Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States
Worksheet Answer Key
Table of Contents
What Do You Know? Questions and Answers........................... 2
Vocabulary Builder Activity................................................... 2
Hands-On Chapter Project: The Federalist Era......................... 3
Guided Reading: Lesson 1 The First President ......................... 3
Guided Reading: Lesson 2 Early Challenges ............................ 4
Guided Reading: Lesson 3 The First Political Parties ................. 4
Economics of History Activity: Lesson 1
The National Debt ......................................................... 5
21st Century Skills Activity: Lesson 1
Information Literacy: Recognizing Historical Perspectives ... 5
Geography and History Activity: Lesson 2
Understanding Location: Treaties and Forts of the
Northwest Territory....................................................... 6
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Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States
Worksheet Answer Key
What Do You Know? Questions and Answers
1. Answers will vary. In order to win support for the creation of the Bank of the
United States, Alexander Hamilton worked out a compromise with Southern
leaders. If they voted for his plan to pay off the state debts, he would, in return,
support locating the new nation’s capital in the South.
2. Answers will vary. Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain gave the Americans free navigation of the Mississippi River and the right to trade at New Orleans.
3. Answers will vary. The British captured American ships that traded with the
French and forced the American crews into the British navy.
4. Answers will vary. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and 1799
claimed that the Alien and Sedition Acts violated the Constitution. Therefore,
they could not be put into action.
Vocabulary Builder Activity
B. Academic Vocabulary—Synonyms & Antonyms
1. S
2. S
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. S
B. Academic Vocabulary—Definitions & Parts of Speech
1. e
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. c
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A. Content Vocabulary
1. partisan
2. cabinet
3. caucus
4. bond
5. alien
6. impressment
7. states’ rights
8. precedent
9. nullify
10. sedition
Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States
Worksheet Answer Key
C. Combined Vocabulary Reinforcement
1. precedent
2. cabinet
3. bonds
4. impressment
5. partisan
6. caucuses
7. aliens
8. sedition
9. nullify
10. states’ rights
11. uniform
12. maintain
13. resolve
14. compromise
Hands-On Chapter Project
The Federalist Era
Worksheet 2 Creating a Bibliography
Students’ sources should reflect their project and be formatted correctly.
Worksheet 3 Assessment Rubric
Students’ self-assessment will be based on their opinions about their performance
during the project.
Guided Reading: Lesson 1 The First President
Washington Takes Office
1. state, treasury, war
2. It allowed Congress to establish a federal court system with district courts, appeals courts, and the Supreme Court.
3. The Bill of Rights limits the power of government. It protects individual liberties,
including freedom of speech and the rights of people accused of crimes.
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Worksheet 1: Time Line Project Plan
Federalist Era Time Period: Groups’ time periods will vary.
Task List: Students’ task lists vary but should be based on how the group decides to divide up the work.
Due Date: The due date will be assigned by the instructor.
Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States
Worksheet Answer Key
The New Economy
4. the amount of money owed by the nation’s government
5. a certificate that is a promise to repay borrowed money in a certain length of time
6. the Bank of the United States
7. tariffs
Guided Reading: Lesson 2 Early Challenges
Trouble in the New Nation
1. Whiskey Rebellion
2. Native Americans
3. Anthony Wayne, Fallen Timbers
4. Greenville
Problems with Europe
1. neutrality
2. force American crews to serve the British navy
3. The British left American soil and war was avoided.
4. Americans received free navigation of the Mississippi River and the right to trade
at New Orleans.
Guided Reading: Lesson 3 The First Political Parties
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Opposing Parties
1. Federalists
2. Republicans
3. Republicans
4. Federalists
5. Federalists
6. Federalists
7. Republicans
John Adams as President
1. XYZ affair
2. Alien and Sedition
3. nullify
4. states’ rights
(continued on next page)
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Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States
Worksheet Answer Key
Economics of History Activity: Lesson 1
The National Debt
January 1, 1791: 75,463,476.52
January 1, 1835: 33,733.05
July 1, 1850: 63,452,773.55
July 1, 1900: 2,136,961,091.67
June 30, 1950: 257,357,352,351.04
September 30, 2010: 13,561,632,030,891.79
1. Except for 1835, the trend shows a growing national debt. The amount of debt
started out at $75 million dollars, then declined to just $33,000 in 1835. It went
back up to $63 million in 1850 and grew to $2 billion in 1900, $257 billion in
1950, and $13 trillion in 2010.
2. wars and economic turmoil
3. Between 1850 and 1900, the Civil War and the Spanish American War occurred.
Between 1900 and 1950, World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II
4. Students may observe that the debt has grown in recent decades, even when the
nation is not at war or in an economic downturn, which suggests it will keep
growing unless the United States changes its spending habits.
1. to design the U.S. capital in Washington, D.C.
2. He did much of the work without authorization from his superiors.
3. They were laid out like the spokes of wheels. The White House is at the center of
one wheel; the Capitol is at the center of the other.
4. The development of the automobile brought increased numbers of highways and
expressways. A subway system opened in 1976 to handle increasing transportation needs for residents and visitors.
5. to prove to citizens and other nations that Americans could govern themselves
6. It is the seat of the national government of the United States.
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21st Century Skills Activity: Lesson 1
Information Literacy: Recognizing Historical
(continued on next page)
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Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States
Worksheet Answer Key
Geography and History Activity: Lesson 2
Understanding Location: Treaties and Forts of the
Northwest Territory
1. He tried to establish a peaceful relationship between the settlers and the Native
2. They were meant to control and protect the settlers, as well as to provide staging
areas for military attacks against the Native Americans.
3. It ended the fighting in the Northwest Territory between Native Americans and the
United States, with the result that the Native Americans ceded to the United
States much of what is now the state of Ohio.
4. They were all located on rivers, probably because it was easier to travel back and
forth using rivers and to receive supplies by water than overland.
5. Fort Miami and Fort Detroit
6. Answers may vary, but might include that Native Americans thought the terms of
the treaty were unfair or did not address their earlier concerns about the Treaty
of Fort McIntosh.
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