Weekly Planning Sheet - English 1 Objective Shared Spell further homophones Hear here hair hare, see, sea, son sun, meet, meat, flower, flour Discuss the weeks spelling list. What do they notice? Explain homophones and the need to use the right one at the right time. Have you picked a homophone? Ask children to give sentence verbally with each word in and discuss meaning. Have you used the correct homophone? In table groups play match the word with the picture. LM walk around room saying how many got correct and giving chance to change. Go over together as a class. 2 Teacher Mrs Moore Y 3/4 Date 11.1.2016 Whole class and individual work I can spell and identify the correct homophone Children test each other on weeks spelling words. Analysing and evaluate texts looking at language Read together the chapter from Horrid Henry that shows he is scared in the attic. Show on smart board. Which nouns show he is scared Which adjectives, verbs/adverbs. Why? Success criteria Have you thought of a sentence with the homophone in it? Have you written down your sentence in your best handwriting? Have you read through the text and highlighted any words/phrases that you think are effective? Independent Yr1D Say, and hold in memory whilst writing, simple sentences which make sense Match the correct word to the correct picture. As a group pick a word and create a sentence verbally with the word in it. Say the sentence several times and write down in books. Yr2S/Yr3E Spell and use homophones correctly Children pick a homophone from centre of table. Look at it, think of a sentence verbally. Write the sentence in their books in best handwriting, underlining the homophone. Plenary Key questions /Focus Children share sentences. Evaluate as a class. Is it the correct use of the homophone? EXTIONSION: Children find homophone pair and write sentence for each of the words. Yr1DI can Orally plan and rehearse ideas and Form lower-case letters correctly – starting and finishing in the right place, going the right way round, correctly oriented. Children work with JS to pick out words used to describe haunted house and write them in their books in best handwriting. Yr2SI can pick out effective language from story. Children work in pairs to read through the text again and highlight any words or phrases they find effective. Children report back their findings and discuss as a class why the words they have chosen are effective. Yr3EI can analyse and evaluate text collecting effective language Children read through the piece of text again. Highlight any words/phrases that they think are effective in creating a haunted story. List the words/phrases under nouns, adjectives verbs etc. 3 I can spell common homophones Play sparkle spell. Children have to listen and follow spelling of words Have you thought of a good word/phrase? Is your word scary? Yr1D Form lower-case letters correctly – starting and finishing in the right place, going the right way round, correctly oriented Children work with JS to come up with a list of nouns that might be part of a haunted house. Write on black paper with chalk forming their letters properly Children present their words to class. Discuss and pin on WW for future reference. Spelling for week Hear here hair hare, see, sea, son sun, meet, meat, flower, flour Identifying, discussing and collecting favourite words and phrases which capture the reader’s interest and imagination 4 Write from memory simple sentences, dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far. Explore, identify https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=vNF5 92KQVyQ Give children title of Story ‘Horrid Henry’s Haunted House’ Discuss what its about. Tell children this week that we are going to think about the setting for Haunted House story. What makes a house haunted. Show picture on smart board. Tell children they are going to collect nouns, Adjectives verbs and adverbs for our haunted house. Establish knowledge of each word group and model words for each. Dictate sentences to the children with this weeks words in. Children write on white boards. Check and correct where needed. Have you written it perfectly on a piece of coloured paper? Yr2SI can collect adjectives for a haunted house Children work together to come up with adjectives to describe a haunted house. Can use dictionaries/thesaurus etc to help. Can you read your word/phrase? Yr3EI can collect favour words and phrases to describe a haunted house Children work together to come with any words/phrases they like that help create a haunted house. Is it neat enough to stick on the WW? Yr1D Have you copied the sentence perfectly so that it can be read? Yr2S Have you read the simple sentence and used yesterdays collection of words to add some information? LM work with Yr2S group JS work with TJ and CB JA work with Yr2D Yr1D Write simple sentences that can be read by themselves and others TJ and CB copy the simple sentences off the board, ensuring they form their letters properly and they can be read. Ask children to share some of their sentences. Yr2SCreate complex sentences Children given simple sentences. They use the simple sentence and add information to make into complex sentences Yr3E Explore, identify and create complex sentences Discuss as a class, is it a good sentence? Children use the list of words collected previous day and use them to write complex sentences using modelling from bord to help them. Can it be improved? How? and create complex sentences 5 Assessment To plan and write independently a fact sheet for a haunted house Discuss previous days work. What did we collect? How are we going to use them? Establish sentences. Ask a child to pick a noun, adjective, adverb etc. How can we put all these words together to make a good sentence? Let children have a go on whiteboards. Discuss ideas and model a good sentence on board. How can we make it a complex sentence? i.e. add some information. Model adding information at end of sentence, middle and beginning. Ensure children understand main clause, subordinate clause etc. Spelling test of weeks words Tell children they are going to write a fact sheep about a haunted house. What would you need to include? Model write together. Yr3EHave you looked at the words phrases collected previous day and used them to create some complex haunted sentences? Created together a a class LM work with Yr2S group JA work with L Yr2 group Y1D Say, and hold in memory whilst writing, simple sentences which make sense. Write simple sentences that can be read by themselves and others. Separate words with finger spaces. Punctuate simple sentences with capital letters and full stops. List relevant words phrases on board for support. Children write in simple sentences about a haunted house they can visit. Encourage use of complex sentences. Say, write and punctuate simple and compound sentences Create success criteria together for a good piece of work. using the connectives and, but and or. Form lower-case letters of the correct size relative to one another. Use upper case letters appropriately e.g. not always writing A as a capital, not using capitals within words Read some of children’s work out. Form and use the four basic handwriting joins. Write legibly Spell words as accurately as possible using their phonic knowledge and other knowledge of spelling, such as morphology and etymology. Write complex, simple and compound sentences that make sense HOMEWORK: Weeks spellings to learn, reading books daily.
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