Year 3 Aut 2 - Institut International de Lancy

Autumn Term 2 – Year 3: Outline of Our Work
We will be developing these skills and concepts:
• Rounding to the nearest 10 and 100
• Completing subtractions sums by counting up
• Doubling and halving using partitioning
• Fractions of shapes and numbers
• Addition and subtraction using partitioning
• Measuring length and capacity
• Studying numbers on a number line
• Considering place value of money
How you can help
• To reinforce rounding encourage your child to become more familiar with number lines and where
numbers lie within them.
• To help with doubling, halving, adding, subtracting and place value, revise number facts with your
child, for example, the number bonds to 10 and every 10 up to 100
• Practice 2, 3, 4 and 5 times tables
• Encourage your child to use a 100-square and knowing the consequence of moving up, down, left
or right on it.
Language and Literacy
We will be developing these skills and concepts:
• Singular and plural nouns
• Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs
• Prepositions of place
• Past simple tense verbs
• Using speech marks in direct speech
• ‘al’ and ‘all’ words
• soft c words
• silent letters (b and k)
• words ending in -le, -el, -al, -il
• words with ‘y’ endings
• spelling plurals
• adding ‘er’ and ‘est’ onto the ends of adjectives (comparative and superlative)
Creative Writing
• Story writing- Create a character, setting and plot outline to write their own story. Understand the
process of story planning as well as using time connectives and direct speech to improve their story
• Non-chronological reports – read, analyse and write non-chronological reports about our topic work.
• Performance poetry – perform poetry considering volume, pace, tone, expression, different voices,
background sounds and body position.
• Calligrams- use adjective, smilies and metaphors to write free verse shape poems.
• Myths & legends - Investigate stories with strange, magical or mystical settings. Compare to stories
with more familiar settings.
• Investigate character’s point of view in different stories, identify character’s feelings and consequences of actions.
Institut International de Lancy · Avenue Eugène-Lance 24 · 1212 Grand-Lancy / Case postale 1810 · CH-1211 Genève 26
Tél. +41 (0) 22 794 26 20 · Fax +41 (0) 22 794 51 13 / · [email protected]
• reading independently a variety of genres & answering questions to demostrate understanding
• give written response to text using full sentences
• give an oral response/opinion about text & listen to other’s responses
• skimming & scanning techniques for locating key words & relevant information
How you can help
• Visit the library as often as possible - take out CDs and DVDs as well as books.
• Look for books on topics that you know your child is interested in.
• Read a range of stories and consider their settings, thinking about the use of adjectives to describe
each setting.
• Take time to discuss & ask questions about characters, settings, plots and vocabulary.
• Read and discuss any available non-chronological reports.
• Enjoy poetry together and consider how it can be read aloud, using volume, pace, tone, etc to make
it more entertaining.
• Discover myths and legends from different cultures; discuss the difference between this type of
fiction and other stories.
The topic we are currently covering is Animals including Humans.
We will be developing these skills and concepts
• We will learn how different foods help us to grow.
• Ways to be active and keep healthy.
• We will learn about our skeletons and why they are so essential to our body’s support and movements.
• How muscles are needed for movement and how they work together to bring about movement.
How you can help
• It would be helpful to talk about the different foods you eat at home, where they come from, ingredients, whether they provide energy or are essential for healthy growth.
• Take your child to a market and / or supermarket and take time to look at the range of foods available.
Topic (Geography)
The topic we are currently covering is Weather
We will be developing these skills and concepts
• Pupils will be encouraged to look at the weather in greater detail and understand how it has an
effect on human activity.
How you can help
• Discussing the weather and how it affects what you do as a family.
• Follow up any news items about extreme weather conditions with discussions.
Homework serves to reinforce the learning which takes place in school.
• Homework activities set for your child may not always correspond to the order of the skills listed
• Homework sheets must be signed by parents each week; this signals to teachers that an effective
dialogue has taken place between each child and their parent.
Institut International de Lancy · Avenue Eugène-Lance 24 · 1212 Grand-Lancy / Case postale 1810 · CH-1211 Genève 26
Tél. +41 (0) 22 794 26 20 · Fax +41 (0) 22 794 51 13 / · [email protected]
Year 3 half termly project is a research project about the Roman Way of Life:
Choose one of the following topics to research about the Romans and find out how the Celts started
to adopt these things in Britain after the invasion:
1. Heating and Plumbing
2. Food
3. Entertainment
4. Decoration and furniture
5. Slaves
It’s up to you to present your findings in any way you choose. Here are some ideas:
A poster
A slide presentation
A model with an explanation text
An information leaflet
A speech for the class
Finished projects should be handed in the 14th December 2016
Institut International de Lancy · Avenue Eugène-Lance 24 · 1212 Grand-Lancy / Case postale 1810 · CH-1211 Genève 26
Tél. +41 (0) 22 794 26 20 · Fax +41 (0) 22 794 51 13 / · [email protected]