12_chapter 8

Chapter - VIII
Behaviour of Birds and leasts and
their importance
for Omens.
fa-fart rfa a qrarfa faq-fwfa fcrta n
Jyot isa is the branch of learning wnicn explains the action
of planets upon human character and
world. It
its expression in the physical
both a science and art. Jyotisa Sastra alone shows the
working of a definite law, onwaich t tie
actions of individual
heavenly bodies reserve
Different Scnools of Phylotophy anu Dharraa Sastra in India,
varied views in regard to the
frutot ions of the
'Law o:
K a rrr.a n1 • Jyotisa Sastra recognises the influence of tne planets on
the human life and destiny of human beings.
The himitn Sastra is an important cart of the S-nnhita Khanda.
' -
Panini refers the himita ^astra in his work 'Pacini Astodyny
Bhcgvata Gita says thus;* the wise engaged in devotional service,
take refuge in the lord anu free themselves from the cycle of birth
and death by renouncing the fruits of a action in the material worl.
In this way they can attain that state beyond all miseries, Lord
Kristjo al:
sync that to giving up fruits
( (
cprf ctTWEfTJ
to avoid the fruits of the actions or do work without any desires.
bhri Z^ord Krisga te/'S to ,-»rj una
' he who renounces the
action is "oe who has truly renounced.
fruits .of
'While Sruti explains that 1 Who will perform good deed, will
get Punyaioka
( a heaven)
?ri 4'tnrFffar
after nis death.
"ttfoi q- nqrx?qFT^fff “ STffl I
In Bhegvata Purana, there is a very scientific detailed and
logical description of tne Universal arrangement. " All the vast
intricat_• details of various departments of the Universe are.
in charge of each etc..." The bind is controlled by the Moon. The
nse or mind is controller, by the
stars .Thus we controlled
by our senses , our senses are controlled by the planets and. they
in turn are controlled by the Uuprement authority. It explains
the the real ascetic person is that woo donot keep any desire or
hope of fruits of his actions.
Varaharnihira states trie various planets .have influence on
human. But
^t this stage we wirr not gjgree with tcif
though it id differ with the law of Karrnan,
un which Jyotisa it
supposed to work, The fundamental base of Jyotisa is frutation of
past actions of human into new births,
according to their bearing
frutations Of the action, which arc know as ' ahayya' or
Gita beJ-ieves tn = t the man is the real maker of his own cestiny. Jy
-tisa Sastra indicates the good or bad periods of one's life. Jyotis
insists to avoid tha evil effects of actions by adopting reliaious
rites. Bhatt;otpala, the commentator, says thus;* the malefic resui
of wrongful actions ripened in Dasa periods,
choosing the 1 theory of Karmen', Jyotisa indicates the
solution or improvament
of thr
problems like " Fate versus Free
Vi ill ” etc. which are purplexing thinkers from the
past ages,upto
day. Tha school of philosophy believes that the past actions
(Prarabdha Karmas) would shown his effects by any amount of acti­
Jyotisa Sastra tells that the
evil effect of actions, can not
be minimized, v; nich have already been ripened. It
is only preventec
by adopting, religious activities. Though tnis matter is a subject
tshagvata Pu'rana insists to avoir, reactions of past
deed through acquiring the: religious rite.
The study of omens of birds, beasts is an important section
in the Samhita Brahch. Untold portents which always bode ill those
prophecies predict both good and bad for those wnile going on a
journey, according to their good, bad or mixed actions of a previ­
ous births. The ancient Aryans had observed of the heavens ard
studied the effects of portents.
They have studied the carefully the psychological beaaviour
of birds and beasts a-iongwith those brought about the environments
of the season. This is known a by the various Omens, Thus the birds
beasts and oments are an example of the psychological study of ani12
mals of tneir collision on human behaviour. Birds and beasts have
well understandings and knowledge about the future. Though the trees
and creepers are supposed to show future events and their results.
It is to note that the ancient Sages of India has observed carefu­
lly the various cries of birds, beasts as well as their psychologi­
cal study. Here the compare the statement of Kalidasa; ' Shankuntal
says that #* Dear, observe, not seeing her rcate through hidden by
a mere lotus leaf# the female Cakxavaka is crying in distress, I
certainly an doing what is difficult. Further than this depends
upon fate. That# indeed# should not be expressed by the brides
Our ancient Aryans were always alert about the care of
birds and beasts. The creation of the Univer it is told that the
Goat is a animal who is born a first on the earth,
Varahamihira follows and critised the subject with the
help of ancient authorities viz
Sages Sukra, Indra# Bruhspati#
Kapisthala# Garuda, Bhaguri, Devala# Rishibhacharya# Bhardvaja#
King of Avanti Dravyavardhana# Garga and unknown authorities.
The author tells the Omens are indicators of past actions
good and bad or mixe ’, those are suppose to ripe in a new birth#
while on j urney.
Category,Distinctive and affect of Sakuna
Animalas are classified vide following categories viz
Rural,wildequatic, terrestrial, atmospheric, diurnal, nocturnal and
diurnal-nocturnal•The sex of the animals h should be taken into
consideration in respect of their cry, gait, look and speech.
Male animals possess fleshy, high and large shoulders,
broad neck, fine breast, small but deep sound and great courage,
the female creatures have slender breast, head and neck, small face
feet and courage and sweet uttrance. While eunuch have mixed chara­
cteristics of male ana female.
The animals that live in rural,
forests and both, are
treated as traditional sources and those Omens should consider on
travelling. A person while moving on travelling should consider
the omens,
good or bad, as a result ,
marching army onking;
it is related to him,
in a
in a village to the bavatas or Chief o£ per­
son; in a multitude of persons to the leader; whereas many leaders
of the similar rank,
in a group among them the senior most by birth
learning and
Paiuiculars of direci; ion and. result
When the Sun rised the following
consiuered as Mi kfa-Surya,
directions are to re
in the NortM-east; the East, Prapta-
Surya; and the South-east, Esyat-Surya;
the Second watch of the day, the east,
in the first watch;
south-e*st and south are
treated as Mukta-Surya, Prapta Surya and Esyat-Surya and the rema­
ining Prahars should be treated in same manner to the directions.
The results of omens in the respective directions and: the MuktaSurya is termed as Anagarini (a burned coal),
termed as Dhumini
anu the rest of
the Prapta-Scrya is
five prah.iras are tree
-ted as Banta
Sakuna occupying in the
fifth directions from tnese viz Anga-
rini#Dipta and Dhurrdni; presage for
th t- past# present and future.
results of omen occurring in the rem-ining two directions sho­
uld predict the pest and future according to the Arigarftar Santa
and Dhumita-Santa. Omens are occurring near and lower pl^ce#
effect good or bad,
immediately; while -t e higher pl-^ce --nd far in
a distance# at future;
When the judgement should observe according
to the nature of the place on which the omen is settled.
Class if’
■tion,strength#direction of Omen
An omen if classified in following manner, Ks.ana-dipta;
Tithi-dipta; Haksatra-dipta; Vayu-diptaj Suryn-dipta, which are
said Deve-dipta and t;<ey are known as 'Kr iya-dipta1 # according to
motion# place# Bhava#
sound and behaviour of limbs. In both# the
sets the strength of each
ingredient in greater than is predece­
Here we# may have clear the meaning of
(3) Naksatra-dipta
(1) Ksana-dipta#
(4) VayiT-dipta and (5)
Surya-d ipta;
An omen at a muhurta the belongs to a Da rune
and Ugru ast^risms
It is termed in the lunar days 4th#Gth#8th#9th and 14th;
An ome belongs to following stars viz Mule# Jyestha#Aridra#
Aslesha"# tfrr.ee purves# Bharnni and Magha
while the wind blows strong# rough,
stormy and in the opposite
When an omen is seen in front of
the Sun.
The ££aL4 ten omens are Santa-Sakuna
(Five Deva-dipta ard
Kriya-dipta) ; C/\ £ who eat grass anc fruits is a Saumye
and shows as good effects; one who ea$ meat ard ordure is Raudra#,
./hich show malefic results; those who eating food is known as mixed
categories i.e. Saumya cum Raudra. While an omen is observed on
Palace# temple# pious place as well as on trees# which are milky
and have
ruits and flowers# they bear benefic effects.
A diurnal creatures are powerful when situated on a mountain
in a day and a nocturnal creatures -re strong# when situated on wa­
tery area# at night* Among them the strong creatures are from eunu­
chs to female and female to male categories.Where# more than two
omens are occurring# who possess fast motion# gender#strength#position# jolly mood# courage and sound and they are strong according
to their respective nature#while those that are contrary nature in
above £&id things are treated as weak.
The following creatures are powerful in the east. The cock#
elephant# Pirili ( a bird)# peacock# Vanjula# muskdeer# Simhanada
(a bird) and Kutupuri.Whereas the jackal# owl# parrota# crow# ruddy
goose# bear# pingala# dove and weeping# crying and cruel voice are
strong in the south. While the cow# hare# curlew# jackal# swan#
kuraba ( a bird)# Tittiri ( a bird) cat# as well as
festivals like
marriage in the west# musical instruments# singing and laughter and
the following are in the North. The wood pecker# deer, rat# deer#
horse# donkey# cuckoo# blue jay# and the uttrance of vedic hymns of
bells and of conch shells.
