The SHOEBURYNESS SPECIAL - Shoeburyness High School

High School
Caulfield Road
eping You Informed
Our Regular Newslette
Issue 289
- Ke
Friday, 1 April 2011
Tel: 01702 292286
Fax: 01702 292333
The Head’s Lines …
The clocks have moved forward an hour and time for our students to prepare for the
summer examination season is ticking away. This summer we will see students from
Years 9 to 13 sitting examinations. I have to say how impressed I am at their attitude
towards their studies. It’s really important that they meet their targets and are
successful. It’s these results that will widen choice for further studies, and help them
gain employment which, we are all aware, is challenging in the present climate. The
period over Easter is really broken up with the bank holidays including the royal
wedding. Our students will need to be ‘on the ball’ at using their time for revision and
attending the revision support on offer from the school. It’s really important that we
all support them with setting up revision programmes and sticking to them.
There has been so much in the press about education this last term; a review of
qualifications, progress measures and supportive education. At Shoeburyness we will
continue to offer the wide variety of courses that enable students to choose routes
that support them and enable them to succeed. We are really proud of our
Apprenticeship, Academic, Applied and Work Related Pathways. They have led to
improved attendance, more students going to university and higher results. Of course
we are always looking to improve further and we have some exciting plans for the near
future that we hope to feature in our next issue of The Special.
Miss Angel went to London recently as our representative for the Specialist Schools
and Academies Trust Awards. The school was yet again recognised for being one of
the top FIVE specialist schools or academies in each region with the greatest increase
in the proportion of young people gaining 5 or more GCSEs at grades A* - C including
English and Maths in 2009—2010.
“Proud of our Students, Proud of our School”
You bet!
Finally I wish you all a safe and Happy Easter and let’s hope the weather stays fine for
us all.
Mr M Schofield
There is a change to the current procedure for reporting unplanned absence for
Years 12 and 13 with effect from April 26th 2011.
The current procedure is for a daily text message from the student indicating the nature
of their illness or unplanned absence in order for the absence to be authorised. This
system is proving ineffectual for our records. Therefore our attendance team on
01702 292286 ext 190 or 191 (or ‘option 3’ during out of office hours) will be taking
calls/messages from parents rather than from the students. This will greatly increase
our home school liaison ethos and encourage sustained attendance that will enrich your
son/daughters Advanced Level education to be as fulfilling and successful as possible.
Reporting known absences in advance will remain unchanged. The student completes
an authorised absence form in advance attaching evidence or, in cases of emergency
appointments, immediately after the event, in order for the absence to be authorised.
Miss S Williams, Year Manager
Duke of Edinburgh Dates for your Diary
Mondays after school in S04 – training sessions 3.10-4.30pm
Fri. 6th May 2011 – Bronze participants collect equipment after school.
Sat. 7th- Sun. 8th May 2011 - Bronze participants practice expedition weekend
at Belchamps
Mon. 9 May 2011– return equipment
Fri. 27th May 2011 - Bronze participants collect equipment after school for final.
Sat. 28th - Sun. 28th May 2011 - Bronze final expedition weekend at Danbury.
Mon. 6th June – return equipment.
Sat. 10th – Sun. 11th September 2011 - 2nd Bronze final expedition weekend at Danbury
for anyone who couldn’t make the original final weekend or because of age restrictions.
Mondays after school in S04 – training sessions 3.10 – 4.30pm
Mon. 4th April – collect equipment for expedition.
Fri. 8th – Sun. 10th April 2011 – Silver practice expedition at Danbury
Tue. 26th – Thu. 28th April – return equipment.
Mon. 4th Jul. 2011 - collect equipment for expedition.
Thu. 7th Jul. - Sun. 10th Jul. - Silver final expedition weekend at New Forest.
Mon. 11th July – return expedition equipment.
Any questions please contact me.
