African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Vol. 15, No. 1 (March) 2009, pp. 32-43. AGGRESSION AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF ADOLESCENT TAE KWON DO PARTICIPANTS IN COMPARISON WITH HOCKEY PARTICIPANTS AND A NON-SPORT GROUP INTRODUCTION B.J.M. Steyn and S. Roux problem of aggression and violence in our The radical increase in recent media reports on aggression and violence in schools create the impression that the schools is becoming uncontrollable. ABSTRACT According Aggression among young adolescents has reached dangerous levels in contemporary society, especially in the school context where acts of aggression have increased dramatically. According to experts, schools in South Africa have become one of the most dangerous places where violence varies from blunt assaults on learners to bite wounds and fire-arm related injuries. It is a well accepted notion in Sport and Social Sciences that sport is an extension of society and the problems in society are also the problems in sport, therefore the aggression problem in society naturally extends into sport. It is therefore, imperative for educators and researchers to look at new ways to contain and reduce aggression in young adolescents, as well as finding creative ways to improve the psychological well-being of learners in our schools. The aim of this investigation is to determine if Tae Kwon Do, as a special form of Martial Art, can reduce aggression levels and improve psychological well-being significantly in comparison with hockey participants and a non sport group. A survey method and two standardized questionnaires were used in this study namely, an Aggression Questionnaire and a Psychological Well-being Questionnaire. The research indicated the following: the Verbal Aggression and Hostility scores of the Tae Kwon Do participants were significantly lower than the hockey participants and non sport group. T he Personal Growth and Self-acceptance scores of Tae Kwon Do participants were significantly higher than the hockey participants and non sport group. Branscombe (2006), contemporary society Key words: Aggression, psychological well-being, adolescence, TaeKwonDo, hockey and non-sport group. to Baron, Byrne and is progressively confronted with serious problems of alcohol and sex abuse in combination with aggression and violence. The Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Southern Africa describes schools as dangerous places where school violence varies from blunt assault on learners, to bite wounds and fire-arm related injuries. Therefore, these adolescents are more likely to be violated at school than at other places, making schools the most dangerous places for young learners (Kratcoski & Kratcoski, 1995). According to Anderson and Bushman (2002), the pandemic levels of violence can be attributed to lack of selfcontrol and wisdom to handle their own violent impulses. When given a powerful Received: 18 November 2008 Acc epted: 2 December 2008 B.J.M. Steyn, D Phil (Psychology); D Ed (Sport Science) S. Roux, BSc Hons (Psychology) Department of Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences, Sport Centre, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa. E-mail: [email protected] tool of destruction, many children would use it to give expression to the aggressive impulses. STEYN AND R OUX 33 One of the main reasons identified as a player, strikes the core of the problem in major contributing factor to aggressive the following words: “I feel like I’ve been acts and a significant risk factor in youth coached that way my whole life – to play violence dirty and to play mean” (Lieber, 2003, p. in schools, may be the continuous exposure to media violence 1C). (Baron et al., 2006). Over the past couple of decades, Martial psychologists and sociologists Arts have gained increasing popularity. accept the notion that sport mirrors According to Greenberg (2000), Martial society as a whole and that sport is a Arts organizations reported increases natural ranging from 15% a year to 400% in three Sport extension of society. The problems in society are also the problems years. in sport and therefore, aggression and Martial Arts have gained increasing violence in society naturally extends into popularity in movies and as sporting the sport environment. Sport participants events. Portrayals of Martial Arts in are put under such great pressure (not movies range from sociopath (Martial only from the coach, but also from their Arts villains who kill and maim without parents) that they are willing to sacrifice reluctance) to the violently heroic (Bruce their bodies and take risks in the pursuit Lee and Jackie Chan). This study of affirmation and approval. The coach attempts to start answering the question has a very powerful influence on the sport of participant (Cox, 2002). When coaches participation encourage recklessness (either naively or development (Sim, 2002). Therefore, we intentionally), they promote dangerous can safely say that the media gives the forms of deviance. Coaches should be public the impression that Martial Arts primary role models for sport participants are in fact “causing” aggressiveness in and act as mentors and specialists in their children