Disqualification of Lj->akuna and result
The following Sakuna
should not be considered when they are
found in different places and positions viz the rural creatures fou
in a village; while a diurnal creature
are occurring at night and
nocturnal creatures are observed in a day* And they are in pair,
sickly, frightened, eating, meat, observed on other side of a ri­
ver and owing to season.
The following creatures bear no effects in the Sisira season
Viz Rohita deer, horse, goat, donkey, Kuranga, camel, deer; while
in the Vasanta season, the crow and cuckoo? whereas in the lunar
month Bhadrapada, tha boar, dog, wolf and the
swan,, cow
curlew in Sharata; in the lunar month Sravana, tie
elephant and
the Chataka bird? while the tiger, bears, monkeys, leopards,buf­
falos, burrow, dwellers and all young animals. Yet the human
children bear effects.
Division of quarters and allotment of area
The three parts between the
East and south-east are occupie
by lord of the treasury, who lives by the fire and hermit, the
area assigned to them from left to right;whereas the three spaces
oetween the south-east and the south are assigned to an artisan,
a beggar and a Nude woman and between the south and the south­
west are allotted to an elephant , a covnerd and a religious
person. While the three parts between the South-west and the
west are occupied by a proud young
ornan, confinement and
thief? whereas between the west and the north-west to a drunkarc
a birds killer and a furious person.
The three parts between North-west and north are assigned
to a person who remove the effect of poison, cattle owner ana a
meg ic ran and between North aru the north-east are occupied by
rich person, Daivagna (astrologer) and a florist? wnile the
parts between North-east and the east are alloted to the
( a devotee of Lord Visnu), a charaka and
way,# there are
groum, In this
32 divisions made including the eight charters
starting with the East. And the Lords of the Eight quarters begi­
nning with the East are
the king
(2) Prince
army (4) Messanger (5) Shresthi (trader)
a nd (8)
Lo rd of
(3) Chief of the
spy (7)
elephant, while the four quarters East to
North are allotted to four casts viz Ksatriyas, Vaisyas, Sucres,
ano Brahmanas,
(The circle of quarters- and their Lords, person etc are mentioned
in a Appendix -IV ) .
Particulars effects of Omen to traveller
If a creature observes in a particular division of the
quarters and make uttrance and a person is standing in a parti­
cular place or is going on a journey#
it she lc be judged that
there will be conjunction to the Ibid (same place)
in oroc
to that division. The
malefic# like that of broken#
uttrance of omen is a
strong# piteous#deplorable# dist­
ressed# rough, while that of calm,
The fox, Syma# Rala, Musk-rat
sweet, jolly mood are benefic
( a kind of rat), Pingala, Lizard,
Sow, Cuckoo, possess the male ino. ieetici. ‘ names are bene fic sakun
when they are observes on the left side of a traveller* A female
indication -^mes, creatures viz St'
bird), Monkey, Srikarno
( a bird), BhcTsaka
(a bird), Dhikkara
peacock, srikantha,pippika,Ruru, deer ard
when occurred to the right of a traveller.
( a
(mrgajati) ,vulture,
hawk are auspicious
Importance of sound# song of omen
The K§veda
two hands)
( sound of mouth) Asfota
( sound of striking with
Uttrance of Vedic hymn# voice of conch shells# sound of
water# Instrumental music# Vedic songs are of benefic to the left
of a traveller and other kinds of voice are favourable to the
while the vowels viz. Madhyama# Sadja ano Gandhara
a- -ti(. ious# while the
are remark #
four vowels viz Sacjs# Madhyama# Gandhara
and Rushabha are favourable for a journey.
Effect of omen to traveller.
The occurrence# cries and rememberance of the names the
lark, goat # peacock, improve good luck, while the
ferret- # chasa and Sarata
( a bird)
rememberance of the names of jahake
and godha
i alligator)
sight of a
in front of malefic effect* The
serpent# hare#boar
is prove fortunate# while the rememberance
of the names of the monkey and the bear#
show contrary effects of
above said. An odd figure of the deer, mongoose ana birds going
from left
with chasa
right of a traveller is benefio ana
the mongoose along
( a bird) moving from right to left of a traveller is
auspicious. According to Sage Bhrigu# all are auspicious
afternoon# noi
in the
in the forenoon.
Effect of omen according to quarter
The chhikkara
pirili ( abird)
day time)
( a kind of deer) Kutapuri ( or karayika)
are benefic when moving from left to right
( in the
of a traveller; while the tusked animals and burrow-
dwellers are benefic when they are moving from right to left of the
trsve Her #
The horse and the white things are auspicious in the east, a dead
body and meat, in the south, a minor girl an£ curd, in the west,
and a cow, Brahmana and a gentalman in the north. The following
omens are unfavourable, the hunters with his nets and man moving
with dog in the easts Weapons and killers in the souths? liquor
an- a eunuch in the west, a seat and plough in the north.
Rules of omens
A actioner (starting action), conjunction (meeting any persor)
a war, entering a new house etc and finding for a lost thing, the
omens are benefic which found in contrary area instead of particu­
lar area, while performing journey.
Here the author mentions the special rules. The omens that
are benefic on the right side of a person, will apply to
the left
of the traveller, while the omen is benefic in the left, will app­
licable to the right
in front fc.
<& a traveller ?whereaS the omen is favourable
a journey will be
it is at the
back and where the omen
is favourable at the back, will be it is
in front fora
while the omen is good
for a journey,will appli­
for in the east,
cable to west m& in the west it is applicable for east ana-vice
versa for south and north directions.
The Kurahga
(antelope), Ruru
ann monkey nt tno day
time are to be considered fox a journey; The seme way, are to be
understood the ch-.sa, vahjala and cock in the
forenoon, and the
Naptraka, owl and ^incjala are to be reckoned as for a journey at
night. Thtj above said omens should be taken in the reverse for tnc
female a£ fcor a journey.For the vision oi tno king arm a enterence
to the mountains#
forests and crossing the rivers# the omens that
are auspi<~-Ous to trie left and right for a journey are favourable
in order to ir,
front and back side.
While the two ore ns are occuring on the both side of a trave­
ller which is called Parigha in the Kriya-dipta action# it causes
destruction of the
respective quarters
traveller. But these two omens situates in
(right to right anc left to left), and speak
the pleasant ■ ords and these actions
a results,
called 'Omen Gates' as
the traveller will active wealth and
objects according
to his desire.
Here#the author quotes his £redeccessor's view for 'Omen Gate*
which is take place about by birds ct
beasts of the same gander
having kanta behaviour and wailing and standing
on both sioes of
travellers. If one omen permits for a travel# while another will
refused# the 'Mutual contradiction'# which cause inauspicious
e ff acts to a traveller. Otherwise# who is
stronger among tnem#
uld be considered. While on journey an omen of entering should be
occurred than an omen of journey be occurred it causes favourable
success in assured to the traveller# whereas the contrary would be
benefic for entering.
Varahamihira classified the omens in two categories viz
Praveshika Shaktna
and (2) Prasthanika Shakuna;
first omens are favourable for a journey# while another are favo­
ole for entering. But it is not clear wh~t is good for a journej
so far an entry and an omen may be malefic at beginning
and then
benefic at a journey; while at the time of entering an omen is mal­
( i.e. gcou fur journey)
for entry) .
at first and latter on benefic
When an omen indicate
and tnen feu Lure,
first: success through'behaviour of a journey
it causes the death of a traveller by his enemy
conflict from we a cans or diseases.
Dreadful effects of omen
Whereas omens posited in the Dipta direction and moving to the
left# indicates threaten# while an omen is occurring in the Dipta
quarter at the beginning of tne action, produces danger for one year.
mens are observed Dipta viz of the tithi# vayu,
ition and chesta
naksatra# Suppos­
(movement) causes harmful to wealth# army#courage#
limbs# desired objects and action.
Here# the author classifies the omens in two main categories
viz Dava-dipta and Kriya-dipta; each category consists five sub
categories# each element is stronger in anti clockwise#
in the
pective categories# the Surya~dipta and Chesta-dipta are more stro­
nger elements. When the Omens occurring in the Dipta quarter alongwith the- sound of the clouds# conclude danger from wind# while
the two
(junctures) produce threaten from the armst
omens are observed an-funeral hair and skulls, show the effect of
iinprisonment and murder
respectively! When observe on thorny
tree.# wood and ashes* causes in order to quarrels# troubles and
affliction; while standing on hollow thing ana stones cause in res­
pect of failure of the work and harmful, yet the Santa omens show
malefic effects in rarely.