[email protected]
More Good News from Year 7
I recently asked for details of how many Gold Sleuths the students in Year 7 had gained since they
started in September, and was extremely pleased with the results. The number of students who
had received a positive reward for something over and above their expected performance or for
good behaviour was 162. That is over 57% of the Year Group, and many of the students had
received more than one positive Sleuth. This number is fantastic, and I hope that this success
Four students in Year 7 took an evening baking cakes for Red Nose Day on 18th March, and spent
a busy break and lunchtime selling them in the Singleton Centre. The amount raised has yet to be
confirmed, but well done to Jade Oliver 7ML, Ella Willmott 7ZP, Ruby Colville 7ZP and
Cara Gardner 7PDH.
Finally, three students were helpful to a lady after school. They were waiting for their bus to go
home, when they saw a local resident trip up a kerb, and fall heavily. The lady was carrying her
shopping, which was spilt over the pavement. The girls went to help the lady, which actually
meant they had to let their bus go. The lady was so pleased with the maturity and helpfulness of
the girls, that she phoned the school to thank them. The girls involved were, Melissa Hackett
7APH, Charlie-Jayne Potter 7JJB and Karena Lodge 7PDH. Well done to all of you, and please
keep up the good work.
Graham Davis
Everyone deserves a rest ~ Holiday dates!
As the Spring Term comes to an end we are all looking forward to a break to
relax and recharge ourselves ready for next term.
However, the Summer Term does get off to a rather
complicated start, because of various bank holidays etc.
Please be clear about our arrangements:
Spring Term finishes at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, 8th April
Summer Term starts at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, 26th April
Royal Wedding Bank Holiday on Friday, 29th April
May Bank Holiday on Monday, 2nd May
Non-pupil Day on Tuesday, 3rd May
All year groups on normal timetable from 8:30 a.m. on
Wednesday, 4th May
There are then only three more full weeks of school before the Summer Half
Term break on Monday, 30th May!
While we can enjoy the holidays, this does mean that it is especially
important for us all to make the very best use of our time, especially if we
have examinations around the corner.
Please make every effort over your attendance and punctuality to give
yourself the best chance you can.
Keith Norman ~ Deputy Headteacher
Year 13 Health & Social Care Trip
to The Human Performance Unit
at The University Of Essex
Part of our Health and Social Care course is looking at a unit about exercise and
maintaining health and well being. So, what better way to find out more information then
by going to a Human Performance Unit at a top university to research and find out more
On the 12th January our class of five Year 13’s, Mrs.Treherne and Mr.Broomfield left the
school in their tracksuits ready for the journey to the Human Performance Unit on the
famous “Love Bus!” our version of a standard minibus. Don’t ask!!!
When we got to the Human Performance Unit we were shown the science sports lab
where we would spend the morning exercising and discovering how healthy we were. We
were given a talk by one of the sports scientists about the benefits of exercising and the
risks of obesity.
Now the interesting part of the day began! Yes, we were going to get physical! We
started our exercise routine by climbing aboard an exercise bike to find out our heart rate
and VO2 Max. We all had a good go at it, even Mrs. Treherne and Mr. Broomfield had a
go, and you should have seen their faces (bright red and sweating!).
So after the exercise bikes, we were going to use the scientific equipment to measure
someone’s VO2 max by walking and jogging on a treadmill whilst breathing into this
ridiculous face mask. They asked for a volunteer and seeing that I was the only man in
the group they asked me!! So after sweating and jogging on the treadmill and getting
laughed at for how silly I looked we analysed my results to see how much oxygen I used
whilst exercising.
We then all got stuck in to smaller activities and tests that would determine areas such as
our blood pressure, resting pulse rate, BMI and other tests.
After a good morning exercising we were all puffed out and very tired, so we set back on
the “Love Bus” back to school whilst stuffing our faces with our “healthy lunch”!
The day was truly eye opening and really helped us ready for our exam on exercise. We
learnt that some of us were really healthy and others learnt that we were slightly unfit and
have to improve our health. A brilliant day out with laughter, sweating and more laughter!
