Geomechanical characterization of carbonate rock masses in underground karst systems: a case study from Castellana-Grotte (Italy) Mario Parise1, Maria Addolorata Trisciuzzi2 1 National Research Council, IRPI, Via Amendola 122-I, 70126 Bari, Italy e-mail: [email protected] 2 Technical University, Engineering Faculty of Taranto, Italy ABSTRACT Analysis of the stability conditions of rock masses in underground karst systems involves a study of the breakdown processes that acted during the formation of the caves, integrated with a survey of the present conditions of the walls and roof. Especially in show caves, and in caves frequently visited by speleologists and researchers, evaluating the susceptibility related to rock falls is of paramount importance. In this contribution we presents the results of a research carried out at the Castellana-Grotte show caves (Apulia, southern Italy), where we performed a geomechanical characterization of the carbonate rock mass, aimed at obtaining the necessary data for up-to-come stability analysis. The role played by gravity-related processes in shaping the karst systems, and contributing to the evolution of the caves as they appear today, is well evident throughout the whole underground system: the entrance is a wide opening at the ground surface, due to roof collapse as the extreme consequence of the upward propagation of instability mechanisms. Similar features, which however do not reach the surface, are also visible in many other rooms of the system. Our study started by mapping the fallen blocks, and measuring the main morphometric parameters, at the same time performing observations on the weathered surfaces, and ascertaining the presence of secondary deposits on the blocks. Following this phase, that resulted in a detailed cartography of the fallen blocks, the rock mass was surveyed and described by means of structural surveys dedicated to investigate the most relevant discontinuity systems and their main features, according to the standards proposed by the International Society of Rock Mechanics. The geomechanical characterization of the carbonate rock mass is crucial for allowing further analysis devoted to the assessment of the stability conditions within the karst system. KEY WORDS: rock mass, breakdown, discontinuity, karst, stability Breakdown processes in caves Natural collapse in caves generally occurs through progressive failures of roof rock units, whilst wall failures are less common. The process of roof stoping (or cavity migration) consists of the progressive failure of individual beds or slabs of rock, developing upward, and eventually reaching the ground surface. It seems to be more rapid in thinly-bedded limestones rather than in massive or thicklystratified carbonate rock masses. The roof and floor of an opening in horizontally bedded rock can actually suffer from buckling failure when the rock plates are relatively thin and when the in situ horizontal stress is high. When the in situ horizontal stress is low, the roof slabs in a similar opening can fail as a result of the tensile stresses induced by bending of the slabs under their own weight (Hoek, Brown, 1980). Stability problems in blocky jointed rock are generally associated with gravity falls of blocks from the roof and sidewalls (White, 228 Mario Parise, Maria A. Trisciuzzi White, 1969). Weathering may be locally important, decreasing the physical properties of the rock, and favouring enlargement of the fissures and joints, until causing detachment. The main factors controlling the profiles of cave passages are the structural and lithological features of the host limestone, and the past and present hydrology in the cave. Starting from the cave passage profiles, therefore, with particular regard to width and height, and, looking at the overall shape of the cross-section, it is possible to have a preliminary guess about the processes that have been active in the past to produce such a shape. Besides creating problems in the underground setting, the presence of large voids or cave in karst environments is a significant geohazard even at the surface for engineers, due to the notorious unpredictability of their location and extent (Culshaw, Waltham, 1987; Parise, in press). A classic example of the unpredictable nature of karst has been described for the Remouchamps Viaduct in Belgium: on the initial ground investigations, 31 boreholes found no cave, but the subsequent excavation of the pier footings found two unknown caves; this brought to a second phase of investigation, with 308 new boreholes that found no more caves (Waltham et al., 1986). The difficulties in estimating this geohazard have been treated by Waltham (2002) in his engineering classification of karst, that is largely based on the three features most relevant to engineers concerned with the integrity of structural foundations in karst terrains: sinkholes, rockhead and caves. Five classes are defined on the basis of the typical assemblages of morphological features, from undeveloped karst to normal, mature, complex, and extreme karst. Even though the classes can be recognised in a climatic context, the high variability of karst (also within a region) make the classification not absolute. This means that an area can be attributed to a certain