Grade: Sixth Lesson 17: Equivalent Expressions Week: 14

Grade: Sixth
Essential Question
Can the properties that I use on numbers
be applied to expressions?
Big Idea
Properties can still be applied to
expressions in which the operations allow.
Journal Task
What is equivalency and how can I prove it
in expressions?
Lesson 17: Equivalent Expressions
Standard 6.EE.A.3-6.EE.A.4
Apply the properties of
operations to generate
equivalent expressions. (i.e
3(2+x) =6+3x or apply the
distributive property to create
an equivalent expression. (i.e
24x+18y= 6(4x+3y)
Identify when two expressions
are equivalent. (i.e when the
two expressions name the same
number regardless of which
value is substituted into them)
i.e y+y+y=3y
I can use the distributive
property to create an
equivalent expression
I can find two equivalent
expressions by substituting any
value into the expressions.
Commutative property,
Associative property,
Distributive property,
equivalent expressions, like
terms, numerical expression,
algebraic expression, common
factor, distribute, substitution,
area, length, width
ELL support-p.180, Real-world Connection-p.181 Visual Model-p.182
ELL support-p.183 Visual Model-p.184 Hands-On Activity-p.185
Visual Model-p.186 ELL and Hands-on-Activity p.187
Assessment and Remediation, Hands-on-Activity and Challenge Activity-p.190
Student Workbook-pgs. 183-192
Manipulative Ideas:
Color Tiles/counters Video (remind students of finding GCF for distributive prop)
Illustrative Mathematics
Anna in D.C.
Equivalent Expressions
Rectangle Perimeter 2
Contributing Authors: Jon Simmons, Alison Murphy, Cindy Cliche
Week: 14
Learning Targets
Understand that the properties used
with numbers also apply to expressions
with variables.
Recognize and generate equivalent
Substitute values into expressions to
prove equivalency.
Substitution in graphs and charts is a
great resource for these standards.
Property charts and group property
posters for the classroom.