2016 complaints and compliments to Broward County

BCT Comments 2016
Creation Date
Passenger called to report that driver drove right past him and did not stop, states this is the 3rd time this has happened and it's
always the same driver. Passenger says he has had to walk down to another stop where he knows other passengers are at so the
bus driver will stop. **He would like a call back 954-857-1511***
Passenger states driver was at the stop too early, states this is an ongoing problem. Driver was approx10 min early.
Called to report driver did not pick him up, even though he was standing at the bus stop.
Called to report that driver lets passengers on for free and even drops off at stops not designated for the Breeze route.
Caller states a train was about to cross Andrews Avenue, and operator went off the route turning west on NW 7th St to NW 2nd
Ave, so he could beat the train going east on Sistrunk. Caller says the lights were flashing and the barricades were already coming
down where the train crosses Sistrunk, but operator continued across the tracks. Says this was unsafe.
States 72 is always late and she misses her connection often
Passenger stated driver's daughter and grandchild were riding the bus and she got into an altercation with them. Says driver
interfered and threatened to kick her off the bus and call the police if she did not leave the driver's daughter alone. Caller believes
that driver should have handled it more professionally and not take his daughter's side.
Caller is being asked for a password and cannot log on.
This passenger said that he was 100 yards away from the bus stop and the driver kept on going and he had his bus pass out, and he
is very upset about this. Passenger said that he is a whie passenger and the bus driver is black and he believe the driver left him on
Two buses fail providing service. The patron states, he was waiting at the bus stop before 6:00 AM and no buses showed up. The
patron said, "The bus scheduled at 6:00 AM and 6:45 AM didn't show up and I use this buis to go to work and is not fair". The
patron requires a callback.
Note: No information about what happens with those buses.
Mrs. Dudley was at the stop with someone else when the #12 bus flew by them. She was unable to get a description of the driver
or get the bus #. She would like you to write this driver up for not stopping.
Ms. Noble stated that according to the to the schedule, the #18 is suppose to arrive at Hollywood aproz 8:38 where she then would
connect ot her bus. For the past 4-weeks this bus (with the same driver) has been late. She didn't get the bus #.
BCT Comments 2016
Ms. SeneCharles was at the stop when the driver pulled up and then took off not allowing her to enter the bus. This is the only
driver that does this to her. Her friend who was already on the bus, told her the driver stated she wasn't going to pick her up
because she somethimes causes trouble. Ms. SeneCharles stated she pays her pass and doesn't cause trouble and she should be
treated this way. This driver just doesn't like her. Please call with a solution.
Patron wanted to file a complaint against the bus operator who left young circle smiling at them throu the window. The patron
said they were arriving at Young ircle to catch the bus 1 scheduled at 10:11.
The driver went above and beyond the call of duty with courteousness with this rider. He was pressed for time and didn't have
more details.
Caller complained that the bus left early. **Requested a call back**
Caller complained that the bus left early. **Requested a call back**
Caller complained that a passenger didn't pay the bus fare.
Passenger complained that the a passenger didn't pay the fare. He said that has been going on everytime. The passenger was
dropped off on NW 50 st & University Dr in Lauderhill.
Call back requested
Caller upset the driver did not stop at the bus stop to wait for her. She said she saw the bus approaching from a distance and began
to run but waving at the driver while running to the stop but the driver kept going because she was not at the stop when the driver
got there. Caller is furious because she said the driver looked like a new driver and usually an experienced driver would have
stopped for her. She mentioned that the driver saw her waving and running but pretended not to see her. She says these drivers
are taking the policy o the extreme by not stopping at the stop even if the passenger is a few seconds away. She said no one else
was at the stop waiting so the driver kept going.
The bus driver stopped about 20 yards before the bus stop and picked up 2 passengers. He didn't stop at he real stop sign ahead
which was 20 yards away where the caller was waiting. He then ran to next stop to catch the bus. He got on the bus and asked the
driver why he didn't stop and pick him up at the stop. The driver replied: "why didn't you come where I stop?". Caller eplied: "that
wasn't the bus stop". The driver asked the paseenger to get off the bus then jumped off the bus and said he's gonna call the police
for the passenger. So the passenger got off the bus to avoid comfrontation. laughed when he said i'm gonna report
The patron statas, he and another passengers in a weelchair were waiting at the bus stop, they saw the bus comming, both stand
up and waved the bus and the bus passed by. The patron requires a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated he has been taking the same bus for the pass three or four Saturdays and the same driver does the same thing every
time. He stated he’s arriving at BT 20 mins before its scheduled time and leaving five to ten mins late. He says the driver is always
walking around at BT on his cell phone, talking to the supervisor or other drivers. Passenger feels this driver should not be leaving
BT late if he’s always twenty minutes early every Saturday. He also is concerned about how is he always arriving so early every day.
The patron states he was waiting for more than 1 hour and no buses. The patron said,"the buses scheduled at 3:00 pm & 3:32 pm
didnt show up and this is not right, we have been waiting for more than one hour and BCT didn't send a replace. Patron said the
buses shoul be runing more often and requieres a callback.
OPS to handle
Note: Two buses off reported.
The customer called to suggest that we put a route north and south along Palm Ave. ***The customer wants a call back about this
Caller stated that the bus was pulling out of a bus stop and almost ran him into an F150 on the road. Caller very upset and would
like to have a callback.
Caller stated that he got on the bus with his 1 yr old son and was holding him standing at the farebox to pay his fare and the driver
pulled off. Caller stated that he asked the driver not to move the bus while he was standing there and the driver just kept going.
Caller stated driver was cutting in and out of lanes and all most hit another car head on.
Caller states he was driving east on Hammondville Rd, and bus 0746 was pulling out of the NETC to make right on Hammondville
Rd. Says operator didn’t yield to oncoming traffic before pulling out and nearly hit his car, forcing him to go into the median to
avoid having an accident. Asks that operator be advised to drive more safely. He did not see the route.
BCT Comments 2016
The following complaint was fowarded from Public Info:
To whom it may concern,
This is a copy of one if the numerous emails that I have sent to broward county transit without any action or improvement.
Please consider my situation and understand.thank you.
Amanda mohorn
Good morning,..
Today is Monday January 4th 2016, and once again the 6:20am, route 50 south bound was late. Bus 0314, came to my stop at
exactly 6:32am. My stop is located at the pine view cemetery. The driver then almost past me.
This tardiness and in professionalism is very unacceptable. I have been riding this route for 3years and it seems to get worse year
after year.
The drivers are constantly late, the bus is full and no one at the broward county transit seems to care, however a driver is able to
put you off of the bus if you are short .15 cents when getting on.
There are signs on the bus that state "keep your bus on time", apparently, that is something that bus driver can't accomplish as
There needs to be something done about the unprofessionalism and time deviation on this route.
I am have been emailing this company to no avail. I will however forward this email, date today, January 4th 2016 to the broward
county commissioners office and whoever or whatever else, organization that is responsible for the operation for this route.
Thank you for getting me there late,
This passenger said that the driver was rude to her.
A passenger complained that the bus operator did not stop to pick him up at his location. He stated that he raised his hand in order
to signal the bus to stop, but she kept on gioing. He claimed that the bus driver was a black female, who was driving the US1
Breeze heading South and the bus number is 0718. The incident occurred at SE 17th street and SE 3rd Avenue.
Bus disapears, bus scheduled at 12:28 pm didn't show up at all. The patron said "I came from the hospital without eat and after
taking a blood tes, and I have to wait one hour for the bus, and BCT customer service don't know what happens with the bus". "It
is not right, the drivers need to be supervised, they do what they want and use the BCT policy as excuse to punish the customers,
they have bad attitude and don't answer questions".
BCT Comments 2016
Visitors from Australia. Used your bus service to get from President Square Hollywood to Hollywood Beach using route 7 and then 4
on Saturday 2nd Jan. On return journey we waited at Route 4 stop on Ocean Drive near OceanWalk/Hollywood Blvd from 1:40pm
until 2:25pm with no sign of a No. 4 bus. According to your schedule it should have left Daina Beach at 1:45pm and arrived at Young
Sq at 2:05pm. Can you explain why the bus did not show please? Bob Oldfield
The customer called to complain that the bus passed by without stopping to pick him up.
Caller had just exited the 42 bus and was running to the 20 southbound bus. She banged on the back and side of the bus to let the
driver know she needed the bus. The bus pulled away w/o her. Now she's late for her doctor appt.
Good morning. This is my third email and no one has contacted me. I ride the 95 express Miramar at 6:40 am daily. We have not
had wifi for the past month on these new buses. When will we expect to have wifi? Please have someone contact me.
-Please see Comment #17244 on the same matter.
I just want to let you know that the driver from the 95express bus . Miramar to civic center That leaves at 7:20 from Miramar is an
excellent driver. He is always on time he is very courteous and very nice person, Thanks
Caller boarded with her walker. It doesn't fold in half but driver kept yelling at her to fold it in half. Caller explained it doesn't.
Driver then tried to force the walker to fold up but it wouldn't fold. Caller then was playing her electronic amusement game which
doesn't make any sound. Driver yelled at her for it making sounds; but it doesn't make any sounds. Driver then gave caller a hard
time when she was exiting down the ramp.
Reckless BCT driver reported. The patron who was driving her car said " she was cut off by this Broward County driver, she has to
smash the brakes to avoid the colission and she said the BCT driver was cutting other drivers as well in order the get the bus stop.
The patron doesn't know the Route.
Caller says everyday this same driver is late between the hours of three and seven pm. Schedule shows due to arrive at 6:41p but
caller called at 7p and bus still has not arrived and is nowhere in sight. Caller says the driver always blame her tardiness on the
traffic but the next scheduled bus always arrive on time….. Caller feels if it’s the traffic that causes her to be late then why isn’t the
bus behind her late also….. Caller stated this route may need to be split like routes 18 & 19 if traffic is the problem.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller arrived bus stop @ 650pm for the bus due @ 701pm. At 715pm it still hasn't shown. No problems reported from dispatch.
Caller says this run is frequently late. Wants a callback.
Passenger is requesting some sort of lighting at this stop. She says it’s very difficult for the driver to see if anyone is standing there
signaling them because it’s so dark at it’s the last stop before the driver make the turn onto Racetrack Rd. She said this has
happened to her at least 5 times already and she end up having to wait on the next bus.
Caller states there was a sidewalk full of people at the BT 81 stop, and claims operator put the ramp down without making sure the
way was clear first. Says the ramp hit her in the shoulder. Says she did not notify the operator or the terminal supervisor.
Caller states she was not at the bus stop and was trying to cross Federal Hwy to get the bus. Says operator waited for her, but when
she boarded operator told her "you took your sweet time" walking to the bus. Caller says she never complains about a bus leaving
her when she is not at the stop because she knows the policy. Says operator still needs show respect for her paying customers if
she decides to wait for them.
Caller stated that this morning she asked the driver to please drop her at her stop at Rock Island Rd and the driver stated to her "Oh
so you that lady thats been complaining". Caller stated that driver stated something about nothing being done. Caller stated that
its obvious that driver is aware of the complains and aware of what she is doing. Caller stated that she will take this to CHANNEL 7
NEWS. Caller has nmade several complaints about the drier not stopping at the stop. And have requested a calback and have
gotten none. Prior complaints about this issue is 16517, 16853, 16876 and 17346 (which a callback was requested).
Customer complained that at 8:10 am bus No 31 on stop of corner of Commercial and 31st St going to BCC College stopped at the
designated location, but did not open the front door to let her children enter. He opened the back door to let people out. Then he
pursued to go to the next stop. Customer followed to the bus to the next stop since she had to drop her children off. She then was
told by driver that if they want to use the bus they should be there on schedule. She feels the driver was rude and should not work
in community bus service.
Caller states she's been at the stop since 7:45am and buses due at 7:50am and 8:10am have not shown up as of 8:26am. Says bus
runs once a year.
The caller is stating the first bus of the morning almost always never shows up. This morning he arrived at the stop at 7:50am and
the bus was scheduled at 8:25am. The caller waited until the next bus arrived at about 8:55am and scheduled to leave at 9:10am.
Customer has complained before about the rude bus driver.
She gets on bus 34 on Sample/ Rock Island Rd West. She is constantly being dropped off before her official stop. When she
mentioned it again to the driver the driver said "so you are the lady that has complained about me before.... I love my job and
nobody will get me fired"... She wants to receive a call of the status of this complaint at 732-306-7772 within 10 days.
BCT Comments 2016
Customer called as a follow-up about his accident when his bike fell off the bus #34 - he didn't remember the date it happened. He
is asking for an immediate call - back to hear about the status. His $400 bike was damaged and he lost his job?
Brian Berzley 561-856-7056
Transferred to Risk for claim
The caller is stating the driver passed him and his pregnant wife up at the stop. He said the driver saw them waiting the rain and
smiled as she drove passed them.
Caller called to find out more about the animal/dog policy and who he could speak with about it. Passenger stated a black male
entered the bus with a small black dog with a plastic chain tied around his neck, the dog was not in a cage or on leash. He stated he
asked the guy was that a service dog and the guy responded “he had no idea”. He mentioned it was a bus full of passengers and the
driver allowed his to enter the bus with this dog not on a leash. I explained to him the policy states that small dogs should be caged
unless it is a service dog, he agreed that’s why he called to report it. He stated he wanted to speak with the person who creates
these policies and he also wanted to speak with the commissioner. I offered to submit his compliant and request a callback but he
wanted to speak with the commissioner now. I provided him general information #954-831-4000 and advised him they can assist
him further.
will call customer and explain the dog policy of BCT
Driver did stop for patron and he was signalling the bus and standing at the bus stop. Bus was not out of service or full. Caller
requested a call back.
Rude BCT driver reported. The patron states she got the bus at Federal Highway & Hallandale Beach Blvd. at 11:55 am, she wanted
to get off at Knolls rd. so she rings the bell in advance, the driver didn't stop so she rings the bell again and spoke to him, but the
driver didn't stop, skept 5 bus stops and finally stop at Douglas Rd. The patron said "he was very mean and rude and I need to file a
formal complaint about him".
A passenger complained that the bus operator passed her bus stop and did not make a complete stop at her location. She stated
that she had to run to catch the bus about a block away and the driver told her that she needed to stand up in front of the bus stop
in order to be seen.She claimed that the bus operator was a white male who was driving the 55 bus heading west and that the bus
number was 0922.
The customer called in to issue a compliment to the driver. The customer says that this driver is very friendly and has a nice smile
when greeting the customer.
BCT Comments 2016
A passenger complained that two 28 buses traveling westbound left the bus stop located at Federal Highway and Hallandale Beach
Blvd ahead of their scheduled times. She claimed that the first one was supposed to leave at 5:06 PM but left at 5:09 PM and that
the second was supposed to leave that location at 5:25 PM but left at 5:41 PM. Unfortunately, she was unable to provide any
description of the bus operators and also failed to give me the bus numbers.
Cservice Email:
Good morning, Today is Monday January 4th 2016, and once again the 6:20am, route 50 south bound was late. Bus 0314, came to
my stop at exactly 6:32am. My stop is located at the pine view cemetery. The driver then almost past me. This tardiness and in
professionalism is very unacceptable. I have been riding this route for 3years and it seems to get worse year after year. The drivers
are constantly late, the bus is full and no one at the broward county transit seems to care, however a driver is able to put you off of
the bus if you are short .15 cents when getting on. There are signs on the bus that state "keep your bus on time", apparently, that is
something that bus driver can't accomplish as well. There needs to be something done about the unprofessionalism and time
deviation on this route. I am have been emailing this company to no avail. I will however forward this email, date today, January
4th 2016 to the broward county commissioners office and whoever or whatever else, organization that is responsible for the
operation for this route. Thank you for getting me there late, Amanda.
C-Service Email:
To whom it concerns:
I am writing to complain about one of your Broward County bus drivers (Bus # 0731). On Saturday, January 2nd I was driving on
Broward Blvd headed towards Andrews Avenue in downtown Fort Lauderdale. At approximately 8:00pm, the driver of Bus # 0731
had attempted to come into my lane (far left lane) without even looking. If the bus would of struck my vehicle this could of possibly
injured me and my girlfriend and not to mention damage my personal property. We were very fortunate as I was able to slam my
brakes on and we avoided a collision with the bus. There was a vehicle that was behind me, who slammed his brakes on and you
could hear the tires screeching. I don’t know how that vehicle did not hit us.
It seems that the bus drivers employed in this city never seem to be held accountable. What is it going to take? Multiple accidents,
more and more insurance claims and settlements and lawsuits that will continue to cost the taxpayers?
Something needs to be done and I hope that this driver is disciplined and honestly should be terminated. I will not hesitate to go to
the media and exploit Broward County’s poor handling of these complaints that never seem to get handled properly.
I am also copying Tim Ryan, Broward County Commissioner on this email as well.
Thanks,Michael Crescitelli
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to offer a compliment to the driver. The customer says that the driver is one of the nicest drivers he has ever
met and is also a very good driver. The customer says the driver deserves a gold star.
Caller owns Easy Auto & Truck Plaza right behind bus stop and he stated its trash all over the bus stop. Caller stated there is no
garbage can at the stop but he put one of his own there to prevent the mess but there's still excessive trash covering the bus stop.
Caller feels it is becoming a safety hazard as well for passengers entering and exiting the bus. Caller is requesting a garbage can be
placed at this stop and the mess get cleaned up.
Passenger called in to give the driver a compliment. She says he is an excellent driver and give good customer service.
On Tuesday, December 5th, 2015, a passenger called at approximately 3:00 PM to inform us that the bus stop sign located on
Oakland Park Blvd and 136th Ave was missing. He feels that there is a sense of urgency to replace it as soon as possible.
The customer called to complain that the route 2 bus that is due by University Dr/NW 76th St going northbound at 4:59p passed by
early at 4:54p as she was waiting to cross the street causing her to miss the bus.
The customer called to complain that the bus 19 going southbound was due to leave US 441/Sandalfoot Blvd at 6:17a and the
driver was just walking up to the bus at that time so they didn't leave until 6:20a which caused her to miss her connecting bus.
Caller was at the bus stop and signalled the driver. The bus passed him by. Caller says that about 80% of the time this run doesn't
even show at all.
The customer called to complain that the route 19 driver going southbound from US 441/Sandalfoot Blvd made her pay full fare
because the Palm tran driver did not give her a transfer. The customer says that the driver was rude to her and kept cutting her off
when she tried to explain. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
Bus passed by driving in the middle line.
Filthy bus with roaches reported. The patron said, “This bus is very dirty and has insects mainly on the back sits. The patron added,
"This is not an exception, most of the buses on the Route 81 are also very dirty.
The customer called to complain that she was at the bus stop on University Dr/Commercial Blvd waiting on the bus going
southbound since 6:20 and the buses that were due at 6:26p and 6:46p have not arrived.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 655pm for the bus due @ 708pm. At 718pm it showed up.
The 441 Breeze left the GG late yesterday Dec 4. Caller kept screaming and rambling and wouldn't describe the driver. He said he
had the bus number stored in his iPhone but he wouldn't look it up for me. Caller just kept rambling. He wants a road supervisor
to monitor the 441 Breeze, and also the route 28 that he connects to. Caller kept ramblimg about drivers and officials playing
games and they've got to go. Caller started screaming that he didn't want "a rookie" to call him back. He wants someone high up
to call him back. Wants a callback.
Caller states she has been at the stop since 6:55am, and a bus just passed her up with "Not In Service" headsign at 7:28am. Says the
route is always late and she can never get a bus on time.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that the bus is always late between 6-10 min late which cause him not to make the Tri-rail connection on time.
He said the previous driver, older time with gray hair was good. He used to make it on time.
Caller states today is the second day in a row that he will miss his connection bus 23 because of issues on route 72. Says bus had to
stop due to passenger requesting EMS. Says everyone was asked to get off, and another 72 passed by everyone without picking up.
Caller says he pays for a bus pass, is not getting service, and he might lose his job.
Caller stated that he got on the bus and show the driver his disable card and driver told him that was not him and that he had to
pay the full fare. Caller stated that driver was rude. Caller also stated that the driver let someone else board the bus and pay
discounted fare without a disable ID.
Caller stated bus was very late getting her to work and there was no tracffic delay.
This passenger said that the bus left too early and he always arrive at the bus stop location 10 minutes early and the bus left at
7:59am. Causing him to be late for work.
This passenger said he wa sat the bus stop early and the bus left too early. Causing him to be late for work.
Caller has complaint of roaches running throughout the coach.
Passenger called to compliment a bus driver. He's friendly, Knowledgable, He knows the passengers. He's personalble. He took the
time to greet the passengers. It's uplifting to drive wirth a driver like that. He says his name is Atkins. He didn't give a first name.
Caller states his bike was left at Broward Terminal on Tuesday night, 12/29, and when he returned on Wednesday morning it was
gone. Says he spoke to a Ft. Lauderdale PD officer and a female supervisor in a white shirt on Wednesday morning, they took his
information. Says Ft Lauderdale PD instructed him to contact BCT. He would like a call back so he can get the video tape.
Passenger called and said that the wifi is locked and stated that password is needed.
Caller is stating the operator waited at the stop for a while but then took off right before he got to the stop. Caller says it was
raining and there were two 34 buses sitting at the stop. Passenger rode his bike to Tri-rail and caught up with the operator. Driver
stated she waited there for a while as a courtesy, since it was raining.
Caller upset with driver because he would not pick him up in a non-flooded area, which was not a bus stop location. The bus
stopped a few feet before the stop, waiting for the bus in front of him to drive off so caller walked towards the bus to get on but
the driver instructed him to go back to the stop which was a bit flooded. Caller said he did not want to get on the bus there because
it was flooded, he wanted to get on in a non-flooded area. When the bus approached the stop he got on the bus and cursed out the
driver and called him and idiot for making him get on at the bus stop. He became more angry and got off the bus and waited for the
next bus to arrive. I informed the caller that drivers are not allowed to pick up patrons at a location that is not a bus stop but he did
not accept that because it was flooded at the stop.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states he was trying to exit the back door of the bus and claims operator refused to open door because the floor was
"flooded". Caller says operator was rude and asked him "can you swim" when he walked to front of the bus to exit. Says operator
has an attitude and there will be a problem if operator is rude again.
Caller states bus was approaching the end of the route, and operator asked her "where are you going, you need to get off the bus".
Caller states operator was rude and it was not his business where she was going, she has an all day pass and can ride the bus as
long as she pleases to get where she needs to go.
Business owner states garbage by bus stop and rats and wants it cleaned up and states wants bus stop moved.
Caller stated that the bus cut him off on the turnpike doing about 70mph in the rain, Caller stated that he had to slam on his brakes
and he has a baby in the backseat.
For the past few years I have had the pleasure of riding the 95express bus from Miramar/perry airport to my job at Jackson
memorial hospital. I say it has been a pleas sure but it has been more like a life saver. Recently my friends and myself have been
disappointed by the fact that the bus schedule changed and made it impossible for us to catch a bus home after working the 7pm
thru 7:30am shift. The last bus leaves the civic Centre/JMH at 07:16. Our shift ends at 07:30. We would be extremely grateful if you
could reconsider this change and make the last bus a little later to accommodate some very tired nurses Thank you for considering
this request.
Mr. Orengo wanted to call to file a compliment on the courteous driver and a great personality the driver had. Mr. Orengo is legally
blind and he asked the driver to let him know when he reached his stop. The stated he wasn't going that far, bus would inform the
replacing driver of his situation and let her know to tell him when he reached his stop. He also could hear that this driver was
assisting other passengers with their questions. He got the bus number from the replacement driver and could only give a limited
description of the driver. Mr. Orengo wants you to recognize this driver for going above his job description and being kind and
got injured on bus. swiped pass and bus driver took off. Customer injured leg.
transferred to Risk
Caller complained that the bus was always leaving too early. Everytime she got off the 28 W, the route 2 neglected to wait for the
connection unless the 28 bus driver dilligently try to stop bus route 2 from leaving. She wants to make the connection instead of
always watching the bus leave.
According to Hastus, Bus 2 leaves 1 minute before bus 28 arrives.
**** Caller also complained that on the bus broke down, no
replacement. The next 2 buses says that they were early and waited. There was a fight that broke out because the driver said he
was done driving his 12 hours and his relief never showed up.
Not sufficient info on time, bus info, driver & location
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service email:
If you want ridership to increase, perhaps you shouldn't leave riders stranded waiting for their bus. I've been waiting for the
eastbound 83 3:48pm bus to show up since 3:30pm. Since this is a Saturday & the bus only shows up once an hour, it would have
been the decent thing to send out a replacement. This happens way too frequently. And yet you can't seem to understand why only
people who are forced to use the bus do so. Amazing!
The location was where the bus was supposed to be at the time given to you - at the eastbound corner of Copans Ave AND 441
C-Service Email:Sitting here at West Prospect and NW 31st waiting for the route 31 southbound bus which is 10+ minutes late. This
is a daily occurance. I have a job I need to go to and how am I supposed to be on time if your bus drivers can't do their jobs? Are
you going to pay my fares to and from work? I think it's unfair that I'm being made late for my job. If your drivers can't do their
jobs, they shouldn't drive a bus.
Caller complained that the bus driver purposely didn't pick him & his sister up. He believes it's because of racist reason. The caller
and his sister was waiting at the previous stop. The bus driver didn't pick them up from there. Then they ran to the next. The bus
driver let some caucasian on & off & looked at them, then closed the door and drove off. His siter knowcked on the door but he
didn't let them in.
The caller complained that the bus driver was driving recklessly. Caller had to swirve to avoid a multiple car collision. The bus driver
transistioned from the middle lane to the right lane, riding an extended bus. He had the front of the bus in the right lane while the
back of bus is still in the middle lane. The bus blocked 2 lanes. The drivers were honking their horn at the bus. The driver then
transition from that position on the right to the middle lane. That was unacceptable. She was driving 2 cars behind the extended
bus. No driver's description provided
According to customer, the bus left the BCT 10 minutes late and the driver, f/b (short and robust) did not make up any time and
made the bus run even later. Customer called from commercial and dixie at 3:14 and bus was due at the NTC at 3:10. Customer
angry due to delay will make him late for work.
A passenger complained that bus #02 traveling norhtbound left the bus stop located at university Drive and Davie Road ahead of his
scheduled time. He claimed that the bus was supposed to leave at 11:26 PM but left at 11:34 PM. He described the bus driver to be
a black male and the bus number was 0317.
A passenger complained that bus #22 traveling wesboundt did not follow the correct route when reaching to the west terminal. He
stated that the bus operator was supposed to go to the Sawgrass Mill Mall but he instead going back to the central terminal.He
claimed that the bus number was 1202 and the driver was a black male. The incident occurred at approximately 4:15 PM.
Mr. Dawkins stated that the bus passed him without stopping. The bus jus flew by him. He didn't think fast enough to get at bus
number, and didn't see the driver.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that he was at the eastbound stop for the route 81 just after the West Terminal and the driver
passed by without stopping to pick him up.
Ms. Salvador states that since the 4th of January, the #106 95 express bus is not on a schedule. Monday, there was a driver there,
but she stated that she wasn't for that scheduled time (6:20) so se just sat there till 6:30. Tuesday, the driver pulled out 5 minutes
early and then another driver pulled up at 6:30 and daid he was the 6 am bus. There isn't a supervisor there anymore and since Mr.
Hernandez left, they don't have anyone they can call this early in the morning. The drivers are new, and "the don't care about the
schedule." This is a reoccuring thing. She is requesting a call back on this complaint.
The customer called to complain that she has been at the bus stop on Miramar Pkwy/Commerce Pkwy waiting on the route 28 bus
going eastbound since about 5:20p and no bus showed up until about 6:25p
This driver not oly passed Ms. Hollimon up, but seems to pass up alot of othe passengers. This is a reoccuring problem, and tonight
wasn't any different. She was seen at Miramar and Palm putting the Not in Servive sign on. The driver that is following her is picking
up everyone and the bus is so over crowded, no one can move. This driver is trying to get everyone home. The driver who always
leaves everyone, carries an attitude and is the worst driver we have. Please call Ms. Hollimon on this complaint.
This bus driver was very courteous and understanding to the passengers needs, and picked up everyone that the previous bus
passed up. He understands that the passengers are tired and want to get home. The bus is stuffed to the gills, and he is doing
everything he can to deliver great customer service. Please acknowledge this compliment.
A passenger complained that bus #28 going east did not arrive to his bus stop after waiting for a few minutes. The bus was
supposed to arrive at approximately 6:41 PM and the passenger called to complain about 6:46 PM. He was very upset and claimed
that he woul call in anytime the bus was late for more than 5 mimnutes.
A passenger complained that bus # 22 going west did not follow the correct route. He stated that the bus arrived at the west
terminal around
Mr. Jean wanted to file a complaint on the driver of bus 0914. Although he made a mistake, the driver he thought handled it
inappropriately. He used his all day pass on the bus, then because he wasn't going to need it any more, he gave it to someone else
who said they needed to catch other buses. He didn't know that could be done. When the driver rudely told him he had to get off
the bus, because he couldn't do that, he asked her why?. She sait you have to pay another $5.00 or get off the bus. again he asked
why, and she wouldn't answer him. He paid another 5.00 and it isn't that he had to pay again, it was that the driver was so rude and
would explain why. I explained to him why and he said now he knows and won't do it again.
This passenger said that the bus driver when she asked information about the bus route told her one thing and she went a different
way. Passenger is very upset about this and she stated she was rude, about it.
The caller is stating the driver did not stop at the college. The bus came into the college and went back out with out picking up any
BCT Comments 2016
This passenger said that everyday the bus is late, or too early and this makes her late for work.
The bus left late at 8:26. Missed bus because he was given wrong information by customer service. Drivers are not following
schedules. Driver was on cell phone and distracted.
Passenger sates he is a vet and was forced to run after the bus because driver ran the red light without stopping at designated stop
and passengers had to cross street to go to next stop. Our passenger did not make it and was late for his connection. driver older
hispanic male. driver breaks suddenly and puts passengers at risk by dong so.
Caller states a woman boarded the bus and was taking her time putting change in the farebox. Says he needed to make a
connection and asked the woman to hurry up. Claims operator then stopped the bus for 5 minutes just to prove a point to him.
Caller states this bus is late all the time because of situations like this, the buses are dirty, and the service is unacceptable.
Caller stated that the bus was in traffic and the driver was behind the bus stop not in the bus stop when he let someone off the bus
and then honked his horn for her to walk to the bus and get on. Caller stated that she was at the bus stop pole and was not walking
to the bus. Caller stated that the bus then was driving past her when she waved her hand and driver did stop and pick her up but
that he had over driven the bus stop.
B/f driver rude, bad customer service and no communication with passengers.
The caller is stating someone stole his wallet on the bus. When the passenger got off the bus, he realize his didn't have his bus pass
or his wallet. He waited for the same bus to come back around and the wallet wasn't turned in. Caller says he made a report with
the police department.
Caller was not a rider or our customer. Caller was on his own car traveling west on Broward. he states that the driver coming from
the east ran the light to go northbound to the terminal. Car in front had to stop to avoid hitting the bus and caller had to brake to
avoid hitting car in front.
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all. He wants to know what happen to it. The bus just didn't show up with no
explaination. Last week some drivers were sick or just didn't come to work. He said this is bad managment. He wants a call back
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
01 / 07 / 16 Bus 1446 on # 72 B2171 Location I was picked up around 8 : 55 A. M. I regret having been on This Lady ’ s bus If
someone doesn ‘ t enjoy their job they should Look for a new one 40 years old black female . I think she had a hat on . I had the
unfortunate opportunity to encounter a rude condacending Demeaning Joker Bus driver of yours who has nothing better than to do
with herself than to make fun of her customers . She was extremely very rude to me. It was unfortunate for me when I made a
suggestion to her that the bus is cold , the Last Bus driver had the heat on then she said to me Like she was intentionally trying to
provoke me This is not New York . And then I asked her does the breeze go on St Road 7 441 and then she had the unmittigated
gaul to say to me you should know what the bus schedule is and I said I don ‘ t ride all of the buses . It ’s too bad that I had to be the
butt of this very immature gals put downs jokes and deceptions . I don ‘ t have the bus schedule memorized and when I looked over
at THE EMPTY SCHEDULES not put out there was nothing for me to Look for and so as I left I said niothing to this very immature gal
who thinks that her job is not valuable and that she can make fun of some of her customers . I think it is very sad that I had to be
patronized by this very immature gal who thinks I am a plaything for her amusement . It is my very strong recommendation that
top maagement have a very serious And meaningful conversations with her before her Review board and also she be given some
time off to think about her actions . Oh and in conclusion she did mention you ‘; ve ridden the buses many times before . I am very
sad to ay tht alot of the bus drivers think they are all that and they should just do the bare minimum on their jobs
C-Service Email:
Most of the seating at the bus stop along Route 31 have no lights. Its a bit scary before dawn for a woman so I stand by the road.
Caller complained that the bus driver flew right by him and didn't pick him up. He was at the bus stop. He waved at the bus driver
with his phone. The bus driver was on his phone. He passed him too fast.
States driver b/m skinny, had flat tire and swerved over 2 lanes of traffic and when he finally stopped, he did not allow passengers
to get of the bus. She also claims driver acted in a manner that looked as if he had mental issues. She also wanted to add that she
takes the route 34 at different stops both east and west and the drivers are always running red lights.
Caller called about the location that a bus stop sign was just posted on 01-06-15 AT 328 Missouri St Hollywood, fl 33019. Caller
stated she feels the location is an invasion of her privacy because its located right in front of her bedroom window. She stated it’s
also a safety concern because she has way too much traffic around her home now. She thinks the sign should have been put on
commercial property instead of her property… She said it is scary enough for her because she is a widow living alone now to have
excessive traffic around her home is dangerous for her. She said she reached out to the City of Hollywood and General Information
(8300) and they referred her to 8400. Caller requested priority call back, if possible because she doesn’t want to wait until nothing
can be done about it.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to make a general compliment on the 95 Express bus service. Mainly the one from Perry Airport. The customer
says that she really enjoys and appreciates the service and we have some very good and courteous drivers. She mention a couple of
drivers by name of Baker and Santiago and sais they were a couple more really good ones that she does not have their names. The
customer says that she knows that alot of people call to complain about the service but she wanted to call in to says that she really
likes the 95 express service and she knows that BCT is doing the the best we can for the service and the passengers.
Passenger tried to use her Family member Annual pass from 2015 on 441 breeze but the driver abruptly told her “it is 2016, that
pass has expired”. Patron tried to explain to the driver that the previous drivers from route 72 & 19 told her the pass good until
January 15th but she said the driver cut her off and told her “I didn’t get that memo, so pay your fare or exit the bus”. Caller said
she was beyond embarrassed because the bus was packed and everyone was looking at her crazy. She said she purchased an All
Day pass on the 72 because she wasn’t sure if the annual pass was still good but some drivers told her the annual pass was still
valid. She stated she has been taking the bus for years and she never had any problems on the bus until then. She said she wasn’t
going to call on the driver but she felt the driver needed to be spoken with about her communication with her passengers because
the way she spoke to her was unacceptable.
Caller complained that she was passed up by 2 different buses from 8:40am. She was fully visible and the bus drivers didn't stop to
pick her up. They flew by so fast. It happens twice today. She also complained that they are never on time.
Ms. Gaitor called back later that day and asked that the driver be transferred to another bus route
Caller said the driver is speeding down Galt Ocean Mile, she almost bypassed him and he was standing at the bus stop waving his
cane. When he got on the bus the driver told him he needed to be where she could see him so another patron jumped in and said
"he was standing at the bus stop, where else do you want him to stand?". He told her if she wasn't speeding then she would have
saw him there. When he said that she replied she wasn’t speeding but the other passengers said she was. Caller alone with other
passengers said they catch this bus almost every day and whenever she is driving this bus she speeds.
Caller and friends were walking along the shoulder of the road. The bus driver honked the horn at the caller and came 2 feet from
caller and friends. Caller told driver that there was no sidewalk. The driver told caller that the parking lot over there was the
sidewalk. Caller thinks the driver was dangerous by coming so close to pedestrians and was a jackass by saying that the parking lot
is the sidewalk. Wants a callback.
The customer called to complain that this driver is cursing and being erratic in her driving. The customer says that the driver is also
passing people by without picking them up and also passed by a woman in a wheelchair before the caller got off of the bus.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states two 50 buses arrived at 2:00pm to Broward Terminal. Says one 50 was instructed to leave to get on schedule and
everyone else was packed like sardines into bus 1408. States bus was overcrowded and operator was letting people on with carts
when there clearly was no more space. Says service was unacceptable.
The customer called to complain that the 441 Breeze going southbound at US 441/Oakland Park Blvd at 2:30p was stopped and
loaded and unloaded passeners then left without letting him board the bus and the customer says he was right there by the bus.
Passenger called upset because an older lady on the bus signaled to get off at Johnson and federal and the driver failed to stop and
said that we no longer have a stop there. Driver went all the way to the Young Circle. This incident did not happen to caller but
caller thought he need to report it.
Passenger states bus was late and 2 buses arrived at same time around 1:30. The bus was filled to capacity and along the route the
driver kept allowing people to get on. The driver had a "he did not care" attitude and was taunting our caller. driver said he could
say anything and no one could do anything about it. When the customer got off, the driver blew the horn at him. driver b/m young
and chubby.
Passenger claims the route is late or buses don't show up every day. he rides the route at different times going both east and west.
Today the bus at 2:14 never showed up and the 2:44 showed up at 2:58 while he was talking to me.
Caller said she was getting off the bus on university Dr and the Fountains the driver told he to stand behind the fu****g yellow line
until the bus comes to a stop, she said the drivewr used the n word three times and there were small children on the bus. She said
the driver's name is Amy.
Caller claimed she put $2.55 in the farebox but the driver told her she only put $2.40. Caller is requesting a call back****
Caller said she got on the 72 bus on Oakland Park Blvd and Dixie Hwy going west, she was sitting behind the driver in the disabled
seat, she could not see where she was going so she ask the driver if the bus has passed Andrews Ave. The driver ask her if she know
where she was going twice, caller said she ask the driver again if the bus has passed Andrews Ave and the driver did not answer
her. Calle rwould like a call regarding this complaint.
Wonderful driver very helpful, everything you would want in a bus driver.
Driver let homeless guy ride the bus for free. He got on the bus, dropped his pants and vomitted on the bus. Now the bus is
contaminated and passengers are upset becuase they have to get off and wait for the next bus.
The customer called to complain that the bus that was due on Hallandale Bch Blvd/US 441 at 6:06p going eastbound has not shown
up. The customer says that he has complained about this bus before and nothing has changed.
Mr. Richard called screaming that the 5:38 and the 6:07 bus never showed. I explaind to him that the 5:38 previously broke down
and was restarted to a different a start point, and the 6:07 is running late. I can't do anything till it is 20-minutes late. He said he
heard the breakdown excuse before and this time he will get a lawyer and sue. He wants someone to call him.
BCT Comments 2016
This passenger called to file a complaint about the route 40 not arriving at all to the bus stop location and she has to be to work,
and not she is going to be late, and she is very upset about this.
Caller states operator was driving too fast and almost passed him up at Fig Tree stop. Says when operator came to the East Acre
stop he was doing about 40mph, and passed up two people waiting. Caller states operator needs to slow down and look for
passengers, people are trying to get to work. He would like a call back about this.
This passenger called and said she was at the bus stop at 6:45am and no bus has arrived as of yet. It is 7:35am.
Caller states she arrived at this stop at 7:25am and someone told her the bus had already passed. Says just because there is no
school today does not mean the operator should be leaving stops more than five minutes early. Says when the bus is late operators
pull over and take breaks, but when they are early they dont have courtesy to leave the timepoints on schedule. Says is going to
miss Tri-Rail to Miami and will be late for work. Caller says she taking this to Twitter, Facebook, and will be calling every
commissioner until she finds out who is going to pay for her inconvenience.
This passenger said that this route is always late and more buses need to be on this route, the bus is late this morning again.
This passenger said she was at the bus stop and the bus left too early, and now she is going to be late for work.
Bus never showed up at Kimberly Blvd and SW 76th ave at 8:11am.
This passenger said that the bus left too early, and now she is going to be late for work.
This passenger said that the bus did not have the proper head way sign and now she is going to be late for work
Caller stated that the rte 18 southbound passed by him and others at the stop.
This passenger said the the bus had a not in service on the front of the bus and the back of the bus.
Driver is a f/b older woman with glasses. Caller states she is very grumpy and has issues with the riders. The customer sat at the
back of the bus with a friend and they were talking about the driver but not by name and the driver stopped the bus and
confronted the passengers and started arguing with them. She was already running late and made the bus even later and she
should not interfere on a customer's private conversation. Customer states has problems with this driver all the time. she argues
with customers about which is the best stop to stop at and caller thinks it's because she likes to skips stops. Caller states he is afraid
something bad will happen to the driver if she keeps arguing with her passengers. (this was not a threat, just customer's opinion).
Caller stated the 10:30 bus never arrived but one came at 10:45 and she told her passengers she is not scheduled to leave until
10:50. Caller wants to know was that bus the 10:30a bus that arriverd late or was that really the 10:50a bus and the 10:30a bus
never showwed.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller said the driver told him he did not have any room on the bus for him and his wheelchair because his bus was full. He said his
girlfriend looked on the bus and there was room for him. He said he don't think the driver called in a location for another bus, he
just closed the doors and pulled off.
Caller did not provide aditioonal bus information. Will callback for more info.
Block 02 never showed so he had to wait on block 04 which came at 8:30a. He stated he was late to his court hearing so the judge
dismissed the case and told him he needed to get proof that the bus was late due to a breakdown. Caller is requesting a callback.
Caller complained that the bus driver was driving recklessly. The bus driver just switched lanes at any time withou any indications.
He forced the others cars to the median. That was unbelievable.
Caller complained that the bus didn't arrive at all. It must have skipped that stop or came too early. Caller said she had to walk
further to another bus route because that was the last morning stop for the 15 route
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
595 Express Bus Contact Us
Name: Luis Giron
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 954-547-1434
Comments: Hello BCT, I\'ve been a customer of yours for over 2 years using the 595 express buses. I live in Plantation and work in
Coconut Grove.
First of all, let me say that your service has improved my perspective on how important mass transit can be to a city. Moreover, it
has made me an advocate on it! I will encourage anybody to leave their cars and climb on a bus, because the benefits outweigh any
As I mentioned, I use the 595 express bus service to Civic Center station to climb on the Metrorail every day. As of late, I\'ve been
noticing some problems that result in frustration, and they\'re becoming frequent. My usual buses to go home are the 5:50 PM or
the 6:20 PM timeslots. These buses are coming in late very consistently, or sometimes not even showing up!
Now, I understand that 95 can be a nightmare and if 95 is backed up, everyone is late. But, ever since Miami-Dade launched a
service of express buses that come from Broward Blvd. or Sheridan Street, I\'ve been noticing that when you guys don\'t come in,
presumably because 95 is backed up, the Miami-Dade buses keep on coming! Just today, I noticed 6 buses fly by me while waiting
for you guys to come in....and both come in basically the same way!
I don\'t know if it\'s lack of training, communication, or buses taking the Turnpike instead of the 95 express lanes, but something
needs to change soon.
Right now I\'m studying the possibilities of changing to the Miami-Dade routes and I think the benefits outweigh the
disadvantages...Let\'s check it out:
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2016 9:41 PM
To: CService <[email protected]>
Subject: Broward County Transit Comment
[email protected]
(786) 400-8050
I am writing to complain about bus service on bus route 28 east bound. I get out of work at 5:30... I wait for the 28 at Miramar
parkway and 145th st SW for the past few weeks this bus has not come at 5:30 I had to wait till 6:00 pm (sometimes later) I've been
taking the bus for about a year now and this has become a big problem with my connection at NW 8th in Haliendale blvd, I
shouldn't have to arrive home a close to 8:00 sometimes later. I would appreciate a call or reply as to a resolution to this problem.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2016 10:22 PM
To: CService <[email protected]>
Subject: Broward County Transit Comment
[email protected]
(754) 702-7107
I would like you let you know that you have a driver who was on the 31 today that left the central terminal at 530pm. The bus
number was 517 and the driver was very professional and handled the situation very well. He picked up a gentle man who was
drunk the man had money but told the driver he did not have any change so the driver told him to go ahead so he could move the
bus. A little while after the driver made his turn on 15 ave the drunk man threw up on the bus. The driver us we all would have to
take the next bus and he needed to take the bus back to the yard to be clean. Soon as he said that a few passengers started to give
him a hard time and complain it would have never happened had he not let the man ride free. They dont know that the man had
money but no change. The driver told us again to exit the bus and the next bus would be soon to come. A very loud arrogant
jamaican gentleman was giving the driver such hard time and calling the driver names. there was also a spanish white lady who also
was trying to side with the jamaican fellow that the driver was wrong. i am here to tell you that your driver was not wrong at all.
The spanish lady called customer service to complain but i tell you this the man had money to pay but not change because i heard
him tell the driver that. i am glad the driver did not hold the bus up to dispute over bus fare. it was just a mishap the drunk guy
threw up and the bus blame the driver. the driver got off the bus and was waiting outside the bus a while later majority of the bus
got off and so did the arrogant jamaican man. while outside the bus the jamaican man was saying things to provoke the driver but
the driver ignored him and did not entertain him. The driver did a good job and did not entertain the man. your driver did his job
and he represented himself very well and did not allow the rude passengers to get him upset. i ride the bus all the time and tried to
explain to them he had to take the bus back because he could not drive a contaminated bus. again your driver did a good job
f lbus
h never showed
Claims theh 7:32
up andl the next bus arrived late and it has hapened twice this week.
Caller complained that the bus was making him late. He saw a bus at 10:45am which looked like it was the bus due at 10:54am
because even at 11:08am, the 10:54an didn't show up. There was no traffic and the bus was no where insite.
BCT Comments 2016
She always catch bus 88-02 at 12:28p but this bus has been extremely late every day. It came at 12:40p and she had to be at the
airport by 3:30p. She said she was extremely late waiting on the bus. She said the driver is always nice and pleasant but they need
to fix the schedule. Passenger wants to know why this bus is always late. Call back requested.
Again today, Victoria Quintero and 3 others were in plain sight at the bus stop, when the #10 bus flew by them. She did not get the
bus number or see what the driver looked like, because she was too busy running after the bus to get it to stop. It seem that every
week day the 4:58 bus doesn't want to stop. Please address this with the driver.
Mr. Williams had just got off the 50 bus at the Northeast Transit Center, and was at the door of the 60 Southbound, the driver
would't open the door and took off. Mr. Williams stated that was very nasty of the #60 driver to do. "The driver saw him, he
Caller complained that the 28 bus going west from Miramar Pkwy and University dr at 5:30pm and 5:54pm did not show , he ssaie
he was going to work and the traffic was not heavy so the bus should not be late.
The driver departed from the stop late, and was on his cell phone. Mr. Antonio request a call back.
Caller complained she was getting off the bus at the back door and the driver close the door before she could get off and the door
hit her on the left side of her face. She told the driver that she was hit by the door and the driver did not respond. She said the
driver is an african american male.
Caller said she was going north on University Dr and 207 st and the number 2 bus had a NOT IN SERVICE sign displayed was going
north also. The driver hange lane without making sure it was safe to do so and almost ran into her car, she said she had her
choldren in the car and the driver should be more carful when he is changing lanes.
Mr. Anthony Robinson was at the stop, the bus was at the light, and he was waving at the driver. The driver made eye contact with
him, opened his door while at the light, but Mr. Anthony Robinson states he know the policy is you can be picked up only at the
stop. When the bus got the green light, he drove right past him, as he continued to wave him down. Mr Robinson wishes to have a
call back on this complaint.
Caller said she was at the bust stop from 6:20pm an the 6:34pm bus and th 7:14pm 107 express bus going north did not show, she
said the bus is unreliable because she has to wait a long time to get a bus home. She said it has to stop and she will go to the
highest level to do that.
Mrs Latson and 2 others had just gotton off the #1 from Aventura when the #40 eastbound arrived. They approached the bus, the
driver opened the door and said it is too crowded to take onyone on. She looked at the inside of the bus and said it isn't too
crowded. I take this bus every day and this is not crowded. The driver then picked up her phone and with an attitude, said you can
call if you want, shut the door and left them there. Please pull the audio and video and reveiw this. This driver needs to be
challanged on her actions. Mrs. Latson would like someone to call her on this incident.
BCT Comments 2016
Mr. Eckerle and his daughter were at the stop at least 10-minutes early and the 10:05, never showed. He states that this is a
reoccuruing thing, like a crap shoot. Will it come or not? Please see if you can address this issue with the drivers, and see if there is
a schedule they can keep, so the passengers aren't out there not knowing when or if the bus will show.
Claims bus always late in both directions by at least 20 minutes.
Passenger accross the street when she saw the bus. She waived at the driver and driver did not stop. passenger caught up with the
bus at the red light and driver did not open the door. I told passenger that for safety reasons, the driver followed our policy but
since I was not there and did not see what happened, I would open this complaint report. states driver long hair b/f.
Caller complained that the bus driver left him and his disable mom at the stop. The bus driver saw them crossing from the Tri-Rail.
He yelled out hold the bus. The bus was 1 min early and still left them at the stop. He wants more buses on the route or a shuttle in
between. He wants the connection time to be modified so the buses can wait for the tri rail arrival time. He didn't see who the
driver was. He wants a call back so he can know who the driver is.
passenger on bycicle waived to driver. driver stopped the bus but left before pasenger could place bus on the rack. driver b/m
Mr. Talbolt caught the bus at 29th and A1A around 11:39am (bus was a little late), and the driver was very reckless. Coming back
from Las Olas and 15th at 1:39pm he had the dame driver. Theis driver handled the bus like a stock car. When a light turned green
he floored the gas the slamed the breaks to stop. He almost hit a bike and a cab. When he stopped from the close call with the cab,
he got out of his seat and asked if anyone had injuries or if everyone was o.k. Mr. Talbolt said that he was going back to Montreal in
a week, but is concern for the other passenger who use this bus.
A customer suggested that the county should put up some tents over both the north and the south bus stops located on Davie Blvd
and Sw 9th Ave. She stated that those bus stops are frequently used by people in her community and she feels that the county
needs to put up tents over those bus stops as soon as possible due to the elements.
The bus driver yelled at him & another passenger not come on the bus. when the driver is not on the bus, no one should come on
the bus. But the passengers still got on the bus. He said they can't yell at the passengers.
****Call back requested****
Passenger complained that the bus had a bunch of roaches. He killed 3 of them himself. It was so bad that the bus couldn't
continue the route. He had to wait for the last bus instead. He said the buses are not being cleanned properly and sanitized. if the
we need a good cleaning company, he has referrals he can provide for the bid. Also, he would like for the busses will be equipped
with hand sanitizers.
passenger states she was a t stop with 3 other people and the driver saw them and did not stop. She states driver disrectpecful
because driver saw them and did not stop.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that another passenger didn't pay the bus fare.
***Call back requested ***
Passenger complained that there were 7 or 8 seats that are wet from AC. I couldn't find the stop on the list.
The customer called to complain that the first bus that was due on Dixie Hwy/NE 39th Dr going southbound at 8:13a never arrived.
The customer called to complai that she caught the route 81 bus going westbound from Sunrise Blvd/NW 56th Ave at 8:30p and
she pulled the string to get off of the bus at University Dr/Cleary Blvd. The customer says that the driver started being rude and
arguing with her telling her there is not stop at Cleary Blvd and didn't let her off of the bus until she was almost to Broward Blvd.
Mr. Goode was waiting with his bike to go to work. When the #50 showed (18 minutes late), the driver informed him the bike rack
was broken. He asked the driver, since there are only 2 other passengers, and if they don't min, can I put the bike inside. The driver
told him no. Mr. Goode explained that if he get 3-late arrivals at work, he would be fired. The bus has been late twice already. This
would make number three. When no one is on the bus and the bike rack is broken, the driver should be able to allow the passenger
on with his bike. It isn't his fault the rack is broken. The bus doesn't run that often as it is. He thinks the bus number was 0727 or
close to that .
The customer called to complain that first the driver almost passed her by, then after she got onto the bus the driver kept looking
back at her. The customer says she was wearing headphones so she started turning them down. Then at Century Village the
customer says the driver suddenly slammed on brakes and yelled at her telling her to turn her music down. The customer says she
doesn't feel it was necessary for the driver to slam on brakes to get her attention or to speak to her that way. The customer says
she told the driver she was going to file a complaint against her and the driver told her she didn't care.
A customer complained that bus number 05 going west refused to pick him up because the wheelchair lift was not working. The
customer stated that it was very unfair to wait for the next bus that was arrived in about two hours. He claimed that the bus
operator was a black female, who did not care about disabled people. According to the customer, the incident occurred at
Pembroke Road and US1 at approximately12:05 PM.
The customer called to complain that the bus driver was rushing him to pay his fare on the bus.
Driver was eating and departed 9 minutes late at 1:54 pm, a call back is required.
The customer called to complain that the bus passed by in the travel lane and stopped to pick someone up but did not stop to pick
him up at the bus stop. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
This passenger said he was at the bus stop and the route 18 was late, missed his connection with rhe route 15 traveling south.
Caller stated driver was swerving in and out of traffic and almost hit a city employee.
Caller stated that no matter wha6t time you are taking the route 12 it is always late and he relies on this route to get around.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states first bus on Sunday mornings has been showing up 15-20 minutes late every week. Says bus showed up 15 minutes
late last Sunday.
Caller claims operator went over his break time because he was talking on his cell phone and left late.
Caller stated that when she got on the 95Ex Miramar transfering from a MDT bus she paid her
$ .50 and not the driver but another driver in uniform that was on the bus told her that the next time she will not pay $.50. Caller
stated that she informed him that she was transfering from a MDT bus and that our transfer policy states $.50 and she tried to
show him. Caller stated that he became very rude and nasty and told her to just have a seat.
No bus stop sign at this location
Caller says he was sitting at the bus stop with a bus stop sign, waving at the bus but he drove right passed him and did not stop.
Caller said he was standing and signaling the driver in a place where he could be seen.
Caller says he was driving in his car in the far left lane and the bus got over in middle lane (two lanes over from him) then crossed
all the way over in the callers lane without a signal, almost side swiping his vehicle. Caller said he slammed on breaks in the middle
of heavy traffic, almost causing an accident. He claim the driver was trying to send him a message that “my bus is bigger than your
car and I will run you over”. ****** Call back requested******
The bus was in an accident. Caller's bicycle was totally destroyed by this accident. Caller says his right thigh is a little sore but he his
walking it out. No other injuries. Wants a callback about his bicycle
claim to Risk .
Patron states the bus was running east on Sunrise Blvd.
A customer complained that bus #22 going west passed his bus stop and did not pick him up. He stated that he was waiting at the
bus stop located on Broward Blvd and 11th Ave. He also claimed that he was a disabled person and they told him to call BCT
anytime the bus operator did not stop to pick him up. According to him, the incident occurred at 12:05 PM on the location
mentioned above.
Bus arriving 10 minutes late. Customer states, the bus should be here at 1:16 pm. Call back is required.
Caller states bus passed her up and she was at the stop.
Cannot access WIFI on new 95 Express buses. It says I need a password to connect to the internet. I do not have any problems
accessing the WIFI in older buses. I need to login to start working as soon as I get on the bus. This will allow me to leave work early
and thus get an earlier bus. One of the buses that requires password to connect to the WIFI is the 5004X. Thanks, Jorge Quintero
BCT Comments 2016
I am writing on behalf of my mother who is a senior citizen who lives on Galt Ocean Blvd. We understand that Route 36 no longer a
travels to the area. She loved and was always grateful for Route 36. She relied on it to get to the Galleria Mall, church, flea market
and the food market. Now that Route 36 has been removed she takes the Sun Trolley however it may not always stick to its
schedule or route and she finds this very confusing and discouraging. We are asking for you to please consider returning the service
back to the area or at least to A1A and 36th Street. We know that there are others who feel the same way. Thank you for your
considerstiion. Rose
Im visiting Pompano Beach and while visiting here I have encountered some of the rudest bus drivers I have ever met. They need to
keep in mind that the riders are the reason they have a job in the first place. We pay their paycheck. Especially 1322 bus route #34
on 1/9/2015 at 11:39 am. He has to remember he has an abundance of people who do not know anything about this area at all.
Yelling at a passenger for not knowing something is uncalled for.
A potential rider was sitting at a bench that was not a bus stop. The driver took the time to stop the bus and tell this person in
Spanish that the bench was not a bus stop and he'd be waiting there all day for a bus. Caller is spanish so understood the
I just want to voice my concern regarding service on your green line route here in Pembroke Pines, most times late or don't show at
I was on Route 2 Northbound, bus #1409 Sat. 1/09/16 leaving at 6 pm. from Pembroke Road, traveling with my 3yr old
granddaughter. (I am 68 yrs.) At no time did the driver lower the bus for anyone to get on. It was hard for me and even harder for
my young granddaughter. He honked at cars that did not go as soon as the light turned green, etc. I told the supervisor how rude he
was when we arrived at the West terminal; but his comment was "ok". I go to Pembroke Pines every Sat. to visit my granddaughter at Susan B. Anthony Rehab. This is a hard trip for me (4 hrs. on buses) and it seems your drivers don't care about anything,
least of all the passengers they are PAID to transport. I know I'm wasting my time telling you because you most likely don't care
Caller was a motorist heading westbound. Caller was in the center lane. The bus pulled out of the right lane into the center lane to
avoid an AT&T truck that was stopped in the right lane. The bus didn't signal; it just suddenly came into caller's lane and almost
took off the front of her car. Caller instinctively moved over into the far left lane without even looking. She say she's lucky the far
left lane was unoccupied or a crash would have resulted.
BCT Comments 2016
Bus Westbound never shows up while 3 buses passed going Westbound. The patron said "I was in my way to go to work and 3
buses didn't show up so I had to call a taxi, during my trip I see all the bus stops full of people waiting for the bus 16, BCT should be
more efficient over all in rush hours". "More buses on the route and supervising the drivers more closely”. The patron who is a
Spanish Speaking customer was calling BCT center to get information but no Spanish agents available at 8:30 am, 9:00, & 9:30 Am.,
so she couldn't get information about the bus status.
Note: later on, when the customer caledl around 3:30 to file the complaints, she was told by TOA, that BCT had "down"the bus
scheduled at 8:54 am.
No sign at this location
This location is the stop for route 01 & 10 but only 01 is showing on the sign but it is the correct location for both 01 & 10
A customer complained that the university Breeze passed by his bus stop and did not pick him up. He stated that he was located at
university Drive and Wiles Road.He also said that the bus operator was a black male,who was driving the University Breeze and the
bus number was 0720.
The driver rudely dealt with caller because one of her coins was rejected for being a foreign coin. Driver demanded she give him
the coin. Caller explained it was foreign coin. Driver accused caller of lying in a very accusatory manner.
Caller was walking down the aisle and the driver accelerated. Caller fell and slid all the way to the back of the bus; she was
somewhat close to the back of the bus to begin with. She hit her head on the edge of the seat in front of the engine compartment.
She has a large not on her forehead abover her right eye, and a headache.
The driver stopped at 441 and made all riders exit the bus. He then drove away. Caller said the driver's explanation was that he
was supposed to have stopped driving @ 1:00pm and he was so far over his hours worked, that he had to stop. Caller says if this is
the case, the bus should have gone out of service @ 1:00pm so that there wouldn't be any stranded riders.
Passenger called to complain that the driver stops at this stop every day and is on the cell phone and cause the bus to be late. He
said that he has called repeatedly about this issue and has not received a call back concerning the problem.He said he would like a
resolution to this issue. ***REQUEST A CALL BACK***
Passenger called to complain that the driver pulled past the stop and put up a "Not In Service" sign and was eating and caused the
bus to leave late. He said that this is very unprofessional. ***REQUEST A CALL BACK***
Passenger called to complain that he was at the door of the bus and the driver saw him and left him. ***REQUEST A CALL
The caller is stating the bus did not arrive. It was scheduled to pick up at 6:57am and the time now is 7:07am. Caller said there is a
lot of ppl waiting at the stop now and the next bus may pass them up.
Caller states bus due at 7:43am has not shown up 7:53am. Says he will be late for work.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states bus due at 7:51am never showed up. Says this is a major inconvenience.
Caller stated that the bus went by at 840a instead of 849a. Caller stated that the driver did not even stop at the stop.
Caller states he has been waiting over an hour, and bus due at 8:30am has not shown up as of 9:07am.
Caller stated that she was at the bus stop from 555a and that the 609a and the 629a buses passed her by.
The caller is stating the bus did not arrive at all. Caller waited at the bus stop from 8:40am and ended up catching the next bus at
This passenger said he was waiting for 1 hour and 20 minutes, since 9:02am and the bus is coming now and it is 10:30am, and
passenger said he is do at work at 11:00am and now he will get to work at 12:00pm. This is the 4th bus this morning. Passenger is
very upset about this.
Caller stated that the 102 breeze driver was stopping at regular stops.
Caller says she was waiting for the bus. The bus came, and she boarded. She says she paid her fare, and as she proceeded to a seat,
the bus driver drove off, and she fell. She said the driver stopped the bus, and asked if she was okay, and she said she was okay. She
said her right leg was hurting her as she almost got to work. She said she turned around and went to the emergency room instead.
She says the emergency room is sending her to an orthopedic doctor to see if there is a tear in her knee. She wants to file an
accident claim with the bus company.
Caller states bus due to leave at 6:42am never showed up this morning. States another passenger told her there was no operator to
drive it this morning. Caller says she will be contacting her commissioner since BCT thinks this trip is not important enough to have
a substitute operator fill in. Says she knows BCT operators and she knows that there could have been someone to cover this trip.
Says this bus is crowded like sardines every morning with high school students and people who are depending on the bus to get to
work and drop their kids off to school like she does. Says this is unacceptable on a morning like today when patrons are standing
out in the rain and cold. Says the operator on the next trip is always nice to her passengers and it is not fair for her either. Says she
never gets a call back and she demands someone contact her as soon as possible.
Caller is wet from being rained on and the A/C is turned up high. The driver has heat blowing on him. Driver won't turn off the A/C.
Caller is afraid she'll get sick.
The customer called to complain that the bus that is supposed to pass US1/Imperial Point Hospital at 1:26p and been sitting there
and is outside the bus talking on his phone. The current time now is 1:39p.
Caller stated that she and others on the bus asked the driver to turn the air up because it was cold on the bus and she stated that
the driver wouldn't. Caller stated that she and others are cold.
The customer called to complain that the driver refused to let her get onto the bus because she had ice cream.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
Hi, I am contacting to make a suggestion. I am a BC student and I sometimes attend night classes at the central campus. The last
bus in both directions leaves the campus before 9:00pm and there are classes that go beyond 9. I only noticed this to be a problem
because my car is broken down at the time and I am dependent on the bus system. Also, there was one time another student asked
me to take him to University to catch a bus, but I didn't know him and didn't want to take that chance. I felt really bad but I was
more concerned for my own safety. Thank
Caller complained that the 441 breeze leaving Turtle Creek and 441 at 1:30pm did not show. there was a bus that came at 1:50pm
and he ask the driver if it was the 1:30pm bus and the driver did not answer. The driver went for a 12 minutes break and when she
came back she pass the passengers and pulled off then stop about 10 feet from the bus stop. When he ask her why she did that she
said she did not know that they were waiting for the bus. Caller said he and the other passengers were very upset because the
driver show no customer service skill and if she need her job she would be more curteous and answer the passengers when they
ask her a question. Caler would like a call back on this complaint.
The bus on route 62 going east that is scheduled to arrive on SR 7 and 12 ave at 8:22 am has not been coming at all. I have had to
wait for the next scheduled bus at 9:00 am which comes on time. the 8:22 bus isn't late it just does not show up. I dont know why
the driver of the 9:00 am bus doesnt know why, but in result I am becoming frequently late for work after arriving to the bus stop
at 8:05 15 minutes early.
C-Service Email:
I was waiting for the route 7 bus at 10:00 at Hollywood and Park Rd and the bus drove right past me and now I have to walk home
from the Lauderdale Mall because I missed the last 19 bus So Thank You for the great service that you Don't Provide Keep raising
the rates you gut do such great work
Caller states bus due at 4:30pm is consistently 30 minutes late. Says operator has been dumping his passengers on his follower
everyday at Sample Rd because he's so late. Says operator opens and closes the doors of the bus slowly and delays the bus. Says
operator needs to be assigned to another less demanding route if he can't keep the bus on schedule most of the time. Says this is
not fair to everyone trying to commute, and his follower.
C-Service Email:
I would like to ask you to consider to extend the hours of the Express Bus service from Miami to 95 Express Pembroke
Pines/Miramar (Route 109)... We have three people just in my office in Brickell that we will take the bus if you can extend the hours
at least leaving at 8 pm.. I am pretty sure that there will be a lot of people that will take the bus...
Caller states operator was not following the correct route, the bus continued traveling south on Brickell Ave at Se 13th St, instead
of making a right turn to pick up at the Se 13th St stop.
BCT Comments 2016
BCT bus operator skipping two bus stops and finally stops at Dixie & 26 avenue reported. The patron said he was waiting at the bus
stop with his children and the bus kept going to 26th avenue. Patron added, they have to walk to 26th avenue to try to catch the
next bus and is a long wait and a long walk for the children. The patron said yesterday at the same time and locations the BCT bus
operator did the same and is asking BCT investigate the case and call him back.
Caller said she got on the number 14 bus going south on Powerline Rd and Sample Rd at about 9am this morning and the driver was
not paying attention to his driving he was reading a newspaper. She said he was driving recklessly and she had to get off the bus
and walk because she was afraid for safety.
Caller said she did not know if the driver was scheduled to arrive at 1:30p or 1:50p but she said she was late because she arrived at
2:00p she got off the bus and took a break, when she returned she got back on the bus and closed the door on the passengers and
didn't let anyone on the bus. She said the driver moved the bus forward a few feet and that's when passengers started to rant
about her leaving so she stopped the bus. They got on the bus and asked the driver how is she going to leave her passengers and
the driver told her she did not know they were waiting on her because they were still sitting at the stop. Caller said the driver is
very rude and should not be allowed to speak to her passengers that way. Passenger did request a call back.
Driver passed stop at Brickell A/ SE 8 S, where caller was standing. Caller and other patrons ran to the next stop too caught up with
the bus. Caller got on bus and told driver he passed her stop, driver said "no I did not, that's not my first stop so have a seat
because we got this", he was referring to another passenger who was standing in front of the yellow line holding a paper with the
bus routes, directing the driver and telling him what stops to stop at. She said the driver was holding a paper with his bus schedules
on it yelling to her that they had it. So she say she sat down and remained quiet until the driver asked her where is he supposed to
go next. She replied " no, you got this, I'm having a seat". As they proceeded the passenger helping the driver was directing him in
the wrong ways giving him a different route. She say the driver then yelled out " do anybody know where do I go next" then a
gentleman from the back of the bus approached the front and told him the correct stops and directions he needed to go in but the
driver still missed four stops, Brickell A/ SE 8 S, SE 1 A/ E FLAGLER S, NE 1 A/ NE 2 S & NE 1 A/ NE 4 S (MIAMI- DADE COLLEGE). She
said when she got to Stirling road to get off she forgot and left her umbrella on the bus so the passenger who was originally
directing the driver jumped of the bus to give her the umbrella and driver got off behind him and yelled arrogantly, "yea you thank
this man for helping you" and he repeated it over and over again until she walked off. Caller is requesting a callback.
The customer called to complain that the US1 Breeze stopped at the light at US1/Dania Beach Blvd and picked up some people then
went by the Breeze stop which is south of Dania Beach Blvd without stopping to pick anyone up.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that the bus left the Broward Central Terminal 5 minutes early at 10:25p instead of 10:30p. The
customer said she would like this complaint forwarded to Jeff Scott and Corwin Gibbs and wold like them to have this driver
monitored. The customer says that the driver drives the block 81303 and her name is Grace Martin.
The customer called to complain that she has been at the bus stop since about 6:40p and the route 81 that was due going
westbound on Broward Blvd/Nw 24th Ave at 7:09p never arrived. The customer said one bus passed by that said NOT IN SERVICE
but it didn't stop at any stops.
Bus operator saw the paron comming closed the door and left. The Bus scheduled at 7:10 was sitting at the terminal until 7:20 pm
the customer aproached the bus and the bus operator closed the door. The patron said "it was bus 12 block 3".
Caller asks if BCT is discontinuing bus scheduled to leave at 5:55am. Says it has not shown up three days this week and he is about
to lose his job.
Caller states bus due at 6:54am never showed up. Says this is the third day this week she has not been able to get to work on time
because of the 14 not showing up on time.
Caller states bus due at 5:55am did not show up this morning or on Friday morning.
Passenger is complaining that Ravenswood operator Juan J Ortiz, touched her inappropriately.
She said he took advantage of his position as a driver and broke her trust. Hurt her in ways that brought bad memories from her
past. Operator used her kindheartedness for wanting to learn to become a driver to his advantage.
First day she took his bus, the driver pulled her to himself on his break, and told her what to do. He told her to never tell anyone
what he teaches her about operating a bus. From that point, he grab her hand and force her to touch him.
When he got to 7-Eleven, he bought a hotdog and shared it with her. When talking to him, she mention she was single and he
touched her belt and played with it without her permission. Caller felt very uncomfortable. He pulled her close and said she looked
like a driver.
Caller says she will be making a police report on this incident, which occurred in late October, early November 2015. Operator was
a substitute for other driver, so there was no assigned route for him. Passenger states this operator has a history of touching
*Requests a call back.
Caller stated that 2 days in a row the route 40 eastbound @ 5:42am has not shown up at Sunrise Bvld and NW 31st ave. Caller
wants to speak with a supervisor about this.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that the bus arrived late to her stop. Caller does not know what stop she was at but said that the other lady there told
her the driver was 10 minutes late. Caller stated that the driver was asleep in the bus on the side of the road by the memorial
miramar hospital with all the lights off on the bus. Asked caller if she saw the driver and she stated no but she stated she know he
was sleeping cause he was before. Caller stated that it was bus 3308.
Caller said she was on the 14 bus on 11/1/16 at the tri-tail station when a community bus cut infront of the bus and made contact,
she was transported to Holy Cross Medical Center with back pain, she was treated and sent home.
Transferred to Risk Management
As a returning seasonal resident I was very disconcerted to find the 36 bus now terminates at Sunrise Blvd &A1A instead of
continuing on A1A to Galt Ocean drive. To add insult to injury the southbound 11 bus top on A1A opposite WinnDixie has been
eliminated by roadwork. In addition the Galt sun trolley schedule has also been curtailed on this route Please reconsider this
horrendous schedule change
too bad
The wifi is locked on the new i95 express coach buses. The bus numbers start with the number 5. We have told the supervisors but
nothing has been done yet to correct this. Please make wifi available. Thank you.
Caller was standing at the stop for both 60 & 50 waiting for 50 but bus 60 had stopped at the stop blocking the view of bus 50 so it
did not stop it drove right passed the stop.
Due to an traffic accident, the bus stop sign was shooted down.
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against bus operator Chang, 95-Express bus from CB Smith park. This
morning, January 13, he was scheduled to leave CB Smith park at 6:40 AM, but instead left earlier and I missed the bus at that stop.
I normally catch the bus by McDonalds when it turns around to head east on Pines Blvd; I was at McDonalds at 6:40, (with the CB
Smith stop in sight), and there was no bus in sight. I waited for 3 minutes and then decided to race the Ansin Park, figuring out what
had happened. Lo and behold, the bus was in front of me. Furthermore, when I confronted the driver at Ansin, he responsed in a
very rude manner; he was completely unprofessional. My biggest concern is that other riders may not have the same ability to
chase a bus down that has left early. Perhaps it's only an issue of the bus not having the correct time. Regardless, Chang was very
rude and even tried to pit me against other riders. I hope, at the very least, riders can be assured that our drivers can maintain their
composure. Sincerely, Chelsea Brady P.s. Bus number 1158 - Jan 13th
BCT Comments 2016
BCT Svc failure Monday, 1/12/2016 Arrive @ bus stop 5:50 AM for southbound rte 20 Pompano Beach corner of Mc Nab & S.
Cypress scheduled @ 6:02 AM. NO bus..... NO way of knowing status. So I stand in the cold rain wait for 6:48 AM. I'm 45 minutes
behind in my day. Inquire of the driver do you know anything about the 6:00 AM bus? NO, it must have broken down. Well if it
broke down I would have thought the driver would have seen it on the side of the road. More likely Rte 20 first run cut due to
driver no show. Will lower ridership than Rte 50, cut the 20 and disapoint the fewest riders. Not the first time the 6:00 AM Rte 20
has been a no show. Has to be staffing, as the one of the first runs of the morning, surely equipment is available. BCT you're not
making friends here or building ridership.
This passenger said he is late for work again because the rte. 50 was late connecting to the rte.55.
No Communication - Bad Ride w/ BCT Monday, January 4, 2016 Arrived @ Central Terminal 5:05 PM for Rte 20 5:15 PM
northbound. Bus arrives 5:16 PM; I and fellow passengers board. Driver goes to take short break between runs. Driver returns 5:27
PM w/ starter and advises we will have to de-board and take the next bus due to mechanical issues. If driver knew of these issues
and had advised myself and other passengers, we might have made earlier connections on other routes. I missed an alternative
northbound on the Rte 50 @ 5:20 PM. A couple fm Switzerland visiting miss an earlier Rte 10 north connection. I walked down the
platform to await the Rte 50, departure 5:40 PM. 5:48 NO Rte 50.... 5:50 PM - 6:00 PM, Rte 20 arrives Central Terminal. 6:00 PM
Rte 20 pulls out, I'm 45 minutes late and the Rte 50; 5:40 northbound still hasn't arrived at the Central Terminal. Yes, I could have
used my emergency ride vouchers from RTA. But, what of my other fellow riders that might have needed to pick up a child on
deadline at day care or pay a penalty; what of my fellow riders that might have been headed to a second job? Not unheard of for
folks to be working two or more jobs. Perhaps the driver could have given us notice before we boarded the bus. I have made a
conscious decision to ride BCT. I could drive the 8 1/2 miles fm Pompano Beach each day, but chose not to. Events like yesterday
evening after ten hours at the office cause me to re-think my BCT choice. Some of my fellow riders don't have a choice. BCT
management needs to get out of their offices and ride the bus.
Caller says operator let three people on his bus with invalid passes. Says he pays $70 for a bus pass and all riders need to pay fare if
they want to ride. Says this is happening all the time and it's not fair to riders who pay.
The customer called to complain that she saw the bus coming and started to get up then glancd down at her phone for a second
and the bus passed by without stopping to pick her up.
Caller was pulling out of a parking lot to go west on Atlantic Blvd, and he pulled out in front of the bus that had just left the bus
stop. Caller says there was plenty of room between him and the bus. Says when they got to the next red light, operator mouthed
the words "pussy nigga" through the window. Caller says this is unacceptable behavior for a public servant and operator needs to
be removed from the bus. He will be calling BSO and he wants to speak to a supervisor.
BCT Comments 2016
To Whom It May Concern, This is a complaint in regard to the driver operating BCT bus #0311 driving route #22 heading west on
Broward Blvd. approaching the intersection of NW 46th Avenue on January 12th, 2016, shortly after 5pm. I commute by bicycle
daily on Broward Blvd. Today I was passed dangerously closely and at a high rate of speed by the bus mentioned above as we
approached the RED light. Doing this left him little room to brake for the red light. As the bus brushed by, scaring me, the driver
was honking his horn. Immediately after passing me he moved against the sidewalk, effectively cutting me off. This kind
harassment is all too common with unlawful drivers who refuse to recognize the rights of cyclists. This action frightened me and
causes me great concern due to the fact that this driver will be expected to share the road with me daily. The light was red so I
immediately caught back up with the bus while he was waiting for the light to change. I had to get on to the sidewalk to approach
the front of the bus because he cut me off by maneuvering the bus against the curb. I said to the driver, “You are aware that I have
a right to use the road, right!?” The bus driver replied, pointing to the sidewalk, “You need to get on the sidewalk!” I could not
believe what I was hearing. As a cyclist I have always felt that most city bus drivers were friendly, observant, and actually provided a
buffer of protection from speeding vehicles. I don’t know how someone is granted the position of driving a city bus—a potentially
dangerous vehicle with so many lives to be responsible for, but is seemingly ignorant of the laws of the road. I would suggest that a
bus driver’s primary concern should be the safety of passengers and other vehicles (Florida law clearly states that as a cyclist on the
roadway I am considered a vehicle and I am subject to all the privileges and responsibilities that apply to all vehicles) on the road. I
will be sharing this incident and the contents of this message with some local cycling advocate groups and updating any progress in
this matter. Thank you for your reply, Todd Beavers
Caller said she was waiting for her friend to get to the bus stop and the driver did not wait for him. She is complaining onhis behalf.
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all. The bus had a mechanical breakdown today and yerterday too. Better busses
need to be on the road. A break down everyday is not acceptable. Her son is being late at school although he was at the stop for 1
hour. The bus is late every morning. That's not fair and something needs to be done about it.
passenger complained that the driver was rude. The bus driver left the his stop at the Young Cir, and pulled over at 2031 Tyler St, at
a pastry shop just west of the stop, to buy his breakfast. That wasn't a bus stop. He said he'll pull the bus over until the passenger
shut up. He stopped even longer. The bus driver had an attitude. There were 12 passenengers on the bus. The passenger was sick &
had to go to the hospital and didn't like the delay and the attitude of the driver
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger involved in bus accident. Bus was exiting the Tri Rail onto Powerline when the car ran the stop sign and the bus hit the
car. Passenger was sitting on the left side behind the driver on the bus. He's complaining of lower back pains, left hand and left
shoulder pains also.
Report taken by A. Minnis BCT Customer Service
transferred to Risk for claim:
send to Risk Manageent
Bus arrive early every day. Due to arrive at 3:58p but she always arrive between 3:51p-3:55p. Driver always tell her she didn't see
anybody at the bus stop and she arrive early because no one really rides her bus. Passenger says the drivers on this route needs to
respect the schedule.
BCT operator with a bad attitude and parking illegally is reported." A young black female driver parked the BCT bus at the entrance
of the parking lot, blocking the access to other vehicles", said the patron, also she added, I ask the driver to move the bus and she
make me wait 15 minutes, didn't want talk with me, and turned her back to me and started talking nasty about me with other
people in scene 4:14 pm Oakland park. Patron said, another BCT drivers also park there but they move the bus when is required to
let other vehicles get in or out, but this driver has bad attitude. Patron requires a callback.Patron requires a callback.
The customer called to complain that he was on the route 50 going northbound at 5:21p and another passenger got onto the bus
and did not pay and also was not standing behind the yellow line and was talking to the bus driver until she got off of the bus a few
blocks later.
Driver caller the police on passenger once they got the Sheridan/Tri Rail. They had a verbal altercation because the driver was
speeding and was pulling off before passengers could even sit down and the passenger said "let me have a seat before I fall & then
we have a problem". When she said that the driver heard her and responded in a very rude, offensive and unprofessional way,
saying things like "why are you still bumping your gums tight thing, if you fall you just fall, etc.” When they got to the Tri Rail an
office approached the bus and told her to come with him and then informed her she was being escorted off the bus because they
got reports that she was causing too much commotion, being belligerent and too irate for the driver to focus and continue her
route. While speaking to the police the driver drove off leaving her behind. Passenger said she was livid because she felt the driver
was in the wrong and did not have enough reason to get her escorted off the bus. Caller requested a call back and stated she is
going to push until there is justice served.
The customer called to complain that the driver on the route 40 bus that left the Lauderhill Mall at 6:30p told her that she had to sit
down instead of standing up even though she was behind the yellow line.
BCT Comments 2016
Angela was in a car next to our bus when the bus (which was speeding), blew though a red light at Riverside and Royal Palm
heading west. She doesn't want any retalliation from the driver. She was in a red car next to him at aprox. 6:45-6:50 pm. She did
not get the bus number. The only number she saw was 83. She could not supply us with a description of the driver not the bus #.
This passenger call in to say that this bus has not showed the 5th time, at the beach. Passenger depends on this bus every morning.
Caller states bus passed stop without stopping. The caller's daughter was waiting with 2 other people and bus failed to stop and
next bus said out of service.
Caller complained that the bus did not arrive at all yesterday & today. She suggested the they put a supervisor at the stop because
the bus drivers are not looking at the clock making people late. No bus number provided
Caller states he was driving east on Sample Rd and there was construction going on just before the Banks Rd intersection; there
were cones down closing a lane. Says he needed to merge in front of the bus and operator did not want to let him in. Says he
almost hit the cones, and the operator blew the horn at him. Says operator is driving unsafely like there are no other motorists on
the road. His 9 month old daughter was in the car and there could have been an accident.
Caller says asked operator if her bus was the Breeze because her headsign said "Not In Service". Says operator was rude and told
her too look at the bus bay sign, and said no other bus would be pulled into that bay. Caller says she is normally on TOPS because
she has memory issues and is only taking the bus because she had to cancel her van ride home. Says operator needs to provide
better service to the disabled.
This passenger said she and her boyfriend aboarded this bus and he swiped two cards one for her and himself and the bus driver
said she did not swipe and now he is driving reckless, and holding up the bus because he said she did not pay. Passenger said
everyone is angry because he is holding up the bus ride.
Passenger says driver arrives early every day and he always miss his connection for his next bus, which makes him late for work
every day. Passenger says he arrives at the stop at 11:38a but the driver has already passed by when he's scheduled to arrive at
11:41a. Passenger says someone needs to speak with this driver about arriving early every day.
This passenger called to say that the bus driver left 5 minutes too early,and she is going to be late for work because of this.
The customer called to complain that the first route 31 bus going southbound that was supposed to be at NW 15th Ave/NW 17th St
at 5:33a never arrived. The customer also says that yesterday the bus arrived late with a different driver than the usual one.
Caller stated that the bus pulled up to the stop and then pulled off without picking him up. Caller wants a callback.
Caller stated that the bus read not in service but had people on the bus and refused to let her and others on the bus. Caller wants a
callback from a supervisor.
BCT Comments 2016
business owner called to request garbage can at stop because the one that was there was taken away and the garbage is all over
the ground. Business is located at 3671 N Dixie Hwy.
caller stated that the 1:30pm 441 breeze never came.
Jan 13: The driver calls riders to the front of the bus and talks to them about various things such as turning down music. Driver
asks "stupid" questions and talks down to riders as if she's a school teacher. Sometimes the driver will stop the bus during one of
these talking sessions.
Caller complained that the bus was 10 min late then had another 8 min of delay at a stop because the operator couldn't get the
door shut. She said the supervisors used to be at the stop, but wasn't there. She wants to know what happened to the supervisor.
Caller is requesting tha bus route 15 runs on the weekend. She takes the bus every week but on the weekends, she has no
transportation. She had made requests before which went unansewred.
Customer called to complaint that we do not have enough express buses that go to Brickell Ave in Miami and wanted to let us know
that additional service specially from Hollywood would be nice.
C-Service Email:
The nature of the complaint is that bus line 72, bus #1440, arrived 10 minutes EARLY on 441 and Oakland Park Blvd. Then he past
about one or two stops before he decided to get off and switch drivers. By this time it was 9:13 pm est. I thought it was great he
was early because I have to transfer to the 81 (which goes inside Inverrary every other hour). Well, the drivers chose to chit chat for
about 6 minutes. I informed him I had a transfer to catch. He chose to make it seem he had to leave at 9:21 (as if he was on 441
and Oakland). If he didn't care he past that stop 10 minutes early, why would he care to hold up our time? By the time I got off the
bus I had "run" to my next stop because the 81 was at the light. If I had some sort of leg disability, I would have missed my
connection. Julissa M. Cottonaro
C-Service Email:
I use I95 express from Miramar to Civic Center. Even though it is cold weather, many drivers keep the air conditioning on making it
very uncomfortable.
C-Service Email:
Bus is often too cold. Some drivers turn on AC even when the sweater is cold. For eg: today it is in the lower 60s and the AC is still
on. I have arthritis and it is very uncomfortable. I have noticed drivers set the temperature to 60 F, which is absurd. Ib take the I95
excited from Miramar park and ride to civic center.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
0 for 2 so far this week. Rte 20 first AM southbound failed to show for the second morning this week. Delayed reporting to work
downtown Ft Lauderdale. Nothing quite like planning your day, only to have your timeline pushed back 45 minutes waiting for the
bus that never shows. As the BCT CS office only opens @ 7:00 AM w/ the status of the Rte 20 unknown, it's not like I can run fm my
normal stop @ Mc Nab & S. Cypress to to Old Dixie Hwy (+/- 1/2 mile) to catch the Rte 50 southbound. This simply is
UNACCEPTABLE to have this occur w/ this level of frequency. I've made a commitment to the environment to try to do my small
part to be green and use public transit. BCT hasn't held up their service commitment. In previous jobs over the last forty years in So
Fla I drove between 30 & 40 thousand miles a year. I have chosen to not drive the 8 1/2 miles downtown to my current job. It's
difficult for me to continue my commitment in light of the service failures by BCT.
Passenger is stating he got on the bus after 2pm and fell asleep on top of his bag. When he woke up, his bag was gone. Caller says
he was sitting in the back section of the bus, behind the 2nd door on the driver's side. The gray and blue small bag that had DVD
player, DVDs, Broward County Library DVDs, papers. Caller believes he had on a black pants and blue long sleeve shirt. Passenger
got off the bus at Broward Blvd & NW 9 Ave, by a clinic.
send to RISK Mgmt
*Requests video to be pulled, in order to do a police report with Plantation PD or Ft. Lauderdale PD.
Caller complained that the bus driver closed the door on his hand. He claimed the he almost broke his hand. The caller was with
another passenger that board the bus. While he didn't get on the bus, he had his hand on the door. The bus driver was very upset.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
Request to Amend Route 28 East Route in the AM/PM rush Hour Times. Hello, I would like to please ask for a slight amendment to
the Route 28 path in the morning and evening hours for the commuters using Ansin Park’ s express bus service. I found it
convenient to board the Route 28 bus at 5:35AM on weekdays at the eastbound corner of Miramar Pwky and Dykes Rd in Miramar.
The bus continues eastward just fine, and veers off slightly to the north to make a stop at the Miramar Town Center, arriving at
appropriately 5.56AM. Everything is great to this point, except for the fact that I need to walk approximately 1 mile to Ansin Park
from the center stop, to connect the Broward Express bus which leaves at 6.10AM. If I walk quickly, and partly run, I make it. While
I appreciate the exercise, it’s hard to understand why there are no connecter or feeder buses whatsoever to Ansin Park express
buses? I understand that the Express bus to Civic Center Miami connects to Route 28 at Flamingo Rd and Miramar Pwky, but why
pay other $2.25 (x 2 per day) to ride Metrorail downtown from Civic Center and back 5 days per week? It’s only a 1 mile deviation
for Route 28! If not, at least create a stop for Route 28 on the corner of Miramar Blvd and Hiatus Rd. This would save .5 mile from
the walk and only cost a few hundred dollars for a sign with NO route 28 deviation! Looking forward to a reply. Thank you Dan
The customer called to complain that he saw the bus coming and stood up but the bus passed him by without stopping. The
customer says he started walking because he knew the bus was going to stop around the corner. When he got onto the bus he says
he asked the driver why she did not stop for him and she did not answer him.
Passenger called to complain that the bus arrived late at the stop and the driver stopped and waited for the next bus to arrive and
then told the passengers that was getting off the bus between there and State Road 7 to get off the nest and get on the bus behind
him. She said that this will cause her to be late for work. She want to know the reason why the driver was driving so slowly and why
he made some of the passengers get off the bus. ***Request A Call back***
Mr Ramsey said that he was aproaching the the bus and the stop, when the bus pulled off leaving him behind. Mr. Ramsey said that
the driver saw him and he could have waited less then one minute (maybe another 20 seconds) for him. Mr. Ramsey wants this
addressed with the driver, so he doesn't do this with anyone else. He did not get the bus number.
Passenger signaled to get off at Mcnab/University (N) but due to construction, the driver let passengers off at Mcnab/University(S).
Passenger upset he has to cross the major intersection and it's dangerous for seniors. He said the driver from yesterday let
passengers off by construction and when he told the driver that driver told him "that is not his problem".
Passenger said she has been at the stop since 3:55p and no bus showed up until 4:42p. She said it's constantly something with
route 10, both North & South. She said either the bus is very late or just never show up.
BCT Comments 2016
Ms. Camodoinco was at Young Circle waiting for the #4 Northbound since 4pm. She saw 2 buses heading south. She knows this
because she asked both drivers and the both said they were heading south. She is going to be late now and she had to call a cab.
She is requesting a supervisor to call her back, and she want her $5.00 for the all day pass reimbursed. She also wants us to pay for
the cab ($12.00). This bus service is unexceptable, and wanted me to stress that she is very unhappy. She said it isn't because of the
detour, she knew about the detour and that isn't why the bus didn't show. Please call.
Mr. Cadet was helping a woman off the bus with her packages and told the driver to wait a minute. The driver closed the door and
took off with all of his stuff on the bus. After some choice words, Mr. Cadet wanted to file a complaint on the driver. He stated it
wasn't right for her to do that after he asked her to wait one minute. He was unable to give me the bus number.
Caller said she transfered from a miami dade bus to the number two bus on nw 207 st and nw 27 ave at 6:35pm. She ask the driver
what she should do with the transfer and the driver told he she could eat it for all she care, caller said she kept asking her what she
should do and the driver said to her you know what to do and then she point to the garbage bin. Caller said the driver should not
be talking to customers like that and she is asking for a supervisor to talk to the driver.
Mr. Christopher Antonino was at the stop waiting for the 9:51 bus and the bus arrived late. He would like you to have the drivers
keep to their schedules. Please call him on this complaint.
The bus was stopped waiting for a train, he says. The bus was not at a bus stop. Caller tapped on the door but the driver wouldn't
open the door. Driver just laughed at caller. Caller had no unmbrella and continued to be rained on.
Caller says bus 88 did not show up at all this week.
This passenger said that he was catching the rte 31 at 5:30 daily and making it to work on time but now the bus is coming late like
6:00am and he can't make his connection at the terminal to meet the rte.50 and being late for work causes many problem and the
boss turn him around to go home because of this lateness, and he depends on the bus route, everyday.
This passenger said that she aboards the bus daily and this bus driver is very arrogant all the time, and this morning she said shut up
and this passenger said for what and the driver told her to get off the bus, and this passenger call the police and explain to him how
she is and she had to get off the bus, and passenger said her rights was violated.
Operator told the passenger she does not want to go to the other stop at Rock island and Sample rd. because it is easier for her to
come out of the stop. Caller says this is an inconvenience to her because she has to walk further.
Caller stated that the bus was due at 420pm at Jackson hospital and came at 437pm and kept going, did not pick anyone up. Would
like to have a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that he is legally blind and the driver of rte 18 (that he takes often) saw him walking northbound on US 441 and stop
his bus to ask caller if he wanted the bus and had walked by his bus stop. Caller stated that this was very kind of driver and he
wanted to let someone know of the great customer service the driver gives. Caller stated that the drivers name is Atkins.
The driver took a long break and was driving extremely slow. Passenger said he missed his connection at University Dr.
Claims bus took off before she had even paid the fare and she fell and hit her knee. She complaint to the driver and got into an
altercation. Claims driver has an attitude and is rude. Lady claimed to be going north yet she is getting off at sample wihich is south.
This passenger is calling to ask that Transporation look into getting a parking location at miramar & flamingo because there is a lot
of people but no parking, and the shopping center temporary where the Kohl's and the CVS let the passenger park there, but they
have hired security now can not park there. Please call back , passenger wants a response!!!
Caller said he takes the 34 bus every motning at Federal Hwy and Sample Rd, the bus is due to leave at 6am he gets there at
5:55am and he sees the bus going south on Federal Hwy. Caller would like a supervisor to talk to this driver because five minutes
early makes a difference.
Caller is stating the operator did not let him on the bus. Passenger is upset because he is late to an important appointment.
For the Third Day in a row, this bus did not show. Wednesday the did send a replacement driver (who got there late) and said the
driver didn't show and they called him late to fill in for her. Thursday, the bus didn't show at all, because she was told the driver
didn't show, and today, Friday, the bus didn't show and the other drivers are telling the passengers, that she didn't show and she is
always doing this. The passengers are getting upset that they pay all this money and they can't even get the bus. Mrs Pierre has
noticed that the female driver that had the first time slop did this on the last pick and again she got this schedule again. Please
replace this driver or address this complaint, so a driver shows at 5:32 am. Please call her on this complaint.
Ms. Stewart was on the #19 that had just arrived at the Lauderhill mall, and when everyone was getting off the bus, she was one of
the last passenger. She asked the driver to open the back door so she could make a dash for the shelter, since it was raining, and
the rules state to exit from the back door. The driver told her "no, use the front door." She said please just open the back door, and
again he told her No, you have to use the front door. She walked to the front and with a attitude look, when she was departing the
bus, he said to her your being lazy. That was uncalled for and he was very rude.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states he was driving on a scooter in the right lane. Says bus 0747 or 0742 was picking up at the stop and cars were going
around, and he also went around he bus. Says when operator pulled away from the stop, she sped up, started tailgating him,
passed him on the left side. Says operator then cut him off so she could service the next stop. Caller says operator was just trying to
prove a point while putting him in danger.
***CService Email***
I feel that the following should be brought to your attention: On Thursday, January 14, 2016, I was waiting for a Route 7 westbound
at Hollywood's City Hall Circle (Hollywood Blvd and roughly 26th Avenue), having left my residence (which is in that area) at 5:11
AM. According to the official timetable, a bus should have arrived at about 5:35, maybe 5:40, but didn't until 5:50. Even though I
was standing and signaling, the driver of the bus which ultimately arrived--bus #1403--almost sped entirely through the circle, not
stopping. He did, though, but I had to run a good distance to get to the door...and he started to drive through the circle before I'd
managed to get all the money into the fare box (I was buying an all-day pass and I didn't have a five, so I was using five ones); more
than that, he seemed to be going faster around the curve than was reasonable. Especially considering what I was doing at the time.
But it didn't end there: once we'd gotten through Presidential Circle, he stopped...and got off...and apparently went into a nearby 711 to buy coffee or something of that sort. By this point, we pretty much had to make every stop along Hollywood/ Pines Blvd--and
there were quite a few people at each stop. Assuming the bus had arrived at City Hall Circle when it was supposed to, our ETA at
University (where I had to get off to change to the 2 or the University Breeze) was 5:54. Our *actual* time of arrival was 6:18. As I
had to be in Plantation by 7:00 to get to my job, this was, frankly, unacceptable. As it was, I did make it in time, but with no margin.
I, and the other passengers on this bus, do understand that there are certain things that can't be controlled by the driver of a
bus...but there are some things that *can* be. And even though I can't speak for everyone, I'm sure most of the other people
involved would agree that this was definitely within the realm of what could be controlled.
***CService Email***
Comments: This is this the second time in one week that the 6pm bus from civic center to Davie is s no show!!! Buses are parked by
Wendy\'s on standby and drive around and know we are waiting but will not pick us up! Very frustrated !
Dear Sir : I used a bus # 0748 the last saturday Juanuary,10th at 2.45pm in the route Sawgrass Mall to Central Terminal. The driver
bus (black women) gave to 03 clients a bad service, 02 of them were tourist and not speak english. She was very rude to us, but I
talked to her asking a better service to the customers. A sorprise she told me that if I want use the number of the bus and I can do a
report??...In my opinion people like her is not the best imagen to your great Company.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
You have a roach infestation on bus #0314. It's on route 50 today. Please address. Thanks.
Bus was due at 11:20a but arrived early at 11:10a. Passengers upset they have to stand in the rain for 30 mins to wait on the next
C-Service Email:
Route and Bus # US 1 Breeze 0801 10:57 am Traveling southbound The bus driver is very rude , didn't wait for passengers to get on
the bus and took immediately. Talks to passengers very rude . It is raining and she is driving recklessly
C-Service Email:
To Whom It May Concern: I live on Washington St & 50th & Rte 15 only runs during week M - F & I work Monday - Friday. On
weekends I have to walk to Hollywood Blvd to take Rte 7. When will be bus service be reinstated on weekends? A few years ago
Rte 17 ran discontinued & Rte 15 used to run every day of the week. Please contact me. Regards, Beverly Tauber
Caller complained that there is a bus stop at his Condo Bldg at 2409 N Ocean Blvd in FT Lauderdale and the passengers waiting on
the bus is damaging the property, they litter the place break the lighr fixture and lay on the grass. He would like the stop to be
moved near the Church. He would like to be contacted at 954-537-1293. ****This complaint is copied & pasted from Oct 19,
2015 and nothing has been done. Caller requests the bus stop be moved to the light pole in front of Saint Pius the 10th Catholic
Church a little north of the condo bldgs. Caller knows we commonly attach bus stop signs to light poles. Please address this
situation.(Randy Withers, Jan 15, 2016)*****
Ms. Butler takes the bus from Brickell at 4:40 pm. When the bus got delayed on it's trip back last night (1/14/16), and it takes two
hours to get home, the bus should have comfortable seats and somewhere to plug in your device. Bus 1204 has neigther. It is like
sitting on a metal seat with carpet on it. Then first thin Friday morning bus #1204 was the bus she had to take to go to Brickell.
Again another two hours of being uncomfortable. Please remove bus 1204 from the Brickell route, and Ms. Butler wants a call back.
Ms. Butler takes the bus from the Sunrise park and ride to Brickell and on Friday morning, bus #1204 was the bus she had to take
to go to Brickell. She mentioned to the Supervisor that this bus was very uncomfortable, and the supervisor told her, "we do not
pick the buses, now get on the bus, or wait for the next one". Again another two hours, thanks to a roll over, of being
uncomfortable. she had this bus last night from Brickell at 4:40 pm., when the bus got delayed on it trip back last night (1/14/16),
and it took two hours to get home. The bus should have comfortable seats and somewhere to plug in your device. Bus 1204 has
neigther. It is like sitting on a metal seat with carpet on it. . Please remove bus 1204 from the Brickell route, and Ms. Butler wants a
call back.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger complained that the bus driver was rude. She asked her 6 yrs old son to go on the bus and sit down. The driver told him
that his parent needs to come in. He made her son jumped down from the bus. He also shut the door. She got him to go on the bus
and sit because there's too much smoking at the terminal. Her son can't be in the smoke too long. She didn't like how he talked to
her. In addition, the bus was late.
Caller and several other riders were at the bus stop in the rain. The bus passed them by without stopping. Caller says it was an in
service 34 bus.
Passenger complained that the bus driver didn't stop at the true bus stop. She stopped away from the stop. The caller is a senior
citizen. She complained about the same driver on 1/5/16. She was told that they already spoke to the driver. The driver did it again
and she wants it stop.
Call back requested
Passenger says the driver is speeding and it is pouring down raining. He stated she was doing about 40-50 MPH on the over path
and blowing the horn at other cars. Caller was going to get up and ask the driver what her bus number was but she was driving so
fast he was afraid of falling if he got up.
Passenger called to complain that she boarded the bus and the driver told her it was a $2.00 fare and she told him to let her sit
down and look for her bus pass. She states that when she returned to swipe the pass the driver started screaming at her about
getting behind the yellow line. She said that she is a county employee and if she was screaming at a customer she would be fired.
She thought it was very unprofessional and disrespectful of the driver and that he should be spoken to concerning this issue.
Caller said he was driving west on Broward Blvd on reaching i95 the bus started merging into his lane, he honked his horn but the
bus kept coming, he almost ran into a wal. He said the driver was reckless and he should not be driving a bus if he does not know
how to use the road, the bus is route 22 bus number 0748. Caller would like a call back on this complaint.
Caller says the driver came speeding by and caller was waving down the bus. Caller claims the bus physically hit him. Caller says he
was in the middle of the road. Caller says the driver "must have" hit him on his right side. Caller says he had pain yesterday but he
has no pain now. Caller says he should have called police but he didn't. At first caller had said that the bus passed him by because
it was speeding. Later in the conversation the caller said the bus stopped and some riders exited, but when he tried to board the
driver shut the door in his face and sped away. I could hear what sounded like laughing from caller and another person nearby.