class, but some small sites may fall into a higher or lower class. In areas above show caves, it is therefore very important to ascertain the overall properties of the host rock mass, and the stability at the surface, in order to allow safe visits to tourists, and evaluate the possibility of occurrence of subsidence and sinkhole events at the surface. As part of a project devoted to these aims, the paper describes in the following the main features of the karst system at Castellana-Grotte, Italy, and the geomechanical characterization of the carbonate rock mass therein present. The karst system at Castellana-Grotte The Apulia region of southern Italy is formed by Jurassic-Cretaceous limestones and dolostones covered by Tertiary and Quaternary clastic carbonates. It was interested since the Lower Pleistocene by a general uplifting, until it reached the present configuration (Doglioni et al., 1994). The region is fragmented by high dip, mostly NW-SE striking, faults into uplifted and lowered blocks (Ricchetti et al., 1988; Bosellini, Parente, 1994). Due to the widespread presence of carbonate rocks, surface and underground landforms were extensively involved in karst processes that produced an extensive network of underground cavities and conduits. The landscape is generally flat and characterized essentially by landforms of karst origin, whose best morphological expressions are identifiable on the Murge Plateau of inland Apulia (Sauro, 1991). The lower part of south-eastern Murge is on a coastal platform of Pleistocene calcarenites resting over the Cretaceous limestone bedrock: near the coastline, wide cavities are prone to development by dissolution at the interface between salt and fresh water at either current or past sea levels. A variety of karst features characterizes this territory, both at the surface (dolines, poljes, dry valleys, karst microforms, etc.) and at the subsurface (Parise, 1999, 2006). The network Geomechanical characterization of carbonate rock masses in underground karst system of caves in the south-eastern Murge, in particular, is among the most developed in Apulia, and include the longest and most famous karst system of the region, the Castellana Caves (Fig. 1). First explored by Professor Anelli in January 1938, the cave was soon exploited as show cave (Anelli, 1938, 1957), whilst in the decades later the explorations continued to add new passages to the overall development, until reaching the 229 presently known length of 3,348 meters, with a maximum depth of -122 meters (Parise et al., 2002). As for most of the caves in this territory, the Castellana Caves have a prevailingly sub-horizontal pattern, with large caverns, whose height ranges from a few meters to some tens of meters, and intervening corridors; development of the latter is frequently controlled by the main discontinuity systems in the rock mass. Fig. 1. Longitudinal cross-section at the Castellana Caves. The karst system at Castellana opens in the Altamura Limestone formation, a stratified limestone of Upper Cretaceous age (Parise, Reina, 2002): it can be classified as an hard rock with crystalline texture and isotropic structure at the laboratory specimen scale, whilst, at the rock mass scale, it can be considered as an anisotropic rock due to moderately spaced bedding planes (Lollino et al., 2004). The rock mass is intensely fractured, and locally show arching and deformations in the limestone strata, induced by the weight of the rock above (Photo 1). Photo 1. Limestone strata deformed, due to the weight of the rock above (photo courtesy of G. Ragone). Breakdown processes have played a very important role in the cave evolution in this area, and at several sites have become the main cause of widening and upward enlargement of the original caves. This is well evident at the Castellana Caves, starting from the cavern (called Grave; see figure 1) at the entrance of the system: it presents in fact a wide opening due to the collapse of the roof, which was the extreme consequence of the upward propagation of the instability mechanisms. At many other rooms in the Castellana Caves it is possible to observe similar features, even though not reaching the ground surface, together with other mechanisms of breakdown, from block to slab and chip breakdowns, to major ceiling collapse: these processes often result in thick fall deposits and in recurring bell-shaped cross-sections of the caverns. The karst systems at Castellana-Grotte are multi-phase, having initially formed when the limestone rock mass was saturated beneath a water table, and later evolved when the water table lowered. As a result, the original network of tubular phreatic caves was modified by subsequent phases of vadose caves, mostly characterized by canyon-like features. In turn, these passages later changed through breakdown processes, and were partly or completely filled by allogenic sediments and secondary calcite deposits. In some rooms, 230 Mario Parise, Maria A. Trisciuzzi where thickness of the strata is lower, the progressive failures of the unstable roof easily created an increasing pile of rock debris, and the upward migration of the void. At these locations, the original dissolutional cave may therefore be at depth much greater, below the several meters-thick