Minutes - Schleswig Schools

Of a Regular Board Meeting
Of the Board of Directors
Of the Schleswig Community School District
May 19, 2015
Call to Order
President Gurney called the regular meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Members Present:
Wade Gurney
Cindy March
Jerrod Reimer
Jake Schneider
Lyle Schumann
Brian Johnson, Superintendent
Renee Lutz
Others Present:
Sally Sonnichsen-Abbe
Cori Teut
Jamie Jepsen
Max Wigg
Pledge of Allegiance
The “Pledge of Allegiance” was recited by those present.
Public Forum
Nothing at this time.
Consent Items
A motion was made by Jerrod Reimer, seconded by Jake Schneider to approve the May Consent Items
(agenda, minutes, bills and finance reports). Unanimous approval.
Committee Reports
a) SEA – Mrs. Abbe reported that the first SEA Scholarship went to Markenna Janssen for $250.
b) Board Report - Nothing at this time
Success in Schleswig Schools
a. Technology Integration – Jamie Jepsen and Max Wigg discussed the 8th Grade Chicago Trip.
b. Success in the Classroom – Supt. Johnson reported on the outstanding Schleswig artists. Art
Educators of Iowa organize a Traveling Art Show, which travels the State of Iowa, entering schools
during the next school year. Schleswig will have 10 artists’ works featured in the show by Bryli Bubke
TK “Metal Man,” Anna Galvin 1st “Five Kinds of Lines,” Owen Galvin 1st “Warm City,” Lauren Johnson
2nd “Gumball Machine,” Savanna Blunk 2nd “Bird Mask,”
Calli Korner 3rd “Calico Cat,” Kayla
Neddermeyer 4th “Like Dubuffet,” Jaxon Paulsen 4th “Three Color Shapes,” Camryn Schultz 6th “A
Spring Morning,” and Cory Martinson 7th “Black and White.” Ten Schleswig artists will be having their
artwork considered for the Annual ISEA Design-a-Decal Competition. Their design will be juried to be
one of the twenty-four designs selected to be made into stickers that teachers statewide will use on
student papers that send a positive message. Entering are Jake Boelter 5th “Zoom,” Jinessa Lewis
5th “Excel,” Tessa Petersen 5th “Outrageous,” Contessa Perales 5th “Intelligent=Ideas,” Westley
Summers 5th “Rich,” Lyndsy Peters 8th “Shake,” Jaci Kluender 8th “Gigantic,” Max Wigg 8th
“Majestic,” Madison Baker 8th “Delightful,” and Ezra Schroeder 8th “Zoom.”
c. Promotion in Schleswig Schools – Nothing at this time.
5/19/2015 Minutes
Schleswig Community School District
Superintendent’s Report
a) Superintendent Out-Of-Office Schedule – Enclosed in the packets.
b) Legislative Update – Supt. Johnson reported that the session has not ended and that allowable growth
for FY16 was not set.
c) Summer School – Summer School dates are June 9-11, 16-18, 23-25; July 14-16, 21-23, and 28-30.
d) End of the School Year Report – Teachers check out is May 21st & 22nd.
e) Harvest - Art (Godbersen): Carrylee Martinson, 3rd grade, artwork, "Cat", Taylor Totten, 3rd grade,
artwork, "New Clothes", Edwardo Enriquez, 5th grade, artwork, "Colonial Limner" First Grade
(Meyer): Tyson Stoppel, Diamond poem, "Christmas", Second Grade (Larson): Kamryn Larson,
Diamante poem about winter, Norah Huebert, Diamante poem about winter. Third Grade (Head):
Shelby Banghart, poetry, "What is Pink?", Jacy Boyens, poetry, "What is Blue?" Fourth Grade
(Petersen): Preston Tremblay, letter writing, "Dear Santa", Christina Martinson, letter writing, "Dear
Santa", Sixth Grade (Pritchard): Camryn Schultz, poetry, "Save the Turkeys" Seventh Grade
(Stoppel): Stephani Correa, poetry, "Your Parents" Tia Petersen, poetry, 'Friends". Eighth Grade
(Boelter): Max Wigg, fictional role play letter, "Sarah's Letter to Lincoln", Peyton Schultz, fictional
narrative, "My Life in a Concentration Camp" Last year we had four entries chosen. This year we had
f) Maintenance Report – The custodial staff will begin cleaning immediately.
g) July Board Retreat – Topics for possible retreat were discussed – gym auction & gym rules/timeline.
h) Bank Accounts – Supt. Johnson discussed with the Board the current banking arrangements.
i) Lunch Comments – Supt. Johnson reviewed with the Board the most recent lunch comments.
j) Bid Award – The bids received for the GO Bonds were reviewed. UBI was awarded the bid.
Old Business
a) Gym Project – Discussion of progression of the project.
b) FY16 Negotiations – Tabled discussion to the end of the meeting.
New Business
a. Project Expense Submittals – The May Badding Construction submittal was reviewed. A motion was
made by Cindy March, seconded by Jerrod Reimer to approve the payment to Badding in the amount
of $372,086.49. Unanimous approval.
b. Resolution - A motion was made by Lyle Schumann, seconded by Cindy March to approve the
Resolution 0519-2015 Providing for the Award & Issuance of GO School Refunding Bonds Providing
for the levy of Taxes.
Roll Call:
Ayes – Schneider, Gurney, Reimer, Schumann, March; Nays – None.
Resignations – Supt. Johnson read the resignation letter from Sherri Jones. A motion was made by
Jake Schneider, seconded by Jerrod Reimer to approve this resignation. Unanimous approval.
Staffing - A motion was made by Cindy March, seconded by Jake Schneider to approve coaching
contracts for FY16 to Madison Allen for Girls’ Basketball and Andrew Zinn for Boys’ Basketball.
Unanimous approval.
Discussion of the Business Manager position and possible options.
Staffing – (moved to end of meeting) A motion was made by Jerrod Reimer, seconded by Jake
Schneider to go into Closed Session according to Iowa Code 20.17(3).
Roll Call: Ayes – March, Schumann, Reimer, Gurney, Schneider. Nays – None.
Unanimous approval. Meeting closed at 7:25 p.m.
A motion was made by Jerrod Reimer, seconded by Lyle Schumann to return to open session.
Roll Call: Ayes – Schumann, Reimer, Gurney, Schneider, March. Nays – None.
Unanimous approval. Return to open session at 7:45 p.m.
A motion was made by Jake Schneider, seconded by Jerrod Reimer to offer a 3.59% increase with
adding $900 to the base.
5/19/2015 Minutes
Schleswig Community School District
Roll Call: Ayes – Reimer, Schneider, March, Schumann. Nays – None. Abstain - Gurney. Motion
June Meeting Date
The June 2015 Board meeting will be on June 16, 2015 at 5:30 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Board for consideration at this time, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Wade Gurney, President
Approval of May 19, 2015 minutes
5/19/2015 Minutes
Schleswig Community School District
Renee Lutz, Secretary