The Right and Wrong Way to Lose Weight

The Right and Wrong Way to Lose Weight
When it comes to researching the correct way to lose weight,
there is a lot of misleading information available. Every day a
new weight loss supplement, exercise or trend is advertised for
quick easy weight loss. The first thing to know is gaining weight
and losing weight are both long processes. There is no quick
easy healthy fix to lose weight. The process should be a lifestyle
change, not a quick diet to shed a few pounds. This article will
review what to avoid and what to do to lose weight the healthy
Below are a few myths about weight loss:
Myth 1: Skipping meals will help with weight loss.
Many people believe that if they skip a meal they are saving calories, when in reality
people that eat less than three meals a day end up eating more calories throughout the
day when they actually eat. Research shows that people that skip breakfast actually
weigh more than people who enjoy a healthy meal in the morning.
Myth 2: Cardio is the only exercise to focus on when losing weight.
Cardio is an important aspect of exercise, but building and maintaining your muscles is
also important. The more muscle you have the higher your metabolism is and you
actually burn more calories. Each pound of muscle that you gain from lifting weights will
burn about 35-50 extra calories a day. Not into lifting weights? You can incorporate
muscle-building exercises by just using your body weight, such as, planks, lunges,
push-ups, or squats.
Myth 3: Just focus on the calories, fats and sugars in foods, not drinks.
Many people focus on the calories, fats and sugars in their food, but not in their drinks.
Think about smoothies, coffee with cream and sugar, alcohol, sweetened juices, teas
and sodas. A recent study showed that Americans get about 21% of their calories from
beverages. Focus on drinking water, club soda, skim milk and 100% vegetable and fruit
juices when focusing on weight loss. Stay away from artificial sweeteners; they actually
metabolize differently in your body and can lead to your body storing more weight and
craving more sugar.
Myth 4: Eating larger portions, but fewer meals will help with weight loss.
Portion control is a major part of weight loss. Eating 3- 5 meals a day, with smaller
portions will help weight loss substantially. It is important to have your metabolism
working throughout the day and to not starve yourself throughout the day which can
lead to over eating. Try using measuring cups to check the size of your portions, or
using smaller plates and bowls.
Myth 5: Sleep does not affect weight loss.
Lacking sleep can increase the risk of becoming obese. Research has shown that just 1
night of inadequate sleep can cause someone to choose bigger portion sizes and feel
hungrier the next day. Sleep deprivation has also been linked to buying unhealthier high
calorie foods while grocery shopping. Try to get between 7- 9 hours of sleep every
Below are some healthy tips about weight loss!
• Start your day with a healthy high
protein breakfast
• Plan to eat 3- 5 smaller meals throughout
the day with protein, veggies and fruits
• Stick with whole-wheat grains
• Eat veggies and fruits as snacks instead of
chips and cookies
• When you decide to eat the high calorie,
fattening foods, limit your intake
Be sure to add in exercise; both cardio and resistance training
Cut back on liquid calories, just drink water
Decrease or completely cut out trans fats, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and
enriched grains
Stay away from fried, breaded, sautéed, crispy and creamy prepared foods
Meal prep- plan your meals for every day of the week to stay on track
Don't just focus on just decreasing your calories; 100 calories of veggies is NOT the
same as 100 calories of cookies
Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night
Don't focus just on a number on the scale, focus on how you feel, how you fit in
your clothes or measure around your waist, hips, arms and legs. Muscle weighs
more than fat but can help with your metabolism!
Remember, you did not gain weight overnight, so you shouldn't focus on losing it
overnight. Stay away from any products that promise a large amount of weight loss in
little time. Most supplements are not FDA approved and can damage your metabolism,
increase your risk of heart attack, stroke and sudden death.
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