nowadays. Young children are field to help participants create their own particularly vulnerable, as they are open boundaries and limits. The experience of to new experiences. Jeremy Shockey, a well established NFL the According to Grady (2000), effects has that Martial on Arts adolescent 34 AGGR ESSION AND P SYCHO LOGICAL W ELL-B EING O F TAEKWON DO PAR TIC IPANTS It is entirely natural for a child learning a larger decrease in hostility over time karate to try to copy the behaviour of than participants in tennis or rugby. These Ninja Turtles or some Eastern leader who authors mention that various factors, such happens to practise Martial Arts. as the degree of respect the participants showed to the sensei, the dojo and one If the true nature of Martial Arts and specifically Tae Kwon Do is studied, the surprising opposite of the media’s perception of Martial Arts is uncovered. The relevant question that has to be asked becomes: “What effect does learning to fight have on aggression?” The answer to this question is far from simple. The effects that training in the Martial Arts has on the way the trained person views the actions received, with regard to both the judgement of aggression and the likelihood of revenge for a perceived attack, is being examined. The judgement of a third-party observer may also be affected by training in the fighting arts. another, the level of contact allowed to vital areas of the body and the relative importance of the kata, were demonstrated by athletes who participated in only one semester of Tae Kwon Do. These factors were not observed in sport participants participating in other sport activities such as rugby or hockey. Tae Kwon Do was selected from the various Martial Arts styles, because Tae Kwon Do is a type of Martial Art that has a very broad combination components of any of traditional Martial Arts programme. It also consists of elements that will have a desired outcome on participants. Martial Arts, especially Russian Martial Arts, remind us that we are capable of a In the last decade there has been a radical spontaneous, original shift and special emphasis in research on response to every conflict situation and learners in terms of psychological well- that the learning environment is based on being (Edwards, 2007). With all the simplicity, fairness and pure enjoyment negative media reports not only on (Delva-Tauilili, 1995). violence, but also on drug abuse and other innovative, dysfunctional Daniels and Thornton (1992) found that participants in the Martial Arts displayed learner behaviour, the notion is accepted that the psychological 35 STEYN AND ROUX well-being of the adolescent in the South participants and a non sport group. The African school setting is also under great specific objective of this study is to pressure. According to Edwards (2007), determine the difference in aggression psychological to levels and psychological well-being of positive mental health. Psychological young adolescents participating in Tae well-being a Kwon Do, hockey participants and non combination of emotional regulations, sport group. Based on the work of personality characteristics, identity and Daniels life experiences (Helson & Srivastava, hypothesis 2001). An objective understanding of participants in Tae Kwon Do will psychological well-being was extensively demonstrate more efficient control of researched by Ryff. With the following aggression components, Personal psychological well-being as opposed to Growth, Environmental Mastery, Purpose participants in hockey and those absent in life, Positive relations with others and from any sporting activity. It is expected Self-acceptance, research has that a Martial Arts programme (Tae resulted in a new objective psychological Kwon Do) would serve as a coping well-being measuring instrument (Ryff, strategy to improve psychological well- 1989; Conway & Macleod, 2002; Keyes, being and control of aggression. well-being develops refers through Autonomy, Ryff’s and Thornton for and this (1992), study higher is the that levels of Shmotkin & Ryff, 2002). METHOD AND PROCEDURE AIM OF THE STUDY A research design is the basic plan that The overall aim of the study is to guides the data collection and analysis determine if Tae Kwon Do can indeed phases of a research project. “It is the serve as a coping strategy for aggressive framework that specifies the type of behaviour in young adolescents. The information to be collected, the sources of general aim is to reveal the unique data, and the data collection procedure” relationship between Tae Kwon Do, (Kinnear & Taylor, 1996, p. 129). To aggression and psychological well-being generate data within this study, a in comparisons quantitative research methodology was among the hockey 36 AGGR ESSION AND P SYCHO LOGICAL W ELL-B EING O F TAEKWON DO PAR TIC IPANTS used. A survey method with two psychological well-being. standardized was The sample consisted of 24 Tae Kwon Do employed the Aggression Questionnaire participants, 24 hockey participants and (Buss the 24 non sport participants. The Tae Kwon Psychological Well-being Questionnaire Do group consists of 24 young male and (Ryff, 1989). female adolescents from suitable Martial & questionnaires Perry, 