Curriculum Vitae - Composition

Curriculum Vitae
Born May 11, 1947
Portland, Oregon
U. S. Citizen
Department of English
University of Pittsburgh
Office : 412-624-6536
FAX: 412-­‐624-­‐6639
E-Mail:[email protected]
6426 Howe Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
The University of Chicago:
1977 in English. Thesis: "The Intelligibility of Wordsworth's Preface to Lyrical
Ballads," directed by Wayne Booth and Stuart Tave.
1973 in English.
1969 in the Analysis of Ideas and Study of Methods.
The University of Pittsburgh: Professor of English, 2003- .
The Pennsylvania State University: Professor of English, 1993-2003.
Head, Department of English 1995-2001.
University of Toledo: Distinguished University Professor of English, 1992-93.
University of Toledo: Professor of English, 1987-92.
SUNY at Stony Brook: Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, 1987.
SUNY at Stony Brook: Associate Professor of English, 1983-87.
University of Washington: Assistant Professor of English, 1977-83. Granted tenure and promotion,
University of Utah: Visiting Instructor in English, 1975-77.
University of Chicago: Lecturer in Humanities and in Liberal Arts, 1973-75.
Don H. Bialostosky
Curriculum Vitae
Making Tales: The Poetics of Wordsworth's Narrative Experiments, University of Chicago Press,
Wordsworth, Dialogics, and the Practice of Criticism. Literature, Culture, Theory Series.
Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Rhetorical Traditions and British Romantic Literature. Edited with Lawrence J. Needham.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.
Articles, Chapters and Review Essays:
"Coleridge's Interpretation of Wordsworth's Preface," PMLA 93(1978): 912-24. Responses in
"Forum," PMLA 94(1979): 327, 481-82.
"Narrative Point of View in 'The Last of the Flock' and 'Old Man Travelling,'" The Wordsworth
Circle 11(1980): 207-11.
"Toward a General Theory of Narrative," Society for Critical Exchange Reports 9(1981): 24-43.
"Narrative Irony and the Pleasure Principle in 'Anecdote for Fathers' and 'We Are Seven,'" Journal
of English and Germanic Philology 82(1982): 227-43.
"Narrative Diction in Wordsworth's Poetics of Speech," Comparative Literature 34(1982): 305-29.
"Literary 'Romanticism' and 'Modernism' in Robert Langbaum's Poetry of Experience and
Northrop Frye's Anatomy of Criticism," Cahiers roumaines d'études littéraires 1(1982):
"Bakhtin versus Chatman on Narrative: The Habilitation of the Hero," University of Ottawa
Quarterly 53(1983): 109-116.
"Representing Wordsworth," Modern Language Quarterly 44(September 1983): 305-10.
"Booth's Rhetoric, Bakhtin's Dialogics and the Future of Novel Criticism," Novel 18(Spring 1985):
209-16. Rpt. Why the Novel Matters: A Postmodern Perplex. Ed. Mark Spilka and
Caroline McCracken-Flesher. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,
1990. Pp. 22-29.
"Teaching Wordsworth's Poetry from the Perspective of a Poetics of Speech," in Approaches to
Teaching Wordsworth, ed. Spencer Hall. New York: Modern Language Association, 1986.
Pp. 153-56.
"The English Professor in the Age of Theory," Novel 19(1986): 164-70. "Reply to Gerald Graff,"
Novel 20(1986): 95-96.
"Dialogics as an Art of Discourse in Literary Criticism," PMLA 101(1986): 788-97. Responses in
Forum, PMLA 102(1987): 217-18, 831-32. Italian translation in Bachtin Teorico del
Dialogo. Milan: Franco Angeli, 1986. Pp. 261-74.
"Novelized Theory," Novel 20(Winter 1987): 175-79.
"Teaching and Research in Literary Criticism," ADE Bulletin 86(Spring 1987): 1-3.
