The Jesuits in Ireland

The Jesuits in Ireland
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The Jesuits in Ireland
This exposé is under
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Here is the dictionary definition of the word Jesuit and Jesuitism BEFORE the dictionary was OWNED by the
One of the society of Jesus, so called, founded by Ignatius Loyola; a society
remarkable for their cunning in propagating their principles. (Noah Webster's 1828
JESUITISM, n. The arts, principles and practices of the
1. Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose.
Triune Christianity was brought to Ireland by the faithful Saint Patrick in the year 405. At that time, the island
was known by the name of Hibernia or Scotia. The name of the island was changed after the Norman
invasion of 1140.
The island was also known as the Island of Saints and Scholars. Hibernian Christians had no contact with
Old Rome until the 12th century, and no monk was seen on the island until the time of Malachy O' Morgain
in 1140:
This memoir lifts the veil and shows us the first monks and monasteries stealing into
Ireland. "St Malachy, on his return to Ireland from Rome," says St. Bernard, "called
again at Clairvaux . . . and left four of his companions in that monastery for the
purpose of learning its rules and regulations, and of their being in due time qualified to
introduce them into Ireland." In all countries monks have formed the vanguard of the
papal army. 'He, (Malachy) said on this occasion," continues St. Bernard, "They will
serve us for seed, and in this seed nations will be blessed, even those nations which
from old time heard of the name of monk, but have never seen a monk.' If the words
of the Abbot of Clairvaux have any meaning, they imply that up till this time, that is,
the year 1140, though Ireland was covered with institutions which the Latin writers call
monasteries, the Irish were ignorant of monks and monkery. (History of the Scottish
Nation vol. II, chapter 18).
The most distinctive characteristic of the Roman monk was the TONSURE or round shaven pate.
The Jesuits flocked into Ireland before the invasion of the "Invincible"
The Jesuits flocked into Ireland before the invasion of the "Invincible" Armada. Should the invasion be
successful, they were to lead an army and invade England from the rear.
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In 1588, England was
threatened by the
largest fleet ever
assembled up to that
It was called the
"Invincible" Armada.
Queen Elizabeth I.
The Jesuits were on
standby in Ireland to
open a second front
should the invasion be
Defeat of the Spanish Armada, by PhilippeJacques de Loutherbourg, depicts the battle
of Gravelines.
The gracious Queen Elizabeth I actually paid for a translation of the Bible into Gaelic:
Queen Elizabeth I was fluent in several languages, and she paid for the translating of the Bible into the
Gaelic language of Ireland:
In 1570 Pope Pius V. issued his Bull excommunicating Elizabeth and deposing her, a
proceeding to which according to Mr. Richey, may be traced the subsequent
misfortunes of the Roman Catholics of England and Ireland. From that time to the end
of her reign the national party began more and more to put forward the religious side
of the quarrel, and to connect themselves with the Roman Catholic party on the
Continent. Meanwhile a movement was taking place which, if followed up, would have
had important results. John Kearney, treasurer of S. Patrick's, who had been
educated at Cambridge, and Nicholas Walsh, chancellor of the cathedral, got an order
made that the Church services should be printed in the Irish language, and a church
set apart in the chief town of every diocese where they were to be read and a sermon
preached to the common people. The Queen was warmly interested in the design,
and provided at her own expense a printing press and Irish type, "in hope that God in
His mercy would raise up some to translate the New Testament" into their mother
tongue. She even set about learning the language herself, and there is in existence a
small elegantly written volume prepared for her by Lord Delvin, containing the Irish
alphabet, with instructions for reading the language. 'Proceed, therefore, proceed,
most gracious sovereign, in your holy intent,' Lord Delvin says; and he tells the Queen
that 'in this generous act she will excel all her ancestors.' The first book printed with
the type provided by the Queen for the instruction of the native Irish was a catechism
and primer, the title of which was : "Alphabetum et ratio legendi Hibernicum et
Catechismus in eadem lingua." (Olden, History of the Church of Ireland, pp. 332-333).
Of course, everybody knows what happened to the "Invincible" Armada. Many of the Spaniards were
shipwrecked on the Irish coast and were immediately robbed and killed on the beaches. The supernatural
defeat of the Armada was not enough to convince everybody that JEHOVAH was fighting for England
against the Spanish Inquisition.