Zac Woolley 13 SXS
Year 12 AS Travel and Tourism Trip to the London Aquarium
On the 16th February 2011, my AS Travel and Tourism class which consisted of me,
Alex Gibson, Daniel Holdaway, Sam Boxall, Kyle Ross, Jessica Lemoine, Emma
Ferridge and Nicole Meechan. Mrs Hawkins and Mr Percival also attended the trip to
take charge of us and made sure that we were all together in a group and were safe.
We left Thorpe Bay station at approximately 9:55am to West Ham station, where we
took the London Underground Jubilee Line to Waterloo. After arriving at Waterloo, we
all had a group picture in front of the London Eye and then had a light McDonald’s for
brunch. After our brunch, we checked in at the London Aquarium, we all had another
group souvenir photo for a present to Miss Webber. However, just as we entered the
first exhibit, the fire alarm suddenly went off and we all had to evacuate the building,
most of my friends pointed the finger at me because I kept tapping the glass on one
tank to see how thick the glass was. But after around 15 minutes, we were all allowed
back into the aquarium to have a good couple of hours looking at some amazing fish
and water creatures. My favourite exhibit was the shark tank, where you could look at
some large sharks up close (but in a safe way of course). One exhibit (the rainforest
exhibit) absolutely stunk of mouldy old gym socks that haven’t been washed for
months, but had amazing creatures such as catfish and very colourful frogs.
After visiting the aquarium we went to The Hard Rock Café for lunch which is situated
near Hyde Park and had a large display of famous rock stars’ instruments and clothing
(Jimi Hendrix’s guitar and outfit was also on display in the café and I think John
Lennon’s glasses as well), there was a good choice of items on the menu, with the
majority of the group having big, juicy burgers, but me and Jessica each had a rack of
saucy, hickory smoked rack of ribs with barbeque sauce and seasoned chips !
Overall, we thoroughly enjoyed the trip and we are now thinking of doing a similar
trip again.
by Joe Ross
Forest School Club would like to say a big thank you to all of you who
helped collect the Morrison’s vouchers in order to collect the following
Hand fork
Steel hand dibber
Carrot seeds
Sunflower seeds
We will use the hand fork to dig up grass and weeds. The steel hand
dibber will help to make holes for seeds. And most importantly we will
aim to grow the various seeds. Thank you once again and you can look
forward to seeing the fruits of our labours, once they come into bloom!
Mr Proudfoot
Important Notice about The Special
As we have mentioned in Keeping in Touch, this will be the last printed copy
of The Special that we are publishing. We have always been keen to
provide a high quality copy in colour to show the photographs off to best
advantage. Unfortunately the ever increasing costs in the current climate of
decreasing school budgets makes it, regrettably, impossible to continue
publishing hard copies.
We will continue to produce The Special towards the end of each half term
and it will be published on our website (which will allow you to print off your
own hard copy if you wish). We will give notice of it’s publication through
Keeping in Touch and hope that this will still allow you to receive interesting
news of the wide range of exciting activities and events that take place at
Shoeburyness High School.
Mr K Norman
Geography Coursework Trip to Kingswood Field Study Centre
Last weekend I went on the Geography coursework trip to Norfolk. I thought it was a
great idea because rather than just going to Shoebury East beach, we got to go and
explore new sites. We didn’t only do our coursework; we also got in some fun activities
like Jacobs’s ladder, nightline, laser gun and archery. These were not just great fun but,
helped us in our team building. It was really good fun the whole weekend and the best
part was you got to laugh with your friends.
Danielle Griggs YR 10
For Sale
Memory Sticks
Only £6.00
Neck strap and display case included
Engraved with the school logo and name
Available from the
CDAC or the ICT Office
Various colours available
Dear All,
Literacy has been very busy this term with National Book Week and
World Book Day. The 28th February started off the week with all
learning tutors being with their tutor groups reading and discussing
their favourite books. On the 3rd March was World Book Day, pupils
listened to Mr Dale reading one of his favourite stories aloud on the
balcony in the singleton centre and at lunch time there was a ‘reading
picnic’ where pupils could eat their lunch and enjoy reading a range of
magazines and books. This is to encourage the ‘read and relax’ theme
being promoted at our school.
