MALAYSIAN INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ROAMING CERTIFICATE ONLINE APPLICATION USER GUIDE Updated on 20 January 2017 User Guide TABLE OF CONTENT SECTION A: INTRODUCTION Chapter A-2 System requirements A-2-1 Hardware A-2-2 Software 3 SECTION B: USER GUIDE B-1-1 Setting Internet Explorer 4 B-1-2 How to Register web-key 6 B-1-3 Preparation of document before Registering/Buy Certificate 9 B-1-4 How to do Payment 9 B-1-5 How to Register Certificate 12 B-1-6 How to Re-upload document Register Certificate Pending 18 B-1-7 Set PIN & Answer of the Certificate 21 B-1-8 How to Reset PIN and Answer of Certificate 23 B-1-9 Online Data Entry 26 B-1-10 Preview Application 27 B-1-11 Declaration and Submit 28 B-1-12 Check Status - Download MIDA Approval/Acknowledgement Letter 32 SECTION C: IT HELPDESK 35 3 3 Page 2 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide SECTION A: INTRODUCTION Roaming Digital Certificate online application is a facility for MIDA clients to submit applications via online. Below are list of applicable Online Duty Exemption; 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) PC1 PC2 PC2-1 PC Services SPM 1 SPM 2 Chapter A-2 System requirements To ensure MIDA’s Web Submission performs smoothly, your hardware and software requirements outlined below. System should meet the requirement as below A-2-1 Hardware Processor Operation System Memory Internet Connection : : : : Intel Processor Windows XP, 7,8 or higher 2GB RAM minimum or higher Preferably broadband A-2-2 Software Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) version 11 or higher Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6.0 or higher Note: Our Online services only compatible with Internet Explorer. User will have some problem using other internet browser (e.g. Mozilla, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or others). Apple product has compatible issue with our online services. Page 3 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide SECTION B: USER GUIDE This user guide will walk you through the process of submitting an application by providing step-by-step instructions with illustrations to help you understand each step. B-1-1 Setting Internet Explorer This setting for the first time user only or if current user have change new PC/Laptop must do this setting again. The setting is one time setup. First must open Internet Explorer user will have some problem using other internet browser (e.g. Mozilla, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or others). Go to Next follow step next page. Page 4 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Once open the page, for the first time user please does the setting as below. If user have done this setting just ignore. Now press on keyboard ALT + T, There’s popup tools menu and choose compatibility view settings, then click add button then click close button at below. No need to repeat this setting, just do it once. This setting will be successful by using Internet Explorer only; user will have some problem using other internet browser (e.g. Mozilla, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or others). Refer image as below; 2 1 3 Page 5 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide B-1-2 Registering Web-key Register / Sign In In order to submit an application, you must either register for a new web-key or sign in using an existing web-key that not yet being submitted. The previous web-key application that already approved by MIDA cannot be used for the next application. Alphanumeric characters (much like a password) web-key is a unique combination of which is used to identify one single application and it is auto generated by the system. No two applications will have the same web-key. Each subsequent application will require you to register for another web-key. If your application has been returned by MIDA due to incomplete reason, please login the web-key of that application, then amend the section needed, after that resubmit the application to MIDA. To register web-key click on not yet registered link, if already have the web-key just put the web-key inside the box and click log in. Page 6 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide On the registration page, please fill-up all the information needed. Note : Make sure the company registration number format must have hyphen ( - ). Example 12345-X. Please take note the password created during this registration, it will be used to retrieve MIDA application approval. Make sure the I/C number don’t put hyphen ( - ). Example I/C number 661212109999. Before click on register web-key button, please check again all information before proceed. Page 7 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Note: Make sure the email of the authorized person are valid email address, if the email address are incorrect, there will problem for the next process. We suggest the email of the authorized person must be the email of person handle/in-charge the application. After click on the register Web-key button, immediately the page above shown successful register message appears. Note: Please remember the web-key designated, if user forget/lost the web-key, it can be recovered by opening the user email, each contact person will get email notification sent by the system contain information of the web-key registration. User can log out and login the web-key to continue the data entry anytime. Page 8 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide B-1-3 Preparation of document before Registering/Buy Certificate This facility is to register/buy digital certificate in order for user to submit digitally sign on the application. This certificate can be reused for future application since only one time registration is required valid for two (2) years. If user has already registered/buy certificate, please skip this chapter. Before proceed to register certificate please prepare three(3) document in pdf format first. IC authorized person (Manager IC) Authorized letter (please refer sample) Payment slip (please refer how to do payment and sample payment slip) B-1-4 How to do Payment Payment shall be made via online banking or by local bank cheque only. All local Online banking can be used (maybank2u, cimbclick, mybsn, RHBOnline or others). If company don’t