Oliver Cromwell created the fanatical Irish Roman Catholicism!!
A typical Jesuitical trick is to persecute their own dupes and thereby gain sympathy for their cause. The
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most notorious example of this strategy is the case of Galileo and his moving earth madness.
Oliver Cromwell is considered a
HERO in England but in Ireland
he is as hated as Hernán Cortés
in Mexico.
His statue in London has a
sword in one hand and a BIBLE
in the other!!
He is a great recruiter for the
Irish Jesuits, and it is a wonder
that they have not made him a
Oliver Cromwell (15991658).
Reigned from 1653 to 1658.
Cromwell's statue in front of
Parliament in London.
Cromwell arrived in Ireland in September 1649, with a small army of about 12,000 men. His soldiers were
carrying BIBLES and swords and quoting Scripture....Ireland had many men who were loyal to King Charles
II and they were led by James Butler, Duke of Ormonde.
Cromwell bombards Drogheda before storming the
Over 30,000
Christian men,
women, and
children were
killed in the
Sack of
during the 30
Years' War but
the small
number killed in
the siege of
Drogheda was
propaganda for
the Jesuits.
Flyer issued by the
Jesuits depicting the
Sack of Drogheda by
As usual, on all his campaigns, Cromwell consulted closely with his Jesuit advisers:
During the expedition to Ireland (although Parliament had ordered that anyone giving
shelter to a priest or to a Jesuit, even for a single hour, should lose his life and forfeit
his property), a Jesuit, Fr. Nicholas Netterville, was on terms of great intimacy with
Cromwell, often dining at his table and playing chess with him. When Captain Foulkes
accused him of being a priest, he said, " I am a priest and the Lord General knows it,
and (you may) tell all the town of it, and that I will say Mass here every day. (Taunton,
History of the Jesuits in England, p. 427).
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The Great Irish Famine and the Jesuits!!
Patrick Kennedy—the founder of the Kennedy dynasty in the United States—left Ireland in 1849 during the
height of the Great Famine.
At that time, the Irish Parliament was in London, and they had equal representation with the Scottish peers.
Most of them were not in the least interested in any kind of famine relief.
The Irish peasantry were totally demoralized by the teachings of Old Rome which condemns all industry and
progress. Faith was replaced by fatalism and the living waters of the Spirit were replaced by the unholy spirit
of alcohol. The people relied on one food source: the potato, and when that crop failed in 1846, the Jesuit
dominated London government made sure that millions starved to death.
Lord John Russell served as
prime minister during the
entire time of the famine.
He later worked with Lord
Palmerston to intervene in the
U.S. Civil War.
Lord John Russell (17921878).
Prime minister from 1846 to
His main goal was to get the
Irish to leave the bog and
grog in order to spread
Romanism throughout the
English speaking world.
Destitute famine victims.
This Jesuit strategy was very successful, because millions emigrated to the United States and all parts of
the British Empire. The Kennedy political dynasty was founded by one such emigrant who left Ireland at that
The Kennedys and British Royalty!!
The Kennedy dynasty prospered in the booze business in Boston and were able to buy their way to
In 1938, Joseph P. Kennedy—the grandson of the founder— was appointed U.S. ambassador to Great
One would think that this would be the LAST PLACE on earth for a Kennedy to end up but all this was a
cunning Jesuit strategy to place a member of the Church of Rome at the very pinnacle of the British royal
Kennedy had 2 goals as ambassador to the Court of St. James:
1. Convince the British people that resistance to Hitler was useless.
Marry one of his daughters into the upper echelon of the British
Kennedy was pro-Hitler and said that it was useless for Britain to resist the Nazis. Roosevelt eventually
recalled him as ambassador when Great Britain declared war on Nazi Germany.
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From the bogs of Ireland to the
Court of St. James via the
United States.
Kennedy had BIG plans for his
2nd oldest daughter, Kathleen.
Ambassador Kennedy in
These plans included marrying
one of the top aristocrats in
England, and supplanting the
Church of England with the
Church of Rome.
Joseph P. Kennedy with his wife
and 5 children in London.
Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy was the 2nd oldest daughter of the ambassador. While in London, she met and
married a top British peer: William John Robert Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington.
Kathleen Kennedy became the
Marchioness of Hartington when she
wed Billy Hartington in May, 1944.