"Liberal Education and the English Department: Or, English as a Trivial Pursuit," ADE Bulletin
89(Spring 1988): 41-43. Rpt. The Future of Doctoral Studies in English. Ed. Andrea
Lunsford, Helene Moglen, and James F. Slevin. New York: MLA, 1989. Pp. 97-100.
"Dialogic Criticism," in Contemporary Literary Theory. Ed. G. Douglas Atkins and Laurie P.
Morrow. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1988. Pp. 214-28.
"Dialogics, Narratology, and the Virtual Space of Discourse," Journal of Narrative Technique
19(Winter 1989): 167-73.
"Review: The Rhetorical Tradition and Recent Literary Theory." College English 51(March 1989):
2 Don H. Bialostosky
Curriculum Vitae
"Dialogics, Literary Theory, and the Liberal Arts," Crosscurrents: Recent Trends in Humanities
Research. Ed. Michael Sprinker. London: Verso, 1990. Pp. 1-13.
"Wordsworth, New Literary Histories, and the Constitution of Literature," Romantic Revolutions.
Ed. Kenneth R. Johnston et al. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1990. Pp. 40822.
"Wordsworth's Dialogic Art," Wordsworth Circle 20(1989): 140-48.
"Wordsworth, Allan Bloom, and Liberal Education," Centennial Review 33(1989): 419-40.
"Dialogic, Pragmatic, and Hermeneutic Conversation: Bakhtin, Gadamer, Rorty," Critical Studies
"Criticism as a Dialogic Practice," Russian Literature 26(1989): 105-12.
"On First Looking into Norton's Wordsworth." CEA Critic 52(1990): 53-61.
"Liberal Education, Writing, and the Dialogic Self," Contending with Words. Ed. Patricia Harkin
and John Schilb. New York: MLA, 1991. Pp. 11-22. Rpt. Landmark Essays on Bakhtin,
Rhetoric, and Writing. Ed. Frank Farmer (Mahwah, New Jersey: Hermagoras Press,
1998),pp. 187-96.
"Truth and Pleasure in Wordsworth's Preface and Coleridge's Biographia." Approaches to
Teaching Coleridge's Poetry and Prose. Ed. Richard Matlak. New York: MLA, 1991. Pp.
“Toward a Rhetoric for English Department Curricular Debates.” ADE Bulletin 105 (Fall 1993):
"From Discourse in Life to Discourse in Poetry: Teaching Poems as Bakhtinian Speech Genres,"
Practicing Theory in Introductory College Literature Courses. Ed. James M. Cahalan and
David B. Downing. Urbana, Illinois: NCTE, 1991. Pp. 215-26. Revised and reprinted as
"An Apology for Students," ADE Bulletin No. 102(Fall 1993): 30-33. Revised and
reprinted in Learning and Teaching Genre. Ed. Aviva Freedman and Peter Medway.
Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook-Heineman, 1994. Pp. 105-114. Revised and reprinted as
"From Discourse in Life to Discourse in Art: Teaching Poems as Bakhtinian Speech
Genres." Learning and Teaching Genre. Ed. Aviva Freedman and Peter Medway.
Portsmouth, NH: Boynton Cook Heinemann, 1994. Pp. 105-14.
"Abrams, M. H." Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. Ed. Michael Groden and
Martin Kreiswirth. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U P, 1994. Pp. 1-2.
"Bacon, Francis." Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. Ed. Michael Groden and
Martin Kreiswirth. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins U P, 1994. Pp. 62-63.
"Bakhtin and the Future of Rhetorical Criticism: A Response to Halasek and Bernard-Donals,"
Rhetoric Society Quarterly 22(1992): 15-21. Rpt. Landmark Essays on Bakhtin, Rhetoric,
and Writing. Ed. Frank Farmer (Mahwah, New Jersey: Hermagoras Press, 1998), pp. 11117.
"Booth, Bakhtin, and the Culture of Criticism." Rhetoric and Pluralism: Legacies of Wayne Booth.
Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1995. Pp. 88-103.
