot gun with barrels locks etc. Refinished also Davis Eckerts single rifle and extra barrel,
re-cleaned etc.. Excellent skating on ponds.
December 10, Monday — Continued biting cold — fair
AM becoming partly overcast PM. Light raw southerly
wind, cleared evng.
Wrote to Mariam this AM and enclosed check $15.00.
PM Daisy and I moved a load of hay over to Aunt
Cornelia’s barn for horses —Drawed out manure, also
gathered a big load leaves in upper Hinkley woods. Wrote
Star & Freeman copyies evng.
December 11, Tuesday — No let up in the cold snap
which is reported affecting much of the country. Fair
biting northerly winds.
Finished banking the house this AM with leaves
gathered yesterday PM. We got another load leaves along
the back Hinkley woods cross road.. Harry Fenney funeral
held at noon, Shokan Old School Baptist church. His
remains were the first to be deposited in the new Tongore
cemetery vault. Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
December 12, Wednesday — There came a break in the
weather today. Temperatures moderated above freezing.
Fair, becoming overcast evening with raw south west
winds and snow flurries.
Busy at chores etc AM. This afternoon Daisy and I
gathered a big load leaves from upper Hinkley woods.
December 13, Thursday — A light snow storm this
afternoon with the sun shining thru the clouds. Partly
clearing evng with northerly winds & slightly colder.
Busy with usual chores and drawed out manure AM.
Daisy and I gathered a fine big wagon load of leaves PM
from upper Hinkley woods. Aarsten VanWagenen and
Richard Craver had supper with us and later Cornelia and
Louise Thompson went skating with them on
Gildersleeves pond. Wrote Freeman copy tonight and sent
to Kingston with Aarsten.
December 14, Friday — Blustery, raw, part cloudy. Heavy
snow flurries PM.
I went to Ashokan. Paid a visit to the office of Dr.
Hans J Cohn, new Shokan physician and had him
examine my consistently sore hand and apply a treatment
of Nitrate of Silver and a white salve, after opening with
probe etc. Called on Aunt Julia and had lunch. Went to
cemetery on way home and put blanket of evergreen
boughs on Little Honeys grave.
December 15, Saturday — Thermometer 10 above AM.
Clear a bit crispy, moderate northerly winds, became
mostly overcast toward evng..
I helped with Charley Hesley replace broken parts in
the partnership stalk cutter at John Jordans. Let Ben
Burgher use my Ford sawing rig to saw wood for his
December 16, Sunday — Freezing rain this AM,
moderated, cloudy, quiet.
Busy at usual chores etc. Around home — took walk
in woods PM. Miss Merrill came and had supper with us.
Wrote up Star and news copies evng.
December 17, Monday —
Boice Cora J died Friday
December 14 at Harrisonburg Virginia.
The funeral of Cora J Boice will be held from the
residence of D.N. Mathews, 207 Pearl St, on Monday
December 17, at 2 PM with interment at Woodstock, NY
Friends invited.
Cloudy forenoon, clearing PM, northerly winds,
glorious moonlight night and somewhat colder. Daisy and
I drawed out cart load manure AM & got leaves for
horses. PM we gathered a double wagon box load over in
Hinkley woods. Wrote Freeman copy tonight and finished
copies for Star and news. Rec’d card Mariam.
December 18, Tuesday — Clear, still lightly overcast
tonight with large circle around the nearing full moon —
thawing during day.
Daisy and I gathered two wagon loads from Hinkley
woods. This evening I went to Shokan and had hand
treated with Nitrate of Silver solution at office of Dr.
Cohn $2.00.
December 19, Wednesday — A miserable day. Snowing
and sleety turned into a heavy rain all afternoon & early
evng, slippery traveling.
Took Mother & Aunt Cornelia to Ladies Aid at
church & brought them home. Rec’d letter Mariam. This
eveng I went with Clayton Burgher to Kingston attending
annual meeting Mt Horeb Chapter #75. Clayton appointed
to office of Royal Arch captain.
December 20, Thursday — OUR 24TH WEDDING
Very blustery, snow squally on mountains, part cloudy.
Quieted down, pleasant evening, full moon.
Drawed out manure and got stalk cutter from John
Jordans AM. PM Daisy and I got big cart load leaves for
horse stable. Cornelia & I attended Olive Rebekahs
annual Christmas party.
December 21, Friday — Fair – mild – hazy evng, with
moon showing thru, southerly wind.
Charley Hesley helped cut our corn stalks, using the
old Ford for power. Don and Bob came home PM for
Christmas. Wrote batch cards evng. Mariam called up at
10:30 evng from New York, saying she & Bob Longyear
would be up tomorrow PM weather permitting, just for
over night.
December 22, Saturday — Snowy AM — about 1 in fall –
still - gloomy threatening PM. Broke away evng – raw
Wrote Freeman news copy AM. Busy with chores etc
PM. Mariam and Bob Longyear arrived around 5:30, after
having supper we attended school house Christmas
entertainment. All spent the later evening pleasantly
together with Aunt Cornelia, Mother, Bob, Sam
Cassalina, Don and Edna Gessner. Gave Mariam a check
$7.65. (Freeman)
December 23, Sunday — A still dark gloomy day.
Thermometer 14 degrees this AM, moderating some
Mariam and Bob had an early breakfast and left for
new York at 5:45. At home all day, lonesome. Aartsen
VanWagenen & Dick Craver here for supper. Kay went
skating with them to High Point Camp pond. Pretty well
completed news and Star copies.
December 24, Monday — Pleasant bright day, fresh
northerly winds, became overcast evng & still.
Aside form chores was busy putting up horse stable
side partition in barn to make room for two horses..
Cornelia and Bob attended the Sunday school Christmas
party tonight.
December 25, Tuesday – A Christmas snow storm, set in
a bout 8:30 & continued till afternoon, followed by
freezing mist.
Wrote Freeman copy AM — during PM I went over
for a call on Henry Winchell. We had a lovely baked
chicken supper. Donald & Edna Gessner and Aunt
Cornelia were present & spent the evng. This is for me a
lonely lonesome Christmas.
December 26, Wednesday — A rough day – set in
snowing AM – turned to sleet& then heavy driving rain.
Broke noon time, squally, PM rain to snow. Colder
tonight strong winds shifting to north.
This afternoon I drawed out big cart load manure
(covering Aunt Cornelia’s big field close by) Then got out
wood sled and drawed several maple drags on our wood
pile for sawing up in night wood. Dick Bell of Arkville
came to see me for making arrangements of Asa’s funeral.
He died last evng at his brothers, who has cared for him
the past 4 months.
December 27, Thursday — Cold wave 6 above zero. Very
windy night, moderated but blowing all day from north.
Raw cold day, clear, quieted at evng.
Wind blew most of the sheet roofing from north side
Chas. Hesley’s barn. Funeral of Asa Bell held in Baptist
church 1 o’clock. Mother played & I helped with singing
–Burial in Bushkill cemetery.
December 28, Friday — Reservoir frozen over this
morning. Clear becoming overcast at evng, chill raw air,
light winds.
Got out Freeman news copy AM. Rec’d letter from
Mariam. Ralph Longyear came down early PM with a
helper bringing truck load of coal ashes for cow stables.
We butchered the well fattened Guernsey cow which I
bought thru him last spring. He took a side back to sell for
me, also the hide. Cornelia and I went over to Judge
Winchell’s evng & I made out farm census test blank.
Took him part of front quarter.
December 29, Saturday — Murky, sleety, misty AM.
Turned blustery PM. Heavy snow squall early evng about
1 inch, clearing, high winds.
Drawed out manure AM. Daisy & I cross cut up some
night wood on wood pile & I split up the blocks, usual
barn chores filled up the day. Mr Jules Breuchand owner
of High Point Springs farm died yesterday at his home 40
east 83rd NYC. Mr Breuchand was 77 & had been in
failing health for sometime. He was a partner with
Winston and Company building the Ashokan reservoir.
December 30, Sunday — Clear – cold– wintry day, brisk
northerly winds. Heavy wind during night. Thin ice on
reservoir west basin again broken up. Went over to
Henry Winchell’s PM., also to Ashokan, called on
Chester Lyons & to Dr. Hans Cohen’s had another
treatment to hand. Bob Bishop returned to Hobart this
AM by train.
December 31, Monday — Coldest night of winter. Our
two porch thermometers registered zero and 2 above.
Clear – still- cold -- became overcast evng and the old
year passed out with snow falling heavily and wind
Busy at chores and odd jobs. Don and I repaired my
radio aerial wire, broken by wind. The year ends with
keen pangs of lonesome sadness welling up within me, as
three years ago our angel Little Honey girl Lillian was so
fatally ill to which our mortal eyes were blinded, added to
which is the recurring thoughts of my Dear old Father’s
death January 23rd.
I know!– I know!– She is not dead!
She walks beside me everyday;
At night she guides my halting words
What time I kneel to pray.
Her voice comes drifting from afar
Like bells that phantoms gently ring,
And all about my room it leaves
The holiness of spring.
I know!-- I know!-- She is not dead!
For when my heart cried out in pain,
In her dear hands she took my head ...
Nor shall I cry again!
Aunt Cornelia Bishop died Sunday August 18th–
at 11:30 PM standard time. Funeral held 2:00 PM
daylight time at the house on Wednesday August 21st.
Aged 78 years, 3 months, 15 days.
Delancy N. Mathews died Oct. 3rd– 1935.
Golden VanBenschoten died Oct. 25th– 1935.
Sheppard Bell died Oct. 26th – 1935.
Egbert Boice died November 7, 1935 and death of Case
Boice November7
Two West Shokan Men held For Grand Jury
January 17, 1935
Two West Shokan young men were arrested Wednesday
night by Troopers Nolan and Dunn, charged with having
entered the barn of Elwyn Davis on Monday and taken
some meat from a side of beef which hung there. They are
Samuel Cassalina, 21 and Raymond Kelder, 14 both of
West Shokan. Justice Fred L Weidner, before whom they
were arraigned on charges of burglary in the third degree,
held them for appearance before the grand jury and they
were brought to the Ulster county jail.
Placed On Parole
March 28, 1935
Samuel Cassalina, 22 said he was born in Huntington
N.Y. and this was his first conviction. He pleaded guilty
to burglary, third degree and was sentenced to Dannemora
prison for a term of from 1 ½ to 4 years at hard labor.
Judge Russell suspended sentence and directed that a
report that at least once a month be made to the probation
officer for a year.
Raymond Kelder of the town of Olive charged with
burglary, third degree and unlawful entry, pleaded guilty
and will be sentenced Thursday. He allegedly went into a
barn and took some meat last January 14.
April 18, 1935 — Raymond Kelder 24, of the town of
Olive charged with burglary third degree and unlawful
entry, also was given a suspended sentence ( in Elmira
Reformatory) he was arrested last winter for the theft of
some meat from a barn in the town of Olive.
January 1, Tuesday— Pratt Boice took over the office of
County Treasurer to which he was elected November 6th.
Nine inch snow fall, which began midnight and
continued till near noon— Part breaking away PM,
blustery. Mild enough to hold snow from blowing much.
Listened to second inaugural of Governor Herbert H
Lehman. Sent out Catskill Mt. Star Ulster County news
and Freeman news copies. Town snow plow opened our
road PM. For me this a lonesome and sad New Years.
Three years ago our darling Honey Girl Lillian was fatally
ill and we just blindly did nothing.
January 2, Wednesday— Windy night and clear bright
blustery day, quieting down at evening. Our adored
Honey Baby Lillian Ellen died 3 years ago tonight at
11:20. For us a sad regretful anniversary. Rec’d nice letter
from Mariam. She is now on night duty at Sloans
Maternity Hospital, Medical Center, New York City. Don
started for Oneonta but due to icy road and snow drift
below Phoenicia crashed in a telephone pole and smashed
front of his car. Trial of Bruno Hauptman accused
murderer of kidnaped Linbergh baby began at Flemington
January 3, Thursday— Clear- mild- strong westerly
winds. Snow blowing fierce this AM – cloudy evng.
Around noon I went with Don and Edna Gessner with her
car to Phoenicia– viewed his damaged car at Demings
garage. I went to Dr. Gross office and had a front and
back xray pictures of my bad hand. Later PM exercised
the horses by drawing up 2 dray loads slabs from mill.
January 4, Friday— Clear cold light northerly winds. Zero
this AM and tonight 11 o’clock 4 below. Drawed up
boiler slabs from mill. Rec’d check 77.50 from the
Prudence Co. A payment on $5000. church bonds interest
acct. of July 1933.Listened to presidents message at
opening of Congress noontime.
January 5, Saturday— 3rd anniversary of Little Honey’s
funeral. Coldest night of winter 8 below zero, porch
thermometer. Reservoir froze over solidly. Clear became
windy, strong from south west, overcast evng & having
much moderated. Drawed out manure and two big dray
loads slabs, old lumber etc, from saw mill. Attended
I.O.O.F. Lodge evng. Installation of officers by Dist
Deputy Chas R. Sickler & staff. Noble Grand Francis
Whispell, Vice Grand Grover C. Christiana, Warden
Alonzo Davis, Conductor Oscar Dudley, Sec. Harlow Mc
Clean, Fin. Sec. John Jordan, Treas. Geo. Bishop,
R.S.N.G. William Jordan, L.S.N.G. J.Gaylord Ayers,
R.D.V.S. Earl Christiana, L.S.V.S. Justus North, R.S.S.
Clifford Donahoe, L.S.S. Edw. Vankleeck, Inside Guard
William Shultis, Outside Guard Alton Markle, , Chaplain
Arthur E Trowbridge. Oyster stew and other refreshments.
January 6, Sunday— Mild– cloudy southerly snow cutting
winds, rainy evng. Have a miserable grippy cold & spent
most of the day indoors.
January 7, Monday— Continued mild– foggy murky AM
but faired away later. Feel pretty tough aside from doing
chores, kept indoors on cot. Wrote up News Star and
Freeman copy evng. Supreme Court Justice Russell rules
that $ 5,000,000 assessment on New York City reservoir
property in Olive is fair as fixed by board of assessors in
1929. The board then consisted of Martin J Every— Jas K
Dubois and Elijah Shurter. Sent Shokan dinner makings
to Mrs Hartmann.
January 8, Tuesday— Continued mild unsettled, mostly
cloudy– rainy evng. Feel somewhat better today, seem to
be weathering out my cold. Wrote Freeman news copy
AM. PM Daisy & I spread cart load manure & got load
fallen limb wood in woods. Mrs Moore, Genevieve, and
Edith came for supper also Aunt Cornelia came over. Sent
a box to Mariam.
January 9, Wednesday— Still murky, cloudy more or less
foggy. Set in raining toward evng. Spent the day getting
the Ford outfit ready for sawing wood . Rec’d letter
January 10, Thursday— PHOENICIA— Your
correspondent recently visited the Burgher cemetery
which was one of the new cemeteries opened when the
dead were removed from the graveyards in the water belt.
This cemetery is situated on a knoll in the Bushkill
section: town of Olive. On the east side as one steps down
off the knoll, they find a level stretch of land and in this
strip the graves of the unknown dead were laid. No one
would think there were so many graves unaccounted for.
There are six rows of graves with an average of fifty
bodies to a row. The stone markers running evenly along
speak a silent language to the passerby, asking, who are
these who once belonged to the activities of the old town
of Olive. Time had removed the markers and leveled the
mounds where they were first laid, while death severed
the other ties of descendants. Now they sleep in the graves
of the Unknown Dead.
Murky, foggy, dismal, mussy day. Moon shone thru evng.
Sawed the slab wood with Ray Kelder and Sam Casslina
helping. Have a fine pile probably 15 cords.
January 11, Friday— The dense fog cleared during the
night. Froze up this AM– partly cloudy, brisk north
westerly winds, snow squally on mountains PM. Thawing
& flurry early evng whitening ground. Old rivermen say
that the fog on the Hudson was the longest and heaviest in
their memory. Busy with chores and spl;itting wood.
January 12, Saturday— Reservoir again open. Blustery
cold, snow squally, mostly cloudy AM. Clear PM &
beautiful night, half moon. Busy with odd jobs, chores
etc. Drawed out cart manure, and then 3 loads slab wood
to Aunt Cornelia’s cellar. At home evng.
January 13, Sunday— Reservoir frozen. Cold raw day,
cloudy- still- set in snowing toward noon. Early PM went
over to Shokan & saw Dr Cohen in regard to xray pictures
of my hand. He recommends that I have the sinus opened
and infected portion of bone removed. Went to Ashokan
garage and looked over 1935 Chevy’s. Called on Aunt
Julia and returned home. Late this evng John Jordan while
making his rounds at barn had his rupture come out. Mort
Roe came down for me to get a Dr. Dr. Cohen responded
but found it necessary to take him at once to Benedictine
hospital, operation performed at 1:30 AM.
January 14, Monday— Artur Fero of Maybrook formerly
of Olive Bridge died at the home of Burt Masten,
Wallkill, Monday, aged 49 years. Surviving are one sister,
Mrs Margaret Reisinger of Huguenot NY, one niece, Mrs
Louis Cawein of Burnside NY. He was a member of the
I.O.O.F. of Olive Bridge and the Jr. O.U.A.M. of
Kripplebush. The furneral will be held at Tongore M.E.
church, Wednesday at 2 PM. Interment will be in Tongore
Cold blustery day, part cloudy, snow blowing. This
afternoon I took Mr and Mrs Morton Roe to Kingston to
see her father John Jordan, operated on last night at
Benedictine Hospital. Found him as favorable as can be
expected. Mrs Ward Buley of Olive Bridge, housekeeper
family at Dr Dumonds died early today at Benedictine
Hospital of Brights disease.
January 15, Tuesday— Near zero night. Fair AM
becoming overcast PM & had light snowfall. About home
all day. Drawed out & spread load manure. Last night
someone haggled out a big hunk from hind quarter of
frozen beef hanging in granary. I reported same by phone
to State Police at Phoenicia. Rec’d card from Mariam. Dr
Cohen came late PM to see Aunt Cornelia & prescribe
medicine. Local ice harvesting began.
January 16, Wednesday— Clear snowy cold air—
becoming overcast evng. Troopers Joe Dolan and Ray
Dunn came & had noon luncheon with their horses, in
regard to investigating the theft of my beef in the granary.
They returned this evening with their car and questioned
Sam Cassalina and Raymond Kelder obtaining a
confession. Took them before Judge Weidner and made
out papers of arraignment charging burglary in the 3rd
degree. Committed to Ulster County jail for appearance
before the Grand jury. I attended funeral this PM of
Arthur Fero 49 at Tongore church. Remains placed in
cemetery vault. I.O.O.F. delegation & Rebekahs attended.
January 17, Thursday— Set in snowing during night
turned to light rain PM then part cleared & blustery,
slightly colder. Fall of about 6 in. Town snow plow
opened road. Made out our farm census statistics blank.
Wrote Freeman copy AM.
January 18, Friday— Bright day not cold but high
northerly winds and snow blowing furiously. Gorgeous
moonlight evng, almost full. Wind letting down
somewhat tonight. At home all day. Too rough to be out
doors more than necessary. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
January 19, Saturday— Zero this AM. Thinly overcast
and still, more snow is the weather forecast— 8 above
zero midnight. Drawed out manure PM & drawed 2 dray
loads wood for Aunt Cornelia. Cleaned up a nest of
broken down apple tree limbs. Rec’d card Mariam.
Cornelia was sleigh riding tonight on Phil Dwyer’s hill.
January 20, Sunday— Another snow storm about 3 – 4
inches of heavy wet snow. Murky day and evng. Went up
and had a visit PM with Mart and Minnie Every at Traver
Hollow. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
January 21, Monday— Murky slushy day, hard rain this
AM, continued misty. At home all the dreary day. Rec’d
letter Mariam. Aartsen Van Wagenen and friend Bud
Haines of Kingston came for supper. Wrote news and Star
copy evng.
January 22, Tuesday— Cloudy, still, dreary, raw day &
evng. At home all day. Lauren Boice called this evng.
Cornelia is taking High School regents exams.
January 23, Wednesday— FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF
FATHERS DEATH. Cold, bleak, cloudy, set in snowing
and blowing PM. Drawed out manure & spread on garden
and doing chores AM. Took Mr and Mrs Morton Roe, &
Catherine & Sarah Florence to Kingston PM. Visited John
Jordan at Benedictine Hospital, is doing fine. Went to
sheriff’s office and had talk in regard to Ray Kelder and
Sam Cassalina.
January 24, Thursday— This section having but a fall of
perhaps 3 inches of snow was but light compared with
that of the Metropolitan District where the fall was 17
inches. Brisk winter weather, sunny and windy,
thermometer 2 below, zero tonight. Kept pretty close to
the warm fireside aside from doing chores.
January 25, Friday— 6 below zero this AM. Fair and still,
becoming overcast & set in snowy and blustery late evng.
Tax day, sitting at Colange’s store. John B Davis of
Krumville collector. Our tax is assessed val. $1600.--- $
23.20, Hinkley farm $600. Val $ 8.71. Tax rate $ 14.36
per thousand plus 1% fee.
January 26, Saturday— Fathers funeral a year ago today.
Somewhat moderated, partly cloudy, winds northerly.
Daisy and I got out load manure AM and spread on
garden. Butchered our
2 remaining June bought pigs this afternoon. Morton Roe
and Ernest Constable assisted. Don came down from
Oneonta and got his car from Demings Garage, Phoenicia.
Where it was repaired. Aartsen Van Wagenen & Dick
Craver came evng.
January 27, Sunday— 8 below zero this AM. Clear
northerly winds, biting snappy winter day. Temperature
continues low tonight. Cornelia and I went with Donald to
Phoenicia PM, called on Ralph Longyear.
January 28, Monday— Our kitchen porch post
thermometer registered 14 and 16 degrees below zero at
7:45 AM. Fair becoming overcast evng and somewhat
moderated. Wrote Freeman copy AM. This afternoon
Daisy and I drawed out cart load manure, also cut a beech
tree for firewood and hauled it on wood pile, for green
night wood. Wrote news and Star copies evng.
January 29, Tuesday— Cloudy, gloomy AM. Gradually
clearing PM and getting blustery. Mercury setting down
near zero tonight. At home all day. Cut up the hogs AM
for curing. Trooper Ray Dunn called PM.
January 30, Wednesday— 2 below zero this AM. Fair,
somewhat hazy, crispy winters day, still cold tonight
below zero. Mother attended the Ladies Aid. Busy with
chores etc. Daisy and I cross cut and split a top log on
woodpile PM. Went up and took Morton Roe a piece of
fresh pork. New Paltz Savings bank robbed this afternoon
by 5 bandits $18, 359. Gotten away with.
January 31, Thursday— 10 below zero this AM and 8
below at 11 PM. Fair, still, lovely mid winters day. Ralph
Longyear with a helper came PM & butchered the white
cow “Handsome Critter” taking the four quarters for
disposal in Phoenicia. Trooper Ray Dunn made a pleasant
call PM. Rec’d letter Mariam. Raymond Kelder was
bailed out of jail today $1500 security was reduced to
February 1, Friday— Early North A lifelong resident of
the town of Olive, died at his home in West Shokan on
Friday, February1, after a brief illness. He is survived by
five sons Albert of West Shokan, Gilbert and Elston of
Kingston and Justus and Earl of Shokan, two daughters
Mrs Ward Beesmer of Olive Bridge, and Mrs Walter
Hinkley of Kingston; 12 grandchildren and two great
grandchildren. Funeral services will be held in West
Shokan Baptist Church on Monday, February 4, at 1:30
PM. Interment in Bushkill cemetery at West Shokan.
10 below zero this AM and 10 above tonight. Fair quiet
day, somewhat overcast evng. I cut wood and sledded out
to woodpile a beech log leaning over watering hole in
Jacky brook. Mariam and I left for New York City two
years ago today for her entry as a student nurse in St
Lukes Hospital, Cornelia enjoyed the sleigh riding tonight
on Phil Dwyers hill. Early North was found dead in bed
this evening at his home. He had been ailing for some
time with his heart.
February 2, Saturday— Ground hog day with his shadow
available all day. Much moderated– still somewhat hazy.
Daisy and I got two dray loads top wood from woods AM
also spread cart load manure PM. We cross cut and split
some green furnace wood for Aunt Cornelia.
February 3, Sunday— Generally overcast and very
pleasantly mild and still. At home al day and feeling more
or less discontented. Wrote Freeman copy evng also
weekly Star and news items. Dr. Hans Cohen came PM to
see Aunt Cornelia also examined Daisy and gave her
February 4, Monday— Colder arrived cloudy snow
squally. Later cleared, easterly winds. Quiet evng &
mercury drawing down near zero. Mother & I attended the
funeral of Early North held at the Baptist church 1:30—
Mother played and Jennie Kerr and I sang. Rec’d letter
Mariam commenting poetically and otherwise upon her
second anniversary of entering St. Lukes. Rec’d telephone
call from Bob Knopp yesterday & early today I mailed
him a check for $3,000.00 for 6 months loan.
February 5, Tuesday— Cold near zero. Snowing lightly
with sun showing dimly through murky clouds. Cleared
later evng and thermometer reading minus zero. Around
home busy with chores and cross cutting on woodpile. Mr
and Mrs Martin J Every called PM.
February 6, Wednesday— Below zero this AM and
tonight. Clear, still, cold perfect mid winter day. We
packed and sent a food box to Mariam. Completed
Freeman news copy AM. PM Daisy & I spread load
manure and I delivered ½ cord dry slab wood to Mrs
Sarah Dwyer $1.00. Read the newspapers evng.
February 7, Thursday— 2 below zero this AM. Perfect
clear still winter day, moderated somewhat. At home
aside from chores. Daisy and I cross cut in stove lengths a
beech log on woodpile. This afternoon I split up blocks
and ranked the wood. Rec’d 6 months note from Robert
G. Knopp for $3,000 at 6 %interest dated yesterday.
February 8, Friday— Snowed along lightly throughout the
day and evng, still and mild about ½ in. fell. Busy as
usually with chores AM. Rec’d card Mariam. This
afternoon I went over to see Raymond Miller about
making a Ford rear wheel wood pulley, also went on and
made a call on Judge Winchell. The town has purchased a
new 7 ton caterpillar tractor with all steel snow plow
attachment and is now in service widening snow packed
side roads.
February 9, Saturday— Cloudy this AM– faired away
mild pleasant day with light northerly winds. At home
with chores etc. Aartsen Van Wagenen came for supper &
later took Cornelia to a party at Brodhead. Wrote Freeman
news copy evng.
February 10, Sunday— Fair mild— winds northerly.
Took a trip to Traver Hollow and had dinner and a
pleasant visit with Mart and Minnie Every.
February 11, Monday— Cloudy this morning but faired
away nice day, rather with northerly winds. At home as
usual with chores and odd jobs. Wrote news and Star
copies evng.
February 12, Tuesday— 2 below zero this AM. Fair
pleasant day, still. Daisy and I cut several firewood sticks
along upper fringe of lower woods. Rec’d letter Lute Bell.
February 13, Wednesday— Cloudy this AM cleared away
and again became overcast & partly cleared evng. Daisy
and I worked at our firewood cutting along with chores
AM. Drawed wood this afternoon to woodpile. Wrote
Freeman copy evng. The world famous Hauptman murder
trial at Flemmington N.J. came to a close today running
40 days with 31 court sessions. The case went to the jury
this AM at 11:15. Verdict was delivered tonight at 10:30.
Bruno Richard Hauptman has been found guilty of
murder in the first degree.
February 14, Thursday— A very slippery day of freezing
rain. At home as usual busy with chores AM. This PM
Daisy and I bagged up the potatoes we spread out last fall
in Aunt Cornelias cellar.
February 15,Friday— Everything a glare of ice & pools of
water. Cloudy and rain squalls, clearing during PM with
westerly winds. Thermometer 44 at midnight. Daisy and I
worked up firewood sticks on woodpile for sawing rig.
Rec’d card Mariam. Mr and Mrs Egbert Boice also Aunt
Cornelia spent the evening pleasantly with us.
February 16, Saturday— Cloudy, mild, ice melting and
water running. Daisy and I took out load manure and
spread on strip below wall. Brought over dray load of
bagged potatoes from Aunt Cornelia’s cellar and re-stored
in our cellar, for lower temperature better keeping. During
PM we worked up rest of our firewood logs on woodpile.
Rec’d lovely letter from Mariam. Mrs Moore, Genevieve,
Edith Allen and Miss Merrill here for supper and evng,
also Aunt Cornelia.
February 17, Sunday— Had a 3 ½ inch fall of wet packy
snow during night and this morning, continued murky all
afternoon but cleared gloriously evng– moon in its full
tomorrow. Egbert Van Kleeck died this AM 8:30 at his
home at Brodhead. He was 75 and had been failing about
a week. I went up to Mort Everys awhile PM.
February 18, Monday— Snow squally and blustery along
all day, cloudy. Wrote Freeman news copy AM. Busy
with usual routine of chores etc. Daisy and I cut a
firewood tree out along woods PM. Herman Weidner
called PM. Wrote Star and news copies evng. The U S
Supreme Court at noon handed down the much awaited
gold clause decision favoring the government. New Deal
monetary policy 5– 4.
February 19, Tuesday— Light snow fall during night—
continued cloudy & blustery, squally AM cleared noon
time. Lovely moonlight evng, colder. As usual busy with
chores, getting out manure & firewood. During later part
afternoon I called at the VanKleeck home at Brodhead.
Then went to Ashokan for hair cut and returned home for
February 20, Wednesday— Colder, generally fair, windy.
Snow squalls, very dense flurry noontime. Golden and
Leah Van Benschoten visited us today and had dinner. I
attended the house service and funeral of Egbert Van
Kleeck PM at Tongore church. Arthur Trowbridge and I
read the I.O.O.F. burial service. Remains placed in
cemetery vault.
February 21, Thursday—A bit crispy this AM. Cleared,
pleasant day— maple sap running, windy PM. Daisy and I
cut firewood along the shade fringing lower woods.
February 22, Friday— Fair raw cold air with southeasterly
winds. Became overcast late PM. Set in snowing late PM.
Daisy and I worked cutting along woods. Pretty tired
tonight, both of us.
February 23, Saturday— Stormy day— snow fell during
night with a light freezing rain during AM formed a
crust.. Snowed all afternoon making altogether a depth of
5 inches. Heavy traveling. Besides chores Daisy and I
drawed out a big cart load manure & hauled two sled
loads firewood sticks on woodpile. My 45th birthday.
Aunt Cornelia made my customary soft chocolate cake.
February 24, Sunday— Fair, mild, snow settling, still.
Commissioner Claude Bell ploughed out our entrance
road this AM. I went up to Traver Hollow PM & visited
with Mart and Minnie Every. Aartsen Van Wagenen &
Dick Craver came for supper. Catherine Roe was also
here & Cornelia spent the night with her.
February 25, Monday— Fair, mild, fresh south westerly
winds evng. Snow melting and water running. Daisy and I
kept the team going drawing firewood, cleaned up all we
had cut. Cornelia was examined after school for life
insurance at Kingston by Dr. Kenneth Le Fevre. Pearl H
Carey the Provident agent brought her home. I paid first
yearly premium $20.11 an endowment at 55 for $1,000.00
policy to be dated back to Dec. 27 to get rate at age 16.
Got out Star & news copys evng.
February 26, Tuesday— Rainy, chill, foggy morning.
Turning colder and windy PM— snowing late evng.
Daisy and I kept busy on woodpile after the rain stopped
working up firewood logs. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
N.Y. Supreme Court unanimously affirmed the Nov.15th
decision of Appellate Division ordering reinstatement of
ousted Republican County Supt of Highways James F
February 27, Wednesday— Had a young blizzard during
night, perhaps and inch of blowing snow fell. Fair bright
day, crisp northerly winds thermometer dropped to 10
above during night. Daisy and I cut firewood out along
border of woods.
February 28, Thursday— Blustery raw snow squally day,
part to mostly cloudy. Thermometer 10 above this AM.
Daisy and I took over big cart load manure AM. This PM
we drawed firewood, again cleaning up. Wrote Freeman
copy evng.
March 1, Friday— 10 above zero this AM. march came in
quiet, snow squally and cold but developed blustery
strong south winds PM. Feel grippy today. Daisy and I
worked up the firewood sticks on woodpile drawed
yesterday and then began cutting the dead peach trees,
killed from the effects of last winters unprecedented cold
weather. Out of 16— 18 bearing trees two thirds are dead.
March 2, Saturday— Mild part cloudy, strong south
westerly winds developed. Lovely warm clear evening.
Finished cutting our dead peach trees. Took out the
manure and drawed 2 dray loads dead wood and hemlock
branches cleaned out in grove.
March 3, Sunday– Bright sunny thawing day with brisk
northerly winds, crisp air. At home all day. Wrote Star
and news copy’s evening, also letter to Ray Dunn. Robert
K Story 80 who for seven years had lived secluded in
Watson Hollow vicinity died at home of Abel North at
Olive Bridge overseer of the poor.
March 4, Monday Sunny this morning but became
overcast and south westerly winds developed. Had
Marvin Van Demark cutting firewood for Aunt Cornelia.
Wrote Freeman copy evening.
March 5, Tuesday— Mild, cloudy strong variable south
westerly winds. Showers during PM. Bony Van Demark
& I cut firewood & under brush behind Aunt Cornelia’s
barn. This evening Judge Winchell and I went to Kingston
and attended the first banquet of Grand Jurors Assn. at
Stuyvesant Hotel. The Assn was formed last May. John
Davis of Shokan died at Orthman Sanitarium in Kingston.
March 6, Wednesday— Balmy spring day, partly cloudy,
hazy, brisk breeze at times. Bony Van De Mark and I
worked cutting firewood & cleaning up along woods as
yesterday. Have cleaned out most of the tangle of cat
briars. Prayer service was held this evening conducted by
Rev. O H Lockett of Olive Bridge.
March 7, Thursday— Raw cloudy still– set in snowing
early PM, continuing. Daisy and I spread big cart load
manure over on last years corn patch along wall in
orchard lot. Also drawed a few loads of firewood. Pearl H
Carey of Kingston Provident Mutual Life Insurance agent
delivered Cornelia’s $1,000. 39 year endowment policy
# 753520– annual premium $20.11– Policy dated
December 27th 1934.
January 7th 1854, several Olive veterans of
the War of 1812 met with John Bogart Davis to talk over
the matter of their forthcoming pension monies from the
state. Early residents of this section who served in the
second war with British were as follows: Casper Bell,
Henry H Bell, Joseph Bell, Daniel S. Brodhead, James
Burgher, Conrad I. Elemendorf, Andrew Every, Anthony
Hill, William H. Krom, Tobias Lane, William G. Lane,
Henry Shufelt, Charles Smith, Lewis Winchell, Tjerck
Traphagen, Benjamin Turner, Stephen Winchell, Jonas
Burgher, Abram D. Ladue, Van Gaasbeck Winchell,
Frederick Haver, Andrew U. Hill, John G. Eckert, Jacob I.
Coons, Moses Eckert, John I Smith and Peter H. Eckert.
March 8, Friday— 5" magnificent sap snow. Glorious
clear sunny day. Thawing but the atmosphere a bit crispy.
Cornelia didn’t go to school, acts like she has the grippe.
We drawed several dray loads firewood for Aunt
Cornelia. Ray Dunn and Ralph Longyear both called this
PM. and gave a helping hand. Don came from Oneonta
late PM. Rec’d 2 cards Mariam. She starts her final tour
of night duty at St Lukes. Funeral of John Davis at
Shokan Reformed church 2 PM.
March 9, Saturday— Real winter 6 above zero this AM.
Clear a bit hazy, raw snowy air. Daisy and I kept busy
most of the day drawing Aunt Cornelia’s firewood.
Cornelia is breaking out with the appearance of German
Measles, a malady generally prevalent all winter.
March 10, Sunday— Mild cloudy– rainy somewhat PM
with southwesterly winds. At home— Cornelia is
peppered with German Measles. Aartsen Van Wagenen
and Richaard Craver here for supper. I went up and
visited with Mart Every evening.
March 11, Monday— Mild and muddy, recent snow gone.
Cloudy– showers late PM and evening with southwesterly
winds. Busy at odd jobs AM fixed place for pigs in Aunt
Cornelia’s barn. Went to Kingston PM. Was called as a
witness before the Grand Jury in the Sam Cassalina and
Ray Kelder meat stealing case. Rec’d a fine bushel box of
tree ripened Florida oranges from Mr and Mrs Condon.
March 12, Tuesday— Cloudy muddy weather. Wet snow
started falling evening. Along with grist of daily chores I
handled over heap of slab wood on woodpile to make
more room for sawing. A goodly---- and tiresome job.
Wrote Freeman news evng. Anniversary of the big
blizzard of 1888.
March 13, Wednesday— Part cloudy– colder northerly
winds. An inch of snow last night which mostly melted
during the day. Got the Ford sawing rig set up on the
woodpile, saws filed and started sawing to try it out.
Using my new 5" endless canvas belt bought during mid
winter sale from Sears Roebuck.. Prayer meeting held
here tonight and a nice turnout present.
March 14, Thursday— Raw, cloudy, wet, squally day,
cleared evening. Froze up quite hard last night. Bony
VanDemark and Jack Henriksen helped saw wood. Had
the job almost finished when the pulley wheel stuck
March 15, Friday—Froze up last night hard– cloudy, set
in snowing this morning but stopped and cleared away,
becoming warmer. Daisy and I finished sawing up our
wood by ramming the old Ford with both rear wheels
jacked up. Drawed over the load manure after dinner. Pete
Crawford came up during PM and towed the Ford down
to his garage, found that right side axle shaft gear had run
hot and jammed. Pete brought me home after supper.
