Caedmon Catch Up Dec 12 - Caedmon College Whitby

The Newspaper of Cædmon School,
Autumn 2012
Written by pupils, for pupils.
Meet Your Team
Welcome to Caedmon Catch-up - the newspaper written by
kids for kids. This term’s edition is filled with exiting and
fresh news from all around the school. From interviews with
teachers, to reviews of your favourite books, we have it all!
This term we have some keen year sevens joining the team,
so thanks to them all for their help! Taking into consideration
that this is only our second edition, we are all working very
hard and I appreciate all the reporters’ cooperation.
Dan Hodgson - Editor
William Shaw - Sub Editor
Pollyanna Diaz-Thomson - Teacher Profile Reporter
Ryan Downes - Technology Reporter
Emma-Leigh Buck - Cooking page
Sophie Williams - Book reviews
Maxx Hinchley - Reporter
Lilac-Mae Smith - Reporter
The newspaper team would like to wish all the staff and
students of Caedmon a Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Letter from the Editor
a joke.
Q) Who is your favourite TV chef ?
A) Mary Berry, she’s been around since I
Q) What are your hobbies outside of school?
A) I like to hill walk in the Lake District. I also enjoy making clothes and was a kid.
Q) Would you ever like to be Head
Q) If you were not a teacher what would you like to be?
A) No, because I wouldn’t get to teach
A) I would love to make the dresses for Strictly Come Dancing.
much and I like teaching.
Q) How long have you been a teacher?
Meet Mrs. Carter
A) 12 years just at Caedmon. Originally I came for 3 years but I stayed.
Q) What is your favourite food to cook or eat?
A) Paella because it’s a good family meal.
Q) You encourage reading at school, do you like reading and what do
you like to read?
A) I like historical novels because it’s a mix of fiction and non-fiction. My
favourite one is Lady’s Maid, by Margaret Foster
Q) Who is your favourite member of staff?
A) I don’t have favourites, ha-ha, but I admire Mrs Wood’s hard work.
Q) What is your funniest memory at Caedmon?
A) Its was when a year 9 boy called Callum was making cakes and he
tried to crack the egg but it was hard boiled. I think his dad was playing
Christmas Apps
The Hunger Games
The hunger games are a live game show where there is only one rule - kill
or be killed. 12 girls and 12 boys compete in these games. Katniss
Everdeen is a 16 year old from district 12. Handy with a bow and arrow
she shoots food for her family: her 12 year old sister and her mother. The
day comes
when they go
to a reaping, a
time when
they pick a girl
and a boy
from each
district 1-12 to
enter the
games. Shock
comes when
little Prim
sister) is
chosen for the
games. Katniss
wont let her
go and
volunteers to go in herself.
I myself loved the book, it was breath taking and I couldn't put it down!
Katniss and Peeta, the main characters, are perfect together and when
Peeta reveals a shocking secret he has kept for years it turns Katniss’ life
turned upside down. Find out what that life-turning secret is when you
read this great book yourself.
The Sports Section
District Success for Caedmon
Caedmon’s year 9 netball team have shown they have some real
quality with three girls making the Scarborough and District
squad. All schools from the district sent girls to the trials which
were held at Scalby School and of only ten girls selected, three
of them were from the Caedmon team.
Cut the Rope Special Holiday Gift
Game-back for a limited time
only from the creators of Cut The
Rope, which has received more
than 250 million downloads
Holiday Gift combines
outstanding physics, devilishly tricky levels, and
bright colourful visuals with a festive winter feel.
SHAKE your iPhone for a special surprise.
Feed with candy.
Swipe your finger to cut the ropes and feed Om
Nom candy. Don’t forget to collect stars as you
Think before you cut, and be sure to avoid
spiders, spikes and other obstacles...getting that
candy to Om Nom won’t be easy.
Christmas Greetings Bring the tech revolution to
Christmas cards by sending festive cards straight
from your mobile phone with this app. There's 100
designs to choose from.
Talking Santa Free. Outfit 7, the developers behind
Talking Tom Cat, have launched a festive version
of the fun game featuring Farther Christmas
himself. With Talking Santa Free you can tickle Old
Saint Nick and give him milk and cookies, or if
you're not feeling so nice, give him a slap or a poke
or even run him over with a giant snowball. But be
warned, this might result in no presents come
December 25th.
the good defending and shooting, making the final score 29-1 to
Caedmon. The players would like to thank Mrs Raw for arranging
to match and Mr Hopper for taking them. Thank you.
With strength and depth in the Under 14 Caedmon team, they
were looking forward to the district Under 14 tournament held
at Scalby School. With convincing performances against Filey,
George Pindar and Scalby and a tough and close game against
Ryedale, Caedmon eventually came second in the tournament
meant they were through to the county round of the
On Tuesday the 11 of December, the year 8 netball team went
to Graham School. They started off with great passion, managing competition. The girls travelled to Harrogate on Saturday 10
to get the ball to the shooters, which made the score at the end November, with the girls playing extremely well picking up new
of the quarter 8-0 to Caedmon, with goals from Tilly and Gabby. skills from the strong teams they were facing. With some
outstanding contributions from all over the court, particularly
The second quarter started with a Caedmon centre. Katie and
from Emmy Dickinson, Bronwyn Hodgson and Morgann Russell
Alice kept up the good shooting making the score at the end of
the Caedmon girls came 8th Mrs Raw (Caedmon’s head of PE)
the quarter 11-0 to Caedmon. The third quarter started with
said “overall a great effort from all the team and it has been an
good defending from Ellie and Natasha, and Tilly and Katie
managed to get more goals. But then Graham came back with a experience they won’t forget, not too many girls get the chance
to take part in this higher standard of netball.”
goal, making the score at the end of the third quarter 19-1 to
Caedmon. The last quarter started. They continued to keep up
School trips
Sandsend Field Trip
In October, all year eight pupils had a half-day visit to Sandsend for a
Geography Field Trip. The day started off well, sketching the Sandsend cliff.
