SED 5260 - College of Education

Dr. Marshall-Reed Contact:
(313)290-3878 or (313) 577-0902
Effective Instructional Strategies for Exceptional Learners
3 Hours
Fall 2016
College of Education Building
On-line Course Only
Dr. Marshall-Reed
E-mail Address:
[email protected]
Call for an appointment
Cell Phone: 313-290-3878
by appointment only by contacting the instructor (phone or email
VIRTUAL OFFICE HOURS: (upon request)
Catalog description: Prereq: SED 5030 or equiv; admission to College of Education.
Effective instructional strategies for students with special needs; multi-level and differentiated
instruction, scaffolding, multi-modal instruction.
"The Effective Urban Educator: Reflective, Innovative and Committed to Diversity" reflects the
mission of the college and is the driving force of our commitment to education.
Effective urban educators are Reflective Practitioners who can accurately assess
themselves and develop plans for improvement.
Effective Urban Educators are Innovative Practitioners who are able to demonstrate the
ability to problem solve, develop ideas, and use creative methods.
Effective Urban Educators are Committed to meet the needs of a diverse population.
Effective Urban Educators can Meet Professional Standards for Michigan teachers (PSMT).
Our graduates are able to meet all of the College of Education Competencies
Specific Assignments are used to assess the COE claims stated above which include:
Assignments aligned with COE’s Claims
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)
This course will expose you to the following
Community Observation
Chapter #3-Response to Intervention
District/School Curriculum Analysis
Project: Chap. 1 Curriculum-based measurement; Chap.
7 Differentiated Instruction for all Instruction; Chapter 8
Reading Curriculum; Chapter 11: Mathematics
Classroom Organization and Management
Chapter#4 Behavior Classroom Management
Reflection Journal
Discussion Board, Final Form
Teaching & Learning Statement
Final Form
Case Study
Chapter 7: Reading – Phonics, Case Study Webcast;
Chapter 9: Teaching Writing and Spelling; Chapter 11:
Case Study: Applying Learning Strategies to Beginning
Special Education Rules / Standards Covered / MTTC Area III
Rule 81 (1)(a) The requisite knowledge, understanding, skills, and dispositions for effective practice
related to all of the following:
Rule 88 (1)(a) The identification of disabilities including:
Rule 88 (1)(c) Assessing, teaching, and modifying instruction and curricula for students with
disabilities across the K-12 continuum related to all of the following:
Rule 88 (1)(c)(I) Administering and adapting formal and informal assessment methods for
the purposes of:
Rule 88 (1)(c)(i)-1 instructional planning
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iii) Fostering competency in the areas of:
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iii)-1 reading (word recognition and comprehension),
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iii)-2 writing (text composition and revision, grammar, spelling, and legibility),
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iii)-3 mathematical reasoning and calculation,.
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iii)-4 listening, and
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iii)-5 speaking.
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iv) Fostering:
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iv)-1 study skills and test-taking skills,
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iv)-2 self-management,
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iv)-3 problem solving,
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iv)-4 reasoning,
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iv)-5 coping skills, and
Rule 88 (1)(c)(iv)-6 self-determination
Rule 88 (1)(c)(v) Adapting and modifying general education curricula, pedagogical approaches, and
learning environments for students with disabilities.
Rule 88 (1)(c)(vi) Managing and monitoring the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students with
disabilities in a variety of group settings.
Students will be involved with activities, projects, on-line discussions designed to increase their
awareness, knowledge and skills in providing services to children with special needs.
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)
Demonstrated Learning outcomes: Class mini project and all the class discussion
Students will examine the historical aspects, legal mandates, procedures, rules, regulations and
teacher responsibilities in complying with IDEA-04.
Demonstrated Learning outcomes: Chapter 1 – Transition identify purpose and features that
can facilitate effective transitions for individuals with disabilities. Read Disproportionate
Representation of Special Education
Students will demonstrate an understanding of RTI (Response to Intervention) by completing a
project involving RTI.
