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National Standard Examination in Junior
Science 2016-17
Indian Association of Physics Teachers
JS530 (Revised)
1. Two bodies A and B are charged with equal magnitude of charge but A with positive charge and B with
negative. If MA and MB are masses before charging and M /A and M /B are the masses after charging, then
(m0 is some constant mass)
(a) M /A  M A  m0 and M B/  M B  m 0
(c) M A/  M B/
(b) M /A  M A  m 0 and M /B  M B  m 0
(d) M /A  M A  0 and M B/  M B  m0
Ans (b)
When a body is positively charged some electrons are removed from the body. i.e., some constant mass
is removed.
 MA  M A  m0 . Similarly, on adding a few electrons, MB  M B  m0
2. The number of natural numbers n  30 for which
(a) 30
Ans (d)
(b) zero
(c) 6
 n  ... is a natural number is
(d) 5
Let x  n  n  n  ...
 x nx
x2 = n + x
x2  x  n = 0
1  1  4n
To get x as a natural number 1  4n should be a perfect square.
This is possible only when n takes the values 2, 6, 12, 20, 30. We get x as 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
3. Elements A, B and C have atomic numbers X, X + 1 and X + 2, respectively. ‘C’ is an alkali metal.
‘A’ reacts with another element ‘Y’ to form the compound ‘AY’. ‘A’ and ‘Y’ belong to the same group.
‘AY’ possesses an
(a) ionic bond
(b) covalent bond
(c) metallic bonding
(d) coordinate bond
Ans (b)
A, B, C have atomic numbers X, X + 1, X + 2
C – alkali example: Na
A – Halogen
When A is halogen, Y belongs to same group.
 Y is also halogen and the type of bonding present between them is covalent bonding.
4. Air has three major components: nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. Given that one mole of air at sea level is
made up of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% argon, by volume. What is the density of air? Assume
that gas behave in an ideal manner. (Atomic mass of argon is 40 amu)
(a) 14.62 g/L
(b) 1.3 g/L
(c) 29 g/L
(d) 0.65 g/L
Ans (b)
Nitrogen 
 0.98
22.4 100
Oxygen =
 0.299
22.4 100
Argon =
 0.017
22.4 100
The sum of all the gases = 0.98 + 0.299 + 0.017
= 1.29 or 1.3 g/L
5. A conductor of length L has a varying cross section with area 2A at P and A at Q as shown in the
adjacent figure. If it carries a steady current I, then
(a) Net charge per unit volume near P is more than net charge per unit volume near Q.
(b) Net charge per unit volume near Q is less than net charge per unit volume.
(c) Current per unit area near P is more than current per unit area near Q.
(d) Current per unit area near P is less than current per unit area near Q.
Ans (d)
Because, cross-sectional area at P is more than at Q.
6. The number of natural numbers n  30 for which
(a) Three
Ans (a)
Let x  n 
(b) zero
 n  ... is a prime number is
(c) nine
 n  ...
x nx
x2 = n + x
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(d) Two
x2  x  n = 0
1  1  4n
We get the value of x as 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively when n is 2, 6, 12, 20, 30.
In three cases (2, 3 and 5) x is a prime number.
Rhodoferax fermentans is a species of photosynthetic bacteria. From your knowledge about bacteria in
general identify the components that CANNOT be present in this organism.
(a) Chloroplasts
(b) ATP
(c) Ribosomes
(d) Cell wall
Ans (a)
Bacteria are prokaryotes belonging to Kingdom Monera. They do not possess membrane bound
organelles. Hence, chloroplast which is a double membrane organelle is not present in bacteria whereas
ribosomes (non membranous organelle) will be present in bacteria. Cell wall in a bacterium is made up
of peptidoglycan and ATP is also present in bacteria.
If atmospheric humidity decreases, transpiration rate
(a) decreases because the concentration gradient between the mesophyll and the atmosphere decreases
(b) stays the same because active transport does not depend on humidity
(c) increases because of the higher concentration gradient between the air spaces of the mesophyll and
the atmosphere
(d) decreases because the concentration of water vapour decreases
Ans (c)
Rate of transpiration is inversely proportional to atmospheric humidity because of the higher
concentration gradient between the air spaces of the mesophyll and the atmosphere.
Vessels A and B are made of conducting material. Both contain water. Vessel A floats in B. Vessel B is
now heated at a uniform rate, then
(a) water in A boils first.
(b) water in A boils some time after water in B starts boiling.
(c) water in both A and B start boiling simultaneously.
(d) water in A does not boil.
