
Regents Exam Questions
A.SSE.A.2: Factoring the Difference of Perfect Squares 1b
Name: ________________________
A.SSE.A.2: Factoring the Difference of Perfect Squares 1b
1 The expression x 2  16 is equivalent to
10 One of the factors of 4x 2  9 is
1) (x  3)
2) (2x  3)
3) (4x  3)
4) (x  3)
2 What is a common factor of x 2  9 and x 2  5x  6?
3 Which expression is equivalent to 121  x ?
11 When 9x 2  100 is factored, it is equivalent to
(3x  b)(3x  b). What is a value for b?
4 Which expression is equivalent to 64  x 2 ?
12 Factor completely: 3x 2  27
5 The expression 9x 2  100 is equivalent to
13 Written in simplest factored form, the binomial
2x 2  50 can be expressed as
6 Which expression is equivalent to 9x 2  16?
14 Which expression is equivalent to 81  16x 2 ?
7 The expression 100n 2  1 is equivalent to
15 If Ann correctly factors an expression that is the
difference of two perfect squares, her factors could
1) (2x  y)(x  2y)
2) (2x  3y)(2x  3y)
3) (x  4)(x  4)
4) (2y  5)(y  5)
8 Which expression is equivalent to 16x 2  36?
9 Which expression is equivalent to 36x 2  100?
Regents Exam Questions
A.SSE.A.2: Factoring the Difference of Perfect Squares 1b
Name: ________________________
16 One factor of the expression x 2 y 2  16 is
1) xy  4
2) xy  8
24 Factor: 16x 2  9
x2  4
x2  8
25 Factor: 9x 2 
17 The expression x 2  36y 2 is equivalent to
26 Factor: 3a 2  3
18 Written in factored form, the binomial a 2  16b 2 is
equivalent to
27 Factor completely: 5n 2  80
19 Factored, the expression 16x 2  25y 2 is equivalent
28 Factor completely: 3ax 2  27a
29 Factor: 12a 2  27b 2
20 The expression 9a 2  64b 2 is equivalent to
30 Factor: 9x 2  y 2
21 Expressed in factored form, the binomial 4a 2  9b 2
is equivalent to
31 Factor: 28a 2  7b 2
22 Factor: x 2  36
32 Factor: 6a 2  6b 2
23 Factor: 9  x 2
A.SSE.A.2: Factoring the Difference of Perfect Squares 1b
Answer Section
1 ANS:
(x  4)(x  4)
REF: fall0706ia
2 ANS:
REF: 010414a
3 ANS:
(11  x)(11  x)
REF: 081008ia
4 ANS:
(8  x)(8  x)
REF: 011201ia
5 ANS:
(3x  10)(3x  10)
REF: 010909ia
6 ANS:
(3x  4)(3x  4)
REF: 080902ia
7 ANS:
(10n  1)(10n  1)
REF: 011306ia
8 ANS:
4(2x  3)(2x  3)
16x 2  36  4(2x  3)(2x  3)
REF: 011701ai
9 ANS:
4(3x  5)(3x  5)
36x 2  100  4(9x 2  25)  4(3x  5)(3x  5)
REF: 081608ai
10 ANS: 2
11 ANS:
REF: 010105a
REF: 081403ia
12 ANS:
3(x  3)(x  3)
REF: 060109a
13 ANS:
2(x  5)(x  5)
REF: 080103a
14 ANS:
(9  4x)(9  4x)
REF: 061506ia
15 ANS: 2
16 ANS: 1
17 ANS:
(x  6y)(x  6y)
REF: 011022ia
REF: 080711a
REF: 061101ia
18 ANS:
(a  4b)(a  4b)
REF: 061627ia
19 ANS:
(4x  5y)(4x  5y)
REF: 060804ia
20 ANS:
(3a  8b)(3a  8b)
REF: 081207ia
21 ANS:
(2a  3b)(2a  3b)
REF: 010201a
22 ANS:
(x  6)(x  6)
REF: 019604al
23 ANS:
(x  3)(x  3)
REF: 119404al
24 ANS:
(4x  3)(4x  3)
REF: 039404al
25 ANS:
(3x  )(3x  )
REF: 089703al
26 ANS:
3(a  1)(a  1)
REF: 030501al
27 ANS:
5(n  4)(n  4).
REF: 080533a
28 ANS:
3a(x  3)(x  3).
REF: 080434a
29 ANS:
3(2a  3b)(2a  3b)
REF: 069303al
30 ANS:
(3x  y)(3x  y)
REF: 019506al
31 ANS:
7(2a  b)(2a  b)
REF: 069607al
32 ANS:
6(a  b)(a  b)
REF: 099607al