Constitutional Ensign - Central Mississippi Tea Party

to the Nation
At the beginning of the Constitutional Convention, George Washington admonished the delegates to the
convention to … “Raise a standard which wise and honest can repair”. That proposition is no less true for
us today. We are in a critical need for a simple to understand standard and measure to deal with today’s
perplexing condition. The hexagon graphic within the Ensign will help to provide a mental image of correct
principles and precepts that establish a constitutional formula for the interpretation of the Bill of Rights and
more especially the 1st amendment, and public policy in general.
The following is a description of the characters that make up the hexagon formula.
Six precepts of the Declaration of Independence are represented by the outer gold band hexagon, they are
listed as follows:
Governance according to the laws of nature and nature’s God.
Self evident truths are not debatable they stand on their own, they are self-evident.
All men are created equal in that they are endowed by their creator with the right of Life, Liberty,
and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Government must be established by the consent of the governed on a foundation of principles
calculated to most likely effect safety and happiness.
Prudence will dictate that government long established should not be changed for light and transient
causes, nor abolish the forms to which they are accustomed.
Opposing with Manly Firmness and having Rectitude of Intent the right and duty of the people to
throw off destructive government with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence.
The blue hexagon represents the six principles in the preamble of the U.S. Constitution. It provides a wider
band of latitude in its interpretation but a sufficient secular standard in harmony with the laws on nature
and nature’s God. The six principles are listed as follows:
To form a more perfect union.
Establish justice
Insure domestic tranquility
Provide for the common defense
Promote the general welfare
Secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. These principles should be understood
and known as principles of conscience.
The red hexagon represents the outer limits or excess of legitimate constitutional freedoms.
The white area represents commonly accepted and legitimate constitutional boundary. The collective 13
stars are symbolic of the 13 original colonies.
The large blue star represents the individual or issue being reviewed.
The 12 stars around the hexagon are symbolic of a jury or legislative body, by a super majority their duty is
to interpret the constitutionality of an issue brought before them.
The blue stars (8) represent the voice of the people.
The four (4) red stars represent the voice of dissent.
The circular field of white stars represents the 50 states.
If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalms 11:3
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 19 November 2008 )
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