1992) and Arts Combat Tae Kwon Do clubs situated Non-parametric statistics test hypotheses in the Pretoria suburbs of Annlin, Silver about differences in populations on the Lakes and Villieria respectively. The basis of the measurements made on small coach (sensei) at these clubs is also samples of subjects (Tabachnick & Fidell, registered with the MATA (Martial Arts 1996). Teachers The Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance is one-way a Association). An average direct suburb High School in Pretoria was generalisation of the Wilcoxon test to the selected to canvas for volunteers (hockey case in which we have three or more participants and a non sport group). As a independent groups. As such, it is the result of the difficult circumstances of a distribution-free analogue of the one-way High analysis of variance. allocation, the researcher did not have the School setting and selection luxury to employ the scientific stringent This test was used in the study to method of random sampling, but was determine whether there were statistically forced to use a sample of convenience significant the that only consisted of volunteers. The aggression and psychological well-being researchers are well aware of the fact that of participants who played hockey and the use of convenient sampling may limit those who took part in Tae Kwon Do and the generalization of the findings of this a sporting study. The inclusion criteria for all participants. Participants in Tae Kwon participants are that the participant must Do, hockey and the control group were be between 15 and 18 years old. control differences group of between non compared to one another in terms of their self-perceived aggressiveness and STEYN AND ROUX Only adolescents (male and female) that obtained their parents’ consent for this 37 Psychological Well-being Questionnaire study were included. The exclusion Scales of psychological well-being were criteria were those adolescents that were constructed to measure the six dimensions under the age of 15 and over the age of 18 of psychological well-being namely, years. The information obtained from the Autonomy, sample was captured onto a computer and Personal Growth, Positive relations with the data was analysed by means of the others, Statistical Product and Service Solutions acceptance. Package. constructed as a 20-item questionnaire Environmental Purpose in life, Mastery, and Self- Initially this scale was and has been standardized in 3,9 and 14Measuring instruments: Buss and Perry’s Aggression Questionnaire item forms. This questionnaire measures cognitive The aggression questionnaire is a full revision of the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory, a widely-used measure assessing hostility and aggression. It has shown adequate psychometric standards in English-speaking samples. Scoring: The aggression scale consists of four factors: Physical Aggression (PA), Verbal Aggression (VA), Hostility (H). Anger (A), and The total score for aggression is the sum of the factor scores. Validity: Criterion validity was assessed distortions (aggressive behaviour) in antisocial youth. This questionnaire is currently in use in various large-scale national and international surveys (Edwards, 2007). Research has shown high levels of internal consistency and alpha coefficients on the six subscales as follows: Autonomy .83, Personal Growth .85, Environmental Mastery .86, Purpose in life .88, Positive relations with others .88, and Self-acceptance .91 (Ryff, 1989; Ryff & Keyes, 1995). and found to be acceptable. The internal consistency (coefficient alpha) ranged RESULTS between 0.55 and 0.94 (Buss & Perry, 1992). The following section describes the results of the analysis of the differences in 38 AGGRESSION AND PSYCHO LOGICAL WELL-BEING O F TAEKWON DO PARTICIPANTS scores on the subscales of the aggression Figure 1 represents the mean scores of the and three psychological well-being groups (Tae Kwon Do, hockey questionnaires. All statistically significant participants and non sport group) on the differences are bolded in the T ables. Aggression subscales. The results of the analysis are presented in Tables 1 and 2. three hockey the group which participated in Tae Kwon participants and non sport control group) on Do were significantly lower than those of the Aggression scales. the other two groups. 115.00 5.00 15.29 15.29 220.00 0.00 Do, 10.79 10.79 Mean Mean 225.00 5.00 18.38 18.38 330.00 0.00 18.29 18.29 (T ae Kwon 20.20 20.20 groups 16.00 16.00 Verbal Aggression and Hostility scores of 18.54 18.54 significant differences exist between the 20.7 20.7 detected at the 5% level of significance. The determine whether 15.88 15.88 statistically to 16.54 16.54 used 13.92 13.92 T wo statistically significant differences were 13.67 13.67 The results of non-parametric tests were 110.