"The Invention/Disposition of The Prelude, Book I." Don H. Bialostosky and Lawrence
Needham, eds. Rhetorical Traditions and British Romantic Literature.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995. Pp. 139-48.
"Metaphors Critics Live By: Property, Names, and Colleagues in the Critical Archive."
Minnesota Review. N. S. 41/42(March 1995): 95-100.
"Antilogics, Dialogics, and Sophistic Social Psychology: Michael Billig's Reinvention of
Bakhtin from Protagorean Rhetoric," Rhetoric, Pragmatism, Sophistry. Ed. Steven
Mailloux. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. 82-93.
“Dialogics of the Lyric: A Symposium on Wordsworth’s ‘Westminster Bridge’ and
‘Beauteous Evening.’” Dialogue and Critical Discourse. Ed. Michael Macovski.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Pp. 101-36.
3 Don H. Bialostosky
Curriculum Vitae
“Genres from Life in Wordsworth’s Art.” Romanticism, History, and the Possibilities of
Genre. Ed. Tilottama Rajan and Julia M. Wright (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1998). Pp. 109-21.
“Bakhtin’s ‘Rough Draft’: Toward a Philosophy of the Act, Ethics, and Composition
Studies.” Rhetoric Review 18(1999): 6-24.
“Is Gerald Graff Machiavellian?” Style 33(1999): 391-405.
“Budget Thoughts,” ADE Bulletin 127 (Winter 2001): 20-22.
“Paul de Man and the Rhetorical Tradition.” Maps and Mirrors: Topologies of Art and
Politics. Ed. Steven Martinot. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2001.
Pp. 246-56.
“Aristotle’s Rhetoric and Bakhtin’s Discourse Theory.” A Companion to Rhetoric and
Rhetorical Criticism. Ed. Walter Jost and Wendy Olmsted. Malden, MA:
Blackwell, 2004. Pp. 392-408.
“Architectonics, Rhetoric, and Poetics in the Bakhtin School’s Early Phenomenological
and Sociological Texts.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly. 36(2006): 355-76.
“Should College English be Close Reading?” College English. 69(2006): 111-16.
“Rhetoric in Literary Criticism and Theory.” The Sage Handbook of Rhetorical Studies.
Ed. Andrea Lunsford and John Lyne. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2009. Pp.21526.
Reviews and Responses:
Clam Lake Papers by Edward Lueders, Rocky Mountain Review 32(1978): 130-34.
Wordsworth and the Poetry of Human Suffering by James H. Averill, Modern Philology
79(1981): 92-96.
Wordsworth's Metaphysical Verse by Lee M. Johnson. Modern Philology 3(February 1985): 32830.
The Poem and the Book by Neil Fraistat. The Wordsworth Circle 17(Autumn 1986): 232-33.
Against the Grain: Essays 1975-1985 by Terry Eagleton. minnesota review, n.s.28(Spring 1987):
Radical Literary Education by Jeffrey C. Robinson. ADE Bulletin 92(Spring 1989): 51-54.
Critical Genealogies by Jonathan Arac and The Historicity of Romantic Discourse by Clifford
Siskin. Wordsworth Circle 19(Fall 1988): 194-99.
Professing Literature by Gerald Graff. Rhetoric Society Quarterly 18(Summer and Fall 1988):
Wordsworth's Revisionary Aesthetics by Theresa M. Kelley. Nineteenth-Century Literature
44(September 1989): 237-39.
Wordsworth's Historical Imagination by David Simpson. Clio 19(1989): 77-79.
Wordsworth and Coleridge: The Making of the Major Lyrics, 1802-1804 by Gene W. Ruoff.
European Romantic Review 1(1990): 99-102.
Rethinking Bakhtin by Caryl Emerson and Gary Saul Morson. Yearbook of English Studies (1989):
Wordsworth and the Enlightenment by Alan Bewell. Modern Language Quarterly 3(1989): 28285.