March 16, Saturday— Very warm— Thermometer on
porch past 70degrees. South westerly winds. Bony Van
DeMark and I split wood. Most too warm for working
comfort. Attended IOOF lodge evng and after called on
Pete Crawford.
March 17, Sunday— Continued mild. Rain squalls AM,
generally fair. High south westerly winds. Turning colder
evng, wind shifting northerly. Attended funeral 2 PM of
Mrs Francis Gulnac 77 at Baptist church. She was a
daughter of Aunt Betsy Crispell. Mother played and I
helped with the singing.
March 18, Monday— 18 degrees above zero this AM.
Froze up hard–fair light winds, southerly–gradually
moderating. I split wood all day alone. Wrote Star and
news copy’s evng.
March 19, Tuesday— Cloudy south westerly winds– light
rains PM. Busy with usual chores etc. split a little wood.
During the afternoon I went to Olive Bridge to see how
Pete Crawford is making out with the old Ford also
visited the cemetery and paid homage to Little Honey and
Grampy. Wrote Freeman copy evng. We wrote Mariam a
letter this AM enclosing $12.87 in checks for her spring
coat. Funeral of Francis Lane at Mt. Tremper church. He
died of pneumonia.
March 20, Wednesday— Clear a bit hazy– light northerly
winds. A beautiful warm spring like day. Got the hams
hung up and started smoking. Split some wood also AM..
This afternoon Daisy and I started ranking up wood along
chicken yard.
March21, Thursday— Drizzily rain fell during the
forenoon preceded by sleet. Cleared PM. Mountains hazy,
northerly winds became strong evng. Glorious moonlight
, mild.
Daisy and I ranked up firewood PM. Rec’d card Mariam.
March 22, Friday— Clear lovely warm day but high
northerly wind persisted during the night and all day,
quieting evng. The upper end of the reservoir cleared of
ice today with amazing rapidity.. Daisy and I ranked up
wood and I finished splitting. Ray Dunn came during PM
and we went down to Olive Bridge and visited both old
and new cemeteries. Ray had supper with us before
March 23, Saturday—Cloudy, faired away PM. First
thunder and lightening of season evng with dashes of rain.
Strong southwesterly wind evng, warm. Daisy, Cornelia
and I ranked up the small round wood. Took out big load
manure after dinner. I attended IOOF lodge evng.
March 24, Sunday— The high winds during the night
cleared the entire reservoir of ice except down near the
dam and dykes. Clear a bit crispy, northerly winds. Went
down to Pete Crawfords Garage AM and had adjustments
done to my car. During the P M Pete and Mrs Crawford
brought the old Ford home and Dr Dumond came along
for a call. Reuben Davis funeral held 2 PM at Wesylean
Methodist church, Chichester. Burial Mt. Tremper
Cemetery. He died Thursday. Funeral this PM of Ernest
Barringer 10 year old son of Mr and Mrs Irving Barringer
at Samsonville. The child died Thursday of Spinal
March 25, Monday— Fair, mild but with snow tinged
south wind, clear quiet evng.. Did a fine sawing job
cleaned up Aunt Cornelia’s wood pile. The old Ford
worked complete. Bony Van De Mark, Jack Hendricksen
and Ernie Constable helped. Wrote Star and news copy
March 26, Tuesday— Clear, froze up lighter last night,
crisp northerly winds, quiet evng. Bony Van De Mark and
I split and temporarily piled wood for Aunt Cornelia.
Wrote Freeman news copy evng also went up and called
on Mart and Minnie Every. Rec’d grand letter from
Mariam who is on night duty and having 29 patients.
March 27, Wednesday— Clear, light northerly winds–
mild. Drawed out load manure AM. Daisy and I piled
heavy wood in Aunt Cornelia’s barn PM.
March 28, Thursday— Cloudy, set in drizzling rain
becoming heavy during PM. Cleared evening with
moderate northerly winds. Daisy and I ranked up wood in
Aunt Cornelia’s barn AM. I filed both circle wood saws
PM and met Cornelia with car at the bus. Sam Casalina
was given a suspended sentence by supreme court justice
Russell 1 ½ tp 4 years in Dannamora prison and placed on
parole for 1 year. He had pleaded guilty to a grand jury
indictment of burglary in the 3rd degree and unlawful
March 29, Friday— Clear northerly winds. A reddish
brown haze is noted on the mountains evidently a tinge of
dust carried by winds from the great central western dust
storms. Became overcast evng. Daisy helped me finish
piling Aunt Cornelia’s wood this AM. She was feeling
miserable thought she had the grippe but this afternoon
she broke out peppered with German Measles. Don and
Bob came PM from Oneonta. Golden and Leah Van
Benschoten called PM and he helped me build a new
swing gate on Aunt Cornelia’s barn
March 30, Saturday--- Clear northerly winds not so hazy.
Drawed out manure AM. Don and I made a new slide gate
for pasture bars PM. Daisy had a miserable sick day with
her measles.
March 31, Sunday— Cloudy, sour, gloomy day– still,
clearing late evng. Daisy had a sick time with her
measles. She has her bed in the dining room and Cornelia
is sleeping beside her on the cot. I kept close at home all
day. Don and Bob went back to Oneonta tonight.
April 1, Monday— Another cloudy dreary day– light rains
PM. Started repairing chicken yard fence AM. Went
down to Pete Crawfords Garage PM and had Chevy hand
brakes re-lined. Wrote news and Star copy’s evng. Ray
Dunn called late evng. NY gasoline tax increased another
April 2, Tuesday— Mostly cloudy windy raw air. Drawed
out load manure this AM. Daisy is around again today.
I’m feeling all tired out achy and more or less lousy. Mrs
Sarah Barringer of Shokan 89, fell from the porch this
afternoon while walking about and suffered a broken right
hip and collar bone. Rec’d letter Mariam. Joker Burgher
of Hobart down for a few days, visited us this PM. Rec’d
letter Mariam
April 3, Wednesday— Snow squalls AM. Westerly
winds, clear still evng. I started repairing fence. Joker
Burgher gave me a lift PM & had supper with us. Rec’d
letter Mariam. I went with Clayton Burgher to Kingston
evng. Attended Mt Horeb Chapter R.A.M. Grand High
Priest Frank E. Woodroof of Brooklyn paid a formal visit.
Very interesting speaker. Chicken pie supper followed.
April 4, Thursday— Continued fair, light winds northerly,
cool. I’m feeling better today. Continued repairing pasture
fence. Rec’d letter Mariam. Mrs Sarah Barringer died
tonight at 10:30. She was a half sister to Uncle Jake
April 5, Friday— Cold, gloomy, set in a snowy wet day
and evng. Drawed out load manure, done chores etc AM.
Started addressing District Grand Comm. notice cards.
April 6, Saturday— Fair arrived sunny after the night
snow storm of about 1 inch. Raw cold snowy air, light
winds. Cornelia helped me repairing pasture fence. Set
new line of posts on lower side of patch behind barn. This
evng I went to Bearsville with Art Trowbridge attended
Past Grands Assoc.
April 7, Sunday— Clear raw chilly air and wind, hazy.
Attended funeral of Mrs Sarah Barringer 2 o”clock at
Shokan Reformed church. Interment in cemetery. Mr and
Mrs Condon and Betty Perry had supper and spent the
evng with us also Aunt Cornelia.
April 8, Monday— Cloudy raw day southwesterly winds.
Set in snowing hard from the south late evng. Went along
Hinkley woods pasture fence repairing AM. PM I drawed
load manure below the wall and then carted off stones
ready for re-ploughing. Wrote news and Freeman copys
evng. Ray Dunn called late evng.
April 9, Tuesday— Stormy night and a miserable cold
rough snowy and rainy day. Mountains snow covered and
lower levels in most sections. I went to Kingston on a
business shopping trip. Rec’d letter Mariam.
April 10, Wednesday— Mostly cloudy– northeasterly
winds, cleared evng and warmer. Wrote Freeman news
copy AM & daily card to Mariam. Repaired fence PM.
Went up to Maple Dell awhile evng. Cornelia attended
prayer meeting to Marshall Roosa’s
April 11, Thursday— Mostly cloudy– cool. Set in stormy
late evng. Daisy and I repaired chicken yard fence using
part new wire.
April 12, Friday— Ground white with snow this morning
which melted. A miserable cold snowy and rainy day &
evng. Wrote Freeman copy AM. Went to Phoenicia PM to
see Ralph Longyear. Don came down supper time.
April 13, Saturday— Continued rainy all day and early
evng. Snow fell on higher altitudes. Daisy and I cleaned
down cobwebs and sprayed cow stables PM. with lime
whitewash. Attended IOOF lodge evng. Rec’d letter
Mariam. Don left for New York PM.
April 14, Sunday— Mountains upper levels snow
covered. Mostly cloudy winds northerly, squally, warmer
tonight. Went up to Mart Evry’s PM. Wrote news and
Star copies evng.
April 15, Monday— Bright sunshine on snow clad
mountains but became cloudy, somewhat windy. Turned
colder PM with rain and then heavy blustery snow squalls
and cleared late evng and moonlight. Kept busy finishing
repairing chicken yard fence. Wrote Freeman news copy
April 16, Tuesday— Sunny awhile this morning but
became mostly cloudy. Strong northerly winds quieting.
Snow squally. Set in snowing hard evng. Ground white
11:30. Miserable winter like day. Busy at odd jobs around
Raymond Kelder of Olive was arraigned on a charge
of burglary, third degree, alleged to have been committed
on January 14, last. Kelder and another lad are charged
with having entered a building in Olive and removing
from a carcass of a recently killed cow a couple of juicy
tenderloin steaks. Kelder’s companion was previously
arraigned. Kelder entered a plea of guilty and he will be
sentenced Thursday afternoon at 2 o”clock. In the
meantime he will remain in custody of the sheriff.
Agents Seize Still On
Watson Hollow Road.
Agents from the Alcohol Tax Unit Bureau Internal
Revenue, on Monday night seized an alleged 100 gallon
applejack still in a one story shack on the Watson Hollow
road near West Shokan. The still was located in the cellar.
They also seized a quantity of alleged whiskey brandy and
cider. M. A. Eckert was held for arraignment before
Commissioner Connelly this afternoon.
April 17, Wednesday— Continued cold ,mostly cloudy,
blustery snow squally. Snow blanket disappeared this
morning, except on mountains. Snow is several inches
deep up the valley. Around home– Got out Freeman copy
AM also usual daily card to Mariam. Rec’d 2 cards from
her. Went to Ashokan station after a pair of Chester–
Yorkshire cross pigs by express from Chas Davis,
Concord Mass. $5 each– express 1.18–cod .33–$11.51
April 18, Thursday--- Continued cool, north winds, part
cloudy. Glorious clear night with beaming full moon.
Drawed out manure & spread below wall. Cornelia helped
me picking stone from orchard lot corn stubble. Wrote
Freeman copy evng.
April 19, Friday— Clear warmer northerly winds. Grand
moonlight night. Continued picking stone PM. Done
chores and sent Easter box to Mariam AM. Attended
annual meeting of IOOF District Grand Committee evng
at Garfield lodge Ulster Park. Frank C Miller of WS
Grant Lodge Gardiner elected District Deputy. I was
unanimously re-elected Secretary and Treasure. Rec’d
letter Lute bell.
April 20, Saturday--- Continued clear warm with
northerly winds, cool evng. Finished picking stone from
orchard lot corn stubble, oats ground. Daisy helped PM.
Attended IOOF lodge evng. One of the little pigs dead
this AM evidently had pneumonia. Visited reverently
Little Honey’s and Father’s graves at the cemetery after
lodge. One of the little pigs was dead in stable this AM.
Evidently had pneumonia thru shipping in cold weather.
April 21, Sunday— Fair, warm– winds northerly, became
part cloudy PM cleared evng, cool. At home all day. Can’t
touch a candle to the eggs I used to get away with on
Easter. Mr and mrs Oscar Dudley called for the evng.
Cornelia Took part in the Easter program at the chuurch
tonight. Donald came home late PM from weeks trip to
new york City.
April 22, Monday— Sun shone this morning but became
cloudy, sprinkles of rain PM, continued cool. I wrote up
Freeman copy during AM. This afternoon removed the
banking of leaves ffrom north side of house and cleaned
up gardens. Wrote Freeman copy again evng. Donald
returned to Oneonta PM. Aunt Cornelia is feeling
miserable and had Dr. Cohn come this AM.
April 23. Tuesday— Snow squalls on mountains– cool
northerly winds, generally fair. Started the cutaway
harrow going, harrowed both garden patches, strip below
wall AM. PM harrowed Hinkley lot corn stubble for oats.
Hard day, got a miserable jarring up. This evng drove my
car to Pete Crawfords and went with Arthur Trowbridge
to Kingston. Attended home coming of Dist Deputy
Roger Loughran at Kingston lodge # 10.
April 24, Wednesday— Generally fair, warmer, northerly
winds. Heavy cold cloud banks along mountains. Feel
pretty miserable sore and jarred up from yesterday. Daisy
and I took over cart load manure & spread AM. This
afternoon I got started plowing for oats. Cornelia & I
attended prayer meeting at maple Dell.
April 25, Thursday— Fair bright day, cool brisk northerly
winds, chilly evng. Disk harrowed AM. Ploughed PM.
April 26, Friday— Continued fair, hazy clouds, warm
fresh northerly to west winds, quiet warm evng. Finished
ploughing oats ground and rooted out the old stone row
ridge along the roadway. Loosened plenty of stones. Mrs
Moore, Genevieve and Edith Allen came for supper and
spent the evening. Rec’d fine letter from Mariam.
April 27, Saturday— Hot breezy summers day. Sunny but
part cloudy— cloudy evng, sprinkles of rain.
Thermometer 82 on kitchen porch past after sun
set.Cornelia & I put in a busy day drawing stone from oats
ground. Have that old stone hedge row looking like a
garden. Attended IoOF lodge evening. Celebrated
Founders Day. Visitors from Saugerties and Bearsville—
Served keg of beer, soft drinks and hot dogs.
April 28, Sunday— Continues summer weather, fair
purplish haze in atmosphere. Strong westerly winds
quieting at evng, cooler evng. Cornelia sick in bed all day,
presumably from being out in hot sun yesterday without a
hat. Mr and Mrs Pearl H Carey called PM. Wrote Star and
news copies. 11 PM listened to Franklin D Roosevelt’s 7th
Fireside chat radio nation wide broadcast.
April 29, Monday— Continued summery–Hazy becoming
overcast during PM. Thunder rumbling and lightening
flashes evng–southerly winds. Set in rainy. I went with
Egbert Boice to Accord with his new chevy truck & got
6175 lbs loose lime @ 2.50 ton and spread over the oats
ground, orchard lot. Also got 400 milk maker @ 1.90 &
100 growing mash @2.55 from Accord Farmers Coop.
April 30. Tuesday— Wonderful rain fell during night and
continued showers this morning. Turned cooler and windy
with blustery rain squalls during PM & evng. Set out
young fruit trees AM rec’d from Sears Roebuck & Co. 5
peaches, 5 apples & 1 apricot. PM I blasted and dug out
several tree stumps and rocks in old hedge row along oats
field. Wrote to Mariam. Cornelia didn’t feel well enough
to go to school.
May 1, Wednesday— Mr and Mrs Elijah Miller of
Krumville both died of pneumonia at their farm home.
Windy cool disagreeable day– Part cloudy, sunny, chilly
evng. Drawed manure over on oats ground. Done a big
days work alone. Cornelia went to school this AM.
Charles Hesley was taken to Kingston Hospital yesterday
for treatment to his long bothersome leg. Cornelia and I
attended prayer meeting tonight at Mrs Ray Wean’s.
May 2, Thursday— Cloudy. chilly, gloomy day. Squalls
on mountains PM. I handled 4 loads hog manure alone
and spread it on the oats ground. Wrote Freeman copy
May 3, Friday— Cloudy, raw, cold day with southeasterly
winds. Rainy noontime and another heavy shower supper
time. Sowed acid fertilizer over oats ground also gave it a
good disc harrowing, finished off the day by sowing
Hinkley garden and and lower half of patch behind old
barn with oats. Wheat seeding on these places last fall
winter killed. Took about 5 pecks oats. Went up to Mart
Every’s evng. Aunt Cornelia’s 78th birthday. Ladies Aid
remembered her with a lovely box of flowers.
May 4, Saturday— Rainy night and misty along this AM,
still cool cleared away evng. Repaired shoes a good share
of the day. Daisy and I re- cleaned 8 bushels of seed oats
thru old fanning mill. Don came PM. he is staying over
night at Gessners. His car was totally wrecked Wed evng
in Oneonta by another machine tearing across a stop
street. A friend of Don’s Ernest Buckhart of Roxbury had
borrowed his car to go a few blocks for ice cream. He was
very critically injured. Attended IOOF lodge meeting.
May 5, Sunday— Cloudy, cool, southerly winds. Set in
rainy during PM. went to Olive Bridge after Don who
stayed over night at Gessners. I went with Don to
Lexington with Chester Lyons who took him to meet the
college boy who brought him down & took him from
Lexington back to Oneonta. Don ordered a Master
Chevrolet model coupe to replace his wrecked car. Wrote
news and Star copies evng.
May 6, Monday— Cool continues unsettled. Partly faired
AM cloudy light rains PM and heavier showers evng.
Rec’d letters Mariam. Harrowed over oats ground AM.
This PM sowed scant 6 bushels oats, harrowed them in
and sowed the grass seed, also on the patches seeded with
oats Friday. Some big job. Double funeral of Mr & Mrs
Elijah Miller who died of pneumonia, held at 1o’clock
standard time at Krumville church.
May 7,Tuesday--- Rainy night and downpours til after
dinner, then let up to occasional light showers– cooler at
night. Went to Kingston early PM. Went to Pearl H
Carey’s, 108 Foxhall Ave, also Cornelia after school. Mr
Condon met us there and we left 4:45 to New York in his
Packard. Arrived at St Lukes Hosp. 6:45.. Attended
Mariam’s class graduation and reception after— Left for
Kingston shortly after midnight arriving at 2:30. Cornelia
stayed over at Carey’s & I came on home. Daisy attended
annual school meeting. Mrs Chas H Weidner
unanimously re-elected trustee. Fred Weidner clerk,
Albert North– collector.
May 8, Wednesday— Cool–brisk northerly winds. Part
cloudy warmer PM– wind quieting. Picked two wagon
load stones from oats ground and boated it down.
Cornelia attended prayer meeting at Shep Bells. I went up
to see Mart Every.
May 9. Thursday— Fair, fresh westerly winds, moderately
warm. I ploughed a strip of sod for potatoes out along
cross path down to corner of woods. Went over it with
stone boat, also ploughed and cleaned out a ditch out
along path to road. Hard day, tired out tonight. Wrote
usual daily card to Mariam.
May 10, Friday— Rained during night and showers from
High Point this AM with fresh winds from s.w.. Later
broke away. Thunder shower passed over to south at
sunset. Beautiful rainbow over reservoir, cooler tonight
and clearing. Egbert Boice with his truck hauled 13 loads
shale from town shovel loading at Mrs Ollie Burghers
bank this forenoon. Covered most needed places of
entrance, road to Aunt Cornelia’s barn. I had a hard day
leveling off and breaking big lumps. Rec’d fine letter
from Mariam.
May 11, Saturday— Clear– cool — windy.
Accomplished another big day’s work. Finished leveling
shale on road, using cart to re-distribute AM. PM
harrowed potato ground out along path, also the garden.
Then plowed the strip for corn below wall. Have a cold
on my chest, sore throat and feeling rather lousy, same as
yesterday. Too tired to go to lodge.
May 12, Sunday— Fair bright day, moderately cool, light
northerly winds. Attended Mothers Day church service
PM. Rev. Arnoldo Natino from Westkill was the speaker.
Took Daisy over to have treatment from Dr Hans Cohn
for her rheumatism after church. Mart Every, Cornelia
and I went to Samsonville tonight to their church service.
May 13, Monday— Pleasant bright sunny day.
Moderately cool, becoming part overcast during PM.
Ploughed strip along wall below Hinkley garden AM.
Ploughed in garden PM. This along with chores etc filled
out the day nicely. Golden and Leah Van Benschoten
called PM. Wrote news copy evng.
May 14, Tuesday— Cool cloudy this AM but broke away,
northerly winds. Real cool tonight. Put in the day disc
harrowing the ploughed strip over to Hinkley place, both
gardens and potato ground out along path. Took Daisy
over to Dr. Cohn’s evng for another treatment. We then
visited the cemetery. Remains of Egbert VanKleeck
removed from vault today and buried in family plot.
Stopped to Pete Crawfprd’s before coming home. Rec’d
letter Mariam.
May 15, Wednesday— West Shokan Spring 1931
A local building boom is evidenced in the West
Shokan Heights section. Ground was broken Monday by
contractor Albert North for the construction of a new
house on the Dolan property. Mathew Diamond of
Palentown, the veteran builder of the old type of framed
work also on Monday, began the framing of timbers to be
used in the erection of John Jordans new addition to his
barn, to replace the nearly century old structure that
collapsed last summer when crammed to the eaves with
newly stored hay. The grading of H.C. Ford’s airplane
landing field on his property along the mountain road,
formerly owned by John Dudrey, is progressing favorably.
May 15, Wednesday— Beautifully clear, cool, brisk
northerly winds— Gloriously moonlight night. I ploughed
more than two thirds of Aunt Cornelia’s sod field along
entrance road. Used Prince with Nigger the black mare
and they worked a # 1 together. Wrote Freeman copy
evng. Cornelia attended prayer meeting and surprise
birthday party for Mrs Sheppard Bell.
May 16, Thursday— Frost reported in some sections but
not locally– continued cool– partly cloudy, moderate
winds shifting southerly. Finished plowing Aunt
Cornelia’s field AM. Plowed her garden patch PM also
harrowed good the strip below wall. Another big days
work. Took Daisy over to Dr Cohn’s for another
treatment tonight $2.00.
May 17, Friday— Continued cold clear with brisk
northerly winds. Glorious clear evng with radiant full
moon. Kept the harrow going. This evng went with Lem
DuBois in his car, Pete Crawford, Floyd Terwilliger and
Charles Young of Kingston to Greenville in upper end
Greene County attending Greenville Chapter RAM. Very
enjoyable trip both ways.
May 18, Saturday— Thermometer down to 32 degrees
this AM. Continued cool clear with northerly winds.
Beautiful moonlight night. Harrowed over Aunt
Cornelia’s plowed field strip below wall also with
Cornelia’s help marked out patch for corn over along wall
below Hinkley garden and furrowed out Potato piece out
along path. Another hard days work. Attended IOOF
lodge evng.
May 19, Sunday— Still chilly- fair–northerly winds.
Glorious clear evng. Feeling pretty tired. Took Daisy over
to Dr.Cohn’s for another treatment toward noon. Went
with Phoenicia Post American Legion PM decorating
graves in various Olive cemeteries. Uncle John Dudrey of
Brodhead last Civil War veteran did not go this time. We
paid him a cheery visit at his home. Wrote news and star
copies evng. 30th anniversary of the death of my
grandfather Martin H Crispell.
May 20, Monday— Part cloudy– northerly
winds–continued cool. Mart Every and his brother Ed
helped me plant the potato patch out along path about 4 ½
bushel no.9's and 3 pecks Cobblers also some Whipples
early yellow sweet corn. PM we planted the patch over to
Hinkley place along wall with Early Huron Dent corn &
put on acid fertilizer. Went with Ed Every to Kingston
evng attending 3rd degree at Rondout Lodge no. 343 F &A
May 21, Tuesday— Moderately cool–part
cloudy–showery looking going around. Winds prevailing
-northerly. Beautiful clear evng, cooler. LeGrand D
Bishop died at his home in Kingston 9 PM following an
attack of acute indigestion and heart condition. He was
taken suddenly ill while working on his lawn after supper.
Daisy and I planted strip below wall with Flint corn, some
Evergreen and potatoes in lower row. Put on acid
fertilizer. Took Daisy over to Dr Cohn’s evng for final
May 22, Wednesday— Clear and cool west to northerly
winds. Magnificent work day. Repacked the big stone jar
of salt pork and made new brine as the meat in top layer
was getting off color. Daisy and I did considerable
spraying fruit trees about the place. During the later
afternoon I got the disc harrow going on the corn ground.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
May 23, Thursday— White frost reported every morning
of late at Brodhead. Clouded over in night and rained a
sprinkle, cleared away during forenoon— northerly
winds–cool part cloudy PM. Gloriously cleared evng.
Disc harrowed corn ground both ways AM. After supper
went over it long way with spring tooth harrow. Attended
Masonic burial service of LeGrand Bishop PM in
Tongore cemetery. Kingston lodge no.10 officiated of
which he was a member. My bad hand which has
remained healed for several weeks has again set up and I
had to open it for draining.
May 24, Friday— Continued cool–northerly winds. Part
cloudy–beautiful clear evng, real cool. Daisy and I
paicked 6 big cart loads stone from corn ground. I then
disc harrowed it diagonally across. After supper Cornelia
& I using the black horse Nigger, marked the field out
both ways finishing by electric lights on the house. The
first night game in the history of major league baseball
played tonight at Cincinatti national league with the
Philadelphia Phillies & Cincinatti Reds the latter won 2–
1 . Ended 11:55 DST. Listened to broadcast over WOR.
May 25, Saturday— Somewhat warmer–clear northerly
winds. Daisy, Cornelia and I did a big job planting field
corn also a bushel of potatoes. Left end for fodder and
sweet corn. John Whalen veteran gate tender at Browns
Station died suddenly this afternoon in a similar manner
to LeGrand Bishop. Attended IOOF lodge evng.
May 26, Sunday— Beautifully clear and real warm, a bit
chilly evng. Pretty well tired out from the weeks work.
Attended church service. Mr and Mrs Grant Howard and
daughter Elinor of Cario called PM. Don and friend Lewis
Wilson were down for the week end. A son born last
night to Mr and Mrs LeGrand Shultis of Olive bridge.
May 17, Monday— Hot, summery–fair looked murky late
PM but all cleared early evng. Winds variable, fresh
southwest PM. Daisy and I sprayed the Hinkley apple
trees AM. Put cart load manure on potato hills out along
entrance, harrowed over garden and mother and I started
seeding PM. This evening I visited the Whalen residence
at Browns Station to pay last respects to Mr Whalen who
died Sat PM. Daisy’s 44th birthday.
May 28, Tuesday— Part cloudy–hot showery looking but
had just a sprinkle during PM. fresh southwesterly winds,
all cleared evng. Daisy and I cleaned out both chicken
houses and put one load on corn hills mixed with acid
fertilizer. Another big days work. Jerry VanKleeck called
evng. He got 1 ½ bu seed corn $1.50 Wrote Freeman copy
evng. Cornelia attended surprise birthday party evng for
Mrs Bertha Thompson. Mr Norman Van Buren of
Brodhead died of pneumonia.
May 29, Wednesday— Unsettled south westerly winds,
now and then sprinkles from passing showers but not
enough to lay the dust. Cooler evening, clearing with
wind shifting northerly. Daisy and I put last load of hen
house litter and acid fertilizer on corn ground AM.
Finished the field with ashes & fertilizer PM. Put up
twine after supper.
May 30, Thursday— Warm dry summer weather, cool
evng, part cloudy. Aunt cornelia, mother and I ewnt to the
cemetery this forenoon. Tidied up and put flowers on
graves etc. I stopped in to see Mrs Norman Van Buren on
way home. Mr Van Buren in the calm serenity of death in
the front room of their lovely wayside home at Brodhead.
I planted 15 rows strip of evergreen fodder corn next to
field corn. Ralph Longyear came PM & hog dressed 4 ½
week old calf. He paid me $15.00.
May 31, Friday— Murky AM. We had a wonderful
refreshing shower from west with some thunder noon
time. Unsettled yet tonight but cooler. Opened up ditch
along rail fence AM. Attended funeral of Norman Van
Buren at his home PM, also burial in old Tongore
cemetery. Mrs Moore, Genevieve, Mildred and Edith
came and spent the evening. Don and Lewis Wilson came
from Oneonta late evng. Mariam transferred to
Neurogolical Inst. Medical Center.
June 1, Saturday— Fresh northerly winds–warm–part
cloudy, still cool evng. Disc harrowed Aunt Cornelia’s
garden patch AM & spread on cart load manure.. Set bean
poles in garden PM also planted some Evergreen sweet
corn next to fodder corn. Attended IOOF lodge evng.
Started shipping milk again to Kyserike Creamery.
June 2, Sunday— A magnificent summer early June day.
Light southerly winds. Francis Whispell 23 and Louise
Thompson 16, were married in Kingston. Daisy, Cornelia
and I attended church service PM. Trooper ray Dunn
called early evening. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Whispell– Thompson
Mrs Bertha Thompson has announced the marriage of
her youngest daughter, Vera Louise to Francis R Whispell
on June 2. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J.B.
Steketee at his home, 198 Washington Ave. Kingston.
The bride’s attendant was her sister Miss Helen L
Thompson. The bridegroom chose as his best man Oliver
A. Tweedy of Olive Bridge. The happy couple is enjoying
a wedding trip in the northern part of the state. Upon their
return they will make their home with the bride’s mother
until the bridegroom’s enlistment expires with the local
CCC at Boiceville.
June 3, Monday— Unsettled, southwesterly winds—
mostly cloudy. Sprinkles of rain early PM, warm. Spent
the day with mother working in the garden plantings.
Wrote news and Star copy’s evng.
June 4, Tuesday— Cloudy– murky– had nice shower
noontime and was mussy along during PM. Drawed out
cart load manure AM and spread on Aunt Cornelia’s
garden patch for sweet corn planting. Rested all
afternoon. Took Cornelia along over Ashokan evng and
had my hair cut. We had a nice visit with Aunt Julia.
June 5, Wednesday— Hot summer weather, cleared
during night but became murky during PM and showery
evng but little rain. Rec’d letter and card from Mariam.
Wrote Freeman copy evng. Busy with chores and odd jobs
AM. Started cultivating corn and potatoes PM with our
faithful old horse Prince.
June 6, Thursday— Wonderful rain during night. Vivid
lightening display, another shower after daylight.
Unsettled muggy, sprinkled along during day, cleared
evng. I went over after Mr and Mrs Raymond Miller this
morning and they papered our kitchen, finished after 7
o’clock, took them back home. Wrote card Mariam as
every day. Wrote 5 send a dime chain letters & one
containing a dime to the head of the list rec’d.
June 7, Friday— Cloudy, murky this AM later broke
away, continued warm, southwesterly winds. August like
weather. Kept going at variable odd jobs including fixing
fence and draining hog yard. Went up to Mart Every’s
evng. Skimmington this evng for the newlyweds Mr and
Mrs Francis Whispell— Cornelia attended.
June 8, Saturday— Rained in the night–murky–cloudy
and occasional light showers–rainy night. Drawed out
load manure and spread on Aunt Cornelia’s garden patch.
Took two old wagons apart and stored them under
Hinkley barn. Went with Arthur Trowbridge to Phoenicia
evening, attended meeting of Ulster County Past Grands
June 9, Sunday— Easy soaking rain fell during the night
and along til 8 o’clock this AM. Gradually broke away
with northerly winds. Beautiful cleared evng and real
cool. Attended church service PM. Wrote Freeman copy
June 10, Monday— Cloudy occasional light showers
about, moderately cool, still. Daisy and I set posts and put
up a two strand barb wire fence around the drive way
between ours and Aunt Cornelia’s barn. This makes for
much easier driving of the cows and keeping them off the
planted corn. Mr and Mrs Chester Lyons called evng.
Wrote news and Star copys after their leave taking. Rec’d
card from Mariam.
June 11, Tuesday— Fair, warm, winds northerly,
somewhat showery looking— lovely evng. I cultivated
corn patch over to Hinkley’s & below wall. Had to take
down and put up twine again. Herman Weidner and I
attended third degree session at Kingston lodge no.10.
Final meeting before summer vacation. Large attendance,
5 candidates.
June 12, Wednesday— Fair, warm, northerly winds.
Showery looking at evng but cleared. I drawed on load
manure this AM disced and spring tooth harrowed Aunt
Cornelia’s garden for sweet corn. Cornelia and I went
over to Henry Winchell’s evng and borrowed eight setting
hens. A 9 lb daughter Ruth Helen born last night to Dr
and Mrs Hans J Cohn of Shokan.
June 13, Thursday— Part cloudy, warm light northerly
winds. Lovely growing weather. I cultivated corn with
Prince, finished going over the field both ways, also
marked out Aunt Cornelia’s garden patch. Mrs Ralph
Longer came and spent the day & early evening. Mart
Every and his brother Ed called evng. Listened in to the
radio broadcast beginning 10 PM of 15 round worlds
heavy weight champion bout between contenders Jas.J.
Braddock and champion Max Baer— Braddock won
readily over the big Jew at Madison Square bowl.
June 14, Friday— Warm summery weather, fair, winds
northerly shifting to fresh southwesterly toward evng. and
became showery evng. Later cleared beautifully, moon
nearly full. Planted Aunt Cornelia’s garden with Whipples
Early Yellow, Yellow Evergreen and late Evergreen sweet
corn, also putting 2 beans in a hill. Put on acid fertilizer
also on bushel potato planting out along entrance road.
Left 4 rows empty for planting a little later. Got out batch
Freeman items AM.
June 15, Saturday— Hot windy night and strong westerly
winds shifting northerly & much cooler tonight. Had a
light shower down over the reservoir noontime which
soon dried. Glorious moon light night, winds quieting
down. Busy with a variety of chore jobs. Mother planted
several rows of beans in garden PM, also put hen manure
on patch of sweet corn. Attended IOOF lodge evng.
Wrote Freeman copy AM.
June 16, Sunday— A most magnificent clear knee deep in
June day. Light winds, mellow full moon flooded the
scene tonight. Attended service PM. Attended childrens
Day program at church evng, cornelia took part. Rev.
Ronaldo Natino came after church and staid for the evng
program. Wrote up Freeman program copy late evng.
June 17, Monday— Muggy, warm, showery about, now
and then a dash of rain, nice rains evening. Planted last 4
rows of Evergreen sweet corn along north side of Aunt
Cornelia’s garden AM. Cultivated PM corn patch on strip
below Hinkley garden & sweet corn here on house end of
Aunt Cornelia’s field. Wrote news and Star copies evng.
Went to Boiceville for Cornelia on late train.
June 18, Tuesday— Wonderful rainy night and easy
showers during day and evng. I made a trip to Kingston,
among other things bought 100 lb sack national
granulated sugar $4.60 Had back upper jaw wisdom tooth
pulled by Dr Henry.
June 19, Wednesday— continued rainy and misty—
thunder shower evng with drenching rain. Getting ready
for haying— moved mow planks etc. Put set of new
guards and wear plates on mowing machine bar. Fixed up
two sets knives putting in new sections etc.
June 20, Thursday— Cleared up gradually this morning.
Continued warm and muggy with brisk south westerly
winds shifting northerly and quieting at evng.. Cleared
beautifully evng, cooler. Don came down from Hobart
with the O’Connor chauffeur and Bob who went back.
Chester Lyons delivered Don’s new Chevrolet Master
Model desert tan–coupe, yellow wheels. I kept busy at
odd jobs along with chores, cemented a leak in barn roof
AM. PM moved heap coal ashes under stable shed and
changed reach in wagon for hay rigging.
June 21, Friday— Muggy– warm— Part cloudy AM.
Became overcast at noon and set in rainy most of
afternoon & again later evng. Made final planting of
evergreen sweet corn in north end of garden AM, made a
whiffletree PM. Trooper Ray Dunn came & made a visit
PM & had supper before leaving. He helped get Aunt
Cornelia’s rubber tire wagon put up over head in her barn,
making more room below. Don & I went over to Judge
Winchell’s evng & got 4 more setting hens, taking back 4
June 22, Saturday— Downpour during
night–warm–muggy– part cloudy Light showers during
AM. Breezy. I went with Donald to Phoenicia. He made
his third consecutive days trip to Dr.Gross due to an
infection in his arm. This afternoon I busied myself at odd
jobs about the barn makings things in readiness for hay
storing also mended harness and made up whiffletree.
This evng Cornelia and I attended a little birthday party
for Sheppard Bell at the parsonage, his 79th.
June 23, Sunday— Mother’s 48th wedding anniversary.
Generally fair except showers from High Point quarter
around noon time. Beautifully clear evng & cooler. Winds
northerly PM. Wrote lengthy Freeman news copy. We all
attended service PM. Ralph Longyear came down for
church and along with Rev. Natino came up with us &
had supper. Mother, Daisy, Cornel;ia, myself Ralph &
Rev Natino attended IOOF annual memorial service evng
at Olive bridge M.E. church.
June 24, Monday— Mostly cloudy-muggyunsettled–Thunder shower from west at close of day.
Spread two cart loads manure in potato rows AM. Spent
most of afternoon looking up fresh cow and calf in
pasture woods. Wrote news copy evng– AM omitting the
Star copy as I am owed 6 months correspondence.
June 25, Tuesday— Warmer rather muggy–Bright
day–Part cloudy occasional light showers. Beautifully
clear and cooler evng. I put in the day cultivating corn and
potatoes with Prince. Tired as usual tonight. Rec’d letter
and card from Mariam. She spent the weekend in
Philadelphia at the home of her classmate Marian Cooke
(Cookie). Bob Longyear took them with his dad’s car.
