Unit 10 - Birdville ISD

Unit 10 Interactive Vocabulary
The Civil Rights Movement
1. Congress of Racial Equality (493)
2. Executive Order 9981
3. De Jure Segregation (492)
• Organization founded by pacifists
in 1942 to promote racial
equality through peaceful means
• Goal was to end discriminatory
practices and improve relations
between races
• Organized non-violent protests
• An executive order issued by
Harry S. Truman in 1948 that
ended segregation in the military
Give an example of a non-violent
Segregation imposed by law
Legally enforced practices, such
as school segregation in the
South before the 1960s
Made constitutional by Plessy v.
Ferguson (1896)-- segregation
constitutional as long as facilities
for blacks and whites were
“separate but equal”
What area of the U.S. would you
expect to have De Jure
A form of segregation and
Literally, "by fact"
Segregation by unwritten custom
or tradition, a fact of life
What area of the U.S. do you think
this would most likely apply to?
U.S. Supreme Court case that
successfully challenged the
"separate but equal" doctrine of
racial segregation established by
the 1896 case, Plessy v. Ferguson
Ruled that Texas violated the 14th
Amendment by establishing a
separate but unequal all-black
law school
How will this impact Civil Rights?
Chief Lawyer for the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People (NAACP)
First African American Supreme
Court Justice in 1967
Supported Affirmative Action
What court case is he most known
4. De Facto Segregation (493)
5. Sweatt v. Painter (494)
6. Thurgood Marshall (494)
What is Truman known for?
What other term (unit 2A) is this
7. Brown v. Board of Education (495)
8. Integration
9. Chief Justice Warren (495)
10. Congressional Bloc of Southern
11. Hernandez v. Texas
The 1954 Supreme Court decision
that struck down the "separate
but equal" doctrine as
fundamentally unequal (Plessy v.
Case brought by the NAACP
Decided under the Warren Court
Decided segregated public
education violated the U.S.
The Supreme Court decision
declared separate schools to be
“inherently unequal.” Why would
be unequal even if all the facilities
were the exact same?
Why did it then take until the
The intermixing of people or
1960’s for schools to seriously
groups previously segregated
begin integrating?
In the Brown v. Board of
Education II decision, the
Supreme Court stated that
schools should be integrated with
“all deliberate speed”
Transformed American law
regarding the rights of the
accused, ending public schoolsponsored prayer, and requiring
"one man-one vote" rules of
Four landmark decisions: Brown
v. Board of Education (1954),
Gideon v. Wainwright (1963),
Reynolds v. Sims (1964), and
Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
Often called “dixiecrats”
Practiced “massive resistance”
throughout the 1950s-1960s by
banding together to block
attempts to pass federal civil
rights legislation
Many of these Southern
legislatures held important
committee chair positions that
allowed them to keep legislation
from even coming to the floor of
Congress for a vote.
Decided the same month as
Brown v. Board of Education
Ended the exclusion of Mexican
Americans from trial juries
First Supreme Court case ruling
against discrimination targeting a
group other than African
What does Justice Warren serve as
during this time period?
From your vocab list two men who
were members of the “dixiecrats”.
What impact will this have on Civil
12. Rosa Parks
13. Montgomery Bus Boycott
14. Orval Faubus (496)
15. Civil Rights Act of 1957 (497)
16. Sit-ins (499)
African American seamstress who What impact does she have on the
Civil Right Movement?
used nonviolent protest
Involved in direct action to end
segregation when she boarded a
bus in Montgomery, Alabama
and refused to give up her seat to
a white person
She was arrested, and sparked
the Montgomery Bus Boycott of
NAACP organized overnight in
response to the arrest of Rosa
Boycott where all blacks refused
to ride the buses for 381 days
Used to protest Park’s arrest and
What impact will this have on the
bus companies?
Governor of Arkansas from 1955
to 1967
Best known for his 1957 stand
against the desegregation of the
Little Rock School District during
the Little Rock Crisis where he
defied the U.S. Supreme Court by
ordering the Arkansas National
Guard to stop African American
students from attending Little
Rock Central High School
Enacted by Eisenhower in
September 1957
Created U.S. Civil Rights
Commission with power to
investigate violations of civil
Gave Attorney General the right
to protect voting rights of African
Lacked enforceability
A form of peaceful protest (civil
disobedience) that involves one
or more persons nonviolently
occupying an area to promote
political or social change
Primary action used in the civil
rights movement
What desegregation crisis was he
involved in?