Ans (b)
The number of squares formed by 5 vertical and 4 horizontal lines (all are equispaced) is
(a) 60
(b) 20
(c) 40
(d) 46
Ans (b)
Number of squares = 12 + 6 + 2 = 20
11. If 0.50 mole of a monovalent metal (M+1) halide is mixed with 0.2 mole of a divalent metal (L+2)
phosphate, the maximum number of moles of M3PO4 that can be formed is
(a) 0.25
(b) 0.30
(c) 0.16
(d) 0.20
Ans (c)
6NaCl Mg3 (PO 4 ) 2 
 2 Na 3 PO 4  3MgCl 2
6 mol
1 mol
0.5 mol
2 mol
3 mol
X mol
 The maximum number of moles of M3PO4 is 0.16
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12. Every major city in India has a pollution control board to monitor air and water pollution. The following
data is from three different localities in Bangalore city from the year 2015.
Annual average of SO2 in the air
16.3 mL/m3
16.3 ppb (m3/m3)
16.3 ppm (m3/m3)
ppb stands for parts per billion and ppm stands for parts per million. These are different units to express
concentration. They are very similar to percentage (which is actually parts per hundred).
Based on the above data, which place will you choose to live in?
(a) All localities are equally polluted, so I have no preference.
(b) P is the more polluted than Y and Z, hence I will live in either Y or Z.
(c) Locality Y is least polluted, hence I will live in Y.
(d) Z and Y are more polluted than P, hence I will live in P.
Ans (c)
1 liter (1) of water weighs exactly 1 kg
So 1 mg/l = 1 part per million and 1 g/l = 1 part per billion
So Y is least polluted locality.
Therefore, the option is (c)
13. A body thrown vertically up reaches a maximum height and returns back. Its acceleration is
(a) Downward during both ascent and descent.
(b) Downward at all positions except at the highest point, where it is zero.
(c) Upward during both ascent and descent.
(d) Downward during ascent and upward during descent.
Ans (a)
Because acceleration due to gravity is always directed towards the centre of the earth.
14. The number of integers a, b, c for which a2 + b2  8c = 3 is
(a) 2
(b) infinite
(c) 0
(d) 4
Ans (c)
a2 + b2  8c = 3
a2 + b2 = 3 + 8c
Sum of squares of two integer cannot be of the form 3 + 8c
15. Which of the following is NOT produced by the endoplasmic reticulum?
(a) Lipids
(b) Proteins
(c) Monosaccharides
(d) Hormones
Ans (c)
Endoplasmic reticulum is of two types: Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and smooth endoplasmic
reticulum (SER). RER has ribosomes on it and it helps in protein synthesis and SER helps in lipid
synthesis. Since hormone can be of protein or lipid source, RER and SER help in hormone production
also. Hence, the substance which is not produced by ER is monosaccharides.
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16. Vaccines prevent infections by pathogens by:
(a) Presenting the body’s immune system with antigens in a controlled manner, so that it is prepared to
counter the pathogen producing it when it attempts to infect the body
(b) Affecting the reproductive cycle of the invading pathogen
(c) Binding to antigens on the surface of the pathogen and inactivating it
(d) Affecting the metabolic pathways of the pathogen
Ans (a)
Vaccines are attenuated or killed pathogen/toxoids given to an organism to elicit immune response by
producing the specific antibodies and memory cells in a regulated way. During subsequent exposure to
the same pathogen, memory cells help in the activation of B-lymphocytes to produce the specific
17. Velocity of a particle moving along a straight line varies with time as shown in the adjacent figure. Net
forces acting on the particle are F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5 in the intervals OA, AB, BC, CD and DE
respectively. Indentify the correct statement.
(a) F1 increases with time.
(b) F5 is initially positive and then becomes negative
(c) F1 and F2 are in opposite directions
(d) F3 is negative.
Ans (c)
If acceleration caused by F1 is considered +ve, the acceleration caused by F2 is negative from the graph.
Therefore F1 and F2 are in opposite direction.
18. If set x consists of three elements then the number of elements in the power set of power set of X is
(a) 33
(b) 23
(c) 38
(d) 28
Ans (b)
X consists of 3 elements.
 The power set of X contain 23 elements
19. The heat of neutralization of CH3COOH, HCOOH, HCN and H2S are  55.2,  56.07,  2.8 and
 3.34 kJ per equivalent respectively. The increasing order of strength of these acids is.
Ans (c)
The strength of acid and bases is dependent on the ionization in aqueous solutions. The neutralization of
acids and bases involve simply the combination of H+ ions and OH ions to form unionized water
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molecules. Here, in HCN and H2S, heat energy release during neutralization is less. Hence they are weak
acids. Compared to HCOOH.
20. To prevent the formation of oxides, peroxides, and superoxides, alkali metals are sometimes stored in an
unreactive atmosphere. Which of the following gases should not be used for lithium:
(a) Ne
(b) Ar
(c) N2
(d) Kr
Ans (c)
Lithium is highly reactive metal and it reacts with nitrogen to form lithium nitride.
