Transf Smart City for Better Living Forum Internet Economy Summit

Transforming Data into the Organizational
Wisdom that Drives a Smarter Los Angeles
Smart City for Better Living Forum
Internet Economy Summit 2017
Lilian Coral, Chief Data Officer
City of Los Angeles, Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti
Our Vision of Los Angeles
A Livable
and Sustainable City
A Prosperous City
A Well Run City
Efficient and Innovative
A Tech Community
Part of the Fabric of the City
Good Jobs for All Angelenos
A Safe City
With a Focus on Public Safety
Los Angeles in Context
• 4 million residents living in 469 square miles
• Home to 97,000 businesses, 66% of them, immigrant owned
• 47.3 million tourists visit the City each year
• More than half of Angelenos have a primary language other than English
• Per the 2010 Census, at least 185 languages are spoken in Los Angeles homes
• A City workforce of approximately 50,000 across 41 Departments
• Governed by the Mayor & 15 City Councilpersons, a Controller & City Attorney
An Infrastructure to Build On
A Livable
and Sustainable City
A Well Run City
Efficient and Innovative
A Tech Community
Part of the Fabric of the City
A Prosperous City
Good Jobs for All Angelenos
A Safe City
With a Focus on Public Safety
6,000 miles of sewer ● 22,000 miles of paved streets ● 50,000 City connected street lights
4,500 intersections ● 2,000,000 Google/Waze connected sensors
From Data to Wisdom…
Consequence, Understanding, Strategic Thinking
Contextual, Synthesized, Actionable
[Enterprise Resource]
Correlated, Organized, Structured
[Enterprise Currency]
Collected, Unprocessed
[Enterprise Asset]
Executive Directive #3: Open Data
December 2013
Make raw data available in easy-to-find
accessible formats, in order to:
Empower Angelenos to participate in
Promote innovation among entrepreneurs
and business
Leverage one of government's greatest
assets: public information
Foster creative thinking about solving tough
Defining Open Data
• Data that can be freely used, re-used and redistributed by anyone subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and share a like.
• Key is: Interoperability; the ability of diverse systems and
organizations to work together (inter-operate). In this case, it is the
ability to interoperate - or intermix - different datasets…to drive
Making Data
Core Objectives:
Accelerate civic engagement through
quality open data and the development of
channels that foster Citizen-City
Expand citywide use of analytics to
drive decision-making and performance
Leverage Data to Prioritize key digital
services enhancements and investments
Set foundation for a smart city through
enterprise data management strategies
and innovative connected technology
A “Data-first” strategy looks at how data can
inform problem-solving and/or program
design, prior to policy and legislative
Key Strategies
Ensure the right platform, education, and outreach pieces are in place
Gain more “ROI” from existing data through greater understanding of
data available, and broader number of City personnel capable of
leveraging data
Enable interoperability and cross-departmental problem solving
Deliver quick-win apps that demonstrate real value right away
L.A. GeoHub Ecosystem
Information & Engagement Products
“Open data in action”
Create & Innovate
Initiative Pages
Focused Collaboration
Public Engagement Experience
“Open Data 2.0”--Maps, Data & Apps
The Public
App Challenge, Coming Soon
City’s Hub and Mapping Platform
Apps & Maps
Find, Use, Create, and Collaborate
Share & Collaborate
City Employees
GIS Infrastructure
Hosted Services
Departmental Servers or ArcGIS Online
Serve & Power
Curated Policy Map Gallery
Bureau of Eng.
Bureau of Street Services
LA County
Power of Location for Insights
Performance Management
Water Conservation
Economic Development
Earthquake Resiliency
Insights & Lessons
• Data Requires Meaning + Insights: Curate, cultivate, and build tools
to ensure data is directly connected to policy, performance, and
• Collaboration → Innovation: Share data and collaborate on
interactive maps by overlaying multiple datasets and develop a
holistic picture of a community to drive innovation across the city.
• Greater Public Engagement & Transparency: Engaging citizens by
exposing more data in a visual/interactive way. Show decisions are
based on sound evidence.
Looking Ahead…to Better Living!
Mobility - Pivot to
modernization & better use
of existing capacity;
Smart Grid - Mesh network
• 700,000 water meters
• 1.5 million electric meters
• 15,000 data collectors;
Multi-modal & Autonomous.
City-as-a-platform for the
connected home.
Smart Government –
Modernization and growth of
enterprise data management,
analytics and integration of new
technologies towards the
delivery of govt services.
Smart Infrastructure –
Piloting state of the art publicprivate IoT network to enable
connectedness and integration
of data/tech into infrastructure.
Responsive government.
Transforming Data into the Organizational
Wisdom that Drives a Smarter Los Angeles
Smart City for Better Living Forum
Internet Economy Summit 2017
Lilian Coral, Chief Data Officer
City of Los Angeles, Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti