Stone Fox - Florida Union Free School District

Stone Fox
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Teacher: Mr. Slevin
Name: ____________________________________
[Stone Fox, Chapter One, The Grandfather]
Where does this story take place?
A. In a hotel in Georgia
B. On a potato farm in Wyoming
C. On a house boat in the ocean
D. On a wheat farm in Nebraska
[Stone Fox, Chapter One, The Grandfather]
What is the tone of this chapter?
A. It is happy.
B. It is joyful.
C. It is depressing.
D. It is angry.
[Stone Fox, Chapter One, The Grandfather]
Who is Doc Smith?
A. the doctor
B. the nurse
C. Little Willy’s aunt
D. Grandfather’s friend
[Stone Fox, Chapter One, The Grandfather]
When does Doc Smith change her mind about Grandfather’s illness?
A. when Little Willy told her he would not get out of bed
B. when Grandfather would not answer Little Willy
C. when Grandfather went to bed early without playing the harmonica
D. when Grandfather refused to play with Searchlight
[Stone Fox, Chapter One, The Grandfather]
Who is Searchlight?
A. Little Willy’s dog
B. Little Willy’s cat
C. Little Willy’s horse
D. Little Willy’s cow
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[Stone Fox, Chapter One, The Grandfather]
What does Doc Smith say is wrong with Grandfather?
A. He has the measles.
B. He has the flu.
C. Nothing is wrong with him.
D. He ran out of good jokes.
[Stone Fox, Chapter One, The Grandfather]
By the end of chapter one, Grandfather goes from feeling sad to feeling
A. hopeless
B. scared
C. silly
D. joyous
[Stone Fox, Chapter Two, Little Willy]
In chapter two, what is learned about Little Willy's character?
A. He refuses to give up.
B. He quits when things get tough.
C. He cannot survive alone.
D. He needs Doc Smith’s help.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Two, Little Willy]
“Hadn’t Grandfather been overly concerned about the crop this year? Hadn’t he insisted that every square inch of land be planted?”
What does the word, concerned, most likely mean?
A. caring
B. worried
C. uninterested
D. untroubled
[Stone Fox, Chapter Two, Little Willy]
How does Little Willy feel about Searchlight?
A. He thinks she is annoying.
B. He is willing to get rid of her.
C. He loves her very much.
D. He wishes she would listen better.
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Two, Little Willy]
What discovery does Little Willy make about Grandfather?
A. He uses his eyes to answer yes or no.
B. He can say yes or no only.
C. He can still play the harmonica.
D. He can sign with his hands to speak.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Two, Little Willy]
What did Little Willy find in the strongbox?
A. money and letters
B. it was empty except for letters
C. pictures and money
D. potatoes and pictures
[Stone Fox, Chapter Two, Little Willy]
“The situation appeared hopeless. But Little Willy was determined. He would dig up the potatoes by hand if he had to.”
The word, determined, most likely means
A. driven
B. weak
C. scared
D. lazy
[Stone Fox, Chapter Two, Little Willy]
What does Searchlight do to solve the potato problem?
A. She pushes Little Willy to pick the potatoes.
B. She gathers her dog friends to help plow.
C. She plows the field.
D. She does nothing.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Two, Little Willy]
“We made it, Grandfather,” Little Willy said, as tears of happiness rolled down his cheeks.”
Tears of happiness most likely means that someone is
A. extremely sad.
B. extremely happy that he cries.
C. that only the tears are happy.
D. suffering from bad allergies.
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Two, Little Willy]
How does Grandfather feel at the end of chapter two?
A. worried
B. relieved
C. excited
D. well
[Stone Fox, Chapter Three, Searchlight]
“It’s a clean soft snow that rests like a blanket over the entire state.”
“Rests like a blanket” uses what type of literary term?
[Stone Fox, Chapter Three, Searchlight]
Who is Miss Williams?
A. the nurse
B. the school teacher
C. the neighbor
D. the gardener
[Stone Fox, Chapter Three, Searchlight]
What did Searchlight love besides Little Willy?