At Shoeburyness High School we are very fortunate by being supported
by local businesses in a drive to promote literacy and encourage pupils to
read. Two local newsagents have agreed to donate newspapers,
supplements and magazines for Years 10 & 11 to read during tutor time.
These are collected every Monday and delivered to the tutor groups so
they have a range of reading material to help with their knowledge of
current affairs.
We have some exciting developments in Year 7 with the launch of
literacy leaders, these are Year 12 students who will be based with a
tutor group to help read and extend the pupils vocabulary on Friday
mornings. This will go towards their services to the school; also help
build confidence in pupils’ reading and encourage them to read a variety
of different genres.
Our literacy leaders are:
Bianca Rogers
Ashleigh Merry
Gemma Brady
Hannah Heddle
Alex Craft
Emily Sambidge
Shri Shah
David Knight
Jessica Green
Megan Carmichael
I would like to say a massive thank you to Longstaff Newsagents and
Honeycomb News for their kind donations to our pupils.
Happy Literacy,
Mrs Graham ~ Literacy Co-ordinator
We went into the restaurant, there was a big table for us and we sat down. Then a waiter came over and put loads of food on our table. Jo and Sharon handed the food out to us and we got some water and we all made a toast about something positive. Then we all tucked in and it was delicious, we all had extras! Jade had loads of the seaweed, but then when we got our tea an old man came over and showed us some tricks, it was brilliant! I can’t believe we were in a restaurant with a magician it was cool... The only bad thing was it was our last time with Jack and Jade as we had a great time with them, they were great actor’s and I’m glad they chose Spotlight as their Double Club. Year 7: Spotlight Double Club
Ghost Story Competition
Congratulations to Ella Osbourne, 8LS, who has won third place in the Yellow
Advertiser’s Ghost Story Competition 2010.
The Judges also awarded special praise to Shoeburyness High School for the high quality
of entries. Here is Ella’s story
How I Died
Dear Reader
The story you are about to read was my nightmare, one I’m not likely to forget. I hope you decide
that you don’t want to read on, and if so, screw it up and throw it under the bed where it belongs.
Before my horrifying death, I had a good life, a great father, funny friends and a brilliant
boyfriend. But on November 20, 1988, that all ended, when he arrived.
I was sitting on my leather armchair, reading Wuthering Heights, my cat
Beelzebub purring on my lap. My father sat in his usual chair right in
front of the fire. A glass of brandy clutched in one hand, cigar smoke
billowing over the top of his chair.
I finished my book for the third time in a row and closed it with a thud,
placing it on the ground by my feet.
He shifted in his seat; he stared at me grinning, his eyes twinkling, his
black hair shining by the light of the fire.
“What you up to Trouble?” he teased.
I opened my mouth in mock horror.
“Me? Trouble? Never,” I said, trying unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn.
“Bed I think,” he said, taking another puff from his cigar.
“Yeah, you’re right,” I said, stretching. “Couldn’t have put it better
I shuffled over, hugged dad before dragging myself upstairs. I pulled on cotton shorts and Seth’s
old tee-shirt before collapsing on my bed.
It must have been 9.30pm when the first crack of thunder woke me up.
Cursing loudly at the weather I grabbed my glass of water and downed the whole lot, giving little
peace to my sore throat.
I lay, eyes closed, listening to the rain hammering on my windows. Then the door creaked open
and I growled as someone walked in closing the door behind them.
“Even as much as I love our usual fights on whose clothes are whose, can you please save it for a
more reasonable hour and not the middle of the night,” I almost yelled. She didn’t reply.
I hauled myself up and found I was staring up at a blank face covered in shadows. What I did
next signed my own death-wish.
I pushed him out the way and ran, wrenched the window open and climbed down the tree.
I was halfway down the front garden when I ran into him.
He took my arm and raised it to his lips and bit it.
Intense pain hit me and spread slowly down my body as I writhed in agony.
“Why?” I hit the floor.
“You chose him over me, that’s why,” he spat at me through gritted teeth.
