Colonies Word Scramble

Colonies Word Scramble
When George Washington was inaugurated President of the United States on April 30,
1789, the country was much smaller than it is today. There were only 13 states and
fewer than 4 million people. Today there are 50 states and over 300 million people.
Can you unscramble the names of the original 13 states? Draw a line from each state
name to its correct location on the map. Some of the states have changed their
boundaries since Washington’s time!
OGERIAG _____________________________
NEW KRYO ____________________________
RGIVIANI ______________________________
NCTEONCUITC ________________________
DWLEAAER ___________________________
SAMCHUTSESTA _______________________
YAMNRDLA ___________________________
ENW MHRAIPSHE _____________________
ROTNH RACOLANI ____________________
NEPNVSLYNANAI _____________________
ORHED SALIDN ________________________
UOTSH RAOLCNAI _____________________
WEN YJESRE ____________________________