Leadership FIJI Issue 1

Leadership Fiji
Launching of 2010
Leadership FIJI
Mr. Aidney also challenged the 2010 participants to
work outside their comfort zone and to emerge from the
programme with an unbeatable “Can Do” attitude. He
also reiterated that the power and strength of Leadership
FIJI’s future – lies with the Leadership FIJI Alumni which is
compromised of close to one hundred and ninety graduates.
He also acknowledged the passion and commitment by two
founding executives, Sufi Dean and Daryl Tarte. Mr.Tarte was
also farewelled at the launch.
2010 programme commenced with a three-day “Opening
Retreat” at the Lagoon Resort at Pacific Habour which was
facilitated by Morris Shanhan, of Christchurch, New Zealand.
Some of the issues addressed during the retreat included:
Leadership, Managing People, Juggling Time To Meet Today’s,
People and Personalities, Conflict Resolution, Goal Setting and
Visioning a Desirable Community.
With a constant eye on the weather and ears tuned to the
radio because of Cyclone Thomas, the weekend set the pace
for future sessions with exercises and intense discussions and
debates. The retreat saw 25 strangers arriving at the Lagoon
on Friday morning and 25 friends leaving on Sunday at noon.
Message from
Executive Officer
Welcome to Leadership FIJI’s 1st quarterly e-newsletter
providing you with a snapshot of the work undertaken by
Leadership FIJI and the Leadership FIJI Alumni.
The e-newsletter is part of our commitment to keep our
stakeholders, partners and members informed on the work
that we do. Leadership FIJI is an independent, non-partisan,
non-aligned entity that began in 2000. Following the
political upheaval of that year, a number of corporate and
community leaders met and identified a desperate need to
build broadminded and educated leaders across the nation.
They were introduced to the concept of Leadership Victoria
by Andrew Fairley, who had various business interests in Fiji
at the time. This proved a very successful model to follow and
with the assistance of Leadership Victoria, the first Leadership
Fiji programme was launched in 2001.
Leadership FIJI e-Newsletter
“Consider it a privilege. You should be honored to be
selected. Now it is up to you, as what you will achieve from
this programme which will depend largely on what you
contribute. You are all potential Leaders so don’t be afraid
to stand up, ask questions and be counted. Think before you
speak. Carefully research the topics before you meet with
our Industry Leaders.” These were the words of Dave Aidney,
Managing Director of Williams & Goslings as he officially
launched the 2010 Leadership FIJI programme. The event
saw the presentation of the 2010 participants as well as the
graduation of 2008 graduates as Fellows of Leadership FIJI.
After a competitive selection process, this year’s program
saw 25 participants, from dynamic professional and personal
Issue 1 - 2010
Eight years on and the programme has produced close to
one hundred and ninety graduates who work in diverse fields
such as the private sector, non-governmental organizations,
government ministries, youth and faith based organizations.
Since Leadership FIJI started in 2002, there have been a number
of great projects. One such project you will get to know more
about in the issue is the Friends of Hilton Project as well as A
Book for a Child Drive. Another exciting upcoming event is the
Annual Leadership Summit to be held in September that will
bring together the graduates of Leadership FIJI as well as a
diverse array of distinguished Pacific Leaders.
We trust you will enjoy this issue as much as we have enjoyed
bringing it to you.
Michelle Reddy
A Left to Right Kamlesh Kumar, Sophie Foster, Shainesh Lal and
Priyanka Damodran at the Launch of 2010 Programme
B Leadership Alumni members with Morris Shanhan
Launch of 2010 Programme
Message from Executive Officer
Exploring Human Rights
Examining our past to find our future
Factors that have shaped Fiji’s Eco
Media; the Role of a Watchdog
Participants Reflections
Upcoming Schedule of Events
Media the Role of a Watchdog
Leadership FIJI contact
Alumni – Charity Golf
Alumni – A book for a child drive
Annual Leadership Summit
Leadership FIJI Alumni contact
2010 Alumni Board Members
Exploring Human Rights
“Gender equality is about giving both men and women equal opportunities, equal
results and creating a level playing field for individuals to realize their potential.”
Leadership FIJI e-Newsletter
Sufi Dean going over the programme and stressing house rules with the participants
With a wide range of speakers, participants of Leadership FIJI
got to explore human rights from the perspectives of Navin
Kumar & Wilfred Goldman of Fiji Human Rights Commission,
Filipo Masaurua of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat,
Roshika Deo, Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, Susie Anise
from Save the Children Fund Fiji and seasoned gay activists
Marlene Dutta and Peter Sipeli. The session also included a
visit to the Hilton Special School.