Omens observed while passing excreta and eating
food are
in order to unsuccess or success of the actions. When the omens move
from one place to another place aiongwith making voice and return
to the same place# indicate somebody's arrival. An omen# whose
vole a, one of Svara-dipta, indicates quarrel; Sthana (position)
dipta, mentions, war; in the beginning having loud voice and then
uttrance in slow voice indicates trouble; when a Dipta omen seats
and making sound upto seven days, two months, three months and whole
year, indicate distraction of village, town, country and king. Any
omens, except, serpents, rates, cats and fishes, eating the flesh
of their own gender, indicate drought. Omens mating to another kinds
gender indicate the destruction of the country, except, a mule
( a
hybrid animal) and human sex.
The creature is moving nearby the person's feet, thighs and
head, it will lead imprisonment, terrible blow and harmful; when it
is occurred eating grass, indicates trouble; if it is found drinking
water, predections o€ rain, eating flesh, improsonment (and eating
food, meeting to his brother)• When an omen occurs or observes any
of the eight directions, commencing from Dipta, causes a person will
meet to cruelman with stick, sinful and evil persons, leader ,kings,
sravakas (rhapsodist) and any person; When an omen be strong occurri
alongwith some eating object, causes the achievement of object to a
person, when it be spa---cling and looking downward, causes sinful
(by q person); Whereas an omen situated in dipta Vidisa
(intermediate quar^'rs) and making voice, be followed by another
omen to its left side, indicate the conjunction v,ith lady to a per­
son. An omen is situated in a Shar.ta quarter and b.e pursued by ano­
ther making voice and situated in S-urya-dipta direction, indicate
the person's arrival of that direction. On the contrary, the dicta
Sakuna is situated and arother making a voice in any direction of
uanta quarters , which is fifth quarter, indicate trouble.
Utpala, t-.e commentator, interprets that the fifth quarter frcrr
the Santa, should be Dipta and the fifth from a bipta should be Sant
which are similar opposite direction to each other* When an omen is
standing in the middle and another situated to the left and crying,
causes fear from own persons, while one who situated to the right,
making voice, presage danger from enemies* If an omen situated at
the top, indicates the arrival of a person riding an elephant; in
the middle arrival of person riding on a horse;on root, one will
arrive with riding chariot; on a long thing, the arrival of man
carried by another person; on lotus flower, one will observe with
carrying ship and on top of broken parts, carrying a sedan chair*
when an omen standing on top of the height (such as mountain
shows the arrival of a man in a carriage; and in the interception
of light, one will seen, alongwith a holding an umbrella; while an
omen situated in the four directions, as of east etc* or in the
intermediate like south-east etc* causes beneflc or malefic effects
wit..in one, three, five and seven days*
Concluding remark
The results of good cx bad, will observe immediately i.e*
24 hours, in the east or south-east, while in the south or
south-west, west or north-west, north or north-east, will be obser­
ved in order to 3 days, 5 days and 7 days*
Divisionwise effects of omen
The lords of the directions are assigned in order to the
East co Indr a; South-east, Agni (fire God); South-Yama (God of deattl
South-west-Nirruti (God of evil spirits); West-Varuna ( God of Water)
North-west - Vayu (Lord of wind) ; North, the Moon and North-east ,
Shiva.ihe main four directions are Masculine and Vidisa
are .
f am in in# •
Concluding remarks
The verse IXXXVI-75 of Brhat Samhita is important to presage
the horary astrology. The lordship and sex of the quarters are use­
ful to finding out the lost articles or stolen objects.through the
worship of that
deity and religious rites*
Sage Parasara states that the prime directions assigned to
the four fold cast, beginning with Brlhamanas. Ksatriyas. Vaises
and Sudras..He has indentified the quarters in musculine and femi­
nine which is
useful to judge the new birth of baby as male or
female genders.
g°ifaf OT=oiTdfar ntirrfd'fat:
?9TP=*jr«irry fhf^gmrr: -pfr°if trfrrtfScrr: n
Particulars effect of Omen
The author expounds the finding of writing in respective
32 directions. An omen observes in the east will be wooden board
or leaf; in the south-east, leaf of Tal tree# in the south, on
broken leaf; in the south-west, oncloth; in the west, on lotus
leaf; in the North-west, on reed; in the North, on leather and in
the North-east, on silk.
The author states
about the places where the good or bad
effects would be felt, through the omens colours of objects,
indication of the directions, articles owing to the respective
directions and trees, rfhich are shown here.
When the omens are observed in the East, indicates war in that
area; in the South-west, near a fire place; in the South, in the area
where the voice is heard;' in the South-west, in fishing place; in th
West, in watery area; in the North-west, in fetters area; in the
North, where the Vedic songs are heard and in the North-east, where
the cows sound is heard. The assignment the colours to the four
quarters, beginning with the East, the red, yellow, black and white,
while the intermediate quarters are assigned the mixed colours i.e.
the south-east, red and yellow.
Concluding remark
It is useful to the astrologer to find out the lost or theft
articles through the indications of colours of the quarters and devo­
tion to d eities owing to the colours. )
The following signs are of respective direction beginning with
the East, a flag, something burnt, burial, place, cave, water,mounta i
sacrifice, village of cow shed ( or proclamation). Whereas the omens
good or bad, observed on these indications, will presage a union
with good man or harmful respectively. Benefic or malefic effects
should be observed according to good or bad places.
The following women are situated in the respective quarters,
beginning with the east, Big woman, a virgin, a handicapped woman
(or cutted limbs), possess bad smell; having blue clothes, a wicked
having more height and a window (It is useful details to reply the
query arised by the questioner, which ere helpful to conclude stolen
materials ana genaer of thieves) .
At the time of quarry, the questioner or an omen situateu in follo­
wing directions beginning with the east, the question will be of
silver, gold,
suffered person, woman,
(sacrifice), a ville.cj
sheep, a vehicle,
of cow-shed, while in the intermediate di­
in Order the banyan, a red tree, a dedhra
(Lodhra) , bamboo,
mango, khadira, bilva and Kagajurn...
Effect of omens in quarter
The author explains the
effects of omens in different quarter s
thirty two divisions of the directions are made. Where an omen
situated in the 1st division of east being a Santa and making voice
causes the arrival the servant of the king and will gain jewels arid
gems for the deities purpose,
(if an omen is beneficial the results
will be moderated and be malefic - slightly good)•
2nd division of the similar quarters, it causes getting
of gold and desired objects; in the 3rd, will get arms, wealth and
betelnuts; in the 4th, causes vis for of pious Brahma r.a and
.'’n the South-east
of servants;
will get gold and iron (arms)
in the 6th, vision of prince,
success in works an:
red things; in the 7th, gaining of woman, religious merit, mustered
seeds and barley corn;
in the 8th (south-east), gaining of lost
wealth and traveller will gain the fruits during the journey; in the
9th, getting journey, peacock, buffaloes and cocks;
in the 10th,
mee' ing with actors, dancers ard gaining of good t'esults from the
works and religious; in the llth,
fishermen and gaining of
achievement of deeds, contact w itn
fishes, Tittiris;
hermit and tes tly food and fruits; in the
of a ooman, a horse,
in the
12th,vis ion of
13th (S.outh-we sr) , getting
jewelrs,, messenger and writing materials;
the 14th, one will see snoe mender and gaining of leather objects;
in the 15th,
vision of monkey, an asce-tic and Buddhist monk ar.d in
the 16th, getting of fruits,
omen is situated in the
gems, jewelled articles;
and th ieves
flowers anc
ivory things? while a
17th (West), achievement of aquatic article
in the 18th, contact with foresters,hunter
and getting of flesh?
in the 19th,,
contact with one
who is suffering from rheumatism and gaining of sandal* wood and hgu
in the 20th, acquiring of qrms and books and meeting
In the 21st
with a
(North-west), gaining of marine bubbles,chowri„
and woollen clothes, contact to Kayastha person;
in the 22nd, acqui
ring of earthen vessels, contact tc bards and musical apf. lienees.
In the 23rd, contact with friend and getting wealth?
in the
24th, one will get garments and a horse and contact with beloved
friend? in the 25th, gain of curd,
in tne
rice and contact v/ith Brahmana;
26th, gain of wealth and contact with merchants;
meeting with courtesan, a Celibate
of white flowers and fruits;
in the ,27th
ar.d a servant anc gaining
in the 28th, contact v/ith painter and'
g^'wing of coloured clothes. In the 29th
(North-east), contact with
worshipper of a deity and will get grains, gems and cattle;
in the
30th obtain, clothes and contact with a courtesan; in the 31st,
contact with cloth washer and getting of acquatic articles;
in the
32nd, meeting witn elephant drivers and obtain of wealth or elephant.
The author speaks the nine varieties of results through one
hub of the circle and inside of the circle.
If an omen is situated at the hub of the cycle of directions,
one will meet brother or friends and. gqininy of good satisfactions,
While appears at the e stern side of: the wheel* gaining oi red clothr
and contact with a king; while at the South-eastern wheel* contact
with loom—-orker* a carpenter* a artist or a expert of mathematics,
a horse and gaining things mace by them or a horse; whereas at the
wheel as well as at the rim and the hub* meeting with religious per­
sons and advantage of religious deeds.