The Canon and the Common Reader by Carey Kaplan and Ellen Cronan Rose. ADE Bulletin
100(Winter 1991): 53-54.
Mikhail Bakhtin: Creation of a Prosaics by Caryl Emerson and Gary Saul Morson. Novel
26(1992): 109-11.
Metaphors of Genre by David Fishelov. Philosophy and Literature 18(1994): 33-34.
Rethinking the Rhetorical Tradition by James Kastely. Common Knowledge 7(1998):
4 Don H. Bialostosky
Curriculum Vitae
Motives for Metaphor: Literacy, Curriculum Reform, and the Teaching of English, by
James E. Seitz. Journal of Advanced Composition 20(2000): 211-214.
The Hermeneutics of Original Argument: Demonstration, Dialectic, Rhetoric, by P.
Christopher Smith. Rhetoric Review 23(2004): 285-88.
Acts of Enjoyment: Rhetoric, i ek, and the Return of the Subject, by Thomas Rickert.
Rhetoric Review 28(2009): 218 – 224.
Numerous short reviews of articles and books, The Bakhtin Newsletter, Clive Thomson, General
Editor. No. 1(1983), No. 2(1986), No. 3(1991).
Response to Jim W. Corder and James S. Baumlin, ADE Bulletin 87(Fall 1987): 55.
Response to Susan Peck MacDonald, College English 50(1988): 212-13.
Questions in "A Conversation with Barbara Herrnstein Smith," Pre/Text 10(1989):143-63.
"Romantic Resonances." College Composition and Communication 46(1995): 92-96.
Modern Language Association Presentations:
Special Session Papers 1978, 1981, 1984 (2), 1985, 1986, 1995, 2004, 2005. * American
Comparative Literature Association Session 1986 * Division on the English Romantic Period
Session 1989, 2005 * Discussion Group on the History and Theory of Rhetoric and Composition
Session 1990, 2005, 2006, 2011 * Division of Literary Criticism 1992.
International Bakhtin Conference Presentations:
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario 1983 * University of Cagliari, Sardinia 1985 * Hebrew
University of Jerusalem 1987 * University of Manchester, UK 1991. * Eleventh International
Bakhtin Conference, Curitiba, Brazil 2003.
Other Conference Presentations:
Conference on College Composition and Communication 1984, 1992, 2000, 2001 * NEMLA 1985
* Conference of Socialist Scholars 1985 * Conference on the Formation of Culture, University of
Ljubljana, Yugoslavia 1987 * Colloquium on Bakhtin: Radical Perspectives, CUNY 1986 *
Conference on Narrative Poetics 1986, 1988 * Conference on the Arts and Disciplines of Literary
Study, SUNY Stony Brook 1987 * Conference on Interpretive Communities and the
Undergraduate Writer, University of Chicago 1987 * Association of Departments of English
Eastern Seminar 1987, 1998, 2000, Midwestern Seminar 1991, Western Seminar 1996, 1997 *
Romantic Revolutions: An International Symposium, University of Indiana 1988 * College
English Association of Ohio 1988, 1989, Plenary Lecture 1993 * National Council of Teachers of
English Convention 1988, 1989, 1992, 2005. * International Association for Philosophy and
Literature 1988, 1989 * The Bakhtin Circle Today, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia 1989 * Conference on
the Role of Theory in the Undergraduate Literature Classroom, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
1990* Rethinking Genre, Carleton University Centre for Rhetorical Studies, 1992 * Speech
Communication Association, Chicago, 1992 * MLA-FIPSE English Programs Curriculum Review
Project Conference, Dallas, Texas 1992 * International Conference on Critical Theory/ Textual
Practice, Delhi University, India 1992 * International Conference: Critical Literary Social Theory,
American Studies Research Center, Hyderabad, India 1992 * Society for the Study of Narrative
Literature, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Plenary Lecturer 1993 * Conference on Romanticism
and the Ideologies of Genre, North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, London
Ontario, 1993* Symposium on the Boyer Commission Report SUNY Stony Brook, 2000. CIC
Academic Leadership Program 2000* CIC Department Executive Officer Training Program 2001.
