BLUE JAY RUN 2009 - St Mary Catholic Church

Sponsored by
St. Mary School - Algoma, WI
EVENTS – 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Kids Run (10 and under)
DATE – Saturday, October 10, 2009
TIMES – Walkers - 9:30 AM and Runners 9:45 AM in St. Mary’s parking lot, Algoma, WI
1 Mile Kids Run after 5K Run/Walk completion
REGISTRATION – 8:00 – 9:20 AM
- $15.00 per participant, $18.00 per participant after September 30
- $45.00 per Family (2 adults, 2 children), $50 after September 30
- (Fee includes a long sleeve event shirt)
- Any event shirts not available day of race will be mailed or hand delivered
- Awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in Male and Female categories
Last Name ___________________________ First__________________ Initial________________
State______ Zip _________ Phone (____) ____________E-mail ____________________________
Age on Race Day:________ Circle one: M/F
____ 5K Run
Shirt size (Youth) YS YM YL
(Adult) S M L XL XXL ($2.00 extra)
____ 5K Walk
____ 1 Mile Children Run
NOTE: This release form is a binding contract. Read it carefully.
In consideration of acceptance of this entry in the Blue Jay Run 2009, I hereby freely agree, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to waive,
release and discharge all rights and claims which I may have against the sponsors of the event, the organizers and promoter, the land owners, any and
all contributors and any and all workers, whether paid or voluntary, for any and all damages which may be sustained by me or my family, directly or
indirectly in connection with my participation in, or travel to or from the event. I agree to personally inspect all race facilities and will refuse to participate
if I am not satisfied with the safety thereof.
WI STAT 895.525(3)(4).* “a participant in a recreational activities . . . accepts the risk inherent in the recreational activity of which the ordinary prudent
person is or should be aware.”
If the participant is under the age of 18, parent or legal guardian must sign.
_____________________________ _________________ _______________________________
Signature of participant
Signature of parent of legal guardian of minor
Mail Completed Forms To: St Mary School Blue Jay Run 214 Church St Algoma, WI 54201
Checks should be made payable to St. Mary’s Blue Jay Run