6Li  N 2 
 2Li3 N
21. A wooden block (W) is suspended by using a cord from a heavy steel ball (B). The entire system is
dropped from a height. Neglecting air resistance, the tension in the cord is
(a) zero
(b) The differences in the masses of B and W
(c) The differences in the weights of B and W
(d) The weight of B
Ans (a)
Both the objects are in free fall.
22. In a n-sided regular polygon, the radius of the circum-circle is equal in length to the shortest diagonal.
The number of values of n < 60 for which this can happen is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 10
(d) 2
Ans (b)
AC is the shortest diagonal
OC = OA = AC (given)
 AOC is an equilateral triangle
This implies that AOC = 60
This is possible only in case of a regular polygon with 12 sides
23. Which of the following does NOT contain living cells?
(a) bone tissue
(b) Xylem sieve tubes (c) Phloem
(d) Epidermis
Ans (NA)
Bone tissue, phloem components like sieve tube, companion cells, parenchyma and epidermal cells are
living. Sieve tubes are present in phloem but not in xylem.
24. If DNA was made of 6 nucleotides instead of 4, what are the total number of triplet codons possible?
(a) 24
(b) 18
(c) 64
(d) 216
Ans (d)
6  6  6 = 216
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25. A circus performer of weight W is standing on a wire as shown in the adjacent figure. The tension in the
wire is
(a) Approximately
(b) Approximately
(c) Much more than
(d) Much less than
Ans (c)
| W |  | W |
26. Number of integers n such that the number 1 + n is a divisor of the number 1 + n2 is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 4
(d) 2
Ans (c)
1 + n is a divisor of 1 + n2
This is possible only when n = 0, 1, 2 and  3
27. When 1 gram of a mixture of aluminium and zinc was treated with HCl, a gas was liberated. At the end
of the reaction, the volume of the liberated gas was found to be 524 cm3, under STP conditions. The
individual weights of aluminium and zinc in the mixture, respectively, are:
(a) 0.2 g and 0.8 g
(b) 0.8 g and 0.2 g
(c) 0.5 g and 0.5 g
(d) 0.322 g and 0.678 g
Ans (a)
2Al + 6HCl  2AlCl3 + 3H2
2  27
3  22,400 ml  67200 ml
54 g  67200 ml
0.2 g  x1 ml
0.2  67200
x1 
= 244.88 ml
Gas released by Al, x1 = 248.88 ml
Zn + 2HCl  ZnCl2 + H2
65.4 g
22400 ml H2 
0.8 g
x2 ml
0.8  22400
x2 
= 274.000 ml
x1 + x2 = 248.88 + 274
Total volume = 522.88 ml
28. Choose that element which is most different from the other three:
(a) Carbon
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Silicon
(d) Phosphorous
Ans (c)
Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous are non-metals, while silicon is a metalloid.
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29. In the following diagrams O is point object and I is its image formed by a concave mirror. Indentify the
diagram in which position of image I is nearly correct.
Ans (a)
Nature of the image formed is virtual magnified, erect w.r.t object.
30. If for x, y > 0 we have
(a) 2a
Ans (b)
1 1
 2
x y
 2  xy 
1 1
  2 then the minimum value of xy is
x y
(b) 1
(c) 4
 The minimum value of xy is 1
31. Which of these is a mollusc?
(a) Lobster
(b) Scorpior
(c) Crab
(d) Octopus
Ans (d)
Octopus is a mollusk, as it possesses internal shell. Whereas, lobster, scorpion and crab are arthropods
possessing joint appendages.
32. What is the mechanism used by the kidneys to remove waste products from the body?
(a) Nephrons convert nitrogenous waste to uric acid and pass it out as urine
(b) Nephrons actively transport uric acid and other nitrogenous waste A into the proximal and distal
convoluted tubules, from where it is collected to form urine.
(c) The blood is filtered to retain cells and large plasma proteins within the blood. The remaining filtrate
passes through the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, where needed substances are reabsorbed,
active transport
(d) Nephrons filter out the nitrogenous waste which is passed through the proximal and distal
convoluted tubules and collected by the collecting duct as urine.
Ans (c)
Nephrons are the structural and functional unit of the kidneys. It consists of Bowman’s capsule that
receives the blood to be filtered from afferent arterioles that divides to form capillaries (glomerulus).
They unite to form efferent arteriole with narrow diameter creating sufficient pressure to filter the blood.
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The cellular components and few proteins are retained within the Bowman’s capsule and ions like Na+,
K+ and molecules like glucose and water are reabsorbed in PCT and loop of Henle. Finally, the
metabolic wastes, excess ions and molecules are secreted into DCT from blood. Thus option (C) is the
correct answer.
