25 Easy Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom

25 Easy Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom
Delivering Content
1. Run Virtual Field Trips: ​Buy an affordable virtual reality headset for less than $15,
simulating field trips to far-off locations.
2. Preview Field Trips Virtually: U
​ se Google Earth to explore future destinations.
3. Quiet a Noisy Classroom: ​Use a digital noise meter to track classroom volume,
encouraging students to talk using indoor voices.
4. Use Videos for Mini-Lessons: ​Use videos for overviews, reviews and previews when
5. Co-ordinate Live Video: ​Ask experts to deliver lessons through video conferencing.
6. Play Podcasts: ​Play relevant podcasts to supplement lessons or act as a learning
7. Add Multimedia Elements to Presentations: ​Use different content in your
slideshows, such as images, graphs, sound effects and videos.
8. Send Adaptive Content: ​Get them to use an educational program on their
smartphones, such as ​Prodigy,​ which you can manage through your device.
9. Share an Online Class Calendar: ​Keep students informed about due dates and content
they’ll be tackling.
Helping Students Process Content
10. Use Virtual Manipulatives: ​Visit a website that contains activities with virtual
manipulatives, helping kinesthetic learners understand mathematical concepts.
11. Run Learning Stations: ​Set up a device at each station with a different activities.
12. Provide Online Activities for Students Who Complete Work Early: ​Give these
students more online content-processing activities, wisely using every bit of class time.
13. Save Time for Exit Tickets: L​ et students tweet about the class, or use another digital
medium to reflect on the day or lesson.
14. Use Twitter Hashtags to Take Questions: M
​ ake a class-exclusive hashtag, allowing
students to ask questions using it.
15. Study, Review and Critique Content on Web Pages: ​Take screenshots of webpages,
distributing them to students to make notes about.
16. Use Online Mind Maps for Class Brainstorms: ​Log onto a site that creates mind
maps, brainstorming with students to reinforce lessons or start inquiry activities.
17. Gather Student Feedback: ​Make a survey to get input about lessons, projects and
Allowing Students to Create Products
18. Launch a Wiki Page for a Collaborative Assignment: ​Design a project that involves
students collaborating with each other to build an original wiki page.
19. Set Up Student Blogs: ​Use blogging as an outlet for students to build writing skills.
20. Offer Open-Ended Projects: ​Give students a list of options, letting them choose a
project that suits their computer skills.
21. Use Online Sign-Ups: ​Ask students to set presentation dates by using an online form.
22. Base Assignments on Technology-Focused Subjects: ​Base assignments on topics
related to software and other technology.
Offering a Unique Learning Experience
23. Introduce a Game-Based Learning Platform: ​Read ​this guide​ to implement
game-based learning.
24. Play Simulations: ​Add context to your lessons through relevant online simulation
25. Participate in a Webquest: ​Enliven the research process by making a webquest, which
involves scouring the Internet for information to complete a fictitious challenge.