June 26, Wednesday— First day without some rain since
the 16th. Fair, still muggy, wind northerly except shifting
PM. Cornelia & I worked hoeing and grassing out
potatoes– After supper I hilled up the bushel planting out
along entrance. Very tired tonight. Rec’d card Mariam &
letter M.Mc Roberts from Center Line Mich. He was 85
June 8th & in good health.
June 27, Thursday— Hot sunny forenoon with south
westerly winds. Dashing thunder showers came hurriedly
from High Point way PM. Hot and sunny after the shower
late PM. made a little start at haying. Mowed Aunt
Cornelia’s lawn strip out thru along path to road, the mill
road, also around Mrs Smiths for Egbert Boice.
June 28, Friday— Fair and hot, light breezes. Busy with
chores AM cleaning up grass and getting in on barn floor
to feed up green. Mowed the church yard PM. Ralph
Longyear came evng for 4 bushel potatoes for planting.
June 29, Saturday— Hot, part cloudy. Drenching thunder
showers from High Point way PM. fair muggy evng. I
mowed the corner out along road and woods. Alfalfatimothy-& clover patches. Got tedder & rake over from
Hinkley barn & hay wagon ready before the showers.
Attended IOOF lodge evng.
June 30, Sunday— Hot– muggy, generally fair—
showers threatening. Lovely clear evng & cooled off a bit.
Attended service PM– otherwise at home all day. After
church hooked on tedder & kicked over the cut hay.
July 1, Monday— Half the year has gone, but where. Part
cloudy– warm beautiful clear evng and considerably
cooler. Light winds a fair hay day. Tedded over the corner
hay several times, raked it & put up in uppers for night.
Cornelia and I cleaned up the mill yard and church yard
PM in a small load. Rec’d card Mariam.
July 2, Tuesday— Clear, very delightful day— light
winds, not so warm as yesterday. Mowed patches by side
of house along current row and about hemlock groves.
Opened up the hay cocks and this PM cleaned it up in fine
shape, 2 good loads and the rakings. Cultivated corn
awhile after supper. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
July 3, Wednesday— Clear delightful day, moderately
warm. Southwesterly winds. To be obliging I mowed the
grass about the Massimo property AM. Taking 3 ½ hours
mowing time. We cleaned up a nice load hay PM. I cut
yesterday. After supper I cultivated corn in the garden
with Prince. Cornelia took the team and raked the hay up
at Massimo’s. Don Bishop went to Albany.
July 4, Thursday— A quiet busy day, unsettled, mostly
cloudy. Quite hot, breezy PM, clearing toward evng. Put
up load of hay on mow this AM. Then mowed a strip of
hay right behind barn. Cornelia, Daisy and I went up to
Massimo’s PM and cleaned up the hay in a nice load. Had
a number of callers PM.-- including Mr and Mrs Robt.
Longyear. Cornelia went to Samsonville to 4th July affair
after getting load of hay—Don and I went over awhile
July 5, Friday— Miserably hot–part cloudy–August
weather. Cornelia took the load of hay over to Herman
Weidner’s this AM. I cultivated in the garden and field
corn with Prince. I mowed another strip of hay behind
barn PM & we cleaned up a fine load cut yesterday
putting it off in Aunt Cornelia’s barn. Had a batch of
callers during the afternoon and evng. Rec’d fine letter
from Mariam. Lauren’s Hesley’s garage & Chevrolet
truck on his new home property by the Bushkill bridge
were destroyed by fire late tonight in a fire of unknown
July 6, Saturday— Hot but not so bad as yesterday. Part
cloudy–showery, but we only had a sprinkle–heavy
showers went around. Put in a long busy day, cultivating
and gathering another fine load hay from behind barn. Put
it off in Aunt Cornelia’s barn, a bit green. Attended IOOF
installation evng. Noble Grand Grover C. Christiana.
R.S.-N.G.–myself–L S N G–Ira Elmendorf WardenAlonzo Davis-Conductor- Oscar Dudley- R.S.V.G Ward
Kelder L.S.V.G. Ezra Silkworth– R.S.S. Wm. Jordan –
R.S.S. Clayton Burgherr Inside Guardian Wm.
Shultis–Outside Guardian LeGrand Shultis– Chaplain
Arthur E. Trowbridge.
July 7, Sunday— Muggy, light showers between bursts of
sunshine–During the afternoon and evening a deluge of
water fell in a succession of thunder showers from south
west. Streams running high tonight and fields and ditches
flooded. Mr and Mrs Robt. Longyear called enroute to
Brooklyn from Phoenicia AM. Attended service PM after
first heavy driving shower from High Point.
July 8, Monday— Still muggy– warm– thunder shower
and downpours followed along with brief intervals all day
and evening from the south. I went to Herman Weidner’s
this forenoon and helped bag up chicken house litter–
made three trips with Chevy coach this PM between
showers, bringing home about 50 bags & storing under
west end barn shed. Wrote news and Freeman copy’s
evng. A General Electric 5 cu. ft refrigerator was installed
for 30 days trial. 30 ft wooden bridge over Tongore brook
badly damaged.
July 9, Tuesday— Warm–muggy continued rainy along
thru night and frequent showers all day. Appears to
getting ready to break away tonight. Worst flood in
history has devastated the central and southern section of
state for distance of 125 miles. 50 or more lives
lost—thousands homeless–Property damage 10– 25
million. Busy around home at odd jobs.
July 10, Wednesday— Continued cloudy–muggy and
showers along til noon—Broke away hot, light showers
now and then PM. Put in the morning bugging potatoes in
the showers. Drawed out cart load manure after dinner
spreading it in potatoes rows. Then went to Shokan
station and got two white pigs shipped by Chas Davis,
Concord Mass Express $1.07
July 11, Thursday— A scorching hot day—generally fair,
all cleared evng— bulging moon & cooling off a bit.
Pretty good drying hay day considering the water soaked
ground. Mowed the last strip of hay behind hen yard, also
the big field in front of the house above the side hill.
Tedded and cocked up the most cured & after supper got
a good load in barn. Cornelia did the tedding & raking
also part of mowing.
July 12, Friday— Miserably hot but breezy and fair— a
very excellent hay curing day— showery from west evng,
brisk winds and some rain—Heavy rain up Traver
Hollow. Cornelia is sick today. ( no wonder) she got
around supper time. Did a big job haying cleaned up
everything cut except rakings. Drawed in 4 big loads,
putting one in Aunt Cornelia’s barn. Don went up and got
Mart Every’s brother Ed who helped us out wonderfully
July 13, Saturday— Overcast AM–faired away midday
with northerly winds. Most gorgeously clear evng,
considerably cooler. Brilliant nearly full moon. Daisy and
I sprayed the main patch of potatoes. Cleaned up the
rakings left yesterday. Spread load of manure. Also
mowed the side hill grass below front of house which
cleans up machine mowing on this part of farm except
behind Aunt Cornelia’s barn. Mariam and Bob Longyear
arrived 6 PM for overnight stay.
July 14, Sunday— Pleasant summer day, quite warm.
Beautifully clear this AM but became part cloudy,
showery looking to north evng. Mariam and Bob left for
New York after breakfast about 8:30. Attended service
PM. Rev. Arnoldo Natino spent the night with us.
July 15, Monday— Mostly cloudy – murky–thunder
showers in west evng. Set in raining about 10:30. Heavy
thunder midnight. Daisy , Cornelia & I cleaned up the
side hill today had two loads which we put in Aunt
Cornelia’s barn and rakings. Cultivated in garden with
Prince before supper. Wrote up news copy. A total eclipse
of the moon was obscured by the rainy night.
July 16, Tuesday— Showers around us. Mostly cloudy
AM– generally fair PM, cleared evng, glorious moon. Hot
when sun shone thru. Like August weather. I ploughed
thru patch of potatoes and along path AM. After dinner
hooked on cultivator and went 3 times in a row. Then
cultivated patch of sweet corn by Aunt Cornelia’s house.
Went up to Maple Dell after supper and Anna gave me a
fine lot of cabbage plants. Rec. card Mariam. Got out
Freeman copy AM Don and Cornelia went to Kingston
PM. Mrs August ( Theresa Reiner) of Olive Bridge died
from second stroke aged 62.
July 17, Wednesday— Warm generally fair. Beautiful
clear moonlight night. Day winds southerly. Cornelia and
I done a big job cutting the 3 corner heavy over ripe
growth of alfalfa. She tedded it over twice during PM
while I hand mowed around stone rows. Rec card
Mariam. Took run up to Mart Every’s evng.
July 18, Thursday— Hot and fair fresh southwesterly
winds, shifting northerly evng. Fine hay day. Cornelia and
I mowed the strip of clover and alfalfa new seeding above
3 corner lot. This afternoon with Mr Condon lending a
kindly hand we drawed two big loads. Wrote Freeman
copy evng.
July 19, Friday— Continued hot,. fair. Fresh westerly
winds developed. Became showery to north PM and had a
dashing one from that quarter late PM. Magnificent
twilight cloud effects. Got off with a bad start while going
up steps to hay mow a hen flew out from a nest back of
upper steps striking my face and the fork in my right
hand, which cut badly just under my right eye &
rupturing several veins in the eye. I went over to Dr.
Cosgrove at Brodhead for examination and dressing. Had
anti lock jaw shot in my arm fee $ 3.50. Ed Every helped
Don, Daisy and Cornelia with hay. Drawed last load from
3 corner lot & 2 of the clover cutting above.
July 20, Saturday— Close– muggy–unsettled. Light
shower noontime. Sun broke thru the murk awhile PM
followed by a series of drenching thunder showers driving
from the east, cleared late evng. Went over to Dr.
Cosgroves again this AM. Fortunately no complications
show development in my injured eye. Put up load hay AM
& Daisy and I spread big cart load manure on mown
stubble below house. This PM Daisy, Cornelia and I
cleaned the remaining cocked hay & rakings on clover
strip above wall getting a generous load. Attended IOOF
lodge evng.
July 21, Sunday— Muggy–murky–August weather.
Thunder showers off to north noontime. Sun shone most
PM. At home except for attending service PM. Donald
Bishop’s 25th birthday.
July 22, Monday— Murky–muggy–occasional showers,
winds generally southwesterly. Repaired work shoes AM
and between showers Cornelia and I put hen manure litter
on field corn. Wrote news copy evng.
July 23, Tuesday— Hot– muggy– part cloudy fair AM.
Thunder showers kept the rain falling along all afternoon
and evening, from the west .Put hen manure litter on corn
after chores AM. Put off load hay after dinner, done a
little shoe repairing and occasional odd jobs PM. Wrote
Freeman copy evening.
July 24, Wednesday— Continued murky-showery, light
rains AM. Broke away around noontime with fresh north
westerly winds, which quieted evng. Continued hot.
Faster Shultis and neighbor Mr Van De Bogart of
Wittenberg called AM. Took young cow up to Maple Dell
service station & had dinner before returning. Cornelia &
I mowed and cleaned around heavy alfalfa and timothy
upper part of Hinkley lot.
July 25, Thursday—Heavy rain this morning, came down
in torrents between 8 & 9 D.S.T. continued mussy till mid
afternoon, then gradually broke away–fair evng. Around
home busy with chores etc. Went over to Judge
Winchell’s PM returning setting hens. Rec & write card
July 26, Friday— My Dear Old Father’s Birthday–born
1859–died January 23rd 1934. Cooler– fair weather for a
change–easterly winds shifting north west at evng. Real
cool tonight thermometer down to 58. Daisy, Cornelia & I
done a fine haying job, Cornelia tedded the cut hay
several times AM, while I cradled the half patch of rye
behind old barn. We cleaned up the piece PM with two
fine loads including rakings, hay a bit green but went high
on mow. Don & I went up to Maple Dell evng, hitching
cow behind car.
July 27, Saturday— An ideal summer’s day– cool– part
cloudy. Lovely cool evng. Don and Cornelia went to New
York after Edna Gessner–They arrived in N.Y. 8 AM–
Don took Cornelia to the Aquarium. She also spent the
afternoon with Mariam who is at Neurological Inst. This
is Cornelia’s second trip to NY. We sent Mariam a
birthday box and 5 dollars. Daisy and I hayed it alone.
Mowed a strip of hay in Hinkley orchard lot. Raked and
shocked 137 sheaves of rye & got in a fine load of hay, all
but rakings. Attended IOOF lodge evng.
July 28, Sunday— Mariam’s 21st Birthday. Generally fair
but became threatening during late afternoon and set in
rainy evng. Warmer, south westerly winds. At home all
day except for attending church service PM.
July 29, Monday— Mostly cloudy–northerly winds,
occasional squalls on mountains. Cleared beautifully
evng, moderately cool. Cornelia and I cleaned up the last
of the hay on Hinkley place cutting and gathering the
grass about the house. Also got 137 sheaves rye atop the
jag of hay. Cut the swampy grass behind Aunt Cornelia’s
barn. Went over to Herman Weidner’s after supper
getting 20 bags of chicken house litter with Chevy.
Completed Ulster Co news copy evng.
July 30, Tuesday— Excellent hay day. Clear with
northerly winds, quite warm, became overcast at evng.
Finished haying, cleaned up the swampy patch behind
Aunt Cornelia’s barn. Cornelia & I also machine mowed
over half of the big strip of oats in orchard lot. The straw
is rank and lodged badly in numerous patches.
July 31, Wednesday— Warmer part cloudy– northerly
winds. Grand harvest weather, beautifully clear evng.
Finished cutting the three oats seedings. Hand mowed the
garden patch & behind old barn, lodged badly. Went
down and got thresher from church shed & got it set up in
barn. Put jag of hay on wagon in Aunt Cornelia’s barn.
Went up to Maple Dell evng to get help for threshing.
August 1, Thursday— Warm–fresh westerly
winds–showery PM. We had a little rain. Lovely clear
evng. Ed Every of Maple Dell helped get started with the
oats threshing, using the old Ford Model T— Threshed
off two loads this afternoon. Yield is excellent
considering enough for seeding shelled out on the ground.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
August 2, Friday— Partly cloudy, warm, winds northerly
this AM veering southwesterly overcast evng–muggy.
Gene Every helped with oats threshing. Loaded one load
before dinner. Threshed two loads. Ed Every helped PM
feeding the thresher althou sick. Went up to Mart Ever’s
for a chat evng.
August 3, Saturday— Cloudy this AM but became
generally fair, lovely clear evng. Pleasantly warm. Gene
Every and Ed Every, Mart’s brother helped finish the
remaining two loads of oats threshing. Despite shelling in
field bagged about---- bushels. Recleaned 10 bu for seed
oats. Also ran the rye thru thresher saving just enough
shelling off heads for corn binding. Everthing cleaned up
a wonderful job out of the way. Attended I.O.O.F. lodge
August 4, Sunday— Real drying warm–A typical fair
calm mid summers day. Daisy, Cornelia & I attended
service PM. Aunt Cornelia is feeling very poorly today.
Robert S Knorph called this AM giving me check for
$210 renewal note for $3000 which netted us 12%-Original note expires Aug.6th. He paid a months advance
int. to date of renewed note dated Sept. 10th.
August 5, Monday— Had passing shower in night, brisk
northwesterly winds. Part cloudy, pleasantly warm.
Helped thresh oats at Maple Dell Farm. They had around
100 bu or better. Also got 2 Chevy loads bagged chicken
house litter from Herman Weidner’s. Aunt Cornelia has
had another poorly day. Rec fine letter from Mariam.
August 6, Tuesday— Cloudy AM—fair PM.
Southwesterly winds, moderately cool but rather muggy.
Busy with usual chores. Cornelia and I spread chicken
litter along fodder corn rows AM. PM– drawed out cart
load manure on grass and then spread 3 loads litter on
grass back of barn. Aunt Cornelia had a hard day getting
more severe after supper. I called Dr. Cohn & he
administered morphine.
August 7, Wednesday— Cloudy still rather muggy—cool
evng and morning. Aunt Cornelia had a restful night from
the opiates, her condition tonight is unchanged. Dr Cohn
came this AM. had a number of callers. During PM Mrs
Bertha Elwyn, cousin Nellie Simpson, Fletcher and Aunt
Cornelia’s beloved lifelong friend Mrs Wealthy Coveney.
August 8, Thursday--- Cloudy AM—fair PM. Gloriously
clear cool evng with bulging half moon. Aunt Cornelia
had a hard night Dr. Cohn came about noontime. Her
condition remains gravely critical. Edna Gessner came to
take care of her this afternoon. Dr Cohn called again
tonight. Mother set out some cabbage plants in garden
AM. PM I made three trips to Herman Weidner’s with
Chevy drawing bagged chicken house litter, 40 bags.
August 9, Friday— Fair and warm, part cloudy PM.
Lovely clear pleasant moonlight night. Aunt Cornelia’s
condition remains not much changed. Dr. Cohn called
AM but advised there is little hope. Cut brush over on the
other place PM. Rec’d fine letter from Mariam.
August 10, Saturday— Warm–generally fair–strong south
westerly winds. Had sprinkle of rain at evng. Aunt
Cornelia’s condition remains but little changed. Dr. Cohn
came noontime. Drawed out load manure & spread on
grass, another job was to get the oats emptied in granary
hogsheads. Did not attend I.O.O.F. Past Grands Assn
meeting at Shokan lodge tonight.
August 11, Sunday— Had nice refreshing rain during
night & was misty this AM. later part faired away typical
August weather. I attended service PM. Aunt Cornelia
remains about unchanged. Wrote news copy evng. Ralph
Gregory’s newly completed bungalow at Brodhead
Heights burned between 11 and 12 this evng.
Incendiaryism is expected. About 2 years ago his former
fine large home burned on the same site.
August 12, Monday— Hot summery weather– fair– south
westerly winds. Gorgeous moonlight night, nearly full.
Dr. Cohn surprisingly found Aunt Cornelia’s condition
stronger. Busy with usual chores and cut brush out along
lower woods PM.
Alexander— Jones
Ashokan, Aug. 13— Lester Alexander and Miss
Helen Jones were united in marriage in the M.E. Church
in Ashokan Sunday afternoon by the Rev. J.B. Glenwood.
They were attended by cousins of the bride, Mr and Mrs
Raymond Elliott.
August 13, Tuesday— A miserable hot sticky day– fair.
Became showery late PM with very severe lightening and
wind storm from west. Put electric line out of commission
– Lightening took a strip of bark from upper trunk of big
tall whitewood tree opposite entrance road a short
distance in woods. Gave my thresher a good going over
PM before putting away for next year. Aunt Cornelia had
a restless night and her condition today weaker. She spoke
to me tonight. Finished Freeman copy this AM. Rec’d
regretful letters from Case Gwinn & Lee Hamilton. Rec’d
a lovely letter from Mariam.
August 14, Wednesday— Thunder this morning chore
time. Murky–still, mostly cloudy. Beautiful clear full
moon evng and cooler. Aunt Cornelia’s condition is not
favorable today. Dr. Cohn came as usual. Drawed out big
cart load manure AM—Took thresher back under church
yard shed PM. Mr and Mrs L.P. Hamilton & family of
Oneonta & friends called from Oneonta this PM. I went
up to see mart Every evng. Got out Freeman copy AM.
Send Mariam card. .Dollar Day In Kingston.
August 15, Thursday— Fair–part cloudy warm–muggy.
Pleasantly cooler evng. Puttered around with odd
jobs—Started cutting grass below garden for cows at
night. Heavy growth mostly alfalfa. Olive Bridge M.E.
church sale & supper. Went up to Roy VanDemarks after
supper & got strawberry plants which mother & I set out 2
rows next to current bushes in garden.
August 16, Friday— Hot, muggy, part cloudy— thunder
showers went around PM. Cleared, little cooler late evng
with air from north. Busy with different jobs. Got out
Freeman copy AM. Spent several hours tying up wind
blown sweet corn in garden—Got some more strawberry
plants of Roy VanDeMark & set them out. Will Rogers
famous American humorist and Wiley Post famous
veteran flier killed in an airplane accident yesterday evng
in northern most Alaska. News on radio came tonight.
Aunt Cornelia’s condition remains about unchanged. A
gland swelling developed on left side of her face
necessitating & extra call this evng from Dr. Cohn.
August 17, Saturday— Hot, fair, hazy still. Aunt
Cornelia’s condition is not improved. Dr Cohn made is
customary daily trip. I paid him $30.00 for 10 calls.
Drawed out manure AM—
Went over to Ashokan
PM with Don and got my hair cut. 43 truck loads of
soldiers & equipment passed thru Shokan on way to Pine
Camp up state for maneuvers. I attended I.O.O.F.
August 18, Sunday— Hot– fair– still, pleasantly cool,
beautiful cool moonlight night with light north winds.
The uprising moon reflected a highway of rippling rich
gold over the reservoir. At home all day. Aunt Cornelia
after a restless night, much worse— Dr Cohn came AM.
She became unconscious noontime and finally after a
marvelous display of re curing vitality passed peacefully
into the Great Beyond at 12 :30 midnight–Daylight
Saving time. So peaceful after the trying two weeks
August 19, Monday— Hot– fair– hazy–part cloudy PM &
evng. Busy attending to funeral arrangements for Aunt
Cornelia. Went to Phoenicia evng with Don to select
casket and metallic vault at H Lee Brithaupts. Wound up
the day by making midnight trip to cemetery.
August 20, Tuesday— Part cloudy– hazy– winds
southerly. Not so hot. Completed news copy this AM.
many callers came today. Lee Breithaupt came PM and
arranged Aunt Cornelia in her casket in her parlor
between under stairs close and middle partition alcove.
Casket is an elegant chestnut, light gray mottled plus
covered pale pink silk lining. Half coach style. Chet
Lyons & I made a trip to cemetery late PM, found Harlow
Mc Clean had grave nearly completed on left side of
Uncle Watson.
August 21, Wednesday— Mostly cloudy–continued hot
weather–Occasional showers afternoon and evng. Aunt
Cornelia’s funeral held at home 2 o’clock D.S.T. She had
an elegant layout with many beautiful floral pieces. Rev.
C.F. Ahrens officiated assisted by Rev. Arnaldo Natino.
Geneive and Mildred Moore with their mother playing
piano sang a favorite hymn of both Uncle Watson and
Aunt Cornelia. The Home of The Soul— Attendance of
relatives and friends very large. Burial on left side of
Uncle Watson in family plot in Tongore cemetery. Annual
church fair and supper Cornelia attended.
August 22,Thursday— Continued warm– unsettled–light
rains AM cleared evng. Wrote to Mariam AM. Busy at
chores and odd jobs. Daily cutting of green grass for
cows. Hoed in garden PM. Had a number of callers
including Mart and Minnie Every. Went up to Maple Dell
to see Ed Every PM. He has been sick with an acute
intestinal attack for several days. Went to cemetery evng
also Pete Crawfords and had broken front spring center
bolt replaced.
August 23, Friday— Magnificent clear bright day with
fresh northerly winds. Mowed second growth out on
corner by woods also left part of field in front. Wrote
Freeman copy early evng & then went up to Maple Dell to
see Ed Every who is better from his illness of the week.
We are receiving numerous letters and sympathy cards.
Don is staying with Mrs Gessner and Edna at Olive
Bridge most of time. As yet Aunt Cornelia’s will has not
been located.
August 24, Saturday— A most magnificent clear cool day
with fresh northerly winds– still evng–a bit chilly.
Excellent hay day. Worked at the cut hay and drawed a
finely cured load from corner patch. Raked and cocked
the cutting on flat in front. Attended IOOF lodge evng.
August 25, Sunday— another beautifully clear cool day
with northerly winds. Became part overcast evng & still.
I attended service PM.. Ralph Longyear and Mr
Ingleheart came up after attending church. Mr and Mrs
Jas Mc Gibbons and John Wishamin of NY City friends
of Bob Longyear and Mariam came here PM & we
located them at Maple Dell for over Labor Day. Aarsten
Van Wagener had supper with us.
August 26,Monday—Cloudy this morning but cleared
away another lovely day–warmer with fresh westerly
breezes. Mr Condon helped put up load of hay this AM
also cleaned up a nice load from field in front, left out to
cure over Sunday. Mariam’s friends Mr and Mrs Mc
Gibbons and Mr Nashanian likewise assisted.. Trooper
Ray Dunn called PM–He did not receive my letter sent to
Sidney barracks till Saturday so did not know about Aunt
Cornelia’s death, to attend funeral. Gen. Electric
refrigerator remover after free trial from July 8th .
August 27, Tuesday— Warm, muggy, light showers AM.
Mostly cloudy PM. & evng, breezy evng. Busy with
various chores AM. PM I went to Kingston with Donald
and Edna Gessner.
August 28, Wednesday--- Threatened rain this AM but
part cleared. Evng cleared beautifully cool--- light
northerly winds. Busy with chores and drawed out load
manure AM. Mr D N Mathews located Aunt Cornelia’s
last will made Aug 22-- 1932 & he called up for Donald
& I to come to Kingston 2 o’clock. We took the document
to lawyer Virgil Van Wagenen who made it. Where it was
opened and the due process of law began. Mother and
myself are named executors.
August 29, Thursday--- Cool part cloudy–northerly winds.
I mowed the 3 corner lot second alfalfa cutting having a
heavy knee deep stand. During the afternoon I tedded it
August 30, Friday--- Cool-- light rains AM and again
during early PM & evng, mostly cloudy between.
Cornelia went with Mr and Mrs Mc Kibbons this AM. Mr
McKibbons helped me cut 9 rows of flint corn below wall
PM due to unusual infestation by the pesky crows The
McKibbons and Mr Nashanina after going for a ride with
Cornelia also Don and Edna gathered here awhile evng..
August 31, Saturday— Partly cloudy generally fair winds
northerly, moderately warm, cool evng. Cornelia tedded
the 3 corner alfalfa twice and raked it. Mr McKibbons and
I cocked it had 71 uppers. He also helped me wonderfully
cutting the patch of field corn below Hinkley old garden
37 stouts. Mariam arrived supper time for her two weeks
vacation with Bob Longyear, his father & mother, sister &
fiancé. They went on to Phoenicia except Bob who is
staying over till Monday with us. She completes 3 months
today at Neurological Medical Center.
September 1, Sunday— Generally fair– cool– pleasant
day, light winds. Mariam, Bob Longyear, Cornelia and I
attended service PM. I opened out the alfalfa this morning
and after church Mr McKibbons, Mr Nashanina and Mr
Condon helped get it on the wagon, a wonderful cured big
load. Mariam, Bob, Mr and Mrs McKibbons & Mr
Nashanina went to Phoenicia evng.
September 2, Monday— Cloudy, cool drizzily rain fell
during morning till early afternoon 1:45. Sun broke thru
late afternoon. The Labor Day picnic was partly spoiled
by the uncertain weather which greatly diminished the
attendance. The Phoenicia band were on hand and played
under a canopy. Mariam, Cornelia and I went up after the
Longyear family started for Brooklyn about 1:30.
September 3, Tuesday— Cloudy, still, drab day–set in
rainy late PM. A bit warmer than yesterday. Busy at a
variety of jobs, chores— raked 3 corner lot AM. PM cut
grass for cows, cleaned up the alfalfa rakings & drawed
out manure. I discovered that gray squirrels are stripping
the recently shocked field corn below wall. Cornelia
started her third year High School.
September 4, Wednesday— More or less rainy night and
continuing all day and evng. Busy with chores, watching
for corn eating varmints etc. Mariam and I finished
Freeman copy’s for out going mail, including write up on
Labor Day picnic.
September 5, Thursday— Cloudy– warmer–glorious
sunset cloud effects. Busy with chores and odd jobs,
getting grass and sweet corn stalks for cows—Watching
for corn destroying varmints etc. Attended opening
meeting evng of Olive Rebekah Lodge. Mr and Mrs
Lemuel J. DuBois were initiatory candidates. I did not
stay for the initiation , went to cemetery & had visit and
lunch with Mr and Mrs Pete Crawford.
September 6, Friday— Cloudy threatening AM. Cleared
beautifully PM with fresh northerly winds and cooler.
Aarsten VanWagenen & Mariam went to Phoenicia evng
to see Ralph Longyear.. Aarsten staid over night and
helped pick pears this forenoon. Adeliade Kornan called
PM she is stopping in Phoenicia. Don and Edna Gessner
were here to dinner. Made several trips around looking for
corn eating varmints. Harry Jordan came down from
Roxbury evng & he & Mariam went to Kingston to a
September 7, Saturday— Warm– fresh northerly winds.
Part cloudy– glorious clear evng with brilliant bulging
half moon. Cornelia mowed the alfalfa and clover seeding
above 3 corner lot while I pecked around with sythe. I
tedded it over PM. Drawed out manure & cut grass for
cows. Waged daily war on corn eating varmints. Went to
lodge evng but was over when I got there.
September 8, Sunday— Cloudy moderately warm, a
sprinkle of rain morning and evng. Mariam, Cornelia,
Daisy and I attended service PM. Mariam acted as
organist by request. Don & Edna had supper with us.
Mariam & I went to see Mart Every awhile evng.
September 9, Monday— A rainy day—downpour PM
letting up evng. Still making successful warfare on
squirrels destroying field corn. Busy with usual chores
September 10, Tuesday— Cleared during the night, fresh
northerly winds. Part cloudy magnificent nearly full moon
tonight in a cloudless heaven. Quite chilly tonight. I
worked at the hay cut Saturday above 3 corner
lot—tedded it twice, raked and put it up in cocks for over
night. Wrote Freeman copy evng. Senator Huey P Long
42 the renowned militant Louisanna Kingfish state
Dictator and nationally prominent , died early this
morning from bullet fire thru his body Sunday evng in
Baton Rouge state capitol after special legislature Sunday
evng, by Dr C A Weiss Jr. a political opponent. Weiss
was riddled by bullets in the corridor by his victims body
September 11, Wednesday— Magnificent bright clear day
& moonlight night—warmer–fresh south westerly day
winds, quiet tonight. Worked curing the cut hay— opened
the cocks this AM & put it up again for the night. I went
to see Mart Every evng—Town politics is in the air.
Mariam went with Don and Edna to Kingston PM & had
supper at Gessner’s. Between times watching the corn for
September 12, Thursday— Warm– clear– part cloudy
PM. Northerly winds PM– lovely full moon evng among
broken clouds. Worked at the hay curing it more and Mr
Condon helped get it loaded PM– nice load in good
condition. Still waging war on the corn eating squirrels.
Mr and Mrs Ralph Longyear came noontime & Mariam
went with them to Bridal Veil for the afternoon. Stella
staid for supper & Ralph came for her later evng.
September 13, Friday— Partly cloudy, all overcast evng.
Light southerly winds. Real chilly damp evng. Mr
Condon helped unload the hay on wagon.AM. I went with
Mariam this afternoon making calls to Mart Every’s,
Golden Van Benschoten’s , Miss Scotts, Aunt Julia’s’ Dr.
Dumonds, Pete Crawford’s & to the cemetery. Wrote
Freeman copy evng. The Constable homestead farm on
South mountain was sold this week to the Dolan estate.
Abram Constable in turn has purchased Mr and Mrs
Condon’s cottage and 2 acres of ground.
September 14, Saturday— Cloudy– dismal day–cool–
misty late PM & evng. Kept up my daily watching for
corn destroying pests, especially squirrels of gray & red &
chipmunk varieties about 41 total. Busy with odd jobs and
chores–getting green fodder for cows, drawed out load
manure etc. Mr and Mrs Condon & Mart Every called
September 15, Sunday— Heavy wind and rain showers
during the night and showers this morning. Broke away
after breakfast with brisk northerly winds & cooler. Was
unable to attend church. I took Morton Roe to Phoenicia
for xray of multi fractured right foot. Then to Dr. Cohn’s
at Shokan, back home & then took him to Kingston to
Benedictine hospital. He sustained the injury yesterday
PM due to slipping off a stone in pasture lot. Got squirrel.
Mariam left for New York this morning with Mr and Mrs
September 16, Monday– Magnificent clear cool, crispy,
windy day & moonlight night. I mowed the upper part of
lower lot second alfalfa cutting. Golden VanBenschoten
had dinner with us. Henry A.Lamouree of West
Saugerties called PM–his mother 81 was with him. Kept
up my watch on corn and walnut devouring squirrels.
September 17, Tuesday— Light frost last night but did
little or no damage– clear early but became part cloudy &
warmer. South easterly winds. Rec’d letter and card from
Mariam. She is back at St Lukes Hospital till Oct. 15th –
Kept up my daily vigil for farm pests. Made a clean up of
the alfalfa on lower lot— tedded, raked it & Daisy & I got
it in one small load. Primary Election, Daisy & I went
down & voted early evng. We then went up to Mart
September 18, Wednesday— Increasing cloudy, westerly
winds–warm. Looked very rainy latter PM but cleared
during evng. Busy with chores, drawed out cart load
manure and spread AM. I took Mrs Morton Roe to
Kingston PM & brought him home from Benedictine
Hospital. Kept on the look out for squirrel pests. Wrote
Freeman copy evng.
September 19, Thursday— Hot summers day, mostly
cloudy. Sunny later afternoon, westerly winds PM &
evng. Spread out the load of alfalfa cutting back of barn &
re-cured it better & got it back in the barn. Daisy went
visiting to Mr and Mrs Schmoekels. Went up to see Mart
Every evng. Kept up my daily lookout for pests. (9)
September 20, Friday— Partly cloudy– warm– northerly
winds, cloudless evng. Busy with usual daily chores—
getting green fodder for cows etc. Dug patch of potatoes
bu. planting out along entrance road. On daily lookout for
pests. Went with Pete Crawford to Kingston evng
attended fall opening assembly of Ancient City Council
R&SM Grand Master, most Illustrious A. Edward Krieger
was present.
September 21, Saturday— Showers during the morning,
part cleared, all starlight evng. Westerly winds, quieting,
moderately warm. Doing my daily watch for corn pests.
Drawed out manure PM & got green corn & summer
grass fodder for cows. Attended IOOF lodge evng, also
called on Henry Winchell.
September 22, Sunday— Lovely clear pleasant day, winds
westerly, becoming mostly cloudy and light showers
toward sunset, clearing. Daisy, Cornelia & I attended
service PM. As usual on the quest of pests. Wrote news
copy evng.
September 23, Monday— Magnificent clear day,
northerly winds, real cool tonight, still, bordering frost.
Daisy and I started cutting corn in shocks on Aunt
Cornelia’s field. Worst tangle of summer grass I ever saw
in our corn, grass high as corn. Busy with chores etc. got
daily green corn fodder for cows. Squirrel pests seem to
be thinning out. (3)
Appeal Argued In Olive Assessment
An appeal was argued Monday before the appellate
Division in Albany in the New York city vs. Town of
Olive assessment case. This is the case in which the late
Alvin R Mambert, as referee recommended an assessment
of New York city property in the sum of $6,300,000.00.
The city of New York took an appeal from the decision of
the referee. Harry H Flemming and Robert G Groves
appeared for the town and assessors. Sitting Monday were
Justices Hill, Crapser, Rhodes, McNamee and Bliss. The
action originally arose when the city of New York sought
by certiorari to review the assessment laid by the
assessors on city property had been over assessed.
Hearings were held before the referee and after lengthy
proceedings a report was made. The city then appealed on
the grounds that the referee had placed too high a
valuation on the property.
September 24, Tuesday— Frost last night but shows little
effect on plant growth. A gorgeous day, warmer, winds
southerly. Busy with usual daily routine. Daisy and I cut
corn amid the tall summer grass tangle PM. Squirrels are
dwindling. Rec’d card Mariam. At 10 PM listened to
nation wide broadcast of scheduled 15 round heavyweight
bout at Yankee Stadium, New York City between Ex
champion Max Baer & Joe Louis (colored bomber) Louis
won easily by knockout in 4th round. A million dollar
gate— over 90,000 witnessed fight.
September 25, Wednesday— Balmy– clear– summer
day–winds southwesterly. Hand is miserably sore. Daisy
and I finished cutting corn. Drawed out cart load manure
& spread on top of hill below house. Got green fodder for
cows along with usual chores. Got 4 squirrels. Henry
Winchell & I went with my car to chicken supper at
Golden Rule Inn, sponsored by Park & Pollard Feed Co.
about 350 attended. Mrs Jane Bogart 84 of Shokan
Heights ( Coons neighborhood) died & widow of Bell
September 26, Thursday— Warm— fair–southwesterly
winds, became overcast PM. Busy with chores and odd
jobs. Hand is too sore to do much work . Watched for the
destructive squirrels. (2)
September 27, Friday— Generally fair becoming overcast
PM– rained little evng. Daisy and I dug potatoes from the
main patch out along cross path. Yield is only fair & there
is some rot showing. Mart Every & I went over to see
Henry Winchell evng. & later called at Mrs Moore’s. Got
2 squirrels. My hand has been very miserably sore of late
and tonight with a darning needle I removed a shell of
bone which had worked its way to the surface, after an
infection of nearly 2 years.
September 28, Saturday— Rainy day and much needed.
Occupied with usual chores, getting green fodder for
cows. Drawed out and spread load manure on grass. Out
gunning at intervals, missed a shot at a corn pilfering gray
squirrel. However I shot a woodchuck down in corner
below wall. Went to Olive Bridge evng but there was no
lodge session. Democratic caucus evng in school house.
Donald Bishop Chairman—Claude Bell Clerk— 36
enrolled voters. Three delegates elected– Joe
Steinlauf—Claude Bell–Albert North.
Funeral PM of Mrs Jane Bogart on Old School Baptist
church— Shokan.
September 29, Sunday— Back to standard time. Cleared
in night, very heavy dew and frost and most beautiful
clear, still, early AM. Became part cloudy, chilly and
windy northwest. Attended service PM. Got one squirrel
in hickories, saw several during day.