“No.” I whimpered, gazing up into Jared’s face, darkened with jealousy, tears streaming down my
“Yeah, think of this like Othello where I’m him and you’re Desdemona.”
He gave a cruel laugh as a raven flew over us cawing, signaling my death.
I tried to speak, but it came out as a gurgle, then darkness drowned me.
By Ella Osbourne
Sylvia Plath
I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see, I swallow immediately.
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike
I am not cruel, only truthful –
The eye of a little god, four-cornered.
Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.
It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long
I think it is a part of my heart. But it flickers.
Faces and darkness separate us over and over.
Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me.
Searching my reaches for what she really is.
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands.
I am important to her. She comes and goes.
Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.
In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish.
Having read and discussed the poem by Sylvia Plath, a Year 13 group produced their own
‘viewpoint’ poems, based on our favourite modern technologies.
Luke Chesher
Aisha Dawson
Eloise Bowman
Alex Nesbitt
Alex Brown
Farnaz Choudhury
Maddie Buzer
Jordan Watton
Reading Challenge and R.E.A.C.T. have a variety of reading coaches who have
a wide range of subject knowledge and life experience, this has enabled us to
match pupils with the best possible tutors to hopefully inspire them.
Community Volunteer
Year 12 coaches with pupils
Year 7 reading a play
Comprehension tuition
Year 12 reading coach
Reading challenge pupil & Year 12 coach
R.E.A.C.T. and learning tutors
Comprehension is the main ingredient to help you succeed,
not just to be able to read.
Reading Challenge is an intervention programme for our less confident
The aim of Reading Challenge is to offer students an individual 20 minute
weekly coaching session, to motivate and encourage them to become
successful independent readers.
Students may not be fulfilling their potential, due to a lack of confidence or a
negative attitude to reading. Some have a limited knowledge of the world of
books, so fail to select an appropriate range of texts, whilst others may find it a
challenge to engage effectively with the meaning of texts.
Some also read poorly because they don’t read very often but, with the regular
practice we can give them during reading sessions, this does improve.
Volunteer coaches are an invaluable and extremely effective part of our
coaching scheme. They work alongside our own trained reading coaches and
our present volunteers, of widely varying ages, offer a wealth of experience and
knowledge to our pupils, benefiting them enormously.
Perhaps you feel you could offer us some regular help, during one of our weekly
sessions, or maybe you would just like some more information. If so, please
contact me at:
[email protected] (or via the school office)
Session time approximately 1hour -1hour 30minutes and training will be given.
Please note: Appointment is subject to CRB Check.
Brenda Judd
Literacy Intervention Manager
Coaches required for
September 2011
Ski and Snowboard Trip February 2011
The ski trip this year returned to St. Anton, Austria a popular resort that is well known by staff and
some of our returning skiers and snowboarders. The ski and snowboard party of 36 students
(Years 8 to 13) and 4 staff (Mr H. Williams, Mr D. Curtis, Miss H. Young and Mr M. Root)
assembled at school at 4:00pm and the coach set off on our journey at 4:30pm on Thursday 17th
February. Leaving on the Thursday before half term starts meant that we were able beat the ski
trip crowds at Dover and we were one of only 2 coaches on the ferry – which meant a nice
relaxing ferry crossing with Shoeburyness High School students easy to spot with there SHS Ski
and Snowboarding Trip red hoodies!
The coach drivers did extremely well motoring through France, Belgium and Germany before
arriving in Austria, and with only 2 stops on the journey all of the students were exceptional. We
arrived at the hotel at approximately 2pm Austrian time on the Friday a couple of hours earlier
than expected, so we had some time to look around the town of Landeck before being allowed
into our rooms . We settled into the lovely Hotel Sonne up on a hill overlooking the town of
Landeck (about an hour or so from Innsbruck). This was our seventh visit to the hotel in the last 6
years and as always we were warmly welcomed by the hotel owner Karl and his staff. We settled
into our rooms, unpacked, had dinner and prepared for the days skiing and snowboarding ahead
of us.