Presentations from the Fiji Human Rights Commission
touched on the processes and procedures into investigating
complaints, the role of the Commission in assisting the
Prime Ministers’ Office in the drafting of legislations and
promulgations. One of the challenges expressed was not
having a full time Commissioner. Despite this challenge,
both presenters were optimistic about FHRC’s future.
With the use of personal stories and two Pacific Island
neighbours’ examples, Mr. Filipo Masaurua challenged us on
the issue of Climate Change and Human Rights. As climate
change becomes more serious and these islands begin to
lose more land to the sea, questions around sovereignty,
identity & culture, source of livelihood and citizenship status
in relocating to another country emerge.
A paradigm of the session was through an emotional visit
to the Hilton Special School. Despite the lack of qualified
teachers, basic educational materials, the passion and
commitment shown by the teachers and parents were
evident in our short visit. We couldn’t leave without giving
our Easter gifts in the form of cash donations and goodies
for the children.
Presentations by Save the Children and Fiji Women’s Rights
Movement focused on the need for institutional reform and
attitudinal change to help raise the standard of living in
Fiji for women and children. The misconception of gender
equality as benefits for “women” only leads to the violations
of women’s rights. Gender equality is about giving both men
and women “equal opportunities, equal results and creating
a level playing field for individuals to realize their potential.”
Open discussions by Sipeli and Dutta showed that the rights
of gay people are the same basic human rights enjoyed by
citizens but which are not allowed to gays because of their
sexual orientation.
Filipo Masaurua in action
Wilfred Goldman of the Fiji Human Rights Commission
with Andrew Van Willies during morning tea break
Examining our past to
find our future
Speakers for this session were Dr Christine Weir & Dr Sandra Tarte
from University of the South Pacific, Professor Sudesh Mishra of
Fiji National University and Colonel Ilaisa Kacisolomone with
the Fiji Museum as the site visit.
Our history and our present have a lot to do with determining
where we go from here. Four coups in the past 20 years have
had tremendous social, political and econmic impact.
Leadership FIJI e-Newsletter
The Historical Session has made the Leadership 2010 emerging
leaders realise the unenviable task ahead of them finding a
form of leadership that benefits everyone. Only an innovative
brand of leadership can make better change - a Fiji brand of
social equality that works for all people, that is accountable,
transparent, inclusive and consultative.
A Group photo with Dr Christine Weir & Professor Sudesh Mishra
B Discussing possible questions for guest speakers to address
Factors that have shaped
Fiji’s Economic Environment
C Voyaging through the Fiji Museum
D Dr Christine Weir & Professor Sudesh Mishra
The visit to the South Pacific Stock Exchange showcased the
mechanics of investing in shares & bonds, the process of buying
shares, the returns on investment and broker details. It set a
platform for us to choose different investment products apart
from the traditional way of investing money with banks as term
deposits. We had the pleasure of witnessing live trading take
place during our site visit.
Reserve Bank of Fiji’s presentation showed how some of the major
commodities were performing in light of the current economic
climate. According to RBF, global economy is improving that
would boost demand for Fiji’s exports together with the rebound
of tourism industry. The major challenge for Fiji is to improve the
trade balance i.e. increase exports and reduce import bills.
2010 LF participants with the CEO of South Pacific Stock Exchange,
Jinita Prasad
Fiji’s economic environment continues to evolve from post
independence to the current period. Many factors have shaped
Fiji’s economy but perhaps the most obvious is the challenge
of a (young) developing nation, lacking the depth and
sophistication in comparison to a developed nation in arriving
at the ideal balance.
Speakers included Emma Ferguson, the Senior Country
Specialist at Asian Development Bank (ADB); Jinita Prasad,
CEO of the South Pacific Stock Exchange; Jitendra Singh, Chief
Manager Economics at the Reserve Bank of Fiji; Nitish Niranjan,
Managing Director of Niranjans and Griffon Emose, Managing
Director of Kontiki Capital.
ADB continues to provide loans to Fiji for economic development
as it is encouraged by the government’s response in effectively
tracking and understanding the impacts, setting competitive
exchange rates, protecting services for the vulnerable and
trimming low priority expenditures.
Nitish Niranjan’s presentation briefly touched on his personal
journey in setting up VB Holding Ltd and the move to listing the
company on the stock exchange. Since its listing, the company
has increased the shareholders equity, profits and share price
has grown. Apart from making sure that its share holders benefit,
the company ensures that it maintains its corporate social
responsibility through educational scholarships.