September 30, Monday— Magnificent– crispy, clear day
with northerly winds, became overcast evng. Shot 3
squirrels with 22 marlin. Daisy & I finished digging
potatoes, altogether around 20 bushels & some are rotting
also picked fall pippin apples PM. I attended Republican
town convention at Olive bridge IOOF hall evng. The
following tickets were nominated. (Democratic
convention during the afternoon)
SupervisorLeroy Davis
Lemuel E.DuBois
Town ClerkWilliam. Beesmer
Reginald E Davis
Comm HighwaysClaude Bell
Alvin Markle
Assessor 4 yr.M.Floyd Terrwilliger Homer Markle Jr.
Assessor 2 yr.Ezra Silkworth
Justice for full termHenry Winchell
Lewis Thiel
School DirectorMrs Daisy Winchell Harry Braithwaite
October 1,Tuesday— Warm, fair and mellow, becoming
overcast PM, fresh south westrly winds. Set in rainy early
evng. Daisy & I finished picking the 2 trees of fall pippins
& cleaned up drop apples. Brought them over in two trips
with old Ford. Burr Elmendorf came after 8 bu. picked
pippin apples & 1 bu. drops. (Paid 9.00 Oct 26) Got 2
October 2, Wednesday— Crispy— clear with brisk
northerly winds after the fine downpour last night.
Clipped one squirrel with the 22 and missed another.
Busy with usual chore routine. Dug 2 bu potatoes from
one outside row below the wall. Mr and Mrs Henry
Winchell had an enjoyable squirrel dinner with us. Henry
& I then took in the first game broadcast of world series.
Chicago Cubs vs Detroit Tigers at Detroit— Chicago won
3– 0. Rec’d letter Mariam.
October 3, Thursday— D.N. Mathews died at his home
on Pearl St., Kingston 1 PM. aged 85 years 10 months.
Born in town of Hurley Nov. 18 – 1849. Brisk southerly
winds–unsettled– partly cloudy, threatening showers,
sprinkles at evng turning into brief downpours till around
8 o’clock, thunder and lightening to north. Picked 4
squirrels from the pasture lot hickories on Aunt
Cornelia’s strip with the Marlin no 39– .22. Occupied
with usual chores etc. Listened to broadcast at 1:30 PM of
second game of world series at Detroit–The home team
Tigers defeated the Chicago Cubs 8 – 3. Tommy bridges
was the winning pitcher– Mickey Cochrane
catching—Charley Root was knocked out of the box in 4th
inning as 4 runs were scored.
October 4, Friday— Brisk westerly winds ,crispy– part
cloudy, bright day. 22d – 2 not eating gray squirrels.
Ploughed the ditch from Aunt Cornelia’s barn down along
Mike Dwyer’s pasture rail fence, also cleaned out some of
the sod and dirt. Listened to the third game of the world
series, in which the Tigers defeated the Cubs in a thrilling
11 inning game 6 – 5 the Cubs lead till 6th inning.
October 5, Saturday — Froze hard last night with ice and
first general killing frost. Chilling autumn weather, fair
and windy, overcast and feeling like snow evng. Finished
throwing dirt out of dirt AM and drawed out load manure.
Went to Kingston PM and attended the funeral of Mr
Delancy N Mathews 3 o’clock at his palatial yellow brick
home on Pearl St.. Attended IOOF lodge evng Don and
Mr Whittier painted his barn red. The Detroit Tigers won
the 4th game of world series from the Cubs at Chicago – 2
October 6, Sunday— Part cloudy, raw October day—
chilly winds northerly. At home all day. Picked two
hickory nut pilfering gray squirrels with the Marlin 22.
Daisy attended church. I listen to the broadcast of the 5th
game of the world series at Chicago at 2:30— The Cubs
beat the Tigers 3 – 1. Lon Warneke the winning pitcher.
Schoolboy Rowe for Detroit.
October 7, Monday— Clear as a bell, crispy and northerly
winds— Bulging moonlight evng. Ploughed corn stubble
strip below wall AM. Pm I husked corn serenely with
Bob Bishop’s radio plugged in on the barn circuit and
took in the broadcast of the deciding game of world series
at Detroit. The Tigers won on Goose Goslins single in 9th
with 2 down scoring Mickey Cochrane. Score 4 — 3 –
winning pitcher Tommy Bridges, Cochrane catching.
Cubs battery Larry French and Gabby Harnett. Daisy and I
finished husking off load corn evng.
October 8, Tuesday— Hardest freeze of season, heavy
frost and ice 1/8in thick— continues beautifully clear and
moonlight with moon nearing full. Light winds northerly.
Finished ploughing below wall and ditch at upper end
AM. Took the team and hay wagon over PM and Daisy
and I picked the tree of elegant Baldwin apples. Had 4
barrels besides 2 bags drops, also brought back 11 stouts
corn which which we husked off evng. Rec’d letter
attorney Virgil Van Wagonen that Aunt Cornelia’s will
was proved yesterday. Wrote check and letter tonight to
Lee Breithaupt for her funeral bill complete inc. flowers
October 9, Wednesday— Frost 1/8in ice again last night.
Magnificent day and moonlight night. Light winds were
northerly. Daisy and I cleaned up the apple picking job
and brought them over in bags with the Ford— A fine lot
of greenings–- but only a bushel of northern spies this
year. Clipped off a squirrel below wall in corner of woods
( 112) Cornelia and I attended hot roast beef supper in
church this evng.
October 10, Thursday— Warmer– continues clear,
hazy— south west winds—wonderful mellow almost full
moonlight & becoming overcast. Daisy and I cleaned up
the remaining load of corn hauling over from Hinkley
place, also hauled 2 cart loads manure below wall AM.
This afternoon I sealed over seams for leaks on granary
roof with plastic, also painted the back porch roof and bay
window roof, quite a hustling job.
October 11, Friday— Unsettled– part cloudy overcast
evng and rained lightly early—mild southwesterly winds,
becoming cooler tonight. I painted the front porch roof
also the cellar doors and landing. Daisy and I husked corn
evng. Pete Crawford called. Clipped off 2 more gray
squirrels with 22.
October 2, Saturday— Part cloudy this morning but
cleared magnificent typical October weather with the
foliage coloring at its best. Wonderful moon tonight and
frosty. First day of registration in 2nd Olive District at
Colange Hall 552 registered— I had Mariam registered
for her first vote, absentee by mail. Attended the IOOF
lodge evng.
October 13, Sunday— Continuing clear magnificent
autumn weather. Frosty night, light winds northerly.
Grand moonlight night. Attended service PM also Daisy
and Cornelia. Mr and Mrs George Lounsberry, son
George and daughter also Dr and Mrs Henry and Mrs
Fetter called after church. Wrote news copy evng, also
social item for Freeman. Wrote letter to Mariam evng
enclosing a dollar bill & absentee ballot application.
October 14, Monday— Warm summers day, fair and a bit
hazy. Became part cloudy evng, light winds. Drawed 2
cart loads manure down on strip below wall AM. Got it
sowed with rye PM and we got cart load green fodder
from orchard lot seeding. Wrote Freeman news copy after
breakfast. Daisy and I husked off a load of corn evng,
mostly nubbins.
October 15, Tuesday— Lovely bright day brisk northerly
winds. Just a bit crispy, pleasant moonlight night. I
mowed the oats seeding in orchard lot AM. Drawed in the
last two loads field corn & Daisy and I husked afternoon
and evng. Rec’d letter Mariam. Mariam started 3 months
affiliation at Willard Parker Hospital New York City—
Contagious Diseases. Hunting season opened. Shot a gray
squirrel this AM under hickory trees. By my re-counting
this is the 115th of the season, estimating the first 30
October 16, Wednesday— 158th anniversary burning of
Kingston. Freezing night and another gorgeous day with
light winds. Cold again tonight & late moonlight. Did a
needed job opening up the drain ditch across from edge of
woods on Aunt Cornelia’s side across to Hinkley road.
Ploughed and then shoveled out the dirt. Uncle Mart
Every and Cornelia went to Samsonville church chicken
supper. I went to Kingston with Pete Crawford, attended
Mt Horeb Chapter— most excellent Master Degree
beautifully conferred. Right Excellence Companion Paul
Jones presented with apron, appropriate to his rank, past
assistant Grand Chapter Lecturer and now recently
appointed Grand Rep. Of Texas near Grand Chapter of
New York. Hot chicken and hot roast beef banquet
followed. Killed gray squirrel in pasture hickories.
October 17, Thursday — A magnificent continuing
cloudless day and evening. Brisk northerly day winds.
Hard ice freeze last night – thermometer down to 26 —
Becoming much warmer & still evng. Cleaned out ditch
along upper side of rye patch below wall, also Cornelia
raked the oats field clippings. Took the afternoon to draw
out load manure & clean up jag grass cutting. Rec’d card
and letter to Mariam. Got another Gray squirrel pilfering
hickory nuts.
October 18, Friday — Balmy part cloudy AM. Had wind
and rain squall from west noon hour, clearing and windy.
D.N. Mathews will was published in yesterdays Kingston
Freeman. Shot two gray squirrels in hickories during AM.
Also got ladder up ready to cement seams on barn roof.
Went to Kingston PM to Board of Elections and then to
attorney Robt Groves having a properly filled absentee
ballot application sent to Mariam by special delivery
letter. Went to see Mart Every evng.
October 19, Saturday — Clear– mild – westerly winds.
Principal job was cementing seams on south side of barn
roof. Attended IOOF lodge evng. Then called on Mr and
Mrs Henry Winchell. Second day of registration.
October 20, Sunday — Simply magnificent weather,
warm northerly winds. Attended communion service PM.
Final appearance of Arnaldo Natino. Mr and Mrs Jacob
Rogers and family of West Saugerties called after church.
Attended Masonic service evng at Ashokan Methodist
October 21, Monday — Southwesterly winds, increasing
cloudiness. Frost last night, mild. I worked on the barn
roof cementing seams and naill heads. Finished south side
and started on north. Mother painted front porch. Called
on Mart Every evng. Wrote news copy.
October 22, Tuesday — Light rain during night, gradually
cleared AM. Mild south westerly winds,like summer, PM
and evng clear. Finished job cementing seams on barn
roof, having gone all over it except new part on north
side, which appears not necessary. Little Honey’s
birthday. Pa’s Darling Angel rose blooning in Heaven’s
never fading garden. Oct.22 – 1927----- Jan. 2 – 1934.
Gompa’s one and only Sister Baby. ( This date is a
mistake, should be 1931)
October 23, Wednesday –- Thunder showers from west
this morning, warm followed by lusty showers till mid
afternoon— Turning colder and windy. Shot a gray
squirrel under hickories, saw several more during day.
Busy with odd jobs around barn AM, cleaned down cob
webs in stalls. Went up to Bert Winnie’s PM to have a
stove damper welded. Down to see Pete Crawford evng &
gave him a hand laying new kitchen linoleum. Rec letter
from Mariam.
October 24, Thursday — First mountain snow squalls.
Fair northerly winds became squally late afternoon with
the mountains white with snow squalls & rain lower
areas, cleared evng. Daisy and I gathered two big wagon
loads of leaves, put one in hog yard. I spent the evng with
Shep Bell at the parsonage or rather with Aunt Odie and
others of the family. Sheppard is very critically ill with
October 25, Friday — Golden Van Bencshoten Dies At
Home In Shokan
Golden Van Benschoten, well known resident of the
town of Olive, died suddenly at his home in Shokan
yesterday. Surviving are his wife, one nephew, Archie
Van Benschoten, of Mt Marion and one niece, Mrs Ada
Imperial of Kingston. The funeral will be held from the
Shokan Reformed Church Monday, October 28, at
2:30PM. Burial will be in the Van Kleeck cemetery. Cold
Fair partly overcast PM. Northerly winds, clear and
warmer evng. Golden Van Benschoten died very suddenly
about 10:25 this AM at his home “Hemlock Knoll” over
across on the north boulevard. Leah his devoted wife is
just nicely getting around after a critical siege of
pneumonia. I went over this PM. I went over to see
Claude Bell this evng & then on my way home stayed at
Shep Bell’s till after midnight — His condition is beyond
mortal help.
October 26, Saturday — Sheppard Bell 79 Dies At Home
In West Shokan
Sheppard Bell died at his home Saturday October 26,
aged 79 years. He is survived by his wife Viola Markle,
two sons Josiah Bell, of Whiteport and Ernest Bell of
Brooklyn, three grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Funeral service will be held at West Shokan Baptist
Church, Tuesday at 10 AM, with interment in Bushkill
cemetery. The Rev. Mr Ahrens will officiate. Bearer will
be Egbert Boice, Arthur Condon, Charles Hesley and
Martin J Avery.
Warm, clear and windy— northerly. Spread 3 cart loads
chicken litter on grass and field back of barn which was
bagged under the shed, from Herman Weidner’s. Quite a
tiresome job. “Uncle” Sheppard Bell breathed his last
about 7 o’clock this evening. He was 79 June 22 last. I
attended IOOF lodge and called there on my way home.
Rec’d card Mariam. James Gordon and Katherine Krywen
of Astoria L.I. quietly married tonight by Rev. T.S.
Braithwaite at Shokan.
October 27, Sunday — A magnificent mild clear day —
light northerly winds. Preaching service was again held
this afternoon by Rev. Natino. It was a misunderstanding
that last Sunday was the final service. Daisy , Cornelia
and I went over to Leah Van Benschoten’s during the
afternoon. There were many visitors. Golden lay serenely
in his elegant mahogany casket. Wrote Freeman copy
October 28, Monday — Shokan, Oct 29 — Funeral
services for Golden Van Benschoten , held in Shokan
Reformed Church, Monday afternoon, were largely
attended, many of those present being former residents of
the town of Olive. Clergymen officiating at the services
were Reverends Thomas Braithwaite, August Plaus and A
J Coffey. The Rev. Mr Braithwaite in the course of his
sermon paid a touching tribute to the memory of the
deceased man and also read the last of the many poems
written by Mr Van Benschoten. Hymns were sung by
Miss Hazel Bell and Elwyn Davis who were accompanied
at the organ by Mrs August Plaus. The bearers were Virgil
Merrihew, Martin Every, Frank Barringer and William
Tuceling. Burial was at Mt Tremper.
Mild and hazy like summer. We packed two Halloween
boxes for Mariam and sent by Parcel Post. PM Philip
Dwyer, Wil Jones and I attended the funeral service 2:30
PM AT Shokan Reformed Church for GOLDEN VAN
BENSCHOTEN. Rev. Thos. S. Braithwaite officiated
assisted by Rev. August Plaus and Rev. A J Coffey —
Hazel Bell and I sang, Sometime We’ll Understand and
No Night There — Interment in Cold Brook cemetery.
Sheppard Bell was removed from the parsonage to the
church and placed in his casket.
October 29, Tuesday — A warm murky, still and at times
misty day. Shot a trapped gray squirrel under the
hickories. Attended the funeral service for Sheppard bell
held 10 AM in the Baptist Church. Rev. C.F.W. Ahrens
officiated. Humiston undertaker. Interment Ashokan
cemetery. This afternoon Daisy and I got a big load
leaves from back upper Hinkley woods & took out cart
load manure. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
October 30, Wednesday — The long dry spell is broken.
Arrived rainy and downpour continued with but brief lets
up all day and evng. Rec’d 2 letters from Mariam — The
Halloween boxes are greatly appreciated. I went up to
Bert Winnie’s to get a stove damper bolt welded. This
afternoon made my annual 15 gal keg of sauerkraut. Went
up to Mart Every’s evng. Word received that James
Gordon’s wife died this PM in a Baltmore Hospital while
returning from their elopement honeymoon to
Washington D.C. She had not been in good health.
October 31, Thursday — Rainy night, mild and murky.
Set in rainy again at dusk. Streams are running well up
and the ground has a good thorough soaking. Busy with
chores and odd jobs. Re-caulked some leaks on the north
side barn shed & granary roofs AM. Caught a gray
squirrel out under the hickories. Made ready for
Halloween and staid up till midnight. No disturbances
showed up like last year. Rebekahs Halloween dance at
Olive Bridge.
November 1, Friday ---- An Earthquake tremor was felt
shortly after 1 AM. Continued mild, and murky and more
or less rainy during day and evng. Daisy and I got the old
Ford and stalk cutter outfit set up and started cutting
stalks. Cornelia & I went to Olive Bridge this evng and
attended a Republican rally in IOOF hall. Good turn out
for a rainy night. An earthquake shake was felt through
out some 17 eastern states about 1:05 AM. No material
damage done in Ulster County. The tremors were felt
plainly at Maple Dell & up Watson Hollow.
November 2, Saturday — Continued mild and generally
murky. Sun broke thru at times — Dark murky night.
Dasiy, Cornelia and I finished up the stalk cutting job,
taking the day. Attended IOOF lodge evng also
Democratic rally at the lodge hall.
November 3, Sunday — Still unsettled—Partly cloudy,
but pleasant during day, overcast evng—Somewhat cooler
than yesterday. Went up Mart Every’s awhile PM Miss
Merrill took supper with us, she was going home for
election from Burnwood, Sullivan Co. where she is
teaching school. Her home is at Brown Station Heights. I
wrote news and Freeman copy’s evng.
November 4, Monday — Mild and murky, winds
southerly. I gave the horses needed exercise ploughing the
corn stubble strip along wall in Hinkley orchard lot, also
got a few furrows of sod turned over. Wrote Freeman
copy evng.
November 5, Tuesday — Mostly cloudy and very warm.
Served on election board as clerk. The county went
decisively republican— re-electing Edward Conway
assemblyman. Abraham J Molyneaux sheriff– Robt Park
commissioner of welfare– Howard Hummiston re-elected
coroner. The republicans regained control of the board of
supervisors 26 — 7 from democratic control of 1933
election. Lemuel Du Bois (R) won over Leroy Davis in
Olive by 5 majority. Davis elected in 1933 over Chas
Weidner by 71. Reginald defeated William Beesmer
running for reelection by maj. Claude Bell re-elected
commissioner of highways over Alvin Markle by 213
majority. ( 1933 majority 191. Homor Markle Sr. (R) reelected assessor 4 years over M Floyd Terrwilliger. Ezra
Silkworth (D) re-elected assessor 2 years over Charles
Jansen. Justice for 4 years– 2 highest elected Lester S
Davis (R) over Justus North (D) Henry Winchell (R) over
Lewis Thiel (D). Kenneth Barley (R) elected collector
over John Davis running for re-election.
November 6, Wednesday— Fair and mild, northerly
winds – colder evng. Got home around 2 AM after the
long grind on the election board. Slow to get going today.
Daisy and I gathered a big load leaves PM up along back
road. This evng I went to Kingston with Pete Crawford
attending Mt Horeb Chapter. Volunteered to be a
candidate for the Royal Arch Degree from which I
derived a much better understanding of the deep
significance of this degree. Oyster supper served after.
Funeral 9 AM of John Murphy DWS gate tender.
November 7, Thursday — Egbert M Boice of West
Shokan died Thursday at the age of 62. Funeral services
will be held privately from the late home, Sunday at 2
PM. The Rev Mr Plaus of the Ashokan Reformed Church
officiating. Friends wishing to see Mr Boice may call at
the home Saturday afternoon and evening. Bearers will be
Claude Bell, Lester Davis, Loren Hesley and Joseph
Steinoff. Interment will be in the Bushkill cemetery.
Besides his wife, Mr Boice is survived by three sons,
Russell I and Nelson M Boice of Kingston and Dorville J
Boice of Olive Bridge, one daughter Mrs Isabel Donohue
of Olive Bridge, three brothers Jesse B Boice of
Kerhonkson, John Boice of Lake Katrine, Jason Boice of
Kingston; one sister Mrs Nora Davis of Kingston and four
grand children.
Cloudy, still, chilly air — set in mussy rainy during
PM.Daisy and I gathered load leaves AM along back
road. Took over car load manure & spread under apple
trees PM. & ploughed sod till storm set in. I went up to
Mart Every’s & hashed over the election results. Egbert
Boice (62) was taken ill this morning after arriving with
his truck in Mrs Ole Burgher’s quarry to draw shale. They
had Dr Cosgrove treat him there & he died shortly after he
was taken to his home on Main Street opposite school
house. He has been taking radium treatments for throat
cancer for several years.
November 8, Friday — Hard rain during night— clear,
mild with moderate northerly winds—colder evng,
magnificent nearing full moon. I ploughed sod in orchard
lot. Rec’d letter from Mariam & sent her usual daily card.
Wrote short Freeman copy evng.
November 9, Saturday — Pretty frosty this AM but
warmed up as the sun rose higher. Clear and pleasant
quiet day. Glorious moonlight evng and crispy. I finished
ploughing old sod piece in orchard lot AM. After dinner
mother and I called to Egbert Boice’s to pay our final
respects. Also got started ploughing the old sod piece
above wall under hill. This side hill has been in hay since
1928 oats seeding. A generous alfalfa seeding was pretty
well winter killed during the severe Jan & Feb 1934.
Attended IOOF lodge evng.
November 10, Sunday — Cloudy still dismal day – set in
light rains during PM. At home all day. Egbert Boice’s
funeral was held private 2 o’clock at his home. Interment
in Bushkill cemetery. Wrote news copy evng.
November 11, Monday — Cloudy this morning but faired
away, warm and still, like summer. Mostly cloudy evng. I
plowed sod under the hill, got a fine strip turned over.
Made Prince and Nigger sweat – tough old sod. No school
November 12, Tuesday — Rainy in night and a dismal
still rainy and misty day. Heavy downpours evng.I went to
Kingston. Saw lawyer Virgil Van Wagenen concerning
mother’s and my duties as executors of Aunt Cornelia’s
will. I bought 3 – 60 ft coils of extra heavy 3 /4in copper
tubing of Montgomery Ward & Co.. This for the eventual
laying of a new water line from cellar to milk house &
barn. Pete Crawford & I went back to Kingston evng with
my car and attended 3rd degree at Kingston lodge no.
10.Rec’d letter Mariam — She reports her 2 evening
bags, clips & bracelet stolen from her room at Willard
Parker Hospital.
November 13, Wednesday — Continues on dismal and
more or less rainy or misty. Wrote letter Mariam this AM
& enclosed my October Freeman correspondence check
of $7.00. Rec’d another letter from her. Too nasty for
outside work — fitted a new handle in axe PM a job I was
always certain I just couldn’t do right. Wrote Freeman
news copy evng. The 1929 report of Referee Mambert
fixing the assessment on the Ashokan Reservoir at
$5,000,000 was unanimously upheld by the 5 judges of
Appellate Division to which the city of New York had
appealed. The town of Olive was represented by Martin J
Every, Elijah Shurter and Jas K Dubois assessors & by
H.H.Fleming & Robert G Groves of Kingston.
November 14, Thursday — The sun shone today for a
change. Generally, fair, chilly air and the murk again
gathered overhead at evening. I drawed out a big cart load
manure on sod and made a good showing plowing along
the side hill. Pretty tired tonight, but wrote Freeman news
November 15, Friday — Murky, miserable, raw, gloomy
day & evng. I kept the sod plow going and am pretty tired
again tonight. By invitation I took supper at Maple Dell
and spent the evng with deer hunters from Cuba NY.
November 16, Saturday — Mountain crests ice covered
—miserably raw –cloudy— southerly winds. Spread load
manure and kept the plow turning sod. Attended IOOF
lodge evng, then had an enjoyable call on Mr and Mrs
Henry Winchell — with delightful luncheon.
November 17, Sunday — The long threatening storm
finally broke today — rain sleet and snow combined to
make a miserable raw stormy day and evng. Ground is
white tonight and traveling slippery, northeast winds.
Went up to Mart Every’s awhile PM. We had quite a chat
on the unanimous decision of the Appellate Division in
favor of the $5,000,000reservoir assessment. The original
assessment of $475,000 has stood for years after the
completion of the reservoir. Much of the credit in final
victory for the town in the long drawn out tax case
proceedings is due Martin J Every. He was first elected
assessor in 1921 & has served continuously since.
November 18, Monday — Gradually clearing –colder—
raw northerly winds .Drawed out manure and got a dead
chestnut pole down in woods along path to saw mill to set
up for telephone connection to our house. Wrote up news
and Freeman copy evng.
November 19, Tuesday — Fair and crispy air —quiet day
and evening. Feels like another snow brewing. The snow
blanket is partially melted. Set in rainy late evng. I
finished plowing the side hill sod field AM. I went to
Olive Bridge PM attending a session of the Olive town
board. They authorized the purchase of a new Buffalo
Springfield 10 ton gasoline roller. The cost is $5,070 FOB
less $150 trade in allowance on the worn out Huber roller.
November 20, Wednesday — Rainy night— part cloudy –
thawing, snow gone, westerly winds.Had Clayton Burgher
haul16 loads shale from Mrs Ole Burgher’s bank on our
driveway in from road and in front of barn. Don and I
leveled off. Charge for hauling with truck $8.50 Central
Hudson crew cut two trees in edge of woods near power
line — a yellow birch & soft large maple. Rec’d
wonderful letter from Mariam.
November 21, Thursday — Mild –fair – chilling–
southwesterly winds PM & evng. Drawed out manure
AM along with usual chores etc. This afternoon Daisy and
I pulled wagon load of turnips from potato patch out
along path. Read and rested evng.
November 22, Friday — Mild – still – fair this morning
but became overcast. Snow squally and blustery evng &
colder. Daisy and I finished pulling the turnips AM. This
afternoon I plowed the potato and turnip patch, quite a
sizeable job. Went up Mart Every’s awhile evng.
November 23, Saturday — Cloudy, blustery raw cold day
& evng. Snow squally all forenoon, sun broke thru after
noon. Daisy, Cornelia & I topped the load of turnips
having about 30 bushels. I attended IOOF lodge evng.
Daisy reports tonight that all her black Minorca roosters
are missing from check up roost. Montgomery Ward truck
delivered 3 coils 3/4in ex heavy copper tubing PM
ordered Nov. 12 – $26.25.
November 24, Sunday — Northerly winds – clear –cold.
Typical Thanksgiving weather. I went to Phoenicia saw
trooper Raymond J Dunn in regards to our stolen
chickens. Took dinner with Mr and Mrs Ralph Longyear
November 25, Monday — Fair, froze up hard last night,
quiet day slowly moderating, light northerly winds PM.
Daisy and I gathered a load of leaves forenoon from upper
back Hinkley woods PM. I got out cart load manure and
banked the north side of house wall with leaves. Billy —
3 year old son of Mr and Mrs Elson Oakley who live by
the Olive Bridge stream, was very severely burned about
the legs this AM while playing about the setting room
stove with papers.
November 26, Tuesday — Cloudy gloomy day
–quiet–damp chilly air. Besides chores it was a morning
job to pack & send a parcel post Thanksgiving box to
Mariam at Willard Parker Hospital. Daisy and I gathered
a wagon load of leaves in upper Hinkley woods. Mr
Wright from Middletown, dairy inspector made his annual
visit this PM. Mr and Mrs Harry Jones called PM.
November 27, Wednesday — Cloudy – mild —Set in
rainy and blustery evng from southwest. Daisy and I
gathered load of leaves AM from upper back woods. We
went to Shokan PM. I had hair cut at Ashokan barbers &
Daisy saw Dr. Cohn for medicine and examination.
Cornelia, Catherine Roe and I attended the Odd Fellows
annual oyster supper at Olive bridge. Smaller crowd than
last year.
November 28, Thursday — Rainy and windy night
continuing throughout the day and evening with
southwesterly winds, at times strong, warm. Rec’d
Thanksgiving card and postal from Mariam. The box
arrived in wonderful condition. This is the stormiest
Thanksgiving I can recall, at home all day and evng. We
had our big meal for supper — nice baked rooster and all
the trimmings. Cornelia had turkey dinner with
A.Constable & his housekeeper Mrs Mc Greevey. Chester
Lyons came over this PM from Ashokan and I bargained
with him for a 1934Chevrolet Master Coach – black
finish in perfect condition mileage. Terms my 1926
Chevy coach & $400. Cash payable in April or May.
November 29, Friday — Generally cloudy southwest
winds shifting around northerly, moderately colder. Daisy
, Cornelia & I butchered our April pig in fine shape.
Sergeant Jim Cunningham & another trooper called
noontime in regard to the theft of our chickens a week ago
tonight. I wrote to sheriffs office yesterday. I went up to
Mart Every’s awhile evng.
November 30, Saturday — Cloudy gloomy AM. Sun
broke thru around noon. Winds northerly & colder PM
evng. Bust forenoon drawing out manure, getting load
limb wood & usual chores. Chester Lyon’s delivered the
Chevrolet Master Coach 1934 —runs beautifully and
looks like new, mileage upon delivery 9738 miles. Took
Ed Avery for a little ride up Watson Hollow toward evng
& tonight attended IOOF lodge.
December 1, Sunday — Still murky weather — wet snow
fall of an inch this forenoon — mussy along PM — chilly
air. Froze up last night. At home — reading etc. Called on
A. Constable awhile PM. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
December 2, Monday— Murky this morning and partly
cloudy throughout the day. Yesterday’s light snow fall
pretty well melted. I got out the wood shod sleigh and
made quite a hitch drawing firewood logs lying in the
edge of woods, by Central Hudson crew. Wrote news
copy evng. Edna Gessner started work in Greenwich
Conn as Public health nurse.
December 3, Tuesday — Thermometer lowest this AM. at
14 degrees. Generally fair, cold air and wind. Inch ice.
Salted down the hams from recently killed hog and busy
with usual chores AM. Daisy & I got load leaves PM
from Hinkley woods. Started digging hole for telephone
pole near the tall balsam tree near house, Rec’d fine letter
from Mariam. We wrote her daily card. Mrs E E Henry,
Mrs Felter and Mrs Imperial of Kingston called PM.
Wrote Freeman copy evng. Mother ,Daisy and I ground
sausage meat about 26 lbs.
December 4, Wednesday — Thermometer 8 above —
clear – miserable cold windy day. Winter came suddenly.
Had a cold job taking young dark heifer up to Maple Dell
for service around noon. Busy with odd jobs PM—
moved the lone pig back over to Aunt Cornelia’s barn
with its smaller mate. Companion W.C.F. Frankle of
North Main Street Heights & I went with Pete Crawford
to Mt Horeb Chapter and enjoyed a very excellent venison
supper supplied by High Priest, Lemeul Du Bois.
December 5, Thursday — Not so cold — snow flurries,
part to mostly cloudy. Real blustery and colder tonight.
Sent Mariam a copy of yesterday’s Freeman and brief
letter. Busy with usual farm chores. Sergeant Cunningham
& Trooper Keefe called noontime checking up further in
regard to our stolen chickens. PM I drawed out cart load
manure & spread on ploughed field below house — also
drawed the two butt logs of soft maple to woodpile. Read
Old Jules evng.
December 6, Friday — Clear and crispy, beautiful
moonlight evng, winds northerly. Packed and mailed a
box of eatables to Mariam — sausage , headcheese,
racoon meat, apples, molasses cake and evergreens. PM I
took Mother up to Net Jones with a quilt left by Dr.
Henry’s wife for working by the Ladies Aid. Made a shot
in telephone pole hole digging down a bit deeper. Miss
Merrill came evng & stayed over night. I read Old Jules
all evng.
December 7, Saturday — Cloudy snowy air –moderating
steadily, sprinkle at dusk. Quiet comfortably warm evng.
Finished digging telephone pole hole also painted black
the butt and the rest pole with old automobile oil. Drawed
out load manure. Attended IOOF lodge evng. Afternoon
called on Elson Oakley –His little boy who was burned so
badly about the legs has not improved much since my last
week visit. Changed oil in my new car evng at Pete
Crawfords, putting in 5 quarts – 10 w – $1.50 –
speedometer 9795.
December 8, Sunday — Still, mild, cloudy. The east side
back ground was magnificently mirrored in the still
surface of the reservoir this forenoon. Home all day.
Wrote Freeman copy evng. Afternoon callers included Mr
& Mrs Henry Winchell & Chester, Mrs Wesley Winchell
of Kingston — also Mrs Moore and Edith Allen.
December 9, Monday — Arrived rainy, morning overcast,
breaking away and became slightly colder with northerly
winds PM. I went to Chet Lyons garage at Ashokan PM
and had car looked over and thermostat installed as
service attention. Wrote news copy evng. Rec’d 2 fine
letters from Mariam. Wrote letter to Mariam tonight with
check 10 dollars enclosed.
December 10, Tuesday — Cloudy, still mild, raining
lightly evng. Mulched young strawberry patch with leaves
on wagon. Then Daisy and I gathered a big load from
Hinkley woods. PM drawed out load manure & busy with
December 11, Wednesday — Partly fair –northerly winds
–mild. Pulled a couple drags of firewood from Hinkley
woods with one horse and worked on woodpile. Wrote
Freeman copy evng. Rec’d letter from Mariam.
December 12, Thursday — Fair – mild – light winds.
Worked on woodpile. Mother and I went up and saw John
Jordon PM. he is very feeble. Cornelia and I with Justice
and Mrs Henry Winchell accompanying went to Kingston
evng. Attended the annual dinner of the Ulster County
Grand Jurors Association held at Stuvesant Hotel. Mr and
Mrs Simon Merrihew and son Henry of Krumville
included the Olive crowd
December 13, Friday — Cloudy, still mild. Donald gave
me a hand setting the telephone pole by the balsam tree. I
cut my initials and the date and masonic emblem. Drawed
out load manure and spread on ploughed side hill, also
worked on woodpile banging up fire wood logs. John
Jordan is in a very weakened condition with tuberculosis
and nearing the end. Don and Cornelia went to Phoenicia
December 14, Saturday — JOHN W JORDAN
Ulster County news — Dec 14
John W Jordan died at his home in West Shokan,
Saturday, December 14. He was born in the town of Olive
and for many years had operated a farm at West Shokan.
Fraternally he was a member of the Shokan Lodge IOOF
and Phoenicia Lodge Knights of Pythias He was also
director of the Woodstock Mutual Fire Insurance
Association. Surviving are four sons Burton, Harry and
Walter of Roxbury and John Jr of Ithaca, one daughter
Mrs Morton Roe of West Shokan; three grand daughters;
two brothers William and Frank Jordan of Brodhead one
half brother Fred Johnson of Lake Hill; two sisters Miss
Sarah Jordan of Brodhead and Mrs Henry Delamater of
Kingston and one nephew William Francis Conroy of
Brodhead. The funeral was held from the Tongore
Methodist Church Wednesday, December 17, at 1 PM
with interment in Tongore cemetery.
December 15, Sunday — A still gloomy chilly stormy
day. Getting a variety of sleet snow and rain. Ground
white from wet late afternoon snow, rainy evng. Edna
Gessner spent the week end with Don. He went to
Greenwich Conn. after her yesterday, took her back this
PM. I went up to Mart Every’s for a call PM. Wrote
Freeman news copy evng.
December 16, Monday — Clearing gradually after the
storm, blustery and colder— muddy – snow melting.
Added several pages to Freeman news copy this AM and
wrote daily card to Mariam. Called to Jordans after dinner
and down to Will Jones mail time. Cornelia didn’t go to
school on account of her cold. Drawed out a load of
manure and ploughed a further strip of sod below house
PM, coming even with old plowing line. Wrote news
copy evng.
December 17, Tuesday — Blustery and raw. Generally
fair a bit snow squally. Finished working up firewood
chunks of logs on woodpile and busy with usual chores.
Mother and I called at Jordans and Will Jones’s home
PM. Wrote Freeman copy evng. Pete Crawford called
evng. Mother made a wreath of laurel to place on our
monument in cemetery.
December 18, Wednesday — Fair – light southwest winds
– becoming overcast evng. Miserable raw snowy air.
Attended John Jordans funeral services. Prayer at house
noon followed by church service at Olive bridge 1:30 –
Rev AJ Coffey officiated. Arthur Trowbridge conducted
IOOF burial ritual – Knights of Pythias service at Tongore
cemetery. I placed pine branches on Little Honey’s grave
& wreath on monument. Went to Mt Horeb Chapter with
Pete Crawford evng. He was elected and installed as High
Priest to succeed Lemeul Du Bois– I accepted
appointment as Master of 1st Veil. Savory beefsteak
supper followed.
December 19, Thursday— Milder, unsettled –mostly
cloudy. Light winds northerly. Sun shone part forenoon.
Drawed out load manure and built fire at church AM.
Attended the funeral of Mrs William Jones 2 o’clock at
church. Mother played and I helped sing. Attended
Rebekah Lodge evng and annual childrens Christmas
December 20, Friday — OUR 25TH WEDDING
Rec’d surprize 3 piece silver set from Mr and Mrs Henry
Winchell. Cloudy whitening of snow fell during night,
comparatively mild but turning colder & rather blustery
evng. Our telephone connection was installed today. Don
went to Albany after Bob from Mt Herman. They will
spend Xmas at Hobart. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
December 21, Saturday— Cold wintry day – moderate
raw northeasterly winds, fair, thermometer hovers down
toward zero , snappy clear tonight. Packed and sent a
Christmas box this AM to Mariam. Rec’d letter from her,
say they are so busy with exams etc. Drawed out manure
below on side hill PM — Busy with usual chores.
Shortest day of year tomorrow. Grammy stayed home
while Daisy, Kay & I attended the Christmas
entertainment at school house.
December 22, Sunday — 2 above zero this AM, clear and
biting cold. Light northerly winds. Became overcast at
evening but cleared. Ice showed over reservoir this AM
but disappeared. Daisy and I went to Phoenicia early PM.
Had dinner with Mr and Mrs Ralph Longyear, then with
them took a ride to the head of Woodland Valley. Going
up visited Cold Brook cemetery & Golden van
Benschoten grave. Streams closing up with ice.