have the online banking, then user can used any personal/user online banking. CASH PAYMENT THROUGH DEPOSIT MACHINE OR BANK COUNTER ARE NOT ALLOWED. Total Fee : RM 318.00 (Total Fee are include 6% GST) Bank Account Number : 800 047 5281 (CIMB BANK) Account Name Bank Name GST No. : LEMBAGA PEMBANGUNAN PELABURAN MALAYSIA (MIDA) : CIMB Bank Berhad : 000120840192 Page 9 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Sample of payment slip CIMBClick and Maybank2u with GST 6% Page 10 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Sample of Authorized Letter Please put manager information such as name, position and ic number. This letter no needs to put any signature, just put company stamp at below. Page 11 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide B-1-5 How to Register Certificate Once the entire documents are prepared in PDF format (please refer to page 9 on preparing document fist if document aren’t prepared) User must login web-key to MIDA online website, If don’t have the web-key please refer back to page 6 to register web-key. At below page click on ‘Check Certificate’ button and it will show message you do not have digital certificate and system shall enable ‘Register Certificate’ button. Refer on next page for more detail. If user already has the certificate it will show message Certificate are valid. Then users just need to skip this chapter. Page 12 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Click on ‘Check Certificate’ button and it will show message you do not have digital certificate and System shall enable ‘Register Certificate’ button. To continue just click the register certificate button. 1 2 System will open new page as below. On the first page first time user need to set the username, password and security image. The rest information already had been auto fill-up. If any fields are blank please fill-up the information and click next until last page to upload document. This website have time expiring if unintended more than 5 minutes. It will get error after that so user need to closed the page and repeat the above process again. Please remember the username & password, later it will used to reset PIN&Answer of the certificate. Page 13 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Last page user need to upload the entire three documents (IC authorized person, authorized letter and payment slip). Click on button Browse, then locate the file and select the file, then click open. Repeat the step until all document uploaded. 1 2 3 Page 14 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Final step click on submit button, then came out term & condition page, tick on the box then click submit button. 1 2 3 Page 15 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide User will get below result. Page 16 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Users also get notification email as below. Now users need to wait for the approval certificate email. If the registration/buy certificates are successful and MIDA AP approved the request, please skip to page 21. If not continue to next page. Page 17 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide B-1-6 How to Re-upload document Register Certificate Pending If MIDA detect any problem upon the request of certificate such as missing document, user will get email as below, so the approval will pending until user re-upload again all the document to the system. Just click on the link provided inside the email. Then it will open the page. Login using username and password created during register certificate (please refer back to page 13). Page 18 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Click on Pending user confirmation tab 1 Click on Update confirmation button 2 Click on page 4 then upload again all documents Page 19 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Click on finish button and came out popup, tick the box and click submit. 1 2 3 Now users need to wait for the approval certificate email. Page 20 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide B-1-7 Set PIN & Answer of the Certificate Once MIDA AP approved the certificate, user will get approval email as below. Click on the link inside the email to set PIN and Answer of the certificate. Page 21 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide System will show page as below We advised user to put PIN number in small letter case and something that easy to remember. PIN must be minimum 8 character mix with at least one number, example ‘company1’. User must select three different questions and then put the answer of each question. Answers can be anything example ‘company1’. We advised the answer for all question put same answer as sample image above. This will help user to easily remember. Finally click submit button and now user can submit any import duty application unlimited within the period of certificate (2 years validity of certificate). Page 22 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide B-1-8 How to Reset PIN and Answer of Certificate During submission of duty exemption application, if user forget the PIN & Answer can be reset by following below step. Go to and click on Login. Put the username and password (this username and password are created during register certificate, refer back to page 13) if user forgot the username or password then click on the link forgot username or password. 1 2 Page 23 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Once login click on Certificate Management 1 Then click on Action, and then click on Reset PIN 2 3 On popup click ok, system auto sent the email to user Page 24 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Once user got the email reset PIN&Answer, just click on the link given inside the email. Dear Mr/Mrs, Please click on the link below to reset the PIN & Answer of the certificate URL Website :- Note: This link will expire within 1 hour. Thank You. Then came out the page to reset as below, put the new PIN and set new answer for all the questions, then click submit. How to set PIN& Answer please refer guideline at page 22. B-1-9 Online Data Entry Page 25 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Go to and login using the web-key (if don’t have the web-key please refer back to page 6, if forgot the web-key please check email). Once login system shown as below, click on the data entry at below page to continue Page 26 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide B-1-10 Preview Application Fill-up all page and section needed (if user have problem with saving data or have problem with the page, please refer to page 4) until section attach document and attach all document needed to support the application. Then click preview application to capture all information into pdf format. User can select the file then download the file to review the application form before submit. If the users detect the information inside the file are not updated or blank info, select the file and click removed button, then click preview button again so the system will create new MIDAFORM pdf with the latest update information. 2 3 1 Page 27 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide B-1-11 Declaration and Submit To submit the duty exemption application, please double check all the section first. Click on Declaration button to proceed. It will show information of the authorized person detail, click on the Roaming Sign & Submit button to proceed. 1 2 Page 28 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide System will pop up as below image. Fill up the Answer and PIN number (if forget the PIN number or answer please refer to page 23 to reset). Then click on Sign button. Lastly click Ok button and wait until process finished. 1 2 3 4 Page 29 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide System will show below image as the submission successful. Now user just wait for the notification email from MIDA regards the further process. User can follow-up more detail by contact Tarif Division MIDA about status of the application. Page 30 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide If the application has been returned by MIDA, system will email to user as sample below. User must login web-key back to and amend the necessary section that incomplete. On the attach document section, please removed the file name MIDAFORMPC.pdf before submit, then click preview button to capture all the amended information. After that resubmit the application (please refer to page 28 on how to submit) Dear Sir/Madam, Please be informed that your application has been received by MIDA and we regret to inform you that your application is not accepted as stated below We return your application, for you to check and update your application The details of your application are as follows: Company Name : Testing Company Sdn Bhd Division : Tariff Application Type : PC2 Submission Date : 06/01/2017 Web Key : VK5Y8AWQFU Reasons : Raw material tariff code are incomplete and please upload MIDA approval related to this application 2 Thank you. 3 1 Page 31 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide B-1-12 Check Status - Download MIDA Approval/Acknowledgement Letter Once MIDA process the application, first email sent to user are notifications of application being process. It will show detail of the officer name in-charge. Sample email as below. Sample email notification under process by MIDA Dear Sir/Madam, Please be informed that your online application for "Import Duty And/Or Sales Tax Exemption On Raw Materials And A Components For The Manufacture Of Finished Products" (PC2) was received by MIDA on 06 January 2017 and it is currently under consideration by us. Your application has been referred to Tariff Division under the purview of the following officers: Officer : Testing Deputy Director : Azliza Ahmad Director : Ramli Bakar You may login at MIDA's Web Applications Submission ( to check your application status and download your *Sealed application. Note:- Sealed application includes Application Form, and Appendix(ces). Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) MIDA Sentral, No.5, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : 603-2267 3633 Fax : 603-2274 7970 Email : [email protected] Website : Once user got this email notification, user can login the web-key of that application to download the acknowledgement letter. The document can be seen at the below of that page. Page 32 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Sample email notification Application Approved by MIDA Subject:Pemberitahuan - Surat Keputusan From: tarif Date: 10/01/2017 10:14 AM Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa Surat Pengesahan MIDA bagi permohonan tuan telah dikeluarkan. Surat Pengesahan tersebut boleh dimuat turun menerusi URL Panduan bagi memuat turun dokumen boleh didapati menerusi URL approval letter guide.pdf MIDA menggunapakai Tandatangan Digital(Public Key Infrastructure(PKI/Digital Certificate)) ke atas Surat Pengesahan yang dikeluarkan. Penggunaan sistem ini membolehkan: i) ii) Pihak syarikat tuan/puan menerima Surat Pengesahan MIDA secara online. Pihak Kementerian Kewangan, MITI, dan Jabatan Kastam DiRaja menerima dan mengakses Surat Pengesahan secara online. Sekian, harap maklum. Terima kasih. Once user got this email notification, user can login the web-key of that application to download the acknowledgement letter. The document can be seen at the below of that page. To login the page using ROC number please refer next page. Page 33 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide The other methods to download document/check application status are as step below. Go to 1 Choose the dropdown to ROC, then put the ROC number (e.g12345-X) then put the password and click Log In button. (If forget the ROC password please check email regards web-key registration, please see page 7 for guideline). 2 Once login the system will show the list of application at below, just click the reference number to open and download the document. Page 34 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide C - IT Helpdesk MIDA These facilities are purposely to help user log problem related to Online Application. Go to Click on the IT Helpdesk button. 1 Once open click on create new log button 2 Page 35 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority User Guide Key-in all detail needed then click send button, our IT personnel will get this log and help user to solve the problem. END OF USER GUIDE Page 36 of 36 Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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