Demonstrated Learning outcomes: Project– Response to Intervention Students demonstrate
an understanding of the benefits of RTI by reading a case study of a struggling student
suspected of having a learning disability by completing a recommended intervention
approach. Read Disproportionate Representation of Special Education
Students will compare/contrast characteristics of mild to moderately high incidence disabilities; and
select, adapt and use strategies for instruction.
Demonstrated Learning outcomes: Chapter 6: Oral Language Strategies (differentiating
instructions /instructional techniques for students with disabilities, ESL students and at risk
students – application in student’s classroom); Chapter 7: Reading Strategies (differentiating
instructions /instructional techniques for students with disabilities, ESL students and at risk
students – application in student’s classroom; create workshop on differentiated instruction);
Chapter 8: Reading Comprehension Strategies (reading comprehension instructional
techniques for students with disabilities; application in student’s classroom); Chapter 9:
Written Language Strategies (individual students create a unit lesson plan to use in their own
classroom [application] creating a unit plan include 3 lesson plans); Chapter 10: Content /
Study Skills Strategies (content analysis and concept map; adaptation of lesson ); Chapter
11: Mathematics Strategies by designing a math game/activity; adaptations for math lessons
for students with disabilities, ESL students and at risk students – application in student’s
classroom. Read PAL strategy study. Read Strategies and Tactics for Effective Instruction;
Differentiating Instruction.
Students will research instructional strategies, methods, techniques, curriculum material and apply
modifications, by creating a lesson plan, which will enable students with special needs to be
Demonstrated Learning outcomes: Chapter 9: Written Language Strategies by creating
individual unit and lesson plans to use in their own classroom [application] creating a unit
plan include a 5 day lesson plan and room layout. Read Strategies and Tactics for Effective
Instruction; Read Differentiating Instruction. Read Understanding Why Students Avoid Writing
/ Dysgraphia Strategies
Students will demonstrate understanding of curricular design and instructional strategies for
students with and without disabilities.
Demonstrated Learning outcomes: Chapter 6: Oral Language Strategies (differentiating
instructions /instructional techniques for students with disabilities, ESL students and at risk
students – application in student’s classroom); Chapter 7: Reading Strategies (differentiating
instructions /instructional techniques for students with disabilities, ESL students and at risk
students – application in student’s classroom; create workshop on differentiated instruction);
Chapter 8: Reading Comprehension Strategies (reading comprehension instructional
techniques for students with disabilities; application in student’s classroom); Chapter 9:
Written Language Strategies (individual students create a unit lesson plan to use in their own
classroom [application] creating a unit plan include a 5 day lesson plan and room layout);
Chapter 10: Content / Study Skills Strategies (content analysis and concept map; adaptation
of lesson ); Chapter 11: Mathematics Strategies by designing a math game/activity;
adaptations for math lessons for students with disabilities, ESL students and at risk students
– application in student’s classroom. Discussion Board Accelerated Math PowerPoint post
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)
summary; Read Strategies and Tactics for Effective Instruction; Read - Differentiating
Instruction. Read Understanding Why Students Avoid Writing / Dysgraphia Strategies
Students will share instructional strategies, which offer the ability to accommodate a variety of
student achievement and ability levels, including non-categorical students.
Demonstrated Learning outcomes: each project will be shared with the class to access at the
end of the semester
Students will use effective instructional strategies for applying various study skills to academic areas
in general education.
Demonstrated Learning outcomes: Chapter 10: Content / Study Skills Strategies (content
analysis and concept map; adaptation of lesson).Read Learning Strategies; Read Framing and
Graphic Organizers; Read - Memory Strategies for Students and each student will add one of
their own to the growing list (over 13 semesters)
Students will collaborate with regular educators to develop curricula, testing, and instructional
adaptations that promote success for learners with and without disabilities.
Demonstrated Learning outcomes: Chapter 5: Coordinating Instruction / Collaborating and
Co-teaching Strategies (application) students meet with a general education teacher to plan
lessons together and then identify ways students benefit from having collaboration with
general education and recognize why collaboration is important to the process of inclusion.
Students will use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents and the larger
community in order to nurture student learning.
Demonstrated Learning outcomes: Chapter 3 RTI – Response to Intervention (application)
Students demonstrate an understanding of the benefits of RTI by reading a case study of a
struggling student suspected of having a learning disability by completing a recommended
intervention approach; Semester long project collaboration with a peer reviewer;
Synchronous Skype sessions and Virtual Classroom; Asynchronous email group and class
discussion; Students will use technology to complete an online project and communicate
using VoIP (SKYPE) with their peer-reviewer. Students will learn these communication skills
and share in their reflection how they can be applied in their professional life; Read Intervention Research and Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice and read
Scientific Methods & Evidence-based Practices
Students will demonstrate how to apply assessment results to their differentiated instruction.
Demonstrated Learning outcomes Read Chapter 1 pp. 18-28 Features of Effective Instruction
and Types of Evaluation Measures. Chapter 9: Written Language Strategies by creating
individual unit and lesson plans to use in their own classroom [application] creating a unit
plan which includes a 5 day lesson plan and room layout.
Students will develop an understanding of the impact of special education on parents and the family.
Demonstrated Learning outcomes By reading an article “A Mother’s Story” and respond to the
reading in the discussion.
Student will demonstrate an understanding of the instructional methodology objectives of the MTTC
(Michigan Test for Teacher Certification).
Demonstrated Learning outcomes: MTTC – Summaries - Methodology and Instruction Each
student creates summaries of each of the objectives/sub-objectives in their specialty to
demonstrate understanding of the MTTC objectives, which align with the MI Teaching
Standards for special education teachers. Read Intervention Research and Bridging the Gap
between Research and Practice and read Scientific Methods & Evidence-based Practices. Upon
completion of the course, students will complete a Final Form, which includes a course
reflection, including MTTC summaries.
Upon completion of the course, the student will display the following dispositions.
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)
1. Promote and maintain a high level of competence and integrity in the practice of the teaching
2. Exercise objective professional judgment in the practice of the teaching profession.
3. Apply cooperative / collaborative group skills necessary in the practice of the teaching
Bos, C. & Vaughn, S. (2015). Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems.
(ed. 9). Boston: Merrill (ISBN-13-978-0-13-357106-6) Note: You will not need MEL access; we will
not be using
COURSE REFERENCES: See list at Blackboard Course Site.
All students will demonstrate proficiency in the following technology skills:
Email and the Internet
Blackboard Learning Platform
Word for editing and shared documents
Google Docs
Professional Commitment & On-line Participation
-80 points
(includes Skype and Final Reflection Form)
Instructional Strategy (2)
Discussion Board (80) and responses (40)
Final Examination MTTC Area III Summaries
-200 points
-120 points
-360 points
-100 points
Professional Commitment = (80 points) assigned as follows:
Turning in Class list (10)
Web agreement (20)
Setting up Skype (10)
*Professionalism and on-line participation (professional courtesy, cooperating with peer
reviewer) (10)
Turning all assignments in on time, responding to emails and updates etc. (10)
Submitting completed final requirement form (reflection) and course evaluation. (20)
Participation Points will be recorded at the end of the semester when the Final Form is
submitted to the instructor via email attachment to [email protected]
On-line Web Agreement (form and details on course site and emailed to you)
Class List (Will be completed in class at the mandatory session; also later posted the
course site)
Within the first week of class everyone is required to download Skype on their
personal computer, create a user name (but also include your full name in the profile
and add a photo of yourself) and then ‘Skype’ the instructor after practicing with
colleagues. Do not Skype the instructor until you know for certain that you can
effectively use Skype. (Instructor’s Skype user name is: marshae47). Go to
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)
5 and follow the directions. You will not need a webcam, however you will
need a microphone (most laptops have a built in microphone). You can purchase a
microphone for $5.00 - $10.00. Details for downloading Skype and setting up your
user name can be found at or go to the course site under the Student Help
section for tutorials.
Discussion Board (120 Points) (details on course site) Refer to the Discussion Board section of the
course site to post and respond. Details about the DB requirement may be found in the Course
Materials section of the course site inside the Discussion Board Folder.
1. DB topics and detailed information can be found in the Course Materials section of the
course site in the Discussion Board folder.
2. You will need to go to the Discussion Board section of the course to post and respond.
Read the assigned article / PowerPoint / Websites or view video and post a summary
in the discussion board areas of the course site and should include a minimum of two
meaningful paragraphs per post.
Respond to one of your colleague’s postings for each DB topic with a minimum of two
meaningful sentences per response.
3. Each posting has its own section.
4. All discussion board postings and responses must be posted on time (by 11:59 p.m.).
Refer to the schedule below for due dates. DB postings can be posted early, but no later
than 11:59 p.m., on the due date. Late posting will also affect your discussion board
points, as well as your attendance and participation points.
5. Keep track of your postings and responses using the Final Requirement form (found in the
Assignment section of the course site in the Final Requirement folder).
Course Project (200 Points)
You will complete an instructional Strategy Assignment. Guidelines are on the Course Website
and the Instructional Strategy Link
Colleague / Peer Reviewer: You will be working with a colleague as a Peer Reviewer. You will
be involved in a Colleague Review process for this assignment. You will review each others
assignments:Instructional Strategy Assignment and the Final Exam/MTTC Summaries.Details
and guidelines are on the course site in the Assignment section.
Quiz Requirements ( 360 Points) Ch 1, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10 and Ch 11
Online quizzes are located on the Bb course site in the “Quizzes” section of the course site.
You can begin a quiz, save it and finish it later. There are nine chapter online quizzes = 360
points. Quizzes and tests have a pool of questions, so your quiz/exam may differ from your
classmates and change from semester to semester. All quizzes are open book and un-timed.
Quizzes will expire by 11:59 on the date that they are due. Quizzes will NOT be reopened
beyond the due date / time. Missed / late quizzes will result in zero points for that quiz. No
exceptions so please plan accordingly. It is best not to wait until the last minute to take your
quiz, as we all know that technology will fail when we need it the most. Keep track of your
scores using the Final Requirement form (found under the Course Materials section in the
Final Folder on Bb).
FINAL: MTTC – Area III summaries (100 points)
You will participate in an extensive project this semester in lieu of preparation for and taking
a comprehensive final examination. This project will cover all of the course objectives; as well
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)
as the objectives from the sub-area III (instructional strategies) of the Special Education
You are STRONGLY encouraged to begin working on your 24 sub-objective summaries right
away and to continue working on this final examination throughout the semester.
You can locate the Final Examination MTTC Summaries details/directions, assigned subobjective, template, and rubric on the course menu of Bb.
Course Reflection, Teaching Statement Reflection & Grade Proposal
Around the time of the final class, you will submit electronically the Final Course Requirement
Form (found under the Course Information section Final Folder-See the syllabus for the due
date). This form will include your summary of earned course points, the Course Reflection and
your final course grade proposal. Refer to the form for details found on the course site under
the tab Course Information, in the Final Requirement folder.
Course Evaluation
Direction for completing the online course evaluation will be emailed to you from the WSU
Testing and Evaluation center.
Points Per Assignment=
Professional Commitment
-80 points
Instructional Strategy(2)
-200 points
Discussion Board (4)
-120 points
Quizzes (9)
-360 points
Final Exam/MTTC Area(1) -100 points
Total Percentages
Percentages per Assignment=
Professional Commitment = 8%
Instructional Strategy
Discussion Board
Final Exam/MTTC Area =10%
Graduate Course Grading
100%-95% =A
94%-90% =A89%-87% =B+
86%-83% =B
82%-80% =B79%-77% =C+
76%-73% =C
72%-70% =C69%-66% = D+
65%-63% = D
Less than 63% =F
Please note on the new grading policy set by the Boards of Governors that grades of “E” are being
eliminated and are being replaced by grade of “F”.
You can check your grades from the Blackboard site by going to Course Tools, and then click on My
IMPORTANT Course Evaluation and Grading:
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)
It is the discretion of the instructor to mark students down more than the course point
schedule above due to lack of online and class participation and / or turning in assignments
late and / or not turning in an assignment(s).