What goal of the NAACP would this
act pave the way to achieve?
Which Civil Rights leader also
promoted civil disobedience?
17. Student Non-Violent Coordinating
18. Freedom Rides
19. John F. Kennedy
20. Robert Kennedy
21. James Meredith (501)
Formed in 1960 –organized voter
education projects in the South
Goal was to create a grass roots
movement that involved all
classes of African Americans to
defeat white racism and obtain
Encouraged young people to
become active
Civil rights protests staged by
CORE in which blacks and whites
rode interstate buses from
Washington DC heading to New
Orleans in the summer of 1961
Tested whether southern states
were complying with the
Supreme Court case ruling
against segregation in interstate
Buses were firebombed and
attacked by white mobs in
Kennedy took a timid or soft
approach to civil rights
In 1963 he introduced a civil
rights bill that demanded
prosecution for voting rights
violations and federal money to
aid schools
Give an example of an event led by
SNCC (go back and read the vocab)
Younger brother of JFK
Believed that Civil Rights were
the biggest issue facing the
Played a large role in the
Freedom Riders protests and was
active in civil rights legislation
He was Attorney General for JFK
Assassinated in 1968 while
running for President of the U.S.
Black Air Force veteran who
sought enrollment at the allwhite University of Mississippi in
NAACP, with the help of Medgar
Edgars, will take this case to the
federal courts—they will rule that
the school must desegregate
The governor of Mississippi tried
to stop his entrance into the
What key words help you
understand this person?
Why would people firebomb one of
the buses?
What does he do for Civil Rights?
Where else has a white southern
politician have tried to stop
desegregation in the South?
22. Southern Christian Leadership
Conference (SCLC) (497-498)
23. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (497)
24. Letter from Birmingham Jail
25. George Wallace (503)
26. March on Washington (503)
27. Civil Rights Act of 1964 (505)
Formed in 1957 to promote
nonviolent direct action anyway
it could
Based in Atlanta, Georgia,
members would travel to any city
requesting help to set up sit-ins,
boycotts, etc.
Head of the SCLC and Baptist
Believed in nonviolent direct
resistance as the way to achieve
black rights
Organized the Montgomery Bus
Boycott and the 1963 March on
He was assassinated on the
balcony of a Memphis motel in
An open letter written on April
16, 1963, by Martin Luther King,
The letter defends the strategy of
nonviolent resistance to racism,
arguing that people have a moral
responsibility to break unjust
A strong segregationist who
divided a nation and launched a
conservative movement in
Governor of Alabama who
wanted to keep segregation
His state will experience acts of
violence towards protestors who
wanted integration
A huge civil rights demonstration
in Washington, D.C., in 1963
Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered
his "I Have a Dream" speech here
List two examples of non-violent
protest used.
Banned segregation in public
Federal government could force
state and local school boards to
desegregate schools
Outlawed discrimination in
employment based on race,
color, sex, or national origin
Established the Equal
Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC)
List two examples of discrimination
that would now be outlawed.
What form of protest does he
Who would inspire him to use this
form of protest?
Why is this important?
How will Wallace’s wanting
segregation affect the civil rights
What was the March on
Washington created to raise
awareness of?
28. 24th Amendment (508)
29. Freedom Summer (507)
30. Selma March (507)
31. Voting Rights Act of 1965 (508)
32. Malcolm X (510)
Ratified in 1964 to outlaw or ban
the poll tax
Outlawed payment of any tax as
a condition for taking part in the
nomination or election of any
federal official
Can the states have a poll tax on
state elections?
Organized In 1964 by the SNCC
for a voter registration drive in
People went door-to-door to
people's houses and asked them
to vote
Three civil rights workers
(Michael Schwerner, James
Chaney, and Andrew Goodman)
disappeared and were murdered
Organized by SCLC, also known as
Bloody Sunday
Took place on March 7, 1965
Campaign to pressure federal
government to enact voting
rights legislation
Televised violence and strong
police force
What is the “main idea”?
Banned literacy (reading) tests or
any poll taxes
Allowed federal government to
oversee voting registration and
elections in states that had
discriminated against minorities
How will this impact the South?
