Grow Your Own Food We Can Show You How

Be Part of Maryland’s Newest,
Freshest Campaign!
Jan 17
Jan 24
Jan 31
Feb 7
Feb 14
Feb 21
Feb 28
Mar 7
Mar 14
Mar 21
Bad weather make-up date
Mar 28
Bad weather make-up date
Help Marylanders improve health
And save money by growing fresh
Vegetables, fruits, and herbs
Using sustainable practices.
Our Vision:
1 Million Maryland food
gardeners producing their own
Do You Want To:
Eat fresh organic food?
Get more exercise?
Reduce stress and improve well being
Be more self reliant?
Have fun?
We can show you how to grow vegetables, fruits, herbs, and salad greens:
Backyard gardens
Container gardens
Community gardens
Youth gardens
Getting Started
Know Your Soil
Starting with seeds
Organic Gardening
Succession Planting
Small Space Gardening
Lessions & Techniques of
Thomas Jefferson’s Garden
Seed Saving
Bee Keeping/Monarchs
Extending the season
Good Bugs/Bad Bugs
Small Fruits
Stream Wise to be Bay Wise
Integrated Pest Mgt.
Where: Carroll County Extension Offi ce, 700 Agriculture
Center, Westminster, MD 21157 410-396-2760 If special assistance is required please notify the contact two
weeks prior to the meeting.
When: Classes held Tuesdays—6:30 to 9:00 pm
Cost: Classes are $10 each or $75 pre paid for all 9 classes
—18 topics
Additional information or to register: To register go to
Food preparation demos are held during the breaks
between sessions.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are
open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color,
sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin,
marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
Grow Your Own Food
We Can Show You How
Carroll County
The campaign for one million Maryland food gardens begins now!
Food gardening is a popular activity that
more Marylanders are enjoying every year.
But in today’s world it is more than a hobby. Food gardening can help you save
money on fresh, safe food while contributing to a healthier environment and improving your quality of life.
Beginner Vegetable Garden Classes and
workshops will be given by Master
Gardeners across Maryland at community locations and to groups upon request.
A nominal class fee may be charged to
cover materials.
Why Plant Your Own Garden?
To find a class, just go to
Have you ever watched a bean seed
spout into a plant?
Tasted a really fresh pea?
Bitten into a juicy, vine-ripe tomato still
warm from the sun?
Prepared a tasty meal for your family
with good you grew yourself?
You can grow vegetables, herbs, and
berries in a lot as small as 4 ft x 4 ft.
Backyard space not required!
Apartment-dweller? No diggable
space? You can still grow edible
plants in containers that fit on your
deck, balcony or front stoop.
click “Take a Class”
We Will Teach you
How to choose and prepare your garden site —or container!
Importance of soil and how to improve
Best crops for beginners and best cultivars for Maryland
Non chemical, earth-friendly techniques to combat weeds, disease and
insect pests.
When and how to harvest
How to prevent animal damage (deer,
rabbits and rodents)
We’ll show you how! We’ll even help
you find a community garden where
you can join your neighbors.
Take a class—go to Grow It Eat It web
site and click “Take a Class” to find a
class in your area taught by University of
Maryland Master Gardeners.
Visit our web site—you’ll find lots of
useful, current information from
University of Maryland Extension garden
Web site
Check out our blog—share knowledge
and experiences with the network of
people growing their own food. Make
new friends. Swap ideas and recipes for
cooking from the garden.
Get your questions answeredHGIC web site:
Like us on Facebook Carroll Co.