At the hub of wheel of South* western* meeting with a ccw a,
player and a Kapalika; benefit of a bull* cooked food of black gram*
, and horse-grame *'while at the hub of Western* contact to farmers,gai­
ning of marine objects* like a gem. glass* fruits and liquor; if it
is at the North-western spoke* vision of a weight bearer* a carpenter
and beggar and gaining the flowers of Tilaka* Naga and Punnaga.When
at the Northen spoke* gaining of wealth and contact with Vaishnava
(Prayer of Lord Visnu) and gain of Yellow clothes; while at the hub
of circle of North-eastern, meeting with religious woman and gaining
of black iron, weapons and bells.
Concluding remark
My humble opinion is that this subject is most important and
significant in the Samhita Branch as well as Prasna Jyotisa; we find
in learning branches of astrology or in literature with wide proof*
which shows that people have great faith in omens or Sakuna Sastra*
in Gujarati language* it is famoused as a * Pashu-pakshi na ingito*;
which is apply* while on starting the journey. It is stated that the
belief is based upon the astrology.*
The omens indicate the good or bad effects through their Chesta
to the persons and it is related to the
past actions of persons and
which are supposed to bear fruits. A true astrologer may guide to
the society to ward off evil effects by performing proper propi­
tious deeds-*- We conclude that astrology and School of thought
Law of Karman never teach fatalisgn,
*Fate Versus Free Will'
o r
the two sides of the coin ana this theory also helps to build the
character of the person or the society.
The author
used the technical name of the omen/ as of Dipta
(burning) anu Santa
quarters. He
the direction into 24 + 8 = 32,
make the divisions
and assigned persons with
different professions of tnem.
From the vedic times, the ancient Aryans possess the know­
ledge of the direction, wnich is
agriculture and other religious
useful fcr
rites. The ancient Aryans h-ve
aliotea the greet honour to tne directions and our classic
records insist to contemplation the relative directions am: their
The sag s pray to directions,' to remove the fear from the
mine anu improve ■fch*■' courage to t he people
ym qygrn
mirrq 3»sht
awtTTrrTnrg 3^rq
i i
Vedic text viz Kugveua explains tne seven numbers of uirec­
tions. The collections are recognise-.,
ancient authorities. On
observing the Sun rise and Sun Set, they were able to
the East
and the west dire­
ction respectively# and referred to them as Indra a no Varurja . In
front of the Sun, thd
left side is considered as north and Vr;il
the right side is considered as South. These two directions were
called the Kubera and the Yama. While the Chhandogya Upnisada expl­
ains in a different way thus# the East is Known as •Juhu*> the
South is 'Sahamana*, the West is •Ragni* and North is known as
In addition, they divided sub directions which are Known
as - South-east * ‘Agneya'l South-west • *Nirutya*# North-west t
'Vaiyavya* and North-east « *Isanya*. The bearing would be complete
further on by fixing the position with reference to the quarter
downward called * Adha* and above called * Oordhwa*•
$ (rx&fe&w: I 3
w t 1^’
I & jrfaafr;w i
% crf^rlr ’Nrh: i 3 wru w t 3%*& ft&w- i
taw: i Ssp* w * 3 lift** fsfcwt i 3i(t*nmi i
3 inrofc fidRus i 3 $*Rm w i 3* &
cflfcws i
jfcjierti w i
i $3R5=ani*w: n
flg.fr **
Thus the tan Kinds of directions are recognised in ancient
is difficult to make out why they called the directions
by such names. The word * Indr a* was also used to mean the principle
causing the rains and also the Pole. varuna as has already been said
is suggestive of the principle onwhich the celestial bodies are
moving and seasons take place, while tie South as ’Yarna* ard the
North as *Kubera* is not vary clear. Whereas the *agneya* may suggest
that some kind of disposition of Volcanoes with reference to their
place 'Vayavya* may suggest the disposition of winds with context to
their place! while * Ishanya* may suggests
some concern with Lord
Shiv? worship and ' Nairutya* indicating perhaps the area occupied by
certain demonic forms. The ancient Aryans could, by thxs net nod of
bearing - establish locations.
Aft ft Vedic period, the detailed classification found in
the Sanskrit literatures. The atthor of 1
____________ ’
observes the contradiction in the arrangement cf ' Graha Sthapana*
which are used in " isarmakanba' paddhati. Directions oi trie Planet
is explained in the arrangement of 1 Graho-sthapana', but it i^
fferent, so it i
ci i
found contradictory, tnan to astronomy, but it
is not recognised thing. Though the
" Sarvatobhadra" circle indi­
cates Ten directions, alongwith tr.eir
respective Lords.)
Santa Omen
A clockwise a tranquil (Santa), omen is situated in the
southern of 2nd,
Astamasa of the
3rd, 6th, 7th a nee 8th of the Western and
2nd of the north,
in the
a journey will be mocerateo res­
ults; remaining the other points benefic results? in the middle
of tha hub, an omen observes in a; y of the six spokes,
except, Sout’
-wester.- and Worth-western, the journey will be pleasant; While
in the South-western and worth-western a bar of a wheel, causes
(The meaning of * As tarns- 1
(Burning) A/B points of the
circle of 32 points).
Dipta omen
If the omen observing in the- east,
meeting with enemies,
to goldsmith*
f eerie
from the king and
in the secon , direction of gold and threaten
in the third, causes destroys wealth,quarrel,conflict
and clash of weapons; in the fourth i.e. at trie South-eastern,
fr cm fire and tnieVes;
in tnd sec ond, destr tic t ioh: of wealth, prince;
in the third, there from direction, destruction of child in womb;
in the
fourth, destruct ion - of goldsmith and pa inter and clash
of arms;
in the
fear from the King, occurrence of mr.st mor­
tality by pest iiience? in the sixth danger
from Ganaharv.-s a no rope
dancers; in the seventh, fear from fishermen and hunters, in the
eight# destruction of meal and fear from naked monks.
While in the South-western, side, flow of blood and cJash
of fire; in the first part of the western, destruction of leather
shoes, clothes and fear from cobbless; in the second part, fear
from ascetics and Buddhist monks, in the third, fear of starvatio
xn the west, trouble , from rain; in the fifth ,trouble from dogs
and thieves; in the sixth, destruction by winds ( or patients of
rheumatism)t in the seventh, destruction of weapon and book sellers. In the North-west, destruction of books; in the second,there
from, fear from poison, thieves and storms; in the third, loss of
wealth ard conflict with friends; in the fourth, death of horse
and danger to Purohitas; In the North, cows theft and spoils of
weapons; in the second ruin of merchants and wealth ; in the thirc
trouble to Vratya-dvija
(twice born), servants and courtesan.
Concluding remark
totpala, the commentator, remark:
becomes Vratya, when
that a Brahman a chile
he is wear Yagnopavita
(Scared thread),
during the eight to sixteen year).
ar the North-east,
fe^i rrorn coloured
clothes and painter; while in the north-east
or pointed
fire and fault occurring in the precious women; in the second
(or near to Nor tn-east)
woman; in the tnird part,
creation o£ sorrow ana destruction of
fear to wasnermen and a maker or seller
Of perfumes; in the enc of the circle, trouble to ( or iron;)
phant drivers wnd death of a elephant;
in the middle part of tne
er.ster.. spoke, definitly the deatn of the wife.
While an omen observing in the South-eastern spoke# that is
ca.ied Dipta# indicates the clash of weapons and breaking out of
fire# destruction the horse and trouble to sculptors; in the
Southern spoke# destruction of religious and in the ^outh-westorn
spoke# death by fire# heavy attacks and dishonestman; in the West­
ern bpoke# trouble to artists; in the worth-western spoke# destruc­
tion of donkeys and camels and fear from diseases of Vfchuchika
(Cholera) and fear from poision; in the Northern spoke# suffering
of wealth and Brahmanas; in the Northern-eastern spoke # met3l
anguish and trouble to villagers and cowhers
;in the hub# own death
(Concluding rema^
The Santa (tranquil) omens show benefic effects while Dipta
(Burning) omremns malefic) .
Now the autnor enumerates the lists of birds and beasts into
three categories viz diurnal, nocturnal and combind nature and
expounds good or bad effects of their different >-ries of various
creatures as well as their appearance# motion# conduct etc.
Classification and effect of creatures
The following create res are marked a diurnal (Dinachara) ;
the Syima#
hawk# the falcon# vanjula#
bird# peacock# srlkarna#chakra
(rucdy geese)#chasa (bluejay)# Andiraka# Wagtail, parrot#crow#dove
of three varieties (diversities), Bharadvaja#
(skylark)# wild cock#
donkey# Harita# vulture# monkey# phanta ( a bird) cock# parnakuta,
(Karayika) and chetaka (sparrow).