A. Miss Williams
B. The farm
C. The snow
D. The lake
[Stone Fox, Chapter Three, Searchlight]
What did Grandfather want Little Willy to do?
A. be a farmer
B. go to college and get educated
C. grow the most potatoes in the land
D. sell the farm
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Three, Searchlight]
What can be said about city-slickers?
A. They would make bad farmers.
B. They dress poorly.
C. They have tiny hands.
D. They dislike the country.
[Stone Fox, Chapter 3, Searchlight]
“She had run the race a hundred times before, and she knew the whereabouts of every fallen tree and hidden gully. This enabled her
to travel at tremendous speed even though it was getting dark and more dangerous.”
The word, tremendous, most likely means
A. slow
B. insignificant
C. extraordinary
D. careful
[Stone Fox, Chapter Three, Searchlight]
What did Little Willy and Searchlight not see when they returned home?
A. an unknown horse tied up outside their house
B. the house all lit up
C. a snowman built in the front yard
D. Doc Smith’s horse in the yard
[Stone Fox, Chapter Four, The Reason]
“The voice cut through the air like the twang of a ricocheting bullet” uses what literary element to describe the voice?
A. metaphor
B. simile
C. idiom
D. irony
[Stone Fox, Chapter Four, The Reason]
“He was holding a small derringer and pointing it at Searchlight.”
What is a derringer?
A. a knife
B. a flashlight
C. a pencil
D. a gun
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Four, The Reason]
Who is Clifford Snyder?
A. the tax collector
B. another doctor
C. Grandfather’s brother
D. The mayor
[Stone Fox, Chapter Four, The Reason]
What did Grandfather fail to pay?
A. taxes on his potatoes
B. taxes on his horses
C. taxes on his farm
D. Willy’s school
[Stone Fox, Chapter Four, The Reason]
Mr. Snyder says to Little Willy, “Ask him [Grandfather] about the letters.” These letters were mentioned in chapter one. What
information do these letters contain?
A. Information about Little Willy’s bank account
B. Information about someone wanting to buy the farm
C. Information about the value of the farm
D. Information about the taxes not being paid
[Stone Fox, Chapter Four, The Reason]
In Chapter One, the author makes note of the letters in the strongbox, and now in chapter four they are very important. What literary
element did the author use in this story?
A. irony
B. foreshadowing
C. repetition
D. flashback
[Stone Fox, Chapter Four, The Reason]
How much money does Grandfather owe in taxes?
A. 5000 dollars
B. 200 dollars
C. 3000 dollars
D. 500 dollars
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Four, The Reason]
Why is it correct to title this chapter “The Reason?”
A. It’s about why Little Willy loves Grandfather.
B. It explains the reason why Grandfather is sick.
C. It teaches a good lesson not to talk to strangers.
D. There is no reason to name this chapter The Reason.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Five, The Way]
When Willy was trying to figure out how to get $500, he remembered something Grandfather has always said. What did Grandfather
always say?
“If there’s a will, there’s a way.”
“Too many cooks spoil the broth.”
“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”
“Reach for the stars.”
[Stone Fox, Chapter Five, The Way]
Paying taxes, in return, helps the state
A. grow potatoes
B. take care of its people
C. give people money
D. hurt those in need
[Stone Fox, Chapter Five, The Way]
What does Mr. Foster, the president of the bank, suggest Willy do about the unpaid taxes?
A. grow more potatoes
B. sell horses
C. sell the farm
D. take out a loan
[Stone Fox, Chapter Five, The Way]
What was the way Little Willy figured he could pay back the taxes and save the farm?
A. Get a job at Lester’s General Store
B. Sell the most potatoes ever
C. Enter the National Dogsled Race
D. Get a loan at another bank
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Five, The Way]
When does the National Dogsled Race take place?
A. every November
B. every April
C. every June
D. every February
[Stone Fox, Chapter Five, The Way]
“His hair was so slicked down that it looked like wet paint” uses what literary element to help describe Willy’s hair?