33. Following diagram shows refraction of parallel beam of light through a spherical surface. Indentify the
correct ray diagram
Ans (b)
Light bends towards the normal when the light travels from rarer to denser medium.
34. Tenth term in the sequence 12, 18, 20, 28, ….. is
(a) 336
(b) 63
Ans (NA)
(c) 216
(d) 68
35. An electron pair donor is a Lewis base and an electron pair acceptor is a Lewis acid. Which among the
following statements, is correct?
(a) NH3 is a Lewis acid, because nitrogen has only 6 electrons around it.
(b) BF3 is a Lewis base, because fluorine has 8 electrons around it.
(c) NF3 is a Lewis base, because nitrogen has a lone electron.
(d) BCl3 is a Lewis acid because it has only 6 electrons around it.
Ans (d)
.. Cl
Cl ..
.. × ..
.. .
.. Cl
.. .
Boron is electron deficient, (it has 6 electrons around it) it requires 2 more electrons to attain octet.
Hence B accepts a pair of electrons and BCl3 is a Lewis acid.
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36. Greenhouse gases absorb (and trap) outgoing infared radiation (heat) from Earth and contribute to global
warming. A molecule that acts as a greenhouse gas, generally has a permanent dipole moment and
sometimes for other reasons. Going only by the condition of permanent dipole moment, in the list of
gases given below, how many can be potential greenhouse gases?
Water, Sulphur dioxide, Boron trifluoride, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, methane,
hydrogen sulphide, ammonia.
(a) Five
(b) Six
(c) Seven
(d) Four
Ans (c)
H2O, SO2, BF3, CO, CO2, N2, O2, CH4, H2S, NH3
N2 and O2 does not possess permanent dipole moment as they are homonuclear.
CH4 does not absorb IR radiation at significant level as it has very less dipole moment because of low
electronegativity difference.
H2O, SO2, BF3, CO, CO2, H2S and NH3 molecules possess permanent dipole moment as the difference
between the electronegativity of the two combining atoms is significant. Therefore seven gases can at as
potential green house gases.
37. In the diagram M1 and M2 are two plane mirrors at right angles to each
other. O is a luminous point object. Consider two images formed due to
first reflection at M1 and M2. The area of the triangle formed by the object
and two images is
(a) 4 cm2
(b) 2 cm2
(c) 8 cm2
(d) 16 cm2
Ans (c)
Area of triangle =  b  h
  4 4
A = 8 cm2
38. The probability of a point within an equilateral triangle with side 1-unit lying outside its in-circle
(inscribed circle) is
(a) 1 
(b) 1 
(c) 1 
(d) 1 
3 3
2 3
3 3
2 3
 
Ans (b)
AB = BC = CA = 1
sq. units
1 3
BD 
 OD  .
3 2
Radius of incircle =
Area of ABC =
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 3  3 
Area of incircle =  
 6  36 12
Area of the portion of triangle outside its incircle =
3  3 3
 
4 12
3 3 
12 
Probability of the point lying outside 
3 3 4 3 3
 1
3 3
3 3
39. Penicillin cannot be used to treat influenza because
(a) it only helps to bring the temperature down, and does not reduce the infection
(b) the penicillin is broken down by the organism
(c) viruses do not have cell walls
(d) Reproduction of protozoans is not affected by penicillin
Ans (c)
Influenza is caused by virus. Penicillin is an antibiotic derived from the fungus, Penicllium
chrysogenum, which affects the cell wall formation in bacteria. Since, viruses do not have cell wall,
penicillin cannot be used for its treatment.
40. Thin cuboidal strips are made by slicing a potato. They are all made to be exactly 8 cm long and 2 mm
wide. Each strip is placed in sugar solutions of different concentration. After soaking it for 5 hours, their
lengths are measured again. The following graph shows the results of the experiment. What
concentration of sugar solution is isotonic with the contents of the cells of the potato?
(a) 0.2
(b) 0.4
(c) 0.6
(d) 0.1
Ans (b)
At concentration of 0.4 the slice of potato is 8 cm long without any change in its measurement. Hence,
option (B) is the correct answer.
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41. A fisherman of height h is standing on the bank of a lake. A fish in the water perceives his height as h .
(a) h  h
(b) h  h
(c) h  h
(d) h  h or h  h depending on position of fish
Ans (a)
A man, on shore can be considered as an extended object. Every point on the extended object is
perceived to be apparently at a greater distance than it is from the interface. Hence, the man appears
longer than his actual height to the fish in water.