Suspect a prank call. Wants a callback.
Mr. Matthew Silvestri was waiting for the 5:08pm 42 east bound. Not only was the bus late, there was one bike on the rack and the
balance that holds other bikes, was broken. He did not get the bus #, and was very upset the driver would not let him bring the
bikeon the bus. He wants a refund on his ticket because we were unalbe to provide service to him he stated. Please call him on this
BCT Comments 2016
Caller arrived bus stop @ 600pm for the bus due @ 601pm at the hospital. It never showed. I advised caller that riders should be
at a bus stop 5 minutes before its scheduled time of arrival. Caller says she was walking out of the hospital and would have seen it.
She thinks there was a fill in driver and he skipped the hospital. Caller wants us to make sure to tell fill in drivers to service the
Caller reported “out of service” 95 express bus with reckless driving on i95 exiting on Davie Blvd. She stated the driver almost ran
her car off the road and the driver laughed as she drove off. Caller said the driver abruptly slammed on breaks causing her to slam
on breaks and the car behind her almost collided into the rear of her car. She said she took a picture of the bus & the number. She
said she did not know what Broward County would do about it but something needs to be done before this driver hurt someone or
Passenger upset the bus MAY have arrived early. He said he been at the stop since 3:40p and the bus was due to arrive at 3:48p. I
spoke to passenger at about 4p and the bus still had not shown up.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 945am for the bus due @ 949am. At 959am it still hasn't shown.
Wants a callback.
States as soon as he got on the bus, the driver started yelling at him over his bike on the rack. the driver was rushing him to get on
the bus and got confrontational and berated the customer. Also, claims the driver took a break at a Publix that was unscheduled.
A rude BCT bus operator is reported. The patron said, "this woman is nasty with all balck people and it is not need for that, this
woman has to go". The patron said "I got on the bus and this driver told me: Stay behind the line and put $5.00 on the box", the
patron added, Other spanish speaking passenger came in behind and they talk in Spanish and the driver didn't ask her to pay". The
patron is asking for a callback.
Mr. Adrian was at the stop, just off to the side (because he isn't suppose to be in the heat), in the wheelchail, when the 12:06
pulled up. As he was wheeling himself to the bus, the driver closed the door and took off. He stated his eyes are not that good, and
he was unable to see the bus number.
driver dropped off passengers at local stop and not a breeze stop.. b/f driver. not following schedule and defeating purpose of
having an express bus.
bus driver passed and did not stop. b/f driver with golden hair. not paying attention to the road and get distracted easy.
passed by customer and did not pick up. They are distracted and not doing their jobs. B/m driver with sunglasses.
Driver allowed pax to get in the bus without paying.White older Male driver. Not following the rules.
BCT Comments 2016
Mr. Anderson was assulted on our bus #10 southbound Thursday night, and when he asked the driver to call the police, the driver
wouldn't do anything. Mr. Anderson is filing a police report and needs a copy of the video. He also wants to know why the driver
don't do something. The man who assulted him is African-American male in his 50's with a grey beard and hair.Please call him.
Left Msg to open PRR - mailbox full 2/24/16 close
open PRR close Hastus 3/8/16
States bus showed up early and left her stranded since it was the last bus of the day. Claims that there is no connection with the
number 2 route at that time and requests we look at our schedule.
Claims all of last week ( 1/11 to 1/15) the 6 am bus never showed up and ended up taking the 6:30. Told me this hapened to
multiple people.
Caller complained about the bus schedule connection to the other bus. The route 10 going south to Sample Rd arrives at 5:57am. It
was scheduled to arrive at 6am at the same time that the bus route 34 W was scheduled to leave from the same location. He would
like a schedule modification so that he can make the connection.
A Disabled caller complained that the bus driver didn't pick him up from the stop. He was at the stop, near the back door of the bus
while the driver let other passengers off. As the caller reached the front door, the driver drove off. This morning the driver gave him
the wrong information about walmart and dropped him off all the way on palm ave passing the walmart.
*** Call back requested***
Mrs. Freeman is tired of trying to figure out when the bus will actually show. The 2:59 was more the 15 minutes early. The super
intedent needs to get his drivers under control.
Christopher was at thte bus stop on Pine Island when the #72 pulled up and then took off, refusing to pick him up. He stated that
the drivers do not care about there jobs. Please call him back per his request.
Caller complained that the bus didn't show up at all. She said almost every Sunday, the 8:42 am doesn't showed up. She said, a
driver was paid to coome at 8:42 am, saying BCT doen't care
Passenger called to compliment the driver. He was the greatest driver. He went above and beyound to accomodate his wife, on her
walker, on & off the bus. He really appreciated it
Caller states he was at the stop at 7:57am for bus due at 8:15am and it never showed up. Says he had to get on bus 2 at 8:34am to
get where he was going.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states she needed to get to 441 and Atlantic. Claims operator pulled off on a side street near the Coral Square Mall at about
8:30pm to eat a candy bar and talk on her phone. Says she was the only passenger on the bus, and operator stayed there for 30
minutes taking a break. Operator continued going east and just before she got to 441, she again turned off a side street. Says she
let passengers off where they needed and turned around to go back to Coral Square. Caller was on operator's bus earlier in the day
and passengers were saying she was driving too aggressively, moving away from stops before elderly passengers were seated.
Caller says she did make an offensive comment about the operator earlier on the bus, but no words were exchanged. Says this is
the only reason she can think that this operator would do this to her. Says it took her two hours to get home because she had to
wait for the next 42.
Caller stated that the driver pulled up to the stop and the headway stated not in service. Caller stated that the driver was letting
someone off the bus and rudely told her to get on the bus. Caller stated that she got on the bus and the driver said to her that it
was common sense that if the bus stops and the driver tells you to get on you get on. Caller stated that then after she was on the
bus the driver turned to a white lady and said to her isn't it common sense that if the bus stop you should get on. Caller stated that
the driver and the white lady passenger was then talking about her in her face. Caller sould like to have a callback.
This passenger said that the route 11 is always late from different locations and she is very upset about this and said that at the bus
stop it is very dangerous catching the bus at night when it is late or don't show. Moving the route 36 should be placed back to this
location, it was better passenger said.
The caller is stating the operator passed her up at the stop.
Comment received from 95Express website:
"Good morning! I am a passenger on the
95 express bus - Miramar park and ride. I would like to make a formal complaint. We sit at a bus stop for at least ten minutes. At
the Allapatta bus stop this gentleman stops the bus and there are no passengers getting on or off the bus. Everyone wouldn't mind
getting to our jobs on time this gentleman sits at the bus stop and waits ten minutes before he moves just because he is early. My
bus number is 5001X. This specific driver leaves Miramar Park and ride at 6:40 am. Today's date is 12/29/15."
BCT Comments 2016
Hello My name is Benjearlene. I am a vision Impaired individual with limited ability to walk. I am usually ride on Palm Tran
connection/or Tops. (door to door service) On Monday, Jan. 11,2016 I was with out assistance and had to ride the public bus. It was
very difficult for me as well as scary. I explained to the bus driver my situation. I just want to say THANK YOU all so much for him
helping me to get across the street once I reached my destination. So many time I tried to cross the road but could not see and I
was afraid. The bus driver pulled over despite he has a schedule to follow and assisted me getting me across the road. I am forever
grateful with tears in my eyes even as I write this letter. It people like him that make life so much easier (A Blessing). I asked him his
name....He said Guy bus # 906 I just want someone to please tell him for me again I can not thank him enough for helping me in a
desperate time of need. Sincerely Forever grateful, Benjearlene Nelson
Passenger said he been at this stop since about 1:35p and the driver told all passengers they had to exit the bus. He said he was
informed they were waiting for the next driver. Passenger said the driver should have been at the stop before the bus arrived now
the next driver is holding up everyone on the bus.
Hello. On the morning of Thursday, January 11th, I was driving alongside bus #0907 southbound on 441 (near Cypress Creek Rd.). I
watched the driver of this bus open his window and toss out his coffee cup. I have a photograph of the bus driver in the bus dated
that morning. Absolutely ridiculous, there's no place for this type of behavior. Thank you for addressing the matter.
Route 4 Dania Beach Blvd closed since 1/12/16. Traffic backed up and completely off schedule. Can the route get additional buses
while bridge closed. Cynthia Waters
Passenger is stating the bus at 3:00pm left early. She saw it pass the stop at 2:55pm.
The customer called to complain that the bus that was due at 5:59p still has not arrived as of 6:13p. The customer says this is the
third time she has tried to catch this time and it has not been on time.
The customer called to complain that the bus passed by without stopping to pick him up. ***The customer wants a call back about
this complaint.***
Passenger is complaining that the bus was cold. She says the driver did not put the heater on.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller is stating the last bus of the night is constantly coming to the stop 5- 10 mins early.
Caller says the A/C might be malfunctioning on the bus, it is freezing cold. Says it is already cold outside and the A/C is making it
worse. Says operator could have said something or apologized to passengers for this.
Passenger is stating he got robbed on the bus right before he exited. Another passenger stole his wallet and over $400 cash. Caller
was wearing (chef)black pants and a red jacket and shirt. Caller says he made a police report with Fort Lauderdale PD and he spoke
to the supervisor at the terminal about the inciddent as well.
Caller stated that he was on the rte 12 bus 0829 when a lady in a uhaul flatbed truck pulled in front of the bus and the driver could
not stop. Caller stated that the lady in the U-haul caused the accident and that when he walked away from the scene the only
person hurt was the bus driver. Caller stated that he told the police what he knew and left but that if we need anything further
from him feel free to contact him.
Caller stated that he was about 20ft in front of the bus stop and signaled to the driver that he wanted the bus and the driver just
kept going.
Caller says this bus has not shown up 3 times in a row last week. She stated the school (Taravella) has called her 3 times in a row
about her child not showing up on time for school. She also said other kids parents has been called as well and their children rely on
the same bus to get them to school also. She said she know for sure the bus did not show up Wednesday and Thursday but she's
not too sure when the third day was.
Patron said, "This bus has roaches everywhere", she added, they are even walking on the bus window, this bus has to be cleaned
and sprayed!
1/22/16 11:27 am Patron told me that she called on Mon, and she noticed the same roaches issue still exists on the same bus. The
roaches are still on the bus and some smashed on the window.
This passenger said she was at the bus stop and the bus driver passed her up and she stated that this bus driver had done
repeatly,since last week, and she is very upset about this.Whe aske of the bus driver he says I did not see you, and she is running
behind the bus.
Roaches smashed on the back window, roaches crawling everywhere. Passengers says the bus looks like it hasn't been washed
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that he has been waiting on Riverland Rd/Flamingo Ln since 12:15p waiting on the bus that is
estimated to arrive at 12:26p and the bus has not arrived at of 12:44p. The tracking system shows the bus at running about 27
minutes late. The customer is filing a complaint and says that this bus always seems to be running late.
Caller states bus stop was recently installed directly behind his home on SE 3rd Ave, located at 232 Rose Drive, Ft. Lauderdale,
33316. Caller requests that bus stop be moved either slightly north or south because of the noise from the bus and the riders.
Requests a call back to know if this can be accomodated.
Caller said the University Breeze that left Westview and University Dr at 6:30am this morning did not follow the correct route. It
turn left on Westview Dr and went south, he said the driver should be aware that that was the wrong way.
C-Service Email:
Hello,My Name Is Craig Buono, I am the facilities manager at Riva Motorsports Located at 3671 N Dixie Hwy Pompano Beach,
Florida. We have a bus stop located on the south east corner of our property that had a trash receptacle, But now it is missing. I
spoke to someone last week about a replacement receptacle and never received one. We did not choose to have this bus stop
placed on our corner nor do I think we need to pay our staffing to pick up after transit customers. Please help me with this issue,
Thank You
C-Service Email:
I would like to comment on a driver who isn't professional when it comes to asking a question. Riding the same route 7 at 720 am,
441 and Pines heading West. The bus arrived but stating route 9 on the front, not an issue but to prevent getting lost I asked if this
route will be staying on Pines? Driver states "I'm on Pines aren't I" If I knew this was the bus continuing it's route on Pines then I
wouldn't have asked. Thank you for your time. Brianna
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
I just got off the #1 Bus from Aventura. I believe it was bus # 0301 (or 0310), I don't know which bus it was supposed to be because
I had been waiting since 6:37pm. The bus came about 7:19pm. It is supposed to run Saturdays every 15 Minutes. I was even
inappropriately approached at the bus stop, due to waiting so long. It is unsafe to stand on these streets for too long, so I time it so
I should not have to wait so long. My stop was 1 stop after Hallandale Beach Blvd, going North. When the bus finally came it was
crowded. I tried to get on, but then a man with a cane was stuggling to get out, so I backed out to let him through, the bus was
packed especially up front. I asked if I could get on the middle door, and the bus driver was very rude and yelled at me, he
misunderstood what I said and why I backed off the bus. After the man got out I got back on and tried to say anything and was
shouted down by the bus driver and large people yelling at me to just shut up. I am appalled at the rudeness of the driver and
letting the other passengers rally against me, so that i could not utter a sound or they would riot and make me get off the bus. It
was very intimidating and I need to report this. It was not my fault that these other passengers were cranky because the bus was so
late-(one never seemed to come). I am still shaking now that I am home, I don't feel I should have felt scared and unsafe in this
situation. I have been taking these Broward buses for over 25 years. They are not safe and the bus driver does NOT have your back
if someone gets in your face or threatens you - you are on your own on these buses. Something needs to be done! Please do
something, and that bus driver was way out of line. Please let me know I want to follow up. Sincerely, Mary DiSalvatore
C-Service Email:
I just wanted to be know that the bus driver accused me of providing the incorrect amount of fare. I boarded bus number 810 route
11 heading east at 11:44am on Friday January 15, 2016. I put my $4 dollars in then I reached in my pocket and proceeded to
deposit $1 in change, because this was all I had left until the 29th and I know I needed to be able to get to and from work until
then. The bus driver asked as I was putting in my money how old I was so I stated my age then as I'm putting the change in he says
why you are moving so slow? You're use to only putting $4 in when you get on buses so I looked at puzzled and said no I always put
$5 so he asked if I was sure. By this time I'm finished putting the money in and I'm waiting for the pass to come out and he ask
again are you sure? I took my pass and said yes I'm positive I provide the correct amount evertime. I was offended by all
statements made by this driver. I don't feel that it's fair nor is it right for him to accuse me of such an unlawful act. If I had more
time that day I would have just gotten off that bus and scheduled an uber to come or gotten on another bus but I didn't. I don't
want to continue to ride the bus if I'm to get accused of such things. That day I was physically and mentally drained. I didn't feel the
best and his accusations really made me feel worse.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
On Saturday 1/16 it took me 4 hours to get to young circle from Hallandale Blvd. because the number 4 northbound never showed
up. The 3:30 and the 4:15 never showed. You made people late for work as well as making people wait for two hours without any
transportation or explanation. I called and received the usual answer: I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!!! They couldn't be
bothered to call the drivers or even investigate to get us answer. This has really become a Mickey Mouse run organization.
C-Service email:
Just want to take a moment to report that I have been at bus stop id 3523 since 6:30 pm today on Sunday, January 17, 2016. The
bus was supposed to be at Stirling and University (Northbound) at 6:46 pm. I am at Sheridan and Univetsity. In conclusion, I left a
voicemail regarding the issue and a minute later a bus zoomed past me with the NOT IN SERVICE sign. A sign that means the
opposite 5 days out of the week. Now, bus #0308 arrived with an outside sign reflecting 28 Miramar Hospital and she is on route 2
route. She arrived right around 7:05 pm. In conclusion, I am aimply reporting that the driver was not on schedule. Julissa M.
Cottonaro (561) 282-8100
C-service Email:
I drove to two locations on Jan 18 2016 to try and catch the 5:40am/5:55am downtown express bus #109 (CB Smith Park & Ansin
Sports Complex). Neither park was open for commuters even though BCT had said location would be open during the route's
regular service hours.
C-Service email:
To Whom It May Concern: Burlington Coat Factory will open on Washington St & 441 at the end of March, 2016. I reside on
Washington St & 50th & Rte 15 runs during workweek Monday - Friday & I work F - F. From where I reside to go there, would take
me 30 minutes to walk to the above. Will bus service be provided for this new business? Please contact me. Also I am 60 years old
when do I qualifiy for a senior discount bus pass? Best Regards, Beverly Tauber
Caller stated that the driver of the rte 34 was at the light on Sample Rd and federal Hwy and would not honk for the route 10 to
wait for the passenger to get off his bus.
The customer called to complain that he feels he was overcharged because he only had a $5 and had to pay for an all day pass
when he only needed to go a few blocks down the road and the driver doesn't give change. The the customer also wanted to
complain that the driver didn't tell him that he doesn't go further west on Stirling Rd.
The patron said he is paying his fare and has not need of be mistreated. The paron said he wanted get off the bus and the operato
didn't want to stop and r had a bad attitude, and uses a bad language with him. Patron was upset and using a bad language. A call
back is required.
The customer called to complain that the bus passed by without stopping to pick her up.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that a Miami-Dade bus was ahead of the Broward 441 Breeze and instead of pulling up behind the
Miami-Dade bus to see is passengers wanted the Breeze the bus went around and left without stopping.
A passenger complained that the bus operator closed the door on the middle of her right arm while she was getting off the bus. She
claimed that she was in pain and would be going to consult a doctor the following day. She stated that the incident occurred on
Sunrise Blvd and Pines Island between 4:30 PM and 4:35 PM. According to her, the driver was a black male driving bus route # 56
going west.
transfered to Risk for claim
forwarded to risk management
The customer called to complain that the buses are being detoured at Broward Blvd due to an accident so the 441 Breeze is unable
to stop at the Breeze stop south of Broward Blvd. The customer is complaining because she tried to wave the Breeze bus down
goign south by the Rte 18 stop before Broward Blvd then another one after it makes the turn for the detour onto Broward Blvd and
neither Breeze bus stopped.
Driver had all the windows open on the bus and passengers were shivering and cold and he would not close them.
The customer called to complain that the route 28 bus passed by without stopping to pick anyone up. The customer says that the
bus had passengers on board and did not have a NOT IN SERVICE sign.
Passenger says that he and 3 more passengers was at the bus stop and the rt 28 bus passed by them standing at the bus stop at
palm ave eastbound at 642pm.
The customer called to complain that the bus passed by without stopping to pick him up.
Passenger says that she and her child was standing at the bus stop at MLK and 18 D at 410pm. Passenger says that the rt 60 bus
northbound passed them at the bus stop, and stopped away from the bus stop and she had to walk to the bus. Passenger says that
if the traffic was not heavy the bus driver would have left them.
Passenger says that all last week and yesterday and today, the 88 southbound at 611am never came. Passenger wants a callback
and for the Supervisor to check on the first rt 88 southbound not coming at all.
The customer called to complain that she has been at the bus stop on Hiatus Rd/Oakland Park Blvd since 7:00p and the bus due at
7:12p never arrived.
Caller stated that driver is the money out of peoples hands and putting it in the fare box herself. Caller stated that driver is being
rude telling people to shut up and making students pay $2 instead of $1.
Caller states bus due at 8:12am never showed up.
Caller states that Broward County signs with route 5 have been placed in Century Village Pembroke Pines. Says two women in a
white van put them down. Says this is confusing for riders and bus operators don't know anything about it either.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller says she rides with this operator every night and he keeps multiple windows open on the bus. Says it has been cold and she's
asked the operator to please close the windows. Says she asked him and he has closed some, but not all of them because he says
the bus needs ventilation.
Caller stated that the bus stop sign is missing from the stop. Please replace.
Passenger signalled on bus to stop at Johnson/ N Park Rd, but the driver passed it and stopped at Johnson/ N 35th A so they made
her late for work because she had to walk back to her destination. She also said the bus arrived 20 mins late and this has happened
a couple days in a row.
Female driver ran stop sign and passed the stop but stopped a little further from where she was supposed to. Our rider got on and
the driver yelled that she could not see her because she is too small. The caller felt embarrased and insulted and states driver
should not make comments about customer's physical appearance. Claims same thing happened yesterday.
This Passenger is calling to say that this bus driver passed him up!!!
Caller stated that the bus was late. Caller stated that she had waited almost 2 hours for a #9 bus and when it came she ask the
driver if the bus run ever 2 hours and he shrugged his shoulders.
Caller states she has been at the stop since 10:35am and bus due at 10:44am has not shown up as of 11:00am. Says route 55 is
never on time and her son has been late for school when he tries to catch the bus in the mornings as well. She wants a call back
about this and complaint 17846.
Rude and mean bus operator is reported. BCT Bus operator arrived to the bus stop at VTP when several veterans were waiting for
the bus, one of them didn't have the exact change so he ask the driver wait for him only few seconds to get the exact change at the
7 eleven. In response the driver closed the door and left. The patron said, the BCT driver stop at the next bus stop to take a break
and eat his food. While the patron was on the phone the driver was eating his food, the patron said, "I am a veteran myself and I
care for my people, the BCT driver’s behavior is very mean”. “The veterans are struggling to survive and don't deserve been
treated like that”.
Passenger stated he was waiting on the 441 breeze at the same stop route 11 stops at. He asked the driver on bus 11 did the
breeze already pass by and the driver replied “What do I look like watching buses ride by"? Passenger said the driver could have
just said he did not know instead of being rude.
While going home from work, I boarded bus #0708 on Wednesday, 1/20/2016 at 8:00am. which serviced route #16. While on the
bus, I was pushed hard twice by the Driver. Please not havre your drivers assault the passengers. Than you.
Bus passed him up and did not stop. B/m driver. They are not following the rules and not stopping where they are supposed to.
Drivers dont care for the customers or their jobs.
Dropping up passengers at irregular stops and not at the express routes. defeats the purpose. w/m driver. The drivers are not
following the rules.
BCT Comments 2016
I had the pleasure of riding bus #706 on the number 1 route on Monday, January 18th from FLL @ 9:15 pm. The driver was very
helpful with all of his passengers and verified the route number although the destination sign read "NOT IN SERVICE." He should be
commended for announcing all of the transfer points on the route into downtown.
Caller states operator was adjusting and putting his hands in his pants continuously. Says he started at the Broward Terminal by
pulling up his pants because they were too big, and he also said he lost a lot of weight. Says he was driving with one hand at times
between the terminal and Sunrise Blvd. Says operator was tapping on the farebox as well. Says operator needs to be addressed
about this because she did not feel safe. Says she believes operator is on some kind of drugs, he was very jumpy.
This passenger called and said he placed 5.00 in the fare box and the fare block was blocked and the driver could not give him and
all day pass and said to call customer service, and this passenger said he got off this bus and aboarded another bus and paid 5.00
then he is asking what should he do now because he has lost 5.00 and the driver should have tolded him to asked the next bus
driver, but did not, and he has lost, Can he be compensated?
A passenger complained that bus route # 05 passed by the stop and did not pick them up. She stated that a group of 20 people
were waiting at the bus stop waiving their hands to stop it but the bus operator ignored them and kept on going. she described the
bus operator as being a black female driving bus route # 05 going East. The incident occurred at pembroke road and douglas road at
approximately 3:17 PM.
The customer called to complain that there are homeless people camped out at the bus stop on Sistrunk Blvd/NW 7th Ave goign
eastbound. both ob and under the bench and passengers are unable to use the bench because of this. ***The customer wants a
call back about this complaint.***
The problem has been taken to the county attorney's office. They will speak with the individual city municipalities on what to do
about signate, enforcement, etc. Clsoe Hastus complaint
Answer still pending from Cathy Battaglia, Security Officer
spoke to customer and told him we are working on this issue. To call customer service for an update.
Mgr Security Cathy Battaglia will visit the location and if this is a problem will request that BSO eradicate the problem. She will call
the customer with her findings.
Passenger says that the 02 bus passed by him standing at the bus stop at 700pm at wiles rd northbound.
Passenger says he was standing at a stop with the bus stop sign, driver was talking to a female passenger and drove right pass him.
Mr. Hall called to let us know about our problem with the Roaches on bus(es) #205, #720 or 721(was the University Breeze), #1128,
#1035 and bus #1038. Please address these bugs on theses buses. This on different routes, different times, and different days. He
will be keeping track of the bus numbers and calling on them.
BCT Comments 2016
Ms. Nelson called along with six other passengers, inquiring as to why with so many passengers waiting at the stop, the driver
chose not to stop and pick them up. She was inable to see the driver or get a bus number.This is the second time this bus has done
this, and the last time she requested a call back and no one ever called. Again she is requesting a call back. Please call her.
Caller called on behave of her mother who has a bad leg. She said her mother asked the driver to kneel the bus so she could get on
because she could not lift her leg. She said the driver kneeled the bus but it was not low enough for her to get on so she asked him
to let down the wheelchair ramp and she said the driver told her no because she did not have a wheelchair. Her mother tried to get
on the kneeled bus and tripped and fell. Other passengers on the bus helped her get up but the driver did not. Caller said she was
extremely upset because he could have been sensitive to the situation and just let the ramp down for her mother. Caller says she
will be calling an Attorney to assist her if BCT cannot. Caller did not provide the time nor location her mother was getting on the
bus at, and nor did she ant to give her mother's name she said someone needs to call her back and speak with her, not her mother.
Passenger called to complain that the bus approached the stop and the driver looked at him and kept going past. He stated that this
will cause him to miss his connection at the mall now. He also said that this incident has happened more than once. He also said
that BCT should have enough buses on the route that the route can run a proper schedule and something should be done to fix the
problem. ***Caller Request A Call Back***
Passenger says female was running alongside the bus as the bus pulled away, she tripped and fell in the road and driver almost ran
her over. She said passengers were telling the driver to stop but he kept going. She said she rides this bus often and the driver is a
douche bag and he was speeding and ran a red light. I checked tracking system while speaking with her and driver was only going
19 MPH.
Christopher was at the stop on 441 when the bus passed him up. The Driver was talking with a female passenger when he went by.
The female passenger must have been past the yellow line, cause she was next to the driver. Please call this passenger on this
Caller states bus due to leave at 7:00am has not shown up as of 7:12am. Says people need to get to work and bus has been late or
not showing up.
This passenger said that he was at the bus stop location and the driver went on a side street, passenger tried to catch him and the
driver had a not-in-service sign on the bus, and it was 7:08am.
This passenger said the bus was a no show.
Caller stated that there is bugs crawling all over the bus # 0827.
Caller states bus due at 7:47am has not shown up as of 8:10am. Says this operator has been consistently late this week and needs
to shape up or she needs to be taken off the route. Says people are missing connections and will be late for work.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that the 7am rte 40 bus was late to the Lauderhill Mall and the Supervisor who was there got on the bus and told the
driver to put not in service and drop off only. Caller stated that the driver is still stopping at every stop. Caller stated that the bus
that was due to leave the mall at 7:20am have now passed the 7am bus because the driver keeps stopping.
Caller stated that the bus is always running late. Caller stated that this is his 108th complaint and he wants a callback.
Caller stated she was at the stop west of Powerline Rd and Hillsboro Blvd waiting for the route 48 eastbound and the bus passed
her by. Caller stated that it was the last bus that goes into Century villiage, so now she had to wait 45 mins for the next bus and
then walk into Century Villiage to the clubouse. Caller wants a callback about this.
Caller states operator was pulling into the Sears stop and was speeding. Says was walking just outside of Sears, and operator almost
ran her over. Says the mirror of the bus almost hit her face, and she someone had to pull her back out of the way.Caller states she
also witnessed the operator close the doors in face of a passenger. Says she is not sure if something is medically wrong with the
operator but he was driving erratically.
Passenger said driver made everyone get off the bus once they arrived at Broward Health North. He said he would have paid the
additional $2.00 fare to come back around but the driver did not offer that he just told them they had to get off the bus and did not
say why. Another passenger was waiting at the stop for the bus to go back South but he did not pick her up, he left. Call back
Caller wants to complain that the bus was due at 11:17am and is not there yet at 11:19am.
This caller said that he was in his car and the bus driver cut him off twice and threw up his finger and acted very ignorant.
BCT Comments 2016
C-service Email:
Like to log a bus driver complaint as follows. Please feel free to forward me to another form if that exists or have someone call me
to discuss. Time/date: 6:59 PM, Wed Jan 20, 2016 Location: Eastbound Sunrise at 95 Bus: 0035 printed on back of bus Bus travelling
east on Sunrise. I was exiting Northbound I-95 and attempting to merge into traffic. I was in front of the bus by at least 25 yards in
the ramp and next to the car on Sunrise in front of bus. I wanted to merge behind this car, but the bus driver closed the gap to
within just a few feet leaving no room for me or the car behind me to enter Sunrise causing both of us to have to slam on breaks to
avoid being run off the road. Bus stopped at corner of NW 16th Street to let off passengers. I was now in the center lane of Sunrise
approximately 2 car lengths behind the bus. Approximately 2 blocks east of 16th Street, there was a stalled vehicle in the right lane
of Sunrise. I was completely next to the bus when he changed into my lane again forcing me to slam on my breaks and the car
behind me nearly hit me. The bus proceeded pass the stalled vehicle and returned to the right lane. I got next to bus and honked
my horn to let the driver know I was there and express my frustration with him cutting me off twice. Upon getting in front of the
bus, the driver then turned on his high beam head lights and left them on distracting my rear view. It was clear to me that both of
actions to cut me off were purposeful. In turning his high beam head lights into my rear window, he (or she) verified that they had
full knowledge of their actions. I find this behavior from a public bus driver handling a large vehicle and putting the lives of others at
risk to be simply unacceptable. I am happy to speak to a supervisor about this experience.
C-Service Email:
I take the 62 every Morning on the corner of McNab Rd. and Powerline Rd. going westbound. This bus is suppose to be at this
location at 8:44 AM and every morning it is late. Can you please find out why this bus is always late and make sure that the driver
keeps his schedule on time. There are those of us who depend on the bus to get to work on time. I would appreciate whatever you
can do, thank you.
Rider claims driver took a different route and skipped his stop and went directly to another stop.
Caller saw 2 roaches on the bus. She wasn't able to kill either of them. Caller is sure that if she saw 2 roaches, there must have
been many more that she didn't see.
Passenger says driver is very rude and impolite. She said he always have something unprofessional to say to her. She said
registering this complaint is a waist of time because nothing is ever done about the driver. She said he should be fired and we
should not have someone like him working for our company.
The caller's granddaughter is large for her age and the driver charged her granddaughter adult fare of $2. I explained that if
granddaughter doen't have photo ID with DOB proving she's under 19, the driver has the right to charge her adult fare. Caller says
she was wearing her school's shirt which should be proof enough. Caller then said that her student ID should be enough. I asked if
student ID had date of birth;caller said no. Wants a callback ASAP, ++++possibly today++++.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger claims bus driver stopped but closed the door on him and did not allow anyone to board and gestured for them to wait
for the next bus. Driver heavy set b/f. Passenges states had a bad attitude.
Caller complained that the bus 60 that is due at the Transit Center going south at 3:06pm and 3:27pm did not show he was at the
stop at 3pm and up until 3:40pm he was still waiting. He said this happens on a regular basis and something should be done about
the buses runing late or not showing up.
Passenger said driver made him get off the bus after he paid his fairs and told him everyone had to get off and wait for the next bus
because he was waiting for his relief. Passenger wants to know why they had to get off the bus. Call back requested.
Caller complained that he was at Commercial Blvd and University Dr going west, the bus came and pass him up, he went on the
east side to catch the bus and the driver pass him up again. Caller said the driver deliberately pass him up he would like a call back
regarding this complaint.
Passenger says driver is very rude and disrespectful to elderly passengers. She said she was helping someone asking for directions
but they were standing at the bus stop, driver pulled up yelling lets go get on the bus. She said it was very impolite and
disrespectful because she was assisting someone who did not speak english and needed help.She said the driver is so rude another
passenger was afraid to get on her bus because he did not ant any trouble.
Passenger says that the bus driver passed by him at the bus stop and passenger says that he picked up other passengers in the
middle of the street.
This bus has roaches.
Driver bypassed her. She says everytime this driver is on route he do not stop at there.
Caller said she was at the bus stop on Oakland Park Blvd and NW 31 ave going west, the bus came and the driver told her there was
a bus behind him she should take that bus, the bus behind came she wave it down and the driver pointed at the bus that pass her
and did not stop.Caller said the driver's do whatever pleases them and they are there to transport passengers.
Mr. Huffman is very upset that the 6:40 bus #0203 never showed yesterday and the 7:07 bus #1335 arrived around 7:15pm. He
also wanted to file a complaint on the #0308 bus today was late. He wants a call back and stated he is calling the superintendent
tonight on this matter. Please call him.
Passenger says that there are roaches crawling over the seats in the rt 81 bus.
Passenger says that there are roaches on the rt 10 bus #0316.
Caller said he was walking to the bus stop on University DR and 207th St and the 202 breeze going north was due there at 7:18pm
was going north at 7:10pm, caller said the bus was 8 minutes early and he would like a supervisor to talk to the driver because that
is way too early for a bus to be ahead of schedule.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says that the short lady bus driver was slamming on the brakes and passing passengers at the bus stops waiting for her
bus. Passenger also says that she was yelling at passengers and asking very old elderly passengers for ID, and passenger says that
she was horning the horn at other vehicles on the roadway.
There are roaches around the area of the bus schedule rack.
Caller is complaining that the rte 50 bus leaving the terminal is always late. Caller stated that last night the 8:45am bus never
showed up and when he went to knock on the supervisors door the cop told him not to knock. Caller would like to know what is
going to be done about this bus and other buses being late all the time. Caller would like a callback, and stated that he would like
to speak witha Supervisor so, if you get his answering machine please leave a callback number and name where he could reach a
Customer saw bus that said not in service but claims that it was the 48 with wrong headway and passed her by at stop leaving her
stranded. There are no reports of any 48's down this morning.
Caller stated that she got on the bus and paid her fare and before she could sit down the driver took off and she fell into the seat.
Caller stated that driver was driving very very fast and when he came to a stop she almost flew out her seat. Caller stated that she
hit her right knee on the pole in front of her and she hurt her right elbow trying to catch her balance.
Passenger stated driver rode right by passengers and did not stop. He said they were signalling the bus and he kept going.
Passenger said this happens quite often, drivers passing that stop or arriving way to early.
The caller was waiting at the stop and the driver passed by him. The driver told him that he was going out of service and closed the
door. The caller knew he was going to take his break down at 36 street and he did not want to walk there to catch the bus going
back west, he wanted to catch the bus as it was going east passed A1a& 40th street.
Passenger said she pulled the signal on the bus but the driver let her off at the next stop. Driver said it was a truck parked, blocking
her stop so he could not stop there. She cursed at the driver because she say she did not see the truck but it could have been a
truck parked there, she do not know for sure. She said the driver cursed back at her and was very rude to her.
***CService Email***
I've been waiting for 40 minutes for the route 31 bus at 9am from the terminal, at the Sunrise and 7th stop, which never came. It's
pouring rain and I'm sick of writing emails. Nothing is ever done about the complaints. This is ridiculous and now I'm soaked
because you can't do your jobs. I would like to be contacted by a supervisor at 207-475-4732. My name is Jason.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 217pm for the bus due @ 222pm. At 243pm it still hasn't shown.
Caller calling right from bus. Only gave name of eric, no other info but states bus is infected with roaches.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller cpmplained that the bus driver didn't pick her up. He was going so fast like a bat out of hell. He looked at the 6 passengers
that were waiting there and flew by. Caller just started to take the bus is broward county. The other passengers told her: " they
don't care about us." To catch the next bus, The passenger went and stand on the street. She also stated that someone ran into the
bus sign post about 2 weeks ago. They didn't fix the post yet. But the driver know it's stop ther plus there's a bench
The bus was traveling south on 72ave. School zone was in session, and the bus was going about 25mph. Caller said the bus almost
side swiped his car and he says he has the whole incident on dash cam. The school zone ends at 8am. Operator was honking his
horn and driving recklessly. Caller also said he had to swerve the car to avoid the bus hitting him.
Caller states she has been at the stop since 2:45pm it is now 3:40pm and no buses have picked up. Says it is rainy and cold and she
is late.
Caller said he is visiting from California, he took the 30 bus at the Central Terminal at 2:20 Pm bus number 0502 the driver was an
african american female he ask the driver to let him off at Peters Rd and SW 80th Ter, the driver threw the map at him and told
him to look for his stop because she did not have time to look for the stop she had to concentrate on the road. Before the bus even
move from the terminal she told him he was standing infront of the yellow line. Caller said he was shocked that the driver treated
him in that manner because he simply ask her for direction. He would like a call back on this comlaint.
Ms. Atkins was at the stop just on the west side of Powerline Road, when she saw the bus at the red light. She waved at the driver
to signal that she wanted to be picked up when the bus went right by her. She stated, "it's bad enough it was 15 minutes late, and it
was raining, bus to keep going and not stop after she waved him down. I informed her that there was another one about 7-10
minutes away. She didn't get a description or the bus number.
Caller says the 81 sticker has been removed from the bus stop sign in the eastbound lane of traffic at Executive Pavilion Way. A
driver told her the 81 doesn't stop there anymore. It is still listed in Hastus as a valid stop. Please put an "81" sticker on the bus
stop sign. Caller says another driver told her that the route 81 no longer stops anywhere on Broward blvd westbound between
University dr and the west terminal.
Passenger asked the driver about a stop that has changed and the driver responded “I’m not going to get into your mess". She said
the driver needs to be more helpful since that is his job. She said she felt like the driver treated her that way because of her race.
Call back requested.
Passenger says the driver's name is Miranda nd she did not stop at the stop. He said a couple patron were at the stop waiting and
she just blew right by them. Passenger says now him and other passengers have to wait in the rain for the next bus.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states passengers on bus 1168 were split up into to groups by the operator because he was caught by his follower, 1170. Says
one bus went to the Tri-Rail, and the other went directly to the BBT Center. Says if 1168 operator was on time passengers would
not have to be going back and forth between buses in the rain.
Passenger says that the wi-fi has not worked on the perry airport breeze to miami all week.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 600pm for the bus due @ 610pm. It never showed. No problems reported from dispatch. The 702pm
bus did show.
Passenger says that he was at the bus stop at anglers and griffin waving for the rt 6 bus to stop, and the lady bus driver passed by
him waving at the bus stop.
Caller complained that the bus driver saw her running to the bus stop and didn't wait to pick her up. She wasn't at the stop. There
was a passenger at the stop who got on, then the bus driver took off
Bus runing late 5 minutes, the patron said this bus should be on time but is always late!
A passenger complained that bus route #10 passed his stop ans did not pick him up. He stated that the bus operator
Caller complained that the bus was already late and was sitting at the stop. The bus driver then walked over to walgreens although
he's already 10 min late making him miss his connection with the route 20. He had issues with all the routes he had to take today.
Caller complained that the bus didn't arrive at all. That makes him his connection with the route 34.
A passenger complained that passengers are freezing inside the busses because none of them have heates. He stated that last
night, he took bus #2 going South and the bus operator told him that the temperature on the bus was great because he was from
New york. The passenger claimed that he paid $80.00 for a bus pass, therefore, BCT needs to fix the heater on every bus. He was
unable to tell me the name of the library that he bought the bus pass from. He instead said that every library charged $80.00 for a
bus pass. According to the passenger,the incident occured on University and oakland Park Blvd at approximately 10.36 PM.
States bus never arrived, waited over 1 hour and ended up walking and catching bus 60 at 9:50pm. States that the service is worse
when customer service is closed and drivers start slacking because they know that customers can't call in.
Driver made an unscheduled stop. This is going on every day. Defeating route purpose.
Bus left late because drivers were talking to each other and not following schedule. B/f driver. Drivers doing what they want.
Leaving late. Not following schedule. Talking to other drivers.
Left early. Not following schedule.
BCT Comments 2016
A passenger complained that the bus operator passed his bus stop and did not pick him up. He stated that the bus operator was
traveling at about 60 miles an hour when he passed his bus stop and his action would cause him to be late for work. He said that
he could not catch the bus number because it passed him too fast. He described the bus driver as being a black male driving bus 10
going North.
Caller upset and wants a CALLBACK.
Please see attached VM.
Caller states bus due at 6:06am showed up late again this morning at 6:15am. Says her son cannot continue to go to detention
because the bus is not showing up on time to get him to school. Says she has yet to receive a call back regarding complaints 17846
& 18000.
Caller stated that she was sitting at the West Terminal with her son waiting for the 8:20am route 12 bus when the bus pulled into
the terminal at 8:13am and did not stop, just left the terminal. Caller stated that a blonde haired lady was driving and she clearly
saw that the bus was the route 12. ***CALLBACK***
Caller stated the bud was schedule to arrive at 6:30am and he waited til 7:05am and bus never showed up.
Caller states he asked operator if he was going to the Central Terminal, and says operator responded, "get off the fucking bus and
read the sign". Caller states he is new to the area, it was 6am in the morning, and no passenger deserves to be spoken to like he
was by the operator. Caller also thinks the only reason operator spoke to him like this is because he is white. Caller wants a call
back to know what action is going to be taken about this.
Passenger is upset because there was no bus dispatched to replace the 10a departure at Young Circle. There was a disturbance on
the bus but the caller feels like there should have been a replacement bus to keep the route on schedule. Caller is upset because
she will be late for work and get written up.
Caller states operator let passengers ride without paying fare.
This passenger called and said that the bus driver left the bus stop too early, passenger wants a call back.
Passenger called regarding route 72 detour, states route detours need to be posted on the buses when they are in effect. Informed
passenger detour is posted on BCT website.
Passenger said driver passed by her and other passengers standing at the stop.
Caller stated that the bus just drove right by them.
Hello, Please offer regular buses to games NHL - Florida Panther (Sunrise) from Miami Beach please? Maybe Line 114? Thank you.
Caller was a motorist. Caller says the bus was frequently changing lanes without signalling.
As passenger was approaching the bay, driver pulled off and did not have the courtesy to wait and she was only a few feet away.
She said the driver looked at her through the mirror and seen her but he kept going. She said another driver from route 11-1316
had just relieved him and he told her did not know why the guy would do that. Passenger requested that the drivers take a
customer service course before hired.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that since the detour on dania beach blvd for the number four bus it is always late. She said the bus schedule
should be differentl because of the detour, she should not have to take an earlier bus because she is paying to take the bus and
she would like a call back regarding this complaint.
Mr. Goode called to complain that he picked his daughter up from school and dropped her at the bus stop in front of his job (Whole
Foods) so she can get the bus home before dark and he states that today as well as a different day last week the bus approached
the stop and looked at her and kept going. He said that she is eleven (11) years old and missing this bus will cause her to get home
in the dark. He said he doesn't know why the driver refuse to pick her up but this has caused him to have to leave work to take her
home and then return to work. He would like this situation to be resolved to eliminate the problems it has caused his family.
***Caller Request A Call Back***
Caller arrived bus stop @ 510pm for the bus due @ 520pm. It never showed. Dispatch sent an email about a 55 in an accident.
Caller said something to the effect that that's no excuse. Wants a callback.
Air conditioning not working. Passenger upset she's paying more money to ride the bus and the ac isn't woring nor is the windows
Caller said she and her disabled son and her son's companion was at the Broward Mall waiting to go east on the 22 bus, she said it
is her first time using the bus so she went to the driver and ask him if he was going east, the driver said he was going to the West
Terminal. Caller said she put her son in her truck and drove to the West Terminal, she saw the same bus with the headsign saying
Central Terminal. The driver saw her and drove off, she follow the bus to the Broward mall. The driver bypass JC Penny and went
out on University Dr turn right on Broward Blvd and that is when he stop at the bus sto. He tried to pull off when he saw her and in
doing so he close her son's companion's foot in the door. Caller said the driver should have told her that he was going to the West
Terminal and he would turn around there to go back east. She went to the Terminal and talk to Supervisor Mitch and ask him to
pull the tape because the driver should not be driving the bus if he is not going to transport passengers who are disabeled. She
would like a call back on this comnplaint.
Passenger says driver was almost 20 minutes late. He said he did not show up until 540p and he was scheduled to arrive at 515p.
Passenger says this is the 4th time within 2 weeks route 14 has been late.
Passenger said him and another passenger almost fell on the bus due to the drivers reckless driving and unnecessary speeding.
They both told the driver they almost fell and he said the driver responded “if you do not like my driving you can get off my bus or I
will call the cops”. Once they got to US1/Griffin Rd the bus stopped and the driver called the police and had the two of them
removed from the bus. Passenger said he wants her apprehended for her actions because he did not feel it was necessary for her to
call the police and have them removed from the bus. Callback was requested.
Caller arrived bus stop 625pm for the bus due @ 640pm. At 708pm it still hasn't shown.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller said he was driving east on Sample near the turnpike at about 60 mile per hour, there was a bus going in the same direction
going in and out of traffic passing him cutting infront of the vehicle infron tof him almost causing a pileup. Calle rsaid a bus that big
should not be driving that fast.
Caller states she was standing at the door of the bus and operator left her.
Caller suggesting that the drivers take a customer service course on how to deal with the public.
Driver made all the passengers get off the bus because someone vomited. The driver let everyone off by a Shell gas station, which
wasn't a bus stop. Passenger is upset because they driver did not communicate well and he didn't let them off at a valid bus stop.
Caller says she has yet to receive a call back regarding complaints 17346, 17610, 17892, and 17915. Says she was dropped off well
before the bus stop again this morning. Says she is taking pictures with her phone of where she is dropped off every morning, and
she is keeping record of times and bus numbers so she can take this to a higher authority if no action is going to be taken. She
wants a call back from operations as soon as it is possible.
Caller states her son's youth pass got washed but the date is still visible on the back. Says operators have been allowing him to ride
by looking at the date for the last week, but this operator did not even want to listen to her son trying to explain that the date was
still visible, and denied him a ride.
Caller states he was driving north on Thursday or Friday morning last week at 7:58am. Operator tried to pass him by going around
in the left lane, but didn't have enough room to get the articulated bus back over into the right lane. Says operator ran him off the
road and onto the curb trying to get back over. Says after his car went onto the curb, operator signalled to him to get out of the
Caller stated that the route 31 SB never showed at 10:07 am at Lyons Rd and Wiles Rd. Caller also stated that the 10:37am came
and passed him right by.
Dear Mrs. Ana Bravo,
I am contacting you, after I tried calling an emailing Broward County Transit; about the inability to access the internet on the new
5000 series buses. The only WIFI that is shown as available is BCT with no bus number. There is no problem accessing the internet
on the older buses it usually shows like BCT Public 1429X (bus number). The new buses do not show a WIFI name with the bus
number on it. I appreciate in advance your help with this matter, It is very important for me to be able to access the internet while
riding the bus, sometimes for about 2 hours. I will be able to start my work day early at 7:15am, thus allowing me to leave work
one hour earlier each day.
Caller stated that thedriver was very nice, polite and had a very sweet disposition.
The back right window has smashed roaches stuck to it. Also, caller sees live roaches crawling around.
Bus running at least 10 minutes earlier states the patron. The customer said the bus scheduled at 11:46 hrs. , was runingearlier , he
was waiting for this bus since 11:35 hrs. and never showes up. A callback is required.
Customer service representative couldn't trace or get information about 48-01 West
BCT Comments 2016
BCT bus operator stop in the middle of the street and left the bus unattended for 15 minutes while he was using the bathroom and
buying food at 7-eleven. The customer said, he stop the traffic, like 14 cars were behind the bus. Patron added, this is not right,
this driver is negligent and can make accidents. Callback is required.
This passenger said that she was on the route 81 last night and 1 headlight was only working. Passenger wants a response!!!
The customer called to report that she was transferring from Miami-Dade to a Broward route 18 bus at Golden Glades and she only
had $1 though the transfer is 50 cents. The customer says had the passenger in front of her take her $1 and give her his 50 cents
intending for him to put the $1 in for both of their transfers. The customer says the other passenger did this but when the caller got
onto the bus she forgot and put the 50 cents into the farebox herself. The customer says that she then asked the driver if the
person behind her could just give her his 50 cents cents she put her sin by mistake. The customer is complaining because the driver
wouldn't let her do that.
Passenger called to complain that the bus scheduled for this time did not arrive. She also stated that the next bus scheduled for
arrival at 7:23pm did not arrive also.
C-Service Email:
To Whom It May Concern; I don't understand your public transportations safety and heat ethics. I've been around the world, many
cities in third world countries, where public transportation was much safer, cleaner and healthier to the public service. There isn't
any excuse why your buses shouldn't be cleaned, and regulated for health hazards. I been riding on your route 60 bus. To smelling
urine, sitting on urine, food on all your seats, and most disgusting cockroaches on the bus, not just one but at least 20 in one of
your buses for example 0743. I had 3 crawling on my shoe. 5 dead in the window. Is this really what the public should be riding? Yet
your tourism. I'm disgusted to even take your bus. This creates unethical excuses. It keeps getting worse, bus drivers don't even
regulate when someone is pissing on the bus, eating or blasting a radio. Other cities give out warning or call local authorities for a
citation. I'm not only reporting this but will provide recordings to our local news. No one should be exposed to this. Same way
restaurants get closed for not meeting healt code requirements, buses should as well. Who ever is reading this e-mail, is there
cockroaches on your desk. Did someone urinate next you our cubicle or did you sit on it? Think about your wise Response Elvis
Ramon Aguilera
C-Service Email:
Bus driver wearing winter jacket, has A/C blasting ----why not have a bit of heat on? It is 66 degrees outside. Sometimes the drivers
seem to do these illogical things on purpose.
Bus 1163-- 6:30 pm on Friday Jan.22....leaving bus area 19th and 12 th....
The passenger is stating the driver went passed him without stopping.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
To whom it may concern: I have been taking the 95 express bus for more than a year now. I take the bus at 6:00 am from Miramar
and at 3:30 from JMH. Last week we only got a bus with comfortable sits on Friday. By that time my back was literally killing me.
Our ride is at least an hour back and forth and honestly the sits are awful. My pain gets so bad I have been thinking of starting to
drive to work again, and that's a lot to say. I have noticed that the Weston bus is CONSISTENTLY one of the ones that have great
sits. Is there a reason for this? Any difference between the Weston population and the Miramar population? I have talk to others in
my bus and we all agree that something should be done.
Caller states her wallet was stolen on route 10. Says she left her purse on the seat and got up to swipe her pass. Says she didn't
realize it was missing until after exiting the bus. Says her ID was inside, and her cards are being used by whoever stole it. Says PD
advised her to contact BCT to get video. She would like a call back about this.
Called customer and gave her contact to lost and found: Tim Roeneker
C-Service Email:
Bus sign disappeared from Route 11 southbound stop on A1A at Oceanwalk Terrace (I think it's stop #969), near Assumption
Church. I called BCT administration last week and they told me this stop has not been cancelled, and the sign should be there.
Unfortunately, there is still no sign, and without a sign there, busdrivers don't recognize this as a stop anymore and therefore don't
pick up or drop off at Oceanwalk Terrace. This is an inconvenience for local residents, especially those like me who are disabled and
depend on buses for transportation. Please replace the sign as soon as possible. Thanks.
Wi-Fi is prompting caller to input a password. He says there is no other Wi-Fi names being picked up with BCT or BC on it, that is the
only one that says BC Bus.
Passenger said he was standing at the bus stop when the bus drove right pass him. He say the driver looked at him and kept going.
Passenger said he tried to get on the bus and the driver closed the door right in his face and drove off. Passenger said he is
infuriated because the drivers actions were pure disrespectful and he wants the driver apprehended for that. He then said he’s
tired of BCT, every bus he get on has roaches, late, or the drivers are disrespectful. Caller requested a call back and do not want to
wait 7-1o days for someone to call him back. He requested more information about who the superintendent was so I provided him
with 954-831-4000 and advised him to speak with general information for more information.
The customer called to complain that the bus was too cold and even though she asked the driver twice to do something about it all
he said was that he's done' everything he can.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 510pm. At 631pm still no bus. Dispatch says a 48 was in an accident.
The customer called to complain that the bus passed by without stopping to pick her up.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that first a route 48 was in an accident which caused a delay and now the route 50 has broken
down which is causing a longer delay. The customer is complainginand says that soemthing needs to be done about this.
The customer called to complain that she caught the route 22 from the Tri-Rail going eastbound at about 5:15p and when
approaching the Central Terminal the bus went down to US1 and went around instead of following the correct route causing her to
miss her connection to the route 11 bus.
A passenger complained that bus route 42 going west was very late and is always late on a daily basis. She stated that the bus
should arrive to A1A and Atlantic Blvd at 7:15 PM, however it was 7:32 PM and was no where to be found. She said that BCT needs
to do something about this.
Caller stated she got on the bus and showed her medicare care for a discount and driver refused to give her a discount ride and
driver began being very rude to her.
Caller stated she got on the bus showing her medicare card for a discounted ride and the driver refused her the discount by saying
he can't take that and caller also stated driver was very rude.
The caller is stating this driver is always late and he is rude. This morning he asked the caller how old she was. She said he asked her
in a rude manner. All he had to do was ask for her ID nicely to show proof of age. Caller says he need to work on his customer
service and being on time.
This passenger said she was on the bus and rung the bell and the driver did not stop, and he was late.
Claims driver was distracted speaking to a rider and did not stop.
States male driver saw her but did not stop.
claims every day the bis arrives earlier and earlier. Claims had to walk to young circle to catch the bus.
Caller said he takes the number nine bus at Young Circle every day at 11:30am and the bus is always 25 minutes late, he said the
driver always stop on the route to get something to eat and this causing him to be late, he is asking a supervisor to look into why
the driver is delaying service.
Passenger complained that the bus left 7 minutes late which made her late for her connection at the terminal. She wanted to know
why the breeze takes 50 min at 10:00 am to reach the terminal but takes 58 min at 7:21am to reach the terminal.
Caller complained that he bus came late and made a stop at a regular stop. He said that the bus driver had been doing that every
morning. He left at 810 am instead of 747 am today.
*** callback requested ***
Caller complained that the bus driver passed him up at the stop and didn't pick him up.
****Call back requested***
The wifi is locked on the new I95 CB smith coach buses. The bus numbers begin with number 5. This is my second email regarding
this problem. Can someone please unlock it or give out the password? Thank you.
BCT Comments 2016
Harzard for disabled people is reported. The patron, who identify him self as the president of the residents of the building located
in 3900 Galt Ocean Mile, called this office to let us know BCT buses Routes 55 & 72 are parking on the street blocking the access to
the residents with disabilities and this is action is creating a risk of an accident. The patron said, because a costruction, the buses
are parking where the ramp is located obstructing the access constantly for 15 minutes or more. The patron is asking for the name
and phone of the person who can take care of the case, he wants to talk about this problem that he consider a "serious problem". I
asks for his information and offered call him back after consulting the case with my supervisor in shift (Freddie). Call back is
Note: Supervisor Freddie,instruct me file this report in a regular way and call back the customer let him know somebody will call
him back as is usual around 5 working days.
595 Sunrise Express bus on 1/26/16 4:10 PM came late at 4:13 PM the bus did not pull out to the street until 4:10 pm and is stuck
at the light for 3 minutes then a large group must load; so we are very late departing. This is not fair that the driver is not arriving
on time! The traffic is very bad in the pm runs back to Broward. Bus #1426X. When we arrived to Davie we had to exit the bus to
board another bus to continue to Sunrise.
On 1/27/16 bus 1426X 595 Sunrise bus 6:00 am to Civic Center the it is raining and the driver pulls up late and the sign is not on for
what bus route. There are 3 buses in the loading area and she had the door closed. There is no supervisor to get the drivers
communicate with the customers. This driver pulls around 5:57 am for a 6:00 am bus she has an attitude when we ask what bus,
we have been standing in the rain walking from bus to bus to figure out what bus to get on. She must not know how to turn the
sign on and waits for the computer to do it for her, because all the other drivers have the route sign on. I understand that these are
new buses, but this is not working for customers. This driver last week was on her personal cell phone having a conversation and
the bus should have been in route to Davie. I got up at 6:02 am to let her know we work in hospitals and need to get going. Today
she passed the VA Medical Center stop where she knows most of us get off to the VA or to Jackson. Sometimes the stop button
works and sometimes it does not on the new buses. She continued past the stop when she heard everyone say stop...she stopped
under the Metro Rail station and we had to all walk back to the intersection. This driver has an attitude and is taking it out on the
customers! 1426X
Passenger complained that the bus was late, and passing the stops. The bus driver stopped outside of the college and skipped the
stop inside the college She had to walk in the rain to the college.
Dr. Harold Hazelwood flagged down our #60 bus. He has a disability and moves very slowly. The driver (he states) saw him tring to
get up to get to the bus, cloed the doors and took off. This is an ADA issue. The driver (if in doubt) should have at least asked if was
getting on the bus. He didn't know to get the bus number and stated the driver was a male. That's it...a male. Dr. Hazelwood wants
a call back on this issue.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller said he was running for the 83 bus on Copans Rd and Powerline rd at 5:35pm, the bus was due there at 5:38pm. He said the
driver should have eaited until 5:38pm before he left.
Patron states BCT bus operator touch him. The patron said, "I got on the bus and by mistake I swept a wrong card, when I was
about to turn around to sweep the correct card, the driver push my back". "I swept the correct card and I was upset and said some
words to the driverabout don't touch me again". A call back is required.
Caller states 2 Westview operator pulled the bus behind a 30 bus that was on break. Says operator was hiding and then pulled out
without picking anyone up.
Passenger complained that the bus passed him at the stop and didn't pick him up.
***Call back requested***
The caller is stating the operator passed her up at the stop. She says some passengers walked down to where the bus was stuck in
traffic and the driver let them on. The caller wanted to wait at the designated bus stop so there wouldn’t be any issues and the bus
passed her up.
Passenger complained that another passenger did not pay the fare . He also compalained that the bus driver is making random stop
at a locarion that was not at the regular bus stop.
*** Call back requested ***
Passenger complained that the bus driver passed him up at the stop an didn't pick him up.
****Call back requested ****
The caller is stating the bus 8:03am is always late. Today she got to the bus stop at 7:50am and the time now is 8:15am, no bus has
shown up yet. She says this bus often comes with the 8:33am bus, back to back.
Caller would like to commend operator for her excellent service. Says there was a homeless rider on the bus today with no shoes
and operator had an extra pair which she gave to them. Says operator is always helpful and friendly with her passengers and says
she deserves to be recognized for this.
Passenger is stating the driver is always late. It is scheduled to get to the stop at 7:45am and it usually arrives at 8:00am.
Caller states the bus is full of people and operator has the heat on. Says she is on the way to the hospital because she has asthma
and can barely breathe because it is so hot on the bus. States operator said she had it on because passengers said they wanted the
heat on. Says she will be reporting this to her commissioner because she has a CDL and knows the A/C must be on while passengers
are on the bus.
Passenger complained that the first bus from Mcnab was late at least 4 times during the week. He would like a call back to find out
the reason why that bus was always late.
****Call back requested***
BCT Comments 2016
passenger states bus running late and driver never stopped. Also states that the bus at 6:26am does not show up on a regular basis.
Claims bus leaves the BCT early every day by 3 or 4 minutes even though there are people waiting for it and when customer asks
drivers about it he gets an attitude from them.
customer complaints that the 6:30am bus arrives at 6:15am and the 7 am bus also arrives early.
The customer called to complain that she lost a bus pass in the fare box on the route 36 bus on the morning of 1/17/2016. The
customer was given an all day pass which had all the information for the bus that they were on but they threw away the all day
pass afterword and have no way to verify the bus # they lost their pass on. ***The customer wants a call back to see what can be
done to replace the bus pass.***
Caller was at the bus stop and signalled the driver. He passed her by. She got his name from another driver, she says. She DOES
NOT want any call backs.
Caller says that the driver looked her in the eye and kept on going. This driver frequently passes her by, she says. Caller says she
does signal the driver and she is at the bus stop sign. Caller says she sometimes has to step into traffic in front of the bus to get the
driver to stop. I told caller not to stand in traffic. Wants a callback about why this driver usually passes her by.
Passenger says that the bus driver was driving fast and passed by him standing at the bus stop.
C-Service Email:
I take the C.B. Smith Park to Downtown Miami bus. Please address the following issues, which have literally been going on for
months: 1) On any of the 5000 series buses, the WiFi asks for a security code before you can connect. I've called twice about this
issue, and each time I've gotten a message from someone assuring me that there's no security blocking access to WiFi on these
buses, and that I must be operating my computer incorrectly. I'd like to personally invite whomever keeps insulting my intelligence
to join me on a 5000 bus and show me exactly how they're getting WiFi access without entering a security key. This can't be a
difficult fix - either take the security off, or give your drivers the security key, or just post it somewhere on the bus. 2) If I try to call
and comment about this issue during non-business hours, your phone line invites me to press 4 to leave a comment. Every time for months now - the service hangs up on me if I press 4. Thanks for your attention to these issues.
Caller stated that the driver wet her with the bus and she has to go home to change now. Caller stated that the driver saw her
waving her down to stop cause caller was running to the next stop and driver just sped by her wetting her up.
Caller complained that the bus driver just rolled right by her and didn't stop to pick her up.
BCT Comments 2016
Mr. Wright was at the stop awaiting the bus. When the bus approached, it flew by him and Mr. Wright threw up his hands and
yelled, "REALLY". He stated that the bus was running alittle late, but only 6-8 minutes. "He didn't need to be speeding like that".
The bus did stop down the road, but Mr. Wright said he wasn't going to run down the street, just to have the bus pull off. "This 55
route must be the worst or one of the worst ones, because the drivers don't want to stop". He or she was moving so fast, I didn't
get a descriptionof the driver on the bus, but I did get the number he replied. Mr Wright would like a call back on this bus.
Caller arrived buss top @ 409pm. AT 500pm no bus has shown. Wants a callback.
Ms. Hart is addressing the problem of the Route new signs are not illuminated. She spoke with Mr. Walton and his wonderful
secretary Denise regarding this problem. She was very surprised that standing at a new sign, there was nothing that illuminated.
"That was dumb, a wasted of tax payers' money". She is continuously be passed up, because the driver did not see her. Also, she
would like to address a complaint that was file several times. Bus #0308 on the 12 and 9 route, the number on the back of the bus,
doesn't show. Put it where there is only one bus, like the 62 or 7. She is requesting a call back from Mr. Walton. SHE IS ALSO
Caller initially said he was crossing the street and the driver didn't wait for him. I explained drivers aren't supposed to wait, for
safety's sake. Caller then said he had crossed the street and was only about 1 minute from the bus stop. I explained that a rider
has to be at a bus stop for the bus to stop for them. Caller then said that he was "essentially there".
Passenger complains that another passenger got on the bus and didnot pay his fare. and the bus driver did not say anything.
Caller was at the bus stop. The bus passed her by.
Ms. Rayes was at the stop when the #40 flew by her. She was very upset and want you to address the driver with this passing up
issue. "If they slowed down a little, they would see there are passengers at the stop". She didn't get a bus number or a description
of the driver.
Caller was at the bus stop. The bus went speeding by so fast that the driver could not have stopped; she was passed by.
Passenger called again regarding complaint 18112 to state operator did the same thing this morning, left her well before her stop at
Rock Island. Says operator needs to be assigned to another route if she cannot service stops. Says operator is leaving her in front of
Coral Springs High School instead of at the stop because it is easier for her merge back into traffic. Informed caller complaint 18112
is pending.
Caller stated that the driver pulled up to the stop, got off the bus and told him that she had 10 minutes before she leaves. Caller
stated that the driver went somewhere came back got on the bus then off again. Caller stated that when she came back and got on
the bus she pulled off leaving him there.
This passenger said that the driver passed him up and he did not stop.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger is complaining that the bus is always late. He is waiting for the 9:03am bus. The time is now 9:18am and the bus still has
not shown.
Caller complained that the bus nerver arrived at all. She complained that the new driver that's on the route now is constantly late
and this morning, he didn't even show up. She asked to " TAKE HIM OFF THE ROUTE COMPLETELY". She asked that previous bus
driver be placed back on the route.
Passenger called to give operator Roy a compliment. He is very pleasant and has wonderful customer service each time she rides
his bus.
The bus due to leave @ 703am left @ 659am as caller was waiting to cross the street.
Mr Abraham (ass. principle) of Suned High School called to complain that two to five girl students were fighting on the bus, and he
wants a call back. He says that one of the girls was injured.
Transferred to claims
The driver left Atlantic on time @ 206pm but then was driving slow. Caller asked driver why he was driving slow. The driver said if
he didn't like it, he would delay service a little bit. Driver then got off the bus and started talking on his cell phone. They left
Ramblewood drive @ 210pm which is 2 minutes late. Caller complained to driver. Driver saw caller making this complaint on his
cell phone. The driver said he didn't care about any complaints because his seniority is so hgh he doesn't have to worry.
***CService Email***
Civic Center 595 Express Bus 4:10 pick up always late. Needs to be on time. Bus always pulls out from the corner after 4:10. Makes
it to the stop 4 to 5 minutes later. Pick up is 4:10
.Mr. Agustin Orengo was on bus #1220 (the 22 west bound), and the driver, an African American young male, was very courteous,
well spoken, and polite. Mr. Orengo is blind and was very grateful that his driver assisted him and did it without an attitude. You
should recognize him and use his actions as an example.
***CService Email***
BB&T Sunrise to Civic Center 06:00 am bus. The driver went the Florida Turn Pike and we arrived to work late. We were stuck in
traffic for an additional 15 minutes prior to the Golden Glades interchange. This is the second driver this week to take the Turn Pike
going to Miami when all the previous drivers took I95. When asked she stated "We can take what ever route we want." Most of the
people who ride the bus at this time work at the VA or Jackson hospitals and we need to be on time. We arrived to work after at
7:03 am. Any bus after 5:45 am will be stuck in traffic going the Turn Pike. I95 is much faster and safer than fighting to get over to
the express lanes.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that the 50 bus going south on Dixie Hwy and Copans rd cut her off and bypass a stop with passengers because
he was driving so fast. She said after he pass the stop he put on his brakes and as the passengers were wakling towards the bus he
drove off and cut in front of her putting on his indicator as he did so. Caller said he was driving in and out of traffic at an alarming
Mr. Dorion got on the bus and asked the driver about directions. The driver said nothing and kept looking forward. He then asked
the driver again, con you help me with directions, and again the driver ignored him. The driver wouldn't even acknowledge him. "It
would have been one thing if the driver would have told him I can't help you, bus to ignore him, is very rude." He then parked the
bus, (it's time for his brake), and went into the 7-11. I was able to assist Mr. Dorion with his directions. He would like for you to
address this attitude with the driver and let him know that they are supposed to answer questions.
Complaint #2…. The driver got back on the bus, and he was very angry. Mr. Dorion stated that he told the driver he needed to get
off at Dixie Highway, and he said "that the driver stopped at University Dr. and told Mr. Doiron that this is where he wants to get
off and if he walked he would get to where he needs to be". He also stated that the driver even though he was very angry,
shouldn't have been that mean to him. All he wants to do is get back home to his indigent wife.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 410pm. At 509pm no bus has shown. Caller says the same thing happened yesterday. Wants a callback.
The driver had to brake hard to avoid an accident. Caller's bicycle flew out of the bike rack and was dragged a short distance
underneath the bus. The seat is bent and needs replacement. The control cables on the left side are snapped. He needs a new
front brake. He needs a new front light The wheels are not bent and are OK. Caller says the driver confirmed that he had properly
positioned the bike in the rack. Wants a callback about this ****ASAP**** for re-imbursement.
Transfered to Risk Management for claim
++++++Caller called in to check the status on Feb 13 @ noon. I told him the report had been transferred by the superintendent to
Compliane and that someone will eventually call him back(Randy Withers).++++++
claims end to Risk
Caller stated bus driver was very rude to everyone on the bus because she asked for a free ride after losing her pass and
passenagers wanted to help her out with paying.
BCT Comments 2016
Mr. Bontenps was at the stop, when the bus (that was speeding), overstopped the bus stop. When the bus got to the light, a
passenger got off the and informed her that the passenger that was sitting on the bench, what running to get on. She closed the
door and took off. Mr. Bontenps asked the passenger who got off, "why didn't she wait, especiall after she over stopped the
designated stop". The paseenger told him "that she was too busy eating". He didn't get the bus number, only a description of the
Caller missed the 526pm bus by a couple of minutes. She then missed the 619pm bus by about 1 minute as she was coming out of
a store, she says. The bus due @ 619pm went by @ 613pm as she was exiting that store.
Caller said he was waiting on the 42 bus going west from University Dr and Atlantic Blvd at 9:10pm and it did not show.He would
like to know why.
Caller first said she was sitting on the bus bench and the bus went speeding by. I told caller to stand and signal when the next bus
approaches. Caller then said that she had been standing.
Mrs. James got on the #36 bus westbound with her rolling toolbox. The driver told her he wasn't going to move till she put it up, so
she did, He kept arguing with her and she told him "just put your foot on the gas pedal and let's go. He continued to argue with her
and theated her and said he was going to call the police and have her arrested. She told him (now off the bus) go ahead, I'll call
them too. He said sonething (she couldn't hear, becase he slurred his words), and she told him to "go suck himself". He was now
quiet and drove off. This is the second time she has encounted this problem with this driver. Please address. She stated to me, "I
don't think he likes blacks to much". Se can't remember the bus #.
Caller says the driver was weaving and having trouble staying in his lane the entire time from West Terminal to where she exited at
BCC. Caller says the driver also pulled over at a bus stop to have a conversation in Spanish with a rider. Driver then pulled his cell
phone out of his pocket to show the rider something on his cell phone screen. I asked if he did this while onboard the bus; caller
said yes.
The rte 9 block 2, bus # 0720, scheduled to leave BT @ 1205pm. The GPS tracker shows it running about 35 minutes late. Email
from dispatch says it had broken down earlier in the morning, with the problem of long brakes. It was repaired and put back into
service, running late. Caller feels that when this happens to a bus that runs once an hour, a replacement bus should be sent out.
Ms. Hagar was at the stop with a little old lady waiting for the 72 eastbound. The driver overpassed the stop, so she ran when he
stopped and as she was getting on, the made a comment to her he was going to leave her. She told him the little old lady couldn't
run, but was coming. He closed the door and left her behind. She is appalled that a driver could be so cold. She stated "that this
little old lady is someone's grandmother", and if this driver can't wait on an elderly person, he shouldn't be driving.
Passenger says that she was at the bus stop at 441pm and the bus rt 02 passed her at 454pm standing at the bus stop.
Passenger says that the bus rt 50 passed him standing at the bus stop at 414pm driving in the center lane.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained the the North East Transit center is not user friendly. There aren't any friendly signs to direct customers properly
to the different buses. he had to ask people how to catch the other bus.
Maria Bautista is tired of there not being any schedules on the buses. Please stock the buses and give them extra's for when they
run out. Several Routes (14,19,18,441 Breeze, 36,42,55,62,72,88 are just a few).
***UPDATE 2/11 - Ms. Frost called someone from BCT called her and left a message. She would like to speak to somone directly
about routing of bus 36 and 72. Since no follow up as been entered by who called her back, comment 18492 has been assigned to
SC Planning***
Caller complained about the changes to the 36 route. Her timetable is deceitful because there are no entrance to the Galt Ocean
Mile as printed on the HER timetable. A new timetable is requested to be mailed to her. There are no connection with the last 36 E
to the 11 route on A1A leaving peple stranded. She would like to know the reason.
This passenger is calling to say that the bus was relly late it did not arrive at 7:05am or 7:35am. The bus was track and it is running
56 minutes late.
The caller got to the bus stop at 6:45am. There were buses due at the stop at 7:05am (block 1) and 7:35am (block 2). The time is
now 7:55am and no buses have shown up yet.
Caller stated bus did not show at all when bus was scheduled to come at 5:30am.
Caller says his day was amazing! And he says it was all due to the most magnificent ride on the Broward County Bus System and
with Operator Covins.. He says Operator Covins treated him like he was top of the line. He says the operator was warm, helpful,
informatve, respectful, nice, attentive.. He says he has never seen such excellent customer service given by an operator to his
customers. He says it was an excellent experience, and wants to make sure Operator Covins receives this compliment, and that it is
posted in his annual reveiw..
Lauderhill code enforcement officer reports bus stop post is falling down.
Passenger says driver arrived and left the terminal early at 11:32a and she tried to waved the driver down but she shook her head
no and drove off and did not pick her up.
Passengers standing at the bus stop and the driver drove right passed them. She said it's raining, driver was early and he was not
out of service for him not to stop.
Passenger says he catches the same bus around the same time almost every day and this same driver is always late. He says the
driver make frequent personal stops for drinks and food, that's why his bus is always late. Caller said he's called in before and
reported this driver but he still has not improved. He also said driver is very rude, he told a patron if he would not stop talking he
would stop the bus and he did stop the bus until the patron stopped talking.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states operator didn't put the bus down at her stop. She didn't want to step up onto the bus because she had a skirt on, and
asked him if he was supposed to put the bus down. Says operator responded "shut up and put your money in the bus". Says this
was extremely disrespectful, and if this had been another passenger or her husband was there, there could have been a major
altercation. Claims operator regularly passes up passengers he doesn't like, and it seems like he has an anger problem. Caller says
she recorded this incident on her phone and exited the bus to avoid a confrontation with him. She would like a call back about this.
The customer called to complain that she got onto the route 22 bus at the West terminal because the bus said Sawgrass Mills Mall
on the headsign but when the bus left the driver changed the headsign to the Central Terminal and went that way. The customer
says that she feels the driver should make sure they have the correct headsign befor allowing anyone to board the bus.
Callr complained that the 48 bus leaving Hillsboro Blvd and A1A at 1pm left at 12:55pm went to the next stop and waited before
heading west. She said she would like to know why the driver did not wait until 1pm.
Passenger frustrated the bus is either late, broke down or not in service. He said he's overlooked many things on the bus like
roaches and tardiness but it’s getting ridiculous.
Passenger asked driver to turn down the air conditioner but driver did not. She said her and the passengers are not germs, it do not
have to be that cold on the bus especially when it's raining. Passenger is requesting someone make the driver turn the air
conditioner down.
Caller said he took the 28 bus on Miramar Pkwy and SW 68 Ave at 1:42pm going west, he was standing behind the yellow line and
the driver told him to move back, he told the driver he was behind the yellow line and she told him she was going to call the polic.
Caller said everytime he take this bus the driver gives him a hard time he is tired of it and is asking a supervisor to talk to her.
Passenger went to load his bike on the bus and the driver drove off. The second bus came passenger said he was waving the bus
down but the driver kept going. Passenger is furious, using profane language. He said he's going to call city hall to complain.
The patron is asking to extend the Route 14 North further. The patron is asking BCT provide service north of Hillsboro Blvd at least
to Avenue of the Lakes & Powerline Rd.
The customer called to complain that the driver was 10 minutes late and when she asked the driver why she was late she says that
the driver told her that she had to "poopy". The customer feels that it was very innappropriate for the driver to say that and
wanted to call in to file a complaint.
The customer called to complain that he was at the bus stop at Hillsboro Blvd/Lyons Rd since about 5:15p and at 5:25p and bus
passed by that said NOT IN SERVICE and they have not seen the bus that was supposed to leave at 5:30p so he doesn't know if the
NOT IN SERVICE bus was the 5:30p bus leaving early but no other bus has arrived as of 5:43p
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that he caught the route 40 bus going eastbound on Sistrunk Blvd/NW 27th Ave at 8:00a this
morning and instead of going all the way down Sistrunk Blvd then turning south onto Andrews Ave the driver turned down NW 7th
Ave then took another street down to the Central Terminal.
A passenger complained that the bus operator parked the bus at the Broward Central terminal and left for five minutes while the
doors were closed. She felt that the bus operator behavior was inapropriate because she had no respect for the passengers. The
incident occurred on February 01, 2016 at approximately 4:15 PM.
Caller stated that she drove into the station and could not get all the way to the bus stop, so she parked and then waved the driver
down. Caller stated that the driver would not stop. It was explained that once the driver leaves the stop they do not have to stop
and let you on. Caller stated that driver hadn't left the station yet and could have let her on.
Caller states bus due at 7:35am has not shown up as of 8:00am. Informed caller bus had to be taken back to garage. Says there
should be a replacement bus to continue on the route when things like this happen. Says this trip consistently shows up very late or
not at all. He would like a call back about this.
Passenger says he has a 31 day bus pass valid until February 12th, 2016 but he accidentally washed it and the date is faded a little.
When he swipe it, it says "not valid" but he said you can still see the date is valid but the driver is giving him a hard time and
refused to allow him to ride the bus. Passenger requested a call back.
Caller states US 1 Breeze was speeding at about 50 mph across the SE 3rd Ave bridge. Says the speed limit is 25 mph, and if a
pedestrian was on the street they would not have a chance to move out of the way of the bus. Says the bus was traveling so fast it
looked like it was leaving the ground. Caller states she reported this to Tony Rodriguez at the Broward County Attorney's Office this
morning, who she had a meeting with.
Passenger said bus passed by bus stop and she was standing at the bus stop. She also wanted to complain about bus 15 that do not
run on weekends. Passenger says it is an inconvenience for those who living nearby route 15 bus stops.
C-Service Email:
Something needs to be done with the N Perry 95 Express operaoperatprs for the 4 pm bus that comes past 12th Ave and 14th
street. There is usually always standing water at the curb. They are the ONLY ones that ALWAYS go Fast through the puddle,
splashing all the way over the curb and getting anyone in the way wet. NOT COOL and both female and male operators do this.
Female just went by and I even motioned to water at curbside, pulled in very slow them to be a jerk, pulled away extremely fast
through puddle and the up water all over. Very unprofessional behavior. They should be written up for that. All other operators
know this and go slow! Tell them to take a lesson from Diana who used to pick us up at 4:10 at 12th & 14th. She was ALWAYS
conscientious of this!
Caller is stating the operator passed her up on purpose because she was carrying her doll. Passengers says she takes his bus and he
knows her. She's upset because she is now running late for her appointment.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger is stating the operator is very professional and is always on time.
Passnger is stating the driver did not want to let the lift down for her. She says she is close to being legally blind and the bus driver
did not let down the lift for her because she doesn't look disabled.
C-Service Email:
SUGGESTION: There needs to be a better handling of buses to be on time. I do not feel it is acceptable for buses to be 20 minutes
or more late and then be expected to wait 1-3 minutes, if not more, after everyone is on the bus before it leaves the terminal. It is
also disruptive to be told that you must wait for the next bus after waiting near 5 minutes once the bus has already been brought
to the terminal. All buses have radios, it should be anticipated that another bus is needed if the driver properly reports problems
with the bus.
Caller states bus 1445 had a malfunctioning “Not In Service” headsign, and the farebox gave her an expired pass that read January
16. Says another operator, white male, bus 48 westbound 7:00pm at Deer Creek & Hillsboro stopped her from using it, and said he
would not move the bus until she paid two dollars. She didn’t notice the pass was expired until the 48 operator told her. Says she
put two dollars in so she wouldn’t hold up the bus. Says the fareboxes are someone’s responsibility at BCT, and she shouldn’t have
to pay 9 dollars a day to and from work because they aren’t doing their job to make sure the passes are valid and ready for
passengers. Says she cannot afford to pay fare two and three times over and this needs to be addressed.
Caller states bus due at 8:07am never showed up.
Passenger states that the bus stop sign at the last bus stop on N E 14 st causeway and 23 ave heading north bound is damaged
and leaning over. Passenger says that he is having problems getting off the bus at that bus at that bus stop and passengers wants
the bus stop sign fixed so that the bus driver can stop there.
Caller says she rode the bus both eatbound and westbound with the same driver. The entire time the driver was speeding, and
coming close to cars in the next lane. Caller claims when a rider exited, this driver had the bus at a slow rolling stop as riders
stepped off the bus. Then the driver would immediately accelerate. Caller thinks this is a dangerous driver and wants him spoken
The customer called to complain that he was waiting on NE 3rd Ave/NE 8th St for the route 50 bus going southbound that was due
at 2:45p. The customer says the bus was running almost 20 minutes late and then passed by without stopping to pick him up.
A passenger complained that the bus should arrive at her bus stop located at sunrise Blvd and NW 27 avenue at approximately 2:18
PM but it arrived at about 2:50 PM.
Caller called to report that the bus stop sign laying on the ground,therefore, the sign needs to be put back up. As a result, drivers
are sometimes missing the stop.
BCT Comments 2016
The patron is complining about a bus full passed by and the driver made a sign to the patron saying "wait for the next one".
At the bus stop were waiting 8 adults and 1 baby, the bus was very late 30 to 40 minutes, the bus came and didn't stop to pick up
the customers. The last bus came close to 12:00 AM but the passengers lose their connection with the last bus 18. The main
concern for the patron is that the connections are not considered when the last buses are late.A call back is required.
bus full, passed by
Caller complained that she got on the 81 bus on Broward Blvd and NW 11 th Ave at 7:35pm, the driver was an african american
male. Before she could get in the bus he took his foot off the brake and the bus was rolling, she almost fell backwards. She ask the
driver why he was moving the bus before she got on. The driver ask her if she was hurt she said no, she had a pass that had a hole
in it but it could not swipe she had showed it to Mitch the supervisor at the terminal and he wrote on the pass that it was good
until the 2/11/16.She showed the driver the pass and he told her not to put he rpass in his face, she was only showing it to him. She
said the driver was rude to everyone that got on the bus and he did not stop at the stop when passengers rang the bell.
Bus didn't show up, the patron didn't call the customer service department to find out what happend and he wants to know why
this bus didn't showed up. A call back is required.
Calleer was at the bus stop. The bus went speeding by at about 50mph in the center lane.
A passenger complained that bus #11 going east should arrive to her location at approximately 4:04 PM but it arrived at 4:38 PM.
She stated that the bus operator was a black female and the bus # 0229. The incident occurred at Sunrise Blvd and NW 27 Avenue.
Passenger stated her son has a disability and the driver let a lot of other passengers on the bus before he allowed her son to enter
the bus. When they got on the bus was full. She also said a patron was entering the bus behind her and the driver closed the doors
and refused to let him on the bus.
Passenger stated her son has a disability and the driver let a lot of other passengers on the bus before he allowed her son to enter
the bus. When they got on the bus was full. She also said a patron was entering the bus behind her and the driver closed the doors
and refused to let him on the bus.
Passenger irate drive arrived at 7:03p but was not scheduled to arrive until 7:09p. He said the driver was a new guy but the old
driver was always on time.
Caller was running across the road in front of the bus. She was about 3 yards from the bus stop when the bus arrived. The bus
passed her by. Someone gave her a ride in a car and they caught up with the bus and caller boarded. The driver scolded caller for
running in front of the bus. Caller feels he was condescending to her. Wants a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that evey day the 12 bus going west on Sheridan St and University at 5:37pm is always thirty or more minutes
late. She has to go to school and she is always late. She is asking a supervisor to monitor this bus to find out why it is always late.
Passenger states that at oakland and andrews ave east bound at the route 72 bus stop location, that the city have been working
on this bus stop for over a year and the bus stop needs,a bus bay, bench and shelter and a bus stop sign. Passenger says that theri is
no ramp access at this bus stop also.
Passenger states that the north bound a1a and 41 street bus stop, have three old bus stop signs from the old routes 55,72 and 11
schedule layovers. Passenger says that they suggest that transit remove two signs, and keep the bus stop sign that is the closest to
Mc Donalds.
Passenger complained that the 50 bus going south from Dixie Hwy and NW 62 st at 6:22pm did not show. the next bus due there at
6:51 was also late.
Passenger says that the first bus driver of the rt 72 east bound from ne 6 ave has been late for the past two days. Passenger says
that today the bus driver passed by him standing at the bus stop waving. Passenger says that other riders are also complaining
about this bus driver being late and his attitude toward passengers.
Passenger says that the route 7 bus is schedule to leave young circle at 11:13am weekday. Passenger says that today, the lady bus
driver went into the publix and was also standing and talking to other bus drivers and left 4 minutes late at 11:17am. Passenger
says that this makes him miss his connection at 441 to other buses and this also makes him get to work late.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 720pm;another rider since 715pm. They're at Jackson Memorial headed back to Broward. No bus has
shown as of 748pm. Dispatch had said awhile ago that an accident on I-95 had backed up traffic.
This passenger said that his bicycle wa son the bus rack and the bus driver hit a stump in the road the bus jumped he said,and his
bicycle fell off and is damage and the bus went back to the terminal and his bicycle is there and he was instructed he said to call
customer service to file this report. Route 11 @ 8:00am.
Transferred to Risk for claim
transfer to Risk
Caller stated that the rt 60 bus 0747 almost ran him off the roadwith the bus. Caller stated that the lane was ending and the bus
driver sped up to try to get pass caller cause him to almost run off the road and almost it 2 other cars. Caller wants an immediate
callback ****CALLBACK****
Listen to attachment.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states operator frequently has personal conversations with a passenger that rides with her from Golden Glades to Coral
Springs. Caller was the only one on the bus with them when she got on at Golden Glades, and says operator told her to get off the
bus so she could ride alone with the this passenger. Says operator cannot deny her service because she wants to talk to her friend.
Passed hin by and did not stop. waved hm down and still did not stop.
Bus driver did not stop at regular stop. making unscheduled stops.
Making stops as if driving the regukar 2 route. Does it every morning. happened last week as well
b/f driver. arrived early and it was the last bus of the night. not following the schedules. happens a lot
Caller states operator has conversations with passengers and has been taking her eyes off the road and her hands off the steering
wheel because she is talking. Says this makes the bus late. Claims operator also has difficulty making turns on residential streets on
the route.
The customer called to complain that he was waiting for the route 1 bus on US1/Griffin Rd going northbound that was supposed to
arrive at 7:55p but the bus did not arrive until about8:05p. The customer says that this bus is at least 5-10 minutes late every night.
Driver made it to stop and saw her coming and when she made it to bus, he took off without her.
Bad atitude from driver. B/f. she told customer she takes no "#*it" from anyone.
The customer called to complain that he caught the route 60 bus that left the Northeast Transit Center at 12:01p and the bus is
supposed to be at the Central Terminal at 12:42p bus as of 12:45p the bus had just reached Andrews Ave/Oakland Park Blvd.
Two related reports. Reference #18283
Passenger requested that the 2 white bus drivers on the 81 route, be removed from the route. She apprached the bus driver about
some changes to the route. He said:" I don't want to hear your trash. " Both bus drivers were insultive, abusive verbally and
mentally. They were disrespectful. She wanted to speak to a manager.
Two related reports. Reference # 18282
Passenger requested that the 2 white bus drivers on the 81 route, be removed from the route. She was 30 sec away from the bus.
He accelerated faster so she won't get in. She took a ride to the next stop and bloarded the bus. When she appraoched the driver,
he told her she needed to be on the sidewalk. She said he was insultive and degrading Both bus drivers were insultive, abusive
verbally and mentally. They were disrespectful. She wanted to speak to a manager
Male driver did not stop
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger call beause she fell on the bus and was experiencing pain. She boarded the bus, while looking for an available seat, the
driver took off. Then she fell on her back. Then sat on the floor, then she went to a seat. She didn't tell the driver. No one helped
her on the bus. No Ems. Then she started to fell pain when she reaced at her destination at work. The pain continued all day and
night and still on going. So today she decided to report it.
Risk Management/ claim
transferred to risk management
I take the 441 breeze every morning at the hollywood stop... Why am i waiting 45min to an hour for a bus that has limited stops
and runs every 20 min. I walk out of my home at 7am every morning only to be late for work or rushing through the door to clock
in. My schedual starts at 10am it shoildnt take me 3hrs to get to work, when if the bus ran on its schedual would only take 1hr 2535min. I got off of the 7 on 441 and hollywood blvd, at 815am to transfer to the 441 breeze going north. The 18 arrived at 837am,
at 915 the 441 breeze arrived and there were 2 of them arriving at the same time.
Passenger states that he pulled the cord at Broward General hospital and asked the101 breeze driver to stop at state rd 84.
Passenger says that the bus driver told him that that was not a breeze bus stop and that he couldnot stop there. Passenger wants
to complain that the bus driver wouldnot stop the bus and let him off near state rd 84, but passenger says that the bus driver
continued on and stopped at dania beach blvd.
My name is Edwin and this is a formal complaint. I am demanding a manager to call me immediately before I take further law
action. I was driving this morning 2/3 around 9:55am on Broward blvd going east. I was on the left lane as Bus 1415 route 81
license plate # TE0083 was in the middle lane. As we were approaching sw 7th ave your bus decided to get in my lane with no signal
or caring that I was in that lane. The bus nearly hit me if I didn't move towards the median. I was so shocked that he didn't even put
his signal to indicate he needed to get in my lane. After I honked my car I got into the middle lane and pulled next to him as he was
just smiling and laughing, so I have pictures of his act of not caring he almost hit me. I am highly irate and demand to get him
reprimanded immediately. How can the city of Broward, where I reside, have such a careless driver driving people around.
According to customer, bus arrived 15 minutes early and this happens all the time.
BCT Comments 2016
I was injured on the 1 Central Terminal northbound from Aventura mall at around 6:30 AM Saturday January 30th, 2016 at Broward
Central Terminal. When I stood up from seat behind rear door I hit my head on the inside convex mirror. The mirror removed skin
and hurt qute a bit. There must be a better place for the mirror. I know it's pointless to say anything to driver because she was
already in nasty mood and would say she didn't install the mirror. I guess I could try to get some kind of settlement and visit doctor,
but the injury will heal eventually... next person that hurts themselves on that mirror will probably would pursue settlements and
civil action though.
Passenger says that he gets to bayview and sunrise at 520pm weekday to catch the 529pm bus. passenger says that at 534pm, the
bus had not come.
The bus leaves late every morning and she misses her connection. Bus not following schedule.
Comments: Are there plans to end the stop at Griffin road using the 595 express bus from BBT to Brickell. This stop adds 30-40 mins
to this ride. And ridership is increasing at the BBT center. Please have a 95 express bus pick up those from Griffin since it makes a
lot more sense to do. Please advise this would be amazing.
The passenger complained that the bus driver was very rude. He was paying the bus but asked the driver a question. She told him
repeatedlly:" jusr pay the f*** bus". He doesn't like the way the bus driver spoke to him
Claims the bus has not stopped for her daughter the laast 3 days.
Passenger says that he go on the 30 bus east bound at 301pm and was sitting in the back of the bus and four black female
passengers were talking loud at him and trying to start a fight and the white bus driver did not do anything about the situation.
A passenger called to report that bus#55 going west passed the bus stop and did not pick them up. she stated that the bus should
had arrived at approximately 3:28 PM but instead it passed their bus stop at about 3:29 PM and ignored them. She claimed that
she depends on the bus to go to work, but this same incident keeps on occurring over and over. According to the passenger, the
incident occurred at Commercial Blvd and Hiatus road. She stated that she needs someone to call her back in order to address this
Bus passed by. Call back is required.
Mr. Gruende was on the 40 when it arrived at the BCT. He noticed the #6 was parallel with the #50 and started to try to catch the
50. He caught the driver's eye as another passenger was getting on the bus, he then looked to make sure no buses were coming
and ran towards the bus. When he got on the 50 and paid his far, the driver told him he is not to run, he could get hit. He said he
told her he was trying to catch the bus, because she was leaving early. She isn't supposed to pull off till 5:20, and it was only
5:17pm. She got annoyed with him and he told her he was going to file a complaint. She said "good", and I hope they pull the tape
and review this, she said. Passenger is requesting a call back, and if he doesn't answer, please leave a message and a number he can
call back.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that she was on the bus and the bus was stopped at a red light by the curb and she tried to get off
of the bus so she could make her connection and the driver told her she couldn't get off of the bus. The before the light changed
someone came up to the bus and the driver let them get onto the bus. The customer is upset because there should be no
difference between him letting her off of the bus and letting someone else onto the bus.
Mr. Conrad as in his Maroon Passat, when out bus #0729 cut him off. So as not to block the intersection, Mr. Conrad stopped to
wait on traffic. Our bus # 0729 was in the middle lane (around 5:50-5:55pm), and cut infront of him cutting him off to turn into the
hub up there.. Both he and his passenger, thought he was going to hit them. He was unable to tell me what route it was, only could
gove a description of the driver and the bus #.
Buses running irregular. patron said they are late or don't show up. Today The patron was waiting srom 5:30 pm To 6:15 pm and
no buses showed up, she had to take a taxi. The patron wants BCT investigate what is happening with the buses.
Mr. Howard Kaplan was at the Terminal "B4" when he noticed that the sign on the bus said Galleria on it. He asked the driver if the
bus was going west. The driver folded his arms and smiled. The passenger behind him got on and again he asked if the bus was
going west. The driver refused to say anything and told him to get off the bus. The police asked Mr. Kaplan to depart the bus,
because he verbally let his anger out. He admit that, and stated that the driver should know what direction he is going. He is going
to speak to Mr. Garland about this. When the next bus pulled into the "B4" bay, it said 50. He asked that driver if it was the 40. That
driver was nice enough to answer him, stating that the GPS on all of the buses were messed up. He said he went belligerent with his
anger he knows, but it all could have been avoided if the driver hadn't ignored him.
Mr. Kaplan was on the 22 westbound when the driver's cell phone rang and he exited from the rear, thus letting on all these
passengers without paying who got on from the front of the bus. Because he took his phone call, the bus departed late and several
passenger got to ride for free. He didn't have the bus #.
It seems that the 40 buses do not want to follow their route anymore, states Mr. Kaplan. The #40 is suppose to go on Andrews Ave
then turn on Sistrunk. Instead, the bus heads down 7th and Sistrunk and avoids Andews completely. What if ie needed to get off at
Andrews ot bette yet, catch the 40 on Andrews. Please address this with "ALL" of the drivers, or change the route to accomidate
the drivers.
Caller stated that she signaled to get off the bus and the driverkept going and let her off about 3 or 4 blocks past her stop. Caller
stated that the driver made her late for work and now she got in trouble.
BCT Comments 2016
C-service Email:
To whom it may concern. I'm a everyday rider on BCT and it's now becoming a habit that buses are coming more than 5min early or
up to 30min late. For example today 1/29/16 I waiting over 45min for the eastbound 72 on Oakland land university. Then when I
got off that bus to connect to the westbound 81 on 56th Ave and Oakland, it was scheduled to come at 6:27pm it didn't show up
until 6:53pm. So then I got off at my stop and rushed home to get ready for work so I can catch the westbound 81 at sunset strip
and 20th Ave which was scheduled to come at 7:42pm, I arrived at the bus stop at 7:34pm (more than 5min early) turns out that
bus came before then. This is becoming a reacurring issue,this is causing me to be 30min late to work which ends up costing me
money. I'm hoping something can be done about this because I buy my weekly pass every week and it's not right that I have to be
going thru this time after time. Sincerely, A loyal BCT customer
Caller stated that when coming off the northbound ramp from I-95 into the Cypress Creek Park & Ride a bus making the right
turninto the Park & Ride blew the light and caller almost ran into the bus. Caller stated that the drivers continuosly run the stop
light and a Supervisor needs to come out and monitor this. Caller stated that he complained about this last year and nothing is
being done. Caller stated that he will take this to the commissioners if he has to.
C-Service Email:
Dear BCT Transit, I am a faithful 95 Express bus rider from C.B. Smith to Downtown Miami. Though I welcome an opportunity to
address with you several areas in which I could suggest ideas for improvement, I would like at this time to limit this comment to the
lack of WiFi access on the 5000 series buses. Part of the reason I forego convenience to drive from Weston to C.B. Smith to then
take a long bus ride to work is that I feel I can use my bus time to be productive. I can work, send emails, take care of personal
matters, etc. However, nowadays nearly every bus that services my route is not equipped with WiFi. I have complained to
supervisors on site at least twice. I feel that part of my $2.65 fee per ride covers WiFi costs, but I am paying for a service that I am
not receiving. Please either activate the internet in these buses or adjust my fee down accordingly. Thank you kindly, Lotem Levy
Caller complained that the bus didn't arrive at all. He was waiting beyound 10 minutes from the schedule time and the bus didn't
come yet. ****He wants a call back****
C-Service Email:
RE: Reckless Driver (BUS 1404/Route? 7) 02/01/16 7:25 a.m. (appx) E Pines Blvd By Macarthur High Driver speeding in marked,
lighted school zone. Cut off and blocked driver (speeding up, slowing down). VERIFIABLE: On your speed tracking system you should
see the speed was over 15, escalated/de-escalated, finally stopping. NO EXCUSE FOR THIS IN A SCHOOL ZONE. Up to you to deal
with this. If you don't want to verify due to anonymity that is up to you AND WHATEVER LIVES ARE LOST OR PERSONS INJURED DUE
TO THIS DRIVER'S BEHAVIOR. Phone/Anonymity Note: With recent "direct responsibility" approaches in some places (giving name,
number and information directly to employees being reported) I do not feel safe giving information.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service email:
Good evening. This email is concerning the north perry northbound 6:30pm bus. THis bus has been consistently late this last weeks.
Please update the drivers about the schedule. Last week Wednesday an it didnt pass at all. thank you Davis
Edited: There was an error in the previous email. It's not the 6:30 bus but the 7:30pm at 19th and 12th. Thank you Davis
Passenger said the headway was out so he did not know which way the bus was traveling. He asked the driver but he refused to
answer his question. Passenger rode his bike to the next nearest eastbound stop and it was the same bus that picked him up. He
got on and told the driver he could have had the courtesy to answer his question, driver got offended and him to get off the bus but
passenger refused to get off. Driver stopped the bus and about 35 mins later BSO came and escorted passenger off the bus in the
rain and 47 degree weather. Passenger said he has an appointment to see Mr. Christopher Walton about this incident because he
will not allow this to be swept under the rug. Call back was requested.
Passenger called to compliment a courteous operator. The operator was polite and very helpful. Riding the buses for so long, it's
not everyday that he encountered such a courteous operator like John.
C-Service Email:
To whom it may concern,
I would express my gratitude for having a driver such as Shannon Aaron who has been driving me in the morning. This morning she
was driving bus number 0716 and she avoided two accidents literally minutes apart of each other. This is not the first she has
avoided accidents but this morning was extra special and I think it is warranted that you guys are aware of a well job done.
The first one happened at the stop of Lauderhill mall north bound when a shuttle van carrying school children cut in front of her
from the middle lane to make a right turn as she was pulling out of the stop. She was alert enough to stop the bus within inches of
hitting the van.
The second incident happen just a few blocks away in the same manner but a different van that time around. If you were to rewind
the tapes from around 6:44AM this morning, you would see the relief of so many passengers as she narrowly miss the van carrying
the kids. These kids owe their lives to the alertness of Shannon Aaron. I know I am grateful for how quickly she reacted.
Passenger would like to commend operator on 5:50pm trip from West Terminal for his excellent service. Says he is always on time
so she can get to work.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller from DRG Firm states her client was on bus 72 when it was rear ended by a vehicle. Firm is requesting video tape from the
no answer on phone wrong number closed file
Opened PRR
States called customer service at 8:35 am and was told bus would be there a few minutes late. Bus due at 8:40am. Says he waited
until 9:30 am and finally took Uber when the bus did not show up.
Caller not bus rider. Caller was in her car when our driver cut in front of her and almost hit her. She blew her horn and claims driver
got behind her and blew his horn taunting her. driver male, grey hair and older gentleman.
The customer called to complain that he was walking up to catch the route 22 going eastbound from the West Terminal and the
bus left early at 12:17p and the customer says that when he was walking up to the bus the driver "flipped him off" and drove away.
The customer says that he has a picture of the driver doing this and he can send it if want him to. ***The customer wants a callback
about this complaint.***
Caller says she was at the bus stop and the bus went zooming by w/o stopping.
The customer called to complain that the bus driver told him that he couldn't pick up and handicapped people today but did not
provide a reason. Advised the customer that it may have been an issue with the wheelchair lift. Called radio room post-call and
verified that the lift is not working and that it on the list for service.
Passenger inside bus claims male bus driver is distracted talking to "the ladies" and has missed stops and has made the bus late.
Also, the bus was late.
Caller stated that the driver did not kneel the bus and she did not ask him to kneel the bus and she fell when entering the bus.
Caller stated that the driver also does not pull up to the side walk.
This passenger was at the bus stop waiting for the bus and the bus driver passed her up. Passenger said that the driver stop looked
at her shook his head and just kept on going. Bus number was either 0522 or 0552, passenger stated.