African-American Muslim imam,
human rights activist and radical
To his admirers he was a
courageous advocate for the
rights of blacks, a man who
indicted white America in the
harshest terms for its crimes
against black Americans
Detractors (people who did not
like him) accused him of
preaching racism and violence
Killed in 1965
What civil rights group is he tied
What Amendment gave all men the
right to vote despite color or
33. Nation of Islam (510)
34. Black Power (511)
35. Black Panthers (511)
36. Affirmative Action (513)
37. Lestor Maddox (512)
Name one leader of this
Organization, also called the
Black Muslims, dedicated to black organization.
separatism and self-help
Religious sect headed by Elijah
Encouraged strict rules of
behavior including no drugs, no
alcohol, and demanded
separation of races
African American movement
seeking unity and self-reliance
Used in 1966 by SNCC leader
Stokely Carmichael
African Americans should use
collective economic and political
power to gain equality
The best way to remember this
term is…
What anti-poverty program did the
Group founded in 1966 that
demanded economic and political Black Panthers begin that is now a
national legislative program?
rights and prepared to take
violent action
Formed by Huey Newton and
Bobby Seale
Became symbol of young militant
African Americans
Organized armed patrols to
protect people from police abuse
Created anti-poverty programs
Government program intended
to get companies to increase the
number of their minority
employees to correct past
injustices against specified
Close the economic gap between
blacks and whites using
educational and employment
What are two examples of
affirmative action?
Former restaurant owner in
Atlanta, Georgia who closed his
business instead of complying
with 1964 Civil Rights Act
banning discrimination
Became Governor of Georgia
Democrat and segregationist
Refused to allow MLK’s body to
lie in the Georgia capital building
What impact will he have on
segregation in the South?
38. White v. Register 1973
39. Shirley Chisholm
40. Mendez v. Westminster
41. Delgado v. Bastrop ISD
42. Edgewood ISD v. Kirby
43. Hector P. Garcia (595)
Court invalidated the use of
multimember legislative districts
in two Texas counties
The redistricting plan cancelled
out, or minimized, the voting
strength of Black and Mexican
American communities
What affect would this have on
An American politician, educator,
and author
First African American woman
elected to Congress
Became the first major party
black candidate for President of
the U.S. and ran for the
Democratic presidential
1946 federal court case that
challenged racial segregation in
California schools
Ruled that the segregation of
Mexican American students in
schools in California was
In 1948, LULAC attorneys filed
the "Delgado vs. Bastrop I.S.D
Ended the segregation of
Mexican American children in
What impact will she have on the
civil rights movement?
In 1984, the Mexican American
Legal Defense and Educational
Fund filed suit against the Texas
state Commissioner of Education
William Kirby
Cited discrimination against
students in poor school districts
World War II veteran, civil rights
advocate, and founder of the
American G.I. Forum
Demanded better working
conditions, salaries, and
educational opportunities for
Why might students in poor
districts feel discrimination?
What impact will this have on Civil
Why would the Mexican American
children be segregated in the first
Summarize Hector’s importance in
6 words or less.
44. Cesar Chavez (595)
45. Dolores Huerta (596)
46. United Farm Workers Union (596)
47. Chicano Mural Movement (596)
48. American Indian Movement
(AIM) (597)
49. Japanese American Citizenship
League (597)
Most influential Latino activist
An American farm worker, labor
leader and civil rights activist
Fought for farm laborers
Co-founded the National Farm
Workers Association (later the
United Farm Workers union,
Dolores Clara Fernandez Huerta
is a labor leader and civil rights
Co-founded the National Farm
Workers Association which later
became the United Farm
A small union for migrant
farmworkers, founded in the late
Committed to non-violent tactics
Organized workers’ strikes and
boycott of table grapes
The Chicano mural movement
began in the 1960s in MexicanAmerican barrios throughout the
Mexican-American culture
celebrated by large, outdoor
paintings in areas around barrios
How will he impact the “Chicano”
Formed in 1968 by Indian
activists to protest unfair
Originally focused on Indians
living in urban ghettos
Expanded to civil rights issues,
such as securing of land, legal
rights, and self-government for
Native Americans
An organization formed in 1929
to defend the rights of Japanese
Fought for compensation for
property lost by Japanese
Americans interned in camps
during WWII
Later fought to end
Give an example of something
done by AIM?
How does she impact the civil
rights movement?
What is a migrant farmworker?
Draw a picture to represent this
How do you think this group would
respond to Executive Order 9066
during WWII?