A triangle has perimeter 316 and its sides are of integer length. The maximum possible area for such a
triangle is achieved for
(a) Single triangle
(b) Two triangles
(c) Three triangles
(d) More than three triangle
Ans (a)
Henning Brand, one of the many alchemists was in pursuit of the philosopher’s stone. Brand’s method is
believed to have consisted of evaporating large quantities of urine to leave a black residue that was then
left for a few months. The residue was then heated with sand, driving off a variety of gases and oils. The
final substance to be driven off, was condensed as a white solid, which he called as “cold fire” as it was
luminous and glowed in the dark and also caught fire on slight warming and producing a large quantity
of light. It has also been called as the “Bearer of light”. Which element is “cold fire”?
(a) Lithium
(b) Tungsten
(c) Phosphorous
(d) Cesium
Ans (c)
Phosphorus is known as cold fire. White phosphorous is highly reactive and burns emitting white light
when exposed to air. Hence white phosphorous is stored under water.
When solid KOH is mixed with solid NH4Cl, a gas is produced. Which gas is it?
(a) Chlorine
(b) hydrogen
(c) hydrogen chloride (d) ammonia
Ans (d)
KOH + NH4Cl  KCl + H2O + NH3 
In the above reaction, ammonia gas is produced.
Object A is completely immersed in water. True weight of object A is WA.
Weight of water with beaker is WB. Let B be the buoyant force. W1 and W2 are
scale readings of spring balance and weighing scale respectively
(a) Wl = WA
(b) W1 = WA + B
(c) W2 = WB
(d) W2 = WB + B
Ans (d)
W1 = true weight – buoyant force
= WA  B
Reading of the weighing scale
W2 = height of water + beaker + reaction to buoyant force
W2 = WB + B
Number of numbers less than 40 having exactly four divisors is
(a) 15
(b) 12
(c) 11
(d) 14
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Ans (d)
Following numbers less than 40 have exactly four divisions
6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 21, 22, 26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 38 and 39
[They should be product of two prime numbers or cube of a prime number]
There are 14 such numbers
47. Antibodies play an important role in defending the body against infections by which of the following
(a) They engulf the bacteria and make them harmless
(b) They bind to the surface of pathogens, so that they can be easily identified and removed by other
cells of the immune system
(c) They enter the pathogen and prevent cell division
(d) They are highly reactive and chemically react with the DNA of the pathogen
Ans (d)
Antibodies are the proteins produced by B-lymphocytes in response to antigens. They are highly specific
and reactive. They chemically react with the DNA of the pathogen and destroy it.
48. The figure shows a food web, where A, B, C, D etc. are different species. And the
direction of the arrows symbolizes the direction of flow of nutrients. An increase in
the population of which species is likely to decrease the population of species A
(a) Species D
(b) Species F
(c) Species G
(d) Species E
Ans (a)
Increase in species D will result in decrease of species E and F. Thus leads to decrease in species C and
subsequently species A.
49. A point object O is kept at origin. When a concave mirror M1 placed at x = 6 cm, image is formed at
infinity. When M1 is replaced by another concave mirror M2 at same position, image is formed at x = 30
cm, then ratio of the focal length of M1 to that of M2 is
(c) 5
Ans (b)
Concave mirror M1: u = 6 cm, v = 
 f1 = 6 cm
Concave mirror M2: u = 6 cm, v = 30 cm (virtual)
1 1
 
f 6 (30) 30
6 4 4 3
 
5 4
50. The number 38 (310 + 65) + 23 (212 + 67) is
(a) A perfect square and a perfect cube
(b) Neither a perfect square nor a perfect cube
(c) A perfect cube but not a perfect square
(d) A perfect square but not a perfect cube
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Ans (c)
38(310 + 65) + 23(212 + 67)
= 318 + 313 . 25 + 215 + 210 . 37
= (36 + 25)3 (A perfect cube)
51. Melting point of a substance is 10 °C. What does this mean?
(a) The substance is a liquid at 10 °C.
(b) The substance is a solid at 10 °C.
(c) There is an equilibrium between solid phase and liquid phase at 10 °C.
(d) The substance is 50 % solid and 50 % liquid at 10 °C.
Ans (c)
Melting point of a substance is 10 C, there is an equilibrium between solid phase and liquid phase at
10 C.
52. The following substances have approximately same molecular mass. Which is likely to have the highest
boiling point?
(a) n-butane
(b) isobutene
(c) n-butanol
(d) isobutanol
Ans (c)
n-butanol have highest boiling point because of hydrogen bonding .
