4 Stages of Group Development

Teamwork and Teambuilding for the Choral Classroom
Dianna L Jarvis and Audrey De La Cruz
Monday, July 23, 2013 2:30-3:30
[email protected], [email protected]
The two aspects of building a successful team:
Nurturing the Team-Those involved in managing groups can benefit from
understanding the common characteristics and developmental stages of a group
Inspiring the Individual- It is essential that the group’s leader understand the
strengths and weaknesses of each individual being asked to work within the
framework of the “team”. When you invest time in growing the individual, the team
will prosper.
4 Stages of Group Development
Bruce Tuckman (1965), summary by Carter McNamara, MBA, PHD.
Members first get together during this stage. Individually, they are considering
questions like “What am I here for?”, “Who else is here?” and “Who am I
comfortable with?” It is important for members to get involved with each other,
including introducing themselves to each other. Clear and strong leadership is
required from the team leader during this stage to ensure the group members
feel the clarity and comfort required to evolve to the next stage.
During this stage, members are beginning to voice their individual differences,
join with others who share the same beliefs and jockey for position within the
group. Therefore, it is important for members to continue to be highly involved
with each other; including the need to voice any concerns in order to feel
represented and understood. The team leader should help members voice their
views and to achieve consensus (or communality of views) about their purpose
and priorities.
In this stage, members are beginning to share a common commitment to the
purpose of the group, the group’s overall goals and how each of the goals can
be achieved. The team leader should focus on continuing to clarify the roles of
each member, establishing a clear and workable structure/process for the group
to achieve its goal.
In this stage, the team is working effectively and efficiently toward achieving its
goals. During this stage, the leader takes on the role of facilitator as members
take on stronger participation and involvement in the group process. Ideally, the
style includes helping members to reflect on their experiences and to learn from
Activities for Stage 1
The lesson
about Presents
This “coupon” and others in this handout are used to help students journal about their
experience/thought/feelings as the team works through the 4 Stages of Group Development.
Journaling conjures up feelings similar to what was experienced at the time of the activity.
On my BEST day, people might view me as:
On my WORST day, people might view me as:
Activities for Stage 2
The Toothpaste Lesson
Never forget how easy it is to
“Let Me In”
release words, and how
impossible it is to take them
September 28/29, 2012
Resources for team-building games:
FEAR- avoids sharing ideas or
knowledge, resents the success of
others, competes to stay on top,
afraid of being replaced, does not
trust others, thinks small and avoids
ABUNDANCE- Sees the value of
collaboration, generous with
resources and knowledge, seeks
opportunities to help others, takes
ownership and is willing to change,
trusts the ability of others to do
their part, thinks big and embraces
Jim and Pam Behr- Deer Creek Adventure Camp, Medina Texas
Activities for Stage 3
A Study of the Four Temperaments- Empedocles and Hippocrates
Sometimes the best place to lead
is from behind
Matt Woodrum- the race of a lifetime
http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmaDtbQ1nuA
Resources for Stage 3
http://personality-testing.info/tests/4T.php (very brief test, not in-depth enough to get true results)
Personality Plus: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself (author-Florence Littauer)
Tune-ups throughout the year
Use catch phrases that were used during team building activities- (Jarvyisms)
ALL means ALL. . . and that’s all ALL means
Is that a “me” attitude or a “we” attitude
Growth occurs during the journey, not at the point of arrival
Live in abundance, not fear.
We are ALL God’s children and everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got!
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
I admire/respect/value you because. . .
Occasionally, take the time to allow the group to reflect on their experience
and what they learned.
During/at the conclusion of a rehearsals
After concerts
After competitions
Resources that inspire:
God Bless the Gargoyles author- Dav Pilkey (Harcourt Brace & Company)
TED talks- http://www.ted.com
Famous and not-so famous quotes http://www.brainyquote.com
Current events, sports events, news stories
Are you ok coming up one yard short?
Super Bowl XXXIV
Final Score 23-16
January 30, 2000