In the photo can be seen the Duchess
of Devonshire and Joe Kennedy.
Billy was one of the TOP royals in
Britain and his mother was lady-inwaiting to the queen.
Kathleen Kennedy (19201948).
Billy was killed in action 4 months
The Hartington-Kennedy
This wedding made the new Marchioness of Hartingon one of the most important women in Britain:
A great deal more than marriage to Billy Hartington was at stake. Billy's mother, Lady
Mary, served the queen as mistress of the robes, a hereditary role that made the
duchess of Devonshire the second most important woman in British society. The
position involved ceremonial duties that were closely tied to the governance of the
Anglican Church. This fact alone should have ruled out Kick—the Catholic
granddaughter of a Boston Irish saloonkeeper—but with typical Kennedy hubris, she
saw no reason why she should let hundreds of years of history, ritual, and tradition
stand in her way. (Klein, The Kennedy Curse, p. 134).
This marriage would be fitting revenge for the Jesuits because Billy's ancestors were pillars of the
Reformation in England and Ireland:
Because of the family's ambitions and its Irish American constituency, Billy was
probably the worst possible marriage partner for her. Billy's ancestors had played a
leading role in the spread of Protestantism throughout England and Ireland. On Billy's
mother's side Robert Cecil, chief minister to James I, had refused to permit the Prince
of Wales to marry the Spanish Infanta because she was a Roman Catholic.
(McTaggart, Kathleen Kennedy: Her Life & Times, p. 156).
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The new Lady Hartington did not enjoy her new role for very long. Her husband was killed in action only 4
months later.
The Marchioness of Hartington and her lover were killed in a plane
In 1946, when the grieving for her lost husband was over, Lady Hartington met the debonair Peter
Wentworth-FitzWilliam, 8th Earl Fitzwilliam. During the war, Peter was a commando and cut a dashing
figure. He was also one of the richest men in Britain.
Lady Hartington and
Lord Fitzwilliam
became lovers even
though Fitzwilliam was
a married man.
They both died in a
plane crash in the
Rhône Valley on May
13, 1948.
Lady Hartington.
Peter Wentworth-Fitzwilliam
The two lovers were on their way to a tryst in the south of France when their plane crashed during a severe
thunderstorm....The pilot and his radio operator was also killed in the crash....Obviously, the involvement of
Kathleen Kennedy with a married man was hushed up by the Kennedy family as JFK was planning to
capture the Presidency of the United States!!
Joe Kennedy was killed in a plane crash trying to be a WAR HERO like
his brother!!
Ambassador Kennedy also had BIG plans for his oldest son: Joseph Patrick....Joseph Patrick "Joe" was
designated to become the first Roman PRESIDENT of the United States.
As a candidate for the Presidency, it doesn't hurt if you are a WAR HERO, so Joe Kennedy enrolled in flight
training school and was stationed in England. By D-Day, Joe had completed his 35 required patrols and was
due to return home without any medals.
In August, 1943, Joe heard that his younger brother Jack was hailed as a WAR HERO by the press because
his boat, PT109, was rammed by a Japanese destroyer in the Pacific Ocean.
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Joe Kennedy was designated to become
the first Roman President of the United
Competition was fierce among the
Kennedy brothers.
Joseph P. Kennedy (19151944).
His younger brother Jack was called a
WAR HERO by the press because his
boat was rammed by the Japanese in
the Pacific.
Joe had to outdo his brother Jack , and
thus the suicide mission which ended his
Naval Aviator
Joe had to outdo his WAR HERO brother, so he volunteered to fly a plane packed with 11 tons of explosives
over a V-I site in France.... Before reaching their destination, Kennedy and his copilot were supposed to bail
out and the plane was steered by remote control to the target. It was basically an experimental SUICIDE
mission and none of the previous flights had been successful.
Kennedy's plane exploded over the east coast of England and his body was never recovered.
His WAR HERO but SICKLY brother Jack had to assume the fallen mantle of his older brother. Jack
Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on Nov, 22, 1963.
The Irish Ignatius Loyola!!
The Irish Ignatius Loyola was named Edmund Rice. He was the founder of an order of lay MONKS whose
constitution mirrored that of the perpetually banned Jesuits.
