Su san RIVER HEADS # River # BALARRGAN ¯ # Mar y 0 nautical miles (nM) # UNGOWA # FRASER ISLAND MAROOM# kilometres 5 0 Turkey Island er Riv MOONBOOM ISLANDS Stewart Island 10 5 BOONOOROO TUAN # # GREAT SANDY STRAIT # POONA CORAL SEA Snout Point # # T h i s ma p i s ag ui d eo n l ya n dsh o ul dn o tb euse d f orn a vi g a ti o np urp o se s.Re f e r to th eTransport Operations (Marine Pollution) Act 1995 a n d Regulation 2008 f orc o mp l e tesh i pso urc e d se wa g ere q ui re me n ts. # TINNANBAR ur i Ka Declared ships h a veaf i xe dto i l e t, a n da re : •d o me sti cc o mme rc i a l ve sse l s wi thac e rti f i c a te of ope ra ti o ni ssue d , o r ta k e nto b ei ssue d , un d e r th eMarine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act 2012 sta ti n gi ti s ac l a ss 1 B, 1 C, 1 D, 1 E, 4 C, 4 D or4 Esh i p; or •o th e r Que e n sl a n dre g ul a te dsh i p s re g ul a te d un d e r th eTransport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 a n dRegulation 2016 d e si g n e dto c a rry mo reth a n1 2p a sse n g e rs. Creek WIDE BAY BAR TIN CAN INLET WIDE BAY MILITARY RESERVE Tin Ca nB ay Ships other than declared ships a rea l l o th e r sh i p s, a n di n c l ud e : •a l l re c re a ti on a l sh i ps •d o me sti cc o mme rc i a l ve sse l swi thac e rti f i c a te of ope ra ti o ni ssue d , o r ta k e nto b ei ssue d , un d e r th eMarine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act 2012 sta ti n gi ti s ac l a ss 2o r 3 •o th e r Que e n sl a n dre g ul a te dsh i p s re g ul a te d un d e r th eTransport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 a n dRegulation 2016 d e si g n e dto c a rry up to 1 2p a sse n g e rs. rina Ma Snapper Creek ## TIN CAN Boat Harbour# ###") BAY ! re Sn ap pe r C # RAINBOW BEACH "# ) ## Double Island Point ek # ) " # # # 1 8 5 2me tre s =1n a uti c a l mi l e 9 2 6me tre s =1 / 2n a uti c a l mi l e Co a sta l wa te rs c o urte sy Ge o Sc i e n c eAustra l i aAMBV2 LEGEND # Discharge prohibited 1852 metre line Coastal waters (3nM limit) MAP S31-34-2 Discharge permitted with the following restrictions: No discharge within 926m of a wharf or jetty other than a jetty that is a marina No discharge within 1852m of an aquaculture fisheries resource (e.g. an oyster lease). If a ship has 7 to 15 persons on board, no discharge within 1852m of a reef, or the mean low water mark of an island or the mainland No discharge if a ship has 16 or more persons on board Pump-out station # Toilet ) " Caravan dump station Ve rsi o n4e f f e c ti ve1Se p te mb e r2 0 1 6 Co p yri g h t: T h eSta teo f Que e n sl a n d2 0 1 6 Pre pa re d9Aug ust2 0 1 6 Ma ri ti meSa f e ty Que e n sl a n dSpa ti a l Se rvi c e s Untreated sewage discharge restrictions for declared ships under the Transport Operations (Marine Pollution) Act 1995 and Regulation 2008 GREAT SANDY STRAIT SOUTH Untreated sewage - declared ships T o vi e w ac o pyof th el i c e n c e , vi si t h ttp : / / c re a ti ve c o mmo n s. o rg / l i c e n se s/ b y/ 3 . 0 / a u SEWAGE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS - DECLARED SHIPS Domestic commercial vessels class 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 4C, 4D or 4E ship and other Queensland regulated ships designed to carry more than 12 passengers with a fixed toilet. Declared Ships Untreated sewage discharge requirements A Declared Ship’s owner must ensure that the ship is fitted with a macerator and that sewage is unable to bypass the macerator A Declared Ship must be fitted with a sewage holding device as per section 49 of the Transport Operations (Marine Pollution) Act 1995, when operating (which includes anchoring, berthing or mooring the Declared Ship) in any Nil Discharge waters (see below) Prohibited Discharge Waters * Nil Discharge in waters that are: – a boat harbour – a canal – a marina – the Noosa River – the marine national park zone under the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Smooth Waters (includes rivers, creeks, streams, lakes and designated smooth waters) – Nil Discharge Northern Moreton Bay and Hervey Bay Waters – Nil Discharge Open Waters * For ships with 1–6 persons on board – Nil Discharge within ½ nautical mile (926 metres) of a wharf or jetty (other than a jetty that is a marina) – Nil Discharge within 1 nautical mile (1,852 metres) of aquaculture fisheries resources (such as oyster leases or a fish farms, for example) * For ships with 7–15 persons on board, as above plus – Nil Discharge within 1 nautical mile (1,852 metres) of a reef or the mean low water mark of an island or the mainland * For ships with 16 or more persons on board – Nil Discharge Treated Sewage discharge requirements Prohibited Discharge Waters * Nil Discharge in waters that are: – a boat harbour – a canal – a marina – the Noosa River – the marine national park zone under the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Smooth Waters (includes rivers, creeks, streams, lakes and designated smooth waters) * Grade C Treated Sewage – Nil discharge within ½ nautical mile (926 metres) of a person in the water, aquaculture fisheries resources (such as oyster leases or a fish farms, for example) or a reef * Grade B Treated Sewage – Nil discharge within 700 metres of a person in the water, aquaculture fisheries resources (such as oyster leases or a fish farms, for example) or a reef * Grade A Treated Sewage – No restrictions other than Prohibited Discharge Waters Northern Moreton Bay and Hervey Bay Waters * Grade C Treated Sewage – Nil discharge within ½ nautical mile (926 metres) of a person in the water, aquaculture fisheries resources (such as oyster leases or a fish farms, for example) or a reef * Grade B Treated Sewage – Nil discharge within 700 metres of a person in the water, aquaculture fisheries resources (such as oyster leases or a fish farms, for example) or a reef * Grade A Treated Sewage – No restrictions other than Prohibited Discharge Waters Open Waters * Grade C Treated Sewage – Nil discharge within ½ nautical mile (926 metres) of a person in the water, aquaculture fisheries resources (such as oyster leases or a fish farms, for example) or a reef * Grade B Treated Sewage – Nil discharge within 700 metres of a person in the water, aquaculture fisheries resources (such as oyster leases or a fish farms, for example) or a reef * Grade A Treated Sewage – No restrictions other than Prohibited Discharge Waters On Board Documents Declared Ships are required to have on board a shipboard sewage management plan with particulars described at section 49 of the Transport Operations (Marine Pollution) Regulation 2008 and to maintain a sewage disposal record book as per sections 51 and 52 of the Regulation Declared Ships fitted with a treatment system are required to have on board system documentation and manuals for operating and maintaining the system with particulars described at section 56 of the Transport Operations (Marine Pollution) Regulation 2008 and to maintain and assess the treatment system as per section 55 of the Regulation
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