BrightSpace by D2L New Features Document

by D2L
August, 2015
New Name,
Same System!
Update Description
Visual Reference
Add video and audio directly to the
Content module.
Drag-n-drop content now lets you choose where to
store the background file in the manager.
Easily copy associated files when you copy only
selected objects in your course.
Update Description
Visual Reference
Assess students directly from the Discussion
Thread list.
Delete multiple discussion forums or topics.
“Scroll Spy” marks your discussion posts “read” as
you scroll down the page.
Expand or minimize the discussion thread display
with new “more” or “less” options.
Update Description
Visual Reference
New ePortfolio is available for students to organize
and reflect on learning across all courses taken.
Overdue assignments now show in the calendar.
The Faculty Toolbox has step-by-step guides and video tutorials.
It is accessible at
Brightspace by D2L UPDATES
Update Description
Visual Reference
“Allow attempt to be set as graded immediately
upon completion” is now at the top of the
Assessment tab in the Quiz settings.
Options for late submissions have new names.
New item analysis and quiz reports are available.
Update Description
Visual Reference
Copying courses with Turnitin-enabled Dropboxes
will now copy the Turnitin options.
Turnitin originality check options in the Dropbox
settings will now be located on their own tab.
Update Description
Visual Reference
On home page you can now filter your course list
view by your role (faculty, observer, student).
After starting a task from the content page, once
done you are returned to the content page.
D2L Assignment Grader app can now
hide old courses.
A new badging feature.
Turnitin Peermark
integrated with the
Dropbox tool.
Based on LSC faculty feedback...
A new (optional) faculty
home page.
Some tool names will
be updated to more
intuitive names.
The Faculty Toolbox has step-by-step guides and video tutorials.
It is accessible at
Brightspace by D2L New Features
Assignment Grader ............................................................................................................................. 2
Status Sorting ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Calendar............................................................................................................................................... 2
Late Assignments ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Content ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Video Topics ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Video Uploads ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Web Videos ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Add Capture Presentation to Course Content ..................................................................................................................... 5
Add Audio Topics Workflow................................................................................................................................................. 6
User Interface Improvements for Topics ............................................................................................................................. 7
File Management Options and Dialog Display .................................................................................................................... 7
Workflow Improvements ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Evaluating Dropbox Non-Submissions from Content .......................................................................................................... 9
Copying Associated Files .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Discussions ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Scroll Spy............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Usability Improvements ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Ratings in Reading View are Retained in Grid View ......................................................................................................... 10
Bulk Delete Forums and Topics ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Assessing Students ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Dropboxes ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Dropbox Workflow Improvements ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Tracking Deleted Submissions .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Changes to Turnitin Options .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Edit Course ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Manage Dates - Select Specific Tools .............................................................................................................................. 13
Homepage.......................................................................................................................................... 13
New Faculty Homepage .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Course List Filter ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
HTML Editor....................................................................................................................................... 14
Improved Table Selection .................................................................................................................................................. 14
Menu Options Rearranged ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Enable a Browser’s Spell Checker .................................................................................................................................... 14
Quizzes .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Quiz Item Analysis ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Updated: 7/30/15
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Brightspace by D2L New Features
Quiz Reports ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Increased Answer Box Size............................................................................................................................................... 16
Repositioned Properties on the Assessment Tab ............................................................................................................. 17
Improved Ability to Preview Questions in a Random Section ........................................................................................... 18
Special Access Override ................................................................................................................................................... 19
IP Restriction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Timing Restrictions ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Status Sorting
An update to Assignment Grader will allow dropbox folders to be sorted based on graded/ungraded status prior to a sync
with the D2L being performed.
Late Assignments
An actionable list of overdue assignments will be provided to students.
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Brightspace by D2L New Features
Video Topics
Videos are a key content type for instructors who want to add lectures and other multimedia content to their course(s). In
the updated version, instructors can now create video topics directly in the Content tool. Video topics are listed in the
modules with a
Video icon to distinguish them from other types of files and link topics.
Old Version
Figure 1
Updated Version
Figure 2
Video or Audio from the New button to create videos in Content topics.
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Brightspace by D2L New Features
Video Uploads
Users can upload video files by dragging and dropping them on to the upload target, or by browsing and selecting them
from their computers.
NOTE: Currently an upload is limited to 1GB file size.
Uploaded video files are played through the Media Elements video player. This is a 3rd party library which attempts to play
video files using HTML 5, but falls back on Flash as an alternative. If a video file is not supported, an informative error
message will display and users will have an option to download the file and play it locally.
Updated Version
Figure 3
Upload target for video topics.
Web Videos
Any web video can be used to create a video topic simply by pasting its HTML embed code in the Enter URL or Embed
Code field. Additionally, by clicking on “What video sites can be embedded?” the Learning Environment provides shortcuts
for some video websites that are frequently used by educators. This enables users to find and add videos by simply copying
and pasting the URL of the video instead of the HTML embed code. The video’s title and author are also extracted where
possible. The following sites were tested:
Public Desire2Learn Capture Videos
Khan Academy
National Geographic®
Adobe TV
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Updated Version
Figure 4
Embed Code and URL field for web video upload.