5 Don H. Bialostosky
Curriculum Vitae
Public Lectures:
Columbia University 1985 * Northwestern University 1986 * Cornell University 1986 * Rhode
Island College 1987 * Vanderbilt University 1987 * Siena Heights College 1988 * Ball State
University 1988 * University of Akron 1988 * Ohio State University 1988 * Case Western
Reserve University 1989 * Michigan State University 1989, 1990, 1994 * St. John's University,
Collegeville, Minnesota 1990 * Harvard Center for Literary and Cultural Studies 1990 *
University of Massachusetts at Boston 1990 * University of New Hampshire 1990 * Loyola
University, Chicago 1991 * Oberlin College 1991 * Penn State University 1992.* Indiana
University 1992. * University of Western Ontario 1993 * University of Illinois at Chicago 1993 *
East Carolina University 1993 * University of Pittsburgh 1994 * University of Maryland College
Park 1995 * University of Toledo 1995; Penn State Harrisburg 2001 * Texas Women’s Universtiy
2001. Carol Brown Lecture, Carnegie Mellon University, 2005.
Presidential Scholar (1965); National Merit Scholar (1965); Phi Beta Kappa (1968); Danforth
Fellow (1969); R. S. Crane Award for scholarly writing on literary subjects (1974); NEH
Summer Study Grant (1978); ACLS Grant for Recent Recipient of the Ph.D. (1979); ACLS
Travel Award (1985); University of Toledo Summer Faculty Research Award (1988, 1989,
1991); Ohio Board of Regents Challenge Grant in Rhetorical Theory (Principal Author)
$50,000/year 1989-90 to 1994-95; University of Toledo Outstanding Faculty Research Award
(1991); University of Toledo College of Arts and Sciences Exceptional Merit Award (1991);
Research and Graduate Studies Award for Preparation of Rhetorical Traditions and British
Romantic Literature (1993). English Graduate Organization award for Outstanding Graduate
Teacher shared with one other faculty member (1994). Charles W. Kneupper Award for
Outstanding Contribution to Rhetoric Society Quarterly. Shared with three others for contribution
to Symposium on Bakhtin and Rhetorical Criticism (1995). CIC Academic Leadership Fellow
Executive Committee (U of Washington); Committees on Undergraduate (U of Washington) and
Graduate (Stony Brook, Toledo) Programs involved in program revisions, Search Committees
(Chair, 1983, 1985, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993); Visiting Lecturers Committee (Chair 1987-1993);
Ad Hoc Committee on Computing; Director of Graduate Studies and Chair of Graduate Studies
Committee (1985-87, 1994-95); Coordinator of English Department Faculty Colloquium in
Rhetorical Theory (1987-93); English Department Strategic Planning Group (Chair 1989);
Committee to Revise Courses in Writing in the Humanities and Writing in the Social Sciences
(Chair 1994); UP Administrative Committee (1994-1996); Commonwealth Administrative
Committee (1994-96); Head and Chair of Administrative Committee, Department of English, Penn
State, (December 1995-2001). Personnel Committee, University of Pittsburgh 2003-2009.
Graduate Admissions Committee,(Pitt 2003-2009). Placement Committee (Pitt 2008-2009).