While a nocturnal ( ratrachara) are listed thus# the haireater, pingala# chippika ( a bird) Bagala ( flying f<kx) # owl and
ha ref If these creatures axe move in anti-periods# instead of their
fixed (natural) periods, cause the destruction of the country and
Both nature of the creatures are thus; the horse# man# snake#
camel# leopard# lion# bear# godha ( alligator)# wolf# mongoose# deer
dog# goat # cow# swan# prusata (Mrgajatti), Jackal one who living
in hole (parcupine)# cuckoo# cat# crane and sukara (boar).
Synonyms of some creatures
The other names of the bird# Purnakuta are known as Bhasa#
Kutapurif kurabaka; those of Ulekacheti ward; Pinglika# Fechika
and Hakkai those are of Potaki# Kapotaki# syma; a vanjula is a
khadirachenchu; the Nrupsuta and Chucchundari are called chucchundarif Gardabha and valeya are called a donkey; the Kala is known
as srotobhedya# Tadagabhedya# Kalahakarika. The Rala categories
birds are cries at night like a bhrungar and have t^o digit*
height* The Durbaiika is known as Bhandika and when it is observed
to the right of eastern people# is auspicious; while to tlia left of
others is also benefic# Dhikkara is known as Mrugajati; the cock i£
known as Kukkuta and Krakavaku; the Gartakakkuta is called Kuial
Kukkutao; a fish synonym is considered
s frhagodhika and Kundya-
matsya; the Divya is called Dhanvana; while the ooat is called krodc
and Sukara; the cow is known as Usra; the dog is called Svan ana
Sarameyaf the chatikis known as Sukarlka. (in this lists, the donke)
ind monkey is considered as birds)
Symptoms of bird’s crias#conduct and effect
Th- sound of Vanjula ‘Tittid* is called Dipta and ’Kllkili*
is considered as Full (good.) The hawk# parrot, vulture and kanka#
making unnatural crying are known
Dipt a. The cove indicates
the malefic effects, if seats, flies builds a nySt on a venicJe
or house
t and colours as of wnite, variegated end grey, dove
occurs effect during one year, six months and at a time, respecti­
vely. A syama birds sound as of '.-hichit*
"ShulishulaM is auspicious, 'Cha-cha" Is
is considered as Full.
a Dipta and ' Chikchik'
leads to benefit from own belovec person. A Harita's sound like
'•Huggu" is considered as Full ana others are* Dipta; and various
sounds of Bhardvaja , are beneficial. A sound of Karayika like
"Kish~kishi", is full, M Kahakaha" is good, and 'Kara-kara' is
only tor welfare but oonot show the gaining of wealth.
If a Divyaka is situated to the left of the traveller, causes
benefic; in the same place, if it is flying above -
. head to the
land, achievement of good deeds, when it is very upper than the
traveller, achievement of entire earth as well as oceans under his
control; when a serpent occurs infront of the traveller, meeting wi
-th enemies and show death and destruction of his own person like
if it is moving right to left of the traveller; mentions unsuccess
in work. Ira wagtail occurs on the top of lotus, horse, elephant
and snake# cause the gaining of state, while on pious place or
grass, causes happiness and it is on ahses, bones, wood,
chaffs , hajx or blade of grass# mentions sorrow upto one year.
A voice
the 'Titira* as of " Kili-kilka" is Santa (toenefi
and favourable while on unnatural, cat
es inauspicious, Shashaka
(hare) crying and move at night to the left, causes auspicious
A sound of monkey like * Kili-klli,, is a Pra-dipta (very burning)
and unfavourable to the traveller? but sound like •'
Chagula" is
a benefic? and sound of * Kulalakukkuta" is mention mixed results
similar to monkey*
A chasa (bluejay) observes with its mouth filled with,worms*
moths* ants and moves from left to right of a traveller or flies
the sky and makes the figure like Svastika# causes the achie-
vement of immediate wealth* When chasa is defeated to the right
of a traveller by the fright with a crow* causes murder of a tra­
veller? 'while on contrary position# causes success* If a chasa
raov; o to the left with making sound as 'Keka'# like the Furnakuta
causes success? the sound like * Kre-kra*4 is Dipta# causes unhapp­
iness* but its vision is always beneficial to the traveller*
The Sound of the Andiraka like "yi** is Full and as of "Tittitti" Is Dipta (burning)« The Phenta rs standing to the right of
the traveller# causes benefic results* If the srikarna situated to
the right of a traveller anc. cries like HKva-kva-kva* caites good
results and sound like *Chik-chik" is moderated end remaining is
uneffective* A Durbali (Bhandar ika)
is situated to the left of a
traveller aJongwith making s^und like
'Chlrllvirila*# causes aus­
picious? while it moves from la ft to right of a t-rave Her# be stows
successful? if it cries as of *Chik-chik“ to the left to right of
a traveller# mentions happiness# but do not gain of desired objects
on the contrary# causes unnatural effects like fear and imprison­
When a Sarika makes a voice 'Kra-kra* or ‘Tre-tre*# without
worry* indicates the blood flow from a traveller. If a Phenta speak
like "Chixilvirllu" to the left of a traveller, causes auspicious
effects; while on reverse, Dipta (unsuspicious) • A donkey is aus­
picious wh i^e standing to the
left of a traveller; if it is mak­
ing sound as of "Ommakara*, indicates benefic effects and another
sounds are said to be Dipta. A sound like "A" of Kurangn (stag)
and the deer and N0” of Prushata are considered Full, remaining
sounds are siad to be Dipta. All varieties of sounds that are Full,
beneficial and Dipta is malefic. At night, the cocks producing the
all kinds of sounds are harmfull, when they are frightened,except
"Ku-ku-ku-ku", and in the ending time of night, makes the sound
freely like “Tara", causes the future prospects of tie
state, city
ar'i king. All varieties of sounds of the "Chlppika" are said aus­
picious except "KulU'^kulu", the sound of the cat are malefic to the
traveller. The sneezing of a cow, show the death of a traveller.
Concluding remark
( In our society, it is believed that when a cat moves in­
front of a traveller or her vision or anykind of sound,are feel
evil effects) •
The Owl is moving with desire to mat and makes the sound
like •Hum-hem*, "Gug-lug", is joyous; the sound like sGurulu* is
Full; "Kis-kiei" is
Dipta; and constant souid like "Bala-bala*
is indicate quarrel; its *Tata-ttota" mentions the suffering and
remaining sounds are as Dipta. The couple of cranes are making
sounds at a time are auspicious, the single one's sound is inaus­
picious, whii*- another will continue .as sound later on, after
single one's sound is also unfavourable. The Pingala's sound like
"Chiril-virulu* is a beneficial and remaining of all are called
Dipt a and inauspicious; while the
"Isi"# sound is indicate tha
brenk oi journey; a "Kusa-kusa" produces quarrel.
The author expounds the theory of success in the undertaking
After completion the worship of Ping-ile#
like "Disikara" and
if it is making sound
indicates tension and does not
-Utbet# bestows of" desired veqlth. According to "Circle of direc­
if it is on main# middle and low branch# mentions the gooc;
moderated and bad effects respectively. The result of tne houselizard#
is tc be judged according to his cries and position in tre
circle of quarters'#
its sound like "Chichida" and "Titida" are
aonsicered to be Dipta an! Full# respectively .
Dog's conducts and effects
When a dog passes urine on a person# horse,elephant# pot
saddle# milky tree# haap of bricks,
umbrella# dad# seat# mortal fl
ag# chowrie# a place has grass and fruits anl moves in front of a
traveller# causes success. If on cowdung#
gaining of sweet fooa;
if on dry concur# gaining ofdry meal/jaggary and sweets; if dog
urinates on poisonus tree#
stone# dried
leaves# bones or ereamaticn place and goes aho J while 'Kicking'
with hit foot on those objects# causes harmful effects#
if it
parses urr.ine on beds or pots made by potters causes the bod effect
in daughter and woman of a traveller; similar results occurs on
shoes; while on cow and passes ahead of a traveller#
indicates the
es the a hybrid birth in his family by it s relation to lower
class; yh^reas a dog moves near to the traveller alongwith a shoe
in its mouth#
indicates successful; with flesh#gaining of wealth;
with a bone# beneficial; with a burnt wood or dry bone#causes,
death of a traveller or burned stick# indicate? harmful; with
human head# hand #foot or any other parts of body# gaining of
land and with a cloth# rags etc*death? while carrying a cloth#
show good results; if its entry with dry bone into house«death
of owner; with a chain# dried creeper# thong etc* towards the
traveller# cause of imprisonment; if it is behave like licks the
feet or shaking its ears; climb on a traveller# indicates trou­
bles in a journey; if it is obstruct # indicates oppositions;
if it is
sleep# causes malefic effects*
Result of dog*s cry
When one or more dogs cry in front of the Sun at the Sun­
rise# indication of immediate change of a king; where (togs barks
in the South-east# towards the Sun# indicates the fear from fire
and thieves; in the Mid-day#
causes fear from fire and death;
in the afternoon# indicates the war with flow of blood*. At tie
Sunset# immediate fear to formers; in the north-west# at the
Sandya# indicates ^roubles from winds and thieves; if it is bar­
king at 1 idnight# towards the North# troubles to Brahmanas and
cow lifting; in the ending time at night# at the North-east#
spoiling to virgins# fear from fire and miscarriage; when dog
braks loudly in the house made from grass# places# palaces or
mansions in the raining season# immediate heavy rainfall; while
in the contrary season# indicates #daath# outbreak of fire and
diseases; when there is drougnt in rainy season dog bathes in
water and turns round in opposite direction and drink water#
rain, after 12 days. If dog, cries constant to the
door of a house towards the lady, mentions the illness in the
house or the lady said to be prostitute.