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 VVee PPhh rrbba yyssi all A iccaal Aggg l AAg grrees gggrr sssiio eessss onn iioonn No Nonn sp sport ort H Hockey ockey AAnn ggeer r H Hoos sttiilli ittyy Tae Tae Kwon Kwon Do Do Figure 1: Aggression subscales for the Tae Kwon Do, hockey and non sport group STEYN AND ROUX 39 Table 1: Kruskal-Wallis test ranks Physical Aggression Verbal Aggression Anger Hostility Table 2: a Group No Sport N Mean Rank 24 33.21 Hockey 24 41.56 Martial Arts 24 34.73 Total 72 No Sport 24 43.48 Hockey 24 44.48 Martial Arts 24 21.54 Total 72 No Sport 24 40.54 Hockey 24 36.52 Martial Arts 24 32.44 Total 72 No Sport 24 48.77 Hockey 24 35.83 Martial Arts 24 24.90 Total 72 Test statistics (a, b) Physical Aggression Verbal Aggression Anger Hostility Chi-square 2.184 18.771 1.823 15.774 df 2 2 2 2 Asymp. Sig. .336 .000 .402 .000 Kruskal-Wallis Test; bGrouping Variable: Group The results of non-parametric tests were The results of the statistical analyses are used to determine whether statistically presented in Tables 3 and 4. Two significant differences exist between the statistically significant differences were three groups (Tae Kwon Do, hockey detected between the three groups at the participants and non sport group) on the 5% level of significance. The Personal Psychological Well-being scales. Growth scores of the Tae Kwon Do group were significantly higher than those of the The results of the comparison of the three other two groups; and the group which did groups on the psychological well-being not participate in any sport had the lowest tests are presented in Figure 2 with the score. mean scores of each group per subscale. AGGRESSION AND PSYCHO LOGICAL WELL-BEING O F TAEKWON DO PARTICIPANTS 13.17 14.29 16.08 15.83 14.50 10.08 13.25 14.33 14.79 15.00 9.88 10.33 9.50 20.00 14.20 15.16 15.42 25.00 19.04 19.5 18.67 30.00 Mean 40 10.00 5.00 0.00 En Po Pe Au Pu Sel s iti rs o vir rpo ton f-A ve na on om s cce e fo lG me Re y pta nt a la t row rL nce ion ife lM th s a st ery Non sport Hockey Tae Kwon Do Figure 2: Psychological Well-being sca les for the Tae Kwon Do, hockey and non sport group. Table 3: Kruskal-Wallis test ranks Autonomy Group No Sport Hocke y Martial Arts Total Environme ntal Mastery No Sport Hocke y Martial Arts Total Personal Growth No Sport Hocke y Martial Arts Total Positive Re lations No Sport Hocke y Martial Arts Total Purpose in Life No Sport Hocke y Martial Arts Total Self-Acceptance No Sport Hocke y Martial Arts Total N Mean Rank 24 34.63 24 37.52 24 37.35 72 24 37.10 24 41.15 24 31.25 72 24 27.48 24 38.27 24 43.75 72 24 32.04 24 43.83 24 33.63 72 24 38.81 24 39.08 24 31.60 72 24 24.88 24 35.04 24 49.58 72 STEYN AND ROUX 41 Table 4: Test statistics (a, b) Autonomy Environmental Mastery Personal Growth Chi.298 2.796 7.759 square df 2 2 2 Asymp. .862 .247 .021 Sig. a b Kruskal-Wallis Test; Grouping Variable: Group. Positive Relations Purpose Life in Self Acceptance 4.560 2.016 17.184 2 2 2 .102 .365 .000 The Self-acceptance scores of the Tae tennis or rugby. The results of the Kwon Do group were also significantly psychological higher than those of the other two groups; indicated that the Personal Growth and the group which did not participate in any Self-acceptance scores of the Tae Kwon- sport once again had the lowest score. Do group were significantly higher than well-being subscales those of the other two groups. In both DISCUSSION cases the group that did not participate in The hypothesis for this study cannot fully any sport had the lowest scores. This be accepted, but can also not fully be finding is in line with the work of Egan discarded. A partial acceptance of the (1993) that determine that the training of hypothesis is possible if the subscales of Martial Arts and weight training led to the two standardized questionnaires are improvements in general psychological taken into account. The Verbal Aggression well-being. Authors such as Miller (1989) and Hostility subscales of the Tae Kwon and Finkenburg (1990) analysed the Do group were significantly lower than effects of Tae Kwon Do training on the hockey participants and non sport personality and found that, in addition to group. This finding is in line with the the physical training, Tae Kwon Do work of Daniels and Thornton (1992) that emphasises concentration, self-control and also who self-discipline. They suggest that Tae participated in Tae Kwon Do displayed a Kwon Do training has many psychological significant benefits (including enhanced self-esteem, confirmed that decrease athletes in aggressive behaviour over time than participants in self-concept, reduced aggressiveness, 42 AGGRESSION AND PSYCHO LOGICAL WELL-BEING O F TAEKWON DO PARTICIPANTS decreased anxiety and greater personal lack of finding more significant independence and ability to play a differences on all the subscales involved. leadership role). They also state that the participant's self-concept may be CONCLUSION enhanced by the acquisition or mastery of In conclusion and based on the findings a new skill. This finding suggests that all of this study, it can be stated that Tae the psychological benefits that are derived Kwon Do that is practised in a traditional from Martial Arts and specifically Tae setting with proper values and rituals that Kwon Do may be intimately related to the promote respect for yourself and others, components of psychological well-being may have a positive effect on adolescents, as explained by Edwards (2007). ability to control aggression and promote elements of psychological well-being. 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