You must demonstrate mastery and exemplary work to earn an A in this class. You will NOT
earn an A for this class if you miss ANY course requirement. You cannot earn an A with Extra
Credit/Bonus Points, but they can count toward earning an A-. Occasionally extra COURSE
points are offered, so make sure to read your updates as these points do count toward your
total grade points, thus earning an A.
Make sure to read updates as you will be offered opportunities to earn COURSE points toward
an A.
An example of earning extra COURSE points would be to write a summary of the textbook
Epilogue (50 course points)
Assignments are due on the date assigned. Any late assignments (except quizzes) will be reduced by
*10% of the grade each day and 50% after a week late. Late assignments will also affect your
attendance points. Quizzes must be completed on time and cannot be submitted late for 50% credit
after a week. You are unable to make-up any missed quizzes.
The College of Education faculty members strive to implement assessment measures that
reflect a variety of strategies in order to evaluate a student's performance in a course.
For graduate students: B grades will be awarded for satisfactory work that satisfies all course
requirements; B+ grades will be awarded for very good work, and A grades will be reserved
for outstanding performance.
Please note that there is a distribution of grades from A - F within the College of Education
and that plusses and minuses are recorded and distinguish distinct grade point averages.
Students are academically responsible for all courses in which they enroll. Students wishing to
discontinue this class must follow the official withdrawal procedures. (See below)
Students desiring a grade of incomplete must submit their request to the course instructor prior to
the end of the semester. An incomplete grade for this course will be given only for legitimate (and
documented) deficiencies due to illness, emergencies or extraordinary reasons acceptable to the
professor and not because of neglect on the student’s part (for example: non-attendance, took too
many classes, did not apply one’s self, overwhelmed etc.).
Once approved for a grade of Incomplete, you will need to fill out a contract stating the course work
that you will complete by the date agreed upon in the contract. A grade of Incomplete cannot be
submitted unless I have this signed contract. See the instructor for the contract and terms.
The instructor will submit the new grade to the Registrar’s Office if all requirements for the course
are submitted by the agreed date. If all work is not submitted by the end of the agreed date on the
contract, then a grade of F will be posted.
Students can be added to this class up to the end of the first week of classes; however, you can drop
this class (with full tuition cancellation) through the end of the second week of the semester.
Withdrawal Policy
Students who withdraw from a course after the end of the 4th week of class will receive a grade
of WP, WF, or WN.
WP will be awarded if the student is passing the course (based on work due to date) at the
time the withdrawal is requested
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)
WF will be awarded if the student is failing the course (based on work due to date) at the
time the withdrawal is requested
WN will be awarded if no materials have been submitted, and so there is no basis for a grade
Students must submit their withdrawal request on-line through Pipeline. The faculty member
must approve the withdrawal request before it becomes final, and students should continue to
attend class until they receive notification via email that the withdrawal has been approved.
Withdrawals can be requested at any point from the fifth week of class through the study day.
Check with the registration office for details about the last day to withdraw from this class for the fall 2013 semester.
The College of Education has a “zero tolerance” approach to plagiarism and other forms of
academic dishonesty. (See Student Code of Conduct includes copying material (any more than 5 consecutive
words) from outside texts or presenting outside information as if it were your own by not
crediting authors through citations. It can be deliberate or unintended. If you're in doubt
about the use of a source, cite it. Students caught plagiarizing information from other sources
will receive a failing grade in the course. University policy states that students can be subject
to multiple sanctions, from reprimand to expulsion as a consequence of academic dishonesty.
To enforce this policy, all outside references must be submitted with assignments.
If you have a documented disability that requires accommodations, you will need to register
with Student Disability Services (SDS) for coordination of your academic accommodations.
The Student Disability Services (SDS) office is located at 1600 David Adamany Undergraduate
Library in the Student Academic Success Services department. SDS telephone number is 313577-1851 or 313-577-3365 (TDD only). Once you have your accommodations in place, I will
be glad to meet with you privately during my office hours to discuss your special needs.
