Home Invasion – Victorian Style

Home Invasion – Victorian Style
‘Do the crime, and you’ll get bail in no time.'
Victorian Gang member’s opinion of the bail laws
The Anderson Family Story
The tall glass window on the front of the two-story house belonging to the Anderson family,
shattered as Okot threw a brick at it. Strangely it didn’t make a loud noise as you would expect at
2:30 am in the still morning. The noise was more of a popping sound, followed by a quiet shattering
of glass. Asleep upstairs in this house was Michael and his six month pregnant wife Stephanie, and
their two children Charlie and Katina. Charlie was 12 and Katina was 9. The children were asleep in
their bedrooms.
This wasn’t the first time the gang had been near the Anderson home as Okot and Alghaliy
had been casing the place for a couple of weeks. The gangs of Victoria call it missioning. The way it
works is the victim’s addresses are stalked to see the type and model of car they have. Prestige late
model cars are a bonus to the gangs. The possible victims address is also missioned to assess if it
shows any signs of wealth. Things like empty TV boxes lying on the nature strip, bikes in view, boats
on trailers parked in the yard, etc. indicate to a gang on a missioning task, the residence displays a
sign of wealth. This is what missioning is all about.
The Anderson’s house had become the target as Okot and Alghaliy had spotted an Audi and
a relatively new Holden parked in their driveway. They had buyers lined up. They liked houses which
had tall wide windows as this gave them easy access and departure to and from the residence. Two
other youths, Mustapha, and Khari, were involved as well. Mustapha would drive the arrival car
which was a stolen vehicle, and Khari would be an assistant to the crime to grab phones and wallets
and any other valuables which could be grabbed and carried quickly and easily. Once the job was
done, Mustapha and Khari would speed off in the arrival car, and the boys would all meet up in a
park to show off their spoils and brag about what they did. Then they would move to the selling
Once the window shattered, the gang moved quickly. They had their modus operandi down
pat. Experience does this to you, and these boys had a lot of experience between them when it came
to home invasions. At the time of this offence Okot and his three friends, Alghaliy, Mustapha, and
Khari, were out on bail for similar offences. Sadly and frighteningly, in the state of Victoria in
Australia, gang members who commit violent crimes such as home invasions, carjacking’s, gang
bashings, and other forms of gang-related crime are more often than not, given bail by the judicial
At the time of smashing their way into the Anderson house, Okot, Mustapha, and Alghaliy
were on bail for two similar offences. Khari, who sometimes ran with another gang had been bailed
three times for various gang-related crime activities including two violent carjacking’s. No other
state in Australia allows this, only in Victoria. The continual bailing for violent offenders is an insult
to victims who continue to suffer long after violent offenders are set free. Some victims never
On this early morning, the gang’s modus operandi was simple and effective. Smash the large
front glass window, get in, get what we want, and then leave the area quickly. Home invasions are
easy pickings. You overwhelm the occupants of the house with so much violence and noise they’ll
gladly give you what you want so as to protect themselves.
The noise of shattering glass woke Michael and Stephanie from their sleep. They both
looked at each other in the bleary darkness. Michael turned on his bedroom light and walked to
their bedroom doorway. That’s as far as he got. Okot and Mustapha set upon him with a sudden
flurry of punches. The attack was sudden and frenzied. Michael didn’t even have the chance to get
his baseball bat from behind his bed. He kept this to protect his family. Unfortunately, this is how a
lot of people live their lives in Victoria. This too is a new norm for us. We go to bed at night worried,
scared, and frightened because we don’t know if tonight is our turn to be attacked or not. Hence the
baseball bat, the cricket bat, and other equipment behind our beds brings us a little comfort, not
much, just a little.
The intensity of the punches knocked Michael off balance and backwards. He crashed to the
floor ending up on his back. Okot and Mustapha didn’t let up on him. They began to kick him as he
lay on the ground. He felt his ribs crack and break from the ferocity of the attack. As he passed out,
Michael could taste the blood and feel the spots where his missing teeth once lived. Michael briefly
recalls seeing a pipe-like object coming down on him. He lost consciousness to the sound of his wife
screaming in utter terror.
While Michael had been copping his beating, Alghaliy had gone around to Stephanie’s side
of the bed and commenced dragging the now hysterical 6-month pregnant woman out of her bed.
Khari jumped on the bed and began kicking the distressed Stephanie out of bed. She crashed onto
the floor landing on her stomach. She rolled over on her side to try and defend herself, and when
she did, Alghaligy stomped on her stomach twice, hard. He laughed as he did it.
‘My baby, my baby,’ Stephanie screamed in both pain and concern for her unborn child.
‘Where are your f***ing keys to your car you slut?’ Alghaligy yelled. ‘Give us the keys to your
cars and your mobile phone and your wallets, you whore, or I’ll shove this knife up your c*** and
you’ll have a free abortion.’
Alghaligy produced a machete from his belt and held it between Stephanie’s legs; the point
of the blade resting against her vagina. ‘How do you like that you white trash whore. I might f***
you up the arse while I’m here. Where’s your phone, where are your car keys, where are your
Throughout this violent home invasion, Stephanie was referred to often as a slut and white
trash. ‘You’re garbage. Soon we will rule Melbourne.’
Stephanie kept yelling at her attackers to leave her family alone. She kept pointing to where
the wallets and car keys and phones belonging to Michael and her lay. On top of the dressing table in
their bedroom. That’s where they were. The gang could have easily taken them. There was no need
for the bashings.
Charlie and Katrina, awoken by the noise and the screams appeared suddenly at the
bedroom doorway. The kids were immediately grabbed by Okat and Mustapha. They attempted to
have the young kids perform a sex act on each other while they laughed at them. The kids refused,
more so because given their young age, they didn’t know what to do. Okat replied by hitting Charlie
on the head with his pipe. The wack split Charlie's head open. He collapsed on the floor. He never
knew what hit him. Katrina stood where she was and urinated. She was terrified.