A. inference
B. metaphor
C. symbolism
D. simile
[Stone Fox, Chapter Six, Stone Fox]
“I wanna enter the real race, Mr. Mayor.”
“ ‘You must be funning, boy.’ The mayor laughed twice and blotted his neck.”
The word, funning, most likely means
A. serious
B. joking
C. upset
D. mad
[Stone Fox, Chapter Six, Stone Fox]
When Willy tried to sign up for the race, what stunned him the most?
A. The race was ten miles long.
B. He was the youngest boy racing.
C. There was a fifty dollar entrance fee.
D. He needed more than one dog to race.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Six, Stone Fox]
How did Willy solve the problem of the fifty dollars for entering the race?
A. He sold off the rest of potatoes.
B. He borrowed the money from Doc Smith.
C. He and Searchlight ran errands for Mr. Lester.
D. He took the money out of his college fund.
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Six, Stone Fox]
After Willy signs up for the race, he walks out of city hall feeling ten feet tall. This means that he feels:
A. nervous
B. proud
C. upset
D. scared
[Stone Fox, Chapter Six, Stone Fox]
Why did Willy believe that he could win this race, even though he had only one dog?
A. He and his dog knew the trail better than any of the other racers and their dogs.
B. He and his dog knew of several shortcuts that the others racers did not know.
C. He believed that the adult racers would let him win because he was just a boy.
D. He had other fast dogs that he was going to add to his team.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Six, Stone Fox]
What are the Samoyeds?
A. white cats
B. white dogs
C. Indian tribe
D. Pack of wolves
[Stone Fox, Chapter Six, Stone Fox]
“The Indian looked at Little Willy. His face was solid granite, but his eyes were alive and cunning.”
What does the author mean by saying that his face was solid granite?
A. His face was made out of rock.
B. His face was hard as a rock.
C. He kept his face very still like a rock.
D. His face was granite.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Six, Stone Fox]
What literary element did the author use when he explained that Stone Fox’s face “was solid granite?”
A. simile
B. metaphor
C. personification
D. alliteration
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Six, Stone Fox]
Why did Stone Fox refuse to speak to the white man?
A. He was scared of the white man.
B. His tribe was treated badly by the white man.
C. Stone Fox didn’t talk to anyone regardless of skin color.
D. He was very shy.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Six, Stone Fox]
What was Stone Fox’s reason for wanting to win the race?
A. to win more money to buy more Samoyeds
B. to win more money to buy back his land
C. to win more money to move somewhere warmer
D. to win more money to become mayor of the town
[Stone Fox, Chapter Six, Stone Fox]
How did Little Willy feel about racing Stone Fox?
A. He was scared.
B. He was mad.
C. He wasn’t worried.
D. He was nervous.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Seven, The Meeting]
What happened the night before the race?
Searchlight ran away.
Little Willy broke his sled.
Grandfather passed away.
Grandfather ran out of medicine
[Stone Fox, Chapter Seven, The Meeting]
What did Doc Smith say to Willy that made him feel happy?
A. She is proud he used his college money to enter the race.
B. She would be rooting for him in the race.
C. She doesn’t think Stone Fox stands a chance.
D. She will give Willy the money to save the farm.
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Seven, The Meeting]
“The sled’s runners cut through the snow with a swish. This was a treacherous road at night, but the moon was out and Searchlight
could see well. And, anyway, they knew this road by heart.”
The word, treacherous, most likely means
A. safe
B. easy
C. dangerous
D. smooth
[Stone Fox, Chapter Seven, The Meeting]
“The sounds came from the old deserted barn near the school house. Little Willy decided to investigate. He squeaked open the barn
door and peeked in."
The word, investigate, most likely means
A. explore
B. ignore
C. scream
D. answer
[Stone Fox, Chapter Seven, The Meeting]
Why did Little Willy have to see the Samoyeds up close?
A. He wanted to see his competition.
B. He just loved dogs so much.
C. He wanted to hurt the dogs.
D. He thought they were in trouble.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Seven, The Meeting]
What happened when Little Willy petted the dogs?
