Electrical Engineering Department Spring 2010 EE115C – Digital Electronic Circuits Homework #3 Due Thursday, April 22, 6pm @ 56-147E EIV Solution Problem 1 – VTC and Inverter Analysis Figure 1a shows a standard CMOS inverter. However, during the process of manufacturing, the circuit was contaminated with a particle and the gate of the PMOS transistor got shorted to GND instead of being connected to the input. The contaminated inverter circuit could be modeled as shown in Figure 1b. Figure 1: CMOS Inverter. (Note: L indicates drawn channel length, assume xd = 15nm). 1A Find VOH, VOL, and VM for the inverters in Figures 1a and 1b. Sol: The circuit in Figure 1a: Regular CMOS inverter Æ VOH =1.0V VOL=0V Little thinking experiment to validate this: Since we don’t know VOH and VOL, let’s start from VOH(1) somewhere above VM and calculate corresponding VOL(1). Pick another point for VOH(2) > VOH(1), you will find VOH(2) < VOL(1). Keep iterating until you hit bounds: VOH = VDD, VOL = 0. For VM (which we expect to be around VDD/2 = 0.5V), we can assume that both transistors are in saturation since VDSAT,N = 0.3V > VGT,N; |VDSAT,P|=0.4V > |VGT,P| Electrical Engineering Department I dN = Spring 2010 1 ' WN kN (VGSN − VTHN ) 2 (1 + λ NVDSN ) 2 LN = 0.5 × 130 × 5.64 × (VM − 0.17) 2 (1 + 0.75 ×VM ) | I dP |= 1 ' WP | kP | (VGSP − VTHP ) 2 (1 + λ PVDSP ) LP 2 = 0.5 × 100 × 2.82 × (1 − VM − 0.2) 2 (1 + 0.62 × (1 − VM )) Set IdN = IdP and solve for VM Æ VM = 0.409 V The circuit in Figure 1b: First iteration: (1) Vin = VOH =1V Æ Calculate Vout (Vin =VOH = 1V) Assuming VOL < VDSAT, NMOS is in linear mode, PMOS is in vel-satutration Result: Vout = VOL(1) = 0.119V Validate assumptions: NMOS: VDSN = 0.119V < VDSATN = 0.3V < VGTN = 0.83V PMOS: |VDSATP| = 0.4V < |VGTP| = 0.8V < |VDSP| = 0.881V (linear) (vel-sat) The value of VOL obtained here satisfies the assumption that NMOS is OFF when VOL is applied. Therefore: VOH = 1V VOL = 0.12V For VM, we can assume PMOS in linear, and NMOS in vel-sat regime V2 WN I dN = k N' ((VGSN − VTHN )VDSAT − DSAT )(1 + λ NVDSN ) LN 2 = 130 × 5.64 × ((VM − 0.17) × 0.3 − 0.045)(1 + 0.75 ×VM ) | I dP |=| k 'p | V2 WP ((VGSP − VTHP )VDSP − DSP )(1 + λ PVDSP ) LP 2 = 100 × 2.82 × (1 − VM ) × ((1 − 0.2) − 0.5 × (1 − VM ))(1 + 0.62 × (1 − VM )) Set IdN = |IdP| and solve for VM: VM = 0.604V 1B Use SPECTRE to plot the VTC curves of the two inverters. Plot both VTCs and also the 45o line (Vin = Vout) all on one graph. Compare and discuss the differences in the VTC curves, robustness, and regeneration (assuming the output will connect to another inverter of the same kind) of these two inverters. Electrical Engineering Department Spring 2010 Use following parameters for hand calculations: VDD = 1.0V, VM = 0.5V, VDSAT = 0.3V for NMOS, and VDSAT = −0.4V for PMOS NMOS: VT0 = 0.17V, kn’ = 130μA/V2, γ = 0.1V1/2, λ = 0.75V-1, 2ΦF = 0.6V PMOS: VT0 = −0.20V, kp’= −100μA/V2, γ= −0.16V1/2, λ= −0.62V-1 2ΦF = −0.6V Sol: Spectre simulation results are shown below: 1 Figure 2-2 Pseudo NMOS Inverter 0.9 0.8 VOUT volt 0.7 Figure 2-1 CMOS inverter 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 VIN volt 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Note: because the simulations are based on quite complex models, you may find a mismatch between the simulation results and simplified hand-calculation from 2A. This is normal. Differences (simulation vs. hand-calculations): VTC curves: VOL for the circuit in Fig. 2-2 is not zero, and the curve is shifted to the right from the curve of the CMOS inverter. This is because the PMOS is always turned on (recall the discussion in class about increased size of the PMOS transistor) Robustness: NML (Fig. 2-2) is smaller, hence the circuit in Fig. 1b is less robust NML (Fig. 2-2) = 0.27V(VIL)-0.07V(VOL) = 0.20V NML (Fig. 2-1) = 0.26V(VIL)-0.00V(VOL) = 0.26V In both circuits, NMH is greater than NML Note: VIL values are estimated graphically. Regeneration: both circuits are good, because the absolute value of the gain in the transition region (slope of