Thinking and Language

Chapter 8
Thinking and
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What is thinking?
Thinking involves mentally manipulating
information, as when we form concepts,
solve problems, reason, and make
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The cognitive revolution in psychology
The computer analogy
The physical brain = hardware
Cognition (mental processes) = software
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Mental categories used to group similar
objects, events, and characteristics
Prototype matching
Deciding whether an item is a member of
a category by comparing it with the most
typical item(s) of the category
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Problem Solving
Problem solving
An attempt to find an appropriate way of
attaining a goal when the goal is not
readily available
1. Find and frame problems
2. Develop good problem-solving
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Problem Solving
Setting intermediate goals that put you in a
better position to reach a final goal or
Strategies that guarantee a solution to a
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Problem Solving
Strategies or rules of thumb that can
suggest a solution to a problem but do not
guarantee a solution
3. Evaluate solutions
4. Rethink and redefine problems and
solutions over time
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Obstacles in Solving Problems
Focusing only on a prior strategy and
failing to look at a problem from a fresh,
new perspective
Functional fixedness
Individuals fail to solve a problem because
they are fixated on a thing’s usual
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Obstacles in Solving Problems
Mental set
A type of fixation in which an individual
tries to solve a problem in a particular way
that has worked in the past
Lack of motivation and persistence
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Thinking Critically
Critical thinking
Thinking reflectively and productively
Evaluating the evidence
The mental activity of transforming
information to reach conclusions
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Inductive reasoning
Reasoning from the specific to the general
Drawing conclusions about all members of
a category based on observing only some
Deductive reasoning
Reasoning from the general to the specific
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Beethoven is to music
as Picasso is to ___?
What type of reasoning is used
to solve this problem?
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Making Decisions
Decision making
Confirmation bias
Evaluating alternatives and making
choices among them
The tendency to search for and use
information that supports our ideas rather
than refutes them
Belief perseverance
The tendency to hold on to a belief in the
face of contradictory evidence
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Making Decisions
Overconfidence bias
The tendency to have more confidence in
our judgments and decisions than we
should based on the relative frequency of
our correct answers
Hindsight bias
Our tendency to falsely report, after the
fact, that we accurately predicted an event
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Making Decisions
Availability heuristic
Judging the probability of an event by
recalling the frequency of the event’s past
Representative heuristic
Making decisions based on how well
something matches a prototype
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Language: What is it?
A form of communication, whether spoken,
written, or signed, that is based on a
system of symbols
Infinite generativity
The ability to produce an endless number
of meaningful sentences using a finite set
of words and rules
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Language: Rule System
A language’s sound system
The rules for word formation
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Language: Rule System
Rules for the ways words are combined to
form acceptable phrases and sentences
The meanings of words and sentences
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Influences on Language
Biological influences
Humans are pre-wired to learn language
at a certain time and in a certain way
Environmental Influences
Language is learned through imitation and
other environmental influences
Language is a behavior that is learned
through reinforcement
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How Language Develops
Early development
Endlessly repeating sounds and syllables
such as bababa or dadada
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How Language Develops
Telegraphic speech
The use of short and precise words to
Characteristic of young children’s two- and
three-word combinations
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How Language Develops
Critical period
A period when there is learning readiness
Beyond this period, learning is difficult or
Bilingualism and intelligence (Lambert)
Bilingualism and metalinguistic awareness
Critical period for learning a second
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Whole language approach
Reading instruction should be parallel to
children’s natural language learning
Reading material should be whole and
Basic-skills-and-phonetics approach
Reading instruction should stress
phonetics and its basic rules for translating
written symbols into sounds
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Animals and Language
Can animals use language to express
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Language and Culture
Linguistic relativity hypothesis
The hypothesis that language determines
the structure of thinking and shapes our
basic ideas
Name the following object:
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Language and Culture
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End of Chapter 8
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