Global Studies Persuasive Essay

Global Studies Persuasive Essay
“The Seven Page Paper”
As a cornerstone of the Global Studies curriculum, all juniors must complete a seven page essay
applying research and critical thinking skills. For this assignment, you must analyze the history
of a contemporary issue, and propose a solution which addresses the situation.
Select one of the following prompts:
A) Contemporary Human Rights Issue Select a contemporary issue or
current human rights problem somewhere in the world today. Research it and explain why it is
a significant global issue or human rights problem. Your paper will be a call to action,
explaining why this is a serious concern for the global community, and what nations can do to
try to intervene and address the problem. You also should explain what specifically can be done
to try to fix the problem, and which nations are best suited to appropriately deal with it.
1. Develop an original thesis
2. Present the human rights issue and describe: how, what, when, where, and why. Make sure
to include the background history
3. Illustrate both the national and international impact of the issue you are presenting. What
other problems does it cause? (immigration, disease, famine, fundamentalism, etc.)
4. Why must this human rights abuse be stopped above others? Why is this global issue so
significant that it must be addressed now? Why does it deserve immediate attention?
5. Who or what should address this issue to stop it? Why are they the ones that should try to fix
it? (governments, international organizations, individuals, etc.)
6. Make sure to include a persuasive argument for requirements 5 and 6.
B) Contemporary Terrorism or Conflict Select a contemporary terrorism
problem or conflict somewhere in the world. Research it and explain why it is a significant
issue. Your paper will be a call to action, explaining why this is a serious concern, and what
nations can do to try to intervene and address the problem. You also should explain what
specifically can be done to try to fix the problem, and which nations are best suited to
appropriately deal with it.
1. Develop an original thesis
2. Thoroughly explain the origins of the terrorist activity and/or conflict.
3. Explain the contemporary impact of this terrorist group or conflict on the local area, country,
and globe.
4. Explain what must be done to resolve this conflict and include clear solutions for this
problem. Who should resolve the problem: local governments, outside countries, the UN, etc.?
5. Make sure to include a persuasive argument that clearly states your call to action and
solutions for resolving the problems.
Global Studies Persuasive Essay
“The Seven Page Paper”
You Must:
Include a thesis statement
and a clear call to action.
Include a persuasive
argument concerning why
this is a problem and the
means to solve the issue
Write seven FULL pages,
double spaced, 12 point
Times New Roman font
Follow APA format for the
cover page, margins,
running headers, in-text
citations and bibliography.
You Should:
You Cannot:
 Pick a topic that you are
passionate about
 Use NoodleBib
 Use PowerLibrary, JSTOR,
and other Library resources
 PROOFREAD!! Little
mistakes add up.
 Select a topic primarily set
in the United States
 Cite Wikipedia
 Select the same topic as
another student in the class.
 Include pictures, maps, or
images on the title page or
main body of writing. (You
may add appendices)
 Use block quotes
Outline & Bibliography
What Happened:
What’s Happening:
Final Submission:
March 2, 2012
March 19, 2012
March 30, 2012
April 18, 2012
May 4, 2012