The ski and snowboard fit took about an hour on the Saturday morning, but due to the trip being a
day earlier we were again able to beat most of the crowds. The ski and snowboard groups then
headed for the slopes with their instructors raring to go. On the nursery slopes the beginner ski
and snowboard groups started off and most were soon growing in confidence as the day
progressed. The other groups were taken off by their instructors to start exploring the large ski
area and what it had to offer. The first day saw lovely sunshine with temperatures of about -4˚C
at the start of the day – a little warm for the time of year!
The sunny weather continued for the first few days and then it snowed and snowed and snowed –
this was needed as the area had not seen significant snow for about 3 weeks! Despite the snowy
conditions we were able to make it over to the resort of Lech and Zürs for a couple of days. This
is a very prestigious ski resort for the rich and famous with some wonderful and un-crowded
slopes. The journey over the mountains from St. Anton was a little slow due to the conditions, but
with the experienced drivers and the snow chains on the coach we made it to have a couple of
days of excellent snow!
The week went by smoothly with only a few bumps and scrapes and the students had some great
ski and snowboard lessons with beginners learning either skiing or snowboarding and the
returning skiers improving their ski abilities. Some of the beginner snowboarders and skiers
progressed extremely well and were coming down red and black runs by the end of the week.
The students were excellent throughout the week; they were a credit to themselves and the
school. The hotel owner, coach drivers and ski instructors all said how great the students were
during the week. I speak for all of the staff that went on the trip by saying that it was a pleasure to
be part of the ski and snowboard trip again this year and hope that all of the students had a
wonderful time and will keep their memories for many years. I was proud to take the students
skiing and snowboarding and proud to say that we were from Shoeburyness High School.
Martin Root
Ski and Snowboard Party Leader
Skiing and Snowboarding Trip 2012 – places now available
Preparations are now underway for next year’s trip. For 2012 we are continuing to offer
snowboarding places as well as skiing. The trip will take place over February half term, we will be
leaving on Thursday 9th February and arrive back on Friday 17th February 2012. We will again be
returning to the Hotel Sonne, St. Anton Austria. The trip is open to all years. If you are interested
in going on the trip then come and get a letter from Mr Root or Mr Curtis in the ICT Office and get
your deposit in as soon as possible.
The skiing trip was really good. The coach trip out there provided a lot of laughs throughout the
long journey all the way to Austria. First day skiing was rather funny (especially when some of the
girls got to meet Fabian the ski instructor for the first time!). The sun was shinning and it wasn’t
cold. Second day was really good too. The third and forth day we went to Lech it was snowing for
both days. It snowed for three days in a row. Then the last two days we spent in St. Anton again.
The ski trip was a good experience I learnt lots of things about skiing, and I learnt how to ski. I
think a lot of people will miss getting up and being able to go skiing (or most of the girls will miss
Fabian). The journey home on the coach was full of laughs as we left Austria. Until 2012 when the
school will return.
Lizzie Welsh Year 9
Chloe Witchell Year 10
2011 ski trip, well, where to begin? As we were arriving in Austria I saw some amazing views
come into place, as we turned each corner the mountains grew larger and more beautiful, but as I
had forgot my camera I just had to admire them and share friends photos later. We had arrived
earlier than planned as we had caught an earlier ferry which meant that we went straight to the
hotel instead of stopping to measure up for our equipment, so then the next day had to get up
earlier so that we didn’t miss out on too much time skiing.
As I had never skied before I was a bit worried about how I would enjoy it, as if I hadn’t enjoyed
the first day then I knew that the week wouldn’t have been much fun, but the day was amazing!
St. Anton had some lovely views including the instructors, so wasn’t bad at all. The overall experience of the holiday was outstanding, I met lots of new people, grew closer to friends I had lost
time with and learnt how to ski which was the main highlight.
In February a group of Year 9 Aimhigher students visited Writtle
College where they had the opportunity to take part in some fun,
practical activities. After a thorough health and safety briefing they
braced the cold weather, donned Wellington boots and waded into
the river to dip with nets. Some brave souls put on waders and
entered the deeper area - under strict supervision. This produced a
bumper crop of small fish and other creatures. An academic from
the College was on hand to
identify the catch which was
then returned to the water.