53. U-tube contains some amount of mercury. Immiscible Liquid X is poured in left
immiscible liquid Y is poured in the right arm. Length of liquid X is 8 cm, length
Y is 10 cm and upper levels of X and Y are equal. If density of Y is 3.36 g cm3
and 13.6 g cm3 then density of X is
(a) 0.8 g cm3
(b) 1.2 g cm3
(c) 1.4 g cm3
(d) 1.6 g cm3
Ans (a)
P1 = P2
Hggh + xgh = ygh
Hggh + xg(8) = yg(10)
3.36  10  13.6  2
x 
h = 10  8 = 2 cm
3.36  27.2
x = 0.8 g cm3
54. Let the number of rectangles formed by 6 horizontal and 4 vertical lines be n and those formed by
5 vertical and 5 horizontal lines be m then we have
(a) n = m
(b) n  m + 1
(c) m  n
(d) m > n + 5
Ans (d)
n = number of rectangles
= 30 + 24 + 18 + 12 + 6 = 90
m = number of rectangles
= 10  4 + 10  3 + 10  2 + 10  1
= 40 + 30 + 20 + 10 = 100
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55. In a human cell undergoing Meiosis, what are the total number of cellular DNA molecules present
during Prophase-I
(a) 23
(b) 46
(c) 69
(d) 92
Ans (b)
Meiosis I is a reductional division where the chromosome number is reduced to exact half. Prophase I in
meiosis I will contain 46 chromosomes only, as the separation of chromosomes starts at anaphase I.
56. During gaseous exchange in the alveoli, what happens to nitrogen?
(a) There is no net nitrogen exchange, as nitrogen is filtered out by the alveoli.
(b) The nitrogen is absorbed by the alveolus to form amino acids.
(c) The nitrogen is filtered out by the alveolus, as the nitrogen molecule is too large to cross the gaps in
the capillaries
(d) There is no net nitrogen exchange, as the blood is saturated with nitrogen
Ans (d)
Nitrogen (and any other gases except oxygen) in the inspired gas are in equilibrium with their dissolved
states in the blood.
57. The effective resistance between A and D in the circuit shown in the adjacent figure is
(A) 5 
(b) 10 
(c) 15 
Ans (d)
The given circuit can be reduced to following steps.
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(d) 20 
58. If ABCD is a rhombus and ABC = 60° then
(a) The points A, B, C, D are concyclic
(b) The quadrilateral has exactly half the area of the square with same sides as ABCD
(c) The quadrilateral has area
(d) The diagonals of the quadrilateral ABCD are equal and bisect each other at right angle
Ans (c)
AB = BC = CD = DA
Area of rhombus ABCD = 2 Area of triangle ABC
AB2 
60 60
60 60
59. Identify the overall change in the following set of reactions:
1. Carbon dioxide  carbonic acid (H2CO3)
2. Ethanol (alcohol)  Ethanal (aldehyde)
3. Ethanal (aldehyde)  Ethanol (alcohol)
4. Sulphuric acid  Sulphur trioxide (SO3)
Choose the correct option which best describes these conversions
(a) oxidation, oxidation, reduction, reduction
(b) hydration, oxidation, reduction, dehydration
(c) reduction, dehydration, hydration, oxidation
(d) reduction, reduction, oxidation, oxidation
Ans (b)
CO2  H2CO3 - hydration
Ethanol  ethanal  oxidation
Ethanal  ethanol  reduction
Sulphuric acid  sulphur trioxide  dehydration
60. An element with atomic number 44, is below which element in the periodic table?
(a) Calcium
(b) Iron
(c) Argon
(d) Magnesium
Ans (b)
The element with atomic number 44 is Ruthenium belonging to group no. 8 and period no. 5. It is just
below iron with atomic number 26.
61. Three bulbs B1, B2 and B3 having rated powers 100 W, 60 W and 60 W at
250 V are connected in a circuit as shown in the adjacent figure. If W1, W2
and W3 are the output powers of the bulbs B1, B2 and B3 respectively, then
(a) W1 > W2 = W3
(b) W1 > W2 > W3
(c) W1 < W2 = W3
(d) W1 < W2 < W3
Ans (d)
Same current flows through the bulb B1 and B2
Voltage across bulb B3= 250 V
Current across B1 and B2 will be same
 Higher the power of the bulb, lesser the resistance
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250  250
R1 
 1041.67 
250  250
R2 
 652 
250  250
R3 
 1041.67 
 W3 > W2 > W1
62. If a, b > 0 then
(a) a  b  ab a
(c) a  b  2ab
(b) a  b  ab
(d) none of the above inequalities will hold
Ans (b)
(a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab
a2 and b2 are always positive.
 (a + b)2 > 2ab
(a  b)  2ab
 (a  b)  ab
63. Which of the following is true about ATP?
(a) It is a derivative of one of the nitrogenous bases that form DNA
(b) It splits into ADP and phosphate, and the energy produced is used by muscle cells to contract
(c) It is produced in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
(d) All of the above
Ans (d)
ATP is an abbreviation for adenosine triphosphate, a complex molecule that contains the
nucleoside adenosine and a tail consisting of three phosphates. ATP is the primary energy currency of
the cell. Energy is usually liberated from the ATP molecule to do work in the cell by a reaction that
removes one of the phosphate-oxygen groups, leaving adenosine diphosphate (ADP). When the ATP
converts to ADP, the ATP is said to be spent. Then the ADP is usually immediately recycled in the
mitochondria where it is recharged and comes out again as ATP.
