UBS Travel Insurance Plus

For marketing purposes
UBS Travel Insurance Plus ensures
you have worry-free vacations
Wherever and however you travel, you can leave your
worries at home. Because UBS Travel Insurance Plus
protects you against financial risks while you’re on the
General Terms and Conditions
Whether for trip cancellations, medical treatment or loss of
luggage – for only 72 Swiss francs you can enjoy peace of mind
when traveling (no charge for holders of UBS Platinum Cards).
Insured persons
• Main cardholder
• Spouse or partner living in the same household
• Children under the age of 25 living in the same household
• The insurance cover is generally valid worldwide1.
• The insurance cover is valid irrespective of whether you pay
using your UBS Credit Card or not (exception: purchase
Sum insured (maximum)
Travel cancellation/
(per claim/year)
Medical costs abroad5
per claim
CHF 250,000
Luggage insurance
per claim
per year
CHF 4,000
CHF 8,000
Delayed luggage
per claim
per year
CHF 300
CHF 600
Delayed flight
per claim
per year
CHF 300
CHF 600
“Shop Garant” purchase
per claim
per year
CHF 1,000
CHF 5,000
CHF 5,000
CHF 15,000
Exceptions can be found in the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance.
“Shop Garant” purchase protection only covers losses from the damage,
destruction or theft of objects for which at least 50% of payment was made using
the main card or the related second or partner card.
Insurance cover as per prevailing General Terms and Conditions of Insurance.
Insurer is AGA International S.A., Paris, Wallisellen branch office (Switzerland).
Excess of 200 Swiss francs.
Costs covered are those not covered by statutory social insurance or supplementary
Insurance cover
Travel cancellation/curtailment
UBS Travel Insurance Plus reimburses you for costs if you have
to cancel your trip as a result of an insured event. You are
also covered if you have to start your trip late or cut it short.
Medical costs abroad
Whether you unexpectedly need to see a doctor, have a
hospital stay or need medicines, UBS Travel Insurance Plus will
cover the costs you incur when traveling outside of Switzerland, leaving you to concentrate solely on getting better in the
event of an accident or illness, without having to worry
about money.
Luggage insurance
If the items you take with you are stolen, damaged or
destroyed, your luggage insurance will cover the costs.
Delayed luggage
If your luggage arrives more than six hours late, you will be
reimbursed for the amount you have to spend on emergency
purchases (e.g. toiletries, t-shirts etc.).
Delayed flight
If you miss your connecting flight because your first flight was
delayed by more than six hours, UBS Travel Insurance Plus
will cover additional costs such as those which arise if you have
to reschedule your flight.
“Shop Garant” purchase protection
The unique way to insure your purchases: If you use your
UBS Credit Card to pay for any items during your trip or
at home, these items are insured against theft and damage
during transit for a period of 24 hours.
What are cancellation costs?
In order to avoid having to compensate clients if a trip needs
to be cancelled, travel companies contractually agree with
their clients what the consequences of cancellations will be.
These cancellation cost arrangements generally feature in
the travel company’s general terms and conditions of insurance or travel in the form of lump-sum amounts, often as a
percentage of the travel price, staggered over specific periods
up to the date of travel. Cancellation costs are, effectively,
nothing other than compensation in a lump-sum form.
Why do I have to cancel my trip immediately if an insured
event occurs?
If an insured event occurs, you have to cancel your arrangements immediately with the travel company, rental company or
event organizer, etc., as failure to do so may result in cancellation costs becoming due or higher cancellation costs being
imposed. In addition, you have to inform Würth Financial
Services AG, Insurance Broker, P.O. Box 179, 8800 Thalwil, of
your claim in writing.
Why do I need to call the emergency hotline if my trip
is cut short?
If you call us, we can take the necessary steps and get things
started for any further measures that are required. It also helps
keep costs to a minimum for you. In order for the curtailment
of your trip to be classified as an insured event, you need prior
approval from the emergency hotline.
Am I covered for illnesses that have already developed
before I travel?
No, there is no insurance coverage for illnesses or the consequences thereof which already existed at the time the insurance was entered into. Complications arising due to the
illness, deterioration or relapses, in particular in connection
with chronic or repetitive illnesses, regardless of whether the
insured person was aware of their existence at the time
the insurance commenced, do not represent insured events.
When am I covered in respect of delayed flights?
If you miss a flight connection due to a delay of at least six
hours caused solely by the first airline, your insurance cover
will take care of the additional costs (hotel costs, rebooking
costs, telephone charges) necessary for you to continue your
journey, up to a maximum of 300 Swiss francs per incident
and 600 Swiss francs per year.
What should I do if I am the victim of theft abroad?
The local police authorities must immediately record in detail
the cause, circumstances and extent of the theft or robbery
in a police report.
What should I do if my luggage is damaged or stolen in
The transport company, responsible third party or the management of the travel company or hotel must immediately record
in detail the causes, circumstances and extent of the incident
in writing.
Is the video or photographic equipment I rent covered
by my insurance?
No. The insured has to be the owner of the video or photographic equipment for it to be covered. This applies to all
the items you take with you.
Are computers and computer equipment covered?
No. Computer hardware (desktops, laptops, projectors, accessories, handhelds, etc.), cell phones and all types of software
are not insured.
How can I terminate my insurance?
The insured can terminate the insurance contract by issuing
notice in writing 3 months prior to expiry. This written
notice must be sent to UBS Switzerland AG, Flughofstrasse 35,
P.O. Box, 8152 Glattbrugg. The insurance cover will thus
terminate at the end of the period of notice.
Contact address
Should you have any questions relating to this insurance cover,
the Customer Services department of the insurance broker
Würth Financial Services AG will be happy to help.
For more detailed information, queries, claims notifications, etc.:
tel. +41 44 723 44 86 / fax +41 44 723 44 55.
For medical emergencies when traveling:
tel. +41 44 723 44 88 (round the clock).
The address for correspondence is:
Würth Financial Services AG, Insurance Broker,
In der Luberzen 42, 8902 Urdorf.
For all your questions
UBS Switzerland AG
P.O. Box
8098 Zurich
UBS Service Line for Private Clients at 0848 848 054
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This publication is intended for information only and is not intended as a recommendation, an offer or a solicitation of an offer. Before making a decision, you should obtain
relevant professional advice. Please note that UBS reserves the right to alter its services, products or prices at any time without prior notice. Certain products and services
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