Then we strolled along the beach, taking in all the different coastal features,
such as groynes, sea wall and gabions, whilst thinking about their functions
and what bad things and good things come out of using them. We then did a
concluding investigation, using an orange, tape measure and timer, to prove
whether long shore drift was occurring on Sandsend beach. After walking
from the top end of Sandsend, all the way to below the golf course, we had
a stop for ice-cream, then boarded the bus back to school. It was a great trip
and we all had a good laugh in the process.
Students sketching the cliff at Sandsend
Enterprise week
Enterprise week an exciting and fun week. Lots of people came and bought lots of products such as sweets and food. The week was
very successful and lots of things sold and money was made. Every group in the enterprise was given £20 to spend on goods, and
then sell them for a profit. All the money that was made went to school funds. All the groups were very successful and made a lot
of money. The Enterprise week lasted for 4 days ,there were a lot of stalls and a lot was done and made. Most of the food that was
homemade sold well and there were a lot of other things to buy. The results will be announced soon.
Open Evening
On the 4th of October we had an open
evening for the next year 7s. There were
pupils helping the teachers demonstrating
how we learn at Caedmon School. There
were lots of things going on in every room,
including P.E. demonstrations. But it
wasn’t just the people in the classrooms,
we had people from the newspaper team
going round the school, taking pictures and
asking the year 6s what they liked. There were also people greeting the children and their
parents to show them around the school.
Enrichment day
The year 7 enrichment day had 3 sessions involving activities about Whitby such as, designing crests for the 4 houses, learning
about Frank Sutcliffe and looking around town sketching houses’ roofs.
Year 8 and 9 were looking at “Our Place in the World”. The year 8 enrichment day included various lessons on different countries.
The six nationalities were: German, French, Spanish, Italian, Indian and Russian. Each lesson included many facts about the country,
such as education, cultures and food. After each form group had had three lessons, the next two consisted of groups creating
posters on a chosen country which they had learnt most about. Then in period 6, we all presented them to each other in the hall.
Everyone enjoyed learning about the different countries and we all certainly learned lots.
The year 9 enrichment day was a fun and exiting day with the topic of ‘Our place in the world’ We had many interesting lessons
during the day, which included world national anthems with Mr Maltby and planning what we would do in a flood with Mr Draper.
It was a great experience for us all and made us think about our place in the world.
All the years are looking forward to another fun and enjoyable enrichment day soon to come. We would like to say thank you to all
the guest visitors and staff who took part and organised it.
The Ugandan Choir
On the 3rd October Caedmon School had a visit from The Ugandan Choir who were raising funds for their charity, The Pearl of
Africa. They are based in the heart of Kampala – the capital of Uganda. The children are all from different schools in Kampala and
the ages ranged from 8 to 20.
But they didn't just come to our school, they also played for Eskdale school. The choir also enjoyed a trip around St. Mary’s church
and the Abbey. They have visited many schools around the country and have a very busy work schedule.
The children practiced for 7 months before they travelled to
England, and then they spent 3 weeks in England performing
for many different schools in all of Yorkshire.
They were accompanied by Gloria who was helping the
children with their singing, and Robinson who assisted them
with the dancing.
In Kampala there are 7 schools: 4 primary and 3 secondary.
In total there are only 500 children attending schools in all of
The concert was exciting , fun and overall amazing. The
costumes were cultural and colourful and the music was
bouncy and cheerful. The talents of some of the kids in the
choir were outstanding, especially the ones that were 8 to
12 years old. It was amazing.
Word search
You will need:
Mincemeat 350g
1 large
to glaze
Plain flour
Caster sugar
Mince Pies
Equipment List:
Large mixing bowl
12 pie tin
Rolling pin
2 sized circular pastry cutters
Pastry brush
Cooling rack
Wooden spoon
Preparation method
Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
1.Lightly butter a 12-hole pie or patty tin. Tip the mincemeat into a bowl and stir so that the liquid is evenly distributed.
2.Place the flour, sugar, almonds and butter in a food processor and process briefly until resembling breadcrumbs, then slowly add
the egg through the feeder tube. (Or rub the butter into the dry ingredients by hand and stir in the egg.)
3.Bring the mixture together with your hands, wrap in cling film and chill for an hour or so. Thinly roll out the pastry on a floured
surface. Cut out 12 circles with a fluted pastry cutter, large enough to fill the base of the prepared tin. Press gently into each hole,
then fill with the mincemeat.
4.Cut out another 12 slightly smaller discs and use to cover the mincemeat. 5.Press the edges together to seal. Make a small slit in
the top of each, then brush lightly with milk. Chill for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, bake the pies for 20 minutes until golden
brown. Remove to a wire rack and serve warm .