Graduate Program Committee (Pitt 2010-). Strategic Planning Committee (Pitt 2011-)
6 Don H. Bialostosky
Curriculum Vitae
Committee on General Education (Chairman 1980-81); Committee on Academic Standing (Stony
Brook); Humanities Institute Forum Committee (1991-93); RGSO Research and Travel Awards
for Graduate Students Committee (1994-95); RGSO Faculty Research and Travel Award
Committee (Penn State 1995-97); College Administrative Committee (Penn State 1996-2001); Ad
Hoc Committee on the Humanities Consortium (Penn State 1996); Ad Hoc Committee on Grants
Funding (Penn State 1997); Search Committee for Head of Speech Communication Department
(1998). Ad Hoc Committee on Policies for Fixed-Term Faculty (2001); Chair of Search
Committee for Director of Institute for the Arts and Humanistic Studies (2001). Chair of
Immediate Tenure Committee (2004). Co-Director of the Western Pennsylvania Writing Project
and Co-director of WPWP Summer Institute for Teachers (Pitt 2006-2009). Member of Search
Committee for Chair of Communications Department (Pitt 2005-06). Member of School of A&S
ad hoc tenure and promotion committees (Pitt, three at different times). Member of promotion
committee in East Asian Languages and Literatures (Pitt 2010-11).
Board of Advising (Washington); University Review Committee on Undergraduate Program in
Department of Political Science (Stony Brook); University Committee on Student Computing
(Stony Brook); Graduate Council (Toledo); Faculty Senate (Washington); Research Facilities
Planning Committee (Toledo 1989-90); Humanities and Education Planning Committee (Toledo
1992-93); Graduate Council (Penn State 1995-96); Search Committee for Dean of Commonwealth
College (Penn State 1997); Panelist, New Department Heads’ Orientation (1998); Academic
Leadership Forum Planning Committee (Penn State 1998-2000). Provost’s Advisory Committee
on Undergraduate Programs (Pitt 2008-).
As Member of Editorial and Governing Boards:
Editorial Board and American bibliographer for The Bakhtin Newsletter, 1983-94.
Modern Language Association Delegate Assembly, 1987-89 Northeast Region, 1993-95 Division
on the Teaching of Writing,
Editorial Board, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1988- ; Philosophy and Rhetoric, 1997-2002 .
Board of Directors, Society for Critical Exchange 1982-86, 1991-96.
Executive Committee, Modern Language Association Division on Literary Criticism, 1991-96.
Executive Committee, Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1995-97.
Executive Committee, Association of Departments of English, 1999-2002, President 2001.
Executive Committee, MLA Division on Language and Society 2008-2013
PMLA Editorial Advisory Board 2008-2010
As Reader of Manuscripts and Conference Papers:
Acting Assistant Editor, Bulletin of Research in the Humanities, 1985.
Reader for MLQ, The Wordsworth Circle, Papers in Language and Literature, College English,
Browning Institute Studies, PMLA, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation,
Postmodern Culture, Journal of Advanced Composition, Style, Mosaic, CCC, Rhetorica,
Written Communication, Slavic and East European Journal, European Romantic Review,
Rhetoric Review, University of California Press, University of Chicago Press, Cornell
University Press, University of Minnesota Press, Penn State University Press, University
7 Don H. Bialostosky
Curriculum Vitae
of Wisconsin Press, University of Nebraska Press, Rutgers University Press, Oxford
University Press, University of Alabama Press, Cambridge University Press, NCTE,
Catholic University of America Press, University of South Carolina Press; University of
Pittsburgh Press.
Reviewer of CCCC Proposals for Conference Papers in Rhetorical Theory, 1991, 1992.
As Organizer of Panels and Conferences:
Organizer and Chair of Special Session on "The Chicago School and Recent Critical Theory,"
MLA, December 1985.
Co-organizer (with Michael Sprinker) of Conference on the Arts and Disciplines of Literary Study,
Stony Brook, New York, April 1987.
Panel Organizer and Panelist. "What Should The Integrated Graduate Course in RhetoricalCritical-Compositional Theory Look Like?" Conference on College Composition and
Communication. Seattle, Washington, March 17, 1989.
Director and Organizer, Colloquium in Rhetorical Theory, University of Toledo 1988-1993.
Organizer (with Steven Mailloux) and Respondent, Society for Critical Exchange Session,
Rhetoric(s) for English Studies, MLA Convention, 1992.