A. They bit him.
B. They barked at him.
C. He got yelled at.
D. He got slapped in the face.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Seven, The Meeting]
What did Little Willy explain to Stone Fox about winning the race?
A. Little Willy told Stone Fox to quit before he lost the race.
B. Little Willy explained that he was the only child and he should win.
C. He explained that he needed to win to save the farm.
D. Little Willy explained that he had to buy medicine for his Grandfather.
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Seven, The Meeting]
After Little Willy leaves the barn, Stone Fox “gently petted one of the Samoyeds.” What does this action show about Stone Fox?
A. That Stone Fox like to play with his dogs.
B. That Stone Fox was anxious to win as much as Little Willy.
C. That Stone Fox was worried that his dogs may not be ready for the race.
D. That Stone Fox loved his dogs.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Seven, Stone Fox]
Why couldn’t Willy fall asleep?
A. He wasn’t tired, and he wanted to read for a while.
B. His eye was bothering him, and he was too nervous for the race.
C. He was too happy to be in the race, and he couldn’t make himself sleep.
D. Searchlight was making too much noise because he was anxious about the race.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Eight, The Day]
Little Willy recalls Grandfather telling him, “there are some things in this world worth dying for.” What does Grandfather see worth
dying for?
A. Little Willy
B. Searchlight
C. His farm
D. His potato crop
[Stone Fox, Chapter Eight, The Day]
Little Willy recalls Grandfather telling him, “there are some things in this world worth dying for.” What literary element is used
A. simile
B. flashback
C. metaphor
D. personification
[Stone Fox, Chapter Eight, The Day]
What does Little Willy not enjoy doing?
A. hiking
B. hunting
C. camping
D. fishing
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Eight, The Day]
“The old church clock showed a few minutes before ten as the contestants positioned themselves directly beneath the long banner
that stretched across the street.”
The word, contestants, most likely means
A. friends
B. players
C. helpers
D. animals
[Stone Fox, Chapter Eight, The Day]
What were the odds that Stone Fox would win the race?
A. 10 to 3
B. 15 to 3
C. 150 to 5
D. 100 to 1
[Stone Fox, Chapter Eight, The Day]
How Did Little Willy feel at the starting line?
A. very nervous
B. like a winner
C. very sad
D. like a loser
[Stone Fox, Chapter Eight, The Day]
Stone Fox’s face was “frozen like ice” means
A. His face was very cold.
B. It did not move.
C. You could ice skate on it.
D. He fell asleep in the snow.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Eight, The Day]
The quote, “…his face was frozen like ice,” uses what literary element?
A. alliteration
B. metaphor
C. personification
D. simile
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Eight, The Day]
“Little Willy’s throat became dry. His hands started to sweat. He could feel his heart thumping.”
Little Willy is most likely feeling
A. carefree
B. joyful
C. tired
D. nervous
[Stone Fox, Chapter Nine, The Race]
Who was in the lead at the beginning of the race?
A. Stone Fox
B. Little Willy
C. Lester
D. Another Racer
[Stone Fox, Chapter Nine, The Race]
Why is it better to have one dog and a smaller sled for the race?
A. There is less fighting amongst the dogs.
B. Bigger sleds break easier.
C. It is easier to take sharper turns at full speed.
D. More dogs make the sled go in many directions.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Nine, The Race]
“Little Willy had asked Mayor Smiley if he was permitted to go across the lake, not wanting to be disqualified.”
The word, disqualified, most likely means
A. excluded
B. accepted
C. welcomed
D. included
[Stone Fox, Chapter Nine, The Race]
Why didn’t the other racers attempt to cross the lake?
A. They did not know they could.
B. They thought it was a longer route.
C. They wanted to follow Stone Fox.
D. They thought it was too risky.
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Nine, The Race]
Who did Little Willy see in Grandfather’s bedroom window?
A. Doc Smith
B. Mayor Smiley
C. Clifford Snyder
D. Grandfather
[Stone Fox, Chapter Nine, The Race]
“Grandfather was sitting up in bed. He was looking out the window.”
