• • • • • • Year 6 Curriculum Letter

Year 6 Curriculum Letter - Spring Term 1—2017
Mathematics In Mathematics this term pupils will be learning to:
We will be using the book Leon
and the Place Between by Angela
By the end of the novel, the
children will have analysed the
language features used by an
author and produced their own
character description.
Read and write numbers with up to 7-digits, understanding what each
digit represents.
Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000; compare and order numbers with
up to three decimal places
Use partitioning to mentally multiply 2-digit numbers with one decimal
place by whole 1-digit numbers; multiply numbers with two decimal places;
use short multiplication to multiply amounts of money; use estimation to
check answers to calculations; use long multiplication to multiply 3-digit
and 4-digit numbers by numbers between 10 and 30.
Name, classify and identify properties of quadrilaterals; explore how
diagonal lines can bisect quadrilaterals; understand what an angle is and
that it is measured in degrees
We will then be reading WarHorse
by Michael Morpurgo.
In this novel, we will look at the
use of descriptive and emotive
language features before writing a
diary entry and description of No
Man’s Land.
The title of our Geography topic for this half term will be: The
Amazing Americas
We will be using maps, globes and atlases to locate countries and
describe features in the context of North and South America.
The children will compare features of North American landscapes
with their own and compare the human geography of North
American regions with that of their own.
This half term the children will be concentrating on gymnastics
Our Science topics will be Animals Including Humans and Evolution and Inheritance
Animals including Humans will focus on: The circulatory system, transporting water
and nutrients and living a healthy lifestyle.
Evolution and Inheritance: We will look at the scientific concept of inheritance
and how animals and plants adapt to suit their environment.
Recognise and identify the properties of circles and name their parts;
draw circles using pairs of compasses; draw polygons using a ruler and a
Add and subtract numbers using mental strategies; solve addition of 4- to
7-digit numbers using written column addition and subtraction. Solve
additions and subtractions choosing mental strategies or written procedures as appropriate; read, understand and solve word problems
Our RE topic for this half term is entitled: What does is mean to be a Muslim?
We will be focusing on the importance of the Prophet Muhammed and the importance of prayer in a Muslims life. We will also be looking at understanding the
different parts of the Hajj journey.
The focus of this half term will be looking at the medium of collage. The children will
be looking at the work of Matisse and using this as a stimulus to create their own
Personal, Health, Social and Community Education (P.H.S.C.E.)
Our PHSCE unit is called ‘Good to be Me’. Lessons will focus on making choices,
agreeing and disagreeing, the difference between being proud and being boastful,
understanding feelings and having mixed feelings
Shared home learning:
Please spend 10 minutes, as a minimum, reading with your child everyday.
The children will be bringing home their learning logs,; it will be great if you can help and share these with your children
We are also having a focus on improving our fluency and recall of times table facts.
All P.E. lessons take place on Thursday afternoons. If your child could have their P.E. kit in
school at all times, this would be useful.