C-Service Email:
Visiting area and never understood why service is so horrific. The sun is shining why not be happy and grateful that bus passengers
pay your salary? Two days and the worst people and attitude s around the globe. Now that I have said that I need to point out the
most gracious driver I have come across in all my travels. His name is Reynaldo and he was on Route 16 approx 2:40pm today. Bus
1331. He actually told me it was his pleasure to help me find my stop and thanked me for riding. Rare and lovely man who loves his
job. Thank Him please for being a standout and helping visitor impressions of this area!
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that she was told some time ago that the breeze buses should have green headsigns to distinguish
them from the local buses easier for passengers but she just saw two 441 Breeze buses, one going north and another going south,
that did not have the headsigns in green. The customer says that passed by 441/SW 20th St at about 2:45p.
Ist bus of the afternoon arrived and left early and customer missed it.
driver never stopped and customer has to wait for next bus.
Caller is suggesting that the buses be running every 20min instead of 2 buses in an hour. When a bus is down, the wait is an hour
between buses
Passenger says that the short spanish bus driver told him to take off his "HOODIE" so that she can remember his face. Passenger
says that the bus driver was sterio typing him and he wants a callback.
Caller was a motorist. The bus pulled out of the bus only lane and almost hit caller's car. Caller is sure the bus driver saw him, but
cut him off anyway.
The customer called to complain that the bus was severely overcrowded with people to the point that she literally had another
passenger right in her face the entire ride. The customer says that prior to this bus another bus passed by that was running 15
minutes late and did not stop to pick anyone up leaving everyone for this bus.
Caller says the driver slammed the door on her hand and drove away.
Edited: 2/15/2016 By: C Reckley
Passenger called and stated that she is waiting for a callback from a Supervisor and she will not let this go. ***CALLBACK
Caller states operator is rude, is passing up requested stops, and is not making complete stops when he makes a turn.
The customer wanted to call to give as compliment and a commendation to the driver. The customer says that the previous driver
that left Century Village at 7:15a was always late but the new driver named Tommy Wilson is always on time and she and all the
other passengers really appreciate him being on time so they can make their connections to other buses.
The customer wanted to call to give as compliment and a commendation to the driver. The customer says that the previous driver
that left Pembroke Lakes Mall at 7:30a was always late but the new driver is always on time and she and all the other passengers
really appreciate him being on time so they can make their connections to other buses.
The caller called to complain that the route 10 bus #0726 was heading southbound and ran the stop light at Sunrise Blvd/US1 by
Searstown. The caller says the light changed to red at least a car length before the bus got to the intersection and the bus blew
right through.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
I believe you need to provide remedial training to the driver on 95 express to miramar at 440 pickup at Jackson. He argues with a
nurse professional about the all day pass. He was very condescending and rude. He told he she needed to read the brochure. He
was asked his name and he refused. You don't need my name. He is a large African American man with glasses and beard. He
confidently place a brochure in his pocket to cover his name. He did not take any assistance with the passengers when trying to
inform him of the traffic status. Please do not allow this man to drive this route again until he gets customer service training.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 610pm. According to the GPS tracker the bus is running 23 minutes late. Caller says this bus is late every
day. Caller says she always requests a callback but no one ever has called her back;wants a callback this time.
Caller stated that its cold outside and the driver of rt 19 pulled up to the Lauderhill mall and got off the bus without leting the
passengers on.
***CService Email***
Comments: Your express bus driver driving the 645 pickup at Davie park and ride just left three of us because he was 5 minutes
early and he didn\'t wait. One person is handicapped. It\'s on thing to leave a minute or two but a whole 5 when he\'s seeing
people pull in who are on time is ridiculous and unacceptable, particularly on a cold day. Instruct your drivers to wait until the
designated time. Further it is time that we get bigger busses. We have people left behind because we can\'t fit them.
Caller stated that he was standing at the bus stop from 7:15am waiting for thr rt 42 westbound and the bus still hasn't come at
8:33am. Caller stated that the bus on this line is always late and it is causing him to be late for work.
Caller stated that the bus never showed up this morning at 528am and 5:48am. Caller stated she did not get a bus until 6:10am.
Caller complained that the bus driver was driving recklessly. He almost ran her over. She was on the right lane, he was on the left
lane. He just switched right over.
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all. He was told about some incident on the route but it wasn't that bus. No
information was available for that bus.
****Call back requested****
Caller stated that she has been at the bus stop waitinfg for the rt 81 eastbound from before 10am and it is now 10:33am and the
10:01 am bus never showed up.
Caller states she was getting up to exit the bus, and there was a man getting on. Says she waited for the man to come on, waiting
close to the front of the bus. Says operator didn't see her walk up to exit, and he pulled off while she was standing. Operator
stopped on the brakes after seeing her, and she went foward across the yellow line and into the dashboard area. Says she is now
having back pain and needs a call back about this.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger called with numerous concerns about the service:
(1) Why there is no longer a supervisor at the BB&T Center in the mornings to assist with issues.
(2) If bus didn't arrive supervisor would call to get status of the bus, now no info is available.
(3) Why the drivers will not let you board the bus before pull out time in spite of weather conditions
(4) Car was vandalized at the park & ride lot, is there not going to be any security provided for the vehicles.
(5) When the scheduled bus has not arrived and the next bus is there waiting to pull out, why that bus can’t take the passengers so
they can arrive to work on time rather than waiting for the bus to leave at the scheduled time and arrive to work late.
***Caller Request A Call Back***
Passenger said as he was approaching the bus stop about 10 minutes early, he saw the bus leaving the stop. He said he asked
another passenger who was waiting at the bus stop which bus that was and the passenger also told him it was the 108 express bus.
Passenger stated he wants the driver and the driver's boss apprehended because he's the one in charge of making sure the drivers
are following their schedules.
Passenger stated there is no bus stop sign at this location because of construction. He said the driver drove right pass him and did
not stop but the driver saw him. Passenger said he would walk to the next stop, Nova Dr, where there is a bus stop sign.
Passenger says this driver always pass his stop and drop patrons off a few feet away from the stop to avoid picking up the patrons
who are waiting to be picked up at the actual bus stop. He said this has happened a couple times and he recorded ding so to show
that she is not stopping at the bus stop. He also said when she do stop at the correct bus stop, she let all her passengers out
through the back door and do not open the front door to let patrons on. He requested a call back and said if he do not hear
anything from BCT he will take further actions.
***CService Email***
Dangerous bus driver. This morning at 8:05 am at the corner of Las Olas andAndrews west bound a Broward County Bus nearly
collided with my vehicle. The right west bound lane was closed due to a traffic accident so traffic was required to merge back to the
left lane. I was stopped at the red light and halfway into the left lane in front of the bus. The bus was stopped behind me, when the
light turned green the bus accelerated rapidly running me out of the lane nearly causing another accident at the corner. The bus
driver had no regard for the situation and was is completely irresponsible and dangerous. I did not have the opportunity to get the
bus number as I was avoiding a collision with a Broward County bus. Please contact me.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
I am on bus #9. When the bus pulled up to the stop the sign did not say the destination. Many passengers including myself asked if
he was going to young circle or BC terminal. The driver then proceeded to call us idiots and refused to answer the question. Not
acceptable behavior towards a woman and ppl in General. The bus number is 0504. When I ask a simple question about your job I
should receive a polite response!! This driver needs a New profession away from people! He is an asshole plain and clear! This
incident occurred at 1:00pm today. If this was a city this guy would be shot for how he speaks to paying customers.
The caller is stating the bus is late. It was scheduled to pick up at 1:41pm and the caller has been waiting since 1:30pm.
Passenger is stating this bus is late everyday since the pick changed. It was scheduled to pick up at 8:07am. The time is now 8:31am
and no bus has shown up yet.
lady with baby on stroller got on the bus and the stroller would not fold. she states the driver gave her an attitude and was nasty
and rude and did not try to accomodate her. Driver b/f young.
Diego, son of Ruth who was injured on the bus, called for his mother Ruth. As Ruth was walking down the aisle after boarding, the
driver had to brake hard to avoid an accident. Ruth was slammed back into one of the vertical metal posts. Then she fell to the
floor. Caller says her injuries are: hematoma on left arm,contusion on left arm,abrasion and swelling of the back midsection,bruise
or bump on right knee. Taken to the hospital(Northwest Medical Center). She had a CT scan of the back to check for fractures. Her
son Diego isn't sure who called the ambulance. Caller thinks the bus # was 1430 but isn't sure. Wants a callback ASAP.
Transferred t Risk Management
Transferred to Risk Management
Customer said hello upon getting on the bus and the driver has a nasty, hateful attitude and is very umpleasant. driver b/f.
Mrs. McGinnis called because her son was at the stop prior to the eta time. The bus ran late and passed him up and now he will be
late for work. She wants us to adress this ASAP, so it doesn't happen again. She is requesting a call back regarding this complaint.
Passenger said driver made a sudden stop to avoid hitting another car and she flew out of her seat. Driver asked her if she needed
EMS but she refused. She said she is now in a lot of pain and has bruises. She said driver was kind of rude when she asked him for
his name and he refused to give it to her. She said it was not his fault but he could have not been so rude about it. She did also say
she was going to see her own doctor about the pain. Call back requested
Christopher was at the stop awaiting the 42 east bound. The bus was running late and passed him without stopping. Please call this
passenger regardingthis complaint.
BCT Comments 2016
Christopher was on the bus when he noticed the driver was picking up passengers in the middle of the street and it wasn't an
assigned stop. He was also running late. He didn't follow his route, by picking up passenger on the street.Please call him on this
Christopher states that this bus left early @ 11:20pm. The drivers need to try to keep their schedule. Please call.
Christopher states this bus was early. It came by around 9:56 pm. Please call.
Christopher states that this driver was picking up passenger on the street, not at a stop. He is seeing this more and more with the
new drivers. Please call.
Christopher states that this driver wasn't picking up passenger at a regular stop. Please call.
Christopher states said that this bus is running real late. 15 minutes late to be exact.
Caller has been at the stop for 45 minutes. No bus has shown and it's cold. Caller says route 81 is frequently late and she's tired of
it. She wants a callback. Says she never has gotten callbacks in the past.
Mr. Wallace was at the Seminole stop when the bus flew by him. There was some construction going on, but the driver should have
seen him. He was unable to give me ad description of the driver and didn't remember the bus #. Please call
Driver passed stop and did not pick up patron or the other four patrons standing at the stop.
The callers complained that the bus driver always passed people up at the stop. She had done this several times. This wasn't the
first stop. There were 5 customers at the stop. I spoke to Stanley Carson then Blaze Sirota
Christopher got on the #2 bus this morning heading North, when he went to swipe his ticket the driver gave him a hard time about
it being a Miami card. Christopher stated he Paid $5.00 for the all-day pass and the driver continued to argue with him. Finally the
driver continued on his route, letting Christopher know that ticket isn't a good ticket. Please call him on this incident.
A passenger called to report that the 95 express bus should have left Miami-Dade Medical campus at 3:58 PM, but instead it left at
3:50 PM everyday from Monday to Friday. She stated that she would like to see this issue resolved.
Passenger said driver was due to leave at 9:30a but he did not leave until 9:38a because he was talking to another passenger.
Buses are not reliable and when one bus is broken no replacements are available. The patron said, I am using the bus to go to work.
The buses are not reliable for people who work and put them in risk to be fired. A callback is required.
The bus due at 6:58 am never showed.
Caller complained that the bus didn't arrive at all. He said tha every weekend this bus is late. He had to wait a whole for the next
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger said driver passed her stop at University/Miramar Parkway so she ran to the next stop. When she got on the bus she had
to sit for a minute because she was tired from running. Eventually she got up and paid $2 and then asked the driver for a transfer.
She said driver refused to give it to her, he said he had already crossed over into dade county. Passenger said it should not matter if
he crossed into dade county because was still on the broward county bus. Passenger requested call back.
Passenger said the driver’s headways displayed North- Coconut Creek but it was actually going south to BT. Passenger got on the
bus and ended up back a BT. Callback requested.
Passenger says every other day he catch bus 55, no matter what time of the day, it's either late, never shows up or broken down
somewhere. Passenger says he's fed up with this route and something needs to be done about it.
A passenger complained that bus# 7 going East should had arrived at the young circle at about 1:30 PM, but it instead arrived there
at approximately 2:15 PM. She stated that she had to leave because she could not wait any longer for the bus. She needs
someone to call her back in order to address the issue.
Passenger says the bus was in the far right turning lane instead of being in the far left lane picking up passengers. Passenger said
the bus was due at 332p but it got to her at 257p. SHEhe was very irate because she had a lot of heavy products in her hand and
although one bus came about 6 minutes later she was still upset and requesting a call back.
Patron sid he was co=rossingnthe street when the bus was comming, he arrived tothe bus stop and waved to the driver but the bus
operator didn't stop. Call back is required.
A passenger complained that bus# 81 should have arrived at the west terminal at about 4:00 PM, but it instead arrived about 4:04
PM. He stated that the bus operator stopped in the middle of the road to pick up a passenger. He described the bus operator as
being a black female driving the bus going Easbound.
Caller states bus due at 7:22am has not shown up as of 7:36am, and she will not make it to work on time. She would like a call back
about this.
Caller stated that the bus was 20 minutes late this morning making her late fr work. Caller stated that this driver has been late
many times before.
Caller states she was standing at the stop and bus passed her up. Says she will now be late for work.
Caller states operator told her she needs to start paying $2 for fare, even though she will be 18 until next month, and has shown
the operator her ID. Says this is not the first time operator has told her this. Says operator needs to be informed of the correct fare
policy which allows riders to pay $1 until they are over the age of 18.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller called to request report number of this reported bus incident.
Bus Incident: Operator said he had to make a sudden stop because a car cut in front of him. When stopped, male passenger, Paul
Chrispin, claimed to have hit his shin on a buckle that was on the floor of the bus and requsted EMS. Supervisor Beal was assigned
Calling from the City of Lauderhill, the caller says he hurt his ankle, and went to the hospital..
closed transferred to Risk Management
Caller states operator let two passengers off at the last northbound stop at Hillsboro, but refused to let her and William on the bus,
telling them they had to walk across Powerline to catch the bus. Caller says William was already putting his bike on the rack, and
operator started to pull off while he was still in front of the bus. Says William waved down operator and he stopped so William
could get his bike back. Caller says this was dangerous driving and William could have been hit by the bus while it was pulling out.
Caller demands a call back from a supervisor for herself and William. Says this is a 14 stop and operator has to service it.
Caller stated Route 10 is constanly late and she always arrive to work late and would to speak to someone reguarding this.
The caller is upset because there was no replacement bus for the rt 9 that broke down. Caller is now at the Broward Central
Terminal and cannot locate the police officer or supervisor. He says someone needs to monitor the terminal employees because
they are not doing what they are getting paid to do.
**Caller wants to know why there was no replacement bus. REQUESTS CALL BACK
This passsenger said that this bus driver was very rude to her, and she was aboarding this bus with her child that was in a stroller,
and the driver she stated said smart remarks to her, and they were going back in forth in a conversation and passenger was not
happy how she was treated.
This passenger said she was at the bus stop and the bus driver just drove by.
Caller stated that he got on the bus and was listening to his music. Caller stated that the driver said nothing to him but as few stops
later driver got off the bus and was sitting at a bus stop, just sitting there. Caller stated that another passenger asked the driver
what was wrong and the driver then told that passenger that callers music was to loud. Caller stated that he had on headphone
and that driver could have asked him to turn them down but she didn't causing him and others to miss their connections with other
Bus left at least 8 minutes earlier. Call back is required.
Passenger is stating that the annunciator is too loud. She tried to ask him a question and the driver did not hear her. Caller says she
cannot take the bus if the speaker is too loud.
Caller states she has been waitng since 11:30am for bus 62 and it is now almost 1:00pm and she is very late. Informed caller of
major delays caused by malfunctioning railroad crossing gates on McNab Rd & Cypress Creek Rd in Pompano.
BCT Comments 2016
On Jan. 29, 2016 at BC Central Terminal was very affected on east side including info window as so many people smoking as I
walked north eventual to get RTA to train station. I was forced to wait across the street until the shuttle came. This is but one of
many, many such exposures within the terminal. I have 4 letters from diff physicians over last 9 years declaring I need to not be
exposed. I have a VA disability and am requiring you take appropriate measures to address this issue
Forwarded to Copans Jeff Scott
Caller states he is new to using BCT, and thought he could still pay youth fare, he is 19 years old. Says he only had a $1 to put in the
fare box, and claims operator had a "nasty attitude", telling him he needed to put in another dollar. Says he walked back to front of
the bus after she pulled off to ask the operator why, and says she told him "you have nothing to ask me, sit down". Caller says
operator was very disrespectful, and refused to give her name. He will be following up with this.
Patron said, she was at the bus stop and the bus operator left with out let her get on the bus.
The customer called to make a request for an additioal bus stop to be place between Stirling Rd/SW 90th Ave and Stirling Rd/Pine
Island rd due to the distance between the two existing stops.
This passenger said that this driver was so considerate and kind, the best driver ever she stated, smiling, happy.
Caller states bus stop post is missing.
The customer called to complain that she was looking at her phone and the bus went by without stopping to pick her up.
Recless driver reported to supervisor Barbara at 4:25 PM
The patron said she was driving her car and this bus operator tuned to the right line not paying attention and cut her, she said, I
had to slam my breaks to avoid a colission and this way to drive is not acceptable.
Caller said he takes the 34 bus every morning at the Tri-Rail Station at 5:30am going east, he said the operator is a female and a
very good driver she is always on time and treats the customers with respect. He would like her to know that he appreciate her
Caller said she takes the 23 bus at the Sawgrass Mills Mall at 6:10am every morning and she takes the same bus from the
pembroke Lakes Mall at 4:15pm. Sh egot on the bus at the Pembroke Lakes Mall this afternoon and a strange man was sitting a the
back of the bus, the driver got off the bus and she was uncomfortable with the male passenger so she got off the bus and waited
until the driver return, the driver was upset that she got off the bus and keep asking why she got off the bus sher said the drver was
very rude.
The customer called to complain that the route 60 bus going northbound that was due by the Cypress Creek Tri-Rail Park and Ride
at 6:20p never arrived and she has been there since 5:58p.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that the route 19 bus that is supposed to leave US 441/Atlantic Blvd going northbound at 10:52p
on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays has been leaving early causing her to miss the connection when she is getting off of the
route 42 westbound. The customer wants to know if something can be said to the driver to have her make sure to wait until the
scheduled time to leave.
The caller is stating the bus due at 9:03am is never on time. It is now 9:11am and there is no bus in sight.
Requests a call back
Passenger is complaining that he is late for work because of the bus. The bus was scheduled to arrive at 9:16am and at 9:44am.
Caller was informed that the 9:16am was involved in an accident, but he stilled wanted to file complaint. A bus arrived at 9:56am
Caller says the bus was in motion as she was boarding. The driver never completely brought the bus to a stop.
Passenger Pamela Thomas was contacted today and informed on how to submit any complaints and concerns she may have with
the service. Ms. Thomas basically had generalized complaints that some buses are constantly late. She also discussed how the RT
19 & 72 are always overcrowded. Ms. Thomas also wanted to know why Broward County don't remove their clothes off the bus
seats for sanitary reasons.
The customer called to complain that he was walking to the bus stop and the bus passed by at about 11:26a and sswerved over to
the left lane even though he was waving for her to stop.
Caller had been eating on the bus. When she exited she was throwing away a napkin in the trash can. The driver exited the bus
and told caller not to eat on the bus anymore and to get her shit together.
The customer called to complain that she caught the route 36 bus #0512 going eastbound from Sunrise Blvd/NW 70th Ave at 9:03a
and the driver was driving the bus very rough. The customer says she was standing up by the luggage rack and the driver made one
turn that nearly threw her into the luggage rack. The customer says that on her return trip she ended up on the same bus with the
same driver and he was still driving rough and jerking the bus around and also refused to lower the bus for her.
Passenger complained that bus# 34 going east should had arrived to Sample Road and Coral Springs Dr at 10:31 AM, however, it
was 11:38 AM and the bus was no where to be found. She stated that BCT needs to do something about it.
The customer called to complain that he tried to catch the University Breeze bus from University Dr/Sheridan St going southbound
at 7:00p and he had two beers in a pack and they were in a bag but the driver refused to let him board the bus. the customer wants
to know if he is allowed to board the bus with unopened containers if they are in a bag. ***The customer wants a call back about
this complaint.***
Passenger complained that on Thursday, January 28, 2016, he was riding bus# 81 going East from Lauderhill Mall, yet was unable to
breathe because the fumes from the exhaust pipe filled the inside of the bus. He stated that BCT needs to do something about it.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger complained that the 72 bus going east on Oakland Park Blvd and 441 at 1:07 pm is always late, she said the driver drives
like he does not care and this is making her late for work.
she said the bus is every fifteen minutes and there is no reason why the bus is ten minutes late.
Passenger says that the 151pm bus 42 east bound from atlantic and university never came.
Passenger says the bus came at 217pm, while he was calling in to customer servie, and he wants a callback.
I'd like to report bus #0736. The driver was speeding through the Galleria Mall at the pedestrian tunnel on Bayview. There is no
need to rush to a stop light on Sunrise Blvd. I was pulling out onto that road and he decided to speed up and honk his horn. He was
no where near me to begin with but as we both sat at the light he made a gesture as though he were a retarded person.
Completely disgusting and uncalled for. We pay taxes to support these services and this is the garbage out there representing our
community? Pretty sad.
Passenger would like to commend operator for his excellent service. Says he is an asset to Broward County.
The 36 bus was not at the 36 bus stop. It was behind the route 22 bus, and riders were boarding it there. Caller remained at the 36
bus stop because she expected the 36 driver would service the stop. But the driver never came over to the 36 bus stop. It went on
by, passing up the caller. She had to spend money on a taxi.
I find it very frustrating that every morning since 1/18/16 the 6:15am bus from BB&T to Civic Center is late. This morning the spare
bus loaded all passengers and then we were informed at 6:22 that the spare bus driver will not be driving - we had to wait for the
original 6:15 bus driver - who was running late. It was round 6:45 before we departed for Miami. I completely understand that this
is public transportation but what is the point of having the spare bus sit there, load us and still have us wait, the 6:30 people all got
on the 6:15 bus and were astonished that the 6:15 people where still waiting to depart and to make matters worse, as we sat there
and waited the 6:30 bus never showed either. I am not sure what the issues are, whether it be funding or time schedule issues, but
all I am asking is for someone at BCT to review the time schedules of either the route or the driver’s time to report to work to
ensure that there is able time to clock in, obtain bus and drive to BB&T for pick up to ensure others (riders) can get to their
destination in a reasonable timeframe. Thank You
The customer called to complain that she was on Dixie Hwy/SW 8th St waiting on the route 50 bus due going northbound at 3:19p
and the bus passed by without stopping to pick her up.
The passenger got on the bus and saw that there are other passengers on the bus. Operator said he was out of service. The caller
asked him why were there other people and the bus driver told him to get off the bus.
Caller said he was at the Golden Glades and the 18 bus that was due there at 11:30pm did not show, he said two buses came with
the not in service sign and did not pick up any passengers.
Caller only had $1.90 so the driver threw the caller off the bus. Caller feels the driver was being too picky. Caller says the driver
was also obnoxious to him. Caller says he is jobless so has money troubles. I told caller the driver has to enforce the fare policy.
Caller's point though, is the obnoxious attitude of the driver.
BCT Comments 2016
Bus operator smoking at the front door outsid the bus has been reported. The patron is asking if the bus operator have
authorization to smok at the bus door.
Passenger states that the bus stop #5520 at university and westview southbound have a breeze bus stop sign on it and passenger
says that the breeze willnot stop and pick her up. Hastus has the breeze bus stop at stop # 5531 only.
Passenger says that he was at the 50 bus at hillsboro and 3 ave, walking up to the bus door and the bus driver pulled off.
Caller was the only person at the bus stop. The bus went speeding past him. Down the road at the next stop was a large group of
riders. Caller ran to that bus stop and made it in time. The driver stopped because there were so many riders there, caller feels.
Caller feels some drivers pass by stops if only 1 person is there because this has happened to him before. Caller complained to
driver and told him he would report him.
A passenger complained that he was waiting for bus# 62 on Atlantic Blvd and university Drive when instead, bus#42 arrived to the
location with a sign indicated out of service. He approached the operator and asked him if he was about to change into #62 bus.
The bus operator replied, "Why the fuck you're asking me, can't you read"? He described the bus operator as being a Spanish male
driving bus #42 going East. He feels that the bus operator was very rude to him.
The customer called to complain that she was at the bus stop on Miramar Pkwy/Executive Way since 4:30p waiting on the route 28
bus that was due going westbound at 4:59p and the bus never arrived.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 510pm. At 553pm no bus has shown. There was a bus due @ 533pm.
Caller said the 22 bus came to the West Terminal and the head sign saying West Terminal. The driver stay there for awhile and then
he pull off and change the sign to say tri-rail when he made the left turn on Broward Blvd. She said the driver should change the
sign at the Terminal.
The customer called to complain that she has been at the the bus stop at Young Circle waiting on the route 4 going northbound
that was due at 6:43p and no bus has arrived as of 7:30p
Driver slammed on the brakes;caller says she doesn't know why. Her right foot slammed into one of the ADA seats. Now her foot
hurts and is swollen. Caller says she has no other injury. Caller estimates the time as about 415pm but isn't sure exactly.
Passenger says that the 81 bus westbound left early.
Caller stated that she did not know she had to have a transfer ticket from the tri-rail to pay the .50 transfer fee when getting on the
bus. Caller stated that the driver was very rude to her and her children when they got on the bus telling them next time they
needed to have transfer tickets and telling to to move on and sit down.
Passenger was looking down at his wallet to take out bus pass and the bus passed him up at the stop.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states she has not been able to successfully catch this bus to work in one month because it is always late. Says this morning
she was standing at the stop in clear sight of the operator and they passed her up, only to stop at the next stop to drop someone
off. Says she will now have to take an uber car to work and she only has $6. She would like a call back about this.
Passenger says driver has been leaving early everyday for the past week. She said he's scheduled to leave at 9:45a but he has been
departing between 9:40a-9:43a.
Caller stated route 31 is always late and it makes him late for work.
Middle school student couldn't find his $1 to pay the fare. The operator told him to get off the bus because he didn't have the $1
bill. The mother states her son had to walk home and he had no cell phone to call her and tell her what happen. The caller feels the
driver should have used better judgement when handling the little boy, as he felt embarrassed by the driver.
The disable passenger complained about the lift deployment and ***wants a call back***. When the bus came to a complete stop
at the BCT, the driver opened the door and let out the ramp for a disabled passenger who was getting out of the bus. The caller
wanted to take that opportunity to board the bus while the ramp was already down. When he tried to board, the driver had a
debate with him about that before letting him on the bus and went out of the bus. He felt that ther shouldn't be a debate. The
caller mentioned that he's on the ADA board and knows that he can board the bus even tho the driver was leaving the bus for a
break. He called Jeff Madder. He was already in the process of suing BCT. He requested a call back.
Passenger says he has been at the bus stop since about 9:52a and the buses due at 9:51a and 10:21a did not show up. I advised him
that the 9:51a bus was involved in an accident and was reset to US1 but he said the 10:21a bus did not arrive at all but I saw a bus
at 441 heading East at 10:30a on the IRS tracking system. Passenger was adamant that the bus never came so he wanted to report
Caller complained that the bus driver was very rude and obnoxious. He was a piece of work. The caller wanted to speak to a
supervisor. He had requested to receive calls back in the past, but he said no one called him back. A call back is requested
Bus 9 minutes late this morning. customer claims that it is late every morning.
Passenger says the sign is missing. He wants to know why the bus isn't stopping there. Caller says the bus stop further down is too
far for him to walk.
*Requests a call back.
BCT Comments 2016
A passenger complained that he was waiting for bus# 62 on Atlantic Blvd and university Drive when instead, bus#42 arrived to the
location with a sign indicated out of service. He approached the operator and asked him if he was about to change into #62 bus.
The bus operator replied, "What the fuck you're asking me, can't you read"? He described the bus operator as being a Spanish
male driving bus #42 going East. He feels that the bus operator was very rude to him.
**C-Service Email**
Rt 50 5:12 am bus at Sample and W Dixie is late every single day. It is now 5:39 am and still no bus. If you want more riders your
bus has to be on time for people to get to work on time.
-------Second Email------The 5:20am southbound 50 bus from W Dixie and Sample he was more than half an hour latlate and was the first bus.
**C-Service Email**
See now this is an every day thing. It is now 6:32 am and the 62 bus is very late. I have been waiting since 5:58 am the bus is
supposed to arrive at 6:08 am. Is there some issue that your buses are never on time? I cant drive because of a medical issue, but I
have to work...it is people on their way to WORK that take your buses. Good grief this is beyond ridiculous.
------------Second Email------------Today was the 6:08 am number 62 from Kimberly and 441 going to Mcnab and 81 he was half hour late. We arent riding for free
yet the drivers act like we are. They have bad attitudes and yell at passengers. They are rude and basically say even if they are late
or rude it doesnt matter, because they cant be fired anyway.
Driver headway sign said aventura but she was going to BCT and she did not change the sign and when the customer ask if she was
going the right way, the b/f driver gave her an attitude. Customer refused to give last name. opening and closing case same day.
BCT Comments 2016
As you peruse my suggestion below regarding improvement of Broward public transportation, bear in mind the two following
concerns that prompt my suggestion.
? Toxic air pollution from vehicular exhaust adversely impacts human health to the extent that numerous official sources attribute
hundreds of thousands of deaths annually to the problem, just in America.
? Diesel exhaust and it's carcinogenic "soot" are particularly blamed as the worst air pollutant negatively impacting health.
My suggestion of one way for Broward MPO to alleviate the above-noted exhaust/health problem is to relax tight bus schedules,
1) In order to attempt to stay on tight schedules:
? bus drivers "floor the excelerator" in "jack rabbit" starts after each stop;
? bus drivers exceed the posted speed limits, significantly if they are behind schedule;
? bus drivers push the limit on yellow traffic lights to avoid stopping for (much too long and ill-timed) red stop lights;
? bus drivers approach stops at speed and "slam on the brakes" to save time...
2) The above-noted tactics, to attempt to keep up with tight schedules, result in the expulsion of considerably more exhaust
pollutants (as well as driving up costs by burning more fuel).
3) Most elderly bus riders have some form(s) of muscuskeletal problems which are aggravated by the above-noted tactics...
**C-service Email**
Your buses timing needs to be worked on. I do not pay $50 a month to be late for my connecting bus when my first bus is twenty
minutes late. The 11 and 9 routes are pretty routinely late every week. Also, if you are having issues with a bus, get a replacement
to be ready instead of waiting until that bus is supposed to leave to motify passengers waiting for it that the bus is broken. It would
be more time efficient and cost efficient if you look into the plastic reloadable bus pass cards that can be tapped instead of the
paper cards that must be printed and are easily damaged.
BCT Comments 2016
As you peruse my suggestion below regarding improvement of Broward public transportation, bear in mind the two following
concerns that prompt my suggestion.
? Toxic air pollution from vehicular exhaust adversely impacts human health to the extent that numerous official sources attribute
hundreds of thousands of deaths annually to the problem, just in America.
? Diesel exhaust and it's carcinogenic "soot" are particularly blamed as the worst air pollutant negatively impacting health.
My suggestion of one way for Broward MPO to alleviate the above-noted exhaust/health problem is to relax tight bus schedules,
1) In order to attempt to stay on tight schedules:
? bus drivers "floor the excelerator" in "jack rabbit" starts after each stop;
? bus drivers exceed the posted speed limits, significantly if they are behind schedule;
? bus drivers push the limit on yellow traffic lights to avoid stopping for (much too long and ill-timed) red stop lights;
? bus drivers approach stops at speed and "slam on the brakes" to save time...
2) The above-noted tactics, to attempt to keep up with tight schedules, result in the expulsion of considerably more exhaust
pollutants (as well as driving up costs by burning more fuel).
3) Most elderly bus riders have some form(s) of muscuskeletal problems which are aggravated by the above-noted tactics...
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger got on bus towards the back. A male in an orange jacket got in afterwards and started pleasuring himself and filming it
on a camera. Our passenger told the driver and before the driver could react, the male got out of the bus. Customer tried making a
police report but police said nothing they could do. She is concerned that she is on the man's video. Told her I would take the
compliant because this may be a habitual offender that has done this before and maybe we have him on video. +++++Caller called
back on Feb 23 wondering why no one called her back. Callback was set to "if necessary". I changed it to "Yes" (Randy Withers). I
also told caller the complaint has been transferred to the Compliance department.+++++++
We are getting videos and will file a report with the police. Manager of Security, C. Battaglia will be handling the police report.
We have pulled the video tape but unfortunately there is not enough footage to send to the police. Closed PRR
Passenger says that he was at the bus stop and he had a bicycle at aventura hospital, and the bus driver was at a red light at the bus
stop. Passenger says that the bus driver would not open the bus door and let him board the bus. Passenger wants a callback.
Passenger complained that the bus driver had left a few passengers at the stop and didn't pick them up. The bus driver stopped 2 ft
away from the passebgers already at the stop. He let the caller out of the bus but didn't pick up the ones at the stop although the
were flagging him down. He just took off and kept driving. One of the sustomers waiting was an elderly woman. That was not nice
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all. She said This bus has alwayd been late or not shown up. She came to the bus
and had to wait an hour to catch the next bus.
Caller complaine dthat the Miramar Express bus leaving NW 10 Ave and NW 14th St at 3:08pm did not show, he was a tthe stop up
until 3:29pm. He would like to know why the bus is always late.
The customer called to complain that he was waiting for the route 1 going northbound on US1/Hallandale Beach Blvd that was due
at 3:28p and a bus #0715 that did not have a route # came by and stopped just north of the bus stop and let people off of the bus
then as he was approaching the bus the driver pulled away and left.
The customer called to complain that he got onto the bus and asked if anyone had change for a $10 and no one did then someone
outside of the bus had change so he went over to get change and the bus sdriver left without waiting for him.
Ms. Vaughn was approaching the stop (it is the beginning of the route), at 4:08 when the driver pulled off leaving her and other
behind. Since this is the beginning of the route, the driver isn't suppose to be daprting early. She doesn't want to get him in trouble
or fired, she just wants up to tell him to wait till the departing time, so those who are on time can catch the bus. This isn't the first
time this has happened. She was unable to get the bus number or the description of thedriver.
BCT Comments 2016
Ms. Lucena was on the bus when it stopped at a designated stop. She sat there for about 20-minutes. During that 20 minutes, Ms.
Lucena along with other passengers kept asking why she was sitting at this stop. She replie that "this is her bus and there are things
she will not tolerate". The passenger kept asking what was the problem, and ignoring the question, she finally stated, "I'm at my
job, it's you guys that need to be somewhere". It isn't so much what she said, it's how she said it and how she acted. It was very
unprofessional. Please pull the audio and video, and see for youself.
I just spoke to Ms. Maria Owens today regarding concerns about the lack of routes from her home – 1400 Ocean Drive in
Hollywood. She said that it is too far to walk to bus from the 1400 block to Aventura. She said that there is only 1 bus #4 and then
has to wait for 1 hour for the #28 to Aventura. She is very upset, the expense, lateness, voted for commissioners/pay taxes but
sees no change, no one cares, drivers are rude, we have the worst system. She also said that she waives for the Trolley but it does
not stop.
Please indicate that she was offered an apology on behalf of Customer Relations and that moving forward she should call 8400# for
alternate trip planning as well as for concerns. Her number is 954-926-6691.
The customer called to complain that lately she has been getting to the bus stop 5-10 minutes early and the bus has been almost an
hour late. She is trying to catch the bus that is due going westbound on Hillsboro Blvd/Lock Rd at 4:59p.
The Patron complaints about this bus operator was driving slow. The patron said, this driver was 20 miles per hour,. everybody
passes him and when arrived to the West Terminal stays 8 minutes sitting there. the driver was running 15 minutes late and made
me lose my connection. Customer wanted to let us know he is very upset, and it is unacceptable! He required a callback.
Ms. Stratman, (who is disabled), was on the 72 westbound when the driver announced to the other passenges that she "peed the
seats". She stated that this remark was not only rude, but, it is untrue as well. Maybe the driver is unaware of her disability, but
that is no reason to announce that she does something that isn't true. Please address the issue with the driver. To Ms. Stratman,
this is an ADA issue.
Caller is requesting the route be changed back to Galt Mile.
Mr. Winston James was at the Sawgrass with 8 other passengers, when they approached the bus, the driver took off, leaving all of
them behind. He is requesting a call back on this complaint.
Ms Duberceau states that the 4:18, 4:48, 5:24, and the 5:58 buses never showed. I explained that the buses were running a little
late today due to traffic, bus she didn't believe me. She is requesting a callback on this complaint.
The customer called to complain that he was at the bus stop on University Dr/Pines Blvd at 5:40a and the first route 102 University
Breeze due at 5:55a and again at 6:25a never arrived.
BCT Comments 2016
Today the bus scheduled at 6:13 pm was runing 34 minutes late. The patron said, she catch every day Monday to Friday this bus
and 90% of the times is very late. The patyron is asking BCT check what this driver is doing to be so late so often.
Passenger says that the 22 westbound at 136 ave and 8 st passed by him and two other passengers at the bus stop at 444pm today.
The customer called to issue a compliment to the driver. The customer says that the driver is a very courteous driver and while
most driver will not wait on her and will just driver off this driver is courteous and goes above and beyond to wait for her. The
customer says this is a wonderful driver and he is the type that makes NCT look good.
Driver Gwendelyn Whitfield at the time drove bus #9, and she would make sure that the bus ran on time so that the students
leaving Broward College were able to make their connections. Our passenger Gean Muller Pierre couldn't say enough good about
her. "She did a great job, and now she is missed greatly." He would have to catch the last bus, and alway missed his conection to his
next bus UNTIL she started driving the #9.
The caller is stating that the operator was speeding through a school zone on Flamingo Road going south.
Caller states operator passed her up and she was standing at the bus stop. Says she will be late for work again today and this is a
major inconvenience.
Caller stated that she was at the Tri-rail waiting for the rt 15 at 8:05am and it never came causing her to be late for work for the
2nd time this week.
Caller states bus is late again and he will have to take a cab to the Central Terminal. Informed caller bus is delayed due to a
mechanical problem. Caller says he wants the supervisor to pay his cab fare when he arrives at the Central Terminal.
Passenger complained the bus left 5 min late from westview. It left early from the west terminal 1119pm instead of 1125pm. They
are not following schedukle. Call back requested
Caller complained that the bus left. it was scheduled to to leave at 9:35 but left 9 min late at 9:44. The bus was parked at the stop
for a break then the driver got in and just left.
Passenger said driver continuously got out of his seat at almost every stop so do something. She said he got up twice to mop the
floor because a passenger spilled coffee once. Then he would not allow passengers to sit on the side of the bus where he mopped
at but passenger said the floor was already dry. She also said t delayed the service because he was suppose to arrive at 3p but he
did not get there until 325p.
Caller stated that driver was beinfg very rude to passengers getting on his bus. Caller stated that driver threw a passengers bags off
the bus because something was leaking. Then caller stated that a passenger asked the driver what time he was leaving and the
driver was like theres a schedule right there, pointing to the timetable on the wall a ther terminal. Caller stated that driver was just
being very rude. ***CALLBACK*****
BCT Comments 2016
Ms. Frost called customer service regarding complaint 18215 on 2/11, someone from BCT called her and left a message, but no
follow up was entered by who called her. She would like to speak to somone directly about routing of bus 36 and 72. She would
appreciate if somone can call her back between 8am and 12pm. Mailed Ms. Frost a new 36 and 40 timetable at her request.
Passenger said driver was scheduled to arrive at 1104p but did not get there until 1127p. When he got there the bike rack was full
and since it was the last bus he brought his bike on the bus, driver told him he could have the courtesy to ask if he’s allowed to
bring his bike on the bus. Passenger said he’s been doing this for years whenever he catch the last bus and he has not had an issue
until now. Passenger felt like he was being harassed by the driver.
***Edited by A. Minnis 02/11/16***
Spoke to passenger concerning his complaint at 1:34pm. He verified that his voice mail was full. He accepted the apology extended.
Passenger upset Route 28 would not wait for passengers to get off route 5 before departing. When route 5 arrived route 28 was
supposed to have already departed at 1008a but it was 1012a, which route 5 was on time and route 28 was late. Driver on route 5
honked the horn at route 28 for him to move so he did and kept going. Passenger said driver could have had common courtesy to
wait for passengers off of route 5 but he did not wait.
Anonymous caller called to say that the sign for the bus stop fell and is on the ground. Not sure which side is on but is either bus
stop 2776 or 2787.
Caller was at the bus stop and held up his bus pass to show the driver. He was at the stop on the south side of Commercial. The
bus was stopped for a red light. The driver refused to open the bus door and motioned the caller to cross Commercial to go to the
stop on the north side of Commercial. Caller says he didn't have enough time to cross Commercial, partly due to the fact that he
has a disability.
Passenger says she and a few others take this same bus everyday at the same time and the bus never arrives. She says they arrive
at the bus stop at about 5p and the 511p bus never come, they don't get a bus until about 6p.
The customer called to complain that she is at the bus stop on 441/Stirling Rd and there is construction at the bus stop. When she
saw the bus coming she went out o the edge of the construction but the driver told her he could not board her there she needed to
go across the street where there was no construction.
Passenger called to complain that the bus didn't arrive today. He said this caused him to be late for work.
BCT Comments 2016
Laura states that to begin with when the driver stopped to picke her up he was in the middle lane, and she had to walk in traffic to
get on the bus. He didn't pull over to the stop like the other drivers do. Then he drove line a maniack. He must have been real mad
that he had to work or something. Then there was a loud noise. She asked him what that noise was and he ignored her. Then an
African-American woman asked him and he carried on a conversation with he for about 10-minutes. "Where did you get some of
these drivers"? "Don't you screen them"? Please call her back on this complaint.
Passenger is stating the operator came from NW 34 ave when it made a right coming off Broward blvd.
Dec 21: Driver had to brake hard to avoid an accident. Caller rolled out of her seat to the front of the bus. Caller says she was
pregnant at the time. BCT called an ambulance for her and she was taken to the hospital, where she stayed for 2 days. A BCT road
supervisor also showed up at the scene, caller says. Caller thinks the bus # was 1156 but isn't completely sure. Now the middle of
her back hurts. When she arises after sitting, the pain is at it's worst she says. She said she has no other injuries. I didn't ask her
why she waited so long to make the report; she said this was the first time she's called us about this.
send to claims for open claim
***CService Email***
On February 10, 2016 at 4:05PM, I was walking East on 36th St., crossing A1A (N Ocean Blvd) when a Broadsword Bus #1441
heading West on 36th St and turning South onto A1A (N Ocean Blvd) came head-on in my direction. Prior to crossing A1A, I pressed
the walk button and waited for the 36th St light to turn green and the walk signal display to allow me the right of way to cross A1A.
I HAD TO ACT QUICKLY TO JUMP BACK OUT OF THE WAY to prevent the moving bus from hitting me. The bus did not hesitate to
stop or avoid me. It stopped on A1A and 36th St to pick up passengers. I ran to the bus and told the bus drive that he almost hit me.
I said I had the right of way. He said he had the right of way and sped on his way. I see many autos disregard the walk signal light
but there is no excuse for city/county employees (bus drivers) to blatantly ignore the rules of the road and endanger pedestrians
with a self empowered attitude.
Pasenger says that she got to the bus stop at hilllsboro and 3 ave at 1125pm and the 110pm bus never came. Passenger says that
she wants compensation for a bus pass because since the the 48 route changed drivers, the bus has been very late alot or donot
come at all. Passenger says that she wants a callback.
This passenger called and said that the bus is always late everyday, and when it comes it is to packed, and he has to wait an
additional 45 minutes because of this, and he is very upset about this.
The bus left early at 8:43am. The caller was getting out of the car, when she saw the bus leaving early.
At the end of the route on the beach, the driver shut off the bus and made all the riders get off the bus. Driver then walked away
for his break. Wants a callback to know if having to exit the bus at the end of the route is standard operating procedure.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that the bus driver drove rtight passed them at the bus stop. There were a few people waiting. It looked like he
was going to but didn't. No bus number nor driver's discription provided
Caller complained that the bus passed and didn't pick him up. Bus 19 pulled in first, then the breeze. There were 10 other
passengers waiting for the breeze. He shut the door in their face and took off. Caller wants to make sure he's reprimanded. I also
spoke to another angry passenger at the same stop
customer claims the route is always late and yesterday never showed up. Called at 3:15pm when the bus was 10 minutes late. Tried
to explain about traffic, etc but he would have none of that. very upset with issue.
Caller said he was on the 101 breeze heading south this morning. The bus hit a truck and his bicycle back wheel is bent because of
the accident, he would like to know how his bike is going to get fixed.
Caller complained that on 2/8/16 the 11 bus going east from Oakland Park Blvd and NW 21 Ave at 5:45am did not sho, she said it
was cold and the first bus should be there. She would like to know what the problem was.
Passenger said driver was making hard turns that caused his passengers to almost fall and he wouldn't stop on the curb for
passengers to get on the bus. Passenger said she do not know if he was in a hury or not but his driving was wreckless.
Passenger says that the 55 bus route is always late. Passenger says that it does not matter what time he catches the bus, passenger
says that it always shows up late.
Caller was at the bus stop and signalled the driver to stop. He passed her by. She reconized him as "Santo", a driver who she's seen
his name tag.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 515pm for the bus due @ 531pm. At 547pm it hasn't shown. No breakdowns reported from dispatch.
Caller says this run is consistently late. Caller says when she does get this run the driver drives with one hand.
Caller said he got on the 441 breeze on 441 and Griffin Rd at 4:41pm going south. He paid fifty cents and the driver told him the
fare was two dollers, he said he always pat fifty cents to go to dade. The driver told him to pay two dollers of get off the bus. He
said the driver was rude and he hope he does not see him again because he is going to slap him in his face.
The customer called to complain that the route 2 bus that was due to leave University Dr/Westview Dr at 5:15p left late at 5:32p.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 500pm. No bus showed until we were speaking, when @ 615pm a bus passed him by w/o stopping. I
explained this was likely due to dispatch telling the driver to do drop offs only due to lateness. Caller is headed for the airport and
will miss his flight. Earlier in the day 10 block 1 had broken down.10 blocik 207 had a passenger fall.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says that the wi-fi was not working on the CB Smith 109 express bus at 640am today.
****B. Hankerson, 2-11-2016, called passenger back to speak with her about her concern, I recieve no answer and left a voice
mail leaving the wi-fi response. close the comment/ complaint.
The annunciator is extremely loud and it's deafening. Caller asked the driver to turn down the volume. The driver told caller that
he couldn't and it would take a 1 million dollar modification to turn down the volume.
Passenger says this route is always late every day except Mondays, sometimes it doesn't show up at all. She said she's been at the
bus stop since 815a and it is now 950a and she still haven't seen a bus.
Bus was due to leave at 856a but the driver left at 850a. Passenger very irate because he's going to be late for work, again.
Passenger says he did his part and arrived at the bus stop in enough time to catch the bus but he still left early. Driver suggested
that BCT have a meeting with all drivers about following the schedules given to them.
Caller states 81 operator Harris is 10-20 minutes late almost every morning, and today the bus did not show up because it broke
down. Says this trip has been late since this operator picked it. Says operator is nice but needs to go to another route if he can't
keep the bus on time. Says he has left messages with Chris Walton and Tim Garling.
Caller states he was standing at the stop, waving at the bus, and operator looked at him and kept driving.
Caller says driver (Ben or Bart) is awesome. Says he has very good customer service skills, courteous, and polite. She says she has
renewed confidence that BCT has sincere drivers.
Passenger got a transfer off from a Miami Dade bus and she say she thought it was an all-day pass, also used for Broward County
buses. She said our driver told her she had to pay the fare along with the transfer but passenger thought she didn't have to pay
anything with the "all day" pass. She only had a $20 bill and did not want to put it into the fare box knowing that she wouldn’t get
change back. She and the driver got into an altercation about it and she say the driver snatched the transfer out of her hand and
told her to go have a seat. Passenger stated the driver stopped the bus and call PD and had her removed from the bus. Cal back
Passenger said she waved for the driver to stop as she stood at the bus stop but the driver rode right pass her.
Passenger said he as at the bus stop waving at the driver to stop but as he rode pass the him, he waved a “piece” sign at him and
kept going.
Caller says the bus stop sign is on the ground at Nw 56 Ave and Blueberry Court. She says the post is there, but the sign is down,
and the driver are passing the stop.
Caller complained that the bus passed at the bus stop and didn't pick her up. She doesn't deserve to be treated that way because
she's a tax payer
BCT Comments 2016
Driver was very friendly and helpful. Driver helped him put his bike on the rack. He said the driver would see a patron running to
the stop and he would wait for them to get there and wait for his passengers to sit before pulling off. Passenger says this is the best
driver BCT have.
Alex Mason was at the stop waiting on the 2:05 westbound. The bus finally arrived and the driver told the passenger, she couldn't
pick up anyone because she is about 15 minutes late. closed the door and drove off. Mr. Mason stated that she should have been
using the sign, drop off only. There is another bus at the stop and he stated he was broke down. He then took off the not in service
sign and Mr. Mason was able to board that bus.
Individual called to complain that the driver was driving reckless. She said that she was traveling west on Broward Blvd approaching
Pine Island Rd and the bus driver merged from the pull in bus stop back into traffic with no regard for the traffic, forcing her out of
her lane and almost causing an accident. ***Caller Request A Call back***
This passenger said that the bus did not show up.
Caller complained that the bus driver didn't pick him up at the stop. he was already at the stop. He waved. He wants to know why
he didn't stop?
Caller complained that the driver was angry and disgruntled. She was behind the bus and blew her horn. She was trying to blow at
the car in front of the bus because the light turned green. When she got into another lane, the bus driver gave her a dirty look. She
also sent an email about it.
I couldn't determine the route #. caller stated that she was going East on Stirling Rd & Davie rd Ext., at the left signal, making a left
going north.
states called customer service and was told bus on time. Bus arrived 45 minutes late and when she asked the driver why, the driver
said the bus had broken down. States driver rude and not very nice. She also claims driver makes unscheduled stops and makes her
own breaks.
Caller complained that the bus driver didn't pick him up at the bus stop. He was clearly visible. The bus driver stopped a few 40 feet
from him, then took off. The caller stated that he's disable.
Passenger stated she is a college student who showed the driver her id but he still made her pay $2. Call back requested
Passenger stated the bus due to arrive at 2:45p did not show up and the one that was due at 3:07 dropped of passengers but did
not let any on. He say the driver told him he was not in service. No bus showed up until about 342p.
Caller stated driver did not stop at bus he was passed up by driver.
BCT Comments 2016
According to Tonya Jackson, (a state employee), the 441 breeze driver of bus #0908 was driving recklessly. He/She was heading
south before Davie Blvd in a double long bus when he moved frome the outside lane to the middle lane almost hitting the white car
in that lane. Then he/she moved from the middle lane to the outside lane and almost hit the white car again. He wasn't looking to
see who was around him (according to Ms. Jackson). She couldn't give a description of the driver.Please pull video and review.
Melding Mejia got on the bus and secured his bike on the first rack away from the driver. During the ride, the bus hit a bump and he
didn't think anything about it till he removed his bike. The bus drove off and that when he noticed the back tire rim was bent. It was
a sliver and blue Schwinn. He needs to know where he needs to take it for repair since the bus (not the driver) damaged his bike in
transit to his departure stop. He didn't get the bus #. Please call.
Caller said she got on the 30 bus at the Central Terminal at about 5:40pm, the driver was driving fast blowing the horn at the
vehicles infront of her and yelling to them to get their ass out of the way. Caller said the driver was driving so fast that a bike that
was on the rack fell and was draged under the bus. She said this driver is always driving agressive and she is afraid for her safety
when she takes this bus.
The caller was at the bus stop and signalled driver. The bus went speeding by. This also happened on Monday & Tuesday.
Caller complained that the driver was rude and unprofessional. She had an attitude. She said the bus smelled like weed and
accused him. Then another passenger came and admit that was their weed.
Caller was a motorist heading west on Tyler street into Young Circle. He was beside the bus. The bus driver failed to keep the bus
in her lane when they were in the circle, and drifted into caller's lane, almost running him off the road. Caller isn't sure what route
it was but it was bus # 0310.
Passenger says that he walks with a cane and someone on the bus got up and gave him their handicap seat. Passenger says that
the bus driver pulled off before he was seated and he almost fell.
Passenger says that the bus driver passed him standing at the bus stop.
The caller complained about an accident she witnessed on the bus. Her boyfriend who is a disable passenger fell on the bus. After
he boarded, the bus driver didn't wait for him to be seated. He just took off. He was on crutches and fell and hit his head. The driver
was being rude to the witness because she yelled at him. She said she's gonna call a lawyer. The witness made the call to us
A passenger complained that bus route 1 going South passed the bus stop and did not pick her up. She stated that she was at the
bus stop and waived at the bus, but the bus operator ignored her and kept going. The incident occurred at US1 and Jefferson Street
at approximately 8:30 AM. According to her, the bus number was 0710 and the bus operator was described as being a black male.
The customer called to complain that she has been at the Lauderhill Mall since 8:30a waiting on the route 36 bus that was
supposed to leave at 8:54a going westbound and the bus has not arrived as of 9:05a.
BCT Comments 2016
A pessenger complained that she is sick and tired of Route 11 because the bus is always late. She stated that, on Saturday,
February 13th, 2016, she was waiting fot the 5:00 PM bus going South at A1A and NE 14th Street in Fort Lauderdale and the bus
arrived at approximately 5:30 PM. She is requesting that someone calls her to exlain to her what really happened to the bus
The customer called to complain that the driver was rude to her because he refused to give her a courtesy pass and told her to get
off of the bus because she didn't have correct fare.
A passenger complained that bus Route11 going East shoud had arrived at the bus stop located at A1A and NE 14th Strret in
Pompano at approximately 11:33 AM but instead passed the bus stop earlier.
Mr. McKay was coming out of the Bagle shop at McNab and US1 to catch the 62 at 11:38, when the bus flew by him 12 minutes
early. This is the beinning of the route and "I thought they were suppose to stop her (they usuall do and smoke a cig) and leave at
11:50, their schedule time." Mr Mckay said that some passengers rely on, and I would have been at that stop 10 minutes early. He
was unable to get the bus # and a description of the driver.
When comming over the Sunrise Bridge (eastbound), the bus seems to stop in the middle of the road, before Birch Road, andgot off
the bus to go into the 7-11. This isn't the first time this has happened. It seems to be with this driver only. It backs up traffic and
when the people in the cars try to pass, they almost get hit. Today, she almost got hit again. She din't know to bet a bus number,
bus the driver was white, large in size. Please find a place he can stop with out causing a traffic jam, and please review the tape.
Rider claims driver delaying bus by stopping evrywhere and driving dangerously by braking hard and too often.
States running towards bus and made eye contact with driver but driver did not wait. customer got a ride to next bus stop at
university and got on the bus and asked driver how come she did nto wait and driver was rude with explanation.
Customer suffers from anxiety. Got on bus at BCT and asked driver for the stop that she needed to get off at by providing the
address she was going to. the driver was very rude and used profanity and started arguing with her. the customer called me
hysterical and screaming and I could hear the driver in the background. I was able to calm her and tell her where to get off the
bus.Ms. Peterson called back to add that the driver told her to go back to Georgia. Please call.
The customer called to complain that he has been at the bus stop since 2:00p and as of 4:22p no route 40 bus going eastbound has
shown up.
Caller states he called C/S at about 4:00pm on 2/14 and a female told him that the last bus 30 at this location was at 5:00pm. Says
he waited until 5:45pm and started biking a long distance because he thought this was the last the bus and it had not shown up.
Informed caller the last two buses at this location are 5:52p & 6:37p on Sundays. He would like a call back about this.
BCT Comments 2016
This caller called to say that the bus driver was in a cut out lane for the bus and this caller said her and her husband was driving
there vehicle and had there signal on to pass and the bus driver force his way over, stuck up his middle finger and was also using
profane language, she said they watched his mouth. The caller and her husband she said are permanent residents, and she wants a
call back, and she is going to call a lawyer for the harassment cause by this county driver. Caller did not what
Passenger says this is the third time this driver has closed the door in his face and pulled off, without allowing him to get on the
bus. Passenger said he's at the bus stop, on time but the driver still leave him and don't let him on. He said it's very rude and he feel
like the driver has something against him but he don't know why.
Caller states bus left late at 5:10pm.
Passenger said driver insulted him, discriminated against him, used profane language and ejected him from the bus. I asked how
exactly did this start he replied he did not know, he just got on the bus and the driver told him not to get on the bus without telling
her first. He said the driver told him to shut up ni**a and made him get off the bus after he paid his fare. He said this incident
occurred on route 06, Feb 07, 2015 at 7:40p at BT but the last bus at BT was at 7p, Then he went on to say this incident occurred on
route 07 bus 717 at BT which do not go to BT. I asked him which bus was it to confirm the correct information, he then began to get
irate saying that I was not listening so a call back was requested.
This passenger is calling to say that the driver was rude to him, and said that the bus was full and he was standing and the driver
tolded him he could not stand.
Caller states bus left two minutes early at 11:58am, leaving him and another passenger that were running from Publix. Says
operator should leave at 12:00pm, not before.
Caller suggests fareboxes print the expiration date on bus passes in DD/MM/YYYY format, instead of MM/DD/YY format. Says the
current format confuses visitors from outside the United States, and it is difficult for those with a disability to read the expiration
date correctly.
The caller caled to complain that the bus stop for the route 72 nearby Oakland Park Blvd/Inverrary Blvd W where a new bus shelter
was put up is not by the shelter so when people are waiting at the shelter, including people in wheelchairs when it rains, the buses
pass them by without stopping. The customer thinks this is not right and the sign needs to be moved by the shelter.
Forwarded to Service and Capital Plng.
At 2:42pm today, 2/12/2016, Dania Beach shuttle bus # 1374, traveling north on SE 5th Av completely ignored two children
attempting to cross the road from west to east, in a designated crosswalk. Two of the kids easily made it, the other two had to go
back to the swale. There was no way the driver could have missed these kids, it was just bad driving.
BCT Comments 2016
This passenger said that the rte s was in front of the rte 28 and 2 other passengers besides herself were waiting for this bus and he
pulled off and left them at the bus stop and laughed at thrm she stated, and it is raining. Passenger stated she is going to call
everyday about what happen today and will be in friday to speak to someone about this passenger wants a response.
I would like to lodge a complaint about bus route #10. Why is it so infrequent and unreliable?? I realise Fed Highway is a busy road,
but isn't that all the more reason to have more buses on the route....every 15 or 20 mins, instead of 30....if you're lucky!!
Good morning to whom it may concern, according to the bus schedule dated 10/11/15, 36 going west leaves Lauderhill Mall on a
Sunday at 8:54 am. I catch the bus at the last stop on 47 and Sunrise. I leave my house at 8:52 ( per my Phone) and the bus leaves
the mall at 8:54. When I got to the stop I was told the bus passed. It does not take me 2 minutes to walk to the stop. I was very
lucky I got a ride to work. When I got to University the bus was parked up at Sunrise Blvd & University DR. I looked at my phone for
the time and it was 9:03am. I am just asking someone please to let the drivers know that they should adhere to the schedule. Yours
Truly, Jasmine Morgan
Caller was at the bus stop. The bus went speeding by w/o stopping.
Caller states operator's headsign said "Dania City Hall" even though he was traveling west on Stirling Rd at University Drive. Says
when he got on he asked operator if he was going to Dania, and operator said yes. Caller says he rode all the way to Pembroke
Lakes Mall, only to have operator tell him that he had to pay again to go to Dania. Caller says operator lied to him, and on top of
that asked him to pay fare again after misinforming him. Says this is unacceptable service and he will be contacting his lawyer.
Caller demands to speak to a supervisor.
Caller was walking towards the bus stop and was only 10 feet from it and he pointed to the sign as the bus approached. The driver
shook her head and kept going. Caller says it was an in service breeze and the sign is a breeze stop.
Passenger said this bus has been late every day for the past three weeks. She said she could understand a day or two but every day
is unacceptable. She said the driver talks to passengers the entire route. She said the driver needs to pay more attention to the
road and less talking to passengers because it’s delaying her schedule.
Passenger said driver was late. He was due to arrive at 403p but did not get there until 438p.
The patron called tocommendate a biu o[perator . She said this BCT bus operator was very nice and patient with her and with her
little daughter and she wanted to thank him and let BCT know he is a very nice element.
Caller was at the bus stop and looked the driver in the eye. The driver looked back at him and passed him by.
The patron has a suggestion, he is asking to extend the service hours for the Route #1 in order to provide service to the passengers
that arrive to the airport after 12:00 AM
BCT Comments 2016
Male security guard at the NETC has the bathroom locked and refused to unlock the door. The guard said it's closed for the day.
Caller feels it should be open as long as buses are running throught the NETC.
Called customer left message - explained rules that bathrooms are locked after 5 pm and if needed to use to contact guard. The
guard will lock them again after customer is done. If he has problems he can call Safety Manager at *357-8396
Caller states bus 28 passed everyone waiting at the stop with a "Not In Service" headsign. It is raining and this is a major
inconvenience. She wants a call back about this.
Passenger said he was at the bus stop waving at the driver, the driver looked him in the face and kept going and its' pouring down
raining. Driver said the bus did not say "not in service".
Passenger said he was at the bus stop waving at the driver but he kept going and its' pouring down raining. Passenger said the bus
did not say "not in service".
The headsign of the bus said it was going towards Century Village and driver told them to get off the bus at Pembroke Lakes Mall.
The kids school is west of the mall but the driver wasn't going there. Caller is upset because her kids are stuck at the mall waiting
for a westbound to take them to school. Mother says this is not the first time the wrong headsign was on the bus.
Passenger says she fell when exiting the bus at Lauderhill Mall. Refused EMS yesterday. Says she is now in pain.
send to Claims/Risk Mgmt
Bus left late. Scheduled to arrive at 9:20a but did not arrive until 9:30a
Caller stated that he is having a problem with a driver. Caller stated that today he went to the front of the bus to let the driver
know that he was getting his bike off the front of the bus. Caller stated that there was no one on the front of the bus and he was
getting off at the front because it was raining very hard and he needed to get his bike. Caller stated that his is always haveing
problems with this driver and if nothing is done he will seek legal action because he feels it is discrimination against him. Caller
wants a ***CALLBACK****. Called again next day to say he got off the bus at 830 am at hallandale beach blvd & sw 4th ave.
This passenger said this bus is late all the time. He said 4 buses where going west none east.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service email:
This is the second time in a week that the 6:30am bus heading southbound from Davie park and ride to the downtown civic center
has not arrived! Currently there are over 40 people out here waiting which includes those for the 6:30am and 6:45am bus. This is
very unprofessional as many of us are hospital employees including nurses and doctors who cannot be late to work. I am formally
complaining for BCT management to rectify this issues immediately as we plan to take this complaint higher! Today is Tuesday
2/16/2017 and the time now is 6:45am and the line is getting longer and no busses are here. Then we will also be expected to all
pile into one bus, being very uncomfortable and some individuals may even be left due to no space! This is completely
Caller states bus due at 7:40am never showed up and this is making her late for work. She would like a call back about this.
C-Service Email:
This customer would like to know why the bus did not come on Jan 2nd 2016. route 4 SB at A1A and Hollywood Blvd to due there
at 1:56pm. Please answer by email or sent to c-service to be forwarded to customer.
Visitors from Australia. Used your bus service to get from President Square Hollywood to Hollywood Beach using route 7 and then 4
on Saturday 2nd Jan. On return journey we waited at Route 4 stop on Ocean Drive near OceanWalk/Hollywood Blvd from 1:40pm
until 2:25pm with no sign of a No. 4 bus. According to your schedule it should have left Daina Beach at 1:45pm and arrived at Young
Sq at 2:05pm. Can you explain why the bus did not show please? Bob Oldfield
This caller called to say that the bus driver ddriving 5005-X was really reckless today, caller was in the his lane and there were 3
other lanes and the bus driver went across 3 lanes, and pulled up behind this caller and turned his high beams light on him driving
fast and it was raining really hard this morning, and this could have been a terrrible accident. Passenger wants a call back.
Passenger said another young man got on the bus playing loud music without headphones and the driver did not say anything to
the young man. Passenger said he yelled to the driver fromt he back of the bus "tell him to turn the music down" but the driver still
did not say anything. Passenger said as he exited the bus he told the driver he could have told the young man to turn the music
down. He say the driver responded "you could have been a man and came to the front to tell me that". Passenger got offended and
said he wanted to report the driver or not doing his job.
This passenger called and said the bus is running late, and thi is making her late to desination.
Bus due to arrive at 1047a, it is now 1106a and the bus still has not arrived. Passenger said bus 07 stops there and he asked the
driver was bus 09 still at young circle and the driver said yes. Passenger stated this is not the first time this bus has been late and he
has called to report it and no one returns his calls.
This passenger said that she was at the bus stop and the bus driver did not stop and she waived at him to stop.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that the bus that was due at 11:29a on Oakland Park Blvd/NW 56th Ave has not arrived and is late.
The customer says that there is no reason for the bus to be late because there is no traffic all the way from Sawgrass Mills Mall
where it leaves from.
***CService Email***
Just taking the moment to report that Bus #72 has failed to puck up passangers on time on Oakland Park Blvd and Inverrary Blvd
(across from Lauderhill City Hall) east bound. Bus #1440 past us by with a NOT IN SERVICE sign. He was on the far left lane. It is now
11:46 am and the bus was suppose to be at 441 and Oakland by 11:37 am. Where is the bus? Why has he failed to show up and on
time? I called it in, they knew nothing. I have to go to work. There are 17 of us waiting.
The customer called to complain that she arrived at the bus stop on US 441/Bailey Rd at 11:25a and the bus that was due at 11:31a
going southbound never arrived. The customer says that the first bus she has seen is the one coming now at 11:51a.
The customer called to complain that he boarded the bus and the driver told him he was not allowed to get onto the bus then she
immediately got on the radio to call dispatch. The customer says he got off of the bus and decided to wait for the next one. The
customer says that he has had problems in the past wiith this driver harrassing him and has filed complaints. ***The customer
wants a call back about this complaint.***
***CService Email***
The issue I’m referring to happened this past Saturday, February 13, 2016. The bus, Route 1 Southbound from Central Terminal to
Aventura Mall (Southbound), did not arrive at its appointed time of around 9:15 a.m. at the 3rd Avenue and 9th Street bus stop. I
was late getting to work. The bus did not show at all. I did not stick around past 9:30 a.m.
Caller is blind so the driver helped seat caller. He also called out all the major intersections during the ride. Also, there were 7 or 8
riders who wanted the 28 westbound and they could see it down the street They asked the driver to stop on the north side of
Miramar Parkway even though the Breeze stop is on the south side. Since there were so many riders who wanted the westbound
28, the driver stopped on the north side for them.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
The ones on the #81 line include a language that I haver never seen. It is none of the ones you stated. Is it perhaps some kind of
pidgin English? Or some African dialect?
Sent from my Galaxy Tab® A
-------- Original message ------------------------------------------------From: CService <[email protected]>
Date: 02-16-2016 10:13 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: 'walbat7' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Broward County Transit Comment
Good Morning,
Thank you for contacting Broward County Transit. The signs on our buses are in English, Spanish, French, and Italian.
Have a great day.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: walbat7 [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 6:17 PM
To: CService <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Broward County Transit Comment
They are signs like "no smoking" in English, Spanish and ???
Sent from my Galaxy Tab® A
-------- Original message -----------------------------------------------b busdstop were flagging the bus down. It passed them by in the far left lane. Wants a callback to
Caller and others at the Breeze
know the outcome of the complaint.
Pedestrian stated him and his daughter was turning the corner and the bus come hitting a hard turn and cut them right off and did
not stop.
Passenger says that the bus driver passed her at the bus stop at 101 ter eastbound at 1148am waving for the bus driver to stop.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller said he got on the 72 bus on Oakland Park Blvd and 441 going west at about 1:30pm. He got off the bus on NW 74 Ave and
the driver did not lower the bus, he stepped off the bus and hurt his back. He said his doctor had to give him two injections in his
back because he was in pain.
Update: Creckley 2/29/2016
Client called to complain of cotinuous pain and that no one has called him back. Could some call client and update him.
Transferred to claims department close Hastus
Passenger says that she got to broward and 441 at 300pm, to catch the 441 breeze or 18 southbound. Passenger says that at
355pm, their was no southbound bus for either route.
Patron states she has been waiting since 3:30 pm and no buses showed up. Customer said she wanted go home and no buses there
she wants to know what happens with the buses and a callback is required.
Passenger states that at the tri-rail station on sample road, the station does not have any shelters for the passengers. Passenger
says that when it rains, like this morning and the sun is beating down on passengers, there is no shelter to get under.
Rider was at the bus stop waiting for the southbound breeze. She claims that @ 402pm it did a U-turn in the parking lot of the
bospital and headed back north. Another breeze passed her by w/o stopping @ 419pm. Caller didn't get the bus # of either bus
but both drivers were males.
Passenger says that he was at 441 and turtle creek at 430pm to catch the 435pm 441 breeze and the bus left late at 458pm.
Passenger says that he was in line at the tri rail station, behind three other passengers. Passenger says that he turned around and
zipped up his bag, and he was at the bus door knocking, and passenger says that the bus driver would not open the bus door.
Passenger says that the bus driver pulled off without letting him board the bus.
Bus operator pick up a passanger in a "non bus stop place". The patrons said, the bus driver don't respect the prosures and do
what ever they want. A callback is required.
This Driver was running late. Also the patron said, this bus operator let a Passanger get on the bus without pay the fare, the patron
added: This bus operator is not following the schedule.
Passenger called to complain that this bus departed the stop early (4:36pm), causing her to have to wait on the next bus for 50
minutes. Would like the driver to adhere to the time points on the route because the wait is far too long for this bus already.
The patron was waiting at the bus stop and the bus operator didn't want to stop to pick her up. She wants to file a complaint
because she said this is not the first time, many drivers don't stop at this bus stop.The patron requires a call back.
Caller stated that the bus still hasn't arrived and it was due at 7:21am and it's now 7:26am. Caller stated that the bus is always late.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger very irate that the bus is late. She said this happens every day and the bus is always 10-15 minutes late. It's now 8:19a
and the bus still has not arrived and it was scheduled to arrive at 8:10a.
Passenger said bus drove right by and did not pick up patrons. He said there was others at the stop waiting also.
Passenger says he's been waiting at the bus stop since about 9a and has not seen a bus yet. Passenger says ever since the 36 route
was changed, the 11 takes much longer to come. He said we need to get another 11 bus added to the route so they could be on
Caller says she work for Board Committee of Embellishments, Phase 5, and they are inquiring about removing an old bus stop sign.
She said the location where the sign is, is no longer a bus stop and the sign also says "no longer a bus stop". She said it's been over
a year now since the stop was relocated and she wants to know if she can remove the sign or have someone remove it. Call back
Passenger stated driver pulled up a few feet away from the bus stop as he approached a red light. When the bus stopped at the red
light an elderly patron approached the bus but the driver refused to pick him up.
Simya got on the bus and the driver was raising the ramp and told her to get off. He was letting off a wheelchair passenger. She
stated he didn't tell her that before she got on and he state he didn't need to. He made her get off the bus, finished with the ramp,
and then let her on. She said she told him, "not that didn't make any difference, and he told he she was being rude. She said she
didn't know what he was doing, because the bus makes all kinds of noises. He should have told her. Once on the bus, he sat there
awhile, starring at her in the mirror. He did not act accordingly. She was unable to give a bus number.
Passenger says to move the bus sign back to pull in.
Passenger says that the stop 4747 southbound and stop 4744 northbound do not have the 95 express bus stop sign on them.
Passenger says that the bus sign is incorrectly marked for the route 62.
Passenger says that stop 5520, bus stop is incorrectly marked as a breeze stop.
states bus was at park and ride and the customers waiting at the stop could see the driver and driver was due at 7 am but did not
get to stop until 713 am.this is not the 1st time this happens.
Called to complaint that the stop at the town center in miramar is not necessary and no one ever gets in or out there and that adds
15 minutes to comute.
states driver drives slow and is always late. today due at 740 am and arrives at 757am.
Caller stated that driver was being very rude because she ask the driver if the bus went past the Bahi Mar and driver didn't answer
her. Caller stated that she kept going on about how she felt about the driver not answering her and then the driver began driving
reckless to where the trash can fell and spilled all over.
BCT Comments 2016
Bus arrives early I catch the broward route 88 bus at Oakland park junction. It is supposed to arrive at 8.34. However multiple times
the bus arrives as early as 8.28 and zooms away. Can the bus please be on time? If it's running early can it stay at the stop till the
scheduled time? I will be very grateful if this is addressed. Details are as follows:Date and time- 02/17/2016 08.28AMPlaceOakland Park Boulevard, Sunrise Route 88 southbound.
Bus stop at Oakland park Blvd & inverrrary Blvd west, east bound shelter is now complete, yet the stop sign is still 1000 ft away &
when at shelter the driver that comes at 5:21am, is not stopping.. When stand at the stop sign as advised, he still goes by, saying
not able to see you.. This is major inconvenience..please can sign be put back at the stop shelter, as this would resolve this major
issue..not getting to work on time.. This resolution, as soon as possible, would be greatly appreciated
Passenger said driver was very courtesy and helpful. She said she was lost and did not know where to get off at but the driver
helped her out a lot. She said he was very nice about it. As many years as she's been riding his bus, he's always been sweet but
today he was beyond courtesy.
Passenger said an old rude black driver wearing glasses refused to let her get on the bus with her small dog. She said her dog was in
a bag covered up so she do not know why she was not allowed on the bus. She said she's been riding the bus for years with her dog
and she never had this issue. She said she do not know why the driver was so rude to her, maybe he was too old.
Passenger says tht when she gets on the 01 bus, the spanish male bus driver moves the bus while she is standing at the fare box.
Passenger says that this has happened more than once and she have almost fallen on the bus. Passenger says that she doesnot
want to fall, and she wants the bus driver to wait until she gets behind the yellow line.
Passenger says that the breeze bus driver, who drives the 102 breeze at 353pm on Mondays is always on time. Passenger says that
the breeze bus driver, from 207 @ 353pm northbound from Tues-Fri is always late. Passenger wants a call back, and passenger says
that this is the first breeze bus and it is late.
Car driver says that she was traveling from powerline eastbound on sample and the bus driver of bus #1324 with an out of service
sign on it was driving reckless, weaving in and out of car lanes and cutting car drivers off. Car driver says that she was traveling east
with the bus for about 10 minutes.
Bus came around 10 minutes early. BThe patron said,"the driver is not following the schedule and still going on". Bus operator does
what he wants, he still is running early.
Bus running early is reported. The patron said this bus scheduled at 11:05, departed early.Bus operator is not following the
schedule. A Call back is required.
Mr. Otto had asked the driver of the #2 bus (since it was stopped at Grffin Rd.) if he had seen the Breeze in his travels. The driver
was very rude and would answer him. If he didn't know, all he had to do is say so. Not make jesters and not answer him. Please
address with this driver on what customer service is.
BCT Comments 2016
Bus passed by the bus stop. A call back is required.
The 7:30am bus passed her up at the stop at 7:48am.
bus left early at 7:30 due at 7:40 am b/f driver. drivers are not following schedules.
Leaving late driver on the phone. b/m not following schedules. drivers due whatever they please.
Caller claims bus left the NETC early at 8:04am. Says he had to run for the bus.
Caller stated that she just asked the driver if he was going towards Dykes Rd and the driver would not answer her. Caller stated
that she got on the bus anyway because she wasn't sure and the driver would not tell her he was going in the opposite direction of
what she asked. Caller stated that driver would not answer and was just very rude with the way he was pointing and just looking at
Caller says bus due at 5:16am has been showing up late and it's making him late for work. Says bus showed up at 5:30am on
Monday and Tuesday this week.
Customer complained that his car got hit while parked at the park & ride location. He has been a rider since Aug 2015. Yesterday,
he was parked at the BB&T center park & ride and someone ran into the car while parked. Since there are no security and no
camera in the lot, he couldn't obtain any footage to determine what happened. The Sunrise Police Dept has taken an accident
report. He would like to continue being a customer, and wants some kind of surveillance or security to be put in place at the site.
He wants to discuss how can this be solved. He Wants a call back.
Assigned to Security Mgr C. Battaglia awaiting update
Update from C. Battaglia: Customer was not happy that we didn't get back to him with the response he wanted and he was rude
and no longer is interested in an answer.
Matt Goldstein from the City of Miramar would like to know the location of the 12 bus shelters that will be put up as part of
County/City agreement. Please contact [email protected].
Caller states bus is 30 minutes late. Says this operator is always stopping the bus to call dispatch for mechanical problems, making
everyone late. Says he thinks she just doesn't want to drive.
Passenger is stating this operator is always running late. The bus was scheduled at his stop at 8:17am and it arrived at 8:28am. The
bus is now at Countyline Rd &A1A at 9:58am and it was scheduled to arrive there at 9:20am.
The caller got to the bus stop at 7:55am and the bus was due at 8:06am. The time is now 8:26am and no bus has shown up yet.
Customer purchased 31 day disabled green pass that is bent and canot be read by fare box. She went to bct and got the supervisor
Michael hanasko to sign the pass MH 1559 with exp date of 2/17/16. the driver on this route refused to accept the pass and told
the customer next time he would call the police. Supervisor at call center states pass should be honored and customer should tell
driver to call dispatch to verify that the pass is good.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that he wants the bus stop removed from in front of his house. Caller stated that he feels the stop is to close to his
house. Caller stated that someone throw a rock in his window this morning.
waiting at stop by the library and driver went by without stopping.
Caller states there are several maintenance problems on the Pompano community buses. Says the drivers and passengers are
complaining about the brakes on the shuttles; they are making very loud squealing noises, like they have no padding, and they are
not working correctly. Says drivers have been told by mechanics that work on the shuttles that they are cheap brakes. Caller also
states that the floor of one the shuttles was rotted out, and the pavement was visible through the hole. Says a passenger took a
pillow and tied it to the spot so passengers would not step through. Part of a door frame was broken on one of the shuttles, and
was sticking up where passengers step on. Caller says these issues need to be resolved before there is a serious accident. Says he
doesn't need to called back about this, but this needs to be addressed and he would like to remain anonymous.
Customer waived to driver and bus did not stop/
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all. She said that all the other 95 express buses came thru, but this one is always
coming at the same time with the next scheduled bus which is 30 min later. In the afternoon, the bus arrives late & still take a break
saying it's late already, what's the difference. She depends on this bus to go to work, but it's been making her late.
Mr. Kelly stated that the 1:28 bus never showed. He stated it was the worst route in 2004 and is still the worst route we have.
Caller states she was driving west on Miramar Parkway. Says there was a vehicle stopped in front of bus 1106, and operator cut her
off to pull out so he could around. Caller says operator almost caused a major collision by pulling out in front of her. Says operator
needs to be addressed about this.
C-Service Email:
I have been using the service since it started and I am a happy customer.
My complaint is about the spare bus and the time we have to wait for the bus. I take the 595 express BB&T-Brickell, in the past two
months I have been waiting the bus at the Brickell station in the afternoon for 15-25 minutes and the spare bus is parked. Already
happen three times.
The driver of the spare bus told me he called the supervisor, and the supervisor told him to wait for the regular bus.I called
customer service and they told me to send this note.Should\'t the spare bus leave on time if the regular bus is not there?You are
giving us a great service, please keep doing it.
Best Regards,
Caller complained that the 18 bus leaving 441 and Miramar Pkwy at 5:09am gets there late every Wednesday's and Thursday's
making him late for work. He said he takes the bus every week day and those two days the driver gets there 6 minutes late and that
is the first bus going to the Golden Glades and it should not be late. He is asking a supervisor to talk to the driver because he cannot
be late for work.
BCT Comments 2016
The caller got to the bus stop at 1:50pm. She was waiting on the bus scheduled at 2:13pm. The time is now 2:46pm and the buses
are running back to back.
Caller states bus due 2:14pm passed up everyone waiting.
The customer called to complain that she got onto the bus and put $1 in because that is all that she had and she says the driver told
her to put another $1 in but told her in a rude and nasty tone of voice.
Customer claims bus 2 hours late and is always late. States asked bus driver about the delay and the driver told him to lower his
voice. The driver had no manners and showed no respect for passenger.
The customer called to complain that when he boarded the bus the driver rushed him and other passengers onto the bus without
lettin gthem pay or swipe their passes. The when the customer was getting the off of the bus later he says the driver closed the
back door on his body without waiting on him to get completely off of the bus.
When caller boarded the caller was slow to pay her fare because she was talking to her friend. The driver "was all kinds of rude" to
her in hurrying her up to pay her fare. Then when she exited later on, she crossed in front of the bus in the the pedestrian
crosswalk. As she did so, the driver let his foot off the brake briefly to scare her, caller claims. Wants a callback.
Caller waited 40 minutes for a bus. No problems reported from dispatch.
Car driver states that he was one block north of oakland park blvd, heading southbound and a BCT bus # 0907 cut him off and he
had to slam on his brakes, to keep from being in an accident.
Passenger says that she have complained before about the lady bus driver that leaves 441 and atlantic at 1052pm leaving early.
Passenger says that she left the bus stop MOn and Tues before 1052pm and this is causing the palm beach passengers to miss their
connections. Passenger wants a Supervisor to call her back.
Ms. Crawford was on our 95 express bus today on her way home she thought she would be able to address some work issues on
her lap top. To her surprise, there was no WI FI. She called to inquire about it and it wasn't locked or anything, there just wasn't
any. Please fix the WI FI, or remove it from the line.
The customer called to complain that the driver of the bus that left Young Circle at 4:45p went through the hospital after leaving
Pembroke Lakes Mall and he is not supposed to go that route.
The customer called to complain that she has been on Johnson St/US 441 waiting on the route 9 that was due going southbound at
5:25p and the bus still has not arrived as of 5:40p. The customer says that she has been at the bus stop since 4:35p.
Caller complaied that the 11 bus going south on A1A and NE 34 st at 5:31 pm is always late, she said the driver is slow and he drives
with one hand or one finger on the steering wheel.
The customer called to file a complaint about the route 28 buses. The customer says that the buses seem to not be following any
schedule and just show up whenever. Sometimes buses are late an then sometimes three buses in a row will show up then one will
go out of service. The customer is currently waiting for the bus that was supposed to leave Aventura Mall at 6:35p and it still has
not arrived.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that she was on the route 28 bus that left Aventura Mall at 6:35p and a drunk female passenger
was screaming at her and accosting her putting her hand in her face and despite being asked to do something by the caller the
driver ignored the situation.
Caller says she has been waiting an hour for route 110 block 10, the last 595 X Brickell of the day back to Broward. We got an email
from dispatch saying the bus was in an accident and the other driver was very hostile to our BCT driver. I explained this to caller.
Caller asked if a swap bus was on the way. Dispatch says another bus that had recently finished its route will be pressed into
service to take the place of the bus in the accident. Caller wants to complain anyway; and she wants a callback.
Passenger states driver wants to avoid traffic and drops her off before her bus stop and forces people waiting at stop to walk
towards her.
-----------------------------------------------------------------Passenger called back and says she wants a supervisor to call back on complaint or she will go to channel 7 news about this issue.
Caller stated that he got to Memorial West Hospital stop at 5:48am waiting for the 6am route 5 EB to come and it never did. Caller
stated that this made him late for work and his boss was upset. Caller stated that he wants someone to know that the bus skipped
that stop.
Caller states she asked driver to let her off at Fillmore St and 56th Ave when she got on the bus, and he ended up taking her to Taft
St & 56th Ave. Said she had to walk a long way and she was just getting out of the hospital.
Caller stated that she, her husband and 6 month old baby were driving SB on US 441 merging right onto 826 EB and bus # 717
merged into their lane almost hitting their car and almost causing her husband to run into a cement wall. Caller stated that she
wants a callback and wants to also know what is going tpo be done about this drivers reckless behavior. ***CALLBACK***
The driver said to the caller, "Watch your mouth skank" because she was complaining that driver did not keep the bus lowered in
enough time for her to take off all her bags.
Passenger states the driver embarrased her on the bus by calling her "old and stupid". She has a bus pass that is missing the black
stripe on it and the operator said that it was a fake bus pass and she needs to go to the terminal to get it checked out. Caller feels
like the driver was being very disrespectful.
Caller stated that she got on the bus and asked the driver why he didn't lower the bus and driver told her she didn't ask him to.
Caller stated that she has had this problem before with this same driver and reported him then. Caller stated that no one called her
back on the last complaint and she would like to speak to someone. ****CALLBACK****
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger states this driver always gets off the bus and goes into Raymond's Market. He came back with a bag and is now leaving at
Luis Melendez
The bus due @ 517am went by 7 minutes early @ 510am as caller was starting to cross the street.
Mr. Jerry Thomas wants to file a complaint on the drivers of Route #11. When the drivers are running behind on their schedule, the
should take the break at Commercial Blvd. and 441. It isn't the passengers fault that the driver ran late. When asked what day and
time he stated, "all the time". No certain bus or driver was given.
claims got on the bus and driver gave her wrong information. Said that the bus was the last of the day but there are a few more left
after the one she took. Also claims that drivers are harassing her and laughing at her. Made a lot of other incomprehensible claims.
Man called to say that the men's bathroom at the west terminal looks like it has not been cleaned in a long time and is filthy with
no paper to dry hands.
claims bus leaves the BCT a few minutes early every day and he misses his connection. States today it left 3 m inutes early.
***CService Email***
Today (Feb. 18, 2016) between 3:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., approximately, I was at the bus stop at the Sunrise Boulevard between NE
16th and NE 17 Terrace Avenue (before Wendy's fast food restaurant), waiting for the route 36 in the direction from east to west. I
saw the 1131 bus driver was leading him by the middle lane. I and another passenger we made signals with our hands and BUS
PASS cards to come closer to the bus stop for us to enter the bus and get transportation service. The driver put the signal light to
the right, so that car drivers would allow him to get into the right lane. When a driver of a pickup truck allowed the bus driver, he
approached the bus in front of the bus stop. We walked in and I paid with my BUS PASS cards, while the bus driver told me not to
pay and keep walking inside the bus, in a tone of despair and hurrying. The bus driver continued driving, I pulled the yellow cord to
make the bus driver stop the bus before the NE 4 Avenue. The bus driver stopped at the stop is next to The Home Depot. I got up
from the seat near the back doors and walked to exit through the back doors. After I saw the light signal (to touch the door and get
out of the bus), I touched it, but when I started to leave the bus, the doors closed and hit parts of my body. I made an effort to push
the door and got out, but I did not like that experience! I think the driver was in a hurry and that was why he closed the handle
before I left the bus, and the doors closed over me.
Caller stated that everyday for the past week the 12:42, 1:42 & 2:42pm route 10 NB has not come to Sunrise Blvd and NE 15th Ave.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
The route 106 bus 5001, stopped at Miramar Pkwy & Flamingo Rd at 5:29 PM a Route 28 bus west bound went by the bus stop at
the same time with I without stopping. I could not see the bus number but I think these drivers could be more courteous and
considerate.Advise drivers to be on the lookout for passengers who were on the express bus and are waiting for them.
Caller complained that the Broward County buses don't keep schedules. They constantly late. It's not just one bus but all the buses.
He left an extra 30 min early to go 3 miles to a connection, but the bus never showed up. he complained that it's not fair to the
******Requesting a call back****
Caller said bus driver cut her off by switching into her lane almost causing an accident. She say she honked her horn but the driver
continued to drive away. She recorded the plate #: TAR128.
Mrs. Knott called to repot that the bench had dried pee and poop on it. This isn't the only one either, she stated. For the past few
days up and sown the street both noth and south bound, there is this. It's as if the do this on one bench, then move down alittle bit
and do it again. She wanted the benches cleaned and wanted us to find a way to keep the homeless from peeing and pooping on
the seats.
The bus due @ 241pm is late @ 303pm.
Passenger says this bus is late every single day. She said the bus is due to arrive at 219p but always arrive between 230p and 245p.
Caller states she was driving east near the bus stop, and bus almost collided with her car trying to service the stop.
Ms. Casseus was at the Terminal waiting with the other passenger for the 3:50 bus. The bus pulled in and she asked the driver why
he was running so late. The driver replied that he was the 4:10 bus. shortly after another 40 pulled in and parked in the outside
lane. She asked the driver, since he was the 3:50 bus (according to what the other driver told her), could she board th bus now.
That driver stated he was the 4:10 bus as well. Finally the first bus was going to leave (late), and then when they got to Young
Circle, the driver locked up the bus to go have a cig. This isn't right. This driver lied on which bus he was and now running late, he
takes another break at young circle. Please address this with the driver and get him to quit lying and stick to the schedule.
Caller says she put $5 into the farebox for an all day pass but the driver wasn't paying attention to caller when she put the money
in. The driver told her she hadn't put in the money because if she had the farebox would have indicated so. So the caller had to
put in another $5. Caller says the driver was distracted by some commotion where a person passed out in the parking lot.
Passenger states the driver was very professional and followed county procedures. Caller was on that bus going east and he
accidently left his pass on the bus. When the bus came back around, the operator allow him to get on the bus to retrieve his
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states the 5:15pm and 5:35pm buses never show up. It is now 5:45pm and she is just seeing a bus after 45 minutes of
Caller says she was standing at the Tri-Rail stop. A white male and white female were standing at a bench that isn't at stop. Caller
states operator, a white male, stopped to pick up the white male and female, and caller had to walk to the bus to get on. Caller is
black, and she feels like operator didnt pick up her up at the stop because she is black. Says she commutes on Tri-Rail and BCT daily
and this is not acceptable service.
The caller is stating the bus passed her up at the stop. She said, as the bus was approaching, there was a slow car in front of the
driver and went in the other lane to pass in front of the car. Doing so, the bus driver passed the bus stop.
The bus due @ 706pm arrived 10 minutes late @ 716pm. Caller says this run is always late.
Bus departed 15 minutes late from the west Terminal, the patron said, this driver is very rude and mean.
Driver is rude, inconsiderate with no patience and nasty attitude. Customer states that she is disabled and when she gets on the
bus the driver does not give her a chance to pay before he takes off fast. She almost fell yesterday. When she got off the bus using
the front door, the driver allowed passengers to board and did not give he a chance to get out of bus and when she said something
he opened door and almost closed it on her. Customer spanish speaker.
Bus recurrently running late between 15 to 20 minutes. the patron said this is the second week this bus scheduled at 9:20 am, is
very late for no a reason, (today it was seen on the monuitor running 18 minutes late). The patron added that in general the Route
50 is running erratically, very late, and some times two buses are running together. A callback is required
Bus departing 4 minutes earlier, the patron said he was able to see the bus leaving at 10:11 hrs. intead of 10:15 hrs. The patron
added this is not the first time this bus departs early.
Patron was waiting at the bus stop with his bike. Passenger says that another guy walked up to the bus stop with a bike also. The
bus was stopped at the light before the bus stop, so the other passenger with his bike walked back to the stopped bus and put his
bike on the rack and got on the bus (not at the busa stop). The bus driver then started moving toward him and didnot stop at the
designated bus stop and pick him up, the black lady bus driver passed by him at the bus stop waving.
Nothing happened to customer but called to report driver due to the way he treated lady with her 2 children because the lady
wanted to pay with a $20 and had no change and driver was very rude and unprofessional. He also got so mad that he missed the
next stop and a disabled lady was unable to get off the bus. Driver finally after a couple minutes allowed the lady to ride the bus.
customer called to complaint that the bus is always late. he takes it in both directions every day and sometimes at night is at late as
2 hours.
BCT Comments 2016
States asked security for access to the bathroom for wife and she used it. Wife asked a second time and both the maintenance lady
and security denied her access the second time stating they could only use the bathroom once.
Passenger says that at the NET center, she was told by the lady who clean the facility that she could only use the restroom for five
minutes, and only one time a day.
Driver hoonked as she cruised by and now she has to waid another 50 minutes. Please confirm that this bus didn't stop. Please call,
and if she doesn't hear from us, she waill call Mr. Gibbs. Please call.
Passeger stated bus left at 956a but was not due to leave until 1009a. Passenger says he now have to wait for the next bus and now
he's going to be an hour late for work.
The customer called to complain that the route 12 bus that was due on University Dr/Broward Blvd at 9:53a did not arrive until
10:05a and caused him to lose his job. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
Caller complained that this bus is always late every Sunday. He normally take his break anyway although he's late. Last week, he
didn't show up at the mall when he reached 441 & 12 st, while many people were waiting. Today on the tracker, the bus was
showing 10 min late, but it made it to the mall on time. The caller called back to advised that the bus driver didn't take a break and
left on time, but she still wants to keep the complaint.
Caller stated that the hours of phone operation should be the same as the hours the bus runs. Caller stated that she doesn't like
the fact that she can't reach anyone when she has a problem with the bus. ***CALLBACK***
Caller stated that the 6:13am rte 106 at Miramar Pkwy?Flamingo Rd never came and some people couldn't get on the next bus.
Caller states he saw bus scheduled to leave terminal at 7:35am leave early at 7:32am. Says this is a regular thing with this operator
and he is making people late for work because they can't connect.
Caller stated that the driver of rt 12 bus 0711 is very rude to passengers everyday. Caller stated that the fare box was not working
so driver had abag over it and when a man got on the bus and asked how to pay the driver was like don't you know what that
means in a nasty way. Caller stated that she would take it to the governers or mayors office if something wasn't done about this
Caller states operator had police put him off the bus at the airport. Says by the time he got to Central Terminal the last 10 bus had
departed and he had to walk from Broward Blvd to Cypress Creek Rd.
Caller stated that the bus smells bad of mold.
Caller states he blacked out on bus 28 and EMS was called. He would like to know if the operator or EMS has his ID. Told caller he
will get a call back from Lost & Found if BCT has his ID. Lost & Found report attaced.
Caller states bus is passing Sample Rd early at 9:26am when it should be at Copans Rd right now.
Caller states bus due at 929am has not shown up as of 942am, and he is going to miss bus 6. Says he hasn't gotten any calls back
about this bus always being late and he is going to his commissioner since no one seems to be doing anything about it.
BCT Comments 2016
The caller is stating the bus passed by at 2:21pm instead of the scheduled time of 2:43pm. Passenger says it is the same driver that
does this.
Caller states last bus 6 never showed up or showed up early and he had to take a cab home. He waited unitl 9pm and left. He would
like a call back about this.
Caller stated that the driver was driving on the wrong side of the street because the traffic wasn't moving fast enough for them.
Bus 1412 route 20 at 535pm on 2/14/16.
Please listen to attachment:
Complaint about Bald tires. Please listen to attachment. ****CALLBACK****
Passenger says he got on the bus at Davie Blvd. and put $4 in the fair box for an all-day pass but he did not receive anything. He
stated he got off the bus about 45 mins ago at Oakland Park and then realized he did not have a pass. Driver did not have any bus
information he just said the driver was a female. Call back requested
Patricia from Scott Jason Law of attorney called to report a bus involved accident at NW 10th St in Miami Dade on January 4, 2016
at 7:24a. She was not sure of the connecting intersection the accident occurred at but PD was conduction a traffic stop and the
right side of BC bus made contact with the left side of her client’s vehicle. She stated it was a 2011 Nabi, license plate#: TC2568,
driven by Jeff O’Neal Anthony Thomas, bus number was not recorded.
send to Risk Management for claim
A passenger complained that bus route # 09 going North was very late and is always late in a daily basis. He stated that the bus
should had arrived to Tyler Street and N 19th Avenue at 11:30 AM, however, it arrived at approximately 12:03 PM. He described
the bus operator as being a Caucasian male driving bus # 0305. He said he would like to see this issue resolved.
Caller complained that the bus number 2 going south on University Dr and Peters Rd at 10:02pm came early, he said he was at the
stop at 9:55pm and he waited until 10:15pm and the bus did not show up he had to walk all the way to Pembroke Rd. He said that
is the last bus going south and this has been happening for the pasr three weeks. he is asking a supervisor to talk to the driver.
Passenger is suggesting a new bike rack with more than 2 slots are added to the buses because once his bus arrived the rack was
full and he had to wait for the next bus, in hopes that those bike racks would be available. Passenger said being that he had to wait
for the next bus, he was late for work.
The customer would like to put in a request that a 441 Breeze stop be placed south of Sunrise Blvd because it is a major road and
she goes there sometimes.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states 0518 bus pulled up behind her at terminal 2, within inches of her car. Says the operator began blowing the horn at her
several times. Operator got off the bus, and walked up to her driver’s window, and began yelling and cursing at her. He then walked
to the passenger window and banged on it with his fists. Operator called someone from airport security, caller then got out her car
to tell them the operator has no business intimidating her, and pounding her personal property with his fists. Caller wants a call
back from a supervisor.
**C-Service Email**
595/Express Sunrise/Davie Park & Ride First pick up location buses late not arriving at 4:10pm Buses driving out from the corner
onto 12 avenue past pick up time. Still a problem.
Caller says last bus 72 passed him and he was waving at the bus with his phone light. Says this was a major inconvenience.
COPIED BELOW. HOW MUCH LONGER MUST DISABLED PEOPLE WAIT FOR ONE SIGN TO BE REPLACED? -------- Forwarded Message ------- Subject: Broward County Transit Comment Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 14:47:19 -0500 From: [email protected] To:
[email protected] [email protected]
Bus sign disappeared from Route 11 southbound stop on A1A at Oceanwalk Terrace (I think it's stop #969), near Assumption
Church. I called BCT administration last week and they told me this stop has not been cancelled, and the sign should be there.
Unfortunately, there is still no sign, and without a sign there, busdrivers don't recognize this as a stop anymore and therefore don't
pick up or drop off at Oceanwalk Terrace. This is an inconvenience for local residents, especially those like me who are disabled and
depend on buses for transportation. Please replace the sign as soon as possible. Thanks.
BCT Comments 2016
Angela Jenkins, Library Branch Manager, (954) 357-5577, requests that BCT have a bus stop near the Young at Art Museum /
Broward County Library – (YB), at 751 SW 121 Avenue, Davie, FL 33325. There is a BCT stop at nearby at Broward Blvd., but
customers and library patrons have to walk a mile to get to the library. There is also a stop near Nova, but they also have a long
way to walk. She is asking for a bus stop to be at Flamingo Rd. and St. Rd. 84, so there would be a shorter walk to their library,
especially for students.
I am a regular rider of the 5:45am 595 Express from BB&T in Sunrise to downtown Miami. You will likely be hearing from others as
our bus has become very crowded in the morning and you guys continue to use 1160 for your first run while the new, much larger
buses sit there as back ups. Please consider one or both of the following: (1) bring back the earlier bus and make the first run at
5:15 or 5:20am. That will reduce the numbers on the 5:45. (2) Use the bigger bus for the first run and have a bus such as 1160 as
backup. Just my thoughts - I'm told you will be receiving similar emails or calls expressing the same thing. Thank you. Stewart
At the intersection of West Cypress Creek Road and North Andrews Avenue this morning at approximately 5:55am, a Broward
County bus (Bus# 0837 / Route 62) traveling northbound on North Andrews Avenue entered the intersection well after the light
had turned red. I was traveling east on West Cypress Creek Road, making a left turn (on the green arrow) heading onto North
Andrews Avenue when I noticed the bus barreling through the intersection at a high rate of speed. This isn't the first time that I
have seen this, but after several close calls with buses lately, I felt that it is necessary to notify someone that happens VERY often. I
don't know if you have access to the traffic cameras to view this but if you do, it may be worthwhile and possibly do something to
improve safety and respect to those who share the roads with your bus drivers - the same safety and respect that the bus drivers
demand from us.
Today they painted in green the bus stand and with the wind, the paint went all over the nice new sidewalk on the north side of the
beautiful pompano beach Boardwalk
Hope this will be cleaned up!!!
The customer called to complain that she caught the route 1 bus, bus #1306, leaving the Broward Central Terminal at 9:15p and the
driver was very rude. The customer says that the driver was talking to someone who was statnding in front of the yellow line and
when someone said something to her about it the driver told them that if they didn't like it they could get the "F" off of her bus.
Caller said she got on the 10 bus on Federal Hwy and Sample Rd going south, she ask the driver to let her know when she can make
the connection to the 83 bus. The driver ask her why she is talking to hi she is distracting him and he is going to call 1500 to let
them know she is distracting him . Caller said the driver was rude and refuse to answer her question.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to make an injury report. The customer says that the driver made a sudden stop and she hit her knee on the
seat in front of her. The customer says that after she got home she noticed that her knee was bleeding. ***The customer needs a
call back about this complaint.***
Closed send to Risk Management
Patron said the bus operator started the bus when he was getting on the bus and almost hurt himself. The customer responded he
has not injuries. He wants to report the driver because he said , the driver saw him run to the bus and when he was gettin to the
door left.
Caller was at the bus stop. The bus passed her by in the left lane to make the turn onto Sistrunk blvd. Caller says the driver waved
at her. Caller insists the bus # was 5736.
Caller said the Miramar 95 express bus going south from Miramar Pkwy and 172 Ave at 6am did not show up this morning. This
evening the 4:10pm and the 4:30 pm bus leaving NW 14th St and NW 12th Ave was extreamly late. She said the service is terrible
because she is paying a lot of money to use the bus. She is asking a supervisor to be there in the morning because the call center is
not open until 7am and there is no one to contact.
The customer called to complain that he has been at the bus stop at Broward College North Campus since about 5:25p and no
route 31 bus going southbound has arrived as of 6:24p. The customer says he has seen a few route 60 buses and a route 31 going
northbound but no route 31 buses going southbound have come by.
Passenger said driver refused to give him a transfer. She told him the machine was down and only printing out blanks and she told
him to go ask another driver for the transfer but he said she should have done that. He said she acted as if she did not care and was
annoyed by him still standing there. He told the driver to give him the blank paper anyway but the driver refused to do so.
Passenger is requesting a call back.
Passenger said the bus drove right by her and did not stop. She said she was sitting on the bench waiting and the bus passed her.
Passenger says bus 18-S did not show up between 8:25a- 8:50a. The 441 Breeze passed her while she waited at Hallendale
Beach/441 around 8:51a, it did not have any sign on it's headway and bus 07- E did not show up at Hollywood/441 at 9:09a
The caller is stating the driver did not wait for him to put his bike on the bus. He tried to catch the bus at the next stop and the
operator passed him up.
Caller was at the bus stop and the bus passed her by. She thinks it's because the driver doesn't like her because she carries a baby
doll with her at all times.
Caller states he saw last 48 bus make a right turn on SE 15th Ave and, then made another right turn on another cross street. Says
bus did not go across the bridge to service stops. Informed caller that a detour is in effect today due to movie filming in the area,
and that might have been the reason the bus took a detour last night. He would like a call back about this.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger called to complain that the bus arrived at 7:01pm. He also stated that the drivers have no concept to adhering to the
***Caller Request A Call back***
**C-Service Email**
Waiting now for 35 minutes because the 30going west, came 15 minutes early. Supposed to be at davie and st andrews @ 6:40pm
it came at 6:20pm
The route 28 who was suppose to stop a hemisphere direction aventura mall at 10:38 never stop and I recognized the lady. It is the
third time that the bus don't stop and aech time it is her. The first time was 4 month ago the other direction and I almost missed
my flight and the two other time I arrived late at work. I would like, please, you to take the necessary disposition to be sure this
situation will not happen again. Thank you for your comprehension.
-------It was Sunday 21first . the 28 direction aventura mall who was supposed to stop at hemisphere Street on ocean Dr. At 10:38
If you have any other questions please contact me
The customer called to complain that she has been at the bus stop going east on Stirling Rd/N 42nd Terr since 1:15p and the bus
that was due at 1:29p never arrived. Advised customer that according to the GPS the bus passed there at 1:39p but the customer
insists that the bus never came by and wants to file a complaint.
Feb 22: The bus due @ 612am never showed. The following bus due @ 637am showed up @ 712am. When the driver was asked
why he was late, he impatiently said if you don't like it call and complain. Caller wants to make the point that these 2 runs are
usually late daily. This makes it hard on workers like him with a 12 hour shift at Kindred Hospital.
I am writing regarding the 595 express bus from Civic center to Davie/Sunrise. Many of us have noticed that on numerous
occasions, we have had to endure a buse ride on one of the older model buses witb extremely thin/hard seating. This is absolutely
unacceptable! Our ride home is anywhere from one hour to two hours, depending on traffic, with frequent sudden stops and
difficult driving/traffic conditions. While a short city bus ride on this stye bus is definitely what it was meant for, that is not what
our commute from Civic Center to Sunrise/Davie is... therefore, we need this matter resolved urgently. While we have also noticed
that on some days/hours, we receive the "luxury bus," which we appreciate, we still need for this matter to be resolved. The goal is
that this should be a "never" event. Thank you.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller was a motorist beside the 11 bus heading south on US1 at NE 18 st. The bus suddenly turned into her lane and crossed over
to the left turn lane. Caller said she had to slam on her brakes to avoid an accident. Caller thinks the bus # was 1137 but is not
sure. I explained the bus was positioning itself to head to the beach on the 14 st causeway. Caller feels the bus had no excuse to
crowd her.
Patron states, it was rainning so I try to get on the bus, the bus operator send me out so I went inside the mall, the BCT bus
operatopr follow me and threated me sayiong "come to the bathroom so we can fight". The patron added, "BCT is very bad, I never
enjoyed the rides".
The patron states she was driving her car with four children on it and the BCT bus oparatos was sitting at the bus stop and when
she left the bus stop almost hits her car. The patron states, this bus operator pulled up the bus without caution.
A passenger stated that he had a job interview at 5:35 PM at Broward College South and therefore he took bus#07 going West at
5:00 PM from the Hollywood tri rail. However, the bus arrived at Pines Blvd and Palm at 5:45 PM. He stated that the bus operator
had to call the police due to a passenger that was playing music on the bus. In addition, he claimed that the bus was driving very
slowly and caused him to be very late for the interview. He described the bus operator as being a black female driving bus#3117.
A school bus operator reported that bus# 55 headed East drove to the inside lane instead of the outside lane. Therefore, it caught
in front of several vehicles in order to stop at its regular stop which is located at Oakland Park and Nobhill road. She stated that this
kind of behavior was not appropriate for the public safety. However, she was unable to give the exact bus stop location.
Caller said she was travelling with her grandmother who is in a wheelchair, she had to ask the driver to let the lift down and when
they board the bus the driver refused to lift the seat so that her grandmmother could tie down the wheelchair. The driver told her
that it was not his job. Another passenger had to help them.She would like to know if this a part of the driver's duty to help a
wheelchair passenger.
A male boarded the bus and started saying that he was going to kill everyone on the bus. He also asked for money from multiple
riders. He also started dancing in the luggage rack and then hanging from the bars. He lowered his pants down to an almost
obscene level. He then sat down in front of caller and told her he was going to kill her. Caller feared for her life. The driver totally
ignored all this and did nothing about it.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 521pm. No bus arrived until 558pm. Caller asked the driver why she was late; she said because of
afternoon traffic. Caller says the 7 route is usually late this time of day.
Caller said he and other passengers were at the bus stop waiting for the 50 bus going north on Dixie Hwy and NE 39th St and the
bus came and pass them up. Caller said he was on his way to pick his daughter up and he is going to miss his connecting bus.
Caller stated that the 6am route 16 leaving from Dania Beach Blvd and US 1 did not show up until 6:25am this morning and that it
was also late yesterday. Casller stated that this is causing him problems on his job.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states she was making a right turn onto Commercial Blvd from Powerline Rd to go east. Says bus 0922 almost ran into her
vehicle, and the operator gave her the middle finger.
Caller complained the the bus left early. it was scheduled to leave at 7:39am but lleft 3 min early at 7:36. He said they don't care
abouit the schedule. That is still going on.
***Call back requested***
Caller states she was sitting at the bus stop and operator passed her up. Informed caller that she should stand and signal for the
bus. Caller claims this particular operator has a problem with her and always has bad attitude when he sees her waiting for the bus.
She thinks he passed her up on purpose.
Caller stated that bus # 1163 cut him off getting onto 595 leaving from the sawgrass. Caller stated that the bus was behind him and
then cut around him and almost forced him off the road. Caller stated that he had to slam on his brakes to avoid an accident.
Caller states bus scheduled to leave at 9:00pm pulled out at 8:57pm. States operator saw her walking to the door of the bus, she
tapped on the glass, and operator still pulled off.
Caller states she was waving for the bus, operator slowed down like he was going to stop, but kept driving.
Caller states bus stop post is missing from this location.
Caller stated he was passed up by the driver and the bus also arrived late .
Caller stated that she was at the stop and the bus came but was in the 3rd lane over and did not pick her up.
The customer called to report that the sign for the route 16 going westbound on Stirling Rd/Park Rd was removed due to
construction but the construction is finished and it needs to be put back up because drivers are passing the stop without picking
anyone up.
Caller says she was standing up at the stop and operator passed her up. Says operator went to the next stop and picked up
passengers. She is now late for work.
A passenger complained that the bus operator slammed the door on him and two other people while they were about to enter the
bus. He stated that the bus seemed to be late and the bus operator tried to beat the green light which turned red as he
approached it. He then stated that they walked to the traffic light to speak to the driver who instead made some gesture with his
hands signaling them to cross the traffic light and go to the next stop. Disapointed, they returned to the bus stop. The passenger
claimed that he was very upset about this. The bus operator was described to be a black male driving bus route#60 heading North
and the bus number is 1134. The incident occurred at Andrews Avenue and Oakland Park Blvd at approximately 6:10 PM
Caller states bus due at 10:04am showed up at 10:13am this morning. Says she takes the Coral Springs community bus and can see
this bus parked at Westview before it leaves, and she meets it at University and Sample. Says she knows operator has a break, but
she says he has been going over his time because she can see the bus there at 7-Eleven and he is not late. Says she has places to be
and she needs this operator depart Westview Drive on time.
BCT Comments 2016
On Tuesday night 2/23/2016 at 8:35 pm, bus #0309, which provided service for route #5 northbound, approached stop #3361 but
did not stop. Pleaae have your buses stop at all stops for their assigned routes. Thank you.
Thanks for your reply, but you sent me the same reply almost a month ago when I first complained about the missing bus sign, and
nothing was done about the problem. It's nice of your office to acknowledge my complaints, but it would be even nicer if some
office would take care of replacing the missing bus sign.
Bus sign disappeared from Route 11 southbound stop on A1A at Oceanwalk Terrace (I think it's stop #969), near Assumption
Church. I called BCT administration last week and they told me this stop has not been cancelled, and the sign should be there.
Unfortunately, there is still no sign, and without a sign there, busdrivers don't recognize this as a stop anymore and therefore don't
pick up or drop off at Oceanwalk Terrace. This is an inconvenience for local residents, especially those like me who are disabled and
depend on buses for transportation. Please replace the sign as soon as possible. Thanks.
Driver did not stop.
Claims bus number 50 is late evryday and misses connection to 55.
Mrs. Gonzales has seen three buses coming from the Galleria, but nothing going to the Galleria. She has been there since 1:30pm.
She stated, you raise the prices and the services get worst. Where are these buses? The 1:37, 2:07, and 2:37 never showed. Will
the 2:58 show?
Caller complained that the bus driver passed her at the stop. She said the bus totally left her. She was at the stop. She said her
head was turned and hte driver didn't stop to pick her up. She called here and someone told her that she needed to let the bus
know that she was waiting. No driver info or bus number provided.
****Call back requested****
BCT Comments 2016
I am writing again, this issue appears to be ongoing and I am not sure if my emails are reaching the appropriate personnel. The bus
operator, who drives the 6:15 am bus from BB&T to Civic Center on – Monday-Wednesday, is always late. He never gets to BB&T
on time, every Monday-Wednesday, he shows up at 6:25 and even worse 6:45 one morning which I already sent an email about. I
understand completely that this is public transportation and BCT is only offering a service, but what can be done to address this
issue with this particular operator? This morning he shows up late, the 6:15 bus riders were on the spare bus and waiting for the
6:15 operator to show up and as we waited for this bus operator to get on the bus he is casually walking with his Dunkin donuts cup
of ice coffee and walking with the sense of urgency. I know the bus operators rotate on a weekly or quarterly basis, but I have been
a transit rider since the inception of the Miramar route to Downtown Miami to Civic center, then the Weston to Civic Center and
now BBT to Civic Center. I am at a point where I am considering other options to get to work in timely manner, whether it by Miami
Dade transit or Tri-rail. I know I may be asking a lot but the most important piece of this is can we have a bus operator who can get
to the location (BB&T) on-time? Thank You
Caller states the 2:18p bus arriving at Sunrise and NW 27th Ave is late everyday. And lately, it is arriving later and later, and she
pays extra childcare because of it.
The customer called to complain that he was waiting for the US1 Breeze going southbound at SE 17th St/US1 and the bus passed
by without stopping to pick him up.
Caller complained that the bus driver paased Caller was standing at the stop but the bus didn't stop. The bus that passed by,
waived showing next stop. There were construction int the area but there was no indication that stop is not in use.
***Call back requested***
states driver almost ran him over and refused to allow him on the bus.
Caller complained that the bus paased by the stop and didn't pick her up. A few passengers were at the stop and he didn't pick
them up. The caller ran to the red light and ask the bus driver why he disn't stop. He answered that he wasn't picking up nobody.
The customer called to complain that she was waiting at the Northeast Transit Center for the route 60 going northbound and the
bus did not stop to pick her up.
The customer called to complain that on State Road 7 and Coconut Creek Parkway goign northbound two articulated buses were
stopped and had the intersection blocked until they moved. The customer says that the bus numbers were 1431 and 0908.
Heather says that her friend is at 441 and johnson at 605 to catch the first bus 09 southbound to young circle. She says that Mon
the bus didnot come, Tues the bus left early and today Wed her friend was walking to the bus stop at 602am and the 09 bus was
leaving the bus stop early. The bus is schedule to leave at 614am. She wants a callback, she says that this is the first bus and the bus
should not leave early.
BCT Comments 2016
The bus isn't suppose to leave Young Circle till 5:55pm. The driver started to pull away at 5:53pm and there were passengers
wanting to get on that bus. "This isn't right for the driver to be disrespectful and leave early. This is a stop that he is supposed to
wait till it is time before pulling off."
Mr. Antonio called and stated that the #2 southbound ran late. It was supposed to be at 6:53 pm :and it came at 7:01pm Please
call him on this complaint.
Caller is stating the buses are not showing up at all and it a constant issue. The following bus at 6:20am arrived on time. She says
she will call NAACP abouth this issue.
Bus Driver was very professional and knew his job. A great pleasure to ride with.
Caller stated that this is the 2nd day in a row that the route 5 WB @ 10:15am has not came to her stop at all.
bus running late. hispanic driver. not following schedules.
Passenger says that she and her husband who was in a wheel chair was at the bus stop at 44 st and 31 ave and the bus driver told
her that he couldnot back up the bus for the wheel chair and for them to walk to the next corner and he would pick them up.
Passenger says that they walked to the next corner and the black male bus driver drove by them standing at the bus stop.
Caller states bus due to arrive at 10:58am is late everyday.
Feb 24: The bus crossed the train tracks while an oncoming train was approaching. The train track crossing warning arm scraped
the side of the bus as they were crossing the tracks. Caller feels her life was endangered.
Caller stated that he was about 50ft from the bus and the driver would not open the door for him. Caller stated that the bus was at
a red light 50 ft in front of bus stop. Caller wants a ***CALLBACK***
Passenger says that he was waiting at sunrise and ne 12 ave for the 20 bus northbound. Passenger says that the bus driver didnot
come up to the bus stop and pick him up. Passenger says that the bus driverpulled over in the center lane and passed the bus stop.
Mrs Bigge and her husband are disabled. When the bus pulled up, she asked the driver to lower the ramp, because her husband
had a problem with steps. The driver refused. Then on top of that, the driver was telling them to hurry up. This driver in Mrs Bigge's
opinion have a rude disrespectfur attitude. She thinks the bus # was 1474.
Mrs Bigge and her husband are both disabled and were very up set that the bus (with the driver that was rude to them this
morning) drove passed them without stopping. She thinks the bus # 1474. She and her husband are taking this personally because
they had a problem with this driver earlier today.
Passenger complained that the bus left late. She takes the same bus everyday and it always left around 10-15 min late. Scheduled
to leave 645am but it leave 655am or 657am. There was a new driver today who was late. Buut the driver before left late as well.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that the bus driver operator didn't follow the correct route. There was a bus down already. She had to wait
about an hour for a bus and when it came, the driver cut the route and turned on hallandale beach blvd. Caller was highly
frustrated trying to get her kid to school and get to work on time. She was in tears. No bus number nor driver's description
Caller complained the the driver was rude. There were a lot of people listening to their headphones so loud on the bus. She asked
the driver to get the music down. The driver said: "you can just move to the back, you're a big woman". He didn't try to deal with
the situation. She said the driver needs some customer service trainning. The passenger would like to know the loud music policy.
***Call back requested***
A customer called to complain that he dropped his iPhone behind the back seat under the window and was told that a mechanic
woul have to retrieve the phone because they would have to get behind the seat. It is an I-Phone 5 X, black and gray, and was on
Route 2, bus #1324, at about 4:50pm on 02/10/2016 and again it fell behind the back seat under the window, n/o Steve Levy @
954-397-4724 Lost & found Case ID 76994. Could this be chacked and the phone sent to lost and found if retrieved.
Caller complained the bus arrived 23 min late without explanation. He missed his connection with other busses. This isn't the first
time the bus was late. he's been wriiten up at work for being late because of the bus. He wants to know why the bus was late and
nothing was reported.
*** Call back requested***
Caller complained that the bus driver drove right passed by the bus stop and didn't pick him up.
Caller said she took the 48 bus on NE 20th ter & A1A going west, she ask the driver if there was a stop near the rail road tracks, the
driver told her to sit her ass down until he croses the track. Caller said the driver is a jamaican male and he was very rude.
claims bus driver had a bad attitude and did not pay attention to bell ringing and did not stop at customer's stop. Customer had to
get off at the next stop and walk. Claims driver was not paying attention.
Driver opened door to let passenger off but not at bus stop. Our caller approached the bus and the door was open and the driver
closed it and then opened it again and let her in.
Caller said he took the 22 bus at the Central Terminal at about 2:24pm, the driver was curteous, helpful and he announces the
stops. He said he was very impressed how the driver help the passengers giving them correct information and pointing them in the
right direction. He would like to thank him for his service.
caller claims driver was rude and flipped her the middle finger and closed door and did not let her on the bus.
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all. It's late everyday. He leaves his house 3 hrs ahead to reach work on time but
with this bus constantly late, he can't get to work on time. Yesterday the bus was an hour late. He may loose his job. He wanted to
talk to a supervisor.
***Call back requested***
BCT Comments 2016
Caller not our customer. She states was driving south on A1A and saw the driver almost hit pedestrians by not stopping at
crosswalks and the driver was "riding her bumper." Not sure about the bus number
The passenger is stating the first bus in the afternoon is always late. It is scheduled to arrive at the stop 3:05pm and the time now is
Caller complained that the bus driver didn't folllow the correct route. He didn't stop at the terminal.
Ms. Minault said that the 3:55 bus never showed. This is the second time today, the #28 did this. First this morning and then now.
Please get with your driver and get then on a schedule.
Passenger called to complain that he was at the stop and as the bus approached the stop he waved the driver to stop and the
driver kept going.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 330pm and @ 500pm still no bus. No problems reported from dispatch.
Customer lost a phone that got stuck under the rear seat of the bus and needs it to be retrieved and sent to Lost and Found. The
phone is an LG LEON, pattern locked, n/o 786-704-3268, stuck under rear seat on rt 6, bus 0710, the customer is Shavarria Brown,
and can be contacted at either 954-200-5313 or 786-312-0832. The Lost and Found Case ID is 77231.
The customer called to complain that the bus passed by without stopping to pick him up.
Caller said she was waiting on the 55 bus westbound on Nob Hill Rd and 44 st, the bus was due there at 5s0 up until 5:59 she was
stil waiting for the bus. She said every evening this bus is always late.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 525pm. At 605pm still no bus. No breakdowns reported from dispatch.
The customer called to complain hat she has been at the bus stop on Nob Hill Rd/NW 44th St since 5:10p and the bus that was due
at 5:20p never arrived then the one that was due at 5:56p was almost 20 minutes late. ***The customer wants a call back about
this complaint.***
The customer called to complain that they were at the bus stop on Sunrise Blvd/Plantation High School and the bus passed by
without stopping to pick them up.
Passenger called to complain that the bus approached the stop and kept going. He stated that he waved the driver but he still kept
The customer called to complain that she was waiting at the bus stop on US1/Sunrise Blvd by the IHOP and the route 10 going
southbound passed by without stopping to pick her up at 6:35p.
Caller said the bus 102 breeze that is due to depart the Golden Glades at 6:50pm came late and did not pick up the passengers.
Caller said the bus was before the stop and it drove off empty at 7pm. He said this very frustrating because the driver should pick
up the passengers.
Nicole (an expecting mom to be), was at the bench waiting on the bus when it flew by her. She was unable to see the driver or get a
bus number because he was moving too fast. It's bad enough he is running late, but then he passed her.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger is stating the bus did not show up. She says this happend on thursday (2/25/16) as well.
Caller states this is the second day the bus due to depart at 6:30am has not shown up. Says this is a major inconvenience to her, she
needs to get to work and will be late again this morning.
Caller states he asked operator to put the ramp down for him, and she told him it wasn't working. Says he asked her to put it down
manually, she refused, closed the doors, and left.
Passenger is stating that the bus scheduled at 6:47am came late, turned on NW 207 Street instead of going north on University
Drive. The operator completely missed her stop.
Caller called to report route 72, bus 1445, is running the route 10 minutes hot. She says she gets to the stop 5 minutes early
everyday. But today, she saw bus go by before time.
Caller would like for someone to monitor the buses in the afternoon because sometimes they run 20-30 minutes or don't show up
at all.
caller not rider. states bus driver cut in front of her and almost hit her car. States took a picture and requests call. She confronted
the driver and he insulted her by calling her a moron and a "bitch".
Passenger is complaining that the bus stop moved from Checkers due to construction. The stop is by a few feet away and the
operators are not stopping there to pick up passengers. Caller says this has been going on for a week now. Please advise operators
to stop.
The operator passed her up at the stop.
The bus driver stopped at the bus stop, passed him up at the stop and didn't pick him up. The caller want to note that they don't
care what they do.
*** Call back request****
Caller complained that the bus driver passed him up at the stop and didn't pick him up. He stopped at the stop then drove off.
*** Call back requested ***
states driver was late and was driving fast to make up the time. Driver told our rider to go when she boarded bus and not to pay.
she noticed he did this with more customers and it happened twice this week. Customer works for the state of Florida and does not
want her name disclosed.
BCT Comments 2016
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Ray Joseph. I have been a regular BCT and Tri-Rail rider for many years now.
On behalf of my fellow Bus riders who take the #62 Bus to catch the 6:34AM Northbound Tri-Rail at the Cypress Creek station, I am
asking that you modify the Bus schedule to give us a little bit more time to catch the train.
The current schedule has the Bus arriving at the Cypress Creek station at 6:34AM. This is the exact same time that the train arrives!
Furthermore, we have to cross Andrews Ave to get to the Train Station! We watch the train leave without us every morning!
Before you recommend that we take the earlier Bus, please note that it departs Atlantic Blvd and University Drive much too early.
All we're asking for is that the Bus depart University Drive and Atlantic Blvd five minutes earlier, at 5:35AM. That will give us enough
time to catch the 6:34AM train.
Thank you!
Ray Joseph
[email protected]
Caller states bus bench at stop 0296 was destroyed by a car accident a year ago and it was never replaced. Asks that bench please
be replaced at the stop.
***CService Email***
This is a note of appreciation for one of the 595 Brickell Express drivers, Ms. Forbes. Most recently Ms. Forbes drove Bus 1172 the
afternoon of February 19, 2016. Ms. Forbes is always friendly and professional, and her customer service skills are exemplary. I
wish other 595 Brickell Express drivers were more like her. I would appreciate your delivering this message to Ms. Forbes\'
supervisor. Thank you!
Mrs. Ortega wants us to do something for Elijah Moore the driver of Route #2 who seems to be a needed role model for the other
drivers. His attitude was excellent and he was so pleasant. He greeted every passenger, If they had a question, he answered it, he
had good manners, was polite, nice to everyone, had great driving habits, had a pleasant look on this face the whole time. Mrs.
Ortega observed him from Knolls Road to Southgate. When she got off the bus she asked him his name and told him she observed
him the whole trip. She said that she can't say enough good about this driver and is requesting the driver's supervisor to call her.
Please call.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states she was waiting since 9:25am and bus did not show up until 10:03am.
Mr. Trim was at the stop at 10:55 am and the bus was not only 10-minutes late bus also passed him while he was at the stop. He
wants to know why the driver didn't stop. What is the proper action a driver is suppose to take when there is a passenger at a stop?
He didn't get a bus number nor did he get a description of the driver. He wants a supervisor to call him back.
Caller states she is new riding BCT and she was waiting at the Breeze stop at 207th St since 10:00am. Says she asked bus 2 operator
why the Breeze was not stopping and he was rude when telling her that the route does not run all day.
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all by the time she called. After school time, this bus never comes on time from 815
to 910. The building is for seniors and disabled and it's not fair to have to wait an hour for the bus and it's cold out. It happens
states bus driver did not lower bus and she had hard time getting on it. States she has reported driver before and nothing has been
Caller upset because the 1:23pm rt 14 NB from Commercial Blvd and Powerline Rd came 13 minutes late. Caller stated that she left
her house a half an hour early to catch the bus and now she is late.
caller states the driver was distracted talking and laughing with other passengers and did not stop when she rang. Driver stopped 2
stops later and passenger had to walk. States the driver was disgusting and was making fun of her.
Passenger says driver did not wait for her to be seated before he pulled off. She say she said some nasty things out of her mouth to
the driver and he told her "once you cross that yellow line, that's it so sit down and shut up".
Mr. Gibbs,
I've been using this service for the last few years. I know that it has grown faster that you expected and so we would like to see
much faster solutions as well.We were told that we would have a designated location in eighteen months but it's way past that
time and we see no signs of progress.Is there a way of informing riders when the bus is going to be late?Why isn't the MCI buses
used on the first runs in the morning and evening?If we pay for an all day pass in the mornings, why are the evening drivers
demanding an additional fee of a dollar? It's not an upgrade from local to express if the all day pass is purchased on an express bus.
Awaiting your reply.
Respectfully Kelvin Trocard 954-401-3527
Caller complained that the bus driver passed by the stop and didn't pick her up & the others passengers that were waitin. She was
trying to catch the breeze at the young circle. There were 2 route 1s already parked there. The US1 breeze passed the stop and
didn't pick up any passengers.
****Call back requested****
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that this bus is constantly late between 3 min to 14 min late. It's started at around 3 min late when he got on the
bus. There was regular traffic, no accidents nor incidents. By the time the bus gets to lauderhill mall it's always at least 14 min late.
It's an on going issue. He had reported this several times. He also spke to Mr. Garling regarding this exxcessive taleness. The
passenger said he told Mr. Garling that until that issue is resolved, he'll continue to report it.
Caller says he was at the bus stop where he always gets the bus. Instead of going north on Inverrary blvd and the east on 44st, the
bus came west on 44 st then turned south on Inverrary blvd. Caller said the headsign said West Terminal. Caller didn't get bus #,
and the windshield glare prevented him from seeing the driver.
This bus was supposed to arrive at 3:56pm. It did not show up till 4:14. Can you please address this with the drivers and try to get
them closer to their schedule. Also, while your at it, Mrs. Hart whants to know "what dummy picked out the color of the bus signs."
Some are green, some are orange and some white. It is very difficult to see the signs down the street. She is requesting a call back
on these complaints.
Caller Stated driver by pass stop and did not come to stop at all ther for he was not able to go to work.
Caller signalled driver to stop at the stop just north of Pasadena blvd. The driver refused to stop there, saying it wasn't a stop. He
stopped at Pines and caller wants this driver told that this is a Breeze bus stop. Asked for a callback confirming the driver knows to
stop there.
Mr. Ugali is tired of the bus always being late. Today is no exception. If the drivers can not keep to the schedule, please change the
schedule to fit their schedule, and then let the public know what it is.
The driver of the unknown bus (it just stated Out of Service) seem to have a problem staying in the middle lane. It would then jerk
to get back into the middle lane as it headed Eastbound on Broward Blvd around 7:56 pm between SW 28 Ave and SW 29 Ave. Bus
number was 0741.
Caller says he's been at the bus stop for an hour and a half and no westbound bus. Dispatch says there is a detour north of caller up
in the Inverrary area but no breakdowns reported.
Christopher was at the stop awaiting the 6:15 pm bus. It arrived at 6:30 pm. He wants a call back on this complaint.
Mrs. Fullilove has been riding the bus since 1998 and this is the worst she has seen. She doesn't know what the drivers problem was
(she guesses he was mad cause he had to work), bus he jerked the bus and she hipt her knee and twisted her leg. She said that her
leg should be OK, but there was no reason the driver had to jerk the bus at every stop and then jerk it again on every take off.
There were only two people on the bus, he could have waited for he to sit before leaving. He needs to check his attitude at the
yard. Please review the audio and vidio of this trip and call her back.
Mr. Hall was at the stop, waving to the driver when the driver looked at him and kept going. It is bad enough the driver was running
13-minutes late, but to pass him by like that is not exceptable. Mr hall is requesting a call back on this complaint. He has filed
complaints befor and no one has ever called him, so please call. He was unable to get bus #.
BCT Comments 2016
A passenger complained that the bus operator of bus# 81 headed west needs some more training. He stated that anytime the bus
operator stepped on the brakes, everyone inside the bus got shooked very hard and the bus moved forward and backward. He
described the bus operator as being a black female driving bus# 1342. The incident occurred from Lauderhill Mall until the end of
his trip.
Passenger is suggesting route 9 Detour is rerouted because she says she's disabled and cannot walk that far. She said she was
dropped off at University/Griffin and she needed to get to BC. She said the route could have been fixed to where it could have went
down a back street closer to her stop.
bus late by at least 20 minutes 2 days in a row. Pays $70 for monthly pass and expects better service.
Gina's, relative says that she got on the bus at sunrise and 10 ave and the bus driver was very rude to passengers getting on the
bus. Passenger says that the bus driver was snatching money out of the passenger's hands and being very rude to all the people
getting on the bus.
This complaint is on multipul bus routes. Mr. Bell states that EVERY weekend, the bus route 55,11,and 19 are always running late.
Not just today but every weekend. He is requesting a call back on this complaint.
Passenger says that the 81 bus leaving lauderhill mall didnot stop and pick him up at 441 and sunrise.
Passenger complained that the bus driver stop at the stop and didn't pick up a passenger. While the bus was still stopped, a
passenger bang on the door. The driver pulled away and said quote: "that passenger does not have money" . That wasn't right. The
caller wasn't sure about the bus number.
The 4:19p # 28 at Aventura never showed. THis is all the time Mrs. Louis screamed. Get it fixed. She wants a call back.
A passenger called to report that bus route#72 headed East moved before she sat down. She stated that she walked with a cane
and asked the bus operator to wait until she sat down, however the bus operator pulled up and she almost got hurt. The incident
occurred at Florida Medical Center located on Oakland Park Bvd and NW 49th Avenue. She described the bus operator as a black
female driving bus# 0908.
Bus operator picked up passengers on the street, not on the bus stop. The patron said,. this bus operator doesn't care. He is not
following the rules. This drivers do what they want with the passengers.
Miss Banza and he 411-year old sister were catching the 62 eastbount. The driver didn't lower the bus, and it made it a little
difficult for them to get on. The whole time the driver was saying hurry up, then told them to quickly swipe their tickets. Her sister
was having a difficult time getting her ticket ou of her wallet, when the bus pulled away from the stop with the door open. He
drove for awhile with the door open, and her sister was not behind the yekllow line. Her sister almost fell out of the bus, because of
the way he took off. (She could have easily fallen out the door). He was also rude, and whe they exit the bus, they told him to have
a good day and he didn't even acknowledge them. The bus seemed to be running early and she didn't get a bus number.
Garbage can is missing.
BCT Comments 2016
A passenger complained that bus route#62 headed east never arrived at her location. She stated that she was waiting at the bus
stop before 11:00 AM and left at 12:35 PM. She claimed that she needs a letter from BCT proving to her job that the bus never
arrived at her location. She also needs somone to call her back. The incident occurred a Kimberly Blvd and SW 76th Avenue at
North Lauderdale. Her phone #is 551 556-9963.
The customer called to complain that he has been on NW 56th Ave/NW 22nd Ct since 2:00p and the route 81 bus that was due at
2:07p going westbound never arrived.
Mr. Yannie was at the Cypress Creek Tri Rail station with two other when the 14 Northbound approached the stop. With everyone
waving for him to stop he kept going heading toward the U-turn in the road. Mr. Yannie ran across the road to see if he could cath
the driver. He saw hom coming and stepped on the gas to get away from him and blew right by him. This isn't right to do that to
passengers who have been waiting to be picked up. He did not get the bus # on the bus. The schedule on a Sunday is bad enough
without having a driver ignor you and blow by you. Please pull the audio and vidio on this complaint and he also wants a call back.
The customer called to complain that he had told drover where he wanted to get off of the bus then he also pulled the string when
the bus was getting close. The customer says that the driver went past his stop and when he approached her about it she got
argumentative and said she yelled back that the bus was at his stop and that eh didn't hear her because he had headphones in his
ear. The customer says that since he pulled the string she should have stopped anyway. The customer says the driver was very rude
and argumentative and if the video is reviewed it can be seen. Then she also closed the door in his face when he got off of the bus
and was saying something to her.
Pick up people other than at bus stops. Not following the schedule and doing what they want. w/m.
Mr Caro arrive at the stop 7 minutes early on to find out that the bus was running early 8 minutes. He said that he can understand
when a bus is late because of traffic, but when a bus is early (especially on Sundays) if can throw someone's schedule to get
somewhere off. Mr. Caro is requesting a callback on this complaint.
Caller states this is the third day in a row that bus due to leave at 6:30am did not arrive. She needs a call back about this.
Caller stated that he was going to the bus stop for the route 11 EB that was due to leave at Oakland Park Blvd and Nw 21st ave at
6:30am and as he was going to the bus stop the bus went by at about 6:15am. Caller stated that the bus was running early.
Caller states bus due at 7:10am never showed up, and now he is on bus 1204 which is picking up passengers right behind another
60 bus. Says this happens everyday and it makes no sense.
Caller states she was waiting at 7:38am for bus due to leave at 7:40am and it never showed up.
Caller states bus due at 6:30am never showed up and he missed his connecting bus because of this. Says this is a continuous
Caller states operator passed him up and he was standing at the stop.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that the bus came 10 minutes late to her stop, making her miss her conecting bus at the west terminal. Bus was due
at Mcnab Ra and Pine Island rd at 8:24am and came at 8:33am.
Caller stated he was by passed at the stop because driver was driving and talking on their cell phone.
Passenger said she guess her son was not getting off the bus fast enough for the driver so he she claim he said " maybe if he was
smaller he could move a little faster", she asked the driver to repeat himself and he said " you heard me, with you're fat-so kid".
She said her son is only 15 years old and the driver had no right calling her son that.
Passenger says driver passed him and did not pick him up. Call back requested
The customer called to complain that he was on NW 136th Ave/Flamingo Rd waiting on the route 72 going westbound to the
Sawgrass Mills Mall and the bus flew past him without stopping because he was trying to catch the green light.
The customer called to complain that he was on University Dr/NW 31st Ct waiting on the route 2 bus going southbound and the bus
passed by without stopping to pick him up. The customer says that the bus then stopped at the next bus stop down the road to pick
someone up. The customer says he was at the stop and even provided the bus stop ID number 2597.
The customer called to complain that he was waiting on Miramar Pkwy/Dykes Rd for the route 28 going eastbound and the bus was
stopped by the light and the driver would not let him onto the bus. The customer says after the bus left someone gave him a ride
down to Red Rd past the bus and he waited there for the bus to come out of the Town Center. The customer says that when the
driver came out of the Town Center he passed him without stopping to pick him up.
Patron wants BCT know this bus operator is always nice and has a great personality, he stops in every stop and is always courteous,
"Heis the best".
Caller, Rena Williams, called on behave of her sister. She said the driver was trying to beat the light and rode right passed her and
did not stop. Call back requested
Patron is complaining about the garbage can is full and is garbage on the floor.
I appreciate the response below. Is there any timetable on when the new WiFi equipment will be installed on the newer buses?
This issue has been going on for months now. Thanks!
------------------------- Refer to comment #18175 ------------------------------Driver didn't said anything to a passenger who spilled beer over the patron. The patron said, a passenger got on the bus with an
open beer hidding it for the driver. the passenger sat on the side of the patron and spilled the beer on her and the bus operator
didn't do anything. Customer requires a call back.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller was putting gas in her car at a gas station by the bus stop. She says 2 juveniles were at the bus rear door and 1 juvenile
walked in front of the bus. The bus did not pick them up. Caller claims the bus almost hit the juvenile who walked in front of it. I
explained that if a rider ins't at a bus stop when the bus arrives the bus doesn't have to wait. This being said, caller is still indignant
that the bus almost hit the kid who walked in front of it.
Caller says she arrived bus stop @ 345pm and so far no bus. Caller says this run is late every single day. No problems reported
from dispatch.
Caller was walking towards the bus which was stopped at the bus stop. He held out his hands to signal the driver he wanted the
bus. When he boarded the driver told caller not to hold out his hands like that. Caller explained he was simply signalling he wanted
the bus. As caller was walking down the aisle, driver did a short acceleration to make caller stumble, he says. The driver was
watching caller in the mirror and laughing.
Bus consistently late is reported. The patron said, she has complaining before about the same subject: "This bus is late every
Monday". The bus that should be arriving/departing at 4:05 pm, today arrived 25 minutes late, at 4:28 pm. The customer said she
already filed a complaint for the same situation, and nobody call her back yet. I informed her, the complaint was still under
investigation and "somebody will call her back when it will finish". The patron requires a callback.
Note. the status of her previous compalaint is "On Hold".
Caller was sitting in the bus at a red light behind a gasoline tanker truck. Caller says that another 22 bus came beside the tanker in
the middle lane and did a left turn in front of the tanker a soon as the light turned green. Then the bus turned left from the middle
lane, cutting off the gas tanker. Caller didn't get the # of this bus or driver description.
A passenger complained that he signalled the bus operator to stop at the bus stop located on sunrise Blvd and NE 12th Street in
Fort Lauderdale but the bus operator passed it and stopped about one block away. He described the bus operator as being a white
male driving bus route# 20 headed North and the bus# is 0742.
The bus due @ 656pm hasn't shown at 707pm. Caller says he's been there for about an hour.
The bus due to leave the park-n-ride @ 722pm left 5 minutes early @ 717pm as caller was waiting to cross Andrews ave. Caller
says this driver frequently does this.
Passenger is deaf and states through relay service that stop request cord was not working on bus 0821. Says operator continued
driving three stops past where he need to get off. He uses an electric wheelchair and almost ran out of battery because of the
distance he had backtrack. Please fix the stop request.
The customer called to complain that she is on the 108 95 Express bus that left Pembroke Rd/Oleander Dr at 7:25a and the bus is
very filthy. The customer says that just sitting in the seat and looking at how dirty the bus is makes her itchy. The bus # is 0912 and
the customer says it's not the first time she has been on this bus and it looks like it has never been cleaned.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger called in regards to complaint 18391, states operator is still not following the correct fare policy. States operator told her
she should be paying $2 again this morning, and she will be 18 until March 26.
The caller said this is the second time the bus is by the stop early. This morning, the bus scheduled at 8:20am and came to the stop
at 8:05am.
The customer called to complain that the route 2 bus going southbound that was due to leave Westview Dr at 8:00a is just now
leaving at 8:18a. ***The customer wants a callback about this complaint.***
Passenger is complaining that the bus was late. It was scheduled to pick up at 8:33am and it showed up at 9:03am. Caller wants to
know why it was running so late.
Passenger would like to commend operator Jennifer for her excellent service. Caller says operator is "exceptional", has a nice
personality, and always provides excellent service.
Please see attachment: My Experience (A Must Read) from Andre Joyce <[email protected]>
EDITED: 3/10/16 BY bhankerson
Passenger called concerning the recurring situation about Route 81 at 31st Ave & NW 4th St. The bus didn't arrive yesterday at
8:32pm eastbound. Other days when the bus arrives the driver drives too slowly so that the next bus will catch them and they are
transferred to the next bus which causes passengers to be late getting to the tri-rail
C-Service Email:
Dear Sir or Ms.:
Yesterday, February 28, 2016, I arrived at the Tri-Rail station at 5:50 pm in order to take the scheduled 6:00 pm #4 bus to
Hollywood Beach. When a bus finally arrived at 7:10, assuming it was the 6:45 bus, I asked the driver if he know what had
happened to the 6:00 bus. He said that he was the 6:00 bus, and was late because of a lot of traffic at the beach. We arrived at the
beach promptly by 7:30, and there was no traffic at all. I do not believe that it was possible for the 6:00 bus to arrive one hour and
ten minutes late because of beach traffic when there was none. I take that bus often, and am aware that the detour because of the
Dania Bridge work causes it to be 15 minutes later than the regular schedule, but this was an unacceptable wait of dubious reason
which is why I am taking the time to write this email. Sincerely, Angelo Fiore
A passenger complained that bus route# 9 headed North never arrived at her location. She stated that she waited for more than 25
minutes and the bus was nowhere to be found. The incident occurred at Davie Road and Nova drive in Davie. The passenger was
unable to spell her last name.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service email:
I have to make a complaint about a driver who operates the #12 Westbound bus run on Tuesdays. Today he is driving bus #1312.
This driver is the ONLY driver in the mornings who is always CONSISTENTLY late. I take the Sheridan bus every weekday morning to
connect with the 95 express bus to downtown Miami via Sheridan Station at 7:15 am. The other drivers get there by 7:06 am since
their departure from that station is at 7:08 am. I board the bus at Dixie Hwy and Sheridan. The other buses get there by 6:50 am
but this driver gets there around 6:58am then he "strolls" with the bus as if he has nothing to do but sit back and cruise on
commuters' time. There is never anything unusual about the morning traffic to justify his tardiness.
This is not fair to commuters who need to get to a job. I am fed up of being agitated every Tuesday morning knowing that this
driver will push my connection time. I was going to miss my connecting bus this morning had another commuter standing outside
the MDT bus not told the driver that I was coming. I am encouraging BCT to investigate why this driver is the only one who
consistently runs behind time because he is supposed to depart Sheridan Station at 7:08 am and not arrive there at 7:14 am like he
did this morning and most Tuesday mornings. He has always been this late in the past for as long as he has been driving this route.
The young woman who drives on Mondays and the gentleman who takes over Wednesday to Friday are absolutely great. There
used to be an older black man who drove on Tuesdays who was just as time conscious.
Please do something about this driver.
Caller requests a garbage can be placed by this bus stop. Says riders are dropping leaving trash on the ground because there is no
Passenger says that she got on the bus with a cart of groceries, and the bus driver was embarrasing her by remarks about she
should get a ride with "HUBER". Passenger says that she has a bus passs.
Passenger says that she is at oakland and 21 ave at 530am to catch the 11 eastbound at 545am and the bus came 10 minutes late
yesterday and today. Passenger says that this made her miss her connection and passenger says that she was late for work.
Caller and friend were at the bus stop while the bus was stopped at a red light a few car lengths back. They walked up to the bus
but the driver motioned them to go back to the bus stop, where they shortly boarded. A couple of minutes later, driver picked up a
couple of african-american riders who waved him down where there was not a bus stop. Caller feels this was a racist act because
he is white.
Passenger says that she got on the bus at century village and the bus had a very strong smell, like someone is in the back smoking
pot. Passenger says that the smell is all over the bus and she have her child with her.
BCT Comments 2016
A psssenger reported that the bus operator driving route#7 headed East did not do anything wrong to any passenger onboard. She
stated that an elderly woman boarded the bus with a lot of groceries and dropped them all over the bus and the bus operator told
her to put the groceries together on the same area. She then got upset and cursed him out. She then called the customer service
and said a bunch of lies about the bus operator. l wanted to make sure to let you know that her behavior was unacceptable.
Driver pick up passenger on the street (not a bus stop), also let two passengers didn't pay the fare,nothing have been done to fix
the drivers behaivor, they continue doing what ever they want and are not following the rules. Callback is required.
Caller was at the breeze bus stop. The breeze passed her by without stopping.
Passenger called to complain that she was at the stop and waved the driver to stop and he looked at her and kept going past. She
said this will cause her to be late unnecessarily.
A passenger complained that bus route#19 headed North did not arrived at all to her location. She stated that she arrived at the
bus stop located on Coconut Creek and 441 at 5:40 AM. However, the bus scheduled to arrive at 5:43 AM and 6:15 AM did not
show up at all. She said that she was forced to take a taxi cab in order to reach her destinationn. She stated that this was
unacceptable and would like to see this problem resolved
Caller complained that the bus 28 that was due to leave Aventuta Mall at 7:30pm came and park somme distance from the regular
stop, finally the bus drove off and did not stop to pick the passengers up. Caller said this happens all the time on the 28 route. She
is asking a supervisor to talk to the driver and let him or her know that their job is to pick up people.
Caller stated that the 6:06am 102 breeze was never came to Nw 183rd st this morning and that the 6:36am bus came at 6:42am
(6mins late).
Passenger is stating the bus was late. It was scheduled to arrive at 6:30am and it left at 6:38am. Caller also states the bus did not
show up Monday (2/29/16) & Tuesday (3/1/16). She says this is causing her to be late for work and she might loose her job.
Caller states bus due at 6:22am never showed up. Says when the next bus 0711arrived, she was already late for work, and operator
decided she needed to stop the bus to call PD because of a personal problem she has with a passenger at the stop.
Regular 595 xpress customer. Takes buses mon-fri. States bus seats are dirty and buses need to be deodorized. Also, drivers need to
keep a/c on at all times.
States saw driver at the schedule time but bus was stopped. Driver started run 15 minutes late and she will be late for work.
BCT Comments 2016
States library gave her an expired disabled pass because they do not sell day passes. The lady at the library told her to ask the driver
if he would accept it and driver said no so our customer paid $1. She states driver got angry and ripped the pass from her hand and
in the process knocked her cell phone to the floor and her screen broke. She request we pull the video so that BCT can replace her
phone. Gave her telephone number to risk management.
Please see attachment:
Caller is stating she is seeing an increase in the amount of driver smoking right in front of the bus. Passenger says she travels with
small children and thinks the operators she be further away when smoking outside. This morning it was the 6 route driver.
Caller states operator does this trip on Wednesday mornings, and he hasnt been stopping at railroad crossings. Says passengers
don't want to say anything to him about it because he is irritable and talks to himself at times.
Caller suggests that the bus wrap adversting be removed from the windows of the buses or be thinner so passengers can see
outside of the windows. Says passengers cannot see where they are at, so they can get off at the right stops.
Caller stated that he was at the bus stop from 935am and the 950am route 50 never showed up. It's now 10:18am.
Caller complained that the bus left early and that was the last bus for the night. It was due to leave 11:35pm but left at 11:27pm.
*** call back request***
Caller complained that he doesn't receive a call back from his complaints. He left a lot of complaints requesting a call back, but he
received one call back a few weeks ago and since then, nothing else. He request a call back
Caller says she waits for route 72 @ Pine Island and Oakland Park Blvd between 4-4:30p everyday to go to work. She says at least 34 times a week, 3 or 4 buses come back to back in the middle lane and pass her by like she is invisible. She says yesterday she had
to wait 1 hour for bus which made her 40 minutes late to work. She says she buys monthly passes, and can not use them because
the bus does not come according to schedule. And the ones that do come tell her "No, No, catch the next one." She wants
someone to explain to her how come this is daily occurance.
she was at stop and waived at driver.
A passenger complained that bus route#19 headed North did not arrive at all to her location.She stated that she arrived at the bus
stop located on Coconut Creek and 441 at5:40 AM. However, the bus scheduled to arrive at5:43 AM and 6:15 AM did not show up
at all. She said that she was forced to take a taxi cab in order to reach her destination. She said that this was unacceptable and
would like to seet this problem resolved.
The customer called to file an injury report. the customer says that when she was boarding the bus the driver did not lower the bus
and when she stepped up she heard a crack in her foot and felt pain. The customer aays that the told the driver but he didn't do
anything or call anyone. The customer ended up missing work to go to the ER and now because of the unjury she is out of work for
a few days. The customer needs a call back about this complaint
BCT Comments 2016
A passenger complained that he took bus route#60 headed South on Andrews Avenue and NE 16th Street in FortLauderdale. He
stated that he was standing up when a few school kids started making jokes about him and asked him to sit down. Suddenly a
young guy jumped on him aned hit him twice on his left shoulder while he screamed and said l could kill you. He claimed that he
was under a lot of pressure and in danger, however the bus operator did not say anything to stop the situation. He instead said in a
nasty tone "sit down". To make things worse, the bus operator followed him and kept on laughing when he reported the incident
to the police at the Broward Central Terminal.
Mrs. Newby has been waiting for the 48 westbound for over an hour. The 12:34 (I show it had a blown turbo) never showed and
the 1:19 hasn's showed as of yet either. She has her infant with her and it is a lot on the little one to be out there that long. Please
address this reoccuring problem.
Caller stated the operator passed him and another passenger up this morning. He noticed it was the same guy that drives the bus at
that time every morning.
Caller states he was standing up at the stop and operator passed him up. Says operator stopped at the courthouse to pick up
passengers and left him there.
I have a suggestion, when training bus drivers, maybe you could encourage a bit more about
keeping the passengers moving - if someone is having trouble – actively help them in order to keep the
bus moving. Encourage the passengers to step "lively". To actually enforce bus rules
posted on the bus. It is very very rare that you hear a bus driver enforce the rules. It might as well be the
70's again with boom boxes, people play music out loud, videos and offensive stuff – out loud and
also talking on phones and cursing out loud, and nothing is ever said about it.
But my point here is, that it is vital to keep these buses on their schedule. Maybe
rush hour and other times need separate schedules, but the buses at this time are totally
unreliable. The on time record for the #1 bus is horrendous. My job is at risk due to
rules of tardiness now in place. I work for the same Broward County! I have to leave
sooooooo early in order to make sure I am not late by 1 minute. Believe me, the passengers
are aware of the drivers that keep the bus moving and the ones that don't! We have no
choice but to depend on the bus. I understand about traffic issues, but this is about
being a proactive driver. It is vital to keep the bus on time. Please see that the drivers
are properly trained-not only in driving.
Thanks for hearing me.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that the bus driver stopped the bus and refused to continue the route. The bus driver refused to let a pssenger in
the bus, but she stopped the bus service completely. She could just keep driving without that passenger. The name on her shirt
was "Bawmon" She was late and had an attitude.
Caller states driver of Lauderhill 5, black male, is being aggressive and disrespectful to passengers. Claims driver almost hit a little
girl, and says he thinks driver is drunk. Spoke to manager Louis at Limos of SFL and connected Mr. Nelson to him.
The customer wanted to give the driver a compliment. The customer said that he rides the bus all the time and is legally blind and
didn't notice the bus was near his stop but the driver remembered him and where he usually gets off of the bus and reminded him
asking him if it was where he usually gets off of the bus. The customer says the driver was very courtwous and he was very
impressed with her.
Passenger complained that this bus driver is always driving recklessly. He doesn't stop at railroad crossings. He rolled right thru
them. He's constantly blowing up he's nose on the bus on blow his nose & eating too. He purposely stayed on the lane with the
most traffic instead of driving like the others. Then he call to say he's gonna be late. That's becsuse he spends 15 min in the traffic
The customer called to complain that he was walking out to the bus stop at Mcnab Rd/University Dr to catch the route 62 bus that
was due going eastbound at 3:17p and he saw it pass by early at 3:11p.
Caller states she was standing at the stop and bus passed her up.
The customer called to report a passenger attack her in different ways and a bus operator who didn't do anything to defend her.
The patron was speaking with accent and extremely fast and was difficult understand what she said. She was required to slow
down and speak Cleary but she didn't slowed down. She said that on board of the bus, a black young male passenger insulted her
and throw on her a bottle of brandy, then, he run away and she went behind him but she couldn't get him and then she called the
police. The police came and flashed the lights at her. Finally, she said "this BCT bus operator is in trouble".
Passenger says that she was almost to the bus stop at hollywood blvd and 50 ave, she says that she running to the bus stop and
waving for the bus driver to stop. Passenger says that she made it to the bus stop ahead of the bus, but passenger says that the
lady bus driver did not stop and pick her up.
The customer called to complain that she has been at the bus stop on Commercial Blvd/Pine Island Rd since 5:15p and the bus that
was due at 5:38p has never arrived.
The customer called to complain that she has been at the bus stop on Commercial Blvd/Dixie Hwy since 5:58p and the bus that was
due at 6:14p never arrived.
The customer called to complain that she was at Golden Glades waiitng on the UNiversity Breeze that was supposed to leave at
6:00a and the bus never arrived. The customer says that this is not the only time that this has happened.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that Monday, Tuesday and Today between 7am and 7:45am there were no 72 buses going eastbound at Oakland Park
Blvd and NE 9th ave. Caller stated that today he got to the bus stop at 7:02am and the bus was just coming at 7:47am when ending
his complaint. Caller would like for someone to look into this.
Caller states operator passed her and two other people waiting. Says she was getting her money out under a tree, and the other
two people waiting were sitting down. Advised her that everyone should stand and signal to the operator that they need the bus.
States she is now late for work and that operators pass up passengers at this stop because they want more time at Young Circle.
Caller states she has been at the stop for one hour and no 28 buses have shown up. She is now late for school.
Caller states a black male, early to mid 30s, wearing a red shirt and black jeans was irate and yelling and screaming at other
passengers. Says operator told him to calm down, but she feels like this was not enough and operator should have called the police.
Passenger stated the bus was not printing out transfers. She says this is not the first time the operator told her the machine was
not working.
Passenger states his bike was on the rack and was damaged by a car that hit the bus. Says his phone was damaged when he was
thrown by the impact of the vehicle, and he had to buy a new one. He was taken to the hospital. Caller described his bike and he
was informed that Lost & Found will contact him with more info of when he can come to BT (report attached). He would like a call
back about incident.
Transferred to claims department close Hastus comment
The time & date digital readout on the ceiling near the driver was off for the entire ride on both bus # 0726 (route 10) and bus #
0741 (route 22).
Caller complained that the bus passed the stop. Caller said that the bus passed thru the stop early and passed the stop. No one else
was waiting at the stop. No driver description or bus number provided. See complaint #
Caller complained that the bus has been leaving too early every morning. It's schedule to leave at 714a, but the driver leaves at
7:06. Whe she boarded on the next bus at 7:29. She wasn't able to describe the driver nor provide the bus number . She said the
driver went to fast and passed the stop See complaint #
Caller states operator has been arriving at 10:00am, but not leaving the stop until 10:10am.
Caller states bus due at 5:45am did not show up until 5:55am, and this made her late for work. Says operator did not look like he
was familiar with the route.
Caller states he driving east through Young Circle, and bus 0301 cut him and other vehicles off to go from the left lane to the right
lane. He could not see the headsign of the bus.
The customer called to complain that he was catching the route 2 bus going southbound that was supposed to leave University
Dr/Westview Dr at 12:05p and the bus did not leave until 12:15p. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says that a male passenger on the bus had a container of beer and he was pouring the beer on the back door and
stomping the bus floor continously, and passenger says that the spanish bus driver didnot do nothing about the situation.
Passenger says that the male passenger was also kicking the back rails on the bus.
female bus driver had bad attitude and was yelling at a group of passengers.
Customer states driver saw the people at the bus stop and put on the flashers but did not stop.
Bus came early and it was the last bus at night. Missed the bus. Came before 1135 pm and has done it twice. Driver b/m.
Caller states he was on the bus and operator passed up a woman waiting at Dixie Hwy. Says operator was angry and being rude to
Caller says the breeze bus stop has been moved a little from where it used to be and she didn't notice this until the bus was
approaching down the street. She started running to the breeze bus stop. The bus stopped and a rider exited. Caller was about 20
seconds away from the bus stop, but the driver shut the door and left her behind. Caller feels drivers should exercise common
courtesy and wait the 20 seconds as one is running to a bus stop.
C-Service email:
The driver for the 5:00 pm express to miramar 5005 ( I believe his shirt says Kevin) drove past a rider. She was waving him down at
the stoplight just up from the bus stop. When I stated hold he missed a rider, he did not answer. When I asked a second time he
said "no I did not" and he drove right pass the VA and Jackson stops without even slowing down. While I understand the
importance of being at a stop the practice is not consistent. There are some extremely customer friendly drivers. "Kevin " was not
and did not elicit good customer service or concern.
C-Service Email:
Please add both larger and new buses on the express bus from Miami to sawgrass.. Have drivers check temp on buses.. Normally
too cold
C-Service Email:
I'm at the Aventura Mall waiting for the number 1 bus number 0833 the driver is already 10 minutes behind. Please if you can have
a meeting and speak with the driver about running behind schedule and its importance with maintaing customer satisfaction.Thank
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service /email:
Continued. Bus #1157, 95 Express to Downtown Miami, 6:40am pick up from Ansin Park. The ride was going well until the driver
was instructed to pull over on the side of I-95 to pick up passengers from two buses headed to Civic Center Route. After being
parked on the side of highway for 10-15 minutes, 5 passengers boarded the bus #1157, while the remaining passengers chose to
wait for another bus. With no assistance from the State Trooper that was parked with the two Civic Center buses, the driver had to
cross 5 lanes of traffic to make it into the Express Lanes. The 6:40am bus is scheduled to reach the Transit Village in Downtown
Miami at 7:30am; today we got there at 8am. I understand traffic but this was beyond traffic conditions. Using a bus that has a
history of breaking down and then to ask a bus that is already late, to pick up additional passengers that aren't even going to the
same place was ridiculous. Like I stated before, I have been on 1157 several times and not one time has a "sorry for the delay" or
"offer of a free ride for the trouble" or "permanent removal of bus with break down history being removed from service" has been
offered. The lack of customer concern is horrible and needs to be reviewed. Even when the bus has gotten in an accident, no one
shows up to check on the riders the day as a gesture of goodwill. On the side of your buses it says "Our best. Nothing less." That
statement needs to be reviewed because the passengers are not receiving your best when bus #1157 is still in service. Thanks,
Daena Richardson.
The operator was calling out all the stops that the annunciator wasn't saying. Passenger is legally blind and appreciated driver for
going the extra mile.
C-Service Email:
Please do not call. I just wanted to submit a complaint about the bus service this morning, March 3, 2016. I was waiting for Route
U.S. 1 Breeze heading south. It is scheduled for roughly 9:10-9:17 a.m. to show up at my bus stop at SE 3rd Avenue and 6th Street.
It didn't arrive and I was forced to take the regular Route U.S. 1 southbound. I was late for work.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
Dear Sir or Ms.
For the second time in the course of a few days, we were stranded waiting for a #4 bus that "disappeared". We went to the stop
on E. Hallandale Beach Boulevard that is in front of Walmart at 6:55 pm to wait for the Northbound bus to Hollywood Beach which
was scheduled to leave Hallandale Beach Boulevard & 14th Avenue at 7:05. We were aware that most #4 buses run 15 minutes
later because of the Dania Bridge Detour.
At 7:20, a #4 bus stopped in front of Walmart headed towards 14th Avenue, but a bus did not come to the stop across the street
until 8:30 pm. At 7:40 I called the Broward County Transit information number to inquire if the #4 we had seen at 7:20 had taken a
detour because there had been an accident on Hallandale Beach Boulevard, but were assured that there was no detour, and the
bus would arrive momentarily. The #28 came through despite the accident, so it was puzzling, where that #4 we saw at 7:20
disappeared to.
We asked the driver of the #4 that came at 8:30 what had happened, and he said "it never showed up". This poor bus service needs
improvement so that elderly citizens who can't drive and rely on the bus are not stranded in this manner. This happened to us on
Sunday evening, and last night, twice in four days!
Sincerely,Angelo Fiore
C-Service Email:
Dear Sir, Here I am for complaining about bus timing of route 28 I am working at Spirit Airlines I am on contract from india, we are 6
guys who daily took this bus at 7.11 from 172nd avenue first stop after miramar memorial hospital, as we comes on our time 5
mins before the bus time but sometimes this bus leaves early and driver doesnt stop at time it leaves early as 10 mins earlier, and
we couldnt catch the bus and also some people of daily cant took that bus due to this timing change problem today , means
thursday also and last tuesday also same thing happened with us, we want bus to be on time you can tell this to driver about this
and after that full route passengers have to wait for another 45 mins to catch the bus and all peoples time schedule changes and
also no benches at that stop to wait for another 45 mins so think how you treat your passengers comfort and how much they have
to suffer because of 10 mins earlier bus.. Please take serious action against this please Thanks in advance Regards, Jaimin Patel
Broward Daily Customer (route 28)
Caller states he rung the stop request before Las Olas to get off there, and operator passed it. Says he has a bad leg and and had to
walk a long way.
The customer called to complain that they were catching the route 30 going westbound at Davie Blvd/SW 27th Ave and the bus
was at the stop but refused to let anyone board the bus and then left without letting anyone on the bus.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that they were trying to catch the route 30 going westbound on Davie Blvd/SW 27th Ave and the
driver refused to open the door to let them on the bus then she pulled away and left without letting them on.
Passenger says that the 312pm bus 72 westbound came early, and left at 304pm. Passenger says that the bus driver was a black
Caller says he was at the bus stop and signalled the driver. The bus went speeding on by.
The customer called to complain that she got onto the bus with her baby in a carrier car seat and the driver took off without giving
her time to get seated and get her baby out almost making her fall down with ehr baby.
Mr. Rodriguez states that the 6:22 bus 114-09 told him when he pulled up that he was going on break. The driver then drover to
the next stop and told the nurses there that he was going on break. Mr Rodriguez wants to know what is going on. He stated that
the bus was on time, for a change and he had just missed the 5:52 bus.
The customer called to complain that she was catching the route 9 bus that is suppsed to leave from BC Central Campus at 6:47p
and the bus left early at 6:43p as she was walking up to the bus stop.
Mr. MacDonald had just missed the 5:52 bus and was waiting on the 6:22 bus. The bus pulled up and the driver stated he was going
on break. He then drover to the next stop where there were nurses waiting, so he rode his bike to that stop only to here the driver
tell them, he was going on break. He then rode his bike back to the previous stop to let thoses passenger know he told the nurses
the same thing. When a bus arrives in Miami, he didn't know that there were any spots for the driver to take a break. What is going
on. Please call him.
Caller complained the the bus left early and that's the last bus for the night. It came 11:27pm and left right away instead of 1135pm
as it was scheduled.
***Call back requested****
states bus driver almost ran him over.
Caller states he was driving south on I-95 near the exit for I-395. States bus with 109 headsign, license plate TE4688, recklessly
merged into the lane caller was driving in. Says his car was right by the front door of the bus, so there is no way operator didn't see
him; he was forced onto the shoulder to avoid a collision. Says he caught up with the bus, and operator still refused to look at him.
Caller called to inform that the bus driver has been injured. There was a female passenger getting on the bus. She was getting
hostile. She started to attacking our driver. The driver ask her to leave. She tried to grab the driver's lunch bag and broke the
driver's finger nail. He started to bleed. His whole nail came off. He continued driving until he reached Miramar Town Center. He
needs medical attention.
Caller states he accidently made contact with a female passenger when walking by her, she was a white or hispanic with purple
hair, 6 feet tall, wearing a striped shirt. Says she began to be aggressive, yelled at him. Says operator calmed her down, but he
would like to report the passenger to BCT because she is threatening to other riders.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that he stepped up to the front of the bus to ask the driver where his last stop was before he turns off and he stated
that the driver went off on him yelling "GET BEHIND THE YELLOW LINE", "GET behind the yellow line". Caller stated that the driver
has no customer relation skills at all and should not be on a bus.
At Young Circle the caller asked driver how long he would be on his break. The driver indicated he would be several minutes. Caller
asked driver to watch his bags of stuff that he bought from Home Depot (1 gallon bleach and 150 trash bags). Caller then went into
Publix to get a donut. When he came back out the bus was gone, along with his purchases. Wants a callback about what
happened to the driver for this.
Caller stated that he got on the bus and said to the driver Hello Mr. Haitis. Caller stated that the driver then got upset and saked
him what he stated. Caller stated that he told driver he wqas just saying hello. Caller stated that driver then proceeded to curse
him out. Caler stated thatdriver told him to go f..k himself and go f..k his mother cause she is a f..kin whore. ***CALLBACK***
Mrs. Roges (who has been rideing the bus for over 40 years), had just gotton on the bus and told the driver that there were two
passengers (who couldn't walk quickly), wanting to get on the bus. The driver said, "I'm running late", closed the door and took off.
The passenger, even knocked on the side of bus. His response was in a very rude tone. When she off the bus, she told the driver,
you could have waited 3 seconds for those older passengers to get on the bus. He srsponded, "I didn't see them". Well if he
couldn't see them with those big side mirrors, he shouldn't be driving a bus. Please call her on this complaint.
Got on bus and asked driver for directions and driver was rude and said he didn't know. Driver was very rude and not helpful.
Passenger is from Miami and had no idea how to get around.
States drunk people making trouble on bus and driver did not do anything. Not complaining about the driver. Feels unsafe and
states the floor of the bus has spilled alcohol and vomit.
C-Service Email:
I was at the corner of NW 8th and NW 1st at the Overtown stop. The 595 express bus pulled up and I tried to wave the driver down,
as did someone else, to have him wait the 3 seconds for me to cross the street. Needless to say he didn't. He just shrugged and
looked at me like "oh well". Had he actually stopped at the stop, I would have made it. This is the second time I have received
attitude from this particular driver. The first, I walked up to the bus just as he closed the door and for a second, he wasn't going to
open it. i know that the drivers have a schedule to keep but apparently he was running late since I am now the 535pm bus and I
find it hard to believe an additional 5 seconds would be the end of times. Is this the type of employee that is hired to do a service
and give attitude back? I wish I could give you the bus number but he went by so fast, I couldn't catch it. Regardless, he was at the
Overtown stop going to Sunrise on 3/3/16 at approximately 515pm.
Caller says he's at the bus stop and has been passed by by a route 31,14, and 11 bus. Caller then said something about barricades
at the bus stop. We have received no information from dispatch of problems at this location. Caller didn't get the bus # or driver
description of any buses.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
The Miami Ave bridge has been opened for a while already the driver for this bus continues using 2nd Ave which is a longer route
and more difficult to turn. So far he is the only driving doing it; I asked him why and he replied indicating he has not been instructed
otherwise. Could you please address this issue with this driver?
Claims has been waitnig for the bus for over an hour and is still waiting. Claims that she has called customer service and spoken to 3
different reps and has gotten 3 different answers.
C-Service Email:
Good morning My issue is with route 36 going east bus# 0725 the time is 5:49am And we are just leaving the lauderhill mall I just
want to know why are we always leaving late. I know that sometimes the bus will be late but almost 3 times a week..Not only
myself need to be at work on time And if I ask the driver why he late he'll say I know my job. I pay too much DAMN money too ride
the bus. Please look into this matter. Thank you Tammy Ray
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
Life is filled with misdirections and misgivings but those that look forward to alternative solutions to problems more times then not
achieve their intended goals. This message is directed at the leadership and decision makers of the Miramar 95 Express bus route.
As you will soon learn, I am a proud resident of Miramar Florida and I along with hundreds others commute from the most west
point of Miramar are frustrated with the parking situation. I know and have seen some of your employees go out on the field and
track the commuter time of the 95 express buses. I understand you conducted surveys to some of the patrons that take the 95
express bus to civic center. what I do not understand is why the miramar park was chosen as the primary parking destination and
not anywhere near the Miramar Civic Center.
Allow me to explain my frustration as this relates to the frustration of many of my fellow commuters of the 95 miramar express bus
Firstly, I have witness 40 to 60 people get on the bus at the kiss and ride miramar bus stop. There are a multitude of Healthcare
workers that need to be at work by 7:00 am and leave at 7:30 PM. That last Miramar bus to leave the civic center is 7:45 PM. This is
totally unfair to the Healthcare provider who works tirelessly and busy shifts and sometimes leaves a little bit late. Do you have any
idea how incredibly frustrating it is to be left behind dozens of miles from home in the late evening hours? It has happened to me
multiple times and to a few of my commuter friends. The last bus out of civic center needs to be extended to the nurses that work
12 hour shifts. You might come back and say your survey shows there were not many taking the late late bus. What you need to do
is apologize to all patrons bus especially the nurses who have 12 hour shifts and ask all commuters that "if the time were extended,
would they or anyone they know take advantage of the extended times?" Conducting another survey is the right thing to do. The
nurses have their own priorities and punctuation is a number one priority. we don't play with time. The old saying that 'time is
money' doesn't apply to Healthcare workers because the term 'time' is easily replaced with 'lives'.
Secondly, with so many commuters living near the 'kiss and ride' bus stop, why havent we looked into the potential commuter
benefit of have a safe and proper parking area? Again, your conclusion to designate the miramar park as the primary parking area
for most all of the miramar commuters seems unfairly decided. I assure you that there are more commuters living near the
miramar civic center and the 'kiss and ride' stop than anywhere west of the I-75. It just doesn't make any sense for patrons to drive
in the opposite direction consuming valuable time and gas to get to a bus that passes right near our homes. In my case, I have to
drive 8 miles to go northwest just to get to the Miramar park bus stop. It takes me 19 miles to drive straight to civic center so it is
nearly half my commute at the cost of $5.35 round trip. In addition to the 8 mile commute northwest, it consumes 30 minutes of
b was damaged
d on our bus.kWhen the
f driver made the turn to Atlantic and 27, the bike fell
Mr. Jarrell called tohreport that his kbike
off. Mr. Jarrell would like his bike fixed. Please call his as soon as possible.
transferred to Risk Management for claim
BCT Comments 2016
Driver drinking red bull and driving with one hand. Driver driving aggresively and screaming at other drivers. Caller got on bus and
had no idea how to pay and spoke spanish. Driver refused to assist our customer and another passenger helped him. driver was
rude and offensive and our caller claims that the driver let white passengers ride for free and our caller feels discriminated. Driver
baiting other drivers with the airbrakes. Our caller states that when he got to the airport he saw the driver speaking to a spanish
speaking customer and wonders why the driver did not treat it him the same way.
Passenger complained that the bus driver moved before the passengers are beyound the yellow line. Today wasn't the first day
that he does that. He doesn't wait. He just took off. One day she actually flew off to the front of the bus. Today there was a
passenger mentally handicapped customer coming to the bus. He was holding on to the back door as the driver is about to take off.
The driver said to this caller:" You just need to shut up" The passenger's dad' name George Downey,a retired BCT employee
A rider exited the bus but the driver refused to pick up caller. He wanted to go to 441.
Caller and 2 other riders were at the bus stop signalling the driver. The bus went speeding by. Caller says it was in service.
Caller says the headsign said Aventura Mall but the bus was really northbound. I asked how he knew it was northbound. Caller said
that a couple of other riders asked the driver what direction he was headed and the driver said southbound. These other riders
said they are familiar with this driver and he never changes the headsign, it always stays the same no matter what direction he's
Caller states Breeze operator passed up everyone waiting at the stop.
Caller states operator was cutting of vehicles and not changing lanes safely.
Caller says the bus passed him by w/o stopping and then stopped at the next stop where a group of nurses were waiting. Driver did
not pick up any of the nurses so caller walked over and asked what the driver said to them. The driver told them he was going on
break. Caller says the bus is sitting down the street while driver is on a break.
The driver accelerated while caller was still by the farebox in front of the yellow line, and caller almost stumbled. Caller says the
driver hears her making this complaint and told another rider who mentioned it that she didn't care what riders think. Caller says
this driver is always rude and never looks at riders or talks to them except to be rude. Wants a callback.
Caller states bus 81 passed up the stop in the left lane and she was standing at the stop. She needs somone to call her back about
Caller states operator who does this trip on Friday night passes everyone up at Sample Rd so he can take a longer break at Copans
and talk on his phone. Say she is going to miss bus 83 again to get home and she will have to pay $30 cab fare. Says this operator
needs to be addressed about this.
Caller was behind a woman who boarded at the bus stop. As caller was starting to board, the driver shut the door in his face,
laughed at caller, and drove away.
BCT Comments 2016
Mrs Ferguson said the 7:51 and 8:21 neve showed. She states she has been there since 7:45a and nothing has passed.
Mrs. Martin call to inquire about the schedule for Friday night. The were at the Dania Beach Bar & Grill area waiting on the 4
southbound. They saw two northbound but no southbound from 6:25p to 8:20 pm when they finallly called a cab. They thought
they were reading the schedule wrong, but after going over it today, they were reading it correctly. According to the schedule, the
7:00 and 7:45 never showed. This isn't how they wanted to spend their visit to South Fla.
Bus arrived early. W/m driver with glasses. Does it every night. Not following rules
Caller states that the bus sign is missing and the bus driver is not stopping there forcing him to walk to next stop. Wants sign
A passenger complained that bus route 36 headed East was very dirty and needed to be cleaned. She stated that she would like to
see that matter resolved as soon as possible. The incident occurred a the Sawgrass Mall and the driver is a black male driving bus#
Passenger says that he was on the rt 42 bus and the bus driver slammed on the brakes and other passengers fell on him and his
neck and shoulder was injured. Passenger wants a callback.
transferred to Risk Management
A passenger complained that the bus operator driving bus route#09 headed North stopped the bus at 11:57 AM in order to buy
something to eat. He stated that the bus operator came back about 12:02 PM, therefore, he concerned about reaching his
destination on time. The bus operator is a white male driving bus# 1101 and the incident occurred on Johnson Street and N 64th
Mrs. Karnash was at the stop waiting for the #4 southbound. Whe the bus arrived, the driver was very rude. She asked the driver if
she had any schedules on the bus, She answered rudely, "NO", the she asked how often the #4 runs today. Again she stated in a
rude tone, "call 954-357-8400". Mrs. Karnash in here visitng us and can't believe that employees that are in the customer service
area are allowed to be so rude. She stated that she will not reccomend this to her friends up north.
Mr. Miser (who has a disability was 5-steps away from getting on the bus when the driver closed the door and took off. He has lung
cancer and it is hard for him to move fast. He yelled for the driver and well as the other passengers getting off the bus that he
couldn't breath and was moving slow, but when he got infront of the door, the driver closed the door, smiled, and took off. Mr.
Miser is requesting a cll back. He did not get the bus #.
Caller says she is 17 years old and put $1 in the farebox. The driver told her to put in another dollar. Caller said she was 17 and
held out her ID to prove it. Driver refused to look at her ID, and just said "put in another dollar and sit down".
BCT Comments 2016
Bus was running 18 minutes late and passed by. The customer said the bus didn't stop and sshe is going to be late for work. The
patro said the bus has a paper on the front that says: 10
A passenger complained that the bus operator threatened him because he raised his voice on him and told him that he did not
care about him being in a wheelchair. The incident occurred at Aventura Mall and the bus operator was described as black male
driving bus route# 1 and the bus# is 1704.
Marie is sitting in the back seat, and states that the bus driver is driving recklessly. She states, I don't know what he has against
me...I didn't do anythin". If nothing else, with him knowing I am going to church, He should respect chuch people more then the
others. Have him correct his attitude and give him a driving test.
Paatron states," she was at the bus stop waiving to the bus comming and the BCT bus operator look at her and keeps gooing". she
added, "Today is Sunday she didn;t stop and I will be late for work".
Mrs. Mitchell was at young circle when the bus pulled up. The driver closed the doors with only one woman on the bus, and
wouldn;t let anyone on (it's hot out her she said), then he escorted the lady off the bus and to the #4 bus, and then went to get
food. He should have let us on the bus, and if he needed a break so bad, he souldn't have walked that lady to the other bus stop.
Now we are going to depart late. Some people are trying to get to work.
Bus broke down. Customer upset that buses are always late or breaking down and wants to complaint against the superintendent
about it.
Mr. Blackmon got off the #1 southbound at Dania Bch & US1 at 1:20pm. The 1:40 never showed and the 2:25 never showed. He call
several times and was told it is on it's way and nothing showed. Please call him back on this complaint.
Driver stopped at wrong spot and when our caller told him, he started screaming at her and took out all his anger with her. Driver
was screaming. Customer very upset.
Caller stated that shewas at the light, she saw the 106 bus sitting at the stop at 6:46am and she knew she had until 6:54am to get
to the busbut the bus pulled off. Caller stated that the bus left 8 minutes early fromthe stop causing her to be late for work.
Caller stated that she was trying to exit at the downtown miami ramp the bus 5006X almost ran her off the ramp. Caller stated that
she saw the bus trying to get over and would have let it over but the bus just came over in front of her and she had to slam on
brakes. Caller stated that she has this on video.
The caller is stating this bus is unreliable. She says this bus got her late to work 22 times. Passenger says she is in danger of losing
her job and needs proof to show her supervisor why she was late today.
---As per dispatch, the operator of 62-02 was lost in Deerfield beach --***REQUESTS CALL BACK****
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger called to complain that he is late for work since the # 12 westbound @ 441 was running over 39 minutes late on Sunday
3/6/16 at approximately 1:30 PM. Radio communications reported no breakdown/issue with the route and passenger was told of
lateness as per GPS tracking system. Passenger was angry and became irate since no explanation was given for the lateness.
Passenger requests a callback.
Caller stated he was passed up by the driver while at the stop signaling driver with his broken arm.
The operator took off from the stop, before the caller sat down. Passenger fell into the seat really hard and felt slight pain in his
groin. The bus driver offered to call ems but he declined. The following morning, the passenger is felling excruciating pain in groin
due to the incident.
Caller states last bus 15 due at 9:23am never showed up.
Caller stated that the bus left early. Caller stated that he will be waiting for a callback.
Caller stated that bus 0708 cut her off and almost ran her into the curb and into traffic. Caller stated that she has 2 children in her
car and bus driver put her in a dangerous position having to stop her car in moving traffic. ***CALLBACK***
Caller states she boarded bus at County Line Rd with a transfer and paid 50 cents. Says she needed to connect to MDT and asked
operator for a transfer when she got to 183rd St. Says operator refused because she didn't pay $2 when she got on. Caller states
operators have been doing this to her and there is nothing in the fare policy stating that she can't get a transfer if she only paid 50
cents to board.
Caller states he was waiting two hours from 8:40am to 10:40am for bus 31. Bus 1349 arrived at 1040am. Informed caller of
multiple incidents delaying the route.
Caller stated that the bus drove right by him. Caller stated that the driver looked at him and he looked at her and she just kept
going. Caller stated that it look like a short black woman. Caller stated that he will be waiting for a callback.
Passenegr called to complain that there is no bus # 81 or # 36 going down NW 15th street by Sunset strip, and she needs to walk
over 4 blocks to get to the nearest bus stop on the # 81 by nw 15th street. Call came in from BCT Director's office Tim Garling.
Passenger requests a callback.
Caller says the driver double charged her. Caller is also complaining on behalf of some riders the driver refused to board. They
were running to the bus stop and caller claims they made it in time to meet the bus. The driver wouldn't open the door to board
them. One of these would-be riders stood in front of the bus to force driver to let him board.
Passenger called to complain that the annunciator volume is too high and needs to be turned down.
Bus driver droped passengers in the middle of the street
BCT Comments 2016
I am writing to commend bus driver Vicky #1305 (Golden Glades 11:30pm) on her Tuesday (Mar 1, and Mar 2, 2016) gesture of
customer care and service. I dropped my wallet on the bus on Tuesday night. Wednesday, I called Broward County Transit (BCT)
and was given instructions on what to do. I was concerned and disturbed that the contents of the wallet would be removed, used
and/or destroyed. Wednesday night, I boarded the 11:30pm bus at Golden Glades. I asked the driver "Vicky" if someone had
returned a wallet. She smiled and offered a hug. She decided to hold on to the wallet 1 extra day in hopes that I would return. I
want the management of BCT to be aware of her act of kindness, honesty and thoughtfulness. It is commendable that an employee
would go an extra length to display concern, to offer assistance and to exceed customer expectations. I would like a copy of this
commendation to be placed in her professional file. Thank you again for your employee!
The caller is stating the bus left the stop early. It was scheduled to leave at 3:11pm and he saw it go by at about 3:04pm.
Caller stated that he was in the bathroom and one of the cleaners splattered bleach on the bathroom floor and it got on his polo
sneakers and slacks. Caller would like to know how he get reimbused for the damaged to his stuff. Caller stated that he also talked
Mike 1557 at the terminal. Waiting to hear from someone.
called customer and told him to call Claims Department
BCT Rude and mean bus operator is reported. The patron states this bus operator moved the bus reckless immediately the
passengers got on the bus and the passengers stumbled. The Operator's driving was reckless. The patron announced her bus stop in
advance and the bus operator didn't stop, and on purpose omitted two bus stops, let them get off the bus two stops after their
destination. The patron said, "This driver has a very bad attitude and is very mean", her behavior should be investigated, the video
will show clearly how people is stumbling on the bus.
The patron wanted to file a complaint against rude bus operator who overreacted and was very mean. Two friend’s passengers
were sitting on the bus, and one of them started showing a cook video to the other passenger on his phone. Then, the bus operator
started screaming at them " put the phone away otherwise she was not going to move the bus". The patron said, the bus operator
was very rude and overreacted, we didn't know it was prohibit use the phone on the bus the volume was not high and the bus
operator was very rude and disrespectful.
Caller was on the 95 Xpress from Miami wanting to make the connection the the eastbound 12 bus due @ 458pm. She saw the 12
bus leaving the TriRail station @ 451pm when it's scheduled to leave @ 458pm.
Caller stated that she saw the bus coming and waved her hand and the driver just drove right by her.
The bus due @ 540pm hasn't shown. GPS tracker shows it running about 19 minutes late. Caller wants us to fix the problem of the
route 81 constantly being late, both in the morning and in the afternoon.
Caller says the driver issued her a left over transfer to Dade from yesterday dated March 6. Caller says this has happened before.
Before I could advise caller to ask the driver for a new transfer issued today, the call dropped.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller arrived bus stop @ 610pm for he bus due @ 622pm. It didn't show until 645pm. Caller says this also happened last Thursday
& Friday.
Caller says he waited at Aventura Mall for a full hour before a 28 bus showed up. It was bus # 1331.
Caller stated that he was standing right by the bus stop sign and the driver drove right by him. Caller stated that now he had to pay
$40 for a cab to make it to work on time. Caller would like to speak to someone about about this. ***CALLBACK***
Caller is stating the 6:05am bus did not show up. She caught the next bus at 6:26am, which showed up late.
Caller stated that the 7:21 bus has not came to his stop yet and that it is running 10 minutes late at this time. Caller stated that he
would like to speak with someone about his complaint.
Caller states her son was standing at the stop and operator passed him up. Says he will be late for school now.
Caller states he's been at the stop since 7:10am and bus due at 7:21am has not shown up as of 7:34am. This is making him late for
Passenger is stating the operator of that route yesterday had a stroke and this morning, the bus did not show up. Caller says no one
replaced the driver for his shift, which is the first bus of the morning. Caller would like to know if this is going to be a problem all
Caller states operator left the BB&T Center and got in the eastbound 595 express lanes. Says operator missed the Davie Park & Ride
because of this, and radio room had to give him directions back to Davie through rush hour traffic, causing everyone to be
extremely late for work. Says this is unacceptable for operator to not know the express route before driving it, this is a major
inconvenience to everyone.
Caller states operator had to make a sudden stop, and when he braked she and her child went forward. Caller skinned her elbow,
and she declined EMS after operator asked her if she was ok. Caller says she is feeling shaken up and is seeking medical attention
for her arm.
Caller stated that he was walking around the corner from Oakland Park Blvd onto Powerline Rd to catch the route 14 southbound.
Caller stated that the bus was at the bus stop and he waved the driver down to let her know he wanted the bus. Caller stated that
the driver saw him and pulled away from the bus stop to the red light at the corner. Caller stated that he knocked on the door and
driver still refused to open the door instead caller stated that driver got on her radio to dispatch. Caller stated that while driver was
still at the red light he crossed over Oakland Park Blvd to the south stop and before he could get there the driver picked up the 4
people who was at the stop and then pulled off again. ****CALLBACK****
Caller was waiting for the last bus of the night last night. The bus slowed down but then accelerated and passed caller by. Caller
says this driver has passed him by multiple times in the past, so about 2-3 weeks ago caller asked driver why he has been passing
him by without stopping. Driver got off the bus and called police with his cell phone and reported caller as harassing him. Police
removed him from the bus and drove him home, caller says. Caller did not ask for a callback but he wants this driver to be told to
pick him up.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller is in a wheelchair and was boarding at the Golden Glades. A female rider apparently in a hurry was belittling caller for
holding up the bus by being strapped in in his wheelchair. She then started nastily belittling the driver. The driver was calm, cool,
and collected and did not talk back negatively to the belligerent rider. Caller is very grateful for this driver's assistance and admires
his self control while being belittled by a belligerent rider. Caller said the bus # was 0331 but according to Hastus there is no bus
with # 0331. Caller is pretty sure the driver's name was "Serge". Approximate time was 645am, caller not sure of exact time.
C-Service Email:
We rode the bus on route 4 and our bus driver was wonderful. We were really stressed over how to get where we needed to go
and he was so helpful. His name was Robert. He was great!
C-Service Email:
This driver is a white mid age male, who is over the top rude. He is talking to himself and using profanity in a road rage over traffic
he is know doubt use to working in. I myself spoke to him and greeting him with a hello, Goodmorning he turned red and said
nothing. But seems to have plenty to say to others commuting in traffic. This is poor consumer service. Do we as passengers really
need to here his thoughts...with a potty mouth. I thought saying have a nice day exiting the bus would change his cranky mood
...alas im not sure. All i do know is his attitude stunk up the bus atmosphere. Please talk to him. To offer a better commute for
passengers boarding this route with him as the driver. Thank You, Ruth Boyton. Passenger. Of 1202. Route 88 west terminal. March
8 2016.. 8:33am
C-Service Email:
I was just behind the #10 bus while heading north on N. Federal Hwy. in Pompano Beach, just north of Atlantic Blvd. The driver
stopped the bus in the right lane in front of a Burger King, literally moments after stopping at a bus stop. It appeared he was letting
someone off the bus who entered the Burger King. After the bus did not move for a few minutes I decided to drive around it. I then
realized it was the driver who I saw walk into the Burger King. He simply left the bus on the highway, unattended, with lights
flashing, apparently to get something to eat. The driver should be terminated.
C-Service Email:
My comment is a complaint against one of your drivers. Bus #1349, Route #31, Tag#TD2845 (Dirty, so hard to see) I was heading
northbound on NW 7th Ave and about to go straight through the intersection at NW 4th St. The above bus, must have been a
hurry, because he turned right in front of me and I had to all but slam on my breaks. I made a sharp right and began to follow him in
order to snap a picture of his pink bus. This is UNACCEPTABLE for any driver, let alone someone in a bus. His actions were beyond
dangerous and could have resulted in a major accident if I hadn't been paying attention to his lack of road manners. From now on I
will have my camera recording and take it to the proper authorities. THE DRIVER BEHIND THE WHEEL OF THE BUS IS A DANGER ON
THE ROAD to anyone in his way. I will not give my real telephone number because I fear retribution.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
Today happened again. The 6:10pm bus arrived late (6:30pm) and the supervisor did not authorize the spare bus to do the route. I
am asking you; why do we have spare bus? For how long do we have to wait for the spare bus to go? This is the second time I write
about this issue and the third time I call.
A passenger complained that bus route#42 heading East had never arrived to his location. He stated that he was tired with this bus
being late in a daily basis.
Caller was walking to the bus stop and the bus went by @ 605pm, which is 6 minutes early. The driver stopped at the next bus stop
at NW 17 lane and waited a short time. Caller ran after the bus. When she was halfway along the bus, the driver left her behind.
Caller says the bus # is usually 0315, but she didn't see for sure if it was this bus today.
A passenger complained that bus route#11 bus passed her stop and did not stop. She stated that she had to walk to her job
because she would be very late. However, she was unable to provide the information about neither the bus stop or the direction
the bus was traveling to.
Caller was at the bus stop. As the bus approached, caller stood up. The bus passed him by. He didn't get the bus #, but my GPS
tracker indicates it was bus # 0224. Wants a callback.
Refused to get 2 passengers. The patron said, the driver arrived to the West terminal closed the door and left. "This is not right and
I want to file a complaint"
The customer called to complain that she driver had just closed the door and had not pulled away yet when she was just 5 inches
from the door but the driver refused to open the door and let her board the bus.
A passenger complained that she waited for bus route# 83 going East and the bus never arrived to her location. She stated that the
bus should arrive at her location at 6:48 PM and it was no where to be found. She said that BCt needs to do something about it. The
incident occurred at university Dive and Royal Palm.
Caller stated that every Wednesday the driver is delaying service by refusing to move the bus because of one man that gets on the
bus. Caller stated that last Wednesday the driver called the police on this man about something that happened over a month ago.
Caller stated that this is getting out of hand and would like to speak to a supervisor about this drivers behavior.
BCT Comments 2016
Pssenger complained that the operator refused to let him on the bus. He paid his fare, but the driver said: " you can't ride the bus".
He asked her on what authorithy? She said : On her authority. The passenger wants to know who determines wether or not he
rides the bus.
The passenger also said that he had an altercation with the driver a month an a half ago because he was using his daughter's youth
pass. He paid the full fare instead since the driver told him he's not a youth and can't use the pass. Two weeks ago, he paid his full
fare, but the driver didn't want him to ride the bus then either and called the police. Today the driver stopped the bus for over 20
minutes saying he can't ride the bus. Passenger wants to know who can say wether he rides or not. I request a call back to him
since I don't have the answer. Dispatch was notified.
Passenger would like to commend operator for her excellent service. Passenger is legally blind and says operator was very helpful
and informative by announcing the stops. Says when he got off at NW 12th St in Lauderhill, she helped him find the 40 bus stop
after making sure he got down the ramp safely. Says she is doing an excellent job.
Caller states she saw bus due at 6:35am bypass the Tri-Rail station and make a turn on NW 5th Terrace. Says bus went into the
neighborhood, came back out, and proceeded to go west on Sample Rd. Caller says this a major inconvenience.
Caller stated that he was at the bus stop at 7:25am and that the 7:35am route 62 has not shown up and its now 7:48am.
Caller stated that the bus was due to her stop at 5:30am and did not arrive until 5:40am causing her to miss her connection at
Riverland Rd and US 441. ***CALLBACK***
The caller is stating the bus scheduled at 8:53am was early. The bus passed by the stop at 8:45am. Passenger is upset because he
will be late for an important meeting.
requests call back.
Caller states her neighbor told her bus due at 7:25am passed by early at 7:19am. Says she is tired of 62 operators "driving through
the neighborhoods like maniacs" so they can have a long break when they get to 441. Says passengers are depending on the bus to
get to work on time. She would like a call back about this.
Caller states she was driving west near the pull in bus stop; her vehicle was already next to the bus. Says operator pulled out, and
she had to swerve into the left lane to avoid getting hit by the bus. A vehicle behind her had to do the same thing. Says operator
gave her the middle finger three times and she let him pass her.
Caller stated that he just wanted to compliment the driver on a job well done. All the expresses were running late due to a bad
accident on I95 but Arthur the driver of the 107 southbound from Pembroke Commons made it back to get passengers and make
his lase run south even thou he was almost 1 hour behind. Great driver and dependable.
BCT Comments 2016
One Saturday Broward County Transit sent a shuttle bus to take passengers from Sheridan Street to Dania Beach and back. This
allowed the three drivers on the route to operate only 30 minutes late instead of one to two hours late. The three regular number
four buses did not have to travel to Dania Beach- get stuck in the single lane of traffic going through the park (and picking up no
passengers) and then come back down A1A to Sheridan Street to resume their route.
The bus drivers on the weekends all say it takes 45 minutes to an hour and half to drive that part of the route.
Everyone who has to take this bus has the same problem. I understand that BCT is trying to get a sales tax increase to "improve"
the bus service, Even bus riders will vote against that as we all know that BCT does not care about the passengers.
These delays are not a short term problem- it has been going on for months and is likely to be months morel.
BCT needs to do something
Time to contact the media.
Currently I am on the 1 breeze, bus #0803 and there is no ac and the bus is plagued with roaches and bugs.
Today again we were approaching the left turn light when the said bus made the right turn into Sheridan Station at 4:52 pm. While
we were still waiting at the light we watched the bus go into the station circled around and head out. It was waiting at the light just
as we turned in at 4:54 pm. Yet again three of us on the 95 Express bus had to walk towards Federal Highway.
I can only assume who the driver is because there was one day when my bus got there before his. I was on the bus when it
departed Sheridan Station at 4:55 pm. The driver was a tall, very dark AA man who probably has dreadlocks because his hair is
always wrapped in a black "doo rag." However, it is easy for you to track that person down because your schedule will show the
driver who departed the West Terminal at 3:33 pm both days and was supposed to depart Sheridan Station at 4:58 pm.
The transportation system needs to work for the commuters especially on the routes with very limited runs. It is important that
drivers adhere to the schedule, more so at major transition points. I am looking forward to action being taken to correct this
problem. BCT has done very well in the past to address issues that I have raised and I am hoping that this matter will be dealt with
BCT Comments 2016
Hi, I called yesterday, Monday, March 7, 2016 to complain about a driver who drives the #12 Eastbound bus that is supposed to
depart Sheridan Trirail Station at 4:58 pm. For approximately the past at four weeks the particular driver has been departing the
station sometimes as early as 4:50 pm. We connect off the 95 Express MDT bus from downtown Miami. As you are aware the #12
buses run one per hour so it is very important that the bus remains on schedule especially at such a transition point. Yesterday, we
were on the 95 express bus on Sheridan Street waiting to make the left turned into the station at 4:51 pm and the #12 Eastbound
bus was at the light waiting to cross Sheridan and head towards Sterling Road. I alighted my bus at 4:53 pm and immediately called
Broward Transit.
Caller said she and her daughter who is wheelchair bound got on the bus on US1 and Arthur St going south at about 1:50pm. The
driver did not want to let them on the bus because passengers were in the seat where the wheelchair should go and the driver did
not ask them to give the seat up. Caller said she had to secure the wheelchair in the passage and the driver kept arguing with her.
Because of the delay she missed her daughter's doctor appointment. Caller would like a call back on this complaint.
Good morning I am writing to you about my experience on the 95 miramar park and ride this morning. As I waited for the bus I
checked my waze app and found out the commute to the civic center would be 1 hour and 50 minutes. I advised the driver when
we left the park, when he said he can't choose where to drive I asked him to check with the operator. I hear over the radio all of the
drivers calling in this standstill on 95. I wondering why bus 1150 was not told to take an alternate route like 12 avenue all the way
south? According to my app we would only be 10 minutes late using that route. However since we are on the I-95 that everyone
knows is in a standstill the 7:45am bus will arrive at approximately 10 am. I know you guys are running a large system with many
moving pieces but this should be looked into for future accidents and delays. An alternate route was very easy to take in this
instance we knew about the problem before we got on I-95. Thank you.
I took the 7:15 am I-595 exoress from sunrise/sawgrass, bus number 5006x. It's 10:30 am and we're still on the bus!!! This accident
was reported earlier how come the driver didnt take an alternate route!? This is so inconsiderate for all passengers! 3 hours in the
traffic?? This is ridiculous! Dont they have gps, waze, supervisors monitoring the traffic? We're in 2016! There are a lot of ways for
BCT and drivers to provide a better service! Please!!
I ride the 595 Express bus from Ft Lauderdale tri-rail station to Miami/Brickell at 7:07AM. This morning another bus driver (not from
595 express bus) told me of a motorcycle accident on I-95 S that has lanes blocked. When I told this news to my 595 Express bus
driver at 7:07AM he said, he didn't know anything about it and shrugged if off. I got to work two hours with lost pay and time. If the
driver would've listened to my concerns, this probably wouldn't have happened. What are we going to about situations like this on
going. JC Torres
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that the bus drivers are skipping 2 bus stops. Before arriving at the lauderhill mall, they are skipping the previous
stop and take the left lane after they make the right turn on 441 after the underpass. They get all the way to the left to get to
Lauderhill mall. She ran and caught up with the bus at the bus at the next stop and asked the driver why she skipped the stop. She
replied:"it depends on traffic. passenger complained that they shouldn't be allowed to skip stop. She walked a mile to get there and
has to wait a long time for the next bus. She wants to know can they skip stops based on traffic while a passenger is at the stop See
report #19143
Caller complained that the bus drivers are skipping 2 bus stops. Before arriving at the lauderhill mall, they are skipping the previous
stops and take the left lane after they make the right turn on 441 after the underpass. They get all the way to the left to get to
Lauderhill mall. See report #19142
Good afternoon
That's happening on weekdays and the hours are AM. Monday to Friday trirail train arrives at 6:50am. The 07 bus just pass at
6:44am and there's a wait longer than 30 minutes to the next bus at 7:27am. I suggest move the 6:44am bus to 6:54am or move
the 7:27am bus to 7am or 7:04am
------------------------------previous email-----------------The schedule of bus 7 near trirail hollywood station is 6:17, 6:44, 7:27 The amount of time between 6:44 and 7:27 is very long,
taking into consideration that a trirail train arrives at 6:50. In that cases you just miss the 6:44a bus and now have to wait 30
minutes for the next!!! I suggest that 7:27 route instead of passing at that time could pass earlier around 7-7:05
Added 3/10/16
I just notice that I don't specified the 07 bus route I was referring to, is the Pines NW 210 Ave Bc via Bc South and century village
Caller complained that the bus driver pulled up right in from of the Dunkin Donut store blocking the driveway going into the store.
The caller couldn't drive to the store so blew his horn. Then the driver moved forward and blocked the exit of the same store. The
caller wasn't a pssenger and was unable to determine the bus route. It may be route 01. Unable to properly determine the
department and assignment info
Caller complaine that the bus driver was driving recklessly. He was flying going North on Dixie Hwy & Hillsboro blvd. It was out of
service. It made a rght on Camino Real. A private car was making a right. He almost killed them over the bridge after Hillsboro blvd.
He was going too fast.
She didn't get the bus or route # nor the driver's description. Unable to properly determine route
The customer called to complain that she has been waiting on the 441 Breeze bus going southbound at the bus stop on US 441/NW
12th St since 5:10p and the bus that was due at 5:21p never arrived.
BCT Comments 2016
Mrs. Hayward got off a bus at the Publix at Aventura with 10-others. They were walking back to the Breeze whn she pulled off
leaving all of them behind. Now they have to walk a bus length and it is on a curve to get to the Breeze bus and she should have
seen all of them coming. Before pulling off, they were yelling at her to wait. She just waved them off and kept going. Mrs. Hayward
said that isn't wright. Where is the customer service in that. She puts out a lot of money every week and she wants this to be
addressed with the driver. This was just wrong. She is requesting a call back.
The customer called to complain that she was at the stop on US 441/Hollywood Blvd waiting on the route 18 going northbound.
The customer says that because there is construction she was standing behind a dividing wall and waved to the driver way before
he got to the bus stop but the bus passed by without stopping to pick her up. The customer says that if they are not supposed to
catch the bus at that stop then we should have sign telling passengers to go to another bus stop.
Passenger was at the bus stop with a wheelchair, and the bus driver stopped and told the passenger that the bus was full.
Passenger says that the bus driver should have made someone move out of the handicap section and let him get on the bus.
Passenger wants a cllback.
Passenger says that she was at the bus stop waving and the bus driver was coming toward the bus stop and he went around a truck
and passed the bus stop, while she was at the stop waving her bus pass.
Caller state that the route 9 due at 6:54am never showed up and it ws 7:25am when she left stop.
The bus came right into the traffic without indication or having the right-of-way. The caller had to break to avoid hitting the bus.
The bus actually side swiped another vehicle and damage the woman's dark gray car. Caller said she witness the accident and the
woman called the police to do a report.
Caller complained that the bus driver passed him at the stop. He was waiting at the stop for 44 minutes since 7am. The bus was
due at 744. The bus driver didn't stop to pick him up. He said that's ridiculous. No bus number was provided
Caller states driver stopped for break at young circle and asked passengers to get off the bus. Our customer had personal belongins
(see l & F report dated 3/4/16 for a description of the items. He states that he told the driver if he could leave his bags on the bus
while he went outside and the driver agreed but the driver left the young circle without the passenger and his belongins. he wants
compensation and is "accussing the driver of stealing his bags". Told caller to make a police report. Nothing we can do without one.
Caller stated that the bus #0712 almost ran him into oncoming traffic. Caller stated that he was driving a F250 ford pickup truck
and driver of #0712 side swiped his truck and damaged his mirror. Caller stated that the driver was looking right at his son who was
in the passenger seat. Callers son took pictures of the driver on the personal phone. Caller stated that he made a report with
Hollywood Police Dept. case #331603-044914. ****CALLBACK****
BCT Comments 2016
The passenger had her head low while she was on the bus. The driver jerked the bus when he made a sharp turn and she fell to the
floor. She said the operator spoke to dispatch but did not ask her if she was okay. Caller says she will get a lawyer for this incident.
Claims the bus number was 741 but is not sure.
I called her and this is not her first complaint. Transferred to garage Copans Rd.
She is upset and wants the driver to be punished.
Caller states took bus north on 441 and did not know had to transfer at lauderhill mall. Driver got to the mall and announced that it
was the end of the run and when our customer tried to get information on what to do, the driver was not helpful and had bad
attitude and finally told the customer to run to the 19 that was waiting there. customer 70 years old could not run and missed the
bus and had to wait for next one in the dark in an "unsafe" place. States there should be better connection between buses and
better communication from the drivers.
Caller suggests that the farebox height rule for children be changed to an actual age limit, and not be based on whether or not the
child is taller than the farebox.
Caller says bus passed up everyone waiting at the stop.
Caller says there is construction at the bus stop with orange cones and workers doing construction. Because the workers are in the
way, caller was not exactly at the bus stop. He signalled the driver to stop, but the driver passed him by. Caller says the driver
looked at him but kept on going. ****Spoke to Mr Brice again @ 1258pm. He wanted to add that he also didn't like the posture of
the driver; he was lazily leaning up against the windshield, according to caller.****
This driver stopped for caller who was not exactly at the bus stop due to construction at the bus stop with orange cones blocking
off the area. The previous driver passed him by. Also, this driver has a pleasant demeanor and greeted caller as he boarded.
Passenger says that male bus driver Abraham Givens @ 522pm leaving BCT plays driving games of driving really, really slow and
putting himself behind schedule about 30 minutes, so that when he reaches the west terminal, the next route 81 bus has to take
most of his passengers when they get to oakland and inverrary. Passenger says that a Supervisor needs to check his driving and
schedule times.
Passenger says that the bus sign is laying on the ground on oakland park blvd at the bus stop before oakland and rock island road
There was a disabled rider who got up from the bench at the NETC and started struggling to get to the bus. The driver slammed the
door shut just before he got to the door and drove away. All the riders started screaming at the driver to stop for the disabled guy.
Driver finally stopped for him after about 15 feet or so. Caller told driver that Jesus would have not done that. Driver told caller
that the only Jesus he beleived in was red and had horns and that he was a devil.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states bus 40 due at 1:35pm is consistently late. It is now 1:43pm and the bus is nowhere in sight.
C-Service Email:
Route 40 did not come to bus stop at 12 ct and 441 from 3:20-3:50. The bus is severely off schedule
C-Service Email:
What happened to the #11 bus today? We waited at the A1A & Las Olas Blvd bus stop today for 65 minutes!! The westbound bus
was due at 1:46 pm We were there at 1:30 pm The bus finally came at 2:35 pm
The caller complained the bus driver didn't pick her up at the stop. She said she saw the bus and waived at the driver,but the bus
driver never stopped for her.
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all. No operator description nor bus number available
C-Service Email:
Re: Route 31 (Coconut Creek) I noticed that the bus stop sign immediately past Cullum Road, heading southbound, was missing
after a torrential rainstorm. The rainstorm occurred a few months ago. Fortunately, most drivers have stopped for me because they
know their route. However, today I almost missed the bus because of the lack of sign. I searched the BCT website to see if there
were any mentions of changes on RT 31 (I did not find any notice). Thus, when are they going to replace that sign? I don't want to
be inconvenienced trying to catch the bus home. Please let me know. Thanks for your assistance. Elaine E. Broward Resident
Caller walked up to the bus stop as the bus approached and made it there before the bus arrived. The driver passed her by w/o
Lady with baby on a stroller got on bus and driver told her to pay and go through the back door. She folded the stroller and placed
her baby on her lap and the stroller on the seat next to her. Driver told her that she had to have the stroller with her and she
couldn't so driver called security and she was kicked off the bus. She states this had never happened before and was not treated
very nicely.
The customer called to complain that she was waiting at the bus stop on Sunrise Blvd/NE 12th Ave for the route 10 going
southbond and the bus passed by without stopping to pick her up.
Caller complained the bus driver didn't pick him up at the stop. He came around and knocked on the back door when he came to te
bus stop. The bus driver was letting passengers out then shut door and sped off and laughing maliciously. He believes that it's a
case of discrimination.
*** call back requested***
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
To whom it may concern, On March 9, 2016 I responded to a car crash located in front of 7607 Miramar Parkway where a Broward
County bus stop sign was knocked out of the ground. Can you please notify the department in charge of replacing this sign at your
earliest convenience? Ref. Case #16-03-01902 Eloy Gonzalez Traffic Homicide Investigator | Police Department Traffic Unit City of
Miramar | 3064 N. Commerce Pkwy Miramar, FL 33025 O: 954.602.4000 | F: 954.602.3769 | [email protected] Hours:
Tuesday-Friday 7am – 5pm | www.miramarpd.org
The customer called to complain that she is at Coral Ridge Dr/Riverside Dr waiting on the route 42 and the bus made a U-turn
before getting to the stop and did not pick her up. The customer says that this is the second day in a row that this has happened.
The customer called to complain that he was waiting on the route 2 bus going southbound on University Dr/Griffin Rd at 12:07a on
03/09/2016 for the bus that was due at 12:15a and as the bus was approaching thr stop it went into the left lane to go around a
semi tractor trailer passing by their stop without picking them up.
The customer called to complain that she was on University Dr/Broward Blvd waiting on the route 12 bus that was due going
eastbound at 4:54p and the bus passed by without stopping to pick her up.
The customer called to complain that she has been at the bus stop on Hillsboro Blvd/US 441 waiting on the route 48 bus since
4:00p and the bus that was due at 4:36p never arrived. The customer suggests that the easy solution to this problem is to put
another bus on this route.
The customer called to complain that she is on A1A/NE 34th St waiting on the route 11 bus westbound that was due at 5:31p and
the bus has not shown up as of 5:45p. The customer says that this driver is always late and is very rude. The customer also says the
driver drives with only one hand.
Passenger called to complain that the driver almost passed her up at the stop and when she got on the bus she said she realized
why because the driver was holding and eating an apple with the left hand and holding the wheel with the right hand. She said she
asked the driver if she was going to pass her up and the driver just looked at her and kept eating and driving. She said this was very
dangerous for a person holding a commercial drivers license.
Mrs. Betsy Mendelson called to file a complaint on the 6:24 #81 westbound. He never showed. She went on to supply me with the
driver's name who has this rout (Mr. Abraham Givens) and said he is alsways doing this. This is the second day in a row he hasn't
show and it is now 6:57pm. If this happens again tomorrow, she is going to file another complaint. Please address with the driver
that he needs to keep to his schedule (even if he is getting ready to retire).
BCT Comments 2016
At the Publix at Aventura, this young man set his phone down for a moment to attend to something. A BCT bus driver on his break
apparently, and in uniform, reached out and took the cell phone, saying that it was his. The manager at Publix confirmed it was a
BCT driver in uniform. We don't know which BCT route he drove and also got no bus #. Victims's mother Maxine made the call for
this complaint. She says she is going to call police next. She feels a driver who steals someone's cell phone should not be driving a
bus. The listed phone # 786-354-2649 is that of the stolen cell phone. The 786-704-7050 # is his mother's cell phone from which
this complaint was made.
---------UPDATE---------------3/11/16 @ 7:07AM Mother called back to say police reviewed the cameras at Publix and verified it was a BCT driver in uniform
that stole the phone.**REQUESTS CALL BACK** 9:00AM - Maxine called C/S again, she and her son are greatly distressed about
incident, she cannot afford another phone and he needs it for school. Please call her back as soon as it is possible.
Caller states she has been at the bus stop since 6:25am, it is now 7:20am and there are 30 people waiting at the bus stop. Informed
caller of a mechanical problem on the bus due at 6:37am. Says service is unacceptable and she will be taking the Miami-Dade
express bus from now on.
Caller stated that the route 50 southbound was 8 to 10 mins early at Dixie Hwy and Cypress creek Rd. (NE 62nd) Bus was due there
at 716a and went by at 708a.
Caller stated that the 717pm route 62 bus EB never showed up. Caller stated that he called and was told that there was no break
downs but a bus did not show up until 810pm. Caller stated that when the bus did show up the driver told him that the previous
bus broke down. Caller can not understand why customer service does not have breakdown infromation to tell passengers when
they call.
Caller stated that the 441 breeze due at US 441 and Hollywood Blvd at 7:54am has not came yet and it 8:04am. Caller stated that
the bus is always late and he would like to speak to a supervisor. ***CALLBACK****
Passenger complained that the bus driver was rude. He was getting on the bus with a bike. The bike rack was defective. The bus
driver called him "ignorant". He said to her so youu're insulting me. Tha''s not right
Caller complained that he driver was rude. She is disable. She tried to get on the bus at the tri rail. The bus driver was
communicating with dispatch. The roads were blocked out because of cnstruction. She asked the driver if he was going east. He
told her to walk to the gas station. He shut the door on her face and didn't let her in and that was the last bus befoer they shut the
road down for construction.
customer states disdabled and driver did not lower the bus. She states fell asleep at her seat and when te driver made a sharp turn,
she fell out of her seat.
called customer and told her if she would like to file a claim to call Risk Management Department
She told me not to worry - she thinks the driver should get a raise for treating her the way he did and hung up on me.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states bus due at 9:44am has not shown up as of 10:05am. Says she is late now and this is a major inconvenience. Please call
her back.
Caller states operator of bus due to leave at 10:15am has been arriving early, parks the bus at a location in the parking lot that isn't
the bus stop, and leaves early. Says bus arrived at 9:58am this morning and operator pulled out at 10:11am, four minutes early.
Says operator needs to service the stop and follow the schedule. She could not see the bus number because the bus was too far
away from the stop.
Caller states that the buses that go into century village do not wait for riders and takes off right away. Caller ran towards the bus
and missed it. He's calling to ask that schedule be adjusted so the buses can stay longet at century village.
Passenger called to complain that this driver is very rude. She said that while at the tri-rail station a man got on the bus and asked
the driver a question concerning the route and he responded "I don't answer questions, I got to go". She said the man got off the
bus because he didn't know if the bus would take him where he was going. She also said that the driver is on the route every Friday
and the bus is always late although the other drivers are on time during the week. She said that the driver will always go past her
stop to have her to walk back to her destination on purpose.
Caller states disabled and tried boarding bus and was forced to run after it because driver did not notice him. States drivers need to
make sure all passengers are allowed time to board bus when a driver pulls up to the stop. The driver had a bad attitude and had
no courtesy or respect for rider.Fells driver lectured him when he complained and driver even stated that she does not take lunch
and has to keep to the schedule.
Caler states driver very sweet lady and she hopes that we have more drivers like her.
Mr. Skelley said that the 2:33 never showed. He was there from 2:18 and he didn't get anything until the 2:56 showed up. Not able
to give description or bus # since it didn't show.
Caller would like to find out the process to go thru to get a bus to stop at her school :"City College" located at 6565 Taft St,
Hollywood FLl 33024. She also would like more stops on Taft st. She's requesting a call back at the school/office number.
** call back request**
The caller complained that The bus driver flew passed her and didn't pick her up. She waited 40 min. There wasn't a shelter to sit
and had to wait 45 more min for the next bus. He didn't slow down. She couldn't notice the bus # nor the driver's description
Passenger complained that the bus has been extremely late lately between 30 min to 45 min. It was due at 1:16pm today but came
at 1:45p. She was waiting since 12:45pm. He's a new driver on the route. He's so laid back
Passenger called to complain that the bus scheduled for this time did not arrive today. She said that this route is always late and
she wants to know why the bus didn't arrive today.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger called to report that she fell on the bus an injured herself. She stated that she was putting her money into the fare box
and the driver told her to give it to her and she'll put it in. As the passenger was walking to take a seat the driver had already pulled
away from the stop and before she took a seat the driver abruptly applied the brakes, causing her to fall and injure herself. She
stated that she was carrying two (2) bags in her arms.
Car driver states that he was making a left turn on andrews ave from sistrunk blvd at about 330pm and a bus was traveling north on
andrews and made a left turn on sistrunk. Car driver says that there is construction on that street and his girlfriend was driving and
she panicked when she saw the bus making the turn and she backed up and hit another vehicle. Vic says that he took over the
driving and moved the car out of traffic because no vehicles could move because the bus was too large to make the turn with
traffic in that intersection. Vic wants a callback and Vic says that the bus was the reason for the accident.
Called customer and referred him to Risk Management if he wants to file a claim.
Passenger called to complain that the bus approached the stop and slowed down and then passed the stop without picking him up.
Passenger called to complain that the bus was approaching the stop and then pulled away, leaving the passenger.
The bus due to leave @ 555pm left @ about 557pm as caller and others were walking from PalmTran bus 1 towards the BCT 10
bus. I explained the driver has to keep his schedule, but caller insisted on complaining anyway. He feels if driver sees people
running for the bus he should wait even if it's past time to leave.
Mr. bromley seems to be having a problem with the one driver of the 48 route. "It's the same driver everytime", he stated. First,
the driver doesn't lower the bus or the ramp for him to get on. Second, after the driver told him hiswalker was hazzard, Mr.
Bromley now uses a cane. The driver will not let him sit in the front with his cane because it is a hazzard for the other passengers.
"He said someone will trip on it." He stated he told the driver, I have adisability and unless a wheelchair or scooter needs the seat
on the side, I'm allowed to sit here. He stated the driver said, "now we go through this all the time, no you can not sit there." Mr.
Bromley said that he is going to report this everytime now, and will take it to the ADA group if it isn't corrected. I have a disability
and don't feel like being harrassed everytime I get the driver. All of the other drivers (Simon and Hal ) ave very nice. Why does this
guy have to be so rude? Please call.... ( He was unable to get the bus #)
Passenger called to complain that the bus approached the stop and kept going past, leaving the passengers.
The bus was late. W/m driver very rude. The drivers not following schedules.
Came early. B/m driver. Does the same thing every day. Not folowing schedule.
Making stops where there were no stops for the breeze. W/m drivers. Not folowing schedules
Making stops at places that are not bus stops. B/f. Still doing it, customer has complain before.
BCT Comments 2016
The bus passed him off. Saw passenger, stopped and did not pick him up. B/m with sunglasses.
Caller claims to have been at the bus stop for 1 hour and 45 minutes and no bus. Later in the call the claim was 2 hours. I called
dispatch who said there were no problems on route 31. Wants a callback. ****At 930am caller called back that he was on the
bus and the driver said he was late because the bus had been broken down for awhile. I added in the bus # and driver
description.(Randy Withers)****
Miss Amy gets off of work @ 7 am. She checked the website to see if ther was a detour on the #11 WESTBOUND, for the 6am to
9am buses. There wasn't anything posted. (There was for 9am to midnight). So she waited for her 7:08am bus at the stop and then
the 7:57 bus, and then the 8:41 bus,. Nothing showed. The only detour was for eastbound and she couldn't understand where the
bus was. I checked the internet and she was correct. I looked at the detour card we received and it wasn't there either. I apoligized
to her and told her I would have someone call her on this complaint. NO BUS # OR DRIVER DESCRIPTION COULD BE GIVEN SINCE
Customer states driver drove perfectly and she is an "angel." Customer called earlier to file complaint against another driver on
same route.
Mr. Manasseni called earlier on the 10:26 bus. It never showed. I told him that someone got sick on the bus and they had to take it
to be cleaned. Now he is calling on the 11:11 bus. It too never showed. I show that this bus is running extremly late.
Caller complained that this bus is consistantly late. It was late 35 min late today. Last week when it was late, it passed by and didn't
pick up her son at the stop. She had complained about the same route having issues in the past. Ths is the 4th complaint. She's
been waiting for a call back and still waiting. Nothing is being done. She said that the drivers take long breaks even when they're
late. Report taken on 3/11/16. ****Call back requested*****
Caller says when he entered, the driver closed the door on him and hit him. Caller let it go. When caller exited, the driver hit him
with the door again. Caller and the driver had a stare down, but the driver said nothing. Caller says he flipped off the driver, called
him an asshole, and walked away. Caller didn't get the bus # but says it was a double length bus.
Claims bus arrived early and driver ssaw he coming and did not wait and she missed bus.
Passenger says that the white heavyset bus driver was pressing the gas and hitting the brakes hard. Passenger also says that he
was honking his horn at other vehicles.
Passenger says that when she got on the route 01 bus heading to aventura, she asked the black lady bus driver fora transfer and
she didnot get one. Passenger says that when she got to Miami she asked her again and she didnot get a transfer to get on the
dade county bus, and she was short on her fare, and she could not ride the bus.
A passenger complained that bus route# 40 headed East had always arrived late to his location. he stated that the bus should arrive
to his location at 3:39 PM, however it was 4:46 PM and the bus was no where to be found. The incident occurred on NW 31st Ave
and 12 street.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that athe bus driver is always running late. All the buses today were late. This bus was 20 min late and didn't
show up yet. They don't know how to do their job. He wants to get somebody fired. He wants to speak to a higher authority.
***Call back requested***
Caller complained that the bus driver was driving iradically. He said he's mom was a passenger on the bus and feared for her life.
Mom was too scared to call so, he placed the cal to us for his mom.
Luis was at the stop. He was waving at the driver when the bus was on the corner before it rurned. "The driver looked right at me",
he stated and he evern slowed down, then he drove off. The bus only runs once an hour and now I'm going to be late. Please call
A passenger complained that she is not comfortable riding bus#40 with the bus operator because she feels that he is rude.
However, she denies getting into any altercation with him. She described the bus operator as a white male driving bus number
The customer called to complain that he was on Powerline Rd/Palm Aire Dr N waiting on the route 14 that was due going
southbound at 6:32p and the never arrived. ***The customer wants a call back about tis complaint.
Charisopher stated that the bus arrived late (@12:32). Please call him on this complaint.
Christopher stated that the bus was running over 10-minutes late. Please call him
While on the bus, the bus got real hot. Christopher asked the driver if he could turn on the A/C. The driver (in a smart tone), said
I'm cold. That's why I opened up the window. The windows are to stay open, because I am still cold. Please call him on this
A passenger complained that bus route # 11 did not arrive at all to his loction. He stated that this bus is always late every sunday
and that sometimes he has to go back home when the bus doesn't show up. He explained that he has called several times to
complain already and no one has ever called him back. He is demanding that someone calls him in order to discuss this issue. his
phone # is 954 785-5027.
bus was late. Explained that there are bicycle races that are delaying the route. Customer upset because he asked bus driver why
he was late and bus driver was stressed out and could non handle customers talking to him and he states that bus driver accused
him of using profanity and threatened with calling the police.
Customer complaining about our bus system. States buses are late and dirty. He was waiting for the rt 11 s/b and I told him it
passed already and he got upset because he says that is impossible and now has to wait another 45 minutes.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to make a complaint against the driver. The customer says that it started when she boarded the bus and the
driver claimed he was going southbound but the customer insists he is the northbound bus even though the headsign also said
Hallandale. The customer says that as she was getting on the bus a spanish person ran up behind her who had been stalking her and
started talking to the driver who is also spanish in spanish presumably telling him not to let her onto the bus. the caller says that
the driver refused to move the bus because she (the caller) was on the bus and that the driver also called dispatch and got
clearance to not move the bus. The customer says that the spanish person who ran up to the bus left to go into Publix after talking
with the driver for awhile then the driver called dispatch again and got clearance again to not operate the bus because the caller
was still on the bus. The customer says that she finally got off of the bus and went to the other bus stop for the northbound side for
the route 1 and then the driver finally moved the bus and passed by while laughing at her. The customer says she wants this
escalated to a discrimination case. The customer says the driver's name was Santiago.
States bus due at 6:30 but driver arrived at 6:16pm and he miised it. States driver should have followed the schedule. He was
forced to walk to his destination.
Caller complained that the bus operator was driving recklessly. He said that the bus operator cut him off while his pregnant wife
was in the car. The driver cut him off without even putting on a signal. The caller almost hit the back of the bus. He was driving
West on Miramar Pkwy, East of University Dr. No Bus # provided.
Caller stated that bus 1317 had not in service on it and came barrelling out of the West Terminal on to the service road leading to
NW 84th ave. Caller stated that she honked her horn to let driver know she was coming and the driver just kept going causing
caller to jump the sidewalk to avoid an accident. Caller stated that now her car is shaking very bad and she doesn't know why.
Caller would like to speak to a Supervisor. ***CALLBACK****
Caller stated that she is a senior and is disable. Caller stated that she showed her medicare care when she got on the bus and the
driver still made her pay $5 telling her the fare went up.
Passenger left her wallet on the bus, by the time she realized she had left it the driver was pulling away. She said she tried to wave
the bus down but he sped away. Passenger says it is unfair to her that all of her 31 day bus passes, ID, Money, etc., is inside the
wallet and she now has no way to back and forward to work. She did file a lost and found report but she sis requesting a call back
Passenger involved in bus accident. She said a car stopped suddenly in front of the bus causing the operator to have to stop hard
while she was standing, causing her to hit her face on the pole and fall back into another passenger. EMS was requested at the
scene now passenger is requesting a 72 hour incident form for Plantation General Hospital. She said she is in alot of pain and she
can barely see. I provided her with risk management number to get that information but she is also requesting a call back for
additional case information, I was unsure if risk management would provide her with that info also.
Hastus Complained transferred to Risk Management for claim 4/22/16 closed
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says that the older white heavyset male bus driver was tailgating, speeding and taken off quickly and stopping short.
Passenger also says that he was blowing his horn at other vehicles on the roadway.
Ms. Arrette Harvey says she was driving her personal vehicle, and she was riding behind bus 1208, near Pine Island Rd when the bus
ran over a paint can, and it splashed paint all over her truck and the other vehicles in the lane, including a man in a 2016 Cadillac.
She says she got most of the paint off at the car wash, but she still has white stains/spots on the vehicle. She wants someone to
contact her reguarding the issue.
I spoke with customer and gave her the telephoen number for Risk Management to file a claim.
transferred to customer service - not a compliance problem
Caller stated that she has vision problems and asked the driver to please let her know when she gets to Sample?Rd and the driver
told her its afterAtlantic Blvd and is acting like she is not willing to assist passenger with her journey. Caller stated that the
annunciator is not on to let her and others with a disability know what stops they are at. And the driver is not making travel easy of
comfortable for the public.
Passenger said she was sitting at the bus stop and the bus passed her and did not stop. She was not clear, as I asked her, if she was
signaling the bus stop or if she was sitting as the bus approached.
Caller was a motorist in the middle lane of traffic. The bus was next to her in the right lane. There was construction ahead, and to
get around it the bus suddenly veered into the middle lane without signalling. Caller says she had to veer into the far left lane to
avoid an accident. Wants a callback.
A driver by the name of William driving bus60 bus number 0743 pick up time 348 ,I got on bus 60 going towards Oakland park Blvd,
my money was a little folded because I was trying to fix my child. As I got on the bus I was putting the money in to get a pass, the
bus driver stated you need to hurry up, you going to make me late I have to catch the light he then proceeded to pull off and I
almost fell along with my child that was in a carrier. In a rude voice, as long as I have been riding the bus since 2001 I have not ever
had anything like this happen.
Passenger called to complain that the driver approached the stop and then didn't stop for them (30 passengers). She said that the
bus they were on was having wheelchair issues and so their driver tried fagging this driver to stop and pick up the passengers and
she passed by. She said this caused her to have to call off from work today because it made her late for work.
BCT Comments 2016
A driver by the name of William driving bus60 bus number 0743 pick up time 348 ,I got on bus 60 going towards Oakland park Blvd,
my money was a little folded because I was trying to fix my child. As I got on the bus I was putting the money in to get a pass, the
bus driver stated you need to hurry up, you going to make me late I have to catch the light he then proceeded to pull off and I
almost fell along with my child that was in a carrier. In a rude voice, as long as I have been riding the bus since 2001 I have not ever
had anything like this happen.
On Sunday around 3:50 bus number 28 going west on miramar parkway cut me and my family off with a signal and was very nasty
when I showed him my wife was pregnant. I need someone to contact me back about this because this could have be something
Passenger says driver left passengers off but did not let anyone on the bus. He told a passenger “it’s not time yet” and left. He said
the driver arrived at 2p rode around golden glades and left about 205p. Passenger wanted to know what reason the driver had not
to pick up any of the patients waiting for that bus.
Passenger says that he was standing at the bus stop route 04 waving and jumpimg up and down, at a1a and grant stand the bus
driver pulled into the bus bay, but the bus then pulled out without coming to him and letting him board the bus.
Passenger says driver did not give her enough time to get off the bus and closed her arm in the door mashing her pacemaker. She
said she’s in pain now and her doctor had to prescribe her pain pills. Passenger is requesting the tape is reviewed and a call back.
Customer called and complained about the Operator: Daphane Gunn.
She was on the bus during an accident on 3/12/16 at 11:10 am, Bus 1413 and claims that the driver was driving wreckless. She did
not see another car and this way a reason that the driver had to slam the brakes.
Her child was injured during this accident and she will be filing a claim. But she felt that she needed to report this and that video
should be looked at by manager.
Caller said the bus was at a red light and caller was at the bus stop. The driver pulled away. During the course of the conversation,
caller then said that she was running to the bus stop and was only a couple of feet from it when the driver pulled away.
BCT Comments 2016
I'm tired of missing the bus on Saturdays because the driver of the 36 flies up from the beach too fast! Again today, I left my home
15 min early to take a 5 minute walk to the bus stop, and he passed by before I was even half way there! That bus is supposed to
reach Powerline road at 6:55, but it passed me on 7th Ave at 6:47 and did not stop and wait before reaching Powerline. He passed
Powerline then waited. Meanwhile when I got to the stop by 7th, 3 minutes later at 6:50, he was already leaving the stop by
Powerline. This happens regularly on Saturdays because there is little traffic in the morning, but because the drivers are not paying
attention, people who have to go to work, and who plan ahead itch their bus routes can still be late due to having to wait
30minutes for another bus, and, missing their connecting bus.
Caller was at the bus stop and the bus passed her by w/o stopping. She didn't get the bus # but looking at the GPS tracker it
apparently was either 0817 or 0511.
Furthermore, the LAUDERDALE mall terminal is disgusting.; not just because of some of the element present, nor because of the
trash, but because of the nasty piss smell that permeates the place, and which, is made more odiferous by rain. Looking around
there, I noticed there are no toilets anywhere for transit customers. The mall is not always open, and is too far to travel into looking
for restrooms and risk missing connecting buses that, like the 36 eastbound, are always late, especially at night. The area
restaurants do not permit transit customers to use their bathrooms, so apparently, people are utilizing the grounds as their toilet.
Transit and the city needs to clean this area up, because it is a nasty and disgusting place to have to enter into to transfer to
another bus.
There is no reason why the buses cannot be scheduled better on the weekends so that people do not have to wait over an hour for
a bus! I got to Oakland and Powerline at 2:06pm The 14 bus finally arrived at 3:18pm on Saturday. If the schedule is going to be
longer waiting times on weekends, these buses should have to wait for the connecting bus at major busy intersections like Oakland
Park. However, the 14 is a major route running North and south, should be run more frequently on weekends, because this bus was
packed and there were no seats and people standing.
The patron said, he was waiting at the bus stop with his cart when the bus came another passenger who is mentally impared/sick,
was also waiting at the bus stop and the driver closed the door and left. The patron said, it is not right what the bus operator did,
he shlould call the police to stop the problematic person and let me get on the bus.
The customer called to compain that he was waiting on the 108 95 Express bus that was due at 3:25p. The customer says that the
bus was late and when it got there he asked the driver if he weas going to University Dr/Miramar Blvd and the driver told him no.
The customer is upset because he found out afterward that the bus does stop there and the driver gave him wrong information.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller arrived bus stop around 410pm. No Breeze arrived until 454pm. Caller says the breezxe is frequently late. Wants a
Caller was at the Breeze bus stop. The Breeze passed caller by w/o stopping.
Sunday: The bus due to leave the mall @ 540pm left 8 minutes early @ 532pm. Lots of riders coming off of other buses misssed
this connection as a result.
The customer called to complain that on Tuesdays when he tries to catch the route 12 bus going eastbound on University
Dr/Broward Blvd that is due to arrive at 5:22a the bus either comes early, doesn't show up, or is extremely late because he does
not see a but until almost an hour after the scheduled time.
The customer called to complain that she has been at the bus stop on Hillsboro Blvd/Military Trail since 5:30p and the bus that was
due at 5:52p has not shown up. The customer says that last time this happened that she had to wait 1 1/2 hours on a bus.
The customer called to complain that he has been waiting on Hollywood Blvd/N 16th Ave since 4:45p for the route 4 bus going
southbound and the buses that were due at 5:08p and 5:53p have not arrived. The customer also says this seems to be an ongoing
problem with the route 4 buses either being extremely late or not showing up at all.
Passenger called to complain that she arrived at the stop at 5:20pm and the bus didn't arrive until 6:15pm. She said that this will
cause her to miss her train at the tri-rail. She also said that this route cannot be relied upon to adhere to the schedule and it needs
to be readjusted to be able to keep a better schedule. She said that she has been complaining for over a year now and the schedule
is still no better. She complains that there is no bench or shelter at this stop and you are subject to the elements when waiting for
the bus and when it is extra ordinarily late it is hard on the passengers.
Caller was at the bus stop and signalled driver. The bus went speeding by w/o stopping.
A passenger complained that the bus operator on route #6 headed North was driving extremely fast. He stated that he embarked
on the bus with his son at SR 84 and SW 30th Avenue and the bus operator was driving between 45 and 50 miles an hour. He said
when he made the right turn just before reaching the next stop located at SR 84 and SW 26th Terrace, he was driving so fast he
almost passed the bus stop. As a result, his son almost fell from his seat but he managed to stop him with his arm.
The customer called to complain that he has been at Hallandale Bch Blvd/US1 since 6:07p waiting on the route 28 bus going
eastbound and as of 6:58p the bus still has not arrived.
Passenger called to request that a bus bench be installed at this location. She said that she has been getting the bus at this stop for
over a year and the route is always late and the passengers have nowhere to sit while waiting for a late bus. She said a bench is the
least the county could do to accomodate the passengers waiting at this stop.
BCT Comments 2016
The caller is stating the driver was speeding. He said the driver was going west on Wiles Road and then made a turn onto University
at about 45 mph. Caller said the bus looked like it leaning/tipping when the operator made that fast turn on University, then went
north. On University Drive, the bus was going at least 52mph, because the caller tried to catch up with the bus to see the number.
Caller says he requests a call back and will be calling Coral Springs PD.
Passenger says the 6a bus has not been showing up for the pass couple mornings. Passenger requested a call back.
Passenger says this bus is late almost every morning. The bus is due to arrive at 735a but he says i always show up between 7:50a8:00a. He says he understand traffic and delays but this bus is always late, even when there is no school. Passenger says it's unfair
the fares are going up for poor services.
Caller stated that the 7:34am route 9 due at Davie Rd Ext and Stirling Rd going north to the Central Terminal never came.
Passenger says the 7:10a bus either is late or never shows up every morning. Call back requested
Passenger got on the bus at 6:15am and the driver was ready to pull off. The bus is scheduled to leave at 6:20am. The caller told
him that there were people coming towards the bus and the operator said, "so" and left. Caller says she will go to the
Commissioner and Chris Walton about this complaint and how the driver was being rude to her.
Caller states the bus did not show up at all. She got to the stop at 8:00am and waited until 9:08am to finally get a bus. The 8:16am
did not show and the 9:00am was a little late. Caller was upset because she may loose her job due to lateness.
Passenger said the driver was very attentive to her passengers, checking on them and being very courteous to them. Passenger said
she just wanted to report it because she had never seen a driver be so attentive and kind to their passengers, usually they just pick
up passengers and drive.
Passenger said she was on the bus when two incidents occurred. The first incident was when an elderly woman put her money in
the validator instead of the fair box and the driver yelled at her for putting it in the wrong place. Passenger felt he should have been
a little more patient with the passenger and explained to her where the money should go.. Second incident happened at the
Lauderhill Mall a pregnant women with a small child entered the bus and held the bus up a few minutes to get settled in her seat,
the driver became upset. She asked the driver where a location was and he screamed at her and told her it is not his job to look up
Caller stated that he was waiting for th 10:50am rt 34 EB and it never left from by the Walgreens on Samle Rd and Coral Ridge Dr..
Driver wanted to charge caller $2 but she's under 19 years old and proved it. The complaint is that the driver was rude to caller
about it and now the driver has stopped the bus and is making everybody wait out of spite,caller says. Driver threatened to call
police on her for being aggressive. Wants a callback.
Urine on the bus. The patron states she sat on the right back sits and was urine on the sit, she has to remove her uniform and get
another one to go to work.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to file a report that she was injured when the bus she was on got into an accident. The accident happened on
03/10/2016 on bus route 88 going southbound at 4:36p. The customer says that another vehicle cut over from the far lane and
made contact with the bus. The customer says that she was on the bus near the front at the time of the accident. The customer
went to the hospital and is on medication for pain in her back and side. The customer says she was told that she needs to get a
policy number from BCT for the medical bills. ***The customer needs a call back about this complaint.***
send to Risk Department
Caller said she was making the right turn on 441 from Turtle Creek Dr , the bus was also making the right turn the bus almost take
out four cars including hers and it went south on 441 and the bus was speeding. Caller said the bus number is 1434, she would like
to get a call back on this complaint because the driver was very careless.
The customer called to complain that she was waiting for the route 19 going southbound on US 441/Atlantic Blvd and the bus
passed by without stopping to pick her up.
On March 10 caller Tabatha Siganoff''s mother Say Siganoff was pushing her wheelchair bound husband down the ramp, exiting the
bus. The driver started raising the ramp while her left foot was still on the ramp. She fell on her face. Now the entire left side of
her body is in pain. She wants to see a doctor. I gave caller the phone # of Compliance. Wants a callback.
has a dr appt
Caller states that he complained twice about the driver leaving him at the bus stop and his is the last busl, he has no way of getting
home, He said last night he was at the stop and he saw the bus coming he wave the driver to stop and even flash his cell phone so
the driver could stop and the driver still pass him by. Caller said this a big problem the driver is doing this on purpose and this
complaint need to be resolved because he depend on this bus and it is the last bus of the nignt. Passenger said he and another
female passenger was going north from Oakland Park blvd and the same driver looked at him and pass them up. Caller said he does
not understand why the driver is doing this to him.He is asking for a call back and a resolution to this problem.***** see identifier
Passenger complained that BCT needs to build a shelter on the bus stop located at Sunset Strip and NW 77th Avenue, Lauderhill, FL.
She stated that a lot of people always use this bus stop but it is always a problem when it rains or shines.
Caller said he ask the driver if she was going south and she replied yes, anothe customer board the bus and ask her if she was going
north and she said yes. Caller ask why did she tell him she was going south and tells the other customer she was going north and
she denied that she told him she was going south. Caller had to get off the bus and get on the bus behind and the driver was very
kind and told him he was going south also so he had to get off and wait for the next bus. He said the first driver was very rude and
gave him the wrong information.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller arrived bus stop @ 220pm for the bus due @ 227pm. At 240pm no bus.
The customer called to complain that the driver was rude to her. The customer says that she boarded the 441 Breeze bus #0906 at
about 2:22p. The customer says she asked the driver if he saw or passed the route 18 and she says the driver told her in a rude tone
that he's not looking back for the bus he's looking forward in the direction he's going. The customer was upset and decided to get
off of the bus because the driver was rude.
Passenger says that he got on the route 19 bus heading north at the publix near sandlefoot with his 87 year old mother and the bus
driver put his hands on him. Passenger says that the bus driver was pushing him in his chest very hard several times. Passenger
says that he is going to call the police, and his attorney and he wants a Supervisor to call him.
Caller said the 40 bus leavind Lauderhill Mall at 5:40pm gets there at on time but the driver did not leave until 6:25pm. She said the
40 bus is always late and she depend on the bus to get to work. Although he was late the driver stop at the African American
Library for an additional 12 minutes making her extreamly late for wotk. She is asking a supervisor to monitor hte 40 bus and see
that the drivers adhea rto the time schedule. She is asking for a call back on this complaint.
A passenger complained that bus #18 headed South had a mechanical problem because it was warm inside the bus and the A/C did
not work. She stated that BCT needs to fix it as soon as possible. She said that she took the bus at Lauderhill Mall and the bus# is
1113. She is demanding that somene calls her in order to discuss the issue. Her name is Sharon Smith and her phone# is 786 2273288
The A/C is blowing air but it's not cooling. It's hotter inside the bus than outside.
The customer called to complain that he was waiting on the route 19 bus on 441/Kimberly Blvd that was due at 4:28p and the bus
did not arrive so the customer caught the 441 Breeze because he needed to connect to the route 11 bus. Now he is at
441/Commercial Blvd and the route 11 bus that was due to leave at 4:46p has not arrived.
Susan says that the route 30 bus heading north to the terminal ran the red light and headed at her. Susan says that she had to step
back to the curve really fast to avoid getting hit.
The customer called to complain that the driver was very rude and disrespectful to her. The customer says the driver cold not tell
her where her stop was on Sunrise Blvd and then told her she needed to go sit down and the customer says she was not ready to sit
down and the driver can't be telling her to sit down on the bus. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to issue a compliment to the driver. The customer says the driver just saved a woman's life and she didn't even
know it. The customer says that a lady on a bicycle was traveling with the flow of traffic and then suddenly cut in front of the bus as
though she did not even know the bus was there and the driver had to swerve into an oncoming lane to avoid hitting but he did so
professionally and without causing an accident or any in jury to anyone. The customer says that there was a police officer behind
the bus and even the police officer pulled up next to the bus while it was stopped and told the driver that he did a good job. The
customer says this driver deserves a bonus.
Caller said he was waiting on the 14 bus going south on Powerline Rd and Commercial Blvd the bus came and the passengers were
standing toward the front of the bus and the back was empty, the driver did not tewll the passengers to move back. Caller is in a
wheelchair and could not get on the bus.
The customer called to complain that lately in the evenings there has started to be a recurring problem with buses going into the
Griffin Tri-Rail station having the wrong headsign. And it's not just the wrong direction, sometimes the route 16 will say it's the
route 6 or vice versa.
Caller said he was running for the bus and the driver looked at him and kept going, the bus was goin north on Dixie Hwy from
Oakland Park Blvd at about 5:37pm, caller said he is going to wait for the driver at the North East Transit Center and have a talk
with the driver.
A passenger complained that he waited for bus route #6, on Monday, March 14, 2016 and it had never arrived to his location. He
stated that he arrived at the bus stop at 10:27 PM and had to leave after 15 minutes because the bus was no where to be found.
The incident occurred at S. 26th Avenue and Van Buren Street in Hollywood
The customer called to complain that he has been at the bus stop on Hillsboro Blvd by the Tri-Rail waiting on the westbound route
48 since just after 4:00p and no bus has arrived as of 6:30p
Caller was at the bus stop and signalled as the bus approached. The driver stopped far beyond the stop, causing caller a long walk
to board the bus. Later onboard the bus, when caller signalled driver for a stop to exit, again the driver went far beyond the bus
stop before stopping.
The customer called to complain that she has been on Johnson Rd/US 441 since 6:03p waiting on the route 48 bus that was due
going eastbound at 6:15p and the bus has never arrived.
Passenger says that the route 19 bus was crowded and his wife got on the bus at oakland and 441 at 740pm southbound and he
and the rest of the outside passengers was told to enter through the back door because the passengers in front, would not move
to the back of the bus.
Passenger says that he and other passengers walked to the back door and the bus driver didnot open the bus door. Passenger says
that he and his wife is not a resident of florida and his wife was talking to him trying to find him and he says that his wife was
somewhere south of broward blvd. Passenger says that the bus driver should not have done that to him, his wife and others
passengers and he want a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that he was waiting on the 102 breeze going south on University Dr and Westview Dr at 6:56pm the bus came
and pass him up.
Passenger says that he was at young circle at 500pm and the northbound 102 breeze pulled into young circle at 513pm. Passenger
says that the 102 breeze bus pulled in and then pulled back out without letting passenger board the bus.
Passenger says that he was at young circle at 330pm to catch the route 04 bus northbound. Passenger says that the 332pm, and
418pm bus never came.
Passenger says that the indian looking male bus driver at 435pm leaving rock island road eastbound is very rude to when talking to
Passenger states the street lights in the Park & Ride lot on the north side of Broward Blvd were not on this morning and it was
completely dark. The lights came on at 7:28am while caller was on the phone. Caller would like this to be fixed because there are
commuters here as early as 5:15am and the area should be well lit.
Caller states she was running for the bus and operator left her. States she catches the same bus every morning and knows the two
operators who do the trip so she says they should be courteous and wait. Advised caller to be at the stop before the scheduled
Passenger arrived at the stop at 6:15pm. She was waiting for the bus scheduled for 6:29pm. That bus did not show up and the next
one, at 6:59pm. A bus finally showed up at 7:45pm to take her back to Broward.
*requests call back.
Passenger claims bus #1326 and bus #1160 have no a/c, the seats are dirty and it smells.
*requests call back.
Complaints that the bus is late evry weeday by 15 minutes or more.
The bus was scheduled to pick up at 8:53am and it arrived late at 9:10am.
*Requests call back.
595 express late every day. Trying to catch the 6:30 bus. Customer suggest that the supervisors on duty should let customers know
when buses are running late.
Passenger states that she needs to remibursed for a trouble from complaint #19285. She sat in urine that was on the bus seat and
she had to remove her uniform. Caller stated she had to buy another uniform and take an Uber to her job due to the inconvience.
She spoke to the same operator today on rt 20 bus #0229 around 9:50am and the bus driver said he could not give her an all-day
Customer wants to file claim ! Transferred to Risk
BCT Comments 2016
Caller called to request that one of two suggestions be implemented:
Option (1): Stop #1425 be designated as a 31 North stop and stop #1424 be designated as a 31 South stop because the stops are
too close together and some drivers will not stop again and pick up the passengers. Caller also stated that maybe one reason for
drivers not stopping at stop #1425 when going south is due to the distance before needing to change lanes to travel south.
Option (2): Remove stop #1425 altogether, leaving only the one stop.
The schedule for the #50 southbound from Hillsboro Blvd and 3rd is :11:45. This is supposed to be a set time. The bus left early. 8minutes early to be exact. As he was approaching @ 114:37, the bus was already pulling out. Bus # 0314 is the number from the
tracker. Shelby was unable to get the bus # or a description of the driver.
Mrs. Schwerin was behind a white car when the bus went from the outside lane to the turning lane causing the white car to move
on the medium and her to slam on the brakes. This driver was very reckles (especiially in a double bus). The two gus in the white
car wher shakened up. at because the bus caught the light, one of the went up to the driver to let him/her know what they did.
Please pull this video and audioand watch how this driver drives. He/she is an accident waiting to happen.
Caller was on the bus that was involved in an accident. He stated that the following bus that was transferring the passengers over
left him because he gave the driver of #1322 his business card. He states the driver that left him was named Tasha.
A passenger complained that bus route#2 headed North passed her bus stop and did not stop. She stated that she was at the bus
stop when the bus arrived at her location at 12:10 PM but the bus operator ignored her and kept on going.
The customer called to complain that she was walking up to the stop on Sample Rd/Turtle Creek Dr to catch the westbound route
34 that was due at 1:44p and the bus went by early at 1:41p and did not wait.
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all. He was at the stop more than 15 min before the scheduled time.
Caller complained that bus was late. He also complained that that bus is constantly late.
The customer called to complain that they have been at the bus stop on Hallandale Bch Blvd/US1 waiting on the westbound route
28 bus since before 1:00p and no bus has arrived as of 1:54p.
The customer called to complain that the driver saw her going to the bus stopm bus passed by without stopping to pick her up.
BCT Comments 2016
Monday, March 14, 2016 To whom it May concern: Wish to notify you that I am glad with the service provided on Saturday, March
12, 2016 at 6:44 p.m., approximately, by the operator who was driving the bus 0735 Route 10 heading southbound near SUNRISE
BLVD. & NE 15TH. AVENUE. At 6:10 p.m., in the Broward Central Terminal, I boarded the bus route 10 northbound direction. At
6:20 p.m., approximately, I got off the bus near SUNRISE BLVD. & NE 15TH. AVENUE. I walked to my apartment in Lake Ridge, but
when I got in front of the door, could not find the key (to enter into) in my pocket or in my bag. I walked to the bus stop at Sunrise
Boulevard and 6:44 pm, approximately, I boarded the bus 0735. I spoke to the operator, and he communicated with people in
charge and the operator of bus services end at 7:19 pm in CAMINO REAL & US1. Since she would head into the garage, I became
anxious. But, thank God, that the operator who was driving the bus 0735, told me to look again into my bag, as the operator of
another bus informed him that found no key inside the bus she would lead to the garage. And glory to God, I found the key!
Buss passed by. The patron said the bus didn't stop on the North west corner of University Dr. & Stirling Rd. but it stops at the next
bus stop, the one with no shelther. This driver make her chase the bus, running behind the bus with her child. A call back is
The customer called to complain that she was waiting on the eastbound route 36 on Sunrise Blvd by Plantation High School and the
bus passed by without stopping to pick her up.
The passenger complained that the annunciator needs to be on so he can here his stop. He's on the bus now and the annunciator is
not on. He thinks the bus operaor turned it off.
Caller states bus due at 8:48am has yet to show up at 9:14am. Says bus has been late all week because the regular operator Al is on
vacation. Says operator doing the trip needs to be on time.
Caller complained that the bus driver passed him at the stop and didn't pick him up. The bus driver said she going west. The
headsign says Sample Rd, which would have been west. He asked her if she's going east, she said no. But that was the bus just came
from the west. He said he might callhis lawyer. ***He request a call back****
Caller complained that the bus driver kept the tril rail round trip ticket that belongs to her friend who came off the tri-rail and
boarded the broward bus. The round trip ticket was $12.10.
Reckless BCT bus operator is reported. The patron states, she was driving her red Chevy cruise on the side of the bus and suddenly
the BCT bus operator started moving against her car, she used her horn several times but the driver didn't care and continued
moving against her pushing her over. The patron said, "This bus operator didn't care and has to be reported".
BSO officer Deputy Turner says that the route 22 bus driver was heading west at broward and university and she cut him off in his
vehicle twice. Weaving in without picking up passengers and cutting him off. Deputy says that if he was in his police vehicle that he
would have given her a ticket. He wants a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says that he was heading north from oakland park blvd yesterday and federal highway and the male bus driver slammed
on the brakes and he fell on the floor.Passenger says that he hit his knee and other parts of his body and he is hurt and cannot go to
work. Passenger wants a Supervisor to call him back.
transferred to claims department, close Hastus
Caller is in a wheelchair, states he was passed up by two buses because they were full and could not accomodate him. Says he has
been here an hour and doesn't want to be here all night.
Ms. Public noticed that our bus 31 northbound driver, passed up a older gentleman waving at the bus just steps away. He also
passed up some kids who were in the menium waving at him to stop, (she state you couldtell they just got off another bus), and he
didn't stop for them. She thinks this is very rude of the driver. I explained to her, our ploicy is that you have to be AT the stop for
the bus to stop. She now understands, but thinks this isn't a good policy.
Mr. Garcia want to give a suggestion. If a bus is running early, have it stop at a major intersection till the time catches us. This way
he can get the riders from the cross road and then continue when he has caught up on his time. Please call him on this comment.
A passenger complained that bus route#2 headed North made a stop in the middle of the Street located by University Drive and
Royal Palm. He described the bus operator as as a black male driving bus number 0514.
Passenger says that the 28 bus leaving miramar hospital at 515pm, always come late or not at all. Passenger says that he was at the
hospital at 510pm and the 515pm, and 545pm, and 615pm bus never came. Passenger says that he have complained before that he
have to wait almost two hours for the route 28 bus.
Mr. Jay always takes the 22 westbound and today was the same routine except out driver when they got to the tri-rail, got very
nasty with him and told him "we no longer give transfers for the tri rail", whe he asked him for one. This saves me $2.00. Please
infor the driver of this courtesy, so he doesn't have theis problem tomorrow. When I tracked the bus, the drivers's name was
Sylliac,Jean. His nome doesn't appear where the driver information goes.
Passenger says that the route 72 bus is passing by the westbound bus stop at 136 ave and red snapper road without picking up
passengers. Passenger says that she have complained about this before, and passenger also says that the route 22 bus is aways
stopping, but she needs the route 72 bus.
Caller states bus 14 is always late. Says bus due at 6:05pm never showed up, and bus 0730 is now just arriving at 6:28pm.
Caller stated he did not receive a call back from his complaint #18669. Passenger states every Wednesday & Thursday, the operator
is always late. This morning the bus arrived at 5:25am and it is the first bus scheduled at 5:09am.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller says this operator drives slow every morning and it is delaying the route. Says she has been late for work because the
operator is not driving fast enough.
Passenger complained that the bus operator was rude when the bus was late. It was schedule for 6:38am but arrived at 7:08am.
When she asked him why he was late. He responded that they had just dispatched him. No appoligy, no courtesy
states bus arrived 5 minutes early and said out of service and driver got off the bus and said he was done for the night and left
everyone there and had to wait for the 9:55 pm bus.
states for 2nd day in a row the bus departing the beach has left early and not at the due time of 7am.
Bus due at 6:01a did not show up. He said a bus did not arrive until 6:30a and this has repeatedly happened about 6 times within a
two year period. Passenger wants to know if someone will speak to the driver about this. Called back requested.
Caller complained that the bus came late. it was due at 6:48am but arrived at 7:08am. The bus scheduled for that time is always
late making her late for her job.
Email from Facebook:
Please see attachment.
Customer calling to say that the business close to the bench for the bus stop turns on the sprinklers and everything is all wet. Not
sure if we can do anything but took the report.
claims bus arrives late every day or arrives early but never on time.
The customer called to complain that he arrived at the bus stop on Taft St/N 24th Ave at 5:31a and he never saw the bus that was
due at that time. The customer says either the bus came by very early or did not arrive at all.
The customer called to complain that the bus got to the bus stop late and then went to take a break making the bus even more
The customer called to complain that she was up near the line and the driver told her to get behind the line. The customer says she
told the driver she was behind and things escalated to them screaming at each other and the driver told her they show her who
runs the bus and that they were going to call the police and have her removed from the bus. The customer wants someone to
review the video of everything that happened.
Caller first said that she was sitting on the bench and the bus passed her by. After I told her to stand and signal when the next bus
approaches, she then said that she had done this with the bus that passed her by.
This is the second day in a row that this bus driver shows down to the stop and then keeps going without picking up any of the kids.
Nila and her friends feel as if he doesn't want to pick them up (maybe because of their color). Please correct this situation, and have
the driver stop when there are kids are there.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
3.15.2016 Bus#: 5001x, 95 Miramar Express To whom it may concern: At 6:16am on March 15, 2016; the bus driver left the PARK
quite early. Before leaving, he was advised that it was too early for him to leave. I personally told him that there were a few more
persons coming. The bus driver's response was, "I don't care..." and he then drove off. When we arrived at our destination, I
advised him that he left early again and his response was, "O YEA REALLY. That's not my problem. Just go." I then told him that I
was going to complain he repeated off the contact number and told me to go do it because he didn't care. I am not only going to be
complaining to Broward Transit but as well to other major department's and government officials. Broward Transit's mission is to
provide clean, safe, reliable and efficient transit service to the community by being responsive to changing needs and focusing on
customer service as our highest priority. I felt threatened by this bus drivers demeanor and his attitude. As a passenger I shouldn't
have been spoken to nor treated like garbage. Well in fact it's my $96.00 per month along with other customers who enables this
man to maintain a job. Everyone has a bad day but don't take it out on the customer who maintain your way. D. Mckain
[email protected] (954) 559-5619
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service email:
On 3/14/16 I was waiting for the 7:09p #48 Bus at the Powerline/Hillsboro Blvd stop. As usual the bus was LATE -- at 7:25p the
Westbound #48 passed me (now 15 mins. late - which means that by the time it would be coming back westbound would be
another 25 mins). At 7:30p ANOTHER #48 westbound bus went by. At 7:50p the first #48 (the 7:09p) bus went by now with "Out of
Service" on it. The 2nd bus then pulled up full of passengers - WHY - because the bus driver of the 7:09pm bus (Bus #1206) decided
that he DID NOT WANT TO GO INTO CENTURY VILLAGE and instead stopped his bus on 441 got off it and proceeded to have 2
cigarettes and when the 2nd bus pulled up he told his passengers to get off his bus and get onto the other bus. At this time I had
already called BCT Service and was told by 2 different operators THAT NONE OF THEM KNEW WHERE EITHER OF THESE 2 BUSES
WERE!!! THIS IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. BUT IT GETS BETTER. Once I got off the 2nd bus (which is not scheduled to pull into
Century Village) what did I find BUT the first bus #1206 parked off to the side of the road inside of Century Village where he
proceeded to sit there for over 15 minutes -- This driver needs to be FIRED!!! HOW DARE SOME BUS DRIVER DECIDE THAT HE
C-Service Email:
Comments: Bus 1349 - 3/15/16 at 6:00 pm has a couple
Of issues 1.) no wifi present at all also 2.) the bus is absolutely disgustingly dirty (the seats, the walls of the bus and it smells
horrible) 3.) the AC even when it\'s on it\'s too warm. The bus is at capacity and all these conditions do not make it a nice or
smooth ride. Please check this bus for maintenance and cleanliness.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
Why do the drivers feel they are special and don't have to wait in traffic like everyone else? Every morning the 1171 595X bus
drives to the front of the line waiting to get onto the express lane and just pushes his way in. The same thing happen on the Golden
Glades where the turnpike merges onto 95. That driver also goes to the front and pushes in. You either let them cut you off or take
the chance of being sideswiped! Very rude. We all have schedules to keep and common manners would be appreciated. Your
drivers are NOT special to all the other drivers.
C-Service Email:
I always take bus broward bus 4 going to griffin tri rail. And i wait on the stop of hallandale beach. But often times, it comes late. I
dnt know how much more of a detail you need. Bct 4 is not coming on the scheduled time. Thats it. Oftentimes, its late 15 min
after. I know because, everyday, im taking this bus.
C-Service Email:
The 28 bus west bound at Miramar Pkwy and Flamingo Rd during the afternoon frequently drives by the Bus Stop while you are
coming off the Route 106 Bus. Typically the 106 is in front and the 28 is following. It appears like the 28 speeds up to pass by. I think
the bus that did it today at 5:07 pm was 1015 or something very close to it. Maybe the drivers can be told to be more considerate
of their customers.
Johnathon stated this is the third time he has called on this bus not showing. This doesn't sit well with his boss. Today like the
previous times, it never showed. Please call him on this complaint.
Passenger says that she got on the bus with two small children and a stroller and the bus driver pulled off before her children was
seated and her son almost fell. Passenger says that the bus driver was having words with her and being rude and passenger says
that the lady bus driver with dreads said that "some people shouldnot have children."
Carolyn stated that this is the second time this driver has not followed the route. She does not go into Inverrary. She drivers to 56
and continues frome there. Please address this with the driver, so she knows what her route is, and call her back.
A dispatch email says that bus # 0701 is down at Young Circle due to loss of tire tread. The complaint is that another southbound
bus pulled up behind them but the driver of 0701 did not transfer the riders to the other bus. Now caller is delayed. She wants
driver reminded to transfer riders in this situation.
Passenger says that he was at the bus stop at 38 ave and 16 st eastbound at 355pm waiting for the route 40 bus and the 404pm bus
never came. Passenger called at 426pm and the 424pm had not come yet.
Passenger says that the bus sdriver passed by the bus stop with out picking him up.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that he was waiting for the traffic light to change so that he could cross the street to the Cypress
Creek Park & Ride so that he could catch the route 60 going southbound that was due to leave at 4:48p but the busa left 5 minutes
early at 4:43p causing him to miss the bus. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
The customer called to complain that she was at the Cypress Creek Park & Rid eot catch the route 62 going westbound that was
supposed to leave at 8:39a and the bus did not arrive until after 9:00a.
Mr. Davis is very upset that not only was this bus running 20-minutes late, but the driver pulled over and made everyone get off the
bus, and onto another bus. He (the driver) stated it was because he was running late. Then the bus he was on, got behind the bus
he had to get on. If he was 20-minutes late, shouldn't he have gotten infront of the bus he made everyone get off of? This caused
him to miss his connection with the 88. He is going to the County COmmissioners on this problem and the continued bus service
that is getting worst. He has been riding the bus for over 20-years and it is worst then it ever was. "The person(s) who took over the
transit department don't know how to do thier job, and the drivers don't want to work". You used to be able to ask the driver a
question and they could answer it. The drivers used to be polite and greeted you, and showed up on time. Now they are just like
this driver, "rude and unhelpful". He stated that he is thinking of visiting the yard where the drivers park their bus, so he can speak
with a supervisor. Please have a supervisor call him.
Passenger called to inquire what happen to the bus because he had been waiting for the bus for almost an hour. Bus was located
on the ISR and showed that it was 58 minutes late. In the meantime the bus arrived going westbound and the passenger said that
he crossed the street to the stop on the opposite side and the driver refused to allow him on the bus. 1500 had been contacted to
see if there were any issues with the route and was advised there was none. Passenger states that the driver stopped at the
previous stop to let people off the bus. He said that there is no bench or shelter at this stop and he just wanted to get on the bus
and return the opposite direction just to get off his feet but the driver told him no.
Car driver says that he was getting off the turnpike and the 595 express bus was merging to the left and cut in front of him, to the
point that he had to slow down and hit his brakes to keep from getting hit.
The customer called to complain that she was walking up to the bus stop at the Northeast Transit Center to catch the route 42
going westbound that was due to leave at 6:29p and when the driver saw her walking up she says he pulled away and left early at
The caller is stating the bus passed her up at the stop. She thinks the bus # was 727 or 725.
Driver had left the stop and was 15 feet away from the bus stop waiting for the train to pass and would not let passengers on the
bus. He said only one passenger was let on the bus, which was at the bus stop.
Driver had left the stop and was 15 feet away from the bus stop waiting for the train to pass and would not let passengers on the
bus. He said only one passenger was let on the bus, which was at the bus stop.
BCT Comments 2016
States bus never on time, late every day.
States 2 buses passed him and did not stop.
Mr. Wolf stated that the 7:18 (#36-04) and the 7:35 (#36-06) bus never arrived. This is becoming a regular thing. He was unable to
give the bus number or drivers' description because it never showed. He called in at 7:45 pm on this complaint.
Passenger called with general operations questions for a project she is working on, she was asking the operator questions, but he
was assisting a disabled passenger and she had to get off at her stop. She would like to know if there is a contact person in
operations who could assist her, of if she could find out when operator will be at Golden Glades again because he was very helpful.
Caller says the bus broke down and drove away empty. We got no email yet from dispatch. Caller wants to make it clear that even
when the bus is working this driver always leaves late and drives slowly, getting further behind schedule.
Caller was a motorist behind the bus. Caller says the bus suddenly stopped and let off a rider where there is no bus stop. Caller
almost slammed into the bus, he says because the bus stopped so suddenly. Caller says he pulled up next to the driver and cusssed
him out. The bus driver responded by saying "fuck you" and flipping the middle finger.
Caller says he gets off the 441 breeze @ 12:56, give or take a minute. He says the 55 eastbound scheduled to leave @ 12:59p,
leaves a little early everyday. He says he just wants the driver to watch his time at the time point, so he can make his connecton.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
URGENT! Hello, I already posted this comment on Facebook but I haven't heard back. I need to escalate this issue. I am concerned
about the rerouting of certain buses of the ROUTE 1 from Aventura Mall. Yesterday I was standing with about 15 people from 5:30
to 6:17pm. We saw the Broward Bus 1 in the distance pulling out from the terminal and turning straight to US1 instead of servicing
the stop at Walgreens and 29th Place. I was assured on the phone last week on the phone that the stop at Walgreens on 29th Place
is still a serviced stop. Since the elimination of the Publix stop on 29th Place, it is extremely important that the Walgreens stop is
maintained. While I was at the stop, about 20 people gathered and all waiting for the 1. I called Broward County Transit and was
told the 1 no longer goes by Walgreens and we need to walk to the terminal. That is impossible and inconsiderate. If you look at a
google map of the area, https://www.google.com/maps/place/Aventura+Mall/@25.9584486,80.1467949,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x88d9acf621b0d915:0xf73bc06faf0df4fb you will get an idea of the neighborhood you are
cutting of bus service if the 1 bus turns to US1 directly from the terminal. Also, if the bus turns directly to US1, the exit road from
the terminal leads the bus to cross busy Aventura Blvd. without a traffic light, that puts the bus very close to the US1 traffic light
and that is a major bottleneck at peak rush hour starting around 4 pm, so it will be problematic to merge. I NEED THIS ESCALATED
AND RESOLVED, and I sure hope the dispatcher at the Aventura terminal gets his/her act straight and sends the 1 bus where it is
supposed to go. A lot of people depend on this Walgreens stop, certainly now that the Publix stop is no longer there. People go to
work and need to have confidence that the bus will pick them up. Any meaningful job will be in jeopardy if people show up late
because the transit company cuts off a whole neighborhood. Please contact me by phone or email, I would be glad to further
explain this in greater detail. Sincerely, Yvonne Buser
Caller was slow getting off the bus and the driver closed the door on his backpack that he was wearing. She re-opened the door of
course. This upset caller very much, and he said this aggravated a medical condition which he did not elaborate on. Caller thinks
the bus # was 1106 but isn't sure.
took 28 bus north to douglas rd and asked driver how to get to sheridan and was told to take the 2 nb. Got on the 2 and asked that
driver how to get to sheridan and driver had a nasty, bad attitude and replied, "what do you think we are, a taxi?'
Passenger complained that bus operator was rude. The The bus driver was on break on his phone. He asked the operator:" What
time are you leaving?" The operator's comment was: "when I feel like it". Then he asked him what time he was scheduled to leave.
The operator told him:" look at the schedelue." When the operator got on the bus, then he started driving crazy to make up for
time and passed some bus stop.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
Today I was waiting for the above bus to go home and did not see any one for almost ONE hour. I was waiting in the corner of
South Andrews Ave and SE 6th street opposite Publix before 10:00 AM to go in direction of Galleria Mall. I saw 3 buses #30 passing
by. When I called to complain, I was told that the #40 had an accident. But why the next one took so long to come? How could I
commit myself to go to work that way? Yes presently I am unemployed and I know 7 languages. As I said previously to all of you,
the bus in Fort Lauderdale is reliable to attend a funeral, or go to visit a friend or shopping. The next bus which came at 11:00 AM
was # 1418 with a while female driver and white hair.Yes I need time to write letters and complain since I do not trust the person I
spoke to on the phone and lodged a complaint.
***CService Email***
Continuing the saga from yesterday, I am making the attempt to complete the errand that I wasn't able to do yesterday because
Route 69 SB left early. Today I arrived early on my lunch hour to catch the 12:16 Route 60 SB bus at the Cypress Creek park and
ride. I am now in the bus that arrived at 12:27. I know on-time performance is a challenge for transit providers but this is ridiculous.
Five minutes early one day and eleven minutes late the next. Please get back in contact to explain. Thank you
Passenger called to compliment a bus operator. Hesaid the bus operator was superlative in professionalism. He get a perfect 4
score in speaking to customer. He knows how to talk to his passengers. He gets a perfect score 4 on route knowledge. He knows
he's route. He said he deserves a reward. The caller was in a hurry because he was using a pre-paid phone. He didn't have the bus
number. I didn't get the driver's description
Operator always speaks to the passengers and tells them to have a good day. She had a nice experience on his bus.
The bus due to leave YC at 405pm arrived at 410pm. During the change of drivers, the 2 drivers talked for 10 minutes before the
bus left the circle. The original driver was a male,black and the relief driver was a male,white. Caller will be late for work and lose
out on some money.
Mr. Wright who a 68 years old and disabled, was less the 40 feet from the sign when the bus flew by him running early. Most of the
drivers know him because he takes the bus 2-3 times a day and know he has a handicap. This driver shouldn't have been speeding
and yes, he stated, I was 40-feet from the sign, but he should have seen me trying to run to get to it.Please cakk him back on this
Caller states he's been at the stop since 4:30pm and bus due at 4:56m has yet to show up as of 5:13pm.
Caller was a motorist who got stuck in the intersection when the light turned red. She couldn't back up because there was a car
behind her. The bus drivger headed towards caller's car as if he was going to hit it. Caller feels he did this in an intimidating
manner. She had 3 children under 10 in the back seat. She wants the driver to be told not to do this.
BCT Comments 2016
There were two route 1 buses back to back. Caller asked driver if she was going to skip the airport or go through it. The driver
didn't answer the question but just said "do you want the bus or not?" And the driver was rude in her attitude, caller says.
****At 722pm caller wanted me to add that they did bypass the airport. Caller is still upset about the driver's rude response.
Caller says this experience ruined her whole day.*****
Passenger says that the tall male jamacian accent bus driver has exceptional customer service techiiques, passenger says that the
bus driver told them about the changes of the route in Miami due to the festival. Passenger says that he have a pleasant attitude
with all the bus riders and he is very knowledgeable.
Passenger says that the bus driver name Jude is an amazing delightful bus driver. Passenger says that he is sweet, good hearted and
he made her day with his kindness and helphfullness with her and other bus riding passengers.
Caller states she has been unable to reach anyone at the Deerfield Beach Community Bus phone numbers, 954-480-4444 or 954480-4442, for the last week. Says the calls go to a voicemail.
Driver was making stops on place shwere are not bus stops.He is not following the rules the whole week. The patron said , they do
what they want. Call back is required.
BCT driver pick up passengers in the middle of the street, callback is required
Driver did not follow his route. He picked up passengers at Bailey Road. This isn't one of his stops. Please call.
Driver made a stop in the middle of the street and it wasn't a stop. He did not follow his route. Please call.
A passenger complained that he boarded on bus route# 28 headed west at Federal highway and Hallandale Blvd at 11:35 PM.
However, he stated that the bus operator ejected all of them off the bus at Miramar Parkway and SW 119th Avenue at 12:20 AM
and he told them that this was the last stop for the night. He claimed that he had to call a taxi cab which cost him $50.00 in order to
reach home. He described the bus operator as being a black male and the incident occurred on Saturday, March 19, 2016.
driver driving slow and customer signaled and driver did not stop until the next stop forcing customer to walk back.
A passenger complained that bus route#20 headed South passed the bus stop and did not pick him up. He stated that he was going
to be late for work because the bus operator failed to fulfill his duty. The incident occurred at the bus stop located at federal Hwy
and NE 8th Street in Fort Lauderdale and the bus operator was described to be a white male.
Caller and 7 passengers waiting in the rain and driver did not stop.
BCT bus operator gave a bath to a pedestrian, the patron said the bus operator saw her and kept comming and drove over water
making her socking we. The patron said, I have water in all my clothing and my dollar store bag too". Customer requires a call
A passenger complained that bus route 72 headed west passed the bus stop and did not pick them up.He stated that the bus should
had arrived to Oakland Park and A1A at 2:12 PM but instead arrived at 2:14 PM. He said that he waived at the bus but the bus
operator ignored them and kept on going.
BCT Comments 2016
Lady states got on bus with 5 year old child and she was tying his shoelaces and the bus driver rushed her to get in the bus and gave
her an attitude.
Caller states bus was 30 minutes late and passed him up as he waved. Says it makes to sense to leave passengers who have been
waiting so long.
Caller complained that the bus driver passed her at the stop and didn't pick her up. She was waiting at the stop for a very long time
and the bus driver came and left her at the stop. She didn't have the bus # nor the driver's description. She said the bus left so fast.
Caller complained that the bus driver passed him at the stop and didn't pick him up. He waived at the operator, but he just kept on
driving and didn't stop. They don't care about their job at all. ***Call back requested***
arrived early. the last bus of the night. not following the schedules.
bus arrived late by 10 minutes and it has been happening every weekend.
Mr. Brown had just gotton off the #5 bus and noticed that the #1 was pulling off. Well, he said , I wasn't at the stop, so I figured that
I'll catch the 9am one. At 9, a bus #1 came speeding by and passed him with out stopping. First off, the bus shouldn't have been
speeding like that with the wwet road. The road are slippery. Second, The driver should have seen me, standing by to sign. Please
address the passing the stop and the speeding on wet slippery roads.
Ms. Freland was waving the driver down at the stop and the bus went by her with out stopping. She was unable to give bus # or
description of drive.
man with bike waived and driver did not stop. Claims this is second time it happens.
The patron states, the transfers-printer is not working.
arrived 40 minutes late at the west terminal.
A passenger complained that bus#81 headed East never arrived to his location. He stated that he was waiting for two hours at the
bus stop located on Sunset Street and University Drive and the bus never showed up. He also stated that BCT does a poor job in
managing those buses because they are constantly late. He is requesting that someone calls him in order to discuss this issue.
The customer called to complain that they were waiting on the route 1 bus that was due to leave Young Circle northbound at 3:29p
and a bus came by at that time that said "Aventura Mall" but it then turned and went north toward the Central Terminal.
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all. She said she was waiting since 8:30am for 2 hoursand no buses came. No bus #
available nor driver's description
The customer was catching the route 31 going northbound on NW 7th Ave/Sistrunk Blvd that was due at 3:44p and the bus passed
by without stopping to pick him up.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger first claimed he was at the Miami- Dade Government Center when the bus bypassed him, I advised him that was not the
correct stop. He then changed his story and said he was waiting at SE 1ST ST/SE 1ST A when the bus bypassed him. Call back
Passenger stated he's been at the bus stop since 8:34a and the bus had already passed, when it was due to arrive at 8:40a.
Passenger upset he's now late for work and has to wait on the next bus.
Caller states first bus never showed up this morning, and he had to wait for the second one which was a major inconvenience. He
would like a call back about this.
Passenger stated driver refused to let her on the bus while he was on break. She said he told her he did not want to let her on
because she might steal something. She also said he told her he would only let her stay on if she agreed share the peanuts she was
eating with him and she felt it was inappropriate. *****On 03-22 @ 1200pm caller called back wondering why no one called her
back yet. I changed the "Call Back" option from no to yes. I also told caller it takes up to 10 biz days for a callback. Caller feels that
she was being singled out and profiled as a potential thief.*****
Passenger said him and other passengers were waiting at the bus stop and the bus bypassed them.
Caller stated that when the bus 1439 rt 19 got to sandalfoot this morning a little after 7am the driver refused to give her and a few
other passengers their transfers for Palm Beach County bus. Caller stated that driver told her Broward does not issue transfers.
Caller stated that she takes this bus everyday and this was the first time she saw this driver and would like for someone to inform
him that transfer to other county buses are given.
The customer called to complain that he was on University Dr/Peters Rd waiting on the route 2 going southbound at 12:00p and no
bus arrived until 1:35p.
Driver told passenger we no longer give transfers and did not provide him with one.
Passenger says the bus seats are in very bad condition. She said the seats are so dirty that she doesn't want to sit down. She feels
that if we are going to raise the fare it should also be used to maintain the buses.
The customer called to complain that he asked the driver what time he was going to get to Miramar Pkwy because he had an
appointment to get to the the driver told him that if he was ina hurry he should get off and catch the bus behind him which is the
breeze. The customer says that he found out after that the driver gave him wrong information and that he's going to be late for his
appointment as a result. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
The customer called to complain that she was trying to catch the route 22 going eastbound from the West Terminal and there was
a route 22 bus there that said "Sawgrass TriRail" and when she tried to ask the driver which was he was going he seemed unable to
tell her then he closed the door and left without answering her question.
Bus due at 203p did not arrive until 224p. No break downs or accidents were reported.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger is requesting tapes are review because someone stole his black pouche with important paperwork that he need back and
his house keys were inside. On the ring was a house key and small mailbox key. Passenger said he will contact PD directly and file a
police report. I did also submit a lost and found report. Call back requested
Called customer and asked if he still requests a video or not. He will think about it and call me back.
closed Hastus
Bus operator stops the bus at Burguer King at 4:14 pm, the patron states "He don't supouse to to that". While the patron was on
the phone, the bus operator cameback to the bus. (he was on Burguer King less than 5 minutes).
C-Service Email:
PLS have someone respond to 7607 Miramar Pkwy, ref sign knocked down 20 FEET FROM EVERGLADES DR. This is a Transit Bus sign
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states her cell phone rang and the music started playing. Says operator pulled over and yelled to her to turn down her phone.
Caller states this was unnecessary and operator should have said, "excuse me miss, please lower the volume on your phone".
Edited with email to Mr. Gibbs. Added on 3/23/16 By Cealey
Dear Mr Gibbs
It's Betsy mendelson I'm writing to you Re : 81 Block 202 bus # 0513 which I picked up @ 441 & NW12TH St Lauderhill @ 10 : 15
PM on 03-21-16 after I got on the bus & sat down & turned on 1 of my games on my Cell phone the volume was too high & the
Driver pulled over & didn't move & just shouted out Ma'am I was just turning the volume off then he Moved.
1st of all you don't disrespect the Minority Race (White) because you let your brothers & sisters get away with murder
when they don't pay the fare bring alcohol on the bus don't fold the strollers & take the baby out. You know me & you know that I
know the rules & regulations of Bct & all the drivers happen to know me but this Old Man didn't know me because he's new . Don't
pick on the white passengers because there's hardly any white passengers riding Bct because of the Filth & the low income &
homeless people not paying their fare & throwing food all over the bus. All the Driver had to do was. SAY excuse Ma'am but Please
turn your Volume down Not Pull over because I was White. I want that driver Reprimanded I will call 8400 as well & register a
complaint. Do I have to remind you that this isn't Montgomery AL or Detroit MI or East St Louis IL . This is Florida where you have
Middle Class & Rich People here with Cars & they don't want to ride Filthy buses like Bct that are suppose to be cleaned every night
I can report you to Brittany Wallman who writes for the Sun Sentinel. So get your Ass straight.
I want an apology. I ride your buses 7 days a week & there's always something wrong which you never fix. If I get a response
back from you not to ride the buses anymore then I will call you the (N) Word. I didn't do nothing Wrong I just had the Volume on
too high.
Why don't the drivers criticize your other passengers for breaking rules every day standing beyond the yellow line etc etc . This
was my only boo boo ever since I rode your buses for 14 years. ( YOU DID BROTHER )
Caller states bus stop sign has been vandalized. Says someone has written the "N-word" on the sign and wrote route 11 on the sign
even though it does not stop there.
Caller states she wanted to put her bike on the rack, but the rack was full when bus arrived. Says operator told her she would have
to wait another hour for the next bus. Says she got on her bike to go another stop after operator told her, but accidentally fell off.
Says operator laughed at her, and this was rude since she was already inconvenienced. She will now be late for her doctor's
appointment and her hand is bleeding.******* On 3/22/16 Caller called to update her complaint. She said that she went to the
doctor and she was told that she has a fracture due to the fall. She added that the driver was unprofessional for laughing
BCT Comments 2016
The caller is stating the first bus of the morning did not show up at all. She says the driver that normally comes is on vacation and
she waited until the next bus arrived.
Caller states he saw bus due at 10:36am go by the stop at 10:29am. Caller states this operator is regularly 10 minutes early, and it is
causing him to be late for work when he misses her bus.
The patron states the garbage can has been full for several days and it is garbage all over the foor.
Patron states, he got a blue knee when felt to the floor on the bus. The patron said, "I was sitting on the back of the bus when the
driver slamed on his breaks and I felt down hurting my knee".
He didn't required medical attention and he didn't have any medical attention until today. Patron said "I don't have money to go to
the emergency room but If I continue in pain I will need medical attention".
The driver left 3 minutes early @ 205pm; the timepoint is actually 208pm. Caller was walking to the bus stop after exiting the route
2 bus. Caller wants the driver to be reminded to keep his timepoint.
The patron states, we were 3 people (two of them in a weelchair) waiting at the bus stop and the BCT bus operator passed by.
for 3 weeks
yelled at him for standing on the wrong side of the street when he wanted to go south
male middle aged 926am
Passenger called to report that the bus came from E. Atlantic Blvd and made a right turn onto N. Ocean Blvd but didn't stop at the
stop to pick up the passengers. He said that he waved the driver and the driver kept going. He said the head sign on the bus was
showing route 11 Copans Rd. although the bus was traveling south.
The customer called to complain that he has been at the bus stop on A1A/NE 7th Ct waiting on the westbound Route 11 bus since
2:44p and the bus never arrived. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
A passenger complained that a female passenger was playing loud music on the bus, however the bus operator did nothing to
address the issue. She said that she approached the bus operator to complain about it, but he replied, "Nobody else complained
about it". She said that she was very upset because the music was ennoying.She described the bus operatoras being a black male
driving bus route#14
Passenger called to inquire why the bus didn't arrive today. She said that the driver for the 4:27pm trip arrived and informed her
that the bus she was waiting for was still at the Brickell Station sitting. She would like a call back to see why the bus was just sitting
at the station.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger called to inquire why the bus for this trip does not arrive consistently. She said that passengers are at the stop at 4:30am
and sometimes the bus never comes. She said that this morning the bus didn't arrive until 5:17am and there should have been a
bus at 5:05am. She said that this causes them to be late for work. Caller would like a call back as to why the bus doesn't come some
They are running behind schedule. The driver stopped at Sheridan st and spent some time inside of an Arby's fast food joint. They
are now at Johnson st at 605pm but should be around Hallandale Beach blvd.
A passenger complained that bus route# 22 passed the bus stop located at Broward Blvd and 14th Avenue and did not stop. He
stated that he waived at the bus operator in order to stop the bus but he just looked at him and kept on going.
Caller complained that the driver make her son pay the regular fare of $5 every morning even tho he's a student. She asks him to
show his ID and still charged him $5 instead of $4. He took the University Breeze to catch up to the bus Route #2 local on Broward
Blvd. The bus driver almost passed him at the stop while he was waving. She eventually improperly stopped right on the road. He
thinks she might be racist towards black. Mom called first then his son. He said he has been having a lot of problem with her for
about 2 month. Mom said that she workd for Broward County Schools
A passenger complained that bus route# 55 headed East on Dixie Hwy and Commercial Blvd passed the bus stop and did not pick
him up. He stated that the bus operator doesn't care about his job, therefore some of them do a terrible job. He deacribed the bus
operator as a white male driving bus number 0924. He is demanding that someone calls him back at 305 834-0253
The patron states, "BCT should tell the drivers to stop at the bus stops or move the bus stops". The patron said, "this biu was in the
middle line with no intentions to stop.
Caller stated that she was waiting for the route 1 SB from 2pm to 2:45pm. Caller stated that 1708 did at 2:45pm. Caller wants to
know why the buses were going NB but none was cpoming SB.
Caller stated thatbus 1302 picked her up by the publix and took her into the Aventura mall. Caller stated that when she got there
the driver told her she had to get off because he was taking his break. Caller stated that while the driver was gone some white lady
called her a Nigger and that when the driver came back the white lady blocked the door and told the driver to call the police
because the caller was pushing her. Caller stated that she did get on the bus and the driver was just sitting there and would not
answer her when she asked him why he hadn't left. Caller stated that bus 0306 pulled up and she got on that bus and the driver
from 1302 told 0306 not to leave. Caller stated that the police came and was talking to her and the driver of 0306 throw her bag
off the bus and told the police caller could not ride that bus.
BCT Comments 2016
Mrs. Brierre didn't know that she had to file a report with us until now, so this report is for an accident on 10/30/2015. She was on
the bus whe she all of a suddend started sliding down the ilse, hitting her head and the next thing she can rememer is two
passenger helping her up. She still doesn't remember what happened and the driver must have been new because he didn't know
what to do either. They called the paramedics and a supervisor came too. She doesen't know the bus number, but the driver was
either indial or hindu. Please call her.
Caller stated that his bike fell and was dragged by the route 36 bus going WB that left the Lauderhill Mall at 1:10pm. Caller stated
that the driver did not inform him that the bike was damaged, the driver just told him to put it back up on the rack. Caller stated
that when he got off the bus he could ride the bike the back wheel was bent up.
transferred to Risk Management
Passenger called to complain that the bus arrived traveling in the far left lane and she was waving the driver to alert her that she
wanted the bus and the driver looked at her and kept going past. She said that this is a frequent occurrence where the drivers are in
the far left lane and will not get over to pick up the passengers at this stop.
I am a driver and here are a few stops with problems. March 23, 2016
Bus 62 Bus Stop sticker needs removed The Stop for bus 62 along Federal Highway (Northbound) just north of Port Royal Blvd by
the Walgreens needs to be removed. There is no way the 62 can service this stop and then change to the third lane to make the left
onto McNab Road. The left turn lane is usually so backed up that it stops the third lane of traffic flow because they all want to make
the left onto McNab. The sticker for this stop has not been on this pole before and after the new sign went up somehow the sticker
for the 62 appeared as well. Please send someone out to observe this stop and monitor the traffic for the bus to change lanes and
make the left onto McNab Road.
I am a driver and here are a few stops with problems. March 23, 2016
Bus 11 Stop sticker needs removed. The stop heading Southbound on Federal Highway just past the entrance of Pompano Square
Mall needs to be moved because it does not allow the bus enough time to change lanes safely to make the turn left onto NE 14
Street. The traffic is so heavy on Federal Highway that it makes it very difficult for the bus to service this stop especially during rush
hour. A sticker has not been on this stop pole for years and now all of a sudden it has popped back onto the sign. Please send
someone out to monitor the stop and observe the difficulty the bus endures trying to change lanes to the far left after servicing this
stop especially during rush hour.
BCT Comments 2016
I am a driver and here are a few stops with problems. March 23, 2016
Route 50 Bus Stop Complaint. The bus stop on Route 50 along Hillsboro Blvd (westbound) needs to be moved back some from the
light of NW 2 Ave because it makes it difficult for the bus to change to the 3rd lane to make the left at NW 3 Ave. The bus stop is
right at the light and usually it will change to red while your servicing the stop. Traffic is so heavy when the light changes green and
you have to literally fight your way over to the far left lane to make the left onto NW 3rd Ave. We need more distance and time to
safely change lanes and make the turn. Could you please send someone out to monitor the stop and observe how difficult it is for
the bus to change lanes in such short distance? The traffic light was added about 4 months ago to NW 2 Ave. This stop is shared
with the 48 westbound bus. I would suggest moving the stop back a good distance from the light or making it a Route 48 stop only.
There still would be a 50 bus stop along Hillsboro Blvd.
Allen Lakes
Most often when 95 express has traffic delays, the best alternative route is to take NW 22nd Avenue. From downtown, take 112
airport expressway to NW 22nd Avenue, north to 183rd Street, and from 183rd to Red Road, then Ansin Sports Complex. The same
route going South. Red Road is sometimes backed up so take 47th Palm Avenue down to 183rd. Either way, this is often faster than
the Turnpike and 95 even in normal traffic.
States bus arrives late by at least 15 minutes every night.
The patron states, he was at the bus stop with her daughter and the US1 Breeze bus operator came and didn't stop even the patron
was waiving at him. The patron requires a callback.
Caller states operator passed up five people at the stop waiting and waving at the bus.
States that her shift at the hospital ends at 7:30 am and the las 95 express bus leaves at 7:16 am. requesting we take a look at the
schedule and maybe push the departure by 30 minutes.
Caller stated that the annunciator should announce when the route 30 passes by the University of Miami Health located at 8100
SW 10th st in Plantation.
Caller complained that the bus operator was rude. He was scheduled to leave to at 1:20pm but instead left at 1:32pm. When he
asked him why he was late, he had an attitude.
Caller complained as follow on 2/14/16 (complaint # 18566). Today 3/23/16. She complained that it still happening. When
comming over the Sunrise Bridge (eastbound), the bus seems to stop in the middle of the road, before Birch Road, and got off the
bus to go into the 7-11 for about 15 min or so. This isn't the first time this has happened. It backs up traffic and when the people in
the cars try to pass, they almost get hit.
Transferred to Operations.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained the the bus driver was ruder. He was going the emergency room. He stoop up to see his stop. He has walking
cane. The driver said he wasn't stopping the bus until he sits down. He made him miss the stop cause he sat down.
I received a call from Mr. Jim Jones, who was waiting at Sample and University Dr., (he states), for over an hour. The one bus broke
down and when I checked the tracker, the closest bus was at Westview Dr. This upset him very much, and he stated he wanted to
file a complaint on the superintendent for not knowing his job or how to run the bus company, and not having replacement buses
ready to go where a bus breaks down to accommodate the passengers. He states he wants someone to call him immediately, or he
will be speaking not only to the commissioners, but place a call to Tallahassee as well. His number is 754-234-0151.
Caller stated the bus is not up at all. The 3:20pm has not been coming to the stop for the past two weeks.
A passenger complained that bus route 2 headed North passed the bus stop located at university Drive and Taft Street did not pick
him up. He stated that those drivers are not doing their job because they do whatever they want to do. He described the bus driver
as being a black male driving bus number1119. He is requesting that someone calls him back at 305 834-0253.
Patron was at the bus stop and the bus operator came but only slow down kept going. The patron said it is very disrespectful.
Bus scheduled at 5:04 am arrived at 5:19 am making the patron lose all his conections. The patron states "this is happening every
Mr. Machado know that the bus is suppose to depart the Sawgrass Mall at 6:15pm. WHen he arrived on the 72, it was 6:02pm, so
he knew could go to the bathroom. Whe he came back out, the bus was gone. This bus isn't suppose to leave early from the mall.
He did notice it was a woman driver, (not the regular driver), bus still she left early.
Caller states she's been at the stop since "way before 9:47am" for bus due at 9:33am, it is now 10:10 and the bus hasn't shown up.
Informed caller nothing has been reported on the route as of 10:10am.
Caller states operator Charles has been challenging him and his wife over their son's height and whether they have to pay fare for
him. Caller states his son's doctor has him at 39 inches tall, but operator says he is over the farebox height and makes them pay
fare. He would like a call back about this.
This past Monday a bench was installed on her property. She has received notice from the city of Hallandale that she will be fined
for the mess it has resulted in. Homeless people sit on the bench and drink and harass passers-by. Caller is scared for her safety
and angry that she's being fined by the city. Caller wants a resolution to this ASAP. Also wants a callback.
Caller says he has been at the bus stop for exactly 1 hour and no bus. No breakdowns reported from dispatch. I explained that
spring break was delaying all the route 40 buses with heavy traffic on the beach. Caller wouldn't believe it. Wants a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
The caller called to complain that the bus pulled out from a stop and cut him off as he was coming down the road and then right
after the caller says that the driver ran the red light.
Passenger says that he was at federal and sample waiting for the route 10 southbound at 109pm. Passenger says that the route 10
bus schedule for 119p never came and the 149 had not come at 156pm.
The passenger says he was sitting behind the driver, leaning forward helping a guy in the disabled section, when the bus made a
hard stop to avoid an accident. He says he hit his neck on the bar. He says he was in a car accident not long ago, and his neck
already had pain. I asked was he okay, and he said he was, but he wanted to document the incident just in case.
Opened PRR 407515 - will send customer report
Route 72, - no report on file.
Caller gave the driver an address and asked where to get off the bus. The driver told caller it was not his job to do that. Caller also
says the driver is driving as if he is angry, with sudden stops and lane changes.
Passenger called to report to damage to her bicycle cause by the bus. There was an accident on the bus which is reported thru
outlook. Passenger didn't realize that her bike was damsged until after the accident
transferred to Risk Department for claim
States new shelter is dangerous because it has glass on the side and someone broke it and our customer is almost blind and said he
almost cut himself. Told him to contact the city of westpark but that I would document his complaint.
person calling is a driver who almost got into an accident with our bus driver. States driver changing lanes without looking and
driving erratically.
The customer called to issue a compliment to the driver. The customer says that the driver is very articulate. Also that the driver is
very alert and knowledgeable and not only announces the stops when the annunciator isn't working but also tells the passengers
which buses to connect to in order to get to their destinations.
Ms. Grant got on the 60 bus heading north with her service dog, and the driver told her to get off. He stated she had to have it in a
cage. She stated she wasn't going to get off and if he wanted, he could call the police, and they would tell him she is allowed to
have a service dog (and it was on a leash), with her uncaged. She offered to show him the paperwork and he said he didn't care he
wasn't moving the bus till she got off. He then proceeded to call the police. The service dog is only 6 pounds and she keeps it in her
shirt so it doesn't bother anyone. The police never came and the driver had no choice but to continue his route. She is requesting
you review the tape and have a short meeting with your drivers, informing them that service dogs are permitted on the pus,
uncaged. She wasn't to sure of the bus number, it was 1813 or 1318 or 1913. If this happens, she will take this to next level of
complaints, the ADA office.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that he was running across the street to the bus stop and he was waving his pass to the driver to
indicate he wanted to catch the bus and the driver waved his hand that he wasn't stopping and kept going without waiting for the
This bus was almost 10-minutes late. This driver seems to do this every Saturday. Please call.
This bus isn't supposed to leave before 8:35. This is a starting point. This bus left at 8:30. This driver is doing this every Sunday.
Please call.
Not only was this bus running late, (it was 30 minutes late) Mr. Antonio waved the bus down with his cell phone and the bus
passed him up. Please call him on this complaint.
Not only was the bus 3-minutes early, it passed him without stopping. He was there, and the bus kept going. Please call.
Not only was this driver late, (he arrived at 7:51), the bus passed him without stopping and then the bus he stopped in the middle
of the street to let passengers off a little down the street. There wasn't even a stop there. Please call.
Not only was the bus running lat (it arrived at 6:50p), bus it was letting off passenger at a non-existing stop. Please call.
Passenger called to compliment the driver. He said that the driver was a professional Motor Coach Operator. He also said that the
driver is very courteous and polite to the passengers and also helped the passengers who asked him questions. He said the driver
reflects a very positive image upon BCT.
Caller states operator was not familiar with the route and drove around Sawgrass Mills twice to find the bus stop. He also missed
several stops on the way to mall. Says she missed her connecting and bus and will be late for work. Says this is unacceptable and
operator shouldn't have been put on the route without more training.
***CService Email***
I am currently ride ring on the route 114 bus #1171. It is now 5:25pm. The driver is a very pleasant man but his driving is very
lacking. He starts and stops very hard. I am getting motion sickness with the jerking starts and stops. Others are saying the same
thing but don't want to say anything. If we are moving constantly it is alright. However in rush hour or street traffic he is very jerky.
Please have secret riders verify this or have training so customers are getting nauseous. I know it may be hard, I have never driven a
bus but many drivers are good at being aware of it. Passengers should not be thrown forward with enough force that they have to
brace themselves in regular driving. Thanks for letting me vent.
Caller states operator has been leaving late at 5:01am.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
Hello I've been taking the route 107, I 95 express bus . In the morning the bus has been ok leaving from Hollywood Blvd and park
road. However leaving the overtown station the times are completely off from 5:53-628. This bus has either left early, not shown
up at all, or fails to display PEMBROKE COMMONS. Sometimes it has Civic center, but this is no where advertised anywhere on the
broward site, so it's completely possible I missed a bus because it shows Civic center and not Pembroke commons. It's really
confusing and cost me at least two hours unnecessarily. This is my first week riding the express and I come from a super public
transit system of Chicago and this was never once an issue. Please advertise times correctly, get with Miami dade transit. I firmly
believe people have skipped this bus to go to Sheridan just for this reason. ( and yes even if it makes more stops)
Caller complained he bus was driving recklessly. He was doing over 60 miles an hour. The speed limit was 40 MHP in that neighbor.
The caller was driving his car at 58 MPH and try to catch up with the bus, and he coldn't since he was speeding. he couldn't give a
driver's discription
Passenger says this bus has been late both north and south for the past 3 days.
Passenger said he lost his wallet and the driver was courteous enough to give him a free ride but when he asked her for her name
she was very impolite and refused to give it to him. He said he was grateful that the driver gave him a free ride but she did not have
to be as rude as she was.
***CService Email***
Hi, I rode the bus number 0504 on March 23, 2016 @ 5:34pm and I must say the bus operator greeted and welcomed everyone on
his bus with a pleasant voice. I felt very comfortable and I would like you , the company to let him know of the great job he is doing.
Thank you Chandra
Caller would like to commend operator for his excellent service. Says he was very professional and provided all his riders with
excellent customer service. Says he was pleasure to ride with.
Passenger would like to commend operator for his excellent service. Caller says he is legally blind operator did guided him in the
right direction. Says operator provided excellent customer service and assistance.
Caller states bus due at 10:01am has not arrived and it is now 10:20am. Informed caller of delays due to breakdown on this trip.
Says it is "horrible and pathetic" that BCT did not send a replacement bus. Says this was a major inconvenience.
Passenger got on the bus with her son and he had an empty soda can, the driver told her no food allowed on the bus. Passenger
said she understood that but there was no garbage bin on the bus and the way the driver said it was very rude. She said driver was
upset because someone on the bus previously spilled something and the driver was taking her anger out on her and her son. As the
passenger was explaining the situation to me the driver became very verbal and starting yelling in the background. The back and
forth confrontation went on for about two minutes or so until the passenger got off the bus. Passenger requested a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller boarded with two young children. One of them had an empty soda can in its hand. The driver said "you people" are always
carrying stuff onto the bus and making a mess. Driver then yelled at caller to go find her baby daddy and take the kids away. Driver
kept yelling at caller as she walked all the way to the back of the bus, and then continued yelling some more at caller. Wants a
Caller states a female passenger with a baby stroller boarded the bus with an open beverage can. Says operator told her to throw it
away after she got on the bus, and a passenger threw it out for her. Caller states the passenger apologized several times, but
operator continued to "antagonize" the woman, calling her names, and making aggressive hand gestures. Says operator told
passenger to "go find your baby daddy" as she exited the bus. Caller says this was completely uncalled for and operator should not
be on a route today.
bus driver stopped in the middle of the road and not at a bus stop and got off to smoke. he did not communicate to the passengers
what he was doing and delayed the bus by 10 minutes.
drivver passed stop and stopped far from stop and made customer walk towards the bus.
customer states driver pulled up to sotp opened the door and then closed it and left. our caller and another 5 passengers were at
the bus stop.
Passenger says that the spanish male bus driver, pulled around the route 22 bus at 31 ave and broward blvd. Passenger says that
he had pulled the cord to get off at that stop and the bus driver put him off at the next stop and passenger says that the bus driver
was giving him a attitude when he passed his stop.
Caller complained that the bus operator was driving recklessly. She says the operator almost ran her over. She litteraly cut over 3
lanes. She was going west on Polk St & Dixie Hwy. The bus operator smiled at the caller when the caller honkedat the light.
Passenger says that she was waiting to board the bus at atlantic and university northbound at 412pm and the lady bus driver had
the ramp down and she was yelling at her to board the bus using the ramp.
drove by stop and did not pick her up and she states she had the fare money in her hand and driver saw her.
Passenger says that he was sitting at the bus stop and he saw the bus 72 and he got up and he was reaching in his pocket for his bus
pass and the bus driver just passed by him standing at the bus stop.
Passenger says that the windows on the route 9 bus was extremely dirty.
States bus arrives late every day. Told customer that the bus is operated by a thbird party but she insisted we take her information.
Caller complained that the driver pulled up to the stop and didn't pick him up. He tried to waive him down, but he continued
driving. That driver does that all the time
Passenger says that he got to university and pembroke at 345pm and the 355pm bus 05 westbound never came.Passenger called at
412pm and again at 435pm and the bus had not come yet. Passenger is upset and wants a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
Ms. Santos was at the stop waiting for other transportation with a young lady who was waiting for the us1 Breeze. THe girls was at
the stop and the driver refused to open the door and let her on. THe driver acknowledged her and took off. He wasn't moving till
after he refused to let her on. THe girl started to chase the bus, and he left her behind. She thought this was very rude of the driver
and wanted to file a complaint. Ms. Santos did not get the bus number of the bus, only that it was 6:06pm @ Young Circle.
Driver berated the caller for boarding in front of women riders when he boarded at another location. But the main complaint is
that when caller requested the driver kneel the bus for him to exit at Riverside/Ramblewood, the driver said "really?" in a snide
way that indicated he felt the caller didn't really need the bus to be kneeled. The driver then only kneeled it halfway. Caller says he
has a torn achilles tendon and that's the reason he asked driver to kneel the bus. Caller says it should be evident that he has a
problem because he moves slowly. Wants a callback. He feels it's an ADA violation.
Mr. Pringle was on the 36 westbound, (the driver was taking his brake), when he politely approached the driver about him having
the window open and letting in several mosquitos. He told the driver that with everything they are carrying, could he please close
the window. The driver replied that he was on brake, and Mr. Pringle stated, I know you on brake, I have no problem with that,
please close the window. The driver was very rude and disrespectful to him. He tried to make me feel like I was dirt.
A passenger complained that he boarded on bus route number 18 headed South from Lauderhill Mall to the Golden Glades station
in the morning . He stated that he arrived at the Goden Glades Station at 8:35 AM and asked for a transfer and the bus operator
told him that he could not give him no transfer for the Dade County bus. He described the bus operator as being a black male who
did not know his job. He is requesting that someone calls him back at 786 715-2325.
bus arrived early. Not following schedules. B/f driver
At the starting point at 207 and university the bus isn't suppose to depart till 5:45 am. Mrs. Walker was droppong her elderly
mother off at the stop, and as she approached at 5:41, the bus had already pulled off. So let the chase begin. They caught up with
the bus and finally at Knolls Road and her sister went to get on the bus, (while her mother slowly moved towards the bus) and the
driver told her, "don't you dare cut the bus off. Don't you know there are cameras on this bus?". The driver then clsed the door and
drove off, not allowing them to get on. The chase continues, onward to Pembroke Pines, where they finally were allowed to board.
The driver told her mom, "I didn't know you wanted to get on the bus". He mother told him, what other old woman whould chase
after a bus @ this time in the morning to do something other then get on the bus. Mrs. Walker was in the grey/silver Toyota
States second time it happens. The driver just passes by without looking.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that the bus operator passed her at the stop and didn't pick her up. The operator wasn't focus on his route. He
was being distracted by another passenger already on the bus the passenger on their cell phone. She followed the bus with a ride.
Patrons satess the bus opearator spayed hair spary on her face and ahe didn't apologize. She is fine.
Customer put her cigarette out prior to boarding and the driver admonished her and got smart with her. She did not smoke inside
the bus and states driver should not have said anything.
The customer called to complain that the route 22 that was due to leave the West Terminal Eastbound at 11:05p on 03/26/2016
left early at 11:59p. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
Claims driver stopped at bus stop and opened door and customer put out his cigarette but driver closed the door on his face and
left. it was the last bus of the night. Driver refused to allow rider on bus.