December 23, Monday — 6 above zero this AM 8
o’clock. Generally fair and continued cold. Clouded over
during PM and snowed a little early evng, clearing. Raw
light easterly winds. Busy with usual chores routine.
Drawed out cart load manure PM & got 2 loads fallen
limb wood. Kay rec’d Christmas sweater gift from
Mariam & lovely card and note to us.
December 24, Tuesday — Continued cold – fair – winds
northerly, quite blustery early evng. Got a nice hemlock
Christmas tree this AM. Wrote several Xmas cards
including daily one to Mariam. Helped saw wood at Mrs
Ole Burghers PM. They had my Ford saw rig & I brought
it home. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
December 25, Wednesday — Is There a Merry Christmas
Anywhere? Bright sunshiny, continued cold and biting,
moderate northerly winds. Became overcast PM. Set in
snowing during evng. Set up the Ford rig and Ben
Burgher and Ward Buley gave a lift sawing up my heap of
firewood. Cornelia attended Sunday School Christmas
party at church evng. Rec’d lovely Christmas letter from
December 26, Thursday — Only a ½ in of snowfall last
night. Fair thawing in sun this AM. Turned colder and
blustery. Drawed out manure this AM. Worked awhile
this PM cutting dead poplar firewood from edge Hinkley
woods. Aarsten Van Wagenen and Richard Craver had
supper with us and spent the evng.
December 27, Friday — Continued fair, cold and winds
northerly. Mariam spent the afternoon at home. She
arrived in time for a hot waiting chicken dinner, with Mr
and Mrs James Mc Kibbin and a Mrs Stephen Cubr. They
left for new York 6 o’clock, after supper. Wrote Freeman
copy evng.
December 28, Saturday — Clear biting cold and northerly
winds, zero at midnight. Intended butchering a pig but
was too cold & windy. Chored around drawed out
manure, put handle in axe etc. I took Daisy to Mr and Mrs
Henry Winchell’s — I attended IOOF lodge & then spent
the rest of the evening with them. Was made welcome &
treated to a bounteous table lunch. Cornelia stayed home
with mother.
December 29, Sunday — Zero this AM, coldest night of
winter, with the wind finally stilled. The reservoir is
skinned over with ice – Has been frozen above Weidner’s
Point all week. Cloudy grim — thermometer hovered low
all the miserable cold day. Kept pretty close to the warm
fireside. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
December 30, Monday — Reservoir is solidly frozen
over. Cloudy – clearing evng. Weather is reluctantly
moderating. Thermometer 10 degrees this AM and rose to
20 dropping back tonight. Daisy, Cornelia & I butchered
one of our July pigs this AM. Drawed out manure PM &
having to attend the usual round of daily chores. Cornelia
went skating this evng to High Point camp pond.
December 30, 1884, a morning fire destroyed the
Shokan grist mill, the store of A Winchell and a barn of
George Everett. The old mill had a huge wooden
waterwheel set in a deep pit and mounted on an iron axle
about one foot in diameter. The Winchells later bought
the corner store of Mr Everett in the old village and
conducted a general merchandising business there for
many years.
December 31, Tuesday — Clear – light chilling easterly
winds. Continued moderately cold, 10 above tonight.
Ranked heap of round wood from recent sawing AM. Cut
dead poplars for firewood in Hinkley woods PM. Cornelia
attended Ladies Aid New Years party at church evng. I
kept Daisy and mother company at home.
Moderately cold cloudy this morning, but faired away.
Pleasant in a.m. But the air is chilling. Light winds.
Spilled ink on the top edge of diary to start off the new
year while getting ready to jot down the first day entry.
Went up to Maple Dell Farm a.m. to ask for help to
butcher cow.
Busy with usual winter barn chores. Cut dead poplars for
firewood p.m.
Rec’d letter Mariam also 7.00 dividend check on 10
shares Chesapeake & Ohio R.R.
Mr.& Mrs. J. Gaylord Ayers moved in parsonage.
Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
Rec’d notice of appointment as Inspector of Election for
Olive - District no.2
Cloudy - moderating still, set in for an inch snowfall latter
p.m. Turning to rain evng.
Ed Avery and James Burgher and I butchered the old
“Pa’s White Devil cow” a.m. - she was 15 years old. Was
given to Daisy when a young calf by her father. The
carcass opened up in excellent condition.
The day brings sad regretful memories. Our “Little
Honey Girl Lillian” died 4 years ago tonight.
January thaw. Snow disappeared during night. Rainy all
night and continued till mid afternoon.
Icy this morning. Cloudy, mild. Part clearing p.m. With
northerly winds.
Quartered up the beef dressed 418 lbs.
Help mother grind sausage after dinner. Busy with usual
chores and split some wood.
4th anniversary of Cornelia operation for appendictis.
The new town board oranized -Lemuel J. DuBois-Supr.
Reginald Davis, Town Clerk Justices - Fred L. Weidner & Rev. T.S.Braithwaite
continuing over. Lester S. Davis & Justice North elected
in Nov. - ( Kenneth Donley is collector) Fred Reiner
appt. Welfare Officer
Harry Braithwaite - Constable
President Franklin D. Roosevelt Address - convening of
Congress & the world over radio at
9 p.m. Congress reconvened at noon.
Cloudy - Threatening mild. Had a light fall of sleet evng.
Was slippery.
Sold Lemuel E. DuBois a hind quarter of beef - 109
Around home all day, drawed out manure, split wood,
chored, etc.
Attended I.O.O.F. Lodge evng. Dist.Deputy Frank E.
Miller of WS Grand Lodge and staff installed officers at
Shokan Lodge.
Noble Grand - Earle Christiana Vice Grand - Reginald E.
Davis Warden - Alonzo Davis
Conductor-Oscar Dudley R.S.N.G.-Lester B. Davis
FinSecy - Virgil C. Gordon
L.S.N.G. -Francis Whispell RecSecy.- Harlowe McLean
R.S.V.G. - Ward Kelder
R.S.S - Conrad Christensen L.V.V.G. - James Gordon
L.S.S. - John Barringer
Inside Guardian - William Shultis Outside Guardian LeGrand Shultis
Chaplain - Arthur E. Trowbridge
Refreshments served.
JANUARY 5 Sunday
Mostly cloudy - sleet gone this morning. Winds
northerly, mild, just a bit crispy
Moonlight evng - nicely freezing
At home all day
Harry Jordan called p.m.
A dreary lonesome day 4th anniversary of Little Honey’s
funeral at 1:30 p.m.
Pete Crawford called evng.
JANUARY 6 Monday
Cloudy - set in snowing p.m. Finished in a light rain evng.
- Had a full inch fall.
Drawed out manure, split some wood, before the snow
Wrote Freeman and news copy evng.
Rec’d card from Mariam that she broke out with Chicken
pox Saturday & is in isolation at Willard Parker Hospital.
Donald came home supper time after Christmas visit in
U.S. Supreme Court declared new Deal Agricultural
Adjustment Act unconstitutional
JANUARY 7 Tuesday
Fair northerly winds, thawing, snow mostly melted Colder evng. Broken cloudy - almost full moon.
Daisy and I drawed several loads of dray wood with
Nigger and Prince.
Ralph Longyear and Stella came to supper and spent the
evng. Ralph took front quarter beef 94lbs. And the hide.
Sent Mariam 62c worth post cards & stamps.
Donald delivered 73lbs. Front quarter beef to Justice
North, -10c lb. - $7.30
Rec’d card Mariam.
The C.C.C. Camp No.215 at Boiceville was discontinued
as an active unit and the personnel transferred to other
camps - some to Margaretville, Tannersville, & Baston
JANUARY 8 Wednesday
Battle of New Orleans 121 years ago
Was partly fair this morning but became all overcast.
Light winds. Atmosphere with a tang of snow storm, a
little below freezing.
Rec’d and wrote card Mariam - also letter from Ruby.
Wrote Joe Synder evng.
JANUARY 9 Thursday
Arrived snowing and except for a let up during a.m.
Continued throughout day, changing to fine rain at evng.
Fall about 6 ½ inches.
Drawed out load manure & spread below on side hill
ploughed sod.
Don helped overhauling dray p.m.
Mother & Daisy canned meat.
JANUARY 10 Friday
Mild - Part & mostly cloudy - more or less blustery.
Around home - Helped mother cut up more beef for
7 qt cans in covered boiler.
Finished repairing dray sled p.m.
Don & Cornelia were out sleighriding evng with the Roe
girls. Don towing them with his car
Rec’d card Mariam to Don
JANUARY 11 Saturday
Generally fair - mild Snowing lightly all evng.
Drawed out manure & Daisy & I drawed the two dray
loads of firewood we had cut.
Attended IOOF Lodge evng, Later enjoyed a pleasant
evening with Mr. & Mrs. Peter Crawford
Had a nice lunch as a prelude to their 20th Wedding
anniversary tomorrow.
Rec’d card Ruby Fadden saying Mariam expected to be
out of chicken pox quarantine today.
JANUARY 12 Sunday
Fair, bright sunshine crispy but thawing Westerly
winds. Overcast evng.
Made a return service trip to Maple Dell with Polly heifer.
Had lunch with Ed & Anna Every.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
JANUARY 13 Monday
Strong south westerly winds and cloudy skies preceeded a
driving rain storm of about 2 ½ hours duration with
clinging sleet or snow on the higher mountain levels.
Cleared evng. With winds shifting northerly & freezing.
At home - Busy with chores & odd jobs:
Rec’d 2 cards Mariam She was discharged from chicken
pox isolation Sat. A.m. At Willard Parker Hosp. & was to
report for duty on scarlet fever ward yesterday.
Leah VanBenschoten presented me with her father’s
DeWitt C. Davis - Sylvesters History of Ulster County
1880 Clearwater’s History -1907 also a book of
Goldens from High Point Sunday School about 1870
Wrote Ulster County news copy evng.
JANUARY 14 Tuesday
Colder - Thermometer down around 14 this a.m. - Fair,
snowy air. Light northerly winds.
Daisy & I got together dead firewood in lower Hinkley
brush lot
Rec’d & sent card to Mariam.
JANUARY 15 Wednesday
Cloudy - Cold drenching rain p.m. & early evening
Drawed out load manure and got 2 dray loads of firewood
Starting generator in my Chevolet broke p.m. & had to get
Don to give car a tow to get engine started. Went to Pete
Crawford’s and had new armature installed.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
JANUARY 16 Thursday
Colder - Fair - Brisk Winds Westerly to North. Thawing
p.m. Overcast stilled evening.
Started smoking first 4 hams.
Rec’d & wrote card to Mariam. She is OK. New batch of
student nurses including 5 from St. Lukes.
Busy with chores mostly p.m.
Daisy & I worked cutting dead wood p.m. in lower
Hinkley brush lot.
Rec’d letter that Bob Knorph had had a large tumor
removed Jan. 6.
JANUARY 17 Friday
12 above, this a.m. Fair - rather hazy, crisp snowy air.
Light winds.
Daisy & I finished drawing piled firewood 5 dray loads.
Lemuel E. DuBois assisting the tax collector at Colange’s
store had dinner with us.
Went down this a.m. & paid taxes. Tax rate $1.84+ per
hundred. Our farm - 25 acres Val 1600 $29.51 - Total with fee $29.81 Hinkley place Val $600 Total $11.19 - 49 acres
Aunt Cornelia’s estate - 3 acres - Val $1200 Total $22.37
Rec’d & wrote card to Mariam Wrote Freeman copy
Donald bought in Kingston a Harrington & Richardson
22 special 9 shot target pistol & holster $10.00
JANUARY 18 Saturday
Arrived snowing and continued until noon time - Light
freezing rain followed, enough to cause a light crust. 3”snow. Continued murky & still evng
I took Daisy to Shokan to see Dr. Cohn p.m.
Attended I.O.O.F. Lodge evng. Stopped at Pete
Crawford’s after.
Edna Gessner came from Greenwich Conn.
JANUARY 19 Sunday
Cold snow storm Arrived snowing and continued all day
and till around 10 p.m. Wind got to blowing & light
snow drifting The fall of today is 15 inches or better.
At home all day. Wrote to Mr. And Mrs. Knorpp evng.
This is the heaviest snow in several years. Snow plows
are busy. Edna intended to return tonight but is storm
JANUARY 20 Monday
Clear - moderately cold Winds northerly.
It was generally everybodys job shoveling roads and
paths. Snow plow trucks had main roads open for travel.
Don & I shoveled out most of entrance road, as snow
plow trucks were unable to break in. I hooked up Nellie
& Nigger on dray & broke up the snow around barn and
thru entrance road. Got out load manure
Wrote “News” copy evng.
King George V of England 70 past, died at 7 p.m. Our
time. Midnight London time.
JANUARY 21 Tuesday
Zero this a.m. Clear crispy atmosphere Biting south
west winds P.M. Quieting evng. - 12 degrees above
Went with Clayton Burgher and Will Jordon P.M. To
Woodstock, attending annual meeting of Woodstock
Mutual Fire Insurance Assn. Clayton was one of 4
directors elected for 3 year terms.
This is Leah VanBenschoten’s 71 birthday.
JANUARY 22 Wednesday
Cloudy this morning but cleared away. South westerly
winds. Moderately cold. Set in snowing & blustery late
At home all day.
Busy with a variety of snowy time chores.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
JANUARY 23 Thursday
Light snow in night. Fair - Big drop in temperature to 4
below zero this a.m. - A miserable cold day with high
westerly winds, drifting the loose snow hard and deep. 2
above zero tonight 10 o’clock.
Cornelia had a rough time this morning facing the breath
taking blizzard getting on the school bus for Regents
Two trucks pushing snow plow could not buck the drifts
against Mike Dwyer’s hill.
Widespread blizzards & extreme cold. Nothing doing but
chores & thawing out bathroom pipes, drained out the
No word from Mariam all week. Write her a card daily.
JANUARY 24 Friday
Fair - continued cold. A few degrees above zero. Winds
West to Northerly.
Helped Don shoveling out the road around turn from Aunt
Cornelia’s barn. The road up the hill was opened this
a.m. With snow plow trucks & a gang of shovelers.
Rec’d fine letter from Mariam that she is OK & very
JANUARY 25 Saturday
Fair - continued cold about as yesterday Moderate winds
We finished cleaning out the snow bound entrance road.
Drawed out manure p.m. & broke cart tongue
Attented IOOF Lodge evng. Went with Don’s car
JANUARY 26 Sunday
2 above zero this a.m. A magnificent clear still sunny
day. Continued cold Zero tonight.
At home all day No callers Lonesome with Cornelia
Big day for winter sports at Phoenicia. Special weekend
snow train, and Excursion train today from New York.
JANUARY 27 Monday
Continued cold - Fair Snow flurries northerly winds.
Thermometer hovering just above zero.
At home, did barn chores etc. And repaired shoes.
Wrote Ulster County News copy evng.
Cornelia came home this a.m. With Mrs. West
JANUARY 28 Tuesday
Fair - continued cold and windy. Thermometer 2 above
zero this a.m. And 10 above tonight.
Replaced broken tongue in dump cart. Done chores etc.
No New York mail on acct of wreck at Jones Point.
Engineer killed & fireman seriously injured when Paper
train was derailed. Several passengers also injured.
Listened to broadcast from Winsdor chapel England of
funeral service for King George 5th
JANUARY 29 Wednesday
Continued fair - winds West to Northerly Thermometer
11 above this a.m. - and down to 2 tonight. Hazy overcast
during later a.m. With loads of coming snow
Drawed out load manure on dray a.m. Busy at odd jobs &
Wrote Freeman copy a.m.
Rec’d letter, card & pkg from Mariam. She sent some
special tea that was given her by a customs inspector,
former patient.
JANUARY 30 Thursday
8 below zero this a.m. Clear - still - Ideal winter’s day. 2
above zero 10 p.m. And overcast.
As usual at home. We packed and sent Mariam a box of
eatables to St. Lukes Hosp Also sent her letter with
$24.83 in checks to buy uniforms etc. Busy with barn
chores splitting up wood & getting some on porch handy.
JANUARY 31 Friday
4 below zero this a.m. Hazy overcast faired away.
Moderate winds northerly. 10 above tonight
Rec’d card Mariam stating that she has accepted a
position for General Duty at St. Lukes Hospital after
completion of her full three years Feb 17. She will come
home then for a vacation.
Donald & I removed the iron work from old lumber
wagon box p.m. for re-building a new one. The old box
was made 23 years ago this winter, by Uncle Watson, Pa
& myself.
FEBRUARY 1 Saturday
2 below zero this a.m. Clear cold cutting air northerly
winds 6 above zero tonight.
Drawed out manure a.m. Busy as usual with chores.
Attended IOOF Lodge evng, after went and had a very
pleasant call upon Mr. & Mrs. Henry Winchell.
Rensselaer Longyear, a lifelong Shokan resident died at
his home p.m.
Stopped shipping milk yesterday.
Continued magnificently clear and cold with biting
northerly winds. Morning and evening thermometer
reading close to zero.
At home --- Aartsen VanWagenen & Richard Craver
came early p.m. & staid for supper.
4 below zero this a.m. Fair becoming overcast
moderated somewhat & set in snowing late p.m. 10 above
11p.m. & continuing snowing lightly.
Drawed out manure, doing chores etc
Rec’d fine letter from Mariam with notes from several of
the girls - all enjoyed our last Thursday’s box immensely.
Merritt Crispell, 71, died at Stone Ridge. He has been in
poor health for some weeks. Heart ailment - was in bed 2
FEBRUARY 4 Tuesday
Snow and sleet storm, about 3 inches, becoming warmer.
Miserable traveling. Cleared colder windy evng.
Funeral of Rensselaer Longyear p.m. At Shokan
Reformed Church.
I stayed over night with Pete Crawford & we left in the
freezing sleet storm about 7:30 for Albany. Picked up
George Styles and Herbert Markle in Kingston. Arrived
about 11 o’clock. Had dinner & then for a short time
attended Grand Chapter Session. Pete received the “High
Priest” degree a.m. - meanwhile I visited the historical
exhibits in the Capitol. - We arrived back in Kingston &
had supper around 7:30 - I got back home about midnight.
Mrs. Fred Gulnac died p.m. At Ashokan. She failed to
rally from stroke sustained last week.
Rec’d letter Mariam.
FEBRUARY 5 Wednesday
Beautifully clear snow sparkling day & moonlight evng.
Brisk westerly winds p.m. & evng. Chilling air but not so
cold as customary. Snow thinly crusted 6 above at 11:30
At home, busy all forenoon addressing printed past cards
to members of Ulster Dist Grand Comm for special
meeting Sat. Evening in Kingston.
Drawed out manure p.m. Local ice harvesting is in
FEBRUARY 6 Thursday
Bright glistening day 2 below zero this a.m. 6 above 10
p.m. Becoming hazily overcast evng. Magnificent
moonlight effect on snow crust early.
Went to Kingston and back by Stone Ridge attending
funeral of Merritt Crispell at his home at 2:30 o’clock.
Rec’d letter Mariam.
Cloudy, raw cold day with cutting northerly winds.
Cleared beautifully evng. 5 above zero a.m. & 10 tonight.
Busy with chores in variety, getting in generous supply of
wood on porch.
Funeral of Mrs. Fred Gulnac at their home in Ashokan
p.m. She was an active member of Olive Rebekah Lodge.
FEBRUARY 8 Saturday
Clear sunny day & evg. Becoming overcast. Continued
snappy cold.
Drawed out manure a.m. Mr.& Mrs. Ed Avery called
Drove my car to Olive Bridge and went to Kingston long
with Arthur Trowbridge, Lester B. Davis, Wm. Shultis &
Oscar Dudley attended at Aretus Lodge. Special meeting
of I.O.O.F. Dist Grand Committee & regular meeting of
Past Grands Assn. Special meeting was for purpose of
granting a request for a charter to 26 members to form a
new lodge at Marlboro to replace Advance Lodge now
Arrived snowing and continued gradually diminishing till
after around 2 p.m. When the weather cleared
magnificently and still after a fall of about 5 inches of
feathery snow.
P.M. I went to Phoenicia and visited the winter excursion
from New York City sports gathering at the Woodland
Valley ski run. Hundreds were gathered. It was a
magnificent sunny scene.
2 sections excursion teams.
Edna Gessner spent Sat. Night & today with Don.
FEBRUARY 10 Monday
4 below zero this a.m. Fair - cold - somewhat windy
Thermometer readings of 12 below reported.
At home - busy with chores & firewood.
Rec’d letter Mariam, saying Dr. Allen recommends
having her tonsils removed in taking her final physical
Town of Olive purchased a new Chevrolet dump truck
Saturday of Chester Lyons $1,100.
Commissioner Claude Bell had it out today on snow
FEBRUARY 11 Tuesday
Part cloudy - more or less blustery and p.m. Snow squally.
Moderately cold.
Busy with daily chores.
This evng I went with Pete Crawford and family to
Modena attending reception to IOOF Grand Master Peter
Krone. - Excellent chicken supper and entertainment &
dancing after, in Modena Memorial Hall.
Rec’d of Attorney Robt.G. Graves acct owing me by
Catskill Mountain Star 6 months correspondence ending
June 1/35 check less collection $10.00
FEBRUARY 12 Wednesday
Bright sunny a.m. Becoming part overcast p.m.
Moderately cold
Not feeling so perk today, have a stuffy head cold.
Drawed out big dray load manure p.m.
Rec’d card Mariam saying her proposed tonsilectomy
operation is postponed indefinately & she probably will
be home the 18th.
FEBRUARY 13 Thursday
Set in snowing 9:30 this a.m. And continued throughout
the day & evng., getting heavier tonight.
As usual busy with chores.
Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
FEBRUARY 14 Friday
12 inch heavy snowfall.
Snowy night and continued till around noon time. Misty
rain weather moderated.
Mr.and Mrs. Lemuel DuBois came despite the snow &
had dinner with us. He got stuck making the turn from
the road & had quite a job shoveling his car out this
afternoon. Don & I shoveled road awhile after supper.
FEBRUARY 15 Saturday
Sunny pleasant mild day - winds east to northerly - quiet
clear evng., 12 above
Drawed out load manure a.m.
Daisy and I butchered our last pig p.m. Dressed ____
Attended IOOF Lodge evng, after I called on Henry
Winchell & got 50 pounds buckwheat flour. Charley
Langer bought for me from an old fashioned mill in
Walker Valley $1.75
Claud Bell ploughed out our road late p.m. - 2 trucks
pushing the plow.
FEBRUARY 16 Sunday
10 above this a.m. - Clear, gradually becoming hazily
overcast. Snowed a little mussy driving p.m. 28 above
early evng.
I took Daisy over to see Dr. Cohn p.m. Then we made a
call on Mr.& Mrs. Lem DuBois.
Mariam called up from New York at 10:30 tonite saying
she is coming home tomorrow p.m. Will complete her
full training at noon.
FEBRUARY 17 Monday
A belated January thaw Foggy murky this a.m. But faired
away and again became overcast. Set in rainy late p.m.
I went to Kingston . Mariam completed her training at St.
Lukes Hosp at noon and I met her at the 4.08 West Shore
We had a pleasant supper and evening general reunion
chat. Wrote “news” copy evng.
FEBRUARY 18 Tuesday
Snowing and rough this a.m. Later cleared bright sunny,
continued windy & becoming much colder. 2 below zero
early evng.
Slippery miserable road conditions. At home all day. Cut
up pig after dinner. We didn’t do much but visit with
Mariam. She has a cold and remained indoors. Ed and
Anna Avery called a.m.
FEBRUARY 19 Wednesday
8 below zero this morning Clear - cold - snappy tonight
and 8 below at midnight.
Visited with Mariam. She still has her cold but got out
awhile with Don p.m.
I went to Kingston tonite with Pete Crawford attending
Mt. Horeb Chapter
Snow is piled deep everywhere.
FEBRUARY 20 Thursday
9 below on our porch thermometer this a.m. Fair but hazy
still. Thawing a little in sun p.m.
2 above 11p.m.
Mariam remained indoors due to her cold.
I went over to see Van R. Crispell p.m. He has had
asthma for years & recently overdone himself shoveling
snow & has had a light stroke. His condition is critical.
FEBRUARY 21 Friday
2 below zero this a.m. Fair - hazy - quiet. Moderating
somewhat. 12 above tonight.
Will Jones and Leah VanBenschoten spent the day with
us having dinner. Don went after them both and I took
Leah back home. Mariam’s cold hangs on and she
remained indoors.
FEBRUARY 22 Saturday
4 above this a.m. & 12 tonight. Clear, northerly winds.
Drawed out dray load manure and spread on side hill a.m.
Busy with usual chores. Getting too fat for my liking
weigh around 185. This p.m. Don & Mariam went to
Phoenicia & this evng we made calls at Mr.and Mrs.
Henry Winchell’s and Pete Crawford.
FEBRUARY 23 Sunday
My 46th birthday.
10 above this a.m. 10 tonight
Lovely bright crispy day, northerly winds.
Cornelia, Mariam & I went to Phoenicia to see noon snow
train from NY arrive at ski slopes Snyder Hollow switch.
With the crowd that came with the Friday night snow
train Phoenicia was swamped - 1000 cars were counted
this p.m. We called on Mr.and Mrs. West and her sisters.
Ralph Longyear and George Kessler came fro our turkey
birthday supper & spent the evng. - Mother made my
customary soft chocolate birthday cake as was dear Aunt
Cornelia’s custom sure I was a boy.
FEBRUARY 24 Monday
Cloudy - 10 above zero this a.m. Developing milder Snowing some evng, changing to rain
Wrote Freeman copy a.m. - not feeling very sprightly too much birthday I guess. Mariam and Donald went over
to see Miss Lydia Scott to Shokan evng. Wrote “News”
copy evng.
Fred Brown of Stone Ridge started wiring Aunt
Cornelia’s house for Donald.
FEBRUARY 25 Tuesday
Mildest day of the winter. Mostly cloudy murky thawing and water running - Starlight evng.
Roads were terribly slippery last night from freezing rain.
Thermometer up to 48 - 40 at 11p.m.
Around home doing chores and smoking hams.
Donald, Mariam, Cornelia & I went to Phoenicia evng
and had a beefsteak supper with Ralph Longyear.
The snow is noticably stained from what is probably
atmospheric dust carried east by the western dust storms,
& carried to the earth by the snow and freezing rain last
FEBRUARY 26 Wednesday
Cloudy - still - mild. The snow has settled very noticably.
Went to Geo VanKleecks blacksmith shop a.m. & had
some wagon box irons repaired.
Drawed out manure p.m.
FEBRUARY 27 Thursday
Continued mild Rainy morning faired away p.m. Rain
squalls early evng.
Busy with chores, smoking meat, working on new wagon
Supervisor Lemuel E. DuBois had dinner with us.
FEBRUARY 28 Friday
Clear crispy sunny day, northerly winds. Busy with usual
routine, working on wagon box a.m.
P.M. - Ralph Longyear came down with his truck and we
butchered our red cow “Lazarus” She dressed 350 He
took the front quarters and hide. --quarters weight 90lbs
Mariam went with Don to Kingston evng after Edna
Gessner coming from Greenwich, Conn.
Ralph stayed till 10 o’clock
FEBRUARY 29 Saturday
Fair - moderately mild - winds westerly overcast evng.
Drawed out manure a.m. This p.m. I hooked Nigger and
Nellie on the dray sled and took Mariam, Cornelia,
Donald & Edna Gessner for a snow ride up to Ernest
Constables via the back Hinkley road. - Don took several
pictures. Attended IOOF Lodge evng.
MARCH 1 Sunday
Clear - brisk - snowy air - northerly winds.
I took Mariam to Kingston where she took the 8.45 train
for New York. I stopped to Pete Crawford’s on my way
home, he took dents from my left rear Chevy fender. I
obliged by having an excellent roast pork dinner with
Edna Gessner returned to Greenwich Conn. This evng
after spending the weekend here with Donald. Lem
DuBois came after hind quarter beef p.m. - weighed 85
lbs @ $.12 lb. Paid $10.20
MARCH 2 Monday
2 above zero this a.m. Became overcast and a heavy
snow storm set in at nightfall.
Worked on the new wagon box in barn. Mariam started
work at St. Lukes Hospital as an Assistant Charge Nurse
Salary $75 per month and board, laundry, etc.
MARCH 3 Tuesday
Soggy snow of last night 3 ½ inches - murky - mild.
Generally cloudy.
I worked on the wagon box all day & made myself good
and tired. Rec’d 2 cards from Mariam
She went to work on Minturn 3 - Womens Medical Ward.
MARCH 4 Wednesday
Fair springlike Southwesterly winds Becoming overcast
Drawed out dray load manure a.m. Went to George
VanKleeck’s shop p.m. & had some iron work repaired
for wagon box. Went to Kingston evng with Pete
Crawford attending Mt.Horeb Chapter and conferring of
Mark Master degree
MARCH 5 Thursday
Rained lightly in night turned to wet intermittent snow
falls this a.m. & more or less mussy all day. Cleared early
I went to Kingston. Drawed money from Aunt Cornelia’s
joint savings bank acct with mother to pay Fred W.
Brown for wiring contract for house barn & garage for
Donald Bishop. Total bill $294.29
MARCH 6 Friday
Thermometer around 14-16 above morning & night. Raw
cold day winds northerly. Generally fair. Moon nearing
Worked on wagon box in barn. Donald started working
for Fred Brown at High Falls doing house wiring. Going
& coming with his car.
Mrs. Elta McMillin 75, died this evng at the home of her
daughter Mrs. Maggie Bishop in Kingston - She
underwent an operation two weeks ago and had recovered
remarkably but suffered a relapse Wednesday.
MARCH 7 Saturday
6 above zero this a.m. Clear, crispy. Thawing in sun.
Magnificent moonlight night.
Completed my wagon box and drawed out load manure.
Attended I.O.O.F. Lodge evng. Initiatary degree
conferred on Gilbert Bloom and Clarance VanGasbeck.
Afterward stopped to Pete Crawford’s with Oscar Dudley
and had midnight refreshments. Rec’d card Mariam.
She’s had a very busy week.
MARCH 8 Sunday
Thawing but chilly air and southwesterly winds. Fair
becoming overcast during p.m.
At home all day - Wrote Freeman copy evng. Helen
Thompson staid overnight with Cornelia.
MARCH 9 Monday
Raining this morning and continued mussy more or less.
I went to Kingston. I called at Virgil Gordon’s at Brown
Station where I viewed the remains of Mrs. Gordon’s
mother, Mrs. Elta McMillin. The funeral was held 2
o’clock at Tongore Church. Big turnout. Rec’d from
Robert G. Knorpp check $180 12% interest on $3000 note with new note for 6 mo due Sept 10 MARCH 10 Tuesday
Cloudy, breaking away warm & sunny became overcast
again rainy evng. Snow & ice took a thinning down today
water running messily
Rec’d a busy letter from Mariam
Drawed out manure a.m. & spread on corn ground along
top of side hill below house. P.M. I cut and hauled a dray
load dead pole wood from Hinkley woods.
MARCH 11 Wednesday
Rainy night and all day continuing on tonight - a gloomy
foggy storm
I went to Kingston concerning financial matters. Wrote
Freeman copy evng. High water tonight. Van R.
Crispell died 11:30 p.m. He was improving & had a
MARCH 12 Thursday
Continued rainy thru the night letting up thru forenoon
but rained almost steadily p.m. & into evng., then turned
to snowing. Flood waters are raging, streams overflowing
and lowlands under water. Shored channels in Bushkill
stream broke away in several sections. Called at Van
Crispells late p.m. I set up the Ford sawing outfit along
with the morning showers. Ralph Longyear called up
p.m. & I went in the downpour to Woodland Valley,
bought 2 cows of Jacob Krein for $180.00
MARCH 13 Friday
Ground freshly white this a.m. Snow squally raw and
John Bell and his sons Henry and Irving helped me saw
up my pile of firewood. Did a fine big job. Ralph
Longyear with his truck delivered my 2 cows bought
yesterday - $5.00 for delivery
Total cost $185.00 Wrote Freeman copy evng.
MARCH 14 Saturday
Light snow fall during night. Overcast a.m. - Fair p.m. Became rainy evng. Chilly westerly winds p.m.
Cleaned up from yesterdays wood sawing and drawed out
load manure a.m.
Daisy & I attended funeral of Van R. Crispell held at the
old homestead at Brodhead Heights. Interment in
Tongore Cemetery, after which we called on Henry
Winchell and John Dudley. I did not attend IOOF Lodge.
A 7 10/16lb born this p.m. To Mr.& Mrs. Francis
Whispell at Benedictine Hosp.
MARCH 15 Sunday
Warm springlike day, Fair and quiet. Remained around
home all day.
Wrote up Freeman news copy
MARCH 16 Monday
Cloudy mild. Set in rainy late p.m. Rainy night.
Lightening flashes to south evng.
Doing chores & Daisy & I piled wood. Called over to
Van Crispells p.m.
Went with Gaylord Ayers to Saugerties evng. 16 going
from Shokan IOOF Lodge. - First degree conferred on
Clarence Van Gasbeck & Gilbert Bloom in a class from
MARCH 17 Tuesday
Murky Muggy this a.m. Followed by fresh southwesterly
winds. Set in rainy noontime & continued driving storm
p.m. & evng. Streams running high again tonight.
Much of snow yet remaining is about disappeared. Fields
are bare.
Daisy & I piled wood a.m. Rained out in house resting
MARCH 18 Wednesday
Drenching night Continued showers throughout the day
and another rainy night - warm, muggy.
Donald & I went up Watson Hollow a.m. to view the high
water - Bushkill stream not so high as last week. We then
went to Cold Brook to see the Esopus flood. Road
flooded beyond Bert Winnies’s garage. A vast volume of
muddy water pours in reservoir. - The main body of ice
still holds intact on reservoir. Wrote Freeman copy.
Went to Kingston tonite with Pete Crawford, attending
Ladies Night at Mt. Horeb Chapter.
MARCH 19 Thursday
Warm muggy. Downpouring night. Stopped raining
awhile this a.m. Had continued showers during afternoon
& still raining evng. Somewhat cooler tonite.
The eastern states are suffering the worst flood in their
settled history. Unparralled since 1763. Heavy loss of
life & untold millions property damage. Managed to
drawed out heavy dray load manure a.m. Spred in mud
p.m. I went over to Chester Lyon’s Garage p.m. & had car
motor tuned up new coil put on etc. The Chevy has been
hard to start all winter. Both Ashokan baisins are at flood
levels & water began pouring over the Spillway today.
MARCH 20 Friday
Fair & sunny. Southwesterly winds, becoming overcast at
The reservoir ice fields are drifting apart & breaking up.
Not feeling very sprightly, grippy.
Rec’d lovely letter from Mariam. Is well and very busy.
Drew her first pay the 18th of $35.00
Piled & split wood. Made a call at Maple Dell this p.m.
Terrible flood in New England states.
MARCH 21 Saturday
Rainy night and occasional downpours this afternoon.
Continued overcast & colder tonight with northerly
The reservoir west baisin ice fields are pretty well
disappearing, giving way to the murky flood waters.
Drawed out manure forenoon, also split some firewood
during day.
Attended IOOF Lodge evng - 3rd degree conferred on
Clarance VanGasbeck and Gilbert Bloom. They had their
2nd degree last nite at Bearsville.
MARCH 22 Sunday
Windy night and March gale continued all day growing
less severe evng. Bright clear crispy day.
At home all day. Bob Bishop arrived from Mt. Hermon
Mass. He was delayed by the terrible flood conditions.
Wrote Freeman copy evng. Edna Gessner came last evng
in time for supper & returned to Greenwich Conn this
MARCH 23 Monday
Fair warm, still. Became overcast evng.
I went to Stone Ridge and purchased a 13 year old large
Guernsey cow from the herd of Edward F. Muller $62.50
This evng went to Kingston with my car and Mr.and Mrs.
Peter Crawford. Attended sound picture showing of
Masonic Home and Round Lake recreation camp. About
1200 present in Kingston Municipal Auditorium.
MARCH 24 Tuesday
Frog chorus going strong tonight. Fair early but clouded
over - Warm - Set in rainy early evng.
Drawed out dray load manure & split & piled wood.
Granville Lockwood Stone Ridge truckman brought the
cow late p.m.
MARCH 25 Wednesday
Balmy fair and hazy. Light southerly winds - First
showing of the new moon early evng.
The mountains are shrouded in a peculiar purplish haze,
evidently from the western dust storms.
Split wood a.m. This afternoon I did a good job re-roofing
our small chicken house. Was party torn off by Sundays
wind storm. Wrote Freeman copy evng. Engaged ton
acid phosphate of Ray Davis - 19.50 - less 10% cash.
MARCH 26 Thursday
Froze ice on roofs last night - Fair mild - Southerly winds.
Drawed out dray load manure a.m. Split & piled wood.
Hung up last 3 hams from brine & started smoking.
Started addressing Dist Grand Comm. Annual meeting
cards evng.
MARCH 27 Friday
Arrived rainy and continued a downpour most of day.
Murky gloomy day. Wind and rain evng.
Addressed Dist. Grand Comm cards.
Got out Freeman copy a.m. Painted new wagon box with
old automobile oil.
Ed & Anna Avery called and spent the evng.
MARCH 28 Saturday
Brisk westerly to north winds. Fair mild but got a bit
colder p.m.with snow squalls on mountais. Pleasant clear
Drawed out manure & split & piled wood - Smoked
Rec’d excellent letter from Mariam, shows the
responsibility attached with her position.
Attended IOOF Lodge evng, after called on Mr and Mrs.