After the Jesuits were perpetually banned by Pope Clement XIV, they were forbidden to operate openly in
Roman Catholic countries.
Many of these firebrands found a refuge in the British Empire . . . and especially in Ireland.
Jesuit monks were not
required to wear the round
tonsure. They took 3 vows:
poverty, chastity, and
Most of them were recruited
from the lowest dregs of
society and had little formal
The vow of chastity meant that
they promised never to marry!!
Edmund Ignatius Rice (17621844).
Statue of Rice with one of
his boys in Co. Kilkenny.
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Edmund Rice looked upon himself as the first general of the Order:
The community moved closer to their goal on 15 August 1809 when, after an eightday retreat, and again in the presence of Dr Power, they made perpetual rather than
annual vows. On this occasion they also pledged themselves to the charitable
instruction of poor boys and each adopted a religious name. Edmund Rice became
Brother Ignatius after the Spanish hidalgo, Ignatius Loyola, who founded the Society
of Jesus and led the counter reformation movement with a degree of piety, zeal and
self-sacrifice that astonished most of Europe. The proselytising campaign in Ireland
has been called the Second Reformation, and if this is a valid description, it can be
said of Brother Ignatius that his role in the Second Counter Reformation was not
dissimilar to that of Ignatius Loyola in the first. (Rushe, Edmund Rice: The Man and His
Times, p. 48).
These men from the very dregs of society were forbidden to marry which the Bible calls a DOCTRINE OF
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the
faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created
to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. (I Timothy
The monks soon dispensed with their vows of poverty when they started charging tuition to the parents of
rich children. When the "free" State was established in 1922, their reformatories were gold mines with the
children providing free labor and the financial subsidies granted by the State.
Edmund Ignatius Rice was a common BUTCHER!!
Not much is known about the early life of Edmund Rice but the regular clergy called him a common butcher.
Just like the Jesuits, the lay monks under Rice were not subordinate to the local bishops, and were the
subject of constant complaints to Rome:
But the campaign (against Rice) reached a new level of malice when, in September
1818, a lengthy document was sent to the Cardinal Prefect of Propaganda, allegedly
bearing the signatures of seventeen parish priests of the Waterford diocese: 'It may
not be amiss', it went in part, 'to give Your Eminence a brief outline of Rice the Monk's
life, in order to form an opinion of his now malicious interference - this man sometime
was a dealer in cattle and common butcher in the streets of Waterford. Your
Eminence will judge from this, his slaughtering profession, of the savageness of his
nature and absence of tender sensibility and want of human feeling. This impertinent
intruder in the affairs of the sanctuary was of habits irregular and of desires
lustful....This is a truth we all know and so do the laity of Waterford.... It is even known
to some now living in the city of Rome— ashamed of his misfortunes, he entered on a
religious life and how happy the change, if he be truly repented and did not meddle in
other people's concerns. Not still satisfied, this wretched man's ambition also is to
become a perpetual general of his Institute in order to lord it over the priests and
bishops, to be under no control by the introduction of Benedict the 13th's Bull into
Ireland which we humbly protest against for piety sake.' (Rushe, Edmund Rice: The Man
and His Times, p. 70).
A "free" State for pedophile monks!!
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By 1920, these lay monks had established reformatories all over Ireland. The reformatories were actually
slave labor camps for children somewhat like the Gulags in Russia.
Under the British system, reformatories were phased out by the end of the 19th century. Children of broken
homes were placed in foster care with other families. Not so in Ireland. These corrupt monks wanted to have
access to the children at any cost.
As long as Ireland was part of the
United Kingdom, the number of
young children available to the
monks was severely limited.
The creation of the "free" state in
1922 changed all that.
Éamon de Valera (18821975).
The new government worked with
the monks to incarcerate young
children behind thick prison walls.
Thomas Derrig (18971956).
Thomas Derring was Minister for Education from 1932 until 1939 and again from 1943 until 1948. He worked
closely with de Valera and the Roman hierarchy to ensure an endless supply of male and female children to
the reformatories.
Upon entering, all the children were given numbers and the "schools" were run with military precision.
Artane Industrial School in Dublin.
Most of the
young boys
and girls
committed to
orphans or
came from
them to the
prisons until
they were 16
years old.
Military style dormitories.