The patron wanted file a complaint against the BCT bus operator, “who every Sunday does the same”, She said, the bus operator
was moving roughly. The patron was not articulate, she states that the driver was "jumping the bumps and moving bumpily", when
I asked details, she became defensive/aggressive and accuse me to treat her as she was a crazy person.
Other agents have reported receiving calls from the same patron and referred "she was incoherent and fighting with the bus
The customer called to complain that he has been at the bus stop about an hour and the route 31 going southbound on NW 31st
Ave/NW 44th St just arrived at 3:05p.
Passenger called to report that she and a coworker were at the bus stop and the driver passed right by them without stopping.
Says bus was in service and driver saw them.
Caller complained that he was on hold for customer service for too long. He waited for about 15-20 min or maybe longer before I
came on the line. He said we're not answering soon enough. I advised him that there were a lot of calls this morning. He wants the
wait to be shorter to spkeak to a representative.
**** Call back reuqested****
Caller complained that the bus left too early. It was sheduled to leave at 8:57pm but left at 8:50 which was 7 min early. He said that
he's been doing that every Sunday and thats the last bus for the night.
***Call back requested***
A passenger complained that the bus operator closed the door on her and drove off while she was about to get on the bus.The
incident occurred at the bus stop located on NW 183rd Street and 441, Miami Garden D, FL at approximately 11:37 AM, and the
bus rouite# is 441 Breeze headed North.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says this bus stop is always loaded with homeless drunk people, saying racial and vulgar jokes. He said it reek of urine
and there’s no room to sit because they hang out there all day and every day.
Transferred to Manager of Safety & Manager of Security.... they will call customer and give update.
Left message for customer.
Easter Sunday going northbound around 5:45pm. The number at the top of the bus was 0827. Iwill be calling this in tomorrow as
well. Not the person that I want to meet, and espicially when i'm on the bus to visit a very frail family member.**Comments taken
from Facebook page**
**Garage could not be determined due to limited information. Please forward to Ravenswood garage if necessary.
Here is yet another rude driver. Again on the route 2 bus going northbound on Monday, March 28, 2016. The number on the top of
the bus was 0516. The driver continues to stop for about two (2) minutes each at every other stop, pulls out a book and pen and
makes the passengers wait. She was very disgruntled and rude as soon as anyone steps on the bus. The time was about 6:30
heading toward Westview. I missed my connecting bus because of this and am now late for work.
***Information provided from facebook at 11:11am***
***Garage could not be determined due to lack of information, please forward to Ravenswood garage if need be.***
Passenger says the bus is disgusting, smells and it is dusty. She said she got off bus 22 onto route 02 and it was a heck of an
improvement from route 22.
The customer called to complain that he was waiting for the route 60 bus that was due at leave NW 15th St/441 going southbound
at 1:48p. The customer says the bs came up to the stop at about 1:44p opened the for a couple of seconds then closed it and left
before he could approach the bus.
Caller complained that 2 buses didn't arrive at all. She was waiting for the bus schedule for 7:47a, which broke down. Then the bus
scheduled for 8:07a never showed up either. She didn't get a bus until about 8:25a. She says that happens al the time. The bus
numbers nor drivers descriptions were not avaiable
The caller stated the operator nearly hit her car. They were going south on Dixie Hwy, just passed Hillsboro blvd. The bus cut her off
and then the operator shouted to her, "do you have any sense?!" Bus driver then gave her the middle finger. The caller is upset
because the operator was not aware of his surroundings and they could have gotten into an accident.
The customer called to complain that she was catching the route 9 bus that was due at 3:11p going northbound on N 72ns
Ave/Harding St and a bus passed by about 5 minutes early that said "NOT IN SERVICE". The customer has not seen another bus pass
by and it is now 3:22p.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated the bus passed up the stop.
The customer called to complain that she was catching the route 30 bus that was due to leave the West Terminal at 4:50p and the
driver slammed the door and left 5 minutes late without letting her board the bus.
Arrived at the stop at 4:31pm. The bus scheduled at 445pm and 500pm has not arrived yet. The time is now 5:07pm and no bus.
The customer called to complain that she has been at Sawgrass Mills Mall since 4:25p waiting on the route 72 going eastbound and
no bus showed up until 5:05p and there were 3 buses right behind one another. The customer says this has been a recurring
problem for months with the route 72 bus especially on Mondays.
Caller told driver to let him know when they were approaching the courthouse on Hillsboro blvd. They got to the end of the route
and the driver started to take his break. Caller realized that they must have passed the courthouse and complained to driver for
not alerting him. Caller says he missed his court appearance and as a result will be arrested, lose his job, and lose his house. Caller
says the driver told him not to worry about it, to just call the courthouse and explain the situation. The courthouse closed at
500pm so he can't call them.
The customer called to complain that he was waiting on the route 50 going southbound on Dixe Hwy/SW 11th Pl and the bus
passed by in the middle lane at 5:11p then switched to the right lane after passing him by even though he stood up and waved for
the bus.
The customer called to complain that he was on the route 31 bus that left the Broward Central terminal at about 9:30a and he saw
a roach crawling on the wall. The customer says that he carries a backback onto the bus and after he got to work he then saw other
roaches on his cubicle near his backpack and he assumes thay had to have come from the bus because the place where he works is
very clean.
The customer says that she was at Young Circle to catch the route 9 going northbound but was thinking about catching the route 7
instead then she saw the route 9 and stop up and waved and the driver stopped suddenly to pick them up. The customer is upset
because when she got onto the bus the driver started fussing about them waiting until the last minute to signal him to stop. The
customer said that she told the driver she was sorry several times but he kept on fussing and even said he shouldn't have even
stopped to pick her up.
The customer called to complain that he was catching the route 9 bus going southbound at the Broward Central Terminal and when
he got onto the bus he started getting his money out and the driver started acting impatient then the driver said that maybe if he
had waited another 20 minutes to pull up to the stop the customer would have been ready.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says this same driver does this every time he catches her bus. She has an attitude, she does not stop at all the selected
stops she is supposed to stop at. He said some days after she pass Sheridan she makes an announcement that she will not be
stopping again until she reaches BT. She just passed up Hallandale beach Blvd but she did stop down the street. Passenger says
when they get on the bus she talk to her passengers as if they’re high school kids, yelling at them.. He say he has called multiple
times previously and nothing was done about it and no one reached out to him. Caller requesting a call back.
Caller claims operator had an attitude and said he was going to go out of service Sunset Strip and University when caller needed to
get to the West Terminal. Claims operator was also speeding.
I have a family friend who uses the 81 W every morning. She’s told me that two days in a row, the scheduled 5:53 AM at NW 44 St
& Inverrary Blvd hasn’t come. I can get you more details if you need. If there have been any changes to the route I would like to tell
her so she can plan accordingly.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Paul Calvaresi
Regional Transportation Planner
Broward MPO
BCT Comments 2016
From: Cromar James [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2016 5:09 PM
To: Mccoy, Barney <[email protected]>
Subject: BCT Route 60 comment
I was going to catch the 4:48 bus for Route 60 SB at the Cypress Creek park and ride facility and the bus left early. I had to run an
errand to pick up my car at the garage before the business closed and now I am not going to make it.
It was 4:43 and I was waiting to cross at the signal and could see the bus at the shelter. I figured I had time to cross Andrews
Avenue and get there before the bus left at the scheduled time. When the light started to change, the bus started to move toward
the traffic signal to catch the light. It was ahead of schedule and I was hoping to catch the bus before it turned south on Andrews
Avenue. I waited until the cars stopped and ran to cross the street, waving my arms so the bus driver would see me and stop, but
he was intent on making the left turn and kept going.
Why is the bus leaving early from a stop where it can wait to get back on schedule?
BTW, I rode the Route 60 earlier today when I returned to the office from dropping off the vehicle. There were no problems and it
actually arrived ahead of schedule at the Cypress Creek park and ride facility. After I got off the bus, I didn’t notice whether the bus
stayed in place to get back on schedule.
I just got off the phone with the customer comment staff but it took over 15 minutes to make the phone connection. A couple of
times, the customer service line cut me off and I had to redial. I was finally able to talk to someone.
James Cromar
Trade Centre South
Passenger says that he kwas atd commercial and dixie waiting for the 55 bus westbound and when he came out of the store at
1052am he saw the 55 westbound leaving 5 minutes early.Passenger says that the bus is schedule for 1057am.
Passenger says that the 81 bus driver (Grace Martin) that leaves BCT westbound at 1030pm and schedule to get to the west
terminal at 1146pm, never go to the west terminal. Passenger says that the bus driver gets to sunset strip and sunrise blvd at
1137pm end her route.
BCT Comments 2016
A passenger called to report that the bus operator on route# 40 and number1319 headed west was very courteous to him. He
stated that he is legally blind and was unable to see the bus coming but the bus operator stopped the bus and told him to take his
time and did not need to rush. He said that the bus operator got out of the bus, took his hand, and put him on the bus. He clainmed
that he was waiting at the bus stop located at sistrunk and Andrews Avenue at approximately 11:50 and 11:55 AM. He described
the bus operator as being a white female by the name of Patricia Stein. The name of the passenger is Gus Orengo and his phone#is
954 662-6767.
Mrs. Grant is calling once again for two reasons. First since she called the last time, she has noticed that more of the drivers are
asking if it is a service dog, and are polite about it. Second, the driver today must not have gotton the memo on the the service
dogs. He was nasty and said , "I's onto you". Just because he is driving the bus, hating life, and then he got all flusted, because he
didn't know how to stap down a wheelchair passenger when the got on, (watch the video and see), he decided to be rude to her
when she got off the bus at the terminal. Please let the drivers know that service dogs are all sizes. The service did get a little
better, but not all of the drivers understatnd that a service dog is for all different reason. Some health problems you can't see. She
was unable to remember the bus #.
The customer called to complain that she has been on Dixie Hwy/Commercial Blvd waiting on the route 50 bus going southbound
since 12:20p and the bus that was due at 12:25p never arrived.
Passenger called to complain that the bus approached the stop and he waved the driver, the driver braked momentarily and then
pulled away, leaving the passenger.
Caller complained the bus operator was driving recklessly. The bus operator cut her off in a school zone. He pulled out from a stop
in and the bus' tire almost hit her. He wasn't observing the speed limit. He kept on speeding, she couldn't catcch up with him to
get the bus # and the driver's description. She had to follow him to the next stop before she can satch up to him.
This bus is always late or doesn't show at all, like today. The bus never showed. Ms. Armand has been at the stop since 12:45 and it
still hasn't show. Can you please get the drivers to stick close to the schedule. I checked our emails and I show nothing broke down.
The bus came early and didn't stop at the stop. There were 2 other buses stopped at the stop. That bus operator went around the
other buses that were already there and took off without picking up any passengers. It happen so quickly she didn't see the driver
nor the bus #
Passenger called to make a few complaint about this bus operator. The passenger didn't have enogh to pay the fare. She told the
driver adn the driver asked her if that was going to be everyday. She said the driver was rude. She was about 5 min Late. She was
also eating while driving. She was also driving slow to purposely be late at her stops.
Caller complained that The annunciator keep talking nonstop.It keeps repeating the same information. It seems to be
malfuntionning. It's loud and very annoying. She had to get off the bus to wait for a next.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger is stating the driver passed him and a lady up at the bus stop in the rain.
Caller says this driver doesn't know her route because she failed to exit from the turnpike on I-595. Driver exited turnpike at
Sunrise blvd, according to caller, and they are now heading west on Sunrise blvd. Caller wants driver to be told how to properly
drive this route. We received no detour info from dispatch about any detours on this route. Wants a callback about the resolution
to this problem.
The driver stopped the bus and went inside the Chevron station for 5 minutes. They were already running late, now they're even
The customer called to complain that the driver is very rude and has an attitude with the passengers. The customer says that the
passenger in front of him asked the driver for a courtesy pass and the driver told him she's not doing anything for him to go sit
down. The caller says he told the driver she could be a little nicer and she told him to mind his own business.
Mr. Merkel said there are about 5 of them at the stop and the bus drove right by without stopping. There is no reason that bus
couldn't stop, it wasn't even full. Please address this issue.
A passenger complained that bus route# 02 and bus number 0705 headed South should arrive at the bus stop at 6:34 PM, however,
it arrived at 6:42 PM.He described the bus driver as being a white male.
The customer called to complain that she was helping a blind man get onto the bus even though she was not catching that bus and
the driver tried to tell her that she's responsible for him and that he (the driver) is not going to be responsible for making sure he
gets off at the right stop.
Caller stated that the bus was parked and when it pulled out it just rode by the stop, not picking anyone up.
Caller state that driver of rt 81 bus 522 did not go into Inverrary at all this morning at 8:58am, instead it turned onto NW 56th ave
southbound at 8:59am.
driving erratically and harrasing passenger.
Passenger says that she was at BCT at 950 am and she put her bike on the 1000am route 50 bus. Passenger says that the lady bus
driver have had words with her before while riding the bus and she didnot tell passengers that she was not the route 50 bus that
was going to leave first and she drove off with her bike, which she needs tonight after work because she gets off at 1200am.
The customer called to complain that he was waiting on the route 60 bus on US 441/Coconut Creek Pkwy and the bus left early at
11:27a. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.** The customer also says he has not been getting calls back about
previous complaints he has made and wants to know what the status is on those complaints.
The customer called to complain that on bus route 2 bus #0504 and on route 12 bus #0508 that the bus route does not display in
the back of the bus and it makes it difficult for her to know which bus she needs when she is running to catch the bus. The
customer suggests switching out the buses with ones that the sign in the back works.
BCT Comments 2016
The custiomer called to complain that the driver is driving too slow and when asked he says that it's because he's ahead of
States dressed all in black and waved to the driver for him to stop. Driver did stop but would not open the door. She was "forced"
to dance for the driver and finally he opened the door. She feels degraded and humiliated and that the driver made her feel like a
Called to complain that the driver did not take the express lanes and the ride took longer.
On Tuesday, March 22, at 5:26pm, I took the bus number 1112, route 7 in the corner of Pembroke Pines blvd and Douglas Rd.,
westbound. I have pictures of bus number. When I climbed into the bus, with a smile, I thank the driver for stopping (I do it all the
times. It is nice to be acknowledged of your job ...). I asked the driver if the bus was going to Century Village and, he replied with a
big NO. I did not say anything, I kept walking to an empty seat. When we arrived to the last stop (Pembroke Lakes Mall), I walked
towards the driver to kindly request a "one hour pass" in order to take the bus to Century Village. He said that the machine was not
working and kept on and on and on. He, even,said that I was "supposed" to wait for the bus that goes to Century Village", to which I
replied that, I am not supposed to wait and, that I can take any bus comes first. He said that "this is what you paid for and this all
you get" as he started walking to the back of the bus, smiling/laughing. I ask myself, did he make fun of me because: I am a woman,
because I am hispanic or, because I live in Century Village, a 55 and older community? Not sure why he mocked me, but it was very
unpleasant as other passengers were laughing at me, I guess. I do not wish niether want or suggest for the driver to lose his job, in
any way possible; specially, in this economy in which is not so easy to find a job. All I ask is a little respect. I do not have a mobile
number, only at home; but I work all all. If you reply, please use the email address. Thank you. Kind regards, Mery Sanchez
Driver pullep up to the lauderhill mall and ordered all passengers to get off the bus while he went on break and closed the bus and
did not allow anyone in. Caller is upset because it was raining and states other drivers allow passengers to board while they wait for
Caller stated that at Sample Rd and University Dr the driver of rt 34 WB bus 1347 pulled out of the bus stop and almost hit her car.
Caller stated that the driver found it funny by laughing at her.
passenger complained that the bus operator was very rude. She closed the door on the passenger's arm. The driver said she was
late. The operator told the passenger to call the police if she's not happy.The operator told her:" shut up and go to your seat". She
kept on cursing, and naggin while the the passenger didn't say anything. Bus operator called her stupid. She keep insulting her
throughout the route from Powerline rd to NTC. She told her to get off the and go away.
Caller complained that the bus left early It was scheduled to leave at 12:44 but let about 10 min early. He saw the bus leaving but
didn't see the driver nor the bus #.
BCT Comments 2016
I'm standing at the bus stop, your driver, a female,black with what sounded like a Jamaican accent. Number one was speeding, and
blew right pass bus stop, after waving my arm frantically for her to stop she finally did. I got on bus, asked her why she is driving like
that, her comment is oh its not a big deal, really, you make me late for work and it is not a big deal. Maybe not to her. I was so
upset, she keep saying what's big deal, and oh my god, told me to relax and keep telling me to calm down. I asked her why is she
speeding, she told me to relax. What the hell kind of drivers do you have. Take pride in your job, apologize when you do something
wrong. When I sat down she was still going on, if she had just said, sorry I did not see you. Really Im so upset. Route 7, first bus
going west,around 5 20 am.
Late bus report On Monday, 3/28/2016, bus #0507, which was to service route #7, was scheduled to depart westbound from Young
Circle at 1:13pm. It did not leave until 1:22pm. The driver description is a black male in his late 20's/early 30's. Please have your
busses leave on time. You do have a campaign where you blame the passengers for late busses. Thank you Andrew Bloom
Ms. Prentice states that every Tuesday when this driver is driving the following happens. He won't stop for passengers on the side
at the stops, he will fly by them or he pulls up and doesn't completely stop and then takes off. He won't pull up to the sidewalk, he
likes to hang in the street. He speeds. He appears to be grouchy, as if he hates everything including his job, and around Franklin
Park where there is construction, he hits every pot hole and plows his way through without being careful. Enough is enough, review
this driver and speak with him, or get rid of him. He isn't customer friendly
Good Afternoon: I am writing today to acknowledge one of your operator Mr. Husbands. Safety is not simple found in a set of
policies and procedures. It is at front of mind at all times. It come from conditioning proper thought processes and behaviors,
preparing for situations and knowing how to respond in ways that protect the well being of your passengers. Mr. Husbands is a nonon sense driver who takes pride in his work, and makes commuting enjoyable. If I could pick a driver for each of my Broward to
Miami bus rides, I would choose Mr. Husbands. I strongly recommend that he be recognized for his efforts. Friday, March 25, 2016
bus 1166, BBT CENTER Thank You for a job well done. Demetria Walker Bus Traffic Control Superintendent Department of
Transportation and Public Works
BCT Comments 2016
Ms. Brown and another passenger were at the stop when the bus flew by them. She stated it is pouring rain and he didn't even
slow down. Now she will be late to pick up her kids from day care. He was running a little late, but not enough to speed down the
road, especially in the rain. She was unable to give the bus number or a description of the driver. She thinks it was a male driver.
Mr. Hayes who uses a cane and can't walk fast was at the stop with another woman when the bus pulled up. She rushed to the bus
(he can't move fast) and the driver let her on. When he got to the door, the driver closed the doors (the woman was putting her
money in), the driver looked at him and then took off. This is a problem with someone who was there and the driver saw him. He
can't run to the bus, and it was very rude as well as to discriminate someone with a disability.
Mr Hayes was at the stop, when the bus went by him without stopping. This is the same bus that discriminated against him in the
Ms. Njour stated that she wasn't allowed on the bus and had to wait in the rain while the driver was in the bus eatting at the end of
his stop. Ms. Njour states that this isn't right. He should have let us on. Then he dissappeard. She had to cross the street to wait for
the bus to come back and couldn't understand why it was taking so long. I explained to her that the driver was on break when she
origanally approached the bus and then he had to make his turn around. I also informed her it was up to the driver as to if he would
let her on the bus while on break or not. She said that is not correct. He is suppsose to let her on. I also informed her this bus would
be returning to the garage. We'll see.
Passenger says her and a lot of other passengers were passed up. She said the driver appeared to be a new driver and lost.
Passed up, passengers signalled at bus but driver did not stop.
Bus pased him up did not pick him up. b/f driver
Driver took money from disabled person and kept it for himself. w/m glasses and beard.
Passenger said it was about three other buses in line at the stop but the bus he was waiting on was the very last bus in line (ROUTE
22) but he could not confirm which bus it was because he could not see the number on the headway. Once the buses began to
move, the 22 kept going and did not stop at the stop. Passenger said he waved the bus to stop but the driver waved back and kept
going. Passenger is outraged about it and says he want the driver disciplined and will not let this be swept under the rug.
Passenger called yesterday for a trip plan from Hollywood Blvd. and 441 to 441 and county line road because he never rode the bus
before. He said when he called the representative informed him that he would only need $2 because he could get a transfer. He
said the driver off route 18 gave him the transfer yesterday, but today when he was getting on route 7 and asked for the transfer,
the driver yelled ”that's absurd, we don't do that." He said the driver could have explained to him in a better way that we do not
give transfers but he was very rude and unprofessional about it. I did explain to passenger about how transfers were given.
BCT Comments 2016
States neighborhood is installing speed bumps and las time that happened BCT took the buses off the routes. She is calling to see if
Broward County is in charge of the speed bumps and it can stop the installation or if broward can continue the bus route even with
the speed bumps. Her neighborhood is St George and Broward Estates in Lauderhill.
The bus stop sign at NE 17 Way and Sunrise blvd is gone. Hastus still has this as being a valid bus stop.
Passenger was not at the bus stop. She said she have COPD, there's no chair or shade at the bus stop so she walked away from the
stop to stand in the shade. I advised her if she was not at the stop the bus would not have stopped. She began to scream and use
foul language because she continued to say she have COPD and she cannot stand in the sun. Call back requested
The campus safety officer called in to report that even though the new bus benches have solar panels, there are no lights for them
to power. So riders are in the dark at nighttime. Please install lights.
Passenger said she was closed between the bus doors by the driver purposely because she was holding the door open for another
passenger who was trying to run and make the bus.
States got on bus and did not know driver was on a break. He was using his cell phone and when the passenger asked when they
were leaving, the driver got nasty and said "dont you see I'm on the phone." Driver never answered any questions and never
provided information.
Mr. Brown states that he has filed several complaints on the driver of Route #7. The driver will never pull up to the curb. Instead, he
stops in the street to let passengers on and off. There is enough space for cars to go around and he is afraid of getting hit. When he
addressed this issue with the driver he told him," I have a hard time walking. Why don't you pull up to the curb?". The driver reply
was, I lower the bus, what else do you want me to do?. Mr. brown is unsure of the exact time he caught the bus last night, but he
did write down the bus #. This is a safety issue. He is requesting a call back.
Caller wants to request a new route be created to go down Nob Hill rd from the Plantation area up to at least Tamarac, like our
route 88.
The customer called to complain that she boarded the bus with her mother and they both had a cart. The customer says the driver
told her she had to get in the front because she wanted to keep the back empty. The customer says the front was full of people and
she told the driver it didn't make sense because there was no room and the driver started yelling at her to get in the front of the
Caller was exiting the 42 bus and the 11 bus due @ 549pm dropped off a rider and left @ 541pm, 8 minutes early at a timepoint.
Mr. Thompson was at the stop waving at the driver when the bus passed him by. He didn't know to get the bus number.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller put $4 in the farebox for a reduced fare all day pass. The farebox wouldn't issue a pass. It wouldn't issue an emergency
courtesy pass either. The driver said the farebox isn't working. Caller wants the $4 refunded. I told her we can't do that. Wants a
The caller signalled to get off at the NE 8 ave stop, before the operator turned onto Sunrise Blvd. Passenger then yelled to get off
the bus. The operator said he needed more of a notice and he ended up letting the passenger off at the next stop. Passenger said
the operator was talking to him in a rude manner and needs to work on his customer service skills.
Good Morning,
First of all, your Customer Service Department is unresponsive and I have heard many complaints from my fellow riders regarding
the lack of customer service that they provide.
I have had many issues with the North Perry bus and have written to the Broward Commissioners. It is my understanding that the
Commissioners contacted BCT and I then received a call from Mr. Marder and another gentleman, who were very helpful and
appreciative of my feedback.
Attached is the email that I sent to Jeff. I realize now that I put in his email the 7:00 bus, which there is not one. I was not a happy
camper standing there waiting on the street. I truly do not like to complain, but feel that this needs to be addressed.
I am extremely frustrated with the evening buses going to North Perry. It seems like the 6:10 and 6:40 buses are the start of the
issue and then the next bus to come is the 7:25 pm, which always comes because of the Jackson nurses. I am sick of discussing this
same issue. For us to have to stand and wait for a bus for an hour++ is unacceptable. Some of my fellow riders were waiting up 1
½ hours last night. I ended up being at the bus stop for a total of 1 hour and 13 minutes. Do you think that is acceptable? I am not
the only one that feels this way and I have suggested to my fellow riders to either contact BCT or the Commissioners. They are very
frustrated with your Customer Service Department also. Please provide your Customer Service Department phone number and
email and I will check to make sure that I have the correct information.
FYI, many of my fellow bus riders stopped taking the North Perry because they said it is so unreliable and are now either driving,
taking the rail, or have switched to the Miramar or Pembroke Commons.
Passenger says that when this male bus driver, is on the route 10 bus heading north from oakland park blvd at 8:02a is always late.
Passenger says today he is eleven minutes late and passenger says that he is the only bus driver at this bus top, that makes her
late for work.
Caller claims operator was driving recklessly and not paying attention to the road.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
Name: Diana
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 954-205-1086
Comments: March 30, 2016 Northbound
Bus from Brickell to Sunrise BBT number: 1205
1. Did not take the express lanes. It was open and the 95 express was on it, so it was clearly open for all busses. Then why am I
paying for the EXPRESS service?
2. Started taking Turnpike North instead of I95 North and put all bus and passengers in a dangerous situation by maneuvering back
to get on I95.
Very disapointed with this trip.
Passenger says another passenger reached between her legs to pick up something that rolled on the floor between her legs. She
said she became upset and asked them is her body a free pass. She said if they did say "excuse me" she did not hear it because she
had earphones in her ear. She said the driver threatened to call the police on her instead of the other person because him and the
driver were "buddy, buddy friendly" on the bus. She say she have the incident on video and will show it to the Supervisor at BT.
***Update 4/5 - Passenger called customer service and said someone tried calling her but she wasn't able to get to her phone.
Requests another call back from operations regarding this complaint***
Mr. Eckerly has been at the stop since 11:50, and the 11:52 am and the 12:26 pm buses never showed. This is a reoccuring thing. he
is hoping that when the 1:00 bus comes, (if it comes), that it will stop. He is going to be late picking up his daughter from her school
Caller states bus left the stop two minutes early at 8:55am when it is not scheduled to leave Powerline until 8:57am.
bus is filthy, windows have mold. its crummy and the seats are in bad shape.
ac leaking water into the first 4 rows and blowing warm air.
Usually the 55 route at 6.00 am in the morning from west to east is on time but 2 days in the route the bus was delay and we asked
the driver he said "i dont know" what kind of answer is that, he is the driver, he is the responsable to keep the bus on time. The
route is 55 and the bus number is 0924. Im really sorry but usually i dont have any problems w the buses but 2 days in route is not
good, we r delay for work.
***CService Email***
Bus 0305, route 9, driver lacks judgment blocking the entire intersection of SR84 and Davie Rd at approximately 13:40 on 4/1/2016.
Suggesting training. Pictures upon request.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller is driver, states out of service 72 bus cut in front of her and forced her to slammed on breaks and when she pulled up to the
driver, the driver said to her and her 2 babies "F you."
Mrs. Rene along with two other passengers were at the stop when the bus passend them up without stopping. This make her late
for work and she was written up for it. Please have your drivrer slow down and look for the passengers early in the morning. She
was unable to give a description of the driver, but she did get the bus number.
Mrs. Dawanna is on the 595 express bus. It arrived on time at 4:12pm and normally should arrive at the BB&T center at 5:18. As of
5:06 the bus is only at 136 and I95. The driver did not use the express lanes and she noticed the other 95 buses passing them on the
express lane. This is not making a good impression on her. She did state, that the driver did stop at Wendy's before getting on I95.
She in inquiring as to why this driver is not using the express lanes. Please call her. She can't make out the number on the bus will
call back when she gets off the bus.
When they got onto I-95 the driver did not use the express lane, he stayed in the regular lane. Caller asked driver why he didn't use
the express lane. Driver loudly and belligerently told caller that he didn't have to answer her questions and to go sit down. Caller
was embarrassed in front of all the other riders in addition to being insulted.
Caller states operator passed up a man standing at the bus stop with this children.
Passenger says that she was going to get on the bus with her dog in a cage, and she took her dog out to get on the bus at young
circle at about 519pm heading to Aventura mall. Passenger says that a large white door attacked her dog and she had to catch the
next breeze. Passenger says that the dog was too big and not a service dog.
Caller states trips due at 5:35am and 6:05am did not show up on 3/31 or 4/1. She would like a back and explanation as to why
buses did not show up.
Caller states he's been at the stop since 3:25pm and bus due at 3:30pm has not shown up as of 3:36pm. Says bus has been a no
show almost everyday.
Caller states operator did not use the express lanes and they were open. Says the bus is now stuck in bumper to bumper traffic on I95. Says they asked operator why he was not taking the express lanes and he responded, "you don't need to ask me that question".
Caller was last in line of those boarding. Before she could board, the driver slammed the door shut and drove away.
Caller states operator was pulling out of BT at 5:31pm when it is scheduled to leave at 5:33pm. Says operator refused to open the
door for her. Says she commutes four hours a day on BCT and this is unacceptable service.
Caller states she is new the area and asked operator to help her find DCF on Commercial Blvd. Says she passed her stop by four
blocks, and says operator told its not his job to make sure she gets off at the right stop. Advised caller she can call customer service
for directions.
BCT Comments 2016
Mr. Aaronson along with 6 others was at the stop when the bus went by without stopping. Although he was running 5-minutes late,
he should have stopped to pick them up. He was unable to get the bus # or a description of the driver.
Passenger says that when the male Jamacian bus driver drivers the route 55 eastbound at 505pm, the bus is always on time.
Passenger says that when he takes off, or someone else drives the route the bus do not come or always come late.
Driver refused to kneel the bus when caller was boarding. Caller says she has a bad foot. Driver just turned his head away and
pretended not to hear her. Driver also accelerated before caller was seated, which made it difficult for caller with her bad foot.
Tops driver called to report that she drove by a bus with the lid that covers the mechanical parts on the back missing. She said she
wasn't sure if the driver was aware that if it was missing.
Driver is very cautious and also a smooth driver. No hard acceleration or hard braking or rough turns.
A passenger complained that bus route# 28 headed west did not stop to pick her up at the stop located on Hallandale Beach Blvd
and layne Road. She stated that the bus should arrive at 9:42 AM, howeve it passed by at 9:48 AM. She described the bus operator
as being a black male driving bus number 1113.
A passenger complained that bus route#05 headed East passed the bus stop located at Pembroke Lakes Mall did not open the door
for her. She stated that she was waiting at the bus stop since 9:50 AM and the bus arrived at approximately 10:00 AM. She also
stated that she waived at the bus and stoop up in front of the door for about 13 minutes, however the bus operator was talking on
his cell phone and ignored her, then he took off. She described the bus operator as being a black male.
Bus stop sign and pole haas been removed from the ground. Passenger says the address is 2001 S Ocean Blvd, Pompano Beach, FL
33062. He also said whomever removed the pole changed the number on the sign from route 11 to route 1.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 215pm for the bus due @ 226pm. It still hasn't shown. GPS tracker showed it running 14 minutes late.
Caller says this run is late every Saturday.
Passenger says that while swiping his bus card that he accidently hit the bus driver's hand. Passenger says that the driver called him
back to the front of the bus and said to him that he could be charged with assault. Passenger says that the bus driver called the
police and put him off the bus. Passenger is very upset and he wants a Supervisor to call him back.
They are at the bus stop in the heat. The bus went speeding by with the caller talking on his cell phone. Wants a callbacl
IMMEDIATELY. I told her standard operating procedure is 10 business days. Caller started screaming obscenities at me.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says that when she got on the bus at sample and turtle run, at 552pm the bus driver said to her " Come on " LADY" and
make it on the bus sometime today". Passenger says that the other bus riders started laughing and she was very humilated.
Passenger says that the bus driver is a elderly male.
Passenger says that she got to atlantic and powerline at 400pm to catch the 419pm bus 14 northbound and the bus never came.
Customer said, the bus operator took a break and the bus scheduled at 3:15 departed at 3:29 PM. He also wants to knok, why the
buses always run late. A call back is required.
Passenger said the bus stopped a few feet away from the bus stop to pick up "African American" passengers and as he ran towards
the bus, the driver pulled off. Passenger says he was discriminated against.
Passenger complained that the bus operator created unnecessary delays to the route which caused him to miss his connection with
the last bus 34E. According the schedule, the bus was around 15 minutes late. Then along the route, the bus driver met up with
another bus driver in a county car. He got out of the bus to talk to the other uniform driver. The new driver then came in on the
bus, did his inspection. He reached Sample 10:20pm. Then the 34 left already, which was the last bus of the night. That was blatant
disrespect of people time. Last night he had to walk 5 miles to make it home. His foot is swollen. He's sore & hurting. He wants the
bus operator reprimanded.
900-910 Caller complained that the bus operator passed him by at the stop and didn't pick him up. He was waiting for the bus going
south. The headsign said Griffin/Anglers. The operator waved t o the passenger as to say no but the sign didn't show no service
call back requested called at 933
Passenger says she’s being discriminated against because only African American drivers pass her and do not stop. She said she has a
disability, short tension span, and cannot stand for long periods of times. I advised her next time while waiting on a bus she can sit
but when she see a bus approaching her she would need to stand or at least wave her hand to notify the driver that she wants him
to stop. She argued against my advice continuously saying it’s the black drivers.
The customer called to complain that he has been at the bus stop on US1/SE 10th St in Deerfield at least 30 minutes before the
time the bus was scheduled to arrived going northbound at 9:09a and no bus has arrived yet as of 9:24a. The customer says this
seems to happen every Sunday with the first bus of the day running late or not showing up.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says he's been riding the bus from Young Circle since July and every time he come here the buses headways always say
"not in service". He said he always have to ask the driver which bus it is and every time he do, they're rude or ask them "which bus
are you looking for?” He feels the drivers are making too much money to have these types of attitudes towards passengers. He said
he was waiting for bus 09 and it was two buses at young circle by Publix but he did not know which bus was which so as he was
walking to one bus to ask that driver which bus he was driver, the other bus was slowly pulling off, which was his bus 09. He said he
began to walk towards the bus and he was mimicking by hand “bus 09?” but he say the driver gave him a look like “to bad you
should have been at the bus stop” and continued to driver away. He said she could have had the courtesy to pick him up being that
she was not too far away from the bus stop.
The customer called to complain that the driver was rude. He says that he was on the route 11 bus and he asked the driver what
time the route 55 was coming and the driver told him he only know what time he's leaving.
Caller complained that the bus passed him up at the stop and didn't pick him up. The bus was 3 minutes ahead of schedule. He
have to wait a whole hour for the next bus. He didn't catch the bus # nor the driver's description
The customer called to complain that she is at Atlantic Blvd/NE 17th Ave waiting on the westbound route route 42 that was due at
2:50 and the bus has never arrived. The customer says she was at the bus stop since 2:40p.
A passenger called to report that BCT needs to put up a bus stop, a bench, and build a shelter on the bus stop located at Sunrise
Blvd and NE 17th Way, Fort Lauderdale, FL. He stated that there is nothing whatsoever showing that there is a bus stop at the
Caller complained that the university breeze leaving the Golden Glades at 6:30am did not show, she said this happens on a regular
basis and she complained numerous times without any result. She would like to know why this happens all the time, she would like
a call back on this complaint.
Caller stated the driver saw her at the stop and got in the middle lane and passed her by. Caller stated that this she knows this
driver and the driver is always driving like a bat out of hell and gets in the middle lanes so she don't have to stop at certain stops.
Caller complained that the 36 bus leaving Sunrise Blvd and A1A at 8:10pm came and as she was getting on the bus the driver ask
her if she was the one who compained that he refused to pick her up, she told him that it was none of his business to ask her that
and the driver closed the door and left her there. She said this was thew last bus and she had to walk home. Caller said she call the
police and made a report and was told to call and make a complaint. She said this driver is always leaving her and she has to take
the last bus on a Sunday to get home.She is asking for the tape to be pullde and this situation resolved because she is tired of this
driver harrassing her. she would like a call back on this complaint.
Caller stated that he got to the bus stop at 7:50am and someone told him that the 7:55am bus had just left. Caller very upset and
fears that he may lose his job for bring late.
Caller states bus scheduled to leave at 9:15pm left at 9:10pm.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that the bus operator left early. The bus was scheduled to leave at 5pm but left 10 min earlier at 450pm
Caller complained that the bus operator left late because he was talking to another driver. He was scheduled to leave at 545p but
left 7 min later.
The caller called to complain that the bus left 5 min early on Sunday night. The bus was scheduled to leave at 11:00 pm but left at
10:55 pm
Passenger called to complain that this driver is very rude to her and the other passengers. She said that the driver tries to require
her to pay a $2.00 fare even though she is not eighteen (18) years old yet. She said every morning the driver demands to see her
identification and not just that she ask for it but more so the way to speaks to the passengers, in a condescending manner.
A passenger complained that bus route 81 headed West passed the bus stop located at Sunrise Blvd and University Drive did not
stop to pick him up. He stated that he was waiting at the bus stop and waived at the bus, but the bus operator ignored him and
kept going. He also stated that the bus should arrive at 11:37 AM, however it arrived at 11:40 AM. In addition, he said that the bus
operator did not do a good job. He described the operator as being a black male driving number bus# 1415.
I received a request for a BCT bus to have a stop near the Young at Art Museum / Broward County Library – (YB), at 751 SW 121
Avenue, Davie, FL 33325.
Angela Jenkins, Library Branch Manager, (954) 357-5577, asked me to make this request on her behalf.
She said there is a BCT stop at nearby at Broward Blvd., but customers and library patrons have to walk a mile to get to the library.
There is also a stop near Nova, but they also have a long way to walk.
She is asking for a bus stop to be at Flamingo Rd. and St. Rd. 84, so there would be a shorter walk to their library, especially for
The caller called to complain that she was in her personal vehicle and she was heading south on 441 when a bus pulled out from a
stop and cut her off. The caller says it was bus #1310 but she does not know the route and it happened at about 9:20a today and
the driver was a black male.
The caller called to file a complaint for her daughter who is 60 years old about the route 36 bus not stopping to pick her up by NW
136th Ave/Red Snapper Rd at 10:30p on some night. The caller says the bus passes by her daughter without stopping.
Bus stop sign is laying on a dead tree. Please fix.
BCT Comments 2016
A passenger complained that the bus operator on route 9 headed North from the Young Circle bus stop has humiliated her and
mistreated her on three different occasions. She stated that she boarded the bus at 12:20 PM today and always hit the bell as usual
before she reaching the bus stop located at Johnson/N Park Road but the bus operator instead passed the bus stop and stopped at
the next stop. She also stated that she tried to address the issue with the operator the first two times but he just looked at her and
would not answer at all. She claimed when the incident occurred again today, she approached the operator to adress her concern
about his behavior, however he answered her in a rude manner and said something strange which she was unable to understand.
He then slammed the door on her face and drove off. She stated that each time she has had to walk back to the previous stop
which is very inconvenient to her. She described the bus operator as being a white male,who is very rude and desrespectful.
By express bus number 1156 today April 1 at at 513 pm express lanes open bus driver did not take express lanes choosing to sit in
regular lane traffic when questioned bus operator states he did not need to answer our questions , very rude , unprofessional and
we will be 1 hour late , unacceptable
Bus number 0525-10. Was driving reckless on April 1, 2016 at 1020pm. Bus almost hit me, did not let me in even tho I was in front
of the bus merging In. I expect bus driver to be reprimanded due to his/hers reckless driving.
Your bus drivers need to learn to follow the schedule being 15 minutes early is very unacceptable. Especially for the LAST BUS. I was
getting of off the last 81 leaving out of Inverarry to West Terminal to transfer to the 72 going west the bus leaving Sawgrass at
11:30p arrived at 56 ave 8 minutes early so I missed it. So I went to get something to eat to wait on the LAST bus which leaves
Sawgrass at 12a and arrives to 56av at 12:25a. As I was waiting for my food the bus flew pass at 12:12a it said 72 POWERLINE RD.
on the LED. I was truly upset had to walk all the way to 31st av. PLEASE have a meeting with drivers its not fair that we pay for
unreliable service. Its no excuse to drive that fast and be that early your the last bus. Thank you!
Bus Stop sign down. New re-located bus stop sign, Rte 20 - Pompano Beach South Cypress Rd just south of Mc Nab Rd - west side.
New bus stop sign has come off post..... Sign and mounting brackets on ground next to post. This is the stop that is directly in front
of the Sunoco gas station recently re-located to allow curb height entry to buses instead of the street height entry. Thank you
BCT Comments 2016
This is my complaint. At 7:24 pm today April 2, 2016. Your driver bus #1138 heading west bound on Copans road to the bus stop
located west of Dixie Highway on Copans road. Began honking his horn as if he was in a great hurry. He clearly could not see the
motorcycle in the road way in front of me however he continues to honk several times. Then he continued to move forward
actually driving partway on to the sidewalk to get into the bus stop.
A passenger complained that bus route 55 headed West passed too early at the bus stop located on Commercial Blvd and Federal
Hwy. He stated that the bus should arrive at 2:33 PM, however it passed the stop at 2:30 PM. He was very upset and stated that
BCT needs to do something about it.
I'm very upset I was at Hillsboro and Powerline and the website says that the bus route 14 will leave at 9:10 and they left at 9:07
and I was waving for them to wait and they looked at me and left now I have to wait 45 min for another bus and will miss my
connecting bus going home I'm upset because I was just getting off work and got to the stop on time and they just drove off I've
have rode the bus for years and have not ever had a problem like this. It was April 1, 2016 @ 9:07 pm.
Caller says driver was speeding through a school zone. He was a parent picking up his child and he do not appreciate the reckless
driving, especially not in a school zone.
The c ustomer called to complain that she was running up to the stop with her 3 small children and the bus driver closed the door
and left 2 minutes early from the Northeast Transit center.
The customer called to complain that he has been at the bus stop since 5:10p and the 441 Breeze that was due going southbound
at 5:23p never arrived. The customer says there always seems to be a problem with this driver.
The customer wants to know who is responsible for the signs on the buses that says that seats are for elderly or handicapped
passengers because alot of the buses are missing those signs. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
Ongoing, checking on who is responsible for this 4/22/16
Oscar F. Compliance and Safety Manger called customer to discuss the issue and what can and will be done. close
The caller says she has been waiting at the stop since 5:45pm. At 6:06pm, the driver passed by and did not pick up any passengers.
That bus was scheduled to arrive at 5:43pm. The time is now 6:24pm and no bus has arrived to pick up the caller.
*Requests a call back.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says a lot of buses, mostly route 28, do not have any visible priority disabled seating on the buses. He said they are
located between the seats towards the bottom of the seat where no one wants to look at. Passenger is suggesting the signs are out
in in plain sight where disable passengers can see them.
same customer as Hastus 19714 - in progress
close this hastus
Ms. Love (who is a commercial driver), was on the bus, when an elder gentleman pulled the cord to get off at Sunrise and A1A. The
driver was so busy talking with a passenger, that she went right by the stop. When they caught the draw bridge, she said to the
driver, you passed this man's stop, can you let him off here. The driver said, no, I not pulling over to let him off. I didn't pass his
stop. Ms. Lover said, "yes you did, he pulled the cord at the light before you turned. This driver was so rude and unprofessional. Ms.
Love said, you lucky it wasn't my stop. The driver said, yeah, what would you do, (picking a fight). Ms. Love said, I would stand my
ground. The driver said, yeah right. Ms. Love, was forced to stoop to the drivers level and stated, when you get to the Galleria, and
if you want to get off the bus, I will tell you what I can and cannot do. Ms. Love said that she tries to be professional and respectful
of others, bus this driver has such an attitude, that she is going to call the superintendent as we.. She said, he knows how to deal
with divers like this. This driver needs to be written up for her action. Please watch the video and audio, and see for yourself.
The customer called to complain that because of the detour on route 4 the bus has to go down Sheridan St but the driver will not
stop to let anyone off of the bus along the detour even when there are bus stop along the way. ***The customer wants a call back
about this complaint.***
Caller says driver is cutting off drivers on the road, switching from one far lane to the other and almost ran a red light.
Bus was due to arrive at 6:15p but did not arrive until 6:53p and stayed at his layover for more than 5 minutes. Passenger says this
driver does this every time she ride his bus.
Passenger is suggesting we put signs or something up at bus stops indicating what time the next buses would arrive because
everyone is usually just standing around at the bus stops not knowing what time the next bus would come.
Passenger says this bus is always late, he take his time to leave when he's at a layover and then when he's behind schedule he
drives reckless to get back on schedule.
A passenger complained that bus route 01 headed South passed the bus stop and did not pick him up. He stated that he waived at
the bus but the bus operator ignored him and kept going. He described him as being a black male driving bus number 0828.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger called to complain that the driver reaches University Drive and Sunrise Blvd and then goes to the garage instead of going
to the West Terminal. He said that the same driver does this on a nightly basis. He said that the drivers don't care what they are
doing and they are adults and they do what they want to do.
***Caller Request A Call Back***
Passenger called to complain that the bus departed the location early. He said the bus departed at 9:10pm. He requested that a
supervisor be assigned to the location to monitor the buses.
***Caller Request A Call Back***
Caller states operator passed up a group of people standing at the stop.
Passenger says that the 813am bus 28 westbound didnot come to the stop at golden beach and pick up passengers. Passengers
says that the bus always comes late or not at all.
Passenger says that the route 28 west bound at 803am from 6 ave and hallandale blvd never came. Passenger says that this bus
have been coming late a lot, when she is making her connection from Miami.
Caller stated that this is his 3rd complaint about this 11:00pm bus that passes his stop all the time and no one has gotten back to
him. Caller stated that the driver once told him that US 441 and Seminole Bingo is not a stop. Caller stated that the driver slowed
down and put on his flashers and then kept going. Caller stated that someone needs to talk to this driver because he will call the
commissioners about this problem.
Caller is calling in defense of the driver who is being complained about by another caller on the bus. Caller says the complainant
claims the driver was verbally abusive to him ,but he really wasn't. Driver simply adivised complainant to not walk in front of the
bus as he had done at Dania Beach blvd and almost was hit by the bus. Complainant is calling in a complaint of verbal abuse when
in fact the driver was simply advising complainant to not walk directly in front of the bus.
Caller states operator passed her up, she was standing at the stop with her service dog.
Ms. Ramos was at the stop waiting on the bus, when she saw the route #1 bus in the inner lane. He/She should be in the outside
lane, so they can pick up passengers. She has a bad knee and is sometime slow to stand up, but she was at the stop and the driver
passed he by without stopping and finding out if she was waiting on the bus. Please correct this and have the driver(s) stop when
there is a passenger at the stop. Stometimes the passenger may have a problem to where they don't move real fast. She was
unable to get the bus number or a description of the driver.
Calller complained that the bus driver purposely left her at the stop. The bus was already stopped at the Young Circle. She was
smoking. He was standing in the bus. Then when he sat down, she was putting out the ciguarette, he shut the door and just takes
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
I arrived to the buss stop 10 minutes before 5pm because the route 81 is suppose to leave the central terminal at 4:50pm. I
understand that there is always traffic and sometimes buses are late, but I dont think a person should have to wait until 5:47 to get
on a bus. That is almost a whole hour. What makes me upset is that I have to go to my next job at 6 pm. And I am late. The bus that
isually comes at 5pm no later than 5:05 pm pass by my stop ( busstop 0613) at 5:36 pm and didnt pick up any passagers. I dont like
it and im upset I ahouldnt have to take 3 or 4 buses to get to work when theres a bus that can yake me straight there. It makes no
Caller complained that he was driving east on Hollywood blvd and the bus number y 1115 was going east also, the bus was cutting
in and out of traffic cutting him off and almost causing an accident. Caller said the driver was reckless and should not be driving a
Caller would like a bench installed at the location. Says bus only runs once an hour and she would like a bench to sit at.
Caller complained that she was driving east on Hollywood Blvd and the number seven bus was going east also, the bus cut her off
and was going in and out of traffic and the driver was not paying attention. She said she almost got side swiped by the bus.
***CService Email***Translated from Spanish ---Today, Saturday April 2, 2016 at 6:17 am, I was standing at the stop for bus route 11 on 21 Ave, across from Tyrone Bryant Branch
Library, waiting for the EASTBOUND transportation service. When I saw the bus approaching, I waved my right arm and my 31 DAY
ADULT BUS PASS to stop the bus operator, (the driver), to get onboard the bus. She did not stop in front of the stop, but stopped
further up. I walked to the front door, and as I was swiping my pass thru the Fare Box, I told her maybe I 'm so dark that she did not
see me. She replied: “Yeah!” When we reached Sunrise Blvd, I pulled the stop cord, and before getting off the bus at the stop after
crossing Sunrise Blvd, I told her that I would make this complaint.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
I take the 595 Express Bus from the Davie parking lot and I would like to bring a couple of things to your attention.
1) There is broken glass that has just been sitting on one of the parking spot for a while that nobody has cleaned up. Just like the
BBT Sunrise parking lot, it is imperative that we have a supervisor on ground for all safety. Plus, with the glass on the floor, we have
lost a parking spot which is crucial for us who take the 827 bus in the morning as the parking lot gets very full.
2) I got the very last parking spot this morning. A few months ago a surveyor was at the Davie lot to see about where people live so
they can expand pick up spots from what I understood. Nothing has been done since. It is not fair that I am left without a parking
spot due to the inefficiency of Broward Transit. I used to take the early bus and then changed to a later time due to less
crowdedness but now I am dealing w being unable to get a parking spot for myself.
I look forward to your response as to when we can exprct all these issues to be resolved. As a paying customer, it\'s the least I
Caller complained that the bus driver left early. It was schedule to to there 11:12 but left early. it was tracking at least 7 min early.
The caller was at the stop since 11:08a
Every morning I take the #60 bus south from Andrews Avenue at NW 53 Street. I am on bus# 1316. Once again, this particular
driver is late…making her own schedule. Apparently she was on vacation recently. During her absence, the southbound 60 was
consistently on time. This is no small matter. I am tired of having to call work to tell them that I don't know where the bus is. Please
please at least have an earnest discussion with this driver. Thank you.
The customer called to complain that she was at Golden Glades since 2:48p waiting on the 441 Breeze that was supposed to leave
at 2:50p and the bus never arrived. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
BCT Comments 2016
This morning I took the 6:40 Miramar 95 express bus. Upon turning onto Red Road the bus came to a stop and a female supervisor
boarded the bus and walked down to the back of the bus and asked a passenger if she minded stepping off the bus to have a
conversation. She responded no, that she can speak with her there. She was accused of not paying her fare which was false. An
associate of hers place at $5 dollar bill in the slot and $0.35.
I was dumfounded by the accusation of this driver. We are working professionals taking this bus, we ride the bus for the mere
convenience not because we cannot afford a car or have no other means of getting to work.
Several individuals have had issues with this driver and nothing has been done.
He was being vindictive by accusing this rider of not paying. Why didn’t he ask her if she had paid or the person who paid $5.35 if
the additional cash was for her. They both came on the bus immediately after each other
Since December there have been several incident with this driver.
He has threatened to call the police and have a rider be taken off the bus
He needs to be removed from this route
It is clear that there are issues and we need resolution ASAP
It is amazing that one call regarding a possible nonpayment of fare got a supervisors attention, delay or arrival to work today and
we have had several times of bus not showing up, every Monday evening the 4:05 bus arrives 20 minutes late and driver is in no
hurry, despite our calls we don’t have the pleasure of seeing a supervisor to assist us but this driver calls and immediately a
supervisor comes flying from Sheridan.
Passenger called to report that the information on the sign has faded away, making the sign hard to read.
The customer called to complain that he was at the bus stop on SW 3rd Ave/Hillsboro Blvd waiting to catch the route 50 going
southbound and the bus pulled up with the headisgn saying NOT IN SERVICE, let people off then left without boarding any
The customer called to complain that the route 20 bus going northbound on US1/Oakland Park Blvd passed by without stopping to
pick anyone up.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 500pm for the 538pm bus. It never showed. Dispatch sent an email that it had broken down.
Mrs. Garcia along with others at this stop, want this route to be addressed. They have seen the the Hollywood, Miramar, and
Pembroke Pines but no North Perry. She stated we need to have someone on this bus, to break up the hang out behind Wendy's at
20th and 10th, where these buses linger. The 5:17 bus just arrived 32 minutes late. Why is it this route only. The other buses can
make it close to their time schedule. Please correct this. She still has to pick up her kids at school, and now she is going to be late.
Caller was at the 62 bus stop across from Imperial Pt Hospital. The bus came speeding around the corner and passed caller and 1
other rider at the bus stop.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller is the wife of a guy who sent her a text, so she doesn't know all the details. The complaint is that her husband is an
electrician who carries his tools & supplies in a milk crate hooked to wheels and a stick to steer it. The driver gave him a hard time
when he boarded. A drunk rider tried to kick him off the bus and the driver did nothing about it. That's all I could get from caller.
Caller stated that the bus did not come at all at 7:05am. Caller stated that she was there from 7:00am.
Caller stated that he was at the stop at 5:05am waiting for the 5:10am rte 2 SB and it never came. Caller stated that the bus did
come at 5:30 am and claimed that the driver told him it was the 5:10am bus. Caller stated that even thou the bus was running late
the driver would stop at certain stops and sit for a few minutes. Caller wants a callback.
Driver changing lanes and driving erratically and "hard." customer claims driver is doing it on purpose.
Caller said every tuesday's she takes the 11 bus on Oakland Park Blvd and nw 21st Ave going to the Central Terminal and the bus
driver is always speeding and taking the turns wide and wild. She said she has to almost step out in the for him to stop for her,
when she ask him why he is alwas trying to pass her up he said he does not have to stop if she does not wave him down.
***Comments taken from Facebook***
ok got on the 9 route at 11:48am at bus stop number 685, the bus was number 305. was on time no complaints, but i've had this
driver before and does the same thing every time. the bus driver pulls over to the side of johnson at 64th by raymonds grocery to
get food, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TRIP, makes the bus 5 min late ,because we were on time. gets to central 5 min late. decides to
get off the bus now making us 15 min late. so from 12:18-12:33 pm the bus was at BC Central, when we are supposed to be at river
land and 441 if not past then finally get to the terminal at 1:08 pm when its supposed to leave. it made me late to class at the Ft
lauderdale campus of Bc. something needs to be done. it is unexceptionable.
Passenger called to complain that the bus did not arrive this morning and this will cause her to be late for work. She said that she
was at the stop at 10:00am as to not miss the bus and then the bus does not come. She said she can't be telling her job that the bus
did not come. ***Caller Request A Call Back*** to find out why the bus didn't come this morning
A passenger complained that the bus operator on route#42 headed South always making stop on a non stop location. He stated
that he continues to do that in a daily basis. He described the bus operator as being a white male driving bus number 0519.
Mr. Skelley was at the bus stop prior to 9 pm. awaiting the 9:08 pm so hecould catch the last 34 bus. This bus never shoowed. It's
bad enough, that some passengers who work later hours do not have the option of taking many buses, and when they don't show,
it'a a long week only. Mr. Skelley is requesting a call back. Because the bus never showed, a description of the driver and the bus
number were not available.
BCT Comments 2016
Customer claims that the driver did not stop at the exact stop even though the customer waived at the driver. Customer walked
towards bus and told the driver that she probably did not see him because he is too dark and driver answered "yeah."
Also, another suggestion that could help keep the buses moving on time and incentivize more bus pass purchases would be to
offer a slight discount for 10 ride passes. The discount does not need to be a large on but enough to have it make sense to purchase
the pass. This will keep the boarding off the bus moving and for the person who has a few ride choices might tend to take the bus
based on the fact they already have the pass in their wallet. Hope some or all of this was helpful.
I take the 95 express bus from Ansin Park to Overtown at 6:40am or some days at 6:55 a.m. Is almost every day that the bus is full
and more than 10 people are left behind having to wait for the next bus. I think if the driver is noticing that it is an every day
occurance, then something should be done, like sending an extra bus for those times when is know that one bus will not be
enough, because having to wait those extra 15 min for the next one really makes everyone late to work, and it should not be like
that. We expect good service and being left behind making you late for work is definitely not good service.
Good morning, Are there plans to have Miramar 95 Express continue from the Civic Center and make stops in Downtown Miami?
The customer called to complain that she was getting on the bus with other passengers and after they got on the driver shut the
door before another passenger could board and left him. The at the next stop there was a handicapped persona nd someone with a
suitcase and the driver passed by without stopping to pick them up and the caller heard her says she doesn't have time to wait on
Voicemail is attached.
Caller stated that he and others were standing at the stop and the bus just blew right by them. Caller stated that when the reached
the central terminal the same driver hurried up and pulled out as the passengers were going towards the bus. Caller stated that he
did not get the bus number but he wants something about this. Callback requested.
Tha patron said, "He said, he was running behing, and was driving too fast", "he scareme to dead".
Passenger complained that the bus operator was rude and disrespectful. Her 2 yr old's daughter pulled the stop request cord then
the driver begun to be rude . She even passed customer at the stop because she was going fast.
BCT Comments 2016
The caller called to report a reckless bus driver. The caller sasy she was heading north on Lyons Rd near Sol Press Blvd and saw a
route 31 bus cut across three lanes of traffic to get into the left turning lane almost hitting other vehicles on the road.
Janet call to let us know that on the#2 route (bus # 1402), the announcement is extremely loud. Can you please have it turned
down just a little. This is the second day she has gotten a headache on the bus because the announcement was "extremely" loud.
Caller says he was waiting for the southbound 6 o'clock 441 breeze and it never arrived. Now it is 6:45pm, and the 6:30pm has not
arrived as of yet. He is upset and asked to have a report filed, and to have a call back.
Mary Morales (AKA Marie Vasquez, AKA Marie ORTIZ, and is band from using Palm Tran buses) called to file a complaint on the
driver who has been very rude, and using bad language to her. The he started talking in his "Hattian language", and trying to make
her feel like she is crazy. She isn't crazy she stated because she took her medication of 5 pills. She states that she is a Christian
woman and should be subjected to that kind of language.
The patromn said, he was waiting at the bus stop and the bus operator passed by and stops at the next bus stop. The patron said
thsi bus operator is making him late for work.
Passenger called to complain that the bus once again did not show up this morning. She said that out of a five (5) day work week
the bus does not show up three (3) of those days. She said this will cause her to be late for work again. She would like to know why
the bus does not show up daily. ***Caller Request A Call Back***
Caller stated that she is showing the driver her high school ID and driver is telling her that she is older than 18 and makes her pay
$2 instead of $1. Caller stated that driver is very rude to her telling her that broward transit is lying to her that she has to pay $2
not $1. Caller stated that she is always having this problem with this driver.
***Received from Facebook***
Good Morning,
A customer sent us in this photo. Not sure who to notify about the overflowing trash at the North Perry Airport for 95 Express Stop.
***Please See Attachment***
Bus stays 5 to 10 minutes on the bay and don't let other buses stop. The customer said, this BCT bus operator was sitting at the bus
stop shared by the Routes "E' & 22 for long time "cleaning her packebook". The patron wants to file a complaint against this bus
operator for disconsideration.
Caller is stating the bus operator pulled into the bay area and put the bus out of service. The driver then began to clean out her
purse for five to ten minutes. The caller states that the driver was not being considerate of the other drivers that have to keep
schedule and need a space to pull into.
Route # unknown
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that she was on the northbound route 4 bus and the driver stopped at Young Circle and got off of
the bus at about 1:15p and left then at about 1:32p another came onto the bus and took over the route. The customer feels that
the first driver should not have left the bus with the bus running and all the passengers still on the bus while waiting on the next
Car driver Lynore states that the 441 breeze cut her off at thomas street and 441 between 1012am -1020am today. Lynore wants a
Supervisor to call her back with the bus number and the bus driver's name.
C-Service Email:
Comments: 595 Xpress 6:40PM bus never showed up at Brickell/Miami, called customer service didn\'t get a response, said that
they cannot get in contact with the driver and we waited until 8:00pm and called a taxi. You left 5 people stranded. Thanks
Passenger said himself along with Douglas Moore, disable passenger in a wheel chair, was waiting for the bus and the driver pulled
up gave them both the finger and pulled off. He said the driver had no reason for what he did and he wants the driver terminated.
He said he is going to sue the company because he know his laws and the company will be sued on behave on the driver. He's
requesting a copy of this report and he also recorded our call for his attorney purposes. I provided him with the identifier number.
C-Service Email:
For the third day in a row I see your bus on the right lane of the express lane holding all the traffic where that lane is about to end
in order to merge to the left lane. Please advise your driver that he will cause accident driving this way, besides been VERY
disrespectful to everyone waiting on the left lane and been blocked on the right as well!!! Besides of setting an awful example to
everyone on the bus! (The bus number of this morning was 5009x)
Caller stated that driver was very nice and kind and went above and beyond to help him.
Off duty policeman called and states bus driver is driving recklessly. states driver commited 4 moving violations and if he would
have been in his patrol car, he would have arrested the driver. Driver speeding, weaving in and out of traffic and slamming on
bus has not showed up the last 2 days.
Passenger says he's standing at the stop with a 1 year old toddler, waving the bus down and the driver passed him up. He said the
driver saw him and keep going.
The patron was sitting at the bus stop bench, then the bus came and passed the bus stop. The patron stands up and follow the bus
the bus operator pick up the patron. The patrons said he is very upset because the driver almost doesn't stop and because he has a
bad attitude. The patros is asking BCT reprimend this bus operator in order this situation does not happend again.
P.S. I advise the patron, stad up when the bus is comming in order to avoid this situations.
The caller is stating everytime a passenger signalled to get off at the next stop, the driver passed by it. Caller said it happen to him
and 4 other passengers before he got off.
BCT Comments 2016
Corteous and good driver comendated. The patron said, "this bus operator deserved be rewarded, he was driving very well and is
aware and care for the people. Today, he gently avoided an accident when a pedestrian crossed the street unespectly. She added "
This young driver is a good element" and I wan to let you know".
The patron in a weelchair was waiting at the bus stop. The bus operator stops in a place thet the patron couldn't get in and the bus
operator refused to go back to make possible the patron get on the bus. A call back is required.
Customer complaints about "all the buses have dirty windows, all of them". The patron complains about nobody do anything to
mantain clean the buses.
The patron wanted to file a complaint about the Route 14 which consistensly is running out of schedule.Buses are not running on
time, some times way too early and some times very late. As results of this failure the buses are very crowded. The patron is asking
to increase the frecuency on the buses or make them run on time. Call back request.
The caller is stating the bus passed her and her children up at the bus stop.
Passenger says that the bus driver passed by the bus stop without picking them up.
Passenger called to complain and inquire what happened to the bus this morning and also yesterday. He was informed that the bus
had mechanical issues this morning and did not come. He then wanted to know why the bus did not arrive yesterday. He said that
the passengers buy bus passes to ride the bus not to then have to get a cab to get to work. ***Caller Request A Call Back*** (want
to know what happened to the bus yesterday)
Passenger called to complain that the bus at this time is late every day. He said that he got on the bus and asked the driver why he
is always late and the driver told him to "Shut Up". He said he told the driver not to ever talk to him that way again. He said the
driver needs to be spoken to.
Passenger says that she got to the bus stop at 754am to catch the 758am bus 55 westbound and the bus never came.
Passenger says that the 1130am route 9 bus from young circle has made her late for work five times in eight weeks. Passenger says
that on Monday, 04/04/2016 the 1130am bus didnot come at all and on Tuesday at 1145am it had not come yet.
Passenger says that the 640am bus 62 westbound at mcnab and 21 ave didnot come.
Caller stated that the bus just drover right by and the driver waved her hand at her.
Caller said she takes the 36 bus everyday at Sunrise Blvd and A1A at 7:20pm and the driver always get there on time but smoke a
cigerette for 20 minutes before he start service. She ask him why he is delaying service and he told her he does not care he will do
whatever he wants. Caller is asking a supervisot ot intervene and see why this driver is not doing his job.
Caller states bus due at 9:06am did not show up today or yesterday, he arrives at the stop at 9:00am for the bus. Caller says he has
missed two doctor's appointments because the bus cannot be on time. He would like a call back about this.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
Good afternoon, The online map for the Miramar 95 Express parking shows that the entrance is on 172nd Street but that gate is
always closed. Do we have to enter from the main park entrance on Miramar Parkway or does the gate on 172nd Street opens
Passenger says that the male driver that leaves 207 street at 1000pm on Thurs drives slow and he leaves after 1000pm. Passenger
says that he takes a break at mattress firm and another break at state road 84. Passenger says that they are trying to catch the last
route 22 bus and this driver is driving slow and taking two breaks on the route.
Passenger says that he got on the 30 bus at andrews and davie blvd at 1249pm. Passenger says that he pulled the cord to get off
the bus at peters and 71 ave, the bus stop before university westbound and passenger says that the bus driver was busy talking to a
passenger standing beside him, that he didnot stop at his stop.
Caller stated that he was at A1A and Oakland park Blvd. He put is bike on the RT 72 bus 0914 and turn to get his bags and the driver
just drove off. Caller stated that the next driver was able to reach the driver of 0914 and inform him to look out for caller at
Oakland Park Blvd. and Nob Hill so he can retrieve his bike. Caller stated that when the bus got there the driver wouldn't even
apologize for his actions.
Passenger wanted to file a complaint because she doesn't want "this happens again".
Caller stated that he was walking across Griffin Rd SB on Ravenswood when RT 6 bus 1101 almost ran him and his 18 month old
baby over. Caller stated that he had the right a way and the driver had a red light but he turned anyway without yielding. Caller
stated that driver also ran the red light to make the left turn into the tri rail station.
Customer states uses walker and bus driver saw him at the stop and passed him by. Claims bus driver did it on purpose because he
did not want to assist a disabled person.
States bus arrived early and did not stop.
The passenger called to complain that first the bus arrived forty (40) minutes late and then he rang the bell to get off at Military
Trail and the driver didn't stop until reaching Powerline Road. He also said that there were three (3) elderly ladies that wanted to
get off at Century Village who had to walk back to their stops with him because of the driver's failure to stop. He said that this
driver should be fired. ***Caller Request A Call Back***
***Received by Email***
"Please See Attachments"
Passenger is stating the operators were charging her $5 for an all-day pass with the upgrade fee included for 4 years now. This
morning, a driver told her the cost will be a total of $6 with the upgrade fee of a $1. Caller felt like she was being overcharge
because this the first time someone made her pay more. Passnger was informed the operator charged her the correct fare.
Caller would like all Express bus drivers to be informed since she has been paying less than the correct amount.
BCT Comments 2016
states that got off the train and the bus was there and the driver saw them but left and did not pick up any passengers.
passenger states that the 95 express bus caters only to government workers and needs to have later times to accomodate all the
workers that live in broward. states that the last bus at 7:01 pm is too early and would like to see at least a bus one hour later.
Passenger states that the bus reaked of cigarette smoke and the driver opened the windows. She states that as soon as she got on,
the driver took a break and smoked a cigarette outside of the bus.
Caller said her husband uses crutches and the driver refused to stop at the bus stop because she said she could smell the smoke on
him. She said someone should have a talk with the driver and let her know it is public transportation and not her private vehicle.
Caller says there were 3-4 people standing at the stop waiting for the bus to approach. He says the bus pulled up behind the other
buses, sat there a second, and then pulled off, going around the other buses. The riders all waved for the bus to stop, but the driver
waved them off and kept going. Caller also stated that this driver frequently rides with A/C turned off, and the windows rolled up.
Caller says the driver is driving recklessly across the road, he's cutting of drivers and speeding. He said the driver made an
inappropriate hand gesture towards his as he sped away doing about 45 MPH in a 35 MPH zone.
Passenger said the driver closed the door in her face for no reason and drove off. I asked her was she approaching the stop as the
bus was leaving, she stumbled with her story and said she was at the bus stop.
Ms. Karen wanted to let us know that the bus sign for stop 0062 ne 192 street and County Club Dr. is missing. There is no
construction or anything. Please replace the sighn.
Natalya Baybak want to know what happened to the 5:20 bus. It never showed. I informed her that there was a bus on Hiatus. She
didn't want to hear that. She wants a supervisor to call her on this.
Mrs. Martin was on the #10 bus running Northbound when she have a frightening experience. The driver was driving erratically,
speeding past stops, not picking ups passengers, closing the door on others, and slamming on the brakes. Mrs. Martin flew to the
back of the bus, luckily falling in a seat. Other passengers were falling from their seats. She almost called the police. "He must be
real mas at something", she said.
Mr Martin is very upset, that the 6:22 bus arrived on time, droped someone off and then the driver told them he couldn't pick
them up, "he had to go to Wendy's". Why couldn't he pick up when he dropped off the other passenger. She did not have the bus
number at this time.
Caller was a bicyclist in the bike lane. Caller says the bus passed him by within mere inches at about 55 mph. The bus tires were on
the stripe of the bicycle lane, caller says. Caller says the bus driver had plenty of room to move over as there was no oncoming
traffic. Caller feels the driver carelessly endangered his life.
Caller says that almost every seat in the back section of the bus is covered with heavy mildew.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller was a motorist behind the bus. He said the exhaust pipe was belching out a large plume of heavy thick black smoke.
Car driver says that he was doing 50 on a 45mph lane at davie rd ext and stirling southbound at 344pm. Car driver says that the
route 09 bus young circle ran a traffic light and was speeding and passed him.
The customer called to complain that he was waiting on the route 9 going northbound on Johnson St/N 35th Ave that was due at
8:41a and the bus passed by without stopping to pick him up.
The BCT bus operator saw the patron getting on the bus and closed the door on her face. The patron said, this is the second Sunday
this driver is rude and disrespectful with her. Today, the patron was waiting for a lady passenger get off the bus, to get on; she was
holding her cart to put it on the bus first step of the bus and the driver saw her, screamed at her, and shut the door on her face.
When the female driver camelback from Publix continues having a very rude attitude. The patron added, this driver do nothing
when someone is bothering the passengers; she said “there is a female passenger that usually uses this bus, she is very aggressive
with all passengers, screaming, and sometimes threating them physically, and this bus operator only laugh and do nothing.
Passenger says the driver was holding a personal conversation with a female passenger the entire route, distracting him from doing
his job. He said the conversation was causing him to driver really slow and it made him miss his connection for his other bus. He
also said when the driver got to his layover, he waited for 15 minutes and the same female passenger got back on the bus and
talked to him the rest of the route again. He said the driver should have told the woman to allow him to focus on his route but he
didn't, he continued to hold this personal conversation with this woman.
Caller complained that the bus left 3 minutes early from the lauderhill mall. He said that he's been doing every Saturday morning,
the same driver. He was scheduled to leave at 755am but left at 752am.
Caller complained that the bus came late and was driving recklessly. The operator came at 726pm instead of 710pm.
Caller complained that the bus operator left 5 min early. It was scheduled to leave at 11pm. Caller said that the same operator has
been doing that every Saturday.
***Call bacck requested**
Caller complained that the bus left early. He left at 622am instead of 618am.
Call back requested
Caller not our rider. She was following the bus. she called because she saw the driver stop the bus and did not wait for a man in a
wheelchair to get to the bus.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states there is a bus stop on the "east side of NW 31st between SR 7 & Sample Rd in Coconut Creek" where the concrete is
"too low". Says the ramp on the bus becomes too steep for her power wheelchair, and she has to use her legs as brakes when
coming down so her chair doesn't flip off. Caller claims she has written the County twice, on 2/29 and 3/1 about the stop, but has
not received any response.
Passenger called to complain that the bus arrived with a "Not In Service" sign showing and only let the passengers get off the bus
but did not pick up any. He wanted to know why the bus was not picking up passengers. He also said that he has requested a call
back many times in the past and have not gotten any. He said that if he does not get a call back he will notify channel 7 news.
***Caller Request A Call Back***
Passenger called to complain that he was waiting for the bus and it arrived but kept going past, leaving him. He stated that this was
the last bus for the night and it left him stranded. He also said that he has asked for call backs in the past and has received none. He
wants to know what is going on.
***Caller Request A call Back***
The driver was loudly preaching the Bible while driving the bus. Caller was in the back of the bus and could hear it plainly. He
doesn't want to hear religion preached by the driver. This was the original driver before the driver change by the Seminole casino.
Caller complained that the bus operator left too early She was at the bus stop since 939a and the bus was scheduled to leave at
944a. She said that that bus driver does that evey Monday. She said it's not fair since she depend on the bus to reach her
destination on time.
Caller states operator "humiliated" her for putting pennies in the farebox. Says she put a combination of dollar bills and coins,
including some pennies to pay $2.65. Claims operator told her "most adults know how to count change". Advised caller to not use
pennies so the bus can stay on time.
Dear Administrators, I am a commuter who rides the no. 83 bus almost daily. I would like to commend and recommend driver bus
0731 on the 83 route in Coral Springs. This gentleman makes a great difference. He is outstanding and exceptional. He is very
courteous to the passengers and provides excellent service. He is very considerate of each passenger. He is an asset to BCT. He
deserves to be honored. He is a rarity at BCT. He is usually on the route near University Drive and Royal Palm Blvd. near 7p.m.
Thank you. Sincerely, Denise Levy
Retired teacher from NYC, spend winters in Fort Lauderdale with my wife, Mariko. Find BCT great for traveling around. Particularly
want to mention some great drivers: Lillie and Sean on the 11 line, Paul and Patty on the 40 line. All very courteous, friendly and
efficient. They deserve commendations and promotions. (But not big promotions, don't tuck them in an office, they are needed on
the buses!) Sincerely, Joe Mapelli
BCT Comments 2016
Retired teacher from NYC, spend winters in Fort Lauderdale with my wife, Mariko. Find BCT great for traveling around. Particularly
want to mention some great drivers: Lillie and Sean on the 11 line, Paul and Patty on the 40 line. All very courteous, friendly and
efficient. They deserve commendations and promotions. (But not big promotions, don't tuck them in an office, they are needed on
the buses!) Sincerely, Joe Mapelli
Why do you bother having schedules. Your buses are never on time or just don't show up. On Apr 7 2016 RT 7 East bound at 528
am never show up. Found out later bus was broke down. April 8 2016 same route same time no bus. Wonder what the excuse will
be this time...then I see neither incident was listed on alerts...interesting. Whether you know it our not your customers do not
appreciate the quality of service you offer..it is a laughing joke among riders.
I was at Pine blvd and Hiatus, going east.
BCT Comments 2016
First, I want to inform you that I tried to fill online the Title VI Complaint Form, but I could not do it. Second, my complaint is that,
today Sunday, April 10, 2016, at 10:06 a.m. I (Rich Rico) was standing next to the bus stop sign for Route 31, at N.W. 19 ST. & N.W.
21 AVE. I realized (I observed [I looked]) that the bus number 1133 was approaching and I waved my hand, my 31 DAY PASS BUSS
and my body. By the TIMETABLE of that route it is written that at 10:12 a.m. the bus would be in N.W. 19 ST. & N.W. 15 AVE., But
that did not bother me. The operator (driver) stopped the bus, opened the doors, I boarded and paid with my BUSS PASS in the
Fare Box. The operator accelerated the bus, without waiting for me to accommodate. But that did not bother me much, because
most drivers do the same. I observed that the driver was driving very fast, but that did not bother me. When the operator drove
the bus to the intersection N.W. 7th. Ave. & N.W. 5th. St., stopped because the traffic light was red. I looked that the driver opened
the doors to allow a passenger to leave the bus, but we had not yet reached the bus stop. But that did not bother me. When we
arrived at N.W. Flagler Ave., the operator slowed and drove the bus slowly until the STOP sign is between Brickell Ave. & N.W. 2nd.
St. He stopped the bus, opened the doors and waited a few seconds. I rose from the chair, walked toward the entrance gates to try
to leave the bus, but I could not because the operator closed the doors. I walked towards the exit (back) doors. The operator
continued driving slowly until we reached the parking lot of Route 31 in the Broward Central Terminal, at 11:20 a.m. I waited for
the driver to move the handle, and that the lights in the top of the back door were lit, to touch the doors and leave the bus, but the
operator did not move the handle in that direction, but moved it in the direction to open the front doors. That action does bother
me a lot. I walked towards that direction and asked him that if he could not open the back doors. The operator did not answer, and
I mentioned the bus number (1133), to let him know that I would make this complaint. When I left the bus, I ran to try to approach
the Route 1 bus and ride, but I could not because the operator started the route, as the check out time was at 11:20 a.m., as is
written on the TIMETABLE of that route.
Assigned to Title VI
Oscar Figueroa, Manager Safety & Compliance called Mr. Rico and told him that he will the rules about priority seating. He also
informed him that Bus Operators can ask another passenger to please make room for a disabled person for a seat but can not make
them give up a seat.
l d
on 4/8/16 bus 0823, rte81 at 5:57PM turned right onto NW 44th Street from Inverrary Blvd without stopping at the red light. it
pulled in front of the card ahead of us and then sped over the 30MPH speed limit down NW 44th Street. it made another right turn
at the next light without stopping- the light was red.. this could have caused a serious accident. please advise as to what procedures
were followed up on with this bus driver roberta levine
BCT Comments 2016
Caller arrived bus stop at Powerline rd @ 515pm. Caller says the eastbound 48 bus came over the Turnpike and then turned into
the Deerfield Mall. At 632pm it still hasn't come back out. It's not showing on the tracker. Caller thinks the driver is taking an
unscheduled break in the mall. The bus was too far away for caller to get the bus # or driver description.
Mr. McClung (who is death and in a motorized wheelchair), was very upset that when the #62 finally arrived, that he had to wait a
long time before he could get on the bus. The driver usually allows him to board first to get settled and then the other passengers
board. There were alot of passengers there and it was very crowded. Also, with the wheel chair that he has, the driver needs to give
him room (not get so close to the curb), so he can get on. He had to back on because the lift was to close to the curb. It is bad
enough that the other passengers were rude, but nor the driver. The driver was talking to fast and he had to show his card stating
he was death more then once. Please correct these issues.
Caller complained that he and his friend got on the 60 bus going south on Hammonville Rd and 18th ave at 8:20am, he put one
doller in the fare box and was about to put another doller when the driver told him he had to pay the correct fare. He said the delay
of him paying the two dollers cause the one doller to register and the driver said he had to put in two more dollers. He said he
would not be able to get home becaude he only had the fare to and from work , the driver told them to get off the bud and he was
unablae to go to work.
Caller stated that she was on the Turnpike headed south when the 441 breeze began merging over to the left lanes. Caller stated
that she was in the far left lane and the bus driver just kept merging over cutting people off and the driver just push their way into
caller’s lane forcing caller to completely pull of the road and come to a complete stop.
Caller stated that the bus pulled up, he waved his hand at the driver, the driver looked at him and kept going. Caller stated that he
was sitting right at the stop with his bags. Caller then went on to say that he was standing right at the stop right by the pole and
the driver just kept going.
C-Service Email:
Good morning. As the maintenance supervisor at Broward Health North, I would like to speak to someone about the condition of
the bus stop on the property. We are in the process of revamping the look of the campus and the Bus stop currently looks very
dilapidated . Please call or email so we can discuss. Thank you.
C-Service Email:
This driver is rude. I'm not from broward and I don't know how to navigate myself so I'm asking questions and he's just flat out
RUDE !! I caught the breeze bus number 0803 on university and pasadena at about 7:12 pm
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
today 04/11/16 at 5:30pm, while driving home from work I was east bound on Sunrise Blvd, bus# 0744 was in the middle lane and
the driver decided to turn into the left lane, with his blinker on. However, besides almost pushing me off the road he was eating a
sandwich. he opened the door where passengers get on to tell me I didn't see him and that I sped up, and for some reason, his
sandwhich disappeared. I think you should keep this on file in case he plows over someone 3 months down the road.
C-Service Email:
This evening (4/9/16) I was standing at a bus stop on Federal Hwy (West side) just North of Oakland Park Blvd talking to a homeless
gentleman I know. A Southbound bus was just pulling up and he tried to get on it - as he approached the door the driver closed the
doors and started to drive away. At this point you should know that Tyrone uses a walker to walk. Another guy stopped the bus and
the driver opened the doors for him to get on - he explained to the driver that Tyrone was trying to get on the bus, and Tyrone was
moving as fast as he can with a walker towards the door, the driver closed the door on him and drove off. This is disgusting
behavior for a bus driver. Do you have a policy where a driver can pick and choose who he/she lets on? Tyrone had money on him,
he may not be the speediest person but I was on the belief that drivers should wait for disabled people. I would very much
appreciate a response with an explanation of your policies which allows a driver to leave a disabled passenger stranded at a bus
stop. I believe the driver was female, she was driving Southbound, the time was exactly 6.09pm when she pulled away and the
number on the bus at the top left hand side was 0725. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I look
forward to your response. Thank you Jackie Spark
Mrs. Ocasio stated she was at the stop prior to 10:30am waiting on the 18 southbound. Even with a detour north of her, the bus
was to return on it's regular route before it reached her. She hasn't seen one bus in over an hour. That is (4) four buses missing.
Where are they? She stated that this is a test on filing a complaint, because she never gets a call back. The buses in question are
10:35 am #18-05, 10:55 am #18-08, 11:15am #18-02 and the 10:35am #18-06. Please call her on this complaint.
This bus is late every Monday through Friday. It is schedule to be at Hollywood and 441 at 5:03am, according to the schedule. Every
morning she is waiting for the bus and one finally shows around 5:20. I tried to explain that the schedule where she is show that the
first bus is 5:22am (at Tyler it is 5:03 am). She stated that is not what the schedule showes. Looking at the paper schedule, the
times are for stop #4743 Hollywood (Tyler Street). We do not know what the 'F****" we are doing, she stated.
Passenger said he was waving his bus pass in the air for the bus to stop but the bus did not stop and he was at the bus stop when
the bus passed.
Passenger said herself along with a few other passengers where at the bus stop since 1212p waiting for the bus due at 1217p but
that bus did not arrive, she said it came early. She said she did not get another bus until 1237p which was on time and she's upset
because she's late for work and she depends on BCT.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states operator was missing stops and was driving recklessly.
Passenger says driver was very patient this morning throughout the detour. He said the driver had to do numerous rights and lefts
and twist and turns but he remained calm and did not get upset. Passenger said if it was him he would have been upset but the
driver was very nice about it.
Passenger says the bus stop sign has been bent for quite some time and he has called on numerous occasions to have someone
replace it but the sign still has not been replaced.He said it is the sign in front of Coach Life Condos. Passenger requested a call back
when the issue has been address.
Caller complained that the bus is coming ahead of schedule between Sample Rd and Copans Rd which cause it to be early on the 29
St stop. Then he takes a break at Copans Rd to make up the time. The passengers between Sample Rd and Copans Rd are missing
their bus while the operator go on Copans Rd and take a break to make up the time. Caller says he has been taking the bus for 2
yrs and this bus has been doing that for the past 3 weeks and today. Caller said that he should take a break at Sample Rd to make
up for the time instead of Copans. Futhermore, the caller said that the bus use to have 3 bike racks, but now it comes with 2 bike
racks. He'd like to see the 3 bike racks so he won't get left behind
Caller complained that he was riding his bike on A1A and NE 9 St in FT Lauderdale at about 2:20pm the bus number 1413 almost hit
him, he fell off his bike but he did not make contact with the bus. He catches up with the driver and ask him why he did not wait
until it was safe to pass him, the driver told him that he was riding too fast and he had to swerve to avoid him and it was his falt.
Caller would like a call back on this complaint. See complaint # 20465 on 05/11/16
Caller suggests a limited stop route run from Broward Central Terminal to Mizner Park. Also suggests limited stop routes for
Oakland Park Blvd and Miramar Parkway.
Passenger's daughter called to file a complaint that her father is a senior citizen and the driver made him pay $5.00 for a "All Day
Pass" and told him to "sit down" in a very disrespectful manner.
The caller complained that the bus driver was very rude when he passed him at the stop. He stood up and waved his hand and bus
operator didn't stop. The caller complained the that this is the 5th time he's done this, leaving him at the stop. He thinks that the
driver has a personal issues with him. The bus # wasn't provided
Caller complained that the bus didn't arrive at all. It was scheduled for 12:28pm and was so late he had to wait for the next one at
The passenger complained that the operator delayed the route. He had to get off the and catch a different bus. A male driver
arrived at the NTC on time at 9:03. The relief driver, a female driver was waiting to relieve him.The drivers held very long
conversations for almost 30 min. Every night he ended up missing his connection with bus 10. He got tired of it and got off the bus.
Caller suggests that the new bus stop signs/placards that are being put up be a different color instead of white so they can easily be
seen by riders who are looking for a stop.
BCT Comments 2016
A home owner called to report that trashes being thrown down at her yard because there is no trash can available at the bus stop
located at 47th Avenue and NW 19th Street, Lauderhill, FL. She is requesting a trash can to be placed at the bus stop.
The AC was off and it was hot so some riders started opening windows. Driver told them to close the windows because the AC was
coming on. An argument started between driver and some of the riders over the issue. Driver then said she had to take a break
and stopped the bus at Dixie Hwy. Driver then called police, caller says.
Caller was standing at the stop and didn't signal but the driver picked her up anyway. Driver yelled and lectured the caller about
failing to make a signal to driver to pick her up. Later on at Commercial blvd another rider who didn't know it was the breeze
signalled a non-Breeze stop. When the driver passed the stop, the rider asked driver why he didn't stop. Driver explained he was
the Breedze. The rider asked if he could let him off anyway. The driver angrily told rider that he had picked the wrong driver to
fuck with. Rider said he was just joking and to lighten up. Driver repeated that rider had picked the wrong driver to fuck with.
Mr. Ford was at the bus, he turned while the other passengers were boarding the bus. Whe he turned and approached the bus, the
driver closed the door on him. He lightly tapped on the door, and the driver (who was not moving yet), shook his head and then
pulled off. At thesame time this was happening, another passenger was running towards the bus and was left behind as well. When
he approached the supervisor at the Central Terminal, the supervisor did not give him much help, (he had to beg for the bus
number from him), and the dupervisor gave him customer service's number. This is poor judgment of the driver, Mr. Ford stated.
He wasn't moving, and he wasn't even 4 steps away from getting on the bus. Mr. Ford is requesting a call back.
They were at the bus stop and the bus went speeding by w/o stopping.
This bus was late and the driver had no manners and was treating him like a child. The driver was trying to blame him for her
running late. Please call him on this complaint.
Christopher stated that he was waiting for the 8:50 pm bus and the (a) bus didn't show till 9:40pm. He stated this makes this bus
very late. Please call him on this complaint
This bus was early. The bus arrived at 6:43 am and it wasn't schedule till 6:58 am. That means it left the Lauderhill Mall early and
that is a place they're suppose to leave at a set time. The drivers are not checking their time points.
Not only was this driver early 7 minutes, but this driver does this every Monday. At Sunrise Blvd and University Dr, the driver is
supposed to continue to the West Terminal, instead he puts his Not In Service sign on and turns north to go back to the garage. This
time schedule clearly states that it goes to the terminal and when he told the driver this, the driver told him he doesn't know what
he is talking abount. Every Monday this is a reoccuring problem. Please call him on this complaint.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that the 102 breeze came to the stop at University Dr and Pines Blvd at about 6:56am he said the driver stop
open the door and before anyone could get on the bus she drove off. Caller was very upset and said if something is not done the
driver is going to regret it because he is about to loose his job and he has complained about this same driver and nothing is done to
aleviate the situation.
Caller states operator has had a problem with a young man trying to board at this location for months, and it's inconveniencing
other riders every Wednesday. Says two people were waiting behind the man in line to board her bus today, and caller claims
operator closed the doors and left all three of them because she didn't want to pick up the man. Caller says a supervisor was called
out to the stop last time, but BCT needs to figure out another solution if she is going to have a problem with this man every
Wednesday morning. Caller says operator will not have a job if she is the one left at the stop next time, she has called to report this
already and nothing has been done.
Caller said she was waiting on the 102 breeze going north on University Dr and Pembroke Rd at about 6:52am, the driveer came
and let some people on the bus and would not let her on. She said that she was going to miss her connecting bus to get to work.
Caller states Breeze passed she and her son up at the stop.
Caller said he was standing at the bus stop on A1A and Holiday Dr at 9:11am going south and the 40 bus pass him up. He said he
was going to be late for work.
Customer called to say that the driver stole his bike. He was at sawgrass and placed the bike on the rack and driver drove off. The
customer called Sunrise PD and got a police report. Customer called our risk management and is working with our other
department. Also, we took a lost and found report. Customer also wanted to complaint about the driver on the bus on this report,
0913. States asked the driver for help about getting his bike back and the driver ignored him.
Assigned to Risk Management for claim
Caller said she was driving south on NE 15th Ave towards Sample Rd the bus 34 was making the turn on Sample from NE 15th ave,
the driver almost hit her car because the bus should stop she had the right of way. She said the bus driver put her head through the
window and started yelling and cussing at her. She said the driver was irate and she should not be driving a bus if she does not
know how to use the roadway.
Customer has 3 other complaints regarding a particular Bus Operator that refuses to stop at Seminole Casino at 1100 pm. He said
other drivers stop, this one doesn't he gave bus #1310. He called a couple of times. Mr. Wallace can be reached best by email
during the day at [email protected].
Passenger says that she was at the bus stop at flamingo and miramar bus 28 at 1011am and the 1018am and 1047am bus never
came. I tracked the bus and informed the passenger of the buses that was on the route east of her and west of her and passenger
didnot comment on how she did not see the bus.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger complained that the bus arrives late every morning. The bus cameat 8:22am instead of the scheduled time 8:10am.
Caller states operator passed her up and she was standing at the stop. Says she will miss bus 20 and this is major inconvenience.
To Whom It May Concern: Rte 15 only runs during work week M - F and no service on weekends. When will there be service on
Washington St on weekends Sat & Sunday. I will wait for your response. Best Regards, Beverly Tauber
I'd like to report a dangerous practice on Sample Road and Coral Ridge Drive. On 12 April 2016 at approx 4:30pm County Bus
Number 0315 was PARKED in the right turing lane heading East. The driver was not in the bus or in close proximity -- not the normal
Bus Stop but in the Turning Lane in front of Walgreen's Drug Store. At this time of day, it is dangerous to impede rush hour traffic
while the driver leaves the bus. Recommend you advise this driver of safe operating practices.
Roach Infestation You have a roach Infestation on Bus #0308. Please exterminate. Thank you for your expeditious attention in this
The customer called to complain that she was waiting on the route 10 going northbound on US!/Sample Rd and the bus passed by
without stopping to pick her up.
Caller states he always gets bus at same stop but today the stop sign does not show bus 81 stopping there by the kfc. States that
the driver only stopped because he waived her down and when he got on the bus, she gave him an attitude and was not very nice.
Customer wants to make sure the bus stop clearly indicates that bus 81 stops there and also wants a supervisor to discuss the
driver's attitude with her (driver).
caller states bus has been late all this week by at least 15 minutes. States bus should run more often.
Caller said she was at the stop light on Federated rd and University Dr waiiting to make the left onto University the bus 22 went
around her and make the left turn through the red light, She said this happens on April 9th at about 7:30pm. She said she had
pictures of the bus going through the red light.She is asking for a call back on this comnplaint.
Passenger said the bus due at 1140a did not arrive at all. He said a bus arrived about 1140a to left off passengers but the headways
said "not in service" and he would not pick up any passengers. He said he asked the driver when will there be another bus and the
driver said shortly but as of 1210p there still has not been another bus.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger said she called in on Saturday 4/09/16 and complained about the poor condition the bus was in and said that it needed
to be kept cleaned. She said after she put in a complaint about it, on Monday 04/11/16 she noticed the driver sweeping the bus
once he arived at the BT. She say she noticed it was much cleaner and well kept. So she wanted to compliment the driver for taking
her complaint into consideration and she also thanked us for actually doing something about her complaint. She also did mention
roaches on the bus who sit on passengers while they're on the bus.
A passenger complained that bus routes # 19 and the 441 Breeze heading South left the bus stop when bus route# 62 was about to
arrive at the bus stop. He stated that those buses should have waited for bus route# 62 to unload its passengers before leaving the
location. The incident occurred at Kimberly Blvd and State road -7 in North Lauderdale. He also stated that BCT needs to do
something about it.
The patron said, she was driving her car and this BCT bus operator was driving reckless and moved four lines to the right without
caution, at least two cars have to step on the breaks to avoid a colision. The patron was scared and upset; after the incident, she
stops in a nearby parking lot to call this center and report the bus operator. The patron added, "this driver is dangerous and needs
to go to driving school".
Because this incident was invoving "dangerous driving", it was inmmediatly reported to my supervisor Freddie bwefore this
comment was submitedd forinmmediate follow-up.
Passenger is stating the bus passed her up. She said this is the second day in a row. Today, the bus had the headsign saying" not in
service", but the driver was still picking passengers up and/or dropping off.
The customer called to complain that she saw the bus pass by someone on US1/Hillsboro Blvd going south without stopping to pick
them up.
Caller states she has been at the stop for over two hours and bus has yet to show up.
Caller complained that the bus driver is cuuting the route. She is throwing everybody off the bus because she says the bus is
finished here by McDonaald on sunset Strip & University Dr. She doesn't go to the last stop at the west terminal. Caller is
requesting a supervisor to go verify if the driver is cutting the route.
****Requesting a call back****
The driver of th 81 westbound is stating that the stop in front of Kentucky Fried Chicken (stop #0609) isn't a stop. The driver stated
that this is the stop for the #6. Betsy wants this issue to be addressed with the driver, letting her know that this is considered the
4th Ave stop. Please call her on this complaint.
BCT Comments 2016
Betsy Mendelson is requesting that we swap out the #11 westbound (Bay C-6) with the #1 Route (Bay C1). She has witnessed that
the passengers are having to run to their connecting buses, (the 81 and 22). This way the passengers won't have to rush and can
make it before the drivers depart. She also suggest that we have our 22 route drivers wait for that 11:03pm bus to arrive, (it does't
wait right now). And why is the #1 Northbound late all the time anyways? Please call her on this suggestion.
Betsy Mendelson is requesting that for the next pick in June, that we change the 81 westbound to depart form the Central
Terminall at 11:10pm or 11:15 pm. This way the passengers on the bus won't have to wait for the #18 to arrive. Right now, the bus
has to wait at the Lauderhill Mall for the #18 to arrive before it departs (regardless of the time). This way the #18 should be there
and the passengers don't have to wait. This will also give time for the passengers at the Terminal to get the 81 westbound without
any problems. Please call her on this suggestion.
Mrs. Cummings was at the stop when the bus passed her without stopping. He stopped at the next stop to let off another
passenger, she started to run towards the bus, and he wouldn't let her on. I did advised her that when a bus is running very late,
the driver is told to drop off passengers only and not pick up any. Since there was a bus approaching now, that is what may have
happened. She was unable to get a bus number.
The caller called to complain that she saw bus #5003 which is a 109 95 Express Bus driving recklessly on the Turnpike. The caller
says that the bus was following extremely close behind her then she saw the bus move quickly into the left lane to go around
someone then cut back right across lanes of traffic to get to the 119th exit from the Turnpike.
The customer called to complain that he was sitting in the side seats near the front of the bus and the driver made him get up and
he thought it was for a wheelchair or handicapped person but it was for a woman to have a place to put an empty stroller. The
customer feels that the driver should not have had him give up the seat for that. The customer says that it happened between 6:007:00p.
The customer called to complain and to make a suggestion. The customer says that the 595 Express Bus #114 is always too
crowded for the one after 5:00p that picks up near the college and she suggests that a bigger bus is sent during those times.
Caller states operator didn't pick up a group of people waiting at the stop.
Caller said the number 14 bus leaving Hillsboro Blvd and Powerline Rd at 9:10pm came and told the passengers he was not in
service they should wait for the 9:55pm bus. H esaid this is the second time in six weeks this has happened and he would like to
know why.
Passenger called to report that the driver was very rude to the passengers this morning. He said that a passenger asked the driver
what location did the bus stop at in the Oakwood shopping plaza and the driver responded "sit down, what kind of stupid question
is that". He said she was in a very bad mood and took it out on the passengers today.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller said a bus going south on 441 from Oakland Park Blvd at about 8:20am the number on bus is 1107, the bus was weaving in
and out of traffic and the vehicles were trying to avoid the bus hitting them.
Caller stated that when she got on the bus transferring from a Miami Dade bus and paid .50 the driver told her that the fare was
not .50. Caller stated that she asked the driver to call a supervisor and he refused. Caller stated that she quoted the transfer policy
to the driver and was still made to $2.65 cent. Caller stated that she will be calling the Mayor this morning and she will be making
copies of the policy and handing them out.
Passenger stated that the AC on bus 0513 is not working.
The customer called to complain that he was on the route 81 bus #0513 that left Lauderhill Mall going westbound at 11:35 and the
bus had no AC.
The customer called to complain that he was on 441/Stirling road since about 10:00a waiting for either the route 18 or the 441
Breeze going northbound and no bus arrived until 10:45a
states bus passed him by and said out of service but the bus stopped at the next stop and was allowing people in and out of it.
Passenger called to complain that the she has a bad knee and got on the bus and paid the fare and the driver immediately pulled
away before she had a chance to sit down. She said she stumbled and almost fell to the floor and the driver looked back at her but
offered no apology. She asked “what if she had fell an injured herself".
The customer called to complain that the bus passed without picking anyone up saying "NOT IN SERVICE" then let someone off of
the bus further down where there was not a bus stop.
Caller is stating the bus almost hit her new car. She said the bus was going west on Broward Blvd and when it pulled out onto
traffic, it almost hit the caller’s job. Caller states she just wants the driver to be more aware of their surrounds and she doesn’t
want him/her to lose their job.
Please keep name anonymous to the driver.
Mr. Brands was on his bike, when the bus pulled into the bike lane to accommodate passengers. He went around the bus, but
before he cleared the bus, the bus pulled out, pushing him into the oncoming traffic (the third lane). He then caught up to the bus
at Atlantic, and the driver looked at him as if he knew what he did. Mr. Brands is filing an Aggravated Assault with a deadly weapon
against this driver with the police. He has the video of the bus and the driver. He is requesting a copy of the video. I informed him
that the police will request that for him. He would like a call back from the supervisor of the driver, to obtain more information of
this driver.
The patron hurts her left foot on the bus when was walking close to a weelchair.The patros said now she is in pain when she walks.
The bus operator talk with the patron and offered call 911, the patron refused. She said that she is making the report just in case
the injury is more serious.
Called customer and referred her to Risk Management if she would like to make a claim.
she stated she was doing fine, no claim needed. Close hastus
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that he was waiting on the route 50 going southbound on Dixie Hwy/SW 6th St and the bus passed
by without stopping to pick him up then stopped further down and let someone off.
Mr. Moberg, got off the Tri Rail and the driver wouldn't pick him and 7 others up. The Tri Rail always arrives after the bus, and
when the train pulls away they can cross, by then, the bus is usually aproaching the tracks. This driver schrugged his sholders and
pointed at the stop. All of the other drivers, will pick them up (they wait).This is a poor decision the driver made. Please call him on
this complaint.
The customer called to complain that she has been at the bus stop on NE 3rd Ave/NE 3rd St since before 6:00p and the bus that
was due at 6:02p and 6:32p have not arrived.
Over crowded bus was running 30 minutes late, the patron's concern, besides the lateness and the fact that it made him be late at
work, is the safety of the passengers in case the driver have to slam on his breaks.
Caller has been at the bus stop a long time and no bus. We did get an email from dispatch saying the 42s were all running late due
to the crossing arms at one of the railroad tracks being stuck in the down position. Caller says she saw 4 buses go by west and she
asked if she'll have to wait for them to turn around and come back. I said yes(no swap in buses reported by dispatch). Caller wants
us to send swap in buses for times when this happens to avoid the long wait for the westbound buses to turn around and come
back east to her. Wants a callback.
The customer called to complain that she has been on Dixie Hwy/Copans Rd waiting on the route 50 going northbound since 6:50p
and the bus has never arrived. The customer says that this bus is always running late at this time.
The caller is stating this bus is constantly late. The bus was scheduled to arrive at 7:23pm. The time now is 7:35pm and no bu has
shown up yet.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 710pm for the bus due @ 723pm. It didn't show up until 741pm. When caller asked driver why he was
late, the driver gave her no answer. Caller was worried about being stranded. Wants a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
Hello, I\'ve been taking the 595 Brickell bid for over a year, but the service has deteriorated so much in the last three months that I
along with several other \"regulars\" are thinking about switching back to driving. How can you be sending the older uncomfortable
12XX buses to serve the route that takes anywhere between one and three hours each way? It\'s happening every single day now.
The 595 buses are frequently jam-packed in the afternoon, and people have to wait for the next bus when there are no seats
available. The buses are late departing the very first stop and sometimes they don\'t show up at all. Some drivers don\'t know the
route and miss turns unless they ask regular passengers for directions. There is an African American female driver in her 50\'s who
drives the 5:10p bus from Brickell... she keeps honking at other cars as if there is no tomorrow. When I see her at the wheel I\'d
rather wait for 30 more minutes to take the next bus because I do not feel safe on her bus. There is also a Caucasian middle-aged
driver in the morning who is very inpleasant, rude and obnoxious. When a passenger dares to say something back, he tells them to
\"take it easy\" or \"chill.\" Why are we paying the premium express fare for such uncomfortable and unreliable rides? Unless the
595 service improves within the next couple of weeks, I will no longer use the BCT.
Passenger called to complain that he was at the stop with other passengers and the driver approached the stop and went pass
without stopping.
***CService Email***
I began taking the #595 Express bus line from Sunrise to Brickell last October. I take the route every day to and from work. The
service has been consistently terrible since January. In general, the #595 bus is always late (consequently the timetable needs to be
adjusted so bus riders can plan ahead) and can be overcrowded in the afternoon (consequently I have to wait for the next bus that
may or may not come at least once a week). Additionally buses are not cleaned properly: I have found roaches, shoe prints, lots of
hairs and small chunks of dirt right on the seats. What\'s even worse is the fact the BCT has started using old 1200-series buses on
the Brickell route. Sitting on one of those buses for 1+ hour makes your entire body hurt. When we, passengers, complain to bus
drivers, they tells us it\'s because the regular \"red\" buses are in the shop. However, you now see the 1200-series buses on this
route every single day. Why not use the much nicer and comfortable coaches instead? We see them pass us by on the freeway all
the time, but apparently they are assigned to the \"other\" 595 route. Things were so much more reliable last year. The BCT should
straighten up its act before it starts losing regular passengers.
Passenger called to inquire what happened to the bus this morning because she and others were waiting at the stop at 7:30am and
the bus never arrived. Upon customer service checking with dispatch the driver stated that he had made the stop. Passenger stated
that the bus must have left the stop extremely early. She asked could the driver be spoken to concerning driving according to the
schedule in the future because this is the last bus returning to Broward for the morning.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that Charles on the rt 9 is leaving the rt and caller is very sad about this. Caller stated that Charles is very professional
and kind and he is really going to be missed.
Caller states she was driving north on SR 7 and allowed space for operator to pull out from the bus stop. Says operator merged into
the middle lane to make the left turn on NW 31st St, while caller was in the right lane. Says operator began to swerve into the right
lane, nearly colliding with her car, and then cut left again across three lanes of traffic to make the left. Says operator was in an
articulated bus and could've caused a major accident.
Caller states bus due at 6:00am had not shown up as of 6:15am. Says the spare bus was there and operator was sleeping inside.
Passengers knocked on the doors, operator woke up and told them they would have to wait for the next bus. Caller states there
was a similar situation on Monday, and a supervisor (black female) was there who got on the bus to wake up the operator, only for
him to tell her that he didn't know the Civic Center route. Caller says it does no good to have the spare bus there if the operator
inside doesn't know the route.
Passenger called to complain about the process the BSO use in determine the validity of incidences occurring at the terminal. His
complaint is that the BSO should not just ask witnesses about an incident to determine if it is valid or not. He said BSO and
passengers should have the right to request the tape immediately to determine the validity of an incident. He said that presently
they will ask the witnesses there and then brush off the incident as not valid to keep from getting involve in the matter.
Caller stated that the bus was moving so fast that she could not stop. Caller stated that driver waved her hands at here and kept
Caller stated that the bus came barrelling by him on his left hand side as he was about to turn left onto NW 36th ter from Riverland
Rd. Caller stated that driver could have caused a major accident.
Mr. Hoskin suggests place two signs for the safety of the passengesr using BCT buses Routes 9 & 7. the patron explains that he
considers it is a dangerous crossing before the bus stop behind Publix) and next to the sidewalk, next median. He suggests:
"Watch for pedestrians".
The patron suggests BCTcreates a Route that runs on Nob Hill from Oakland Park Blvd. to Griffin Rd.
The [patron said, this bus operator is always rude. Also she said the driver is always late and with bad attitude.
The patron said, "I want to commendate Ms. Norma Rodriguez because she is a wonderful BCT employee", "This bus operator is
the most courteous ever, and I want to thank her and BCT for having drivers like her".
Passenger said usually drivers would pull so close to the curb that he would have a hard time putting his bike on the rack. But this
driver was very courteous and helpful, he backed up from the curb to allow him to put his bike on the rack without a struggle. He
said the driver was very polite, kind, and gracious to help him.
Patron was getting off the bus and the bus operator closed the door over her crushing her hand.
Mr. Walters was at the stop with his bike when the bus (that was speeding) flew by him. He didn't even slow down. He moves so
fast the he was unable to get the bus number. The bus was only running 4 minutes late. Whay was he speeding like that?
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says this driver should be an inspiration to other drivers and an example to other unprofessional drivers. He said he lost
his wallet 3 times on this bus and each time the item was found and returned back to him. He said he know it’s the driver who finds
the wallet and turns it in to lost and found. He also said the driver makes announcements and keep his passengers informed. He
suggested a rewards program for the courteous drivers, then maybe the unprofessional ones would start to do their jobs.
Mr. Glindmeier was at the stop for the 441 Breeze, and was loaking his bike. The only sopt open was the middle one. As he loaded
his bike, his horn fell off. He asked the driver to pull forward which the driver did, and he couldn't find the horn. When he got on
the bus, he put $4 in and the driver gave him attitude and said he needed another dollar. He told him he was disabled and showed
the driver his card from the terminal. The driver still gave him attitude. Please call.
Passenger says that she and another passenger was sitting at the bus stop at commercial and n w 31 ave and the bus driver passed
the bus stop. Passenger says that she is pregnant and they ran to the bus, and the bus driver was rude to them. Passenger says that
the bus driver said that as far as her pregnancy, " I'm not concerned " and told her to SHUT UP. Passenger says that they were
trying to find out, why he didnot stop for them at the bus stop.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 435pm. So far no bus. Dispatch says 42 block 1 broke down. GPS tracker shows two westbound buses at
Rock Island rd @ 615pm. Wants a callback.
Ms. Evens works at the airport. She waited for the 5:45, 6:05 and the 6:24 bus heading south. all of the buses that we at the rent a
car center said CENTRAL TERMINAL. She finally got on a bus nothbound (#0829) heading towards the terminal to file a
complaint.She told the driver what she was going to do and he acted like it was no big deal. I informed her I saw several
southbound buses and informed her that maybe the drivers forgot to change the sign on the bus. This is not exceptable. Please
have a supervisor call her.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 530pm. Dispatch says bus # 0810 broke down and was towed away. Bus # 0217 was reset at 441. Caller
says we need to send an extra bus out because there are 40 riders at the bus stop. Caller couldn't seem to grasp the idea that I
didn't have the power to send out an extra bus.
Caller has a bandaged bad foot. When she requested the driver kneel the bus for boarding, the driver hesitated and did it
reluctantly. He then accelerated before caller sat down.
Patron states that bus operator arrived at Pembroke lakes mall 10 minutes earlier and closed the door and left.
Note: The bus fleet tracking shows the bus operator departed on time.
BCT Comments 2016
A passenger complained that the bus operator refused to answer a simple question about the trim box. She said she got on bus
route# 22 heading west on Broward Bvd and NW 27th Avenue in Fort Lauderdale. She stated that she asked the bus operator if she
could use $5.00 bill to buy the all day pass but the bus operator did not answer and ignored her. She then also stated that she was
about to address an issue concerning the ceiling of the bus to the bus operator but he interrupted her and told her that her
question was stupid. She then got off the bus and did not point it out to him. She described the bus driver as being a white male
driving bus number 0739. She feels that the bus operator was very rude and she is demanding that someone calls her at 863 2574980
Very nice driver, the patron said "he is very professional, very courteous and drives very well the bus # 0725". The patron also
wanted to recommend her connection-driver of the bus # 0812 Route 20 because he is very professional and drives very well,
always is helpful with people and has a good personality as well.
first bus of the morning was late 15 minutes. the caller asked the driver why it was late and the driver gave him an attitude and was
dropped off at wrong stop. Also states that he asked the driver for an transfer to miami dade and driver refused because the bus
was going northbound.
RECEIVED A CALL. He requested I put it down to see if someone would call him back.
Passenger says that he had a bicycle and a cirgarette that he put out when the bus came to 441 and coconut creek southbound.
Passenger says that the older white male bus driver told him to "GET ON THE D----- BUS already. He said that he cursed him.
Passenger says that the lady bus driver middle age was at university and pembroke at 630am and there was a male passenger that
she had confrontation with on the bus, and she would not let him board the bus. Passenger says that there was a lady passenger
standing behind the male passenger and the bus driver closed the door and left the lady standing at the bus stop also. Passenger
says that she takes this bus weekday with this lady passenger to work and the bus driver left her.
Passenger says that the bus driver name Bob Dickerson is a Super Professional driver. Passenger says that he does a great job, and
he is very helpful toward and with passengers. Passenger says that he is a very good bus driver and she wanted to let his Supervisor
know about his professionalism with passengers.
Passenger says that the bus stop at broward blvd and n w 4 ave have the route 06 on the bus stop sign. Passenger says that only
09,22, and 81 stop at this bus stop.
Passenger says that the short black male bus driver pulled off, jaking the bus before he could sit down. Passenger says that he got
on the bus with two bags in his hands and the bus driver pulled off before he could sit down. Passenger says that he could have fell
from the way the bus driver snatched the bus to go down atlantic.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller asked driver to let her off at Inverrary blvd. Instead he let her off at Inverrary blvd West. Now she's walking back east. I
informed her the 72 is running every 15 minutes and gave her the next scheduled time, but she's walking anyway. I told her to tell
the next driver if she does get on an eastbound bus to let her off at Inverrary blvd. She feels the ride back east, if she does take it,
should be free. Wants a callback.
Bus consistenly running late is reported. Patron said, he was waiting since 4:30PM to 6:45 PM under the rain. The patron said, "this
bus is running late every Friday and something must be done". A callback is required.
The customer called to complain that he was at US1/Copans Rd waiting on the first route #83 that was due to leave at 9:00a and
the bus was 10 minutes late. The customer wants a call back about this because he says there is no reason and no excuse for this
bus to be late because it is the first bus and it leaves straight from the bus depot. ***The customer wants a call back about this
complaint within the week.***
A passenger complained that bus route#18, number 1105, heading South passed the bus stop and did not pick her up. She stated
that she was at the bus stop and waived at the bus, but the bus operator ignored her and kept going. She also stated that she is
handicapped and is on a weelchair and was unable to quickly wheel herself after the bus. Furtheremore, the bus was speeding
when passing the bus stop. She said that the incident occurred on Federal Hwy and Sheridan Street in Hollywood.
Caller said that Route 28 used to come to come to 1400 S ocean Blvd but it no longer comes there. She said traansportation is
almost non existent in her area. Only Route 4 is around there and she waited an hour an a half for it the want to get bus 28 28 used
to pass by 1400 s ocean dr hollywood
Caller wants to know if the bus had a mechanical problem. If he didn't have a breakdown why did it say not in service. It should
have ended at 9:18 pm at the West terminal. Since she asked the question, please call back
Caller stated that she got to the Davie Park and Ride at 6:58am andc the 595 express was pulling out. Caller stated that she was
waving at the driver because it was not time for him to go but he just kept on driving. Now she and 3 other people are lefted
because driver left early.
Caller noticed that the old bee stop signs have been replaced and the new blue stop sign don't have a customer service phone
number on them. He was concerned that visitors and other customers may not be able to call if they need to. He notice that on
Route 10 northbound on Oakland Park Blvd 0769 or 3630 and Atlantic Blvd southbound 0852
Caller complained that the 595 express bus leaving Sunrise Park & ride at 5:45am was ten minutes late, the bus gets there at
5:50am and it was full. She said the bus was small and she asking for a bigger bus. She also complained that the bus seats are dirty
and needs cleaning, she is asking for a call back on this complaint.
Caller states he has been at the stop since 6:45am this morning and bus due at 7:11am has not shown up as of 7:36am. Says he will
be late for work.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger called to compliment the operator. He stated that the operator is always in good spirits and is courteous. He said that
the annunciator is not working on this bus and the operator announced every stop along the route. He thought it very professional
because he is legally blind and it was considerate of him to do that.
Passenger wants to recommend operator Carlos for being wonderfu and on schedule for the 715a schedule. He wasn't the one
driving today bu when he comes he's on time and wonderful
Passenger called to report that the annunciator is not working on this bus. However, he said that the operator did announce every
stop along the route.
Caller stated that driver was rude to her this morning because BSO was on the bus. Caller stated that she got on the rt 19 NB bus
1432 at 812a and was searching for her pass. Caller stated that the officer was stand by the hump in the front of the bus and the
bus driver pulled off so caller stated that she sat down to continue looking for her passes. Caller stated that in the process of all
this her phone rang. Caller stated that she had found her passes and was waiting for the bus to stop and the driver said to her you
need to get off the phone and pay your fare. Caller stated that she told the driver she was waiting for her to stop at the next stop.
Caller stated that she feels driver didn't have to come at her like that because she had her bus cards to pay her fare and driver has
poor customer service.
The caller complained that this bus driver leaves 2 minutes early from the terminal. When the passenger approached him about it,
he replied that he can leave 2 early because he's scheduled between 7:33am & 7:35am. He wants the driver to be told not to leave
early because 2 minutes early at the terminal can mean a lot for a passenger making a connection
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all and it's not fair because she gotta go to work. She doesn't beleive the previous
bus came either. There was no breakdown reported and the bus wasn't tracking
The customer called to complain that the bus was at the bus stop as he got there with his wife in a wheelchair and he wad banging
on the back of the bus and the driver pulled away and left. The customer says he saw the driver look right at him through the
The callercalled to complain that the driver keeps asking her for her school ID over the last three weeks which she has never
provided then the driver makes her pay $2.00. Then the driver let two other students board the bus without asking for their ID. The
caller thinks she is being singled out.
The caller called to complain that a driver named Sheila pulled over the route 72 bus going eastbound at bus stop #B2111 on
Oakland Park Blvd/NW 46th Ave and the bus was blocking him from gettin gby the sidewalk in his wheelchair. The customer says
the driver got off of the bus and got into a county car with the number L0125 and she and someone else seemed to be laughing and
joking about him not bing able to get by on the sidewalk. The caller said hin name id Dr Trayvon Myers Mitchell and he will be
contacting his lawyer and the police about this and that he wants a call back.
BCT Comments 2016
Via e-mail to Commissioner Sharief and Wexler : I just got off bus # 5006X which drove me from CB SMITH to Downtown Miami.
The driver a black female, mid 40’s, with a hoodie on was driving like a total maniac. The bus left Ansin Park at 7:00 and got here at
7:35. This is a new record!! The lady was laughing and acting as she did not care that there were 80 people or souls on her 30 ton
bus. This lady needs to be drug tested and needs to be retrained and completely shut down from driving until she completes these
steps. She was in and out of traffic, speeding, getting in and out of the 95 express as well as the emergency lanes. Just total wreck
less driving, she was driving this bus as if it was a sports car.
This lady is a major accident waiting to happen and the lives of the riders and other drivers as well as the liability and responsibility
lies in your hands
Please do something about it.
Thank you
Ricardo Cuartas
The driver of this bus refused to answer any questions for this passenger. He simply ignored her. She needed to know how to get to
the Galleria Mall and what bus could she connect to. She called fron A1A, not knowing what to do next. That is where the driver
told her she had to get off. He was heading west. The drivers are supposed to be able to answer some question, she was told.
Please address this with the driver. He did not give Sun-Sational Service.
Caller says the driver was driving too fast. I asked him if he saw the speedometer and how fast they were going. Caller did not see
the speedometer but is sure they were going too fast.
Mr. Suarez was at the stop awaiting the #55. The bus pulled infront of the #72. Our passenger ran to get it, and he had pulled off.
The bus pulled in but was infront of the 72. He didn't even wait 2 minutes to see if someone needed to get on. He was unable to
get a description of the driver, and only got part of the bus # 094?. He thinks it maybe 0942 or 0924.
A Passenger complained that bus route 10, number 0228, headed South passed the bus stop because the bus operator was driving
too fast. He stated that the bus was 10 minutes late and that the bus operator was driving at about 50 miles an hour when
approaching the bus however, he managed to stop at a distance away from the bus stop and had to walk in order to get onto the
This is the eye care center on 6795 Stirling rd, in Davie. Your drivers drive behind the center where the employees park. They drive
very dangerously and there have been many near accidents with employees coming to work. They speed and use the wrong lane ,
Its just a matter of time till there is a head on collision caused by one of your drivers. Please look into this matter. Thank you Marisa
BCT Comments 2016
On Sunday 4/17/2016 around 2:00PM the driver of bus 0706 failed to yield at the merge just past Sterling road where Davie Rd
turns into Davie Rd Extension. He pushed me over into the oncoming lanes. I believe this aggressive act was intentional as he did so
with a series of encroachments, like playing chicken. He was in the right lane which was clearly ending and marked for merge with
arrows. The front of my car was roughly even with the front of the bus, he would have to be blind not to see me. There was plenty
of room behind me, he did not slow down he just bullied his way into the lane. My passenger also saw this unsafe operation and
can corroborate this report.
Good morning, I just got off bus # 5006X which drove me from CB SMITH to Downtown Miami. The driver a black female, mid 40’s,
with a hoodie on was driving like a total maniac. The bus left Ansin Park at 7:00 and got here at 7:35. This is a new record!! The lady
was laughing and acting as she did not care that there were 80 people or souls on her 30 ton bus. This lady needs to be drug tested
and needs to be retrained and completely shut down from driving until she completes these steps. She was in and out of traffic,
speeding, getting in and out of the 95 express as well as the emergency lanes. Just total wreck less driving, she was driving this bus
as if it was a sports car. This lady is a major accident waiting to happen and the lives of the riders and other drivers as well as the
liability and responsibility lies in your hands. Please do something about it. Thank you Ricardo Cuartas
Hi. I've written before about the 595 Express from BBT to Brickell and how our bus (the first one at 5:45am) is becoming
overcrowded. This morning we had people literally standing in the aisles of the bus. Add to that the fact that there were 2 separate
accidents on I-95. This resulted in people standing for well over an hour. You guys have 2 new buses at BBT at 5:30am. I strongly
urge you to utilize one of those on the 5:45am trip and use 1160 as a back up. Standing on a crowded bus on the highway is not
safe, particularly for a trip of that duration. Alternatively, you can alleviate the crowding on the 5:45 by bringing back an earlier bus.
Thank you. Stewart Abrams
The customer called to file a complaint that another passenger is yelling and cursing at the driver and other passenger because a
bus stop was moved and the caller says it is our fault because we moved the bus stop.
Passenger says the bus is due to arrive at 405p but never shows up until about 436p with an attitude blaming traffic for his
tardiness. Passenger says it's like clockwork every Monday this same driver is late but Tuesday-Friday the other drivers are on time.
She is requesting a call back because she wants something done about the driver's tardiness.
Caller states operator left the stop at 7:47am when bus should not leave until 7:53am.
Caller states bus stop shelter was under construction for a year and it is now finished. Passenger is requesting that bus stop post be
moved further south on University closer to the completed shelter. Says people have to walk almost 50 feet from the shelter to the
stop in bad weather to get the bus.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that the bus was pulling into the Broward Central Terminal at 7:58am on the rt 22 bus 0311and the driver refused to
honk at the rt 10 driver to let him know that passenges wanted the bus.
Caller said he was at nw 12th st and 441 waiting for the 441 breeze going north, the bus was due there at 8:02am, it gets there at
8:10am and pass him up. He said his job have a no tollerance for tardiness and he is going to loose one days pay because the deiver
did not stop for him. He is asking to be compesated for that days pay.
The customer called to complain that she catches the 95 Express Route 109 from Ansin Park & Ride that leaves at 6:55a and lately
the bus has been full and the driver has had to leave people behind because it was too crowded.
C-Service Email:
The route 81 is currently scheduled to leave Broward Central Terminal at 11p. The bus should leave 11:05/11:10p instead giving the
route 1 which arrives 11:03p a little more time for people to catch the LAST 81. Also changes going into effect 4.24.16 has the 81
westbound leaving Lauderhill Mall at 11:21p previously 11:25p removing 4 minutes of wait time which was a crazy idea because
the last 18 arrives 11:25 this will cause people to miss the LAST 81 as well. Currently the 81 driver waits for the 18 leaving
sometimes at 11:30 which is only 5 minutes more. Simply put having the 81 leave BCT at 11:05 LAUDERHILL MALL at 11:30 would
eliminate these problems. On the next schedule change take these into consideration. Thank you .
The customer called to complain that he was on the route 34 bus #1341 going westbound from US1/Sample Rd and that the driver
has a serious road rage problem. The customer says the driver is always blowing her horn for people to let her over and today she
was in left hand turning lane and was blowing the horn at the vehicle in front of her and the person got out of their vehicle and
started walking toward the bus. The customer feels that something needs to be done about this driver.
Betsy Mendelson called stating that she had left a comment with Customer Service regarding this issue and wanted to also speak to
whomever is in charge of bus stops.
At the Broward Blvd and NW 4thAve bus stop in front of KFC going westbound the sign shows route 6 which is wrong and does not
show routes 9, 22, and 81 which should be there. The new bus drivers will not stop if the sign is not correct. This is a very big
problem and needs to be corrected immediately.
the driver was very rude. ignorant, lazy & imature. She She said she didn't have to listen to all that crap. he was listening to his
spanish music thru his headphone. That could be because it was spanish. he doesn't appreciate the disrespect and he's a monthly
pass customers. This driver was the relief driver that came on at the mall
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all. She was waiting since 6:30am and she has to go to work the bus still didn't show
up yet after 7:00am
The customer called to complain that she was catching the route 60 going southbound from NW 15th St/US 441 and when she got
to the stop the bus was there but no one was on the bus. When she came back out the bus was leaving and it was only 1:12p and
the bus is not supposed to leave until 1:14p.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger said the driver was very rude to him and threatened to throw him off the bus. He said a lady was running to catch the
bus and someone pulled the bell but the driver accused him of doing it. He said he wants someone to call him back because he
driver had no right to speak to him that way when he did not do anything.
Passenger says he asked the driver were what was the next stop after MLK/Hallandale Beach Blvd but the driver was rude and told
him she did not know. He said the driver is so rude and lazy and she is supposed to know where the stops are. He said being that
she did not know he had to get off early and walk a few miles in the hot sun.
Callercomplained that the bus operator was rude and disrespectful. The caller says that he's a minor but he didn't have his
Identification. He paid $4.00. The driver said he needed to pay $5.00 because he's not 18. The Operator denied him an all day bus
pass but instead he gave him an emergency pass. He said he always paid $4. He asked the driver for his name to make a complaint.
The bus operator replied:" You don't need my f**ing need my name. ***Call back requsted
Caller states operator left BT late at 8:46am when bus is scheduled to leave at 8:40am. Says operator was driving well under the
speed limit when she left the terminal, and when bus got to Five Points operator got off the bus and went into a smoothie shop.
Caller states he was 30 minutes late for work because operator was delaying service.
A passenger complained tha bus route 40 headed west never arrived at his location. He stated that he was waiting at the bus stop
before 2:00PM and it was 4:40PM and the bus was no where to be found. He also stated that he was late for his job interview
because the bus was very late. The incident occurred at Andrews Ave and SE 6 Street in Fort Lauderdale.
Caller says she and another rider were at the bus stop. The in service bus passed them by in the far left lane. Caller says this same
driver did this to her there twice last week.
Passenger complained that the bus operator was very rude. She asked the driver if he's going to Broward Central Terminal, because
she doen't ride the bus all the time. Hee replied:"don't you read? Are you paying attention?". She then apologized to the bus
driver, saying I'm sorry you're having a bad day. Then he replied:" I don't like people asking me stupid question"
The customer called to complain that she catches the route 18 going northbound that is supposed to be at US 441/Hollywood Blvd
at 4:43a, but the last few days the bus has not arrived until after 5:00a and it has been making her late for work.
Passenger says he and a group of other passengers were waiting at the stop and the bus drove right passed them. He said the bus
did not have "out of service" on the headways and the bus was empty. Now he and the group of passengers had to wait on the next
bus to come and now it’s packed on the bus.
Caller says the driver was taking a break and eating while the bus was parked in the right lane blocking traffic. She says traffic was
seriously backed up. Wants a callback.
Caller was running to the bus bay and the bus due to leave @ 520pm pulled away @ 518pm, 2 minutes early.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller was a motorist in the right lane. The bus pulled out of the bus only pull in lane and cut off the caller. She almost hit the bus
but went into the next lane over to avoid an accident. Caller says she could see the driver's face in the bus mirror looking at her,
and she feels he endangered her life.
The customer called to complain that the route 20 bus going north at US1/NE 39th St passed by without stopping to pick her up.
The customer says this is the second time this bus driver has done this to her at this stop.
Caller stated that there is something in the bus making a very loud fan like sound. Caller stated that it starts when the bus reaches
the NETC and doesn't stop until Rock Island Rd. Caller stated that the noise is located at the front of the bus and that this is not
good for the drivers ears and hearing. Caller stated that this needs to be looked into.
The customer called to complain that the driver is giving him an attitude and asking him why he is always riding the bus and
accusing him of litering on the bus.
This driver Connie, was very rude towards Serge. She asked him why is he always riding the bus? Is he homeless? This upset Serge
very much. He pays his fare, what difference does it matter why he rides the bus all the time. This is his transportation. Please call
Mr. Cadet on this complaint.
Caller compained that he got on the 42 bus gooing west on Atlantic Blvd and Ramblewood Blvd at about 11:22am, the driver ask
him why is he riding on the bus all the time. Caller said it is none of her business he always pay his fare and she is there to drive the
bus and not harass him. He said the driver's name is Connie and hh is asking a supervisor to talk to her as to her because he does
not appreciate her asking him why he is taking the bus.
The patron was at thwe bus stop waiting and the bus didn't stop.
The patron was waiting at the bus stop, then, the bus came and passed by to stop at the next bus stop, the patron started running
and when arrived to the next bus stop the driver left.
The patron said, "this bus driver was insulting to me".
The operator asked the passenger for her ID, since she showed the driver her Medicare card. The passenger did not have her ID and
the driver said she had to pay the regular fare.
I was at the southbound stop at Ne 53rd on Andrews Ave. this morning the 8:17 passed that stop at 8:06. This of course left me
(and others) to wait approximately 30 minutes for the next one. People depend on reliable transportation scheduling. I understand
occasional issues. This is, however almost every morning.
Passenger complained that the bus operator, Connie was very disrespectful. She questioned him for riding the bus all the time. He
thinks she may have said a choice word like "nigger" but he's not sure. He called her every nasty name on the book. He wants an
apology from the driver or there will be a lawsuit. There are 2 related complaints today by Sergio. #20028 and 20029
BCT Comments 2016
PLEASE! Stop the woman who drives the #60 bus southbound in the am from making her own schedule! She is the height of
arrogance; and decides on her own, with absolutely no regard for the published schedule or the needs of the passengers at what
time the bus will arrive and leave. She either shows up very late, or very early. Should I have to get up earlier to catch an earlier bus
so I'm not late for work? Or should she do her job? Because in any other job, she would be dismissed. This is inexcusable. She is,
additionally, the rudest, most arrogant in group that is characterized by rudeness and arrogance. This is the #60 bus. I am at the
southbound stop on Andrews Avenue. It is now 8:15 am. The driver is a black woman. Approximately 50 years of age; who speaks
with an island accent. I would like a reply. And please…RESULTS!!
Passenger says driver is very courteous and knowledgeable. Usually the passengers aren't able to ask a driver something and
they're this nice but this driver answered her questions politely.
I am writing again, regarding the buses that are being sent to commuters from Civic center to Davie/Sunrise. There are buses
routinely being sent that have seats that are metal with no cushion. These buses are only appropriate for short city rides, not for
long inter-county commuter rides of sometimes up to 1.5 to 2 hours long, depending on traffic. This is unacceptable and Broward
county continues to send these buses routinely. I would like an actual corrective action plan to address this concern.
The sign for the bus stop at flamingo and A1A is down on the ground. It has been a stop for years on west bound route 11.
Currently there is construction and they haven't put the sign back up. Most drivers stop but today at around 8am the bus driver
said it was not a stop when I called a few weeks ago I was told it is still a stop. Please call me to discuss.
Bus operator using profane language, the customer said "she was was disrespectful laugh at me and call me "Bi..."!
States 42 always late and that the 7:53am bus did not show up and the bus that arrived at 8:24 was overcrowded.
I don't mind at all your driver taking his lunch/dinner break on our dead end street. I do, however, mind the truck idling and
spewing emissions into my yard where I'm growing food organically. I went and nicely asked him to turn it off and he said "yeah,
I'm gonna leave" but then he didn't- just sat there with the truck still idling. Davie is a green town and idling vehicles cause
unnecessary pollution. I should be able to breathe in my own front yard. Please care more about the planet. thanks 72nd ave-
The patron said, "The drivers don't care about the people". The main compalint is 2 buses passed by, leaving behaind two people at
the bus stop.
BCT Comments 2016
I am giving the highest commendations to Mr. Campbell on the 595 BB&T route.. He is the driver on my Monday evening route
northbound from 1st and Flagler st pick up at 4:28pm.. I hope this is recognized and duly noted that his presence, mannerism and
attitude is exceptional and eager to see more drivers produce the same. It is my understanding that Mr. Campbell will no longer
service this route and I am highly upset about that... Please give kudos we it's due... Thank you Mr. Campbell...
I take the 595 express from Davie to the Civic Center at 6am. I wish you would leave the current driver on this route. We are all
happy with him as he is pleasant and on-time (not all of them are!). thank you!
Caller said he was sitting at the bus stop waiting for the number 10 bus going north and the driver pass him up. He said it is hot and
he had to wait for the next bus, he is asking for a supervisor to contact him regarding this complaint.
The bus operator was extremely disrespectful and was using bad words against the passenger. The driver & the passenger started a
discussion because the patron got on the bus with four big objects on her hands and a wheeled cart. The patron was paying with a
invalid bus pass, then, the driver repeatedly called her “homeless b…., what street are you serving tonight... etc. going on, and on,
and on. He was screaming at her for a long time. The patron said, the bus operator also insulted another passenger, using "Fu,,
you"!. The passenger called the police and put the police on the speaker, the driver said, "She is loca", and started screaming at the
police on the phone, I am not going to stop until I arrive to Lauderhill Mall. After the passenger left the bus, she met with the police
and the police. The case number is 16043020 officer Graziose. The customer is requiring the video and a call back.
Passenger lost her bus pass in the fare box and the driver laughed and told her to take a week off from work until she get her pass
replaced. She say she did not find it funny at all because she doesn't play in such manor. She also said her pass is good until May 04,
2016 and the driver told her "its ok you only have a few weeks left anyway". She requested a call back for the driver's inconsiderate
The bus left this stop early. This is a turn around point and the buses are not supposed to leave before the scheduled time. This
driver seems to be doing this every Saturday. Please call him on this complaint.
Passenger called a day or two ago to report a driver because he was being very rude to her. She said she assume someone may
have spoken to him about it because when she got back on his bus last night around 815p he was being disturbingly rude. She said
when she got on the driver was uncomfortably staring at her. She asked him did he have something to say to her and he said
“you're lucky I picked you up, get out of his face”. She told him she hope he know he's being recorded by the bus audio and her cell
phone, he replied verbally and disrespectfully saying he do not give a "expletive" and the cameras and audio half the time do not
work. Passenger is requesting a call back again because he was so rude to her she felt threatened.
BCT Comments 2016
This bus lef late. It was suppose to leave at 4:39 and left at 4:52. This is over 10 minutes. Please call passenger back on this
This bus was early. It is the last bus of the night and wasn't supposed to be there till 8:56 pm, and it left at 8:50 pm. Please call him
back on this complaint.
This bus was late. Is didn't leave till 7:38. This driver seems to be doing this everyday. Please address this with the driver and caller
is requesting a call back.
This driver was at this turn around point past his break, smoking several cigs. He was suppose to depart at 11:10 and didn't depart
till 11:30. There is suppose to be another bus leaving then. All he was doing is smoking. The break should only be 10-15 minutes
long. Please call him on this complaint.
The patron wants to file a complaint against the Broward County Commissioners. The patron swears the commissioners are taking
Federal Money, he said "they are stealing 60 million dollars form the Federal funds and they are not providing a real service on the
buses. Also, he said the Breeze is always late and He wants the Breeze stops in the same stops that the regular bus because is not a
Note._ Caller I.D. said KAPILA Company
Passenger called to complain that the connections between the # 22 leaving the central terminal connecting at the West terminal
with the # 2 southbound , on Sunday mornings, are not right. The first #22 west from BT does not leave until 8:10 am and does not
arrive to West terminal until 8:41 am. The # 2 departs at 8:39 am, therefore missing the # 22 connection, either casusing the
passnger to catch an earlier bus and wait over 45 minutes or not make his connection. Passenger wants a callaback .suggests that
earlier # 22 should be placed on the route or that schedules be adjusted for proper conenctions. Passenger wants a callback.
The customer called to complain that he is on the route 50 bus at the Broward Central Terminal and it is bus #1138. The customer
says the bus is supposed to leave at 5:00p and it got there after 5:00p and is still sitting there.
A man called to report that bus route 18, number1108, headed North almost hit his vehicle. He stated that he was driving in a
merge lane and the bus was driving in the middle lane but failed to stop when he cut in front of the bus. He also said that he did not
have to stop for the bus because there was no yield sign in his merge lane. He described the bus operator as being a Spanish man.
At Broward Blvd and NW 4 Ave, the sign sticker for the 22 westbound and the 81 westbount (this is the same stop in front of
Kentucky Chicken), is missing. It is stop # 0609 and with the new schedules coming up and with all the new drivers, this sign needs
to be in place, showing both routes on it. Please call her and let her know this time when it will be corrected. She is going to
continue to call till it is addressed.
The patron said she wanted to commendate this BCT bus operator because he is "awsome, corteous, considerate, and everybody
like him". The patron said she thinks his name is Fred.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says the driver stop at the intersection of Broward/27th Ave at a red light, put the bus in park, got off and was checking
himself out in the mirror on the right side of the bus. She say rubbing his beard in the mirror and fixing his clothes. She say she
wasn’t sure what to expect because they were not at a bus stop.
The customer called to make us aware of an incident at the Ansin Park & Ride lot. The customer says her car was tampered with
while parked at the Park & Ride. The customer says she has reported it to the police but wanted to make us aware of what's
happening at the Park & Ride Lot.
Forwarded to security Manager FYI
Caller stated that the driver made rude comments to him about having his stuff together when the bus comes. Caller stated that
basically the driver was rushing him. Caller suggest that driver gets customer service training.
states pulled the cord and the driver did not stop for 2 stops. She claims that the driver was on his cell phone and distracted.
Caller said the 81 bus leaving Oakland Park Blvd and 56 ave going west is due there at 10:16am, it gets there at 10:34am every
morning and this is causing her to get to work late. She would like to know why this bus is twenty minutes late everyday. She is
asking for a call back on this complaint.
passed by and did not pick up passenger. female driver.
Passenger called to complain that the bus arrived early at this stop which will cause her to be late for her doctor appointment.
bus arrived early and left customer and did not wait. states other drivers wait. claims bus was 5 minutes early.
bus is late every morning. Told customer bus broke down today but since she claims it happens every morning, she wanted to
Passenger says he was waving the bus down but he did not stop. Call back requested
The customer called to complain that she was on US 441/Hollywood Blvd waiting on the route 18 going southbound that was due
at about 10:00p and the but came down a different route instead of straight down 441.
"A Very arrogant and disrespecful drive" is reported. The patron is a turist and wants to report an incident at the airport, the
patron was at the bus stop and aprox the bus comming and asked the driver: "Excuse me sir, is here where I can get a bus to go to
the Court?" the driver responded: This is not it! can you read? then he closed the door on her face and left.
Patron was waiting from 12:05 am to 12:35 am., the bus never show up!
Bus operator didn't wait for the passengers get at the nbus stop. The patron said, they saw the bus comming and they run across
street, the driver saw them but didn't wait.
The customer called to complain that the us passed by without stopping to pick him up.
Rider got on bus and told driver that a disabled old lady was making her way to the bus and to please wai and driver said he was
running 10 minutes late and took off without the lady.
bad attitude from driver. He snapped at the customer and was nasty.
BCT Comments 2016
C-ServiceI have been taking the 595 Express bus from the Griffin station to Brickell Avenue. My route in the evening from Brickell
begins at 5:10 pm and we should arrive at the Griffin station at 6:11 pm but the drivers are being instructed to exit on Stirling
instead of Griffin and we do not arrive at the Griffin Station until 6:35 pm and if there are accidents or if the express lanes are
closed on 95, we do not arrive at the Griffin station until 7:00 pm! We are arriving later each evening because there are road
blocks on Stirling and the drivers are experiencing difficulty maneuvering into lanes. This is a constant problem and it is not
improving. It is not good for the passengers nor the drivers. The drivers need to exit at Griffin and not Stirling. Too much time is
being wasted and our commute should not be delayed every evening as it is currently. It is frustrating for passengers who utilize
the 595 Express as an alternative to driving to exit on a completely different street than the one we need to exit on and have 20 to
30 minutes added to our commute because of it.
Your assistance in making a uniformed change to our route would be most appreciated.
Passenger says he catch the same bus every day and the driver just drove passed him as if he did not see him while he was waving
the bus down. He say he had to run to the next bus stop to catch the bus.
The caller called to report that the bus was going westbound on Kimberly Blvd and it hit a rock which was then catapulted and hit
her brother in his leginjuring his leg. The caller says her brother has been taken to the hospital for the injury. The caller says she
chased the driver down in her vehicle and told him about the injury and the driver went to the back of the bus and did something
then went back tot he front, backed up and went around her.
Unfortunately the telephone number left only a "spanish" answering machine picked up.
if customer calls back and wants to file a claim - refer to Risk Management at 954-357-7215
Passenger says the driver was very rude. She claims every time she ride her bus she's yelling at them telling them to sit down, using
profanity. Call back requested.
Mr. Gierard and his son were at the bus stop arrived. Because his wife has a disability, she was close by (les then one minute) when
the bus pulled up and the other passengers got on. Their son let the driver know his mom would be their (only steps away). The
driver looked and said, "she’s only walking, I can't wait". Mr. Gierard stated his wife was moving as fast as she could (because of
her disability), and he was getting ready to tell the driver she had a disability, when the driver closed the door and pulled off. "This
has never happened to up before". This driver was very rude and he is requesting that the supervisor pull the video and audio,
review, and then call him back
The customer called to complain that he has not seen the route 62 bus going westbound on 441/Kimberly Blvd that was due at
4:13p The customer says that he got there at 4:19p. When pointed out that he got there after the bus was due the customer
started saying there were other people there when he got there and the bus never showed up. ***The customer wants a call back
about this complaint.***
BCT Comments 2016
Ms. Pen was at the stop when the bus flew by her without stopping. She was unable to get the bus number or the description of
the driver.
Dr. Henein was at SE 3rd and Davie Blvd when he stopped for a red light. A bus was coming up behind him so fast that it went into
the left lane (the turning lane) and flew through the red light, almost hitting someone. This was between 11:30 and 12:00 . He
wasn't able to get a description of the driver, but he did get the Route # and bus #. Please review this video with the driver and
point out how reckless he was. Next time, he/she might not be so lucky.
Passenger says he was passed up and this isn’t the first time this has happened. He says the bench is too far away from the road for
the driver to see passengers, it needs to be moved closer. He’s disabled and cannot stand very long so he has to wave the bus down
from the bench. He also said he wants to know why the bus was 6 minutes early & why no one has never called him back in the
past when he put in a complaint. Call back requested.
Passenger says a homeless guy has been at the bus stop for about a month trashing up the bus stop. He says the guy urines at the
bus stop, eat and leave his food and trash around the bus stop. He said he contacted the police but they were not able to do
anything. He says he just wants the bus stop cleaned up.
Contacted PD and they stated they couldn't do anything already. Either contact maintanence or the township to clean area.
So this person has to call the city of occurrence or PD each time ( by law unless they see the person do it, or complainant signs
complaints they cannot do anything.
Assigned to Security to contact local PD
Passenger stated that she was at the bus stop with her fare in hand and the driver let someone off then closed the doors and
drover off. Caller stated that she had an issue with the driver last week cause he had her get off the bus before she needed to.
Passenger witness another passenger purposely throwing himself into a couple who was standing on the bus. He also saw the guy
assault the driver by throwing a sandwich at him. He say the driver reacted by grabbing the guy and removing him from the bus. He
said the driver had every reason to react the way he did and he don't think the driver should be at any fault. He also said PD was
requested, as they waiting for reports to be filed, the driver removed the passenger’s bike from the front of the bus and then they
continued their route. Call back requested.
Passenger says he was waiting at the bus stop with 20 other passengers and the bus drove passed them. He said the bus did not
have any headways and it did not say “not in service".
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that she was at the stop with her son bent down to wipe his nose and the bus drove right by her.
Passenger feels it is not fair that some passengers can get on the bus and not pay the correct fares and drivers do not say anything
or just let them ride for free. She said she asked the driver why the guy in front of her did not have to pay regular fares but she has
to and the driver responded "its politics" and he laughed. She said it really aggravates her because it just isn't fair. I informed her
everyone is required to pay their fares but it is at the driver’s discretion. She said she will try to buy an all-day bus pass with only $4
tomorrow as a test to see if the driver would allow her pay the reduce fare price although she is not eligible for it.
Passenger says that the Thurs/Fri 101 white male 595 breeze bus driver is leaving the bus stop early before 737am (schedule time)
and he is passing by passengers who are coming up to the bus and he is sticking his finger out and saying "NO" he cannot stop and
let them get on the bus.
Passenger says that he was at the bus stop at a1a and se 19 st at 955am and the 1006am bus 11 southbound never came.
Passenger says that the bus probably left early.
Passenger says the same bus did not show up two mornings in a row. On 04/21/16, the bus due at 555a had a break down and he
had to wait on the next bus. Today the same bus due again due at 555a did not show up and ended up late for work again. Also
Friday 04/15/16, bus 42E at Atlantic/University Dr. was two and a half hours late and he was waiting in the rain.
caller said the driver picked up a passenger that was not at the stop.
***CService Email***
I have been riding the bus route 36 bus number 0725 and 0724 and they are beyond unsanitary . I have taken servalphotograph
that show that these bus have build up mold reside on the Windows. These bus have been used daily with unproper cleaning done
.This is a problem that needs to be taking care of immediately .
The caller would like for route 9 to come to the stop later, so she can connect to the bus from route 18 at 7:25am. She says she
constant misses the 9 when she gets off the 18 bus by a minute.
Lady, not our customer, called to report that she almost had an accident with our bus due to the driver's reckless driving. States at
the Hollywood City Hall circle, the driver was on the left lane and then realized he had to be on the right and cut in front of her. She
also claims driver was speeding.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 203pm for the bus due @ 208pm. At 231pm it still hasn't shown. Caller feels it went by early.
Caller was a motorist near the bus. The bus was speeding and coming close to caller's car and also dangerously close to other
vehicles in the next lane. Caller says this is a scary driver. This was from Lauderhill Mall all the way to NW 56 ave/NW 19 st.
The patron said, "this bus operator is always late and has to be replaced".
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states her mother was on the bus and operator missed her stop at 28th Aveune. Says her mom told operator "right here" be
she continued to City Hall Circle and let passenger off. Caller states when her mom exited the bus they began to argue, and she
called the operator "b*tch". Caller claims operator got out of her seat, off the bus and chased the passenger like she was going to
hit her. Says operator only stopped after passenger reached for her phone and said she would call the police. Caller says her mom is
57 years old and a regular rider. She will be filing a police report and needs to speak to someone with more information about this
Bus stop in the middle of the street. Call back is required.
Bus running early consistenly, the bus opeartor does not care. Call back is required.
A passenger called to report that bus route 2, number 0521, headed South, kept arriving too early at the bus stop located on
Oakland Park Blvd and University Drive. He stated that the incident kept occurring from Monday, April 18,2016 to Friday, April 22,
The caller complained that the bus operator passed him at the stop and didn't stop. He said that the bus operator must have seen
him at the bus stop, but still didn't stop. No bus number was provided
3 customers under 18 got on the bus, two girls and one guy, he paid 1:00 fo each one. The driver asks him for the ID to prove they
are under age, and no one of them had an ID. The driver stop the bus and ask them to put more money o she will call the police.
The patron is complaining because he was forced to overpay. A call back is required
(Police case # 15-061029) Lost Case ID 78321 --- Caller made a lost report ID #78321. She called today to privide a police case # so
that the video can be pulled. On the lost report, she reported loosin a Wells Fargo envelope with $650 cash inside on RT 30 EB on
at Peters RD and off at Andrews and 2ave at 9:15 am. She went to the BCT and spoke to an older male supervisor who checked
with the driver and did not find anything.The lost report has been updated with the police case number and this complaint #
man at bus stop waiting with his bycicle and taking over a lot of space. Our caller waited a few steps from him and when she saw
the bus she waived at the driver. The man on the bycicle got on but driver did not wait for her.
Passenger says that the bus driver name Touchstone was a very informative bus driver. Passenger says that they are visiting from
Cananda and the bus driver told them which bus to take and where to get off at to reach their destination. Passenger said that this
bus driver has great customer service experience dealing with bus passengers and she wanted to let their Supervisor know.
The patron said, "Every Sunday the buses are running out of schedule and is not excuse because the traffic is not bad", also during
the week days the Route 11 is always late. Customer requires a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
There was a mother with a stroller on the bus with 2 boys and the kids where misbehaving and tossing a ball back and forth. Our
caller spoke to driver about it and the driver snapped at her and said "dont tell me what to do." driver had a real bad attitude and
did not do anything to make the boys stop. Lady claims the driver and the mother of the kids were friends. She also states that
when she got off the bus, the ball was by the front door and she could have tripped.
Passenger says the bus is not fit for passengers. She says the bus is infested with roaches, she had to take her shoe off and kill
roaches the entire time she was on the bus. She also said the bus is leaking water and it needs to be taken off the road.
Passenger called to report that the bus stop sign is missing at this location. Some drivers will stop who are familiar with the stop,
others will not.
Caller said on April 19th at 7am he got on the 18 bus on Miami Gardens Dr ans 441 going north, he did not have the correct bus
fare and he driver told him to get off the bus. They got into an arguement and the driver pushed him, he push the driver and they
began to fight. The driver punched him in his mouth and broke his teeth. the police were called and he got arrested for battery. He
had his backpack with his cell phone a computer his wallett and car keys which he did not get back from off the bus. He said he is
filing this complaint because his relative work with the bus company and told him he should file a complaint because the driver was
not supose to touch him. He wants to know where his belongings are so he could retrieve them and he would like a call back on this
The customer called to complain that she caught but route 10 bus #0825 going northbound from US1/Oakland Park Blvd at 12:30p
and the bus is very filthy and needs a thorough cleaning.
The customer called to complain that he is at the bus stop on A1A/NE 36th St and he saw a route 55 pull out as another
immediately pulled in behind it and he thinks the driver had to have left people to get there so early. Also the 55 that just arrived
pulled right in front of the bus stop not leaving room for the route 11 bus when it gets there.
Caller is stating all the route 28 driver are racist. She said they are always white males driving and they do not pick her up.
A passenger called to compliment a bus operator for doing such an outstanding job. She stated that the bus operator, a black male,
by the name of Derrick, who operates bus route 31 headed South from Coconut Creek Pkw and NW 39th Avenue, is very
courteous. In addition, she stated that the bus operator, Derrick, is always willing to assist everyone on a daily basis. Therefore, he
needs to be recognized for a job well done.
***Request A Call Back****
BCT Comments 2016
Route 72 LAST BUS eastbound from SAWGRASS departs its timepoints way to early on Friday nights for example tonight the bus
reaches 441 @ 12:20 instead of 12:32 good thing no one was there but this is still unacceptable people could need that bus. Other
bus drivers on this same trip arrives early but not this early. I believe drivers need to be re trained to not be so early. Being early is
preventable. That's what timepoints are for. About two weeks ago I had to walk home due to this same Friday night driver arriving
at 56 Ave at 12:11a instead of 12:25a which means the bus left sawgrass early and just kept going pass each timepoint. If drivers
are in a rush to go home they should not do last trips thank you.
when are you going to extend routes 18 and 2 to run like route 246 in Miami ?
Bugs on the bus ! Monday, 04-25-16 Bus # 0525, Rte 20 6:10 AM southbound. Active bugs in seat rail, left side of bus just behind
exit door row. Bugs on bus ! Not the way I wanted to start my day.
595 express bus 1165 at 0645 on Monday the 25th of April was driving 20mph over the posted limit and driving I radically nearly
ran me off the road twice on I95 express lane.
95e-n. Perry airport-@mirimar Blvd last trip south to civic center after 8am 04/22/16 bus didn't show up
95e-n. Perry airport-@mirimar Blvd last trip south to civic center after 8am on 04/25/16 bus was 20 minutes late What's going on w
the 95e? People rely on these buses to get to work on time. You raise the rates for this public service, then you become unreliable?
Not good.
Caller is upset because the bus back doors are not working and the driver has been instructed to wait for a servcie truck at
Hallandale Beach Blvd and US 441. Caller stated that he doesn't understand why the driver couldn't have the door fixed at the end
of her route. Caller wants to speak with someone about this. ***CALLBACK***
BCT Comments 2016
Juan Correa has be picking up sex partners on the job and giving out passes at no charge. He has been messing with a disabled lady
and that's called abuse of disabled. How will I go about with charging him.
-------------Second e-mail--------------This issue has been transferred to the superintendent from of the Copans Garage.
Copans garage.... Juan Correa. Was assigned to route 114 and 107 with the 14 and the 31... 88 and 10. I know there is a new pick
but I don't think he is fit to have this job. He plays around too much give out passes and has relations with his passengers.
A passenger complained that he was rushing to the bus stop while some passengers were boarding bus route 42 headed East. He
stated that he could not run because he is an handicapped person with a broken bone in his leg. In addition, he said that he waived
at the bus but the bus operator ignored him and kept going.
Needs a call back.
The caller is stating the driver did not pick up her son. She said there was 81 eastbound at the stop when the westbound bus
arrived. The driver went straight passed the stop without even seeing if there was a passenger there waiting for them. Caller says
she has this same problem when she takes the bus herself.
Passenger is stating he's been waiting at the stop since 3:40pm. The bus was scheduled at 3:53pm. The time is now 4:39pm and no
bus has shown up yet. Caller feels the service is unreliable to get to work and is only good to go to the beach.
This driver is very rude. Ms. Roges doesn't hear that well and when she (the driver), said something, she couldn't understand her,
(with the tone she used), and this isn't the first time she has had to deal with this driver and her attitude. This driver has no
patience. She told the driver that she had a bad attitude, and the driver told her "that she was going to stop the bus and make her
get off", for that statement. Ms. Rogers said that she did not curse or yell at the driver. When the driver started to say something
else, and Ms. Rogers didn't hear it, the driver told her to sit in the back and ask another passenger what she said. While on the
phone with me, filing this complaint, the driver put the volume all the way up on the dispatch raidio to anoy her. Please pull audio
and video, and call her back.
Caller was sitting at the bus stop. The bus went speeding by w/o stopping. I told caller to stand and signal when the next bus
Passenger says the driver was very rude and treating the passengers like animals. She said he was running late and rushing them to
get on the bus. She said he told them to either get on or walk. She told him he was being rude, he told her to call customer service
and file a complaint. Call back requested
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger was at the stop when the bus didn't even bother to stop at it. Instead, the driver was already in the left turning lane, so
he omitted the stop. This has been happening quite often. He was unable to get a description of the driver and get the bus #. Please
call this passenger.
Passenger called to complain that she was at this stop with eight (8) other passengers and she arrived at 6:50am and the bus never
arrived at the stop. She said that there was a supervisor at the location (Steve) and he called the driver and the driver told him that
he made the stop. She said that the driver told the supervisor a lie because they were at the stop and he did not come there. She
said that this will cause her to be late for work.***Caller Request A Call Back***
Caller stated that driver of the rt 9 NB thats due at BCC at 9:15am is always late. Caller states that driver is constnatly passing stops
because he talking to people. Caller stated that they got to the BCC at 9:22am sand did not leave until 9:30am (15 minutes Late)
cause driver needed a bathroom break.
Caller said she affived at the Griffin tri-rail station at 5:08pm and the 110 593 express going to sunrise park and ride is due to leave
there at 5:13pm, however when she getsa there the bus is pulling out and it would be nice if the driver could wait until it is 5:13pm
before he leaves. She is asking a supervisor to talk to the driver and have the bus wait until it is 5:13pm.
Passenger called to report that this driver was traveling westbound on Broward Blvd and the driver was passing by passengers that
was waving for the bus. She stated that particularly this elderly female who was standing in the rain waving him to stop at the
location. She said she followed the bus and the driver didn't stop for passengers until he reached NW 27th avenue/Broward Blvd.
She said at that time she pulled up on the left side of the bus to have words with him and motioned for him to open the window
but the driver motioned back that he couldn't hear her. She called to report the incident and requested the time for the next route
81. When given the time she said she would go back and pick up the lady to keep her from waiting in the rain for the next bus.
***Caller Request A Call Back*** to be informed of the resolution to her complaint.
Passenger complained that she didn't receive the correct pass. She paid $5 for an all day pass, but received an emergency one way
ride instead. She didn't have the bus number but she said the bus operator has was a regular 8-10 yrs driver.
C-Service Email:
On bus # 0808, first morning breeze, there are roaches and bugs throughout. Rather uncomfortable.
C-Service Email:
Todays eastbound 72 LAST BUS arrived at 441 @ 12:20a ahead of scheduled 12:32a. I don't think that's acceptable people may
have needed the bus. Please talk to drivers. I don't want anyone fired. Just making sure people make it home. I know how it is to
miss last buses arriving early.Thank you.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
I would just like to take the time out to let you know how courteous and professional one of your bus drivers Ms. Thomas who
drives route 28 was. I boarded the bus right after the Flamingo and Miramar Pwkwy stop. Now a days its hard to get great
Customer Service. So please can you guys just commend her on such great job shes doing. Thank You Chef Cisco Reyes.
Passenger complained that the bus operator didn't want to go into Iinverrary. He said: "this trip doesn't go into inverrary". A 2nd
passenger told him the same thing, then he believed her. The caller would like the video pulled out for 4/25. She said the operator
should be repremanded for safety reason for swerving from all the way on the left lane to the right lane without hitting a car.
Yesterday, this driver didn't have a panel sheet but an informal sheet of paper with left right turns. That could be the reason why he
didn't know his route. *** Call back requested ***
Caller and a few other riders exited the back door of a route 18 bus to board the 441 breeze which was directly behind the route 18
bus. The driver of the breeze told them they should just sit back and relax because he was not going to pass the 18 bus. He told
them they should have stayed on the 18, and so he was not going to pass the route 18 bus. So he didn't.
This passenger was at the stop and waved for the bus to stop. The bus passed him without stopping. Customer is requesting a call
Customer caught the bus at Atlantic Blvd and 441 Northbound. While on the bus, the driver stopped in the middle of the street to
pick up passengers. This wasn't a scheduled stop. Customer is requesting a call back.
The bus arrive at the west terminal on time, bus did leave as scheduled at 10:10 am. The driver was too busy talking on his phone,
causing the bus to pull our at 10:26 (11-minutes late). Customer is requesting a call back.
The bus due @ 506pm went by early @ 502pm as caller was starting to cross the street. Now she'll be late for her 2nd job, and she
hopes she doesn't get fired.
This is a set point where buses are not suppose to leave before their scheduled time. This driver left at 6:20, that is 10 minuites
early. Please call this customer on this complaint.
Customer was at the stop since 7:00 and either the 7:16 was very late (arrived at 7:40) or the 7:16 never showed. Not sure which
one it is. Customer is requesting a call back.
Customer was at the stop since 7:00 and either the 7:16 was very late (arrived at 7:40) or the 7:16 never showed. Not sure which
one it is. Customer is requesting a call back.
Customer was at the stop since 7:00 and either the 7:16 was very late (arrived at 7:40) or the 7:16 never showed. Not sure which
one it is. Customer is requesting a call back.
This bus was almost 10-minutes late. Customer is requesting a call back.
Duplicate....please cancel.
BCT Comments 2016
Not oly was this driver late (arrived at 4:50), but he stayed behind the #18 bus the whole way. He was driving so slow. The breeze
should be passing the 18. Please call him on this complaint.
The headsign said Aventura but caller asked the direction of the bus anyway. Caller says the driver flew into a rage and said she's
not going anywhere. The driver then stepped off the bus and called for a road supervisor. The road supervisor showed up and
boarded and then exited the bus a couple of times. Caller suggested it appeared the supervisor was trying to convince the driver to
drive the bus but the driver was refusing to. Wants a callback.
The bus due to leave @ 710pm didn't leave until 717pm because driver was talking to the security guard at the west terminal.
Passenger says that the ainsin park bus stop at 640am and 655am bus stop has a long line of passengers when the express bus gets
to this stop, but the bus driver bus is always full and the bus driver have to leave passengers at the bus stop. Passenger says that
they all have to be in Miami at a certain time and they need more buses.
Caller stated that he got on the bus with his walker and while paying his fare the driver just pulled off and he almost fell. Caller
stated that he is 77yrs old and hsad a stroke, he can't walk fast. Caller stated that the driver could have waited for hm to get a seat.
Caller complained that the driver on bus 50 that gets Dixie Hwy and sw 10 st at 6:45am picks up his wife and on the second trip
when the bus gets to Hillsboro Blvd and SW 3 St at about 9:15am to 9:30am the driver and his wife goes to the drivers house and
smoke marijuana. Caller said the driver's name is Ella she is african american female. Caller is asking for the tape to be pulled on the
bus because he has two small children and he cannot continue to see his wife go off with this driver any longer. he is asking to be
contacted at 954-321-0976 anytime after 5pm to 6pm.
passenger called in to say that the driver parked the bus at the 7-11 and is blocking trafic and almost got hit by a car. She states
there is not driver in sight and no customers on the bus. Told customer that is where the driver takes a break since it is the start of
the route and the bus is not due to leave for another 5 minutes.
The caller is stating the last week thursday to today, the bus is constantly late to the Tri-rail. It is scheduled to get there for 6:00am
and this morning it arrived at 6:13am. Passenger uses the Tri-Rail to get to work and she misses her train everytime the bus is late.
Caller stated that he got on the put and was putting his things down to get out his pass and the driver began barking orders at him
and telling him he needs to get his act together. Caller stated that driver has a really bad attitude and someone needs to talk to
BCT Comments 2016
The patron was at the bus at the bus stop waiting for a long time and she had to move from the bus stop to a nearby place
because it was dirty, the garbage can was full and very smelly and the bus stop has not shelter. Then, the patron saw the bus
comming, she started walking to comeback back to the bus stop, the BCT operator look at her and used the horn but didn't stop.
The patron said, "how the driver could do that?" this bus is running every 50 minutes and is going to be very late at work.
Passenger says that the 11 bus eastbound schedule for 704pm never came to a1a and sunrise. Passenger says also that at 800pm,
the 11 bus had not come and passenger says that there was about ten people at the bus stop and some of them left and caught a
Passenger says that he was at the bus stop at johnson and federal southbound to young circle and the bus driver passed him
standing at the bus stop waving.
Right now, I am on bus #0230. I take this route 22 to and from work daily, and I encounter the this particular driver of this bus on
most evenings. While I appreciate the fact that this is his last run at this time of the day, it is now 6:24pm; And I know that he is
going to be returning to the garage, taking this bus off the line; I am tired of being jerked and flung around the bus as he speeds
towards the central terminal. He takes the corners hard and fast, usually resulting in the back tires going up on the curb, and the
passengers being slammed around. He starts off with a fast jerk, and, because he's driving fast, hits the brakes too hard, resulting in
more people getting tossed, jostled, and bumped around. Last week, his sudden, hard stop lifted me out of my seat, and I had to
grab a bar to keep from falling onto the floor. I usually have a headache after riding the bus he drives. Please ask him to slow down.
Thank you.
Caller stated that the bus turned the corner and just kept going. Caller stated that the bus drove right by him as he was waving the
bus down.
This is my second message regarding the same issue. Every morning I travel on I95 southbound and every morning the same buses
drive in the right hand lane until the express lane turns into one...then they simply cut over in front of the line of cars waiting their
turn. You either let them cut in the front of the line or they will simply move over and sideswipe your vehicle. This morning bus
#1428 almost caused a major accident and push the car over causing them to almost hit the wall. I was behind that car and almost
hit them also. I realize they have a schedule but SO DO I. They are no different then all of us on the road except they are RUDE and
unwilling to abide by the rules of the road. This has to stop. Next time...I'm not moving and they will have to hit me. It will be your
fault so I hope you have good attorneys!!!
BCT Comments 2016
states we changed the schedule for the bus and did not take school zones into account and now the bus has been late all week.
rider called to complain that there is no bus stop sign at stop. customer did not identified herself. Claims that there is a new shelter
and the bus stop sign has not been replaced
Disrespecful and law breaker BCT driver is reported. The patron said, the bus operator stops out of the bus stop area and hurry up
the customer to get close and get on the bus, the patron told the driver "you supouse to get passengers at the bus stop", then the
driver hushiong him and urge him to get on the bus, closing the door too fast squising his hand with the door. While the patron was
on the phone, he said another passenger was also complaining about the driver rudeness, he said the driver is now screaming to
another passenger, he is extremely disrespectful.
States bus very untidy, the windows are filthy with a black film on them. The floor is very dirty, the exhaust is spewing black smoke
and makes the inside of the bus smell like smoke.
Caller complained she was coming to the bus, in the middle of the street, when the bus was coming to the stop. She waived at him
and ran to catch the bus. By the time the bus operator stopped and picked up the passengers that were at the stop, she almost
made it to the door and the driver basically shut the door and drove off.
The passenger complained that the annunciator was very loud and very annoying this. He's traveling far from Commercial Blvd to
Miami. That was a long trip. The bus operator says that he couldn't turn it down internally
Caller complained that the detour information on the premium express bus is imcomplete. It doesn't say where the stops will be.
It's confusing. She needs more infromation. There will be a marathon and she wants to plan ahead
Caller complained that the bus is blowing up black smoke and it should be taking off the route. It is causing real bad air pollution
Caller complained that the bus driver left 3 minutes early. He left at 2:17pm instead of 2:20pm. Customer said that they can't leave
3 min ahead. I advised the customer to be at the stop 5 minutes earlier before the scheduled time, according to the timetable
The caller is stating the bus did not show up at 6:18am. A bus arrived at 6:57am, which was the following scheduled bus.
A passenger complained that she was riding on bus 42 headed East and the bus operator was very rude to her. She stated that she
signalled the bus to stop at the bus stop located before Federal Hwy but the bus operator dropped her off at approximately 8
blocks down. She described the bus driver as being a white male but was unable to provide me with all the informations that l
needed because she was very upset.
Bus US 1 Breeze has not bicicle rack, the patron said "this is a serious inconvinient and is killing me".
BCT Comments 2016
Ms. Charles along with 3 others, were at the stop when the bus flew by them (speeding) without stopping. "There is no way he
could have NOT seen us". This seems to be happening more and more with the 81 route. This driver was moving so fast, that she
didn't get the bus # or a description of the driver. Please correct this with your drivers.
Passenger is stating the bus passed her up at the stop.
Excellent bus driver, always on time and very nice to the passengers. Caller would like to have him back on this route.
A passenger called to request that BCT put up a shelter and add more benches to the bus stop located at the Young Circle bus stop
in Hollywood. She stated that on a sunny day, the heat is terrible and therefore there is a sense of urgency to build the bus stop up.
The speaker is too loud. Everyone is complaining to the driver, but he didn't say anything.
Caller stated the driver name Antwon on the 95EX 106 that leaves Miramar park & ride at 5:26pm is the best driver she has ever
encountered. Caller stated that driver goes above and beyond to make sure that passengers are comfortable and happy. Caller
stated that he is very kind and great at what he does.
Caller stated that the rt 106 at NW 9th Ave and NW 17th St is due there at 7:47am and that bus has continuously been leaving
early. Caller stated that she was out there at 7:41am and the bus had already left.
Car driver says that the 95 express bus 1428 crossed from the regular lane on 95 over into the express lane and cut him off. Car
driver says that he ran him off the road onto the shoulder other wise he would have been killed. Car driver says that he reported to
to the police and state trooper and he wants a call back.
C-Service Email:
To whom it may concern, Bus #0727 of Route 2 has a broken rear LED sign. Could you have the technicians to fix its rear LED sign?
Thanks a lot in advance. Best Regards, Chao-Hwa Chen
C-Service Email:
Bus operator #0716. Has no respect for his passangers for since I got on bus from behind publix at young circle until pembroke
pines mall talking laughing from the top of his lungs I asked to please lower his voice and ignored some of his passangers request
one had a migrane and left the bus. No courtesy. People do not need to hear loud nonsense and cursing regarding politics.
Too early for nonsense and you have a policy no speaking to the bus operator. You should have a policy no operator is to drive
conversating all the way no consentration in his driving.
Please look into this for I have him recorded and should he have an accident people will have proof. Big liability for the company
not Good
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
Regularly ride the 95 express route from North Perry Airport to Civic center. It is currently 6:28pm on Wednesday, April 27 and
there has not been a bus come by in almost an hour--I have been waiting at the Jackson Memorial pickup for 50 minutes. There
have been 3 separate 95 express buses to Miramar come through but zero for North Perry Airport.
C-Service Email.
Monday April 25. Route 81 LAUDERHILL MALL 11P trip from WEST TERMINAL did not follow its time points it was about 10 minutes
ahead of schedule. Wed April 27 Route 81 WEST TERMINAL 11p trip from CENTRAL TERMINAL did not enter HAWAIIAN GARDENS.
Things like this causes inconveniences to your passengers. It seems like only I care as some drivers continue to be 10 minutes or
more ahead of schedule. Although this driver did wait inside INVERRARY until 11:45p still HAWAIIAN GARDENS is part of the route
and should be entered. Also other routes drivers arrive early to time points as well example the last 72 from Sawgrass Mills usually
arrives 5 to 10 minutes early to NW 56 AVE except tonight the driver waited. All drivers not some should follow schedules that's
why they exist I believe. People have to get home. But if they miss the last bus. Then what? Drivers should be required to wait.
Even if 5 minutes early. Because even a minute could be the difference between someone getting home or being left behind.
C-Service Email:
Monday April 25. Route 81 LAUDERHILL MALL 11P trip from WEST TERMINAL did not follow its time points it was about 10 minutes
ahead of schedule. Wed April 27 Route 81 WEST TERMINAL 11p trip from CENTRAL TERMINAL did not enter HAWAIIAN GARDENS.
Things like this causes inconveniences to your passengers. It seems like only I care as some drivers continue to be 10 minutes or
more ahead of schedule. Although this driver did wait inside INVERRARY until 11:45p still HAWAIIAN GARDENS is part of the route
and should be entered. Also other routes drivers arrive early to time points as well example the last 72 from Sawgrass Mills usually
arrives 5 to 10 minutes early to NW 56 AVE except tonight the driver waited. All drivers not some should follow schedules that's
why they exist I believe. People have to get home. But if they miss the last bus. Then what? Drivers should be required to wait.
Even if 5 minutes early. Because even a minute could be the difference between someone getting home or being left behind.
Facebook Message:
Please see attached.
The customer called to complain that the driver is driving erratically and ran through a red light. The customer says she is calling
because she doesn't want the driver to end up hitting anyone. the customer caught the bus from Johnson St/441 southbound.
Please see attachment:
Please See attachment:
BCT Comments 2016
Please See Attachment:
Mr. Fung was on our #7 bus westbound from Young Circle. He wanted to state that this driver was very nice, and gave great
customer service. He made me feel like we were friends. "You don't get that kind of service in Miami." He appreciates all of our
drivers, and he stated, as he experiences this great service, he is going to call in with a compliment. Mr. Fung stated that he knows
of other drivers, that give good service, and feels bad that he didn't call then, but he will from now on. People are too quick to
complain, and not to compliment. Please let this driver know that he is doing a great job.
The caller called to complain that the bus was going southbound on A1A nearing Las Olas Blvd and it went into the left lane around
the caller and the cal in front of him and then cut the car in front of the caller off and slammed on brakes to pick someone up at a
bus stop.
Rats by hedges at bct. Not on the bus but at the terminal.
claims the last 2 express buses did not come last nigh (thursday). States that driver from another route gave her a ride. Also states
supervisor not there and there should be a supervisor available to customers as long as buses are running.
Very corteous driver. The recorded announcements were not being made so the driver yelled them out. Very nice driver.
Caller states very polite driver. Drove as if driving a baby carriage. Applied the brakes perfectly. His driving was perfect and she
states driver should be training other drivers because he was that good. He had a lot of knowledge about the routes and directions.
customer called to compliment a driver (done separately) and wanted to make a suggestion. States drivers are not enforcing the
rule of passengers not crossing the yellow line at the front of the bus and riders like to stand and talk to the drivers. She claims that
when people are doing this, they block the view and she cannot see where the bus is going and can miss her stop. she want drivers
to tell passengers to sit down plus that would be safer also.
This is the beginning of the route. The buses are not supposed to leave early. This busleft 3-minutes early. The passenger stated he
knocked on the door and the driver took off. Please address this with the driver. Passenger gave me the stop # instead of the bus #.
Hazzard on the bus stop # 3794! A patron called on 04/28/16 at 2:08 pm to let us know that on the bus stop Westbound Route 12
located on N 59 Avenue & Sheridan Street, a hole is open on the floor, the patron said it is a drain broken and is very dangerous
because beside the hole there are sharp pieces of metal around. Patron added, he almost felt down and is very dangerous.
Incident was immediatly reported to supervisor Freddie, filed and sent a notification to Aretha Douglas.
BCT Comments 2016
I am a regular rider of the 5:45am 595 Express from BB&T in Sunrise to downtown Miami. You will likely be hearing from others as
our bus has become very crowded in the morning and you guys continue to use 1160 for your first run while the new, much larger
buses sit there as back ups. Please consider one or both of the following: (1) bring back the earlier bus and make the first run at
5:15 or 5:20am. That will reduce the numbers on the 5:45. (2) Use the bigger bus for the first run and have a bus such as 1160 as
backup. Passengers are being forced to stand for the whole trip south which takes about 1 hour to an hour and a half. Just my
thoughts Route 12 not showing this a.m. between Dixie & 95 on Sheridan. He left more than one message, so Milton, perhaps you can have
someone call him back.
Patron was waiting since 3:10 pm for the bus 595 expressand the bus didn't show up. The patron requires a callback.
The customer got on the bus and wanted to pay only $1:00 because he dont have more money. he said, he was only to Lauderhil
mall and only have one dollar. He compalins about the bus driver told him: No, you have to pay $2:00 or you have to get off the
bus. The patron got off the bus and start walking towars his sons healthcare. The customer added, "This is discrimination and I need
to talk with a manager". The customer requires a call back.
The customer called to complain that the bus passed by without stopping to pick him up. The customer says he was on Andrews
Ave/NE 1st Ave going southbound and it passed by without picking him up even though was was standing up by the stop and
looking right at the driver.
The customer called to complain that she has been waiting on a route 83 bus on Royal Palm Blvd/University Dr for almost an hour.
Advised the customer that there was a breakdown on one of the route 83 buses to which they responded that the bus was an hour
late yesterday and passed her by the day before and that it's not fair that she has to be late for her socond job because of the
The caller called to complain that the bus was pulled over at a stop and the front of her car was right at the back bumper of the bus
and due to traffic should couldn't backup and the driver pulled out forcing her out of her lane. ***The caller wants a call back
about this complaint.***
Caller stated that the driver drove right by her and she was at the stop. Caller stated that she wants to speak to the bus drivers
supervisor. ****CALLBACK****
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger states she likes to remain standing when she rides the bus and another lady did the same and the driver was talking to
the other lady. When the other lady left the bus, our caller got closer to the front and made a comment about the block numberfor
the route and the driver turned around and told her " I dont want to hear about my job." Driver and passenger started arguing and
other passengers got into it as well. the driver ordered her to sit down claiming she was a distraction and she told the driver that he
was talking to the other lady so why coulndt he speak to her too. She is claiming the driver discriminated due to her race. She made
it to the Lauderhill mall and saw and heard the driver call dispatch to complain about her. When she returned home at 10:18pm
she took an 81 back to bct instead of home to inverrary to avoid same driver and got different driver but noticed the 1st driver call
the radio room to complain about her. She states she was never a threat to the driver or other passengers. She wants every one at
bct to know about this complaint starting with the superintendent and all the way to the director.
waiting at nw 15 ave & oakland park blvd. after getting on the buis, driver went on the left lane and she yelled at the driver that the
driver had missed the turn to inverrary. and driver said that he is not supposed to go to inverrary, that only the east bound buses go
there. driver said it was his first time doing the 81 and that he would be doing it on mondays. driver should be reprimanded for
skipping inverrary and for violating traffic rules because he almost hit other vehicles when he went all the way back to the right
Caller stated that she was on the rt 108 SB bus # 5006X and signaled to get off at NW 10th Ave and NW 14th St in Miami and the
driver told her there is no bus stop there.
***CService Email***
595 Express Bus Contact Us
Comments: On 4/28 The Northbound 6:20 pm bus at Jackson Memorial Hospital didn\'t come until after 7:00 00 today. It was
approaching Jackson around 6:30, but went to the depot for a rest, leaving all of us waiting for 40 minutes. This irresponsible
behavior is completely unacceptable. I deserve a refund for the poor service. And those drivers should be seriously reprimanded.
I\'d appreciate it if you could please investigate and get back to me. Thank you.Â
Caller states he got to the stop at 9:25am for bus due at 9:24am. Informed passenger bus was in Coconut Creek and he missed it.
Says bus due at 9:54am has not shown up as of 9:56am.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
Hello, My name is Albert Gomez. Wanted to file a complaint against the bus driver; that cause a ridiculous trafficking early this
morning; not involving me but with the other drivers behind me. Hunking horns at the bus driver. No train was coming. Slammed
her brakes and almost damaged my vehicle. Comes from the back and falsely accusing me staying I hit the driver. Took a lot of
pictures shows that I didn't with the bus drivers license plate and plus she happens to be a black female with a green shirt over
weight. I want to make this report and for you to contact me as soon as possible to take this action against the driver further.
Please and thank you This happened on copans road close to I-95. The license plate of the bus driver is 234037 "yellow plate shows
florida county Bus number 206154. She looked either she is under drugs or have some type of mental issue, but she truly caused
trafficking and purposely slammed her brakes for no reason and me having pictures of my vehicle not even a touch on the bus
***CService Email***
I was sitting at the sheridan tri rail station waiting for the 12 bus westbound. It pulse up and opens it's door and closed it while I
was getting up from my seat and walking towards it. It pulled away as I was walking from the chairs to its door. Bus was here for
one second before pulling away. Now I have to wait 45 minutes in the hot sun for another bus. I'm livid.
Our passenger is legally blind and was very hapy with the driver because he was announcing the stops very clearly and was friendly
and courteous.
Passenger states that Supervisor Charles Hollis announced on the radio through the 1500 line that "ALL ROUTE 81 BUS DRIVERS"
after 1000pm last night to "NOT" picK up Betsy Mendelson at any of the route 81 bus stops. Passenger says that a supervisor
cannot tell the bus drivers not to pick up a bus passenger and she wants the Superintendent to call her back.
Caller is stating she witness the driver going into traffic and almost caused an accident. The bus pushed the car into the middle from
the far right lane. She states the operator should of waited until it was safe, to come out of the bus stop, to go into traffic.
Caller was at the bus stop and signalled driver. Caller says he just looked at her like she was a moron and passed her by. Caller says
the headsign showed it was an in service route 16 bus.
Mrs. Joseph, along with 24 other nurses are haveing a problem with the 7:47 95 Express bus heading to Miramar and 172 Ave. This
bus isn't showing up at all lately. She and the other nurses need to know if they have to make other arrangements to get home.
Last night it happened also. This express bus was NOT on the dertour. I explained that their was a bad accident on I95 that delayed
buses. She stated no, when the North Perry bus came to their stop, she begged the driver (who called dispatch and got approval) to
take them to Miramar. Thank God for that driver, or they all would have been stranded. Please call her on thei complaint and
address her concerns.
The patron is asking BCT drivers be more considerated with the passengers.
BCT Comments 2016
bus left early by 6 minutes and that should not have happened since the bus was at the start of the route. the customer missed the
driver gave passenger wrong directions. She dropped him off at cypress creek instead of cocunut creek. Customer had to wait for
next bus.
Caller paid $5 for an all day pass. It turned out to be a county to county transfer instead of an all day pass. Caller didn't realize this
until trying to use it on his route 10 connecting bus. Caller didn't have enough money left over to pay for the route 10 bus, so he
called his boss and told him he couldn't make it to work. His boss told him to go back home and that he was getting written up.
Caller wants a callback about getting some kind of compensation. I told caller that I can't promise he'll get any compensation.
Ms. Uhlig was at the stop Monday, when the bus passed her with out stopping. Tuesday, the bus was 30-minutes late, and Friday,
because the bus broke down, she had to wait for an hour for the next bus. She is very dis-satisfied with this route lately. Please call
her on this complaint. No description on drivers or bus numbers. Please call her.
April 26: Caller had no money but the driver allowed her a free ride to the central terminal. He also gave her words of
encouragement about her status as a single mother.
This drive was allowing passengers to get on without paying. Please address with the driver and call him back.
Driver was allowing passengers to ride for free. He question "don't we have to pay anymore?" Customer is requesting a callback.
Passengers are getting on without the driver charging them. Please call him back on this complaint.
This driver was driving while she was on her cell phone. Please pull the video and call him back.
Patron said, she witnessed when this bus operator neglected and mistreated many passengers; she said: "this bus operator
doesn't stop when people ring the bell and doesn't stop to pick up people at the bus stops".
Claims all bus operators are taking advvantage of her. Wants operations to warn drivers to leave her alone. Stop picking on her and
treat her like a normal passenger, just as everyone else.
Caller is complaining that the driver gave her a dirty look when she swiped her pass. Driver then commented to a standee behind
her that "this lady rides this bus every day".
Bus scheduled at 9:40 am, never shows up. No information available
The driver waited a long time for a group of young children who kept showing up one at a time. The driver waited a long time as
many kids ran one by one to the bus stop. So much time passed by that eventually a wheelchair rider showed up and delayed the
bus even more. Then one of the children threw up on caller's seat. This must have been bus # 1331 because we got an email from
dispatch at that time of someone throwing up on route 1 bus # 1331.
Caller complained that the bus driver passed by the stop and didn't pick her up. She said she was at the stop with her son. She
waived at the bus operator but he never stopped but kept going.
BCT Comments 2016
Customer states did not have enough money to pay the fare and the driver disrecpected him and caused a scene in front of the
other passengers. She was also making comments about it to another passenger. Caller felt embarrased and claims driver also
treated another person the same way. Driver finally allowed him to get on the bus.
Caller complained that the bus driver skipped a few bus stops. He didn't stop for 3rd St nor 5th St. She waived at him but he shook
his head and kept going. She tought that wasn't a good stop so she started walking. She wasn't the only one at the bus stop
The customer called to complain that the bus came by about 15 minutes early as she was crossing the street to go to the bus stop.
Check the AVL and the bus was tracking 15 minutes early at the time of the customer's call.
Caller complained that the 10:30am bus didn't show up. He was there at 10:25am and didn't see the bus even at 10:45am. There
were no breakdowns reported and the bus wasn't tracking. Unsure of what happened, wether the bus came early and not arrived
at all. No bus or driver info provided
The caller complained that the bus must have arrived and left early from the terminal. he said the 9 o'clock am. The bus must have
left very early way before schedule time. He didn't see the bus at all. No bus info or driver's description provided.
****Call back requested***
Very angry and frustrated customer states buses never on time and that we are always giving the customers excuses for buses
being late.
Caller states bus dropped someone one off an pulled away without picking him up.
Caller said the 95 express bus leaving ansen park at 6:40am this morning the trainer and the trainee did not know the route. She
said the driver did not know how to get onto the express lane and this made her late for work. She said Broward County should get
drivers who knows Miami because the passengers depend on the bus to get to work on time. She is asking for a call back on this
Caller states operator was driving west on Old Griffin Rd near the entrance to I-95 with his flashers on, and did a "double lane
change" preventing him from getting on I-95.
Passenger complained that the new bus operator and the trainer didn't know the route which caused them to be 15 min behind
schedule. They even got off the wrong exit and din't know the roads to get back on. The passengers had to be directing them.
Everytime there's a change in driver, the replacments are not trained properly. The trainer was a black female.
Passenger said another passenger had a heat stroke while waiting for the bus, EMS was requested and she was taken to the
hospital. He says the stop needs to have a shelter.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that when he was at the bus he asked the driver if he was going to leave right then and the driver
had an attitude and ask him what does he think. The after the customer got onto the bus he says the driver said that it was a stupid
question. The customer says he feels disrespected by the driver.
**C-SERVICE EMAIL** (Second email w/ details)
Please don't make this impossible to report. This is an ongoing issue and happens all the time.
I ride the #1 Bus, North and South every weekday to and from work. I catch the 7:08am North from Hallandale Beach Blvd.
Sometimes the bus after that.
I go home South on that same #1 bus from the BCT terminal either 5:00 or 5:20pm. I also ride this bus at different times on the
weekends. This is a recurring problem I have witnessed on the #1 Bus. I feel I should be able to ask this to be addressed after
having to endure being rubbed unnecessarily against strangers for over almost 20 years.
The last time this happened was the same day I reported it on the same #1 bus. The driver is new to driving the #1 route at
morning rush hour, because as you know they change on some kind of regular basis. So that driver is not the issue.
The issue is forced physical contact, when the bus is not crowded, there is no reason for so many people to be right at the front of
the bus, so you cannot enter. Please address this issue, as I am sure it happens on other routes also.
------------------------First e-mail-----------------Please address the issue of passengers congregating at the very front of the bus when there are plenty of empty seats. They leave
like 3 inches of space for people to enter the bus. Even though they are behind the white line, it is dangerous and a fire hazard. I
have had to say out loud that I cannot fit through here. The bus drivers never say anything. These passengers need to step into the
bus , so that others passengers can get on. I am outraged that these people don't move in. I have never heard a bus driver ask them
to move in either. I personally would not stay up at the front when any amount of all sizes of people constantly have to rub up
against me to pass. I don't want to have to squeeze through people to get on, it is offensive to have to rub against anybody to enter
a public bus. I am not talking about when the bus is crowded, that would be understandable. I have had to sqeeze past people
when, even at the front of the bus, many seats are empty. I feel that this is a form of sexual harrassment, leaving someone no
choice in having to have physical contact just to get on the bus to go to work. Please address this issue.
2.) Fix the buses!!! They are always dirty, smelly, and are always breaking down. Bus riders are citizens of the county and deserve a
reliable, clean transportation. Just because we may not be able to afford a car at the moment does not make us second class
BCT Comments 2016
1.) Have the 88 run every 30 mins on weekdays, and start running on weekends, even if it is one every hour. It is unfair that every
weekend the people who ride this bus have to either use a cab, or find a ride in order to get where they need to go. Not everyone
works 9-5, Monday- Friday, and it is those of us who dont who tend to need the bus in the first place.
Caller complained that the bus passed by the stop and didn't pick him up. The bus operator got into the bus lane and took off and
kept going. He didn't let any passengers out. There were other passengers waiting, but he didn't pick up any customers. No bus #
Passengers were on the bus telling the driver a passenger was approaching the bus to get on but she said the driver rudely closed
the door and pulled off. She said she did not appreciate how rude the driver was because he could have waited for the passenger.
Passenger is extremely upset the driver has been late on more than one occasion. She says even when he's late he still stops and
take a smoke break. She say she has called and reported the driver before but nothing has been done. Call back requested.
Passenger says the 6a bus never shows up until 615a. She says this isn't the first time this has happened and it's causing passengers
to be late for work.
The caller is stating the operator gave him him the finger when he was trying to catch the bus.
The driver exited at Ives Dairy rd instead of doing a U-turn at state road 84. Now they're running real late. Caller says this driver has
done this before and it always makes them late. Wants a callback.
The customer called to complain that the 110 95 express driver's are passing by the Griffin Rd exit going northbound and getting off
on the State Road 84 exit and going back south to the Airport Griffin Tri-Rail station. The customer wants to know why the driver's
are doing this because it adds another 10-15 minutes to the trip. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
Caller says this driver is unusually friendly,cheery,and courteous.
The customer called to complain that he was catching the 102 University Breeze from University Dr/Westview Dr going southbound
that was due to leave at 6:50p and the bus came by and left early at 6:40p. ***The customer wants a call back about this
The customer called to complain that he was catching the route 2 going northbound on University Dr/Pines Blvd that was due at
8:36p and the bus was late not arriving until 8:43p. The customer also says that the driver was driving recklessly. ***The customer
wants a call back about this complaint.***
A passenger complained that bus route 16, number 1331, headed South should arrive at Sterling Rd and State Road -7 at 6:25 PM
but instead it arrived at 6:53 PM. She stated that BCT needs to do something about it.
As the bus approached, driver put on the not in service sign and dropped off some riders but wouldn't pick up caller. The driver
said there was a bus right behind her. But there wasn't
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that the driver remembered his name and his stop and its great when you become individuals to a driver and not just
a rider.
Caller stated that the bus was not at the bus stop yet when another passenger walked over to the bus and got on. Caller stated
that the bus rode by te stop after that.
Caller states bus due at 7:15am did not show up, informed caller bus had a mechanical problem causing the delay. Says next bus
passed by at 7:50am with a "Not In Service" headsign and left 6 people at the stop. Says this was a major inconvenience and
everyone is very late.
Passenger would like to commend BCT for providing excellent service. Passenger states he lives in Miami-Dade County and takes
several routes from Aventura Mall and Young Circle in Hollywood. Says operators are friendly, greet riders and provide great
service to the public.
Passenger called to compliment the operator on her excellent professionalism. He said that she should be an instructor and train
other operators on how to effective do the job.
Caller stated that the bus went by 7 mins early.
Caller says the driver accused him of trying to use a Dade county bus pass to board the route 30 bus. Driver did allow caller to
board, but he was "talking trash" the whole time until caller exited. The bus # was 1103 or 1105 caller isn't sure.
***Please See Attachment***
***Please See Attachment***
Caller stated that her mother catches the last rt 11 bus westbound from A1A / Banyan St at night. Caller stated that the bus never
came last night and that this is the 3rd time her mother has been left waiting for a bus. Caller stated that she wants to talk to
someone about this.
Ms. Trice couldn't say enough good things about this driver. She greets everyone with a smile, she is polite and nice. She adresses
every question that is asked. She has a great personality and is an excellent driver. (Most drivers break hard and take off fast.) She
really knows how to drive. Please utilize her as an example for the other drivers. She is that good.
C-Service Email:
Route 110(595 express bus to Brickell). Why is this bus in the evening heading on I95 North bound all the way to Davie Blvd and
looping around back to Griffin road. I understand there is construction on Sherridan street but why bypass Griffin road when they
can get off there. There is no construction on Griffin Road. These changes don\'t make sense and have added extra travel time to
an even long ride with this stop at Griffin Road. Please look into this extra ride to Davie exit makes absolutely no sense. I cannot
wait for the elimination of this Griffin stop in the near future. This is the only part of this ride from BBT center that is awful.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
Suggestion: Is there any way BCT Leaders can enforce Bus Drivers to stick to the schedule? I'm on University Drive and SW 30th
Street. This is a major stop on the schedule. The bus is suppose to depart this stop AT 10:05 p.m. Well, today the driver chose to
pass it by BEFORE 10:05 pm. I was running towards the stop and witness the driver pass the stop BEFORE 10:05 pm. Unbelievable.
The same issue with the 81 route. Now they want to arrive before the hour 10:55 am vs 11:06 on 44th Street (another major stop);
and 11:25 vs 11:15 am. When was this change made? What's the correct schedule? Julissa M. Cottonaro (561) 282-8100
Caller complained that the bus operator drove recklessly. She said she was a bad driver. She locked her break. One time, she
almost passed the turn. When she realized that, she slammed on the break. And She's not a very nice operator either.
***Please See Achement***(
C-Service Email:
Bus route CB Smith Park to Downtown Miami route 109. Bus leaves at 5:55 am. I don't understand why we are not getting the
coach bus as we used to. Two weeks ago, we stopped received the coach bus and bus 1158 is slow as hell causing us to arrive to
work late. You need to assess your busses before putting them on the street. It is not fair to us paying a bus fare and not receiving
what we deserve. The same thing is happening in the afternoon for the bus leaving NW 8Th street at 4:10 pm. I am demanding
changes immediately!!.
This driver drives very smoothly. No hard acceleration or braking. No sharp turns. An all-around smooth ride.
***Please See Attachment***
Caller says the driver saw them running to the bus stop and waited for them to board. As they were boarding, the driver and
another passenger were discussing how slow the caller and her companion were in boarding the bus. The driver referred to them
as "you people" to the caller, which caller considers racist because she is black and the driver white.
Passenger says that he was standing at the bus stop waiting for the 36 bus eastbound at 12 street and 441 and the bus passed by
him standing at the bus stop.
***Please See Attachment***
Passenger complained that the bus operator passed her up. She was coming to the stop, but she couldn't run because she is 7
months pregnant. She was at the light when the bus was heading to the stop. She asked the bus operator to wait for her. The
operator screamed and said she's not at taxi and didn't wait for her.
Passenger called to compliment the bus operator. He said the bus operator was very nice. He's very polite. He announced every
stops. He helped the passengers on the bus that needed help. He helped him too. The operator's name is John. The bus # is either
904 or 907
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says the bus is leaking on the inside from the roof. He said he tried to tell the driver but she was not listening to him. And
he also claims she went off route and exited the mall from the wrong side of the mall and got them stuck in traffic on Ives dairy
road for over 30 minutes.
This bus left early (8:40). Please call.
This is the start point for this bus. It left late. Please call.
Not only was this bus a couple of minutes late, it passed up this passenger. Please call.
This bus late and it arrived at 4:12p. This is happening more and more. Please call.
This bus left early. It left at 10:55p. Please call.
Not only was this bus early, (it arrived at 6:40p), the driver was eating on the bus and he put the NOT IN SERVICE sign on while he
ate and didn't pick up any of the passengers along the way. This is the last Breeze of the evening and just because he wanted to eat,
that isn't right. Please review the vidio and call this passenger back.
Passenger states that this bus (the 6:56) arrived late. Please call passenger on this complaint.
This bus never showed. No information on bus # or description on driver. Customer is requesting a call back.
Caller says she has been at the bus stop since 508pm and no bus. No probleems reported from dispatch.
The last bus 11 route of the night due @ about 1100pm at Las Olas/A1A westbound has not shown up several times over the last
week and a half. It used to be reliable.
On Tuesday, May 03, 2016, Mr. Scott Miller called to report that BCT employees broke his water pipe under the ground while they
were putting a bus sign near to his office. He also stated that they left the location without making any effort to fix it. As a result,
the leaking pipe caused a great amount of water to be wasted. He is requesting that the pipe to be fixed as soon as possible. His
address is 1 North Federal Hwy, Boca Raton, FL 33432 and his phone number is 561 239-1797.
Caller would like for a bus stop to be added at the corner of Pembroke Rd and Poinciana Dr going west bound.
Passenger says that he got on the rt 81 bus with a transfer from the tri rail at 830am. Passenger says that the black male heavyset
bus driver/with shades said that his pass was "ONLY USED FOR THE TRI RAIL STATION" and passenger says that his tone of voice
was rude and he made him pay $2 to ride the bus instead of paying 50 cents with a transfer. Passenger wants compensation for his
Passenger says the bus due at 10p did not show up. He said he did not see a bus until 1030p.
The customer called to complain that the bus passed by without stopping to pick him up.
The customer called to complain that the driver had them exit the bus because he had to go back to the garage due to an AC
problem and told them the bus behind him would pick them up. But the customer says that the bus that came behind that one
passed by without stopping to pick them up.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller that the driver was rude. He was crossing the street at the golden glades station. The bus operator was at a complete stop.
When he pulled away, The caller was still crossing the street using a wlaking cane. The bus operator started to honk his horn
repeatedly. He made him had to stopp in the middle of the lane to let the bus operator go.
bus left at 720p, call back is required.
Patron states, this bus operator didn't stop at the bus stop making the patron walk under the rain to get on the bus, beside that the
patron states "this is the most nasty bus operator ever, he has a very bad attitude and is very rude".
**C-SERVICE EMAIL**See paddle that customer got from website attached.
Route 81 11:00p trip from Broward Terminal did not wait for last 18 at Lauderhill Mall as his panel sheet instructs to do. He left at
11:20p. Seems like there's barely bus drivers that follow instructions. Or maybe he didn't read his panel sheet? This is unacceptable.
People usually transfer from 18 to 81. So they missed the bus tonight.
-----------------------Second E-mail-------------------Yes the bus is scheduled to leave 11:21p but if you read the drivers panel sheet they are not supposed to leave until the LAST 18
arrives which sometimes comes early between 11:20p and 11:25p. This information is available under bus operator information on
the BCT website. When ever a supervisor is available they always tell the drivers to wait. But none was there that night. I can
screenshot this information if needed. Thank you.
If you read the notes at the bottom it shows drivers should wait for 18.
The caller complained that the driver was rude and causing unecessary delays to the schedule. She was about 15 min late because
she stopped too long at the stops. She stopped the bus and get out because of music being played in the back
Passenger says driver drove off without picking up the passengers that was waiting for him. They asked him to move the bus up to
a dryer place so they could get on without stepping in knee high water but he left everyone instead.
Passenger wants to know why do the Express buses 110 & 114 take Marina mile to travel to BB&T center. She suggested Griffin be
taken to the BB&T center because it's quicker and has less traffic. She said the way the route is designed, it takes her two hours to
get there. I explained to her and other passengers about the construction causing saftey issues but she requested a call back.
Caller is stating that someone might have stolen her things out of her black change purse. She found the bag next to the
northbound stop open and empty. Caller would like to have video footage reviewed as she is waiting to complete a police report
*Call back requested.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger suggested we should change the design or color on the All Day passes and the transfers to distinguish the difference
between the two. He said when he gets off MDT to board BCT bus, he just give the driver one of the passes and when he get into
Broward County to board another BCT bus he then realize he gave the previous driver his All-day pass instead of the transfer so he
end up having to buy another all-day pass. He sais this has happened to him on numerous occassions and it's costing him extra
The customer called to complain that she has been at the bus stop on SW 8th Ave/Hallandale beach Blvd since 4:45p waiting on the
route 6 bus going northbound that was estimated to arrive at 5:00p and aneither it nor the following bus due at 5:30p have arrived.
The customer called to give a compliment to the driver. The customer caught the 108 95 Express Bus from nearby the Sylvester
Cancer Center at just after 5:00p going northbuond. The customer says that the driver is very polite and kind and is a wonderful
driver. The driver's name was John.
Passenger says the driver has a very nasty attitude, she act as if she do not like her job. He said there was a line waiting to exit the
bus as they were being issued transfers and the driver seemed as if she was annoyed by the line. He say she stated she will be glad
when they stop giving out transfers. Passenger says he feel as if the driver did not portray a nice, courteous character.
A passenger complained that bus route#22 headed East passed the bus stop located at Access R/SW 1st Street in Fort Lauderdale
and the bus operator refused to drop him off at the right bus stop. He stated that he passed the bus stop and told him that he did
not have to stop at that bus stop mentionned above. Therefore, he was so upset about it and he is requesting someone to call him
at 305 942-5454.
Caller said he was on the 95 CB Smith 95 bus number 1207 and there were roaches crawling all over the bus.
Claims bus did not show up this morning and has been late all morning.
Claims first bus of the morning has been late or a no show all week. Today there was a break down on the first one and I told the
Caller states bus due at 8:14am didnt arrive until 8:22am. Says the same bus did not show up on Tuesday at all. Says people are
relying on the bus to be on time to get to work.
bus arrived early by 10 minutes according to the caller and she was putting out her cigarette and walking to the front door when
the driver drove off. She requests that if drivers arrive that early, they should at least look around to make sure they pick up all the
passengers that are getting to the stop.
Caller said he was driving north on Ocean Blvd at 7:20am this morning he was behind bus number 0220 the bus went through the
red light to make the left onto 14th street causway, on reaching Federal Hwy he went throught the red light to make the right onto
Federal Hwy. Caller said this a very dangerous driver and the tape should be pulled to make sure this driver does not disregard the
traffic light.Caller said there could be an accident resulting in the recklessness of this driver.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller would like BCT to not allow passengers to stand in the front half of bus. Says no one can see out of the windows of the bus
she is on and people are missing their stops. Asked caller if the announcer was working on this bus and she said no,the only thing
she heard was the operator's dispatch radio.
Caller said he was walking towards the 81 bus going west , he was taking his fare out of his wallett as he was getting on the bus the
driver was telling him to hurry up, he ask the driver why he was in such a hurry and the driver told him to go f*** himself he tells
the driver to do the same. He said the driver is very angry and he should not be driving the bus because he has no customer service
skills. Caller is asking for a call back on this complaint.
***CService Email***
5/2/16 - route 22 bus #1128 at 6:48 heading into the central terminal; the speedometer went 2 main numbers past the middle
number. So if the top middle number was 40 mph, this guy hit 50 & 60 mph coming down Broward blvd, making hard stops, with a
near rear collision, and jostling riders.
single mother with kid in her arms and kid on stroller. claims bus driver rushed her and moved the bus before she was able to sit
with both babies and close the stroller. when she rang to get off, the bus driver rushed her again and said to her "you still not
ready?". She feels that the driver should not have pushed her like that.
***CService Email***
I use public transportation often. Today was raining outside and the bus was packed solid. It was Route 19 and the bus driver's
name is Naomi White. Bus number 1443. I'm sure when people contact you it's because of something bad that may have occurred.
This email is the exact opposite. Naomi is truly an asset to your company. I mention the rain and how many people were on the bus
because if you were a human being it's a stressful environment. Naomi was very professional, very knowledgeable, and just a
pleasure to be around. On a scale of 1 to 10 for her overall attitude and performance she most certainly and without a doubt
scored a 10 in my book. Instead of driving a bus she should be instructing other drivers on how to perform customer service. Her
attitude made my day just a little bit better. Again she is truly an asset to your company. My name is Calvin H. Please feel free to
call me. Thank you.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
I am at the southbound Andrews Ave stop at NW 53 St. The bus is scheduled here at 8:12 am. It is now 8:45am. It has still not
arrived. I would not mention or complain about this if it was an occasional occurrence. This is every morning. I was at this stop at
8:05am. This is not the first time I have notified bct of the drivers on this route paying no attention to their schedule. Again I have
to let my employer know that I will be late. Doesn't the management care? Should those who have no regard for the proper
completion of their job continue to be employed? Please. Do something about this. Show some level of competence. I have now
seen the third northbound bus pass this location. I have never,!though I have asked, been contacted regarding this serious issue.
Please contact me. ***Request A Call Back***
Passenger says he was standing and waving at the bus stop but the driver switched lanes and kept going. He claims the driver saw
him waving but he did not stop.
Caller states he asked operator if she was going to Lauderhill. He claims she put her head down so the camera would not see her,
and responded to with profanity calling him a "fuck nigga" and "pussy nigga". Says he is going to BSO to report her.