When a dot, scratches the wall of ^ house, shows danger from
settlement? if it digs the place of a cow, mentions the cow lifting
while on corn field, gaining of corn? if thB dog’s eye looks with
tear ana pitiable and eats little food, there will be
j.n the house? when it plays with cow, causes of good production
of crops, happiness, good health and joy. when a dog smells tne
left knee, right knee, left and right thigh, causes the acquiring
of wealth, guartel with woman, enjoyment, conflict with friend,
respectively. If a dog smells, the two feet of a traveller, shows
cancellation of Journey? if a travel er, standing, gaining of
desired wealth? if it smells, one shoo, on place, immediate journey#
if it smells two hands, indicates fear from enemies and thieves?
if it hides his own food items, flash or bones in the ashes,caused
immediate outbreak of fire? when a dog is making sound in
village then in the Cemetery, destruction of chief of a person?
if it barks in front of a traveller, mentions che prohibition of
jour ay.
it makes sound " u * or ** 0 ", to the left of a traveller
gaining of good wealth and as of *Au*, causes, unhappiness? while
anykind of the sound to the buck side of a traveller indicates the
prohibition of journey? when dogs make the soound like "Kham-kham"
in a loud voice, constantly or run in a group,unsuccessful of the
town and fear from death to the tr^vellerl if it laps the inside
the mouth, with shewing its teeth, intimate the gaining of tasty
food, who Knows its gesture* while it laps its fact and not inside
the face* causes trouble for eating* when dogs bark constantly in a
group, in the middle of a village or town show intimation of quarrel
to the loader of a town.
If a dog makes sound near a tree, causes therainfall,near a
Indrakiia, trouble to minister* in the middle or North-western cor­
ner, inside a house, graijo4 will suffer and in the village, trouble
to the village* on a bad, tro^jble to owner* to the back side of a
traveller, cause trouble to him, to the left of the persons. Intimates
the suffer from enemies*
Jackal’s cries and effect
The effects of jackals are similar to dogs and donot presage
effects of jackals, doe to their mating period* in the Sisira (MagnaPhu' iuna)t The sound “Hu-hu* at the end of speech and then "Ta-ta",
are full, while another sound are Diptas The natural uttranee like
•Kakka" of Lomasika, is full, unnatural uttrance is termed Dipta.The
jackal is sitnbted in the east and north, mentions auspicious results*
while standing in Santa quarters and having joyous sound is always
good and facing the smoking quarter and > • iv ing Dipt a, sound, causes
Of destruction of lord of that direction*
Dipta sound is inauspicious in all quarters, especially in the
day time, while situated in South of a village or army facing the
Sun, is painful*The jackal makes sound like “Yahi* mentions fear from
fire, if like "Ta-ta", death* as of "Dhik-dhik", great pain# while
if it is fire flare in the mounth, indicates destruction of country*
ccordir>'> to Kasyapa, the effect of the flaming jackal. Is not fr ihtful* A jackal makes sound, while situated in the South alongwith
nother, intimates tne daath of a relative by hanging; while In the
west# indicates the death by water* If the jackal cries # once to
seven times#the following effects should be noted respectively#
freedom# receiving good news# achievement of wealth, arrival of
beloved person# trouble# occurrence of difference among the minis­
ters# gain of vehicle* When person being thrilling# horses to pass
dung and urine and threaten to men# through th
causes inauspicious,
jackal's cries#
.'hereas a jackal is become silence# through
sound of men# elephant and horses# indic->t^s good prosperity.
If a jackal makes sound like “Bhe-bhe*4 causer of fe3r, it like
■Bho-bho"# great mortality and as of "Phi-phe"# death or imprison­
ment and as o-. "Hu-hu"# indicates the welfare to the liearer* When
r. jackal stands in a Shanta quarters and makes a pleasant sound
like "A" first# and then "A" or "Ta-ta" or "Te-te" and then “The*
the" all cries are auspicious. If a jackal first speakes highly a
“Crur“ or "Harsh" sound and then makes natural sound# which indi­
cates prosperous and happy# benefit of wealth and meeting with
beloved person.
Result of wild animals
If a wild animals situated in a Dipta quarter# at the boundry
of a village and make sound and going away from the boundry# shows
danger# which is over and tnose coming towarcs it# indicates the
danger of future* if they move around the village# cause of abandon;
while another domestic animal followed after the wild animals and
make §,ounch In some directions# indicate the danger; if another cries
-there will be siege of village and if both are crying #raentions the
the kidnapping of women* If the wild animals situated on the towngate# village will be sieged by the enemies; while enters it#tnere
will fcx* desti
tion; if it gives birth a young one, indicates the
deathf when it lives in house, causes danger and enters Jn the house
owner will be imprisoned.
Conduct of Cow
Cows looking wretchable, inauspicious of the owner, or king;
if burrowing che land with their feet, diseases; with eyes filled
with tears# death of owner and cries with threaten#danger from
thieves. If cries without any purpose, indicates calamity and cries
at night# danger; but if a bull cries# auspicious; if a cow is fully
multitude by flies or dog's babies , immediate rain; while cows
enter wuth sweet sounds # Indicates the increase of cattle wealth;
if they aro wet# in body bring happiness to their# owner. The above
said symptoms should be apply to she-ouffaloes.
Behaviour of horse
Generally# seen that a flame behind and to the left cf the
saddle on horse's
back#intimates unfavourable ; on the contrary#it
is auspicious! Flaming all over the bcdy and sparks or smoke on
their body# for two years constant, indicates loss; when the flame
showr. ~n the horse's penis, destruction of the queen's hois e of king
in the stomach, loss of treasure; in the anus and tail, defeated;
in the face and head, victory; in the shoulders, back or backside
of the neck, victory; in the legs, improsionment, smoke on forehead,
chest, <_yes or four legs, indicates defeat; and flame in them, snowi
victory; while at night the flams, on the snout, middle of the nose
head, tear fall place end eyes, indicates victory; horse looks like
reddish, dark, variegate, green oi white and flame on one, two or
more parts, auspicious*
Mixed effect of horse’s activities
By any reason# horse, donot eat grass and water#falling down#
sweating# tremor# falling of blood from the mouth; keeping vigil at
night# through quarrel# sleeping in a day# unnatural mood# falling
down the fa_e# looking upper# causes inauspicious; if a horse gets
upon another horse# indicates unfavourable; natural behaviour like
eating# drinking water# and bit, keep sight in their reight side#
owner will get desire results; when horses dig the land with their
left hoofs# owner will go foreign visit.
If horstts neigh too much, shake their tails or slpp # show
the journey to his owner# when they crop their hair# pitiable smound
like donkey or jat thr dust# dangar; while they sleep with their
right side and stand with their right leg raised# indicates the
succe-to owners;i£ horse goes according to his king's (owner)#
desired and make sound followed by another horse# or touches the
right side oy his mouth# indicates #indicates immediate increase of
owner's wealth. The horse that passes urine and dung# repeatedly*
does nc
move proper direction# having fear and eyes filled with
tears# intimates Inauspicious to his owner.
Result of horse's cry
when a horse neighs like Krauncha bird# raised his mcuth and
keep neck stable# constantly makes pxeasant sound or makes sound
happily with its mouth filled with gr^ss# indicates the murder of
enemy; when a horse neighs and having scared objects like
full pot,
curds# a Brahmana# a deity# perfumes# flowers, truits# gold etc,
cause the victory, ii they maKe sound in Dipta quarter, at any jun­
ctures# owner will suffer imprisonment ai-
Distinctive of elephant*s tusk
The author tells the characteristics of the elephant*s tusk#
while cutting# breaksm faded appearance and other features*
The following signs at the cutting of tusk like Bilva trea#
Vardbamana# umbrella, flag, chowries, indicates the
increase of
health# wealth and happiness; if like weapons# victory/ if like
water circle# gaining of lost country; as of woman# loss of wealth
as of pot# acquiring of treasure; if like kruka#lasa monkey or snake
indicates drought# diseases ard
live under control of enemy; as of
vulture# Uilue# crow or falcon# indicates mass mortalities.As of
blood seen#trouble to men and if be blackish# yellowish# variegated
or oad
dour# inauspicious; when the cutting of the tusk# seen like
white # glossy and of good odour# prosperity;if the right tusk bro­
ken# frun the root# middle and tip, intimates the fleeing of the
king# tiie population an<
the army# woman and chief of person; if
two tusks# broken# causes the ruin of king's family but if elephant
born in bene£lc#
Lagna (Ascendant)# lunar day, star# indicates
good results# otherwise inauspicious•
elephant's atuitude and result
If the elephant stop his motion# ears# keep his trunks on
the land# long time# sleepy# conduct unpieffural movement, danger;
when the elephant touches ant-hills, without brancK trees# bushes,
shrubs# with his trunks and having jolly mood and moves fast with
their raised trunks# behaves properly# flying water, make loud sound
ttccme very joyous# Indicates victory/ if the crocodile catches tha
elephant into wate^/ destruction of king# on contrary# if elephant
catches the crocodile end come out of water#king's prosperity.