The monks (who took vows of poverty) got a substantial sum from the government for every child thus
Slave labor and the substantial sums that they received from the government made the reformatories
veritable gold mines. These institutions for boys and girls were found all over the country.
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Father Edward Flanagan became an advocate for the abused children!!
Despite the strict censorship of the clerical regime, word began to reach the outside world of the deplorable
conditions in the reformatories.
In the United States, letters reached a famous priest named Father Edward Flanagan. Father Flanagan had
opened a school for boys in Nebraska named Boys Town. Father Flanagan was known for his advocacy of
humane treatment of children. He actually expelled the Jesuit monks from his school:
We have no "Christian Brotherhood" here at Boys Town. We did have them for five
years but they left after they found out they could not punish the children and kick
them around. (Father Flanagan's Legacy, p. 112).
Father Edward Flanagan
was an Irish born priest who
opened Boys Town in 1917.
Boys Town grew until it
eventually helped hundreds
of needy boys.
Boys Town, Nebraska.
By 1945, Father Flanagan
was one of the most famous
priests in the United States.
Father Edward
Flanagan (18861948).
Included with the letters were photographs of escaped children with whip marks, broken bones and bruises
from the beatings of the merciless monks.
In 1946, Father Flanagan visited Ireland in person to see for himself the conditions of the reformatories.
Great crowds greeted
Father Flanagan on his
Irish tour.
He was treated like a
movie star, and indeed a
Hollywood movie had been
made about his life and
Father Flanagan in
Ireland , 1946.
His main interest however
was to investigate
conditions in the
Baltimore Fisheries School, in Co. Cork,
Baltimore Fisheries School, in Co. Cork, was the last reformatory to be visited by Father Flanagan before he
left for the U.S. at the end of July.
He publicly castigated the reformatories and urged parents not to send their children to those institutions:
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Fr. Flanagan was horrified to discover the widespread use of severe physical
punishment in industrial and reformatory schools (and in prisons) in Ireland. In a
statement issued to the press at the end of his visit to Ireland in July 1946, he
described these institutions as "a disgrace to the nation."'
He had given a series of public lectures in cities around the country. His packed
audiences invariably included senior members of the Catholic Church. In Limerick and
Waterford, for example, the local bishops were in attendance.
He used the opportunities provided to elaborate on his own child care philosophy - to
love, support and encourage the children in his care. But he also contrasted the
approach of Boys Town USA to the attitudes towards children in care in Ireland.
Addressing a packed audience at the Savoy Cinema in Cork, he stated: "You are the
people who permit your children and the children of your communities to go to these
institutions of punishment. You can do something about it, first by keeping your
children away from these institutions." These remarks brought prolonged applause
from the audience.
The Irish Government, however, was not quite so ecstatic about Fr. Flanagan's
criticisms of its child care institutions. Fianna Fail's Gerry Boland, the then Minister for
Justice, responded angrily. In Dail Eireann, on 23rd of July 1946, he accused Fr.
Flanagan of using "offensive and intemperate language" concerning "conditions about
which he has no firsthand knowledge." (Father Flanagan's Legacy, p. 107).
The Jesuit monks listened to his every word and saw their incomes greatly threatened. When Erasmus of
Rotterdam was asked why the Pope was persecuting Luther, this was his timeless reply:
He (Luther) hath touched the Pope's Crown and the bellies of the monks.
It seems that nothing has changed over the centuries.
Father Flanagan was poisoned for exposing the pedophile monks!!
Father Flanagan was determined to return to Ireland the following year and thoroughly investigate the
reformatories and the Irish adult prison system.
Other international commitments delayed his return, and it was not until 1948 that the door was opened for a
return visit. He had already written to the Irish government requesting permission to visit both adult and
children's prisons:
In the middle of all this (international commitments), he had already written to the Irish
Government requesting permission to visit a substantial number of penal institutions
for both adults and children in the country. He anticipated arriving in Ireland during the
summer of 1948. (Father Flanagan's Legacy, p. 114).
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Father Flanagan
was scheduled to
arrive in Ireland
during the
summer of 1948.
The last picture: Arriving at
Tempelhof Airfield, Berlin, May 14,
He never made it
as he received
the cup of Borgia
and died of a
"heart attack" on
May 15, 1948,
Harnnack-Haus in Berlin where Father
Flanagan died on the night of May 15.