Add Capture Presentation to Course Content
Previously, Capture presentations had to be inserted through HTML Editor’s Insert Stuff option. In the updated version,
there is a simplified process for adding a Capture presentation to a course. A Capture activity option is now available when
users add New topics to course modules.
Updated Version
Figure 5
Click to create new Capture course activity.
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Add Audio Topics Workflow
This change makes it easier to add audio topics to course content. It is now consistent with adding video topics. Learners
can now listen to audio topics without having to download them first.
Updated Version
Figure 6
The new Video or Audio option.
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User Interface Improvements for Content Topics
Previously, all information surrounding Activity Details, Learning Objectives, and Completion Summary displayed on content
topic pages as three stacked, collapsible areas. In the updated version, these areas display as separate tabs.
Old Version
Figure 7
In the old version, Activity Details, Learning Objectives, and Completion Summary display as stacked, collapsible
Updated Version
Figure 8
In the updated version, Activity Details, Learning Objectives, and Completion Summary display in tabs.
File Management Options and Dialog Display
Some instructors and instructional designers have raised concerns that drag and drop upload content topics creates
disorganized course files areas because instructors don’t have the opportunity to specify where in the Manage Files tool
the uploaded files should be stored.
In the updated version, instructors can choose to receive a dialog prompt to specify a Course Files path each time they
create Content topics via drag and drop. The prompt can be enabled or disabled from the dialog, or from the Show a prompt
to choose a folder in Course Files check box in Content Settings. This ensures that instructors who are not interested in
this file organization feature can continue to drag and drop files without disruption.
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Updated Version
Figure 9
Course Files path dialog prompt.
Updated Version
Figure 10
Content Settings check box options for Drag and Drop Save Behavior.
The default path provided in the drag and drop prompt is the last selected path for that module. This makes the process of
adding all files for a specific module to the same folder much faster. If instructors dismiss the prompt, the last selected path
is used for all new files added to the module via drag and drop. If no folder was previously selected for a module, files are
added to the root Course Files folder.
Instructors can also access a module’s context menu and click Set Default Path to set a custom default path if they do not
need a prompt each time they upload a topic to that module.
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Updated Version
Figure 11
Set Default Path from a module’s context menu.
Workflow Improvements
Sometimes when instructors are working within the Content tool, they are required to navigate to another tool to complete
a task. When this happens, the system automatically redirects instructors back to the Content tool once the task is complete
so they can continue what they were previously doing.
In the updated version, two interactions were updated to comply with this expected behavior:
Instructors who initiate the Dropbox evaluation workflow from the Completion Summary area at the bottom of a
Dropbox activity are returned to the activity when they are done.
Instructors who edit metadata related to a content topic from within the Content tool are returned to the Content tool
when they are done.
Evaluating Dropbox Non-Submissions from Content
Previously, instructors were given the option to evaluate a Dropbox folder non-submission or a system-external submission
in the Dropbox, allowing them to grade users who did NOT have a submission or had non-electronic submissions.
In the updated version, an identical workflow can now be initiated for Dropbox activities in the Content tool by clicking on
the Dropbox, clicking on Completion Summary, and then clicking on the student’s name.
Copying Associated Files
Copying content will also copy the associated course files, so links between content and files will not get broken.
Scroll Spy
Previously, tracking the Read status of discussion posts by instructors and students was done manually, and automatically
set during page load of all discussion posts. This often resulted in inaccurate data, making it difficult for users to track the
posts they hadn’t read, and inaccurate statistics on the number of posts read.
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Brightspace by D2L New Features
In the updated version, posts that are positioned on users screen to be read are marked as read as they scroll through
them, ensuring a more reliable tracking process. Students and instructors can trust that they won’t miss an important post
due to getting marked Read before they could read it. Instructors can be more confident that students have actually read
the number of posts reported in Statistics.
Usability Improvements
Previously, scanning discussion threads within a topic only displayed a small snippet of text at the start of the thread, and
only clicking into the thread revealed the full text.
In the updated version, it is possible to expand the full text of the root post of the thread in the topic view by clicking More,
and collapse it again by clicking Less.
Updated Version
Figure 12
Ratings in Reading View are Retained in Grid View
You can now use the Up Vote/Down Vote rating scheme and Up Vote Only rating scheme in grid view, and the scores will
be retained when you switch views.
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Brightspace by D2L New Features
Bulk Delete Forums and Topics
Clicking on the More Actions button and choosing Delete allows users to maintain forums and topics more efficiently by
giving them the ability to delete multiple items.
Updated Version
Figure 13
The new checkbox list in Delete Forums and Topics.