Griffon Emose shared light on capital markets and highlighted
that growth is fastest when you have an efficient banking system
and developed capital markets as either of them can boost the
economy. The lack of knowledge in the public about capital
markets is in itself a challenge.
The speakers’ viewpoints were unanimous on what Fiji could do
to improve our economic environment:
Take hard decisions by implementing faster and longer term
reforms. We need long term visions to address deep-seated
issues within key industries.
Develop local strong financial institutions e.g. FNPF
Facilitate growth in the private sector
Use debt as a development tool
Maximise capacity support provided by development partners
Development of Capital markets as an option in Fiji’s financial
Schedule of
Leadership FIJI
2010 Events
July 9 – 10
July 21
Leadership FIJI e-Newsletter
the Role of a Watchdog
Speakers for this session were William Parkinson,
Communications Fiji Limited; Richard Naidu Munro Leys;
Ricardo Morris from Mai Magazine; Veranaisi Racola from The
Fiji Times and Vijay Narayan from Communications Fiji Limited.
We also had the pleasure of visiting four media organisations,
Communications Fiji Ltd, Fiji TV, Island Business and The Fiji
Fiji is country that is able to produce print media in all three
languages and has radio stations that reaches 95% of Fiji’s
population. Key role of the media is to provide accurate
information to the public on current affairs of the country.
The representatives from various media organisation
discussed the latest media decree and addressed its weakness
and strengths. The panel discussion mainly focused on media
freedom and challenges to releasing news to the public. The
panel also explained and gave relevant examples of the media
code of ethics.
The media session was an eye-opener for the LF2010 group
in terms of realizing the challenges faced by the media and
how difficult their task can be as a watchdog for Fiji Islands. It
also highlighted our roles as future leaders and citizens of this
country and the importance of receiving all sides to a story.
Participants Reflections
Poverty & social welfare in Fiji was one of the best
and thought giving topic visited. It opened up my
eyes on the hardships and challenges that are
encountered by our society. I think collectively
the LF 2010 group can create a positive change
to the society in alleviating poverty.
Nirenjeev Kumar , Management Accountant,
South Pacific Stock Exchange
Leadership qualities and skills counts a lot in my
professional life. I have a strong feeling that for a
well developed professional life, Leadership Fiji is
the way ahead.
Sanjay Kumar, Insurance Co-ordinator,
Motibhai Group of Companies
Aug 13 – 14
Aug 25
Sep 8
Sep 22
Mid Year Retreat
Site Visits
• National Fire Authority
• Flour Mills of Fiji
• Naboro Prison Complex
Sugar Industry West Session
The Mechanics of Government
Environmental Issues & Concerns
Alternative Agricultural Opportunities
LF sessions are designed to address all aspects
of life and this has created great awareness
for me. I was able to see a different and unique
Fiji through the experts who addressed various
situations dealing with the vulnerable groups,
poverty, tourism, inmates, economy and most
importantly I now have a better understanding of our
history. I personally feel that I have gained much more after
joining this programme and have identified a core niche to
focus towards assistance.
Angeleena Pala, Analyst,
Asian Development Bank
It has made realize that I’m not the only one in
this life. I should respect, adhere and accept
others opinions, ideas and concepts to be able to
be appreciated as a human being. I used to be a
so-called self-centered leader but I have totally
changed through LF. I appreciate my staffs’
achievements and teamwork. I thank LF for these wonderful
experiences and bonding that we had together.
Uraia Toribau, Head of Department,
Ministry of Education
Leadership FIJI Program has really broadened
my knowledge of my society, lifestyle, people,
behavior, and country. John F. Kennedy once
said that “Change is the law of life. And those
who look only to the past or present are certain
to miss the future.” The Leadership FIJI program
has shown me a look at both the past and the present and
providing a positive look to the future.
Devend Ram, Manager, Logistics & Marketing,
Niranjans Autoport Ltd
Leadership Fiji has broadened my vision
and understanding and has given me more
appreciation of what life has to offer. I have used
what I have learned from LF to further enhance
my leadership role especially around decision
qualities, controls and compliance and driving
results in my workplace.