Co-Organizer (with Steven Mailloux, Patricia Harkin, and Jamie Barlow) of Society for Critical
Exchange and University of Toledo Conference on Rhetoric(s) for English Studies,
Toledo, Ohio, May, 1993.
Organizer and Chair of Session on Romantic Refigurings of Classical Rhetorical and Poetic
Genres, Conference on Romanticism and the Ideologies of Genre, North American
Society for the Study of Romanticism, London, Ontario, 1993.
Co-Organizer (with Rudine Sims Bishop) of NCTE Commission on Literature Session on Dewey,
Democracy, and Literature, NCTE Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1993.
Co-Organizer (with Nancy K. Miller) and Chair of Division of Literary Criticism Session on
"Emotion in Criticism," MLA Convention, 1993.
Director of the Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition, 1994, 1995.
Organizer and Chair of Division of Literary Criticism Session on "The Rhetorics of Criticism: Do
They Work?" MLA Convention, 1994; Session on "Do We Still Do Literary Criticism?
Should Our Students?" 1995.
Convener, CIC (Conference on Institutional Cooperation) English Chairs Meeting, April 1998.
Organizer, Working Group in Composition, Literacy, and Pedagogy, University of Pittsburgh,
2003- .
Co-Organizer of Symposium on Revisionist Classical Rhetorics: Contemporary Pedagogies and
Practices, Iniversity of Pittsburgh 2005. Funded by $10,000 grant from Faculty of Arts
and Sciences.
Organizer and respondent at Panel on Heidegger’s Lectures on Aristotle’s Rhetoric. Rhetoric
Society of America conference 2010.
As Panelist, Presenter, and Respondent:
Panelist and Respondent, Conference on Graduate Study and the Future of the Profession, Miami
University, Oxford, Ohio, April 1985.
Respondent and Questioner, Symposium on the Work of Barbara Herrnstein Smith: Alternative
Perspectives for Critical Theory, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, March 24-26, 1989.
Respondent, Special Session on Bakhtin in Different Voices, MLA 1987.
Respondent, ADE Session on "Emphasizing Pleasure," NCTE Convention 1990.
Respondent, Special Session on Bakhtin and Rhetorical Criticism, MLA 1990.
Respondent, Session on Chronotope and Kairos, CCCC 2000.
8 Don H. Bialostosky
Curriculum Vitae
Panelist at CIC Department Executive Officer Workshop on Department Budgets, 2000.
Presenter at ADE Workshop for New Department Heads, Seminar East 2000.
Discussion Leader at Associated Rhetoric Societies Inaugural Conference, 2003.
As Committee Member:
Modern Language Association Committee on the Job Market, 1975-76.
National Council of Teachers of English Commission on Literature, 1992-93.
Conference on College Composition and Communication Executive Committee, 1994-96.
Conference on College Composition Task Force II on the Future of the Organization, 1995.
Modern Language Association Ad Hoc Committee on the Professionalization of Graduate
Students, 2000-2002.
Advisory Board, Reinvention Center, SUNY at Stony Brook, 2000-2002 .
As Consultant:
Consultant on Tenure and Promotion Review to University of Toronto (2), University of Illinois at
Chicago, Indiana University (3), College of the Holy Cross, Queen's College, Ohio State
University, University of Pittsburgh (2), Ontario Institute for Studies in Education,
University of Illinois-Champaign Urbana, Washington State University, University of
Michigan, University of Kansas, University of Arkansas, University at Stony Brook.
Review Committee Member, Department of Language, Literature and Communication, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, 1990, Department of English, University of Missouri-Columbia
(Chair), 1999; Department of English, University of Iowa, 2001, Carnegie Mellon
University English Department, 2004. Washington State University English Department,
2005. Brigham Young University Department of English, 2009.
Consultant to Department of English, University of Illinois--Chicago under MLA-FIPSE English
Programs Curriculum Review Project, 1992, 1993.
Consultant to Department of English, Penn State University, 1992.
Consultant to Department of English, Indiana University, 1992.