Crow’s symptoms,activity and result
The author states the crow's effects thrpugh their behaviour.
A crow has
great honour in our society
Every family
for his religious demands
give the sweet food to crow in lunar month of Bhadra-
pada, which is called a traditional activities in our society. It
is believed that the effects of crow is always malefic for travell­
ing, seating on house or near the house. In Gujarati language,
it is called " Kaga-Charitra* in detailed*
The c rows in right side and the Karayika in left side for
eartern side, people and for other, the crows in left side and
Karlyaka in right side are auspicious; wnen a crow builds its nest
in an unspoit tree in the lunar month of Vai^akha, indicates good
crops and prosperity; if it be on thorny, dry tree, intimates dro­
ught in the country; it builds nest in an eastern branch of a tree
in the, Sharato season (autumnal), indicates rain; in the western
quarter, if
it build in the s outh or north, plenty of rain in the
season; in the south-eastern branch, randum rain; in the south­
western branch, good growth of autumnal,crops; in the remaining
two quarters, good crops and rats growth will be more respectively*
If it fci ilds on Snara (reels),
jliy grass, bushes,creepers
corn, palace (temple), house or in low place, th.
country will suf­
fer from robbers, drought and diseases; if crow has two, three or
four fledgelings, there will be plenty of crops; with five, arrival
oT another king and fall down the
eggs or one egg or no egg,shows
inauspicious; when fledglings h-.ve colour of coraka, troubles from
thieves; If a variegated death; if of white, fear from fire anl
nave a
fledgling,drought; if crows make sound with any reason.
in middle of the town,intimate drought; if
fly in a circle#
the town v 111 block up; if they fly in different groups,calamity.
When the crows assault without fear to the people with their
beaks#wings or kicks, indicates the Increase of enemies; if they
fly at night, destruction of the persons; if the crows fly in clock­
wise or anti-clockwise,trouble from own or enemies,respectivelyt
If it flies with confussion, heavy wind;
if they fly with their
raised beaks, danger to traveller or his way; if they pilfer grains,
cause of famine; if they are sit on the parts of the army, war; and
have very dark wings similar to cuckoo, danger from thieves; when^
crow throws
the ashes, tone3, hair or leaves on a bad, indicates
owner's murder; if it throws gem,flower or like fruit,bestows arri­
val e new born of son and if it throws, grass, wesod, arrival a new
daughter; if it brings sand, corn, wet dust, flower or like fruit,
on his rlace, gaining of wealth and takes away vesales near to the
water, indicates danger*
When the crow, scratches with his beak, a vehicle,arms,
shoe, top of the umbrella, a person will die; if it worships with
like flowers, causes the person will gat honour and passes dung on
it, gaining of meal; when it brings substain
or taken away person
will gqin or loss the i-rne article; if it yellowish, gold; if cotton
if white, silver; when it strikes his own body with its
beak, in pain, standing in the Dipta quarter and flying its wings
and brings red articles like exciting grass or wood, danger from
fire* If a crow sub, with its beak its <JWn wings, with standing in
front of the I un, on one leg, indicates, the niurs^e^. of main leader
in future
Effect of Crow* s cry
when crow cries while sitting on a milky tree, the Arjuna,
the Vanjola or on both banks of rivers or bathes with dust or
water in the rainy season,indicates good rainfall and in another
season, indicates drought; if crow cries fightfully, in the hole
of a tree, causes great danger and looking at water or after the
hundred of
cloud, indicates rain; if the crow situated in Santa
quarter of a crop farm, having cries, causes gaining of corn with
land and it cries with disorderly in the border of a village, ind­
icates that traveller will
have quarrel*
Efleet to traveller by crow's cry
When the crow flies pareral to
the traveller's ear, cause
of happiness but unsuccess and it caws in front of him, indicates
hindrance; if it caws at first to the left of a traveller and then
cries to the right side, loss of wealth; on the opposite gaining
of wealth; if a crow cries constantly to the left and followed the
traveller, indicates gaining of wealth, this effect should be con­
sidered ,if crow cries to the right of thB people of eastern coun­
tries; when it caws to the left of traveller and moves in front
of him, trouble but the desired results of the Journey is gaining
to his house; if it criec
to the right and then to the left,causes
benefit of desl red wealth; if it cries and then flies in front of
a traveller, getting plenty c£ wealth; if it caws backside and the
flies to the right, indicates the blood flow of a traveller; if it
cries while standing on one leg, looking
- the Sun, indicates
blood flow from the front side of a traveller*
General effect of crow's cries
In direction
If crow caws looking of the Oipta directions beginning with
the east* while situated on a house# indicates fear from the king#
# imprisonment or quarrel and facing to the intermediate
quarters# causes danger to cattle; if the crow cries facing to the
Santa direction i,e. the east# meeting with king's officers and fri­
ends# gaining of gold and testy foodr when it caws looking to the
South-east# contact with one who lives on fire and young woman and
gaining of precious metal; if it cries at the South# gaining of
meal of black gram and horse gram and meeting with musicians; if it
at the south-west# contact to messanger# getting of horse's equip­
ments# curds# oils# flesh and food; if it at the West# getting of
meat# wine# spritious liquor# grain# gems; if it at the North-west
(Santa direction)# causes acquiring of arms#irons# lotuses# creepers
fruits and prepared food # horse and clothes; if it at the Santa direction# North# milky food# horse and clothes; if it at the Santa
North-east# gaining of edible food prepared in ghee and bulls.These
are apply to the owner# where the crow situated behind the
On Pos it ion
When a
crow situated
on a tree with soft leaves# new leave
flowers and fruits# sweet flavour# sweet fruits# without holes and
fascinating# causes gaining of wealth; whereas the crow cries whiii
sitting on riped corn field with green grass# house# templem# pale
tial building# green# auspicious# lofty and commandable places#
acquiring of wealth; if it on cow's tail or ant hills#there will
be vision of snake; if on a buffalo# Immediate suffering from fever
and bush# little mixed effects; if it on a head or upper side of
a tree which is burnt by fire or lightning# heap of grass or on
water to the left of a person# spoils the
works and causes murder.
If it on mild but thorny tree# indicates success and conflict,while
on thorny# unsuccess; if it on a tree whici
is surrounded with
creepers causes hnprisonment; if it on a tree whose top is broken#
loss of limbs; if it on a dried tree, causes quarrel and on a
cowdung# towards or backside# gaining of wealth* if it on limb
of a dead person in front; indicates the feat of death; if it bre­
aks a bone with its beak and cries# causes traveller's bone will
be damaged*
Conduct of crow's cries
When the crow flies with keeping a rope# bone# wpod# thorny#
thing# v. ste# materials and hair# indicates the trouble from snakes
diseases# tusked animals# robbers# arms and fire respectively; if
if cries keeping mouth like with white flower# dirty thing and
meat# traveller will get desired wealth; if shaking its wings and
raised its mouth# obstruct in journey; if it brings a chain#leather
rope and creeper# causes imprisonment and if it
is sitted on stone
meeting with unknown person in a journey; when two crows transfer
the food to eachother# indicates getting of great satisfaction and
cries in a pair alongwith# causes gaining of woman; if it sits on a
pot filled with water on head of a woman# getting of damsel; if it
strikes# death of son and passes dung # gaining of food; if it caws
with shaking its wings at the king's halting place and does not -
shako its wings# causes fear; if crows enter an army# village or
town# alongwith vulture and Kanka ( a bird) without flesh#indicates
the affection with enemies and enter with quarrel# war with enemies
if it is sitting on a pig# imprisonment; if it
on pig# covered
with silt# gaining of wealth and on a donkey or camel# Causes pros­
perity and another view on a donkey# murder;if it cries while
Standing on horse# indicates the getting of vehicle and follows the
traveller# indicate s blood-fall; the similar results should be predi­
cted for another birds while follow the traveller.
Result of crow's cries through
CycJe of directions.
Varaha r.ihira explains the results of crow's cries according
to "Cycle of Directions*'# those who one desires to go on a journey
through the conduct of crow.
