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DAILY NATIONNewsAfrica AFRICA Somali woman stoned to death for adultery
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Submitted by admin on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 07:30
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MOGADISHU, Wednesday
(picture is from another
Muslims who want to stop the spread of
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humanity and oppose Islam for inciting
hatred against non Muslims.
Muhammad instructed his follower to
conquer the world by the sword and
to rule it with terror. We are determined
An unnamed woman was
stoned to death at Eel-boon in
Wajid district, 330 kilometres
southwest of Mogadishu, on
She was sentenced by an
Islamic court after she was
found guilty of adultery.
The woman was taken to a
square, her body half buried
and then stoned.
A crowd was present as well as
officials of al-Shabaab, an
Islamist movement that opposes
the Transitional Federal
Government and controls a
large territory in Southern and
Central Somalia.
A young man, who was also
caught in the same adulterous
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to not let that happen.
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DAILY NATIONNewsAfrica AFRICA Somali woman stoned to death for adultery | Islam | FaithFreedom
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act, received 100 strokes of the
According to Sheikh Ibrahim
Sheikh Abdurahman, a judge of
the Islamic court who
sentenced the woman to death
and the man to whipping said
the cases differed.
“The woman was had been married before and under Sharia (Islamic law) she is to be stoned to death upon
proof,” said Sheikh Abdurahman.
“The young man with no previous marriage experience is to receive 100 whips under the same law,” he added.
Last Friday, another Islamic court that falls under the control of al-Shabaab sentenced a young man to death by
stoning in Marka town, 110 kilometres south of Mogadishu. He was found guilty of committing adultery
following a case of alleged rape.
At a football stadium facing the Indian Ocean, the condemned man was taken to a corner of the playground, his
body half buried in dirt before youngsters started hitting him with stones.
Before the execution, the clergymen who rule Marka town and surrounding areas announced that a woman who
had also been sentenced for committing adultery was in custody, to be stoned.
The woman is said to be pregnant.
Al-Shabaab and Hizbu Islam, the Islamist groups that strongly oppose the TFG, generally enforce the severe
In 2008, a teenage girl was accused of adultery in Kismayu, 500 kilometres south of Mogadishu, sentenced by
a court and stoned to death.
OtherMogadishual-ShabaabCentral SomaliaHizbu IslamConvictionPerson CareerQuotationIbrahim Sheikh AbdurahmanIndian OceanIndian Oceanjudge
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Stoning of Du'a KhaliDu'a for Falling in Love!
Submitted by Stephanie on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 21:34.
http://faithfreedom.org/islam/daily-nationnewsafrica-africa-somali-woman-stoned-death-adultery (2 of 4)19.11.2009 17:33:02
DAILY NATIONNewsAfrica AFRICA Somali woman stoned to death for adultery | Islam | FaithFreedom
" Stoning of Du'a Khalil Aswad
Du’a Khalil Aswad (•••• •••• ••••)(c. 1989 or 1990 – c. April 7, 2007) was a 17-year-old Iraqi Kurd of the
Yazidi faith who was stoned to death in an honor killing.[1] It is believed that she was killed around April
7, 2007, but the incident did not come to light until video of the stoning, apparently recorded on a mobile
phone, appeared on the Internet.[2] The rumor that the stoning was connected to her alleged conversion to
Islam prompted heavy reprisals against Yazidis by Sunni extremists, including the 2007 Mosul massacre.[3]
[4] ... "
Graphic video:
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Ancient times obscuring Modernity.
Submitted by BustedDivinity. on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 18:07.
These type of mind insults is what could potentially make all complacent Muslims guilty of evil, somehow
these moderates manage to be not terrorists but could be used to stone human beings to death, this is among
the reasons why I never made a good Muslim, how could anyone be so cold to the extent of committing
such a morbid religious act?? the only Muslims I will respect are those that are non-believers in the closet,
how come the fear of hell could not stop others from leaving the faith?? I was afraid of hell as a Muslim,
but I just couldn't contain the sheer inhumanity in that violent system, there are free countries with millions
of Muslims who could easily unite and protest aginst the incessant slaughter of humans that has become the
norm, but I hear nothing, imagine this type of slow death in the streets, a couple of weeks ago I read an
article on here that requested a petition for two Iranian girls waiting to be killed for apostasy, imagine the
horror those girls are experiencing right now, I hope this nightmare will come to a permanent end soon.
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