debris. All of this makes the cave systems extremely complicated as regards the evaluation of stability phenomena. In particular where the walls are fully decorated with stalactites and flowstones, the recognition of discontinuity systems in the rock mass becomes very difficult. Methods and results To examine the breakdown processes that worked in the formation of the present caverns at Castellana Caves, morphological observations were carried out in the karst system: distribution of detached blocks was mapped, and the main morphometric parameters (length, thickness, volume) measured. Efforts have also been made to identify the most likely source area of each block. The morphometric parameters have been then compared to the size of the rooms and caverns where the blocks are present. This phase of work was completed by structural surveys dedicated to investigate the main discontinuity systems in the carbonate rock mass, and their main features, according to internationally established standards. In situ surveys were in particular focused on the effects of weathering deriving from water infiltrating from the surface, and on the other properties that have been identified as significant for any engineering classification of limestones (Fookes, Hawkins, 1988; Anon, 1995; Waltham, Fookes, 2003). Phase 1: Inventory of fall deposits The Castellana Caves were opened to the public soon after the discovery, and became rapidly one of the most popular show caves in Italy and Europe. Using the natural underground karst systems as a public space, even though along selected paths, strongly changes the natural environment. At Castellana this occurred by realizing the tourist passages with intense use of concrete, and removing the rocky debris present in the caves. Nevertheless, the greater blocks and pieces of rock debris were not moved. Photo 2. Rock debris in the initial part of the karst system, between Grave and Caverna dei Monumenti. Rule meter for scale (case diameter 10 cm). Photo 3. Fallen block at the end of the long Corridoio del Deserto: note that the block, including the speleothems above it at the time failure occurred, leaned against the opposite wall; after the detachment, stalagmites developed above the fallen block. At this site the passage is very narrow, and the tourist pathway is exactly below the block. Starting from these considerations, we performed a detailed inventory of the deposits Geomechanical characterization of carbonate rock masses in underground karst system produced by falls and breakdown in all the karst system, that still occupy their original position. The deposits were mapped and described, taking into account their size and shape, and performing an attempt in correlating them with the likely detachment zones (Photo 2). Further, the presence of secondary deposits (concretions, speleothems, flowstones) over the rockfall deposits was observed, and their height measured (Photo 3). Fig. 2. Inventory map of fallen deposits at the Caverna dei Monumenti, the second largest room in the Castellana Caves (see fig. 1 for location). The map covers a length of about 100 meters along the NW-SE direction. Every group of blocks has been marked with a capital letter (indicating the room where it is located) followed by a number to discriminate it from the nearby groups. Within each group, the single block was identified by adding a small letter. Different forms were prepared and filled during the field survey for each complex, and for every significant block as well; an example of form for one of the main rooms in the Castellana Caves (Caverna dei Monumenti) is shown as Table 1. At those sites where it was not possible to identify the single blocks, due to presence of a chaotic mass of debris, only the form describing the overall complex was compiled. Even though time-consuming, this approach allowed us to collect a great amount of data on the fall deposits within the karst system, and to produce for every room a detailed map, a simplified sample of which is presented here as Fig. 2. In this map, it is possible to note the differences in the areas covered by the groups, and, at the same time, in the density of the 231 blocks among the different groups; this latter is generally due to concentration of debris in a particular zone, depending upon the more frequent detachment of rocks from source areas characterized by intense jointing and/or passage of water. Phase 2: Geomechanical characterization of carbonate rock masses The second step in the study of the karst system at Castellana was to develop a geomechanical characterization of the carbonate rock mass where the cave opens. This part of the work was performed following the standards defined by the International Society of Rock Mechanics for the description of rock masses (ISRM, 1978). Therefore, all the relevant parameters needed to make a detailed description of the discontinuity systems in the rock mass were observed, measured, mapped, described and/or estimated: strata bedding, spacing, pervasiveness, roughness, wall resistance, aperture, infilling material, presence of water, number of discontinuity systems, size and shape of the blocks. The above recalled ISRM standards, however, were not specifically designed for carbonate rock masses; due to this