Next was an encounter with
the reptiles. Staff were on
hand to give a little
background information about
each of the reptiles and the students were
encouraged to feed the bearded dragons and handle
the skinks, corn snakes, tortoises and a large iguana.
The trip was rounded off by a tour of the campus and
a trip to the equine centre.
Also in February ,Year 11 Aimhigher students went along
to South Essex College to join with groups from other
schools from the Southend Partnership to take part in a
Conference featuring the motivational speaker, Roy
Leighton on the subject of ‘How learning can help you get
rich and be happy’.. Roy shared practical tips on the best
way to make the most out of the opportunities of the 21sr
century. These included topics including how to discover
your way of learning, everything you need to know to grow
your brain and the blocks to success.
On 22 March we were delighted to host a
motivational seminar for students from schools across
the borough. This featured Derek Redmond, the
former Commonwealth and Olympic athlete who
spoke about what it takes to set goals, overcome
obstacles and succeed. He gave a personal insight
into the preparations and planning for the 1991 World
Championships 4 x 400 metres relay. He explained
how the runners had made some last minute changes
to the line up and how they beat the American
favourites to win the gold medal in the second-fastest
time in history.
4PM – 7PM
Letters and appointment sheets have been given to your child
for them to make an appointment for you.
Any problems/queries please contact Mrs Healy.
If you would like further information, help or advice please contact
Mrs Nubbert at Shoeburyness High School 01702 292286
Shoebury Fair 2011
FREE ENTRY on the proviso that you are
fundraising for a charity or project
Teams made up of a Maximum of 10 people
Age Groups & Timings
Morning : 12 to 2pm years 5, 6, 7 & 8
Afternoon : 3pm to 5pm years 9+ to adult
Number of Games 8
4x4x4 relay (a new funny & unique version of the welly boot plank game)
Weight Lifters Grunt (3 part soft play assembly game with a funny ending
Hurdle Hullabaloo (bouncing over the hurdles inflatable)
Spring Board Challenge (great water slide game with a large “weeeee”)
Dressage Horse Slalom (a funny blindfold game with large dromedary
sumo horse suits)
X Country Chaos (over the inflatable humpty dumpty multi obstacle
inflatable course)
Calamity Kayaks (a manic fun and wet boat pulling game)
Medal Table Dash (a bubble pit finale into the bubbles how many medals
will the team collect?)
Each team must have a signed entry form (signed by individual team members)
Children must have parent or guardians consent
Applications being taken now!
Call us on 01702 292286 ext 182 or
email us at [email protected]
£10 per full day 10am to 3pm or £5 per half day 10am to 12:30pm Age
restrictions apply see below. Contact Steph or Karen
on 01702 292286 ext 182/181 for further details
Breakfast Club also available from 8:30am to 10am at £1.50
Gymnastics, Trampolining &
Ultimate Frisbee
“Glee” Arts & Theatre Workshop
Street Beats Workshop
Easter Themed Art Spot Workshop
Wacky Wednesday (back by popular demand)
“Rhianna” Dance Workshop
Soccer School, Mini Fence
& last but not least our
Fantastic Climbing Wall Challenge
Can we tempt you? for more details see our
Extended Schools webpage at
Under 8’s childcare from 8am to 6pm is available at The
Shoebury Children Centre n Delaware Road. Please
contact Lynda on 01702 293882 for further details.
One of our past pupils, Rebecca Lloyd, has secured an unconditional place at
Bournemouth University studying Make-up for Media and Performance. There were over
300 applicants with only 35 places available. Congratulations Rebecca!
Coming Soon to Extended Schools
Starting after Easter FREE Photoshop Workshops
running in partnership with Steve Busch
(Graphics Dept, Shoeburyness High School)
Improve your photographs in the Digital Dark Room. Bring a digital camera &
lead or a portable memory stick with your own photos.