Assessing Students
You are now able to assess a student directly from the Discussion Thread list (topic view), allowing you to evaluate a user
without leaving the thread. Also, the ability to assess a student from a single post within the reading view.
Updated Version
Figure 14
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Brightspace by D2L New Features
Dropbox Workflow Improvements
In the updated version, instructors can now delete dropbox folders from their individual context menus or from the More
Actions button.
Old Version
Figure 15
View of dropbox context menu in current version.
Updated Version
Figure 16
View of dropbox context menu in update.
Tracking Deleted Submissions
Added ability to track deleted submissions.
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Brightspace by D2L New Features
Changes to Turnitin Options
Turnitin options on the dropbox page will be located on their own tab.
Peermark will become integrated with the dropbox tool.
Copying courses with Turnitin-enabled dropboxes will copy the Turnitin options.
Manage Dates - Select Specific Tools
In the updated version, when users manage dates and want to do so for specific tools, the platform no longer selects all
available tools by default when they select the Specific Tools option. This saves users time clearing checkboxes for tools
they don’t want to change dates for.
Updated Version
Figure 17
Tools are no longer all selected by default.
New Faculty Homepage
A new faculty homepage will be available, but will not be released until a later date after further testing.
Course List Filter
Users will now have the ability to filter which courses show on their My Courses widget based on their role in the course
(faculty, observer, etc.).
Updated Version
Figure 18
Filter classes based on role
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Brightspace by D2L New Features
Improved Table Selection
The HTML Editor’s table manipulation controls were improved so that users can insert a table by expanding a fly out to
select their table size using a visual grid. Previously, users opened a dialog box and entered the number of rows and
columns they wanted to have.
Menu Options Rearranged
The Table menu is now located before Equations, and the Cut/Copy/Paste menus appear after the Undo/Redo menu. Font
style controls were also separated to allow them to wrap separately when the HTML Editor is used in a narrower view.
Updated Version
Figure 19
Redesigned HTML Editor Table menu, and rearranged menu options.
Enable a Browser’s Spell Checker
In supported browsers, the native Spell Checker now works with Learning Environment’s HTML Editor, while maintaining
the HTML Editor’s Spell Checker. Misspelled words are now underlined in text fields.
Old Version
Figure 20
Previously, the browser’s Spell Checker did not underline misspelled words.
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Updated Version
Figure 21
Now, the browser’s Spell Checker underlines misspelled words.
Quiz Item Analysis
To assist instructors in evaluating how well students perform on quiz questions after they are submitted for evaluation,
additional statistics are now available in the Quizzes tool. In the updated version, standard deviation, discrimination index,
and point biserial correlation coefficient can be seen within statistics.
User Stats includes the standard deviation and existing class average for the overall quiz.
Question Stats now include standard deviation, discrimination index, and point biserial per question, along with the
standard deviation and existing class average for the overall quiz.
Question Details now includes standard deviation, discrimination index, and average grade achieved per question.
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Quiz Reports
Question Statistics and Question Details reports offer the option to include the three new statistics (standard deviation,
discrimination index, and point biserial correlation). The User Statistics report can include standard deviation along with the
class average.
Updated Version
Figure 22
New statistics in a Question Details report.
Increased Answer Box Size
Previously, long and short answers boxes in quizzes defaulted to 40 columns. Users indicated that these text boxes were
too small and they often had to manually re-adjust the answer boxes to a larger size.
In the updated version, the short answer box size has been increased to 60 columns and the long answer box to 80
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Old Version
Figure 23
Previous default sizes of long and short answer boxes.
Updated Version
Figure 24
New default sizes of long and short answer boxes.
Repositioned Properties on the Assessment Tab
The Automatic Grade – Allow attempt to be set as graded immediately upon completion option has been relocated in
the Assessment tab when creating or editing a quiz. Previously, the positioning of this option caused some users to miss it
when configuring or editing quizzes.
In the updated version, the option has been moved to the top of the page so that it is immediately noticeable and less likely
to be missed by users when configuring or editing quizzes.
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Brightspace by D2L New Features
Old Version
Figure 25
Previous Quizzes Assessment tab.
Updated Version
Figure 26
New Quizzes Assessment tab.
Improved Ability to Preview Questions in a Random Section
Previously, previewing quizzes with random sections was difficult and unintuitive. Now, instructors just need to click on the
section name in the Quiz Questions area of the Edit Quiz page to review all random questions assigned to that section.
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Updated Version
Figure 27
Ability to preview random sections in Quizzes
Special Access Override
Special Access will now allow instructors to explicitly indicate that certain users do not have require Respondus.
IP Restriction
Multiple IP restrictions can be added to a quiz.
Timing Restrictions
In the updated version, the choices for what happens when a student runs out of time on a quiz have been more clearly
Updated Version
Figure 28
Under late behavior, if in the past you have used:
Normal submission – then you would choose the first option
Late limit – then you would choose the second option
Auto-Submit – then you would choose the third option.
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