With the death of Father Flanagan, the one critic of the clerical regime that they feared most was gone. The
unholy cooperation between the Jesuit monks and the government continued unabated:
His untimely death effectively marked the end of this controversial public debate
surrounding the care of children in industrial schools. Almost twenty years were to
elapse before the issue once again came into the public arena. In that twenty years,
roughly 15,000 children served out their time in industrial schools throughout the
country, enduring conditions which had changed little from those condemned by Fr.
Flanagan in 1946. (Father Flanagan's Legacy, p. 114).
New blasphemy law in Ireland
DUBLIN—July 10, 2009.
In order to stifle criticism of the Jesuit regime in Ireland, the Irish Parliament passed a Blasphemy Bill
making it a crime to criticize any religion. This bill is modeled after the blasphemy law in Saudi Arabia which
makes it a crime to speak out against the false religion of Islam. Here is the text of the blasphemy bill:
36. Publication or utterance of blasphemous matter.
(1) A person who publishes or utters blasphemous matter shall be guilty of an offence and
shall be liable upon conviction on indictment to a fine not exceeding €100,000. [Amended
to €25,000]
(2) For the purposes of this section, a person publishes or utters blasphemous matter if (a)
he or she publishes or utters matter that is grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters
held sacred by any religion, thereby causing outrage among a substantial number of the
adherents of that religion, and (b) he or she intends, by the publication or utterance of the
matter concerned, to cause such outrage.
(3) It shall be a defence to proceedings for an offence under this section for the defendant
to prove that a reasonable person would find genuine literary, artistic, political, scientific, or
academic value in the matter to which the offence relates.
37. Seizure of copies of blasphemous statements.
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(1) Where a person is convicted of an offence under section 36, the court may issue a
warrant (a) authorising any member of the Garda Siochana to enter (if necessary by the
use of reasonable force) at all reasonable times any premises (including a dwelling) at
which he or she has reasonable grounds for believing that copies of the statement to which
the offence related are to be found, and to search those premises and seize and remove all
copies of the statement found therein, (b) directing the seizure and removal by any member
of the Garda Siochana of all copies of the statement to which the offence related that are in
the possession of any person, specifying the manner in which copies so seized and
removed shall be detained and stored by the Garda Siochana.
(2) A member of the Garda Siochana may (a) enter and search any premises, (b) seize,
remove and detain any copy of a statement to which an offence under section 36 relates
found therein or in the possession of any person, in accordance with a warrant under
subsection (1).
(3) Upon final judgment being given in proceedings for an offence under section 36,
anything seized and removed under subsection (2) shall be disposed of in accordance with
such directions as the court may give upon an application by a member of the Garda
Siochana in that behalf.
Vital Links
YouTube movie: The Magdalen Sisters
YouTube movie: The Boys of St. Vincent
The Assassination of President Kennedy—Solved At Last!!
The Jesuits in Great Britain
The Jesuits in Russia
The Jesuits in France
The Jesuits in Germany
The Jesuits in Japan
List of Jesuit generals
Arnold, Bruce. The Irish Gulag: How the State Betrayed its Innocent Children. Gill & Macmillian, Dublin,
Arnold, Mavis & Heather Lskey, Children of the Poor Clares: The Story of an Irish Orphanage. Appletree
Press, Belfast, 1985.
Klein, Edward, The Kennedy Curse. St. Martin's Press, New York, 2003.
Lonnborg, Barbara A & Lynch, Thomas J. Father Flanagan's Legacy. Boys Town Press, Boys Town,
Oursler, Fulton & Will Oursler. Father Flanagan of Boys Town. Doubleday & Co., Garden City, NY, 1948.
Raftery, Mary & Eoin O'Sullivan. Suffer the Little Children: The Inside Story of Ireland's Industrial Schools.
Continuum, New York, 2001.
The Jesuits in Ireland
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he, Desmond. Edmund Rice: The Man and His Times. Gill & Macmillan, Goldenbridge, Dublin, 1981.
McTaggart, Lynne, Kathleen Kennedy: Her Life and Times. Thse Dial Press, Doubleday & Co., Garden City,
New York, 1983.
Taunton, Ethelred L. History of the Jesuits in England. Methuen & Co., London, 1901.
Copyright © 2009 by Niall Kilkenny
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