reason, an effort was made to include in the description further observations specific for soluble rocks affected by karst processes. For example, the presence of karst conduits along a particular discontinuity system was indicated, where present, as well as the preferential flow of water in correspondence of specific fractures or joints. Size of the karst features observed was also measured. Furthermore, some observations were performed on the weathering condition of the rock mass. The limestone is in fact frequently characterized at its outer portion by very soft and porous material, some mm thick, that locally create a continuous coating over the less weathered rock. The thicker weathered zones are generally found at those sites where the walls are at contact with clastic sediments or they are wetted by trickling or condense water and where weathered material is protected against mechanical erosion (Zupan Hajna, 2003). The 232 Mario Parise, Maria A. Trisciuzzi contact with fine-grained sediments is particularly important, since it contributes to provide the moisture required for dissolution. Table 1. Form for collection of data about fallen blocks in the Castellana cave system. The form refers to Caverna dei Monumenti, the same cavern shown in Fig. 2. FORM FOR CAVERN/ CORRIDOR/ LATERAL BRANCH 1 DATE OF SURVEY CAVERN CORRIDOR LATERAL BRANCH 2 NAME 3 4 LETTER ASSOCIATED 13 March 2006 MONUMENTI C GENERAL DESCRIPTION: morphology The Caverna dei Monumenti is a huge cavern (the second largest in the system, after the Grave) characterized by chaotic rock debris of great size. Above the fallen materials, some meters-high stalagmites complexes have grown, cementing most of the rock debris, and creating the main forms of the cavern. The rock walls are stratified, with sub-horizontal bedding. 5 6 BEDDING STRIKE DIP SLOPE N120 NE 4˚ N100 N 8˚ LOCATION OF MEASURE POINT NE wall OBSERVATION OF THE MAIN ELEMENTS 6.1 VAULT: fractures, detachment areas, stalactites, etc. The vault presents wide zones from which the rock were detached: they are recognizable for the overall half-moon shape, strongly conditioned on one side by the most important discontinuity systems at Castellana Caves, that is the NW-SE family. In addition to the central area in the vault (the zone where height of the cavern reaches its maximum), some minor detachment areas can be identified. Several discontinuities in the vault are marked by lines of stalactites. WALLS: bedding strata, presence or absence of peculiar elements, comparison with the other walls in the same 6.2 room/cavern/corridor/etc The rock walls are stratified, with sub-horizontal bedding, and characterized on the north-eastern side by several conduits located along the bedding planes. 6.3 6.3.1 PAVEMENT: deposits OVERALL DESCRIPTION: location of groups with respect to the context The largest groups are C2 and C3, both in terms of amount of rocky debris and size of single blocks. C2 derives from falls from the NNW wall of the cavern, where the two narrow passages connecting it with the Grave are located. C3 deposits, on the other hand, derive from falls from the vault, likely in more successive episodes. Several sub-groups can be identified within C3. Minor, but still significant, groups mark the rest of the cavern. Single block 6.3.2 CLASSIFICATION Group Corrosive moisture has been in fact invoked as the main reason for limestone weathering in several cases, including the drenching of clay pebble surfaces (Davis, Mosch, 1988). CODE C1a; C2a; C3a; C3b; C3c; C3d; C3e; C4a;C5a; C6a; C6b. C1; C2; C3; C4; C5; C6. At selected sites, characterized by particular jointing in the rock mass, or considered of greater importance due to vicinity to the tourist passages, detailed geostructural surveys were performed by Geomechanical characterization of carbonate rock masses in underground karst system measuring several hundreds of discontinuities, analysing them statistically and representing by means of rose diagrams (Fig. 3) to highlight the more frequent discontinuity systems and their relation with the direction of the cavern sidewalls. 233 mass. The main data from the surveys are listed in Table 2. Besides bedding of strata, four discontinuity systems have been identified at each measurement station, the prevailing system always being in the range N 130-150. The sector mostly affected by instability, corresponding to the second and third stretches (B + C), has been analyzed at greater detail, through determination of the joint roughness coefficient (JRC) and the joint compression strength (JCS). At this aim, in situ tests were carried out on the exposed joint surfaces to determine the roughness and the compressive strength of the joint walls. Over 120 joint profiles have been tested by means of a profilometer, and the mean JRC value estimated for each discontinuity system after statistical treatment of the data. Mean JRC ranges from 6-8 to 18-20 (Table 3), according to ISRM standards (ISRM, 1978). The mean value of the joint wall compressive strength, JCS, as deduced by means of Schmidt hammer tests, again performed according to ISRM suggestions, has a mean value of 54 MPa. The residual friction angle of the joints, φ’r, has been deduced by means of tilt tests performed on natural joint planes, and the