9.1 Verbal Reasoning ANSWER KEY

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____
Verbal Reasoning
Directions: Select the option that best serves as a definition or synonym for the given term.
1. whole range:
6. to cause to be loved:
11. ridicule:
a. aperture
a. displace
a. alienate
b. conceit
b. endear
b. fracture
c. displace
c. grief
c. irritate
d. gamut
d. remunerate
d. mockery
2. to put out of its proper
7. to pay for:
12. hole:
a. aperture
a. aperture
a. aperture
b. displace
b. gamut
b. displace
c. liberate
c. grief
c. fracture
d. remunerate
d. liberate
d. liberate
8. a break:
3. to set free from
a. aperture
a. aperture
b. fracture
b. impudence
a. alienate
c. gamut
c. mockery
b. endear
d. opulent
d. opulent
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13. wealthy:
c. liberate
d. remunerate
9. to frustrate:
14. sorrow:
a. alienate
a. baffle
b. baffle
b. endear
a. conceit
c. displace
c. grief
b. impudence
d. endear
d. remunerate
4. self-flattery:
c. mockery
d. opulent
10. insolence:
15. to cause to turn away:
a. baffle
a. alienate
b. conceit
b. conceit
a. baffle
c. grief
c. displace
b. gamut
d. impudence
d. opulent
5. to excite ill temper in:
c. grief
d. irritate
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