The auspicious omens situated in
Santa direction is aus­
picious; malefic omens intimate moderated results; while in Dipta
quarter# Its conduct looking cruel# traveller will suffer
Ruler. A crow is sitting in its nest# makes
sound as of "KaM# no
effects; if as of "Ka-ka"# happiness; if as of *Ka*# meeting with
beloved friend; if as of "Ka-ra"# creat quarrel;if as of "Kurukuru**# happiness; if as of "Katarkata" gaining of meal; if as of
"Ke-ke* and "Ku-ku*# getting of meal; if as of "Ke-ka" and “Ka-ka"
getting of wealth; if as of "Khare-khare "# arrival of another tra­
veller; if as of "Ka-kha-kha*# intJur te the death of traveller; if
as cf "Aa" creates# trouble in a journey and "Ka-kha-la"# irmnediate
rain; if as of "Ka-ka"#destruction;if as of "Ka-ka-ti"# the food
will be poisoned# if as of MKava-kavaM# creates love to some one*
If as of "Ka-ga-ku", Imprisoned; if as of "Ka-rd-gan^rain; if as
of •'Guda'*, danger; if as of "Vad*, getting clothes; if as of
"Kalaya"*Sudras will meet with Brahraanas; if as of "Kart",acquiring
of desired results and sight of auspicious snakes; if as of H Tad H
gaining of wound; if as of "Stri", getting of woman; if as of "Gad"
cow; if as of “Pud*, flowers; if as of “Taku-taku*, war; if as of
“Guhu“, rear from fire; if as of “Kate-kate“,quarrel; if as of
“Tskuli*, "Chintichi“, "Ke-ke-ka* and “Pura*, indicates harmful
The prediction should be applied two or more crows, according
to their cry* behaviours etc and for other birds# result should be
followed as the similar results of crow* For wild animals should
be likened to the dogs*
Conduct of another animals and result
While the terrestrial and aquatic animals transfer their places
in rainy season# cause of abundant
rainfall; while in other season#
conclude for danger; if bees build their honey-comb In a house#
indicate the death and blue bee seats on a head of a person# indicates death*
Concluding remark
( It is observed by me that if bees will fly around
the face
or seat on face or he, J# repeatedly, it indicate that person has
danger diseases in the body).
If ants drop their eggs into water, indicate absent of rain,
while they carry their eggs on a trae or upper place# indicate
rain. Thus the omens mentioned above in detailed# should be consi­
dered tor results at the entering the house, starting the works and
at ♦■he time of journey and the sneezing is not indicate benefic
results at any work* The said omens ripened on a Dasa periods and
indicates the achievement of benefic
works# helpful to preserve
kingdom and cm a Journey# indication of enemies, prosperity and
sound health to a king*
Reduce bad effects of Omens
Some Sages like Kasyapa# suggests that the cries of omens
heard after one has gone at Kosa (approximate# 2 miles) will not
have effects* During journey the first omens is malefic# one should
do eleven times of ’Pranayamas*t if the second is malefic# one
should do sixteen times of 'Pranayamas' and the third is also
inauspicious# one should return home*
Concluding remark
The author has expounded the effects of the omens according
to Indian tradition and omens which are a part of Indian cult* a •
Hindus are still trustworthy in the activities of the crow and
other omens and arrange their works# journey according to sight
of omans# if possible! Those who donct believe in astrology or in
omens# will change his attitude in oelleving# the astrology*
The author insists to perform Pranayamas to ward off the evil
effects of the omens* Pranayama is a activity of Yogas and Pranayam<
is defined thus! Tha Vyahrutis are seven numbers ;
(as Pra nava (
if J
and Sir as ( apft
w *
.if mi.if nrm )
fflYsgfl ffCT gflqg TqrVs)
Alongwlth these pray three times of the 'Cayatri* Mantra". A Prahayama consists of three parts* Puraka# Kurabhaka and Rechaka*
EffsiCt of another omens
The author states the science of the conduct of birds and
beasts* according to related factors as the strength of the omens
as well as of particulars direction, place, behaviour,cries,week­
day, star, muhurte, Hora, karana, its sub-divisions and sign of
movable, fixed and ddctl* The following effects viz, the stable and
unstable are to be considered wnich are related to tne king,messe­
nger, spy, foreign affairs, troubles and arrival of the friends.
Knowledge of Stable and Unstable
Imprisonment, union food, robbers, fire, rain, festivals,
sons, death, quarrels and danger belong to steady categories, these
things are intimated by an omen standing on a stable placet If these
catagory are fixed and Ascendant and the fixed sign occupied by the
Moon, then we have to presume that they are past ones, while the
Ascendant and the movable sign occUpiQ(j[
by the Koon, it will take
pl ace in nne future.
The results should be considered fixed, if the orr.ans situ­
ated v Lz in a fixed place, on a stone, in a house, a temple, on the
land, near water nnd effects of future/ if they are occur on movable
The omens viz Dipt?, and Santa crying and standing in a Ascendant
sign, asterism, muhurta, in a place and changing time of, fortnights
which are related t'J watery, cause of rainfall/ if it cries and sit­
uated in fiery Ascendant, muhurta, star and place, indicates danger
from fire/ while it oc curs in t he V i s t i ico r a na in a s ig n o f s ait urn
and Ascendant in thorny tr>.es or creepers without leaves, indicates
fa uitet ul.
When a rural omen is blasted by the sound and activity and
crying cruelly and situated on a thorny tree# posited in the Zodia­
cal sign and Ascendant owned by Mars in the South-west occurs in­
front of left or right side# shows quarrels; it it is crying while
keeping face downward and situated in the Ascendant of Karkata
in the Nav?*masa of Venus#
in the intermediate# quarters#
meeting with woman# said particular cc£ner ; while a Dipt a omen
is posited in male Ascendant# in the odd lunar day and in a main
quarter# indicates meeting with man; if it is mixed# contact with
eunuchs; if it is cries in Ascendant or Navamasa owned by the Sun
or the Sun is posited himself in Ascendant# contact with distingu­
ished person; At the time of starting the all works# to count the
Ascendant sign from the sign occupied by the Sun and under which
sign the Sun is posited# indicates prosperity and in the next#
misforcunata and vice versa; when the Sun is
posited in the 12th#
house from the Ascendant at the time# one will contact to person
whore right eye is blind; if the Moon# left eye is blind;
if the
Sun is aspected by malefic bli.nd;while the Son is posited in owr.
sign and Ascendant of Leo (Sinha) # he will L« handicapped# deaf and
fool; when the 6tn house from the Ascendant occupied and aspected
by Ashubha planets, one will have defe ted limb according to by that
Bhattotapala, the commentator# comments on all 32 verses of
the Aksarakosa of Yavenesvara# which is identicaly Useful to lndentify the age of coining person.
CliAPT 5R—VI11
gfttmw fg w wmr
3n=3q sFtife'Mwir: ere
?r^Rf f4°if -sra epqra wsY fee:
trrgFftrrn fewr :
Yrnr 2/51
m. fenr 13/2
m. Tfer 18/11
"a4 vb qFq^Y?r tfefen M
"e$oi q-rqmqFfqfn"
?e4 3 HR fefePR
"<F£sr fes^wrfetfq 1 nwte
fejfqf trfffqrrci 11
Bha. Pr*.f 3-6-24
and also.
fefjR^f ^fyoft 'fd' ^r fecprfefe' ferfgtfY: 1
Bha. pr. 3-6-15
fe b fee: «n°ir: w
q qgtfc ;
^gqrfefe be R f ni^toif
ftfir: 11
«*i. fenr 10/2
fcffri r
granr i
umiwirert* gr s^ur areFR graft
irR-fac^Y fzrm'Y ar
af^r^fTctrtfcEir aYq'faltpi'ftrr:
Bh • Pr,
"rcfr^n* ratal: Tgnpitad- ■fef'NYw
AfF^ftr gr ii........................
f.gr. iv-3
wft^rT crdtfft fl^rat qflKr q"fac!
mfu’ernfm ii
gr 1-3
sstnw irrTOr ararft: afire nr:
gfe: 1 so5iji frrgr ararftrfmifta
zriTl 11
3i r.1-3
fiqarfufrfgfqi* ,=i?r^i f?ymcq«Yftrrffir
$rajwrsgrT7fa1rdci arjf*i>q-?rftf franq-cqft oq 11
g. 31 r. 1-3
fggjmrs^fg Id
fgq’lygrir 11
Bh. Pur.
fg frrfita: a$ q-jrfy^r^: i
ura a cFuqKirnnf afraf wcrfyoiR 11
qrr^ ar4foi>
gar qnr i a fart «r*a nr Fafrcwfa agarj;n*g-5LF=T^T m ?" I
sjpgmr^fcr cpwi
A foot note
3* "fa.
3t ftf* 3^ -4 — I 5
and also
m-wz arararum:
a da ne
qra qq 8F*Tfa: I I
31HF. 4-17
fciffhm: ajrrg*} any aY
3Fa: ^ rap-'qYg^r a: *nw=i:
*> /_
I i
q-jfi f cr«w:
fd-ftmfdEe-Ys-cF^mf feswqnr&q i
1-3-1 i
nEURrnrn nfw
rrrr nra cnftift smr nraW/t nr nr....
GjgTcftf mr,m :
:?.IIo. 253 to 255