Academic Specialist to Delhi University and American Studies Research Center, India, U. S.
Information Agency, 1992.
Ouside Reader of Ph.D. Dissertations, Duke University 1991, University of Western Ontario 1993.
University of Aukland 2008.
Administrative Training:
Participated in Penn State Academic Leadership Forums, half-day sessions on topics from
faculty evaluation to copyright, offered three times a semester 1996-2001.
Participated as an Academic Leadership Fellow in the CIC (Conference on Institutional
Cooperation, the academic arm of the Big Ten) in four training workshops on four Big
Ten campuses, 1998-99.
Participated in CIC Department Executive Officer program, a three-day training workshop,
Participated in Harvard Management Development Program, a two-week, full-time summer
training program for mid-level university administrators, summer 1999.
Participated regularly in Association of Departments of English Summer Seminars for
graduate directors and department heads, 1994-2001.
9 Don H. Bialostosky
Curriculum Vitae
Summer Enrichment for Gifted High School Students
Telluride Foundation Summer Program, Penn State University, “Poetic Powers,” Summer 2000.
General Education:
Reading Literature; Literary Argumentation and Analysis; Humanistic Understanding; Method and
Imagination; World Literature; Shakespeare; Intellectual Tradition of the West; Advanced
Expository Writing; Freshman Composition; Honors Composition; Survey of English Literature I
& II; Freshman Honors Conference. Seminar in Composition (Regular and Honors).Specialized
Undergraduate Courses:
Romantic Period; Romantic Poetry; The Poetry of Experience; History of Literary Criticism; The
Victorian Novel; Narrative Theories and Practices; Critical Approaches to Literature; Rhetoric in
Scholarship and Public Affairs; Introduction to Critical Reading. Senior Seminar: Lyrical Ballads
and Literary Studies. Senior Seminar: Reading Literature Rhetorically.
Graduate Seminars and Courses:
Wordsworth; Romantic Lyric and Romantic Essay; Wordsworth and Keats; Lyrical Ballads and
Literary Study; The Romantic Long Poem; Poetics of the Romantic Lyric; History of Literary
Criticism: Ancient; History of Literary Criticism; Workshop on Professional Writing; Romantic
Theory and the Critical Tradition; Dissertation Seminar; Wordsworth and Coleridge; Principles of
Literary Criticism; Wordsworth's Poetry in History; Rhetorical Theory; Proseminar in Literary
Theory: Contemporary Literary Theory; Rhetoric, Literature and Cultural Studies; Dialogics in
Theory, Criticism, and Writing; Rhetoric and Dialogics; Theories of Genre; The Rhetoric of
Literary Criticism and Theory; Research Methods and Materials, Workshop on Reading Critical
Prose. Theories and Arts of Discourse; Poetry as Utterance: Theory and Pedagogy. Research in
Bakhtin School Rhetoric and Poetics. History of Tropes and Figures. Seminar in Pedagogy.
Classical Rhetoric and Romantic Writers. Summer Institute for Teachers of the Western
Pennsylvania Writing Project. Rhetorical Criticism of Literature.
Graduate Students Supervised
At Stony Brook: Directed Dissertation of David Ginsberg, Second Reader on Dissertation of
Elizabeth Fay.
At University of Toledo: Directed Dissertations of Jayme Stayer and Beth Poulos
At Penn State: Directed Dissertations of Janet Zepernick, Annaliese Watt, Christine Skolnik (codirector), Jon Logie, Mariane Van Schaik
At Pitt: Served on dissertation committees of Kirstin Collins, Tara Lockhart, Jennifer Whatley
Schwartz. Currently chairing dissertation committee of Shelagh Patterson, Katie Homar, and
Jamie Bono. Serving on dissertation committee of , Dahliani Reynolds. Chairing Project
Committee of Michael Dupuis. Serving on Project Committees of Steph Ceraso, Danielle Koupf,
Pamela Van Haitsma.