Henry Winchell.
MARCH 29 Sunday
Warm - balmy - fair - windy.
Had dinner with my neighbor Abram Constable & his
housekeeper Mrs. McGreevey.
Mr & Mrs Ralph Longyear & Mr & Mrs John Bolier
called p.m.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
MARCH 30 Monday
Continued fair summery - thermometer 62 at 10 p.m.
Brisk southerly winds evng.
Cleaned up the wood - piling etc. Smoking hams.
Drawed out manure after dinner & cleaned up about the
garden. Wrote “news” copy evng.
MARCH 31 Tuesday
March goes out like a lion - Fair - colder - brisk northerly
The reservoir is well churned up and very riolly.
Started my annual spring job of fence repairing. The red
cow I bought of John Krein had a spotted heifer calf over
in the Hinkley woods.
The condemned murderer of the Lindberg baby, Bruno
Richard Hauptman, rec’d an indefinate stay of execution
shortly after 8 p.m., a few minutes before his scheduled
excution at Trenton NJ State Prison.
Clarance Moe 74 died suddenly tonight at the home of his
daughter Mrs. Bun Elmendorf at Shokan
APRIL 1 Wednesday
Thermometer 30 this am. Becoming unsettled. Light
southerly winds. Set in rainy during evening. Chilly air Part cloudy Finished repairing fence and sowed grass seed - patch of
rye below wall - and last years seedings that killed out in
Went to Kingston tonite with Pete Crawford - Past Master
& Most Excellent Master Degrees conferred at Mt. Horeb
APRIL 2 Thursday
Rainy night and a cold rainy day.
Served on the Board of Inspectors for Presidential Spring
Primary as Chairman.
42 Democratic and 29 Republican ballots cast.
APRIL 3 Friday
Snow squally - raw windy day. Thermometer down to 26
I went to Kingston with Election Returns. Paid Chester
Lyons $380 on my 1934 Chevrolet coach (bal $20)
Bruno Richard Hauptman finally paid the penalty as the
convicted murderer & kidnapper of the son of Col and
Mrs. Chas. A. Lindburgh. The baby was stolen from its
crib at the family home, Hopewell N.J. - night of
March 1, 1932. Hauptman was executed at Trenton
State Prison 8.47 1/2p.m.
APRIL 4 Saturday
Trout season opened
Thermometer 22 - 24 this am. Ground froze - Windy raw
day. Fair overcast evng.
Drawed out manure am. Busy with odd jobs p.m.
Attended IOOF Lodge evng. - Initiatory degree
conferred on Edw. Schawb.
Funeral 2 p.m. Of Clarance Moe in Old School Baptist
Church, Shokan.
APRIL 5 Sunday
Raw dismal cloudy day - Feels like snow. Winds light
southerly. Set in rainy evng.
Around home all day. Read papers etc.
ARPIL 6 Monday
Downpour all night and this forenoon. Strong southerly
galls am. Clearing and turning colder with winds shifting
northerly during p.m.
Daisy & I dehorned 5 critters this a.m. - a job that I have
been dreading.
Went to Boiceville during p.m. To see Charley Duloff
about some lumber.
Wrote “news” copy evng. Rec’d card Mariam.
Mrs. John Brooks 77 died at Ashokan, also Mrs.
Alexander Hamilton at Ashokan
APRIL 7 Tuesday
Arrived cloudy - set in stormy around 10.30, rain & snow
mixture, mostly hail later in afternoon.
Storm clouds rifted at sunset & cleared colder with fresh
northerly winds. Later snow squalls. Full moon last
Drawed out manure am.& cut poles for ham rigging & got
wet in woods getting the sticks out.
Took it easy p.m. Along with usual barn chores.
Wrote Freeman copy evng. Rec’d fine letter from
APRIL 8 Wednesday
High northerly winds, diminishing p.m. Ground white
with snow this a.m. But disappeared.
Fair, sunny but somewhat snow squally this morning.
Started to make a new hay rigging.
Went to Ashokan
station p.m. After 2 fine large pigs, shipped by Charles
Davis from Concord, Mass. Express $2.25
Wrote Freeman news copy evng.
Mother attended Ladies Aid meeting at church. Mrs.
West & the school children were entertained at dinner.
APRIL 9 Thursday
Fair this morning but grew overcast - Chilly air and winds
- Set in rainy mussy at eve. Thermometer 30 this am.
Drawed out manure a.m., spread on garden. Also cut a
leaning ash tree for sawing reaches and whiffle tree stock,
in muddy woods on Aunt Cornelia’s property. Also
drawed out limbwood on woodpile.
Set out a row of raspberry canes opposite row currant
Donald had underground electrical conduit laid from
house to barn & garage. - put cable inside 1 1/2” pipe.
APRIL 10 Friday
Murky overcast - Atmosphere and ground soaked Chilly
weather Rainy at night.
I made a job of cutting up the old hay rigging for firewood
- cleaned up the winter banking of leaves on north side of
house, & various chores & odd jobs.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
APRIL 11 Saturday
Continued gloomy unsettled. Mistly mussy day - evng
occasional downpour tonight Backward cold weather.
Drawed over dray load manure & spread on potato
ploughed sod ground on orchard lot.
P.M. I busied myself in the misty rain bucking up limb
I went this evng with Arthur Trowbridge and Virgil
Gordon to Saugerties, attended session of IOOF Past
Grands Assn.
APRIL 12 Sunday
Chilly gloomy Easter set in rainy late afternoon.
At home - occupied with customary daily chores. Wrote
Ulster County News copy evng.
APRIL 13 Monday
Rainy night and continued a gentle fall nearly all day,
clearing at evng.
Busy with barn chores a.m.
I made a trip to Kingston p.m. - Placed a buying order
with Parker McElroy Co. For
15 shares - Skelly Oil
@ $29
15 “
-Kelvinator Corp @24
15 “
15 “
-Simmons(Beds) @30
15 “
-United AirCraft @25
Order executed Tues. April 14
Wrote Freeman copy evng - Mrs.Ed Avery, Mrs James
Burgher & Blanche Bessrodney called evg
APRIL 14 Tuesday
Clear and bright sunny day northerly winds diminishing,
Becoming overcast late p.m. & set in rainy evng.
Wittenbergs beautifully snow capped this a.m.
Took over a dray load manure a.m. & spread on potato
ground. Worked on hay rigging p.m.
Chas. Duloff delivered 75-2x4x8s for Don Bishop this
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
APRIL 15 Wednesday
Fair, warmer Real springlike weather. Became overcast
and set in rainy evng.
I worked on hay rigging in barn.
Went with Lester B. Davis, Arthur Trowbridge, Grover C.
Christiana, & Alonzo Davis to Gardiner, attending
evening annual session of Ulster Dist Grand Committee.
Newton C. VanEtten of Aretus Lodge no172 Kingston,
elected District Deputy. I was re elected Secretary
Treasurer. 91 Past Grands present
APRIL 16 Thursday
Thunder & lightning toward morning Colder, Windy.
Part cloudy snow squally - snowing late evg.
Drawed over dray load manure a.m. and took a load of old
rubbish down in woods a.m. - also got load limbs.
Hauled Donald’s eletric light poles in position for setting.
Roy Palen has been busy digging the 3 holes - 6 ft deep. I
worked on my hay rigging p.m. - have it nearly finished.
Wrote up account tonight of Grand Comm meeting for
APRIL 17 Friday
Cold, Part cloudy. Blustery & squally. Cloudy evng.
Don had a little bee this morning and got his three electric
light poles set. Ed Avery and Jim Burgher helped.
Wrote Freeman news copy, a.m. We rec’d letter and box
plant bulbs from Mariam.
Mrs. Moore and Edith were here for supper.
APRIL 18 Saturday
Dense mountain snow squally & light rains over valley
during forenoon - Broke away p.m. Fair evening. Light
Drawed out dray load manure a.m. Cleaned cobwebs
from stables p.m. & finished my new hay rigging.
Attended IOOF Lodge evng. - 3rd degree conferred on
Ed. Schwab. Had 2nd last night at Bearsville. - I also
called on Mr and Mrs. Henry Winchell, leaving lodge
meeting before degree started.
APRIL 19 Sunday
Glum raw day northerly winds. Part & mostly cloudy Sun shone at times. Cloudy tonight.
Around home, Wrote Freeman copy & wrote letter to
Mariam evng.
Edna Gessner came yesterday p.m. & Don took her to
Kingston for train after supper.
APRIL 20 Monday
Generally fair, much warmer, winds westerly.
Drawed over manure a.m.
P.m. I drawed a big double wagon box load of chicken
manure litter from Herman Weidner’s and spread on sod
right back of barn.
Wrote Ulster County news copy evng.
APRIL 21 Tuesday
Arrived rainy and had a day of April showers with brisk
thunder and lightning p.m. - Northerly winds - warm
turning colder toward evng.
Went to Kingston Paid for stocks bought last week total
$1881.72 - money drawn from
Savings & Loan acct.
APRIL 22 Wednesday
Clear, bright crispy day, northerly winds. Chilly quiet
Drawed out manure a.m .and took some hay over to
Herman Weidner’s, brought back a load of litter spread in
on sod after dinner.
Elmer Palen of Kingston called p.m. & looked over my
horses, concerning exchanging Nellie the shapely bay
mare for another less spirited horse.
Mother attended Ladies Aid quilting at church.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
The toilet at Constable’s farm against South Mountain
made a spectacular blaze at 8:30 this evng.
APRIL 23 Thursday
Froze ice last night. Clear cool light northerly winds.
Became overcast quiet evng.
Feel tired out, stiff and old generally. Hard to get
limbered up with the weather so backward.
Helped Daisy clean out the small chicken house & moved
her 25 checks & hen out there.
Bought the chicks in Kingston Tuesday - had 15 Rhode
Island Reds @.$.11
12 New Hamphire reds @ $.13
Cut up firewood on wood pile
Death of Mrs. Edwin Burhaus at Brown Station Heights,
after a long illness
APRIL 24 Friday
Clear cold northerly winds - Feels like frosty October
Finished buck sawing cutting up & pile limb wood on
woodpile - Drawed over dray load manure.
P.M. I started in spring farming and drayed off the stone
from sod plowed corn ground side hill below house. A
big job & I am mighty tired tonite.
Donald hooked up an electric light in stable over cow
manger & another in celler in corner by electric pump. Cornelia stayed in Kingston tonight with Mr & Mrs Henry
APRIL 25 Saturday
Continued cool - Fair - Chilly southerly winds - Quiet
Real tired tonight - Drawed stone - Daisy and I picked
two dray loads from seeding behind the old Hinkley barn
& put them in road.
Attended I.O.O.F. Lodge evng. - 23 present. Rec’d a
wonderful letter from Mariam
Charley Duloff delivered me 83 ft lumber he sawed for
me from ash butt and small hemlock stick
Roy Davis delivered Don acid fertilizer a.m. - to cost
APRIL 26 Sunday
Light showers this morning, clearing colder and brisk
northerly winds.
Wrote Freeman news copy. Daylight Saving Time
I went over after Leah VanBenschoten this p.m. To have
supper with us. Friends from Newark came after her.
APRIL 27 Monday
Froze ice again last night - Clear - winds northerly warming up slowly I took Daisy to Kingston for having her glasses re-fitted at
Harry LeFevres - will cost $12.00
Pete Crawford & I went to Ellenville to attend an official
visitation at Warwarsing Chapter
No.246 - R.A.M. Went with my car - Pete furnished
APRIL 28 Tuesday
Windy - warmer - Partly cloudy - Threatened rain around
noon. Was overcast and had sprinkles.
Faired away.
Drawed over manure a.m. Big cart load & tipped over
making plenty of work.
I got the team going on cutaway harrow p.m., on garden
& side hill corn lot.
Trooper Ray Dunn called p.m.
APRIL 29 Wednesday
Fair hazy - fresh south westerly winds. Turned much
warmer, became overcast & light showers during evng.
Thermometer up in the 70’s p.m.
Mother attended Ladies Aid at church.
I disk harrowed both morning and afternoon getting over
the side hill corn ground.
APRIL 30 Thursday
Continued summery Fair hazy a.m. Became showery
p.m. Had long thunder shower latter p.m.
Drawed & spread 2 cart loads manure on patch out along
path a.m.
This P.M went with Pete Crawford - High Priest of Mt.
Horeb Chapter RAM - & several other companions also
joined us in Kingston went to Catskill for Ulster -Greene
District Chapter convention. During p.m. Evng the 4
chapter degrees were conferred under corrections of
Grand Lecturer Geo Russell of Buffalo. - Supper was
served at Baptist Church.
MAY 1 Friday
June weather in full blast. Fair southwesterly winds Thermometer 64 -10 p.m. Daylight Saving time.
Beautiful moonlight evng.
I got the plow in motion and plowed about ¾ of Aunt
Cornelia’s field for oats, last years corn stubble.
Mother and sat on front porch early evng & heard first
whipporwill call of the season.
MAY 2 Saturday
Continued summer weather - Generally fair with fresh
southwesterly winds. Thermometer up in the seventies.
I started to finish my plowing job but caught an
underground rock breaking the side hill plow mouleboard
& back Y brace. Then drawed over load manure & for
an afternoon job disk harrowed the field both ways.
Attended IOOF Lodge evng.
MAY 3 Sunday
Continued warm light winds southwesterly gradually
getting showery p.m. over the valley. At eve a long
severe electrical storm settled in, stopped raining later.
Aunt Cornelias birthday - She would have been 79 today.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Donald took Cornelia along to Hobart for the day.
MAY 4 Monday
Murky this a.m. But part broke away, turning
considerably cooler during p.m with wind northerly
Drawed over load manure a.m.
Daisy and I went to Kingston p.m. She got her new bi
focal glasses at Harry LeFevre’s $12.00
I brought Leah VanBenschoten home with us & she is
staying over night - I took Leah to Dr. Cosgrove’s at
Ordered 5 gal aluminum paint from Brown Fence & Wire
Co - $15.10
Wrote “news” copy evng.
MAY 5 Tuesday
Warmer - muggy - unsettled - mostly cloudy - Light
showers at intervals. Cleared evng.
Finished ploughing strip along ditch of Aunt Cornelia’s
field & then disked it a.m. Took Leah VanBenschoten
home after dinner & went to Bert Winne’s garage & had
brace welded for side hill plow. I came home and did a
good job ploughing the garden. - Wilson Terwilliger
delivered me 2 tons Accord hydrated lime - $17.50 Daisy & I also Cornelia & Don attended school meeting
evng. - Mabel Weidner re-elected Trustee - Albert North,
Coll. Fred Weidner - Clerk
Rec’d fine letter from Mariam - enclosed 10 dollars.
MAY 6 Wednesday
Generally fair, southwesterly winds, pleasantly warm.
Became overcast evng.
Mother attended Ladies Aid at church.
I made a business of spreading lime with spreader. Went
over garden, oats ground & patch out along path.
Attended Mt. Horeb Chapter tonite at Kingston. Royal
arch degree conferred.
MAY 7 Thursday
1st anniversary of Mariam’s Class Graduation at St.
Lukes Hospital
Downpour of wind and rain early this a.m. Later part
clearing - Light mountain showers p.m. Pleasantly warm
Cornelia did not attend school due to the rain at bus time.
I spent the morning writing Freeman copy. This p.m. I
did a good job getting patch out along path sowed with
oats and seed and all harrowed in - 5 pecks oats sowing.
Picked off wagon load stone. Rec’d card Mariam.
Herbert Bell, died in Kingston. For many years he was a
harness maker in the old village of West
Shokan. He ever since conducted a harness shop on
W.First Street, Kingston.
MAY 8 Friday
Hot summer weather - Fair, northerly winds.
Harrowed oats ground, made the horses lather. Got it
sowed during p.m. - 5 ½ bu & harrowed in. A great big
job done. Jennie Kerr and her mother had dinner with
MAY 9 Saturday
Very hot, fair, northerly winds - Becoming overcast evng.
& showery off to south west.
Cooling off tonight.
Daisy and I picked fair load stones from oats field then I
boated it down, also patch out along path.
Did not get to lodge evng, called to Dr. Cosgrove’s - then
went for a visit at Mr.& Mrs. Henry Winchell’s.
Don went to New York this a.m. - to opening of 3rd
International Stamp Exposition, brought Edna Gessner
back with him from Greenwich Conn.
MAY 10 Sunday
Heavily overcast & much cooler this morning. -Cleared
beautiful day with light winds & warmed up.
Had several callers a.m. This afternoon mother and I
went to the cemetery & put lilacs on the graves of our
loved ones. Little Honey, Dad - Aunt Cornelia & Uncle
Watson Bishop. We made a short call to Henry
Winchell’s on our way home.
I went up to see Mark Every this evng.
Edna Gessner went back to Greenwich tonite.
MAY 11 Monday
The sunrise effect on the reservoir was most peculiar and
unusual seen from the west side. Clouds hanging low
obscured the sun itself from view, while a shaft of
burnished fireglow appeared across the still surface of the
water. It receeded as the sun rose higher. The heavy fog
and clouds broke and the day was fair with light northerly
winds. Showers developed p.m. & an exceeding severe,
lightening wind and hail storm, with a deluge of rain
lashed us from the west late p.m.
Don started painting on barn. Daisy and I worked hard
spraying the fruit trees only to be washed off.
MAY 12 Tuesday
Muggy - August like weather - Generally fair - Sprinkle
of shower p.m. passing around north side. Cooler evng.
Put in the lowery day pulling wild mustard, cleaning out
pig yard & chores.
Mrs. George Loimsberry, her son Lewis, daughter
Florence & another young lady Miss Helen Love called
this evng.
MAY 13 Wednesday
Muggy - Showery beginning before noon from Southwest.
Had a continued series of thunder showers p.m. Cloudy
cooler evng.
Took over load manure and started discing a.m along fall
plowed part of orchard, lower corner. Showers had their
way over work p.m. Mother attended Ladies Aid at
Mr and Mrs Henry Winchell came and spent the evening
MAY 14 Thursday
Big drop in temperature over night - Cold - Brisk
northerly winds mountain snow squalls. Bright sunny
I disk harrowed plowed lower part of orchard lot.
Mother and I set out patch along south side of garden of
250 Fairfax strawberry plants p.m
Late I went over and started cross plowing.
Donald’s electric lights to his house were connected this
p.m. Wrote Freeman copy evng. Rec’d card Mariam She is taking 4 days off making ready for State Board
MAY 15 Friday
Frost and ice this a.m. Clear - brisk westerly winds
overcast evng sprinkled
Early planted gardens, tender beans, tomato plants etc
frozen black.
Daisy and I sprayed the apple trees in Hinkley orchard
a.m. This p.m. we re-sprayed the trees around home here.
--Then reharrowed our garden. Went to Kingston evng
with Pete Crawford, attended Ancient City Council no 21.
Royal and select Master degrees conferred 2 candidates
Don painted east end gable of barn.
MAY 16 Saturday
Clear, brisk northerly winds, diminishing p.m.
Continued cool near freezing again this a.m. - and cold
I did a big job, took over & spread load manure and
finished cross plowing lower part of orchard lot.
Don finished painting east end of barn a.m.
Attended I.O.O.F. Lodge evng.
Rec’d card from Ruth
Daisy’s mother died 13 years ago today.
MAY 17 Sunday
Clear - Brisk Westerly winds Much warmer and
summerlike again. Thermometer 70 at 10:30pm
At home all day trying to rest up a bit
Virgil Winchell Jr and his wife called p.m.
Philip Dwyer with his grandaughter Dorothy came up &
we had an enjoyable chat early evng., for old times sake.
MAY 18 Monday
Hot summer weather Clear, brisk south westerly winds.
Became showery toward evening and we had a dash of
rain - Rained some again late evng.
Mother and I started making garden a.m. I also took over
a load manure and spread on oats patch along wall in
orchard lot. This p.m. I harrowed the whole plowed field,
spread 400 lbs lime on lower end and sowed and
harrowed in oats and grass seed. About 1bu sowing.
Don worked painting the barn.
Mariam’s State Board Examination started today, ending
Thursday. Rec’d card from her. Daisy sent her a box.
MAY 19 Tuesday
31st Anniversary of the death of my grandfather, Martin
H. Crispell, which I recall distinctly.
Showers all this forenoon, broke away early p.m.
Followed a dashing thunder shower late p.m. from the
west. Clearing, cooler fresh northerly winds evng.
Have a miserable cold. Went to Phoenicia after dinner for
ham cut - Mother and I planted 3 rows Mrs. Week’s early
beans in garden. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Rec’d card from Mariam stating she had passed
yesterdays tests surgical nursing syphlis congorrhea, and
Diet cooking.
MAY 20 Wednesday
Beautifully clear, cool brisk northerly winds - October
like weather. Chilly tonight.
Daisy and [ ] worked hard picking stones from new oats
patch and potato ground. Drawed with dump cart & put
on cross road. Cold still pretty miserable - Didn’t feel
like taking chance going to Mt. Horeb Chapter tonite, as
MAY 21 Thursday
Magnificent clear cool day, with northerly winds Daisy and I picked stone this a.m. - and I kept the harrows
going p.m.
Still my miserable cold hangs on. Rec’d card Mariam,
that she has taken 10 subject exams - feels confident of
having passed all but “anatomy” which was terrific Wrote Freeman copy evng.
MAY 22 Friday
Beautifully clear quiet day - close to frost this a.m.
Warmed up pleasantly during day - Real chilly again
tonight with winds northerly.
Daisy & I picked two more wagon box loads stones this
a.m. We marked the ground out back ways & got some
potatoes planted p.m. - We surely did a big day’s work.
Ralph Longyear called late evng.
MAY 23 Saturday
Clear - warm - northerly winds. Beautiful evening with
growing new moon.
Finished planting potatoes and patch of sweet corn a.m.
31bu certified small size no9s - 1bu cobbles.
P.M. Daisy & I spread cart load manure on potatoes then
put acid fertilizer on the whole field.
Planted potatoes in hills this time.
Attended IOOF Lodge evng.
MAY 24 Sunday
Hot summer weather Fair fresh westerly winds - Became
showery p.m. From west. Rains went around.
Late this afternoon I went with a detail of Phoenicia Past
American Legion on annual decorating of Olive
cemeteries. - I took my car and went only to Bushkill,
Olive Bridge and Krumville grounds.
Donald & Cornelia went on day’s trip to Schnectady
I wrote Freeman copy evng.
MAY 25 Monday
Fair, moderately cool, brisk westerly winds.
Mother and I worked in the garden a.m., setting out
tomato plants, putting in bush lima beans etc.
This afternoon I ploughed Aunt Cornelia’s garden, as
usual, also took over cart load manure and spread on
potato field.
Mother went to church this evng & helped quilt.
MAY 26 Tuesday
A magnificent clear bright day became part cloudy during
p.m. Pleasantly warm, cool tonight.
I disk harrowed Aunt Cornelia’s garden then started cross
plowing the side hill piece for corn. Did a hard day’s
MAY 27 Wednesday
Thunder shower late in night and continued mussy early
this a.m. Cleared up cooler and brisk westerly winds.
I took over cart load manure and spread on potatoes, spent
the day cross plowing side hill, heavy last fall turned
under quick sod.
Daisy’s 45th birthday. We went over to Judge Winchell’s
for a call evng. Also called later to Pete Crawford’s.
MAY 28 Thursday
Mostly cloudy light rain squall - snow squalls on mtns.
Cold brisk north westerly winds.
I kept the team and plow going.
Recd letter Mariam
Let Fred Weidner have 1 ½ bushel potatoes for planting
2.00 (not paid)
MAY 29 Friday
Frost last night reported around Olive Bridge.
Thermometer down to 28 this a.m. at Henry Winchell’s.
Due to wind during night our porch thermometers did not
show under 36 to 40 this a.m. ----Warmer today - fair Light winds - cool, moonlight evng.
I finished cross plowing corn ground a.m. P.M. - took out
load manure after which Mother Daisy & I went to the
cemetery and tidied up the graves for Memorial Day.
MAY 30 Saturday
Cool - part and mostly cloudy northerly winds
Daisy and I, with Cornelia lending a hand picked several
cart loads stone off corn ground a.m. This afternoon we
spread on 4 wagon loads manure, two from hog yard - and
the rest from Aunt Cornelia’s barn, where we stable
Prince and the 2 pigs.
Mr and Mrs Jas McKibbin and Mr and Mrs Stephen
Cube, stopping at Maple Dell, called p.m.& evng.
MAY 31 Sunday
Continued cool, partly cloudy northerly winds.
Mr and Mrs McKibbin and Mr and Mrs Cube called this
a.m. Also before leaving for New York this p.m. - Daisy
made potato chips and other goodies they took back for
Mr and Mrs. Robt.L.Longyear and Mr and Mrs Bastivick
also called p.m. - They are vacation in Phoenicia. I took a
trip over thru Krumville and Samsonville road during the
p.m. Made several calls.
JUNE 1 Monday
Warmer, fair, brisk westerly winds. Showers went around
to north p.m.
Put in a full day disc harrowing the corn ground. Rec’d
card Mariam. Wrote “News” copy evng.
Starter got stuck on my car this evng & got Pete Crawford
to come midnight and fix it, finished 1.30 ocolock
JUNE 2 Tuesday
Fair miserable hot brisk westerly winds Beautiful
moonlight, nearly full moon
Harrowed corn ground a.m. This p.m. Went with High
Priest Pete Crawford to Kingston - Large delegations of
Masons went to Mr. Marion cemetery at 4.30 where
Kingston Lodge no10, conducted burial services at the
grave of Rev. Geo. W. Gulick - uniformed platoon of
Knights Templar present. We went to Newburgh this
evng attending Highland Chapter meeting, being official
visitation of the Grand Chapter Scribe - soules Don painted on am barn.
JUNE 3 Wednesday
Continued fair and hot. Miserably windy night,
continuing breezy all day. Became generally showery
during p.m. and we had a wonderful dashing storm
swinging around from north
Had some hailI kept harrowing corn ground, using spring tooth harrow
today Went with Pete Crawford to final meeting Mt. Horeb
Chapter, before summer vacation to re-adajourn Sept 16
Recd card Mariam Donald painting on barn.
JUNE 4 Thursday
Somewhat cooler and generally fair, breezy, nearly full
moon tonight, cool
Put in a busy day. Helped mother in garden, re-harrowed
corn ground, and Daisy & I got it marked out the up and
down hill way. - Using Prince and the 1917 model 3 row
Cornelia staid home with a cold.
Wrote Freeman copy evng and certainly tired out!
Donald worked repairing barn door.
JUNE 5 Friday
A gorgeous clear pleasantly cool day - with drying
northerly winds. Tonight is full moon and the sight is
magnificent, quite cool.
Daisy & I finished marking corn field a.m. This
afternoon we got started planting corn. Put in
26 cross rows of Whipples Early and the late Evergreen
sweet corn.
Sent box laurel to Mariam.
JUNE 6 Saturday
Continued clear, light variable winds, going around with
the sun to north. Quite cool again tonight.
Drawed out load manure first thing this a.m. Daisy
Cornelia and I worked all day and finished planting the
side hill field with corn.
Rec’d letter Mariam.
I went to Phoenicia evng to see Ralph Longyear.
JUNE 7 Sunday
Fair, warm, fresh drying shifting winds. Part overcast
The early drought is getting severe.
At home, trying to rest up.
Cornelia and I attended the I.O.O.F. Annual Memorial
service at Olive Bridge Church. Speakers were Rev. A.J.
Coffey of Phoenicia and Rev. C.L. Palmer of Kingston
(retired) JUNE 8 Monday
Light shower this a.m. - muggy, part and mostly cloudy,
Daisy & I cleaned out chicken coops and put wagon load
of manure litter and acid phosphate on corn. Recd card
Sold two calves weighing 250 lbs to Leroy Davis at 10 ½
c lb. Alive $26.25
Wrote Freeman and news copy evng.
Donald bought out Fred Brown’s electrical contracting
JUNE 9 Tuesday
Fair - Summer weather - Light winds. Part cloudy
I got a big double wagon box load of chicken house litter
a.m. - Daisy and I put most of it on corn p.m. With acid
Pete Crawford & I went to Catskill tonight attending
meeting of Catskill Chapter, where Mark Master Degree
was conferred by Chapter Past High Priests. We picked
up Charley Young - Gorge B Styles and Herbert Markle
in Kingston.
JUNE 10 Wednesday
Cool pleasant work day - Mostly cloudy fairing away p.m.
- murky August like weather
Cornelia missed the school bus this a.m.
She helped me put hen manure litter and acid fertilizer,
also ashes and acid fertilizer on corn, finishing out the
Daisy and I planted patch of fodder corn on end of field
by big rock.
Mr and Mrs RG Knorph and Garrett Mott called
pleasantly tonite
JUNE 11 Thursday
Murky August weather Showery p.m. - we had a nice
little wetting for about an hour Lightning flashes tonite
but no more rain.
Put up scare crow twine on corn field. The corn is
sprouting nicely
Cultivated in garden after shower p.m.
Jennie Kerr and her mother of Watson Hollow had supper
with us. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
JUNE 12 Friday
Warm - Partly cloudy Fresh easterly winds p.m. Cloudy
and muggy evng.
The 21st Republican Presidential Convention concluded
its 4 day session, meeting in Cleveland, Ohio - have
chosen Gov. Alf. Landon of Kansas for president and Col.
Frank Knox of Chicago, vice presidential nominees.
Put in a hard day cultivating potatoes and sweet corn,
with Prince.
Attended business meeting at church tonight re-elected
treasurer and trustee
Donald had telephone installed
JUNE 13 Saturday
Light showers early this a.m. -Generally cloudy - murky
Gradually setting in rainy evng.
Busy as usual
Spread a big cart load manure out Aunt Cornelia’s garden
and gave it a good disk harrowing. Daisy & I got out the
mowing machine from Hinckley barn a.m. and sharpened
up a set of knives after dinner. Then with Cornelia
helping mowed and hand trimmed the church yard. Attended I.O.O.F. Lodge evng. - Reginald E. Davis
nominated Noble Grand and Bradford Kelder Vice Grand.
Mrs. Morton Roe removed to hospital this a.m. She has
been ailing several weeks.
Rec’d 2 neckties from Mariam
Rec’d a wonderful letter from Joe Snyder
JUNE 14 Sunday
Arrived rainy and it was a magnificent easy rainy day, let
up around 4 p.m. & rainy again evng.
Done chores and rested all day. At request of Mr and Mrs
James Shurter who called during p.m., Daisy &I taking
Mart Every, went to Phoenicia this evening attend service
in Baptist Church. Speaker Rev. J. Wolf.
JUNE 15 Monday
Unsettled - muggy- Light winds - Occasional sprinkles,
and a beautiful shower from the north supper time. The
wonderful rain is already showing results joyously
Put in the day at chores and put off odd jobs, getting ready
for haying.
I took Morton Roe to Benedictine Hospital this evng to
see his wife. She is scheduled to undergo an operation
tomorrow a.m. for an inside tumor.
World War veterans paid their bonus bonds.
Cornelia went to Kingston and had a “permanent” hair
wave. $3.00
JUNE 16 Tuesday
Beautiful clear warm day - light to fresh northerly winds.
Took Morton Roe and his daughters Catherine and Sarah
to Kingston to Benedictine Hosp.
Mrs. Roe’s operation is put off another day. Did
considerable shopping and got home 3 ocolock. Had
dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Henry Delamaiter
Bought a gray suit of clothes of Walt Ostrander $20.00
Drawed out manure, raked around church yard and had
some iron pieces welded to Bert Winnies.
JUNE 17 Wednesday
Looked threatening this forenoon but cleared away lovely
warm June day with fresh westerly winds.
Mary Roe was operated upon noon time at Benedictine
Harrowed over and marked out Aunt Cornelia’s garden
a.m. Daisy and I planted it with sweet corn p.m., partly in
rows for fodder. Cornelia & I cleaned up the church yard
spick and span this p.m. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
JUNE 18 Thursday
A day of thunder showers, murky. Downpours and
showers all day Mussy evng.
Cornelia took exams at High School.
Rec’d card Mariam Went over to Askokan p.m., and
finally met Cornelia to 6 ocolock bus at Boiceville.
Lightning put phone service out of whack this morning.
Wrote to Joe Snyder this a.m.
JUNE 19 Friday
Rained in night Muggy - murky - day Sun shone thru
hot at times a.m. - Misty p.m. - part broke away evng.
Busy with odd jobs mowed around yard cleaned up barn
etc Mrs. West & sister Esther called p.m.
Cornelia & I attended Ladies Aid - fish and strawberry
supper at church - net Proceeds $38.50
In a terrific heavyweight bout Max Schmelling of
Germany knocked out cold Joe Lewis the Detroit Brown
Bomber (negro), in 12th round at Yankee Stadium
N.Y.City in 15 round authorized fight at about 10:55
JUNE 20 Saturday
Hot muggy - Part cloudy. Thunder shower off to south
west evng. - We just got a sprinkle.
Cultivated double each way potatoes and sweet corn
patch. It looks nice and thrifty.
Attended IOOF Lodge evng & called on Mr & Mrs Henry
Recd letter Mariam
JUNE 21 Sunday
Fair, hot this morning with winds southerly. Turning
cooler p.m. With winds shifting briskly to north & real
cool, near frosty tonight. Brilliant new moon hung low
behind the Wittenberg range early evng, with atmosphere
having cleared beautifully
Church services started with William Bender as dominie
Had a number of callers p.m. - Cora Winne and her sons
Henry and Chauncey also the latters wife and boy. Henry
was a boyhood playmate and schoolmate of mine.
Mr & Mrs Lester Personeus of Suffern came late p.m.and
had supper with us. Very unexpected visits -
Daisy - Kay & I attended Childrens Day program envg at
JUNE 22 Monday
Magnificent clear cool day, brisk northerly winds. Bright
growing new moon evng.
Put in a long hard day cultivated the field corn twice in a
row up and down hill way - using old Prince. Cornelia
obligingly took down the scare crow twine which worked
ok. - not a hill or corn touched
JUNE 23 Tuesday
Continued cool, fair, Gradually becoming overcast p.m.
With light winds from south.
Today is mother’s 49th wedding anniversary
Mariam called up from New York this evng, stating that
Bob Longyear had given her an engagement ring
Drawed out manure a.m .and I mowed the end corner of
field out by woods. This p.m. I cultivated corn, going the
long way twice in a row. Daisy and Cornelia thinned out
JUNE 24 Wednesday
Cloudy - cool winds northerly - now and then a sprinkle Rainy evening
Finished double row cultivating the field corn this
forenoon, and Daisy and Cornelia completed their
thinning out job. This p.m. I picked Aunt Cornelia’s tree
of sour cherries by the hemlock grove - also cultivated in
the garden.
Recd letter from Mariam
Wrote long 14 page Freeman copy evng.
The Democratic National Convention is being held and
nation wide broadcasts in Philadelphia
JUNE 25 Thursday
Warmer - Part cloudy, Light winds.
Drawed out manure a.m. Putting in fodder corn rows, also
turned over the hay out in corner.
This p.m. - Cornelia helping, we cut the clover seeding
patch behind Hinkley barn, also sprayed the potato patch,
first time, using arsenate of lead in water
Planted north end of garden with sweet corn - not late
The McClellan stone tower on the hill near Ashokan dam
built 1910 about which much work has been done this
spring was dedicated and a memorial bust unveiled in
honor of late J. Waldo Smith
JUNE 26 Friday
Cloudy a.m. Fair hot p.m. & breezy Half moon tonight
Drawed up for cow stables big wagon box load of coal
ashes form school house.
During the afternoon we got in small load hay from out in
corner. Also tedded - raked and cocked the clover behind
Hinkley barn. Cultivated thru sweet corn patch in Aunt
Cornelia’s garden after supper.
Cornelia got throwed under tedder here by barn as horses
suddenly bolted. She is pretty well bruised up. She rec’d
$5.00 from Mariam for her birthday.
JUNE 27 Saturday
Muggy - rainy mussy this forenoon - Broke away mid
afternoon - Winds northerly.
22nd anniversary of accident to my right hand, was caught
in gear of steam roller while working for Winston &
Company along past dyke of main dam.
Cornelia’s 18th birthday. She is able to be up and receive
presents but pretty sore from her spill off tedder
Put new ash fills for pole in tedder, broken in the horses
mad dash. Cultivated with shovels potatoes and sweet
corn p.m. Attended IOOF Lodge - called on Mr & Mrs
JUNE 28 Sunday
Mostly cloudy a.m. Clearing p.m. Fresh northerly winds
- Lovely moonlight evng and cool
Mother, Daisy & I attended church service a.m.
Daisy and I got the load of clover hay, nicely cured, from
behind old barn during p.m., rather than chance it getting
wet again.
Wrote “news” copy evng.
JUNE 29 Monday
Cool brisk northerly winds - Part cloudy. Several light
Bushkill squalls p.m.
Roy Palen helped me today - Paid him $2.00 This a.m.
Made a nice clean up mowing new clover and alfalfa
seedings in orchard lot and around old house. We hoed
potatoes p.m. & I used the tedder twice - Put up load hay
right after dinner. Daisy & I hoed potatoes again after
supper. Chester Lyons called during the afternoon.
Newton C VanEtten of Kingston called evng.
JUNE 30 Tuesday
Mostly and partly cloudy -Quite sunny p.m. Glorious
clear moonlight evng, cool with winds northerly
Daisy and I finished hoeing potatoes and sweet corn patch
a.m. Also worked at the hay tedding twice, raked and
cocked up for the night. We also got in a nice load,
cleaning up around old house and fences and topping out
with clover.