Atelina Muavono, Manager Health Insurance,
BSP Colonial Life Insurance
Leadership FIJI I 231 Waimanu Road I Private Mail Bag I Suva
T (679) 3304664 I F (679) 3304664 I E [email protected]
New Zealand
High Commission
Fiji Limited
Alumni Charity Golf
Golf Fiji
PRIZES INCLUDE: Return trip to Sydney for winning
team to participate in the NSW Charity Golf Challenge
in November, best dressed team, NTPs, lucky door and
many other attractive prizes.
Fiji’s Longest Drive Competition proudly sponsored
by BSP. Chipping Competition proudly sponsored by
Vonu Beer
Tee off with the National Golf Association of Fiji and
Friends of Hilton and change the future of children with
disabilities! Funds raised benefit the CAL Training
Program and the Fiji Crippled Children Society.
We invite you to join us for the premier event of Fiji’s
social and golfing calendar!
CALL +679 992 3191
It is our vision to see that the disabled children of our
beloved country receive proper attention, care and
education to enable them to reach their full potential
and to achieve their own dreams and goals.
A “Book for
a Child’ Drive
Leadership Fiji 2009 West Chapter is embarking on a project
of collecting story books for ages 6 – 13; that is Class 1 to
Class 8 commencing Saturday 5 th June, 2010. The book drive
collection will be from the 5 th to 26 thJune. All books are
requested to be dropped off at FRIEND Office, 8 Valetia Street,
This project is being managed by a Project Officer, the
Vatuvonu Primary School Head Teacher and the Head of USP
Centre in Savusavu who are voluntarily assisting in monitoring
the project.
For more information please contact:
Jone Nawaikula FRIEND, Lautoka T 666 3181
Elizabeth Maki Williams & Goslings, Lautoka T 666 4093
Rouhit Singh Lautoka City Council, Lautoka T 666 1433
Leadership FIJI Alumni e-Newsletter
Saturday 24 July
Denarau Golf & Racquet Club
Leadership Fiji
Annual Leadership Summit
Leadership FIJI Alumni in partnership with Leadership FIJI
will be hosting an annual summit on Saturday, September
25 th around the theme of Community Leadership – Making
a Difference, with a diverse range of regional and national
Friends of Hilton was founded by the
Leadership FIJI 2005 graduates. Friends of
Hilton’s vision is “to see that the disabled
children of our beloved country receive
proper attention, care and education to
enable them reach their full potential and
to achieve their own dreams and goals.”
The 2005 Leadership Fiji group unanimously agreed to
undertake the “Hilton Project” after hearing of the challenges
faced by Frank Hilton when he addressed the group and the
need to create an early intervention training program for
caregivers and families of children with disabilities. The group
hosted a charity dinner in 2005 as part of their community
project and contribution towards the CAL Training Program
Following this, Friends of Hilton and the National Golf
Association of Fiji have continued to successfully host Fiji’s
Greatest Charity Golf Challenge since 2006. They work closely
with The Spastic Centre, Australia in organising this fundraising
event to raise money to fund the CAL Training Program. CAL
Training Program is an early intervention training program
for teachers, caregivers and families of children with cerebral
palsy and other disabilities here in Fiji. Together with the
support of local corporate organizations, individuals and
donor agencies they have raised over $180,000. CAL requires
F$110,000 annually to locally sustain itself.
For more information please contact: Sharyne Fong
E [email protected]
Summit Objectives
•Developing opportunities for Leadership FIJI alumni
members to make a greater commitment to the
development of their community and country
• Providing a forum for continued communication and
exchange of ideas, networking, personal development
and leadership development in the community and
Launch of Leadership FIJI Awards
The Leadership FIJI Awards run in conjunction with each
Annual Leadership Summit, recognising the next generation
of Fiji leaders for their achievements and contribution to
a vision for Fiji’s future. The Leadership FIJI Awards will be
launched at the 2010 inaugural Leadership Summit.
Awards will recognize the Most Outstanding Leadership
FIJI Alumni Graduate and Most Outstanding Leadership FIJI
Alumni Group for their contribution towards community
initiatives as well as professional development within their
respective areas.
Saturday, September 25th, 2010.
Leadership FIJI Alumni I 231 Waimanu Road I Private Mail Bag I Suva
T (679) 3304664 I F (679) 3304664 I E [email protected]
2010 Alumni Board Members
President Inoke Bainimarama Vice Presidents Sharyne Fong & Cathy Wong Secretary Margaret Logavatu Treasurer Raven Achari Board Members Vanessa Kilner,
Praveen Maharaj, Amelia Sawau, Western Board Members Sharvind Kumar, Romana Andrews, 2009 LF Member Aisake Mausio