64. Which of the following statements is true regarding communication in neurons?
(a) Free electrons are moved along the plasma membrane of the axon and control the expression of
(b) A chemical signal travels along the axon and is converted into an electric impulse at the synapse
(c) An electric impulse travels along the length of the axon. The electric impulse is converted to a
chemical signal at the synapse,
(d) An electrical signal is converted to a chemical signal by the Myelin sheath before it reaches the
Ans (c)
Electrical impulse is generated due to the influx and efflux of sodium and potassium ions along the
length of the axon which is then converted into chemical signals at the synapse.
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65. Rod AB of radius 2r is joined with rod BC of radius r. They are of A B C same material and are of same
length. The combination carries a current I.
Choose the correct statement
(a) VAB = 4BC
(c) Resistance of AB is greater than that of BC
Ans (d)
Radius of AB = 2r
Radius of BC = r
Both are of same material
  is same
R AB 
R BC  2
v AB 
v BC  2
4r 2
v AB
lI r
v BC 4r
lI 4
(b) Current per unit area in AB and BC are equal
(d) VBC = 4VAB
vBC = 4 vAB
v AB  vBC
66. The statement “a is not less than 4” is correctly represented by
(a) a < 4
(b) a > 4
(c) a  4
Ans (c)
a is not less than 4 always implies that a  4
(d) a  4
67. A chemist mixes two ideal liquids A and B to form a homogeneous mixture. The densities of the liquids
are 2.0 g/mL for A and 3 g/mL for B. When she drops a small object into the mixture, she finds that the
object becomes suspended in the liquid; that is, it neither sinks to the bottom nor does it float on the
surface. If the mixture is made of 40% A and 60% B, by volume, what is the density of the object?
(a) 2.60 g/mL
(b) 2.50 g/mL
(c) 2.40 g/mL
(d) 1.50 g/mL
Ans (a)
A = 2.0 g/mL
B = 3.0 g/mL
Mixture contains 40% of liquid A
60% of liquid B
object immersed = mixture
Weight of body immersed = weight of liquid displaced
mbg = mlg
= (mA + mB)g
60v 
b  v   2 
 3
100 
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= 0.80 + 1.80
Density of the body immersed = 2.60 g/mL
68. How many different compounds can have the formula, C3H4?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
Ans (c)
There are three possible isomers of C3H4
The compounds are
CH3 ,
C C C H ,
(d) Four
69. In the figure shown, the current carrying loop is fixed, where as current
carrying straight conductor is free to move. Then straight wire will (ignore
(a) remain stationary
(b) move towards the loop
(c) move away from the loop
(d) rotate about the axis perpendicular to plane of paper
Ans (b)
Parallel currents attract towards each other. Since, the loop is fixed, the wire moves towards the loop.
70. Two friends A and B watched a car from the top of their buildings. Angle of depression for A was 10
more than angle of depression for B, then
(a) A’s apartment is taller than B’s apartment
(b) B’s apartment is taller than A’s apartment
(c) A’s apartment and B’s apartment have same height
(d) We cannot compare the heights of the two apartments
Ans (d)
x+ 10
d2 < d1 or A > B
Angle of depression depends on:
(a) height of the building or (b) distance of the car from the buildings.
Without either of the information, we cannot determine the height of the building.
71. How many times would a red blood cell pass through the heart during one complete cycle?
(a) Once
(b) Twice
(c) 4 times
(d) 72 times
Ans (b)
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The blood flow around our body is called double circulation. The heart connects the two major portions
of the circulation’s continuous circuit, the systemic circulation and the pulmonary circulation. The blood
vessels in the pulmonary circulation carry the blood through the lungs to pick up oxygen and get rid of
carbon dioxide, while the blood vessels in the systemic circulation carry the blood throughout the rest of
our body. The heart actually has two separate sides, one designed to pump deoxygenated blood into the
pulmonary circulation where the blood becomes oxygenated, and one designed to pump the oxygenated
blood into the systemic circulation where the blood flows throughout the body. Once the deoxygenated
red blood cell (RBC) returns to the heart, it enters either through the superior vena cava or the inferior
vena cava. The superior vena cava returns deoxygenated blood from the upper part of the body to the
heart. The inferior vena cava returns deoxygenated blood from the lower part of the body to the heart.