Cornelia helped this afternoon, her first work since her
Went to Olive Bridge hall evng and made out soil
conservation work sheet.
Recd letter Mariam.
JULY 1 Wednesday
A magnificent pleasantly cool day and evening Light
northerly winds Excellent hay day.
Horace Snyder helped today
Made a clean up of the orchard lot, hauling two fine big
loads of clover and alfalfa. Also mowed and tedded the
stand of alfalfa mixture on 3 corner lot. Put up last load
hay after supper.
Recd 2 -$30.00 each mortgage cert. Int. checks
JULY 2 Thursday
Another elegant hay day. Thermometer reading 46 this
a.m. Pleasantly cool for working, light winds. Part
cloudy hazy evng. Moon almost in full.
Horace Synder helped till noon then played out & went
home. With Daisy & Cornelia helping we cleaned up the
3 corner lot hauling 3 good loads in excellent condition.
Got the last load and rakings after supper.
The new hay rigging I made is 16 ft long 7ft wide
JULY 3 Friday
Murky, muggy - Light showers over valley a.m. Faired
away p.m. With fresh southwesterly winds. Showers
I put in the day till dark cultivating field corn with Prince,
going twice in a row.
Fred Weidner called after supper and paid me $2.00 for
seed potatoes.
The urge for 4th of July night before celebrating has
passed from my life.
JULY 4 Saturday
Fair - quite hot - Winds northerly Typical 4th of July
weather. Glorious full moon tonight and pleasantly cool.
Mowed part of lower Hinkley lot a.m. nice stand alfalfa
mixture. Tedded it, raked & Daisy & I cocked it.
Attended Ladies Aid 4th of July supper at church. Rev.
Jewitt, new pastor of Olive Bridge ME Church held a
service following supper.
William Personeus died in Kingston at the home of his
sister Mrs. May Giles -correction Benedictine Hosp.
JULY 5 Sunday
Continued fair part cloudy. Northerly winds. Warm
somewhat cooler p.m.
Attended church service a.m. - Daisy, Cornelia & I.
Aunt Ollie, came down p.m. Bring Olive and Bob Bishop
who will stay with Don awhile.
Ralph Longyear & Rev. Floyd VanValulkenburgh,
supplying at Phoenicia today also called p.m.
JULY 6 Monday
Mother’s 68th Birthday.
Part cloudy, bright hay day cool and fresh north easterly
Daisy Cornelia & I are rushing in the hay. I finished the
hang over corn cultivating job from Friday, this a.m
.before breakfast. Mowed the upper part of lower lot this
a.m. Cleaned up 2 fine loads cut Saturday and got a big
load of today’s cutting after supper.
Sowed turnip seed in potatoes and sweet corn patch.
Wrote Ulster Co news copy evng.
JULY 7 Tuesday
Clear, hot - Light winds northerly
Excellent drying hay day. Finished putting manure on
sweet corn hills by potato patch. We cleaned up the lower
lot hay this forenoon, in one nice load, finishing on the
Hinkley place.
P.M. Cornelia mowed the whole field behind barn
finishing after supper. I tedded part of it.
Harold Constable and I put another floor timber across
center of hay shed end of barn evng by electric light
Attended interment p.m. Of William Personeus in
Tongore Cemetery. Funeral 2 ocolock in Shokan
Reformed Church Recd letter Mariam
Mr. Guils & Mrs Hartmann called p.m.
JULY 8 Wednesday
Clear - scorching hot, breezy.
Rushed the haying, put in 3 big loads from field behind
barn - Nearly cooked us.
Cornelia mowed another strip of fine rank timothy out
along path by twilight.
P.H. Carey came up this evng and sold Edna Gessner a
$5,000 Provident Mutual Life Insurance Policy.
JULY 9 Thursday
A blistering fair hot day - breezy, with scattered by
passing thunder showers blown out of the north p.m. A
touch of rain on east side heights. All NY City weather
records broken with temperature of 102.3
Cornelia raked over the field behind barn before breakfast
then later getting in a nice jag of rakings. Cleaned up the
timothy strip p.m. All but rakings drawed twice to barn.
After supper Cornelia mowed part of field in front.
JULY 10 Friday
Another blistering day. Breezy & part cloudy. Thunder
showers from north p.m. We had a nice sprinkle only.
Cleaned up the few rakings left from yesterday. Made a
clean up of the timothy cut yesterday in fine condition, 2
loads with rakings. Just finished ahead of the shower. I
cradled the heavy stand of rye below wall before and after
supper. My old back feels about broke.
JULY 11 Saturday
Partly overcast a.m. But a fierce blistering afternoon in
the glaring sun. Breezy. Became showery from north at
sunset, a nice shower passed over the east side of
reservoir while we had only a sprinkle Cooled off some
Got out at daybreak and started cultivating corn, going
thru the long way with shovel cultivator. Wilson
Terwilliger brought load feed p.m. Daisy & I got out big
load manure & spread on stubble behind barn. After
supper we did a needed job spraying the potatoes till
Funeral p.m. of Ellen Scutt Shokan, who for a half
century has made her home with the Winchell family.
JULY 12 Sunday
Continued fair and hot breezy. Looked showery off to
north east mid afternoon. Quiet pleasantly cooler evng.
Mother Daisy & I attended church service a.m.
Herman Weidner called p.m. also George & Ed Crispell
& sister Emma Locke - Mrs. E. Crispell & their 16 yr old
son Bob, - They have a brand new master model
Chevrolet sedan.
JULY 13 Monday
Cooler today. Partly cloudy, murky. Pleasantly breezy.
Became showery from north late p.m. And we had quiet a
dashing sprinkle.
Cornelia mowed the remaining standing hay in field
below garden a.m. And Daisy and I raked and bound the
rye below wall 124 sheaves.
We got it on the mow p.m. And got caught in the shower
after supper hurriedly partly getting the load of hay below
Wrote news copy evng. Funeral p.m. For Mrs. Effie
Doughlas at Albany Ave. Baptist Church.
Recd 2 cards Mariam.
JULY 14 Tuesday
Another hot day. Generally fair. Breezy p.m. & evng.
Atmosphere hazy with smoke and western prairie dust.
Thunder showers from north mid afternoon, we had a
brisk sprinkle of rain.
Troopers Ray Dunn & Bill Elliot called p.m. Trooper
Elliot is a rookie.
We hayed it till dark, after being held up awhile by the
mid afternoon shower, while getting a load. Cornelia
cleaned up the machine mowing am, cutting patch by
currant bushes and around hemlocks & behind Aunt
Cornelias barn. We cleaned it all up in 2 loads, including
below garden left yesterday.
JULY 15 Wednesday
A beautiful clear day, the hazy atmosphere clarified and
brisk northerly winds prevailing - Refreshingly cooler.
The terrific heat wave is temporarily broken at least along
the Atlantic seaboard. Grand drying hay day. We started
cleaning up the hay on Mrs. Fannie Boice’s property.
Cornelia & I mowed the two lots this forenoon.
Put in a small load for Mrs. Boice and brought another
home putting in Aunt Cornelia’s barn. Recd letter
JULY 16 Thursday
Grand haying weather but oh my how dry. Continued fair
and pleasantly warm. Fine work day.
Brisk northerly winds.
We cleaned up Mrs. Boice’s hay taking 2 loads to Herman
Cornelia & I mowed the mill yard late p.m.
Attended first of season prayer meeting at church evng.,
led by Mr. Joseph Brocas. Over 20 present.
Wrote letter Judge Winchell evng.
JULY 17 Friday
Continued fair - beautifully clear a.m. - Part cloudy p.m.
& evng. - Winds northerly - Showery looking to north
evng. Muggy p.m. & evng.
Cornelia & I mowed Mrs. Minnie Smith’s yard & garden
patch a.m. We cleaned it up along with mill yard p.m.
Making a nice load.
Shovel cultivated fodder & sweet corn, in Aunt Cornelia’s
garden after supper.
JULY 18 Saturday
Part cloudy, warm. Became showery p.m. We got a
grand shower from west another dasher from north
milking time. Heavy storms passed both sides of the
Cornelia machine mowed Ves Jones hay & I cleaned up
with scythe in time for late dinner. Drawed out load
manure on grass stubble before rain. Mother & I set out
some late cabbage plants in garden after the first shower.
Attended Installation at Shokan IOOF Lodge
Noble Grand - Reginald E. Davis
Vice Grand - Bradford Kelder
R.S.N.G. - Elwyn C. Davis
L.S.N.G - Jerry VanKleeck
Warden - Alonzo Davis - Conductor - Oscar Dudley
R.S.V.G. - Lawrence VanGasbeck
L.S.V.G. - Edwin Schwab
Inside Guardian - William Feltman
Outside “
- Gilbert Boom
Right scene supporter - John W. Kelder
Left “
- William Jordon
Chaplain - Arthur E. Trowbridge
JULY 19 Sunday
Partly cloudy Light southerly winds - Forecasted light
thunder showers failed to materialize. Pleasantly warm.
Mother Daisy Cornelia & I attended church service a.m.
I rested this afternoon thankfully getting no callers.
JULY 20 Monday
Partly cloudy. Pleasant cool work day. Thunder shower
at sunset with a heavy rain over the reservoir side and at
Olive Bridge.
Drawed out load manure on grass stubble. Took most of
the day clearing up the load of hay at Sylvester Jones.
Made a cow trip up to Maple Dell Farm after supper. “Spot” the Woodland Valley cow.
Recd card Mariam Wrote “news” copy evng.
JULY 21 Tuesday
August like hazy part cloudy - Light winds. Looked
showery to north p.m. Pleasantly moderate temperatures.
Cool evng.
Thankful the hard haying job is over. Kept busy at
various jobs. Mother & I set out more cabbage plants
a.m. Daisy & I weeded and hoed sweet corn in Aunt
Cornelia’s garden. I also mowed the grass and brush
along lower side of side hill stone wall.
Mr & Mrs Pearl H Carey of Kingston called evng. Recd
letter Mariam
JULY 22 Wednesday
Fair - Pleasantly cool - winds southerly. Lovely congenial
cool evng.
I trimmed up with sythe out along fringe of lower woods.
Began cutting and feeding green oats to the cows.
Cornelia Katherine Roe & I attended Samsonville
Sunday School picnic & supper evng. Phoenicia Band
entertained & had a fine big crowd. First went over to
Ashokan for hair cut.
JULY 23 Thursday
Warm, Fair - breezy from south west, became showery
p.m. We had just a sprinkle from heavy shower passing
over upper side of reservoir. Lightning flashes all around
Drawed out manure on grass stubble a.m. & got cart load
brush from below wall and another green oats for cows.
Chester Lyons called p.m. Feel pretty tired out & took it
easy p.m.
Mother Daisy Kay & I attended prayer service evng.
JULY 24 Friday
Quite severe lightning and wind storm from southwest
during night. Just a nice rain - Rained perhaps 15 minutes
around 6:30 a.m. & occasional sprinkles late - Cloudy till
p.m. Then faired away beautiful clear evng. Pleasant cool
but muggy till clearing. Winds generally northerly.
Finished up cutting along fences - cleared up along Dwyer
pasture rail fence & brought in green grass for cows a.m.
Busy odd jobs p.m. Dug first new potatoes. Went over to
Judge Winchell evng.
JULY 25 Saturday
Pleasantly cool fair. Winds northerly. Became showery
at sunset, we had only a sprinkle from passing mountain
thunder showers. Heavier at upper end of reservoir.
Later cleared beautifully cool.
Drawed out manure a.m. & Cornelia & I mowed strip of
oats green along orchard lot wall. This afternoon Daisy
Cornelia & I went to Kingston to shop & see the Firemans
Attended I.O.O.F. Lodge evng.
JULY 26 Sunday
A magnificent clear cool pleasant day. Brisk winds
northerly to west p.m. And evng. Warmer pm
Mr. And Mrs. Case J. Gwinn called am. Mother Daisy
Cornelia & I attended church service.
Wrote news copy evng.
Dad’s birthday - He would be 77.
Also 18th anniversary of the death of Merritt Personeus
killed battle in France.
JULY 27 Monday
Cloudy, clearing beautifully with light winds Worked in garden with mother hoeing while the sun was
under this am.
Cornelia & I cleaned up in a nice load the cutting of green
cured oats p.m.
Wrote Freeman copy evng. Also a letter to Charlie Davis,
Concord, Mass.
JULY 28 Tuesday
Clear hot withering day, northerly winds. Glorious breezy
bulging moonlight evng.
Tuned up the old Ford car for threshing a.m. Drawed 4
cart loads gravel from Jacky brook a.m.
After supper mowed patch of oats out along path and
brought thresher up from church shed.
Mariam’s 22nd birthday
JULY 29 Wednesday
Generally fair, hot. Looked showery p.m. Westerly
winds becoming cooler evng, beautiful moonlight, fresh
cooling wind.
Drawed 4 cart loads gravel from Jacky brook, putting on
pile by milk house.
JULY 30 Thursday
Real chilly this morning. Fair, cool, brisk north westerly
winds. Beautiful quiet moonlight evng.
Helped with my team & hay wagon with oats threshing at
Maple Dell Farm.
Mowed stip of oats at this end of Aunt Cornelia’s field
after supper.
Mother Cornelia Daisy & I attended church prayer
meeting evng. Recd card from Mariam.
JULY 31 Friday
Fair, pleasantly cool - northerly winds Beautiful
moonlight evng.
Ed Avery and Jim Burgher help us thresh oats, cleaning
up all cut down. We first threshed off the 124 sheaves of
rye, reserving in bundles corn binding supply, just
shelling the heads in cylinder. Yield of rye 5 ½ bu.
Recd Sears Roebuck fall and winter catalog - 2 copies
AUGUST 1 Saturday
Continued dry and clear - Hot typical mid summer’s day
Big mellow moon tonight and still
Pete Crawford and I went to Kingston with my car.
Attending Republican County Convention at Municipal
Auditorium (old Armory on Broadway)
Attended IOOF Lodge at Request of Noble Grand
Reginald E Davis I resigned office Right Supporter Noble Grand and accepted office of Conductor to fill
vacancy left by resignation of Oscar Dudley.
Wrote short Freeman copy am
Frank W. Brooks, a former Shokan boy - well known
Kingston lawyer died at his home.
AUGUST 2 Sunday
Hot fair hazy, withering day, northerly winds. Became
fairly cloud evng.
Mother Daisy Cornelia & I attended church service a.m
Elmer Bedell and Leah VanBenschoten came over to
church and then came home with us for dinner. We had a
most enjoyable visit together.
Wrote Freeman copy evng. - not completed.
AUGUST 3 Monday
A miserable hot day and evening. Porch thermometer 110
in sun. Breezy - mostly cloudy tonight with brisk
westerly winds.
Extra cleaned up the cow stables, as a visit from the New
Jersey inspector is apparant. Drawed out load manure.
Cornelia machine mowed the remainder of the field of
oats. This afternoon I hauled 3 cart loads gravel from
Jacky Brook Recd letter Mariam Contractor Albert
North started building a new chimney for Donald coming
up through the kitchen.
AUGUST 4 Tuesday
Muggy unsettled Cloudy a.m. Later breaking away.
Became showery p.m. We very fortunately had a grand
half hour dashing shower from Wittenbergs 4 ocolock.
Busied myself most of morning with barn chores.
Drawed out manure p.m. & got a cart load of gravel from
Jacky brook before rain. Attended jury trial disorderly
conduct suit evng at Claude Bell’s garage - Bradford
Kelder Plaintiff - Ted Gunderson defendent. No cause for
action Aunt Cornelia was taken sick a year ago today. Mrs.
Sarah Dwyer vacated her farm & James Harrison &
family (newcomers) took possession.
Pratt Shurter, Prominent Samsonville resident died in
AUGUST 5 Wednesday
Warm - Light easterly winds - Unsettled - Cloudy a.m.
Breaking away toward noon. Again all overcast evng. Still Turned over oats a.m. & again after Dinner - Jim Burgher
and Ed Avery came but they were not fit to thresh.
Recd check $100 from Joe Snyder - bal. Left to my acct
with him $175
AUGUST 6 Thursday
At last - We had a refreshing rain fall this forenoon Murky, threatening the rest of the day.
Drawed out load manure & got cart load grass from Phil
Dwyer’s this the rain.
Went over to east side this p.m. And called on Joe DeWitt
and Leah VanBenschoten. She sold her Hemlock Knoll
property Monday for $2500 cash to Frank Barringer.
Took “young cow” to Maple Dell after supper. Later
attended prayer meeting with mother.
Recd letter from Mariam stating she had successfully
passed her May State Board Exam & is now a R.N.
(Registered Nurse)
AUGUST 7 Friday
Fair, pleasant warm day - Light winds Cloudless evng.
Wrote Freeman copy a.m. After completing usual chores.
Daisy and I then turned the wet oats in field.
This a.m. I hauled a tremendous big wagon load of
chicken house manure litter from Herman Weidners spread part of it after supper on new seeding patch out
along path and adjacent - A big tiresome job, busy till
Jacob V. Merrihew called a.m. Authorized relaying of
top of kitchen chimney, Olive Ins Co to pay the bill.
AUGUST 8 Saturday
Fair - Warm - light northerly winds. Half moon in reverse
tonite, coming up late.
Cleaned up the oats threshing job this afternoon - Was
assisted by Ed Avery Jim Burgher, Herman Farber, a
summer boarder at Maple Dell, Gene Every, and Daisy. -
2 loads about ____
Bushels total threshing. Very tired tonight. Attended
IOOF Lodge and had lunch after at Pete Crawford’s.
Donated $1.00 Republican National Committee - PO Box
S - Chicago for Landon & Knox Presidential campaign
AUGUST 9 Sunday
Fair, pleasantly warm, winds southerly. Ideal mid
summer day.
Mother Daisy Cornelia & I attended church service a.m.
Mr and Mrs L.P. Hamilton and family of Oneonta called
this p.m. Their first visit this year.
Wrote news copy evng.
AUGUST 10 Monday
Fair - Warm - Storm brewing - Became overcast p.m. And
thunder storms developed with a magnificent rain which
settled down gently and continued into the night till 11.
Electric service went out before the rain started here
around around 5 ocolock. Telephone service also
Albert North and George Burgher replaced top of kitchen
chimney above roof. - It had cracked and Olive CoOp Ins
Co authorized repairs.
Hauled out manure and 4 cart loads gravel from Jacky
Charley Hesley came here this a.m. And I gave him new
Goulds no/2 pump in place of his loaned at time of
repairing well in 1931. Settled with Charley Hesley final
saw mill accts., check $20.00
AUGUST 11 Tuesday
A typical August day - Lowry - Looking showery, muggy
Made trip with (Muller) old cow to Maple Dell am. New
Jersey dairy inspector and NY inspector Mr. Wright came
toward noon - Window in stable door and re-spraying
Rec’d Montgomery Wards fall & winter catalog
Drawed two wagon box loads gravel from Jacky brook
p.m. Wrote Freeman copy evng Mr and Mrs P.H. Carey called from Kingston.
I bought a double barrel English make muzzle loading
shot gum of Will Jones for one dollar
AUGUST 12 Wednesday
Fair - hot August weather - Pleasantly cool evng
Drawed 2 wagon loads gravel from Jacky brook
William Jones held a household goods auction p.m. Cornelia attended Recd card Mariam stating she will be home next Monday
for 2 weeks vacation.
AUGUST 13 Thursday
Fair - hot typically August - Light winds Warm evng
Drawed 2 wagon loads gravel from Jacky brook. Started
making alterations in cow stable, taking up plank calf bed
manger & adding a new stantion.
Mother Daisy Cornelia & I attended prayer meeting
Don had a electric outside light in-stalled in front peak of
Aunt Cornelia’s house. Road from mail boxes up over
the hill oiled and sand surface treated.
AUGUST 14 Friday
Fair and hot Showery all evng. Heavier storms to west
but we had nice rain.
While spraying cow stables toward noon, using old
bucket pump sprayer, nozzle flew off striking me square
in left eye with force of the lime wash. Temporarily
blinded. Called Dr. Phelan at Ves Jones who came &
gave first aid- Later had Pete Crawford take me to Dr.
Cohns - Put in a pretty miserable rest of day. Card from
Mariam stating she will be home Mon p.m by train to
AUGUST 15 Saturday
Muggy - hot - murky, showers this a.m. We got a nice
rain again - Faired away somewhat noon time. Showers
again along p.m. & evng - had another nice shower evng
Eyes are pretty sore and week but got thru the night
comfortablyWith Daisy assisting we determinedly finished spraying
stables & got out load manure a.m.
Managed to write Mariam a card
Had several callers - Dr. Phelan Ves Jones - Jim Harrison
Picked first mess of sweet corn.
AUGUST 16 Sunday
Fair - hot muggy day - Somewhat breezy
Eyes are gaining but weak & sorely I feel weak all over
Mother Daisy Cornelia and I attended morning church
service - managed to drive the car pretty readily. Lopped
around all p.m. Miserably hot
Wrote Freeman copy evng. - Mariam called up from
St.Lukes Hospital at 1050 p.m.she will not be able to get
home vacation leave till end of week.
AUGUST 17 Monday
Fair - fresh northerly winds - hot and muggy this morning
but turned pleasantly cooler
Feeling stronger today and eyes are taking the light better,
of course wearing dark glasses.
Daisy & I got out load manure spreading on grass behind
barn a.m
This afternoon I painted a window to put in stable door
and drawed several stone boat loads for wall foundation
from row out along woods.
Wrote “news” copy evng. - Bob Bishop returned from
Atlantic City
AUGUST 18 Tuesday
We are vividly reminded that today is the first anniversary
of Dear Aunt Cornelia’s death at 11:30 p.m. Standard
Pleasantly cool breezy fair day - Thermometer down to
46 this a.m.
After chores and a late start this forenoon I got gong
nicely painting south side of barn, left unfinished by
Don’s painting last spring.
Joe Louis Detroit Brown Bomber (22) staged a mightily
comeback after his defeat by Max Schmeling on June 19.
Tonight at Yankee Stadium he knocked out 33 year old ex
champ Jacky Sharkey in 3rd round.
AUGUST 19 Wednesday
Warm - Fresh westerly winds am blew up threat of rain
but after a sprinkle about noon, partly faired away.
Became showery again during evng & had a light shower
at midnight
I finished the barn painting job a.m. Drawed out manure
p.m. & brought back load rye straw bedding from Hinkley
Annual West Shokan Baptist Church fair & supper p.m.
& evng - with Phoenicia band Biggest affair ever held since before reservoir times.
Cornelia & I attended. She went home with Mrs. West.
AUGUST 20 Thursday
Continued warm - Generally fair southerly winds.
Recd card from Mariam that she is coming home
tomorrow p.m.
I wrote up Freeman news copy a.m. - usual daily card to
P.M. I put a window in cow stable end door and partly
painted milk house - After supper I went down to lower
end of pasture lot and filled in with stone the well started
several years ago by Virgil Winchell when he wanted to
temporarily locate a bungalow there.
Yesterday Leah VanBenschoten brought me a quantity of
rememberences of various kinds including leather writing
mitt used by her father DeWitt C. Davis Also has
grandfather Andres
Davis brass frame eye glasses.
AUGUST 21 Friday
Muggy and murky Drencing thunder shower late p.m.
Went to Kingston, Had dinner at Aunt Julia Winchells
also stopped to Leah VanBenschoten’s.
Did considerable shopping and met Mariam at the 4.08
(Standard Time) West Shore train. We ran into the
shower coming home thru Atwood.
AUGUST 22 Saturday
Muggy murky Shower in night Drenching, thunder
showers during latter afternoon. Showery evng but not
much rain.
Daisy and I spread load manure a.m. & I took threshing
machine down to church shed for storage
This p.m. I went to Herman Weidner’s for load chicken
manure litter. Downpour started as I finished putting on
Attended I.O.O.F. Lodge evng, also called on Mr & Mrs
Henry Winchell
AUGUST 23 Sunday
Continued muggy murky and showery Developing
thunder shower after breakfast and again sever electrical
storm late p.m. & continuing along mussy & showery
Mother, Daisy, Mariam, Cornelia & I attended church
service a.m
Ralph Longyear & Mr. Englehart of L.I. Had chicken
supper with us. Mr. Englehart came early p.m. & he and
Mariam entertained with music & singing
AUGUST 24 Monday
A lovely clear day - continued warm with fresh north
westerly winds. Quiet evng and half moon hanging low
over Hoopole Mountain evng. Drawed out cart load
manure on grass below garden, and spread the big wagon
load of chicken manure on patch new seeding behind old
barn - a.m. Got load sand up by Bushkill bridge p.m.
Also 5 stone boat loads stone from along lower woods for
shed wall. Wrote “news” copy evng and pretty well tired
AUGUST 25 Tuesday
Fair, warm with fresh northerly winds Became overcast
at evng. Wind quieting, nice shower late evng.
On the go as usual. Mariam and I picked the 3 trees of
pears below garden. Have a fine yield of excellent fruit
around 6-7 bu, for morning job.
Hauled a wagon load of gravel from Jacky brook p.m.
Also went down to Joe Stemlauf’s with team & cart truck
& got the town gasoline concrete mixer.
Wrote Freeman copy evng - Mr & Mrs. Pete Crawford
called late evng
AUGUST 26 Wednesday
Fair - cooler - light southerly winds - overcast evng
Mariam, Bob Bishop and I dug out early cobbler potatoes
this a.m. & brought them to house with old Ford. About
4 ½ bu and pretty nice. Made gas filler line cold solder
repairs to concrete mixer p.m.
Listened in evng to Gov. Alf. Landson speech from
Buffalo. - Good sensible slam at New Deal spending
Herman Weidner brought Daisy 12 small white leghorn
pullets p.m. $2.50
Made freight order to Montgomery Ward evng
AUGUST 27 Thursday
Fair - warm during day, but became real chilly evening
Beautifully clear moonlight evng.
I spent the p.m. Building a brick fire place oven & putting
up table in our hemlock grove below garden. Donald
rigged an electric light Mother Daisy, Mariam Cornelia & I attended prayer
meeting. - After Ralph Longyear & Mr. Englehart came
down from Phoenicia & we had a very successful
beefsteak fry & musicl gathering.
AUGUST 28 Friday
Warmer - Fair, becoming overcast during p.m. & set in
rainy early evening with driving south westerly winds.
Daisy and I drawed out 3 dray cart load manure a.m. also
cleaned out our chicken house, preparatory to putting
down a cement bottom. During p.m. I spread the chicken
litter cleanings on lower side of seeding patch behind old
barn, also drawed cart load fine gravel from brook & put
in front of barn door.
AUGUST 29 Saturday
Driving all night rain storm from south. Continued
showers a.m. & more or less mussy and cloudy all day.
Warm muggy - Clearing beautifully moonlight evng
Worked in chicken house a.m. Leveling bottom. Took a
noon rest and p.m. Repaired wheelbarrow for wheeling
CC Dunham truck delivered me 50 bags cement p.m.
Price 65 cents per bag.
Attended IOOF Lodge evng also called on Mr & Mrs
Henry Winchell - Then went to Knorpps where Mariam &
Cornelia spent the evng
AUGUST 30 Sunday
Pleasantly warm - Westerly winds Lovely morning but
mostly cloudy p.m. And beautifully clear again evening
with moon almost full.
Mother, Daisy, Mariam, Cornelia & I attended church
service a.m. Leah VanBenschoten came p.m. And had
supper with us, after which Mother, Mariam, Cornelia & I
accompanied her home - We then called at Aunt Julia
Winchell’s and Oscar Dudley’s on our way home.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
AUGUST 31 Monday
Same as yesterday, part cloudy, with light mountain rain
squalls - Glorious chill moonlight night
Mariam and I made a sightseeing tour thru Woodstock
and around reservoir in connection with the holding today
of Grand Council R.&S Masters 113 annual convention in
Kingston. The group mostly visiting ladies (105) were
entertained at dinner at the Baptist Church. - Cornelia
helped with the serving and then accompanied on the
return to Kingston.
Wrote news copy evng
44th anniversary of the death of my grandmother Mrs.
Martin H. Crispell, 59
With September come a feel of autumn in the atmosphere
- Cool - Fresh northerly wind - Lovely clear day and
gorgeous cool big round moonlight evng
Got a big wagon load of chicken house litter from
Herman Weidner’s a.m. - Took most of p.m. Spreading
on new seeding in orchard lot. Brought back sweet corn
night’s fodder for cows.
Wrote Freeman copy evng Rural schools opened fall term - Mrs. Ruth R. West
returned to teach West Shokan Dist no8
SEPTEMBER 2 Wednesday
Cloudy - cool - Rain shower later p.m. Part clearing
I let Ed. Avery and Jim Burgher take my team Nellie and
Nigger to try out. They brought their black horse Bill, to
use with our Prince the meanwhile.
I was busy with chores and odd jobs and leveled chicken
house bottom ready for concreteing. George Kessler
came after Mariam Cornelia and Bob taking them to his
home at Allaben for a beef steak party.
SEPTEMBER 3 Thursday
Part cloudy - warmer - Glorious clear moonlight night.
Full moon waning. Pleasantly cool evng.
Daisy and I worked at the concrete floor job in chicken
Mother Daisy Mariam Cornelia & I attended prayer
meeting at church evgn. Inspiring service led by Mr.
Joseph Brocas. Mr and Mrs Daniel Sampson and
delegation from Shokan Reformed Church attended - 35
Olive Rebekah Lodge re-opened after summer vacation.
Fair - Broken clouds - Chilly evng.
Daisy and I finished concreteing chicken house floor this
Hooked up Prince and Bill for first after dinner & drawed
out load manure.
Later Mariam & I went to cemetery, put flowers on Little
Honeys, Pa’s Aunt Cornelia’s and Uncle Watson’s
graves, called on Dr. Dumond.
Went to Ashokan after freight shipment from
Montgomery Ward & Co. Stopping to see Aunt JuliaScotts and Leah VanBenschoten on way home.
SEPTEMBER 5 Saturday
Continued fair - cool - Real chilly evng.
Cornelia & I got a jig of hay from parsonage barn a.m.
Given me by Mrs. Fannie Boice.
Attended Masonic burial service p.m. Tongore Cemetery,
conducted by Kingston Lodge no 10 for Adolph Nelson of
Day Star Lodge no 798.
Mariam returned to New York - I took her to the 5 p.m.
West shore train from Kingston.
Mr. R.G. Knorpp has been ill since Tues with threatened
pneumonia at their summer home here.
Still another pleasantly fair and cool day. Fresh westerly
winds evng.
Mother Daisy Cornelia & I attended church service a.m.
The Longyear family of Brooklyn (excepting Bob) called
as we were about to leave. Harry Jordon down from
Roxbury also called.
Wrote Freeman copy p.m. & evng.
Murky morning with drenching showers - Faired away at
noon, pleasant warm sunny p.m.
A nice crowd gathered for the afternoon at Morrisons
Grove for the Annual Labor Day picnic. Phoenicia band
furnished music. Speakers were, Millard H Davis Chairman - Cleon B Murray, Dist. Atty. John J
VanKleeck - Chester Otes - Case J Gwinn - Jesse B Boice
elected president. I was re-elected secretary also treas.
Succeeding B.C. Churchill
Lester Personeus and family called after supper.
Fair - hot and muggy Shower passed over east side
heights early p.m. Thunder off to southwest
Busy with odd jobs and drawed out manure a.m. - p.m.
Daisy and I picked the two trees of fall pippin apples &
brought them over with wagon. Apples large and fair but
not so heavy yield as last year.
Wrote Freeman Labor
Day Picnic copy evng. Recd card from Mariam
Cornelia started her senior year in Kingston High School.
SEPTEMBER 9 Wednesday
Continued fair - northerly winds. Cooler than yesterday.
Started breaking ground for back end barn shed, digging
part of foundation wall trench.
Mr and Mrs. Case J. Gwinn called & spent the evening Cornelia stain in Kingston tonight with Helen Thompson.
Herman Weidner brought Daisy 15 more small white
leghorn pullets $2.00
SEPTEMBER 10 Thursday
Continued fair, lovely September warm day - Light winds,
clear, still, cool evng.
Daisy and & started making concrete shed formation
using the town gasoline mixer
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Continued fair and warm - Ideal September corn ripening
weather Breezy evng.
This a.m. I finished digging foundation trench for shed,
unfinished around west side and north end. This
afternoon Daisy and I filled it with concrete and broken
stone - using 6-1 mix - 6 shovels creek gravel to 1 of
cement. - Recd letter Mariam Mr and Mrs Case Gwinn
took Mother over the new W.P.A. High Point Mtn road They called on Mary Crispell, then went to Tongore
Cemetery. - Rec’d check $180.00 from R.G. Knorpp - 6
mo. Int. At 12 % on $3000 loan
Cornelia staid over night at P.H. Carey’s, Kingston
SEPTEMBER 12 Saturday
Warm muggy southwesterly winds. Part cloudy, set in
rain showers mid afternoon. Starlight evening.
Worked making forms for foundation wall, till stopped by
afternoon rains. After supper Daisy & I got the mixer
going and concreted till dark.
Recd letter Mrs. Lewis Bell.
Jim Burgher brought the horses back this a.m.
Unsettled, warm, part and mostly cloudy - Cooler, chilly
We all attended church service a.m.
We had a number of callers p.m. & evng. Including Lewis
Lounsberry, his mother and sister Florence, and Aunt Mrs
May Giles.
From church came around home up over the Bushkill hill.
The road is excellent condition, completed W.P.A.
Project & oiled surface.
Very heavy dew this a.m. - Beautiful clear cool day,
becoming overcast at evng. Light winds.
Daisy & I got out big cart load manure & spread on grass
a.m. Then cut a load of green clover fodder. Made mid
day trip to Maple Dell with yearling heifer Betsey
During p.m. Daisy & I worked awhile making forms for
foundation wall. Recd letter Mariam.
Wrote news copy evng.
Charles Davis 63 lifelong resident of Ashokan died 5 a.m.
after week’s illness of pneumonia.
SEPTEMBER 15 Tuesday
Warm - muggy - Rainy during night and drenching
showers this a.m. Day was cloudy & westerly winds p.m.
Served as Chairman Board of Inspectors. 12 noon till
10:30 p.m. Voting hours 12-9 Total of 15 Republican, 13 Democratic, 1 Socialist ballots
SEPTEMBER 16 Wednesday
Fair, breezy hot summer weather. Lightning flashes evng
from north & south horizons
Not feeling very brisk today, about like a run down watch.
Occupied with chores in variety.
Daisy and I attended p.m. Funeral of Charles O. Davis at
home of his daughter Mrs.Chester A. Lyons at Ashokan We also followed to cortege to Cold Brook Cemetery
Sent Election returns to Kingston with Cornelia on bus
SEPTEMBER 17 Thursday
Heavily clouded this a.m. Clearing beautifully toward
noon - Winds northerly - Cool tonight again became
Busy forenoon with barn chores - cutting fodder corn for
cows in pasture - spreading cart load manure & cutting
load green grass for night feed.
Worked at foundation forms p.m. - Daisy assisting all
Mary Phillis Berry 19 & Daniel Breath 26, both of
Brooklyn, married 3 p.m. By Justice Lester S. Davis at his
general store home. This was his first marriage
Heavily clouded this a.m. Coming from south east. Set in
rainy mid a.m. Showers let up early p.m. Cool windy
tonight Hurricane along Atlantic Coast.
Got ready to start concreteing as rain began - Wrote
Freeman news copy instead.
P.M. - I helped Daisy put old carrogated sheets of roofing
on dropping boards of chicken roost, and straw on
concrete floor ready to bring back her chickens from Aunt
Cornelia’s coop.
We then started concreting and filled foundation forms
SEPTEMBER 19 Saturday
Grand clear day Pleasantly warm with northerly winds
Cool dewey evening
Daisy and I cleared up the wreckage of late sweet corn
patch in Aunt Cornelia’s garden, caused by the cows
yesterday p.m. Also drawed out manure a.m. This afternoon started second crop haying. Cornelia
machine mowed the orchard lot seedings. Then I went to
Herman Weidner’s after a high wagon box load of
chicken manure litter getting back dark. Plenty tired out
Recd card Mariam.
Unsettled, Part cloudy, cool, becoming overcast toward
evng with southwest winds & set in mussy rainy late evng
and warmer.
Mother, Daisy Cornelia & I attended church service a.m.
At home rest of day. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Warm, south westerly winds. Partly cloudy, like August
Drawed out manure and cut 2 cart loads grass for cows
Tedded the orchard lot second cutting p.m. And spread
wagon load of Herman Weidner’s chicken manure litter
on grass out in corner by road and woods. Also done
some final foundation trench digging through roots of
hemlock tree at west center of wall. Wrote “news” copy
SEPTEMBER 22 Tuesday
Autumn enters with a soft sunny tread. Pleasantly fair,
warm, light northerly winds.
Daisy & I put down last strip of sub foundation wall on
west side, which I had left undug till yesterday on acct of
hemlock tree.
This afternoon we worked at the cut hay, finally cocking
it for night’s sweat. Also cut 10 stouts of first planting
Whipples early sweet corn, with a fine lot of ears left for
seed. Picked a feed bag of beans in the corn.
SEPTEMBER 23 Wednesday
Warm - fair - hazy - southerly winds spring up during late
afternoon, quiet and smoky or foggy evng.
Another busy day. Mowed the 3 corner lot, also pretty
well cured the orchard lot cutting and drawed in over in
one nice load. This besides drawing out manure &
cutting daily green fodder for cows.
SEPTEMBER 24 Thursday
Continued warm - muggy. Sunny this am but because
overcast Set in mussy rainy mid afternoon. Winds
southerly becoming brisk evng.