Caller states operator passed him up and he was waving at the bus at the stop. Says operators are constantly passing up him at this
stop which is east of the railroad tracks because they are not focused on the road and talking to passengers. Says they still manage
to stop for the railroad crossing though.
The customer called to complain that she was at the bus stop and was flagging the bus down but it passed by without stopping to
pick her up.
Passenger says the bus seats are very disgusting. She said it was urine in her seat that she sat in and it ruinedd her pants. She said
she catch one of the first buses in the morning so she feels the buses are not being properly cleaned the night before. She also says
the windows are dirty as well, the only thing that appears to be cleaned is the floors.
Bus driver pickling up passengers in the middle of the street (middle line). Bus operator is not proffessional and is not following the
rules. A callback is required.
The customer called to make an injury report. The customer says that he was on the route #60 bus #0862 which he caught from
Broward College North Campus heading southbound. The customer says he was walking to the front of the bus to throw something
into the garbage on the bus and slipped on a bag that was left in the aisle causing him to fall down. The customer says the driver
offered to call EMS but the customer declined because he did not think it was serious at the time but he is now feeling pain. ***The
customer needs a call back about this complaint.***
Transferred to Risk Management
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says that the 807am bus at foster road and 8 ave always comes late. Passenger says that this has been happening, with
the bus coming late for the 807am schedule for about four months.
Passenger says that the white male bus driver was hitting the curbs when turning fast and throwing passengers all over each other.
Passenger says that the bus driver should not speed when making a turn.
The customer called to complain that she was catching the route 60 going southbound on Martin Luther King Jr Blvd/NW 16th Ave
that was due at 2:32p and the bus passed by without stopping to pick her up.
Caller states says they asked operator if he was ready to leave and he "violently" responded to them, cursing and saying he was
tired of answering stupid questions. Caller states they argued with the operator and ended up not taking his bus because they did
not feel safe riding with him.
***CService Email***
Neither the West or Eastbound LAST 81 entered Hawaiian Gardens as they are supposed to. Eastbound bus is due in Hawaiian
Gardens at 11:47p but it was already on 49th ave at 11:37p which is the time it supposed to be in Inverrary. I was on the
Westbound bus so I saw this bus go straight down 49th Ave no Hawaiian Gardens. The bus driver who did the 81 before this pick
did the 81 correct these new drivers do what they want without consequences.
This bus did not show at all. Bus # and description of driver is not available. Please call.
This driver was late and he had an attitude. Please call.
This driver departed late, because he was talking with some passengs and then he was on his cell phone. He also picked up some
passengers on the street and it wasn't a Breeze stop. Please call.
This bus was early, and passed this passenger who was at the stop waiting. Please call.
This driver not oly was running late, he was picking up passengers in the middle of the street. These were not regular stops. Please
Not only did this bus run late, but she was picking up passengers and not making them pay. Please call.
THis bus ran late and the driver allowed passengers on without paying. Please call him
The customer called to complain that she is catching the route 11 bus going westbound on NW 24th Ave/NW 16th St and the bus
did not follow the correct route and bypassed her stop causing her to miss the bus.
BCT must be more accurate informing the public about detours. The patron said the each time she check on the web site or call
customer service center, the information is different and she doesn't know what to do. She wants a callback.
The caller was sitting down at the bus stop when the driver passed her up. She says she cannot stand because she has problems
with her knees and she is an older individual.
Passenger claims the driver tried to get her attention by hitting heron the arm really hard as she was walking away. She said she do
not know if she will be bruised but it does hurt. Call back requested.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says the bus headways are incorrect. He said he was waiting for the southbound bus and one came but the driver told
him she was going northbound but her headways said southbound. He wasn;t specifi about where he was because he also
mentioned route 01 signs being wrong, he claims alot of our buses do not have theproper destination on them.
Passenger says this bus has arrived 15 or more minues late everyday since Monday at the same time. He said it's due to arrive at
437p but never gets there until 454p.
Bicicle banging on the bus, the customer is complaining becuase the rack is broken and he said he has been reported this problem
several times and he wants a callback.
***CService Email***
May 4th Route 7 (525am) at Pines and Hiatus. The bus never came. I was there at 517am and waited till 5:35. I left to bike 4.4 miles
to work. I took the bus route up Pine to University and the bus never past me. I saw several regulars waiting on the way. This is so
typical of the poor service offered to us by BCT. I know, you will investigate, right? Nothing will be done and the service won't
improve. I might get a call and be told we had bus breakdown or a meteor hit the bus, the usual bullshit.
claims bus is late by 15-20 minutes every day and drivers take long breaks at mc donalds and at the west terminal even when they
are late.
***CService Email***
May 5, 2016 To whom this may concern; I am writing to you because of my concern for I-95 Express bus to Miramar Regional Park
which picks up passengers by VA Medical Center and Jackson Memorial Hospital at around 4:25 PM, is ALWAYS late. The 4:25 PM
bus yesterday (05/04/2016) was bus no. 1427X, this is the same driver which is ALWAYS late! Most bus passengers at the said pick
up time were already complaining and some may have already written to you about this tardiness. This bus driver is NOT aware of
his time. He waits and picks up every passenger he can and not thinking that there are other buses at designated times to pick up
other passengers. Yesterday, I’m sure you’re aware of it, the 4:42 PM bus arrived at Memorial Regional Park around 10 minutes
AHEAD of the 4:25 PM bus. I have been riding the I-95 Express bus since it all started around 5 years ago and this driver (4:25 PM) is
the TARDIEST of them all. We have other chores (cooking, kids’ activities, etc.) to do when we get home and the earliest we can get
home the better. We are all sick and tired of this driver always being late. I suggest that you move this driver to other time slots
and not during rush hour. Thank you.
lady called to say bus stop sign is missing and needs to be replaced. It's for routes 10 and 36 and did not indicate whether is the NB
or SB. so it can be stop 0760 or 0880.
BCT Comments 2016
***CService Email***
Good afternoon. About a month ago you happen to be out at the Pembroke Lakes Mall taking aa survey and I met you and you
gave me your card. I have not had any incidents until today. Up uuntil this point all the drives have been great. Now today I
happen to try to catch the number 16 from the trirail going west to the mall. I came at 4:30:to catch the next bus . so it is scheduled
for 4:45 ish. Buses were coming and going and not one of them had the number 16 to pembroke lakes mall. It is now 5::20 and still
no #16 to the mall. What is going on? I am very dissatdissatisfied. There are quite a few people waiting for this bus. Please feel free
to respond at your your earliest cconvenience. Regards Sandy Gustetic email: [email protected]
At 2:15pm at Ravenswod garage, the caller had an issue with Katrina Banks. Caller is an employee of G force security and states
katrina is his boss and he wants someone to call him because she approached him agressively and threatened him.
Caller states construction on the bus stop bench and shelter is done. Says bus stop needs to be moved back to where it was before
construction started so bus operators can pick up in the correct location.
bus driver cut her off, almost caused an accident and later on, she passed the bus and the driver passed the lady and cut her off
again. husband called to report. Wife not a BCT rider but a citizen that almost had an accident with one of our buses. She took a
picture of the bus so bus number is correct but the other info they are not sure about.
Driver looked at the caller and did not stop to pick her up.
Caller was a pedestrian in the crosswalk of the parking lot at the Westfield Broward Mall. The bus came speeding up and stopped
at the last moment. The driver almost hit caller's husband, she says. The bus driver gave them a dirty look as if they were holding
him up even though they were in the crosswalk.
Filthy and dirty bus. Windows had mold, the floor was dirty and the bus smell bad.
Passenger called to complain about the detour the route 40 is running. She stated that there are no barricades along A1A from A1A
and SE 17th Street along the beach and there is no reason why the route cannot continue north to Vista Mar Street and then turn
around. She said there are a lot of people waiting for the bus along this part of the route. ***Caller Request A Call back***
Some bicycle users put bags and boxes hanging on it and when the put the bicycles on the bus rack are making problems for other
customers. The patron who usually travel with her bicycle, suggests, "BCT should prohibit left bags, boxes, and big objects on the
bicycles, because makes very hard for other users accommodate their bicycles wasting too much time".
Caller is stating the driver drove right passed the stop and did not even look to see if there were any passengers waiting.
Caller arrived bus stop @ 420pm for the bus due @ 433pm. He saw it go by westbound but @ 445pm it still hasn't come by
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says that she and other passengers was at the 441 breeze bus stop northbound at countyline road at 417pm and the
bus driver past by the bus stop without picking them up.
The bus Route 4 Southbound from Sheraton Hotel, was 22 minutes late and the patron asks the bus operator why he was so late,
the driver said, "It doesn't make any difference if I tell you". The patron is com[plaining for the tardiness of the bus and because
the driver was very rude. A call back is required.
Passenger states that he rides the 110 express bus from Miami Brickell, and the bus driver does not drive in the express lane.
Passenger says that the bus driver got off the express lane at Ives diary Rd, instead of at state road 84. Passenger says that he said
something to the bus driver about not going further to state road 84 and passenger says that the male bus driver told him to sit
down and that "HE WAS THE BOSS OF THE BUS AND HE DOES WHAT HE WANTS TO DO." Passenger says that he have already talked
to Cindy and he talked to the Superintendant today about the driver not taking the express road.
Route 108 Running late frecuently. The patron said, this buses are running late very often, the other expresss busses arrive on time
but thisRoute usually does not. Today, the patron has been waiting since 4:45 pm and no buses showed up. A Callback is required.
Caller says he's been there an hour. During this time 4 buses arrived, and 2 of them went out of service. The other 2 drivers said
they'd be back soon and left the area. Caller says there are 50 riders waiting for the bus. Just now as we were speaking a bus
showed up @ 659pm.
The caller is stating the bus is frequently late. It was scheduled to arrive at 6:25pm and the passenger finally got a bus at 7:17pm.
Bus left 30 minutes late.Call back required.
Bus running late it should be at 5:58 and came at 6:10
pm. call back is required.
Rude and reckless driver is reported. The patron states, he was driving his car and the bus pulled back and almost crash with him,
the patron said that besides the recless drivung this bus operator showed to him "The finger". The patro said, I don't need a call
back but I need to report this bad driver.
States did not have the exact fare. Had either a $5 bill or $0.60 and asked driver for help and driver ignored him and disrecpected
him and was obnoxious. Claims driver b/f would have allowed a black rider to ride for the $0.60 but did not allow him because he's
white. he is a senior and the fare would have been $1.
Claims about 15 minutes afetr getting on the bus, the driver called the police on her and she was not doing anything to warrant
that reaction from the driver and she wants the matter investigated.
A passenger complained that bus route 81 headed East was late and is always late on a daily basis. She stated that the bus should
have arrived at NW 8th Street and 39th Avenue at 9:33 AM bust it instead arrived at 9:45 AM. She also stated that BCT needs to do
something about it.
Bus didn't stop at the bus stop.
BCT Comments 2016
Lady on bus caled to report that the driver drove past stop and did not stop and she saw 2 passengers waiving and approaching the
front door but driver did not let them in. She called to report the driver.
Caller complained that the bus operaotr passed him up at the stop. He was at the bus time, him and other passengers, but the bus
operator didn't stop.
****Call back requested***
Passenger says that she gets of work at 900pm and she crosses the street to the bus stop. Passenger says that the bus driver came
down the street flying and she passed her standing at the bus stop waving. Passenger says that she have to almost step in the
street for the bus driver to stop, and the bus driver moved over to the left lane instead of stopping and picking her up . Passenger
says that she buys a month bus pass and she had to catch a cab home and pay extra money because she missed her connection.
Passenger says that he is 70 years old and he ran across the street to the route 55 bus with bags of items in his hand and he made it
to the bus stopped at the red light and the bus driver would not open the door and let him board the bus. Passenger says the bus
driver would not acknowledge him and let him board the bus and he is very upset and wants a Supervisor to call him back.
Passenger says that she have been riding this express bus for years and the bus driver didnot drive the express lane until he got to
state road 84. Passenger says that he got off the expressway at ives diary road in Miami and it took them a long time to get home
ans she wants a Supervisor to call her back.
Passenger says that she catch the last bus 23 leaving pembroke pines mall at 930am weekday. Passenger says that the 823am bus
route 07 came at 837am and made her miss her connection to the route 23 bus.
Passenger says that the lady bus driver passed by her and two other passengers standing at the bus stop.
Passenger says that the 741am bus 19 left the bus stop at 733 am southbound from atlantic. Passenger says that she takes this bus
weekday with the same male bus driver and he left early. Passenger also says that when he leaves early he sits along the route
down the road to get back on schedule.
Claims driver has a grudge because he complaint about him before.
Caller complained that the bus passed by and didn't picked her up. There were other customers eaiting at the stop. She waived but
the bus went in the straight lane and didn't stop at the bus stop. No bus number provided.
Caller complained that the bus operator passed hm at the stop. He was the stop looking at his phone and operator drove right by
him. He thinks the driver passed him by because he was on the phone
The patron is complaining about the BCT driver attitude, the customer said, "he was very rude with the passengers, some of them
were turist, he also, without say a word, stop the bus in A1A and refused to go to Galleria, then he forcedall passengers get off the
The customer called to complain that he was waiting for the route 19 going northbound on US 441/Rancho Blvd that was due at
11:30a and the bus passed by without stopping to pick him up.
BCT Comments 2016
The patron complaints about this Route is running only every 50 minutes and some buses just doesn't show up and no information
about it. Patron has been wai5ting for the bus since 2:25 pm and he requires a call back.
Passenger claims the us due to arrive at 956p did not show up. He did catch a bus until 1026p. Call back requested
Passenger says her compliant is about "mismanagement for the entire Broward County Transit, starting with Supervisors and
Managers". She says no signs or notices were presented at bus stops indicating the detours for routes 11, 40 or 36. She says we
treat our passengers like crap because the detour for route 36 was changed during the middle of the day without any notice. She
caught bus 36 West earlier at Bayview Dr before the detour was adjusted to NE 15th so on the way back East the driver informed
her he would be not be proceeding to Bayshore Dr she became outraged about the change, as she claimed to live on the beach and
having to walk so far. I explained to her about last minute detour because of traffic but that she still requested a call back.
Driver arrive and leave the stop early then layover a few stops down because he's too early. She says this has been happening for
about two weeks now and it's causing her to miss her other connections.
Passenger claims she tried to get on the bus and the driver told her she could not get on and slammed the door in her face. She
claimed she was discriminated against because she's white and the driver's black but as she spoke she said they have had previous
altercations before but she just continued to say the driver is always rude.
From: Corbett-Elder, Cindy
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 5:27 PM
To: Gibbs, Corwin <[email protected]>
Cc: Scott, Jeffrey <[email protected]>; Marder, Jeffrey <[email protected]>; Hernandez, Israel
<[email protected]>; Shaffer, Mary <[email protected]>
Subject: 595 Express - Bus 1171 - Rude Bus Operator didn't continue in Express Lane
Just received a phonecall from Mr. John Orue who has called several times regarding the 595 Express. He was on bus #1171 at 5:14
p.m. calling from bus. Said as Bus Operator was diverting from Express at Ives Dairy Road into general lanes, passengers explained
to him he was to stay in Express Lanes. He was very rude, told them to shut up and sit down, I’m in control of the bus.
I did apologize. Please have someone from Ops call Mr. Orue back at (305) 878-0496. He told me he also called Customer Service
line too, as many passengers on the bus were doing.
Passenger passed up. He says as he stood up at the bus stop to stop the bus, driver kept going and looked at him.
I always comment on good and bad for customer service. Mr Dwayne s on the 1427 miramar 95 express was exemplary. He was
conscientious of the passengers and delay. Please make sure he is acknowledged for his splendid care of professionals using this
bus. Thank you for his dedication and outstanding commitment.
BCT Comments 2016
95 Express Bus N. Perry Airport to Civic Center on 5/6/16. Have been waiting at Jackson Mem. Hospital for 45 minutes, no bus at
4:55 or 5:15. Two Miramar buses have passed, 1 Pembroke Commons.
The customer called to complain that she was sitting at the bus stop on University Dr/Atlantic Blvd and was looking down at her
schedule to see what time the route 2 bus goign southbound was coming and the bus passed by without stopping to pick her up.
On Fri. 05/06/16, Route 19 Northbound 9:50 pm from Lauder hill Mall; Bus no.0910. The driver, (an older African American lady)
arrived at least 10 minuteslate. She unloaded the bus, closed the door then took a break. The bus did not leave Lauderhill Mall until
10:14; 25 minutes later. Please look into this matter. Unacceptable.
what is happing with these late buses pass three days i have been at the stop of ne 16 place at 6:10 and at the time of this email it
is 6:30 and no bus again. i do not understand how you can run a system so poorly that people cant really use it. the people that
depeand on this service have no voice
------------------------- Second Email ----------------------------------------ne16 place and andrews ave north bound
The customer called to complain that he catches the route 102 University Breeze going northbound from University Dr/Peters Rd
and lately since the drivers changed the bus that is due at 8:33a has not been arriving until 8:45a and nearly 9:00a.
It is highly unprofessional to have people wait 10-15 minutes because the driver is late to take over a shift. Now, I understand that
this is something that can happen once, or twice in a while, but not 3 times in a row. I'm taking about the Breeze 1, SB (12:04),
which is about to finally leave now, as soon a the driver stops talking, and laughing to the other Broward Transit employee that got
with her on the bus. Like I mentioned before, this has happened the last 3 times I had to take this specific bus at this time. While I
am at it, I don't understand how a bus is parked at Aventura Mall until 5 minutes past its scheduled departure, to then haul ... to
make up for the lost time. I used to be able to quickly get some groceries after work, but recently the bus gets to Young Circle late
Completely unnecessary. Also, how difficult is it to switch the route sign? People always have to ask the driver in which direction
the bus is headed, just to be sure. (At Young Circle, both NB and SB have the same bus stop). That wouldn't be such a problem if the
driver didn't give you the "Can't you read, stupid" look, or it wasn't raining. A you can see from my email, I'm not being
unreasonable, I just expect a professional behavior, so I can be professional myself, and get to work, or home on time. Sincerely,
BCT Comments 2016
UNSAFE DRIVING AND RUDE DRIVER BUS #1135. Incident this morning involving bus #1135, as bus heading south on Banks Rd
toward Coconut Creek Pkwy. This bus driver, who was turning LEFT turned left from THE RIGHT LANE, cutting me off - had to slam
on my breaks to avoid a collission. Then the driver swerved back to the right lane, directly in front of me after i made a legal left
turn. Then AGAIN, the driver signals for a right hand turn, looks at me, i looked at driver and shaked my head and the bus driver
IN ORDER TO LOOK DIRECTLY AT ME AND STARE. Held up all traffic! Then PULLED IN FRONT OF ME AGAIN, essentially cutting me
off again, making a right turn from the left lane. I am a native of Ft. Lauderdale and throughout my life I have ridden on this route. I
have never experienced such intentionally rude and dangerous behavior. Ever. To endanger the lives of drivers and her passengers
in inexcusable. I feel that someone should know about this negative experience this morning, it was around 7:35 a.m.
Caller is a consultant for a real estate developer. The southbound route 1 bus stop at the SW corner of US1/Hallandale Bch blvd by
the Mobile gas station will be in the way of new development and needs to be moved. Wants a callback about this ASAP. Leave a
message if no answer.
Caller complained that the bus was infested with roaches.
The customer called to complain that he was catching the route 55 going westbound that was due at 2:50p on A1A/NE 36th St and
the bus passed by without stopping to pick him up.
A passenger complained that bus route 81 headed West passed the bus stop located at State rd 7 and 5th court did not stop to pick
her up. She stated that her baby and her were waiting at the bus stop for awhile when the bus passed by and kept going.
The customer called to complain that he has been waiting at Camino Real/US1 waiting for the route 10 going southbound since
3:05p and the bus that showed up said she was not leaving until 3:40p.
The customer called to complain that he stopped the route 81 bus to ask him a question and the bus driver refused to answer his
question and nearly closed the door on the passenger and pulled away. The customer says that this happened by NW 56th
Ave/Sunrise Blvd at about 12:40-12:50p and was the westbound route 81.
Caller is requesting that the route 3 be re-instated on taft St. Wants a callback.
Ms. Aguilar was at the stop waving to the driver as he passed her (and the stop) by. "When you review the video, you will see me
waving at the bus from the stop." Please address this with the driver. She was unable to get the bus # and a description of the
Caller saw the bus sitting with the door open. She walked from under the shade where she was waiting and asked the driver when
she was leaving. The driver was condescending to caller and told her she leaves in 3 minutes. While the caller was walking back to
the shade the driver left immediately before caller could make it to the bus stop.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller states Lauderhill 7 driver doesn't want to pick her up in the same spot he drops her off at. Says she takes the bus from
Lauderdale Pointe and picks up her kids at Larkdale Elementary. Says driver left her at one location, but when he returned to pick
her up he tells her she needs to walk somewhere else. Says he passed her up and left her and her kids there this afternoon and she
had to wait 45 minutes for him to come back. Says driver is a white male.
Caller states the stop announcer was not working and operator was not calling out the stops. Says he asked driver to call out his
stop and says operator responded it's not his job and that caller should sit at the front so he can see out of the window. Informed
caller he can call 8400 for directions.
The customer called to complain that he was catching the route 11 going westbound on Commercial Blvd/NW 33rd Ave and the bus
passed by without stopping to pick him up.
Caller states she boarded at 5:26pm at Miramar Park & Ride and bus arrived early in Miami for trip starting at 6:35pm. Says
operator parked the bus at Wendys on NW 20th St & NW 10th Ave. Says operator got off the bus and left the door open while he
talked on his phone. Says this area is not the safest and operator should not leave the bus with doors open with passengers inside.
The customer called to complain that the bus 36 that was due to leave the Lauderhill Mall at 6:27p and he left early at 6:18p.
***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
The customer called to complain that the route 81 that was due to arrive going westbound at 6:46p arrived late at 6:57p. ***The
customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
Passenger says that she got on the route 10 bus at 59 street to go to commercial blvd. Passenger says that she asked the bus
driver if she goes to commercial, and the bus driver said yes. Passenger says that the lady bus driver passed commercial and blue
her off, and told her to cross the street and catch the route 10 back. Passenger is very upset and wants a Supervisor to call her
back. When passenger called in she was in Pompano at stop id # 0853.
Caller stated that her mother catches the last rt 11 bus westbound from A1A / Las Olas at night. Caller stated that the bus came by
early and that this is the 4th time her mother has been left waiting for a bus. Caller stated that she wants to talk to someone about
Passenger says that the bus stop sign is down at 39 street southbound and the bus drivers will not stop there and let passengers
exit the bus, and he havve to walk a long way.
Passenger says that the last 36 westbpond left ne 15 ave at 1106pm and rode sunrise to federal highway, then the driver headed
south on federal until he got to six street. Passenger says that the driver drove west on six street until andrews ave. Passenger says
that he and other passengers was unable to get off at their bus stop and go home, they instead had to walk late at night a different
m and long route to get home.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger says that she got off the 22 west at 441 at about 220pm with a male bus driver name Francisco. Passenger says that the
bus driver is a very good bus driver, helpful with passengers by answering their questions about directions and the route when they
asked. Passenger says that he have a great attitude when dealing with passengers.Passenger says that she have been taking the bus
for a long time and she wants to give this great bus driver a compliment for great customer service.
Mr. Orengo stated that today he took the #40 bus from Lauderhill Mall eastbound to Andrews and Sistrunk. Mr. Orengo states he is
legally blind and he was impressed that the driver knew him from a previous schedule. This driver was very courteous, kind and
very helpful. When he went to tell the driver where he wanted to get off, the driver replied, I know where you want to get off. I
remember you and don't worry, we will get you to your destination. How refreshing to have a driver who really cares. Because he is
leagally blind, he was unable to get the bus # or descibe the driver.
Caller said she waved the bus down but the driver kept going, she said she is going to loose he doctor's appointment and would
have to pay a penelty fee. she is asking to be contacted at 954-328-2696 anytime between 1pm and 2pm.
Passenger says that the white lady bus driver with short curly hair was rude to her and her Mom when they got on the bus.
Passenger says that the bus driver pulled off before her Mom was seated and her Mom almost fell, and passenger says that her
Mom was moving all over the place while the bus driver was driving the bus.
Caller complained that the bus operator was driving very recklessly. The caller was driving her personal car. The bus operator was
turning left from a straight lane. The one way road off the W-595 ramp has 4 lanes: 2 left lane turn south & 2 lanes go straight west
. Caller had to stop to avoid being hit by the bus. She then eventually got in front of the bus. The operator wipped around her to the
left and cut her off back on the right, to get to the stop to pick up the waiting customers. He made some illigal turns
Caller complained that the route is either early or late. There's a no reliability on the bus. Today it left early and one broke down
and the next one is late.
Passenger called to complain that he was waiting for the bus scheduled to arrive at 4:05pm and it did not show up and also the bus
scheduled for 4:40pm did not arrive either. He said the bus scheduled for 5:15pm came and picked the passengers up and then got
down the street and the driver realized he had departed the terminal five (5) minutes early and turned around and went back to
the terminal. He said that was ridiculous. He stated that the bus had roaches on it and that he has complained about this before
and nothing has been done. He said it is no use filing a complaint because nothing is ever done and no one seems to care.
He said that he received a call from the superintendent of maintenance about the roaches and he could have at least offered him a
free bus pass but he didn’t seem concerned about the insect problems. He said he didn’t want to speak to him again but would like
a call from the operations department.***Caller Request A Call back***
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that the bus operator left early. The bus was due to leave at 10:55am but left 10:53am which messed up his
connection with route 10. Caller said that they can't leave before time. They should wait for for the connection.
*** Call back requested***
The customer called to complain that the bus stop for route 81 going eastbound located on Broward Blvd/SW 84th Ave (stop
#2209) and the one at Broward Blvd/NW 82nd Ave (stop #3014) are both missing and some drivers are still stopping at the stops
and others are not. This means in order to be sure of catching a bus she has to walk all the way to University Dr/Broward Blvd.
Mr. Williams along with others saw a bus (not in service) who stopped and dropped off a passenger. He stated that he was
dropping off only, and told them another one would be by shortly. Shortly after, another bus flew by them with out stopping. "I
have to get to work". This isn't right. Please call Mr. Williams on this complaint.
Mr Lowe states he was at the door of the bus before he closed the doors. The driver closed the doors on him. He tapped on the
door and was trying to tell the driver there was a wheel chair passenger behind him. The driver pulled forward, stopped and then
took off. The driver almost ran Mr. Lowe over. He did not get a description of the driver
Caller says the bus passed by @ 627pm as caller was crossing the street. The bus was due @ 626pm so was not running ahead of
schedule as caller was claiming. Caller says the schedule says 640pm. I pointed out that the 640pm time is when the next bus
leaves Brickell Metrorail. The bus @ 627pm would have left Metrorail @ 610pm. Caller said that was bullshit. Wants a callback.
95 EXPRESS MIRAMAR - ROUTE 106: Today, I was stranded near the medical campus near Jackson Memorial, waiting for the
6:05pm and 6:35pm buses. My plan was to get on the Northbound bus at 19th St & 10th Ave. The 6:05pm was a no-show, and the
6:35pm bus flew by me without stopping. I waited for over an hour until I gave up and searched for an alternative method of
transportation. Can you please clarify if the 95 Express schedule posted online is current? Also, is there another stop that I'm not
aware of? Should I have waited at another stop further south? Please help me out, because I'll need to use this bus service at least
twice a week for the next several months. Thank you!
BCT Comments 2016
SAFETY PROBLEMS: I have been noticing as to the lack of "Strap Holders" that are available on several buses recently especially on
Routes 2, 7, 18, 30 As an example yesterday on Bus 30 which I caught at University/ Peters around 1.20pm NOT ONE Strap Holder
was to be seen...I brought this up to the BUS TRAINER who basically stated that it did not matter!! I exited Bus 30 at Peters & State
Road 441...catching Breeze 441 which had 17 Strap Holders. Today Bus 30 (0502) had just ONE Strap Holder, To use Bus 18 as an
example.....during Rush Hours Bus 18 is really full..the Lack of Strap Holders creates problems for the Passengers, not enough
holders results in SWAYING, PASSENGER DISCOMFORT and the Raising of Tempers. Based on information that I have received from
London, Paris & Rome....a Strap Holder should be EVERY Two Feet
Assigned to Safety Manager Arlene Carlson 975-357-6543
Transferred to Maintenance since this is not a safety issue. Mike Trimm
Bus #7 going to young circle (east) this morning 5:03AM (5/10/2016 Tuesday) did not stop at the pembroke lakes mall (Dillard's)
station. I was there and saw the bus not stop/without even passing by the bus station. Tried to ran after the bus but to no avail, it
sped away. I am late for work because of this; given that I have been at the bus station at 4:45AM way before the scheduled
4:55AM bus stop. Are all broward bus like this? Would not even do the least expected of their jobs? Disappointing.
I ride the route 110 express bus to downtown Miami. In the past few weeks the bus passes the exit to Stirling road, goes up to
Broward Blvd to turn around and go back south. It is rumored this change came about due to new express lane barriers on I 95. The
issue is that most buses, do not use that express lane, regardless of weather or traffic. This extra few miles, not only wastes gas, it
wastes time; which means, many passengers miss connecting buses. That causes more delays. As you are aware, traffic is very
unpredictable, the extra time and wasted effort is not serving the best interest for the passengers or keeping the buses on time.
Please consider we need to catch buses at Griffin Road station and change express buses back to exiting at Stirling, Or Sheridan
street, from which the bus can travel north on 29th, left to Stirling, then a right towards Griffin Road station. Thanks Passenger's of
rt 110
Caller states operator returned from break at 7:15am and she tried to board the bus as she normally does. Caller states operator
was rude and told to her get back off the bus. Says she got off and had to wait until 7:19am. Says she is regular customer and
operator needs to stop being arrogant and rude.
Caller said he takes the 23 bus at the Pembroke Laks Mall at 8am for two months every day and thr bike rack is broken. He said he
takes his bike to work and he would like that bike rack to be fixed.
Caller stated that the driver is driving 10 miles per hour.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that he has been waiting for a call back since a month ago and never receive a call back. He was almost hit by a
bus driver who didn't show any care and even want to blame him. He placed a complaint #19865 on 4/12/2016. He wants a call
Caller complained that she got on the 62 bus on Kimberly Blvd and SW 74th terr at about 10:45am, she show the driver her
passport because she is 18 years old and put four dollers in the fare box for an all day pass. the driver told her that she was over 18
and she should pay five dollers. Caller sais she is goig to turn nineteen in October. She is asking for a call back on this complaint.
Caller said the driver is a hispanic female bu the name of Alverez.
Passenger says that she and two more passenger was at the bus stop and the 60 bus driver passed by them standing at the bus
stop, at 938am westbound from MLK and 8th ave.
Passenger says that at about 700pm yesterday when she got off the express bus at ansin park's , park & ride, her passenger car
window was broken out and someone had been in her vechicle. Passenger says that she wants a Supervisor to call her back,
passenger also says that the bus when leaving Miami is so full sometimes that the bus driver have to leave passengers and that
they needs more passenger space on the express bus.
Transferred to security Manager C. Battaglia *8396 and Jeff Marder @ Copans
Passenger called to complain about bent bike rack on express bus #1162 He claims bike rack is bent at a 55 degree angle and is
damaging his bicycle when he uses the rack. Passenger would like problem corrected as soon as possible.
The patron is asking to run this route after 10:30, because she finished work at 10:30 and many times she missed the bus. She said,
even 5 minutes later it makes a difference.
Passenger says driver passed her and did not stop. She claim he saw her at the bus stop but kept driving.
The customer called to complain that she was waiting on the route 4 bus going northbound on US1/NE 4th St that was due at 1:10p
and the bus passed by without stopping to pick her up.
***CService Email***
I have just moved to Broward County and trying to find my way around using public buses. I just boarded the bus 1, 0803 heading
south. I ran the bus pass through and got a double beeping sound. In Dade, it means the card did not charge. I asked the driver who
was eating a string smelling sandwich if it was ok. He gave a disdainful look. I said will you please answer me. His response was that
I have been on this bus before. To which I replied I am not asking you just for the sake of talking. Please ask your drivers to be less
aggressive. This is the 3rd driver Altjough not with me only but this have seen in this mood in 3 days.The driver was an African
American malelike me. From a sitting position, I cannot guess his height; may be about 5' 8". I believe he had a hat and slight beard,
but was definitely eating a fried sandwich with a strong smell like chicken, battered. I took the bus on Las Olas heading south 0803
at 1 4:59 according to my notes.
BCT Comments 2016
A passenger called to complain about the bus operator on bus route 62 which was headed East. She stated she got on the bus at
Kimberly Blvd and SW 73rd Avenue in North Lauderdale. She stated that she put 4 dollars in the farebox in order to buy an all day
pass, but the bus operator refused to give her the bus pass. She then stated that she showed her passport to the bus operator
proving that she was born on October 3rd, 1997 and that she was under the age of 19, however the bus operator was still resisting
until another passengeer finally added one dollar in the farebox for her. She described the bus operator as being a Spanic female by
the name of Alvarez. She is requesting that somene calls her at 772 261-7742.
***CService Email***
Everyday for the past two weeks I have had to Uber from 17th St. Causeway and US1 because of the 40 bus driver East arriving to
the stop too early and not even having the courtesy to wait for passengers when they see another bus. According to the 40 East
schedule it is not supposed to pass that intersection before 6:47 in the morning, yet everyday for the past two weeks it has left at
6:41 from that intersection. I know this because I am at the intersection on the Northbound US1 Breeze at 6:40 and find it
FRUSTRATING that I am being left every morning especially because the bus leaves earlier than it is supposed to. I pay $60 a month
for a bus pass but have had to Uber for an additional $6 A DAY just to get to work on time because this bus driver passes the stop
TOO EARLY! I need this situation to be addressed immediately. I don't enjoy wasting my hard earned money and do not think that
as a paying customer I continuously waste money PAYING for my transportation to leave especially if I am there ON TIME!
***CService Email***
Just wanted to let Broward Transit know that Eric, 95 Express CB Smith 7:00 am bus driver is great. He knows how to maneuver
through traffic and does his best to get us to downtown on time.
Passenger called to complain that at this stop there is gravel and sand and no sidewalk so it was difficult for her to board the bus
because of her knees. She said that she asked the driver if he could kneel the bus, which he did and she still wasn't able to board
the bus. She said she asked him if he would lower the wheel chair ramp and he stated that it was only for passengers in wheel
chairs. She said he finally lowered it but not without complaining. She said he was unprofessional and that she pay her fare and
should be treated better than what she received during this incident.
***CService Email***
Driver in vechilce tc3834 changed lanes in the middle of an intersection. Cutting me off and making me jam on my brakes. He
continued to use poor driving still as far as I saw. This occurred at about 1:30-1:35pm 5/11/16. On pine island road.
***Called motorist on 5/11, states incident was with a passenger van and occured at the westbound ramp of I-595 at the Pine
Island exit.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that she asked the driver to move the bus close to the sidewalk and the driver refused and started yelling at her.
Caller stated that when she was getting off the driver did the same thing and stop the bus away from the curb.
The caller complained that the bus operator left early. He left at 10:50am while the schedule says 10:57am and people are missing
their connection. The bus driver is constantly leaving at 10:50am. He needs to wait and make the time at McDonald
states bus shoes up only every other day
A passenger called to complain about the bus operator on route 62 headed East. She stated that she got on the bus at Kimberly
Blvd and SW 73rd Avenue and put 4 dollars in the farebox in order to buy an all day pass. She siad tht the bus operator told her that
she needed to pay $5.00 for the bus pass. She then showed her passport that she was born on October 03, 1997, unfortunately, the
bus operator kept resisting and refused to give her all day bus pass until someone added a dollar more in the farebox for her
Caller says one of our drivers are speeding around a school and this isn't the first time he has seen this bus speeding in the same
area. He claim the driver was doing about 60 MPH in a 35 MPH zone. He wasn't sure of the route but he did get the bus numer and
he said the bus was traveling North on 441 in the area of Sample & Coconut creek so it could have been 19 or 441 breeze. Call back
Passenger says she was at the bus stop, the driver saw her and passed her.
The patron said, the Route 23 is providing a terrible service. He added, the buses are running late very often, today we have been
waiting more than 20 minutes and yesterday was late 27 minutes. Also, he is asking BCT provide a better and more often Service
for the city of Weston.
The customer called to complainn that the same things happens almost everyday. he is on the route 10 going southbound trying to
connect to the westbound route 11 and as the the route 10 is either crossing the light or even pulling up to the stop the route 11
pulls away and leaves without waiting for anyone needing to connect.
The customer called to complain that she caught the 108 95 Express from the Civic Center going to Perry Airport at about 4:55p and
the bus was extremely hot and she felt like she was going to suffocate. The customer wants a call back abot this complaint because
she feels she should be reimbused for this because the conditions were unacceptable.
Passenger says driver failed to offer assistance with her wheelchair and failed to answer her questions about which bus she was
driving. She also said as she got up from her wheelchair, the driver said "WHEEW!", as if she smelled her. She felt as if she was
verbally embarrassed and ridiculed in front of every one. Passenger says she wants this to go to the commissioner. Call back
The customer called to complain that the bus driver picked up a passenger on the road not at a designated bus stop right after
leaving the West Terminal. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that the route 81 bus that was due to arrive at 7:40p did not arrive until 8:05p. ***The customer
wants a call back about tis complaint.***
Passenger says that the male bus driver is a calm and collective driver. Passenger says that a passenger wanted to get off at
riverland road and didnot pull the cord until after the stop, but she told the bus driver that she had pulled the cord. Passenger said
that the bus driver calmly told her that she didnot pull the cord, but he would let her get off the bus at the nextstop. Passenger says
that he and other passengers also told her that she did not pull the bell, but the bus driver handled the situation with profession.
Caller stated that she was running for the bus and the driver saw her but did not stop. Caller stated that she got right at the bus
stop when driver drove pass.
Passenger says that he was joking with the white male route 88 bus driver and said that he should ride free, because the other bus
did not come. Passenger says that the bus driver said "What the He-- do you mean, Sh-- is not free, put your Da-- ticket in and go sit
down" (all curse words) Passenger wants a SUPERVISOR to call him back, he says that he never get a CALLBACK when he complains.
Caller states bus due at 10:13am has not arrived as of 10:22am. Says bus has been late everyday and she needs to get to work on
Caller states bus due at 10:24am arrived early at 10:20am. Says this is a major inconvenience.
Caller not on bus, claims almost got hit by bus that ran the red light and driver is driving like a maniac and honking his horn.
caller in car. claims driver was not on the right lane and ran red light and cut in front of her to get to the right lane.
The customer called to complain that she caught the 108 95 express from Jackson Memorial Hospital and the AC was not working
causing the bus to be extremely hot.
C-Service Email:
We need additional MCI coach buses for the I95 express CB Smith route. Recently there has been an increase in ridership and many
are not able to board the bus because there are no empty seats available. This is happening atAnsin park (second stop) and in the
afternoons in downtown Miami. This inconvenience could discourage people on taking public transportation especially when they
can not arrive at their destination on time
The customer called to complain that the bus that was due at Sample Rd/Fishermans Dr at 2:35p was already passed Sample
rd/Turtle Creek Dr at that time.
Caller stated that the driver left 2 minutes early.
BCT Comments 2016
Mrs. Hardy, who is 69 years old was very upset by the way this driver treated her. She has a pacemaker and problem with he leg, so
she puts everything in a cart (this helps balance her when she walks) and then she doesn't have to carry so many things. The driver
was very rude to her when she got on the bus, and through out her ride as well. She stated, "I'm not homeless", and for all the
years (since 2006) I have been taking the #2 bus from 207th, this is the first driver that really upset me. He made her sit it an seat
(not by her choice), and had other passengers move to do so. I always keep my cart pulled up next to me, and the way this driver
spoke to me, was so rude, that I told him I was going to report him. "sometimes it not what you say, but how you say it." Please
pull the vedioo and audio and call her.
Talked to Mr Russo , who had stated that he talked to Commissioners. Also
Stated that Main terminal is a great difference. . Told him Operations is working with operatorsome also
This bus was early. Please call
This bus was early. Please call
This bus was running late. Please call
This bus was early. Please call.
Passenger says the bus due at 729p arrived early at 726p.
Lady states driver cuts in front of cars and teh same driver does this every morning.
Please see letter attached.
passenger in wheelchair scooter flipped over (as operator made left turn) and fell on another passenger’s foot / injured passenger
was transported to Northwest Medical Center. Case#: FCK 160512001559. Passenger was provided Risk management number.
close file Risk
Passenger requested a bus stop for route 06 be placed at 2323 Cody St Hollywood, FL so people in the neighborhood wouldn't have
to walk to Greene Rd/N 23rd Ave or Cody ST/N 24th ave to catch the bus. Call back requested
The bus due @ 1209pm left @ 1203pm as caller was approaching on the route 18 bus.
Mr. Hinson filed a complaint on the #4 not showing up. He states that this is his 6th complaint this week. This customer is stating
he will be going to to commissioner on this complaint, and is requesting a call back.
Passenger says the driver was supposed to stop at Hallandale Beach Blvd. but a bus was parked there so the driver went around the
bus and stopped at the next stop. He was upset that he had to walk all the way back to Hallandale Beach Blvd. because the driver
passed his stop.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger said he watched as the driver passed three different bus stops on three different occasions. Each bus stop had patrons
waiting to be picked up but he kept going. He said he yelled from the back on the bus towards the driver that there were patrons
waiting but the driver did not reply and kept driving.
Passenger got off the bus and left his bike on the rack twice and each time his bike was stolen. He said he did not want to get his
bike stolen again so he tried to lock his bike on the bike rack with a key lock but the driver refused to let him do so. He said the
driver would not let him explain why he was locking his bike to the rack the driver just argued with him and told him no. Passenger
wants to be allowed to lock his bike on the rack when he ride.
***CService Email***
595 Express Bus Contact Us
Name: Angel Gonzalez
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 305-710-3225
Comments: 595 Express Bus - Route 110 - please re route these buses to get off of Griffin . This route is taking too long and makes
no sense. It\'s wasting everyone\'s precious time driving further north to loop back to get off The same exit.
***CService Email***
I just home from a 60 bus ride, then a 72. I have a complaint regarding the 60 driver. Starting from the bus stop near Ne 16th Ave &
Andrews Ave (in Wilton manors/Fort lauderdale) headed north, the driver, an overweight african-american lady with short, real
hair, wearing shades picked up a 7-eleven employee I've met many times. He searched for his bus card, but didn't find it. From
where I was sitting, I heard their conversation. The 7-eleven employee told her he did didn't have his card and ask if he's fine. The
driver hesitated and began having an attitude "You know you didn't a card when you got on" she said. He said "I did, a one month
bus pass". She said more stuff, still with her loud attitude going on, he kept his cool, and she said something else before he sat
down toward the middle of the bus. This happened at around 8:56 am. During the trip, she also had an attitude and loud
conversation with an older guy, who was quiet and kept his cool. I want to inform you guys that you have a loud, attitude
maintaining employee driving the 60 route. She's a disruption to the transit atmosphere, and has no problem with just having
problems with others. It's nice of her to allow the customers to ride - that's a plus - but she has an attitude for no reasonable,
apparent reason. She maintains it with people who don't support her attitude... Bad for the company. Customer service...
Patron at bus stop waving at driver but he flew by him. Passenger says he didn't even try to hit breaks and it isn't the first time it
has happened. We have the rudest bus drivers in the county.
Please see attachment.
BCT Comments 2016
Father called for daughter. States that so far this month, the bus has passed the bus stop without stopping. daughter is student that
catches the bus when she gets out of school.
Mr. Richards requests a call back. States concerned for daughter's safety since she has to wait by bus stop longer when the bus
does not pick her up.
Caller complained that the bus 42 is late everyday, the bus is due at NW 31 ave and Atlantic blvd at 3:38 pm it gets there at 4:04
going west and he mises his connecting bus. He said he is going to loose his job if this continues.
Passenger says that the 307pm bus 55 westbound left early, passenger says that she was crossing the street and she saw the bus
and she was running to the bus, but the bus driver kept going and left early.
While boarding, another rider pushed caller out of the way and she fell backward and out onto the ground. In the process, she
broke a dozen eggs. Her lower back hurts and her left hand is skinned. No other injuries mentioned. Caller says as she was laying
on the ground the driver impatiently asked her whether she was getting on the bus. She did. When she reaches her destination,
she's going to call an ambulance. The driver did nothing to help her. Caller mentioned nothing about suing the county.
A reckless driver is reported. Ms. Louise was driving her car and saw a BCT bus operator driving recless. The BCT operator suddenly
without caution turned right on andrews avenue passing a red light, the patron said, she has to slamed on her breakes to avoid the
impact. A call back is required.
The bus clock has a wrong time but the correct date. The patron wants to"BCT addresed this".
The bus due to leave @ 526pm left @ 520pm as caller was parking her car.
Caller ssaid she was going west on the 11 route on NW 19 St and NW 21st Ave at about7:30pm on 5/12/16, she pulled out infront
of the bus and the driver was honking the horn and turning on the bright light. She was turning on Oakland Park Blvd and the driver
came and stop beside her at the light and point his finger at her, she said she do not what his problem was. She does not quite
remember what the bus number was she thinks it was 4815.
Caller is stating the drivers are leaving the stop early. Caller parked in lot about 5:20pm and she saw the bus leaving. It was
scheduled to depart at 5:26pm.
Bus departed earlier. The bus scheduled at 5:26 pm departed at 5 :20 pm. Custiomer requires a callback.
driver making a stop in the middle of the street to let passengers off. b/m with sunglasses. not following rules
came early did not folloow schedule. drivers are not following the rules. b/m
Caller complained that the bus stop sign is broken. She said the buses are skipping that bus stop because the sign is bent.
claims bus late friday morning and today staurday again. claims that its not due to a breakdown but due to the driver. told him i
would not open a compliant because the bus broke down but he claims yesterday a representative took a complaint from him.
BCT Comments 2016
A passenger complained that bus route 2 headed north was late and the bus operator was very rude. She stated that she was
standing in front of the entrance door so that the driver could wait for somene who was running to get on the bus. She also stated
that the bus operator was not pleased about her action and he then said something rude to her. However, she could not tell me the
exact word that the bus opoerator used while she was getting off the bus. This incident occurred on 5/13/ 2016 at 9:00 PM at the
bus stop located on Royal Palm and University Drive and she described the bus operator as being a white male.
Harassment complaint, the customer complaints about the bus operator is looking at her on the mirror, also she said, the bus
operator is driving reckless. While on the phone, the customer was arguing with the bus operator.
passenger on bus called to say an individual got on the bus and printed 12 all day passes while driver was outside smoking. He told
the driver and the driver said he would write up a report. The passenger that called did not leave his name.
Informed Security and Accounting
A passenger complained thatbus route 2 headed north
Reckless BCT driver. Vehicle tag number TC 2542, the patron said, she was driving on the right line and the BCT driver pulled out in
fron of her, she was driving a red van. The patron requires a callback.
States takes bus 5 days a week and the bus at 1:47 never showed up and buses are unreliable.
The customer called to complain that he was on the route 42 bus #1415 going eastbound and when the bus reached the end of the
eastbound route he made the customer who is a senior citizen and other passengers who are also senior citizens get off of the bus
during the layover. The customer thinks the driver should have let them stay on the bus since other drivers do so.
Bus left late. Every saturday this route is late.
left late. every saturday same bus leaves late
arrived very late almost one hour.
The customer called to complain that the bus passed by without stopping to pick him up.
claims bus arrived early and did not stop.
Passenger asked for directions and driver did not help and had a bad attitude. Caller was on the bus and states she is a witness to
the driver's poor customer service and that the driver made a sudden stop and she hurt her stomach. She claims she recently had
surgery and she is in pain now.
bus passed him up. b/m
states driver stopped at terminal and opened and closed the door and did not give anyone time to get on it. our caller went after
the bus waiving, claims the driver saw him and kept going.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that he is at Young circle waiting on the route 4 going northbound that was due to arrive at 4:28p
and the bus has not yet arrived.
Caller states operator has been running early every day. Says bus left Tri-Rail Station at 7:06am this morning, and she has seen the
operator leave as early as 7:02am. Says everyone is inconvenienced by this because the bus only runs once an hour and people are
trying to get to work and school.
Caller states bus is leaving early and it is a major inconvenience.
Caller complained that the bus never arrived at all. No bus number nor driver information provided.
Caller complained that the bus is late everyday. It's due to come at 7:34 am but always come at 7:50 am. That makes her late for
her job.
Caller complained that the bus came late. it was due at 1114a but came 1120a
Passenger complained that the bus operator was 4 min late and driving recklessly. The bus was swirving between lanes. He also
complained that the operator allow passengers to not pay the fare.
Call back requested
Passenger complained that the bus aperator came late and had an attitude. The passenger pulled the stop when when he was
leaving the bus. The bus operator had an attitude and said: " who pull the bell?"
Call back requested
I'm a library assistant at City College--Hollywood campus and I would like to know what would be the steps to take in order to get a
bus stop in front of our school? We're located on Taft Street just west of 441. Our address is 6565 Taft Street, Hollywood FL 33024.
We have a lot of students and faculty that use public transportation and have to walk far distances from their bus stops to get to
our school. I have called to inquire about this before and I was told a manager would call me back, but it has been weeks now that I
haven't heard anything. Please e-mail or contact me with information on how to go about getting a bus stop in front of our school.
Thank you, Kayla Nahir
The customer called to ccomplain that the bus arrived late. The bus was due to arrive at 11:30a and did not arrive unti 11:50a.
***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
Passenger complained about the bus already being behind schedule then the driver stopped at pines and university from 9:11a
until 9:19a when the scheduled arrival time was 915a. She said she know its not the drivers layover because she rides that bus
Passenger was passed up because she was not at the bus stop.
BCT Comments 2016
A lot of potential riders work out in Parkland on the weekends. If you could give the 88 a weekend schedule, that would be great. If
not, you may want to consider bringing the 62 across Westview to Heron Bay plaza. The city continues to build out in Parkland and
there's no public transportation on the weekends. I've had to walk over to University from Heron Bay every weekend for over a
year now, rain or shine, after working all night in Heron Bay.
Saturday Schedule for NB 1 route at airport said 9:35am. While waiting SB 1 came through 3 times. NB 1 arrives 15 minutes late. No
chance that I will make transfer to NB 10 and will wait another 30 minutes at central terminal. How does cycle get so out of whack
that I see 3 SB busses before I see one NB. I often take a bus from airport on Saturday. Life must be tough for riders that need to
rely on timely service everyday
Caller says our driver ran a red light, cut her off and almost ran her off the road. The plate # is TB4812. She said she had to regain
control of her car and almost caused a collision with a black truck nearby. She said she was terrified. She requested that she be
called if necessary.
The 11pm 81 from downtown did not do whole Hawaiian gardens on wednesday night only half it could be people there. Drivers
seem to make own routes and schedules. Who monitors this?
Hi, Just wanted to let you know that BCT bus #1118 has mounds of white smoke pouring out of the roof top exhaust. I saw it this
morning, 5/16/16, at the intersection of Anglers Ave. and Griffin Road, Dania Beach. I thought the thing was on fire until I got
closer, there was that much smoke. It is a hazard to other cars, reducing visibility in the area. Please notify the appropriate BCT
dept. I have tried in the past to report smoking vehicles on the county's clean air online form, but it kept refusing to work. Thanks
for your help. Diane
I live in New York, but last week (5/10-5/11/16) I took a short trip to Broward County and caught the 04 bus on East Dania Beach
Blvd. to Hollywood Beach, where I connected with the Water Taxi. Everything went PERFECTLY; the bus ride was great, I met
people at the bus stop and the driver was efficient and courteous. However, your transit system still has paper signs over all the bus
stop signs up and down East Dania Beach Blvd. stating that there is no 04 bus service there because of construction. This was true
in February, when I visited and the bridge construction was in progress, but now it's time to take the signs down. They were SUPERCONFUSING. I am from out-of-town, and as I waited for the bus, I wondered if the 04 was really running again or not. People at my
hotel (Motel 6) had told me the bridge was open again. PLEASE TAKE DOWN THE SIGNS AND DON'T CONFUSE OTHER VISITORS.
BCT Comments 2016
This complaint is long overdue. Since the driver for the Westbound #12 bus changed weeks ago I have been missing the morning
bus that is supposed to depart Sheridan and US 1 at 6:49 am. Since the driver changed I have been missing this bus every Monday
morning because the driver goes through this route under great speed and way ahead of time.
There have been times that I have missed this bus and I walk just to see him depart Sheridan Trirail Station at 7:02 am when the
departure is scheduled for 7:08 am. We have been trained to catch this bus at Sheridan and 23rd St at 6:50 am. This morning 4 of
us were left behind. We are are students trying to get to school and rely on this bus. It is important the the schedule is maintained
especially because the bus is only one per hour.
One student got on his skateboard while three of us started to walk. Two of us made it to Sheridan Station's entrance. One guy was
ahead of me when I made my turn in at 7:06 am. The bus #1312 was already at the light waiting to make the left turn. I motioned
to the driver (older black man)to open the door but as is expected, he refused. We would have caught him at the station had he left
on the scheduled time.
We are now stranded at Sheridan Station waiting for the next bus to get us to school. Please do something about this driver. If my
schedule says that he is supposed to be at US1/Sheridan at 6:49 but he goes past Sheridan/23rd St by 6:47 then he is not abiding by
the rules. The frequency of this bus is not ideal so the schedule must be adhered to. While walking, we could see him pull into the
station at 6:59 which means he had to sit there for a substantial period of time before pulling out still at leat 3 minutes earlier than
the schedule requires.
This is my formal complaint. The agent at your call center spoke with me and a student, Christian, earlier. We really
need corrective measures to immediately be established.
Thank you
The customer called to complain that he was at the bus stop on A1A/NE 36th St and there was a route 72 bus there then the route
55 which the caller wanted to catch passed by without pulling over to see if anyone wanted to catch the bus.
BCT Comments 2016
On Wednesday, May 11, 2016, at approximately 8:05 a.m., I boarded the bus number 1342, with Route 31 southbound. The
operator (driver) was talking to a passenger who was standing just behind the yellow line. The driver drove the bus slowly. As we
approached the Broward Central Terminal were 8:21 a.m. I looked bus number 0324 to Route 50, which was parked next to
another with the same Route 50, but not where it's supposed to be parked, and passengers were still coming in. The other bus with
the same Route 50, was parked where supposed to be parked. Once the bus driver parked the bus number 1342, I ran to the bus
that was boarding passengers (number 0324 with Route 50), but when I got near the front door, the driver closed the door. I
knocked on the door and made noise with my voice so she could notice my presence and open the door, but she did not open. She
made a dismissive gesture with hes right arm and started driving the bus. I went to the office of Supervisor of the day and talked to
Mike, who told me to call by phone to make this complaint. I chose to do it here. At 8:38 a.m. I boarded the other bus Route 50. At
8:40 a.m. the driver started driving, but I was late to my workplace in Wilton Manors.
The operator has excellent customer service. When the passenger got on the bus, he was greeted by the driver and he wasn't
rushing the paseengers. He takes his time and a pleasure to ride with. More drivers should be like him.
A passenger complained that bus route 441 Breeze, number 0905, left very late from the bus stop located at Turtle Creek and 441.
He stated that the bus should leave at 3:30 PM, it instead left at 3:43 PM. He also said that the bus operator keeps leaving late on a
daily basis from Monday to Friday. The incident occurred on May 16, 2016 and the bus operator was described as being a black
Passenger is stating the "81" sticker is missing from the new bus stop sign. She says the drivers are refusing to stop there because
of that. Please replace the sticker.
A passengercalled from his hospital bed to compliment a bus operator for her assistance during his terrible chest pain episode while
riding bus route 22, number 1328, which was headed North. He stated that he called 911 because he was having chest pain and the
bus operator took the phone from him in order to speak to the paramedics. According to the passenger, the bus operator acted in
very compassionate and professional manner. He also mentioned that he would like to see that the female bus operator be
promoted to a higher level. Furthermore, he stated that the incident occurred on Oakland Park blvd and University Drive at
approximately 9:09 AM. Mr. Scott described the bus operator as being a good Samaritan black female and he is requesting a call
back at 954 330-8515.
The caller called to complain that they were going eastbound on Miramar Pkwy appraoching Red Rd and the route 28 bus #1104
moved from the right lane into the left lane cutting them off and causing them to have to swerve into the other lane to avoid an
The caller is stating the driver turned before crossing over Westview Drive to pick him up at the last stop.
The bus due @ 618pm went by 8 minutes early @ 610pm as caller was waiting to cross the street.
The caller was driving south on nw 56 ave. The bus was coming out of a stop and almost ran the caller off the road.
BCT Comments 2016
This bus was early.Please call
This bus was early, the driver drove reckless and the bus was jamed ful and the driver wanted everyone to sit down in the back. I
shouldn't matter if someone wants to sit or stand as long as they pay their ticket. Please call.
This bus was late. Please call.
Bus was late. Please call
Bus was late. Please call.
Bus was late. Please call.
This bus was late. Please call.
Not only was the bus late, the bus flew by him without stopping. Please call.
Not only was this bus late, the driver was driving recklessly. Please call.
Caller stated that the bus left 2 or 3 minutes early. Caller stated that the driver saw her and still pulled off.
Caller complained that she was on the 95 espress that left CB Smith Park at 6:20am the bus number is 1150. the bus was on I95 in
the express lane going south, a car cut infront of the bus and the driver applied his brakes suddenly causing her to lurch foreward
into the rail. She told the driver that she hit her side and she was in pain, the driver ask her if she needed medical attention she said
no. She siad she is at work an dher left side is hurting her.
Called and left message to inform her to call Claims Department if she wants to file a claim at *7215
Caller stated that this is his 2nd complaint on this route in 2 weeks and the late buses are becoming a problem. ***CALLBACK***
Caller said she board the 62 bus going west from Cypress Creek Tri-Rail at about 8:35am, she had a five doller bill and was asking
the passengers if anyone had change. She said the driver told her she should have the correct change and she belittle her infront of
the passengers. She got upset and told the driver to go back where she comes from.Csaller would like a call back on this complaint.
Passenger says that the 04 bus driver picked her up at garfield and a1a at about 820am and he stopped at the seven eleven for five
minutes, then passenger says that the driver stopped at dania beach and a1a for eight more minutes. Passenger says that the
stopping and sitting on the bus is making her get to the tri rail late to catch her shuttle connection.
***Edited by A. Minnis 5/17/16 9:35am***
Passenger called again to add to her complaint that the bus arrived at the tri-rai atl9:05am and she missed her train. She said that
she blew the horn on the bus repeatedly to alert the driver to return to the bus from the 7-11 store and he lingered at the location.
She said this was unacceptable and inconsiderate of the driver and it caused her to be late for work unnecessarily.
***Caller Request A Call Back***
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger called to complain that the driver is always late and he drives very fast and drives in the middle lane and cannot make
the stops because of it.
Caller stated that she was standing there and the bus flew by her. Caller stated that the driver did stop at the next stop.
Caller stated that he was on the median waiting to cross right by the bus and told a lady getting on the bus to ask the driver to
wait. Caller stated that driver never looked at him just pulle out after looking at his watch.
Mrs. Giana along with ther handicap daughter, who is in a wheelchair, were waiting about 30 minutes for the bus when it flew by
them without stopping. This isn't the first time this has happened. The bus did not state our of service and if the handipcap area for
the wheelchairs was full, the driver should have stopped and informed them it was full, something so they would know. Not just
driver by without stopping. She did not get a description of the driver or the bus #. Please pull the video and review this.
A passenger complained that bus route 62 which was headed West passed the bus stop located at Blvd of Champions and 441 did
not stop to pick him up. He stated that he was walking to the bus stop and waived at the bus, but the bus operator ignored him and
kept going. He said that he was very angry and BCT needs to do something about it.
May 16: Caller rang the bell, apparently too late for the driver to make the stop she wanted. Caller complained. Driver stood up in
her face with his finger in her face and told her she should not expect him to stop so suddenly because it would endanger the other
riders. Caller says driver had a fighting stance. Caller says driver called her a whore. Caller then threatened to pepper spray the
driver and told him to kiss her ass. Caller asked that "Tina" get the video tape and review it. Wants a callback about the review of
the video tapes. Caller also wants us to know that if this happens again, she will peppper spray the driver and call police. Caller
callled from the 754-235-0622 phone #.
Caller's 18 year old daughter was made to pay adult fare. She had ID proving she is only 18. The driver refused to look at her ID
and made her pay adult fare.
Passenger says that at 744am he was near the riverside and royal palm bus stop, trying to catch the 750am bus and he saw the bus
leaving the bus stop eastbound at 744am six minutes early. Passenger says that this made him late for work and he wants a
Supervisor to call him back. Passenger also says that the bus driver have left the bus stop early on other occassions also.
Passenger complained thathe bus came late. It made him late. It was almost 15 min late. Now he's going to be passed on for a
promotion pass promotion
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained thsat the bus number 1105 was going south on Federal Hwy and Sheridan st , the bus was cutting off cars and
weaving in and ut of trafic. It almost hit him, so he drove up to the bus and ask the driver why she is driving so reckless, she gave
him the figer. Caller said this not professional behavour and this driver should not be driving a bus if she is going to use it as a
Mr. Jeff (who worked for Broward County Aviation for 37 years and is handicap) was under the ovwrhang waving to thebus when it
flew by him. He can only move so fast being an amputee, and all of the other drivers know that the passenger out there don't move
fast. This driver acted as if he was going to stop, but didn't. He was unable to get the bus number.Mr. Jeff is going to the
comissioners, (he wants this driver fired_), and he would like for us to pull the video and call him back on it.
Passenger says she's visually impaired and she ask multiple drivers about where they are & what stop she's approaching so she'd
know where to get off at and she said the drivers would usually tell her "just ring the bell" or just be rude and nasty when they
answer her question. She also said the drivers do not wait until the passengers are seated before pulling off. She said she's not
complaining on any specific bus because it has happened on many different buses. She said she's tired of being treated like trash
and feels that BCT drivers need to take a customer service training course to learn how to speak to people.
Not only was the bus running late, but the driver passed him by without stopping. He was going pretty fast, and didn't even bother
to slow down. I was at the stop, at least 7 minutes early, like I was told to be and still the bus flew by me without stopping. Please
call this passenger on this complaint.(When asked if he got the bus number or description on the driver, the passenger
Bus was scheduled to depart at 5p but left late at 511p. Callback requested
The customer called to complain that the bus left early. The customer says he got to the bus stop at 4:49p and the bus was not
supposed to leave Camino Real/US1 until 4:50p. ***The customer wants a call back about this complaint.***
The customer called to complain that she is on a route 30 bus going eastbound and is on Peters Rd between SW 30th Terr and
University Dr. The customer says that there is an accident on Peters Rd but the police are directing traffic to a detour but the bus
she is on and another route 30 bus are just park on the side of the road and are off the road talking with each other and when
someone asks them what is going on they seem to have an attitude.
Driver was scheduled to depart at 405p but he left early at 4p.
Passenger says he was at the bus stop waving his money in his hnd and the driver passed him up.
A passenger called to complain about the bus operator on route 18,bus number 1113,headed South. He stated that the bus
operator stopped in the middle of the Street instead of stopping at the bus stop located on Hollywood Blvd and Pines Blvd. He
described the bus operator as being a black male and the incident occurred at 5:30 AM on the date mentioned above.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that she was catching the route 114 595 Express bus going to Davie Park & Ride from the Civic
Center Metrorail Station that was due at 6:22p and the bus did not arrive until 6:45p.
Driver was due to leave at 405p but he left at 4p
The customer called to complain that the route 81 bus going westbound that was supposed to go into Inverrary did not turn that
way and instead turned left off of Oakland Park Blvd to head south onto NW 56th Ave.
Passenger says that he and his elderly mother was at the bus stop at hillsboro and 441, at the bus stop before the bus makes the
turn onto 44. Passenger says that they was waiting for the last bus 48 westbound. Passenger says that when the bus came,
passenger says that the bus was in the center lane, and not where the driver should be driving at to pick them up. Passenger says
that the bus driver saw them, but didnot try to stop or let them board the bus. Passenger wants a Supervisor to call him back.
Caller states bus due at 9:33am has been showing up late or not showing up at all. Says there are many people trying to connect to
this bus in the morning from MDT and this bus is making them late for work.
Caller states he rode operator's bus to the central terminal to take care something. Says he back on her bus to go back to the west
terminal, and claims operator was rude and told him to take the 22 instead.
Passenger says that the bus 62 gets to the tri rail when the bus 60 is still sitting there, but passenger says that the 60 bus driver just
pull off and leave before they can get off the 62 bus.
Passenger says that the bus drivers should communicate and have courtesy with passengers getting off one bus and getting on to
another bus.
Passenger says that whenever the male bus driver who drove the 09 route northbound today from johnson and 72 ave at 858am
drives this route, passenger says that the bus driver sits a BC College for ten minutes and this makes her late for work. Passenger
says that he shoulld be leaving BC at 915am, but today passenger says that he sat at the College and left at 935am. Passenger
wants a callback.
bus driver trying to avoid a car slammed on brakes and caller injured back and knees.
The customer called to complain that he catches the route 14 from the Broward Central Terminal that is supposed to leave at
5:20a. But for the last couple of week the driver on that route has been leaving late. The customer says that this morning the driver
did not get to the Central Terminal until 5:19a then left the bus and went inside the building and she ended up not leaving the
terminal until 5:30a.
Passenger says that he was at the bus stop and the bus driver let a passenger off the bus and he turned around to get his bag and
board the bus and the bus driver just drove off. Passenger says that the bus drivers need to slow down and wait for passengers to
BCT Comments 2016
Dangerous driving reported. The patron who is a senior citizen, was Southbound on A1A in his bicycle with other 3 cyclists, they,
the BCT bus was behind them; they stop at the red light, they swapped positions because of the light, then the bus operator made
an unnecessary dangerous maneuver passing too close of the last of the cyclist, the patron said dangerously close, to stop few feet
ahead. The cyclist arrived where the bus was sitting and asks the driver, why you did that? By law you should stay 3 feet distance
from the bicycles, and the driver answers with attitude "stay on your line, stay in your line"... The patron added, “BCT has talk with
this driver”. “This guy is going to kill somebody" A callback is requested.
Caller stated that driver was rude to her and belittling her in front of other passengers when she asked her could she get off before
sample rd and us 441. Caller stated that she did not know that the bus turned off 441 and did not go straight to sample rd. Caller
stated that the driver reached up turn off the recorder and began to be very disrespect to her, speaking to caller as if she was a
child. caller would like to speak to a manager. ***CALLBACK***
The customer called to complain that the driver had an attitude with her. The customer says she boarded the bus and asked in a
casual manner if everyone else has had a bad day today because hse has. But she says she was smiling also when she said it. The
customer says that the driver just suddenly started in on her telling he didn't have time for her crap and that she is always starting
somethnig like last time she was on the bus. The customer says this was the first time she has been on this driver's bus and she told
him so. The customer says the driver kept going on an on about her saying that she is always causing problems but the customer
insists that she has never been on his bus before. the customer says that she decided to keep quiet and let him rant then call in to
report theincident later. But she says she felt very disrespected by the driver.
BCT Comments 2016
Please ensure that the "spare bus" driver is awake and aware that when a bus does not show up (6:00 from the BBT) he should be
prepared to drive. On several occasions, including this morning, he was totally unaware of the missing bus. Mr. RIP VAN WINKLE
(when awake) told all riders to get on the 6:15 bus which was sitting in the rear. So basically at one point there were two buses
sitting while patrons were standing in drizzling rain....this is just plain stupid. When I woke Mr. Rip he was angry and stated that no
one had called him to inform him of the situation. How would anyone know to call him? No rider is able to call at 6:00 to make staff
aware....so how would Rip be contacted in the first place? WHY IS THERE A SPARE BUS WITH A SLEEPING DRIVER! Rip told all
patrons to get on the smaller uncomfortable bus which was packed because by the time it arrived at the Davie stop it was 6:30. We
asked if we could get on the late 6:00 bus which finally arrived...he said that the late bus (larger bus) was becoming the 6:15 bus.
This is incompedence at its finest.....all patrons on a smaller bus accomodating both routes. We do not want coffee and
donuts.....We want the larger buses in the morning and afternoon. Several times, if there is traffic, the afternoon bus (again always
the smaller bus) is too full and passes up patrons. I walk to the first stop to ensure that I do not get passed up.Why do the buses run
every half hour?
Why are the buses small? I know the bus drivers prefer the smaller buses because the bus goes faster and are easier to
maneuver....They also hate the idea of assisting the handicapped when driving the larger bus, which is far more comfortable for
riders. But then again it really isn't about the customer is it? Please ensure there is a REAL spare bus from the Civic Center in the am
and pm. I understand the afternoon spare is being rerouted to Brickell.
Patron claims she is 17 years old and put her onl;y one dollar on the fare box, and the bus operator asks her for the ID and "she has
no ID whith her", she stays on the bus and continues arguing with the bus operator who ask her to pay the complete fare.
Note: I strongly recommended her, take with her, the I.D. to avoid this situations.
On Tuesday, May 17. 2016, at about 12:00 pm,I took the #16 bus in Dania Beach in front of Jaxon 's ice cream. The bus did not stop.
But the bus did stop about half a block later and I was able to board the bus. The driver informed me that he did not stop because I
was standing at the bus stop. The bus number was #1701 and the description of the bus driver was s white male, 30s, with a brown
beard. Please have bus operators stop at every bus that is connected with his route. Thank you
Caller reported a damaged bus sign by the Isle Casino of of Palm Air. He thinks it was hit and now it's down. He says he is a manager
at the Casino. He needed he can be contacted for more information
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that he was in the median crossing the road to catch the 441 Breeze going southbound on
441/Kimberly Blvd and he waved to the driver that he wanted the bus and the driver stopped at the bus stop and other passengers
boarded the bus then the driver shook his head and left without waiting for the caller to finish crossing the road. ***The caller
wants a call back about this complaint.***
Route change suggestion. How about during rush hr the number 2 bus which runs every 20 mins/3 times an hr make a detour
during one of the runs onto Pine Island between between Sheridan and Stirling and then back onto University. Going north on Univ,
turn west(left) on Sheridan, then north(right) on Pine Island, then east(right) on Stirling and back north(left) on University. Once an
hr during rush hr. Pick up riders from Estada, Monterra and the new shopping center at the corner of Pine Island and Stirling.
Driver rude with bad attitude. caller asked for emergency ride and the driver asked her to hurry and get off the bus. She did this in
front of the whole bus and embarrased her.
Customer called to add to complaint #20597. She complained that this morning she got on the bus. A supervisor pulled her out of
the bus to speak to her as if she was a little child. She doesn't want to be treated that way. Her nerves are shot. She's stressed. She
feels that she should be compensated some kinda way. She may call aother placed to see what to do with her stall that stress
Passenger is stating the driver picked up two children and he left her there. She states she is in a wheelchair and the bus did not
look full. The driver did not let the ramp down for her nor picked her up.
The customer called to complain that the bus passed by without stopping to pick anyone up.
Caller states she was driving north on Flamingo Rd and driver cut her off as he was pulling out of Memorial Hospital. Says she had
to swerve to avoid hitting him, and when she drove up next to him he just threw his hands in the air like he didn't care.
Caller stated that the Wi-Fi is not working on 5003X.
Caller was traveling North on Flamingo RD to Broward Blvd when bus 22 made a sharp right turn onto Flamingo causing the caller
to slam on breaks really hard. He said it looked as if the driver did not even see him but another car could have hit him from behind
becuase he had to make a sudden stop.
Passenger was furious because the driver did not stop for another passenger running to catch the bus while she had a small child
with her and it was raining. She said the driver was arguing back and forth with her because the passenger said she was going to call
and report it. Passenger says she understand drivers cannot pick up passengers who's not at the stop but the driver could have
been courteous because it was raining and she had a small child. Call back requested
BCT Comments 2016
The patron was waiting at teh bus stop and the bus passed by. The patron is asking BCT talk with the driver about this incorrect
The customer called to complain that the route 30 going westbound on Davie Blvd/SW 4th Ave that was diu at 12:10p came by
early at about 12:06p.
caller not a rider, states driver cut off in front of him and almost caused an accident. calling to report reckless driver
Driver refused accept a service dog on the bus. The case was immediately reported to Supervisor Freddie to followed, he called
dispatch and dispatch called the driver but he didn't answer, I ask the patron tell the driver call dispatch but at that moment drivers
were switching shifts and another driver got the bus, he instantly accepted the patron and dog on the bus. Still, the patron wanted
to file a complaint against the first driver, also he requires a call back.
C-Service Email
The University Breeze stops at NOVA drive. Lately the sign on the Southbound sign does not state Breeze and the bus will no longer
stop at this location. The northbound side is still there with the breeze label. By the way, the new cover at this location is awesome
and was well put to use today. I see on the system map it is still marked as a location to stop for the Breeze bus. Can we get the
sign on the southbound side of Nova have the breeze sticker added again?
C-Service Email
I am waiting for the route 114 bus since 6:10pm at the civic center stop. No bus has arrived yet. That should have been the 6:22
bus. It is now 7:13 the bus just showed up. The driver was very nice and very apologetic. He said he was supposed to be the 6:20
bus but everything got messed up and he became the 6:50 bus which was late too. I know traffic can be an issue but I counted 5 95express busses come and go so teFfic was not the issue. Frustrated and hot.
The caller is stating the bus did not show up yet. She arrived there at 1:05pm. The 1:20pm bus did not show up.
C-Service Email:
I was inside Inverrary at 44st waiting for the 81 to WEST TERMINAL which is due about 11:50p its the last bus going west. Well the
bus never came. I had to walk to Oakland missing my 72. It was drizzling too. This really upsets me. Why didn't my bus come? It
cant be this late. Its almost 1a. Im so tired of reporting drivers and nothing happens. This is not fair I plan on contacting the
commissioners of Broward County if nothing is done. The 81 was always on time before April 24th driver did not make his own
schedule and route.
Caller stated that she has filed several complaints about this bus driver and this bus driver is passing her by, and she is quite upset
about this.
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
Complaint about bus #1346 on 5/17 at 12:40. I waived down bus 1346 and waved him down (we made eye contact), but he left
purposefully. I had to run to the next bus stop where he was relieved and sitting in the break car. I was told that the bus was 10
minutes early and had to wait there for over 7 minuets after i got there. This bus driver saw me and i waved him down and he left
me at the previous bus stop even tho he was early. I would like to make a formal complaint and have someone call me please. I am
71 years old and this type of treatment from a bus employee is unacceptable. My name is Michael. Thank you
Additional info:
the route was westbound #62. The stop that he passed me at is the Boulevard of champions and 441 at 12:40pm.
Passenger claims he was waiting at the bus stop and the driver did not stop.
The back door closed on the passenger. She says that the doors need to be looked at because some else can be injured on the bus.
Comment : I heard that some vehicles were vandalized at the Ansin Park in Miramar, FL on last Tuesday. This is the park and ride
that I used everyday. What are you doing to prevent this from happening again? I was there this morning at 7:30 a.m. and I did not
see a security guard or anyone else. Are you planning to have security patrolling the area and/or install cameras? Thank you!
Assigned to Security Mgr, Cathy Battaglia *8396
Below is the response from the Vice President of Westmoreland Protection Agency, whose officer is posted at Ansin.
The guard is making foot patrols during 5a-9a. When we have rain he is in his vehicle because there is nowhere else for him to go.
There is no shelter at the bench for security or the people waiting for the bus. I do not believe the break ins occurred during the
time we were on site. I just spoke to Officer Jackson and advised him to remain visible at all times when it is not raining or lightning.
Caller stated that the bus never shows at that time.
Caller says the driver seems to be new. She didn't know how to deploy the ramp for a wheelchair rider, according to caller. A rider
deployed it for her by using the hand strap. Now the driver is stressing and says she's not going to pick up any riders till she gets to
Lauderhill Mall.
Ms. Ploysungvar called to file a complaint on roaches in the bus. "Not just roaches, German cockroaches." These are the worst to
get ride of, and if one gets in my bag, and I take it in my house, my house will be infested in no time, she stated. "I pay alot of mone
for the pass and this is not exceptable." Please have a supervisor call her.
Caller is stating the bus passed him up at the stop. Passenger waived his hands and the driver went straight passed him.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller was at the bus stop and stood up as the bus approached. The bus passed him by.
The customer called to complain that she was wearing headphones to listen to music and was singing while listening and the driver
stopped the bus and told her she needed to stop singing and refused to move the bus unless she stopped. The customer says
because she hasn't seen any rules printed anywhere that say she can't sing that she's not going to stop and if he starts moving the
bus again she'll keep singing.
Mr. Bouchard had just gotton on the bus when the driver floored the gas and he went flying on the floor. The driver didn't even
wait for me to be seated, and he shouldn't be taking off like that. Someone is going to get hurt. Please pull the video and audio and
review this with the driver so he can see what exactly he is doing. Please correct this situation.
The caller is stating a hispanic female passenger started videoing her and then she pulled out her phone to video tape that
passenger back. The operator told the caller she needed to stop because the male friend of the hispanic woman told the driver to
call the police. The driver refused to move and everyone got off the bus. The caller waited for the police and they told her to get off
the bus. Caller felt like the driver was discriminating her because it was the hispanic female that started all of this. Caller also stated
the operator did not want to do his job, of driving the bus and used this incident as an excuse. She says he should be fired.
The patron was waiting at the bus stop after finished school, he was standing up for the bus stop and the bus passed by running 8
minutes early.
Passenger says she was trying to stop the bus but he kept going.
Caller states bus due at 7:23am has been consistently late since new pick started in April. Says bus has not arrived and it is 7:44am.
Informed caller of a breakdown earlier in the morning causing delays on the route. Says she is missing connection to route 10 and
she has been running and hour late for work almost everyday.
Caller states she was driving north on Andrew Ave, and Coconut Creek bus was pulling away from the stop and cut her off. Caller
says her son was in the car and she had to slam on her brakes to avoid hitting the bus.
Passenger says she's been being passed up for months now by the buses leaving Lauderhill Mall because they get all the way over
in the far left turning lane and passe the stop under the bridge on Sunrise/441.
Passengers mother Mariel called to complain that the rt 16 has not been showing up and making her daughter get home late.
BCT Comments 2016
A very rude and disrespectful bus operator who is screaming at the passengers is reported. The patron said, she got on the bus with
her bike and ask a question to the driver and the driver didn't answer and ignored her moving her face from her. The patron also
noticed that the fare box for passes was not working and the bus operator didn't say a word to the passengers, only after
somebody already put on the machine $5.00/$4.00 to get their passes, the driver started screaming at them "The machine is not
The patron said this bus operator was mistreating many people during the trip, mainly females, the patron said it was horrible, this
attitude is not acceptable and BCT has to do something about this driver who usually is nasty and disrespectful but today was the
worse and should be addressed.
Caller states he got on at Five Points wanted to get off the bus at NE 21 Ct. He pulled the stop request at when the bus left the
previous stop. Says operator wasnt paying attention, passed his stop, and got an attitude when he asked to be let off so he
wouldn't have to walk so far. Caller says he would've just walked and not wasted his two dollars.
claims bus driver picked up 2 passsengers at stop but customer had luggage and driver did not wait for him to get it and get on the
***CService Email***
5/18/16 at West Central Station, I arrived at 5;30 pm. It is now 7:10p, the blue community bus not here. The schedule is 5:37p
5:55p 5:45p 6:40p 6:45 pm . Something similar as yesterday, by which I don't have detailS, but we waited for ever
Customer called to say that the bus sign fell and needs to be fixed or replaced.
Caller said that he was 2 cars away form the bus stop and the driver stopped and when he got out of the car the driver pulled off,
and this passenger said this was very disrespectful.
Passenger says this same driver at the same time is always late, every day. He says the bus is due at 618a but never shows up until
20 minutes until 7a.
Possibly the bus due @ 328pm went by @ about 319pm at 184 ave. The GPS tracker showed bus # 0828 had just passed by 184
ave but the bus had no route label. Caller had been walking to the bus stop and was about 5 minutes away so can't describe driver.
Caller stated the the bus driver closed the door on his hand and the passenger said the driver started to pulled off and the
passenger snatched his hand from the door, before he began to move, and his hand is injured. Caller later went to the hospital to
take x-rays, 5 hours later, and he also stated blood was on his pants which alarmed him, and his knee began to hurt. Passenger
wants a response!!
Mrs. Smith said that she was at the stop when the bus went by without stopping. This is happening too often. She was unable to
give a bus # or gender of the driver.
BCT Comments 2016
Mrs Smith and her 7-yeard old daughter were at the bus stop when it went by without stopping. She inquired, "what do you have
to do at the stop to get the bus to stop?" She was unable to get the bus number or a description of the driver.
Caller is stating she is disabled and uses a walker. Operator told the passenger he didn't want the walker in the isle. The driver did
not assist the passenger with sitting in the disabled area. He told her to sit behind that area or he will not move the bus. Caller says
if nothing is done, she will call her commissioner.
Transferred to Oscar Figueroa, Compliance Mgr *9721
Awaiting update
OF Compliance Manager left message on 6/9/16 no answer
called again on 6/23/16 left message no answer: Explained: BCT Policy does not allow walkers to block the aisleway. Added to
ADA complaints. Close Hastus
Caller stated that she was at the bus stop and the bus driver passed her up.
Caller stated that he aboarded this bus and the money slot was not working so this caller said he had he money out, and the driver
just looked at him, and he sat down, then after he sat the bus driver called the passenger back up front to tell him something he
already knew, and this passenger said that the driver always give him a problem, and he said to him I am going to make a complaint
and caller stated the driver is upset about this.
Caller stated that the Rte. 42 did not show at all this morning.
Caller has been there since 550pm and no bus. This would have been 28 block 4, which earlier was stopped to call EMS for a
passenger injured when driver had to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident, according to dispatch email. Caller will be late for
his appointment.
Bus arriving late for 3 days in a row between 15 to 20 minutes late. The patron is asking BCT fixing the problem because he and
other people are arriving late
Caller began by saying that the driver was very kind because she forgot her fare so he let her ride for free. She uses a 4-wheeled
walker and a service animal. Caller was very upset when the driver made the service dog lay down on the floor. Caller says no
other driver has done this. Caller said the floor was filthy and now she has to bathe the dog. Wants a callback.
A rude bus operator is reported, the patron said the rude bus operator ejected her from the bus because she didn't had the exact
fare handy. Also she said, "this bus operator is outside the bus in a personal call making the buis late. The patron is requiring a
Caller complained that the bus left late. It was due to leave at 10:19 am but left at 10:25 am
BCT Comments 2016
Caller complained that the bus left late at 6:56 pm. It was scheduled to leave at 650 pm. The caller said that the operator was
brushing her hair that's why she was late
Caller complained that the bus left late. It was due at 10:50pm but left at 10:55 pm. He also complained that the operator picked
up passengers in the middle of the street.
Caller complained that the bus came late at 11:20pm. He said it was due at 11:14 pm. I couldn't verify that time on hastus which
shows 11:22p
Caller complained that the bus operator stopped at a non-dedsignated bus stop at Royal Palm Blvd & University Dr
Caller complained that the bus left late at 9:42 am. the bus was scheduled to leave at 9:35 am
Claims driverr passes her all the time and does not stop. happened twice today.
Caller complained that the bus left late at 10:02 am. It was scheduled to leave at 9:55 am.
Caller complained that the driver was very rude. The passenger asked the operator to pull the ramp doiwn because he had grocery.
The operator gave a bad attitude asking him:" are getting in or not" . The operator put the ramp down at Lauderhill mall and said it
was a platform. He is rude, abnoxious, and had no manners. He was not professional. He call the customer an "A-hole" on the way
out the bus
rode dade transit to golden glades free with a veterans pass and was not told that he needed a transfer to browrad. he only had 50
cents and our driver did not use his discretion and allowed him to ride the bus. says driver was a "jerk."
Claims bus driver accused him of playing loud music so he signaled to get off the bus and driver did not stop. When he complained,
the driver stop in the middle of the road not at a a bus stop. States driver was directpectful and was laughing at him.
Lady caller had bypass surgery and cannot walk fast or rush. The driver saw her coming to the bus but due to traffic, she could not
get close to it. The driver waited for her to cross the street. She is very grateful that he waited for her knowing that the traffic
would make him a little late. She wants to make sure he gets recognized.
Passenger complained that the bus operator was delaying the bus service. He stopped the bus at 10 am for 15 min to deal a
passenger that has his foot on the seat and was listening to innapropriate music. He stopped the bus in the middle of nowhere in
melrose for 10min. That was not at a bus stop. She didn't like the service, because the operator was not courteous. That made her
late for work. The operator told not speak but she said she had freedom of speech
A passengercomplained that the bus operator on bus route 14 headed North at abouot 7:30 AM is a careless woman.She stated
that she signalled the bus operator to stop at Powerline and SW 11th Street, however the bus operator stopped about a few blocks
further down only after some of the passengers told her that she was wrong. Furthermore, the passenger noted that this operator
is always late on a daily basis. She described the bus operator as being a black female. The passenger's name is Selonda Frederic
and her phone number is 754 213-2752.
BCT Comments 2016
Bus left 6 minutes earlier, it should leave at 8:46 am, the bus operators are not following the schedules and do what they want.
Callback is required.
The Bus operator stops in the middle of the street to let off passengers. The patron said, BCT bus operators don't follow the rules
and do what they want. Callback is required.
Bus operator let a passenger get on the bus withouit pay the fare, the patron said, "The drivers have to impost the payment, they
have to do that". Callback
Passenger called to complain that the bus didn't arrive this morning. She was informed that the bus had broken down on its
southbound trip at 6:45am. She still wanted to complain that different buses on the route on different days still does not arrive for
one reason or another.
Passenger complained that the bus operator came late. It came at 7:03p but it was scheduled for 6:53p
Caller complained that the bus came early. It was scheduled for 5:04 am but left at 4:55 am
Call back requested
Passenger claims he received a call stating that we needed additional information about the complaint her filed for being passed
up. I searched and was unable to find a complaint. He said he waited for a bus for about 45 minutes and when one did finally arrive,
he was passed up. Call back requested.
Caller complained that the bus came late at 5:24. He missed the bus before that left early and this one came late. It was scheduled
for 5:14 am. He also complained that the bus operator was driving recklessly. *** According to Hastus, the bus wasn't late***
Call back requested
Passenger says he was passed up and driver was already 10 minutes late. He was due to arrive at 848a but did not arrive until about
907a. He requested a call back to see if we can offer him any compensation for having to spend $10 on a cab.
Passenger called to complain that the bus scheduled for this time did not arrive today. She said that this occurs at least two (2)
times a week. She also said that she has complained in the past and have seen no improvement therefore nobody seems to care
about the situation.
Caller stated that he rung the bell to get off the bus before the driver arrive to bus area, and the driver said it was too early to ring
the bell and the the driver argued with this passenger he stated, and passenger said the bus driver closed the door in his face when
he got off.
The caller is upset because the driver passed her up. She said the bus was speeding.
Caller states bus passed her up, there was a trolley passing by the stop in the right lane and operator did not service the stop
because he was in the middle lane and was not looking for passengers at the stop.
Passenger says there has been feces on the seat at the bus stop for about a week now. He says it smells and someone almost sat in
it while he was waiting at the bus stop.
BCT Comments 2016
Passenger complained that the driver almost passed her off at the bus stop at Lime Hill blvd, because the driver didn't think that
stop was for the eastbound bus. The driver came from Inverrary blvd & inverrary Dr & got in the left lane. The caller said she had to
stick out her umbrella to flag the bus down. The callersaid that the bus operator said that a passenger was helping her with the
route telling her where the 81 goes
I was on the bus 81 with operator simon on thursday night, He was a perfect gentleman, professional driver, and a smooth
operator, he is a asset to Broward County transit, and also to the people on this route, he ensures our safety and also wears a smile
thank you for such a driver, and i look foward to him driving us on Thursdays. Thanks for your driver mr. Simon
Passenger called to compliment the operator. He said that the operator was very professional and provided excellent customer
service. He said he has been riding the bus for about two (2) years and hasn't been on the driver with an operator displaying his
skills for the job.
Bus stop sign donw. Route 20 southbound, south Cypress Road Pompano Beach just south of Mc Nab Rd adjacent to Sunoco
station. This stop was recently relocated north to allow sidewalk, curb level easier entry and exit fm bus. Original stop location sign
poorly installed. Sign now inside trees.
I was on the 2 route with bus driver simon, very nice and professional, what a awesome person, even helped my mom on the bus
with her swollen leg. It was a pleasure and comfort to experience the ride with driver D.Simon thanks so much and give him a raise
job well done
I was waiting for 72 to POWERLINE RD. Friday at 56 Ave. it leaves sawgrass 12a arrives to 56 Ave around 12:25a but as I was arriving
to bus stop it flew by at 12:12a according to the schedule it supposed to be at University Dr. at 12:16a. That was the last bus I had
to walk to my house I am 45 years old shouldn't have had to experience this this driver ha to leave the mall about 3-5 minutes early
and drove fast to get there in 12 min. There should be supervisors or a way to see if drivers are breaking rules. I maybe for these
buses they should not be early if it would of been late that would of been better at least no one would miss it.
This caller stated that she was waiting on this bus since 3:30pm, no bus came at 3:50pm, and the one after was very full.
Caller says that at this early hour the gates to North Beach Park are still locked so the driver comes south on A1A and sits outside
the park. Driver will not let caller board because he's not at an official bus stop(which is inside the locked park). Caller says in the
past he has gone to a stop west of there on Sheridan St but this driver passes him by. Today the driver left 3 minutes early @
727am. Caller is tired of this driver playing games. Wants a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
Inside the golden glades parking lot where the Breeze circles around the caller was in front of the bus in the center of the lane, as
per his claim Florida law gives him the right to do. The Breeze passed him by, giving him sufficient room caller admits. His
complaint is that he was passed at all. Caller says his bicycle is a vehicle and the bus driver should not have gone around him
because he's as important as a car. He pulled up to the driver's window and complained, The driver said he gave him sufficient
room when passing him, whcih caller admits is true. But he thinks he should not have been passed around because he's jus as
much a vehicle as a car. Wants a callback.
The US1 breeze due to leave the BT @ 630pm left 1 minute early @ 629pm as caller and others were running for the bus.
Caller stated that every since this driver started driving the rt 40 due at SE 17th St and Us1 at 7:27am, he is always early. Caller
stated that the bus be passing by at 7:22am and does not wait for the the breeze that is scheduled to be there at 7:21am.
Caller states he was just released from the hospital and they ran out of fare tickets. Says he showed operator his discharge papers
and she was rude, disrespectful and made a scene of denying him a ride. Says he is not complaining about not getting a free ride,
but that the operator should simply answer yes or no. Says her response was not necessary.
Caller said she would like to commend the supervisor at the Central Terminal by the name of Mike. She said he is generous,
understanding and he resolve sany problem that arises at the terminal right away and if he cannot resolve the problem he will give
the customer the right information and who to contact.She would like him to know that she appreciate him.
Driver says that she was on a scooter between davie blvd and riverland road at about 600pm and the 18 bus driver southbound
drove professionally behind her. Driver says that the bus driver did not go around her and pass and he drove repectfully behind her
and she appreciates a driver who is courteous to everyone on the roadway and she wanted to give that driver a compliment for
good driving skills and courtesy.
Caller stated that the bus rte 4 traveling WB from the beach to the circle went over the bike line and almost hit him. Caller stated
that the bus was within 18 inches from him that he could reach out and touch it. Caller stated that he wants to speak with someone
ASAP due to this being a safety issue. Caller stated that the driver was an older man who probably should not be driving.
Caller states operator denied a ride to an older man who was short a nickel, but let two boys ride for free. Caller states he asked
operator why she was selecting who she gives free rides to, and claims she responded "mind your business white boy". Caller states
it is unacceptable for BCT to have employees with "race issues". Caller also states operator was 20 minutes late by the time she got
to Sample Rd.
Passenger says that on Tuesday the 758am route 31 northbound from oakland pk blvd is always late over ten minutes. Passenger
complained last tuesday (complaint #20608) and again today with the same bus, late again. Passenger wants a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
Caller stated that she was sitting at the dstop and the driver drove right by her. Caller stated that the bus was at the light and she
waved to the driver to let thim know she wanted the bus and when the light changed driver scratched his head and kept going.
Passenger called to complain that first the driver allowed this male passenger to ride the bus without paying and he seemed to be
homeless, but when a working person approach the driver without the proper fare and ask can they get the bus to work most times
they are denied. She said that after the driver allowed the passenger to ride for free the passenger started smoking marijuana and
really smelled up the bus and the driver said nothing to him and allowed him to do so, right out in the open on the bus. She said
that she has requested call backs in the past and have not received any, which says to her that BCT doesn't care about the
passengers and their safety. She said that you need a certain type of driver to drive the routes 11,22,36,40 and 81.
***Caller Request A Call Back*** after 6:00pm due to work schedule
Passenger says that the bus stop sign is down and someone connected the broken sign to a tree.
Passenger says that she catches the 640am bus 40 leaving LM eastbound. Passenger says that at 637am the bus 40 was leaving the
441 and 12 street bus stop, which is the next bus stop after LM. Passenger says that this is the second day that the bus have left
early and this makes her late for her job.
C-Service Email:
Re: Complaint 9652 (updated 5/23/16) Attn: Tonya (954-357-9708) Tonya, I continue to have problems with trash piling up at the
bus top adjacent to my home at 2105 NW 47th Ave, Lauderhill. This is a recurring problem where the trash does not get picked up
in a timely manner and overflows onto my property, the swale and streets. Please see attached images for documentation. Thanks
in advance for addressing this matter promptly. Regards, Barry Stevens
Passenger says that he was waiting at ne 6 street and federal for the 20 bus northbound and the bus blew by him standing at the
bus stop. Passenger says that this is the third that the 20 bus has not stop and picked him up waiting at the bus stop.
C-Service Email
the rides have been good for the most park except when new bus operators drive buses without any knowledge where to go. buses
are clean and on time for most of the days. also, some riders tend to use their next seat as a place for bags etc which is not for that
use. I also hope the bus could exit on griffin instead of going all the way to state 84 and turn south to griffin road when we travel
northbound in the afternoons. I really makes no sense when some bus operators have used the griffin exit. It could save 15 mins of
our trip
BCT Comments 2016
C-Service Email:
You need to reroute a part of RT81 it's a waste of time in the 56 AVE corridor here's how it should be rerouted. After passing the
Florida Medical Center it should begin turning left at 48 TERACE onto Oakland PK BLVD going west then turn onto 56 AVE making
stops. Cut out crossing over to inverrary and making does stops you already have the 72 Bus and also there shuttle buses that can
take people into this area. It just a waste no one hardly gets off at these stops.
C-Service Email:
I'm a loyal public transportation rider, I have lived in 10 states in the past 20 years. BROWARD COUNTY BUS SYSTEM IS THE LEAST
PROFESSIONAL AND TIMELY BUS SYSTEM I HAVE EXPERIENCED. I do not foresee any profits for this bus system, because if one bus
arrives 15 minutes earlier than expected, and the next bus arrives at its destination 38 minutes late, this system is unsustainable
you will lose riders everyday and continue to increase fares which will decrease riders willing to ride on your bus system! GET IT
Caller states he was standing up at the bus stop waving at the bus and operator passed him up. Says this is a major inconvenience.
The caller is stating the bus passed the stop early. The driver was going so fast, it did not stop to pick up the passenger.
Caller states she was waiting at the bus stop in her wheelchair and operator passed her and her daughter up. Caller states this was
an inconvenience and her daughter.
Passenger states operator refused to let down the lift at Broward Terminal.
Passenger states operator refused to let him on with his service dog.
C-Service Email:
Will there be added bus stop on route 23 (South & North) near the new American Express campus in Sunrise. The address 1500 NW
136th Ave Sunrise FL 33323.
Caller states bus stopped in the middle of the street.
The customer called to issue a compliment to the driver. The customer says this he is an outstanding driver and is always on time
and is very courteous.
The driver left the stop early. Caller states the bus is scheduled to leave at 3:58pm and there was a passenger coming towards the
stop. Driver left two minutes early.
The driver is very polite and courteous to all her passengers. Caller says she should be a role-model to the other operator for her
excellent customer service to the public.
Caller rang the bell too soon and asked driver to get off on the other side of 441. Driver told caller that she was stupid and didn't
have any sense. The light then turned red and prevented driver from making the light. Caller thinks that explains the driver's angry
words to her. Wants a callback.
BCT Comments 2016
The customer called to complain that he has been on Copans Rd/Blount Rd since 4:30p waiting on the the eastbound route 83 bus
that was due at 4:34p and the bus never arrived.
Passenger says driver was a very ice drive. He said she was very courteous, pleasant, professional and helpful.
Passenger says the driver was driving so fast that he couldn't hit breaks to stop so she was passed up.
Passenger says this bus comes every day three or four minutes early. He said the bus is scheduled o leave at 630 but always leave
around 628 or 627p.
Bus is over 20 mins late. Bus was schduled to arrive at 658p, passenger called at 718p and bus was still traveling Northbound.
Passenger called again this morning to report that the bus continues to leave this stop early which cause her to be late for work
Passenger called to report that the bus arrived and pulled into the "D" aisle and upon leaving the terminal the bus pulled away
without coming to the proper bus bay to board the passengers. He said the bus was only seven (7) minutes late and was going to
the Sawgrass Mills Mall. Because he was not allowed to get this bus it will cause him now to be late for work.
The customer called to complain that she catches the route 30 going westbound at Davie Blvd/US 441 that is supposed to pass at
11:22a and almost everyday the bus passes by 5-7 minutes early causing her to miss the bus.
***CService Email***
Please See Attachment
States bus arrived 7 minutes early and he missed it. Claims bus arrived early because then bus driver drives too fast.
I am writing to report a bus driver in need of retraining on the rules of the road. I was waiting to pull out of a gas station on Johnson
Street in Hollywood. The light just west of where I waited turned red, but the bus kept going. I waited for the bus to pass and then
pulled out, heading east, following bus #0305 at 11 AM on 5/24/16. As we approached SR 7 (441), vehicles slowed down. Bus came
almost to a stop, then swerved into the left turn lane and proceeded to cross 441 on a red light, going around the mini-van that was
ahead of it at the light. Fortunately, it made it across the intersection without incident, then pulled to its stop on the east side of
441, where it sat, lights blinking for longer than it took for the traffic signal to change and allow me to follow the mini-van across. I
hope this is enough information to find this driver and provided the needed assistance before someone gets hurt.
Bus was late. Please call.
Bus was early. Please call.
BCT Comments 2016
Bus was late. The driver gave him a hard time regarding his pass. The back of the pass shows that it was still active, but the fare box
shwed it expired. The driver shouldn't have had an attitude on this. Please call
The bench at stop #1593 (in front of the Crown Plaza, A1A/Hallandale) is ripped out of the ground and is a safety hazard. Thanks
Bus was late. Please call.
Not only was the bus late, the driver was picking up passengers in the middle of the street, and some passenger weren't paying
there fare. Please call.
Caller states he was standing at the bus stop and was putting on his shirt as the bus was approaching. Says operator passed him up.
Caller feels like he was profiled as a homeless person by the operator and was passed up.
The customer called to complain that the bus driver started driving slowly and then stopped the bus. The customer sked the driver
why he was stopping the bus and the driver told her he was running early. The customer then says the driver opened the door. The
customer never clearly stated whether the driver toldher to get off of the bus or if she assumed he opened the door suggesting she
get off of the bus. When asked for clarification the customer became upset and just said the driver opened the door for her to get
off of the bus again.
On bus #1165 Davie to Miami VA on 595 express, 7:20am route. Bus driver is breaking bus too late and passengers are being
thrown forward....baby on bus. Please, the driver needs driving SAFETY lessons!!!! He drives way too fast when he sees the lanes
are crowded.
claims bus cut him offand almost caused an accident. Wants driver reported for reckless driving.
bus almost had an accident merging into traffic and cut off people.
driver has skipped stop 2 days in a row.
claims lady drive