Student Disability Services’ mission is to assist the university in creating an accessible
community where students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to fully participate in
their educational experience at Wayne State University.
Please be aware that a delay in getting SDS accommodation letters for the current semester
may hinder the availability or facilitation of those accommodations in a timely manner.
Therefore, it is in your best interest to get your accommodation letters as early in the
semester as possible.
Please let me know in advance if you require an adjustment with your course requirements
based on any religious observance.
Because of the extraordinary variety of religious affiliations represented in the University
student body and staff, the Wayne State University calendar makes no provision for religious
holidays. It is University policy, however, to respect the faith and religious obligations of the
individual. Students who find that their classes or examinations involve conflicts with their
religious observances are expected to notify their instructors well in advance so that
alternative arrangements as suitable as possible may be worked out.
You will have a variety of resources from which to obtain assistance during the course. These include
the following:
(1) Computer and Information Technology: Blackboard, email, Pipeline: Call C&IT at 313-5774778 or email [email protected]
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)
Blackboard Course Enrollment: Call Computer and Information Technology (C&IT) at 313577-4778 if you have any problems. Note: Sometimes MAC users have a hard time
accessing the course, downloading material etc. Talk to someone at C&IT for tips.
Blackboard Support: Call C&IT (313-577-4778) AND there is a support folder on the
course site which includes: How to Use Microsoft Word, How to Use the Discussion Board,
How to Use Skype etc. Feel free to contact me if you cannot find the necessary Blackboard
support to complete a course requirement.
(2) Records / Registration: Student Assistance:
(3) COE computer lab - General Purpose Lab (room 114) has technicians available to assist you.
The lab is open Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m.
(4) Adamany Undergraduate Library Computer Lab 24/7 refer to web site
(5) Other students. Your peers are a great source of information and can make excellent
suggestions to you. My aim is that you will share with one another regarding your individual
assignments / projects and provide assistance to one another. Please take responsibility for
one another. If someone is having difficulty, try to help him or her out and make sure they
communicate with me.
(6) Email dialogue. Talk to people online about issues, your projects, etc. This is a valuable way
to get information. The class roster is located on Blackboard or use the Communication /
email section of the Bb course.
(7) Instructor: I am willing to provide assistance on your assignments both within and outside of
class. The best way to do this for me is via email, either directly or from the course website
(please do not post your private questions or concerns on the Blackboard course site,
however). Contact me if you have questions regarding how to approach an assignment /
project or if you are having difficulty. I may also be able to put you into contact with other
knowledgeable individuals or resources that may be helpful. My office hours are by
appointment during fall semester. Turnaround times for emails are generally less than 24
hours. I will NOT respond to questions that are covered during the first class session, covered
in the syllabus or on the Blackboard site. I will respond, however, asking you to check your
syllabus or the Blackboard site. I will not repeat information already covered or posted
(unless you are asking for clarification).
The Writing Center
The Writing Center (2nd floor, UGL) provides individual tutoring consultations free of charge
for graduate and undergraduate students at Wayne State University. The Writing Center
serves as a resource for writers, providing tutoring sessions on the range of activities in the
writing process – considering the audience, analyzing the assignment or genre,
brainstorming, researching, writing drafts, revising, editing, and preparing documentation.
The Writing Center is not an editing or proofreading service; rather, students are guided as
they engage collaboratively in the process of academic writing, from developing an idea to
correctly citing sources. To make an appointment, consult the Writing Center website:
To submit material for online tutoring, consult the Writing Center HOOT website (Hypertext
One-on-One Tutoring)
 Blackboard course site access: Students are expected to be able to access the course site and
all course content on the first day of class. Call Computer and Information Technology (C&IT)
at 313-577-4778 if you have any problems accessing the site or any area of the Bb site.
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)
 Submission: All written assignments will be submitted as online attachments via email to
[email protected] or as requested.
 The college supports Microsoft Office Software. All work must be submitted using Microsoft
(convert your Word Perfect or any other desk top publishing to .doc or .rft)
 All email correspondences must include the course number & section in the subject line. Please
include your full name in your emails.