We can say that Grandfather is most likely
A. going to die very soon
B. is feeling better
C. is still very sick
D. is about to sell the farm
[Stone Fox, Chapter Nine, The Race]
What did Stone Fox begin doing during the race?
A. slowing down
B. letting his dogs go free
C. passing the racers one by one
D. cheating
[Stone Fox, Chapter Nine, The Race]
After seeing that Stone Fox had caught up to him, Little Willy became mad at himself. Why was he mad at himself?
A. He was getting very tired.
B. He was upset that Grandfather was not resting.
C. He realized that Searchlight was not following the path.
D. He realized that he wasn’t paying attention to the race.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Nine, The Race]
“Little Willy’s sled seemed to lift up off the ground and fly” uses what type of literary element to describe what the sled is doing?
A. simile
B. metaphor
C. plot
D. imagery
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Ten, The Finish Line]
What happened to Searchlight 100 feet from the finish line?
A. She broke her leg.
B. She died from a heart attack.
C. She got stuck in a snow bank.
D. She took a wrong turn.
[Stone Fox, Chapter Ten, The Finish Line]
What became the mood of the town’s people?
A. scared and sad
B. shocked and scared
C. shocked and helpless
D. sad and helpless
[Stone Fox, Chapter Ten, The Finish Line]
“Stone Fox knelt down and put one massive hand on Searchlight’s chest.”
The word, massive, most likely means
A. tiny
B. huge
C. miniature
D. little
[Stone Fox, Chapter Ten, The Finish Line]
“He just stood there. Like a mountain.”
How was Stone Fox standing?
A. tall and still
B. slouched and moving
C. bent over and still
D. wobbly and tall
[Stone Fox, Chapter Ten, The Finish Line]
“He just stood there. Like a mountain.” What literary element is used in this quote?
A. simile
B. alliteration
C. personification
D. metaphor
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[Stone Fox, Chapter Ten, The Finish Line]
What did Stone Fox draw in the snow with the heel of his moccasin?
A. a circle
B. a round Indian symbol
C. a finish line
D. a square
[Stone Fox, Chapter Ten, The Finish Line]
What did Stone Fox pull out of his sled?
A. a rifle
B. a knife
C. an arrow
D. another dog
[Stone Fox, Chapter Ten, The Finish Line]
For whom did Stone Fox draw that line?
A. for the other racers
B. just for Little Willy
C. for himself
D. for him and Little Willy
[Stone Fox, Chapter Ten, The Finish Line]
This was the first race ever that
A. there were no winners
B. Stone Fox did not win
C. was held in March
D. that someone cheated
[Stone Fox, End of Novel]
Who is the author of this book?
A. Roald Dahl
B. Beverly Clearly
C. Judy Blume
D. John Reynolds Gardiner
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[Stone Fox, End of Novel]
What was one major conflict, or problem, that Little Willy had to face?
A. He was too small and too young for the race.
B. He needed to find the money to pay the taxes.
C. He had to take care of Searchlight when he was sick.
D. He had to lie to Doc Smith about Grandfather’s illness.
[Stone Fox, End of Novel]
What might be one important reason why Stone Fox helped Little Willy when Searchlight died?
A. He respected Little Willy’s love and concern for his dog.
B. He just didn’t want anyone to think he was a bad person.
C. He wanted the other racers to respect him.
D. He needed to give his beloved dogs a rest.
[Stone Fox, End of Novel]
What might be another important reason why Stone Fox helped Little Willy when Searchlight died?
A. He loved children and knew little needed his help.
B. He understood why Little Willy needed the taxes.
C. He didn’t like how the other racers wanted Little Willy to lose.
D. He knew that he couldn’t have won against Little Willy and Searchlight anyway.
[Stone Fox, End of Novel]
This story talks mostly about Little Willy, Grandfather and Searchlight. Why is it called Stone Fox?
A. Stone Fox almost beat Little Willy and Searchlight.
B. Stone Fox was so respected and almost feared be all the racers.
C. Stone Fox helped Little Willy win the race.
D. Stone Fox wanted Grandfather’s land.
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