corresponding mean value is about 32°. Eventually, in order to assess the peak friction angle, φ’p, the empirical criterion of Barton has been used, and the resulting value ranges between 43° and 57° (Table 3). Fig. 6. Rose diagram (equal area projection) at measurement station B in the Corridoio del Deserto: note the marked prevalence of discontinuities belonging to the NW-SE family, that is the main direction of development of the Castellana karst system. The main site object of this part of the research was a 100 m-long stretch in the final part of Corridoio del deserto, where three separate survey lines have been established for the geomechanical characterization of the rock Table 2. Main data surveyed at the measurement stations in the Corridoio del Deserto. Measurement station Length (m) Number of discontinuities Mean spacing (m) A B C 17 11.8 20 130 127 102 0.13 0.09 0.20 Main system (spacing, in m, between brackets) N 140-150 (0.55) N 140-150 (0.62) N 130-140 (1.80) Table 3. Joint roughness coefficient (JRC) and joint compressive strength (JCS) values at the Castellana Caves. Discontinuity system bedding N 015 N 100-130 N 125-140 N 150 Number of JRC profiles 14 22 28 32 28 Mean JRC JCS rebounds 6-8 8-10 16-18 6-8 18-20 78 52 46 150 62 φ’p (°) 43 45 55 43 57 234 Mario Parise, Maria A. Trisciuzzi Discussion and future perspectives The geomechanical characterization of rock masses is mandatory to any evaluation of rock stability. In karst caves, it is important to integrate the widely used approach and standards with further observations concerning the peculiarity of underground karst landforms and processes. Combining the data from the geomechanical characterization of rock masses with direct observations on the breakdown mechanisms acting in the cave may provide crucial insights toward the comprehension of the more likely instability process, and help in identifying the sites more susceptible to rock falls. There is no doubt that in show caves, and in caves particularly frequented by speleologists and researchers, this is an important achievement. The main mechanisms of instability that have been observed at the Castellana Caves are: a) a progressive upward evolution of the roof cave through detachment of successive strata, until possibly reaching the ground surface; b) detachment of single block(s) from the roof or the walls; c) detachment of single slabs from the roof; d) fall of overhanging rock shelf from the walls. Mechanism a) has been the main one acting in the system, but acted in past geological times, soon after the level at which the karst system develops was left by the underground river that made its way at greater depths. The unsupported walls and roofs of the original environments were at that time subjected to collapses and progressive upward stoping. Today, this mechanism is dormant, and no massive fall has been observed recently. Nevertheless, the presence of several discontinuity systems identified in all the measurement stations, together with some properties of the rock walls (aperture of fractures, weathering, water infiltration, etc) points out to the necessity of monitoring the sites where jointing is particularly widespread and pervasive. All the other mechanisms above are of minor entity when compared to the first one. They have to be considered still active, due to the before described characters of the rock mass. Mechanism b) may occur through falling of rock wedges, depending upon orientation of the discontinuities and geometry of the roof. Wall failures (mechanism d), leading to widening of the cave passages, occur where portions of the wall are left unsupported as shelves, and then fall. In some passages, a typical step profile, showing successive steps moving away from the middle line of the pathway, may be in fact observed (Fig. 7). Fig. 7. Cross-section at Caverna della Civetta. Note at the north-eastern wall the presence of unsupported rock shelves (marked by arrows), that might be subject to future detachments from the rock mass. In conclusion, it has to be stressed that the geomechanical characterization of carbonate rock mass in karst caves is crucial for allowing further analysis devoted to the assessment of the stability conditions within the karst system. At this regard, a preliminary analysis has been performed in one of the cavern of the Castellana system by means of a discrete element code (Lollino et al., 2004): the numerical results have highlighted how the gradual degradation with time of the limestone Geomechanical characterization of carbonate rock masses in underground karst system tensile strength (Diederichs & Kaiser, 1999) seems to be the main factor controlling both formation and propagation of vertical joints within the rock strata overlying the cave roof. This degradation essentially depends upon the 235 chemical and moisture weathering processes of the rock mass. Further analysis are necessary to ascertain whether these outcomes characterize the whole karst system or are limited to specific rooms and sites. Acknowledgements We acknowledge the Grotte di Castellana s.r.l. for having permitted the access to the Castellana Caves for this study. Giovanni Ragone kindly provided the photograph of Fig. 2. 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