1 The ______ is an attempt to keep state agencies efficient and

Name: __________________
Date: _____________
The ________ is an attempt to keep state agencies efficient and responding to current needs.
a. merit system
b. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
c. patronage system
d. sunset review process
What is another name for public employees?
a. bureaucrats
b. lobbyists
c. aristocrats
d. agents
Public agencies must build good relations with state leaders (like the governor) because these
a. determine how much money and authority the agency receives.
b. can close down any public agency through the power of executive veto.
c. affirm the credibility of the agency.
d. can remove all agency heads.
Governments are Texas's ________ employers.
a. lowest-paying
b. biggest
c. smallest
d. highest-paying
In the ________ , government officials hire friends and supporters with little regard for whether
they are competent.
a. sunset review process
b. bureaucratic system
c. patronage system
d. merit system
Name: __________________
Date: _____________
In Texas, government employees are hired and paid based upon
a. the merit system.
b. the requirements of each individual agency.
c. the patronage system.
d. a compensation and classification system.
Which of the following is identified in the text as one of the three "perks" of public employment?
a. state holidays
b. government health insurance
c. casual environment
d. opportunity for advancement
Which two bodies oversee Texas education?
a. the State Board of Education and the lieutenant governor
b. the commissioner of education and the U.S. Department of Education
c. the U.S. Department of Education and the Permanent School Fund
d. the State Board of Education and the commissioner of education
Probably the most contentious issue facing by the State Board of Education (SBOE) relates to
a. recitation of the pledge of allegiance in classrooms.
b. adoption of bilingual education in public schools.
c. lack of funding for the arts.
d. periodic review of textbooks to determine whether a book will be accepted or rejected.
10 The commissioner of education is ________ to the office and serves a ________ term.
a. appointed; three-year
b. elected; two-year
c. appointed; four-year
d. elected; four-year
Name: __________________
Date: _____________
11 Most of the funding for charter schools comes from
a. the federal government.
b. tuition.
c. the county government.
d. the state government.
12 The boards of regents that govern Texas university systems are ________ for a ________ term.
a. appointed by the Senate; two-year
b. appointed by the governor; six-year
c. elected in local elections; three-year
d. appointed by the TEA; two-year
13 What is affirmative action?
a. when schools take positive steps to improve test scores
b. when schools grant professors tenure based on performance and years of service
c. when schools take positive steps to attract women and minorities
d. when schools discriminate against Anglo males
14 In the Michigan case of Grutter v. Bollinger, the court ruled that
a. Ten percent of every high school graduating class could be admitted to tax-supported
colleges and universities of their choosing, regardless of admission test scores.
b. women and minorities need to make up at least 30 percent of every state university
student body.
c. race could constitute one factor in an admissions policy designed to achieve student
body diversity.
d. race could not be used when making admissions decisions.
15 Why does Texas rank near the bottom of the nation in health care quality?
a. Many Texans are uninsured and are thus unable to get adequate health care.
b. The state does not provide adequate funding to major medical institutions.
c. There are very few medical schools in Texas and thus very few qualified medical
d. Texas has had an unfortunate series of medical malpractice scandals.
Name: __________________
Date: _____________
16 Where do Texas human service programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families,
Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (food stamps), and Medicaid receive the majority
of their funding from?
a. federal government
b. county government
c. private donations
d. state government
17 Texas's per capita funding for mental health programs ranks ________ among the 50 states.
a. 10
b. 1
c. 25
d. 50
18 Which of the following services is offered by the Texas Workforce Commission?
a. unemployment benefits
b. Medicaid
c. professional certifications
d. mental health counseling
19 Who directs the Texas Workforce Commission?
a. the comptroller of public accounts
b. three salaried commissioners appointed by the governor
c. the lieutenant governor
d. one workforce commissioner elected by the public
20 Textbooks often cite the Texas Railroad Commission's relationship with the oil industry as a
classic case of "agency capture." What does this mean?
a. the industry and the agency have a contentious, uncooperative relationship
b. both the industry and the agency are extremely inhibited by federal regulations
c. the regulating agency has imposed guidelines on the industry that have made it
d. the regulated industry exerts excessive influence over the agency intended to regulate
Name: __________________
Date: _____________
21 ________ is the elimination of government restrictions to allow free market competition to
determine or limit the actions of individuals and corporations.
a. Overappropriation
b. Public interest
c. Regulation
d. Deregulation
22 When it comes to transportation in Texas, ________ receive more support than ________ .
a. highways; public transportation
b. airports; highways
c. public transportation; highways
d. airports; trains
23 Texas's state park system is important to the state because it
a. attracts millions of visitors a year and generates revenue for the economy.
b. contains untapped oil reserves.
c. employs millions of Texans.
d. makes up over 70% of the state's land.
24 Historically, Texas state and local officials have attempted to ________ federal environmental
a. resist or slow the impact of
b. publicly support and privately ignore
c. quickly adopt
d. encourage stricter
25 Which of the following is one of the major issues related to the water supply debate in Texas?
a. relations with neighboring states from whom Texas can acquire water
b. the excessive use of water in the farming industry
c. maintenance of the quality and quantity of underground water
d. whether or not the state should begin collecting rain water
Copy of
1. d
10. c
19. b
2. a
11. d
20. d
3. a
12. b
21. d
4. b
13. c
22. a
5. c
14. c
23. a
6. d
15. a
24. a
7. a
16. a
25. c
8. d
17. d
9. d
18. a