 It is your responsibility to check the Blackboard course site and your WSU email at least 2
times a week for updates.
 Instructor is not responsible if you do not receive emails in the event you redirect your WSU
email to your personal email and your personal email box is full, inactive or if you change your
email address. It is highly recommended that you use your WSU AccessID email to ensure
receiving all emails.
 Students are encouraged to use email and Skype as a means of communicating with instructor
and colleagues. (No personal information should be exchanged)
 You must save all assignments from the Bb site to your own computer. Some of the documents
will open in Blackboard when you click on the link and you can actually type into the open
document, but you cannot save your work on this document. So, you must have your own
copy to begin working on your own assignment. Open your assignment, save it to your
computer and then send it to your instructor via email attachment.
 Go to ‘Student Help’ section of the course site - if you need details about how to save a
document from this course site on to your own computer.
 Assignments are due on the date assigned. Any late assignments will be reduced by 10% each
day and 50%, if it is a week late. Late assignments will also affect your professional
commitment points. Quizzes must be completed on time, since they expire by the due date and
time. Do not ask to have a quiz re-opened. You are unable to make-up missing or incomplete
 Course grades are available on the Blackboard site (go to ‘Tools’ section of the course site);
however, official grades can be found on within 72 hours of the final day of
 Quizzes can be saved and resumed again later. All quizzes are open book and un-timed.
 This is a 3 credit hour class. Rule of thumb: One hour homework per credit hour, per week,
which equates to six hours of work per week for this class: Calculations: times 15 weeks, which
equals 45 hours in class time plus 45 hours homework for a total of 90 hours minimum. Plan to
spend a minimum of 12 hours per week during spring/summer semesters.
Assignments completed for this course may be used as evidence of candidate learning in
national, regional and state accreditation reports of COE programs. Some will be used as
samples in future classes. Names and other identifying elements of all assignments will be
removed before being included in any report or on a course site. Students who do not wish
their work to be used for accreditation purposes or course sample must inform the instructor
in writing by the end of the semester. Your participation and cooperation in the review of COE
programs is appreciated.
Thanks so much for taking this course with me and for attending WSU. I look forward to
working with each of you this semester.
~ Dr. Marshall-Reed
Week 1
Assignments Due
WELCOME! Please become familiar with the following:
Introductions/Peer Reviewer / Professional Commitment /
Blackboard / Textbook / Syllabus / Assignments: Discussion Board
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)
/ Quizzes / Mini instructional strategy – Chapter activities/ MTTC
Summaries / Final Form / Course Evaluation
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Skype set up
Chapter 1 Reading and Quiz due
Skype set-up
Chapter 3 Quiz (RTI)
(Discussion Board #1 is due) 9/24/2016 @ 11:59 p.m.
Chapter 4 Reading and Quiz (Behavior)
Chapter 6 Reading and Quiz (Oral language)
(Discussion Board #2 is due) 10/15/16@ 11:59 p.m.
Chapter 7 Reading and Quiz (Class Reading Fluency
Chapter 8 Reading and Quiz
Chapter 9 Reading and Quiz (Writing and Spelling)
(Discussion Board #3 is due) 11/5/16 @ 11:59 p.m.
Chapter 10 Reading and Quiz (Content Area /
Chapter 11 Quiz and Chapter 11 Project (Mathematics)
Thanksgiving Break/No Class
(Discussion Board #4 is due) 12/3/16 @ 11:59 p.m.
Mini Instrutional Strategy Project Due
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)
Week 15
Final Exam MTTC Summaries (Due in designated area of Bb)
Final Requirement Form /Final Reflection Form (send via email)
Course Evaluation (completed online – you will receive an email
from the WSU Testing Center).
Grades posted on Pipeline
The course syllabus is the best estimate of course schedule and assignments possible. The instructor reserves the
right to amend the daily syllabus as we progress through the course and to make changes when necessary to
accommodate unexpected and extenuating circumstances.
(Fall 2016 SYLLABUS)