the VTC curve) is greater than 1. However, the circuit in Fig. 1a regenerates faster due to a larger gain. Electrical Engineering Department Spring 2010 Problem 2 – Equivalent Resistance Consider NMOS device with W = 240nm and L = 100nm (effective L = 70nm). Using the resistor averaging technique discussed in class, Equations (3.42) and (3.43) from textbook, and parameters from Hw-2 / Prob-1, calculate Ron as VDD changes from 0.4V-1V in steps of 0.2V. Compare the results of your hand calculations with simulation results. Assume VDSATn = 0.3V. Sol: We have the following from textbook equations and HW2: λ = 0.795V −1 k ' = 129.5μ A / V 2 Leff = 70nm Vth = 0.168V Vdsatn = 0.3V W ((Vdd − Vth ) *Vdsat − Vdsat 2 / 2) L 3 Vdd 5 Ron _ approx = (1 − λVdd ) 4 I dsat 6 I dsat = k ' Ron _ exact = 3 Vdd 7 (1 − λVdd ) 4 I dsat 9 Using the above data we get the following results. For Ron_simulated we have two cases, with an average of two data point (VDD, VDD/2) and an average over the entire range VDD – VDD/2. VDD [V] 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 IDSAT (μA) RON_APPROX (KΩ) RON_EXACT (KΩ) RON_SIM(2points) (KΩ) RON_SIM(range) (KΩ) 7.05 31.65 33.69 8.24 60.33 4.87 86.97 3.12 32.38 8.58 5.21 3.49 27.79 9 6.51 5 25.34 9.09 6.48 4.9 Discussion: The above solution approximates λ as a single value. From home work 2, we know that λ varies significantly with VGS. In digital circuits, VGS is often equal to VDD. Thus we need to consider different values of λ for calculation of RON for different supply voltages. VGS [V] λ [1/V] 0.4 5.53 0.6 1.19 0.8 0.757 1.0 0.67 Electrical Engineering Department Spring 2010 (Note: Value for VGS = 0.6 and 0.8 V are updates from simulations. These were not present in solution to Q.1C Home work 2) Let us look at the results with these refined values of λ VGS [V] RON APPROX RON EXACT RON SIM(2points) RON SIM(range) 0.4 -35.83 -30.06 27.79 K 25.34 0.6 5.4 5.94 9 9.09 0.8 4.925 5.26 6.51 6.48 1.0 3.8 4.12 5 4.9 RON is negative for 0.4V and significantly under estimates the delay at 0.6V! Did we not expect to get a better match with the new values λ? Here is the catch: The formulae used for calculation of RON (approximate and exact), assume that the transistor is in velocity saturated mode of operation for the entire range VDD to VDD/2. While this assumption is true for 0.8V and 1V, it is not valid at 0.6 V and 0.4 V. Hence we see that the model does not give reasonable values for RON at 0.4 and 0.6 V. On the other hand, the results of the model and simulations are comparable for 0.8 V and 1 V supplies. Problem 3 – Inverter in Subthreshold The inverter below, operates with VDD=0.15 V and is composed of Vtn=|Vtp| = 0.20 V devices. The devices have identical I0 and n but the channel modulation constants are different (λn = 0.75V-1, λp = -0.62V-1, n = 1.5 and kT/q = 26 mV). a) Calculate the switching threshold (VM) of this inverter. Sol: Both devices are in the subthreshold region (VDD < VT) I DN = I DP I 0e I 0e VGSN n ( kT / q ) VM n ( kT / q ) (1 − e (1 − e − − VDSN ( kT / q ) VM ( kT / q ) )(1 + λ NVDSN ) = I 0e )(1 + λ NVM ) = I 0 e VGSP n ( kT / q ) 0.15 −VM n ( kT / q ) (1 − e (1 − e − − VDSP ( kT / q ) 0.15 −VM ( kT / q ) )(1 + λ PVDSP ) )(1 + λ P (0.15 − VM ) We can solve the above equation for VM using a math solver. You can take the following approach: plot IDN and IDP and as function of VM and find out the intersection point of these two curves – this value corresponds to VM. VM = 0.075 V Electrical Engineering Department b) Calculate VIL and VIH of the inverter. (hint: equation 5.12 in textbook ) 0.15V 0.4V Vin Vout Figure 3 Hint: Use the subthreshold voltage-current relation. Sol: VIH = VM – VM/g VIL = VM + (VDD–VM)/g ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ VDD From equation 5.12: g = − ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ e 2φT − 1⎟ = –11.26 ⎝ n ⎠⎝ ⎠ VIH = 0.075 – 0.075/(–11.26) = 0.082V, VIL = VM + (VDD–VM)/g = 0.068V VIH = 0.082 V VIL =0.068 V Spring 2010
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