Michael was a keen duck hunter. In his and Stephanie’s bedroom and was a firearms safe
which contains two shotguns and ammunition. All secured and stored in accordance with Police
regulations and the relevant firearms law. It was Alghaliy who spotted it.
‘Where’s the f***ing keys to the safe,’ he yelled.
Stephanie, who was vomiting and feeling weak from the loss of blood hesitated with her
answer. Alghaliy grabbed Katrina by the neck with one hand and unzipped the fly of his trousers with
the other. He grabbed his dick and screamed at Stephanie to tell him where the key to the firearms
safe was, or he was going to f***k her daughter up the arse.
Stephanie yelled, ‘No, no, please I beg you, no please leave her alone. She is a child. The key
is in the top draw of the dressing table. Please take what you want and leave us, please, in the name
of God I beg you.’
The gang laughed. One of them said, ‘We’re God, you white bitch.’
Alghaliy let go of Katrina to grab the key for the firearms safe. Stephanie saw this and yelled
at Katrina to run. Terrified as she was, she did. In sheer fright, she bounded down the stairs and
straight out of their house, running through the broken large window. Her feet were cut to pieces on
the broken glass. She collapsed on the front nature strip. She screamed from the pain, the panic and
the terror. Remember she was only 9 years of age.
Meanwhile, two shotguns and a couple of boxes of ammunition were removed from the safe
by Alghaliy and Khari. The gang had what they wanted, and a bonus, the firearms. As they moved
quickly to leave with their stolen loot, Alghaliy bent down and slashed Michael’s face with his
machete as he rushed past him. This home invasion had lasted less than five minutes. It was quick,
and it was violent. A typical home invasion in Victoria.
Okat and Mustapha jumped into Michael’s and Stephanie cars and sped off. Alghaliy and
Khari slid into the seats of the car they had arrived in and drove off at a breakneck pace. This car
would be later found out of fuel and abandoned. When it had ran out of fuel, Alghaliy and Khari did
not panic. They stopped on the street, forcing a couple of cars to pull up behind them. The boys then
jumped out of their car and pointed the barrel of a 12 gauge shotgun at the driver of one of the cars,
and told her to get out. She did as she was instructed. She was knocked senseless to the ground as
Khari smashed her twice in the face with the butt of the shotgun. When she thumped to the ground,
she was also kicked a couple of times. Khari and Alghaliy fled the scene in the woman’s car. To the
government of Victoria, the Victorian judicial system, and the Police, she was just a number, just
another statistic of a violent carjacking, another victim. But to her family, her friends and to me, her
name was Kylie.
She would survive the bashing, but her broken jaw, nose and missing teeth would take a
long time to recover. Kylie no longer drives and refuses to go out at night. Months after the event,
she is still traumatised.
Katrina’s yelling attracted the attention of the neighbours. Some rushed to the family’s aid.
A triple 000 call was made. The Ambulance response was quick. The Police response was less so. This
is what happens when the State of Victoria has an under-strength and under-resourced Police Force.
The paramedics called for more assistance as they immediately set about trying to save
Stephanie and her unborn baby. They saved Stephanie, but not her baby. Some of Stephanie’s ribs
had been broken in the assault. She miscarried and lost her baby on the floor of her bedroom.
More paramedics arrived. One the crews were on their fourth home invasion for the
evening. Charlie and Michael were attended to where they lay.
Charlie was alive but unconscious. He would be in a coma for two months. Charlie would
later commit suicide due to the trauma of this home invasion.
Michael would require years of plastic surgery to repair the damage to his face. Eventually,
he would spiral into deep depression because he felt guilty that he was unable to defend and protect
his family on this night. He is still in care.
Katrina would recover from her cut feet. But, because of the trauma she suffered that night;
she also would go into deep depression. She has withdrawn from the world and shut herself off from
everyone. She has no friends. Stephanie is attempting to home school her as Katrina is too
frightened to attend school. She too is still in care and is a regular admission into a psychiatrist
Today the Andersons live like boxed-in rats. They have five surveillance cameras observing
their property. Michael cannot stop watching the monitor screens for early warnings of another
home invasion. They have had roller screens installed on all their windows and anti-crime doors
installed. Michael’s shotguns were replaced through insurance. He now leaves the safe open as it
gives him quick access to a shotgun upstairs. This shotgun is always loaded. Downstairs, he keeps
another shotgun loaded and behind the kitchen fridge. This is how some people are forced to live in
Victoria. The Andersons have also purchased two Doberman dogs.
The questions Michael and Stephanie keep asking, we all keep asking, is why does the
Victorian judicial system allow violent criminals out on bail? Why won’t current the government of
Victoria legislate, so as Victorian magistrates with their marsh-mellow backs are not so easily
intimidated by violent gangsters? It is this intimidation and lack of legislation which allows for violent
home invasions, carjacking’s, bashings and other violent gang behaviour to flourish in Victoria.
For fear of being accused of stereotyping people, let me say I am fully aware white people
with Australian/Anglo names are involved in violent home invasions, carjacking’s and other gangrelated crime. However, on the night I have written about, the offenders were black. They are part
of the ever-growing Sudanese youth and African gang which flourishes in Victoria.
Victorian people have every right to believe we have been deserted by a state government
and a judicial system which has taken away from us our safety and security. Amongst the gang
culture in Victoria exists an often said saying, ‘Do the crime, you’ll make bail in no time.’
Sadly, this has been proven to be correct, not once, not twice, but regularly under the
current government of Victoria and a God-awful judicial system which as stated previously
continually fails to meet community expectations. Both need replacing.