newsletter - Baleares International College

BIC ​San Agustin
May 2015
4th - 15th
Sharing Assembly
Each week the whole school get together for sharing assembly. It is a great opportunity for the children to listen and see what all the other classes have been learning about. It is also a time to celebrate and star certificates are given to members of each class. Star certificates are much anticipated and the children are thrilled to be the recipient! Vet Visit
For the past two weeks, the Seahorse class has been learning about 'Vets & Pets'. They've learnt the importance of looking after the animals and to know what's best for them. We also looked at which animals could be our pets and which ones should stay in their own habitats. In the classroom, we set up our own Vet's Clinic and a Pet Shop, which children have enjoyed playing in, and still are! The best part was when we had a visit from a real vet! The children had the opportunity to ask her lots of questions and to have a closer look at the different equipment Vets use. Baleares International College ­ San Agustin ­ (+34) 971 40 31 61 ­ [email protected] Forces and
The Dolphins are studying Forces and Magnets this term in Science and have already kicked off with a friction experiment! This week they have been making their own compass by magnetising a needle and floating it on water to see if it finds the Earth's Magnetic North. It was partially successful but we had interference from our magnets! Bee-Bots
In their “Understanding of the World” class this week the Starfish have been using their ICT skills to explore with the bee-bots.
Como ya sabéis, recientemente hemos acabado nuestro proyecto de la vuelta al mundo y ahora nos embarcamos en una nueva aventura sobre "Inventores y sus Inventos". Los alumnos están encantados e impacientes por aprender cosas interesantes sobre estos genios que han cambiado la historia. Making Books
The Whales are in the process of making books for their Dick King Smith style stories. Karen has kindly been offering her time and expertise to help them make fabulous covers on canvas and to construct the inside of the books. Baleares International College - San Agustin - (+34) 971 40 31 61 - [email protected] All about Symmetry
In Seals class this week we have been very busy learning all about symmetry. We can now explain what symmetry means and we have enjoyed completing a range of challenges. We cut out a range of 2D shapes and folded them to find out how many lines of symmetry they each had, we used mirrors to find lines of symmetry and we designed our own symmetrical pictures. We also made symmetrical patterns and Seals 2 were challenged to make patterns with vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry. Starfish Class
In physical development this week the children played water games. They had lots of fun trying to transfer water from one bucket to another using cups and balancing bean bags on their heads! Aliens and Assembly
Dolphin Class have had a very busy week! We received a coded letter from an alien race on another planet and have been working hard to convince them to come for a visit to Earth. Also, this Thursday, Dolphins and Whales put on an AMAZING assembly of the first Moon Landing. They should be very proud of their efforts and the parents were most impressed with their work. Baleares International College - San Agustin - (+34) 971 40 31 61 - [email protected]