Put off load hay a.m. Quite a sizeable job for Daisy & I
with the horse fork.
We cleaned up jig orchard lot rakings after dinner, just
ahead of showers.
Cornelia went with George Kessler to Phoenicia Church
supper & then to movies in Margaretville
A magnificent bright crisp fresh windy day, northerly.
Feels frosty tonight in the growing harvest moon.
Started cutting our field corn. Daisy & I with Bony
VanDemark helping - the sudden change in the weather
hurried me to start cutting in the face of frost. After
dinner I tedded the 3 corner lot second cutting and late
p.m. Cornelia rake it in winnows, pretty well cured.
SEPTEMBER 26 Saturday
Frosty night. First of the season. Heavy frost and ice in
various places. Beautiful clear day, cool, southerly winds.
Cleaned up the field corn cutting. Marvin Van DeMark,
Ed Avery and Jim Burgher assisting.
Also drawed out load manure & Daisy Cornelia & I late
p.m. Cleaned up the 3 corner lot hay in a nice well cured
Rec’d letter Mariam.
Back to Standard Time Cloudy - raw and misty this a.m.
Part clearing p.m becoming warmer, fresh southerly
Mother, Daisy Cornelia & I attended church service a.m.
I went over to see Raymond Miller p.m. Aartsen
VanWagenen took dinner with us. I called to see “Uncle
John Dudrey” at Brodhead, Olive’s 93 year, last Civil
War survivor - member of 5th Heavy Artillery.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Cool - Northerly winds. Partly cloudy. Rain forecast for
I had Raymond Miller help me setting up the last section
of plank forms for foundation shed wall.
Daisy & I got out load manure and cut load grass for cows
in pasture before going after Raymond Miller. - Took
him home mid afternoon. Wrote “news” copy evng.
SEPTEMBER 29 Tuesday
Still - chilly - dismal day - occasional light rains.
Daisy & I finished concreting foundation wall a.m. Started breaking up stones for cement floor sub base p.m.
and busy with other jobs. Machine mowed grass for cows
and drawed 2 cart loads.
Word received that Leah VanBenschoten had suffered a
broken thigh in automobile accident 40 miles before
reaching Albuquerque New Mexico.
The Longyear ran in a water hole in road. Rec’d leter
Rev. JR Vaughn.
SEPTEMBER 30 Wednesday
Clear early but became overcast - another dismal chilly
day. Set in rainy around 4 ocolock. Feels and looks like
William Bender and son William helped with my shed
floor - Drawed and filled in with stone a.m and after
leveling and pounding down got strip of concrete run.
World series opened at Polo Grounds in New York
between Giants NL & Yankees A.L. - Batterers Hubbell
& Mancuso Ruffing & Dickey. Giants won 6 - 1.
I recd air mail letter from Leah VanB OCTOBER 1 Thursday
Rainy night - cool- continued mussy this morning, cloudy
threatening along all day, part clearing early evng.
Daisy & I kept busy at various jobs. Put a new shut off
cock in barn water line, drawed out manure - 2 cart loads
grass for cows in pasture, cut another for night fodder in
stables, moved 2 cart loads gravel from chicken yard.
Added another layer of concrete on strip put down
yesterday for higher floor elevation, besides daily barn
chores. Wrote Freeman copy - Evng listened to political
broadcasts by Pres. Roosevelt in Pittsburgh and another
by Al Smith in NY City
OCTOBER 2 Friday
Lovely fair warm day - light winds. Glorious moonlight
evening Just past full. Chilly, heavy dew
Will Bender, his son Will & I did a magnificent days
work, completing the cement floor for new shed. Used
for floor 27 bags cement and for wall 19 - Their charge
for helping $10.00
NY Yankees routed the Giants in second game of Worlds
Series 18-4
OCTOBER 3 Saturday
Heavy white frost this am. But no damage shows. Cool,
lovely bright day, crisp moonlight night.
Winds northerly.
We put up last Saturday’s load of hay a.m. And Cornelia
got started mowing whole of lower lot second cutting She finished early p.m. Mr and Mrs Henry Winchell
made their 2nd annual Worlds Series visit, had dinner &
Henry & I took in radio broadcast of 3rd game of Worlds
Series. In a thrilling battle the Yanks again beat the
Giants by 2-1. Attended IOOF Lodge evng.
OCTOBER 4 Sunday
White frost - Another lovely pleasantly cool early autumn
day. Light winds - Some clouds.
Mother, Daisy, Cornelia & I attended church service a.m.
We also attended a special service p.m. with Rev. JR
Vaughn, former pastor occupying the pulpit. Ralph
Longyear came down to the service and took supper with
us. The New York Yankes won the 4th game of Worlds
series, defeating pitcher Carl Hubbell of Giants 5-2 Montie Pearson winning pitcher.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
OCTOBER 5 Monday
Light winds - Pleasantly fair seasonable weather Warmer.
I helped thresh rye and buckwheat at Maple Dell Farm.
Took horses and hay wagon after dinner.
Wrote news copy evng.
Listened in part to the 5th game of Worlds Series - This
time the Giants won a vivid 10 inning 5-4, behind
remarkable comeback pitching of 2nd game routed Hal
OCTOBER 6 Tuesday
Mild - Mostly cloudy - Winds southerly
Daisy & I spent the forenoon, drawing out manure,
mowing the getting grass for cows, also cornstalks.
Put in a busy afternoon cleared up the lower lot second
cutting in a heavy and not too dry load.
Recd letter Mariam. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Paid $9.00 by Ulster County News
Recd letter Mrs. Lewis Bell.
The New York Yankees concluded the Worlds series by
defeating the Giants 13-5.
OCTOBER 7 Wednesday
Warm like summer - Recurring showers Winds
Daisy and I cut patch of seed evergreen sweet corn and
this p.m. started picking apples and brought a load over
with the old Ford. Pretty wet working most of time.
OCTOBER 8 Thursday
Lovely, fair, summerlike day. Light winds, northerly.
Will Bender and son William gave Daisy and I a hand
making a finish of apple picking a.m. & brought them
over with old Ford.
P.M. - The Bender’s started job of painting our house
roof. - Built in 1910 the galvanized shingles are showing
rust spots, requiring cleaning with wire brush. I spread
out load of hay p.m. For better curing - also other daily
cow fodder jobs.
OCTOBER 9 Friday
Another fair mellow October day winds southerly - Color
time at its crest. Overcast evng. I machine mowed second cutting, and strip oats stuble
alfalfa seeding, - Part of center field - out to end corner of
woods & road. We also finished re-drying spread load hay
& got it back in barn and unloaded. William Bender
and son worked on house roof - painting with Jim Browns
Aluminum paint. Elinor Carey of Kingston came after
school to spent weekend. Wrote Freeman copy evng.
OCTOBER 10 Saturday
Arrived rainy & continued more or less mussy - Warm
like summer - cleared evening with fresh south westerly
Served as Chairman of the Board of Inspections First day
of registration (470 names enrolled)
School tax Aunt Cornelia’s estate 2.07
Matie C. Davis
Elwyn C. Davis
OCTOBER 11 Sunday
Partly cloudy - Westerly winds. Continued mild but
cooler than yesterday.
Mother, Daisy, Cornelia, Elinor Carey & I attended
church a.m. Rode around up Bushkill hill improved road
back home. Stopped at Charley Hesley’s and bought 2
bu. Picked Baldwin apples.
Mr & Mrs Fred Schoonmaker & two of her sisters from
Montgomery called p.m. - also Jake Burgher & several
others. Joseph H. DeWitt (69) of Shokan died from a
second stroke.
OCTOBER 12 Monday
Brisk westerly winds. Became squally this morning but
later cleared beautifully. Chilly raw day.
Coldest of season. Winds quieted at evng.
Will Bender and son worked at the house roof painting.
They were held up awhile by rain squalls and during
which time patched Aunt Cornelia’s chicken house roof,
strip blown off.
Busy with getting out manure & getting cow fodder a.m.
- P.M. Daisy & I dug 8 bags potatoes & brought them
over on old Ford. - Have a wonderful crop. Wrote news
copy evng.
OCTOBER 13 Tuesday
Hard freeze last night. Cloudy - cool - sprinkles.
The Benders put in the day between roof painting and
starting concrete block across new shed end.
Tidied up in cow stables and clipped the cows bags and
bellies a.m. According to regulations.
P.M. Daisy & I cocked up the hay & got first small load
corn - Started husking evng. Corn is eared heavily.
OCTOBER 14 Wednesday
All day and evng dismal chilly, light rain falling
Daisy and I spent the day working around the barn &
husking corn.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Funeral of Joseph H. DeWitt 11 ocolock at Lashers
parlors, and buried their in Woodstock.
Sent parcel post box 15lbs to Leah VanBenschoten $1.40
OCTOBER 15 Thursday
Cloudy - Warm - Still - Broke away evng. With breeze
from southwest.
Rec’d letter Leah VanBenschoten. She is improving from
her auto accident.
Daisy and kept busy at various daily jobs. Got load corn
p.m. & husked 8 stouts evng.
Bender’s didn’t show up.
OCTOBER 16 Friday
Warm, like real summer, Part cloudy & occasional light
showers, Winds warm from southwest.
Will Bender & son came this a.m. Finished concrete
blocks & put a concrete strip along cow manger stantion
bed piece, to keep spilled water from rotting timber. They
spent most of afternoon with roof painting job.
Busy day, helped with manger job, and getting out
manure, cow fodder etc. - Daisy & I husked 10 stouts
corn evng.
OCTOBER 17 Saturday
Set in rainy in night continued a downpour till early p.m.
Then sunshine and recurring showers. Continued warm,
turning colder evng with winds from northwest.
Lester B. Davis came this am. & made out my farm soil
conservation map and work sheet program for Gov’t
reimbursement for lime & fertilizer.
Served p.m. & evng as Inspector on second Days
Total registration 525 - last years 561.
OCTOBER 18 Sunday
Getting colder this morning, raw blustery squally day First real snow squalls on Wittenbergs.
Mother Daisy Cornelia & I attended church service a.m.
Have usual routine of chores.
OCTOBER 19 Monday
Generally fair - light shower 7 a.m. Cleared during p.m.
Moderately cool -Light winds northerly.
I went to Kingston with Registration returns to Board of
Election. Upon returning home Daisy & I took out big
cart load manure got load 13 stouts corn and green grass
for cows.
We husked 10 stouts evng. William Bender & son work
scraping and painting on last side of house roof.
OCTOBER 20 Tuesday
Fair, mellow summer weather - Light variable winds strong evng.
Will Bender & son finished first coat and started putting
on second coat of aluminum paint on our house roof.
Daisy and I finished husking load corn this a.m. - then I
mowed strip of cow feed grass behind barn.
P.M. I mowed 3rd growth seeding patch behind old
Hinkley barn. Also cured and cleaned up nice jag hay on
woods end of field along cross path.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
OCTOBER 21 Wednesday
Summer weather Fair - Brisk south westerly wind last
night and today.
Benders worked painting house roof.
Put up load hay and corn stalks & then Benders helped get
big load corn before they started painting. Daisy and I
were busy as usual. We dug 10 bu potatoes this am. Sold Virgil Gordon 4 bu - Martin Gulnas 3 - Granville
Bush 2 - at $1.25 per bu in field, raked & cocked up hay
cutting behind old barn.
Went to Kingston evng with Pete Crawford & family.
Attended Mt. Horeb Chapter Mark Master & Past Master degrees conferred on one
OCTOBER 22 Thursday
Continued warm and brisk south westerly winds. Part &
mostly cloudy. Set in rainy evng.
Benders finished house roof painting job a.m. - about 3
days were required in scraping rusty galvanized shingles.
Used on job (2 coats) 6 gal. Aluminum paint. They
helped husk corn dig potatoes and clean up jag hay behind
old barn p.m.
Daisy & I dug 9 bu potatoes am. & the p.m. digging is
OCTOBER 23 Friday
Rainy night and more or less all day and evng. - Colder,
dismal still.
Mowed last of cow grass growth behind barn, and got a
cart load for cows. We husked corn along and finished
off load this evng.
OCTOBER 24 Saturday
Arrived cloudy but cleared later beautiful pleasant day
with fresh northerly winds. Still evng and crisp.
Daisy & I put a busy forenoon, cut last patch of long
waiting evergreen sweet corn on end of corn field above
wall, 17 stouts. Heavy yield of ears. Then drawed out
manure and cleaned up last of cut grass behind barn.
This p.m. I helped with church shed remodeling bee into
enclosed 2 stall wood shed. Attended IOOF Lodge evng
& called on Mr & Mrs Henry Winchell.
OCTOBER 25 Sunday
Froze ¼ “ ice last night - Hardest freeze of season.
Beautiful clear day, raw air and southerly winds.
Mother Daisy Cornelia & I attended church service a.m.,
after we called at Maple Dell Farm & looked at their
OCTOBER 26 Monday
Arrived rainy and continued most of morning with brisk
south westerly winds. Turned colder p.m. with weather
clearing and winds shifting to north. Much colder tonight
with brilliant moon.
Went to Maple Dell this a.m. after taking Cornelia to
school bus and got 2 4 week old plump white pigs - $
Then made a comfortable pen for them in chicken
P.M. Daisy & I mowed drawed cow grass on mill yard,
also mowed strip below garden. - We also drawed 17
stouts corn with manure cart. Husked 10 stouts, evng.
Wrote news copy tonight.
OCTOBER 27 Tuesday
Biting cold night - froze 5/8 “ ice on iron kettle by corner
of barn. Thermometer down to 16. Beautiful clear day &
evng continued cold all day - with raw light winds.
Coldest Oct 27 New York City ever recorded.
Benders came this morning & made a business of
finishing potato digging - ground crust froze hard and
many potatoes nipped. Put up stalks & got a big load
OCTOBER 28 Wednesday
14 above zero this am. And again 5/8 inch ice in iron
kettle by barn Clear, continued chilly air all day. Light winds southerly.
Part cloudy evng, brilliant big moon. Cabbage & garden
root crops are well frosted.
Benders worked painting south side of house with white
Busy with a variety of daily chores and husked corn most
of p.m. & evng.
OCTOBER 29 Thursday
Clear and warmer today - winds south westerly, becoming
strong p.m. - Magnificent round Hunters moon.
Benders worked painting house.
Daisy & I finished husking load corn & hauled out
manure. Put up stalks & Benders helped get another load
corn. Daisy & I husked evng.
Inspectors came this am. & okayed everything after
buying a seamless milk pail $2.00
OCTOBER 30 Friday
Wittenbergs dimly snow capped.
Rained in night. Brisk westerly to north winds. Squally
at intervals - Mountains blanketed with snow squalls p.m.
- Quite rough evng.
Benders started west gable end of house. Between squalls
helped husk corn - also gathered cabbage from garden &
drawed load corn. Daisy & I husked corn evng till 10 30.
Rec’d card Mariam saying Ruby Fadden is ill & they will
be unable to come home this weekend as planned. Garret
Mott & Mrs. Dodge called late p.m. They have been at
their summer home all week.
OCTOBER 31 Saturday
Fair, pleasantly mild - Quiet contrast to yesterday & last
night. Mostly cloudy evng.
Benders worked painting west side of house.
Finished husking the load of corn, changed hay rigging to
box on wagon & got a big load chicken manure from
Herman Weidners and spread on grass out in corner. Put
up stalks on mow & after work Benders helped me get
load corn Took Cornelia to Halloween party dance tonight at
Colanges Hall
Deer season opening. Fair a.m. Mild mostly cloudy p.m.
& evng.
Mother, Daisy, Cornelia & I attended church service a.m.
Mr. And Mrs. Bender and daughter Grace took dinner
with us. We had a pleasant visit. Miss Merrill had supper
with us.
More or less rainy & mussy all day and evening. Warm,
southerly winds p.m. & evng.
Wrote Freeman copy this a.m. Daisy & I sorted over frost nipped bagged potatoes in
cellar, drawed out manure, got cart load sythe mowed
grass for cows, husked corn etc. etc.
Recd letter from Mariam.
NOVEMBER 3 Tuesday
Presidential Election
Warm, mostly cloudy - thermometer 70. Rain showers
during evng & night.
Served as Chairman of the Board of Election at District
no.2 Colange’s Hall.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt re-elected over Gov. Alf.
M. Landon of Kansas by greatest landslide in history
carrying 46 of 48 states.
NOVEMBER 4 Wednesday
Rainy dreary all day & evng
Went to Kingston with Election Returns. Daisy & I
husked corn evng.
NOVEMBER 5 Thursday
Brisk northerly winds diminishing during p.m. Arrived
clearing, Lovely clear p.m. & evng. Not very cold, just
nicely freezing tonight.
Busy with odd jobs, husked corn, etc. - Got big load
chicken manure litter from Herman Weidner’s p.m., we
also drawed in 12 stouts corn & husked evng.
Clear pleasant day, except for cloudy spell during a.m.
Light winds. Quite frosty this a.m.
Drawed in the last 13 stouts of field corn a.m. P.M.
Pulled a load of turnips from potato and sweet corn patch.
Husked corn at intervals and evng. Recd letter Mariam &
are sending her usual daily cards.
Sold 10 bu potatoes to Harry Krom $15
NOVEMBER 7 Saturday
Misty this morning but dried up - Still gloomy cloudy day
& evng.
We topped load of turnips in barn a.m. & put them in
celler, about 20 bu.
P.M. - Daisy Cornelia & I got a big load leaves from
under hill in wood p.m. & put most in mucky hog yard.
Finished husking last 2 stouts of field corn before
breakfast. Tired tonight so staid at home.
Murky lonesome day - generally rainy. Still
Mother Daisy Cornelia & I attended church a.m.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Clear, still, pleasant mild day
Charle Duloff with Ed. Every and Roy Lane came with
truck and started cutting logs for me from Hinkley woods.
I snaked out with the team. They took two loads to the
mill at Boiceville for sawing.
Wrote “news” copy
evng. Recd 1937 Chevrolet catalogs from Chester
Mrs. Gene Every (71) died tonight from pneumonia.
NOVEMBER 10 Tuesday
Colder, fair and blustery - Squally on mountains a.m.
Duloff with his gang with my humble assistance and team
worked cutting and getting out hemlock logs. They
hauled 2 truck loads to mill.
Got in clean up load sweet corn from orchard lot patch
after dinner.
NOVEMBER 11 Wednesday
Clear, cold air - Winds southerly.
Worked with Duloffs cutting hemlock form rocky upper
back corner Hinkley woods.
NOVEMBER 12 Thursday
Fair, winds westerly. Cloudy spell mid-day Mild Went to Ashokan for hair cut 11 ocolock
P.M. Daisy & I pulled load turnips in sweet corn end of
corn field, and put on some sweet corn stouts.
This evng - Went to Kingston taking Cornelia & Mr and
Mrs Henry Winchell attending 3rd annual Grand Jurors
Assn banquet at Stuyvesant Hotel. - Brought home from
Winchells 100 lb bag buckwheat flour.
NOVEMBER 13 Friday
Fair - cloudy spell during a.m. Winds westerly, favorably
mild Busy with a variety of jobs - Trimmed up hemlock tops in
Hinkley woods awhile p.m.
After supper Daisy Cornelia topped the load of turnips in
barn 13 bu.
NOVEMBER 14 Saturday
Mild - Generally fair, strong westerly winds & cloudy
p.m. Rough and rainy evening, later clearing
Cleaning up “must” jobs in variety hauled out manure,
brought in last of sweet corn stouts and during p.m. We
gathered load leaves from lower woods.
Attended IOOF Lodge evng & later went after Cornelia at
dance party at Colanges hall.
NOVEMBER 15 Sunday
A warm sunny morning turned into a drab sour November
day, with mountain snow squalls - valley rain squalls late
p.m. & evng.
Helen Thompson staid over night with Cornelia We all
attended church service a.m.
National Auto show opened in Grand Central Palace New
York City.
NOVEMBER 16 Monday
Rough, miserable snow squally day strong north westerly
Put in the day doing odd jobs Made a batch of sauerkraut. We wrote a letter to Mariam.
Cornelia recd a box from Mariam with wearing apparel.
Wrote “news” copy evng.
NOVEMBER 17 Tuesday
Rough wintry night 16 above zero this am. Continued
windy moderating and weather fair.
Took over big cart load manure & spread in orchard lot
Sent an order to Montgomery Ward for
17 sheets - 10 ft & 17 sheets 9 ft ex heavy zinc coated
corrugated 28 gauge roofing - $33.32
50 ft rool - 26 ga.galv. 14” - 3.15
3 door set - 8’x8’ sliding garage doors & track hangers
3lbs. lead washers $ .54
2-10ft lengths galv. leader pipe $ .92
This afternoon I started turning over sod along the road,
field behind the barn.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
NOVEMBER 18 Wednesday
Clear northerly winds - Biting cold wintry like day - 10
above zero tonight.
Made an attempt to plough sod down behind the barn.
Was so cold this afternoon I had to call quits after making
a few bouts.
Mother attended Ladies Aid at church.
NOVEMBER 19 Thursday
10 above zero - Fair and with increasing cloudiness p.m.
Chilly southerly winds developed to stong evng. Temperature moderating slowly,
Worked in Hinkley woods cleaning up top wood. Daisy
helped p.m.
Ground frozen too hard to plow.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
NOVEMBER 20 Friday
Generally fair - winds southerly - milder all clear evng
Daisy and I mulched the strawberry patch with oats straw
& spread load manure behind barn a.m.
This afternoon Charley Duloff & his 2 men came and I
helped them with team get out lods from upper back
corner of Hinkley woods. They hauled a load this a.m.
From skidway & took another back after work.
Cornelia went with Don to Samsonville pancake &
sausage supper.
NOVEMBER 21 Saturday
Mild - Westerly winds - Part mostly cloudy Besides chores and drawing out load manure I got in a
few hours morning & p.m. Ploughing sod behind barn
Cornelia & Don attended turkey raffle tonight at
Colange’s hall.
NOVEMBER 22 Sunday
Part cloudy - winds northerly a bit snow squally and raw
We all attended church service a.m. Leaa Plesants also Mr and Mrs Condon called p.m.
NOVEMBER 23 Monday
Generally Fair - but chilly air and wind - Sky looks like
snow brewing - overcast, still & cold evng
Put in a pretty good day ploughing behind the barn, also
drawed out manure.
Rec’d letter from Mariam
Bought 10 shares Simmons Company @$45
NOVEMBER 24 Tuesday
First snow of season 3 ½ inch snow fall during night Murky threatening a.m. but cleared still & cold
Went to Kingston on business. Slippery traveling
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Placed order with Parker McElroy Company for 20 shares
Standard Brands @ 16 ¼
NOVEMBER 25 Wednesday
Snow still clinging to the trees Murky still all day and
evng - Rained lightly evng. Slippery traveling.
Drawed out manure and plowed awhile a.m. - Busy all
p.m. With chores in variety.
Cornelia & I attended the Odd Fellows Annual oyster
supper evng at Olive Bridge. She came down after the
supper with Helen Thompson.
NOVEMBER 26 Thursday
A real old Fashioned Thanksgiving Day - Bright sunshine
and pithy atmosphere - Light northerly winds. The snow
stays well, thawing in sun and icy traveling.
Serviced Mrs. Mim Smith’s bungalow pump for winter
Wrote Freeman copy a.m.
Busy with barn chores most of p.m.
Mr and Mrs Condon spent the afternoon and had roast
rooster supper with us.
Rec’d card Mariam
Lester S. Davis brought my garage doors, hangers etc.
Ordered from Montgomery Ward, from Ashokan station.
NOVEMBER 27 Friday
Clear crisp wintry day - Biting moderate northerly winds.
We butchered a 200 pound (dressed) hog a.m. With
assistance of Gene Every P.M. - Gene & I cut firewood, clearing up tops in Hinkley
Charley Duloff’s sawmill that he bought from me 2 yrs
ago, burned late this p.m. Shortly after they had quit
work. Cause entirely unknown.
NOVEMBER 28 Saturday
Set in early a real blizzardy day snowing and blowing
miserably - Graduely let up p.m. & was part broke away
evng. - moderated somewhat. Quite drifted in places,
probably 2 “ snow fell.
Cut up the hog in celler a.m.Drawed out 2 cart loads manure & spread behind chicken
yard p.m. Recd letter Mariam
Aartsen VanWagenen & Dick Craver came for supper.
Didn’t get away from home for lodge.
Winter is setting in exceptionally early.
Edward Every, son of Mr & Mrs M J Every had his left
leg amputated below the knee in an Albany hospital. Due
to an accident 4 years ago.
NOVEMBER 29 Sunday
Part cloudy, raw, more or less snow squally & windy.
Mother Daisy Cornelia & I attended church service a.m.
The meetings will be discontinued with winter on hand.
William Bender has preached every Sunday since starting
June 21
Went to see Charley Duloff after church. Wrote Freeman
copy tonight.
NOVEMBER 30 Monday
Pretty snug winter weather - Fair, biting cold north
westerly winds.
Daisy and I worked cleaning up tops in Hinkley woods
after morning chores.
P.M. Drawed out manure and got a dray load of firewood
along with other “must” jobs.
Wrote news copy evng
DECEMBER 3 Tuesday
4 & 6 below zero this am. On our kitchen porch
thermometer. Biting clear cold still day becoming
overcast evng. - Reservoir partly frozen Daisy & I got 2 big dray loads of firewood along with the
usual daily barn chore routine.
Recd letters Mariam & Leah VanBenchoten.
Got stalk cutter from Morton Roe’s.
5th anniversary of the sudden death of Jas. McMillin.
DECEMBER 2 Wednesday
Arrived snowing and continued till mid afternoon
changing to rain Very sluggish traveling
Town and County snow plows
in operation
Took mother to Ladies Aid at church & went after her &
Cornelia bus time.
Bought pair over knee red Ball Band rubber boots at
Colange’s store $5.00
Salted down pork and hams & did chores etc. Mrs. Ella Nichols house in Olive Bridge slightly damage
by early a.m. Fire.
Geo. Trowbridge home in Krumville burned last night.
Recd telephone call this evng that our dear and trusted
friend Mr. Robert G. Knorpp died
5 ocolock this
a.m. at his home in Brooklyn.
DECEMBER 3 Thursday
Generally fair, becoming overcast late p.m.
traveling Drawed out 2 loads manure am. Took Daisy to see Dr.
Cohn at Shokan noontime - Came back to Olive Bridge &
had car winter serviced at Pete Crawford’s Garage Telephone calls evng from Knorpps and Mariam. - Mr.
Knorpps funeral Saturday 2 30 at his home 26 Martense
St - Brooklyn.
Thawing - Fair - light winds northerly. Chilly air - just
moderately mild.
Drawed out manure. Busy with odd jobs, drawed 1 big
load wood from over along upper woods back road.
Bothered some getting car started due to weak coil.
Ed & Anna Avery called a.m.
Ralph Longyear stayed over night with us on his way to
Dover, Delaware.
DECEMBER 5 Saturday
Fair, windy, fixing for storm raw atmosphere.
Donald Bishop and I went to Brooklyn via the New York
Central from Po. Keepsie.
With Mariam and Bob Longyear we attended the funeral
of Mr. Robert G. Knorpp at his home 26 Martense St,
Bklyn, and burial following in Greenwich Cemetery Donald returned home later. Mariam Bob & I attended
movie showing “The Charge of the Light Brigade” - We
later accompanied Mariam back to St. Lukes Hospital.
Moderated set in snowing with a driving at noon and later
turned into a driving heavy rain which continued in the
night with wind blowing. It was a rain storm entirely in
New York.
Stayed over with Bob Longyear in Brooklyn - called and
had dinner with Joe Snyder and his mother. Went back to
see Mariam p.m. & visited St. Lukes Hosp, meeting
pleasantly her class mates on duty there. Came back on
subway to Brooklyn & with Bob Longyear had supper and
spent the evening at the Knorpp home.
Cloudy this am. Clearing p.m. & turned much colder as
the sun went down.
I stayed over night at Longyears, then went to New York
and had lunch with Mariam and Ruth Fadden. Came up
to Kingston on the West-shore and to Boiceville on the
north side bus, and walked home, arriving at 6 20
Wrote Ulster Co. News copy evng.
Served with summons evng on extra panel as petit juror to
attend Supreme Court in Kingston, tomorrow 10 a.m.
DECEMBER 8 Tuesday
West baisin of reservoir froze over last night. The water
is at a low level with higher points of The Dickenbar on
cemetery Hill bare.
Wintry night and cold sunny day. Light winds northerly.
Ralph Bell shot a 270lb bear dressed high on ridge above
Moonhaw Club.
Lester S. Davis brought freight shipment of corrugated
metal roofing from Montgomery Ward.
Reported 10 a.m. For Jury duty, no cases being ready,
panel excused till tomorrow am.
Installed new Sears Roebuck coil on Chevy car $1.98
Made a trip to Maple Dell service station later p.m. With
two cows, Red and Polly.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
DECEMBER 9 Wednesday
Dark still cloudy day & evening. Trying hard to storm
Went to Kingston on jury duty - Was not drawn on case &
excused till tomorrow.
Came home by Olive Bridge and had Pete Crawford put
on pair of new Montgomery Ward tires & tubes (Power
Grips) speedometer 13432 Sam VanKleeck called tonight to sell me a Plymouth car.
DECEMBER 10 Thursday
Murky still day more or less rainy forenoon Went to Kingston on jury duty - drawn on breach of
contract case but excused - Ferrera Bus Line VS Hudson
Transit Corp.
Recd card Mariam - Sending her one daily.
DECEMBER 11 Friday
Rainy night and continuing rainy foggy day
pretty well gone tonight.
Made trip to Kingston for jury duty, and at 11 ocolock
court recess. Supreme Court Justice Foster excused jurors
not sitting till Monday 10 am.
Brought Montgomery Ward “Airline” 6 tube A.C. electric
table radio home for trial - cash price is $21.95
DECEMBER 12 Saturday
Cloudy - Still - Cleared at evng.
Daisy and I spread big cart load manure behind barn also
got a wagon load of wet leaves from upper back Hinkley
woods. Busy p.m. With a variety of clean up chores
about the barn. Attended IOOF Lodge evng and later
visited Mr and Mrs Henry Winchell. Brought Cornelia &
Helen Thompson home later from Bingo party at
Colange’s hall.
DECEMBER 13 Sunday
Clear, still, crispy day. Thawing during warmth of day.
At home all day. Wrote Freeman copy evng. Made a
short call on A. Constable during p.m.
DECEMBER 14 Monday
Reservoir frozen over second time. Crispy morning,
heavy clinging frost crystals Clear - a bit hazy Moderating.
Went to Kingston on jury duty, but no court held on acct
illness of Judge Foster. Arrived home noon hour and
Daisy and I hauled out manure p.m. & gathered a fine
wagon load of leaves in woods along back road.
Wrote news copy evng.
At 11 p.m. Listened in enjoyably to a short wave news
and market report broadcast from London. Their time 4
DECEMBER 15 Tuesday
Lovely still clear day - Hazy - Moderately mild.
Went to Kingston on jury duty - Drawn on automobile
accident case p.m., getting home at dark.
DECEMBER 16 Wednesday
Fair, moderating, becoming overcast p.m. Rainy evng &
Held all day on jury duty Had supper with Mr & Mrs Pearl H Carey & attended
annual meeting and turkey banquet at Mt. Horeb Chapter.
Arrived home 12.30 midnight.
DECEMBER 17 Thursday
Fair, mild becoming colder during p.m.
Sat all day on jury - We had supper at Henry Melogn - &
retired to deliberate, brought in verdict 9 p.m. Awarded
1,000 & casts to Mrs. Elizabeth Albright Plaintiff VS.
Signey Banks defendent. Mr. Albright was fatally injured
by Banks truck at Abeel St. Intersection Rondout Bridge night of July 25 last.
DECEMBER 18 Friday
Reservoir is again open water, the thin ice coating having
given way to the rising water and winds
Cold raw windy December day, part cloudy.
Daisy and I made good use of the day by drawing out
manure and getting two big loads of leaves from upper
back woods.
Recd letter & Xmas box from Mariam.
Wrote Freeman copy evng.
Recd 1937 auto plates CU40
DECEMBER 19 Saturday
Reservoir froze over again last night. Cloudy - cold raw,
air set in snowing noon time continuing till mid evng
turning to hail & other rain about 2 ½ “
Daisy Cornelia & I got a big load of leaves from back
upper wood ahead of the storm.
P.M. I got greens to send to Mariam & Longyears.
Evng mother helped in making laurel wreath for cemetery
monument & packed 2 feed sacks of greens for sending to
New York.
Don, Bob & Cornelia attended Bingo party & dance at
Colange’s hall.
DECEMBER 20 Sunday
Rainy night - Generally cloudy - Thaw today and strong
southwest winds, cleaned up the new snowfall and broke
up the newly formed reservoir ice covering of Friday
night. Colder Snow squally evng At home - Writing
Xmas cards, etc. & Freeman copy evng.
Went down to cemetery late p.m. & put laurel wreath on
monument & laid pine brances on Little Honey’s Grave.
Our 26th Wedding Anniversary
Wrote to Mariam sending $10 C & O dividend check.
DECEMBER 21 Monday
Ground white this a.m. - Generally fair blustery,
somewhat colder - squally evng.
Went to Kingston for jury duty but was dismissed for the
day - Came home by north boulevard and called at
Charley Duloffs. Daisy & I got a load leaves along upper
back road p.m.
We all attended the School house Christmas
Entertainment tonight.
DECEMBER 22 Tuesday
Fair - cold - windy Bright half moon tonight.
Reported to Kingston for Jury duty and all jurors excused
for the term.
Went to Virgil VanWagoner’s office and filed statements
etc.for Surrogates Court proceedings in Aunt Cornelia’s
Wrote a batch of Xmas cards evng.
Rec’d a big Christmas box from Mariam
Paid for jury duty 10 days $40 and mileage $7.50
DECEMBER 23 Wednesday
Reservoir again frozen. Crispy night - 6 above zero. Fair
- Raw snowy air - light wind from east. Part cloudy evng,
somewhat moderated
Spent the forenoon helping get Christmas box packed and
off to Mariam.
We drawed out manure p.m. & got big load leaves from
along back road.
Recd card Mariam.
Started writing Freeman copy
DECEMBER 24 Thursday
Warmest day and evening of the month. Part cloudy Sprinkle rain evng. Temperature 41 -11pm
Daisy and I banked north side of celler wall with leaves
We got another wagon load leaves p.m. I got Cornelia’s
animal Christmas tree late p.m. A beautiful cedar from the
“Old King Meadow” down on our old farm on reservoir
Rec’d box gifts from Mr & Mrs Henry Winchells.
DECEMBER 25 Friday
Continued mild part cloudy. Light rains evng.
Got the old Ford gassed up and running am. and this
afternoon with Morton Roe and his nephew helping got
the corn stalks cut.
This evng Daisy & I went over to Mr and Mrs Henry
Walter Willer came evng from Cornwall C.C.C. and
stayed over night.
DECEMBER 26 Saturday
Fair cloudy - mild - quiet day, becoming overcast evng.
Drawed out manure. Got the Ford and saw rig set up and
cut up pile of firewood. Walter Willer, Daisy and
Cornelia helping.
Cornelia & Mildred Roe went to Bingo party and dance
evng at Colanges hall.
Made late p.m. Trip to Maple Dell with (Red) cow.
DECEMBER 27 Sunday
Reservoir again became open water today. Cloudy warm southerly winds. Light rains evng. Muddy, frost
going out of the ground.
Made trip this am to Maple Dell with (Molly) cow.
Daisy went to Mr & Mrs Walter Schmolkel’s for dinner
visit. I took a run up to Boiceville to see how Duloff is
progressing with his mill.
Harry Jordon had supper with us. Wrote Freeman copy
evng Cornelia went to Kingston with Helen Thompson to stay
over night.
DECEMBER 28 Monday
Beautiful clear warm springlike day with fresh northerly
winds. Magnificent full moon evng, crispy. Typical sap
With frost out of the ground I again started plowing sod
behind the barn - Billy and Joe Wagner followed the
furrow this morning picking up fish worms.
Wrote “news” copy evng.
Mrs. Belle Burgher and Blanche Bessrodney called evng.
DECEMBER 29 Tuesday
Sharp drop in temperature last night. Clear - chilly snowy
air, became overcast late p.m. And moderated. Started
freezing rain at midnight.
Ploughed sod right back of barn & chicken yard, sod crust
pretty well frozen this morning.
Lester Personeus Jr & sister Harriet came 4 ocolock &
stayed over night.
Went to Kingston evng with my car taking Mr & Mrs
Henry Winchell. Henry & I attended the annual
Supervisors Assn banquet at Stuyvesant Hotel. - 19 from
Town of Olive
The banquet proved quite a hilarious affair.
DECEMBER 30 Wednesday
Rainy night and rainy along and foggy, still gloomy day
The Personeus visitors left for their home in Suffern
shortly before noon.
DECEMBER 31 Thursday
The old year ended with a continued rainy night and
drencing all day’s storm from the south west - Still and
clearing evng.
A lazy day - Drawed out load manure in the rain p.m.
Rec’d the papers and evng Wrote Freeman copy
Mariam called up from Brooklyn evng wishing us a
Happy New Year.A lonesome year end with the grim ever
present reminder of our Little Honey Girls tragic illness 5
years ago.
The following are errors found in journal but kept
in to keep it “as is.”
January 03 -appendictis/oranized
13- preceeded
February 02-staid
March 19-unparralled/baisins
01-Mother and____ /Whipporwill
August 03-apparant
10-around around ocolock
15-sore and week