These large veins lead into the right atrium. The RBC passes through the tricuspid valve into the right
ventricle. The RBC is then pumped through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery and on to the
lungs. There the RBC gives off carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen. The RBC returns to the heart
through a pulmonary vein, enters the left atrium, passes through the mitral valve, and flows into the left
ventricle. The left ventricle pumps the fully oxygenated RBC through the aortic valve, into the aorta, the
body’s main artery, and out to the body. From the aorta, the RBC flows into one of the many arteries of
the body, through the arterioles, and then to the capillaries, where the RBC will deliver oxygen and
nutrients to the cells and remove wastes and carbon dioxide.
72. A gene has two alleles P(dominant) and p(recessive). The homozygous recessive combination leads to
death in the embryo stage. If two individuals with genotype Pp are mated, out of the offspring that
survive to adulthood, what is the probability of the genotype to be Pp?
(a) 0.75
(b) 0.33
(c) 0.5
(d) 0.67
Ans (c)
Each gamete acquires one of the two alleles as chromosomes separate into different gametes
during meiosis.
Heterozygotes, which possess one dominant and one recessive allele, can receive each allele from either
parent and will look identical to homozygous dominant individuals; the Law of Segregation supports
Mendel's observed 3:1 phenotypic ratio.
Mendel proposed the Law of Segregation after observing that pea plants with two different traits
produced offspring that all expressed the dominant trait, but the following generation expressed the
dominant and recessive traits in a 3:1 ratio.
73. A convex mirror of focal length f produces an image of size equal to
times the size of the object.
Then the object distance is
(a) nf
(c) (n + 1)f
Ans (d)
h i 1 (  v)
 
h0 n
1 1 1
1 1 n
  
 
f u v
f u u
 u = f(1  n) = f(n  1)
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(d) (n  1)f
74. Total surface area of a spheres with radius
2 3
(b) 
(d) 40 5  2 6 sqmm
(a) 400 5  2 6 sqmm
(c) 2
2  3 cm is
2 3
Ans (a)
Total surface area of sphere = 4r2
 2  3  sqcm
 4  2  3  2 6  sqcm
 4  5  2 6  sqcm
 400  5  2 6  sqmm
= 4
75. There are many elements in the periodic table that are named after the country, where they were first
made or obtained. For example, the Latin name for copper was coined by the Romans because their chief
source of copper was from the Island of Cyprus. However, there is one country in the world which was
named after an element (the Latin name). A long time ago, it was believed that this country had
mountains full of a valuable element, however all expeditions to find these mountains failed. But the
name stuck on. The element in question is used for many applications today, and many of its compounds
are used as catalysts. The ions of this metal have very good anti-microbial property and finds application
in water purification. The element is
(a) Sodium
(b) Gold
(c) Silver
(d) Francium
Ans (c)
Silver is used in water purification, as well as it has anti-microbial property.
76. All of these species have the same number of valence electrons as nitrate ion, except
(a) Carbonate ion
(b) Bicarbonate ion
(c) NF3
(d) SO3
Ans (c)
 5  3 6  1
Number of
Valence electrons
= 24
1  4  3 6 1
= 24
 4  3 6  2
= 24
= 24
= 5 + 21 = 26
 Species which does not have same number of valence electrons as nitrate ion is NF3
77. The angle between the hour arm and the minute arm of a clock at 2:10
(a) Zero
(b) 4°
(c) 5
(d) 6
Ans (c)
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An hour hand covers 30 in 1 hr
i.e., 30 in 60 min
 It covers 5 in 10 min
 When the min hand is at 2, hour hand will be 5 ahead of min hand.
78. A craft teacher reshapes the wax from a cylinder of candle with section diameter 6 cm and the height
6 cm into a sphere. The radius of this sphere will be
(a) r  6 3 / 2 cm
(b) r = 6 cm
(c) r  3 3 3 / 2 cm
(d) r  6 3 2 cm
Ans (c)
Volume of cylinder = r2h
=  32  6 = 54
Volume of sphere = r 2
These two should be equal, since the same wax has taken different shape
r  54
 4r3 = 162
162 81
 r3 
  27 
 r  3 27 
 33  33
79. Plants absorb nitrates from the soil, which are most essential to produce
(a) Proteins
(b) Carbohydrates
(c) Fats
(d) Cell wall
Ans (a)
Plants absorb nitrates from the soil and use these to build up proteins. Most plants take nitrogen from the
soil continuously throughout their lives, and nitrogen demand usually increases as plant size increases.
A plant supplied with adequate nitrogen grows rapidly and produces large amounts of succulent, green
80. The dry mass (mass excluding water) of a seed in the process
(a) increase over time until the first leaves appear
(b) decreases over time until the first leaves appear
(c) stays constant until the first leaves leaves appear
(d) first increases and then decreases until the first leaves appear.
Ans (b)
The food stored in a seed is used up to provide the energy for growth - therefore its dry mass will
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