First Workshop Dates: Beginners Wed 27th April &
Intermediates Wed 4th May
4.00pm-5.00pm at Shoeburyness High School.
Limited places available but we are operating this as a rolling programme so
if you don’t get on the first sessions don't worry.
Starting June 2011
Running in partnership with Graham Taylor
Ever wanted to research your family history but didn’t know where to start?
Then this workshop is for you! We can help you kick start the process with
handy hints and tips, guidance and support.
First session 6th June, and then the 2nd Thursday of each month, 10am to
12noon £2 donation per session (to cover essential like tea,
coffee & biscuits!)
For more info on any of these workshops, or to book your place please
contact Karen or Steph at Extended Schools on 01702 292286 ext 182, or
email us at [email protected]
Launch date: Tuesday 12th July @ Shoeburyness High School
B-Lab & hospitality suite
Art Trail Wednesday 13th, Thursday 14th, Friday 15th &
Saturday 16th
New and exciting event coming to Shoeburyness!
Shoeburyness Children’s Art Trail
We are very excited to let you know about a new and exciting event coming to Shoeburyness
this summer …. The Shoeburyness Children’s Art Trail – “The Beginning of The Line”
The Shoeburyness Art Trail came about as a result of a meeting between various interested
parties who wanted to promote the range of art work that is produced by the Shoeburyness
community. As we always like to do things differently in the East, it was decided that our Art
Trail would focus on the children of Shoeburyness.
The title “Beginning of The Line” was chosen for two reasons; firstly we regard Shoeburyness
not at the end of the Fenchurch Street line but at the beginning and also as it is about young
people - it is the beginning of their lives and careers.
There are 12 local schools and 1 Children Centre taking part; each of the participating organisations will exhibit art work produced by their own students both at their individual schools
and at four central venues - thus we will cover the entire range from Reception through to A
There are also four central venues, B-Lab (situated on the Shoeburyness High School site),
Shoeburyness & Thorpe Bay Baptist Church, ASDA and the Shoeburyness Youth Centre
(SYC) will exhibit a range of work contributed by all the schools.
Shoeburyness High School students have been fully involved from the on set as follows:ICT Academy Group have been working hard designing and run the website
Hospitality & Catering students will provide the hospitality on the launch evening on
Tuesday 12th July
We have 6 Art Ambassadors who are students from Shoeburyness High School – their
role will be to represent the student body, provide support to schools before the Art Trail
and help with the setting up of the various exhibitions and then be available for the Trail
We will be giving more information about the exact times the organisations will be open
closer to the trail in July.
Karen Stock MBE
Extended Schools Co-ordinator
Simon Driscoll
Creative & Expressive Arts
Calling all parents….
Maths Department – here to help
Many of us understand from our own schooldays that maths can be quite a challenge. It takes
some pupils a lot of courage to put up their hand and say, ‘I still don’t get it’. The Maths
Department of Shoeburyness High School is well aware of this, and wanted to point out that we
are here to help.
Our continuous support is offered in Maths Plus. Maths Plus offers an open door and a helping
hand to any student, whatever year group or ability, who needs that extra bit of help. This can be
in the form of homework support, revision for exams, or to brush up on anything they may not
have fully understood in classes. Maths Plus is available to all students of all abilities, every
lunchtime from 12.35pm until 1.05pm, and on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
from 3pm until 4pm.
So far this year, 475 individual pupils from Years 7 through to 12 have taken it upon
themselves to seek help in Maths Plus, attending in excess of 2500 times, and this number is
still growing.
If your child needs help with their maths, please encourage them to speak to their class teacher, or
to drop in to Maths Plus for additional support.
Mrs E Eager
Maths Learning Mentor
Attention all Students:
Skiing and Snowboarding
trip 2012
February Half term 2012 to
St Anton, Austria
If you would like to go Skiing or Snowboarding
in 2012 come and get a letter from
Mr Root in the IT Office and get your deposit
in as soon as possible.
Monday to Friday 12.35—1.05
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday 3.00—4.00pm
In the Maths Department